Day by Day Current Affairs For The Month of July 2019

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Day by Day Top-10

Current Affairs
JULY 2019
Prepared by

In Collaboration with

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July 1, 2019 3. Govt notifies 33-member National

Youth Council
1. Assets declaration deadline extended  Prime Minister Imran Khan has formally
to July 3 approved the launch of 33-member
 The government on June 30, 2019 National Youth Council (NYC) for uplift of
extended the deadline for its Assets youth of the country.
Declaration Scheme for three days until  It is a remarkable initiative to ensure
the end of office hours on July 3 through active participation of young
a presidential ordinance to help those in professionals in national development.
queues complete the process and  It would be a devised scheme to
whiten their assets. economically empower the youth who
 `We are giving last opportunity so that in had deprived of better livelihood and
case some people are still in the process income opportunities.
and facing difficulty to let them avail of  Prominent figures from various fields
the benefits,` said Prime Minister`s including Education, Sports, Religion,
Adviser on Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Economy and Arts will part of NYC.
Shaikh at a press conference along with  Ghazi from operation Zarb-e-Azb Major
the Minister of State for Revenue, Tanveer Shafi, Cricketer Hassan Ali, Sana
Hammad Azhar, and Federal Board of Meer, Actor Hamza Ali Abbassi, Mahira
Revenue chairman Shabbar Zaidi. Khan, Samina Baig and Muniba Mizari
 Mr Shaikh said the scheme was currently will be part of the programme.
in the final stage and people had been 4. Authority under Benami Transactions
showing a lot of interest and hence the Act notified
government had decided to extend the  The federal government has established
deadline. the Adjudicating Authority under
2. Britain`s royal couple to visit Pakistan Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act-
 Prince William and his wife Kate will visit 2017, according to a press statement
Pakistan later this year on the first royal issued by the Federal Board of Revenue.
trip to the country in more than a  Jamil Ahmed, a retired Pakistan
decade, Kensington Palace announced Administrative Officer has been
on June 30, 2019. appointed as Chairperson of the
 Pakistan has battled militancy for more Adjudicating Authority whereas
than a decade, with tens of thousands of Muhammad Tanvir Akhtar, a retired
people killed, but the security situation Inland Revenue Officer and Khaqan
has stabilised recently after crackdowns Murtaza, an officer of Pakistan
on militants. The royal couple`s visit, Administrative Officer were appointed
requested by Britain`s Foreign and as members Adjudicating Authority,
Commonwealth Office, shows London`s according to the notification. The
renewed interest in Pakistan. Adjudicating Authority will start
 Pakistan welcomed the royal visit. functioning w.e.f. 1st July, 2019.
 `Government and the people of Pakistan 5. Lankan Govt faces legal fight in bid to
warmly welcome the announcement of resume hangings
the royal visit, tweeted Pakistan`s envoy  Sri Lanka`s president is facing fresh legal
to Britain, Nafees Zakaria. challenges in his attempt to end a 43-

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year moratorium on capital punishment  Donald Trump stepped onto North
and start executing drug convicts. Korean soil in a historic first on June 30,
 Two petitions were filed in the Court of 2019 as he met Pyongyang`s leader Kim
Appeal on Friday seeking an order Jong Un in a moment of high diplomatic
quashing any move by Maithripala drama on the world`s last Cold War
Sirisena to resume executions, which frontier.
have not been carried out since the last  Moments after becoming the only sitting
hanging in June 1976. US president to set foot inside North
 On Wednesday, Sirisena said he has Korea, Trump brought Kim back over the
completed formalities to resume dividing line for a meeting where they
hangings by signing the death warrants agreed to start working-level t alks on
of four condemned drug convicts. Pyongy ang`s nuclear weapons.
 He did not say when the executions  As they sat down for discussions, the
would be carried out. North Korean leader said their
6. Giant Beijing airport set to open on eve `handshake of peace` in a location that
of China`s 70th birthday was `the symbol of the division of north
 Beijing is set to open an eye-catching and south` showed that `we are willing
multi-billion dollar airport resembling a to put the past behind us`.
massive shining starfish, to 8. EU, Vietnam sign free trade agreement
accommodate soaring air traffic in China  Vietnam and the European Union signed
and celebrate the Communist a free trade agreement on June 30,
government`s 70th anniversary in 2019, opening opportunities to further
power. boost trade between the euro bloc and
 Work on the Beijing Daxing International one of Southeast Asia`s biggest
Airport officially ended on schedule June manufacturing nations.
30, 2019, ready for a September 30  The agreement, which was signed by
inauguration on the eve of the European Commissioner for Trade
anniversary of the foundation of the Cecilia Malmstrom and Vietnamese
People`s Republic on October 1, 1949 by Trade Minister Tran Tuan Anh in Hanoi,
Mao Zedong. Vietnam`s capital, will eliminate almost
 Celebrations of that event will see all tariffs for goods traded between
President Xi Jinping reviewing a huge Vietnam and the EU`s 28 member
military parade through the centre of countries.
Beijing, with the opening of the futuristic  Once the deal takes effect, the EU will lift
hub a fitting embodiment of the 85 per cent of its tariffs on Vietnamese
`Chinese dream` he has offered his goods, gradually cutting the rest over
fellow citizens. the following seven years.
 Located 46 kilometres south of 9. Bairstow, Woakes put England back on
Tiananmen square, the new airport will track with India win
operate at full capacity in 2025,with four  Jonny Bairstow hit a hundred before
runways and the potential to receive 72 Chris Woakes starred as England ended
million passengers per year. India`s unbeaten run at this World Cup
7. Trump steps into North Korea in historic with a 31-run win on June 30, 2019 to
first, meets Kim

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once again leave semi-final qualification
in their own hands. July 2, 2019
 England, who came into this match at 1. KSA oil supply on deferred payments
Edgbaston on the back of successive starts
defeats by Sri Lanka and Australia, will  Saudi Arabia has started supplying oil to
be assured of a place in the last four if Pakistan on deferred payments worth
they beat New Zealand in their last $9.9 billion, the Saudi embassy said on
group match on Wednesday. July 1, 2019.
 England`s bid to win a first World Cup  Also, a team from Saudi Arabia arrived in
title is based on aggressive top order Islamabad to begin the process for the
batting but the runs had dried up lately. provision of immigration facilities to
 That made their 337-7 after captain Eoin Pakistani pilgrims under the Road to
Morgan won the toss on a good pitch in Makkah project, the Radio Pakistan
Birmingham all the more heartening. reported.
10. Verstappen wins Austrian GP  Pakistan will start receiving monthly oil
 Max Verstappen won the Austrian Grand supplies worth $275 million from Saudi
Prix for a second straight year on June Arabia with effect from July 1. These
30, 2019 as Red Bull ended Mercedes’ supplies will continue over the next
unbeaten streak this season. three years, with a total value of $9.9
 The Dutchman recovered from a poor billion.
start to work his way up to the front of  Last October, Saudi Arabia had
the pack from eighth place, and announced an economic support
overtook leader Charles Leclerc in a package for Pakistan which included $3
Ferrari with just two laps to go. billion for balance of external payments.
However, stewards were investigating Riyadh also announced providing
Verstappen’s move to pass Leclerc as Islamabad deferred payment facility for
both cars touched. import of oil, worth more than $3 billion
 Starting from pole position for the for three years - $3.2 billion per year -
second time in his career, Leclerc almost during the visit of Prime Minister Imran
led the race from start to finish but Khan to Saudi Arabia to attend the
ended up just missing his first career Future Investment Initiative conference
win. Leclerc and Verstappen started the on the invitation of King Salman bin
race 1-2 and, at an average age of 21 Abdul Aziz Al-Saud.
years, 265 days, they made for the 2. OGDCL managing director Zahir resigns
youngest front row ever in a F1 race. 1. The Managing Director of the Oil and
Mercedes driver Valtteri Bottas Gas Development Company Limited
completed the podium, ahead of (OGDCL), Zahid Mir, has resigned from
Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel and his post.
championship leader Lewis Hamilton, 2. The OGDCL Board of Directors has
who started fourth and lost time to accepted the resignation of Mr Mir and
replace the front wing of his Mercedes appointed Dr Naseem Ahmed acting
after 31 laps and finished fifth. Managing Director/Chief Executive
Officer and Chief Operating Officer.

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3. The Board of Directors appreciated the the Services & General Administration
contribution made by Mr Mir in Department for further instructions.
implementing a long-term sustainability  The transfer of DIG Headquarters Punjab
framework for the company, besides Afzaal Kausar was also being taken
achieving strict financial controls and another important development. He
discipline. was appointed as regional police officer
3. Carrying mswar on flights banned (RPO) Sargodha vice Khuram Ali Shah
 The Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) has who was transferred and posted as new
imposed a ban on carrying niswar during DIG Headquarters Punjab.
air travel.  DIG CTD Punjab Humayun Bashir Tarar
 The act has been designated as a was transferred and posted as RPO
punishable offence. Sahiwal vice Shariq Kamal who was
 The official notification mentioned that transferred and posted as DIG Welfare
all Arab countries had included niswar Punjab.
tobacco with a dash of ash and lime in 5. Sind Minister Syed Nasir Hussain Shah
the list of narcotics and that strict action resigns
would be taken against passengers  Sindh Minister for Works and Services
carrying niswar in their luggage. Syed Nasir Hussain Shah on July 1, 2019
 The ANF has displayed banners inscribed tendered his resignation to campaign for
with the pledge to `clean society from the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)
drugs`, warning that in Arab countries candidate in the by-election for NA-205
the offence of carrying narcotics is Ghotki-II.
punishable with death.  Polling will be held on July 18.
 The ANF, being a prime drug law  After accepting the resignation, Chief
enforcement agency, has increased Minister Murad Ali Shah forwarded it to
vigilance on passengers travelling Governor Imran Ismail under Article
abroad at the airports and launched a 132(3) of the Constitution advising him
24-hour public complaint number 114 to accept it.
for registration of complaints and 6. New Zealand bans single-use plastic
facilitation of the general public. bags
4. IGP changes 11 DIGs` portfolios, forms  New Zealand officially banned single-use
his own team plastic shopping bags on July 1, 2019,
 Inspector General of Police retired Capt introducing hefty fines for businesses
Arif Nawaz Khan established his team of that continue to provide them.
senior police officers in Punjab on July 1,  Plastic pollution has become a growing
2019 by changing the portfolios of 11 global concern, with a million birds and
deputy inspectors general (DIGs). more than 100,000 marine mammals
 More importantly, he made two DIGs injured or killed every year by becoming
officers on special duty (OSD). They are entangled in packaging or ingesting it
Special Protection Unit (SPU) head through the food chain.
Sultan Ahmad Chaudhry and Multan City  Companies that break New Zealand`s
Police Officer (CPO) Imran Mahmood on ban will face heavy penalties, including
performance issues. Both the police fines of up to $67,000.
officers have been directed to report to

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 `New Zealanders are proud of our  Some carried road signs, others
country`s clean, green reputation and corrugated iron sheets and pieces of
want to help ensure we live up to it,` scaffolding upstairs and downstairs as
environment minister Eugenie Sage said. about a thousand gathered around the
7. Iran says it exceeds enriched uranium Legislative Council building in the heart
stockpile limit of the former British colony`s financial
 Iran said on July 1, 2019 it had exceeded district.
a limit on its enriched uranium reserves  Some sat at legislators` desks, checking
under a 2015 nuclear deal that has their phones, while others scrawled
edged towards collapse under `Withdraw anti-extradition` on walls.
Washington`s `maximum pressure`  The government called for an immediate
campaign. end to the violence, saying it had
 Israel urged European states to sanction stopped all work on extradition bill
Iran, while Russia voiced regret but said amendments and that the legislation
the Iranian move was a consequence of would automatically lapse in July next
US pressure and Britain urged Iran `to year.
avoid any further steps away` from the 9. Fernando-inspired Sri Lankans survive
landmark deal. scare to beat West Indies
 `Iran has crossed the 300-kilogramme  Sri Lanka held off a West Indies charge at
limit based on its plan` announced in Chester-le Street on July 1, 2019 to win
May, Foreign Minister Mohammad an exciting battle of two World Cup also-
Javad Zarif told semi-official news rans by 23 runs.
agency ISNA.  Both teams came into the match aware
 The United States withdrew from the they could not reach the semifinals but
nuclear deal last year and reimposed the Caribbean side came close to pulling
biting sanctions on Iran`s crucial oil off the highest successful chase in World
exports and financial transactions as Cup history.
well as other sectors.  Sri Lanka batted brightly to post an
 Tehran, which has sought to pressure imposing total of 338 for six in their 50
the remaining parties to save the deal, overs, thanks largely to Avishka
on May 8 announced it would no longer Fernando`s first ODI century. That total
respect the limit set on its enriched looked beyond the West Indies in the
uranium and heavy water stockpiles. early part of their innings but Nicholas
8. Hong Kong protesters storm legislature Pooran dug deep, also scoring his
in direct challenge to China maiden ODI ton.
 Hundreds of Hong Kong protesters 10. Pakistan ladies clinch gold at BFAME
stormed the legislature on the bridge
anniversary of the city`s 1997 return to  The Pakistan ladies bridge team beat
China on July 1, 2019, destroying India in the final to win the gold medal at
pictures and daubing walls with graffiti the 20th BFAME 2019 Bridge
in a direct challenge to China as anger Championship on July 1, 2019.
over an extradition bill spiralled out of  The tournament featured teams from
control. Asian and Middle Eastern countries.
Teams from Pakistan also took part in

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the Mixed Team, Open Team and Indian proposal for a second bilateral
Seniors events in which they clinched meeting on the modalities for the
bronze medals. functioning of visa free passage in the
 The gold medal-winning side comprised second week of July.
of Rubina Agha, Najm Abid, Shahnaz  India had earlier pulled out of the second
Pirzada, Qudsia Dossa, Rubina Hai and bilateral meeting scheduled for April 2
Fatima after the two sides had met at Attari on
March 14.
 The FO said the Indian side was asked to
July 3, 2019 share the composition of its delegation
visiting wagah on July 14.
1. US labels BLA as terrorist group  Just last Saturday a report published by
 The US State Department on July 2, 2019 Hindustan Times said New Delhi had
designated the Balochistan Liberation proposed to Pakistan that the second
Army (BLA) as a global terrorist group, meeting of the officials for finalising the
making it a crime for anyone in the US to modalities of the opening of the corridor
assist the militants. The action paves the be held between July 11 and 14 at wagah
way for similar actions by the United on the Pakistani side of the border.
Nations and other states. 3. Services of 10 senior police officers
 In a separate statement, the US surrendered to Centre
Department of Treasury has also frozen  In yet another major development, the
all BLA assets in the United States and Punjab government has surrendered
forbidden American citizens across the services of 10 senior police officers to
globe from having any financial dealings the Establishment Division, Islamabad,
with the entity or the people associated with one of them reportedly on `political
with it. grounds`.
 The Foreign Office in Islamabad  An additional IG, six deputy inspectors
welcomed the US decision, hoping that general (DIGs) and three senior
the designation would ensure that BLA`s superintendents of police (SSPs) were
space to operate was minimised. `It is among them and a notification to the
important that the perpetrators, effect was issued.
organisers, financers and external  The move is being taken as another
sponsors, including those glorifying initiative to further strengthen Inspector
these acts of terror against Pakistan, are General of Punjab Police Capt (Retired)
held accountable and brought to justice, Arif Nawaz Khan to build his team all
the FO said in a statement. over the province.
 The US State Department also describes  The Punjab government took decision in
the group`s activities as terrorism, while consultation with Mr Arif a day after he
the European Union calls it a terrorist changed positions of 11 DIGs in the
organisation. province.
2. Pakistan, India ready to resume 4. France returns stolen ancient artefacts
Kartarpur talks on 14th to Pakistan
 Pakistan on July 2, 2019 reaffirmed its  France returned more than 400 stolen
commitment to expeditious completion artefacts to the government of Pakistan
of Kartarpur Corridor as it accepted an

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on July 2, 2019, including ancient busts, local Hindu and Muslim leaders and
vases, urns and goblets, some dating to stressed the need for promotion of
the second and third millennia BC. religious harmony to establish durable
 Many of the pieces turned up in France peace.
in September 2006, sent in parcels 6. UAE approves full foreign ownership of
addressed to a gallery in Paris. firms
 The packages were intercepted by  The United Arab Emirates said on July 2,
customs officers at Roissy Charles de 2019 it had decided to lift a decades-old
Gaulle airport and identified by the cap on foreign ownership and allow full
National Centre for Scientific Research foreign control of business ventures.
as items looted from cemeteries in Indus  `In a cabinet meeting chaired in Abu
valley. Dhabi, we approved 100 percent foreign
 Another consignment of pottery and ownership in 122 economic activities,`
terracotta pieces destined for the same UAE vice president and prime minister
gallery was stopped two weeks later. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashed Al-
And during a search of the unnamed Maktoum said on Twitter.
gallery`s premises, customs officers  The decision abolishes a decades-old law
seized several hundred more ceramic that limits foreign ownership to just 49
pieces. per cent.
 In a ceremony held at Pakistan`s  The move covers `fields including
embassy in Paris, 445 artefacts were agriculture, manufacturing, renewable
handed back to authorities on Tuesday, energy, e-commerce, transportation,
with an estimated value of $157,000. arts, construction and entertainment,`
5. Historic temple reopens in Sialkot after Sheikh Mohammed added.
72 years 7. All-Afghan talks on July 7 as Trump
 The historic Shawala Teja Singh temple recalls 9,000 US troops
has been re-opened for the Hindu  US President Donald Trump`s
community for worship after its 72-year declaration that he has already
closure. withdrawn almost half of his troops from
 Located in the congested Muhallah Afghanistan led to another surprise
Dhaarowal on Circular Road, the temple, announcement on July 2, 2019 that an
which is over a 1,000 years old, had been all-Afghan peace summit will be held in
closed since the Partition. It is located on Qatar on July 7 and 8.
a dune along Allama Iqbal Road and one  Germany`s special representative for
has to climb up staircases to reach the Afghanistan and Pakistan Markus Potzel
building. The Hindu community had said in a statement on July 2, 2019 that
been pressing successive governments Germany and Qatar were co-sponsoring
for its rehabilitation and re-opening. the talks and invitations had also been
 A special opening ceremony was held at jointly issued by the two hosts.
the temple under the auspices of the  In another statement, the US State
Evacuee Trust Property Board on July 2, Department said that despite recent
2019. Deputy Secretary (Shrines) Syed terrorist attacks in Kabul, `we remain
Faraz Abbas visited the site and presided commit ted to the Afghan peace
over the ceremony. He met with the process` President Trump told that he

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has already `reduced the force very 10. Pakistan thrash India to lift World
substantially in Afghanistan`, but does Snooker Team Cup
`not talk about (it) very much` The US  Maintaining their stranglehold, Pakistan
leader then explained how many troops thrashed India 3-1 in the final to clinch
he had withdrawn so far. World Snooker Team Cup for their
 `We were at 16,000. We`re down to second team title in four days as the
about 9,000, which a lot of people don`t curtain fell at Doha on July 2, 2019.
know,` he said.  According to the results, Pakistan`s duo
8. Nasa tests launch-abort system for of Asjad Iqbal and Mohammad Bilal won
moon mission capsule the best of five frames title clash 64-11,
 Nasa carried out a successful test on July 93-1, 23-79, 58-33 against Indian pair of
2, 2019 of a launch-abort system for the Pankaj Advani and Laxman Rawat.
Orion capsule designed to take US  It may be mentioned that Pakistan 2
astronauts to the Moon. combination of Zulfiqar A Qadir and
 The three-minute exercise at Cape Babar Masih defeated India 1 by 3-2
Canaveral in Florida aimed to test in score line in the preceding final to win
almost real-life conditions the the Asian Team Event crown.
evacuation of astronauts from the  All in all, Pakistan returned with a haul of
capsule in the event of an explosion or two golds, a silver and three bronze
rocket booster failure. medals from back-to-back four
 The test `put us one huge step closer to competitions.
the first Artemis flight carrying people to
the Moon,` said Orion program manager

Mark Kirasich.
The technique used is the US equivalent
July 4, 2019
of an emergency system used last 1. IMF okays $6bn package to `foster
October to bring a Russian cosmonaut strong growth`
and a US astronaut safely back to earth  The Executive Board of the International
when a problem emerged with their Monetary Fund (IMF) on July 3, 2019
Soyuz rocket shortly after liftoff from approved a $6 billion bailout package for
Kazakhstan. Pakistan and immediately released $1bn
9. Sharma, Bumrah help India qualify for to ease a sustained pressure on the
semi-final country`s foreign exchange reserves.
 India opener Rohit Sharma hit his fourth  The package, which supports the
century of the World Cup and fast government`s efforts to revive the
bowler Jasprit Bumrah took four wickets country`s ailing economy, includes a
as Virat Kohli`s side booked their place in phased release of the additional aid over
the semi-finals with a 28-run win over a 39-month period. The IMF will also
Bangladesh at Edgbaston on July 2, conduct quarterly review of Pakistan`s
2019. performance over this period.
 Sharma`s attacking 104 laid the  `IMF Executive Board approved today a
foundation of India`s 314 for nine after three-year US$6 billion loan to support
Kohli elected to bat first in India`s Pakistan`s economic plan, which aims to
penultimate match ofthe league phase. return sustainable growth to the
country`s economy and improve the

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standards of living, IMF spokesperson maritime security patrol in the Indian
Gerry Rice said on Twitter. Ocean. The Russian Commander in Chief
 `The country`s economic plan seeks to lauded the role of Pakistan Navy in
return sustainable growth to the maintaining peace and security in the
economy by adopting reforms to foster region.
stronger and more sus-WASHINGTON: 4. PMDC introduces new format for entry
The Execudve Board of the International tests
Monetary Fund (IMF) on Wednesday  Pakistan Medical and Dental Council
approved a $6 billion bailout package for (PMDC) has introduced new format for
Pakistan and immediately released $1bn Medical and Dental College Admission
to ease a sustained pressure on the Test (MD-CAT) which will be held on Aug
country`s foreign exchange reserves. 25.
2. Five soldiers martyred in explosion near  A format for the entry test was prepared
LoC in consultation with the subject experts
 Five army soldiers were martyred and nominated by admitting universities.
one was injured in an `explosive blast` in  The format was approved by the council
the proximity of the Line of Control (LoC) and it was directed all admitting
on July 3, 2019. universities to follow the format.
 The incident occurred in Chamb sector  Moreover, universities have been
of Barnala, one of the three tehsils of directed to make arrangements so that
Bimbher district of Azad Jammu and students could be aware of new format.
Kashmir, added the Inter-Services Public 5. Nine sentenced to death for attacking
Relations (ISPR) in a press release. Sheikh Hasina 25 years ago
 `Five Pakistan Army soldiers embraced  A court in Bangladesh on July 3, 2019
shahadat while one got injured in sentenced to death nine opposition
explosive blast in Chamb sec-tor of activists over an attack on a train
Barnala, few meters from the LoC,` the carrying current Prime Minister Sheikh
ISPR said, adding that the nature of the Hasina 25 years ago.
blast was being ascertained.  A further 25 activists from the main
 However, military sources told that the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party
casualties had occurred in five to six (BNP) were jailed for life and 13 other
improvised explosive device blasts members jailed for 10 years by the court
around 500-600 metres within the LoC in Pabna, prosecutor Akhtaruzzaman
when the soldiers were on a routine Mukta said.
patrol in the afternoon. 6. Iran will start enriching uranium at
3. Russian commander lauds Pak Navy’s higher levels after this weekend
peace role  Iran will begin enriching uranium at a
 Russian ground forces Commander in higher level than what is allowed under
Chief, Army General Oleg Salyukov the 2015 nuclear deal within days,
called on Naval Chief Admiral Zafar Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said.
Mahmood Abbasi at the Naval  The announcement comes two days
Headquarters on July 3, 2019. after Iran announced it had exceeded
 The Naval Chief apprised the dignitary of limits on its low-enriched uranium
Pakistan Navy’s steps toward regional stockpiles. Under the 2015 deal, Iran

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agreed to slash its stockpile of enriched remote British Overseas Territory (BOT)
uranium by 90%, and cap uranium volcano.
enrichment at 3.67%. The agreement  Few enduring lava lakes are known
also reduced the number of its globally; the one at Mount Michael on
centrifuges by two-thirds. Rouhani said Saunders Island in the South Atlantic
the enrichment limits would be may be only the eighth such example.
surpassed after Sunday. He has also The 990m-high strato volcano’s setting
vowed to revive work on the Arak heavy- makes it extremely difficult to climb.
water reactor, which had been  Pictures taken from space are really
suspended under the nuclear deal. therefore the only way of looking inside
 “We will raise the level of enrichment to the opening at the summit.
the amount we want and need,”  Orbiting sensors from as far back as the
Rouhani said at a government meeting 1990s have detected heat anomalies in
according to semi-official Tasnim News the crater. But it has taken the most
Agency. modern satellites to resolve the crater
 He urged the Americans and the floor, and to verify the presence of the
Europeans to “go back to their lake.
commitments in the nuclear deal.” 9. PM approves new domestic cricket
7. Rahul Gandhi quits as Congress Party structure
leader  Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) patron-in-
 Rahul Gandhi has resigned as leader of chief Prime Minister Imran Khan has
India’s main opposition Congress party, given nod of approval to newly-
ending weeks of speculation. amended domestic structure, which will
 In his resignation letter, which he be implemented from this year.
tweeted on July 3, 2019, he took  PCB patron gave approval to the new
responsibility for the party’s defeat in domestic format, while notification in
the recent general election. this regard was also issued. “The PM has
 He had already announced his intention directed the departments as well as
to resign, but party leaders had hoped to government departments, which have
change his mind. their cricket teams, to fully cooperate
 Gandhi’s father, grandmother and great and help to implement new domestic
grandfather were all former prime system.”
ministers.  Total of 11 departments were issued
 In the letter he added that while he had directives from the PM office, which
no “hatred or anger” towards India’s include Wapda, SNGPL, State Bank,
ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), National Bank, KRL, PTV, ZTBL, PIA,
“every living cell in my body instinctively Railways and Civil Aviation Authority.
resists their idea of India” which he said Previously 16 regional cricket
was based on differences and hatred. associations have now been merged into
8. Remote British territory hosts six and according to new set up, six
persistent lava lake teams are, Punjab Central, Punjab
 Satellite pictures confirm there is a Southern, Sindh, KP, Balochistan and
persistent lava lake inside the crater of a Northern Regions.

