NCRTME - 2018: Mileage Improving and Emission Control by Introducing Hydrogen in Combustion Chamber

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NCRTME - 2018


Kadam P.V.1*, Urankar D.B.2, Patil C.D3., Birnale B.B.4
, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Dept. PVPIT Budhgaon, MH, India
, Lecturer, Mechanical Dept.PW,WCE, Sangli, MH, India
, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Dept. PVPIT Budhgaon, MH, India
, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Dept. PVPIT Budhgaon, MH, India
*[email protected]

Abstract:Today the world is facing three critical problems: rise in fuel prices, climatic
changes, and air pollution. Experts suggest that current oil and gas reserves would suffice to
last only a few more decades. Biorenewable liquids are the main substitutes to petroleum-
based gasoline and diesel fuel. Biorenewable liquids are important because they replace
petroleum fuels; however, some still include a small amount of petroleum in the mixture.
There are four alternate fuels that can be relatively easily used in conventional diesel engines:
vegetable oil, biodiesel, Fischer-Tropsch liquids, and dimethyl ether. The main alternate fuels
include (m) ethanol, liquefied petroleum gas, compressed natural gas, hydrogen, and
electricity for operating gasoline-type vehicles. Bioethanol is an alternate fuel that is
produced almost entirely from food crops. Bio hydrogen is an environmentally friendly
alternative automotive fuel that can be used in an internal combustion engine.
Keywords: I.C. Engine, Hydrogen, Electrolysis, emission, Mileage1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Many ways of producing hydrogen has been invented and this hydrogen was used in many ways for
various purposes. These are some invention done in past history to produce hydrogen and made them
use in various sectors. Nowadays there is a lot of concern about the efficiency of the internal
combustion engine (ICE), and a lot of research is going on to improve it. What is the exact efficiency
of the internal combustion engine and how to measure it? The efficiency of any engine is simply
calculated from the energy of the fuel supplied per unit time to do the work and the output at the shaft
of the engine after subtracting all losses. The input power of fuel is obtained from the mass of the fuel
and its calorific value. The shaft output can be measured from a brake dynamometer. Efficiency is
calculated by Output/Input. The average ICE has efficiency between 20 to 30%, which is very low.
All we know the fossil fuels such as petroleum, natural gas and coal etc. are being depleting rapidly.
These fuels fulfil the energy demand. They are producing high level of emission which causes global
pollution and environmental problems such as greenhouse effect, acid rain, ozone layer depletion also
by combusting them causes to hamper the natural environment and eventually entire life on our
planet. Researcher always trying to develop new fuels and various burning technologies which will
able to lower the todays pollution levels. Nowadays hopes have again been raised about production
and development in “hydrogen economy’’ sector because most of them agreed that hydrogen is the
best alternative fuels to replace the existing fossil fuels as hydrogen is having the clean burning
characterises hydrogen gas running system are applicable to reduce greenhouse effect ,acid rain
,ozone layer depletion and other environmental problems by reducing co2 emission a worldwide
conversion from fossil fuels to hydrogen energy source is a long term option toreduce emissions of
these existing fossil fuels. These advantages show that there is an urgent need to introduce hydrogen

Proceedings of 3rdNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCRTME - 2018), ISBN: 978-81-931546-9-4

gas running systems. Hydrogen can be produced by using non-polluting sources and which is the ideal
way such as water electrolysis. In the past it has been discovered that the use of hydrogen and oxygen
as the fuel additives increase the efficiency of an IC engine and reduce the pollution considerably.
Both advantages appear to be the by-product of faster flame speed that is as much as nine times that of
gasoline resulting more complete combustion of fuels in the combustion chamber, with the resultant
soot (semi bituminous hydrocarbons) and other pollutants such as nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide,
and increase in output energy for a greater fuel efficiency and horsepower.
2. Literature Survey
Ibrahim Dincer[1]This paper suggests that energy is the key element of the interaction between nature
and society. This paper discusses some crucial energetic environmental issues and the role of
hydrogen and fuel cell technologies as one of the potential solution to these issues.
Seth Dunn[2] This paper suggest that interest in hydrogen the simple and most abundant element in
universe, is also rising due to technical advances in fuel cells and the potential successors to batteries
in portable electronics, power plant and internal combustion engine yet a number of studies suggest
that moving to direct use of hydrogen may be convenient.
Deorukhkarsairaj,et al [3] In this paper, analysis was done on the scope of hydrogen as
supplementary fuel, in 4- stroke internal combustion gasoline engine. Hydrogen and oxygen is
produced with a fuel cell at very lower temperatures and pressures from water injected in to
carburettor. Thevehicle battery device is used power source.
P.Balashanmugan, et al [4]This paper suggest that the widespread use of hydrogen for fuelling
transportation is key element of proposed economy. Currently it is most frequently made from
methane or other fossil fuels. It can be produced from a various sources that are intermittent, to
diffuse or to cumbersome to directly propel vehicle. Integrated wind to hydrogen plants, using
electrolysis of water, are exploring technologies to deliver cost low enough, and quantities great
enough, to compete with traditional energy sources.
Adity, et al [5]-In this paper we have studied the basic properties of gas generated through electrolysis
of water and then used this gas in the a bike as a fuel with gasoline by mixing it with air. This result
the increased mileage of bike 30 to 60% and reduce the pollution contents from the exhaust
gases.Here we are designing a mixedfuel two wheeler engine. That is in a conventional SI engine
were incorporating to increases the power of vehicle.
R Abhilash, et al [6]In this paper commonly used fuels such as petrol and diesel have definite energy
values and extent of energy retrieval is limited due to the operating principle of IC engine. Water
upon electrolysis dissociates into hydrogen and oxygen .both the gases together in a common duct
called as oxyhydrogen is used to increase the overall energy content of primary fuel with a
proportionate increase the efficiency.

