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Chapter I - Preliminary.......................................................... 2
Chapter II - Regulation of Access to
Biological Diversity............................................. 4
Chapter III - National Biodiversity Authority....................... 7
Chapter IV - Functions and Powers of the
National Biodiversity Authority..................... 13
Chapter V - Approval by the
National Biodiversity Authority..................... 14
Chapter VI - State Biodiversity Board................................... 17
Chapter VII - Finance, Accounts and Audit of
National Biodiversity Authority..................... 20
Chapter VIII - Finance, Accounts and Audit of
State Biodiversity Board................................... 22
Chapter IX - Duties of the Central and the
State Governments............................................ 24
Chapter X - Biodiversity Management Committees......... 27
Chapter XI - Local Biodiversity Fund................................... 28
Chapter XII - Miscellaneous.................................................... 30
Approval by 19. (1) Any person referred. to in sub-section (2) of
National section 3 who intends to obtain any biological resource
Biodiversity occurring in India or knowledge associated thereto
for research or for commercial utilization or for bio-
survey and bio-utilization or transfer the results of any
research relating to biological resources occurring in,
activities or obtained from, India, shall make application in such
form and payment of such fees as may be prescribed,
to the National Biodiversity Authority.
Grants or 26. The Central Government may, after due
loans by the appropriation made by Parliament by law in this
behalf, pay to the National Biodiversity Authority by
way of grants or loans such sums of money as the
Central Government may think fit for being utilized
for the purposes of this Act.
Annual report 35. The State Government shall cause the annual report
of State
and auditor’s report to be laid, as soon as may be after
Board to be they are received, before the House of State Legislature.
laid before
Legislature CHAPTER -IX
Biodiversity 37. (1) Without prejudice to any other law for the time
heritage being in force, the State Government may, from time
to time in consultation with the local bodies, notify in
the Official Gazette, areas of biodiversity importance
as biodiversity heritage sites under this Act.
Grants to 42. The State Government may, after due
Local appropriation made by State Legislature by law in this
behalf, pay to the Local Biodiversity Funds by way of
grants or loans such sums of money as the State
Government may think fit for being utilized for the
purposes of this Act.
National 48. (1) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions
Biodiversity of this Act, the National Biodiversity Authority shall,
Authority to
in the discharge of its functions and duties under this
be bound by
the directions Act, be bound by such directions on questions of
given by policy as the Central Government may give in writing
Central to it from time to time:
Provided that the National Biodiversity
Authority shall, as far as practicable, be given
opportunity to express its views before any direction
is given under this sub-section.
Secretary to the Government of India
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 40
G.S.R. 261 (E). – In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 62 of the Biological
Diversity Act, 2002, and in supersession of the National Biodiversity Authority
(salary, Allowances and conditions of service of Chairperson and other Members)
Rules, 2003 except as respect to things done or omitted to be done before such
supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules namely: -
(1) These rules may be called the Biological Diversity Rules, 2004.
(2) Thus shall come into force on 15th April, 2004.
2. Definitions
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -
(a) “Act” means the Biological Diversity Act 2002 (18 of 2003);
(j) words and expressions used but not defined in these rules and defined
in the Act shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in
the Act.
(1) The Chairperson of the Authority shall hold the office for a term of three
years’ and shall be eligible for re-appointment,
(2) Provided that no Chairperson shall hold office as such after he attains the
age of sixty five years or his term of office expires which is earlier.
(3) The Chairperson may resign from his office by giving at least one month
notice in writing to the Central Government.
(1) A Chairperson shall be entitled to a fixed pay of Rs. 26,000/- per month.
In case of retired person is appointed as Chairperson, his pay shall be
fixed in accordance with the orders of the Central Government as
applicable to such persons.
(1) Every non-official member of the Authority shall hold his office for a
term not exceeding three years at a time from the date of publication of
his appointment in the official Gazette.
(2) Every non- official member attending the meeting of the Authority shall
be entitled to sitting allowance, travelling expenses, daily allowance and
such other allowances as are applicable to non official member of
commissions and committees of the Central Government attending the
meeting (s) of such Commissions or Committees.
(1) A non –official member of the Authority may resign his office at any
time by giving in writing under his hand addressed to the Central
Government and the seat of that member in the Authority shall become
No member of the Authority shall be removed from his office on any ground
specified in section 11, without a due and proper enquiry by an officer not below
the rank of a Secretary to the Government of India appointed by the Central
Government and without giving such member a reasonable opportunity of being
(2) The terms and conditions of the appointment of the Secretary shall be
determined by the Authority by regulation.
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 44
(3) The Secretary shall be responsible for co-ordinating and convening the
meetings of the Authority, maintenance of the records of the proceedings
of the Authority and such other matters as may be assigned to him by the
(1) The Authority shall meet at least four times in a year normally after a
period of three months at the Head quarters of the Authority or at such
place as may be decided by the Chairperson.
