Blank Er TZ 2011 Single

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NeuroImage 56 (2011) 814–825

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / y n i m g

Single-trial analysis and classification of ERP components — A tutorial

Benjamin Blankertz a,b,⁎, Steven Lemm b, Matthias Treder a, Stefan Haufe a, Klaus-Robert Müller a
Berlin Institute of Technology, Machine Learning Laboratory, Berlin, Germany
Fraunhofer FIRST, Intelligent Data Analysis Group, Berlin, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Analyzing brain states that correspond to event related potentials (ERPs) on a single trial basis is a hard
Received 15 December 2009 problem due to the high trial-to-trial variability and the unfavorable ratio between signal (ERP) and noise
Revised 14 June 2010 (artifacts and neural background activity). In this tutorial, we provide a comprehensive framework for
Accepted 18 June 2010
decoding ERPs, elaborating on linear concepts, namely spatio-temporal patterns and filters as well as linear
Available online 28 June 2010
ERP classification. However, the bottleneck of these techniques is that they require an accurate covariance
matrix estimation in high dimensional sensor spaces which is a highly intricate problem. As a remedy, we
EEG propose to use shrinkage estimators and show that appropriate regularization of linear discriminant analysis
ERP (LDA) by shrinkage yields excellent results for single-trial ERP classification that are far superior to classical
BCI LDA classification. Furthermore, we give practical hints on the interpretation of what classifiers learned from
Decoding the data and demonstrate in particular that the trade-off between goodness-of-fit and model complexity in
Machine learning regularized LDA relates to a morphing between a difference pattern of ERPs and a spatial filter which cancels
Shrinkage non task-related brain activity.
© 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Spatial filter
Spatial pattern

Introduction trial analysis of event-related potentials (ERPs), where mainly the

question of trial-to-trial variability is addressed (e.g., Ratcliff et al.,
Designated as one of the final frontiers of science, understanding 2009).
brain function is a challenge that keeps attracting scientists from a Generally, the analysis of single-trial responses suffers from the
multitude of disciplines. Early research efforts culminated in the superposition of task-relevant signals by task-unrelated brain activ-
emergence of computational neuroscience, the principal theoretical ities, resulting in a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the observed
method for investigating the mechanisms of the nervous system. In single-trial responses. Here, in the context of single-trial classification
particular, the interest in modelling single-trial behavior of the human of ERPs, we refer to the ERPs as the signals and to all non-phase-locked
brain has rapidly grown in the past decades. Nowadays the scope of neural activity as well as to non-neural artifacts as interfering noise.
modern neuroscience has been widened to decoding single-trial Accordingly, the major goal of data processing prior to the
encephalogram data with respect to the identification of mental states classification of single-trial ERPs is to enhance their SNR significantly,
or human intentions. This branch of research is strongly influenced by in other words, isolating the phase-locked ERP signal from the
the development of an effective communication interface connecting interfering noise. To distinguish signals of interest from the interfering
the human brain and a computer (Dornhege et al., 2007; Kübler and noise, different feature extraction methods have been applied,
Kotchoubey, 2007; Kübler and Müller, 2007; Wolpaw, 2007; including temporal and spatial filters. Here, the most prevalent
Birbaumer, 2006; Pfurtscheller et al., 2005; Curran and Stokes, techniques are bandpass, notch or Laplace filters as well as principle
2003; Wolpaw et al., 2002; Kübler et al., 2001), which finally also component analysis (PCA) and more sophisticated techniques such as
attracted the machine learning community to the field (Blankertz et wavelet denoising (Quiroga and Garcia, 2003) and blind source
al., 2002; Vidaurre and Blankertz, 2010; Hong et al., 2009; Müller et separation (BSS) techniques (Cardoso and Souloumiac, 1993; Comon,
al., 2008; Blankertz et al., 2008b, 2007a, 2006; Parra et al., 2008, 2003; 1994; Belouchrani et al., 1997; Makeig et al., 1997; Ziehe et al., 2000;
Wang et al., 2004; Tomioka and Müller, 2010). In this context the Lemm et al., 2006). To these extracted features, different classification
ability to perform single-trial classification of EEG data received much techniques have been applied, that can be either assigned to linear or
attention. But there is also interest from the basic research in single- non-linear methods. Among the non-linear methods the support
vector machine is the most powerful method applied to ERP
⁎ Corresponding author. Berlin Institute of Technology, Machine Learning Laboratory,
classification (Müller et al., 2001; Meinicke et al., 2003; Rakotoma-
Berlin, Germany. monjy and Guigue, 2008). However, there is an ongoing debate
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Blankertz). whether the classification of single-trial EEG requires a non-linear

1053-8119/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
B. Blankertz et al. / NeuroImage 56 (2011) 814–825 815

