1 Ordinary Points and Singular Points
1 Ordinary Points and Singular Points
1 Ordinary Points and Singular Points
Notes 8
More on series solutions, and an introduction to “orthogonal polynomials”
We assume that P; Q and R all have power series expansions around x0 . (In most
cases that we will consider, P; Q and R are polynomials. Any polynomial has a
Taylor series around any point, and since eventually the derivatives of the function
are zero, the Taylor series is a …nite sum. This is the expansion we are referring to.
Method 1
P 0 (x) = 2x + 1
P 00 (x) = 2
P (j) (x) = 0 for j > 1:
P (2) = 7
P 0 (2) = 5
P 00 (2) = 2
P (x) = 7 + 5 (x 2) + (x 2)2 + 0 x3 + ::
with all the remaining terms 0:
Method 2
x2 + x + 1 = (x 2)2 + 4x 4 + f(x 2) + 2g + 1
= (x 2) + f4 (x 2) + 8g 4 + (x 2) + 3
= (x 2)2 + 5 (x 2) + 7
Many other ways of algebraic manipulation could be used. The Taylor series is the
most straightforward, but not necessarily the quickest.
There are several examples given in the text. Be sure to reach Theorem 5.3.1.
It was illustrated at the end of the last section of notes.
2 Hermite’s equation
Hermite’s equation (problem 21, pg. 260 ) is
y 00 2xy 0 + y = 0;
where y is a function of x. Notice that there are no singular points. We can …nd a
series solution by the usual way:
y= an x n
y0 = nan xn 1
y 00 = n (n 1) an xn 2 :
Rearranging the indices, we let m = n 2 in the …rst sum and then change m back
to n; to get
1 X
1 X
n n
(n + 2) (n + 1) an+2 x 2 nan x + an x n = 0
n=0 n=1 n=0
2a2 + a0 = 0
a2 =
and the coe¢ cient of xn for n > 0 gives
( 2n)
an+2 = an
(n + 2) (n + 1)
Hence, the even terms are
4 ( 4)
a4 = a2 = a0
(4) (3) 4!
8 ( 4) ( 8)
a6 = a4 = a0
(6) (5) 6!
and so forth, while the odd numbered terms are
a3 = a1
( 6) ( 2)
a5 = a1
( 10) ( 6) ( 2)
a7 = a1
and so forth. We get two linearly independent solutions by …rst setting a0 = 1;
a1 = 0; and then setting a0 = 0; a1 = 1. Notice that y (0) = a0 and y 0 (0) = a1 .
The solutions are
( 4) ( 4) ( 8)
y1 (x) = 1 x2 + x4 x6 +
2! 4! 6!
2 ( 2) ( 6) ( 2) ( 6) ( 10)
y2 (x) = x x3 + x5 x7 +
3! 5! 7!
Since Hermite’s equation has no singular points, Theorem 5.3.1 tells us that the
series converges for all x: But the most interesting cases are for = 2; 4; 6; 8; etc.,
that is, any even positive integer. In these cases we can see that one or the other
of these functions is not an in…nite sum, but only a …nite sum.
H0 (x) = 1
H1 (x) = 2x
H2 (x) = 4x2 2
H3 (x) = 8x3 12
H4 (x) = 16x4 48x2 + 12
I will now list some of the properties of the Hermite polynomials. We will not
have time to prove these in general, but I will try to give some examples. You can
…nd these properties on Wikipedia, or on "MathWorld", another good math website.
2. They have a “generating function", obtained from the power series for ex :
The relevant formula is
Hn (x) n
2xt t2
e = t :
This is seen from
t2 1 1 2
e2xt =1+ 2xt t2 + 2xt t2 +
1! 2!
= 1 + 2xt t2 +
4x2 t2 + t4 4xt3 + ::
2x 4x2 2 2
=1+ t+ t +
1! 2!
Notice that the …rst three terms agree with what we got earlier, and this formula
gives a reason for choosing Hn as we did, with 2n as the leading coe¢ cient.
Recall from math 1180 that polynomials can be orthogonal with respect to an inner
product. Here the inner product is weighted by the factor e x ; which is necessary
for the inde…nite integrals to converge.
The Hermite polynomials are examples of what are called “special functions”,
which are functions, usually de…ned by either polynomials or in…nite series, which
are important in physics and other applications. Doing a Google search for "Hermite
polynomials" yielded about 117,000 links.
We shall run into several more special functions in this chapter. The next comes
3 Chebyshev’s equation
Chebyshev’s equation (problem 10, pg. 265 ) is
1 x2 y 00 xy 0 + 2
y = 0;
We can …nd these solutions in the usual way:
y= an xn ; etc. for the derivatives.
The Chebyshev polynomials are denoted by Tn (x) : (Perhaps someone who has
studied Russian can explain why.) They are de…ned to be the polynomial solution of
Chebyshev’s equation, with = n; normalized so that Tn (1) = 1: They give another
class of special functions, and have the same sorts of properties as the Hermite
1 t2 X1
= T0 (x) + 2Tn (x) tn
1 2xt + t2 n=1
This seems to involve complex numbers for jxj < 1; but the complex parts will cancel.
Tn (x) = cos (n ) :
In other words,
Tn (x) = cos (n arccos (x))
Notice that this formula cannot be used if jxj > 1; since then we can’t have x = cos .
(Or can we? It turns out that we can if we allow to be complex, but we are not
considering that here.)
In this sense, they resemble trigonometric functions, over this interval, and yet
they are polynomials, not in…nite sums. Here is the plot of T20 (x):;
Another quite surprising property is that Tn has all of its maxima and minima
in [ 1; 1], and the maximum and minimum values are 1. It is perhaps surprising
that any polynomial could have such a property. Plus, as property (2) above states,
they are orthogonal with respect to a particular weight function.
These properties make the Chebyshev polynomials perhaps even more important
than those of Hermite. A Google search for "Chebysheve polynomials" gives about
130,000 links.
4 Homework
Section 5.2, # 2,7,15
Section 5.3, # 6, 23 (you can use the result from 22).