3. Gap Analysis
This shows that above authors [1-6] have reported the availability of hydrogen and its use in IC
engine but still they have not focused on following points:
 Lowering the cost of hydrogen production to a level comparable to the energy cost petrol.
 Development of a CO2 free route for the mass production of sustainable hydrogen at
competitive cost.
 Development of viable hydrogen storage systems for both vehicular and stationary

Proceedings of 3rdNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCRTME - 2018), ISBN: 978-81-931546-9-4

4. Proposed Work
 Theoretical work
 Design the kit and its dimensions.
 Calculate the all efficiencies for engines and study for hydraulic efficiency.
 Analysis of work-
 Study for all methods for ignition.
 Collect data for hydrogen efficiency and its use in IC Engine.

5. Working principle
Methods of hydrogen production through water electrolysis.
The discovery of electrolytic water decomposing was first observed in acidic water, in industrial
plants prefers the alkaline medium, because corrosion is more easily controlled and cheaper
construction materials can be used as compared to acidic electrolysis technology. Other methods of
hydrogen production, such as proton exchange membrane electrolysis, steam electrolysis have been
developed. An electrolysis cell and internal combustion engine kit including an electrolysis cell is

Fig 1: hydrogen production through water electrolysis

The cell includes a sealed plastic body having an inlet and an outlet. The plastic body includes a first
terminal located at the top of the body; a second terminal located adjacent to the first terminal and
insulated conductors associated with each terminal extending through the body and towards the
bottom end thereof. Each terminal ends in a respective anode and cathode which are operatively
connected to the terminals. The anode and cathode are spaced apart from one another within the body.
When an electrolysis solution is placed in the body, and a current provided across the electrodes,
water is caused to decompose into hydrogen and oxygen. These combustible gases are then passed
into the internal combustion engine to increase the efficiency and power thereof. In one embodiment a
reservoir is provided to ensure that the level is maintained in the cell. This kit is a helpful agent in
reducing the fuel consumption and increasing the efficiency of the engine without any adverse effect
on the performance of the vehicle.The HHO kit separates Oxygen and Hydrogen from the water and
hence hydrogen gas is used as the fuel to propel the vehicle causing less use of fuel. The Oxygen
helps in burning the fuel and hydrogen burns itself thus having full control on the fuel consumption.
The HHO kit automatically manages the injection of fuel into the engine. The oxygen is released into
the environment and hence it is environment friendly.
 Reduce your fuel spending up to 20%. This is valid for both highway and town (city) driving

Proceedings of 3rdNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCRTME - 2018), ISBN: 978-81-931546-9-4

 It increases the power and performance ofthe car. More fuel burning rattleds up and wrecked the
engine. Once you switch to supplemental hydrogen, it will enhance power and performance ofthe

 Reduces the CO2 emissions. Which reducespollution and other harmful residues that engine
produces. What´s wrong with doing also something good for the environment besides saving

 Reduces the temperature in the engine. Also improves engine life-span since its burning fuel at a
much cooler stat

 The price of the petrol, diesel, gas and other fuel products are inflated in India and a normal has
to think twice before going to have a vehicle out of his home. The prices have touched the sky in
the recent past. Everyone thinks and raises a question "Can it be possible to cut down the fuel
prices?" the other meaning of the question is whether it would be possible to run the vehicle
with less fuel and more mileage.

 You will be glad to know that the day has arrived when it is possible to increase the mileage of
the vehicle now using the HHO Kit. This kit is a supplement to the fuel as it helps in reducing
the consumption of fuel by providing energy to run the vehicle on water.

 It is possible to run a vehicle on water?

