Linear System

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Vol. 68D, No. 9, September 1964

Effect of Linear and Nonlinear Signal Processing

on Signal Statistics
A . V. Balakrishnan
Department of Engine ering, University of California , Los Angeles, C a lif.
(R eceived J a nu ar y 20, 1964 ; r evised F ebru ary 18, 1964)
The term " Sig na l P rocessing" is i nterpreted as a n operat ion on th e sig nal t h at is deli berate
(as di st ing ui sh cd fr o m the u nav oidable) a nd a ri sin g fr o m :
(a) Op t imi za tion: a n o peratio n on th e data t o op t imi ze ext ract ion or d et ection a~ in
r ad ar or co mm un icatio n or s imil ar a ppli cation s.
(b) Rou t ine d a ta ha nd lin g : o peratio ns s uch as sa mpli ng a nd /or q ua ntitizing, sca le
cha nges, etc.
(c) Ad ap t ive tec hn iques : oper a t io ns t h at a re ch a racte ri st ic of ad a p t ive syste ms w here
no a prio ri kn owledge of signals and/or syste m p a rameters m a y be a vaila ble and a self-
lea rni ng p roced ure is n ecessary .
The main in ter est is in t he eff ec t of t hese operatio ns o n th e sig na ls; more specifi call y, if
we r epresent t he p rocessor as a blac k- box, t he sig nal being its " i np ut ," \I'e st ud y the sta t istics
of t he " o utput" sig na l. We exam ine cer t ain as pec ts of t hese proble ms of r ece nt sig ni fi cance
to r adi o phys ics .

1. Introduction
The term "Sign al P rocessin g" is in terpr eted as an operation on the sig nal that is deliberate
as distinguished from the unayoidable, as for instance, t he effect of atmospheric turbulence on
propagation and so on. T h e deliberate or in tentional processing t hat is of concern can, for
the purposes of this paper, b e com-enien tly gr ouped as arising from:
(a) Optimization: a n oper ation on the data to optimize extr action or detection as in radar
or communication 01' similar applications.
(b) R ou tine data ha ndling : operations such as sa mplin g and /or qua ntitizi ng, scale changes,
(c) Adap tive techniques: operations t hat are characteristic of adap tive systems whe1'e
no a priori kn owledge of sign als and/or system par ameters may b e available and a self-learning
procedure is necessa1'y. While th ese can b e viewed und er (a), th ere are cer tain unique features
of t he kind of analysis involved which merit special atte ntion.
Our main in terest is in examining the effect of these op erations on the sign als; more sp ecifical-
ly , if we 1'epresent t h e processor as a black-b ox, the sign al b eing i ts " input," we wish to study
t he statistics of t he "outpu t " signal. If we interpret this broadly , th e input signal being a
r an dom fun ction of time or a s toch astic process, any functional on a stoch astic process can be
i ncluded under the heading of this paper. This generali ty of course t akes in too m uch terri tory
to b e susceptible to any sensible rm"iew and in this pap er we sh all examine cer tain aspects of
t hese problems b ased on what can only b e an arbitrary judgmen t on th e p ar t of the a ut hor as
to wh at is of rece nt significance to r adio physics. In t he m a them atics there will be no atte mpt
at maximum of vigor with minimum of hypot hesis. It will b e assumed, for instance, that t h e
signal is an extremely well-behaved stoch astic process wi th all m omen ts fini te and correlations
b ounded etc. , withou t fur ther ado. On the other h and, on occasion, the signal may b e a white
noise and no special fuss need be m ade over t his. Well-r ecognized mathematical techniq ues
are available that ar e designed to frame our statemen ts wi th t he necessary rigor. This being
the case it will b e assumed th at the interested r eader can make th e modifications necessa.ry for
rigor wher e this is impo rtant.
731-855- G4- - 3 953
2. Processing Arising From O ptimization

