Sales Digest

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Clearly, when the property was mortgaged to

Genato in May 1989, what was in effect between
1. Flancia vs. CA Oakland and petitioners was a contract to sell, not a
FACTS: This is an action to declare null and void the contract of sale. Oakland retained absolute ownership
mortgage executed by defendant Oakland Development over the property. Hence, it was entitled to mortgage
Resources Corp. xxx in favor of defendant William Ong the same to Genato.
Genato over the house and lot plaintiffs spouses 2) Was the registered mortgage superior to the contract
Godofredo and Dominica Flancia purchased from
to sell?
defendant corporation.
Yes. Since, Oakland retained absolute
The plaintiffs allege that they purchased from
ownership over the property under the contract to sell
defendant corporation a parcel of land known as Lot 12, and had every right to mortgage it. Genato’s registered
Blk3, Phase III-A containing an area of 128.75 square mortgage was superior to petitioner’s contract to sell,
meters situated in Prater Village Subd.; that by virtue of subject to any liabilities Oakland may have incurred in
the contract of sale, defendant corporation authorized
favor of petitioners by irresponsibly mortgaging the
plaintiffs to transport all their personal belongings to property to Genato despite its commitments to
their house at the aforesaid lot; that on 24 December petitioners under their contract to sell.
1992, plaintiffs received a copy of the execution
foreclosing the mortgage several lots formerly owned 3) Can the mortgagee rely solely on what
by defendant corporation including subject lot of appears in the title?
plaintiffs; that the alleged mortgage of subject lot is null
and void as it is not authorized by plaintiffs pursuant to Yes, a mortgagee has the right to rely on what
appears in the title presented to him. In the absence of
Article 2085 of the Civil Code which requires that the
mortgagor must be the absolute owner of the anything to arouse suspicion, he is under no obligation
mortgaged property; that as a consequence of the to look beyond the certificate and investigate the title
nullity of said mortgage, the execution foreclosing the of the mortgagor appearing on the face of the said
mortgage is likewise null and void; that plaintiffs certificate.
advised defendants to exclude subject lot from the 2. Velarde vs. Court of Appeals (361 SCRA 57)
auction sale but the latter refused.
FACTS: The private respondent executed a Deed of Sale
Defendant Genato, on the other hand, averred that co- with Assumption of Mortgage, with a balance of P1.8
defendant Oakland Development Resources million, in favor of the petitioners. Pursuant to said
Corporation mortgaged to Genato two parcels of land agreements, plaintiffs paid the bank (BPI) for three (3)
covered as security and guaranty for the payment of a months until they were advised that the Application for
loan in the sum of P2M; that said real estate mortgage Assumption of Mortgage was denied. This prompted
has been duly annotated at the back of its Transfer the plaintiffs not to make any further payment. Private
Certificate of Title; that for nonpayment of the loan of respondent wrote the petitioners informing the non-
2M defebdabt Genato filed an action for foreclosure of fulfillment of the obligations. Petitioners, thru counsel
real estate mortgage against co-defendant corporation; responded that they are willing to pay in cash the
that after trial, decision was granted to foreclose the balance subject to several conditions. Private
said mortgage; that the alleged plaintiffs’ Contract to respondents sent a notarial notice of
Sell does not appear to have been registered with the cancellation/rescission of the Deed of Sale. Petitioners
Register of Deeds to affect defendant Genato and the filed a complaint which was consequently dismissed by
latter is thus not bound by the plaintiffs’ Contract to an outgoing judge but was reversed by the assuming
Sell. judge in their Motion for Reconsideration. The Court of
ISSUE: (1) whether or not the registered mortgage Appeals reinstated the decision to dismiss.
constituted over the property was valid;
ISSUE: Whether or not there is a substantial breach of
(2) whether or not the registered mortgage was contract that would entitle its rescission.
superior to the contract to sell; and
RULING: YES. Article 1191 of the New Civil Code
3) can the mortgagee rely on what appears in the
title applies. The breach committed did not merely consist of
a slight delay in payment or an irregularity; such breach
RULING: 1) Yes. In the contract between petitioners would not normally defeat the intention of the parties
and Oakland, aside from the fact that it was to the contract. Here, petitioners not only failed to pay
denominated as a contract to sell, the intention of the P1.8 million balance, but they also imposed upon
Oakland not to transfer ownership to petitioners until private respondents new obligations as preconditions to
full payment of the purchase price was very clear. Acts the performance of their own obligation. In effect, the
of ownership over the property were expressly withheld qualified offer to pay was a repudiation of an existing
by Oakland from petitioner. All that was granted to obligation, which was legally due and demandable
them by the “occupancy permit” was the right to under the contract of sale. Hence, private respondents
were left with the legal option of seeking rescission to in a conditional contract of sale, the first element of
protect their own interest. consent is present, although it is conditioned upon the
happening of a contingent event which may or may not
3. Coronel v. CA, 263 SCRA 15 occur. If the suspensive condition is not fulfilled, the
Facts: The case arose from a complaint for specific perfection of the contract of sale is completely abated.
performance filed by private respondent Alcaraz against However, if the suspensive condition is fulfilled, the
petitioners to consummate the sale of a parcel of land contract of sale is thereby perfected, such that if there
in Quezon City. had already been previous delivery of the property
subject of the sale to the buyer, ownership thereto
On January 19, 1985, petitioners executed a “Receipt of automatically transfers to the buyer by operation of law
Down Payment” of P50,000 in favor of plaintiff Ramona without any further act having to be performed by the
Alcaraz, binding themselves to transfer the ownership seller. In a contract to sell, upon the fulfillment of the
of the land in their name from their deceased father, suspensive condition which is the full payment of the
afterwhich the balance of P1,190,000 shall be paid in purchase price, ownership will not automatically
full by Alcaraz. On February 6, 1985, the property was transfer to the buyer although the property may have
transferred to petitioners. On February 18, 1985, been previously delivered to him. The prospective seller
petitioners sold the property to Mabanag. For this still has to convey title to the prospective buyer by
reason, Concepcion, Ramona’s mother, filed an action entering into a contract of absolute sale.
for specific performance.