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10. England whip NZ to cruise into first Pakistan will play a major role in
semi-final since 1992 attaining it.
 England qualified for the World Cup 2. Islamabad needs $38b to meet future
semi-finals for the first time in 27 years requirements: IMF
on July 3, 2019 with a crushing 119-run  The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
win over New Zealand, who are also has noted that Pakistan will need $38
effectively heading to the playoffs billion in coming years to meet its large
despite a third straight loss. financing requirements.
 Jonny Bairstow`s second century in a  “The Fund-supported program is
row helped England to 305-8 off its 50 expected to coalesce broader support
overs at the Riverside Ground, and the from multilateral and bilateral creditors
Black Caps never looked like chasing in excess of US$38 billion, which is
down the target after the run-outs of crucial for Pakistan to meet its large
Kane Williamson and Ross Taylor in financing needs in the coming years,”
successive overs left them 69-4. the IMF has stated in its handout
. released after approving $6 billion 39-

July 5, 2019 Month Extended

Arrangement for Pakistan.
Fund Facility

1. Prime Minister to visit US, have  The IMF has projected that Pakistan’s
meeting with Trump on 22nd growth rate would remain lower, budget
 The Foreign Office on July 4, 2019 deficit and debt to GDP will further
formally confirmed that Prime Minister increase in the ongoing fiscal year. The
Imran Khan would visit the United States country’s GDP will remain at 2.2 percent
for a meeting with President Donald during ongoing fiscal year, which will be
Trump. lower than 3.3 percent growth recorded
 `At the invitation of US President Donald in previous year.
Trump, Prime Minister Imran Khan will  Meanwhile, Pakistan’s budget deficit
visit Washington and hold a meeting excluding grants will remain at 7.3
with him on July 22,` FO spokesman Dr percent of the GDP in current fiscal year,
Mohammad Faisal said at the weekly which will be higher than the deficit of 7
media briefing. percent of the GDP projected for
 This was the first official confirmation of previous year. Similarly, debt to GDP will
the prime minister`s upcoming visit to go up to 76.9 percent in 2019-20 as
the US after the reports that Mr Khan`s compared to 74.9 percent of year 2018-
meeting with Mr Trump has been 19.
scheduled made the rounds in media for  Says misaligned economic policies
days. fuelled short-term growth in recent
 It is speculated that Mr Khan has been years
invited to the White House to encourage 3. IMF package to bring $38bn from other
his government to help more for a creditors
political settlement of the Afghan  Pakistan on July 4, 2019 welcomed $6bn
dispute. bailout package approved by the
 The Trump administration looks eager to executive board of the International
have a deal in Afghanistan and believes Monetary Fund (IMF), saying it would

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lead to inflows of $38bn from other intelligence agency RAW and his
lenders in three years. involvement in espionage and
 Speaking at a hurriedly called news fomenting terrorism in Pakistan. On May
conference, PM`s Adviser on Finance 18, the ICJ through an interim order
and Revenue Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh stayed Jadhav`s execution after which
said the approval of 39-month reform Pakistan`s Foreign Office communicated
programme by the IMF executive board to the world court that the government
without opposition from any member had instructed all relevant departments
would provide stability to Pakistan. `The to give effect to the order.
board has given us trust to prove  Pakistan has already furnished two
ourselves good partners and deliver on counter-memorials on the Indian claims.
reform promises,` he said. 5. Pakistani summits Nanga Parbat for
 This had improved the country`s fifth record time
standing and other insutudons had also  Mohammad Ali Sadpara has set the
started extending their financial record of climbing Nanga Parbat for the
support. fifth time.
 Asian Development Bank would disburse  Confirming the first successful summits
about $2.1bn out of $3.4bn agreed of this season, the ACP said that at
funds to Pakistan this year and the roughly 2pm, 11 climbers including Stefi
World Bank had also agreed to Troguet, Sergi Mingote and veteran
additional assistance purely for Pakistani mountaineer Mr Sadpara had
budgetary support. reached the summit of the 8,126 metre
4. ICJ to announce verdict on Jadhav Killer Mountain, at the tail end of the
conviction on 17th Himalayas.
 The International Court of Justice (ICJ)  The climbers set off for the final summit
will formally announce its verdict on the push at 1am Thursday morning, climbing
conviction of Indian spy Commander 1,000 metres through waist-deep snow.
Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav on July 17 at  Two months ago in May, Mr Sadpara
the Peace Palace, The Hague.Attorney became the first Pakistani to summit the
General Anwar Mansoor and Director 8,516-metre Lhotse and the 8,485-
General for South Asia and SAARC at the metre Makalu in Nepal. ACP Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Karrar Haidri congratulated Mr Sadpara
Mohammad Faisal are expected to leave “especially for the record summit for the
for The Hague to hear the verdict to be fifth time of Nanga Parbat.”
announced at 3pm (6pm Pakistani time). 6. Kyrgyzstan makes stateless people its
 Harish Salve, representing New Delhi, citizens
had opened the arguments on Feb 18,  Kyrgyzstan handed citizenship to the last
followed by English Queen`s Counsel stateless people on its territory on July 4,
(QC) Khawar Qureshi who made 2019 in what UN officials hailed as a
submissions on Feb 19 on behalf of breakthrough in the global fight to end
Islamabad. the plight of millions of `legal ghosts`
 Kulbhushan Jadhav, who was captured who lack any nationality.
in Balochistan in March 2016, had  An estimated 10 to 15 million people
confessed to his association with Indian worldwide are not recognised as

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nationals by any country, often deprived  The famous pharaoh`s finely-chiselled
of education, health, housing and jobs, face its calm eyes and puffed lips
and at risk of exploitation and detention. emoting a sense of eternal peace came
 The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) from the private Resandro Collection of
launched an ambitious campaign called ancient art that Christie`s last auctioned
#Ibelong in 2014 to end statelessness in off 2016 for 3 million.
a decade.  But angry Egyptian officials wanted July
 Kyrgyzstan is the first country to meet 4, 2019`s sale halted and the treasure
the deadline. returned.
7. Putin says fire-hit Russian submarine 9. Sultan Golden beats American’s record
was nuclear-powered of reverse speed driving in Swat
 Russian President Vladimir Putin  World fame Sultan Muhammad Khan
disclosed on July 4, 2019 for the first Golden of Pakistan, a Pakistani motorcar
time that a secret military submarine hit and motorcycle stuntman and jumping
by a fatal fire three days ago was specialist July 4, 2019 claimed to have
nuclear-powered, prompting the created a new world record of reverse
defence minister to assure him its driving his car over a speed of 112
reactor had been safely contained. kilometer per hours during his practice
 Russian officials have faced accusations preparation for the forthcoming
of trying to cover up the full details of Shandur Polo at Saidu Sharif, Swat by
the accident that killed 14 sailors as they breaking the record of American driver
were carrying out what the defence of 58.48 kilometers reverse driving.
ministry called a survey of the sea floor  Sultan Muhammad Khan Golden, hailing
near the Arctic. from Balochistan province, has the
 Moscow`s slow release of information credit of introducing the sport of reverse
about the incident has drawn motorcar jumping and set the world
comparisons with the opaque way the record by reverse jumping of 150 feet
Soviet Union handled the 1986 over 15 cars, has another distinction of
Chernobyl nuclear power station created the most speed reserve driving
disaster, and another deadly submarine record of 112 kilometers per hour
accident the 2000 sinking of the nuclear- record.
powered Kursk, which claimed 118 lives.  The most fame Pakistani stuntman and
8. Tutankhamun relic sells for $6m despite jumping specialists had setup the world
Egyptian outcry record of jumping over 22 cars covering
 A 3,000-year-old quanzite head of 249 feet distance in way back 1987, by
Egyptian `Boy King` Tutankhamun was leaving behind USA’s jumper record for
auctioned off for $6 million on July 4, jumping 246 feet over cars.
2019 in London despite an outcry from 10. West Indies beat Afghanistan by 23
Cairo. runs
 Christie`s auction house sold the 28.5-  West Indies produced a defiant display
centimetre (11-inch) relic for $5,970,000 to beat bottom side Afghanistan by 23
at one of its most controversial auctions runs in the World Cup at Headingley.
in years. No information about the buyer  Having lost five successive matches, the
was disclosed. Windies were only one place above the

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winless Afghans but Shai Hope, dropped  The ADB had already agreed to provide
on five, made an assured 77. Skipper additional funds of $3.4 billion to
Jason Holder blazed four huge sixes to Pakistan and $2.1 billion would be
take their total to 311-6. Afghanistan released this fiscal year. Similarly, he
were all out off the final ball for 288, 18- said, World Bank will also give additional
year-old wicketkeeper Ikram Alikhil funds to Pakistan. All these funds will be
scoring 86 in their highest score batting used for budgetary support.
second in ODIs.  The ADB approved $235 million for
 Afghanistan finish their campaign Pakistan. The Karachi Bus Rapid Transit
without a victory. Red Line Project will deliver the 26.6-
July 6, 2019 kilometer (km) Bus Rapid Transit Line
Red Line corridor and associated
1. Air Chief opens think-tank on aerospace facilities benefiting as many as 1.5
research million people, about 10% of Karachi’s
 Pakistan Air Force (PAF) achieved yet population, who live within a kilometer
another milestone when it inaugurated of a Red Line BRT station. More than
its policy think-tank ‘Centre for 300,000 passengers per day are
Aerospace and Security Studies’ here on expected on the Red Line BRT routes.
July 5, 2019. 3. Army sets up special cell on missing
 Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan, persons
Chief of the Air Staff, PAF, was the chief  The Army on July 5, 2019 said that a
guest on the occasion. special cell on missing persons had been
 The dimensions of aerospace power established at the General Headquarters
continue to expand day by day and with (GHQ).
technologies and vast improvements  Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR)
taking place in air and space platforms, it Director General Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor,
has become an instrument of first in a meeting with Defence of Human
choice. Rights chairperson Amina Masood
2. ADB approves $235m loan for Karachi Janjua, disclosed that a special
bus rapid transit system assistance cell was working at the GHQ
 The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has to facilitate the process regarding
approved $235 million loan to help missing persons.
develop a bus rapid transit (BRT) system  The Defence of Human Rights is a non-
with innovative energy and climate governmental organisation that works
resilience features that will enhance on enforced disappearances. The ISPR
access to quality public transport for chief met Ms Janjua to brief her on the
people in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest and efforts of the government and security
most populated city. forces for resolving the matter.
 This is project loan. The ADB would also 4. Torkham to be functional 24/7 from
start releasing funds for the budgetary Aug 1
support after approval of loan  The border between Pakistan and
programme by International Monetary Afghanistan, Torkham, will be functional
Fund (IMF). round the clock from 1st August while

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gates would be opened on borders at the government will spend around $43
Mohmand and Chitral from August 7. billion in the financial year 2019-20
 In light of federal government directions ending in March 2020, in comparison to
Pak-Afghan border (Torkham) would be $41 billion in 2018-19.
functional from 1st August round the  Nevertheless, the minister made
clock adding additional staff has been changes in the taxation of imported
deputed at the site. defence equipment and said that
 The deputation of more staff of Customs equipment not “Made in India” is now
and KP Police and concerned law exempt from basic customs duties.
enforcement departments is underway  “Defence has an immediate
at Torkham border. requirement of modernisation and
5. Fayyazul Hassan Chohan takes oath as upgrading.
minister 7. Iran threatens to seize British oil tanker
 After four months of political wilderness,  An Iranian official has said a British oil
Fayyazul Hassan Chohan was recalled on tanker should be seized, if a detained
July 5, 2019 to take oath as provincial Iranian ship is not released.
minister.  British Royal Marines helped officials in
 Acting Governor Ch Parvez Elahi Gibraltar to seize the super-tanker Grace
administered the oath at a simple 1 on Thursday, after it was suspected of
ceremony held at the Governor House. carrying oil from Iran to Syria, in breach
Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar of EU sanctions.
also attended the ceremony.  Iran later summoned the British
 Chohan had to resign as information ambassador in Tehran to complain
minister in March this year following his about what it said was a “form of
outburst against the Hindus. Chohan had piracy”.
later justified his utterances saying they 8. Russia launches Soyuz carrier rocket
were directed against the Hindus living with 33 satellites
in India and not against the Hindu  Russia successfully launched its Soyuz-
minority in Pakistan. 2.1a carrier rocket on July 5, 2019 with a
6. India keeps defence budget unchanged hydro meteorological satellite and 32
 Amid growing needs to modernise the small satellites, the Russian state space
armed forces, the Indian government corporation Roscosmos said.
has kept the defence budget at the level  The rocket blasted off at 8:41 a.m.
announced during the interim budget in Moscow time (0541 GMT) from the
February. Vostochny spaceport in the Far Eastern
 The defence allocation for 2019-20 is Amur Region, it said in a statement.
just two percent more in comparison to  Russia’s Meteor-M No.2-2 hydro
the budget of 2018-19, leaving the meteorological satellite was successfully
country’s armed forces high and dry on put into a target orbit with a height of
modernisation in comparison to China about 832 km, Roscosmos said in a live
and Pakistan. broadcast.
 The budget document that was  The satellite will be able to provide
presented by Finance Minister Nirmala images of clouds, the surface of the
Sitharaman in the parliament noted that

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Earth, ice and snow covers in the visible,
infrared and microwave ranges. July 8, 2019
9. Pakistan bow out with Bangladesh 1. Pakistan to get $1.65bn net receipts out
hammering of $6bn IMF package
 Pakistan hammered Bangladesh by 94  Pakistan will get net receipts of about
runs at Lord’s but failed in their highly $1.65 billion in four years from the
unlikely task of pipping New Zealand to International Monetary Fund (IMF)
the last World Cup semi-final place. under the just concluded $6bn bailout as
 The 1992 winners needed victory by a it delivers on a steep macroeconomic
record margin of at least 308 runs to adjustment plan.
finish fourth on a better net run-rate. An  Beginning this year Pakistan will receive
Imam ul-Haq century and 96 from Babar a total of $6bn in about three years
Azam saw them post 315-9 before they ending 2021-22 from the IMF, while it
dismissed Bangladesh for 221. has to repay about $4.355bn in four
 Shakib Al Hasan top-scored with 64 for years ending 2022-23,showing net
the Tigers but seamer Shaheen Afridi (6- receipts of $1.65bn.
35) produced a match-winning spell.  The government is expected to receive
Pakistan could not reach the semi-finals first disbursement of about $1bn this
once Bangladesh reached 8-0 in the week under the $6bn Extended Fund
second over of their chase, confirming Facility (EFF) that would boost the
New Zealand in the last four with foreign exchange reserves in the short
Australia, India and England. term, but its repayment obligations
10. Shoaib Malik retires from ODIs under the previous $6.4bn EFF have
 Veteran allrounder Shoaib Malik on July already begun.
5, 2019 announced his retirement from  The Fund`s previous EFF had envisaged a
ODI cricket after Pakistan’s thumping 94- repayment period ranging between
run win against Bangladesh in the ICC four-and-a-half years and 10 years, with
Cricket World Cup 2019 at Lord’s in repayments in 12 equal semi-annual
London. The victory was not enough for installments. The 12 disbursements by
Pakistan to qualify as New Zealand went the IMF had started during the fiscal
through owing to a better net run-rate. year 2013-14 and completed in
 Speculation was rife that Malik will call September 2016. The repayments under
time on his ODI career, which spans that programme started in March 2019
across more than a decade right from with $532 million, including $70m
the time he made his debut in 1999 interest charges, and will continue until
against West Indies at Sharjah. June 2026.
 The 37-year-old Malik was dropped from 2. Pakistan hosts `world`s toughest cycle
the squad after failing in his third game. race`
He made eight against England and then  Finishing nearly 5,000 metres above sea
fell for zero in back-to-back games level after hundreds of kilometres
against Australia and India. His golden winding past blackened glaciers and
ball duck against India at Old Trafford on snow-capped peaks: a new Pakistani
June 16 would be the last of his ODI race presents a world-class challenge for

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cyclists climbing towards the `Roof of representing the vast majority of the
the World`. people and Afghan society, in order to
 The Tour de Khunjerab its name a support peace and stability in
homage to its more famous French Afghanistan and the region in general.
counterpart, which began on July 6, 4. Iran announces increase of uranium
2019 is still many years away from being enrichment concentration
another Big Loop, but with a solid claim  Iran announced July 7, 2019 that it is
to being the highest cycling race in the raising its uranium enrichment
world, it has a lot to offer a certain type concentration beyond the limits set by
of athlete. the landmark 2015 international nuclear
 In the last week of June, some 88 deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive
cyclists, including two teams from Plan of Action (JCPOA).
Afghanistan and Sri Lanka as wellas solo  Earlier on the day, Ali Rabiee, the
participants from Spain and Switzerland, spokesman for Iranian government, said
took part in its second edition. in a live broadcast from state TV that
 Less than half completed it within the “today, we will start enriching uranium
allotted time. beyond 3.67 percent, and its level of
3. Intra-Afghan peace talks begin in Doha purity depends on our needs. This will
 The Afghan government on July 7, 2019 happen officially.”
hailed a meeting of Afghan politicians  The announcement was immediately
and members of the Taliban in the Gulf confirmed by the Spokesman for the
state of Qatar as a crucial step in Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran
promoting peace and reconciliation in (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi, who said
the country but once again reiterated that the rise of the purity of uranium
that face-to-face talks between the enrichment from current 3.67 percent to
Afghan government and the Taliban the higher level aims at “meeting the
were a must to end the ongoing conflict needs of fuel for Iran’s power plants.”
in the country. 5. Nigeria signs African free trade area
 Almost 50 delegates from Afghanistan agreement
and 17 representatives of the Taliban  African superpower Nigeria has signed
have attended a two-day intra-Afghan an agreement which aims to increase
dialogue conference in Doha, co-hosted trade between African countries. This
by Germany and Qatar, which kicked off leaves Eritrea as the only African country
on Sunday. not to be part of the trading bloc.
 “It can be evaluated as a progress [in the  Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari
peace process] and an opportunity for signed the landmark agreement at the
those Afghans who are present there in African Union (AU) summit in Niger. The
the meeting to share their ideas with first step is to cut tariffs for goods from
each other,” President Ghani’s countries within the bloc but the
spokesman Sediq Sediqqi told TOLO timeframe to do this is yet to be
news. announced.
 The State of Qatar and Germany hope  The AU says that the African Continental
that this conference will contribute to Free Trade Area - called AfCFTA - will
building trust between the main parties create the world’s largest free trade

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area. It also estimates that party with 31.5 percent after nearly 60
implementing AfCFTA will lead to percent of ballots were tallied.
around a 60% boost in intra-African  The result was a stinging blow to Tsipras,
trade by 2022. who had insisted he could overturn a
6. Jodrell Bank Observatory gains Unesco sizable gap in opinion polls running up to
World Heritage status the election, which he asked to hold
 Jodrell Bank Observatory has been several months before his term expires
declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. in the f all.
It has been at the forefront of 8. An earthquake’s impact can be
astronomical research since its inception predicted
in 1945 and tracked US and Russian craft  Over the next week, Southern California
during the space race. has only a 27% chance of experiencing a
 The site in Cheshire is part of the third earthquake greater than
University of Manchester. It is magnitude 6, but a 96% chance of going
dominated by the landmark Lovell through a tremor of magnitude 5 or
Telescope. It joins the ancient Iraqi city higher.
of Babylon and other locations that have  Those precise probabilities were
been added to the prestigious list. generated by scientists at the United
 The UN World Heritage Committee is States Geological Survey (USGS), using
meeting in Azerbaijan until 10 July to models based on longstanding principles
decide on the latest sites to be given the of seismic behavior and decades of data
honour - awarded to areas considered to on aftershocks from earthquakes.
be important for the whole of humanity,  But the same predictive power does not
which will be protected by international extend to forecasting when and where
treaties. earthquakes will strike in the first place,
 Scientific research began at Jodrell Bank experts acknowledge.
Observatory in 1945 when the physicist 9. Federer posts new Slam record at
Sir Bernard Lovell came to the University Wimbledon
of Manchester. The site pioneered the  Eight-time Wimbledon singles champion
then new science of radio astronomy, Roger Federer posted yet more
which used radio waves instead of landmarks on July 6, 2019, registering a
visible light to understand the universe. record 350th win in Grand Slam matches
7. Greek PM concedes defeat after anti- in his 7-5, 6-2, 7-6 (7/4) victory over
austerity vote Lucas Pouille of France and in the
 Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras process reached the fourth round for an
conceded defeat on July 7, 2019 after a unprecedented 17th time.
partial vote count showed opposition  In the other late matches on Saturday,
conservatives comfortably winning the Andy Murray`s hopes of men`s doubles
first parliamentary election since the glory ended early as he and French
country emerged from its international partner Pierre-Hugues Herbert went out
bailouts. in the second round.
 The conservative New Democracy party  However, he was to end the day on a
of Kyriakos Mitsotakis had 39.7 percent celebratory note as his star partnership
of the vote compared to Tsipras`s Syriza with Serena Williams eased into the