(2) The Chairperson shall, upon a written request from not less than five
Members of the Authority or upon a direction of the C e n t r a l
Government, call a special meeting of the Authority.
(3) The members shall be given at least fifteen days’ notice for holding an
ordinary meeting and at least three days’ notice for holding a special
meeting specifying the purpose, the time and the place at which such
meeting is to be held.
(4) Every meeting shall be presided over by the Chairperson and in his
absence, by a presiding officer to be elected by the members present from
amongst themselves.
(9) Notice of the meeting may be given to the Members by delivering the
same by messenger or sending it by registered post to his last known
place of residence or business or in such other manner as the Secretary of
the Authority may, in the circumstances of the case, think fit.
(1) The Authority may constitute any number of Committees for such
purposes as it may deem fit consisting wholly of members or wholly of
other persons or partly of members or partly of other persons.
(2) The members of the Committee other than the members of the Authority
shall be paid such fees and allowances for attending the meetings as the
Authority may deem fit.
(i) lay down the procedure and guidelines to govern the activities provided
under sections 3, 4 and 6;
(vi) engage consultants, for a specific period, not exceeding three years, for
providing technical assistance to the Authority in the effective discharge
of its functions :
(vii) collect, compile and publish technical and statistical data, manuals,
codes or guides relating to conservation of bio diversity, sustainable
use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising
out of the use of biological resource and knowledge;
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 46
(x) prepare the annual Budget of the Authority incorporating its own
receipts as also the devaluation from the Central Government provided
that the allocation by the Central Government shall be operated in
accordance with the budget provisions approved by the Central
Government ;
(xii) approve the method of recruitment to the officers and servants of the
(xiii) take steps to build up data base and to create information and
documentation system for biological resources and associated
traditional knowledge through bio-diversity registers and electronics
data bases, to ensure effective management, promotion and sustainable
uses ;
(xvi) recommend, modify, collection of benefit sharing fee under sub section
(1) of Section 6 or Changes of royalties under sub-section (2) of section
19 in respect of biological resources from time to time;
(xvii) sanction grants – in – aid and grants to the State Bio-diversity Board
and Bio-diversity Management Committees for specific purposes;
(1) The Chairperson shall have the overall control of the day - to - day
activities of the Authority.
(2) Subject to the provisions of Section 10, the Chairperson shall have the
powers of general superintendence over the officers and staff of the
Authority and he may issue necessary directions for the conduct and
management of the affairs of the Authority.
(3) The Chairperson shall be in charge of all the confidential papers and
records of the Authority and shall be responsible for their safe custody.
(4) All orders and instructions to be issued by the Authority shall be under
the signature of the Chairperson or of any other officer authorised by
the Chairperson in this behalf.
(6) The Chairperson shall have full powers for granting administrative and
technical sanction to all estimates.
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 48
(7) The Chairperson shall convene and preside over all the meetings of the
Authority and shall ensure that all decisions taken by the Authority are
implemented in proper manner.
(8) The Chairperson shall exercise such other powers and perform such other
functions as may be delegated to him from time to time by the Authority
or the Central Government.
(1) Any person seeking approval of the Authority for access to biological
resources and associated knowledge for research or for commercial
utilization shall make an application in Form I
(2) Every application under sub- rule (1) shall be accompanied by a fee of
ten thousand rupees in the form of a cheque or demand draft drawn in
favour of the Authority.
(3) The Authority shall after consultation with the concerned local bodies
and collecting such additional information from the applicant and other
sources, as it may deem necessary, dispose of the application, as far as
possible, within a period of six months from the date of its receipts .
(4) On being satisfied with the merit of the application, the Authority may
grant the approval for access to biological resources and associated
knowledge subject to such term and conditions as it may deem fit to
(5) The approval to access shall be in the form of a written agreement duly
signed by an authorized officer of the Authority and the applicant.
(6) The form of the agreement referred to in sub-rule (5) shall be laid down
by the Authority and shall include the following; namely:-
(x) commitment to abide with the provisions of Act and rules and
other related legislations in force in the country;
(7) The conditions for access may specifically provide measures for
conservation and protection of biological resources to which the access is
being granted.
(10) The Authority shall take steps to widely publicize the approvals granted,
through print or electronic media and shall periodically monitor
compliance of conditions on which the approval was accorded.
