Berita Dengan Kata Kunci Surodakan - Trenggalek

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17 april 1931

(From our correspondent). Subdistrict district abolition. It has been
proposed by the regent to abolish the Bendoengan sub-district because
of its unimportance. A mantri police will then be placed at Bendoengan
itself, while the seat of the assistant wedono will be moved to the kotta
Trenggalek . In this way, more will be done in the sense of governance
reform without the need for costs. Construction hospital. The board of
the "Margo-Waloja" association, of which Dr. Moekadi is the chairman,
will proceed with the construction of a hospital facility. In
Trenggalekthere is no government hospital with the possibility of
admitting patients. The present hospital organization is a private
institution of the Margo-Waloja Indigenous Association referred to
above and receives a subsidy from the province, amounting to NLG
3000 annually. The new building will be entirely of stone, with a
separate section for men and women.

22 april 1939

KEDIRI. (From our correspondent.) Mutations.

We are told that the following have been transferred
to: Bendoengan, Trenggalek District , Regentoenoengagoeng Councils
Moeljani, currently Mantri Police in Kediri Government Police;
Minggiran, Papar district, Kediri regency, Mas Adil, now Mantri police
1st class by the police in Bendoengan , Trenggalek district ,
Regenoengagoeng regency;
Paree, Kediri Regency, Mas Sastrowijono, now Mantri Police 1st Class
in the Minggiran Administrative Police, Papar District, Kediri Regency;
Taloen, Wlingi District, Biitar Regency, Moesajid, Kushumobroto,
currently Mantri Police in the Paree Administrative Police, Kediri

2 agustus 1902

Inland Government.
Dismissal: Because of service, honorable from the service of the country,
the wedana of Pasirpandjang, Regency of Soakapura (Preanger-Regency),
Councils Rangga? Oabiapradja. Licensed: To Raden Moerdjani,
asßis.entwedono of Bendoengan , district and regency Trenggalek (Kediri),
ora to rename and write Laden Ronohadisosro.

22 agustus 1934

ADDICTION. (From our correspondent.) Frame found.

On the Wilishelling, under Pagerwodjo (district of Kalangbret), a
skeleton of a man was discovered there by a very passing child in the
wilderness. A parang was found in the vicinity of the police

The wife of a certain Karto, a notorious ketella thief from Bendoengan

( Trenggalek ), recognized the parang as belonging to her husband. Since
April this man had disappeared.

The skeleton would be transferred to the hospital for examination.

26 juni 1920

Withdrawn: his decision of 29 May 20, no. 83/45/22, in which PJ Reiiling
inspector in Ngandjoek, is deemed to be appointed as deputy country judge
at the land court in Kediri for the entire Berbek div. Dismissal: on
request honorable from his job, at the end of the res. to give Mr Kediri
the opportunity to appoint him as deputy chief, mas Soerosastro, deputy
djaksa in Trenggalek , with the stipulation that this resignation will
take effect on the day on which he is appointed deputy chief. Appointed:
native prosecutor with the title of adj. Djaksa in the Trenggalek regency
(res. Kediri) mas Kartodiredjo, ass.-wedana of Bendoengan, providing that
this appointment takes effect on the day that Mas Soerosastro vd. will
be appointed as head of ministry.

12 januari 1897

Nation's Board.
Registered. That Mas Soma di Pradja and Mas Tirta 3asm <ta,
as_istent-wedonos of the second class respectively of Tjiomas and
Tjihaoer, district of Madja, Madjaleogka regency, Cheribon are entitled
to use the title "Badhen" with license from now on write Radhen Kartanata
and Radhen Martar, brata.

Laid off. Upon request, honorable from the Ministry, the former assistant
wedono of first, class of Bendoengan , district and regency Trenggalek .
Kediri, Mas Reksoprawiro, and former assistant-wedono of the first class
of Badjapolah district of Indihiang, Soeme dang regency,
Vreanger-Regentschappen, Mas Soemaredja.

10 juli 1987

At the civilian medical service in the Dutch East Indies.