model or if a linear model is sufficient given an appropriate feature the target symbol is selected, followed by the selection of the target
extraction (Müller et al., 2003). However, regardless of the particular symbol itself at the second level. Groups of symbols (level 1) and
techniques employed for feature extraction or classification, there is single symbols (level 2) are arranged in six circles that are placed at
substantial variability in the classification accuracy both between the corners of an (invisible) hexagon, see Fig. 1. For the selection at
subjects (Guger et al., 2003, 2009; Blankertz et al., 2007a; Krauledat et each level, the circles are intensified in random order (10 blocks of
al., 2008; Dickhaus et al., 2009; Allison et al., 2009) and within intensifications of each of the 6 discs).
subjects during the course of an experiment (Shenoy et al., 2006). It Intensification was realized by upsizing the disc including the symbol
was shown in online studies that adaptation techniques can help to (s) by 62.5% for 100 ms with a stimulus onset asynchrony of 166 ms, see
cope with the corresponding changes of the data distributions Fig. 1. Participants were instructed to fixate the target symbol (checked
(Vidaurre et al., 2006, 2007; Vidaurre and Blankertz, 2010). online with an eye tracker) while silently counting the number of
Furthermore, there are other techniques that have been found intensifications of the target symbol. For a detailed comparision between
promising in the same respect in offline studies, namely explicitely Matrix Speller and the ERP-based Hex-o-Spell, in particular concerning
modeling the distribution change (cf. Sugiyama et al., 2007), the issue of eye gaze, see Treder and Blankertz (2010).
restricting the feature space to the stationary part only (cf. von The data set used in this paper was recorded in an offline
Bünau et al., 2009), or enforcing invariance properties in the feature calibration mode, that means brain signals are not classified online
extract step (e.g. Blankertz et al., 2008a). and the application behaves as if all decisions are classified correctly. A
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. First, we introduce an text field at the top of the screen displays the words that are to be
EEG sample data set that is used throughout this paper for illustration ‘written’ with the current symbol shown in red and larger font size,
and validation purpose and thereupon we define spatial, temporal, see Fig. 1. After the first level stimulation is finished, the second level
and spatio-temporal features. In Spatial filters and spatial patterns starts automatically with the correct subgroup. Such calibration is
section, we introduce the concept of spatial patterns and filters within recorded in order to train the classifier and optimize parameters.
the framework of the linear EEG model and give a first argument on From the classification point of view, the task can be reduced to the
why an effective spatial filter will typically look much different from a discrimination of brain responses to target stimuli (intensifications of
pattern. Then, we discuss LDA and the plausibility of the assumptions discs that the user draws attention to) and nontarget stimuli. If this
underlying the optimality criterion in the context of EEG. Further- binary discrimination problem can be solved, the system can
more, we provide an illustrative simulation as another argument for obviously determine the intended letter. Single-trial classification of
the fundamental difference between spatial patterns and filters. After these brain responses in most users lacks accuracy. Ten repetitions of
that, we introduce the important concept of regularization of the stimulus sequences are performed in the calibration, which allows to
empirical covariance matrix by shrinkage and a method to determine investigate the optimal number of repetitions for the use in
the optimal shrinkage parameter. In Classification of ERP components subsequent online experiments.
section, the introduced concepts of machine learning are applied to ERPs for the Hex-o-Spell data set in one particular participant1 are
one example data set to illustrate the interpretation of the shown in Fig. 2. Spatial distributions are shown for several
classification method. An extensive validation of the proposed subcomponents, determined from those time intervals that are
method on 13 data sets is provided in Empirical evaluation section shaded in the ERP curve on top. As the figure suggests, some
including a comparison of the performance with state-of-the-art components are related to the processing of the physical properties of
methods. Finally, we summarize the findings in a conclusion. the stimulus in primary visual areas in occipital cortex (the according
component labels are tagged with the prefix ‘v’ for visual). Other
Example data set components reflect more abstract processes of attentional gating and
event detection and they are characterized by a more central
We introduce an example EEG data set that we use throughout the topographic distribution.
paper to exemplify feature extraction and classification methods. The Since all of these components can be modulated by attention and
data set stems from a calibration recording for an attention-based eye fixation, all intervals are potentially informative regarding the
typewriter. It provides a good show-case, because it comprises a classification task. However, the fact that trial-to-trial variability of
sequence of ERP components that reflect different brain processes, ERP amplitudes is extremely high in both target and nontarget classes
related to visual processing of the physical stimulus properties as well (not shown in the graph) renders the classification problem a hard
as higher cognitive components associated with more abstract one. It requires the application of sophisticated machine learning
processing of the visual event. This data set will serve as a touchstone methods, as introduced next.
for the machine learning techniques presented in this paper.
Furthermore, we will argue that these techniques can also be used Features of ERP classification
as a tool to study the underlying visuo-cognitive processes.
Attention-based typewriting was introduced by Farwell and ERP components are characterized by their temporal evolution and
Donchin (1988). The so called Matrix Speller consists of a 6 × 6 symbol the corresponding spatial potential distributions. As raw material, we
matrix wherein symbols are arranged within rows and columns. have the spatio-temporal data matrix2 XðkÞ ∈ℝM×T for each trial k with
Throughout the course of a trial, the rows and columns are intensified M being the number of channels and T the number of sampled time
(‘flashed’) one after the other in a random order. Since the neural points. For the formalism in classification, features are considered to
processing of a stimulus can be modulated by attention, the ERP elicited be column vectors, which are obtained by concatenation of all
by target intensifications is diffferent from the ERP elicited by nontarget columns of XðkÞ into x∈ℝM⋅T . Time is typically sampled in equidistant
intensifications. Several improvements on the original approach have intervals, but it might be beneficial to select specific intervals of
been suggested, see Martens et al. (2009), Hong et al. (2009), Salvaris
and Sepulveda (2009), Krusienski et al. (2008), Li et al. (2006). 1
For illustration purpose here and in Linear classification and Classification of ERP
The present data is based on a novel variant of Hex-o-Spell (Treder components sections, we use single-subject data from Hex-o-Spell data set, while the
and Blankertz, 2010), a mental typewriter which was originally validation in Empirical evaluation section is performed on data from all 13 participants
controlled by means of motor imagery (Williamson et al., 2009; and for both typewriter types, Hex-o-Spell and the Matrix Speller.
Throughout this manuscript, italic characters refer to scalars such as t and M; a
Blankertz et al., 2007b; Müller and Blankertz, 2006) while the new bold lower case character as in a denotes a vector; matrices are indicated by uppercase
variant is based on ERPs. The Hex-o-Spell realizes selection of a target bold characters, such as A; while the transpose of a vector and a matrix is consistently
symbol in two recurrent steps. At the first level, the group containing denoted by a⊤ and A⊤ , respectively.
816 B. Blankertz et al. / NeuroImage 56 (2011) 814–825

Fig. 1. Experimental design: Symbols can be selected in the mental typewriter Hex-o-Spell in a two level procedure. (a) At the first level, a disc containing a group of 5 symbols is
selected. (b) For the second level, the symbols of the selected group are distributed to all discs (animated transition). The empty disc can be used as ‘undo’ to return to the group level
without selection. Selection of the backspace symbol ‘b’ allows to erase the last written symbol.

