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Baker X-Flow Injection and Production System: Flow Control Systems Technical Unit

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Baker Oil Tools Unit No.

4896 Date: October 1, 2003

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FLOW CONTROL SYSTEMS Application Specific

Baker X-Flow Injection And Production System

Product Family No. H70044

Aberdeen Controlled Product, contact Aberdeen Sustaining Engineering

for further information if required.

The Baker X-Flow Injection and Production Sys-
tem is a unique combination of specially devel-
oped Completion and Flow Control Equipment.
The system has been designed to allow two fluids
to be simultaneously injected and/or produced into
/from two different zones within the same well.
An integral part of the system is the nipple profile,
which accepts the Baker Model Injection Sleeve,
Baker Model Separation Sleeve and Baker Model
Isolation Sleeve which allow the fluid flow paths
through the system to be manipulated to suit well
management requirements.
The Baker Model Separation Sleeve, Injection
Sleeve and Isolation Sleeve are described in Tech
Unit Nos. 4893, 4894 and 4931, Flow Control Sys-
tems respectively.
The X-Flow Injection and Production System can
be supplied in AISI 4140 carbon steel and 13% Cr
stainless steel.

Drawing No. A14-983-00

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Unit No. 4896 10-1-03 Baker X-Flow Injection And Production System
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Use of Baker equipment contrary to
manufacturer’s specification may result in
property damage, serious injury or fatality.

Features / Benefits • No special running tools or procedures

required - X-Flow Injection and Production
• AOF Nipple provides all the features and System is run in hole as part of the upper
benefits as described in the relevant Tech Unit completion and the dedicated flow control
(refer to parts list) devices are run in on wireline per standard Sur-
• Modified KC1-22 ATSA provides all the Set running procedures
features and benefits as described in the • Can be run and set in well bore in one trip
relevant Tech Unit (refer to parts list)
• Integral nipple profile allows for a variety of
• Modified Retainer Production Packer provides well-bore operations to be carried out,
all the features and benefits as described in the increasing system flexibility
relevant Tech Unit (refer to parts list)
• Injection and production flow areas are
• Provides a simple method of injecting and/or optimized for greater efficiency
producing into/from two different zones within a
well bore at the same time • Latest Sur-Set technologies are employed in
the design of the nipple profiles and ancillary
• Provides a simple method of alternating equipment
between injection and production
• All components in flow path are erosion
protected by proprietary surface treatments

Specification Guide
Material No. H700-44-7000 H700-44-7001 H700-44-7002
Size 214-73 x 4.125 x 4.000 194-73 x 4.125 x 4.000
Base Material 13% Cr AISI 4140
Casing Size (in.) 10.750 9.675
Casing Weight (lbs/ft) 60.7 47–53
Maximum OD (in.) 9.437 8.250
Minimum ID (in.) 4.000
Anchor Test Cover Material No. H0A-15129-00
Packer Test Clamp Material No. H0A-03620-05 H06-02301-01
Packer Test Spacer Material No. (6 off req’d) H0A-16918-00 H0A-16918-01
Packer Flow Ports Area (in.²) 6.22
Anchor Axial Flow Ports Area (in.²) 5.73
Anchor Longitudinal Flow Ports Area (in.²) 5.52

Ratings Guide
Material No. H700-44-7000 H700-44-7001 H700-44-7002
Size 214-73 x 4.125 x 4.000 194-73 x 4.125 x 4.000
Material Minimum Yield Stress (psi) 80,000
Burst / Collapse Pressure (psi) 7,500
Max Differential Across Element (psi) 7,500
Tensile Load (lbs) 300,000
Set Down Load (lbs) 169,000
Working Temperature Range (°F) (32–250)
Pump Down Sleeve Shear Pressure (psi) 4219-4715 4150-4670
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Operation Instructions 1. Install the shear screws taped to the OD of the