Appointed: For three years, at the medical council in Batavia: to members:
Th. Eisinger and A. van der Scheer, private physicians and P. Houtzager
Jr., private pharmacist; as substitute members: the chief of the military
hospital in Weltevreden and the first-appointed military pharmacist at
that institution. At the insane asylum in Buitenzorg. Appointed: To nurse
ms. MAH Neyssel, ms. AM Jungcurt and Ms JN Kloote, made available for that
purpose to the Governor General. Inlandsch, board. Dismissed: Out of his
job , the djaksa in the Trenggalek regency (Kediri), Mas Soerowidikdo.
Appointed: Inland prosecutor with the title of djaksa in the Trenggalek
regency, the assistant wedono of the class of Bendoengan , district and
regency Trenggalek , Mas Soemowidojo. In the Kediri residence. as a native
public prosecutor. with the title of deputy chief djaksa in the regency
of Kediri, the djaksa in the regency of Blitar, Raden Tjokroardjo; with
the title of djaksa in the regency Blitar, the adj. djaksa in said regency,
Councils __oemo Prawiro; with the title of deputy djaksa in the regency
of Blitar, Raden Pringgo Dimedjo, currently out of relation •
assistant-wedono of the 2nd class of Sanggrahan, district of Wadjak,
regency Ngrowo.

13 juli 1987

Civilian Department.
Dismissal: on request honorable as a member of the land council in Medan
(East coast of Suraatra) C. Heinoldt, thanking him for the services
rendered by hein. {Appointed: I - as legal secretary at the department
of justice, the head of the bg department of that department. A. 11.
Walkate Bü het Binnenl. Governance on Java and Madura. Appointed:
controller of the 2nd cbass GF K- van Huls, civil servant in inactivity,
most recently employed in hobbies. Added: to the resident of Batavia to
work in the interest of controlling the prevailing livestock disease, the
inspectors. bu it inside. management of assets outside Java and Madoera
JB leon and L. Knappert and the appointed control team of the 2nd class.
GFK van lluls vd, with the stipulation that 7.yb \ jy their framework is
run a la suite. Inland Government.Trenggalek fKediri) mas Soerowidiko
Appointed: native justice officer with the title of djaksa iu the regency
Trenggalek , the assistant wedonoderle kl. from Bendoengan , district and
regency Trenggalek Mas Sjemowidojo; in the res. Kediri: inland prosecutor
of justice: with the title of adj. with the title of djaksa ia the regency
Biitar, the deputy djaksa in the regent mentioned, Kaden Soemo Prawiro:
with the ritei djaksa deputy in the regency Bli-Uaden Pringgodimedjo;
currently out of employment, last assistant wedono of the 2nd class. from
Sanggrahan, Wadjak district, Jfgowo regency

4 mei 1931

(Van onzen correspondent)
Oprichting Vol kscredietbank. Den 29sten April j.l. had in de pendopo van
den kaboepaten de oprichtingsvergadering plaats van de „Trenggaleksche
Volkscredietbank". Aanwezig waren: de regent, de assistent-resident, de
inspecteur en de controleur van de Centrale Kas en acht andere ingezetenen
van Trenggalek. Reeds lang bestaat hier de behoefte aan een eigen bank,
en sinds geruimen tijd werd daarom door den regent van gedachten gewisseld
met de Centrale Kas. Nu toch komt hierterstede slechts een keer in de week
een agent van de Volkscredietbank van Toeloengagoeng om de
leeningsaanvragen te behandelen. De credietverstrekking is zoodoende
niet vlot genoeg, en vele menschen zien zich genoodzaakt, geld te leenen
van Chineesche geldschieters en de „Bank Nasional Indonesia" van

De Centrale Kas onderschrijft de meening van den regent om voor dit

regentschap een eigen Volksbank op te richten, maar maakt er tevens op
a,tenj> dat slechts bij een rentevoet van 18 pet. 's jaars en een geregeld
uitstaand kapitaal van f 150.000 de bank zichzelve kan bedruipen, dat wil
zeggen : zonder verlies of winst kan werken.

Het uitgezette kapitaal bedraagt op dit oogenblik fBO 000; de vraag is

nu of het mogelijk zal zijn, dit bedrag langzamerhand op te voeren tot
het door de Centrale Kas berekende minimum van f 150.000. Het topjaar van
Trenggalek was het jaar 1929 met een uitgeleend kapitaal van ruim f 170.000.
Sindsdien is dit bedrag geslonken tot bijna de helft, voornamelijk door
het in acht nemen van een meer voorzichtige leeningspolitiek, in dien zin
namelijk, dat aan wanbetalers en achterstalligen in geen geval credieten
mochten worden verstrekt.