interest corresponding to subcomponents or an ERP complex, see be equally spaced (subsampling), or specifically chosen, preferably
Classification in the spatio-temporal domain section. Therefore, we such that each interval contains one component of the ERP in which
give the following formal definition of spatio-temporal features. We the spatial distribution is approximately constant, see Classification in
denote the scalp potential at channel c and time point t within trial k the spatio-temporal domain section. Therefore, we use the following
by x(k)
c (t) (superscript k will be omitted). Given a subset of channels more general definition. Let T1, …, TI sets of time points (each Ti
C = {c1, …, cM} we define xC ðtÞ = ½xc1 ðtÞ; …; xcM ðtÞ⊤ as the vector of typically being an interval). Given selected channels C and time
potential values for the subset of channels at time point t. intervals T = hT i ii = 1;…;I , we define the spatio-temporal feature as
By concatenation of those vectors for all time points t1, …, tT of one
trial one obtains spatio-temporal features XðC; T Þ = ½meanhxC ðtÞit∈T 1 ; …; meanhxC ðtÞit∈T I : ð2Þ

XðCÞ = ½xC ðt1 Þ; …; xC ðtT Þ: ð1Þ For the case that there is only one time interval (i.e., I = 1), we call
the features (purely) spatial (but it relates to the temporal domain). In
It can be helpful for classification to reduce the dimensionality of this case, the dimensionality of the feature coincides with the number
those features by averaging across time in certain intervals. These can of channels. The feature of a single trial is the average scalp potential

Fig. 2. ERPs in the attention based typewriter. Every 166 ms one disc of the typewriter was intensified for 100 ms (indicated by solid bars at the bottom of the time course plot).
According to whether or not it was the to-be-attended disc, trials were labelled as targets or nontargets, respectively. Brain responses to target stimuli are characterized by a
sequence of different ERP components. The graph on top shows the time course of the ERPs at channel Cz and the average of channels PO7 and PO8. The baseline was taken − 166 to
0 ms prestimulus indicated by the horizontal gray bar around the x-axis. The trial-to-trial standard deviation is between 6.7 and 9 μV at channel Cz and between 4.7 and 6.5 μV at
channel (PO7 + PO8)/2. The two rows below display scalp topographies for the two experimental conditions at the time intervals that are shaded in the ERP plot. The maps show a
top view on the head with nose up where the averaged scalp potentials obtained for each electrode are spatially interpolated and coded in color.
B. Blankertz et al. / NeuroImage 56 (2011) 814–825 817

within the given time interval (at all given channels). Otherwise, propagation vector a depends on three factors; the conductivity of the
when C is a singleton {c1} (i.e., M = 1), we say X is a temporal feature intermediary layers (brain tissue, skull, skin); the spatial location and
(at channel c1). In this case, the feature of a single trial is the ‘time orientation of the current source within the brain; and the impedances
course’ of scalp potentials at the given channel, sampled at time and locations of the scalp electrodes. In order to model the contribution
intervals T1, …, TI. of multiple source signals sðtÞ = ðs1 ðtÞ; s2 ðtÞ; …Þ⊤ to the surface
To discuss the distribution of ERP features, we consider a potential, the propagation vectors of the individual sources are
simplified model. We model each single trial xðkÞ ðtÞ as the superpo- aggregated into a matrix A = ½a1 ; a2 ; … and the overall surface
sition of a (phase-locked) event-related source sðtÞ (= ERP) which is potential results in
constant in every single trial and ‘noise’ (non phase-locked activity)
nðkÞ ðtÞ, which is assumed to be identically independent distributed xðtÞ = AsðtÞ + nðtÞ: ð5Þ
(iid) according to a Gaussian distribution N ð0; Σn Þ (for a fixed t).
This model also incorporates an additive term nðtÞ, which
x ðtÞ = sðtÞ + n ðtÞ
for all trials k = 1; …; K ð3Þ comprises any contribution not described by the matrix A. Although
some of the originating sources might be of neocortical origin, nðtÞ is
Under this model assumption, the spatial feature, say, at time point conventionally conceived as noise, emphasizing that those activities
t0 is Gaussian distributed according to Nðsðt0 Þ; Σn Þ. This means that are not subject of the investigation. The propagation matrix A is often
ERP features are Gaussian distributed with the mean being the ERP called the forward model, as it relates the source activities to the
pattern and the covariance being the covariance of ongoing signals acquired at the different sensors. In this regard, the
background EEG, see Fig. 3. propagation vector a of a source s is often referred to as the spatial
The assumption of the ERP being the same within each trial is pattern of s, and can be visualized by means of a scalp map.
known to be invalid. E.g., amplitude and latency of the P3 component The reverse process of relating the sensor activities to originating
depend on many factors that vary from trial to trial, such as time since sources, is called backward modeling and aims at computing a linear
last target and attention. In this case, the covariance of the data estimate of the source activity from the observed sensor activities:
distribution comprises also the trial-to-trial variation of the ERP. ⊤
sðtÞ = W xðtÞ: ð6Þ
Nevertheless, these variations in the ERP are typically small compared
to the background noise, such that Eq. (3) still holds well enough to
A source ^s is therefore obtained as a linear combination of the
provide a useful model.
spatially distributed information from the multiple sensors, i.e.,
ŝðtÞ = w⊤ xðtÞ. In general, the estimation of the backward model
Spatial filters and spatial patterns
corresponds to a reconstruction of the sources by means of inverting
the forward model. In case of a non-invertible matrix A a solution can
The basic macroscopic model of EEG generation (Nunez and
be obtained only approximatively. For example, the recovering of the
Srinivasan, 2005) assumes the tissue to be a resistive medium and
sources given by the forward model A by means of a least mean
hence only considers effects of volume conduction, while neglecting
squares estimator, that is
the marginal capacitive effects (Stinstra and Peters, 1998). Subject to
these prerequisites, a single current source s(t) contributes linearly to ⊤ 2
W = arg min ∑ ‖V AsðtÞ−sðtÞ‖ ; ð7Þ
the scalp potential xðtÞ, i.e., V t

