7 Language Learning Theories by The Masters of Thought: Love Learning Languages? Get Your FREE "Speak in A Week" Book!
7 Language Learning Theories by The Masters of Thought: Love Learning Languages? Get Your FREE "Speak in A Week" Book!
7 Language Learning Theories by The Masters of Thought: Love Learning Languages? Get Your FREE "Speak in A Week" Book!
Masters of Thought
By OptiLingo
You worked incredibly hard to learn what the people around you were saying. It didn’t
happen overnight, so you should not expect learning another language to be any easier. In
fact, if it takes you less than a few years to be comfortable using a new language, it was
easier than learning your first language. Remember, you are still studying your first language
in high school, so you aren’t quite as adept at it as you may think you are.
To learn your next language faster, you are probably looking for the right language theory. IT
can help you move faster through the learning process. However, it is not the only thing you
need, in fact its effect will largely be at the start. Still, knowing it will give you a boost that
most people lack.
There is no one better to talk about language theory than the men known for thinking in terms
of theory. They break down the thinking process in a way that helps you to understand how
and why you think in a certain way.
In the end, this will help you keep your thought process where it needs to be to get the most
out of the language learning experiences.
While he is best known for philosophy, Plato did a good bit of thinking about language. This
shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering the fact that the use of language was how he got his
point across about philosophy.
Plato believed that knowledge was something that humans simply had; it was innate. His idea
is called Plato’s Problem, in which he asked how humans were able to accomplish so much
with so little time given to them. Language was an innate human element, and that is why
most humans are able to start talking well before they are ten years old.
When you consider that language is part of your thinking process, it will be a lot less
intimidating to simply learn another way to think the thoughts you already have.
Descartes subscribed to Plato’s idea that language is simply something people do naturally.
Descartes’ belief was based on the fact that he believed humans to be largely rational
creatures, and language was required to interact.
The Cartesian movement that started based on his beliefs reflected on the fact that language
was used creatively. Yet there are still many similarities even between the least similar
This is heartening because it means that you just need to find the similarities between English
and your target language to start understanding how the language works.
You have probably heard of the blank slate concept put forth by Locke. It shows that he did
not subscribe to the idea that anything was innately known. Everyone began with a blank
slate that they had to fill, and that includes language. Everything is learned from our senses.
This can be comforting if for no other reason than because you probably feel that is where
you are right now with your target language.
These three philosophers largely discussed language in passing, not postulating many
specifics. The next four theories are much more language specific.
Skinner agreed with Locke and he spent a lot of time developing the Theory of Behaviorism
from it. His theory says that all behavior is in response to the stimuli around us. He applied
this to language learning through operant conditioning, which used reinforcement and
punishment to teach.
One of the most common examples of this is parents who refuse to acknowledge a child’s
request until the child says “please.” The reward is getting what was requested, and the idea
of saying “please” is reinforced through that reward.
Noam Chomsky was developing his own ideas while Skinner was working on his Theory of
Behaviorism. Chomsky developed the theory of Universal Grammar. It was pretty much the
antithesis of Skinner’s theory. Chomsky believed in at least some innate ability in humans for
language. His proof was the fact that there are some universal elements in all languages.
While it definitely goes farther to explain learning a first language than Skinner’s theory, it
really doesn’t apply to learning a second language. It simply reinforces that there are similar
elements, but does nothing to help identify how to learn everything that is completely
John Schumann looked specifically at how immigrants learn a new language once they
relocate. His theory is called the Acculturation Model and addresses language in much more
detail than the other theories.
If an immigrant’s language was roughly equal socially to the language of their new home,
they were more likely to learn the language. The same was true if the cultures were similar.
This points out that there are many psychological and social reasons for learning a language –
ideas that were not examined by any of the earlier philosophers.
Stephen Krashen compiled several theories about language, theories which today are the most
often used to describe learning a second language. The following are the primary ideas to
take away from his theories.
The primary take away from the theory is that acquiring and learning a language are different,
but they can have similar elements. Error correction is essential for both acquisition and
While none of these theories may do much to help you actually learn a language, it can make
you feel better to know that even the knowledge of learning a language is up for debate. You
may feel one or two of them more closely works for the way you think, and that can help you
better understand how to use that theory to your advantage.