Let us represent the signal by x(t), where lit" may be discrete or continuous and x(t) may
be a real or complex variable or an n-dimensional \rector. Since the generalizations involved
are more or less routine, we shall assume here that x(t) is a real variable to avoid notational
complexity. Also "t" will be taken as continuous and to include the discrete or sampled-data
case, one has only to replace the integrals in what follows by appropriate sums. Any physical
system has at any given time only a finite time-segment of signal or data at its disposal. This
fact will also be assumed in what follows.
An integral representation for any operation, linear or nonlinear, that arises in optimiza-
tion- such as optimal prediction, estimation or detection- can be taken as:

where 17k (t; 0"1 • • • O"k; Xl , . . . Xk) is a function of (2k + 1) variables, with t- T <5. 0"1 ,
O"k<5. t, -oo <5.x], . . . Xk<5.+ oo . The point is that any optimal operation can be approximated
arbitrarily closely by choosing lin" large enough. The modifications necessary to specialize
to time-invariant processors are obvious. Our first problem then can be stated as that of
obtaining the statistics of the output process y(t), given the statistics of the input process x(t)
and the functions 17k ( . . . ). No general method is a\Tailable yet that comes e\"en close to
soh-ing this problem. E \Ten if we restrict the processor to be linear, there are no general
methods known except of course for the well-known (and now trivial) case where the input
signal is a Gaussian process.
There is one method of some generality which is pertinent here. This is the theory of
additive functionals on a Markov process [Balakrishnan, 1963 , and Fortet, 1958]. In view of
the vast literature on it [Fortet, 1958], perhaps it would be unfair to pass it over, although as
we shall see, in terms of providing practically useful answers, much remains to be done even
here. For this we need to assume that the signal x(t) is N[arkovian. Let p(x], t]; x2, t 2) be the
transition density kernel of the transition to X2 at time t2 condi tioned on x(t l ) = XJ' Let us first
consider a system or processor represented by:

(2 .2)

The theory develops a method for determining the characteristic function of the random
variable y(t). Actually one considers the conditional characteristic function:

E [ eiUY Ct) [x(t) = X2 ]

x (s)= xJ
and the main result is a pair of linear integral equations for

r(xJ, s; X2, t ; U) = E [ eiuv Ct ) [x((t» = X2] p (XI' s; X2, t).

X S -- Xl

The integral equations themselves are

r(xJ, s; X2, t; u)=p (XJ, s; X2, t) + iu .f elt' f -"'", r(x', t'; X2, t; u)17(t', x')p(xJ, s; x', t')elx' (2.3)

r(xJ, s; X2, t; u) = p(xJ, s; X2, t) + iu .f elt' f-"'", r(xJ, s; x', t'; u) 17 (t', x') p(x', t' ; X2, t)dx' (2 .4)

whero (2.3) is, for ob vious r eason s, called the " backward" equ ation and (2 .4) the " forward"
Let us n ow co nsider some of th e drawb acks in this approach. In the first place, the
fun ctional (2.2) is n ot general enough for 0 111' purp oses. F or instan ce, if the processor or system
is timo-invarian t, t hen wo would !leed to consider

y (t )= f tV (t - u; x (u))elO'
and this is of course n ot r educible t o the form (2.2), excep t in sp ecial cases. One such case
is where
V( t -u; x(u)) = Aek(l-u) V (x(O')) (2.5)

since one has only to con sider y (t )ekt in place of yet). F or the sligh tly m or o gener nl case wher e
the " memory" is all in the linear p ar t of t he processor , the lin enr p ar t coming fr om a rational
transfer fun ction , we need to consider
V (t - O'; x (O')) = L:: aieki(l-u)V (x(O')) . ... (2.6)

F or t his case i t is p ossible to obtain an in tegral equ ation again bu t on e which is slio'h tly more
co mplicated tha n (2.3) and (2.4). Sin ce this is new wi t h this papor , wo shall sk etc h t he method
of deri ,ration as well. Let