xðtÞ = asðtÞ; ð4Þ leads to a solution of the pseudo-inverse of A, i.e.,

where the propagation vector a∈ℝM represents the individual coupling ^ ⊤ = ðA⊤ AÞ−1 A⊤ :
W ð8Þ
strengths of the source s to the M surface electrodes. In general, the
However, generally the forward model is not known and the goal of
backward modelling is to find a suitable linear transformation W⊤ of the
data which leads to an improved signal to noise ratio (SNR) of signals of
interest. Accordingly, the rows w⊤ of the matrix W⊤ are commonly
referred to as spatial filters. Although the spatial filters w⊤ can be
visualized by means of scalp maps, their interpretation is not as
straightforward as for the spatial patterns, cf. also the discussion in
Understanding linear classifiers section. To see this, consider the following
simplified noise free example of two sources s1 and s2 given with their
corresponding propagation vectors a1 and a2 , respectively. The task is to
recover the source s1 from the observed mixture x = a1 s1 + a2 s2 . In
general, a linear filter w⊤ yields w⊤ x = w⊤ a1 s1 + w⊤ a2 s2 . If we suppose
the two propagation vectors to be orthogonal, i.e., a⊤1 a2 = 0, it follows
immediately that the best linear filter is given by w⊤ = a⊤1 and s1 can be
perfectly recovered (up to scaling) by ŝ1 = ∥a1 ∥2 s1 . Hence in case of
orthogonal sources the best filter corresponds to the propagation
direction of the source, i.e., a pattern. However, changing the setting
slightly and assuming non-orthogonal propagation vectors, i.e., a⊤1 a2 ≠0,
the signal along the direction a1 also consists of a portion of s2. In order to
Fig. 3. Distribution of ERP Features. Scalp potentials of each single trial have been obtain the optimal filter to recover s1 the filter has to be orthogonal to the
averaged across time within the interval of the visual N1 component (155–195 ms). interfering source s2, i.e., w⊤ a2 = 0, while having a positive inner product
The dots show the distribution of those values for channels Cz and PO7 separately for w⊤ a1 N 0. Thus the optimal filter has to take the propagation vectors of
the two conditions ‘target’ (cyan) and ‘nontarget’ (orange). Means of the two
distributions are marked by crosses. Classwise covariance matrices have been used to
both sources into account and is given by the first row of the pseudo-
indicate a fitted Gaussian distribution by equidensity contours at 1.5 times standard inverse of ½a1 a2 . Consequently, the spatial filters depend on the scalp
deviation. Note, that the covariance of both conditions is very similar. distributions not just of the reconstructed source, but also on the
818 B. Blankertz et al. / NeuroImage 56 (2011) 814–825

distribution of the other sources. Moreover, the signal that is recovered by see Dornhege et al. (2004), Lemm et al. (2011). But, e.g.,
a spatial filter w⊤ also captures the portion of the noise that is collinear inherently multi modal data would require a particular
with the source estimate: ŝðtÞ = sðtÞ + w⊤ nðtÞ. Hence a spatial filter preprocessing or classification.
which optimizes the SNR of a signal of interest must be approximatively (2) Gaussian distributions of all classes have the same covariance
orthogonal against interfering sources and noise signals. matrix. This assumption implies the linear separability of the data.
For a comprehensive review on spatial filters and linear analysis of It is approximately satisfied for many ERP data sets as the ongoing
EEG we refer to Parra et al. (2005) and for a tutorial on optimal spatial activity is typically independent of the different conditions under
filters for features based on oscillatory brain activity (cf. Blankertz investigation, see also Fig. 3 and the discussion regarding
et al., 2008c). distributions of ERP features in Features of ERP classification
section. But this is not necessarily so. When comparing ERPs
Linear classification related to different visual cues, the visual alpha rhythm may be
modulated by each type of cue in a different way. Fortunately,
In this paper, we demonstrate how a basic classification algorithm, LDA is quite robust in cases of different covariance matrices. On
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), can become a powerful tool for the other hand, modelling a separate covariance matrix for each
the classification of ERP components when endowed with a technique class leads to a nonlinear separation (quadratic discriminant
called shrinkage for the use with high dimensional features. This analyses, for QDA, see Duda et al., 2001; Friedman, 1989;
technique is simple to implement, computationally cheap, easy to Vidaurre et al., 2006) and for kernel based learning see (Müller
apply, and yet—to our experience—gives impressive results that are at et al., 2001) that is much more sensible to errors in the estimation
least on the same level with state-of-the-art classification methods of the covariance matrices and therefore often yields inferior
that are more complex, see Empirical evaluation section. Of course, results to LDA unless a large number of training samples is
the applicability of LDA with shrinkage is by no means restricted to available.
classification of ERP components but is a general technique for linear In the current data set, we verified the assumption by inspecting
classification. scalp topographies of the principal components corresponding to
the largest eigenvalues of the covariance matrices, see Fig. 4.
Linear discriminant analysis (3) True class distributions are known. This assumption is obviously
never fulfilled in any real application. Means and covariance
For known Gaussian distributions with the same covariance matrix matrices of the distributions have to be estimated from the
for all classes, it can be shown that Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) data. Due to the inevitable errors in those estimates the op-
is the optimal classifier in the sense that it minimizes the risk of timality statement might not hold at all, even when the
misclassification for new samples drawn from the same distributions Assumptions (1) and (2) are met quite well. This is typically the
(Duda et al., 2001). Note that LDA is equivalent to Fisher Discriminant case, when the number of training samples is low compared to
Analysis and Least Squares Regression (Duda et al., 2001). The the dimensionality of the features. For this case, we will see
optimality criterion relies on three assumptions: later that shrinkage estimators are an excellent option to apply,
see Shrinkage for improved classification section.
(1) Features of each class are Gaussian distributed. Due to our
experience, features of ERP data satisfy this condition quite It is our firm belief, that it is vital to comprehend all aspects of the
well, see also Features of ERP classification section, and the classification, and thus to be able to follow all steps of the process in
method is quite robust to deviations from the normality the analysis for a particular data set, rather than to treat the method as
assumption. For other type of features one can often find a a black box. To this end, we start by discussing linear classification
preprocessing to approximately achieve Gaussian distributions, interpreting what was ‘learned’ by the classifier. In this respect, it is