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second round of the mixed doubles share to honour its commitments with
beating Germany`s Andreas Mies and the IMP.
Alexa Guarachi of Chile 6-4, 6-1.  The projections contained in the
10. US win women`s football World Cup document show that the authorities
 The United States won a record have promised to increase FBR`s total
extending fourth women`s football tax collection from Rs3.94tr last year to
World Cup title with a 2-0 victory over Rs5.5tr this year and to Rs10.5tr by
the Netherlands on July 7, 2019 as 2023-24, a cumulative increase of
second-half goals from Megan Rapinoe Rs6.564tr in five years. Assuch, the tax-
and Rose Lavelle confirmed their status to-GDP ratio is forecast to soar to 15.3
as the leading power in the women`s per cent from 10.4pc this year.
game. 2. ADB to give $10bn in five years for
 The defending champions struggled to development projects
gain dominance for an hour before a  The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on
Rapinoe penalty, her sixth goal of the July 8, 2019 said it planned to extend up
tournament, broke the deadlock and a to $10 billion indicative lending to
fine individual effort from Lavelle in the Pakistan for various development
69th minute put the outcome beyond projects and programmes during the
doubt. next five years including $2.1bn
 The Dutch, who are the European disbursements during the current Fiscal
champions, ran out of steam after year.
Rapinoe opened the scoring in the 61st  The Manila-based lending agency said it
minute, having done more than any had a series of country consultations to
team to frustrate the Americans. formulate a new Country Partnership

July 9, 2019 Strategy (CPS), which will guide ADB`s

engagement in the country from 2020 to
1. IMF gunning for debt reduction, 2024. The purpose of ADB`s 5-year CPS
programme shows is to define priorities and to support
 Pakistan has entered a high tax Pakistan`s development goals. The new
environment for the foreseeable future strategy will also complement efforts by
with Rs1.56 trillion additional taxes this other development partners.
year, followed by another Rs1.5tr next  `ADB`s partnership strategy will be
year and yet another Rs1.31tr the year aligned with the government`s
after, according to a staff report development vision and policies, and is
released by the International Monetary expected to introduce new approaches
Fund (IMF) on July 8, 2019. to development financing in urban
 The agreement signed with the IMF by services, energy security, transport,
Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance agriculture and water resources,
Abdul Hafeez Shaikh and State Bank of education, trade, and tourism, said ADB
Pakistan Governor Reza Baqir also Country Director for Pakistan Xiaohong
requires an increase in electricity tariff Yang.
again in August this year and ensures 3. Hammad Azhar sworn in as federal
Rs1.3tr refunds from the provinces out minister
of the National Finance Commission  President Dr Arif Alvi July 8, 2019
administered the oath of office of the

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federal minister to Hammad Azhar, 6. Afghan rivals continue talks in Qatar
previously serving as Minister of State  Dozens of powerful Afghans resumed
for Revenue. talks with the Taliban on July 8, 2019 in
 The oath taking ceremony was held at Doha, where a possible ceasefire is on
the Aiwan-e-Sadr attended by the the table along with key issues such as
cabinet members and members of the women`s rights.
parliament.  Stakes are high for the talks which follow
4. Major General Khawar Rahman of AMC a week of US-Taliban negotiations with
promoted both sides eyeing a resolution to the
 Major General Khawar Rahman of Army bloody 18-year conflict.
Medical Corps (AMC) has been  US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
promoted to the rank of Lieutenant tweeted that the Afghan gathering `has
General. been a long time coming` and praised
 He has also been appointed as Surgeon the country`s `government, civil society,
General of Pakistan Army, the media women, and Taliban` for coming
wing of Pakistan Army added together.
5. Iran passes new nuclear deal limit as  Washington has said it wants to seal a
China blames US for crisis political deal with the Taliban ahead of
 Iran has passed the uranium enrichment Afghan presidential polls due in
cap set in its 2015 nuclear deal, marking September to allow foreign forces to
the second time in a week that it made begin to withdraw.
good on a promise to reduce compliance  Around 70 delegates are attending the
with the international pact following the two-day gathering which has been
United States’ unilateral exit last year. organised by Germany and Qatar.
 The announcement on July 8, 2019 from 7. China’s indigenous ‘artificial heart’
Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization came saves two
amid growing frustration in Tehran over  China’s indigenous “artificial heart”
a failure by the landmark accord’s saved two from advanced heart failure,
remaining signatories to deliver on its setting a new record as patients survived
promised economic benefits. over 100 days, state-run China Daily
 Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the reported on July 8, 2019.
nuclear agency, confirmed Tehran had  The auxiliary heart device was used in
enriched uranium beyond the 3.67 March by the doctors at the TEDA
percent purity that the deal allows, International Cardiovascular Hospital in
passing 4.5 percent, according to the Tianjin, northeast China.
Iranian students’ news agency ISNA.  A 39-year-old man and a 62-year-old
 On July 1, Iran passed the uranium woman, who were diagnosed with
stockpile limit permitted by the deal, advanced dilated cardiomyopathy
and officials on July 7, 2019 pledged to (DCM) -- a cardiovascular condition that
keep scaling back their commitments enlarges the heart which then cannot
every 60 days unless Britain, China, pump blood effectively -- survived
France, Germany and Russia protected it longer than any who had undergone the
from the punishing sanctions imposed operation before.
by the US following its withdrawal.

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 HeartCon, a cardiovascular assisting title every time it hosted the
device was developed and patented by tournament.
China exclusively, is claimed to be the  Neymar, who was ruled out before the
first entirely indigenous such device in tournament because of an ankle injury,
the country, it was reported sat with his son close to Brazilian
8. Supercomputing centers unveil new president Jair Bolsonaro among the
engine for innovation crowd of nearly 70,000 at the Maracanã.
 China has built six National “Neymar is extraordinary, he’s a top 3
Supercomputing Centers (NSCC) since player,” Tite said. But “with teamwork
2009, serving as a new driver for the we stayed strong.”
country’s innovation, according to the 10. BD first team to tour SL since Easter
NSCC in north China’s Tianjin attacks
Municipality, which celebrated the 10th  Bangladesh will later this month become
anniversary of the founding of the the first team to tour Sri Lanka since the
center on July 7, 2019. deadly Easter attacks in which 258
 Since the establishment of the NSCC in people died, the cricket board said on
Tianjin was approved by the Ministry of July 8, 2019.
Science and Technology in May 2009,  Bangladesh will play three One-day
other five supercomputing centers were Internationals on July 26, 28 and 31 at
founded one after another in Shenzhen, the Premadasa International Stadium in
Jinan, Changsha, Guangzhou and Wuxi Colombo, Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) said in a
respectively. statement.
 As the first supercomputing center in  Sri Lanka had previously expected New
China, the NSCC in Tianjin is not only Zealand to be the first foreign sporting
where China’s first petaflop visit, when they arrive next month to
supercomputer the Tianhe-1 is located, play two Tests and three Twenty20
but also responsible for developing matches.
China’s new generation of the exascale  Since the suicide bombings on three
supercomputer the Tianhe-3. hotels and three churches by terrorists,
9. Brazil win 1st Copa América title since Sri Lanka has been under a state of
2007 emergency which gives sweeping
 Brazil didn’t need Neymar to win powers to police and troops to arrest
another Copa América title at home. and detain suspects.
With its injured star watching from the
stands at a packed Maracanã Stadium on July 10, 2019
July 7, 2019, Brazil beat Peru 3-1 to win 1. First-ever no-trust motion against
its first South American title since 2007. Senate chair tabled
 It was Neymar’s replacement, Everton,  As the opposition submitted a no trust
who led the team to victory, scoring a motion against Senate chairman on July
goal and setting up another to give Brazil 9, 2019, Sadiq Sanjrani ruled out
its ninth Copa América trophy, and fifth voluntarily resigning from the post.
at home. Gabriel Jesus and Richarlison  The opposition requires a total of 53
also scored for Brazil, which has won the votes to get the no-trust resolution
passed, while it has 67 members in the

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opposition-dominated house. The total completing primary school by the
strength of the Pakistan Muslim League- deadline of 2030.
Nawaz and the PPP comes to 52 the  The country will only be halfway to the
former has 31 senators and the latter 21. target of 12 years of education for all,
 The no-confidence motion was with 50 per cent of youths still not
submitted to the Senate secretariat by completing upper secondary education
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, at the current rates, UNESCO says.
Raja Zafarul Haq, PPP parliamentary  Almost a third of the way to the 2030
leader Sherry Rehman, PML-N leader deadline for the Sustainable
Javed Abbasi and Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam`s Development Goals (SDGs), the new
(JUI-F) Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri UNESCO projections prepared for the
after a meeting of the opposition UN High-level Political Forum opening in
senators. New York on Tuesday show that the
2. Customs official dies six days after world will fail its education
being attacked by smugglers commitments without a rapid
 Deputy Collector of Customs Dr Abdul acceleration of progress.
Qudoos Sheikh, who was badly beaten  In 2030, when all children should be in
up by a group of armed smugglers in school, one in six aged 6-17will still be
Quetta last week, succumbed to his excluded. Many children are still
injuries in a hospital in Karachi on July 9, dropping out: by 2030, 40pc will still not
2019. be completing secondary education at
 On July 3, masked armed men had current rates.
attacked Dr Sheikh when was returning 4. Veteran actor Zaheen Tahira passes
to Quetta after seizing a container load away
of smuggled high-value goods in an  Karachi-Renowned film and TV artist
operation in the Kolpur area. Zaheen Tahira passed away in Karachi on
 As the staff was busy in completing the July 9, 2019. She was 73 and under
legal formalities, Dr Sheikh was forcibly treatment at a hospital for cardiac
stopped near Gahi Khan Chowk by two disease.
vehicles of armed men who rammed  The ‘Khuda Ki Basti’ actor was put on the
their jeeps into his official car. ventilator after suffering an attack last
 The assailants forcibly pulled him out of month.
his vehicle and brutally assaulted him  The actor was in hospital for the
with SMG butts and then escaped, previous two weeks, according to family
leaving him critically injured in a pool of sources.
blood.  Zaheen Tahira was one of Pakistan’s
3. One in four Pakistani children won`t most beloved actresses, who joined the
complete primary education by 2030: entertainment industry in the mid-60s.
Unesco  She also produced and directed a few
 New projections of the United Nations television series. She played the lead
Educational, Scientific and Cultural role in Pakistan’s record breaking serial
Organisation (UNESCO) show that one in Khuda Ki Basti by Shaukat Siddiqui.
four Pakistani children will not be 5. Afghans claim reaching landmark
roadmap for peace

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 Taliban represent atives and in fluential  Perot`s fortune was estimated at $4.1
Afghans claimed on July 9, 2019 to have billion by Forbes magazine in April 2019.
reached a landmark roadmap for peace, 7. Netanyahu to visit India before Israeli
which commits the militants to avoid elections
attacking civilians and civilian  Israel Prime Minister Benjamin
institutions. Netanyahu is planning to travel to India
 Also on July 9, 2019, US special envoy in September just days before he faces
Zalmay Khalilzad left Doha for Beijing elections.
and Washington for consultations after  Mr Netanyahu was due to visit Delhi in
another `positive` round of talks with February this year, also just ahead of the
Taliban representatives. earlier Israeli election, which failed to
 Taliban representatives held a two-day give his coalition a clear majority. He will
peace conference with a group of now make a `short visit` to meet Prime
influential Afghans at Doha, Qatar, on Minister Narendra Modi possibly on
July 7 and 8. They released a declaration Sept 9, which Israeli media described as
on July 9, 2019 carrying details of a a photo-op to boost his electoral profile.
roadmap that they hope could hasten  Israel-India defence ties were in action
the end of the 18-year war. during the February standoff with
 The declaration includes a clear pledge Pakistan following the Pulwama
by the Taliban to reduce violence against massacre.
`civilians, public health institutions,  Mr Modi became the first Indian Prime
schools, universities, hospitals and Minister to visit Israel in 2017, a visit Mr
homes`. This pledge is seen as a `security Netanyahu returned in January 2018,
assurance` before a final deal for the which marked 25 years since the
withdrawal of all foreign troops from establishment of full diplomatic
Afghanistan. relations.Despite winning in April, Mr
6. American billionaire Ross Perot, who Netanyahu was unable to build a
sought presidency, dies coalition in the 120-member Knesset
 H. ROSS Perot, the feisty Texas (Israeli Parliament) and was forced to
technology billionaire who rattled US declare fresh elections, which will now
politics with two independent be held on Sept 17.
presidential campaigns in the 1990s that 8. US, Taliban end Doha talks
struck a chord with disgruntled voters,  The US special envoy for peace in
died on July 9, 2019 at the age of 89. Afghanistan wound up on July 9, 2019
 `Ross Perot, the ground-breaking the seventh round of talks he has held
businessman and loving husband, with the Taliban in Qatar, after signs of
brother, father and grandfather, passed progress in efforts to end the longest
away early July 9, 2019 at his home in war the United States has ever fought.
Dallas, surrounded by his devoted  The US envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, met
family,` the Perot family said in a Taliban officials briefly a day after a
statement. delegation of Afghan citizens and the
 A family spokesman said leukemia was militants agreed on a “roadmap for
the cause of death. peace”, in particular a joint call to end
civilian casualties in the 18-year war.

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 “Khalilzad will now brief his bosses and  Dalglish was arrested in April last year in
they will make an announcement. The Kavrepalanchowk district, near
seventh round has ended,” said a senior Kathmandu, by Nepal`s Central Bureau
official privy to the talks. of Investigation. The two boys were at
 The United States and the Taliban are the house where police detained
getting closer to a deal that is expected Dalglish, investigators said.
to be centred on a US promise to  Dalglish denied the charges, and his
withdraw troops in exchange for a lawyer could not be reached for
Taliban promise not to let Afghanistan comment.
be used as a base for terrorism, officials
say. July 11, 2019
9. China angers as US approves $2.2b 1. Soldier martyred in North Waziristan
Taiwan arms sale blast
 The US State Department has approved  A roadside bomb blast in North
a potential arms sale to Taiwan, Waziristan martyred one soldier and
estimated to be worth $2.2bn (£1.76bn), injured three others on July 10, 2019.
the Pentagon said.  Some unknown terrorists attacked a
 Last month, China’s Foreign Ministry had military vehicle with an improvised
urged the US to halt the sale, calling it an explosive device which was planted on
“extremely sensitive and damaging” the roadside in Khar Kamar area of North
decision. Waziristan, a tribal district in Khyber
 The deal is for 108 Abrams tanks, 250 Pakhtunkhwa. The security personnel
Stinger missiles and related equipment. came under the attack when they were
 China regards Taiwan as part of its patrolling in the area.
territory which should be reunited with  Following the attack, security forces
the mainland, by force if necessary. rushed to the site and shifted the body
 Chinese foreign ministry spokesman and injured to the Army Camp Hospital
Geng Shuang also called for the US to in the district. Security forces cordoned
abide by the One China policy - under off the area and kicked off a search
which the US recognises and has only operation. No group has so far claimed
formal ties with China and not Taiwan. the attack.
10. Ex-UN official jailed for child abuse in 2. Revenue portfolio taken from Hammad
Nepal  The government in a surprise move on
 A former UN official has been jailed for July 10, 2019 deprived newly-appointed
sexually abusing children in Nepal, federal minister Hammad Azhar of the
officials said on July 9, 2019, following a revenue portfolio which he had been
trial underscoring the country`s growing holding for the last 10 months as
appeal for foreign paedophiles. minister of state.
 Peter John Dalglish, 62, from Canada, a  The portfolio was taken back only a day
former high-profile humanitarian after he had been made fullfledged
worker, was sentenced to terms of nine minister as a reward for his performance
and seven years in two cases after being during the last month`s budget session
convicted last month. of the National Assembly.

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 According to a fresh notification by the cooperation, which will bring peace,
cabinet division, Mr Azhar has now been stability and economic prosperity to the
made Minister for Economic Affairs. entire region.
 According to the latest situation, Mr  US State Department spokesperson
Azhar has become Minister for Morgan Ortagus told journalists that the
Economic Affairs and Mr Shaikh holds White House had not yet confirmed the
the portfolio of Adviser to Prime visit, a statement that caused wild
Minister on Finance and Revenue with speculations about the nature and scope
the status of a federal minister. of the trip.
3. 10 DPOs reshuffled in Punjab  `President Donald J. Trump will welcome
 The Punjab government has reshuffled Prime Minister Imran Khan of the Islamic
10 district police officers. Republic of Pakistan to the White House
 The transfer/postings were made on the on July 22, 2019, said a statement issued
recommendations of IGP Arif Nawaz by the office of the White House Press
Khan who had dispatched a list of the Secretary.
officers to Chief Minister Usman Buzdar. 5. Britain`s US ambassador resigns after
The CM called the candidates to his leak of diplomatic cables
office for interview before giving them  Britain`s ambassador to Washington
new assignments. resigned on July 10, 2019 after being
 The chief minister transferred Vehari targeted by US President Donald Trump
DPO Najeebur Rehman prematurely and over the leak of highly critical diplomatic
directed him to report to the CPO for cables that put the allies` relationship on
further instructions. edge.
 Earlier, Mr Rehman had served as  Outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May
Narowal DPO and Vehari was his second had offered her support to Kim Darroch
district from where he has been after it was revealed he described the
transferred five months after his Trump administration as `inept` But the
appointment. man tipped to replace her in Downing
 The CM transferred and appointed 29th Street this month, former foreign
common police officer Gujranwala SSP secretary Boris Johnson, declined to
Saqib Sultan as Vehari DPO. It`s the first back the diplomat, instead emphasising
assignment of Mr Sultan as DPO of any the need to maintain strong ties with the
district in Punjab and he is serving in BS- US.
19. He had largely served out of Punjab  In a series of confidential cables
and recently completed the Senior revealed by a British newspaper at the
Management Course for promotion to weekend, Darroch called the Trump
the next grade. administration `uniquely dysfunctional`
4. White House confirms Imran-Trump and said the president was `radiating
talks on July 22 insecurity`.
 The White House confirmed on July 10, 6. Scientists identify oldest modern
2019 that US President Donald Trump human remains outside Africa
will meet Prime Minister Imran Khan at  A 210,000-year-old skull has been
his office on July 22 and their talks will identified as the earliest modern human
focus on strengthening bilateral remains found outside Africa, putting

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the clock back on mankind`s arrival in 8. Bloodhound car to run at high speed in
Europe by more than 150,000 years. October
 In a startling discovery that changes our  The Bloodhound supersonic car will
understanding of how modern man conduct high-speed trials in October.
populated Eurasia, the findings support  The team behind the rejuvenated
the idea that Homo sapiens made project says it now has the financing to
several, sometimes unsuccessful go test the vehicle at 500-600mph.
migrations from Africa over tens of  This should provide the engineering data
thousands of years. required to send Bloodhound through
 Southeast Europe has long been the sound barrier and to smash the
considered a major transport corridor existing land speed record (763mph;
for modern humans from Africa. But 1,228km/h) in 2020. The trials will be
until now the earliest evidence of Homo conducted on Hakskeen Pan, a dried-out
sapiens on the continent dated back lakebed in Northern Cape, South Africa.
only around 50,000 years.  The UK-led venture was rescued from
7. NASA develops new technique to spot administration by Yorkshire
failing infrastructure from space entrepreneur Ian Warhurst in
 NASA scientists have developed a new December.
technique for analyzing satellite data 9. New Zealand kick India out
that can reveal subtle structural  New Zealand reached the World Cup
changes, according to a release of final as they produced the bowling
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). performance of the tournament to edge
 These changes, which are so subtle that out a crestfallen India by 18 runs in a
are not visible to the naked eye, may sensational match at Old Trafford.
indicate a bridge is deteriorating, said  India, chasing 240 to win, were reduced
JPL. to 24-4 and 92-6 before Ravindra Jadeja
 After the collapse of the Morandi Bridge and MS Dhoni produced a 116-run
near Genoa, Italy, in August 2018, which partnership to drag the 2011 winners
killed dozens of people, a team of back in contention. Jadeja in particular
scientists from NASA, the University of was superb but, with 37 runs needed
Bath in England and the Italian Space from the final 18 balls, Jadeja hit Trent
Agency used synthetic aperture radar Boult high into the air and to Black Caps
measurements from several different captain Kane Williamson to fall for 77.
satellites and reference points to map 10. Chitral team wins Shandur Polo Festival
structural changes to the bridge -- from finale
2003 to the time of its collapse.  The Chitral polo team thrashed the
 Using a new process, they were able to Gilgit-Baltistan team in a thrilling finale
detect millimeter-size changes to the and clinched the coveted trophy on the
bridge over time that would not have last day of the three-day annual Shandur
been detected by the standard Polo Festival in Chitral.
processing approaches applied to  Besides exciting polo matches, the mega
spaceborne synthetic aperture radar event also showcased traditional,
observations. cultural and adventurous activities
including fireworks, music and dances at

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evening at the world highest polo delays, fuel management and
ground at Shandur. centralising food procurement.

July 12, 2019 3. No target level for exchange rate under

1. PM opens housing project for general  The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
public on July 11, 2019 clarified that there was
 Prime Minister Imran Khan on July 11, not any agreed target level for the
2019 inaugurated the first housing exchange rate under its Extend Fund
project for the general public. Facility (EFF) programme with Pakistan.
 The project was launched under the PTI The IMF, in a tweet, said the exchange
government`s much ambitious rate was market determined. The
programme called Naya Pakistan recently published Staff Report on
Housing Project (NPHP) on a piece of Pakistan included exchange rate
land in the Phulgaran area where Bahria assumptions, which were not
Town was already executing its housing predictions.
scheme.  The published Staff Report on Pakistan
 The land for the project was provided by includes exchange rate assumptions
Bahria Town on very nominal rates. which are not predictions. Under the
 Under the project, 18,500 housing IMF-supported programme there is not
units/apartments will be constructed agreed target level for the exchange
and given to the low-income group on a rate, which is market determined.
mortgage basis.  The report had mentioned that a
2. Pakistan not to open airspace until flexible, market-determined exchange
India de-escalates: official rate would help restore
 Pakistan has declined a request to open competitiveness, rebuild official
its airspace until India de-escalates, reserves, and provide a buffer against
Aviation Secretary Shahrukh Nusrat told external shocks
a parliamentary committee. 4. Chief of TNSM Sufi Muhammad passes
 The Indian government approached away
asking us to open the airspace. We  Chief of the banned Tehreek Nifaz
conveyed our concerns that first India Shariati-Muhammadi (TNSM) Maulana
must withdraw its fighter planes placed Sufi Muhammad, who spearheaded a
forward,` Mr Nusrat told the Senate violent movement for enforcement of
Standing Committee on Aviation. Shariah in Malakand division in the 90s
 PIA Chief Executive Officer Air Marshal and later led thousands of youths into
Arshad Malik presented to the battle against US forces in Afghanistan,
committee members details of seven passed away on July 11, 2019 morning in
new routes that had been introduced to Peshawar. He was 86.
earn profits. Five loss-making routes  His body was shifted to Lal Qila, Maidan,
were closed, he added. and was buried in his ancestral
 PIA revenue had jumped by 34 per cent graveyard.
after saving 20pc on operation costs,  A former member of the Jamaat-i-Islami,
improving cargo services, controlling Maulana Sufi Muhammad founded the
TNSM in 1988, along with some elders of

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Maidan in Lower Dir district, and the forced to move between the three boats
group`s aim was to enforce Shariah in and the tanker, a spokesman said.
Malakand division, Hazara and Kohistan.  He described the Iranians’ actions as
 The Maulana launched a civil “contrary to international law”.
disobedience movement in 1994 which  Iran had threatened to retaliate for the
was forcibly suppressed by the then seizure of one of its own tankers, but
government of the Pakistan Peoples denied any attempted seizure.
Party.  Last week, British Royal Marines helped
5. Brig Hamidi passes away at CMH the authorities in Gibraltar seize an
Rawalpindi Iranian tanker because of evidence it
 Brig (R) Abdul Hamid, alias Brig Hamidi, was carrying oil to Syria in breach of EU
passed away at CMH Rawalpindi on July sanctions.
11, 2019. 8. US peace envoy for Afghanistan in
 Former Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) Beijing
Director General Brig Hamidi, 93, was  The US peace envoy to Afghanistan is in
the only Olympian, who had played in Beijing for a previously scheduled
four Olympics for Pakistan hockey team meeting, an American Embassy
and was the captain of Pakistan hockey spokesman said on July 11, 2019, as
team, which won gold in 1960 Rome indications grew of a new momentum in
Olympics. He started his Olympics efforts to end Afghanistan`s 18-year war
journey from 1948 Olympics. His funeral and push by China to boost its influence
will be held at his native city Bannu in the region.
today (Friday). Brig Hamidi remained  The spokesman gave no further details
Director Army Sports, Director General, about the visit by Zalmay Khalilzad, but
National Sports Trust, PSB DG and it comes just days after he said that for
Pakistan Hockey Federation (PHF) the first time he can report `substantive`
Secretary. progress on all four issues key to a peace
6. Veteran journalist passes away agreement.
 Veteran journalist Mohammad Omer  The spokesman spoke on routine
Qambrani passed away after a long condition of anonymity.
illness on July 10, 2019. He was 81. 9. European Vega rocket lost minutes
 He is survived by his wife, a son and after lift-off
three daughters.  A European Vega rocket has been lost
 Mr Qambrani began his career at weekly shortly after blast off, the commercial
Jamalistan published from Jaffarabad. It space company Arianespace says.
was shut down during Ayub Khan`s  It is the first time in 15 launches that a
martial law. Vega rocket has failed.
7. Iranian boats ‘tried to intercept British  The rocket had been carrying a military
tanker’ satellite for the United Arab Emirates
 Iranian boats tried to impede a British oil when it took off from the European
tanker near the Gulf - before being spaceport in French Guiana on July 10,
driven off by a Royal Navy ship. 2019 evening.
 HMS Montrose, a British frigate
shadowing the BP-owned tanker, was

