Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Lucena, City
Darang, Catheleen Kaye
Gilbuena, Geraldine Kate R.
Gonzales, Jhon Andrie
Lopez, John Marro
Ramos, Neil Carlos P.
Viñas, Nica Genessi G.
September 2019
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
Reading is one of the aspects that a person needed to learn. Reading is the
sharing information and ideas (Favonian 2019). It is needed because people needed to
read and learn reading. It will also help the students to understand things and will help
everyone to have more information. Reading is one of the most needed to learn by a
person because things are always written like the supplies in your house that you would
buy, the instruction in exams. Reading is essential in today’s society, and teaching
children to become proficient readers is one of the main goals of primary education.
coordinated, including abilities, strategies and knowledge. Many people do not become
The main purpose of reading is to understand the written message of a book, story
and etc. Through reading the student won’t misunderstand the function of things and the
meaning of every word. The student will develop creativity and critical analysis which
the student can use in their daily lives, it will promote deep exploration of text during the
students own interpretation. Reading can be difficult especially if the critical thinking of
the respondent is not enough especially to the stories or poems with hidden meanings that
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
can only understand through right reading comprehension. Analyzing is one of the
difficulties of reading that a student can encounter although the students keep reading.
Purposes of reading can differ in each person due to their skills in reading.
of selected Senior High School student where the researchers will assess the ability of the
student to process text and understand its meaning. Reading Comprehension is still
important although there are many years that the respondents is reading there are some
cases where students don’t understand the things that the students read especially stories
about literature with deep meanings. The student will be assessed by letting them read
short stories and let them answer the question given. It will help the student to have
vocabulary and understand the passages they read. Since reading is a problem-solving
process, an analysis of reading strategies can provide insights as to how readers interact
with the text, and how their choice or use of strategies influences their comprehension of
the text.
The main problem of this study is to assess the reading comprehension of selected
Senior High School Student of Inter-Global College Foundation Inc. This will be a
1.1. Sex
1.2. Age
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
1.4. Strand
3. What are the factors that affect the reading comprehension of the respondents, In
terms of:
3.1 Interest
3.3 Practice
the selected Senior High School Students of Inter-Global College Foundation Inc.
Academic Year 2019 – 2020. It is significant to gather facts base on the result to come up
with a booklet for reading comprehension to help the respondents in their reading
The outcomes of the findings in this study are also beneficial to the following:
To The Students,
This study will help them improve their reading comprehension and improve their
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
To The Teachers,
This study will help them identify which problem in reading comprehension that
their students need to address to come up with new planned activities for added
This study will be a guide for a reference in making reading activities to improve
This study will serve as a reference or guide for new on related studies in
Conceptual Framework
According to the study of Gilakjani (2016), reading strategies have a great impact
on the students’ reading comprehension ability. Students are not just passive receivers of
information but they are active makers of meaning. Successful readers try to apply
numerous skills to grasp meaning from the texts. Readers should be involved in the
reading process by using different strategies to monitor their meaning, it emphasized the
In addition, the person’s way of processing his own reading comprehension can
make a message of story wrong in his own understanding and may tell wrong information
to the others.
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
Students who receive support and involvement at home from their parents have
higher reading comprehension scores than those of their peers without such support.
Further research that would continue to identify factors that make parent support
also active engagement with the content to create a mental representation. Successful
Moreover, to have a better comprehension there are many strategies and skills that
is needed to learn and use to have better reading comprehension. Motivation is one of the
key to success to have better reading comprehension that may from family, friend and
Theoretical Framework
The main purpose for reading is to comprehend the ideas in the material. Without
comprehension, reading would be empty and meaningless. Providing a basis for this
study is the existing theory of Thomas G. Gunning, the Schema Theory. Gunning (1996)
defines the Schema Theory as the organized knowledge that one already has about
people, places, things and events. “Schema” is known as the existing knowledge that a
person has about the people, places, things and events around them. As such, the schema
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
theory argues that meaning is made when connections are made between the text and the
The theory above says that readers has own organized and existing knowledge
that can help the reader to understand the meaning of the text or story.
Gunning’s the Mental Model Theory. It seemingly rely the heaviest on the Spatial
this model may not be as affective for non-spatial learners. Teaching the process of how a
mental picture is formed could develop this skill. Taking information about the main
character as it comes through the readings and writing descriptive pieces on that character
would be a way to improve this skill and work towards increasing comprehension.