Fig. 4. Verification of the assumption of equal covariance matrices. An eigenvalue decomposition was performed for the covariance matrices of the two conditions target and
nontarget (for spatial features at 220 ms post stimulus, but results for other time points/intervals look similar). The eigenvectors (or principal components) corresponding to the four
largest eigenvalues are visualized as scalp topographies (as the scaling is arbitrary, the maximum absolute value is chosen to be 1 and the scale of the colormap ranges from − 1 to 1
[arbitrary unit]). The similarity of the corresponding maps for the two classes can be seen as an indication that the covariance matrices of the two classes can be assumed to be equal.
B. Blankertz et al. / NeuroImage 56 (2011) 814–825 819

important to remember the notions of filters and patterns, see Spatial patterns only. Therefore, we will give an illustrative simulation to
filters and spatial patterns section. For illustration purpose, we utilize point out, that indeed the optimal filter typically requires a more
so-called spatial features, that were introduced in Features of ERP intricate structure and may have substantial weight on electrodes that
classification section. do not provide good discriminability when looking at Fig. 5 (right).
Note, that these channels can contribute to a reduction of noise in the
Understanding linear classifiers informative channels. To illustrate this argument, we use artificially
generated data. Two dimensional data was drawn from two Gaussian
Binary linear classifiers can be characterized by a projection vector distributions simulated potentials recorded at two scalp electrodes
w and a bias term b referring to the separating hyperplane FCz and CPz. Both channels thus contribute to the discrimination of
w⊤ x + b = 0. The classification function assigns a given input the two classes, see Fig. 6 (a). Classification of this 2D data yields 15%
x∈ℝN the class label according to signðw⊤ x + bÞ. The projection error. Now we add one source of disturbance, namely occipital alpha
vector of LDA is defined as rhythm which is not related to the classification task. Simulating
volume conduction, we add simulated alpha activity with a factor of
w = Σ̂c ð μ̂ 2 −μ̂ 1 Þ ð9Þ 0.4 to CPz and with factor 0.2 to FCz, see Fig. 6 (b). Since this
introduces noise to the classification task, the error rises to 37% for
where μi is the estimated mean of the class i and Σ̂c = 1 =2 ðΣ̂1 + Σ̂2 Þ is the classification on channels FCz and CPz on these disturbed signals, see
estimated common covariance matrix, i.e., the average of the class- Fig. 6 (c). But when we add the third channel Oz to the feature vector,
wise empirical covariance matrices Σ̂i , see Eq. (11) below. the original classification accuracy can be re-established on the 3D
In the following, we consider applying LDA to spatial features (see data (to be accurate, it was 16% in our simulation). Although channel
Features of ERP classification section) and provide an insightful Oz itself is not informative for the discrimination of the two classes, it
interpretation in terms of spatial filters and patterns and a good is required for good classification. This demonstrates why a classifier
visualization. But the principles apply to other types of features, too. on the three dimensional data will have nonzero weight on channel
A linear classifier that was trained on spatial features can also be Oz, which is itself not discriminative.
regarded as a spatial filter (cf. Spatial filters and spatial patterns
section). Thus, the linear classifier may be interpreted as a “backward Shrinkage for improved classification
model” to recover the signal of discriminative sources, cf. also Parra et
al. (2003). Let w∈ℝM be the weight vector and Y∈ℝM× time points be The standard estimator for a covariance matrix is the empirical
continuous EEG signals. Then covariance (see Eq. (11) below). This estimator is unbiased and has
good properties under usual conditions. But for high-dimensional
⊤ 1× time points
Yf : = w Y ∈ℝ ð10Þ data with only a few data points given, the estimation may become
imprecise, because the number of unknown parameters that have to
is the result of spatial filtering: each channel of Y is weighted with the be estimated is quadratic in the number of dimensions.
corresponding component of w and summed up. The weight vector w This leads to a systematic error: Large eigenvalues of the original
of the classifier can be displayed as scalp map, but its interpretation covariance matrix are estimated too large, and small eigenvalues are
requires some background knowledge, see also the discussion in estimated too small; see Fig. 7. This error in the estimation degrades
Spatial filters and spatial patterns section. Taking the interval of the P2 classification performance (and renders LDA far from being optimal).
component (205–235 ms) of our example data set, the difference Shrinkage is a common remedy for compensating the systematic bias
pattern of the two conditions (target stimulus minus nontarget (Stein, 1956) of the estimated covariance matrices (e.g., Friedman, 1989):
stimulus) displays a typical pattern with broad central focus, see right Let x1 ; …; xn ∈ℝd be n feature vectors and let
topography of Fig. 3. In contrast, the classifier resp.spatial filter has an
intricate and more complex structure that has also weights of 1 n 1 n ⊤
μ̂ = ∑ x and Σ̂ = ∑ ðxi −μ̂Þðxi −μ̂Þ ð11Þ
substantial magnitude, e.g., in the occipital region which does not n i=1 i n−1 i = 1
contribute to the P2 component itself, see left topography of Fig. 5.
Note, that the difference pattern in Fig. 5 (right) corresponds to the be the unbiased estimator of the mean and the covariance matrix
LDA classifier under the assumption that the class covariance matrices (empirical covariance matrix). In order to counterbalance the
are spherical, i.e. Σ̂ eI, with I being the identity matrix. estimation error, Σ̂ is replaced by
Clearly this non-smoothness of the filter topography seen in Fig. 5
(left) might evoke disbelief in researchers that are used to look at Σ̃ðγÞ : = ð1−γÞΣ̂ + γνI ð12Þ

for a tuning parameter γ ∈ [0, 1] and ν defined as average eigenvalue

traceðΣ̂Þ = d of Σ̂ with d being the dimensionality of the feature space.
Then the following holds. Since Σ̂ is positive semi-definite we have an
eigenvalue decomposition Σ̂ = VDV⊤ with orthonormal V and
diagonal D. Due to the orthogonality of V we get

