Img 0014
Img 0014
Img 0014
Tcmperature 2lo C + lo C
Date of
'lhe Nam. RehinlTh.Sk da l
Westport Corpordtion
510 N4ontauk Highway
West Islip, NY 11795
PHONE (631)-321-0160
Certificate of Calibration
The following barr or bafls from the rot specified berow have
been verifled and it has
been determined that they meet the requirements of ASTM E1O_15; cLruse
indenter balls and ISO 6506-2:2005(E) clause 4.3; as per Table Z
clause 4,5.
The original reports are kept on file and may be released upon request if
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Representative Date: December 20, 2016
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The King@ Brinell Microscope is an instrument for measuring the di8meter ofBrinell
impressions directly in millimeters. It is factory calib€ted and focused and requires no on_the_
job adjustments except rotation position.
The microscope is designed to use natural light but it is equipped with a standard battery_
powered penlight for use in darkened are{s. Replacemont battery size is AAA. This item should
be available locally or can be ordered from factory stock.
An upright adapter is standard with the King Brinell Microscope. The adaptEr stabilizes the
microscope for use on open flat surfaces where the narrow rose is not necissary. To attach the
upright adapter, place it on a flat surface with the smaller diameter shoulder up. Insert the
microscope nose through the c€rter hole until it firmly contacts the flat surface and tighten the
set screw. The adapter should be removed from the nose when placing the microscope back
the case.
To_ use the King Brinell Microscope, place the nose squarely in contact with the t€st
Align the zero line on the outside edge ofthe Brinell indentation and measure its diameter. Each
division on tlle reticule scale equals 0.1 millimeter. The measurement is the exact diarneter of
the indentation and can be converted to a Brinell Hardness Numbn (BIIN) by using the
conversion card provided.
The King Brinell Microscope is constructed of rugged stainless steel and should provide years of
trouble free use when handled propedy. But if accident or extemely hard use damages the
microscope, parts are available trom factory stock, or the microscope can be sent for repair to
King Tester Corporation, 308 Schell Lane, phoeniwillg pA 1946d. Before sending it to us,
please complete an RViA on our website at:
Please also be sure to rcgister your unit for warranty purposes at: