Ying 2016

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Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol. -, No. -, pp.

1–7, 2016
Copyright Ó 2016 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0301-5629/$ - see front matter


d Original Contribution




* Department of Health Technology and Informatics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong,
China; and y Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital,
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong, China
(Received 9 November 2015; revised 10 March 2016; in final form 20 March 2016)

Abstract—Ultrasound is useful in assessing cervical lymphadenopathy. Advancement of computer science technol-

ogy allows accurate and reliable assessment of medical images. The aim of the study described here was to evaluate
the diagnostic accuracy of computer-aided assessment of the intranodal vascularity index (VI) in differentiating
the various common causes of cervical lymphadenopathy. Power Doppler sonograms of 347 patients (155 with
metastasis, 23 with lymphoma, 44 with tuberculous lymphadenitis, 125 reactive) with palpable cervical lymph
nodes were reviewed. Ultrasound images of cervical nodes were evaluated, and the intranodal VI was quantified
using a customized computer program. The diagnostic accuracy of using the intranodal VI to distinguish different
disease groups was evaluated and compared. Metastatic and lymphomatous lymph nodes tend to be more vascular
than tuberculous and reactive lymph nodes. The intranodal VI had the highest diagnostic accuracy in distinguish-
ing metastatic and tuberculous nodes with a sensitivity of 80%, specificity of 73%, positive predictive value of 91%,
negative predictive value of 51% and overall accuracy of 68% when a cutoff VI of 22% was used. Computer-aided
assessment provides an objective and quantitative way to evaluate intranodal vascularity. The intranodal VI is a
useful parameter in distinguishing certain causes of cervical lymphadenopathy and is particularly useful in
differentiating metastatic and tuberculous lymph nodes. However, it has limited value in distinguishing lympho-
matous nodes from metastatic and reactive nodes. (E-mail: [email protected]) Ó 2016 World Federation
for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
Key Words: Lymph nodes, Ultrasonography, Blood vessels, Image processing, Computer assisted, Power Doppler,
Vascularity index.

INTRODUCTION presence of bilateral metastatic lymph nodes in the

neck reduces the survival rate to 25% (Som 1992).
Patients with head and neck cancers, lymphoma and
Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration and
tuberculosis often present with palpable neck nodes.
cytology (FNAC) is a common diagnostic method for pa-
Accurate diagnosis of the causes of cervical lymphade-
tients with cervical lymphadenopathy. The reported diag-
nopathy is important because the treatments for these
nostic accuracy of FNAC of cervical lymphadenopathy
diseases differ. In patients with head and neck cancer,
ranges between 82.2% and 88.7% (Hafez and Tahoun
accurate assessment of metastatic cervical lymph nodes
2011; Rajbhandari et al. 2013). In identifying cervical
is particularly crucial because it helps to evaluate patient
tuberculous lymph nodes, FNAC has a diagnostic
prognosis and aids treatment planning. In patients with
accuracy of 72.3% to 85.4% (Khan et al. 2015; Kim
proven head and neck primary squamous tumor, the pres-
et al. 2013). However, 13.8% of patients undergoing
ence of a metastatic cervical lymph node on one side of
FNAC require repeated aspirations, predominantly
the neck reduces the 5-y survival rate to 50%, and the
because of inadequate aspirates (52.4%) and non-
diagnostic descriptive reports (43.7%) (Goyal et al. 2014).
Ultrasound is a useful imaging tool and is more sen-
Address correspondence to: Anil T. Ahuja, Department of Imag- sitive than neck palpation in the assessment of cervical
ing and Interventional Radiology, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, lymphadenopathy (Haberal et al. 2004; Giacomini et al.
China. E-mail: [email protected] 2013). On ultrasound examination of cervical lymph

2 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume -, Number -, 2016

nodes, gray-scale ultrasound assesses the nodal Technology and Informatics, Hong Kong Polytechnic
morphology, whereas color and power Doppler ultra- University. We retrospectively reviewed power Doppler
sound evaluates intranodal vascularity. It has been sonograms of 347 patients with palpable cervical lymph
reported that color and power Doppler ultrasound is use- nodes. Patients were selected consecutively from our
ful in assessing lymph node vascularity and helpful in the patient database, and patients without confirmed cytology
differential diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy or pathology results for the lymph nodes were excluded.
(Ahuja and Ying 2003; Giacomini et al. 2013; Park and All data from the study were obtained from the routine
Kim 2014). Normal and reactive lymph nodes appear clinical ultrasound examinations, and the ultrasound
predominantly avascular or exhibit hilar vascularity examinations were performed using a standard of care
(Ying and Ahuja 2003). Peripheral vascularity with or clinical protocol. Among the 347 patients, 155 had known
without hilar vascularity is common in metastatic and head and neck cancers or primary tumors in other body
lymphomatous nodes, whereas displaced vascularity regions with proven metastatic cervical nodes (54 naso-
with apparently avascular areas is frequently found in pharyngeal carcinoma, 30 oral cavity carcinomas, 25
tuberculous nodes (Ahuja and Ying 2003; Giacomini papillary carcinomas of the thyroid, 23 pharyngeal and
et al. 2013; Park and Kim 2014). Moreover, tumor laryngeal carcinomas, 14 lung carcinomas, 6 breast carci-
angiogenesis and the related proliferation of intranodal nomas, 1 testicular carcinoma, 1 colon carcinoma,
vasculature cause metastatic and lymphomatous lymph 1 gastric carcinoma); 23 patients had lymphomatous
nodes to have higher vascularity than benign and nodes (20 patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and
tuberculous nodes (Wu et al. 1998a). Therefore, the abun- 3 patients with Hodgkin’s disease); 44 patients had tuber-
dance of intranodal vascularity, which can be expressed culous lymph nodes; and 125 patients had reactive nodes
as the vascularity index (VI), could be a useful imaging (none of these patients had any known carcinoma, and
parameter to distinguish different causes of cervical patients underwent clinical follow-ups in the outpatient
lymphadenopathy. This intranodal vascular abundance department and remained well).
can be evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively. The neck ultrasound examination of the 347 patients
In qualitative assessment, the intranodal vascularity is was performed by the same operator using the same ultra-
graded on a Likert scale according to the abundance of sound scanning protocol, whereas image analysis of the
vascularity and vessels found within the lymph node intranodal VI was conducted by another operator. The
(Wu et al. 2000; Ying et al. 2000). In quantitative operator was blinded to the FNAC result of the lymph
assessment, the vascularity of lymph nodes is quantified nodes at the time of image analysis. All ultrasound exam-
using a customized image post-processing program and inations were performed on a Philips IU22 ultrasound
is expressed as a numerical value (Wu et al. 1998b, unit using a 5- to 12-MHz linear transducer (Philips, Bo-
2000). A recent study found that quantitative thell, WA, USA). In each patient, the cervical nodes were
assessment of intranodal vascularity is more reliable assessed with gray-scale and power Doppler ultrasound,
and accurate than qualitative assessment in and the lymph node that exhibited the most abundant
differentiating reactive and metastatic lymph nodes vascularity was included in the study. Settings for power
(Lam et al. 2016). Doppler ultrasound were standardized for detecting blood
Despite the aforementioned reports, overall, in the vessels with low blood flow velocity: high sensitivity, low
literature there is limited information about the diagnostic wall filter, pulsed repetition frequency (PRF) 5 700 Hz
accuracy of quantitative assessment of the intranodal VI and medium persistence. The color gain was standardized
in distinguishing between the various causes of cervical and increased at the beginning to show color noise
lymphadenopathy. Therefore, this study was undertaken (low amplitude, intermittent and scattered color signals)
to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the intranodal VI and then decreased until the noise disappeared
in distinguishing metastatic, lymphomatous, tuberculous (Ying et al. 2000).
and reactive lymph nodes and to determine the optimum On power Doppler ultrasound examination of each
cutoff value of intranodal VI in the differential diagnosis. lymph node, multiple sonograms at different scan planes
The clinical significance of the study is to provide an were obtained, and the sonogram that revealed the most
additional parameter that is objective and reliable for dif- abundant intranodal vascularity was selected for
ferential diagnosis of various causes of cervical measurement of the intranodal VI. In assessment of the
lymphadenopathy. intranodal VI, the degree of vascularity was evaluated us-
ing the software program MATLAB (Version
R2006b, The MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) and a
customized algorithm for color signal quantification of
The study was approved by the Human Subject Doppler images (Lam et al. 2016; Ying et al. 2009).
Ethics Subcommittee of the Department of Health Power Doppler ultrasound images retrieved from the
Computer-aided assessment of intra-nodal vascularity d M. YING et al. 3