It is essential to distinguish between a contract to sell
Issue: Whether the contract between petitioners and and a conditional contract of sale specially in cases
private respondent was that of a conditional sale or a where the subject property is sold by the owner not to
mere contract to sell the party the seller contracted with, but to a third
person, as in the case at bench. In a contract to sell,
Held: Sale, by its very nature, is a consensual contract
there being no previous sale of the property, a third
because it is perfected by mere consent. The essential
person buying such property despite the fulfillment of
elements of a contract of sale are the following: a)
the suspensive condition such as the full payment of the
Consent or meeting of the minds, that is, consent to
purchase price, for instance, cannot be deemed a buyer
transfer ownership in exchange for the price; b)
in bad faith and the prospective buyer cannot seek the
Determinate subject matter; and c) Price certain in
relief of reconveyance of the property. There is no
money or its equivalent.
double sale in such case. Title to the property will
Under this definition, a Contract to Sell may not be transfer to the buyer after registration because there is
considered as a Contract of Sale because the first no defect in the owner-seller's title per se, but the
essential element is lacking. In a contract to sell, the latter, of course, may be used for damages by the
prospective seller explicity reserves the transfer of title intending buyer.
to the prospective buyer, meaning, the prospective
In a conditional contract of sale, however, upon the
seller does not as yet agree or consent to transfer
fulfillment of the suspensive condition, the sale
ownership of the property subject of the contract to sell
becomes absolute and this will definitely affect the
until the happening of an event, which for present
seller's title thereto. In fact, if there had been previous
purposes we shall take as the full payment of the
delivery of the subject property, the seller's ownership
purchase price. What the seller agrees or obliges
or title to the property is automatically transferred to
himself to do is to fulfill his promise to sell the subject
the buyer such that, the seller will no longer have any
property when the entire amount of the purchase price
title to transfer to any third person. Such second buyer
is delivered to him. In other words the full payment of
of the property who may have had actual or
the purchase price partakes of a suspensive condition,
constructive knowledge of such defect in the seller's
the non-fulfillment of which prevents the obligation to
title, or at least was charged with the obligation to
sell from arising and thus, ownership is retained by the
discover such defect, cannot be a registrant in good
prospective seller without further remedies by the
faith. Such second buyer cannot defeat the first buyer's
prospective buyer. A contract to sell may thus be
title. In case a title is issued to the second buyer, the
defined as a bilateral contract whereby the prospective
first buyer may seek reconveyance of the property
seller, while expressly reserving the ownership of the
subject of the sale.
subject property despite delivery thereof to the
prospective buyer, binds himself to sell the said The agreement could not have been a contract to sell
property exclusively to the prospective buyer upon because the sellers herein made no express reservation
fulfillment of the condition agreed upon, that is, full of ownership or title to the subject parcel of land.
payment of the purchase price. Furthermore, the circumstance which prevented the
parties from entering into an absolute contract of sale
A contract to sell may not even be considered as a
pertained to the sellers themselves (the certificate of
conditional contract of sale where the seller may
title was not in their names) and not the full payment of
likewise reserve title to the property subject of the sale
the purchase price. Under the established facts and
until the fulfillment of a suspensive condition, because
circumstances of the case, the Court may safely Accordingly, the parties executed a deed of absolute
presume that, had the certificate of title been in the sale dated June 25, 2001 which set out the terms and
names of petitioners-sellers at that time, there would conditions of their settlement, the transfer of
have been no reason why an absolute contract of sale ownership from respondents to petitioner and the
could not have been executed and consummated right execution by the parties of the corresponding deed of
there and then. absolute sale for the remaining six lots as soon as
respondents could settle or clear the encumbrances or
What is clearly established by the plain language of the other problems affecting them. Petitioner prepared a
subject document is that when the said "Receipt of joint motion to dismiss the expropriation case but
Down Payment" was prepared and signed by petitioners respondent Antonio Florendo refused to sign because
Romeo A. Coronel, et al., the parties had agreed to a there were still three lots which had not yet been paid.
conditional contract of sale, consummation of which is Respondents could not clear these properties of their
subject only to the successful transfer of the certificate encumbrances and liens as there were pending cases
of title from the name of petitioners' father, Constancio filed by third party claimants over them. Instead, they
P. Coronel, to their names. proposed that a partial compromise agreement be
The provision on double sale presumes title or executed to cover the four lots that had already been
ownership to pass to the first buyer, the exceptions sold and transferred to PEZA. Petitioner, however,
being: (a) when the second buyer, in good faith, found the proposal unacceptable and contrary to their
registers the sale ahead of the first buyer, and (b) compromise agreement.
should there be no inscription by either of the two Issue: Whether or not there was a perfected
buyers, when the second buyer, in good faith, acquires compromise agreement between the parties.
possession of the property ahead of the first buyer.