' . . _ _(
if";II;. It
'V(.r(u)) (/u IX(t ) = X2]
1(X I,S,X2, t,U )- E e
XeS) = Xj

where U is the m-vector (u" . . _ urn). ' Ve n oto t hat wo obtain tho chautcteri stic fu nc ti on
for y et) by taking Ul = U~ .. . = Um . Let us co nsider the forwar d equation. For t his, as in t he
usual deri vation of (2.4), wo tako
i:1: ";11;

k(t - u)
c' V (x(u) ) (/u

:M ul tiplyin g by p(Xj, s; X2, t) and takin g co ndi tional expecta tio ns, a nd usin g t he pr oper tios of
a Markov process in dealing wi th the in tegral on t ho ri g ht side, we obtain :

r(xl, s; X2, t ; U) = P(XI, s; X2, t) + .r elt' I-"'", (i.~ UP j) V (x')r(xl, s; x', t '; U)p(x', t'; X2, t )elx'
+ i s
elt' f '"
- '"
7n 0
L:: ikj~ r(xj,s;x',t ' ;U)p(x ' , t' ;X2, t) elx ' .
1 v Uj

The backward equation can be ob tained in an obvious m anner.

But even in these cases the problem of a general solution of these equations does not appear
to bo an easy one. Compu ter solu tions based on iter ation (successive approximation ) run
in to t he difficul ty that the successive approxima tions have to b e r estricted to be char acteristic
fun ctions.
If one has to be satisfied wi th approximations to the ch aracteristic function s, i t m ay
niso suffice perh nps to ob tain the momen ts. The momen ts, for tunately, can be calculated
directly from t he integral represen tation. Thus for

y(t )= .r V(t = O'; x(O'))dO'

we have

where P (x, <T) is the fu's t order densi ty of x( <T) . Similarly,

E[y(t)zJ = .r d<Tj.r d<T2V (t-<Tl; Xl)V(t-<T2; XZ)P(XI' 0'1; Xz, O'Z)P(Xl , O'I)dx1dxz (2 .9)

E[1I(t )3J = I _ro", I -"'", I-"'", .r i t.r dO'!d<Tzd<T3V(t-<TI; x)

V (t-<Tz; Xz) V (t-<T3; X3)P(X)O'I; X2, <T2; X3, <T3) dxldxzdxa

where p(x), <Tl; X2, <T2; X3, 0'3) is the joint density of X(<Tl) , X(<T2) , X(O'3), and can of course be further
simplified using the .M arkovian property. However, it is possible to avoid the use of multiple
integrals by using (2.4) or the backward equation corresponding to (2 .7). For this, let
Iln[X, sJ = E[y(t)n lx(s) = xJ.

'IV e use the backward \rersion of (2.7):

rh, s; xz, t; U) = P(Xl, s; X2, t)+ i t elt' I -OO", (i ~ Uja j ) V(x')r(x', t'; X2, t; U)p(X) , s; x', t')

+ ( t dt'
Js f OO
• -co
[2: ik j -;...0 . rex', t';xz, t ; U) ] p(Xl, s; x', t')dx'.
u UJ

¢[XI' s; t; UJ = E [ eil; u;a;J.. ' ek/'-u) F (.r( u ))du
IX(S) = Xl ] .
Then integrating (2.10) with respect to the variable X2, we have

+2: ik m
j °
u Uj
t' ; t; u) P(Xl, s; x', t')dx'.

To obtain a recurrence relationship for the moments we can make a Taylor expansion in
U for ¢(Xl, s; t, u) and equ ate coefficients on both sides. We omit the details here. After
we find the moments we still have the problem of approximating the distribution should this
be required. Moreover the question is moot as to whether the moments determine the
distribution. It would be natural to assume that in all physical processes this would be so
if the input signal statistics have the same property, although a general proof of this sort is
not available. It is possible to state some sufficient conditions of some generality. Suppose,
for instance, we consider

We assume that the process x(<T) is such that

which is a sufficien t condition which guarantees moment-determinateness for x(t). If we

note that
IE[y (t) nJI:::; [ i t Ik(t, <T)ln ln- 1d<TJ-1i t M n+m (0') dO'

1--- -

we can read ily deduce a similar sufficient co ndi tio n for yet) provided we assume that for n>l,

which is entirely reaso nable. A so mewhat related condition is this: supp ose the density of
x(t) is su ch th at a ny f(x) su ch t hat

'Vhere p (x) is th e density corresponding to xCt), we can find a sequence of polynomials Pn(x)
such t h at
E[ lf(x) -Pn(x) n --70.

