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Application for transfer of registration

Pre-transfer checklist Definitions

Seller Buyer (1) Registered operator – an individual or corporation who owns or manages a
Confirm that there is no money owing on the vehicle, vehicle and has the right to register it. To register a vehicle the individual must
it’s not reported stolen or recorded as written-off. be aged at least 17 years for a light vehicle, 17 years and 9 months for a
Check these details by contacting the Personal Property motorcycle, and 18 years for a heavy vehicle. There can only be one
Security Register (PPSR) online at or call registered operator per vehicle (no joint registration).
1300 007 777. (2) Current registration – registration expires at midnight of the registration
expiry date. VicRoads will cancel the registration if it is not renewed within
Confirm the Victorian registration is current (not suspended 3 months after expiry. If the vehicle does not meet this definition, do not use
or cancelled) and not subject to any sanctions that will prevent this form and check VicRoads’ website on buying and selling (not a transfer).
the registration transfer. Check the registration online at (3) Seller – the person who is transferring/disposing of or giving the vehicle.
(4) Buyer – the person who is acquiring or receiving the vehicle.
(5) Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) – a unique 17 digit identifier made up of
Confirm the seller has the right to transfer the vehicle by sighting
a certificate of registration/renewal or by confirming the vehicle is numbers and letters on a vehicle. For vehicles manufactured prior to 1989,
recorded in the seller’s myVicRoads account. Confirm the details please provide a chassis number.
(including the VIN) match the physical vehicle. (6) Date of sale – refers to the date of transfer or delivery, when the buyer takes
possession of the vehicle from the seller.
Confirm the buyer has a Victorian licence/customer number. (7) Certificate of Roadworthiness (RWC) – also known as a Roadworthy
If the buyer has an interstate licence, refer to Certificate, issued by a Victorian Licenced Vehicle Tester to certify if a vehicle for information. is in roadworthy condition. It is valid for 30 days from the date of issue, unless
a defect notice is issued within the period of validity.
Organise a Victorian Certificate of Roadworthiness (RWC) for (8) Australian Company Number (ACN) – a unique 9 digit number issued to a
the vehicle no more than 30 days before the date of sale, unless company by Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
exempt. Refer to (9) Victorian licence/customer number – a customer number is a unique nine
The registration number on the RWC must match the number digit number issued by VicRoads to corporations and individuals without a
plates on the vehicle. Victorian licence or learner permit. The customer number is the same as a
Victorian licence number if an individual has been issued with a learner permit
Confirm the number plates are attached to the vehicle. If the or driver licence.
seller wants to keep the rights to their custom number plates, (10) Garage address – where the vehicle will normally be kept (e.g. home, office or
the seller must notify VicRoads, remove the custom plates and heavy vehicle depot). VicRoads will only register vehicles garaged in Victoria.
attach new number plates before the registration transfer. (11) Market value – also known as dutiable value, is the price at which the vehicle
might reasonably be sold, free from encumbrances, on the open market, or
Write a receipt for the buyer as proof of purchase and ownership, the purchase price – whichever is greater.
and keep a copy (photo). Include the following information
(at minimum) on the receipt: For example, if you paid $4000 but it would normally be worth $5000, the
• The vehicle registration number and VIN or chassis number market value is $5000. However, if you pay greater than the normal market
value due to a vehicle’s condition, the dutiable value is the amount paid.
• Seller and buyer names and signatures
(12) Motor vehicle duty – the duty payable on an application for transfer of
• Date and time of the sale.
registration of a motor vehicle. The rate of duty is $8.40 per $200, or part, of
Remove any toll pass and remove the vehicle from your toll the dutiable value of the motor vehicle.
provider account. For example, if the market value of the vehicle is $4,250, then the
calculation for motor vehicle duty would be $4400 x 0.042 = $184.80.
Lodging this form
All sections of this form must be completed and submitted with the RWC Privacy statement
and fees (if applicable) or the transfer will not be processed.
Personal information VicRoads collects from you may be used by VicRoads, as
• The seller and buyer must have a Victorian licence/customer number and permitted by the Road Safety Act 1986 and the Marine Safety Act 2010. VicRoads
both must sign this form. A copy or photo of this completed form must be may disclose personal information it collects from you to various organisations
retained by both the seller and the buyer.
VRPIN02979 04.19 Authorised and published by VicRoads, 60 Denmark Street, Kew, Victoria, 3101.