Unless, the second buyer satisfies these requirements, Ruling: The compromise agreement the parties
title or ownership will not transfer to him to the executed was in the form of a contract of sale. The
prejudice of the first buyer. In a case of double sale, elements of a valid contract of sale are: (a) consent or
what finds relevance and materiality is not whether or meeting of the minds; (b) determinate subject matter
not the second buyer was a buyer in good faith but and (c) price certain in money or its equivalent. All the
whether or not said second buyer registers such second elements are present here. The parties agreed on the
sale in good faith, that is, without knowledge of any sale of a determinate object and the price certain. The
defect in the title of the property sold. If a vendee in a contention of the respondent that there was no
double sale registers that sale after he has acquired meeting of mind because the condition relating to the
knowledge that there was a previous sale of the same delivery of clean titles was not fulfilled is wrong. The
property to a third party or that another person claims delivery of clean titles was not a condition imposed on
said property in a pervious sale, the registration will the perfection of the contract of sale but a condition
constitute a registration in bad faith and will not confer imposed on petitioner's obligation to pay the purchase
upon him any right. price of these lots. As ruled in the case of Jardine Davies
Inc. vs CA, the court distinguished between a condition
4. Republic vs Florendo 549 SCRA 527 imposed on the perfection of a contract and a condition
Facts: Petitioner Republic of the Philippines is imposed merely on the performance of an obligation.
represented in this case by the Philippine Economic While failure to comply with the first condition results
Zone Authority (PEZA), a government corporation in the failure of a contract, non-compliance with the
created under RA 7916, as amended. second merely gives the other party options and/or
remedies to protect its interest.
On April 14, 1991, the Export Processing Zone
Authority, (PEZA), predecessor of PEZA, filed a 5. San Miguel Properties Phils Inc. v Huang 336 SCRA
complaint for the expropriation of seven parcels of land 737
located at Barrio Ibo, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, owned by Facts: San Miguel Properties offered two parcels of
respondents. The purpose of the expropriation was to land for sale and the offer was made to an agent of the
establish and develop an export processing zone or a respondents. An “earnest-deposit” of P1 million was
part thereof on those real properties. After trial on the offered by the respondents and was accepted by the
merits, the RTC rendered a decision ordering the petitioner’s authorized officer subject to certain terms.
expropriation of the seven parcels of land and payment
of just compensation of P1,500 per sq. m. with 12% Petitioner, through its executive officer, wrote the
interest per annum from the time petitioner took respondent’s lawyer that because ethe parties failed to
possession. During the pendency of petitioner’s appeal agree on the terms and conditions of the sale despite
for the correctness of valuation, both parties reached the extension granted by the petitioner, the latter was
an amicable settlement and agreed for the payment as returning the “earnest-deposit”.
fixed by RTC; as well as presentation by respondents of
clean titles of all the subject properties before payment The respondents demanded execution of a deed of sale
covering the properties and attempted to return the
by petitioner.
“earnest-deposit” but petitioner refused on the ground a determinate thing for a price certain is binding upon
that the option to purchase had already expired. the promisor only if the promise is supported by a
distinct consideration. Consideration in an option
A complaint for specific performance was filed against contract may be anything of value, unlike in sale where
the petitioner and the latter filed a motion to dismiss
it must be the price certain in money or its equivalent.
the complaint because the alleged “exclusive option” of There is no showing here of any consideration for the
the respondents lacked a consideration separate and option. Lacking any proof of such consideration, the
distinct from the purchase price and was thus
option is unenforceable.
unenforceable; the complaint did not allege a cause of
action because there was no “meeting of the mind” Equally compelling as proof of the absence of a
between the parties and therefore the contact of sale perfected sale is the second condition that, during the
was not perfected. option period, the parties would negotiate the terms
and conditions of the purchase. The stages of a contract
The trial court granted the petitioner’s motion and of sale are as follows: (1) negotiation, covering the
dismissed the action. The respondents filed a motion for period from the time the prospective contracting
reconsideration but were denied by the trial court. The parties indicate interest in the contract to the time the
respondents elevated the matter to the Court of contract is perfected; (2) perfection, which takes place
Appeals and the latter reversed the decision of the trial upon the concurrence of the essential elements of the
court and held that a valid contract of sale had been sale which are the meeting of the minds of the parties
complied with. as to the object of the contract and upon the price; and
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but was (3) consummation, which begins when the parties
denied. perform their respective undertakings under the
contract of sale, culminating in the extinguishment
Issue: WON there was a perfected contract of sale thereof.
between the parties
In the present case, the parties never got past the
Ruling: The decision of the appellate court was negotiation stage. The alleged “indubitable evidence” of
reversed and the respondents’ complaint was a perfected sale cited by the appellate court was
dismissed. nothing more than offers and counter-offers which did
not amount to any final arrangement containing the
Ratio Decidendi: It is not the giving of earnest money ,
essential elements of a contract of sale. While the
but the proof of the concurrence of all the essential
parties already agreed on the real properties which
elements of the contract of sale which establishes the
were the objects of the sale and on the purchase price,
existence of a perfected sale.
the fact remains that they failed to arrive at mutually
The P1 million “earnest-deposit” could not have been acceptable terms of payment, despite the 45-day
given as earnest money because at the time when extension given by petitioner
petitioner accepted the terms of respondents’ offer,
6. Acap vs CA 251SCRA 30,38
their contract had not yet been perfected. This is
evident from the following conditions attached by FACTS: Felixberto, an only son, inherited from his
respondents to their letter. parents a lot. He executed a duly notarized document
entitled "Declaration of Heirship and Deed of Absolute
The first condition for an option period of 30 days
Sale" in favor of Pido.