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 It is believed to have crashed into the of the case are yet to be released by the
Atlantic Ocean north of the space tribunal.
centre.  The management of the Tethyan Copper
 Luce Fabreguettes, Arianespace’s Company (TCC) had claimed $11.43bn in
executive vice president of missions, damages. The company had filed claims
said a “major anomaly” had occurred for international arbitration before the
about two minutes after liftoff at the ICSID in 2012 after the Balochistan
time of the second stage ignition. government rejected a leasing request
10. England thrash Australia to reach final from the company.
 England beat Australia by eight wickets 2. Mobile police service centres project
to go into the Cricket World Cup final inaugurated
where they will play New Zealand on July  Chief Minister Usman Buzdar on July 13,
14, 2019 at Lord’s. 2019 inaugurated the Mobile Police
 The defending champions had teetered Khidmat Marakaz project for all the
to 14 for three after deciding to bat first, districts of Punjab at Greater Iqbal Park.
with England exploiting the early seam  The citizens visiting these centres should
movement on offer at Edgbaston, before be saved from making repeated visits for
Jofra Archer bloodied Alex Carey’s jaw the documents. The stamp papers
with a vicious bumper. should be provided at the service
 Carey went on to put on 103 alongside centres and the counters of the Bank of
Smith, who rarely thrilled in his 85 from Punjab should be set up for this purpose.
119 balls but his tournament best The provision of a copy of FIR and other
innings helped Australia to 223 all out in services would be available at the Police
49 overs as they bid to extend their Khidmat Marakaz and Mobile Police
unbeaten sequence in World Cup semi- Khidmat Marakaz.
finals.  Provision of driving licences and other

July 14, 2019 services through these centres was a

laudable step.
1. Pakistan told to pay $5.9bn to mining  These centres have been set up in all the
firm districts. About 550,000 people have
 The International Centre for Settlement benefited from these centres in six
of Investment Disputes (ICSID), one of months.
the five organisations of the World Bank 3. Argentina receives $5.4bn from IMF
Group, has announced a huge award of  The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
$5.976 billion against Pakistan in the completed a review on July 13, 2019 of
Reko Dig case. Argentina`s economic performance,
 The international tribunal which allowing the release of $5.4 billion to the
provides facilities for conciliation and country in a loan program intended to
arbitration of international investment help stabilise its economy.
disputes, rendered its judgment on July  The IMF board approved the fourth
12, 2019 a 700-page ruling against review of the South American country`s
Pakistan in the Reko Dig case. performance under the loan deal signed
 The ICSID awarded a $4.08bn penalty last year.
and $1.87bn in interest. The full details

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 `The Argentine authorities continue to defence system near Ankara, a defence
show a strong commitment to their ministry statement indicated.
economic policy program, meeting all  `Delivery of S-400 Long Range Air and
applicable targets under the Fund- Missile Defence Systems resumed
supported program,` said IMF Managing today,` the statement said.
Director David Lipton in a statement,  `The fourth Russian plane carrying S-400
noting that financial markets have parts landed at Murted Airport outside
stabilised. Ankara,` it added.
 Despite the IMF`s confidence, American  The US fears that if Ankara integrates the
credit rating agency Moody`s changed S-400 into its defences, data about the
Argentina`s outlook on July 12, 2019 US-built F-35 fighter jet could leak back
from stable to negative. to the Russians, and Washington has
4. New Zealanders give up weapons for threatened to deny Turkey access to the
money stealth air-craft.
 Dozens of Christchurch gun owners on  Members of the US Congress have
July 13, 2019 handed over their weapons repeatedly voiced opposition to the
in exchange for money, in the first of move and threatened sanctions.
more than 250 planned buyback events 6. Russia launches space telescope
around New Zealand after the  Russia launched a space telescope on
government outlawed many types of Saturday from the cosmodrome in
semi-automatics. Baikonur, Kazakhstan, a joint project
 Police said they paid more than 430,000 with Germany intended to replace one it
New Zealand dollars ($288,000) to 169 lost in January.
gun owners during the event. The  The launch was originally scheduled for
money was paid directly into the bank June 21 but was postponed twice
accounts of gun owners. because of a battery problem.
 New Zealand lawmakers in April rushed  The Spektr-RG, developed with
through new legislation to ban so-called Germany, is a space observatory
military-style weapons after a lone intended to replace the Spektr-R, known
gunman killed 51 people at two as the `Russian Hubble`, which
Christchurch mosques in March. Roskosmos said it lost control of in
 The government has set aside more than January.
NZ$200 million to buy back weapons  Spektr-R was launched in 2011 to
such as AR-15 style rifles, although many observe black holes, neutron stars and
gun owners remain unhappy with the magnetic fields. Its successor will take up
compensation on off er. similar duties but will also work on
 Under an amnesty, gun owners have completing the map of the world, said
until December to turn over their now- Roskosmos.
banned weapons. 7. Regulator approves $5bn fine for
5. Turkey ignores US warnings over Facebook over privacy issues: report
Russian S-400 missile deployment  US regulators have approved a $5 billion
 Turkey ignored US warnings as it penalty to be levied on Facebook to
continued on July 13, 2019 to take settle a probe into the social network`s
delivery of Russia`s S-400 missile

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privacy and data protection lapses, the  Clutching her trophy 20 minutes after
Wall Street Journal has reported. becoming Wimbledon`s champion,
 The newspaper said the Federal Trade Simona Halep checked out the board
Commission (FTC) approved the inside Centre Court that lists
settlement in a 3-2 vote, with the two tournament winners.
Democratic members of the consumer  Below all of the mentions of Serena
protection agency dissenting. Williams, her opponent in July 13, 2019`s
 According to the report, the deal, which final, there already was inscribed: `Miss
would be the largest penalty ever S. Halep.` Halep was not concerned with
imposed by the FTC for privacy preventing Serena from winning a 24th
violations, requires an approval from the Grand Slam title. All Halep cared about
Justice Department before it is finalised. was winning her first at the All England
 Although details have not yet been Club. And she played pretty much
released, the deal will likely include perfectly.
restrictions on how Facebook is able to  On top of her game right from start to
use personal data. finish, Halep overwhelmed Serena 6-2,
8. Amir Khan knocks out Billy Dib in 6-2 in stunning fashion for her second
Jeddah fight major championship.
 Britain’s Amir Khan claimed the WBC  The whole thing took less than an hour
international welterweight title with a as Serena lost her third Slam final in a
fourth-round stoppage of Australian row as she tries to equal Margaret
Billy Dib in Saudi Arabia. Court`s record for most major trophies
 Khan floored Dib in the second round in tennis history.
with a fierce left hook at King Abdullah 10. Sifan Hassan breaks women`s mile
Sports City in Jeddah. A rapid world record on emotional night
combination of punches then saw Dib  Sifan Hassan of the Netherlands broke
fall to the canvas again, prompting his the 23-year-old women`s mile world
corner to throw in the towel. record on July 12, 2019 when she
 After flooring Dib with a counter left clocked four minutes 12.33 seconds in a
hook in the second, another left hook in race dedicated to former American
the third saw the Australian shaken but runner Gabe Grunewald, who died from
able to stay on his feet. There would be cancer last month at the age of 32.
no escape in the fourth, though, as a  Hassan, 26, initially looked to be off the
double left hook followed up by a rapid record pace in the rarely-run event but
combination saw Dib go down again and finished strongly to edge the 4:12.56 set
prompt the towel to be thrown. by Russia`s Svetlana Masterkova in
 The Sydney-born fighter, who has held a Zurich in 1996.
world title at featherweight, moved up  It was a fitting performance in an event
to make his welterweight debut having named the `Brave like Gabe` Mile.
only been confirmed as Khan’s opponent  There was a tribute to Grunewald on the
last month. big screens at the stadium before the
9. Halep wins Wimbledon, stops Serena`s race and once it was underway, Hassan,
bid for 24th Slam who moved to the Netherlands after

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leaving Ethiopia as a refugee when she from the topping up balance through
was 15, was always in control. `easy load` and calling cards, besides

July 16, 2019 3.

taxing the calls.
E-court system launched in Quetta
1. Pak Army hands over Verification  The e-court system was formally
system to Balochistan police launched here on July 15, 2019.
 Pakistan Army July 15, 2019 donated  On the opening day, a three-member
Smart Verification and Alert System bench of the Supreme Coun headed by
(SVAS) to Balochistan Police to beef up Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Asif Saeed
security of the province. Khosa heard five constitutional petitions
 Commander Southern Command Lt Gen and cases through video link. The other
Asim Saleem Bajwa formally handed members of the bench were Justice
over the Smart verification system to the Sheikh Azmat Saeed and Justice Umar
Inspector General (IG) Police of Atta Bandial.
Balochistan Mohsin Hassan Butt during a  Hearing through e-court system will
ceremony held at Headquarters continue till July 18.
Southern Command, said a press release 4. 13 projects worth Rs335bn approved
issued here.  The Executive Committee of the
 The SVAS system will enable Balochistan National Economic Council (ECNEC) on
Police to facilitate the identity of July 15, 2019 approved 13 development
individuals passing through existing projects worth Rs335.61 billion,
check posts in the province. including revision of the cost of Dasu
 In addition Pakistan Army has also hydropower project.
provided sniffing dogs to effectively  The approval was given during an ECNEC
detect explosives and narcotics hidden meeting chaired by Adviser to the Prime
in vehicles in order to decrease Minister on Finance and Revenue Dr
smuggling activities in the areas. Hafeez Sheikh.
2. Service charges for pre-paid mobile  The meeting approved the foreign
cards withdrawn exchange component (FEC) of
 In compliance with the Supreme Court`s Rs189.793bn which constitutes 56.55
orders, cellular companies have stopped per cent of the total amount.
deducting service charges for their  At the outset, the ECNEC approved
prepaid cards. `Dasu hydropower project (stage 1)
 Now around 50 per cent of the amount revision of cost for land acquisition and
which was deducted in the past would built up of property`, subject to opinion
be included in the balance and the of the Ministry of Law on the revision of
customers will receive a top-up of cost of land and built up property. The
Rs88.9, instead of Rs76.94, on a scratch Law Division is directed to give its
card of Rs100. opinion in a week`s time to save the
 Last year, then chief justice of Pakistan project from further delay.
Mian Saqib Nisar had taken suo motu  The Ecnec also approved the project at
notice on public complaints that an revised cost of Rs90.831bn with FEC of
unreasonable and high amount of Rs79.584bn for the evacuation of power
tax/other charges were being deducted from 2,160 MW Dasu HPP stage 1, Dasu

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to Islamabad via Mansehra. The Ecnec time includes people af fected by
also approved two power projects 1,223 `moderate food insecurity` as well as
MW(Gross) combined cycle Power Plant outright hunger.
Balloki, District Kasur and 1,230 MW  `We need to look beyond hunger,` said
(Gross) Combined Cycle power plant at Cindy Holleman, senior economist at the
Haveli Bahadur Shah, District Jhang Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
(second revised PC1). and the report`s editor.
5. PM launches second phase of 7. India aborts moon mission one hour
registration for housing scheme before launch
 Prime Minister Imran Khan on July 15,  Indian space chiefs pressed to quickly set
2019 opened the second phase of a new date to launch a landmark moon
registration for the Naya Pakistan mission after aborting one liftoff on July
Housing Programme, which would 15, 2019 just 56 minutes ahead of
provide affordable housing units to low- schedule, media reports said.
income families.  A committee of experts was looking into
 The objective of the countrywide the causes of the technical hitch that put
registration process by the Pakistan back the bid to become just the fourth
Housing and Development Authority nation -after Russia, the United States
through this scheme is to collect data and China -to land a spacecraft on the
regarding the demand for housing units Moon.
across the country and launch projects  The Chandrayaan-2 -or Moon Chariot 2 -
accordingly. rocket, a key part of India`s ambitious
 The prime minister also launched a web space programme, could still blast off on
portal ( where July 29 or 30, media reports said. If that
the applicants could register is not possible the launch would have to
themselves, without needing to visit any wait until September or beyond.
office. 8. Space flights to take off with new UAE
6. Over 2bn people lack access to safe law
food: UN  The UAE’s soon-to-be-approved space
 More than two billion people lack access law will aim to welcome space tourism
to healthy food, putting them at risk of companies to invest and operate in the
health problems and many of them live country, a top UAE official has said. Local
in North America or Europe, the United and foreign investors will be protected
Nations said on July 15, 2019, urging under the law, as it will give them
governments to `look beyond hunger`. “security and the right environment” to
 More than a quarter of the world`s make their investments.
population now struggles to eat `safe,  “Space tourism is coming and it’s a trend
nutritious and suf ficient food`, worldwide. Our law is an advance for
according to the UN`s State of Food that. We will have a document that
Security and Nutrition in the World 2019 legalises and also regulates space flights.
report. It’s not there yet, but it’s coming. It has
 That includes about 8 percent of people put the right regulation for these kinds
in Europe and North America, according of activities. The law is addressing space
to the annual study, which for the first tourism,” the director-general of the

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UAE Space Agency, Dr Mohammed  Chatha informed the participants about
AlAhbabi, told Khaleej Times. the structure of sports and betterment
 He was speaking on the sidelines of the opportunities in the country. He also
agency’s fifth anniversary celebrations. shared his thoughts with sports club
In the past few years, there has been a delegations, who came from all over the
major boost in the number of private world. He also shed light on the need of
space companies. Many of these entities enhancing the exchange programs of
offer governments a launcher to send sports professionals.

their satellites to orbit.
Robots to install telescopes to peer into July 17, 2019
cosmos from moon 1. Pakistan reopens airspace for civilian
 As the United States races to put traffic
humans back on the moon for the first  Pakistan has fully reopened its airspace
time in 50 years, a NASA-funded lab in for all civilian traffic following months of
Colorado aims to send robots there to restrictions imposed in the wake of a
deploy telescopes that will look far into standoff with India in February.
our galaxy, remotely operated by  `With immediate effect Pakistan
orbiting astronauts. airspace is open for all type of civil traffic
 The radio telescopes, to be planted on on published ATS (Air Traffic Service)
the far side of the moon, are among a routes,` read a notice to airmen
plethora of projects underway by the US published on the Civil Aviation
space agency, private companies and Authority`s website on July 16, 2019.
other nations that will transform the  Pakistan had closed its airspace for all
moonscape in the coming decade. international and domestic flights after
 Sometime in the coming decade, Burns’ violation of its airspace by the Indian Air
team will send a rover aboard a lunar Force on Feb 26, 2019. While Pakistan
lander spacecraft to the far side of the partially reopened its airspace on March
moon. The rover will rumble across the 1, the ban remained in place for Indian
craggy and rough surface – featuring a flights.
mountain taller than any on earth – to  Due to the closure of airspace, more
set up a network of radio telescopes than 150 domestic flights including 110
with little help from humans. national flag carriers domestic flights
10. Junaid Chatha represents Pakistan in and 50 flights of private airlines were
int’l sports seminar either cancelled or delayed. Also 50
 A seminar titled “What’s Goal” was held international flights operating from
in Dusseldorf, Germany on the topics Pakistan were affected.
‘Innovation in Sports and E-Sports’, 2. HEC issues final notification to abolish
which was participated by Junaid Chatha two-year BA/BSc, MA/MSc
from Pakistan.  The Higher Education Commission (HEC)
 The one-day seminar was conducted to has issued a final direction to all the
improve quality of international sports public and private universities of the
using latest technologies and modern country and their affiliated colleges to
management techniques. Sports gurus abolish two-year BA/BSc programme
and professionals from across the world. and start Associate Degree (AD)

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programs from upcoming academic  `Abbas, who has decades of experience
year. It also directed the public and as a reporter in Pakistan, has led Dawn
private sector universities that they since 2010. Under his leadership, Dawn
could not offer MA/MSc programs after and its reporters frequently have come
2020, after the ongoing programs end. under government pressure,` says the
 The move that requires the degree announcement.
colleges, those not following BS 4. Poet Himayat Ali Shaer passes away
programs, would have to change their  Veteran poet, broadcaster, playwright,
current set-up, to start a new Associate prose writer, teacher and journalist
Degree (AD) program whose outline has Himayat All Shaer passed away in
to be finalised yet. Such colleges Canada on July 16, 2019. He was 93.
reportedly don`t have the required  Born Mir Himayat Ali in Aurangabad in
conditions and staff for the new pro- British India on July 14, 1926, he worked
posed program and need capacity for different newspapers such as Jinnah,
building. It is raises concerns among the Manzil and Hamdard, published from
stakeholders for depriving thousands of Hyderabad (India). He also worked for
students who appear in the graduation Radio Deccan (Hyderabad, India). When
or master`s programs as private Deccan fell to Indian forces, Radio
candidates. Deccan`s name was changed to All India
 According to a HEC notification, issued Radio and Himayat Sahab was rendered
on July 13, `In place of the two year jobless in 1950. After migrating to
BA/BSc programs, universities and Pakistan, he joined Radio Pakistan`s
colleges affiliated with public sector Karachi station and was later transferred
universities may offer Associate Degree to Radio Pakistan`s Hyderabad (Sindh)
programs (AD) for post-higher station. He resumed his education and
secondary students. ultimately did his MA in Urdu from Sindh
 The new nomenclature (Associate University in 1964. For about 15 years,
Degree or AD) shall be adopted in all he served Radio Pakistan as writer and
documentation and announcements broadcaster.
related to two-year post-higher  Himayat Sahab is considered among the
secondary or equivalent programs, and Urdu poets who were just as successful
the previous nomenclature of BA/BSc and popular when they wrote songs for
programs shall be discontinued movies.
forthwith. 5. ICJ to decide fate of Indian spy Jadhav
3. Dawn Editor Zaffar Abbas honoured today
with Gwen Ifill award  The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is
 The New York-based Committee to all set to announce its judgment in the
Protect Journalists (CPJ) has announced Kulbhushan Jadhav case between
Gwen Ifill Press Freedom Award of 2019 Pakistan and India on July 17, 2019
for Dawn Editor Zaffar Abbas. (today).
 The award is presented annually to an  The much-awaited verdict in the high-
individual who has shown extraordinary profile case between the two
and sustained achievement in the cause neighbouring countries, the proceedings
of press freedom. of which took two years and two months

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to complete, will decide the fate of Qureshi and others were also present on
Indian serving Navy Commander Jadhav, the occasion.
who was sentenced by Pakistan on 7. Lagarde resigns as IMF chief
charges of espionage.  International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief
 President of the Court Judge Abdulqawi Christine Lagarde announced on July 16,
Ahmed Yusuf will read out the decision 2019 she had submitted her resignation
during a public sitting which will take from the global lender, saying she had
place at the Peace Palace in The Hague, more clarity about her nomination to be
Netherlands, at 6 pm (Pakistan Standard the next head of the European Central
Time). Bank(ECB).
 Earlier, a 15-member bench of ICJ had  Lagarde said in a statement her
reserved its decision on February 21 resignation was effective September 12,
after hearing oral submissions by opening the way for the IMF to launch
Pakistan and India, two days each. the search for her successor, which is
 Pakistan’s delegation led by Attorney likely to be another European.
General Anwar Mansoor Khan and other  Lagarde`s resignation comes two weeks
officials including Director General after her nomination on July 2 for the
South Asia Dr Muhammad Faisal arrived ECB`s top job. She did not immediately
in the Netherlands on Monday. resign from the IMF because of
 English Queen’s Counsel Khawar uncertainty over whether the new
Qureshi, who represented Pakistan in European Parliament would support her
the case, will also be present during and other new EU leadership positions,
Wednesday’s decision. sources told Reuters.
6. Kartarpur to have 39 acres extra land 8. German minister becomes first woman
 Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad to win EU top job
Sarwar has announced to increase the  German defence minister Ursula von der
area of Gurdawara Darbar Sahib Leyen was narrowly elected president of
Kartarpur from three acres to 42 acres the European Commission on Tuesday
and further announced not to build after winning over sceptical lawmakers.
structures on the land which remained  The 60-year-old conservative was
under the cultivation of Baba Guru nominated to become the first woman in
Nanak. Brussels` top job last month by the
 Briefing media during his visit to leaders of the bloc`s 28 member states,
Kartarpur Corridor on July 16, 2019, the to the annoyance of many MEPs.
Punjab governor said that total land of  The Strasbourg parliament would have
the Corridor would be 408 acres. preferred a candidate chosen by one of
 FWO Project Director Colonel Nadeem, its political groups, but in the end a small
Brigadier Atif, NESPAK officers and majority 383 members of the 751-
officials of other departments briefed member assembly voted for her.
Chaudhry Sarwar about the progress 9. Turkey: EU sanctions over gas drilling
made on the project so far. ‘worthless’
Commissioner Gujranwala, DC Narowal,  Turkey on July 16, 2019 rejected as
DPO Narowal, RPO Gujranwala Tariq “worthless” an initial set of sanctions
Qureshi, Kamran Lashari, Pervaiz approved by the European Union against

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Ankara, and vowed to send a new vessel 1. ICJ rejects Indian plea for Jadhav`s
to the eastern Mediterranean to acquittal, release
reinforce its efforts to drill for  The International Court of Justice (ICJ)
hydrocarbons off the island of Cyprus. on July 17, 2019 rejected India`s request
 EU foreign ministers on Monday for acquittal, release and return of
approved sanctions against Turkey over Kulbhushan Jadhav, an Indian serving
its drilling for gas in waters where EU naval commander sentenced by
member Cyprus has exclusive economic Pakistan on charges of espionage and
rights. They said they were suspending terrorism, but asked Islamabad to
talks on an air transport agreement, as provide him consular access under the
well as high-level Turkey-EU dialogues, Vienna Convention.
and would call on the European  The United Nations` top court, in its
Investment Bank to review its lending to verdict after two-year-long proceedings,
the country. They also backed a proposal ruled an effective review and
by the EU’s executive branch to reduce reconsideration of the sentence by
financial assistance to Turkey for next Pakistan, by the means of its own
year. The ministers warned that choosing of legislation.
additional “targeted measures” were  `The court notes that Pakistan
being worked on to penalize Turkey, acknowledges that the appropriate
which started negotiations to join the EU remedy in the present case would be
in 2005. effective review and reconsideration of
10. Scientists work out way to make Mars the conviction and sentence,` the ICJ
surface fit for farming verdict read, supporting Pakistan`s
 US-For future astronauts bound for Mars stance.
it will surely rank as a positive: when  Commander Jadhav would remain in
they sit down to dinner on the barren Pakistan and would be treated in
red planet, they should at least have accordance with the law of the country.
plenty of greens.  President of the ICJ Judge Abdulgawi
 The harsh environment on Mars has Ahmed Yusuf read out the 42-page
always made growing food a daunting decision in a public sitting at the Peace
prospect, but scientists believe they Palace`s courtroom packed with
have cracked the problem with sheets of officials, representatives and media
material that can transform the cold, persons from Pakistan and India.
arid surface into land fit for farming. 2. ECC bans wheat export amid roti price
 The “aerogel” sheets work by mimicking hike
Earth’s greenhouse effect, where energy  The federal government on July 17, 2019
from the sun is trapped on the planet by decided to impose a ban on export of
carbon dioxide and other gases. Spread wheat and wheat flour amid rising
out in the right places on Mars, the concern over the price hike trend of roti
sheets would warm the ground and melt and other wheat products in the wake of
enough subsurface ice to keep plants low wheat production in the country.
alive.  The cabinet`s Economic Coordination
July 18, 2019 Committee (ECC), headed by Adviser to
Prime Minister on Finance and Revenue

