Three Ideologies

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Educationa Romanticism Cultural Progressivism

l Transmission
The ● Maturationist ● Associationist ● Cognitive
Ideology 1. Man is the architect 1. Education should Developmentalist
and the builder of his transmit the culture /
life of society to Constructivist
succeeding 1. Strengthening of
2. Man is born good and mental faculties is
his actions are geared the basic goal
towards the positive 2. Manifested
behavior is the 2. Education should
3. The student's naturally
basis of evaluation maximize the
occurring development
should be allowed to 3. Reinforcement and potentials of the
flower without adult repetition shapes child
interventions in a desired behavior
permissive 3. The process is
4. Education is seen as equally
preparation for important as the
4. Science and adult life product
technology are
enemies of virtue
The 1. Is a self actualizing 1. Learns through 1. A thinking, self-
individual association propelling, well
2. Has an innate level of 2. Responds to
readiness stimulus, response
classified as right or 2. Naturally
3. Autonomous and self-
wrong motivated
3. Passive role is 3. Experiences the
4. Learns as an
assumed process of gaining
expression of inner
and adjusting
5. Must be allowed to
4. Transfers school
freely express
learning to other
daily situations

A child’s Like a plant or animal and Like a machine which Active, constructs
mind is … is therefore nourished by accumulates inputs schema through
the environment and emits desired exploration with the
output environment

Educationa Romanticism Cultural Progressivism

l Transmission
Learning Nurtured by the Effected through Achieved as child
is ... environment, there is a rewards and interacts with
proper time or punishment developing society or
psychological moment to environment in the
mature process of
Cognitive Viewed as unfolding The result of guided Progressive, takes
developmen through pre-patterned learning and teaching, place through
t is … stages child’s behavior can be invariant, ordered
shaped by repetition sequential stages
and elaboration of that are coherent
correct response

Curriculum Child-centered Society-centered Child-centered

Stress of Exploration and child’s One’s ability to Child’s interaction
the freedom incorporate in his with the environment
ideology is system the responses which provides
on… he has been taught resolvable conflicts
and to respond or problems to
favorably to the stimulate active
demands of the system thinking

Area of Creativity, uniqueness, Uniformity (the Qualitative changes

enhancemen novelty common and (experienced as one
t is on… established social goes through the
order) developmental

Learning Internal External external and internal

experience (interaction with the
(comes from within due to (Teacher - oriented,
is… environment leads to
the unfolding of the inner teacher - initiated)
reconstruction of

cognitive structures)
Range of Long - range Short - range Long - range
learning is

Ideological Process - oriented Product – oriented Process - oriented

Educationa Romanticism Cultural Progressivism
l Transmission
Educational Self-actualization Internalization of the Attainment of higher
goal is … knowledge or values of level or stage of
the culture development

The 1. Is unstructured with 1. Is rigidly structured 1. Is unstructured,

school… materials and with tables and provides
equipments for the chairs opportunities for
child’s free choice and 2. Has materials that problem solving
exploration are not varied and critical
2. Gives opportunities for thinking
3. Advocates use of
direct contact with control 2. Has rich and
learning materials stimulating
4. Has rigid and set
3. Provides learning when environment
child seeks for it 3. Analyzes
5. Has content-
centered philosophy
processes in
terms of
4. Views child in
bigger social
5. Believes that
knowledge is
The 1. Is sensitive to the 1. Provides direct 1. Guides,
teacher… child’s teachable instructions, stimulates, and
moments, provides initiates activities leads the child to
child the opportunity to according to the discovery and
manipulate objects and demands of the learning, initiates
learn by himself curriculum activities
according to
2. Is like a patient 2. Is like a tailor,
gardener shapes behavior of
interests and cues
student, dictates on
3. Allows the child to
classroom activities 2. Is an active
explore and observe

4. Does not utilize 3. Is the main source 3. Does not feed
memorization as of information and information but
learning strategy knowledge challenges the
child to think
4. Uses memorization
and rote learning as 4. Sees mistake as
teaching strategies integral part of
5. Formulates lessons
based on society’s
Educationa Romanticism Cultural Progressivism
l Transmission
Proponents Gesell, Montessori, Hall, Bereiter-Engelman, Dewey, Bruner,
Froebel, Rousseau, Pavlov, Skinner, Piaget, Ollport,
Pestallozi Thorndike, Watson, Vygotsky

Advantages of Progressivism / Constructivism :

1. higher level thinking skills (decision-making, analysis etc. ) are nurtured and


2. child’s unique skills and abilities are identified and maximized

3. all developmental areas experience progress and growth

4. language skills are frequently utilized thus ability to communicate improves

5. self-help skills and independence are encouraged

6. confidence level increases due to demonstration of mutual respect between adult and


7. child learns self-control and self-discipline (self-regulation)

8. child able to relate lessons to daily life experiences thus learning

becomes relevant and meaningful

9. child learns to initiate and seek out learning opportunities

10. social skills are given numerous opportunities to be practiced and polished

11. child develops positive attitude towards school and studies

12. level of academic performance increases

13. teacher experiences personal and professional enhancement

and improvement

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