sufficiently shows that a sale was never perfected. As
petitioner correctly points out, acceptance of this When ownership was transferred, Acap continued to be
condition did not give rise to a perfected sale but the tenant of a portion of the said land and religiously
merely to an option or an accepted unilateral promise paid his leasehold rentals to Pido.
on the part of respondents to buy the subject
properties within 30 days from the date of acceptance When Pido died intestate his surviving heirs executed a
of the offer. Such option giving respondents the notarized Declaration of Heirship and Waiver of Rights
exclusive right to buy the properties within the period of the said lot to de los Reyes.
agreed upon is separate and distinct from the contract De los Reyes informed Acap that, as the new owner,
of sale which the parties may enter. All that the lease rentals should be paid to him. When
respondents had was just the option to buy the petitioner refused and failed to pay any further lease
properties which privilege was not, however, exercised rentals after repeated demands, he filed a complaint for
by them because there was a failure to agree on the
recovery of possession and damages.
terms of payment. No contract of sale may thus be
enforced by respondents. The lower court rendered a decision in favor of private
respondent which was eventually affirmed by the Court
Even the option secured by respondents from petitioner of Appeals (CA).
was fatally defective. Under the second paragraph of
Art. 1479, an accepted unilateral promise to buy or sell Hence, this present petition.
ISSUES: had six children, one of them is Vicente Lopez, the
father of petitioner Milagros Lopez Manongsong
1. WON the subject Declaration of Heirship and (“Manongsong”). The respondents, the Jumaquio sisters
Waiver of Rights is a recognized mode of acquiring and Leoncia Lopez claimed that the property was
ownership by private respondent over the lot in
actually sold to them by Justina Navarro prior to her
question. death. The respondents presented deed of sale dated
2. WON the said document can be considered as October 11, 1957. Milagros and CarlitoManongsong
Deed of Sale in favor of private respondent of the lot in (“petitioners”) filed a Complaint on June 19, 1992
question. praying for the partition and award to them of an area
equivalent to one-fifth (1/5), by right of representation.
HELD: The Court GRANTS the petition and SET ASIDE The RTC ruled that the conveyance made by Justina
the decision of the CA. Navarro is subject to nullity because the property
conveyed had a conjugal character and that
On Issue No. 1: No. Private respondent cannot
AgatonaGuevarra as her compulsory heir should have
conclusively claim ownership over the subject lot on the
the legal right to participate with the distribution of the
sole basis of the waiver document.
estate under question to the exclusion of others. The
Under Article 712 of the Civil Code, the modes of Deed of Sale did not at all provide for the reserved
acquiring ownership are generally classified into 2 legitime or the heirs, and, therefore it has no force and
classes: (1) original mode (i.e., through occupation, effect against AgatonaGuevarra and should be declared
acquisitive prescription, law or intellectual creation) and a nullity ab initio.
(2) the derivative mode (i.e., through succession mortis
ISSUE: Whether or not the rights of the compulsory
causa or tradition as a result of certain contracts, such
heirs were impaired by the alleged sale of the property
as sale, barter, donation, assignment or mutuum).
by Justina.
In a contract of sale, one of the contracting parties
RULING: No. The Kasulatan, being a document
obligates himself to transfer the ownership of and to
acknowledged before a notary public, is a public
deliver a determinate thing, and the other party to pay
document and prima facie evidence of its authenticity
a price certain in money or its equivalent. Whereas, a
and due execution. There is no basis for the trial court’s
declaration of heirship and waiver of rights operates as
declaration that the sale embodied in the Kasulatan
a public instrument when filed with the Registry of
deprived the compulsory heirs of Guevarra of their
Deeds whereby the intestate heirs adjudicate and divide
legitimes. As opposed to a disposition inter vivos by
the estate left by the decedent among themselves as
lucrative or gratuitous title, a valid sale for valuable
they see fit.
consideration does not diminish the estate of the seller.
Hence, private respondent, being then a stranger to the When the disposition is for valuable consideration,
succession of Pido, cannot conclusively claim ownership there is no diminution of the estate but merely a
over the subject lot on the sole basis of the waiver substitution of values, that is, the property sold is
which neither recites the elements of either a sale, or a replaced by the equivalent monetary consideration. The
donation, or any other derivative mode of acquiring Property was sold in 1957 for P250.00.
The trial court’s conclusion that the Property was
On Issue No. 2: No. A notice of adverse claim was filed conjugal, hence the sale is void ab initio was not based
with the Registry of Deeds which contained the on evidence, but rather on a misapprehension of Article
Declaration of Heirship with Waiver of rights and was 160 of the Civil Code, which provides: “All property of
annotated at the back of the Original Certificate of Title the marriage is presumed to belong to the conjugal
(OCT) to the land in question. partnership; unless it be proved that it pertains
exclusively to the husband or to the wife.” The
This said notice, by its nature, does not however prove presumption under Article 160 of the Civil Code applies
private respondent's ownership over the tenanted lot. only when there is proof that the property was acquired
The Court emphasized that while the existence of said during the marriage. Proof of acquisition during the
adverse claim was duly proven, there was no evidence marriage is an essential condition for the operation of
whatsoever that a deed of sale was executed between the presumption in favor of the conjugal partnership.