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Dr Hafeez Shaikh, took the decision at a years to find the ‘mastermind’ of the
meeting. 2008 Mumbai attacks.
 During the Rabi season 2018-19, the  The US has placed a $10 million bounty
ministry of national food security and on Hafiz Saeed.
research recorded 24.12 million tonnes 4. Huawie to invest around $100m in
of wheat production against the Pakistan this year
projected target of 25.5m tonnes for the  Huawei will invest around $100 million
year. The procured quantity of wheat in Pakistan during current year. In a
during this year was also 33pc less than meeting with Federal Minister for
the procured quantities of wheat during Planning, Development & Reform
the last year`s corresponding period. Makhdum Khusro Bakhtyar, Vice
 To control the price of roti and other President of Huwaei Group, Mark
wheat products in the local market, the Xueman, announced that Huawei will
ECC suggested that a meeting of also set up a regional headquarters in
National Price Monitoring Islamabad at a cost of $55 million that
Committee(NPMC) be convened with will create job opportunities for young
the cooperation of provincial engineers in Pakistan.
governments.  Vice President of Huwaei Group, Mark
3. Hafiz Saeed arrested Xueman further informed that Huawei
 Head of the proscribed Jamaatud Dawa will also invest $15 million more in its
(JuD) Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, an Technical support Centre in Pakistan and
irritant for the Western world because it will also hire more work force for the
of his Jehadist activities, was arrested on same taking the number of its staff from
July 17, 2019 and within no time sent to 600 to 800 this year.
jail on a seven-day judicial remand by an 5. Myanmar`s army chief barred from US
anti-terrorism court in Gujranwala. over Rohingya `ethnic cleansing`
 The arrest was made in connection with  The United States on July 17, 2019
a pending terrorism financing case banned visits by Myanmar`s army chief
against the JuD head. and three other top officers due to their
 The CTD has been directed to complete role in the `ethnic cleansing` of the
its investigation and submit a charge Rohingya minority, urging accountability
sheet to the court in the stipulated time. for their brutal campaign.
 The action is important as it took place  The State Department said it took action
only a few days before Prime Minister against army chief Min Aung Hlaing and
Imran Khan’s maiden visit to the United the others after finding credible
States, during which he is also scheduled evidence they were involved in the
to meet President Trump on July 22 and violence two years ago that led about
discuss a wide range of issues of bilateral 740,000 Rohingya to flee across the
interest. border to Bangladesh.
 Interestingly, President Trump 6. Leyen confirmed as new European
welcomed arrest of JuD chief Hafiz Commission president
Saeed, saying ‘great pressure’ was  Ursula von der Leyen was confirmed as
exerted over Islamabad in the last two the European Commission president July
17, 2019, becoming the first woman to

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hold one of the most prestigious  The two sides have agreed to rotate
positions in the European Union and control of the sovereign council - the top
who will be one of the most prominent tier of power - for just over three years.
faces from the bloc on the world stage. That council will be made of five
 The European Parliament voted 383-327 civilians, five military figures, and an
with 22 abstentions to approve von der 11th civilian, to be chosen by the 10
Leyen’s nomination. The confirmation members.
required an absolute majority of 374  A military general will be in charge of
votes and the outgoing German defence that council for the first 21 months, then
minister scraped through with barely a civilian will lead for the following 18
nine votes to spare in a cliff-hanger vote. months, followed by elections.
 Her approval was a key part in the 8. Drug kingpin El Chapo sentenced to life
package of top jobs that EU leaders in US prison
agreed upon early this month. Under the  Once one of the world`s most powerful
deal, the free-market liberal Renew and notorious criminals, Mexican drug
Europe group got Belgian Prime Minister lord Joaquin `El Chapo` Guzman was
Charles Michel as European Council jailed for life on July 17, 2019 the
president and the Socialists won the top mandatory sentence for a host of crimes
parliament job. France’s Christine spanning a quaner-century.
Lagarde was put forward as head of the  Guzman, the 62-year-old former co-
European Central Bank. leader of Mexico`s mighty Sinaloa drug
 Von der Leyen told lawmakers in canel, was convicted in February in US
Strasbourg that the gender element as federal court on a spate of charges,
embodied by herself and Lagarde will be including smuggling hundreds of tons of
an essential part of her job. cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and
7. Sudan military and civilians sign deal to marijuana into the United States.
end deadly turmoil  The much-anticipated hearing in New
 Sudan’s ruling military council and York capped a dramatic legal saga and
opposition leaders have signed a power- saw Guzman deliver what will likely be
sharing accord after all-night talks. his final public words before he is taken
 It is a “historic moment” for the country, to a supermax federal prison to live out
the deputy head of Sudan’s ruling his days.
military council, Mohamed Hamdan  The charges, which also include money
“Hemeti” Dagolo, is quoted as saying by laundering and weapons-related
a private news agency. Sudan has been offences, carried a mandatory life
in turmoil since the military ousted sentence.
President Omar al-Bashir in April. 9. Partial lunar eclipse observed
 Protesters have been demanding the  Like other parts of the world, a partial
military hand power to civilians. Those lunar eclipse was observed in most parts
protests turned deadly in a crackdown of the country on July 16 and 17.
on 3 June, when at least 128 people Pakistan Meteorological Department
were reportedly killed - a figure disputed (PMD) sources told APP on July 17, 2019
by the military authorities. that all phases of partial moon eclipse
were visible in the country.

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 The eclipse was also visible in most parts of Aurelie Muller of France. There was a
of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North tie for the bronze medal: American
America, South America, Pacific, Hannah Moore and Leonie Beck of
Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Antarctica. Germany both fin-
Penumbral eclipse began at 23:44 PST ishedin57:58,twosecondsbehind Cunha
(on 16th July, 2019), while partial eclipse in the non-Olympic event.
started at 01:02 PST on 17th July,  Defending world champion Ashley
2019,PMD source said. Twichell of the USplaced seventh.
 The entire lunar eclipse started at 02:32  Cunha has won the 25-kilometre race
PST, while the partial eclipse was ended three times at the worlds, but this was
at 05:18 PST, the Space and Upper her first goldat the 5 kilometre distance.
Atmosphere Research Commission Her previous best finishes over five
(SUPARCO) sources told APP. The kilometers were bronze medals at
sources further said the eclipse was the Barcelona in 2013 and at Budapest in
last lunar eclipse of year 2019 and the 2017.
next lunar eclipse would occur on Jan 10,
2020, followed by three more in the July 19, 2019
same year. It may be mentioned here 1. Pakistan to give Jadhav consular access
that a partial lunar eclipse happens  In an important announcement, the
when the Earth moves between the Sun Foreign Office said on July 18, 2019 that
and the Full Moon, but they are not consular access would be granted to
precisely aligned. Only part of the Kulbhushan Jadhav, the Indian spy
Moon’s visible surface moves into the sentenced by Pakistan on charges of
dark part of the Earth’s shadow. During espionage and terrorism.
a partial lunar eclipse, part of the Moon  It said that as a responsible state
can get a reddish hue. Pakistan would grant consular access to
 Skywatchers across the UK have also Jadhav according to the country`s laws,
witnessed a partial lunar eclipse, 50 for which modalities were being worked
years to the day since the US mission to out.
put men on the Moon lifted off.  The FO in a press release said that
10. Brazilian Cunha claims women`s 5km pursuant to the decision of the
open water title at worlds International Court of Justice (ICJ),
 Ana Marcela Cunha improved on her Commander Jadhav had been informed
already impressive career in open-water of his rights under Article 36, Paragraph
swimming at the world championships 1(b) of the Vienna Convention on
with a win in the 5 kilometre race on July Consular Relations.
17, 2019.  The Hague-based court on July 17, 2019
 It was the 27-year-old Brazilian`s fourth rejected India`s request for acquittal,
gold and 10th medal overall at the world release and return of Commander
championships since 2011. Jadhav.
 Cunha, who was consistently in the top  However, the ICJ asked Pakistan to
10 throughout the race, pulled away in provide consular access to him under
the final 300 meters to finish in 57 the Vienna Convention.
minutes, 56.00 seconds, a second ahead

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 ICJ Headquarters is located in: The  One health department scheme was
Hague, Netherlands approved for establishment of
2. Pakistan high risk country for media psychiatry and accident/emergency
pluralism: report units at Sindh Government Hospital in
 A collaborative research study, the Saudabad, Karachi at a cost of Rs518.116
Media Ownership Monitor (MOM) million.
Pakistan carried out by the global media  Two schemes approved in local
rights organisation Reponers Without government include the Lyari Express
Borders and Pakistani media watchdog Re-Settlement Project (LERP) worth
Freedom Network has found Pakistan a Rs8,719.380m and rehabilitation and
`high risk country` in terms of media extension of 5 million gallons per day
pluralism. (MGD) Pressure Rapid Filtration Plant
 The study says more than half of the (total 10 MGD) at Unit No.4 Latif abad,
mass media ownership in Pakistan is Hyderabad worth Rs745.090m.
concentrated in only a few hands.  One scheme was approved for the
 `This means Pakistan needs more broad- Planning and Development Department.
based media ownership to ensure  Current Chairperson Planning and
greater diversity in news sources,` Iqbal Development Board,Sindh: Naheed
Khattak, executive director of Freedom Shah Durrani
Network, said to underscore the 
impudence of this unique research 4. Japan to provide $5.2m for agri project
which the stakeholders could use to  Japan will provide $5.2 million for the
debate whether or not the country execution of a UN agro-food and
needs more diversity in its media industrial development project in
ownership as well as news and views. Pakistan.
 MOM is available at  In this regard, country representative both in United Nations Industrial Development
English and Urdu. Organisation on July 18, 2019 had a
 For the study, a team of researchers meeting with the federal minister to
worked for eight months to retrieve and discuss the different features of the
analyse all available data from official project.
and non-official sources, including the  The project aims to strengthen cattle
government, media houses and their meat and fruit production through the
owners. introduction of new techniques.
3. Sindh approves Rs13bn schemes  This, the UN agency believes, will
 The Sindh Provincial Development improve livelihoods of farmers and
Working Party (PDWP) approved four reduce rural poverty in the provinces of
schemes at a cost of Rs12.98 billion on Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan.
July 18, 2019.  Current Federal Minister for National
 The schemes for the current fiscal were Food Security and Research is Sahibzada
approved in a PDWP meeting presided Muhammad Mehboob Sultan
over by Chairperson Planning and 5. US bars Turkey from F-35 stealth fighter
Development Board Naheed Shah programme

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 The White House confirmed on July 18, scientists saying a helium fuel leak had
2019 that Turkey would be excluded been detected.
from the F-35 stealth fighter jet  India has spent about $140 million on
programme after it purchased a Russian preparations for the project, which is
missile defence system in defiance of one of the cheapest among international
warnings from Western allies. space powers.
 `Unfortunately, Turkey`s decision to  By comparison, the United States spent
purchase Russian S-400 air defence about $25 billion the equivalent of more
systems renders its continued than $100 billion in current prices on 15
involvement with the F-35 impossible,` Apollo missions in the 1960s and 70s.
White House spokeswoman Stephanie  Current ISRO Chairperson: K. Sivan
Grisham said in a statement. 7. Iran Guards seize `foreign tanker
 The US-made F-35 Joint Strike Fighter accused of smuggling fuel
`cannot coexist with a Russian  Iran`s Revolutionary Guards said on July
intelligence collection platform that will 18, 2019 they had detained a `foreign
be used to learn about its advanced tanker` and its 12 crew for allegedly
capabilities` she added. smuggling fuel, the latest incident in a
 Turkey`s foreign ministry termed the tense standoff in the Gulf.
move `unfair`, saying in a statement that  The announcement came after Tehran
`this one-sided step neither complies said it had come to the aid of a foreign
with the spirit of alliance nor is it based tanker after receiving a distress call, but
on legitimate reasons`. made no mention of the vessel being
 Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu is the current Minister seized.
of Foreign Affairs of Turkey (appointed  The Guards did not confirm whether the
on 29 August 2014) vessel they had detained on Sunday in
6. India reschedules Moon mission the highly sensitive Strait of Hormuz was
 India will make a new bid to launch a the same ship as that mentioned on
landmark mission to the Moon on July Tuesday by the foreign ministry.
22, 2019, a week after aborting lift-off at  `With a capacity of two million barrels
the last minute because of a fuel leak. and 12 foreign crew on board, the vessel
 The Indian Space Research Organisation was en route to deliver contraband fuel
(ISRO) said it had rescheduled the launch received from Iranian boats to foreign
of Chandrayaan-2, or Moon Chariot-2, ships in farther regions when it was
for 2:43pm (0913 GMT) on July 22, 2019. intercepted,` the force`s Sepahnews
 India is aiming to become just the fourth website said.
nation after Russia, the United States  The ship was seized south of the Iranian
and China to land a spacecraft on the island of Larak, the Guards said, without
Moon. detailing its name or provenance.
 Indian space chiefs called off the 8. `Friendly` robots spruce up Singapore
planned launch of the rocket 56 minutes  Hundreds of `friendly` robots that speak
before blast-off on Monday morning multiple languages and sing are being
because of what ISRO called a `technical rolled out across hi-tech Singapore, to
snag`. Media reports quoted ISRO help clean the city-state`s hotels,

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shopping malls and government  Late on Thursday evening, a local fire
buildings. department official said the toll stood at
 Four of the robots, which have oval 33 dead.
shaped heads with lights for eyes, have  `Of the 33, two were found on the
already got down to work and it is hoped ground floor, 11 on the second and 20
that 300 will be put into service by on the third and also on the staircases
March next year. that lead to the rooftop,` the official
 They scrub, mop, vacuum and sweep said.
autonomously, and can entertain by 10. Germany win world open water relay
rapping in English.  Germany won the mixed 5-kilometre
 The robots speak all four of multiethnic open water team relay at the world
Singapore`s official languages English, swimming championships in a close
Malay, Mandarin and Tamil plus finish over Italy and the United States on
Japanese and `Singlish`, a local patois July 18, 2019.
that mixes English with words from the  The German quartet of Lea Boy, Sarah
myriad local tongues. Kohler, Soeren Meissner and Rob
 The devices, which come in 13 different Muffels finished in a time of 53 minutes,
models and are produced by local 58.70 seconds.
company LionsBot, also tell jokes or ask  Italy, with Rachele Bruni, Giulia
humans to move aside if they are in the Gabbrielleschi, Domenico Acerenza and
way. Gregorio Paltrinieri, was two-tenths of a
9. 33 die in `arson attack` on Japanese second behind in a time of 53.58.90.
studio  Haley Anderson, Jordan Willmovsky,
 A suspected arson attack at an Ashley Twichell and Michael Brinegar
animation production company in Japan made up the American team which
killed 33 people and injured dozens finished just three-tenths of a second
more on July 18, 2019, after a man behind Germany to take bronze in
reportedly doused the building with 53:59.00.
flammable liquid and shouted `drop  There are two males and two females on
dead`. each team who swim 1.25 kilometres
 A motive for the apparent attack each, but the order in which they swim
remained unclear hours after the blaze. is up to the individual country.
If arson is confirmed, the attack will be
among the deadliest criminal acts in July 20, 2019
decades in Japan, where violent crime is 1. First-ever PA elections in Fata merged
extremely rare. districts today
 The fire gutted the three storey building  The Election Commission of Pakistan
in the city of Kyoto that housed Kyoto (ECP) has finalised all arrangements to
Animation, which is behind famous hold the first-ever elections on 16
anime television productions. The Provincial Assembly seats in merged
incident sparked an outpouring of districts of erstwhile Federally
support from the industry and fans Administered Tribal Areas (FATA),
worldwide, including a viral fundraising Khyber Pakhtunkhwa today (July 20,
campaign. 2019).

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 As many as 313 candidates would be in Parliamentary Affairs Basharat Raja. He
the run for the elections, taking place on has been given the additional charge of
July 20, 2019 (today). Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Mal
 According to available data, a total Department instead, relieving
2,801,834 voters including 1,130,529 Muhammad Ajmal who has been made
female voters and 1,671,305 male voters Member of Chief Minister’s Inspection
would use their right of vote in the Team.
historical elections.  The chief minister will himself oversee
 The ECP has also directed for installation the affairs of Local Government and
of CCTV cameras at all 1,897 polling Community Development, Forestry,
stations. Wildlife and Fisheries.
 Meanwhile, at least 34,497 security 3. HEC to replace BA/BSc, MA/MSc with
personnel including Army have been associate degree
deployed for maintaining law and order  The Higher Education Commission while
situation during first-ever historic phasing out two years BA/BSc and
elections for 16 general seats of Khyber MA/MSc programmes on July 19, 2019
Pakthunkhwa Assembly for merged announced adopting new nomenclature
areas of erstwhile FATA to be held today. of associate degree in documents
2. Six Punjab ministers get new portfolios related to two-year post-higher
 In a major reshuffle, Punjab Chief secondary education programmes.
Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on July  Chairman HEC Dr Tariq Banuri said that
19, 2019 reassigned portfolios to six the objective of phasing out two-year
provincial ministers. BA/ BSc degree programme and
 According to a notification, Syed replacing it with Associate Degree and
Sumsam Bukhari has been relieved of subsequent alignment with the four-
the charge of Minister for Information year BS programme is to ensure that
and Culture. He has now been made students pass out after acquiring a
Minister for Consolidation of Holdings broad-based education and have
Department instead. Minister for practical skills to compete in the field
Industries, Commerce and Investment and contribute for socio-economic
Mian Aslam Iqbal has been given the development in the country.
additional charge of Information and  The new nomenclature, Associate
Culture. Minister for Higher Education Degree, shall be adopted in all
Yasir Humayoun has been relieved of the documents and announcements related
additional charge of looking after to two-year post-higher secondary or
tourism department. Minister for Youth equivalent programmes and the
Affairs and Sports Muhammad Taimoor previous nomenclature of BA/BSc
Khan has been given the additional task programmes shall be discontinued.
of looking after tourism and Archaeology 4. Consensus must for programme
instead. success: IMF
 The additional charge of Local  The International Monetary Fund
Government and Community programme faces significant risk from a
Development Department has been failure to build political consensus
taken away from Minister of Law and around its key components, the IMF

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resident representative to Pakistan has  Kosovo’s prime minister has resigned
said. after a war crimes court in The Hague
 Failure to get off the `grey list` of the summoned him for questioning as a
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) could suspect.
also complicate access to private  Ramush Haradinaj, 51, served as a rebel
financing from global markets, she commander in the 1998-1999 Kosovo
pointed out. conflict, which eventually led to Kosovo
 Teresa Daban Sanchez made these declaring independence.
observations during a policy symposium  He said he stepped down so he could
titled Pakistan Economy and IMF attend court as an ordinary citizen.
Programme: Challenges and  Mr Haradinaj, who denies war crimes
Opportunities, held at the Sustainable charges, has been tried and acquitted
Development Policy Institute (SDPI) here twice at the UN tribunal.
on Friday. Special Assistant to the Prime  Mr Haradinaj said he would be
Minister Dr Shamshad Akhtar, FBR questioned next week.
chairman Shabbar Zaidi and Dr Abid 7. Ponzi scam mastermind detained in
Suleri also spoke on the occasion. Delhi over $500m fraud
5. Book showcasing Pakistani cuisine  An influential businessman was arrested
launched at UN by Indian police on July 19, 2019 over a
 A beautifully illustrated book, featuring half-billion dollar ponzi scheme that
recipes of Pakistani cuisine, was allegedly defrauded tens of thousands of
launched at a glittering ceremony, with mostly Muslim investors.
Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi, permanent  Mohammed Mansoor Khan was
representative of Pakistan to the United detained at New Delhi airport upon his
Nations, saying that she helped to return from Dubai, where he had fled
commission this for the benefit of the last month after winding up his scandal-
global community at the UN. hit company.
 “Dining Along the Indus” was put  Mansoor Khan founded I Monetary
together by Nestle, a Swiss multinational Advisory (IMA) Group in Bangalore in
food and drink processing company, 2006 and lured over 100,000 backers
under Ambassador Lodhi’s direction and with promises of lucrative returns that
the project took several months to kept to Islamic principles of finance.
complete.  But in recent months nearly 50,000
 It will go to top UN officials and to 192 investors complained that the company
countries represented at the UN. Apart had failed to make payments, prompting
from the food and the recipes, the book an investigation by authorities in
also celebrates the splendor of Pakistan, southern Karnataka state.
with colourful and striking pictures 8. World`s longest electric road trip ends
depicting a country which is modern, but in New Zealand
with ancient roots and a rich cultural  A Dutch sustainability advocate
heritage. completed the longest ever journey in
6. Kosovo PM Haradinaj resigns over war an electric vehicle in New Zealand on
crimes summons July 19, 2019 after a three-year drive

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that took him through more than 30 giving her four over the marathon
countries. distance.
 Wiebe Wakker set off from the  Cunha finished in 5 hours, 8 minutes, 3
Netherlands in March 2016 in his `Blue seconds, 8.60 seconds ahead of second-
Bandit` to showcase the potential of place finisher Finnia Wunram of
sustainable transport, funded by Germany.
donations from those following his trip  Lara Grangeon of France claimed the
on social media. bronze, 18.20 seconds behind Cunha.
9. Rare sneaker collection bought at  The race was held in rainy conditions,
auction for $850,000 heavy at times, and the safety kayaks
 Sotheby’s first-ever sneaker auction isn’t often had difficulty staying close to the
scheduled to end until July 23, but it’s swimmers.
already a success. That’s because one
man has bought 99 of the 100 July 21, 2019
exceedingly rare shoes that were up for 1. Independents lead in Fata elections
bidding, for a grand total of $850,000.  The polling for first-ever provincial
 The new owner of the shoes, Sotheby’s elections in the merged tribal districts
says, is Miles Nadal, an entrepreneur concluded on July 20, 2019. Except for a
and collector of classic cars. Nadal few unpleasant incidents, the voting
started the marketing and went smoothly for the 16 seats
communications firm MDC Partners Inc., designated in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
but stepped down in 2015 amid an Assembly for the erstwhile Fata.
investigation by the US Securities and  Independent candidates were leading
Exchange Commission into his expenses, the polls for the 16 general seats named
the company’s accounting practices, and PK-100 to PK-115 in Bajaur, Mohmand,
trading of the company’s securities by Khyber, Kurram, South Waziristan,
third parties. North Waziristan, Orakzai and Frontier
10. Cunha wins third straight 25km open Regions, according to unofficial and
water race partial election results.
 Ana Marcela Cunha keeps setting the bar  The independent candidates had won
higher in open-water swimming at the two seats and they were leading in five
world championships. other constituencies, according to
 The 27-year-old Brazilian won an unofficial results.
unprecedented third consecutive 25-  Ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)
kilometre race on July 19, 2019 and her had won one seat and was leading on
second gold medal of the Gwangju titles three other fronts, while Awami
after winning the 5-kilometre race on National Party (ANP) had also won one
July 17, 2019. slot and it was leading in another
 Cunha, who won the 25-kilometre race constituency.
titles in 2015 and 2017, took her fifth  As for the rest of the seats, Jamat-e-
gold medal and lith overall at the world Islami was leading in two constituencies
championships. She also won the 25- while Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (Fazl) was
kilometre event in Shanghai in 2011, on first position in one contest.