and persons as permitted by law, particularly by the Road Safety Act 1986. This
• Lodge this form, RWC (if applicable) and buyer fee payment to VicRoads includes disclosing the information to contractors and agents of VicRoads, law
within 14 days of sale by: enforcement agencies, other road and traffic authorities, Austroads, the Transport
–– Visiting a VicRoads Customer Service Centre, refer to Accident Commission, vehicle manufacturers (for safety recalls), road safety or call (03) 8677 7855 for locations. researchers, courts and other organisations or people authorised to use the
personal information. You are required to provide this personal information.
–– Mail (including a cheque, money order or a completed Credit or debit
Failure to provide the information may result in this form not being processed, or
card authorisation form if paying by credit or debit card. The form is
records not being properly maintained. For further information about our use of
available at to:
your personal information and your right of access to it, see VicRoads brochure
GPO Box 1644
Protecting your privacy or contact VicRoads on 13 11 71.
Melbourne VIC 3001
• If you are applying for transfer on behalf of someone else or a company, you WARNING: Both the seller and buyer need to provide complete and accurate
must provide evidence of identity and an original signed letter of authority to information so the registration can be transferred successfully. Otherwise,
act on behalf of another person or a company, which must be provided in the registration will not be transferred, and the seller may be liable for any
person at a VicRoads Customer Service Centre. The letter must nominate traffic offences that the buyer (new registered operator) may incur.
the vehicle to be transferred.
VicRoads’ vehicle register is not a register of title (vehicle ownership).
• For deceased estates, refer to the Deceased Estate Pack or for further information.

Post: VicRoads, GPO Box 1644 Melbourne Victoria 3001 Call: 13 11 71 (TTY 13 36 77, Speak and Listen 1300 555 727) Web: Page 1 of 2
Application for transfer of registration
This form is to be used to change the registered operator(1) of a currently registered(2) vehicle with Victorian number plates attached.
This form must be completed and signed by both the seller(3) and the buyer(4) and returned to VicRoads within 14 days of vehicle sale.
All fields are mandatory and should be completed clearly in ink using BLOCK letters. For more information, including a checklist and definitions, refer to page 1.

Vehicle details Buyer details

Registration number Make Model Surname OR Company name

Year Body type Given name(s) OR ACN(8)

VIN(5) (or chassis number if no VIN)
Victorian licence/customer number(9)

If the buyer does not have a Victorian licence/customer number, full

Date of sale(6) (dd/mm/yyyy) evidence of identity documentation (for themselves or their company) must
To avoid liability for traffic offences and penalties,
/ / provide the exact date the vehicle was sold/transferred.
be provided in person at a VicRoads Customer Service Centre.
Refer to for requirements.
Is this vehicle recorded on the Victorian or interstate written-off vehicles register? Home address OR Company address
No Yes The seller must inform the buyer in writing if the vehicle is recorded
on the Victorian or an interstate written-off vehicles register.
Refer to for information.
Certificate of Roadworthiness (RWC)(7)
An original Victorian RWC issued not more than 30 days Postal address (if different to Home address OR Company address)
before the date of sale must be attached, unless exempt.
Refer to Exempt
RWC serial number RWC issue date (dd/mm/yyyy) Postcode

/ / Garage address(10) (if different to Home address OR Company address)

RWC tester’s licence number

The original RWC must be attached when this form is lodged. Phone number (mobile preferred)

Email address
Seller details
Market value(11) or sale price of the vehicle
Surname OR Company name Declare the greater of the market value or the sale price.
$ A To avoid penalties do not under declare the market value.

Given name(s) OR ACN(8) Payment details

Complete the details below to determine fees payable when this form is lodged,
unless exempt. Refer to
Motor vehicle duty(12) (See page 1 for instructions and example)
Victorian licence/customer number(9) Round up Market value A
Home address OR Company address to the closest $200 Motor vehicle duty Exempt
x 0.042 =
$ $

Postcode Transfer fee* * Fees are subject to change.

Transfer fee Exempt
VRPIN02979 04.19 Authorised and published by VicRoads, 60 Denmark Street, Kew, Victoria, 3101.

Motor vehicle $39.70

Phone number (mobile preferred) C
Motorcycle/Trailer/Caravan $6.40
Email address Total payable Total payable
Motor vehicle duty B + Transfer fee C = $

WARNING: Providing false and/or misleading information or documents is a serious offence under the Road Safety Act 1986 and/or Marine Safety Act 2010 and can
result in you being fined or imprisoned. Any authority or approval, given as a result of you providing such information/documents, may be reversed and have no effect.
By signing this form, I declare that the information in this form and related supporting documents is true, correct and complete, and I understand the privacy statement
on page 1.
Seller signature Buyer signature
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
/ / / /

OFFICE RWC exemption code Transfer exemption code MVD exemption code


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