ultrasound unit were converted into tagged image file between two types of lymph nodes, a receiver operating
format (TIFF). The ultrasound images were then characteristic (ROC) curve differentiating these lymph
processed on a computer workstation with MATLAB nodes was plotted. Performance in using the VI to distin-
and Microsoft Paint (Version 5.1, Microsoft, Redmond, guish different pathologic lymph nodes was evaluated
WA, USA) installed. With Microsoft Paint, the and compared using the area under the curve (AUC).
boundaries of the lymph node (i.e., the region of Kruskal–Wallis and post hoc tests were performed, and
interest [ROI]) were manually outlined on the the AUCs of the ROC curves were calculated using Sta-
ultrasound image. The image with the ROI outlined was tistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) Version
then analyzed with MATLAB. With the customized 20 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). ROC curves were used
algorithm, the ROI was initially extracted from to determine the optimum cutoff of the VI in distinguish-
the ultrasound image, and the total number of pixels ing different pathologic lymph nodes. The point of the
of the ROI was evaluated by the algorithm. curve nearest to the top left-hand corner corresponded
Subsequently, the color pixels coded by power Doppler to the cutoff that had high sensitivity and specificity in
ultrasound were extracted from the ROI, and the color the differential diagnosis. The sensitivity, specificity,
pixels were counted (Figs. 1 and 2). The VI of the positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value
lymph node was then calculated with the equation (NPV) and overall accuracy of VI in the differential
(Lam et al. 2016) diagnosis were also evaluated. A p-value , 0.05 was
considered to indicate significance, and a 95% confidence
Number of color pixels within ROI
VI ð%Þ 5 3 100 interval was used.
Total number of pixels within ROI
Our previous study had reported that this image
analysis technique has high inter-rater (0.83–0.96) and The intranodal VIs of the 347 lymph nodes were
intra-rater (0.97–0.99) reliability (Lam et al. 2016). evaluated (155 metastatic nodes, 23 lymphomatous no-
The VI of the metastatic, lymphomatous, tuberculous des, 44 tuberculous nodes, 125 reactive nodes), and the
and reactive lymph nodes was expressed as the VIs of cervical nodes in different disease groups are listed
mean 6 standard deviation (SD). A Kruskal–Wallis test in Table 1. Results indicated that metastatic nodes (38
was used to calculate the significance of differences in 6 20%) had significantly higher VIs than reactive nodes
VI among different groups of lymph nodes. Dunn’s mul- (27 6 15%) (p , 0.05). Lymphomatous nodes (33
tiple comparison test was used as the post hoc test to 6 20%) were more vascular than reactive nodes, but
calculate the significance of differences among the study the difference was not statistically significant
groups in pairs. When a significant difference was found (p . 0.05). Moreover, tuberculous nodes (17 6 13%)

Fig. 1. (a) Longitudinal power Doppler sonogram of a metastatic upper cervical lymph node. (b) Longitudinal power
Doppler sonogram of a lymphomatous submandibular lymph node. (c) Longitudinal power Doppler sonogram of a reac-
tive parotid lymph node. (d) Transverse power Doppler sonogram of a tuberculous lymph node in supraclavicular fossa.
The lymph node has intranodal necrosis (arrows) and exhibits displacement of vascularity (arrowheads).
4 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume -, Number -, 2016

Fig. 2. Sequence of image analysis of the power Doppler sonograms of the lymph nodes in Figure 1: (a) Metastatic, (b)
lymphomatous, (c) reactive, (d) tuberculous. In (a1)–(d1), the region of interest ([ROI] i.e., the lymph node) was extracted
by trimming the unwanted area from the four sides of the ROI (i.e., top, right, bottom and left sides). In (a2)–(d2), the ROI
was further extracted from the outlined area, and the total number of pixels within the ROI was counted by the computer
algorithm. In (a3)–(d3), the color pixels coded by the power Doppler ultrasound were extracted by eliminating the
gray-pixels, and the color pixels were counted by the computer algorithm. The calculated vascularity indexes of the
metastatic (a), lymphomatous (b), reactive (c) and tuberculous (d) lymph nodes were 59.8%, 34.1%, 13.4% and 7.6%,