pump down sleeve into the trapped holes in the
Test Instructions pump down sleeve. Bottom out in the groove on
NOTE: Testing the X-Flow Injection and Production the OD of the guide then back off 1/4 turn min-
System with the separation sleeve installed prevents imum. Lock in place by the application of a drop
the pressure from reaching the packer setting port, the of Loctite 242 (or similar).
pump down sleeve and the ports through the ATSA.
However, it also prevents the thread between the nipple 2. Attach the appropriate AOF lock to the straight
and ATSA and the seals between the ATSA and the pin thread of the Injection Sleeve (Product
packer seeing the test pressure. To test all connections Family No. H70043, Tech Unit No. 4894, Flow
and seals within the string, the following procedure Control Systems).
should be used: 3. Using the appropriate Model A Running Tool
Refer to Accessory Guide and Parts List for and Model D Probe, lower the injection sleeve
specific Tech Unit Nos. that are accessible on the assembly into the X-Flow System until the AOF
BOTWeb. These units need to be read in conjunc- lock no-goes on the profile in the nipple sub. Jar
tion with this ‘system’ Tech Unit. the lock into the profile until movement stops.
1. Install the anchor test cover over the ports 4. Retrieve the Model A Running Tool and Model
through the ATSA. Lock in place via set screws. D Probe from the bore of the X-Flow System.
2. Install the packer test clamp in the relevant 5. Run this assembly to the required setting depth
grooves on the OD of the packer, following the on the tubing string as per normal procedures.
procedure as detailed in the referenced Tech 6. Pressure up tubing as per requirements as stat-
Unit. ed in the Tech Unit for the standard retainer
3. Remove the set screws and wind back the end production packer (refer to parts list for Tech
stop at the back end of the packer guide. Install Unit No.). The injection sleeve will route the ap-
the test spacers so that they butt against the plied pressure to the setting port(s) of the pack-
pump down sleeve and retain in place with two er. Packer will set.
Jubilee clips (or similar). Wind the end stop for- NOTE: Pressuring up to set the packer also verifies
ward, trapping the test spacers. the integrity of the packing units.
4. Bull plug each end and pressure test as re- 7. At this stage, any required pressure tests can
quired. be carried out by pressurizing the tubing or an-
5. Upon completion of pressure test, remove bull nulus. Care should be taken not to exceed the
plugs and anchor test cover. stated minimum shear pressure of the pump
down sleeve (see ratings guide).
6. Remove packer test clamp and reposition outer
components as detailed in the referenced Tech 8. Upon completion of all required pressure tests,
Unit. the further application of pressure in the tubing
above the system to a value exceeding the
7. Wind back the end stop and remove test spac- shear pressure of the pump down sleeve (see
ers. Wind the end strap forward until it no-goes ratings guide) will cause the pump down sleeve
and re-install the set screws. to move down, opening the lower flow ports.
Running and Setting the X-Flow System 9. The system is now ready to inject/produce, as
NOTE: The following procedure represents one of required.
many possible completion configurations. Different well
conditions may require different completion string
make-up with different equipment.
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Retrieval of the X-Flow System Mode 2: Annulus to/from Upper Zone,

Lower Zone to/from Tubing
Although the X-Flow Production and Injection
System utilizes a permanent retainer production Refer to Figure 2
packer, it is possible perform a workover on the
With the separation sleeve installed within the
completion above the system:
system, the following flow paths are available:
1. Kill the well and retrieve whichever of the Injec-
a. Annulus above X-Flow packer to/from annu-
tion, Separation or Isolation Sleeves is in-
lus below X-Flow packer.
b. Tubing below X-Flow packer to/from tubing
2. Unlatch the KC1-22 ATSA from the extended
above X-Flow packer.
upper bore of the retainer production packer,
following the procedure as detailed in the refer- Mode 3: Separation Sleeve with optional
enced Tech Unit. Pump-out Ball Seat Sub installed
3. Retrieve the upper completion and perform the Refer to Figure 3
necessary workover procedures.
With the optional pump-out ball seat sub (see
4. If required, the retainer production packer can Accessory Guide) installed on the bottom of the
be milled out at this stage, following standard separation sleeve, pressure applied down the tub-
procedures as detailed in the referenced Tech ing will seal the pump-out ball seat sub. This will al-
Unit. low the activation of devices above the X-flow
injection and production system, as well as permit
Operational Modes tubing tests to be carried out. Once the pressure
Mode 1: Annulus to/from Lower Zone, has been increased adequately to shear out the
Upper Zone to/from Tubing ball seat of the sub, the system will operate as per
Mode 2.
Refer to Figure 1
Mode 4: Isolation Sleeve Installed
With the injection sleeve installed within the
system, the following flow paths are available: Refer to Figure 4
a. Annulus above X-Flow packer to/from tubing With the isolation sleeve installed a flowpath
below X-Flow packer. exists between the tubing above and below the X-
b. Annulus below X-Flow packer to/from tubing flow packer. The annulus above the X-flow packer,
above X-Flow packer. however, is isolated from the annulus below the
packer. This allows pressure testing of the X-flow
packer element system, even if the pump-down
sleeve has previously been sheared out.
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Baker X-Flow Injection And Production System