The Mental Model Theory explains that the readers understand one’s physical
characteristics through imagining the characters with the words describe by the writer and
There is similar theory that is relevant to the study is the Propositional Theory.
This involves the reader constructing a main idea or macrostructure as they process the
text. These main ideas are organized in a hierarchical fashion with the most important
things given the highest priority to be memorized (Gunning, 1996). The Proposition
theory works hand in hand with Organizational strategies such as remembering only the
relevant information, or identifying the main idea. These are skills widely taught
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
This theory supports the theories above. David S. Katims (1997) stated that
learning strategies are techniques, or routines that enable students to learn to solve
Conceptual Paradigm
Input rocess
Process Output
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex, age, grade level and strand.
Second, the most common difficulties faced by the respondents. Third, the factors that
affects the reading comprehension of the respondents in terms of interest, perceptual plan
Then, the process which is evaluation of research questionnaires that will help the
Academic Year 2019-2020, including the factors that may affect the respondents
reading comprehension. The respondents of the study are limited only in Senior High
The Researchers will interview fifty-five (55) chosen students from Senior High
questionnaires and quota sampling, the researchers will be able to gather information
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
Definition of Terms
The following words have been defined operationally or conceptually for better
Assessment – the act of making a judgment about something: the act of assessing
Critical Thinking – the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a
Perceptual Span – the way a person think or understand what they see or read
Reading – the action or practice of one who reads; ability to read: the oral
Vocabulary – the words that make up a language; all of the words a person know and
used by a person
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
This chapter includes the related literature and studies which the researchers have
Related Literature
view that reading has two basic components: word recognition (decoding) and language
skills and language comprehension abilities are known.( Farell et al, 2019; “The Simple
View of Reading”)
ability to understand complex text and build background knowledge. Teachers also
comprehensive, sequential curriculum that embeds standards, the science of reading, and
The ability to monitor one's own reading comprehension is a critical skill for
deriving meaning from text. Self-questioning during reading is a strategy that enables
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
students to monitor their reading comprehension and increases their ability to learn
characterized by whether they are made online or offline. The underlying process
involved in inferences fall into one of two broad categories: two those that become
failures can lead to school failures, this is a serious concern. Some may blame this poor
performance of today's students on too much time playing on their electronic devices, but
According to Silva & Cain, (2015), Successful reading comprehenders have good
rules that govern their language, and the integrative and inference-making skills that
enable them to construct a mental model of what they read. There is strong empirical
support for the view that, over and above word-reading ability, word-, sentence-, and
Vocabulary, grammar, and integrative and inference skills explain unique variance in the
University of Virginia, suggests that reading comprehension strategies are better thought
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
of as tricks, rather than as skill-builders. They work because they make plain to readers
that it’s a good idea to monitor whether they understand as they read.
many countries around the world (The path to reading comprehension through
intercultural competence in the multicultural EFL classroom Thus, difficulty with reading
vocabulary may be forgotten easily suggest that students learn vocabulary deeply when
comprehension in the long-term and school success. Wright & Peltier, study entitled
According to the study of Gilakjani (2016), the study showed that reading
strategies have a great impact on the students’ reading comprehension ability. Students
are not just passive receivers of information but they are active makers of meaning.
Successful readers try to apply numerous skills to grasp meaning from the texts. Readers
should be involved in the reading process by using different strategies to monitor their
meaning. This study emphasized the idea that comprehension processes are influenced by
a lot of strategies.
Additionally, Purba ,(2017) said that reading comprehension is not a single step or
easily acquired skill. It is a very complex process that teachers find difficult to teach. The
get better at these skills and are able to read words, they have to move into decoding. As
individuals get better at these skills and are able to words, they have to move into
learning the actual meanings of the words they are reading. Knowing and understanding
what is being read is the key to comprehension. Reading is one of the ways to get new
knowledge and to read the students’ more see understand the contents of the reading can
modern life. Students that can’t read effectively fail to grasp important concepts, score
poorly on tests and ultimately, fail to meet educational milestones. Reading and writing
skills allow students to seek out information, explore subjects in-depth and gain a deeper
understanding of the world around them. When they cannot read well, they become
discouraged and frustrated by school. This might result in high school drop outs, poor
performance on standardized tests, increased truancy and other negative reactions, all of
which can have major and long lasting repercussions (Mudzielwana , 2017).