The ques tion is whether yet) will also satisfy a sim il ar co ndi tion under reason able r estrictioll s
on the processor , and as far as the author is aware, no ge neral answcrs are a l-ailable. Again,
[or all pbysical system s the answer s hould be affirlllati lTe.
Th e forms in (2.2) can be somewhat simplified [Balak rishnan , 1963] for " physically rcali;t,-
able" processes. We can use instead a Volterra ex-pansion

One obvious advantage in using these form s is t hat the moments of yet) can be expressed in
terms of the moments of t he x(t) process without requiring t he full joint densities. The seco nd
degree form

occurs in recen t work in I-olving detection of noise in noise. For a Gauss ian signal and posi ti I'e
definite W 2 ( •• • ), approximations to the distribution h ".ve been given recently by Grenander,
Pollak, a nd Slepian [1959] .
In view of the di ffi culties il)l'oll-ed in soh ·i ng (2.3) and (2.4), it would appen.l' that for
specific sys tems Monte Carlo method s would be a feasible computing al ternati I'e. Su ch
method s h a l-e indeed been reported [Tlwler and Meltzer , 196] ] for the lin ear-filter-nonlinear-
device-linear filter system that is of interest in radar applications.
'Vhen the Marko lT process is of the diffu sion type, so t hat Fokker-Pln.l1ck equ ations are
ayailable, it is possible [Deutsch, 1963, and Fortet, 1958] to obtclin partial differential equ atio ns
in addition to the integral equations. But from t he point of view of practical solutions for
the general cases this merely trades one difficult problem for a n equ ally difficult on e.
Systems represented by differential equations. So far we 11 a ITe assumed the processes
arising from optimal operatio ns to h ave a n in tegral or system-function representation. In
some cases the representation may be in terms of d y namical equations. Of importance to
radio and commun ication is the phase-lock-Ioop system.
The " inpu t" in this case is the slow-v aryin g phase of a narrow-banded signal which is ac-
compan ied by acld i ti I'e noise. We may r epresent the noisy signal by

A sin (Wot + <PI (t)) + x(t) cos wot + y(t) sin wot

x(t), yet) being gaussin.n noise processes. The purpose of the phase-lock-loop is to produce a
"clean" sig nal of t he form
B sin (wot+<Pz(t))
where the phase <Pz(t) is to "follow" <P1(t) and the feedback or closed-loop is designed to achieve
t hi s. D etails of the system m ay be found in Viterbi [J 963] . H ere we note t hat the relationship
oJ the ou tp u t phase </>2(t) to the "input" </>l(t) is described by a differential equation of the form

[a sin </>(t) + n(t)] = bL(D ) [¢l (t) - 4> (t)]

where L (D ) is a differential operator (usually rational in D ), n(t) can be taken to be white

Gaussian, a and b are constan ts and

The difficulty in the analysis is caused by the appearance of the nonlinear fun ction sin </> on the
left, and in the earlier literature it has been customary to use an approximate linear analysis.
Howeyer , more recently, the statistics of rf>(t) h ave been examined using F okker-Planck equa-
tions by Vi terbi [1963] and Tikhonov [1959] among others. This approach is feasible when
</>l(t) is nonrandom, since in t his case </>(t) is a stationar y Markovian or one componen t of a
stationary vector \1arkov process. For instan ce, if one co nsider s the simplest case when

we have a stationary 'M arkov process and the Fokker-Pla nck equ ation- t he backward equa-
tion- is easily derlyed usin g standard techniques as:

and since this con tains only one sp ace variable considerable progress can be m ade [Viterbi,
1963] toward obtaining the transi tion densities. This simplicity is lost as one considers more
gen eral forms of t he operator L (D ) , since now the Fokker-Plan ck equations contain more than
one sp ace variable. Some of these cases h ave been considered by Tikhonoy [1959] and Viterbi
[1963]. The former deals with

L (D) = (D + k)

while the latter examines the more realistic case (in the Communication Engineering context) :

L (D ) = D + a.