Flow Path Figures

Tubing Casing

Annulus Annulus
Above Above


To To or From From
Lower from Lower Lower
Zone Upper Zone Zone
Tubing Zone

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4

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Accessory Guide
X-Flow System Material No. And Size
H700-44-7000 H700-44-7001 H700-44-7002
214-73 x 214-73 x 194-73 x
Unit No.
4.125 x 4.000 4.125 x 4.000 4.125 x 4.000
Size 4.125
Injection Material No. H700-43-4000 H700-43-5000
Sleeve Base Material 13% Cr AISI 4140
Seal Unit Material KV-65
Size 4.125 x 4.000
Separation Material No. H700-42-4000 H700-42-0001
Sleeve Base Material 13% Cr AISI 4140
Seal Unit Material KV-65
Size 4.000
Pump Out
Material No. H0A-15738-00 4893
Ball Seat Sub
Base Material 13% Cr.
Size 4.125
Isolation Material No. H700-45-4000 H700-45-4001
Sleeve Base Material 13% Cr AISI 4140
Seal Unit Material KV-65
Size 4.125
AOF Sur-Set Material No. H836-03-6208 H836-02-6206
Lock and Base Material 13% Cr AISI 4140
Accessory Model A Running Tool H811-55-6003
Tools Model D Probe H811-56-6000
Model GS Pulling Tool H811-42-3685
X-Flow Injection and Production System

Baker X-Flow Injection And Production System

Assembly and Dimensional Data Drawing No. A14-983-00

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X-Flow Injection And Production System

Dimensional Data
Refer to Drawing No. A14-983-00
Size (in.) And Material No.
Dimension 214-73 x 4.125 x 4.000 194-73 x 4.125 x 4.000
H700-44-7000 H700-44-7001 H700-44-7002
A 4.125/4.128
B 4.125/4.128
C 4.125/4.128
D 9.437/9.422 8.250/8.240
E 4.125/4.128
F 9.437/9.422 8.250/8.240
G 4.000/4.003
H 157.22 148.3
J 8.93 8.92 9.04
K 178.97 178.99
L 9.95 10.08
M 192.33 192.38
N 9.32 9.44
P 257.02 257.52
R 5.55 5.57
S 266.04 266.49
T 8.23 8.28 8.90
U 273.26 273.17

Parts List
Refer to Drawing No. A14-983-00
Size (in.) And Material No. Reference
Item No.
Description 214-73 x 4.125 x 4.000 194-73x4.125x4.000 Tech Unit
No. Req’d
H700-44-7002 H700-44-7001 H700-44-7002
7x 5
1 1 H299-70-4855 H299-70-4858 H299-70-4846
Casing Coupling
5 x 120
2 1 H299-69-5009 H299-69-318H H299-69-318H
Spacer Tube
3 4.125 AOF Nipple 1 H801-94-6237 H801-94-6232 H801-94-6232 8240
4 1 H443-65-9108 H443-65-9105 H443-65-9105 8246-3
KC1-22 ATSA❖
214 SAB-RM
1 H409-65-7001 H409-65-7000 - 4863
73 x 4.00 RPP◆
5 194 SABL-3
73 x 4.000 RPP◆ 1 - - H409-08-9456 8247

❖: This special version of the KC1-22 ATSA features axial and longitudinal flow ports and seal bores, as indicated on
Drawing No. A14-983-00. All other features of operation are as per the standard sized product.
◆: This special version of the X-Flow RPP features a ported guide with integral pump down sleeve and seal bores, as
indicated on Drawing No. A14-983-00. All other features of operation are as per the standard sized product.

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