Moreover, It was deduced that the reading fluency of the respondents are
frustrated while the reading comprehension is poor in the evaluative level but good in the
literal level and fair to interpretive and applicative levels. The questions under the
evaluative level had responses that are directly stated, induced, or require other
information. This proved that currently, the students are slow readers with poor
level is average. This means that the students have enough vocabulary that enables them
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
use words contained in the language, both oral and written. Mastery of vocabulary is very
necessary because the more vocabulary a person, the easier it is to convey and receive
competence. Vocabulary is all of word used in English; we must be mastery the English
essential study skills in higher education. Academic and even technical courses demand
substantial readings, so there is a need for students to be able to comprehend what they
In addition, Cui (2017) said that to read and comprehend the human
languages are challenging tasks for the machines, which requires that the understanding
of natural languages and the ability to do reasoning over various clues. Reading
comprehension is a general problem in the real world, which aims to read and
comprehend a given article or context, and answer the questions based on it.
Issues concerning the reading fluency level, comprehension level, and vocabulary
competence level can be minimized if not totally be eliminated. It will, however, take
time, money, and a combined effort on the part of many individuals involved in the
process (Ventic, 2016).In addition, Sanopao, (2017) stress that every teacher dreams for
students to succeed in all areas of their life through literacy. In order for them to be
literate they must know how to read and comprehend to be globally competitive. Students
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
learn reading and comprehension at varying rates. As educators, we are given the
Students use a variety of reading strategies to analyze and comprehend what they
are reading, which include summarization, inference, and prediction. Reading strategies
allow struggling readers to actively engage with the text and aid in comprehension read
(Sanford 2015).
reading and comprehension level does not match with the figures released in the press.
stresses that despite the supposedly high literacy rate; many Filipinos can barely and
write. Many Filipinos do not have the reading habit required in learning. As she noted;
the problem of non- reading lies at the heart of why the Philippines is so uncompetitive in
the world economy and why so many of our people continue to live in poverty or barely
(2015) , phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency and vocabulary are factors that may affect
reading comprehension of a person. Phonemic awareness is the knowledge that words are
those sounds, blend them successfully into words and take them apart again. Phonics is
the relationship between a specific letter and its sound, only as it relates to the written
word. Phonics has a special significance in opaque orthographies like English where a
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
Related Studies
Solving by Improving Reading Skills” revealed that some individuals improve on their
In addition, Luna (2017) found out that content literacy strategies (using
reading strategies) had improve students’ performance in chemistry. Although there were
students’ reading motivation and reading comprehension in the Malaysian context with
involvement, efficacy), text genres, specific versus general contexts, and the self-versus
Using qualitative research, they found out that reading motivation has a positive impact
comprehension tests.
persons and factors that affect their reading behaviors. Using quantitative research, they
found out that students are very much interested to read stories, novels, and plays
covering such topics as adventures, religion, technology, current events, computers, and
sports. However, they have such problems as inaccessibility of the library and other
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
reading materials, time constraints, negative beliefs and attitudes towards reading, and
more interest read passages more quickly. Participants across both comprehension goal
listening comprehension tasks; however, only participants with high interest showed
during reading, which may lower their situation-based standards of coherence threshold
and negatively affect comprehension. Interest can be limited to particular texts, some
texts are more interesting than others, or specific to individuals, people are interested in
Skilled readers may not have made predictive inferences because sentence
beginnings allow for multiple possible continuations and predictions are likely to be
inaccurate and word predictability is lower at sentence beginnings than endings. Thus,
more-skilled readers may have used sentence boundaries as cues to inhibit predictive
language learning. One of the most important factors which receives the special focus in
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
motivation have also gained much interest. Ahmadi study entitled “The Impact of
In addition to supported word learning, adults with more reading experience re-
read words less frequently, have shorter refixation durations, and skip more words during
As stated by Alico, (2017) had the same result indicating that the participants’
When students struggle to read, reading becomes a motivating and students avoid
reading. Reading comprehension is hindered when students lose interest and disengage
from reading. Many students begin to dislike reading because they struggle to gain
Some studies indicate, however, that integrated reading and writing instruction of
persuasive text have a significant effect on writing quality, but not on reading recall .
