Evaluation of "National Social Assistance Programme (Nsap) Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India State Schedule
Evaluation of "National Social Assistance Programme (Nsap) Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India State Schedule
Evaluation of "National Social Assistance Programme (Nsap) Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India State Schedule
State : Code :
2. Beneficiaries of which of the following schemes are present in your State? (Field executive to
please mark a tick mark against the appropriate scheme)
3. Please fill up the following table for the achievement under different schemes:
a. Physical Targets
No. Name of scheme 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Target Achieved Target Achieved Target Achieved
1 Indira Gandhi National Old Age
Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS):
2 Indira Gandhi National Widow
Pension Scheme (IGNWPS)
3 Indira Gandhi National Disability
Pension Scheme (IGNDPS)
4 National Family Benefit Scheme
5 Annapurna Scheme
b. Financial Targets
No. Name of scheme 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Target Achieved Target Achieved Target Achieved
1 Indira Gandhi National Old Age
Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS):
2 Indira Gandhi National Widow
Pension Scheme (IGNWPS)
3 Indira Gandhi National Disability
Pension Scheme (IGNDPS)
4 National Family Benefit Scheme
5 Annapurna Scheme
4. If there has been a shortfall in the achievement of the schemes seen in the above table what
according to you are the main reason for the shortfall (Field executive-write a summary of
verbatim response)
5. If there has been a shortfall in the achievement of the schemes seen in the above table what
according to you are the main suggestions for avoiding shortfall in future (Field executive-write a
summary of verbatim response)
6. During the years FY 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 , please record what change has been made
in the selection criteria of beneficiaries in your state if any.
No. Name of scheme Changes made in the selection criteria in No Change in
2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 in any of the selection criteria
scheme (Record with tick
mark if that is the
1 Indira Gandhi National Old Age
Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS):
2 Indira Gandhi National Widow
Pension Scheme (IGNWPS)
3 Indira Gandhi National Disability
Pension Scheme (IGNDPS)
4 National Family Benefit Scheme
5 Annapurna Scheme
7. How regularly do you receive the Central share at the state level? (Field executive to please mark
a tick mark against the respondent’s choice)
No. Name of scheme Every Almost Mostl Many Mostly Almost Never on
time on always y on times not not on always NOT time
time on time time on time time on time
1 Indira Gandhi
National Old Age
Pension Scheme
2 Indira Gandhi
National Widow
Pension Scheme
3 Indira Gandhi
National Disability
Pension Scheme
4 National Family
Benefit Scheme
5 Annapurna Scheme
8. How regularly do you receive the State share? (Field executive to please mark a tick mark against
the respondent’s choice)
No. Name of scheme Every Almost Mostl Many Mostly Almost Never on
time on always y on times not not on always NOT time
time on time time on time time on time
1 Indira Gandhi
National Old Age
Pension Scheme
2 Indira Gandhi
National Widow
Pension Scheme
3 Indira Gandhi
National Disability
Pension Scheme
4 National Family
Benefit Scheme
5 Annapurna Scheme
9. With respect to the response above, what in your case are the reasons known to you for not
receiving central share and state share on time: (Field executive to please mark a tick mark
against the respondent’s choices)
No. Name of scheme Main reasons for not Main reasons for not
receiving central share/funds receiving state share/funds
on time on time
1 Indira Gandhi National Old Age
Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS):
2 Indira Gandhi National Widow
Pension Scheme (IGNWPS)
3 Indira Gandhi National Disability
Pension Scheme (IGNDPS)
4 National Family Benefit Scheme
5 Annapurna Scheme
10. Has Adhaar seeding been done in your state for the beneficiaries of the schemes that we are
discussing? (Field executive to please mark a tick mark against the respondent’s choice)
No. Name of scheme Yes - Yes- No- None Reasons for not completing all ADHAAR
all mostly not seeding
1 Indira Gandhi National Old
Age Pension Scheme
2 Indira Gandhi National
Widow Pension Scheme
3 Indira Gandhi National
Disability Pension Scheme
4 National Family Benefit
Scheme (NFBS)
5 Annapurna Scheme
11. Has Adhaar updating been done in your State for the beneficiaries of the schemes that we are
discussing? (Field executive to please mark a tick mark against the respondent’s choice)
No. Name of scheme Yes - Yes- No- None Reasons for not completing all ADHAAR
all mostly not updating
12. In case beneficiaries in your State are receiving these benefits through DBT, what is your
information about their experience with DBT so far? (Field executive to please mark a tick mark
against the respondent’s choices)
No. Name of scheme All are Some are All are Reasons for the beneficiaries
finding it finding it finding it finding DBT inconvenient
convenient convenient inconvenient
and some
are finding
1 Indira Gandhi National
Old Age Pension
Scheme (IGNOAPS):
2 Indira Gandhi National
Widow Pension Scheme
3 Indira Gandhi National
Disability Pension
Scheme (IGNDPS)
4 National Family Benefit
Scheme (NFBS)