(1) The Authority may either on the basis of any complaint or suo moto
withdraw the approval granted for access under rule 15 and revoke the
written agreement under the following conditions ; namely:-
(i) on the basis of reasonable belief that the person to whom the approval
was granted has violated any of the provisions of the Act or the
condition on which the approval was granted ;
(ii) when the person who has been granted approval has failed to comply
with the terms of the agreement ;
(2) The Authority shall send a copy of every order of revocation issued by it
to the concerned State Biodiversity Board and the Biodiversity
Management Committees for prohibiting the access and also to assess
the damage, if any, caused and take steps to recover the damage.
(1) The Authority if it deems necessary and appropriate shall take the steps
to restrict or prohibit the request for access to biological resources for the
following reasons; namely:-
(ii) the request for access is for any endemic and rare species ;
(iii) the request for access may likely to result in adverse effect on the
livelihoods of the local people;
(v) the request for access may cause genetic erosion or affecting the
ecosystem function;
(vi) use of resources for purposes contrary to national interest and other
related international agreements entered into by India.
(3) Every application under sub-rule (1) shall be decided upon by the
Authority, as far as possible within a period of three months from the
receipt of the same.
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 52
(4) On being satisfied that the applicant has fulfilled all the requirements,
the Authority may grant the approval for transferring the results of
research subject to such terms and conditions as it may deem fit to impose
in each case.
(5) The approval for transfer shall be granted in the form of a written
agreement duly signed by an authorized officer of the Authority and the
applicant. The form of the agreement shall be such as may be decided by
the Authority.
18. Procedure for seeking prior approval before applying for intellectual
property protection.
(1) Any person desirous of applying for a patent or any other intellectual
property based on research on biological material and knowledge
obtained from India shall make an application in Form III.
(2) Every application under sub- rule (1) shall be accompanied by paying a
fee of five hundred rupees.
(3) The Authority after due appraisal of the application and after collecting
any additional information, on the basis of merit shall decide on the
application, as far as possible within a period of three months of receipt
of the same.
(4) On being satisfied that the applicant has fulfilled all the necessary
requirements, the Authority may grant approval for applying for a patent
or any other IPR subject to such terms and conditions as it may deem fit
to impose in each case.
(5) The approval shall be granted in the form of a written agreement duly
signed by an authorized officer of the Authority and the applicant. The
form of the agreement may be decided by the Authority.
(6) The Authority may reject the application if it considers that the request
cannot be acceded to after recording the reasons. Before passing order of
rejection, the applicant shall be given an opportunity of hearing.
19. Procedure for third party transfer under sub- section (2) of Section 20.
(1) The persons who have been granted approval for access to biological
resources and associated knowledge, intend to transfer the accessed
biological resource or knowledge to any other person or organization
shall make an application to the Authority in Form IV
(2) Every application under sub- rule (1) shall be accompanied by a fee of
ten thousand rupees in the form of Bank draft or cheque drawn in favour
of the Authority.
(3) The Authority shall after collecting any additional information, decide
upon the application as far as possible within a period of six months of
receipt of the same.
(4) On being satisfied that the applicant has fulfilled all the necessary
requirements, the Authority may grant approval for third party transfer
subject to such terms and conditions it may deem fit to impose in each
(5) The approval as may be granted under sub-rule (4) in the form of a written
agreement duly signed by an authorized officer of the Authority and the
applicant. The form of the agreement shall be such as may be decided by
the Authority.
(6) The Authority may for reasons to be recorded in writing reject the
application if it considers that the request cannot be acceded to provided
that no application shall be rejected unless the applicant has been given
an opportunity of being heard.
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 54
(1) The Authority shall by notification in the Official Gazette formulate the
guidelines and describe the benefit sharing formula.
(2) The guidelines shall provide for monetary and other benefits such as
royalty; joint ventures; technology transfer; product development;
education and awareness raising activities; institutional capacity building
and venture capital fund.
(3) The formula for benefit sharing shall be determined on a case-by case basis.
(4) The Authority while granting approval to any person for access or for
transfer of results of research or applying for patent and IPR or for third
party transfer of the accessed biological resource and associated
knowledge may impose terms and conditions for ensuring equitable
sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of accessed biological material
and associated knowledge.
(5) The quantum of benefits shall be mutually agreed upon between the
persons applying for such approval and the Authority in consultation
with the local bodies and benefit claimers and may be decided in due
regard to the defined parameters of access, the extent of use, the
sustainability aspect, impact and expected outcome levels, including
measures ensuring conservation and sustainable use of biological
(6) Depending upon each case, the Authority shall stipulate the time frame
for assessing benefit sharing on short, medium and long term benefits.
(7) The Authority shall stipulate that benefits shall ensure conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity.
(9) Five percent of the assessed benefits shall be earmarked for the Authority
or Board as the case may be, towards administrative and service charges.
(10) The Authority shall monitor the flow of benefits as determined under
sub rule (4) in a manner determined by it.