Similar results have been reported for transfer from discussion to writing and reading,
i.e., effects were observed for persuasive writing but not for recall of text. In the present
study, however, the integrated writing mode is closely connected to the reading analysis
and takes the form of analytical response writing. Similarly, the discussions aim at a
mutual and deepened understanding of the argumentative structure in the texts that the
students read. Thus, our anticipation is that writing and discussion in this setting may
contribute to levels of comprehension rather than recall (Scheller and Tengberg, 2016).
According to the study of Mirafuentes (2017) entitled “ School Age Gender Gap
in Reading Comprehension”, One possible explanation for the superiority of the male
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
students in the study us that males and females may not been equally matched in their
interest to the reading text. The male students seem to have more proficient readers than
their female counterparts. Therefore, teachers can make use of reading materials that suit
to the needs and genders, which consequently reinforce students’ attitudes and practices
towards reading.
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
In this chapter, the research design, the respondents of the study, the research
locale, the research instrument, the data gathering procedure of the study, and the
Research Design
The researcher will utilize the descriptive method in tallying the responses of the
respondents, analyzing and interpreting the gathered data. The purpose of this study is the
Inter-Global College Foundation Inc. Academic Year 2019-2020. The researchers will
use this study to provide necessary actions to recommend in the assessment on reading
The respondents in this study will be fifty-five (55) Senior High School Students
of Inter-Global College Foundation Inc. in any grade level and in any sections from
Grade 11 to Grade 12. The researchers will use cluster method to come up with the
desired number of respondents to answer the questionnaire. The researchers will assess
five(5) students per section of Inter-Global College Foundation Inc. Senior High School
Department such as from Grade 11, STEM – Equator, PBM – Compass and Pelorus,
ABM – Proprietorship, and TVL – Anchor. In Grade 12 the researchers will gather
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
Research Locale
Brgy.Bocohan Lucena City, Quezon. This location was chosen because the researchers
are also studying in Inter-Global College Foundation Inc. and the collection of data will
be easily gathered. Inter-Global College Foundation Inc. is first built as Marine School
that is the cause why the shape of the school is a ship but eventually Inter-Global College
Foundation Inc. expanded and offered more College Courses such as BS Customs
College Foundation Inc. expanded again and offer Senior High School which offers
strands such as STEM and ABM but last year on the school year 2018-2019 Inter-Global
College Foundation offer the strand for the aspiring Maritime students named Pre-
Research Instrument
The researchers will use the Examination and Checklist type of questionnaire,
which means the respondents, will encircle the corresponding number that corresponds to
his/her answer and means that the respondent will choose an answer from four choices on
every number from 1-50 that they think is the right answer. The part 1 of the checklist
profile in terms of Sex, Age, Grade Level, and Strand. The Part 2 of Checklist Type
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
Questionnaire will show questions about the respondents Interest, Perceptual Span and
practice that has 30 questions in total. The part 3 of the of the questionnaire is to
Students of Inter-Global College Foundation Inc. that contains fifty (50) questions based
on the story that the researchers will be given in the form of multiple choice. The
The researchers will use the Examination and Checklist type of questionnaire to
Students of Inter-Global College Foundation Inc. The researchers will request permission
to the senior high school principal by means of an authorized letter signed by the
researchers’ adviser to conduct this study. The researchers will give the respondents time
to answer the questionnaire. After the administration of the questionnaires the researchers
Statistical Treatment
After the researchers gathered of the pertinent data, different kinds of statistical
Selected Senior High School Students of Inter-Global College Foundation Inc. Academic
Year 2019-2020.
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
of the respondents in terms of their Sex, Age, Grade Level, and Strand.
𝑷 = 𝑁 𝑥 100
2. Weighted Mean Method – The weighted mean was used to measure the
𝑴𝑾 = 𝑛
f = frequency
n = number of respondents
Assessment on Reading Comprehension of Selected Senior High School
3. Scale Method For Checklist Type of Questionnaire – this rating will use to
determine the factors that affect the reading comprehension of the selected
School Students.
5 41-50 Excellent
4 31 – 40 Above Average
3 21 – 30 Average
2 11 – 20 Below Average
1 0 – 10 Poor