the parties transferring the rights in favor of private There was no evidence presented to establish that
respondent. An adverse claim cannot by itself be Navarro acquired the Property during her marriage.
sufficient to cancel the OCT to the land and title the
same in private respondent's name. 8. Hemedes vs CA 316 SCRA 347

7. Masongsong vs Estimo 404 SCRA 683 FACTS: Jose Hemedes executed a document entitled
“Donation Inter Vivos With Resolutory Conditions”
FACTS: Allegedly, AgatonaGuevarra (“Guevarra”) conveying ownership a parcel of land, together with all
inherited a property from Justina Navarro, which is now its improvements, in favor of his third wife, Justa
under possession of the heirs of Guevarra. Guevarra Kauapin, subject to the resolutory condition that upon
the latter’s death or remarriage, the title to the ISSUE: W/N the donation in favor of Enrique Hemedes
property donated shall revert to any of the children, or was valid?
heirs, of the DONOR expressly designated by the
DONEE. HELD: NO. Enrique D. Hemedes and his transferee,
Dominium, did not acquire any rights over the subject
Pursuant to said condition, Justa Kausapin executed a property. Justa Kausapin sought to transfer to her
“Deed of Conveyance of Unregistered Real Property by stepson exactly what she had earlier transferred to
Reversion” conveying to Maxima Hemedes the subject Maxima Hemedes – the ownership of the subject
property. property pursuant to the first condition stipulated in the
deed of donation executed by her husband. Thus, the
Maxima Hemedes and her husband Raul Rodriguez donation in favor of Enrique D. Hemedes is null and void
constituted a real estate mortgage over the subject for the purported object thereof did not exist at the
property in favor of R & B Insurance to serve as security time of the transfer, having already been transferred to
for a loan which they obtained. his sister. Similarly, the sale of the subject property by
R & B Insurance extrajudicially foreclosed the mortgage Enrique D. Hemedes to Dominium is also a nullity for
since Maxima Hemedes failed to pay the loan even. The the latter cannot acquire more rights than its
land was sold at a public auction with R & B Insurance predecessor-in-interest and is definitely not an innocent
as the highest bidder. A new title was subsequently purchaser for value since Enrique D. Hemedes did not
issued in favor the R&B. The annotation of usufruct in present any certificate of title upon which it relied.
favor of Justa Kausapin was maintained in the new title. The declarations of real property by Enrique D.
Despite the earlier conveyance of the subject land in Hemedes, his payment of realty taxes, and his being
favor of Maxima Hemedes, Justa Kausapin executed a designated as owner of the subject property in the
“Kasunduan” whereby she transferred the same land to cadastral survey of Cabuyao, Laguna and in the records
her stepson Enrique D. Hemedes, pursuant to the of the Ministry of Agrarian Reform office in Calamba,
resolutory condition in the deed of donation executed Laguna cannot defeat a certificate of title, which is an
in her favor by her late husband Jose Hemedes. Enrique absolute and indefeasible evidence of ownership of the
D. Hemedes obtained two declarations of real property, property in favor of the person whose name appears
when the assessed value of the property was raised. therein. Particularly, with regard to tax declarations and
Also, he has been paying the realty taxes on the tax receipts, this Court has held on several occasions
property from the time Justa Kausapin conveyed the that the same do not by themselves conclusively prove
property to him. In the cadastral survey, the property title to land.
was assigned in the name of Enrique Hemedes. Enrique 9. Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs CA and
Hemedes is also the named owner of the property in Ateneo de Manila University
the records of the Ministry of Agrarian Reform office at
Calamba, Laguna. 271 SCRA 605

Enriques D. Hemedes sold the property to Dominium Facts: Ateneo de Manila University, is a non-stock, non-
Realty and Construction Corporation (Dominium). profit educational institution with auxiliary units and
branches all over the Philippines. One auxiliary unit is
Dominium leased the property to its sister corporation the Institute of Philippine Culture (IPC), which has no
Asia Brewery, Inc. (Asia Brewery) who made legal personality separate and distinct from that of
constructions therein. Upon learning of Asia Brewery’s private respondent. The IPC is a Philippine unit engaged
constructions, R & B Insurance sent it a letter informing in social science studies of Philippine society and
the former of its ownership of the property. A culture. Occasionally, it accepts sponsorships for its
conference was held between R & B Insurance and Asia research activities from international organizations,
Brewery but they failed to arrive at an amicable private foundations and government agencies. On 8 July
settlement. 1983, private respondent received from Commissioner
Maxima Hemedes also wrote a letter addressed to Asia of Internal Revenue (CIR) a demand letter dated 3 June
Brewery asserting that she is the rightful owner of the 1983, assessing private respondent the sum of
subject property and denying the execution of any real P174,043.97 for alleged deficiency contractor’s tax, and
estate mortgage in favor of R&B. an assessment dated 27 June 1983 in the sum of
P1,141,837 for alleged deficiency income tax, both for
Dominium and Enrique D. Hemedes filed a complaint the fiscal year ended 31 March 1978. Denying said tax
with the CFI for the annulment of TCT issued in favor of liabilities, private respondent sent petitioner a letter-
R & B Insurance and/or the reconveyance to Dominium protest and subsequently filed with the latter a
of the subject property alleging that Dominion was the memorandum contesting the validity of the
absolute owner of the land. assessments. On 17 March 1988, petitioner rendered a
letter-decision cancelling the assessment for deficiency
The trial court ruled in favor of Dominium and Enrique
income tax but modifying the assessment for deficiency
contractor’s tax by increasing the amount due to
P193,475.55. Unsatisfied, private respondent requested The Supreme Court denied the petition and affirmed
for a reconsideration or reinvestigation of the modified the assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals. The Court
assessment. ruled that the private respondent is not a contractor
selling its services for a fee but an academic institution