The a nalysis is shifted from a nonlinear ordinary equation t o (the Cau ch y Problem) a linear
p ar tial differ enti al equation in several space variables (two in the cases above) . While there
is considerable r ecent work in the mathematical literature on the Diffusion equa tion s that
arise, much still remains to be done in specializing and applying these results to the present
problem. The linearizing or quasi-linearizing techniques which h a\Te been used [D evelet,
1956] appear to pro vide r easonable a nswers bu t a measure of the accuracy of the approxim ation
is lacking, and must await more exact analysis.

3. Routine Data Handling

Of the many transform ations of signal in more or less routine or established modes of
data h andling the only ones that warrant examination here are Samplin g and Quantization.
Let the number of quanta or levels chosen be N so that

i[x (t) ]= rf> i for ai :=:;x(t) < ai+I'

The received or reconstituted signal y (t) is such that

y(t) = m j
corresp onding t o th e r ecei ved le \~el <P i> usu ally ,

where p (x) is the density corresp on din g to x(t). U sually th e qu a ntity of interes t is th e error
(say m ean squa re) rat her th an t he s tatis tics of yCt) . vVe m ay calculate this error, including
errors due to cha nn el n oise. Thus,

E[ (x (t )- y (tW ]= ~~
l a+ 1
J (x- m J2p ijp (x) dx

where P ij is t he condi tional prob abili ty of receivin g th e ith word assumin g th e jth word h as
bee n transmi t ted . This can be fur ther simplified t o

wh ere

T he firs t two terms, whi c h ar e ind epe nd en t of cha nnel c haracteris tics, together y ield t he " qu an -
ti;t,ation error. " It mu st b e note d th at the proble ll1~ remains of t he prop er choice of th e levels
{ad , which mak e (3 .1 ) a m ini mum for a gil"e n N. Ordin a rily , t hi s is n. nl.t he r imp rac tical
proble m sin ce t he signal s tatistics cannot be specifred a p ri ori wi t hin the precision desired .
I n deed , in practice one assum es t hat t he ch a nnel error s can b e neglec ted and t hat t he sign al
h as a unifor m dis tribu tion, in whi c h case t he problem b ecoill es trivial.
L et u s n ext examin e t he effects du e to sa mp lin g . Let

xn = x(nT) .

Th e sa mples represe n t the signal x(i ) in the sense t hat if t ile signal IS b and-limi ted to

th en
() _ ...;; sin7r (2wt - n )
x(t )
y t - -L..Jro Xn
(2w t - n )

so th at th e statistics are the sam e. In practice, of course, one mu st consider th e effect due
t o h aving a :finite number of samples and secondly t he effect due to the fact t hat the sign al
m ay n ot be band-limi ted . The first of these h as r ecei ved considerable a t ten tion and refer-
en ce is m ade t o Thom as [1963] for det ails. The second is th e so-called folding or a biasin g
effect, a nd t h e error due to this should be co nsider ed well known [Balakrishnan , 1957]. A
differ ent kind of errol' occurs due to imp erfections of the sampler. One su ch error is due to
timing jitter. The timing is usu ally deI'i\Ted from the zero crossing of a sine wave of fixed
frequency bu t usu ally there is some phase noise present whi ch causes the axis-cr ossin g tim es
to jitter. This problem h as been studi ed by B alakrishnan [1962]. Thus, th e sa mples ar e now
gi ven by

wher e {<Pn} is a ra ndom sequence, which to a first approxima tion can b e take n to b e s tation ary .
Let 0 be s ome operation desired on t he samples { x,, } . Then the first step is to determine t he
op timal op eration 0 ' on ji tte red sa mples {Yn}, so as to minimi ze t he error- say, mean squ ar e-

E[O[xn]- O' (y ,,) ]2

and calculate this minimal errOl'. The details may be found in Balakrishnan [1962]. Here
let us note that {Yn} is stationary and the direct error

where the signal is assumed band-limited with w = 1/2T, and p(j) is the spectral density of
x(t), c(f) is the characteristic function of the random variable ci> n. For the case where p(j)
is a constant, the normalized square error, expressed as a fraction of the average signal power,
is given approximately by


This is also of course the mean square error in the direct "fitted" yet) usm g

() ~ sin7r (2wt-n)
y t = ~ Yn 7r (2W t - n
_ 00
) .