had significantly lower VIs than metastatic, lymphoma- reactive from tuberculous lymph nodes were obtained
tous and reactive nodes (p , 0.05) (Fig. 3). (Table 2).
Receiver operating characteristic curves were In distinguishing metastatic from reactive lymph
plotted when there was a significant difference in the nodes, the AUC of the ROC curve was 0.66, and the op-
mean VI between disease groups. Therefore, ROC curves timum cutoff of VI was 24%, with a sensitivity, speci-
to determine the performance of intranodal VI in differ- ficity, PPV, NPV and overall diagnostic accuracy of
entiating between metastatic from reactive, metastatic 72%, 52%, 65%, 60% and 63%, respectively. In distin-
from tuberculous, lymphomatous from tuberculous and guishing lymphomatous from tuberculous lymph nodes,
Computer-aided assessment of intra-nodal vascularity d M. YING et al. 5

Table 1. Intranodal VIs of cervical lymphadenopathy for different disease groups


Disease groups Intranodal VI (mean 6 SD) Metastatic Lymphomatous Reactive Tuberculous

Metastatic 38 6 20% — .0.05 ,0.05* ,0.05*

Lymphomatous 33 6 20% .0.05 — .0.05 ,0.05*
Reactive 27 6 15% ,0.05* .0.05 — ,0.05*
Tuberculous 17 6 13% ,0.05* ,0.05* ,0.05* —

VI 5 vascular index; SD 5 standard deviation.

* Significant difference in VI between groups.

the AUC of the ROC curve was 0.76, and the optimum DISCUSSION
cutoff of VI was 18%, with a sensitivity, specificity,
Results of this study indicated that metastatic and
PPV, NPV and overall diagnostic accuracy of 83%,
lymphomatous lymph nodes tend to be more vascular
61%, 53%, 87% and 69%, respectively. In differenti-
than reactive and tuberculous lymph nodes, similar to a
ating metastatic from tuberculous nodes, the AUC of
previous study in which malignant lymph nodes had a
the ROC curve was 0.82, and the optimum cutoff of
higher intranodal vascularity than benign nodes (Wu
VI was 22%, with a sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV
et al. 1998a). The higher intranodal vascularity of malig-
and overall diagnostic accuracy of 80%, 73%, 91%,
nant lymph nodes is likely the result of angiogenesis,
51% and 68%, respectively. In differentiating reactive
leading to an increased number of tumor vessels within
from tuberculous nodes, the AUC of the ROC curve
the lymph node. In the present study, tuberculous lymph
was 0.69, and the optimum cutoff of VI was 17%,
nodes had relatively lower intranodal vascularity. This
with a sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and overall
may be the result of the high incidence of intranodal ne-
diagnostic accuracy of 71%, 59%, 83%, 42% and
crosis of tuberculous nodes in which intranodal lymphoid
68%, respectively.
tissues become necrotic and the intranodal blood vessels
Comparison of the AUCs of different ROC curves
are displaced by the necrosis and/or endarteritis associ-
revealed that the AUC for metastatic nodes versus tuber-
ated with tuberculosis. This finding is consistent with pre-
culous nodes was significantly higher than the AUC for
vious studies that reported that a vascular pattern with
metastatic nodes versus reactive nodes and AUC for reac-
apparently avascular areas and displaced vascularity is
tive nodes versus tuberculous nodes (p , 0.05). There
common in tuberculous nodes (Ahuja et al. 2001; Park
was no significant difference in the AUC for other com-
and Kim 2014).
parisons (p . 0.05).

Fig. 3. Histogram of the vascularity indexes of metastatic, lymphomatous, reactive and tuberculous lymph nodes.
6 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Volume -, Number -, 2016

Table 2. Intranodal vascularity indexes in different cervical lymphadenopathies

Diagnostic performance Metastatic vs. reactive Lymphomatous vs. tuberculosis Metastatic vs. tuberculous Reactive vs. tuberculous

Area under the curve 0.66 0.76 0.82 0.69

Optimum cutoff 24% 18% 22% 17%
Sensitivity 72% 83% 80% 71%
Specificity 52% 61% 73% 59%
Positive predictive value 65% 53% 91% 83%
Negative predictive value 60% 87% 51% 42%
Accuracy 63% 69% 68% 68%