At the same time, it filed in the respondent court a
conducting these researches pursuant to its
petition for review of the said letter-decision of the commitments to education and, ultimately, to public
petitioner. While the petition was pending before the service. For the institute to have tenaciously continued
respondent court, petitioner issued a final decision operating for so long despite its accumulation of
dated 3 August 1988 reducing the assessment for significant losses, we can only agree with both the Court
deficiency contractor’s tax from P193,475.55 to of Tax Appeals and the Court of Appeals that “education
P46,516.41, exclusive of surcharge and interest. On 12 and not profit is motive for undertaking the research
July 1993, the respondent court set aside respondent’s
decision, and cancelling the deficiency contractor’s tax
assessment in the amount of P46,516.41 exclusive of 10. Engineering and Machinery Corp vs CA 252 SCRA
surcharge and interest for the fiscal year ended 31 156
March 1978. No pronouncement as to cost. On 27 April
1994, Court of Appeals, in CA-GR SP 31790, affirmed the Engineering and Machinery Corporation v. CA
decision of the Court of Tax Appeals. Not in accord with Facts: Pursuant to a contract, petitioner undertook to
said decision, petitioner came to Supreme Court via a install air conditioning system in private respondent’s
petition for review. building. The building was later sold to the National
Issue: Whether the private respondent is taxable as an Investment and Development Corporation which took
independent contractor. possession of it. Upon NIDC’s failure to comply with
certain conditions, the sale was rescinded. NIDC
Held: The Commissioner erred in applying the principles reported to respondent that there were certain defects
of tax exemption without first applying the well-settled in the air conditioning system. Respondent filed a
doctrine of strict interpretation in the imposition of complaint against petitioner for non-compliance with
taxes. It is obviously both illogical and impractical to the agreed plans and specifications. Petitioner moved to
determine who are exempted without first determining dismiss the complaint on the ground of the 6-month
who are covered by the aforesaid provision. The prescription of warranty against hidden defects. Private
Commissioner should have determined first if private respondent averred that the contract was not of sale
respondent was covered by Section 205, applying the but for a piece of work, the action for damages of which
rule of strict interpretation of laws imposing taxes and prescribes after 10 years.
other burdens on the populace, before asking Ateneo to
prove its exemption therefrom, following the rule of Issue: Is a contract for the fabrication and installation
construction where “the tax exemptions are to be of a central air-conditioning system in a building, one of
strictly construed against the taxpayer”. "sale" or "for a piece of work"?

The doctrine in the interpretation of tax laws is that a Held: A contract for a piece of work, labor and
statute will not be construed as imposing a tax unless it materials may be distinguished from a contract of sale
does so clearly, expressly, and unambiguously. Tax by the inquiry as to whether the thing transferred is one
cannot be imposed without clear and express words for not in existence and which would never have existed
that purpose. Accordingly, the general rule of requiring but for the order, of the person desiring it. In such case,
adherence to the letter in construing statutes applies the contract is one for a piece of work, not a sale. On
with peculiar strictness to tax laws and the provisions of the other hand, if the thing subject of the contract
a taxing act are not to be extended by implication.” In would have existed and been the subject of a sale to
case of doubt, such statutes are to be construed most some other person even if the order had not been
strongly against the government and in favor of the given, then the contract is one of sale. The distinction
subjects or citizens because burdens are not to be between the two contracts depends on the intention of
imposed nor presumed to be imposed beyond what the parties. Thus, if the parties intended that at some
statutes expressly and clearly import. In the present future date an object has to be delivered, without
case, Ateneo’s Institute of Philippine Culture never sold considering the work or labor of the party bound to
its services for a fee to anyone or was ever engaged in a deliver, the contract is one of sale. But if one of the
parties accepts the undertaking on the basis of some
business apart from and independently of the academic
purposes of the university. Funds received by the plan, taking into account the work he will employ
Ateneo de Manila University are technically not a fee. personally or through another, there is a contract for a
They may however fall as gifts or donations which are piece of work.
“tax-exempt” as shown by private respondent’s Clearly, the contract in question is one for a piece of
compliance with the requirement of Section 123 of the work. It is not petitioner's line of business to
National Internal Revenue Code providing for the manufacture air-conditioning systems to be sold "off-
exemption of such gifts to an educational institution. the-shelf." Its business and particular field of expertise
is the fabrication and installation of such systems as the company. Ker & Co., as Distributor, is required to
ordered by customers and in accordance with the exert every effort to have the shipment of the products
particular plans and specifications provided by the in the maximum quantity and to promote in every way
customers. Naturally, the price or compensation for the the sale thereof. The prices, discounts, terms of
system manufactured and installed will depend greatly payment, terms of delivery and other conditions of sale
on the particular plans and specifications agreed upon were subject to change in the discretion of United
with the customers. The remedy against violations of States Rubber International. All specifications for the
the warranty against hidden defects is either to goods ordered were subject to acceptance of United
withdraw from the contract (redhibitory action) or to States Rubber International and required to accept such
demand a proportionate reduction of the price (accion goods shipped as well as to clear the same through
quanti manoris), with damages in either case. customs and to arrange for delivery in its warehouse in
Cebu City.