We note that the error is proportional to the bandwidth. If x(t) is gaussian, then yet) is again
gaussian, regardless of the statistics of {ci>n } . On the other hand, as shown by Balakrishnan
[1962] for certain jitter statistics it is possible that a discrete component will arise in the
spectrum of y et) even though x(t ) did not have any discrete components. If the jitter is "white"
so that
E[ci>nci>m] = 0, n~m,

the spectral density of y et) is given by

where the constant c is given by

c(j) being the characteristic function corresponding to ci> n.

4 . Adaptive Processing
In recent years there has been a growth of interest in adapti,"e methods in communication
systems because of the acceptance of special purpose computer and/ or computer data
processing as part of the system . The effect of adaptive methods of processing on signal
statistics is of interest because the analysis im"olved in these problems exhibits certain features
that are noyel.
In this section we shall examine a particular adaptive system which, while perhaps not
typical, serves to illustrate the ideas involved . The system we shall consider is a means of
achieving signal rate 01' bandwidth compression when no a priori information concerning the
signal statistics is available and the processing has included a learning feature. Without
going into a precise definition of what an "adaptive" system is, let us say that an adaptive
system is one which monitors its own performance, and when new conditions arise which
degrade the performance, the system learns how these new conditions effect the performance
and adapts or makes structural changes to restore the performance level. An adaptive system
thus will have a self-monitoring feature and a learning and self-adjusting feature. To be more
specific, let x(t) represent the continuous or discrete parameter signal. It is customary to assume
that x(t) can then be regarded (at least for analytical purposes) as a stochastic process. If the
time-p arameter t is continuous, then it is often possible to assume that
in a suitable sense (th at is, depending on whether we adopt th e stochastic or nonstochastic
viewpoint) for sufficiently large B, the bandwidth. By the well-known "sampling principle"
then one can represent the continuous wave-form using periodic samples taken at t=n/2B.
In most communication systems using sampled data of this kind , the sampling r ate is deter-
mined by the nominal, highest or cutoff frequency B expected in the data. Howeyer, in many
kinds of data- such as in space-telemetry data- the actual cutoff frequency is usually much
smaller for most of the time, so that there is no need to sample at the nominal rate of 2B.
In other words, it is possible to "compress" the data sampling rate or channel bandwidth. A
method of achieving such compression in P.C.M. systems is to exploit th e redundancy or predict-
ability of the data. Thus, we employ a "predictor" at the transmitter which predicts the data
at time t+~, based on the past up to time t. The actual value obsen-ed is then compared with
the predicted. If the difference exceeds (in absolute value) a preset threshold, then the actual
sample is transmitted. If it is below the threshold, a prearranged code word using, say, one or
two digits is transmitted instead of the m digits, thus reducing the number of digits trans-
mitted per seco nd. A comma free code may be used to sort out the two kinds of words un-
ambiguously. We shall not go into instrumentation details s uch as the buffering and so forth
needed, but concentrate on the adapti ,'e theory inyolved. The adaptive or learning feature
comes in the predictor mechanism. The predictor is not operati\'e un til the threshold is ex-
ceeded, exhibitin g the self-monitoring feat uTe. The predictor itself is based on a "learning"
phase, and the prediction operator being adju sted accordingly . For details on the predictor
itself, reference may be made to Bahtkrishnan [1961]. The significance of the adaptive predic-
tion feature lies in the fact th at no a priori statistics or other assumptions concerning the
data are required, and, in particular, it is realized that there may be periods in the data wh ere
prediction (to the quality set) may not b e possible. (No prediction of the stock market prices
is offered.)
The basic prediction philosophy may be indicated briefly . vVe are gil'en a "waye-form"
of duration T -a fun ction x(t), 0 5:. t 5:. T , in other words, and we are required to "predict"
the value at time T+ ~. Any prediction operation is to b e based on this data alone, no other
additional a priori knowledge being ayailable. This is, of course, an ancient problem and
h ere we wish to trMt it strictly in the telemetry data processing context, and note two major
points of view in dealing with it. One which may b e considered the "numerical analysis"
point of yiew consists in assuming that certainly any phYi:3 ically r ealized waveform must be
analytic and can thus be approximated by polynomials. The data may thus be "fitted" to
a polynomial of high enough degree and we then simply u se this polynomial to "predict" the
future values . The other and more recent view is the statistical view in which we assume
(perhaps with good reason) that the data is a finite sample of a stationary stochastic process
whose average properties s uch as moments and/or distributions are known or calculable from
the data. For a process of given description we can apply the well-developed mean square
prediction theory. Perhaps the main adyantage with this view is that it gives us a quantita-
tive, albeit theoretical, notion of the errol' in prediction. The problem of measuring th e
ayer age statistics from a finite sample can be quite delicate, however. In the polynomial
fi tting method, the interpretation of the prediction error-which is, after all, the crucial point-
is more nebulous, bound up with what degree polynomial to use and what portion of the data
is to be fitted. Moreover, as ordinarily used, the fitting operations on the data are linear.
We adopt a rationale for prediction which is free from a priori assump tions concerning
the "model. " In a general sense what is involved in both the above methods is first "model-
making" consistent with the data and as a second step using the numbers derived therefrom
to perform some optimal operations. If an understanding of th e mechanism generating the
model is desired, the first step is essential. If what we want is prediction, then we sh all show