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 Complete unofficial results had arrived  Despite pressing requirements of the
from four constituencies PK-103, PK- unique political scene in the United
105, PK-106 and PK-111. States, the Pakistani Embassy in D.C. had
2. PM lands in Washington on 3-day visit no lobbyist during the past six years.
 Prime Minister Imran Khan arrived in 4. Three roads in Islamabad to be named
Washington on July 20, 2019 for three- after literary personalities
day official visit to the United States of  The Capital Development Authority has
America, on the invitation of US planned to name three different roads
President Donald Trump. of the capital after prominent
 The prime minister is accompanied by personalities.
his Adviser on Commerce Abdul Razzaq  In this regard, recommendations of the
Dawood, Special Assistant on Overseas CDA board would be submitted to the
Pakistanis Zulfiqar Bukhari and Chief of committee established under the
the Army Staff General Qamar Javed Ministry of National History and Literary
Bajwa. Heritage for its consideration. The roads
 Minister for Foreign Affairs Shah would be named after Josh Malihabadi,
Mehmood Qureshi is already in Jameeluddin Aali and Hafeez Jalandhari.
Washington who will also be  Commemorating their services, the CDA
accompanying him during the visit. Board has recommended torename
 As an unprecedented gesture, the prime Service Road (West), Sector D-12, as
minister and his delegation opted to fly Josh Malihabadi Road, Service Road
by commercial flight to save the public (South), Sector D-12, as Jameeluddin
money used to be spent heavily on the Aali Road and Service Road (East), Sector
chartered flights during the foreign visits D-12, as Hafeez Jalandhari Road.
in past. 5. Saudi King approves hosting of US
 This is the first visit of the prime minister troops for regional security
to the United States after assuming his  Saudi Arabia’s King Salman approved
office. hosting US forces in the Kingdom to
3. Pakistan hires US lobbying firm boost regional security and stability.
 The Embassy of Pakistan and Holland &  The ministry tweeted that Saudi Arabia
Knight signed a contract for lobbying and the United States are
services in the presence of Foreign “strengthen(ing) their longstanding
Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi. partnership in (the) face of regional
 A leading Republican from New York and threats.”
former Congressman Tom Reynolds,  In Washington, the US Defense
who represents Washington’s top Department confirmed the move in a
lobbying firm Holland & Knight, statement, saying it would deploy troops
discussed ways to represent Pakistan’s and resources to Saudi Arabia to
interest effectively. “provide an additional deterrent” in the
 Reynolds will be supported by a team face of “emergent, credible threats.”
comprising former members of  The US and Saudi Arabia have a strong
Congress, former senior administration relationship, one built on trade and
officials, Capitol Hill veterans and other security affairs. US President Donald
professional experts. Trump made Riyadh his first port of call

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for a foreign state visit, holding a summit 8. Pakistan lose West Asia Cup Baseball
on counter-terrorism. final to Sri Lanka
6. Iran seizes 2 British vessels, releases  Sri Lanka edge out Pakistan 5-4 to retain
one 14th West Asia Cup-2019 Baseball title in
 Britain has said that Iran had seized two the final played in Colombo on July 20,
ships in the Gulf, with Foreign Secretary 2019.
Jeremy Hunt condemning the incident as  Pakistan’s efforts to come back from
“unacceptable” and saying he was four runs deficit in the eighth innings
“extremely concerned”. The second came up just short, as they fell 4-5 to Sri
vessel was released just hours after its Lanka. Pakistan put up three runs in the
seizure. failed comeback. Faqir Hussain, Ubaid
 The website of Iran’s Revolutionary Ullah, and Arsalan Jamashaid picked up
Guard,, said the tanker RBIs to lead the rally.
“Stena Impero” had been seized for  Pakistan fell behind early in the loss. Sri
“non-compliance with international Lanka scored on a double by Sameera
maritime laws and regulations” and was Rathnayake and a single by Asanka Peiris
taken to an Iranian port. in the first inning.
 The tanker “was led to the shore and 9. Algeria win Africa Cup of Nations with
handed over to the organization to go freak early goal
through the legal procedure and  Algeria won the Africa Cup of Nations for
required investigations,” it said. The the second time when a freak second-
report did not say what port. minute goal by Baghdad Bounedjah gave
7. Former Delhi chief minister dies them a 1-0 win over gallant Senegal in
 Veteran Indian politician Sheila Dikshit, the final.
New Delhi`s longest-serving chief  Bounedjah, who missed a penalty in the
minister, died on July 20, 2019 after a quarter-final against Ivory Coast and
prolonged illness. She was 81. spent the last few minutes of that game
 Dikshit died at a hospital in New Delhi, in tears after being substituted, stunned
where she had been admitted for the Lions of Teranga with a shot which
treatment for a heart ailment, New Delhi took a wicked deflection off Salif Sane
Television channel said. and looped over the bewildered
 A veteran leader of the now-opposition goalkeeper Alfred Gomis and into the
Congress party, Dikshit served as chief net.
minister of the capital for three  Algeria, who committed 32 fouls
consecutive terms, from 1998 to 2013. according to official match statistics, sat
In a tweet on Saturday, the Congress back after that and had to scrap for their
party called her a `lifelong win in a match that was certainly not a
congresswoman` who `transformed the classic but was tense and gripping
face of Delhi.` Dikshit was elected as a throughout.
member of India`s Parliament in 1984, 10. Australia seize mixed 3m synchro diving
representing a seat in the northern state gold
of Uttar Pradesh. She served as a federal  Matthew Carter and Maddison Keeney
minister from 1986 to 1989. of Australia won mixed 3-metre
synchronised springboard diving at the

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world championships, with China 2. Solar tube wells launched in Quetta
scratching after winning gold in the first  Deputy Speaker National Assembly
11 events. Qasim Khan Suri and Deputy Chief of
 Carter and Keeney totalled 304.86 Mission at Chinese Embassy Lijian Zhao
points in Saturday night`s final in inaugurated solar tube wells here on July
Gwangju. They edged Francois 21, 2019.
ImbeauDulac and Jennifer Abel of  Chinese engineers installed solar panels
Canada, who finished 0.78 points behind on five tube wells, said Mr Suri. He had
for silver. Lou Massenberg and Tina requested the Chinese diplomat to
Punzel of Germany took bronze at install solar panels on tube wells
301.62. because people in the province were
 It was Keeney`s second medal of the facing difficulties due to water shortage,
competition. She finished third in he said.
women`s 3-metre springboard on July  `China is committed to providing
19, 2019. maximum possible assistance to
July 22, 2019 Balochistan for its development
projects,` said the Chinese diplomat on
1. Four cops among eight killed in D.I. the occasion.
Khan gun, bomb attacks 3. Pakistan’s exports to increase to $36
 A suicide bomber targeted a billion in 5 years: IMF
government-run hospital here on  The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Sunday, killing six people, two of them has projected that Pakistan’s exports will
policemen, and wounding 28 others, increase to US $ 36.7 billion in five years
shortly after a gun attack on a police by the year 2023-24.
check-post left two policemen dead.  The pressure of current account deficit
 The bodies of the two policemen killed on the country will also ease out
in the check-post attack were shifted to gradually from its peak US $ 19.9 billion
the Trauma Centre of the District in 2017-18 to as low as $6.95 billion in
Headquarters Hospital where the suicide current fiscal year while US $ 5.49 billion
bomber detonated explosives strapped in 2020-21, the IMF said in its recently
to his body. At that time, colleagues and published staff report on Pakistan.
relatives of the slain constables had  The trade deficit would also decline to
gathered there. US $ 24.9 billion in current fiscal year
 Officials said that the suicide bomber from US $ 29.46 billion in 2018-19,
clad in a black `shuttlecock` burqa was however it will further go up to US $ 26.8
sitting near the entrance of the Trauma billion mainly on the back of growing
Centre. import needs in coming years.
 They said that the explosion took place  Meanwhile the report also estimated
when the bodies of the two policemen that due to policy measures committed
were being shifted inside the by the Pakistan authorities, the Federal
centre.District police chief Salim Riaz Board of Revenue (FBR) is likely to
told the media that two policemen and collect around Rs 5.5 trillion during
four civilians, including a minor girl, were current fiscal year which would increase
killed in the suicide bombing. to Rs7.001 trillion in next year while in

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2021-2022 the revenues would reach  On July 21, 2019 afternoon, he met the
Rs8.3 trillion and Rs9.48 billion in the World Bank`s new president David
subsequent year. Malpass and the acting Managing
4. SBP allows banks to deal in foreign Director of the International Monetary
currency with public Fund (IMF), David Lipton. The World
 The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has Bank group has assumed a pivotal role in
allowed banks, all of their branches, to Islamabad`s revival efforts since
deal in foreign currencies with public Pakistan signed a bailout package with
across the country. the IMF in May.
 The central bank in a circular amended 6. Bank of England notes its 325 years with
chapter of Foreign Exchange Manual trip back in time
providing details about the currency  Some of the earliest surviving banknotes
business while assigning the role of and a Cold War nuclear radiation
exchange companies to banks. The calculator are among 325 historic
banks were earlier, not allowed to sell or objects unearthed by the Bank of
buy foreign currencies directly from England to celebrate its 325th
public except for those having their own anniversary.
exchange companies.  Britain`s central bank is the second
 Though the bank did not explain the oldest in the world after that of Sweden,
future role of exchange companies but and its trip back through time means
they feel threatened with the latest returning to the days when its
decision. The SBP said that all incoming banknotes were written by hand. Among
persons whether Pakistani or foreign the exhibits are a 40 note dating from
national can bring with them without 1702 a huge sum at the time, worth
any limit foreign currencies and other more than 9,000 ($11,000, 10,000
instruments against the submission of a euros) nowadays.
declaration to the customs authorities  There is also a forged banknote, which
on amount exceeding $10,000 or first appeared in 1858 when a customer
equivalent. tried to exchange it for gold.
5. PM lobbies for US investment in  It was stamped as counterfeit and
Pakistan handed back, but then reappeared in
 Prime Minister Imran Khan, now in 1898 afterbeing presented again, with
Washington on a three-day official someone having painstakingly managed
working visit, spent his first day in the US to erase the stamp.
capital, encouraging Pakistani, American 7. Teen climate activist gets Normandy`s
and international business leaders to first Freedom Prize
invest in Pakistan.  Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenage
 Although a meeting with US President activist whose Friday school strikes
Donald Trump at the White House on protesting government inaction over
July 22, 2019 is the most important climate change helped sparked a
event of this visit, the prime minister worldwide movement, received the
seems equally focused on the efforts to Freedom Prize in France on July 21,
jumpstart the country`s ailing economy. 2019.

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 Flanked by two WWll veterans who  In its farming heyday the 660 acre island,
sponsor the prize, she accepted the a ten-minute ferry ride from the seaside
award at a ceremony in the town of Rothesay - had a population of
nonhwestern city of Caen, Normandy. 41. But its last permanent resident, a
 The prize was awarded before an farmer, left there in 1986. Since 1999 the
audience of several hundred people and isle has been owned by a couple who
in the presence of several WWll have used the main property there as a
veterans, including France`s Leon holiday home.
Gautier and US native American Charles 10. Li Na first Asian-born player in Tennis
Norman Shay. Both are sponsors of the Hall of Fame
prize.  Li Na has broken new ground at the
8. Ukraine`s president gets mandate to International Tennis Hall of Fame.
reboot political order  The 37-year-old former Chinese star on
 Ukrainians gave their comedian-turned- July 21, 2019 became the first Asian-
president Volodymyr Zelensky a born player to be inducted.
mandate to reboot the country`s politics  She was enshrined along with Mary
on July 21, 2019 by handing his party a Pierce of France and Russian Yevgeny
record score in parliamentary elections, Kafelnikov during a lengthy oncourt
exit polls showed. ceremony that followed the Hall of Fame
 Zelensky`s Servant of the People party Open semi-finals and stretched from
named after the sitcom he starred in sunset into nighttime, forcing grounds`
before his shock presidential win in April crew members to scramble and bring in
took 43.9 percent of the vote in Sunday`s smaller spotlights.
election, according to combined figures  Li became the first Asian to win a Grand
from three pollsters. Slam tournament, capturing the 2011
 It was the highest score in a French Open in a final that was watched
parliamentary election for any party by an estimated 116 million people in
since Ukraine gained its independence her country.
with the 1991 collapse of the Soviet  She also captured the 2014 Australian
Union. Open after being runner-up twice.
 The pro-Moscow Opposition Platform-
For Life came second with 11.5 percent, July 23, 2019
the polls said. 1. Trump offers mediation on Kashmir at
9. Uninhabited Scottish island goes on Modi`s request
sale for $1.4m  US President Donald Trump on July 22,
 An inhabited island in Scotland has 2019 expressed his willingness to
emerged for sale for just £1.4million - mediate between India and Pakistan to
the same price as a terraced house in resolve the 70-year-old Kashmir dispute
London. if both the neighbouring countries asked
 Inchmarnock, at the northern end of the him for it.
Sound of Bute in the Firth of Clyde, is the  While addressing a joint news
prefect location for anyone looking to conference with the US president at the
escape from it all. White House Oval Office on July 22,
2019, Prime Minister Imran Khan

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welcomed the offer and said the entire  Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Zafar
Subcontinent would pray for him if he Mahmood Abbasi is on an official visit to
helped resolve the dispute. United Arab Emirates.
 `If I can help, I would love to be a  During the visit, the Naval Chief called on
mediator. If I can do anything to help, let Commander of the UAE Naval Forces,
me know,` said Mr Trump when a Chief of Staff UAE Armed Forces, UAE’s
Pakistani journalist asked him if he Defence Undersecretary in Dubai and
would like to mediate between India and also visited Shipbuilding Facility, Naval
Pakistan on Kashmir. Forces Institute & Ghantout Naval Base
 `I was with Prime Minister Modi two at Abu Dhabi.
weeks ago and we talked about this  Upon his arrival at Naval Headquarters
subject (Kashmir). And he actually said in Dubai, the admiral was warmly
would you like to be a mediator or received by Commander of the UAE
arbitrator? I said, where? (Modi said) Naval Forces, Rear Admiral (Pilot) Saeed
Kashmir,` Mr Trump explained. Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan, said a statement
2. CNIC mandatory for purchases over issued by Pakistan Navy.
Rs50,000  A guard of honour was also presented to
 The Federal Board of Revenue has the Naval Chief at the occasion.
notified provisions making it mandatory 4. India launches moon mission, to probe
for ordinary citizens to show Computer south pole
National Identity Card in case of  India launched a rocket into space on
purchase over Rs50,000 from a July 22, 2019 in an attempt to safely land
registered sales tax seller. a rover on the moon, its most ambitious
 In the case of a female buyer, the CNIC mission yet in the effort to establish
of her husband or father will be itself as a low-cost space power.
considered valid for the purchase.  If successful, the $146 million mission
 The law further provides that this will allow Indian scientists to carry out
condition will not apply if the value of studies on the presence of water at the
purchases is below Rs50,000 in case moon`s south pole, unexplored by any
sales are being made to an ordinary other nation before.
consumer.  China, Russia and the United States are
 The main purpose of the CNIC condition the only other nations to have sent
is for documenting business-to-business missions to the moon.
transactions and few transactions in a  A live broadcast showed images of the
value higher than Rs50,000 by limited rocket, carrying the unmanned
number of consumers and that too from Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft, blasting off
sales tax registered person. from a space centre in southern India as
 This condition will help avoid, thousands of onlookers cheered the
unverifiable and fictitious business launch, which was delayed for a week by
buyers which results in huge sales tax a technical snag.
losses in the value chain. 5. US sanctions Chinese trader for
3. Pakistan for enhancing naval co-op with violating Iran restrictions
UAE  The US is placing a leading Chinese oil
importer on its sanctions blacklist for

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trading in Iranian crude, Secretary of curb its nuclear programme in exchange
State Mike Pompeo announced July 23, for the lifting of sanctions.
2019. 7. Iceland to honour first glacier lost to
 `As part of that maximum pressure climate change
campaign, I am announcing that the US  Iceland is planning to mark the passing
is imposing sanctions on the Chinese of Okjokull, its first glacier lost to climate
entity Zhuhai Zhenrong and its chief change which threatens some 400
executive Youmin Li,` Pompeo said in a others on the subarctic island.
speech.  On August 18, a plaque will be unveiled
 `They violated US law by accepting crude to Okjokull which translates to `OK
oil,` he said. glacier` in the west of Iceland, local
 The announcement was the latest step researchers and their peers at Rice
by Washington to ratchet up economic University in the United States, who
pressure on Tehran over its alleged initiated the project, said on Monday.
military activities in the Middle East and  The researchers hope that the
its nuclear program by taking aim at memorial, entitled `A letter to the
business partners. future,` will raise awareness about the
6. UN nuclear watchdog chief Amano, decline of glaciers and the effects of
who oversaw Iran deal, dies climate change.
 The head of the UN`s nuclear watchdog, 8. NASA prepares to send ‘first woman
Yukiya Amano, has died after suffering and next man’ on Moon in 2024
poor health for some time, the  As NASA marked the 50th anniversary of
International Atomic Energy Agency said the historic first Moon landing, the U.S.
on July 22, 2019, as international space agency is preparing to take its next
tensions run high over Iran`s nuclear giant leap with the ambitious Artemis
activities. programme that could see the “first
 The longtime Japanese diplomat, who woman and the next man” walk on the
was 72, held the IAEA`s top job since lunar surface.
December 2009.  Artemis is named after the twin sister of
 Amano died on July 18. But his family Apollo who is also the Goddess of the
had only informed the IAEA late on July Moon and the hunt.
21, 2019, `with the specific request not  NASA said the mission “encompasses all
to disclose it until the family funeral had of our efforts to return humans to the
taken place on 22 July in a quiet Moon -- which will prepare us and
atmosphere.` No details were given propel us on to Mars.”
about the cause of death, but Amano  The programme to return astronauts to
had been ill for some months. the lunar surface is planned to launch by
 During his 10 years at the helm, Amano 2024, according to the U.S. space
oversaw the signing of a landmark deal agency.
in 2015 between Iran and six major 9. Ex-Aussie tennis star McNamara dies
powers Britain, China, France, Germany, after quiet cancer battle
Russia and the United States -under  Australia`s Peter McNamara, who won
which the Islamic republic agreed to three doubles Grand Slam titles and
became a prominent coach after

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hanging up his racquet, has died at the Pakistan while those left in the country
age of 64 after a quiet battle with cancer. aspire to do the same and acquire legal
 Melbourne man McNamara won five citizenship of other countries. This newly
singles titles and 19in doubles and issued identity card is usually referred to
teamed up with compatriot Paul as a “green card” in Pakistan. The green
McNamee to win the Australian Open card holds great value and is something
doubles in 1979 and Wimbledon twice in many Pakistanis aspire for.
1980 and 1982.  WWF-Pakistan recently launched a
 After retiring in 1987, the former world nationwide initiative to fund
number seven singles player enjoyed a environment protection in Pakistan, a
successful coaching career, mentoring membership the organization is calling
Mark Philippoussis, Grigor Dimitrov and the WWF Green Card. Available to
Wang Qiang, among others. purchase online, the card is a symbol for
10. Sirbaz climbs world’s 12th highest responsible Pakistanis to take part in a
mountain Broad Peak nationwide drive to help protect
 Mountaineer Sirbaz Khan has Pakistan’s environment. The Green Card
successfully climbed the world’s 12th comes in three different categories: Air,
highest mountain Broad Peak. Water and Wildlife where the Air
 Serena Hotels Senior Manager category focuses on reducing air
Marketing and Communications Hussain pollution and planting trees, the Water
Odhwani announced this and said Sirbaz category helps protect marine and
climbed the Broad Peak (8047m) freshwater ecosystems in Pakistan while
without using supplementary oxygen. the Wildlife category aims to protect
He completed his summit on the July 12 animals.
at 2:25pm. The expedition was  The campaign is supported by WWF’s
accompanied by four climbers in total, Goodwill Ambassadors; Ali Rehman and
two members from Nepal and one each Adnan Malik along with other celebrities
from the USA and Germany. including Ushna Shah and Omair Rana
 Serena Hotels has been supporting and many social media influencers.
Sirbaz Khan on his ‘Mission Summit 14’. 2. Four of 10 under-five children stunted
Sirbaz aims to summit all 14 highest in KP: survey
peaks above 8000m without oxygen.  Four in every 10 children below five
This was his fourth consecutive years of age have been found stunted
successful summit after K2 (8611m), and another two in 10 suffer from
Nanga Parbat (8126m) and Mount wasting in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
Lhotse (8516m). according to National Nutrition Survey

July 24, 2019 

A statement said that Endings of the
1. WWF launches ‘green card’ to fund survey conducted last year were made
environment protection public at a ceremony here on July 24,
 The pursuit of better economic 2019.
prospects and living standards in the  `In the newly merged districts, formerly
past decades has resulted in thousands known as Federally Administered Tribal
of Pakistanis choosing to emigrate out of Area, three of every 10 children have
wasting,` Prof Zulfiqar A.