Van leeningen uitgesloten is op dit oogenblik, vanwege de slechte

communicatiemiddelen, het district Panggoel, waartoe Dongko en
Moendjoengan behooren, en verder de onderdistricten Bendoengan en Poele,
zoodat, behoudens eventueele opvoering van het uitgezet kapitaal in de
reeds toegelaten plaatsen, het noodige bedrag ad f 60.000 opgebracht dient
te worden door de met name genoemde streken. Indien men het bloote feit
in aanmerking neemt, dat de f 80.000 op rekening kwamen van geheel
Trenggalek minus de reeds vermelde plaatsen, derhalve van de overige drie
districten Trenggalek, Karangan en Kampak, dan is het niet moeilijk te
gissen, of de vereischte f 150.000 wel ooit zullen worden gehaald. Daar
komt bij de verhoogde waarde van den gulden, zoodat de f 170.000 thans
als maatstaf er eenigszins geflatteerd uitzien ; immers, de credieten
zullen ongeveer gelijken tred houden met die waardeverhooging, natuurlijk
in omgekeerd evenredige verhouding. Met andere woorden : voortaan
sa! °ver het algemeen minder worden geleend.

Gegevens omtrent de credietbehoefte op Panggoel, Dongko, Moendjoengan

Poele en Bendoengan ontbreken, hetgeen zeer te betreuren valt, aangezien
op die wijze het nemen van vaststaande conclusies niet mogelijk wordten
men volstaan moet met gissingen of in het beste geval met vergelijking
van de economische gesteldheid van meergenoemde plaatsen met streken,
waar een bank elders haar ressort heeft. Deze werkwijze van zoo nauwkeurig
mogelijk gissen werd dan ook in de vergadering gevolgd.

Tegenover deze ongunstige feiten bestaan gelukkig vele gunstige

verwachtingen. Nu zijn onder meer verbindingswegen tusschen Trenggalek
met de plaatsen daarbuiten veel verbeterd en tenslotte heeft het feit,
dat eens een jaar kon worden bereikt met een geregeld uitgezet kapitaal
van f 170.000, gevoegd bij het gunstig, deskundig oordeel van een met de
Panggoelstreek bekend persoon, allen twijfel opgeheven omtrent de
ontoereikendheid in de toekomst van het uitstaand kapitaal. Het voorstel
tot oprichting van een bank werd aangenomen met 10 tegen 1 stem. Het
voorloopig bestuur wordt gevormd door den regent als voorzitter, den
assistent-resident als secretaris en den landbouwconsulent, den djaksa
en een gepensionneerden hoofdonderwijzer als leden. De nieuwe bank zal
den naam dragen van „Trenggaleksche Volkscredietbank". Kinderfeest. Den
29sten April jl. werd op de n.l.s. feest gevierd door de leerlingen en
het onderwijzend personeel. Het scnooigebouw was nefjes versierd met
fj °en en papieren slingers en de klein«_n Wu ren getooid met papieren
mutsen een oHei kleur- Na een °Ptocht door door . te van de stad>
voorafgegaan ppn »n ~"dJaranan-voorstelling", werden „," Y°etbal-match
tusschen de leerlingen wpHc. --fvende en zesde klasse en leuke rnidSJen
Drie uur in den miaaag waren de feesten ten einde. Tannënbal^^'h^fd, den
heer M. L. komt alle loi Z. °ve_'f onderwilzers' zelüge feestje loc voor
het mooie en ge'


ADDICTION. (From our correspondent.) Meeting council council.