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that it is possible to proceed directly (and hence more optimally) to the best prediction without
the intermediate step of model-making. It may be, of course, that several philosophies lead
to the same operations on the data. Even here, the present method offers some practical
advantages. :M oreover, it is only natural to use the philosophy that requires the leas t prior
We note first that any prediction is an operation or operator on the part of the data, and
in our case the finite part is all that is available. The main point of departure in our yiew
is that if we have a prediction operator, which based on all the available input data , functions
optimally in the immediate past of the point where the prediction is required, this is all that
we can ask for meaningfully as a solution to the prediction problem. Thus, the only basis
on which we can a priori judge any prediction method is to "back off" slightly from the present
and compare the actual available data with the predicted value using the giyen prediction
operator. Let us see how this can be formulated analytically. Let the total ayailable data
be described as a function x(t), O::;;t::;;T, and let it be required to predict the value at T + b.,
b. > O, being a small fraction of T. Let us next consider the data in the interyal O< t< T - b..
If for any to in this interval we should choose to make a "prediction" of the function value b.
ahead from the past values up to to denoting the predicted value by

x* (to + b.)
we can explicitly observe the error

Let us next note that the general prediction operator will be a "function" of a fini te segment
of the past. Let us denote the length at this segment by S . Then, of course,
(4.1 )

°werepresenting the prediction operator. Next we have to specify the error criterion. Here
choose the mean square error, first because it is simpler analytically and is almos t uni-
versally used, making comparison with other methods possible. The kind of solution presented
being definitely not "analytic," based rather on successive approximation, other measures of
error can be used at the risk of greater complexity. As far as the rationale of the method is
concerned, this is largely a matter of detail, rather than principle. We thus use t his method
to determine optimality:


where L? S, and we proceed on the basis that the operator

We can, of course, generalize (4.2) as:
° is best which minimizes (4.2) .

T _~_ L IT-Ll pet) C(x* (t +b.) - x (t + b.)) dt (4.3)

where pet) is a positiye weight function and CO is, say, a symmetric positiye cost function.
Before considering the problem of determining the optimal operator 0 , let us note an important
consistency principle. Suppose the data is regarded as one long sample of an ergodic process.
Then (4.2) yields exactly the optimal operator in the statistical sense. However, we have
not needed to make any such assumption concerning the data, nor have to compute average
statistics first. The point is that while the data may not be enough for determining let us
say the spectrum, it may be quite adequate for the prediction itself. Unlike the polynomial
fitting, the operations on the data can be as nonlinear as necessary, and at the same time
(4.2) normalized to
- - ----