 At present the researches are being carried on and might be in the future, but for now we can
prove that the vehicle can run on water when the HHO Kit is installed in the vehicle. The
installation of this kit does not mean that the fuel is no longer needed. As already told that the
water can be used to supplement the fuel.

 How HHO Kit Works?

 The HHO Kit uses the battery of the vehicle and help the electrical system to electrolyze water
into gaseous combination of hydrogen and oxygen also called Brown's gas or HHO or Ox
hydrogen. Since the chemical structure of water is H2O i.e. two atoms of Hydrogen and One
atom of Oxygen makes water, hence the mix is in the ratio of 2:1
 HHO Kit Works as a Catalyst

 Reduction at cathode: 2 H+(aq) + 2e− → H2(g)
 At the positively charged anode, an oxidation reaction occurs, generating oxygen gas and
giving electrons to the anode to complete the circuit:
 Anode (oxidation): 2 H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4 H+(aq) + 4e−
 Cathode (reduction): 2 H2O(l) + 2e− → H2(g) + 2 OH-(aq)
Anode (oxidation): 4 OH- (aq) → O2(g) + 2 H2O(l) + 4 e−
Combining either half reaction pair yields the same overall decomposition of water into

1. Plastic cylinder: It is a cylinder which consists the electrolysis apparatus enclosed in it.
2. Electrodes:The aluminum electrode which are present in the cylinder. They both participate
in the electrolysis electrode work as anode and other work as cathode. The
cathode electrode collect oxygen and anode collect hydrogen.

Proceedings of 3rdNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCRTME - 2018), ISBN: 978-81-931546-9-4

3. Catalyst:we use catalyst for electrolysis process i.e. H2SO4.that catalyst helps us to produce
hydrogen from water.
H2O+H2SO4 2H2+O2+SO3(The ratio of production of Hydrogen and Oxygen is 2:1)
4. Battery: For electrolysis process external supply is required, for that supply we use 12V
wet battery.
5. Accessories: pipes are used to collect hydrogen, wires are used to connect the supply
connections, needles are used to supply of hydrogen in air inlet.
Kit specification:

 Diameter of cylinder- 6cm.

 Height of cylinder – 20 cm.
 Electrode material – 316 L stainless steel EN8.
 Diameter of electrode- 20 mm.
 Length of electrode- 80 mm.


8.1 Mileage Test: we took mileage test on hero splendor plus MH 10 BE 9064 this vehicle gives an
mileage 67 km per litre before installing the our kit and after that when we install the kit then the
vehicle gives 91 km per litre mileage. This results gives us 23 km mileage incresed.

Plate 8.1 actual reading before and after mileage test without kit

Plate no.8.2 actual reading afeter installing of kit


With kit 91 KM/LITRE
Without kit 67 KM/LITRE

Proceedings of 3rdNational Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCRTME - 2018), ISBN: 978-81-931546-9-4

8.2PUC Test: We conducted a PUC Test on splendor plus MH 10 BE 9064. The results are as
1. Result before Installing kit 2. Results after Installing the Kit

Plate 8.4
Plate 8.3

By above results we conclude that CO emissions reduced by 75 %, CO2 emissions were reduced by
40%, and lastly O2 got increased by 1.5%


Emission of gases CO2 HC CO O2

Without kit 1.50% 665PPM 0.630% 17.40%

With kit 2.40% 565PPM 1.559% 15.17%

As per above results we can see that the mileage is improving by 29% and emissions are reduced as
CO by 75%, CO2 by 40% and oxygen by 1.5%

9. Conclusions
Mileage improving kitincreases the mileage of the engine by 29 percent by using electrodes and
catalyst as conducting medium produces hydrogen gas. This hydrogen gas is used by the engine
through air inlet which improves the performance of the engine by burning the fuel completly. The
mileage improving kit is more effective to decrease emission gases from the engine exhaust it can be
also used for two wheeler and four wheeler and can also be used in industry.
10. References
1. Ibrahim Dincer, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies for Sustainable Future Jordan Journal
of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Volume 2, Number 1, Mar. 2008 ISSN 1995-666.
2. Seth Dunn, Hydrogen futures: toward a sustainable energy system International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy 27 (2002) 235–264.
3. Mr.DeorukhkarSairaj R. Use of hydrogen gas as supplementary fuel in 4 –stroke SI engine
Vol-1 Issue-4 2015 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396
4. P.Balashanmugam Design and Fabrication on Hydrogen engine (Water fuel), Global journal
of advanced research,Vol-2, Issue-2 PP. 497-511 ISSN: 2394-5788.
5. Aaditya,Hydrogen powered petrol engine (HHO ENGINE)International Journal of Scientific
& Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 5, May-2015 ISSN 2229-5518.
6. R Abhilash, Performance evaluation of an IC Engine using hydrogen as a fuel

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