Integrated Basic Education Department: The Problem and Background of The Study

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Integrated Basic Education Department




In this contemporary business industry, it is a must to stay above

competitions. Marketing strategy is one of the strengths a business should have.

According to Smith (2003), strong marketing strategies are clearly important to the

effectiveness of an organization and so, the effectiveness of marketing strategy

making processes is an important consideration for both academics and practitioners.

Various approaches have been made towards understanding and improving such


Kennedy (2014) mentioned that the target parents of today belong to a

generation that is active in the use of social media. Social media he argues is easily

shared. When it is well done consistently can strengthen value in the mind of the

target audience and will improve enrolment. Some of the most suitable social media

that could be adopted by educational institutions as a marketing means include

Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, You Tube, Messengers, etc.

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of marketing strategies of

Siena College of Taytay in regards to referral, social media marketing, promotion,

and enrollment and how did it affect the decision making of Grade 11 transferees of

Siena College of Taytay.


Integrated Basic Education Department

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Marketing Strategies of

Siena College of Taytay. Specifically, the researchers sought to answer the following


1. What is the level of effectiveness of marketing strategies of Siena College

of Taytay in terms of:

1.1 Referral

1.2 Social Media Marketing

1.3 Promotion

1.4 Enrollment ?

2. How effective is the marketing strategies of Siena College of Taytay?

Scope and Delimitation

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of marketing

strategies of Siena College of Taytay. The study is limited only to Grade 11

transferees of Siena College of Taytay enrolled for school year 2019 - 2020.

It covers variables on how the respondents chose to study in Siena College of

Taytay in regards to referral, social media marketing, promotion, and enrollment.

This study compile with the researchers of Grade 12 ABM Students at Siena

College of Taytay focusing on how effective the marketing strategies of Siena

College of Taytay to the Grade 11 transferees.


Integrated Basic Education Department

This study is conducted at Siena College of Taytay E. Rodriguez Ave.

Barangay San Isidro, Taytay, Rizal.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following and will have an insight about the

effectiveness of marketing strategies:

Siena College of Taytay. This study will help the Siena College of Taytay to see if

the marketing strategies they use are being effective and to know what strategies to

improve, to remove, and to maintain.

Students of Siena College of Taytay. This Study will help the students to know the

marketing strategies used by Siena College of Taytay, thus making them aware of

what they can contribute in marketing of the school.

Students from other schools. This study is important for them to know the strength

and weaknesses of Siena College of Taytay and to encourage them to study and

choose Siena College of Taytay.

Future Researchers. The study can be used as reference guide for future researchers

who will pursue a different aspect of the said study.




Integrated Basic Education Department

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of gaining more understanding in this study, definitions are

given to the following terms:

Marketing Strategy (Chen, 2018). A business' overall game plan for reaching

people and turning them into customers of the product or service that the business


Referral (Lexico, 2019). An act of referring someone or something for

consultation, review, or further action.

Social media Marketing (Rouse, 2011). A form of Internet marketing that

utilizes social networking websites as a marketing tool.

Promotion (Coleman, 2019). This refers to a set of activities which communicate a

product to the target buyer or user. Its idea is to make people aware, attract or

induce with the product.

Enrollment (Oxford University Press, 2019). The process of initiating attendance

and admission to a school.


Integrated Basic Education Department



This section contains literature and studies on the effectiveness of marketing

strategies of Siena College of Taytay in terms of referral, social media marketing,

promotion, and enrollment. These materials were gathered from internet and books

from the college library of Siena College of Taytay. These materials provided the

research with reliable sources to their study and bibliography of data.


According to the New York Times (2012), 65% of all new business comes

from referrals. That means on average, two-thirds of consumers make purchases

because someone they know recommended a particular product or service.

Nielsen (2012) support the remarkable potential of referral marketing,

observing that people are four times more likely to buy when referred by a friend.

Strategic use of referral marketing allows professionals to tap into the power of

consumer recommendations to achieve exceptional results.

Referral marketing (also known as word-of-mouth marketing) is a powerful

tactic and one of the best marketing drivers for sales and conversion. Referral

marketing is exactly what it sounds like: the process of one person referring a

Integrated Basic Education Department

product, and the referee purchasing that product due to that recommendation. Kunis


Social Media Marketing Strategy

New web technologies have made it easy for anyone to create--- and, most

importantly distribute the contents. A blog post, tweet, or youtube video can be

produced and viewed by millions virtually for free. The advertisers don't have to pay

publishers or distributors huge sum of money to embed the messages; now they can

make their own interesting content that viewers will flock to. Zarella, D. (2010)

Kaplan (2012). Suggested a series of definition to differentiate the two main

buzzwords (mobile marketing and mobile social media) connected to mobile device-

based marketing activity, both firm-generated and user-generated. According to

Kaplan's series of definitions, mobile marketing is 'any marketing activity conducted

through a present network to which consumer are constantly connected using a

personal mobile device.