⊤ ⊤ ⊤ ⊤
Σ̃ =ð1−γÞVDV +γνI =ð1−γÞVDV +γνVIV = Vðð1−γÞD +γνIÞV

as eigenvalue decomposition of Σ̃. That means

• Σ̃ and Σ̂ have the same eigenvectors (columns of V)
Fig. 5. Weight vector of a linear classifier displayed as scalp topography. When a linear • extreme eigenvalues (large or small) are modified (shrunk or
classifier is trained on spatial features (see Features of ERP classification section), the
elongated) towards the average ν.
obtained weight vector can coherently be displayed as scalp topography. In this
example, a classifier was trained on the spatial feature extracted from the time interval • γ = 0 yields unregularized LDA, γ = 1 assumes spherical covariance
205–235 ms. The topography on the left displays the spatial filter calculated with LDA. matrices.
The right maps shows the ‘filter’ that was obtained under the assumption that the
common covariance matrix is spherical. Note, that in this particular case the filter is the Using LDA with such modified covariance matrix is termed
pattern of the difference of the two ERPs. covariance-regularized LDA, regularized LDA or LDA with shrinkage.
820 B. Blankertz et al. / NeuroImage 56 (2011) 814–825

For the trade-off with respect to the shrinkage parameter, recently

an analytic method to calculate the optimal shrinkage parameter for
certain directions of shrinkage was found (Ledoit and Wolf, 2004; see
also Vidaurre et al., 2009 for the first application in BCI). This approach
aims at minimizing the Frobenius norm between the shrunk covariance
matrix and the unknown true covariance matrix Σ. In effect, large
sample-to-sample variance of entries in the empirical covariance are
penalized, i.e., lead to stronger shrinkage. When we denote by ðxk Þi
resp.ðμ̂Þi the i-th element of the vector xk resp. μ̂ and denote by sij the
element in the i-th row and j-th column of Σ̂ and define

zij ðkÞ = ððxk Þi −ðμ̂Þi Þððxk Þj −ðμ̂Þj Þ;

then the optimal parameter for shrinkage towards identity (as defined
by Eq, (12)) can be calculated as Schäfer and Strimmer, 2005b)

⋆ n ∑di;j = 1 vark ðzij ðkÞÞ

γ = : ð13Þ
ðn−1Þ2 ∑i≠j s2ij + ∑i ðsii −νÞ2

The usage of Eq. (13) for the selection of the shrinkage parameter
does not necessarily lead to better classification results, compared to a
selection based on, e.g., cross-validation, but is easier to implement
and computationally much cheaper. Using regularized LDA for
retraining the classifier after each trial during online operation as in
Vidaurre and Blankertz (2010) would hardly be possible without the
analytical solution.
With respect to classification of ERP features, we know from Fig. 5
that the shrinkage parameter γ controls the weight vector of the
corresponding classifier between the two extreme poles of spatial
pattern (difference between ERPs) for γ = 1 and a spatial filter that
incorporates the spatial structure of the noise for γ = 0. The latter case
is optimal, if the covariance of the noise is known. The empirical
estimates that can be calculated from training data are error prone, in
particular for high-dimensional feature spaces. In this case, the
automatic selection of the shrinkage parameter provides a good
trade-off of using the spatial structure of the noise without overfitting
to the particular statistics found in the training set.
The method of regularized LDA with shrinkage parameter selected
by the analytical solution of Schäfer and Strimmer (2005b) is called
shrinkage LDA.

Classification of ERP components

We start by exploring ERP classification separately in the temporal

and in the spatial domain. The purpose of classification on temporal
features is to determine which channels contribute most to the
discrimination task. And classification on spatial features demonstrates
which time intervals are most important. Taken together, this
investigation provides a good idea of which components of the EEG is
exploited by the classifier, and gives a better understanding of the data
and the classification process. For the actual classification task, the full
information of spatio-temporal features should be exploited, as
demonstrated in Classification in the spatio-temporal domain section.

Classification in the temporal domain

ERPs exhibit a particular time course at electrodes over its

generators. The temporal features calculated from single channels
Fig. 6. Understanding spatial filters. (a) Two dimensional Gaussian distributions were have been introduced in Features of ERP classification section.
generated to simulate scalp potentials at two electrodes with relative high signal-to- This single channel data does (in most cases) not contain sufficient
noise ratio. (b) A disturbing signal is generated: simulated visual alpha at channel Oz, information for a competitive classification. Nevertheless, we can gain
which is propagated to channels CPz and FCz. (c) This results in a substantially useful information in the following way. For each single channel the
decreased separability in the original two dimensional space. However when classifying
3D data that includes data from sensor Oz, it becomes possible to subtract the noise for
classification accuracy that can be obtained from temporal features
the informative channels CPz and FCz and classification becomes possible with the with ordinary LDA is determined (e.g. by cross validation, cf. Lemm
same accuracy as for ‘undisturbed data’ in (a). et al., 2011). The resulting accuracy values can be visualized as scalp
B. Blankertz et al. / NeuroImage 56 (2011) 814–825 821

Fig. 7. Left: Eigenvalue spectrum of a given covariance matrix (bold line) and eigenvalue spectra of covariance matrices estimated from a finite number of samples drawn (N = 50,
100, 200, 500) from a corresponding Gaussian distribution. Middle: Data points drawn from a Gaussian distribution (gray dots; d = 200 dimensions, two dimensions selected for
visualization) with true covariance matrix indicated by an orange colored ellipsoid, and estimated covariance matrix in cyan. Right: An approximation of the true covariance matrix
can be obtained as a linear interpolation between the empirical covariance matrix and a sphere of appropriate size.