(2) The National Biodiversity Fund shall have two separate heads of accounts,
one relating to the receipts from the Central Government and the other
concerning the fee, licence fee, royalty and other receipts of the Authority.
(6) The main function of the BMC is to prepare People’s Biodiversity Register
in consultation with local people. The Register shall contain
comprehensive information on availability and knowledge of local
biological resources, their medicinal or any other use or any other
traditional knowledge associated with them.
(7) The other functions of the BMC are to advise on any matter referred to it
by the State Biodiversity Board or Authority for granting approval, to
maintain data about the local vaids and practitioners using the biological
(8) The Authority shall take steps to specify the form of the People’s
Biodiversity Registers, and the particulars it shall contain and the format
for electronic database.
(9) The Authority and the State Biodiversity Boards shall provide guidance
and technical support to the Biodiversity Management Committees for
preparing People’s Biodiversity Registers.
(11) The Committee shall also maintain a Register giving information about
the details of the access to biological resources and traditional knowledge
granted, details of the collection fee imposed and details of the benefits
derived and the mode of their sharing.
(2) In case the dispute arises between a State Biodiversity Board and another
state Biodiversity Board or Boards, the aggrieved Board or Boards, shall
prefer the point or points of dispute to the Central Government which
shall refer the same to the Authority.
(3) The memorandum of appeal shall state the facts of the case, the grounds
relied upon by the appellant, for preferring the appeal and the relief
sought for.
(6) The notice for hearing of the appeal shall be given in Form VI by a
registered post with an acknowledgement due.
(7) The Central Government shall, after hearing the appellant and the other
parties, dispose of the appeal.
(1) The manner of giving notice, under clause (b) of section 61, shall be as
follows namely:
(a) If the alleged offence has taken place in a Union territory, to the
Chairperson of the National Bio-diversity Authority; and
(2) The notice referred to in sub – rule (1) shall be sent by registered post
acknowledgement due; and
(3) The period of thirty days mentioned in clause (b) of section 61 shall be
reckoned from the date, the notice is received by the Authorities
mentioned in sub – rule (1).
(see rule 14)
Application form for access to Biological resources and associated traditional
Part A
(ii) Name:
2. Details and specific information about nature of access sought and biological
material and associated knowledge to be accessed
h) The purpose for which the access is requested including the type and
extent of research, commercial use being derived and expected to be
derived from it:
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 60
3. Details of any national institution which will participate in the Research and
Development activities.
5. The economic and other benefits including those arriving out of any IPR,
patent obtained out of accessed biological resources and knowledge that are
intended, or may accrue to the applicant or to the country that he/she belongs
Part B
I / we declare that:
I/we further declare the Information provided in the application form is true and
correct and I /We shall be responsible for any incorrect / wrong information.
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 62
(see rule 17)
i) Name :
ii) Address :
I/we declare the information provided in the application form is true and correct
and I/We shall be responsible for any incorrect/wrong information.
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 64
(See rule 18)
i) Name :
ii) Address :
I/we declare the Information provided in the application form is true and
correct and I/We shall be responsible for any incorrect/ wrong information.
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 66
(See rule 19)
(i) Name :
(ii) Address :
I/we declare the Information provided in the application form is true and
correct and I /We shall be responsible for any incorrect/ wrong information.
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 68
(See rule –23 (1)
(here mention the designation of the Authority/Board, as the case may be)
(Here briefly mention the facts of the case):
(Here mention the grounds on which the appeal is made):
a) In the light of what is stated above, the appellant respectfully prays that the
order /decision of the respondent be quashed / set-aside.
c) _________________________________________
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 70
I, the appellant do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the
best of my information and belief.
(See rule 23 (6))
Please take notice that the above appeal filed by the appellant, against the
order / direction / policy decision (give details) is fixed for hearing
on____________________ at_____________________ .
The copies of the appeal memorandum and other annexure filed along
with the appeal are sent herewith for your reference.
Please note that if you fails to appear on the said date or other subsequent
date of hearing of the appeal, the appeal would be disposed of finally by placing
you ex-parte.
Date: __________
Place: __________
The Biological Diversity Act & Rules 73
(See rule 24(1))
Whereas an offence under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 has been
committed/is being committed by ______________________________________
Place: ___________
Date: ____________
(1) In case the notice to be given in the name of a company, documentary evidence
authorizing the person to sign the notice on behalf of the company shall be
enclosed to the notice.
(2) Give the name and address of the alleged offender. In case of using biological
resource/knowledge/research/bio- survey and bio utilization / the
intellectual property right/patent, without the approval of the Authority,
the details thereof and the commercial utilisation if any, may be furnished.
(3) Documentary evidence shall include photograph, technical report etc., for
enabling enquiry into the alleged violation / offence.
[No. J-22018/57/2002-CSC(BC)]