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 Bhutta, the director of Centre for guarantee operations of the Credit
Excellence in Women and Child Health, Guarantee Investment Facility (CGIF), a
Aga Khan University, Karachi, told the trust fund of ADB created to promote
participants. the development of deep and liquid local
3. Govt paid $9.1b as external debt currency and regional bond markets in
repayment, servicing in FY2018-19 the ASEAN+3 region.
 Pakistan would not face balance of  According to ADB statement received,
payment crisis during current fiscal year the CGIF was established in April 2010
2019-20 due to the government’s deals with an initial capital of $700 million,
with international financial institutions including a $130 million capital
Debt has slightly increased during first contribution from ADB.
year of PTI’s govt  The ADB’s additional capital
 Pakistan had paid $9.1 billion as external contribution will support regional
debt repayment and servicing during cooperation within ASEAN+3 and
previous fiscal year (20-18-19). promote financial resilience by allowing
 The government had paid $9.1 billion as corporations and infrastructure projects
external debt repayment and servicing to gain access to local currency and
during fiscal year 2018-19 as against regional bond markets, the statement
$5.1 billion paid in preceding year. added.
4. Four universities get new VCs  It will also encourage cross-border
 The Punjab government on July 24, 2019 issuances, especially for corporations
appointed vice chancellors of four public domiciled in those ASEAN countries still
sector universities. developing a fully functioning bond
 According to a notification, on the market.
recommendations of the search 6. Khawaja Muhammad Aslam passes
committee constituted by the Higher away at 97
Education Department, the  Former hockey Olympian and
chancellor/governor approved international athlete Khawaja
appointment Dr Shahid Kamal as VC Muhammad Aslam, father of another
Government College University, Olympian Khawaja Junaid, died on July
Faisalabad, Prof Dr Shabbar Atig as VC of 24, 2019 at the age of 97.
University of Gujrat, Dr Athar Mahboob  Aslam was born in 1922. He represented
as VC of Islamia University Bahawalpur Pakistan as an athlete in the 1954 Asian
and Dr Tariq Mahmood as VC of Games and bagged silver in the 200-
University of Narowal. metre race. Earlier, he also represented
 UoG VC Dr Atig is an engineer who is Pakistan in the Summer Olympics 1952
currently serving as Director of Institute in Helsinki and competed in the 100-
of Advance Materials in Bahauddin metre and 200-metre events as well as
Zakriya University, Multan. men`s 4x100 metres relay. Aslam also
5. ADB approves $50m additional finished fifth in the 1954 British Empire
contribution for CGIF and Commonwealth Games in the 4x110
 The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has yards relay.
approved a US $ 50 million additional  Later, Aslam turned to hockey and found
capital contribution to support the a place in the Pakistan team. He took

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part in the Asian Games 1962 and  According to the report, Mr Johnson`s
earned a gold medal. paternal great-grandfather was Ali
 Khawaja Aslam had great affiliation with Kemal, a journalist and liberal politician
sports as he had also played first-class of the Ottoman Empire who worked in
cricket. the region that is now Turkey.
7. Boris Johnson wins race to become UK’s  Born in 1867 to a mother of Circassian
next prime minister heritage, Mr Kemal`s journalism allowed
 Brexit hard-liner Boris Johnson, one of him to travel extensively and he visited
Britain’s most famous and divisive many countries.
politicians, won the race to lead the  One of his destinations was Switzerland,
governing Conservative Party on where he met Winifred Brun, an Anglo-
Tuesday, and will become the next Swiss woman and the daughter of a
prime minister. Margaret Johnson. They married in
 Johnson resoundingly defeated rival London in 1903.
Jeremy Hunt in the Conservative  Mr Kemal made a move into politics,
leadership contest, winning two-thirds perhaps foreshadowing his
of the votes in a ballot of about 160,000 descendant`s similar career paths.
party members across the UK. He will be 9. Li Peng, Chinese premier during
installed as prime minister Wednesday Tiananmen crackdown, dies
in a formal handover from Theresa May.  Li Peng, a former hard-line Chinese
 US President Donald Trump, who has premier best known for announcing
praised Johnson in the past, tweeted his martial law during the 1989 Tiananmen
congratulations and said he will be Square pro-democracy protests that
“great.” Trump has been very critical of ended with a bloody crackdown by
May’s inability to achieve a Brexit deal troops, has died. He was 90.
and has said Johnson will do a better job.  China`s official Xinhua News Agency said
8. New British PM has Muslim ancestors: Li diedon Monday of an unspecified
report illness. His death was not announced
 The newly elected British Prime Minister until July 24, 2019 evening.
Boris Johnson has a Muslim ancestral  Li, a keen political infighter, spent two
history and his grandparents were decades at the pinnacle of power before
among the most important figures of the retiring in 2002. He left behind a legacy
former Ottoman Empire, according to of prolonged and broad-based economic
BBC Urdu. growth coupled with authoritarian
 During a recent debate on television in political controls.
connection with the Conservative Party  While broadly disliked by the public, he
elections, Mr Johnson referred to his oversaw China`s reemergence from post
Muslim ancestors, the report said. Tiananmen isolation to rising global
 The revelation raised many questions as diplomatic and economic clout, a
Mr Johnson has often come under development he celebrated in public
criticism particularly on the issue of statements that often were defiantly
Islamophobia with previous comments nationalistic.
comparing Muslim women in burgas to 10. Nasa Moon lander vision takes shape

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 Nasa has outlined more details of its and matters of mutual interest at the
plans for a landing craft that will take Qatari premier’s residence.
humans to the lunar surface. 2. SBP removes Bank of Punjab’s
 The plans call for an initial version of the president
lander to be built for landing on the  The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) July 24,
Moon by 2024; it would then be 2019 officially removed the president of
followed by an enhanced version. Bank of Punjab (BOP). The State Bank in
 The news comes as work was completed a statement said that the President BOP
on the Orion spacecraft that will fly was not ‘fit and proper’ to hold the
around the Moon in 2021. portfolio any longer.
 This mission, called Artemis-1, will pave  President BOP Talib Rizvi was appointed
the way for the first attempt to land by the Government of Punjab.
since 1972.  He was appointed as President and Chief
 The pre solicitation notice to industry Executive Officer of the BOP in April, this
calls for proposals on an initial lander year.
design capable of carrying two people  The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) clarified
down to the Moon’s South Pole in 2024. on July 22 that it had not allowed banks

July 25, 2019 and their branches to sell and buy

foreign currencies from the public across
1. PM receives royal reception in Qatar on the country.
way back home 3. Chinese firm to invest $20m in cab,
 Prime Minister Imran Khan on July 24, cargo services
2019 addressed members of the US  A Chinese firm is working on
Congress at Capitol Hill, telling them that comprehensive business plan to provide
he wanted to reinvigorate the long- five important services in Pakistan,
standing ties between the United States initially investing $20 million, with future
and Pakistan, before he wrapped up his prospects of $600m.
highly successful three-day visit.  Chinese company Timesaco intends to
 On way back home, the prime minister provide a rapid services platform to
received a royal reception during his citizens by launching five special services
brief stopover in Doha on July 24, 2019. including a taxi service, heavy cargo
 Qatari Prime Minister Abdullah bin delivery , orders delivery, moving
Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani welcomed his automated teller machines (ATM) and
Pakistani counterpart at Hamd vehicle advertisement facilities, Chief
International Airport. Operating Officer Timesaco, Donald Li
 PM’s Adviser on Commerce and Trade said on July 24, 2019.
Razzaq Dawood, Special Assistant on  Initially these instant services would be
Overseas Pakistanis Zulfiqar Bukhari and launche din the six major cities including
Secretary Foreign Affairs Sohail Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Islamabad,
Mehmood also accompanied the Rawalpindi and Peshawar and would be
premier. extended to other urban centers, he
 After the reception at the airport, the added.
two sides held discussed bilateral ties 4. Boris becomes UK premier

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 One-nation conservative’ Boris Johnson,  Switzerland is the world`s most
the new British Prime Minister, is a innovative country for a second
friend of both premier Imran Khan and consecutive year while Asian giant India
Indian PM Narendra Modi. made the biggest strides among major
 But he is not expected to reconcile the economies, a global indicator showed on
two mutual friends on the Kashmir issue July 24, 2019.
which has caused several wars and  The annual Global Innovation Index
skirmishes between Pakistan and India. compiled by World Intellectual Property
 On his visit to Pakistan as the Foreign Organisation, Cornell University and
Secretary in 2016, Johnson had made it INSEAD ranks 129 world economies on
clear his country will not become a 80 parameters including research,
mediator between Pakistan and India technology and creativity.
over the Kashmir issue but advocated a  Switzerland was closely followed by
peaceful solution to the dispute. Sweden and the United States, with
 His estranged wife Marina Wheeler – Israel rounding out the top10.
whom he married in 1993 - has both  India, where the announcement was
Pakistan and Indian roots. Marina made, was ranked 52nd but has leaped
Wheeler, a British lawyer and columnist, upthe rankings in recent years, WIPO
and Boris Johnson have four children assistant director-general Naresh Prasad
together - two daughters and two sons. said.
She is the niece of late editor and writer 7. US slaps $5bn fine on Facebook
Khushwant Singh.  US regulators on July 24, 2019 slapped a
5. Sajid Javid named UK treasury chief record $5 billion fine on Facebook for
 Boris Johnson appointed Sajid Javid privacy violations in a wide-ranging
Britain`s new treasury chief, one of the settlement that calls for revamping
most senior jobs in cabinet, soon after privacy controls and oversight at the
taking oath as prime minister on July 24, social network.
2019.  The Federal Trade Commission said the
 Javid will be responsible for spending penalty was the largest ever imposed on
and economic policy in Johnson`s any company for violating consumers’
government. privacy and one of the largest penalties
 Javid, a former banker and ex-home ever assessed by the US government for
secretary, is the first ethnic minority any violation.
politician to hold the post of Chancellor  However, two Democratic members of
of the Exchequer. the five-member FTC dissented, arguing
 Priti Patel was named home secretary, the agreement failed to go far enough to
replacing Javid. rein in Facebook business practices that
 Formerly interior minister under endanger consumers.
Theresa May, 49-year old Javid takes 8. Flying Frenchman to fulfil Channel
over at the British treasury from Philip crossing `dream`
Hammond, who has held the job since  A daredevil French inventor said on July
2016. 24, 2019 he was ready to realise his
6. Switzerland world`s most-innovative dream of flying between France and
country in latest rankings Britain across the Channel on a jet-

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powered `flyboard` after finally  Minister for Science and Technology
overcoming bureaucratic obstacles. Fawad Chaudhry on July 25, 2019 took to
 Franky Zapata, a former jet skiing Twitter saying the election process to
champion, aims to soar above the send the first Pakistani into space will
Channel `like a bird` on Thursday begin from February 2020.
morning in a scene likely to resemble a  “Fifty people will be shortlisted list will
science fiction film. then come down to 25 and in 2022 we
 In a tribute to past aviation heroes, the will send our first person to space, this
40-year-old has picked the day that will be the biggest space event of our
marks 110 years since pioneer Louis history.”
Bleriot made the first airplane flight  On July 22, 2019, India launched a rocket
across the Channel on July 25, 1909. into space in an attempt to safely land a
9. Pellegrini wins 8th world medal in 200 rover on the moon. China, Russia and
free the United States are the only other
 Federica Pellegrini began the nations to have sent missions to the
countdown to the end of her stellar moon.
career in style. The Italian defeated a  Air Force will be the custodian of the
field of younger competitors, minus selection process, all around the world
ailing Katie Ledecky, to win the 200- pilots are selected for space missions.
meter freestyle at the world swimming 2. FBR sets up FATF Cell
championships on July 24, 2019 night.  The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has
 Pellegrini, who turns 31 next month, is established a Financial Action Task Force
competing at her final worlds. She’s (FATF) Cell to ensure effective and timely
aiming to make a fifth Olympics in Tokyo completion of global money-laundering
next year before retiring. She overtook watchdog’s action plan.
18-year-old Australian Ariarne Titmus  According to a notification, the FATF Cell
down the stretch to earn her fourth will be headed by a director general in
career gold — and record eighth Directorate General of Intelligence and
consecutive medal — in her signature Investigation, FBR Islamabad. The cell
event. The Italian touched in 1 minute, would serve as a focal point for all
54.22 seconds. “I’m not sad, I’m so activities related to customs compliance
happy,” Pellegrini said. “I’m so happy to FATF issues. The cell may seek
because it’s an amazing world information required for the FATF-
championships, an amazing 200 and I related work from the FBR, field
hope next year, my last Olympic formations and directorates. The head
championship, and after that a new life.” of field formations and directorates have
July 26, 2019 been asked to create enabling
environment for this unit considering its
1. Pakistan to send first astronaut in space sensitive nature, according to the
by 2022 notification. The FBR has transferred five
 Pakistan will send its first citizen into officers to FATF Cell/directorate of
space by 2022 with the selection process CBCM. The officers have been relieved
to find the right astronaut scheduled to of their duties to report at new place of
begin next year.

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posting with immediate effect till further adolescents and youth,` said an official
orders. after the facility was formally opened by
 Abdul Waheed (PCS/BS-20) would look the minister at a hotel.
after the charge of FATF Cell, Directorate  The helpline has been designed and
General of Intelligence and introduced by the health ministry in
Investigation, FBR Islamabad, in addition collaboration with Greenstar Marketing
to his own duties. (GSM), officials in the event said.
3. NA to host CPA Asian Conference from  The organisers told the launching
29th ceremony that the helpline had initially
 The National Assembly of Pakistan will been launched by Greenstar itself in
be hosting the 5th Commonwealth 2005.
Parliamentary Association (CPA) Asian 5. Taliban ready to meet Imran
Regional Conference in Islamabad from  The Afghan Taliban on July 25, 2019
July 29 to August 2, 2019. stated if they were invited by Pakistan,
 The Commonwealth Parliamentary they would travel to Islamabad and
Association (CPA) links Parliamentarians meet Prime Minister Imran Khan. The
and parliamentary staff from over 180 announcement from the Taliban came
national, state, provincial and territorial after PM Imran Khan’s statement in
Parliaments and Legislatures across the Washington that he would meet the
Commonwealth through its network. Taliban and convince them for a meeting
 One of the oldest Commonwealth with the Afghan government.
organisations, the CPA was founded in  Talking to BBC via telephone from Doha,
1911. The CPA is an international where the movement has established a
community of Commonwealth political office, Taliban Spokesperson
Parliaments and Legislatures working Sohail Shaheen said if they are given a
together to deepen the formal invitation by Pakistan, they
Commonwealth’s commitment to the would visit. “We often visit regional
highest standards of democratic countries and would surely go there
governance. The Association is because Pakistan is our neighbour and
composed of over 180 Branches formed Muslim country,” he said.
in Legislatures in Commonwealth  Peace in Afghanistan topped PM Imran’s
countries which subscribe to maiden US visit and President Donald
parliamentary democracy. Trump hailed Pakistan’s support in
4. Sindh launches family planning helpline achieving peace in the troubled country.
 Sindh Health Minister Dr Azra Pechuho 6. Tunisian president Beji Caid Essebsi dies
on July 25, 2019 launched `Sindh FP2020 at 92
Helpline` called `Poocho` (Ask) that  Tunisia’s President Beji Caid Essebsi, the
would be available for the adult North African country’s first
population to guide them on family democratically elected leader, has died
planning and related issues. at the age of 92, according to the
 `This helpline is a reliable source of 24/7 presidency.
family planning, sexual and reproductive  One of the world’s oldest leaders,
health (SRH) information and Essebsi died at the Tunis military
counselling services, especially for

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hospital on July 25, 2019 morning, the share with our allies and partners`,
presidency said in a statement. Trump said in letters to the Senate justif
 He was hospitalised with a severe illness ying blocking them.
in late June, but returned to intensive  It is the third time the president has
care on Thursday, his son said. Earlier, employed his veto power since taking
Hafedh Caid Essebsi told AFP news office.
agency that “things are not going well”.  The measures cleared Congress this
 Drafted in as prime minister in 2011 month in a strong rebuke to Trump,
after longtime ruler Zine El Abidine Ben whose administration took the
Ali was toppled, Essebsi was elected extraordinary step of bypassing
president three years later, becoming legislators to approve the sales in May.
the country’s first directly elected head 9. Spain’s PM loses confidence vote after
of state after its Arab Spring uprising. As talks fail
prime minister, he helped draft a new  Spain’s caretaker socialist prime
democratic constitution guaranteeing minister Pedro Sanchez lost a crunch
fundamental rights such as freedom of post-election vote of confidence on July
speech, and preparing Tunisia for free 25, 2019 after coalition talks with the
elections. far-left failed.
7. North Korea fires ‘new short-range  Sanchez faced the vote in parliament
missile’ into sea after his Socialist party won most seats
 North Korea has fired two short-range in an inconclusive general election in
missiles into the sea, South Korea’s Joint April without securing a majority.
Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said.  On July 25, 2019, apart from the 123
 They were launched over the sea early lawmakers of his own party, just one
on July 25, 2019, from Wonsan on North other deputy from a regional grouping
Korea’s east coast. supported the Socialist leader, leaving
 A JCS official said at least one of the him far from the simple majority he
missiles travelled about 690km (428 needed to go through.
miles) and appeared to be a new design.  This moves Spain a step closer to holding
 It marks the first time North Korea has its fourth general election in as many
fired any missiles since leader Kim Jong- years.
un’s impromptu meeting with Donald 10. Malaysia resumes $10-bn China-backed
Trump late last month. rail project
8. Trump vetoes measures to block Saudi  Malaysia on July 25, 2019 restarted a
arms sales $10-billion, China-backed rail project
 President Donald Trump on July 24, 2019 that is part of Beijing’s global
vetoed three congressional resolutions infrastructure drive following its
barring billions of dollars in weapons suspension last year when a corruption-
sales to countries including Saudi Arabia plagued government was ejected from
and the United Arab Emirates, which are power.
engaged in a devastating war in Yemen.  The 640-kilometre line will link
 The resolutions `would weaken northeast Malaysia, near the Thai
America`s global competitiveness and border, to the country’s main port on
damage the important relationships we the busy Strait of Malacca in the west,

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forming part of a network it is hoped will  Ms Lodhi was elected by acclamation
eventually run from southern China right after her candidature was endorsed by
through Southeast Asia. the 54-member body on July 25, 2019.
 At a ceremony in the northeastern state  She will assume the Asia Pacific seat in
of Terengganu, Malaysian Transport the Bureau of Ecosoc, a principal organ
Minister Anthony Loke said the line of the UN mandated to deliberate on
would improve "public transport socio-economic and development
systems in rural areas, especially in the agendas of the world.
east coast of peninsular Malaysia".  Norway`s Ambassador Mona Juul was
July 27, 2019 elected Ecosoc`s president, also by
acclamation. She replaced Rhonda King
1. Education in Pakistan sharpens existing of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
divisions, says report 3. Pakistan among states with highest
 Education in Pakistan largely sharpens ratio of AIDS victims
the existing divisions, mainly around  Inadequate measures for curtailing
religious lines. HIV/AIDs have brought embarrassment
 Discriminated against in all respects, the to Pakistan as the United Nations has put
life of non-Muslim students and it on the list of 11 countries which have
teachers is miserable. the highest prevalence of the disease 13
 This was stated in a report titled per cent in its latest report.
`Education and Inequality`launched by  It is the highest ratio of HIV prevalence
the Institute of Development Research the country has touched during the last
and Corresponding Capabilities (IDRAC) decade, raising concerns among global
and Human Rights Commission of health partners.
Pakistan (HRCP) on July 26, 2019.  The UNAIDS-2019 analysis revealed that
 The report, which was launched at the the world is on track to end the AIDS
HRCP office, pointed out that the epidemic by 2030, but Pakistan is among
situation was quite alarming. the countries where ratio of new AIDs
 It said that similarly 70pc of teachers cases saw a sharp increase. The report
admitted to having faced discrimination termed it a blow to global efforts to
based on their faith. While, as many as curtail the disease.
72pc of parents believed their children  It stated that the average HIV incidence
to be discriminated against in schools per 1000 people in Pakistan was 0.08 in
and colleges because of their faith- 2010, which had risen to 0.11 last year.
basedidentity.  The situation has aggravated despite
2. Maleeha elected vice president of UN`s grant of `massive funding` by
economic arm international health partners to curtail
 Pakistan`s Ambassador to the United HIV.
Nations Maleeha Lodhi has been  The report, which has already been
unanimously elected as one of the four communicated to Islamabad, stated that
vice presidents of the Economic and the number of people living with HIV in
Social Council (ECOSOC), the economic the country stood at 160,000 last year.
arm of the UN. The number was 120,000 in 2015 and
67,000 in 2010.

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4. China backs US offer for improving Pak- a European to lead the fund, while an
India ties American has always led the IMF`s sister
 While commenting on US President institution, the World Bank.
Donald Trump’s mediation offer to help  Any of the fund`s 189 members can
resolve the Kashmir issue, China on July nominate a candidate from July 29 to
26, 2019 said it supported the Sept 6, after which the board will
international community, including the announce its shortlist of up to three
United States, in playing a constructive names, the IMF said in a statement. EU
role in improving Pakistan-India leaders early this month picked Lagarde
relations through dialogue. to succeed ECB chief Mario Draghi,
 “We support the international whose single, eight-year term ends in
community, the US included, in playing a November.
constructive role for improving Pakistan- 6. Australian ambulance to grant patients`
India relations through dialogue,” dying wishes
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson  Inspired by an Australian ambulance
Hua Chunying said. “We hope the two crew who took a dying woman to the
countries can peacefully settle the beach on her way to hospital, officials
Kashmir issue and other bilateral have announced a dedicated vehicle to
disputes through dialogue, and make grant final wishes to terminally ill
concerted efforts to safeguard peace patients.
and stability in South Asia,” she added.  In late 2017, ambulance officers in the
 The spokesperson said that as a northern state of Queensland took a
neighbour to both Pakistan and India, detour on the way to hospital as per the
China sincerely hoped that Pakistan and wishes of a dying patient who wanted to
India could live in harmony. see the ocean one last time.
5. IMF to select new head by Oct 4  The touching gesture was captured by a
 The International Monetary Fund plans photo showing a paramedic beside a
to select a new leader to replace stretcher facing the ocean at Hervey
Christine Lagarde at the global crisis Bay, on Australia`s nohheast coast.
lender by Oct 4, the IMF board  This week the Queensland state
announced on July 26, 2019. That would government announced it was
mean a new managing director will be in dedicating a decommissioned
place in time for the IMF annual meeting ambulance to granting dying wishes of
in mid-October. terminally ill patients, such as visiting
 Lagarde resigned her post effective Sept their pets, their children, their
12 as she awaits final word on her grandchildren or visiting an an gallery or
nomination to the presidency of the museum.
European Central Bank. 7. Iran frees nine Indian crew from seized
 The IMF board confirmed a commitment tanker
to `an open, merit-based, and  Iran has freed nine of 12 Indian crew
transparent process for the selection of from a Panama flagged tanker seized on
the next managing director,` the July 14, India`s foreign ministry said on
institution is widely expected to July 26, 2019.
continue the 75-year tradition of picking

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 Iran had accused the MT Riah ship of  The 27-year-old, who is regarded as one
smuggling contraband fuel when it was of the best left arm pacers after
detained, amid mounting tensions countryman Wasim Akram, said he
between the Iranian government and wants to move away from the traditional
both Britain and the US over shipping in format.
the Strait of Hormuz.  `It has been an honour to represent
 The MT Riah crossed into Iranian waters Pakistan in the pinnacle and traditional
around July 14 and stopped transmitting format of the game,` Amir was quoted as
signals shortly afterwards, the Tanker saying in a Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB)
Trackers online oil shipment website media release. `I, however, have decided
reported at the time. to move away from the longer version so
 `Nine crew members have been released I can concentrate on white ball cricket.
and they will be on their way to India  Amir is currently in England where he is
soon,` said Indian foreign ministry signed to play for Essex in the English
spokesman Raveesh Kumar. season. Amir said he had been thinking
8. Iran has tested medium-range ballistic about quitting Test cricket for some time
missile: US and it was not an easy decision for him.
 Iran test launched a medium-range 10. Woakes, Broad skittle Ireland for 38 as
ballistic missile inside its borders, US England win under three days
officials said on July 26, 2019, defying  Chris Woakes and Stuart Broad wreaked
Trump administration demands that it havoc on July 26, 2019 as Ireland`s
curtail the weapon programme and dream of pulling off one of the biggest
demonstrating its intent to further push shocks in the history of Test cricket by
back against US sanctions. beating England at Lord`s was shattered
 The test came amid heightened tensions as they collapsed to 38 all out to lose by
between Iran and the West, mainly over 143 runs.
the safety of commercial shipping in the  On a murky morning, Ireland made a
Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz. dream start when Stuart Thompson
 A White House spokesman called the ended England`s second innings on 303
test launch an example of Iran `acting with the first ball of the day, clean
out` as a result of intense pressure from bowling Olly Stone to leave themselves
US economic sanctions. two days to knock off 182 runs.
 The US officials who confirmed the  After a rain delay they began the chase
missile launch spoke on condition of in encouraging fashion, reaching 11
anonymity to discuss sensitive without loss, but the wheels fell off in
information. spectacular fashion as they posted the
9. Amir quits Test cricket to focus on ODI, lowest ever test total at Lord`s,
T20 formats capitulating in 15.4 overs.
 Pakistan fast bowler Mohammad Amir
announced his retirement from Test
cricket on July 26, 2019 to concentrate
on the limited-overs game, nine years
July 28, 2019
after a spot-fixing ban halted his 1. Captain among 10 troops martyred in
burgeoning career. two attacks

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 Ten armed forces personnel were  The approval was announced days after
martyred by militants, six of them in a a White House meeting between Prime
cross-border attack on July 27, 2019 in Minister Imran Khan and US President
North Waziristan district and four others Donald Trump, which sought to `reset`
in an assault in Kech district of troubled US-Pakistan ties. Army Chief
Balochistan on July 26, 2019, the military Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa accompanied
said. the prime minister and remained in
 Saturday`s ambush was claimed by the Washington after his departure as well
banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan, also for a series of meetings with US defence
known as the Pakistani Taliban, which is officials.
separate from the insurgent movement  Another official notification said the
across the border in Afghanistan. No Trump administration has also approved
group claimed responsibility for Friday`s an Indian request to provide $670m
attack. worth of support for its C-17 transport
 In a statement, the ISPR`s director planes.
general, Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor, said:  Apparently, India will provide the funds
`Shahadat (martyrdom) of six soldiers on for these support services.
Pak-Afghan border and four in 3. Ivanka Trump interested in women
Balochistan is the sacrifice Pakistan (is) development projects in Pakistan
making for peace in the region. While  US President Donald Trump`s daughter
security of tribal areas has been and adviser Ivanka Trump has expressed
improved with efforts now focused to interest in setting up women
solidify border, inimical forces are development projects in Pakistan.
attempting to destabilise Balochistan.  Ms Trump expressed this desire in a
 Officials said that in the incident in North recent meeting with Minister of State for
Waziristan district of Khyber Overseas Pakistanis Syed Zulfiqar Abbas
Pakhtunkhwa, militants in Afghanistan`s Bukhari in Washington.
Paktika province opened fire on army  Her husband Jared Kushner, who assists
personnel in Shawal Tehsil at about 9am. President Trump on foreign policy
2. US resumes military sales with $125m issues, also attended the meeting.
F-16s support deal  Mr Bukhari and Ms Trump agreed on
 The United States has approved $125 increasing cooperation between
million for Pakistan to provide technical Pakistan and the US on various fronts,
support to its fleet of F-16 aircraft, the ministry said.
practically ending a freeze on military  Earlier this month, Ms Trump
assistance to the country. spearheaded an initiative to give more
 `The US State Department has made a financial power to women in the
determination approving a possible developing world.
Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to Pakistan  Last week, the initiative announced its
for Technical Security Team (TST) in first batch of grants $27 million for 14
continued support of the F-16 projects in 22 countries mostly in Africa,
programme for an estimated cost of Latin America and Southeast Asia.
$125 million, said an official notification 4. US, Guatemala sign agreement to
sent to the US Congress on Friday. restrict asylum cases