While it is true that Article 1571 of the Civil Code
provides for a prescriptive period of six months for a ISSUE: Whether or not the relationship created
redhibitory action, a cursory reading of the ten between Ker & Co. and United States Rubber
preceding articles to which it refers will reveal that said International is one of vendor and vendee or broker and
rule may be applied only in case of implied warranties; principal.
and where there is an express warranty in the contract,
as in the case at bench, the prescriptive period is the RULING: The relationship between Ker & Co. is one of
one specified in the express warranty, and in the brokerage or agency. According to the National Internal
absence of such period, "the general rule on rescission Revenue Code, a commercial broker “includes all
of contract, which is four years (Article 1389, Civil Code) persons, other than importers, manufacturers,
shall apply". It would appear that this suit is barred by producers, or bona fide employees, who, for
prescription because the complaint was filed more than compensation or profit, sell or bring about sales or
four years after the execution of the contract and the purchases of merchandise for other persons or bring
completion of the air-conditioning system. However, a proposed buyers and sellers together, or negotiate
close scrutiny of the complaint filed in the trial court freights or other business for owners of vessels or other
reveals that the original action is not really for means of transportation, or for the shippers, or
enforcement of the warranties against hidden defects, consignors or consignees of freight carried by vessels or
but one for breach of the contract itself. The governing other means of transportation. The term includes
law is Article 1715. However, inasmuch as this provision commission merchants.” In the language of Justice J. B.
does not contain a specific prescriptive period, the L. Reyes, who penned the opinion: “Since the company
general law on prescription, which is Article 1144 of the retained ownership of the goods, even as it delivered
Civil Code, will apply. Said provision states, inter alia, possession unto the dealer for resale to customers, the
that actions "upon a written contract" prescribe in ten price and terms of which were subject to the company’s
(10) years. Since the governing contract was executed control, the relationship between the company and the
on September 10, 1962 and the complaint was filed on dealer is one of agency.” The relationship between Ker
May 8, 1971, it is clear that the action has not & Co. and United States Rubber International was not
prescribed. The mere fact that the private respondent one of seller and purchaser, if that was the intention,
accepted the work does not, ipso facto, relieve the then it would not have included covenants which in
petitioner from liability for deviations from and their totality would negate the concept of a firm
violations of the written contract, as the law gives him acquiring as vendee goods from another. Instead, the
ten (10) years within which to file an action based on stipulations were so worded as to lead to no other
conclusion than that the control by the United States
breach thereof.
Rubber International over the goods in question is, in
11. Ker & Co , Ltd.vs Lingad 38 SCRA 524 the language of the Constantino opinion, “pervasive”.

FACTS: Melecio R. Domingo, then Commissioner of 12. Yuson vs Vitan 496 SCRA 540
Internal Revenue assessed Ker & Co. and found the sum
of P20,272.33 as the commercial broker’s percentage FACTS: In October 2002, Mar Yuson who was a taxi
tax, surcharge, and compromise penalty for the period driver and had 8 children, received a sum of money by
from July 1, 1949 to December 31, 1953. Ker & Co way of inheritance. He and his wife intended to use the
petitioned that the request be cancelled, but the money for several purposes.
petitioned was turned down. Kr & Co. then filed a When they were able to purchase a secondhand taxi,
petition for review with the Court of Tax Appeals. and Atty. Vitan helped him with legal matters regarding
Commissioner Domingo maintained his stand that the the purchase. Unfortunately, Yuson’s other plans were
petitioner should be taxed in such amount as a put on hold when Atty. Vitan borrowed P100, 000 from
commercial broker. The liability arose from a contract them in December 2002. To guarantee payment, Atty.
that Ker & Co. had with the United States Rubber Vitan executed in favor of Yuson several postdated
International, where Ker & Co. was designated as the checks to over the loaned amount, but however, these
distributor and United States Rubber International as turned out to be worthless.
Yuson maintained that he had repeatedly tried to and asserted his ownership over the property despite
recover the debt, but was unsuccessful every time. having allegedly sold it. Thus, he fails to convince us
When no payment was still made pursuant to the that there was a bona fide dation in payment or sale
administrative case against Atty. Vitan, Yuson that took place between the parties; that is, that there
demanded a collateral to secure the loan. Thus, in his was an extinguishment of obligation.
favor, Atty. Vitan executed a document denominated as
a Deed of Absolute Sale, covering Atty. Vitan’s parcel of It appears that the true intention of the parties was to
land located in Sta. Maria, Bulacan. According to Yuson, use the Bulacan property to facilitate payment. They
their intention was to transfer the title of the property only made it appear that the title had been transferred
to him temporarily, so that he could either sell or to complainant to authorize him to sell or mortgage the
mortgage the said land. Further, if it was mortgaged, property.Atty. Vitan himself admitted in his letter dated
Atty. Vitan would redeem it as partial or full payment of July 30, 2004, that their intention was to convert the
the loan. Allegedly, the parties executed another Deed property into cash, so that payment could be obtained
of Absolute Sale in favor of Atty. Vitan wherein Yuson by complainant and the excess returned to respondent.
was vendor. The purpose for this was not explained by The records, however, do not show that the proceeds
either party. derived were sufficient to discharge the obligation of
the lawyer fully; thus, he is still liable to the extent of
Yuson was able to mortgage the property for P30,000 the deficiency.