Social media marketing involves “encouraging customer communications on

company’s own website or through its social presence”. One of the important

techniques in digital marketing is social media where companies can use social media

to distribute their messages to their target audience (Chaffey, 2011).


Integrated Basic Education Department


Promotion sets a business apart from it's competitors. To be able to be ahead

to your competitors you should always have a good strategy in promoting your

business. When customers talked about your promotion strategy they become your

marketing agents. Your business can be shared through word of mouth and referrals

that can help your business to be known. Whaley (2015)

Belch and Belch (2017), promotion is wasted if it doesn't communicate

effectively but there are many reasons why a promotion message can be

misunderstood or not heard at all. To understand this, it is useful to think about a

whole communication process.

Shimp (2003). The Promotion is a form of communicating the target

customers and it can be considered as a persuasive communication in changing the

buying behavior of the target customers.


Messah (2011) conducted a study on student enrollment in private

universities in Kenya and revealed that print media, newspapers, brochures and

alumni networks were rated highly as the most effective marketing communication

tools to provide information to prospective students.

Bamfa (2013) investigated the role of marketing communications in the

enrollment of students in private universities in Ghana. It was found that private


Integrated Basic Education Department

universities are effectively and efficiently manage their advertising campaigns stand

the chance of positioning themselves well and thus gain sustainable competitive

advantage in the industry.

Becala and Reano (2009) The enrollment process is the initial stage in

gathering accurate students information necessary to establish student permanent

record. A registration systems provide efficient and reliable services to students.

Therefore, enrollment is a process of verifying data of a student to be enrolled at

particular school.

Integrated Basic Education Department



This chapter describes how the study was conducted. The contents are the

Research Design, Locale of the Study, Population and Sampling, Data Gathering

Instruments, Data Gathering Procedure and Statistical Treatment of Data.

Research Design

This study made use of descriptive research design. Descriptive Research

Design is concerned with describing characteristics of a problem. Descriptive

Research Design is used because the study will describe the level of effectiveness of

marketing strategies of Siena College of Taytay.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at Siena College of Taytay wherein located at E.

Rodriguez Avenue Taytay, this place was selected for knowing the efficiency of the

said study among effectiveness of marketing strategy in terms of referral, promotion,

enrollment, and digital marketing. This place is also selected because of the

availability of the respondents. Analysis thus becomes easier to gather and the data

can be interpreted immediately by the researchers.

Population and Sampling


Integrated Basic Education Department

This research will study the Grade 11 Transferees of Siena College of Taytay.

They are the chosen respondents of this study because they have the experience and

the background of Market Strategies of Siena College of Taytay. The researchers

choose 25 students who transferred for Grade 11 to Siena College of Taytay. 5

transferee students from each strand will be chosen, namely Accountancy Business

Management (ABM) , Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

, Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Culinary, Information Technology (IT)

and Travel Services (TS).

This research made use of availability sampling in choosing their

respondents. Availability sampling, also called convenience sampling, is a type of

non-probability sampling that relies on data collection from population members

who are conveniently available to participate in the study (Dudovskiy, 2018).

Availability sampling is used because after the researchers determine all the Grade

11 transferees of Siena College of Taytay, they just need to choose 24 respondents

who are currently available among the total population of 615 Grade 11 transferees

in Siena College of Taytay.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers decided to use questionnaires as their instrument to help them

gather data for their study. The questionnaires contain questions for the purpose of

gathering information from the respondents and were made to determine the

effectiveness of marketing strategies of Siena College of Taytay. By using


Integrated Basic Education Department

questionnaires, getting information from the respondents became easier for the

researchers to gather data because after they distributed the questionnaires to the

respondents and they have answered it, the researchers will retrieved it back from

them and analyze the answered questionnaires.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers decided

to select a random
transferee students.

After accumulating enough

details and ideas, the researchers
now then harmoniously construct
a well formulated questionnaire.
The following questionnaires will
now be given out the chosen

Upon receiving the

After having the outcomes questionnaires handed out
from the questionnaires, the to them they now must
researchers will now be answer and submit them
tallying the results. later after finishing.

Integrated Basic Education Department

Statistical Treatment of Data

As the researchers gathered the data, they will analyze and interpret

the information coming from the reliable respondents. From the interpretations and

analyzations of data, conclusions will be formed based from the information

organized by the researchers.

𝑃 = ∗ 100 %


P is the percentage

f is the frequency/number of answers

n is the number of respondents

This formula will be used by the researchers to be able to find the percentage of the

total respondents who rated each category.


Integrated Basic Education Department




Integrated Basic Education Department




Integrated Basic Education Department


Integrated Basic Education Department


Integrated Basic Education Department


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