The meeting held last Friday started with a closed session for the (discussion of a secret agenda item -
which will be discussed later - after which the fairly extensive agenda was quickly completed in the public
The addition of the abolished Trenggalek regency still requires numerous provisions, which are now
being gradually established.
The purchase of 2 stretchers, one of which is stationed in Trenggalek, was approved ; budget change
was required and approved for this.
In the "accommodation regulation" of both Toeloengagoeng and Trenggalek , some non-drastic editorial
changes were made, which also happened with the "lessor regulation" of Toeloengagoeng.
The "cost assessment regulation" of Toeloengagoeng was also declared applicable for Trenggalek .
Since the 'regentschapskashouder' - (office clerk) - in Trenggaleknow only has to receive money, but
nothing more to pay, his allowance was reduced from NLG 18.75 to NLG 111.25 per month.
The amount of the control costs of the People's Credit System for the Inland municipal credit institutions
was determined.
4 unification-tax ordinances were established, with the existing ones, those of Trenggalek being
withdrawn and the regulations of Toeloengagoeng being declared applicable.
Withdrawn 4 regulations of Trenggalek , not yet entered into force , including the building regulation; 6
tax regulations including advertising and dog tax, and the regulations of Toeloengagoeng declared
The same was done with the regulations on surcharges on income tax and personnel tax, as well as the
same on the levying of fees for the secretary, in the general cemetery for Europeans and on the roof
The Chinese burial ground in Boloredjo - (the so picturesque hillside on the road to Trenggalek , near
Gondangi cemetery) - will be expanded. Non-major editorial changes were made to the .Armenzorg
regulation. *. Hotel and pasanggrah an s. The subsidy that has already been gradually reduced from
NLG 50 to NLG 25 per month to the (Eur.) Hotel Toeloengagoeng- is paid no longer than until the end of
June. The aim had long been in this direction and because the former manager of the said hotel V £ n T
such establishment has now apparently considered the time favorable. sanlS ™ enggaleteche become
the paÏSSSS * "V * ***** at the gou- ItTïZ v. r in Poele and BendoenganAs a matter of fact, it will be
praised for the kotta Trenggalek , housed in a rented house. The pasanggrahan in Prigi and Sendang,
built by the government and newly built at the time, are still under the management of the regency, which
is why it was decided to apply for ownership. Passer-by diet. With this institution, in a test taken with
it, very favorable results were achieved in the now-dissolved Trenggalek regency , so that expansion had
already begun. However, this matter was not officially regulated by regulation)
Especially with a view to further out, ldin? VOOT Toeloengagoeng, official regulation is deemed
necessary. At present, loan funds are no longer provided and the few outstanding are first collected, and
then soon come to an arrangement.
Human resource department
Like dzz. was mentioned, the merger and expansion of the regency to create the untenable situation of 2
directors of regentship works. Trenggalek also had a separate inspector for passers-by and cash, while
in Tunggagoeng it was directly under the director of the regency works.
For a few months now, the peculiar and costly arrangement had already existed that
said Trenggalek officials had to live here but carry out their former duties in the former resort, with higher
travel costs, weaving. One of the directors had to disappear in any case; Mr. Sloesen from
Toeloengagoeng is ready for retirement; Mr. Lentze van Trenggalek would go to Europe on leave if he
was put on hold.
It had already leaked out that the College of Commissioners nevertheless wanted to maintain Mr
Sloesen. Finally, in the secret meeting, the result of which can now be made known on this issue, the
"business" and the need for austerity have prevailed over some for some members.
Mr. Sloesen will have to retire and retire in 3 months and arrange the surrender during this period. Mr.
Lentze gets the technical part, Mr. De la Senceri becomes the controller of the state-owned companies
for the whole resort, which market overseer Neukerk is moved from here to Trenggalek , as well as the
sub-supervisor of the technical service, Mr. R. Batoe Kamil.

14 Mei 1934
TRENGGALEK . (From our correspondent.) The regency means.
Here too, people are busy looking for an increase in income and possible
spending cuts. For the first, the hope is based on the expansion of the
own credit system that has already been introduced, which, however, was
already taken into account in the structure of the greeting. Cutbacks,
albeit with small amounts, are sought, among other things, in the removal
of some pasanggrahans in the interior, which is considered possible for
those establishments in Poelee, Bendoengan and Panggoel, while those in
Dongkol will have to be maintained.

Although, of course, they do not have to be profit objects, it is not

necessary to spend more in one month on wages for the mandur guard than
is received in a whole year in revenue.

For the construction costs of the bridge in Semaroem, described at the

time after the festive opening, a call was made for a subsidy because the
funds were exceeded. The initial project was modified by a higher
authority, then the work was given to a company other than the one with
whom the calculations were made, so that the same higher authority also
approved the higher amount. While it is also in the public interest,
compensation from the regency is deemed fair.

16 Mei 1934

TRENGGALEK . Our correspondent writes: Regentschaps Finance.

At the time, after the festive opening of the bridge in Semarum, funded
by contributions from the people of the desas, we were able to express
our admiration and appreciation for such an achievement. Without doing
anything too short about it, it should now be mentioned that the funds
turned out not to be sufficient so that they knocked on the door for subsidy
to the regency. Initially, the funds were sufficient for the estimated
costs, but a higher authority changed the project, so that the costs
increased, and when the work had to be carried out by a company other than
the company initially thought, a few hundred more guilders were needed,
the same by the same higher Authority was also approved as fair. Since
this work also serves the public interest, Regentship compensation is
deemed fair. However, austerity and an increase in income must also be
sought here. For the latter, multiple proceeds are expected from the
expansion of the company's own credit system, which, however, was already
taken into account in the structure of the budget. Austerity, albeit to
small amounts, is considered possible by lifting the pasanggrahans in
Poelee,Bendoengan and Panggoel; those at Dongkol Ls are more important
and harder to miss. Admittedly, they are not profit objects, but so little
use is made that the entire annual income is sometimes not sufficient to
pay one month's wages from the mandur guard.

