Lesson 17
Lesson 17
Lesson 17
Time Activities :
0700-0800 a. Pre reading:
1. Teacher shows a video of Malaysian Princess Legend.
2. Pupils name a few princess legend shown in the video.
3. Teacher shows pictures of Cik Siti Wan Kembang.
4. Get the pupils to talk about what they know about her.
b. While reading:
1. Teacher gets the pupils to read the text aloud. (TB page 35)
2. Teacher asks questions orally to check understanding.
3. Put up sentence strips on the board.
4. Get the pupils to read the sentences.
5. Tell the pupils that the sentences are not in the correct order.
6. Get the pupils to work in groups.
7. Techer distributes sentence strips to each groups.
8. Pupils read and sequence the sentences in the order they appear in the
reading passages.
9. Discuss and check answers with pupils.
c. Post reading:
1. Get the pupils attention to the comprehension questions. (refer to TB)
2. Pupils work in the same group.
3. Teacher distributes task sheet.
4. Guide the pupils to answer the questions.
5. Each group take turns to present.
6. Check their answers and provide feedback.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of 34 a. _________ out of ____ pupils were able to Read and understand the
Absent: text and answer comprehension questions