5 Annapurna Scheme
13. Please give your suggestions to improve the working of DBT so as to deliver better benefits to
14. How was your experience with the Adhaar Seeding process in your State?
i. Good experience
ii. Not so good experience ( Please mention reasons for this)
15. How was your experience with the Adhaar Updation process in your State?
i. Good experience
ii. Not so good experience ( Please mention reasons for this)
16. Do the beneficiaries have a grievance with the process of these schemes that we are discussing?
(Field Executive-Put a tick mark against the best choice)
i. Yes
ii. No
iii. Cannot say
In case answer to previous question is ‘Yes’, then answer next question , else skip the next
question and go to question mentioned after that
17. What is the record of the grievances with respect to these schemes in your State? (Field
Executive-Put a tick mark against the best choice)
18. Please suggest some improvements in the grievance handing process (appropriateness of
resolution, time taken for resolution etc.)? (Record Verbatim)
19. Does Gram Sabha have any role to play in the implementation of any of these schemes in your
In case answer to previous question is ‘ Yes’, then answer next question , else skip the next question and
go to question mentioned after that
20. What role does Gram Sabhas play in implementation of this scheme in your State? (Field
Executive- Record Verbatim)
No. Name of scheme Role of Gram Sabha as per rules Have Gram Reasons for Non
Sabhas performance/poor
Performed performance
that role
1 Indira Gandhi National Old
Age Pension Scheme
2 Indira Gandhi National
Widow Pension Scheme
3 Indira Gandhi National
Disability Pension Scheme
4 National Family Benefit
Scheme (NFBS)
5 Annapurna Scheme
21. Social Audit of which of the schemes has been carried out in your State?
No. Name of scheme Yes Number of social No Cannot Say
audits conducted in
2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-
1 Indira Gandhi National
Old Age Pension Scheme
2 Indira Gandhi National
Widow Pension Scheme
3 Indira Gandhi National
Disability Pension Scheme
4 National Family Benefit
Scheme (NFBS)
5 Annapurna Scheme
In case answer to previous question is ‘ Yes’, then answer next question , else skip the next
question and go to question mentioned after that
22. What do you think is the importance of Social Audit in improving the implementation of this
scheme in your State? (Field Executive- Record Verbatim)
No. Name of scheme Methods for building Gender sensitivity (Record Cannot say
verbatim) (Put tick mark
if this is the
1 Indira Gandhi National Old Age
Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS):
2 Indira Gandhi National Widow
Pension Scheme (IGNWPS)
3 Indira Gandhi National Disability
Pension Scheme (IGNDPS)
4 National Family Benefit Scheme
5 Annapurna Scheme
24. What are the difficulties you face in implementing these schemes? What are your suggestions?
27. What are the difficulties you face in maintaining updated correct data of beneficiaries of these
schemes? What are your suggestions?
No. Name of scheme Difficulties faced in keeping correct Suggestions for improving accuracy
data of the scheme- eliminating of data of the scheme(Record
duplicate records, deleting and verbatim)
adding correct records, removing
errors(Record verbatim)
1 Indira Gandhi National Old Age
Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS):
2 Indira Gandhi National Widow
Pension Scheme (IGNWPS)
3 Indira Gandhi National Disability
Pension Scheme (IGNDPS)
4 National Family Benefit Scheme
5 Annapurna Scheme