16 agustus 1933

Eclipse matters.
The then ass.-wedana of Doerenan, currently residing at Toeloengagoeng,
was suspended in the performance of his duties last year, after it had
become apparent that the money had been misappropriated. It will be
remembered that this discovery still haunted a great deal, such as past
irregularities and serious clashes between Eur. and Inl. Board. The
preliminary investigation in this is, as we learn, now so far advanced
that the Examining Magistrate would come to Toeungagagung this week. Yet
another eclipse case is awaiting treatment by the examining magistrate.
namely, from the liege of Bendoengan ass.-wedana moved to Pogalan. A few
things can be said about the activity of this official, about which his
current supervisors have already been sufficiently informed. Cleaning,
where necessary, will not be missed now. However, it is urgent that the
"observing" of the highest relations - (Regent and Ass.-Resident) - be
terminated as soon as possible by officials who are more than sufficient
in their own duties; Regent is also going to retire within a few weeks,
and Trenggalek is by no means a resort to apply an otherwise necessary
cutback as is currently the case.

16 agustus 1933

TRENGGALEK . (From our correspondent.) Cleaning at the board.

Mr Tajib, Ass.-Wedana of Toegu, was relocated to Pakel, and Mr Soetadi,
who was previously Ass.-Wedana of Besuki Tung-Agung, came to replace him.
Already last year, Doerenan's ass.-wedana was suspended in the
performance of his duties because of apparent irregularities in his
financial management; The suspect is still staying in Toeloeng-agoeng.
It will be remembered that the matter has brought out and resulted in very
different and more serious things. The preliminary investigation has
apparently taken a lot of time and may have been delayed because the
officials involved were overloaded with work. We believe that the Judge
for Criminal Matters is coming to Toe-agung this week for further
investigation. We expect that another eclipse case will be
investigated,Bendoengan to Pogalan moved ass.-wedana, about whose lack
of activity there, where it is necessary, we learned a few things.
Sufficient knowledge is already available about this with current chefs
and, it seems, cleaning will be done where necessary, now, not to be missed.
It is more than time for an end to the "observing" of the highest functions
(regent and ass-resident) by officials who already have their own full

4 agustus 1931


(From our correspondent)
A horrible murder case.
On the night of July 13 to 14 , a horrible murder took place in the Batapoetih desa district
of Bendoengan . Now that the matter has been fully clarified, we publish a few details below:
Pontjoredja of the aforementioned desa was a Don Juan and committed to other people's wives, without
hesitation, since everyone knew him as a "djago" and feared them.
One day Pontjo visited the wife of Moenawi. This visit was repeated a few times, and Moenawi himself
noted a few things. Finally Moenawi became too powerful and he spoke with his uncle Sodemo, also a
victim, about the behavior of the "djago".
The two victims therefore decided to get rid of the latter for good. However, since they believed that the
two of them could not stand strong enough against the robust Pontjo, they enlisted the help of some
The three men agreed on July 10 that they would kill Pontjo in the night of Senen Pon (July
13/14). Sodemo knew that his enemy was born on Kliwon. According to the Modjopait petungan
(Modjopaitsche calculation), the death of Pontjo would be the easiest to accomplish on the day of Pon.
On the established evening, the three people, provided with a piece of string and a sturdy aerial root,
arrived at the hut of Pontjo, where he guarded his corn field at night. The three murderers simulated the
need for fire, because Pontjo happened to be sitting in front of a wood fire because of the cold.
While talking and not suspecting any danger, the Don Juan was attacked by Sodemo from the front and
thrown back. Moenawi and Tromedjo each held an arm of Pontjo, while Sodemo steadily strangled his
enemy to death. Then the rope and the carrot were tied around the neck of the murdered, and a while
later Pontjo hung without a soul in the attic of the hut, exactly in the position of someone who committed
suicide. The allowance was therefore successful, but now the traces of the struggle on the ground had to
be removed, and for this the murderers used straw that they spread over the ground and then burned.
But this became their accident, because the flame hit high and not only touched the thatched roof of the
hut, but also the rope that hung the murdered. The corpse fell to the ground and the commitment to
remind the police of suicide failed.
Within four days after the accident, Bendoengan's assistant wedono, Mr. Soekariagoeng, partly in
collaboration with Mr. Schipper, field police detachment officer, had fully clarified the matter, taking a nice
test of their search.
Allowance from the country.
A subsidy of NLG 394.78 was granted to the regency Trenggalek , being the costs for drilling the artesian
well in Doerenan during the year 1929.

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