topography and provide thus a survey of the spatial distribution of vector, see also Fig. 5. This corresponds to a rather smooth
discriminative information, see Fig. 8 (a). topography, and might therefore seem neurophysiologically more
In this case, we can see that relevant information originates from plausibe. The more intricate spatial filters we get with little shrinkage
central locations (P3), but even much better discriminability is provided account for the spatial structure of the noise and hold therefore the
by occipital regions (vN2 component). The fact that classification in the potential of more accurate classification, see Fig. 9 and the discussion
matrix speller is mainly based on visual evoked potentials rather than in Understanding linear classifiers section. In this sense, the shrinkage
the P3 was only recently reported (Treder and Blankertz, 2010; Bianchi parameter reflects our belief in the estimation of the noise. If the noise
et al., 2010). The separability map found here is completely in line with (covariance matrix) can be estimated very well, it should be taken
neurophysiological plausibility, but in other paradigms it might indicate into account for classification without restriction (γ = 0, i.e., ordinary
the need for further preprocessing of the signals. LDA). But if the spatial structure of the noise cannot be reliably
estimated from the training data one should disbelief it and shrink
Classification in the spatial domain towards the no-noise assumption (γ = 1) in order to avoid overfitting.
The procedure for the selection of the shrinkage parameter γ provides
ERPs exhibit a particular spatial distribution during the peak times a trade-off, that was found to work well for classification of ERP
of their subcomponents. Spatial features calculated from single time components.
points (or potential values obtained by averaging within a given time Fig. 11 (left part) shows the classification results of spatial features
interval) have been introduced in Features of ERP classification extracted at different time intervals for the example data set using
section. Depending on the experimental setting, classification of such ordinary LDA (the right panel of that figure is explained in the next
spatial feature may already yield powerful classification, given an section).
appropriate selection of the time interval. But there is often a complex
of several ERP components that contribute to the classification. In that Classification in the spatio-temporal domain
case, spatio-temporal features can enhance the result, see Classifica-
tion in the spatio-temporal domain section. A good way to get an overview of where the discriminative
For spatial features, a classifier with ‘maximum’ shrinkage (γ = 1) information lies in the spatio-temporal plane is to visualize a matrix
uses the pattern of the difference of the two classes as projection of separability measures to the spatio-temporal features of the

Fig. 8. Temporal and spatial classification. (a) The classification error of temporal features extracted from the time interval 115–535 ms was determined for each single channel. The
obtained values are visualized here as scalp topography by spatially interpolating the values assigned to each channel position and displaying the result as color coded map. (b) The
classification error of spatial features was determined for each time interval of 30 ms duration, shifted from 0 to 1000 ms. (c) Classifier as spatial filter: A linear classifier was trained
on spatial features extracted from the time interval 220–250 ms (shaded in subplot (b)) of the running example data set. The resulting weight vector can be visualized as a
topography and can regarded as a spatial filter.
822 B. Blankertz et al. / NeuroImage 56 (2011) 814–825

Fig. 9. Results for different values of shrinkage parameter γ. Classification accuracy of spatial features (time interval 205–235 ms) was evaluated for different values of shrinkage
parameter γ. The normal vector of the classifier's separating hyperplane w can be regarded as a spatial filter (see Spatial filters and spatial patterns and Understanding linear
classifiers sections) and is visualized here for each value of γ as scalp map (arbitrary unit). For γ = 1, the normal vector w is proportional to μ2 − μ1, while it is proportional to
Σ̂−1ðμ2 −μ1 Þ in the case without shrinkage (γ = 0). Note, that for illustration reasons, shrinkage was applied here to spatial features, i.e., data which is not so high-dimensional.
Therefore, the gain obtained by shrinkage is not as huge as it often is for higher dimensional data, see below the result for spatio-temporal features.

experimental conditions. More specifically, this matrix is obtained by here, the number of training samples was low (750) compared to the
calculating a separability index separately for each pair of channel and dimensionality of the features (7 × 55 = 385), since this requires the
time point. In this paper, we will use signed-r2-values: The pointwise estimation of 385 × 384/2 = 73, 920 parameters in the covariance
biserial correlation coefficient (r-value) is defined as matrix. Additionally, to the bias in the estimation of the covariance
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi     matrix, there is also a numerical problem in the inversion of a badly
N1 ⋅N2 mean xi jyi = 1 −mean xi jyi = 2 conditioned matrix. There are ways to cope with these numerical
rðxÞ : =   ; ð14Þ
N1 + N 2 std xi issues, e.g., involving singular value decomposition, but since that is
also kind of regularization, we did not use such a method for
and the signed-r2-values are sgn − r2(x) : = sign(x) ⋅ r(x)2. Alterna- comparison here.
tively, other measures of separability of distributions can be used, Finally, we would like to point out that the weight vector of a linear
such as Fisher score (Duda et al., 2001; Müller et al., 2004), Student's t- classifier trained on spatio-temporal features can be visualized similar
statistic (Student, 1908; Müller et al., 2004) area under the ROC curve as for spatial features, see Fig. 8 (c), but as a sequence for scalp maps
(Green and Swets, 1966) or rank-biserial correlation coefficient that represent the resulting spatial filters for each of the chosen time
(Cureton, 1956). The latter two measures have the advantage that intervals Ti.
they do not rely on the assumption that the class distributions are
Gaussian. On the other hand, since LDA assumes Gaussian distribu-
tions, it seems appropriate to make the same assumption in feature Empirical evaluation
The analysis result for our example data set is shown in Fig. 10. Finally, we demonstrate the effect of shrinkage on ERP detection
Based on the displayed matrix of separability indices (here, r2 values), performance and present classification results, validated on data of all
it is possible to determine a set of time intervals ({T1, …, Tn} in our 13 participants for both types of speller paradigms, Hex-o-Spell and
notions of Features of ERP classification section) that are good the Matrix Speller, see Example data set section.
candidates for classification. Since within each interval the average In this context, we restrict the analysis to the binary classification
across time is calculated, see Eq. (2), the intervals should be chosen problem target vs. non-target and provide validation results for a
such that within each interval the spatial pattern is fairly constant. varying number of training samples, which nicely demonstrates the
Due to the high dimensionality of spatio-temporal features it is effect of degrading performance in cases of small samples-to-feature
important to use the shrinkage technique presented in Shrinkage for ratios and its remedy by shrinkage.
improved classification section for classification. We compare shrinkage LDA with ordinary LDA and also with
Fig. 11 (right part) shows the classification results for spatio- stepwise LDA (SWLDA, Draper and Smith, 1966), because the latter is
temporal features. While ordinary LDA suffered from overfitting and the state-of-the-art algorithm for the Matrix Speller resp.ERP
obtained a result of 25% error, which is worse than most single classification in some BCI groups (e.g., Krusienski et al., 2008, 2006;
interval results, shrinkage greatly reduced the error to only 4%. While Farwell and Donchin, 1988). In Krusienski et al. (2006) different
the results of ordinary LDA was disappointing in this particular classification algorithms have been compared with the conclusion
example data set, we would like to point out, that LDA is in many cases that SWLDA has the greatest potential for the usage in the Matrix
a powerful and robust classification method. In the example used Speller. The SWLDA classifier was extended in Johnson and Krusienski
B. Blankertz et al. / NeuroImage 56 (2011) 814–825 823