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 The Trump administration signed an vehicles outfitted with fraudulent law
agreement with Guatemala that will enforcement markings. The armed
restrict asylum applications to the U.S. thieves then proceeded to order airport
from Central America. workers to fill a pickup truck with gold
 The “safe third country” agreement and other precious metals before
would require migrants, including departing with two hostages.
Salvadorans and Hondurans, who cross  The thieves may have kidnapped a
into Guatemala on their way to the U.S. senior airport official on Wednesday,
to apply for protections in Guatemala holding him for 12 hours to gain
instead of at the U.S. border. It could information about the shipment of
potentially ease the crush of migrants valuable metals, reported Fox News.
overwhelming the U.S. immigration Four children related to the official may
system, although many questions have also been kidnapped to gain
remain about how the agreement will be information.
executed. 7. Bernal set to become first Colombian to
 President Donald Trump on Friday win Tour de France
heralded the concession as a win as he  Egan Bernal was poised to become the
struggles to live up to his campaign first Colombian to win the Tour de
promises on immigration. France when he retained the overall lead
5. Supreme Court: Trump can use after July 27, 2019`s 20th stage, a 59-km
Pentagon funds for border wall ride from Albertville.
 The Supreme Court cleared the way for  The Team Ineos rider, 22, finished the
the Trump administration to tap billions stage won by 2014 champion Vicenzo
of dollars in Pentagon funds to build Nibali of Italy in fourth place.
sections of a border wall with Mexico.  His team-mate and defending champion
 The court’s five conservative justices Geraint Thomas is second overall ahead
gave the administration the green light of Dutchman Steven Kruijswijk after
on July 26, 2019 to begin work on four France`s Julian Alaphilippe cracl(ed in
contracts it has awarded using Defence the final ascent to the ski resort of Val
Department money. Funding for the Thorens.
projects had been frozen by lower courts 8. Dressel wins 3 golds in two hours at
while a lawsuit over the money swim worlds
proceeded. The court’s four liberal  Caeleb Dressel made history — again —
justices wouldn’t have allowed at the world swimming championships.
construction to start. The American won three gold medals in
6. Fake cops steal $40m gold from a span of about two hours July 27, 2019
Brazilian airport night, duplicating his feat from two years
 Armed police impersonators stole more ago in Budapest, Hungary.
than 1,600 pounds of precious metals,  Dressel has six golds and seven medals
valued at $40 million, from Brazil’s Sao overall with one night remaining in the
Paulo Airport, taking two hostages in the meet. He tied Michael Phelps’ record of
process. seven medals — all gold — at a single
 Men dressed as Brazilian federal police worlds in 2017. “It was not easy in ’17, it
officers arrived at Guarulhos airport in was not easy this year,” the 22-year-old

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Floridian said. “I don’t want it to be easy,  It was the 12th exercise of Ayyildiz
I really don’t.” series, which continued for 12 days. The
9. Int’l Paragliding Cup to be held from bilateral exercises have been regularly
Sept 27 conducted between Pakistan and Turkey
1. Pakistan International Paragliding Cup on an annual basis.
2019 and Kashmir Premier League event  The aim of the exercise was to
will be held from September 27 this year strengthen military relationships,
in the picturesque valley of improve coordination, interoperability
Muzaffarabd, capital of Azad Jammu and and exchange of professional expertise
Kashmir, to promote tourism in the area. in Special Operations Forces` domain.
In this connection a roadshow was held  Personnel from both navies mutually
here at Pakistan High Commission benefited from the exercise which
London the other day. included anti-terrorism operations,
July 29, 2019 rescue and hostage operations, counter-
terrorism in maritime domain and
1. China Railway to invest in garment city intelligence-based operations.
project 3. Murree`s governor house to be rented
 A Garment City is being established over out
400 acres on Kasur Road, where China  Governor house in Murree will be rented
Railway will invest $500 million and for meetings, diplomatic conferences
generate 3,000 jobs. and other functions and Punjab Chief
 The Chinese delegation head, Ms Karan Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar will
showed keen interest in making inaugurate the project on Monday (July
investments in the textile sector of 29, 2019).
Punjab. She said Punjab was a very  The provincial government will also
attractive place for investment in the announce rates for renting the building
textile sector and the Chinese at the inaugural ceremony.
companies would invest here.  Based on the directives of Prime
 The government was focusing on Minister Imran Khan to utilise state
promoting export-led industry and buildings for public welfare purposes,
import substitution for sustained the government has decided to open
economic growth. He said China could official residence for citizens.
help increase Pakistan`s exports by  The governor house will be available on
relocating export-oriented industries rent for international conferences.
and initiating joint ventures in various  The governor house, known as
fields. Government House, is situated on
 Current Punjab Industries Minister: Kashmir Point in Murree. It is located at
Mian Aslam Iqbal an altitude of 7,513 feet above the sea
2. Pak-Turkish naval drill ends level.
 Pakistan Navy`s Special Services Group 4. Nadra launches housing registration
and Turkish Navy`s Special Forces, Su Alti process
Taarruz, concluded a bilateral exercise  National Database & Registration
Ayyildiz-2019 in Karachi. Authority (NADRA) has launched the
registration process across the country

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under Naya Pakistan Housing and the Afghan government. The rejection
Development Authority Project titled as, followed a statement from an Afghan
‘’A home for every Pakistani at low price; minister that a government team might
in easy installments.’’ meet senior Taliban leaders within the
 Registration will be accepted for only next two weeks. Ambassador Khalilzad
one member of each family on the basis responded to this claim and
of First Come-First Served Basis, Radio counterclaim in a tweet released in the
Pakistan reported. evening, urging both sides to be patient.
 The interesting people have been  `Lot of chatter in Kabul about intra-
advised not to forget to obtain a receipt Afghan negotiations. To clarify, those
and make sure that their CNIC and negotiations will occur after we
tracking numbers are entered correctly. conclude our own agreements,` he
5. World powers meet Iran in Vienna to wrote.
salvage nuclear deal  `And (talks) will take place between the
 Representatives from Europe, China and Taliban and an inclusive and effective
Russia, which are still committed to the national negotiating team consisting of
Iran nuclear deal, were meeting Sunday senior government officials, key political
with Iran’s representative in Vienna to party representatives, civil society and
discuss how to salvage the unravelling women,` he added.
accord. 7. Carlos Cruz-Diez, major figure in kinetic
 The diplomats are examining issues art, dies aged 95
linked to the implementation of the  Carlos Cruz-Diez, one of the major
nuclear accord after Iran surpassed the figures in kinetic an, has died at the age
uranium stockpile and enrichment limits of 95 in Paris on July 28, 2019.
set out in the 2015 deal.  The Franco-Venezuelan artist was born
 Iran recently begun surpassing those August 17 in 1923, in Caracas, and as a
limits, saying the moves can be reversed young student at the School of Fine An
if other parties to the agreement — there financed his studies by drawing
Germany, France, Britain, China, Russia comic books.
and the European Union — come up  From 1960, he lived and worked in Paris.
with enough economic incentives to  He founded three art workshops, in
offset the US sanctions that President Caracas, in Paris and in Panama, as well
Donald Trump reinstated after pulling as the Cruz-Diez Art Foundation in
his country from the nuclear accord. Houston, Texas, his website noted.
6. US moves to pacify Afghans as Taliban 8. Israel tests missile shield over Alaska
reject direct talks  Israel`s US-backed Arrow-3 ballistic
 US peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad said on missile shield has passed a series of live
July 28, 2019 that intra-Afghan talks will interception tests over Alaska, Prime
only start after certain agreements are Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on
reached and non-official elements will July 28, 2019, casting the achievement
be included in the official Afghan team. as a warning to Iran.
 Earlier on Sunday, a Taliban spokesman  Jointly manufactured by US firm Boeing
told journalists in Doha, Qatar, that the Co, Arrow-3 is billed as capable of
militants would not hold direct talks with shooting down incoming missiles in

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space, an altitude that would destroy
any nonconventional warheads safely. It July 30, 2019
passed its first full interception test over 1. Calling any Muslim non-Muslim against
the Mediterranean Sea in 2015 and was Sharia, says Ulema body
deployed in Israel in 2017.  Clerics and scholars affiliated with the
 Israel views the Arrow-3 as a bulwark Pakistan Ulema Council (PUC) have
against the ballistic missiles fielded by declared that branding any Muslim as a
Iran and Syria. non-Muslim is not only against the
 Iran has been locked in a spiralling norms of Sharia, but also an unethical
confrontation with the United States way of politicising Islam.
over its nuclear programme and missile  PUC chairman Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi said
projects. elements using Islam for political
9. Collection of books on Tibetan epic purposes or for personal gain were
released bringing a bad name to clerics as well as
 A new set of books, considered the most Sharia.
complete versions of the Tibetan epic  The PUC recently held a conference
King Gesar, was released July 28, 2019 at which drew 1,500 religious scholars
a book expo in Xi’an, northwest China’s from different schools of thought. The
Shaanxi Province. conference extended support to the
 King Gesar is generally considered the National Action Plan as well as the drive
world’s longest folk epic. against extremism.
 The collection, with over 130 million  A resolution adopted at the conference
characters and 300 volumes in hardback stressed that killing in the name of
covers, almost includes all the versions religion was against the teachings of
of the epic that are available, according Quran and Sunnah.
to its investor Sichuan Publishing Group.  It called upon clerics and scholars
10. Verstappen wins chaotic German Grand belonging to the four mainstream
Prix schools of thought Shia, Barelvi,
 Red Bull`s Max Verstappen won a wet Deobandi and Ahle Hadis to dissociate
and crazily chaotic German Grand Prix themselves from the elements fanning
littered with crashes and safety car hatred on the basis of religion.
periods on July 28, 2019 with Mercedes` 2. Senate body unanimously passes
Formula One leader Lewis Hamilton compulsory vaccination bill
failing to score.  The Senate Standing Committee on
 In an extraordinary race of constantly National Health Services (NHS) on July
changing fortunes, multiple pitstops and 30, 2019 unanimously approved the
endless drama, Ferrari`s Sebastian Compulsory Vaccination and Protection
Vettel started from last place and of Health Workers Bill 2019.
finished second in front of his home  The bill was moved by PML-N Senator
crowd. Ayesha Raza Farooq. If passed, it would
 Russian Daniil Kvyat, who became a declare the immunisation of children
father on Saturday, was an astonishing compulsory, and protect health workers
third to hand Red Bull`s sister team Toro designated for immunisation
Rosso their second ever podium. programmes.

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 The draft, which is available with Dawn, 4. PIMS facilitates first patient having
says that immunisation has been ‘Sehat Insaf Card’
recognised the world over as the most  Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences
efficient and cost-effective strategy to (PIMS) provided free of cost diagnostic
control and prevent disease. It proposes and therapeutic services to the first
that immunisation is the right of every patient holding ‘Sehat Insaf Card’ n July
child and the state is responsible for 29, 2019 through ‘Sehat Sahulat’
ensuring these services reach every Programme of the government.
child.  The PIMS Executive Director Raja Amjad
 Any individual who propagates through directed the staff on July 29, 2019 to
written or spoken word against facilitate a patient Raja Khalid Mehmood
vaccination or intimidates or obstructs a having ‘Sehat Insaf Card’.
designated medical officer or health  The patient availed the facility of ECG
worker of functions will be liable for up (electrocardiogram), angiography and
to six months in prison, a fine between angioplasty free of cost through the
Rs25,000 and Rs100,000 or both. ‘Insaf Card’.
 Children who are not fit for vaccination  After providing treatment facilities to
would have to submit a certificate the first ‘Sehat Insaf’ Card holder, the
stating so from the designated medical PIMS ED announced that all patients
officer. having the cards would be provided free
3. Govt will issue Rs200 bn Sukuk-II to of cost treatment at PIMS through
ease power sector circular debt ‘Sehat Sahulat’ Programme.
 Pakistan is likely to issue another Rs200 5. China’s first cyber-dissident given 12-
billion ‘Pakistan Energy Sukuk-II’ after year jail term: court
Eid (third week of August) to resolve the  China’s first “cyber-dissident”, whose
country’s power sector’s ballooning website reported on sensitive topics
circular debt issue. including human rights, was sentenced
 For this purpose to discuss the to 12 years in prison on July 29, 2019 for
modalities of the transaction, the leaking state secrets, a court said.
Secretary Finance Division held a  Huang Qi ran a website called “64
meeting with the presidents of the Tianwang” -- named after the bloody
commercial banks constituting a June 4, 1989 crackdown on Tiananmen
consortium led by the Meezan Bank. The Square pro-democracy protesters.
other banks include Habib Bank, Bank  His sentence is one of the harshest
Alfalah, Bank Islami, Dubai Islamic Bank, meted out to a dissident since President
Bank Al-Habib, Bank Albaraka, National Xi Jinping came to power in 2012,
Bank of Pakistan, United Bank and Faisal according to court records.
Islamic Bank. 6. India inks Rs1,500 crore missile deal
 It is worth mentioning that on March 1, with Russia
the government had issued the same  India has inked around Rs1,500 crore
amount of 'Pakistan Energy Sukuk-I’ for deal with Russia to acquire R-27 air-to-
the same purpose. The government has air missiles. The missiles will be fitted on
targeted to curtail circular debt to Rs250 SU-30 MKI combat aircraft which will
billion by December 31, 2019. boost the Indian Air Force’s (IAF)

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capabilities in beyond visual range  India`s wild tiger population has
warfare. increased by more than 30 per cent in
 "A contract has been signed with Russia the last four years, according to a new
for acquisition of R-27 air-to-air missile census released on July 29, 2019, raising
to be fitted on the Su-30 MKI combat hopes for the survival of the endangered
aircraft fleet of the Indian Air Force," species.
government sources told a wire service  In what Prime Minister Narendra Modi
in New Delhi on July 29, 2019. hailed as a `historic achievement`, the
 With an extended range, the missiles census found 2,967 tigers in the wild
would give an added capability to the across the country, up from 2,226 four
Sukhois to take on enemy aircraft at long year s ago.
ranges, they said.  `Some 15 years ago, there was serious
 The missiles have been acquired fewer concern about the decline in the
than 10-I projects which mandate the population of tigers. It was a big
three services to maintain critical challenge for us but with determination,
weapon systems and spares for a we have achieved our goals.
specified minimum period, which is 9. Bernal claims Colombia`s first Tour de
known as War Wastage Reserve (WWR). France title
 In the last 50 days, the Indian Air Force  Egan Bernal became the first Colombian
(IAF) has signed deals worth over to win the Tour de France when he
Rs7,600 crore for acquiring equipment retained the overall leader`s yellow
under emergency requirements jersey after Sunday`s 21st and final stage
approved by the Defence Ministry. won by Caleb Ewan of Australia.
7. ‘Definitely weird’: man bites snake  The 22-year-old Bernal, the youngest
 An Indian man who was bitten by a rider to win the race in 110 years, gave
snake got his revenge on the reptile by Team Ineos formerly Team Slcy their
biting it back and killing it, the man’s seventh title in the last eight editions.
father said on July 29, 2019.  He beat team mate and defending
 The man, Raj Kumar, was relaxing at champion Geraint Thomas of Britain by
home, enjoying a drink on Sunday, when one minute 11 seconds, with Dutchman
a snake slithered into his house in the Steven Kruijswijk coming home third,
northern state of Uttar Pradesh, and bit 1:31 off the pace.
him, said his father. 10. Dalilah Muhammad smashes 400m
 “A snake bit him. So, in turn, he bit it and hurdles record, Lyles wins 200m
chewed it into pieces,” said the father,  Olympic champion Dalilah Muhammad
Babu Ram. smashed one of athletics` oldest world
 The man’s family took him to hospital records when she stormed to the
where media said his condition was women`s 400 metres hurdles title in
critical. The snake that bit him was 52.20 seconds at the United States
reported to have been a rat snake, which national championships on July 28,
experts regard as usually not venomous. 2019.
8. India`s wild tiger population jumps to  The blistering run shaved more than a
nearly 3,000 tenth of a second from the previous

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mark of 52.34 seconds set by Russian cleared two revised bills seeking
Yuliya Pechonkina in 2003. amendments to anti-money laundering
 Teenager Sydney McLaughlin was law and foreign exchange regulations to
second in 52.88, just 0.13 shy of her meet requirements of the Financial
personal best, with Ashley Spencer third Action Task Force (FATF).
in 53.11, as all three runners made the  In doing so, the committee led by former
U.S. team for September`s world finance minister Asad Umar secured
championships in Doha. safeguards to the proposed
 The first American Olympic gold amendments by requiring investigation
medalist in the event, shehad entered officers to have court warrantsbefore
the American championships with a arresting persons suspected of
personal best of 52.64 seconds. committing crimes.

July 31, 2019 The two bills are aimed at strengthening
the existing laws on money laundering
1. 17 lose lives as army plane crashes in and foreign exchange control to make
Pindi them more stringent to fight money
 At least 17 people lost their lives when a laundering, hundi and hawala and
military aircraft crashed into a populated effectively regulate foreign exchange
area in the suburbs of Rawalpindi on July transactions to meet standards of the
30, 2019. Paris-based global watchdog on financial
 According to an ISPR announcement, crimes.
five army officials and 12 civilians were  Pakistan has been on FATF`s grey list
martyred in the tragedy. since June last year and was given about
 Another 12 civilians were injured in the 15 months until October to comply with
crash as the aircraft slammed into global standards on financial business
houses below where most of the people and transactions to avoid being put on
were sleeping at the time. the blacklist having serious economic
 However, according to emergency implications. The International
services Rescue 1122, 18 people lost Monetary Fund (IMF) has also asked
their lives in the crash and nine civilians Pakistan to comply with the FATF
were injured. requirements, otherwise its foreign
 The incident happened at around 2am in inflows could be badly affected.
Mora Kalu, an impoverished village in 3. Justice Azmat Saeed takes oath as
Rawalpindi adjacent to the upscale acting CJP
Bahria Town housing society. The  Justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed, senior judge
Beechcraft King Air 350 turboprop of the Supreme Court, was on July 30,
aircraft belonging to Army Aviation was 2019 sworn in as acting Chief Justice of
on a routine training flight, according to Pakistan.
the ISPR.  Justice Umar Ata Bandial administered
2. NA panel clears anti-money laundering, the oath in a simple and dignified
forex bills ceremony at the Supreme Court.
 After a hiatus of months, the National  The judges of the Supreme Court, the
Assembly`s Standing Committee on Attorney General of Pakistan, senior
Finance on July 30, 2019 unanimously lawyers and law officers attended the

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oath-taking ceremony. officers and staff Operational Base and Member
of the Supreme Court were also present Operations at Establishment Review
on the occasion. Board, Air Headquarters Islamabad.
 Justice Azmat Saeed will act as the chief  Ahmer Raza is a qualified flying
justice during the period when Chief instructor and has served as Instructor
Justice of Pakistan Asif Saeed Khan Pilot at Primary Flying Training Wing,
Khosa and Justice Gulzar Ahmed, senior PAF Academy Asghar Khan. He is a
puisne judge, will remain abroad. graduate of PAF Air War College and
4. Pakistan ranked 19th in women prison Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College. In
population recognition of his outstanding service
 Adviser to Federal Ombudsman Dr Rania and thorough professionalism, he has
Ahsan on July 30, 2019 in a report been awarded Tamgha-i-Imtiaz
regarding children and women (Military).
detainees in the country said that 6. India`s parliament outlaws instant
Pakistan has been ranked at 19th for divorce for Muslims
women in prison population.  Indian lawmakers on July 30, 2019
 Dr Rania said that the government was approved a bill to end the Muslim
cognizant of inadequacies in the criminal practice of instant divorce two years
justice system and trying to initiate after the Supreme Court ruled that it
reforms. violated the constitutional rights of
 The report revealed that a total of Muslim women.
population in prisons was mainly 84,325  Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said
out of which 1650 were female as per the bill`s approval by the upper house of
statistics in 2017 this also included 1527 Parliament reflects the empowerment
adult women prisoners. of women and India`s changing profile.
 In 2018, the number of female detainees  The more powerful lower house
was 1955, however, the number of approved the bill last week. It will
detainees and their percentage in the become law after India`s president
total prison population remained low. approves it, which is a formality.
 In 1999, the number of women in  Most of the 170 million Muslims in India
prisons was 1,203 and 1,518 women are Sunnis governed by the Muslim
lead their lives in jails. Personal Law for family matters. The law
5. Ahmer Raza new PAF spokesperson has included allowing Muslim men to
 Air Commodore Syed Ahmer Raza has divorce their wives by saying `Talaq`, the
been appointed as the official Arabic word for divorce, three times and
spokesperson of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) not necessarily consecutively, but at any
on July 30, 2019. time, and by any medium, including
 Air Commodore Syed Ahmer Raza was telephone, text message or social media
commissioned in the GD(P) Branch of post.
Pakistan Air Force in June, 1994. During  More than 20 countries, including
his career, he has commanded a Flying Pakistan and Bangladesh, have banned
Squadron and a Support Wing. the practice.
 In his staff appointments, he has served 7. President Trump threatens to get
as Staff Operations Officer at an ‘Much Tougher’ on China

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 President Donald Trump is threatening the collapsed Abraaj equity group for
to get “much tougher” with China on unauthorised activities and misusing
trade if he wins reelection in 2020. investors` funds.
 Trump is tweeting his frustration as  The Dubai Financial Services Authority
negotiations between the countries (DFSA) said in a statement that it fined
resume Tuesday two months after talks Abraaj Investment Management
aimed at ending a tariff war broke down. $299.3m and Abraaj Capital Limited
 Trump complains China’s leaders $15.3m.
“always change the deal in the end to  The two companies are affiliates of the
their benefit” and suggests they should Abraaj Group that once was the leading
wait out the election to see if a private equity firm in the Middle East
Democrat wins. with nearly $14 billion of assets under
8. Nearly 4,000 Afghans killed, wounded management.
this year, says UN 10. Pakistan taekwondo team bags two
 At least 3,812 Afghan civilians were silver, six bronze in Jordan
killed or wounded in the first half of 2019  Pakistan`s talented junior team returned
in the war against militant groups, to the country here on July 30, 2019
including a big increase in the number of after putting up a superb show in the
casualties caused by government and recently held seventh El Hasan
foreign forces, the United Nations said International Open Cup Youth Cadet
on July 30, 2019. Taekwondo Championship in Jordan to
 The latest casualty figures were released finish with eight medals, including two
as talks between the Taliban and US silver and six bronze.
officials to end the 18-year Afghan war  Young martial arts athletes Naqsh
entered an important stage, with US Hamdani and Fatima Zehra took silver
negotiators aiming to reach a peace deal medals while Haroon, Danish, Taimoor,
before Sept 1. Saad, Jibran and Ayesha grabbed bronze
 However, the war has raged on despite medals in the mega event.
the diplomatic efforts, forcing civilians to
live under the constant threat of being
targeted by militants or being caught up
in ground fighting, or becoming
inadvertent victims of air strikes by
Afghan government and foreign forces.
 The UN Assistance Mission in
Afghanistan (UNAMA) said in its latest
report ground raids and clashes caused
the most civilian casualties, followed by
bomb attacks and air strikes.
9. Dubai hits Abraaj with record $315m
 Dubai`s financial regulator said on July
30, 2019 it had imposed a record fine of
nearly $315 million on two affiliates of

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