yields a quantitative measure of the prediction error on which to judge how good the prediction
will be.
To continue I\'ith th e descrip tion of the system, we assume that the r eceiv er perform s a
prediction operation similar to the tran smitter. In other words, th e r eceiver predicts the
vftlues of the nontransmitted data usin g the transmitted as well as predicted sections of the
data. This would mean that the receiver sets the sam e level of possible complexity of the
prediction operator as t he transmi tter does , and in particular, the transmi tter itself has to base
its prediction using, as necessary, predicted data poin ts that did not exceed threshold error.
So far we h ave determined the optimal adapt.ive stru cture, bu t thcre still remai ns the
question of evaluating the system. For instance, it is natural to ask h ow much compression
it is possible to obtain in this way on the averftge, and wha t the overall en ol' will b e. H ere
we h ave to postulate some structure for the data source and then calculate the l'esulLin g
compression using the adaptive system. \iVe shall now briefly indicate wh at an analysis of this
type involves. Not to unduly compli cate the analysis, let us consider th e prediction operation
in th e transmitter b ased only on the actual samples. l __ et us denote the data samples by { x,, }.
W e assum e th at th e data can be taken as a s taLionary stochastic process. W e m ay fur th er
assum e that the process is Gaussian sin ce the maximum prediction errOl' (and h en ce the
minimum compression) occurs in this case because the predi ction operation includes only the
linear. Let us consider the case wh ere the adaptive predictor is also constrained to b e linear.
In this case the optimal filter-weigh ts {aj} are determin ed by minimizing

(4 .5)

where the past available data consists or N samples and the predi ction is based on "m" samples.
vVe are, of course, considering the " analog" method above. The con espollding (squared)
error is then


The transmission is based on (4.6) exceedin g a threshold "t" . Hence, what we want first is to
determine the statistics of (4.6) . We note first that the optimal {ad t hat minimizes (4.5)
will satisfy

lc= l, .. . m .

Let Y" b e the N -column vector

Then the minimum of expresslOn (4.5) becomes

where DmH is the determinant of the m + l by m + 1 matrix with entries

Y i • Y j , i, j = O, - 1, .. . - m
and Dm is the determinant of the m by m matrix with entries
Y j • Y j, i, j =- l, - 2, ... -m .
On the other hand, we are interested in the error (4.6), which is

~6 [m;Nl=(Dj;,:1)2 (4.7)

where D;"+ l has first row

and is otherwise the same as D m + 1 • Our first interest is in the statistics of (4.7). ''Ve need to

which is the probability of exceedance of the threshold, and the attainable compression ratio is
then readily deduced from this.
vVe shall not go into the details of these calculations. However, if we simplify matters and
assume that N is large enough so that we can replace the "time" average in (4 .5) by a phase
average, the {{X;} of course become the optimal regression coefficients that minimize

and the error ~6[m; OJ 1is now the residual


is Gaussian and the threshold probability we want can be calculated simply from
(T2[m, CX) 1= E[f6[m; OJ ll·
Hence, the first step is to calculate this. This is already a nonstandard problem, in that
explicit expressions for this error are not known. Some asymptotic estimates are given.
The complete analysis thus involves some labor, unless simplifying approximations can suffice.
For instance, in computing the statistics of (4.7), we may be content to compute the first
moments. We omit the details of these calculations since our purpose here is merely to
illustrate the kind of analysis is involved.
Vie note that the adaptive theory winds up with an "optimum" procedure. To evaluate
how good the system actually is, we have to specify the class of input or system parameters- or
their statistics if they are regarded as randomly varying. Very often there may not be any
clear-cut "optima." This means that we may have to be satisfied with suboptimal systems and
there will usually be many of these, and the problem of deciding among them by analysis in
any quantitative way can be a hard one.
In conclusion, let us note that adaptive processing methods in communication theory are
still in their formative stage. We have discussed an example which illustrates most of the
features that characterize the theory involved in these methods without any pretense at being

5. References
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Vite r bi, A. J. (D ec . 1963), Phase-locked loop dynam ics in t he presence of noise by Fokker-Pla nck tec hniqu es,
Proc. of the IEEE .

6. Additional Related Reference

R ose nblatt, M. (Nov. 1957), Some purely d eterministic processes, J . Math. Mech. 6, No . 6, 801- 810.

Paper 68D9- 395


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