This study illustrates that the AUCs of ROC curves and peripheral vascularity should be used to identify
in the differentiation of metastatic and tuberculous nodes metastatic lymph nodes (Ahuja and Ying 2003; Ariji
was the highest among different differential diagnoses et al. 1998; Park and Kim 2014; Rosario et al. 2005).
and significantly higher than that in differentiating reac- Quantitative analyses of the vascularity of cervical
tive from tuberculous lymph nodes and reactive from lymph nodes have been reported (Kagawa et al. 2011;
metastatic nodes. This finding suggests that the intranodal Wu et al. 1998a) that indicate that metastatic nodes
VI is a useful parameter in distinguishing metastatic from have higher vascularity than benign nodes, similar to
tuberculous lymph nodes, particularly in areas of the the results of the present study. However, previous
world where tuberculosis is highly prevalent. The intra- studies focused on the differentiation of metastatic and
nodal VI performed better than other parameters in differ- benign lymph nodes, whereas the present study
entiating metastatic from tuberculous lymph nodes evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of the intranodal VI
because of the significant difference between the VIs of in differentiating between various causes of cervical
metastatic and tuberculous nodes (mean VIs: 38% and lymphadenopathy and suggested optimal cutoffs of VI
17%, respectively), which allowed more accurate differ- for these differential diagnoses. Therefore, the present
entiation between these two pathologic conditions. study provides additional information on use of the VI
The present study investigated the diagnostic accu- in the assessment of cervical lymphadenopathy. The
racy of using the intranodal VI and suggested an optimum increased intranodal vascularity in metastatic and
cutoff of VI for distinguishing different causes of cervical lymphomatous nodes caused by tumor angiogenesis and
lymphadenopathy. However, one must be aware that in- the normal vascular architecture of reactive nodes
tranodal VI analysis should not be used as the sole produce a moderate amount of intranodal vascularity,
method in the differential diagnosis of cervical lymph- and the high incidence of intranodal necrosis in
adenopathy. It is complementary and must be used in tuberculous nodes leads to low intranodal vascularity,
conjunction with gray-scale ultrasound and power explaining why the VI can be used to distinguish
Doppler ultrasound, which assess the morphology and different causes of cervical lymphadenopathy.
vascular distribution of lymph nodes, respectively The computed-aided assessment method used in the
(Ahuja and Ying 2003; Giacomini et al. 2013). Gray- present study evaluated the VIs of lymph nodes on 2-D
scale ultrasound has high sensitivity in differentiating sonograms. It is presumed that intranodal vascularity
metastatic from benign lymph nodes (96.8%), but its may be more accurately quantified in a 3-D matrix.
specificity is low (32%) (Baatenburg de Jong et al. Further study is suggested to combine this computer-
1989). Evaluation of the intranodal VI may improve its aided assessment method with 3-D ultrasound so that
specificity by increasing the true-negative rate because volumetric analysis of the VI of lymph nodes can be per-
benign lymph nodes tend to have lower VIs and are formed. A similar study on analysis of the VIs of laryn-
readily identified in VI image analysis. Although the geal tumors using 3-D ultrasound suggested that the VI
lower VI of tuberculous nodes may be caused by the is a useful parameter for predicting lymph node metasta-
high incidence of intranodal necrosis, it must be remem- ses (Zhou et al. 2009). However, quantitative evaluation
bered that intranodal necrosis is also common in metasta- of intranodal VIs takes time for post-processing of ultra-
tic nodes from squamous cell carcinoma and papillary sound images, and development of an algorithm for auto-
carcinoma of the thyroid (Giacomini et al. 2013; matic image processing would substantially reduce the
Kessler et al. 2003; Ustun et al. 2002). Therefore, in the examination time and be more applicable in routine clin-
assessment of necrotic lymph nodes with low VIs, other ical practice. In the present study in which 2-D sonograms
ultrasound features such as nodal vascular distribution, were evaluated, it took about 15–20 min to transfer the
matting and adjacent soft tissue edema should be used image from the ultrasound unit to the image analysis
to identify tuberculous nodes, whereas ultrasound workstation, evaluate the image and quantify the VI of
features such as location, shape, punctate calcification a lymph node.
Computer-aided assessment of intra-nodal vascularity d M. YING et al. 7

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