but contrary to their earlier agreement, Atty. Vita did
not redeem it from the mortgage, sent a letter instead, 13. Filinvest Credit Corp vs CA 176 SCRA vs 188
promising Yuson to pay on or before July 12, 2004. Facts: Spouses Sy Bang were engaged in the sale of
In the IBP-NCLA, Atty. Vitan averred that he had settled gravel produced from crushed rocks and used for
his obligation through a Deed of Absolute Sale over his construction purposes. In order to increase their
residential property. The purpose of such was for Yuson production, they looked for a rock crusher which Rizal
to use, mortgage, or sell the property and return to him Consolidated Corporation then had for sale. A brother
the excess of the proceeds after obtaining his money. of Sy Bang, went to inspect the machine at the Rizal
Consolidated’s plant site. Apparently satisfied with the
Additionally, he called the second document as a
Counter Deed of Sale, executed to be sort of a machine, the private respondents signified their intent
collateral/security for the account of his liaison officer to purchase the same.
Estur, whom he alleged that she was the one who Since he does not have the financing capability, Sy Bang
incurred said debts. applied for financial assistance from Filinvest Credit
ISSUE: W/N Atty. Vitan’s obligation was extinguished by Corporation. Filinvest agreed to extend financial aid on
virtue of the first Deed of Absolute Sale the following conditions: (1) that the machinery be
purchased in the petitioner’s name; (2) that it be leased
HELD: NO. Atty. Vitan contends that his obligation was with option to purchase upon the termination of the
already extinguished, because he had allegedly sold his lease period; and (3) that Sy Bang execute a real estate
Bulacan property to complainant. Basically, he is mortgage as security for the amount advanced by
asserting that what had transpired was a dation in Filinvest. A contract of lease of machinery (with option
payment. Governed by the law on sales, it is a to purchase) was entered into by the parties whereby
transaction that takes place when a piece of property is they to lease from the petitioner the rock crusher for
alienated to the creditor in satisfaction of a debt in two years. The contract likewise stipulated that at the
money. It involves delivery and transmission of end of the two-year period, the machine would be
ownership of a thing -- by the debtor to the creditor -- owned by Sy Bang.
as an accepted equivalent of the performance of the
3 months from the date of delivery, Sy Bang claiming
that they had only tested the machine that month, sent
However, the records reveal that he did not really a letter-complaint to the petitioner, alleging that
intend to sell and relinquish ownership over his contrary to the 20 to 40 tons per hour capacity of the
property in Sta. Maria, Bulacan, notwithstanding the machine as stated in the lease contract, the machine
execution of a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of Yuson. could only process 5 tons of rocks and stones per hour.
The second Deed of Absolute Sale, which reconveyed They then demanded that the petitioner make good the
the property to respondent, is proof that he had no stipulation in the lease contract. Sy Bang stopped
such intention. This second Deed, which he referred to payment on the remaining checks they had issued to
as his "safety net," betrays his intention to counteract the petitioner.
the effects of the first one.Ergo, Atty. Vitan was taking
back with his right hand what he had given with his left. As a consequence of the non-payment, Filinvest
The second Deed of Absolute Sale returned the parties extrajudicially foreclosed the real estate mortgage.
right back where they started, as if there were no sale in Issue: WON the real transaction was lease or sale?
favor of complainant to begin with. In effect, on the SALE ON INSTALLMENTS.
basis of the second Deed of Sale, respondent took back
Held: The real intention of the parties should prevail.
The nomenclature of the agreement cannot change its
true essence, i.e., a sale on installments. It is basic that a
contract is what the law defines it and the parties
intend it to be, not what it is called by the parties. It is
apparent here that the intent of the parties to the
subject contract is for the so-called rentals to be the
installment payments. Upon the completion of the
payments, then the rock crusher, subject matter of the
contract, would become the property of the private
respondents. This form of agreement has been criticized
as a lease only in name.

Sellers desirous of making conditional sales of their

goods, but who do not wish openly to make a bargain in
that form, for one reason or another, have frequently
resorted to the device of making contracts in the form
of leases either with options to the buyer to purchase
for a small consideration at the end of term, provided
the so-called rent has been duly paid, or with
stipulations that if the rent throughout the term is paid,
title shall thereupon vest in the lessee. It is obvious that
such transactions are leases only in name. The so-called
rent must necessarily be regarded as payment of the
price in installments since the due payment of the
agreed amount results, by the terms of bargain, in the
transfer of title to the lessee.

Indubitably, the device contract of lease with option to

buy is at times resorted to as a means to circumvent
Article 1484, particularly paragraph (3) thereof.Through
the set-up, the vendor, by retaining ownership over the
property in the guise of being the lessor, retains,
likewise, the right to repossess the same, without going
through the process of foreclosure, in the event the
vendee-lessee defaults in the payment of the
installments. There arises therefore no need to
constitute a chattel mortgage over the movable sold.
More important, the vendor, after repossessing the
property and, in effect, canceling the contract of sale,
gets to keep all the installments-cum-rentals already

Even if there was a contract of sale, Filinvest is still not

liable because Sy Bang is presumed to be more
knowledgeable, if not experts, on the machinery subject
of the contract, they should not therefore be heard now
to complain of any alleged deficiency of the said
machinery. It was Sy Bang who was negligent, not
Filinvest. Further, Sy Bang is precluded to complain
because he signed a Waiver of Warranty.

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