Fig. 10. Visualization of signed r2-matrix. For the spatio-temporal features, signed r2-values of targets minus nontarget single trial ERPs were calculated and displayed as a color
coded matrix. A heuristic was used to determine the indicated time intervals, which accumulate high r2 values and each time interval has a fairly constant spatial pattern of r2-values.
The time-averaged r2-values for each of those intervals are also visualized as scalp topography. Note, that the matrix visualization also shows propagation of components. The visual
N1 component with peak around 175 ms at electrodes PO7 and PO8 seems to originate from frontal areas around 115 ms (light blue band going from top (= frontal areas) diagonally
down to the bottom (= occipital areas)). The central P2 component peaking around 220 ms is initially more focussed to the central area and propagates from there to frontal and
occipital sites.

(2009) into an ensemble framework with some improvement in correction was done based on the average EEG activity within 170 ms
performance, evaluated for the case of sufficient training data. directly preceding the stimulus. Epochs were split into a training and a
This SWLDA classifier is basically another regularized version of test set as described below. The training data were used to
LDA, performing dimensionality reduction by restricting the number heuristically determine a set of seven subect-specific discriminative
of used features (variables). Model estimation for SWLDA is done in a time intervals (see Classification in the temporal domain section),
greedy manner by iteratively inserting and removing features from which were constrained to lie between 50 ms and 650 ms poststim-
the model based on statistical tests until the maximal number of ulus (covering all components of potential interest, like P1, N1, P2, N3,
active variables is reached. The method has three free parameters to P3, N3, see Fig. 2). For each trial, spatio-temporal features (cf. Features
choose: two p-values guiding insertion and removal of variables, and of ERP classification section) have been calculated in the following
the maximal number of variables. We here use pins = 0.1 and way. The mean activity in the selected intervals for 55 scalp electrodes
prem = 0.15, and a maximum of 60 predictors, as recommended in gave rise to 55 × 7 matrices Xð1Þ ; …; XðnÞ , that were stacked into
Krusienski et al. (2006). feature vectors xð1Þ ; …; xðnÞ of dimension p = 385.

Data preprocessing and feature selection Performance evaluation setting

The continuous EEG recordings of each of the 13 participants were To analyze the performance of the classifiers in difficult settings of
epoched and aligned to the onsets of intensification. A baseline small samples-to-feature ratios, we used a varying number of training

Fig. 11. Classification error: (left) using spatial features extracted from different time intervals; (right) using spatio-temporal features obtained from all eight time intervals. While
LDA (red circle) obtains a result that is worse than most single interval results due to overfitting, shrinkage (magenta colored circle) greatly reduces the error to about 4%. The
intervals correspond to the shaded areas in Fig. 2. Bottom row: Scalp maps show the spatial distribution of the ERP components in the corresponding time intervals.
824 B. Blankertz et al. / NeuroImage 56 (2011) 814–825

Fig. 12. Classification results on spatio-temporal features for a variable number of training samples. Three different variants of linear discriminant classifiers have been trained on
spatio-temporal features of p = 385 dimensions. The number of training samples was varied from n = 50 to 650. The strange peaking behaviour of the LDA performance near n = p is
discussed in the main text. Left: Results for the Matrix Speller. Right: Results for Hex-o-Spell.

samples (n) between 50 and 650. Splitting the data into training and correlative measurements between different image modalities such as
test set was done in a chronological fashion, taking the first part as local field potentials (LFP) and fMRI (Bießmann et al., 2009).
training data and the second part as test data. Note, that the maximum Furthermore we will consider nonlinear variants, where shrinkage
number of samples corresponds to 6 symbol selection steps with 10 could be performed in a kernel feature space (Schölkopf et al., 1998,
intensifications. The parameters of the linear classifiers are estimated 1999; Müller et al., 2001).
from the training set, and applied on the test samples. The classifiers
are optimized to provide good separation between target epochs Acknowledgments
(participant focuses on intensified row/column/disc) and non-target
epochs (participant focuses on different item). The validation error is We are very grateful to Nicole Krämer (Weierstrass Institute for
calculated on all left-out trials. This procedure was performed for all Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin) for pointing us to the
13 participants separately and the error rates were averaged. analytic solution of the optimal shrinkage parameter for regularized
linear discriminant analysis.
Results Furthermore, we are indebted to two reviewers and our colleges in
the Berlin BCI group who gave valuable comments on earlier versions
Fig. 12 depicts the results in the described validation setting. In of the manuscript.
cases with p N N n, Shrinkage-LDA clearly outperforms the other The studies were partly supported by the Bundesministerium für
methods. For p b n the performance of SWLDA converges towards Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Fkz 01IB001A/B, 01GQ0850, by the
Shrinkage-LDA, while ordinary LDA needs considerably more training German Science Foundation (DFG, contract MU 987/3-1), by the
samples for stable operation. The peaking behaviour of the LDA European Union under the PASCAL2 Network of Excellence, ICT-
performance near the ratio n / p = 1 looks strange, but is well known in 216886. This publication only reflects the authors' views. Funding
the machine learning literature, see Raudys and Duin (1998), Schäfer agencies are not liable for any use that may be made of the
and Strimmer (2005a). It is due to a number of eigenvalues being very information contained herein.
small but nonzero, which leads unfavorable numerical effects in the
inversion of the empirical covariance matrix using the pseudo-
inverse, see Krämer (2009). References
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