Aero1400 Assignment2 2019

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A E R O 1400 Introduction to Aircraft C onstruction and Design

Assignment 2
Figure of Merit Evaluation of Aircraft: Bombardier CRJ200 vs Embraer ERJ-145

Due: Before Start of Class on Monday 14 October 2019 (No later than 1200).
THIS ASSIGNMENT SHOULD TAKE AN AVERAGE STUDENT 25 HOURS TO COMPLETE (including research and collection of data)

You have been assigned the task of evaluating the flight performance of Jet-powered aircraft using
the given Figure of Merit (FOM) method as attached. Make sure you create an MS Excel
Spreadsheet with the necessary formulae. Note: Please make sure you do reality checks on your results.

Part 1 (80%)
Evaluate two very similar aircraft in the Regional Jet category: Bombardier CRJ200 vs Embraer
ERJ-145. Use the FOM expressions as described in the notes to compare the two aircraft,
showing all calculations but summarising using the same format as the given example. Describe
and explain clearly any assumptions you make. Comment on each of the comparison of FOMs
between the two aircraft.

If necessary, more assumptions and details will be notified.

Learning Criteria:
Grade Criteria
Pass List all relevant data, quoting reference sources. Use the data to evaluate FOMs, summarising in a
(40-51%) table. Make sensible basic comparisons.
Credit All of above plus being able to estimate CD0 from available data, source data for thrust specific
(52-59%) fuel consumption for the engines, and make reasonable estimates of any necessary information
not readily available.
Distinction All of above plus showing clear ability to rearrange equations to self-check calculations with
(60-67%) available data. Clear comments on assumptions and results
High Distinction All of above, plus show clear understanding of the relevance of the FOM comparisons. Relate
(>68%) comparison to the production and market status of the two aircraft.

Part 2 (20%)
Using Part 1 Spreadsheet as the baseline, conduct the following analyses on the aircraft by varying
the relevant parameters:
• Determine how the take-off (12 Marks) distances vary with wing loading (W/S); altitude of the
airport; thrust-to-weight (T/W) ratio; and maximum lift coefficient (CLmax).
• Determine how the sustained turn rate depends on T/W and W/S (6 Marks). Which of the two
is more important for better turn rate performance? (2 Marks)

Assignment submission Instructions:

Assignment to be hand in via Turnitin on the AERO1400 Canvas.

Make sure you also submit your spreadsheet you used to complete your assignment as an attachment to
the AERO1400 Assignment 2 Turnitin eLearning site, and your Report and Spreadsheet files named as
LastName_YourSID_AERO1400A2_2019 (eg. Citizen_490123456_AERO1400A2_2019). Failing to
follow these instructions precisely will result in your assignment not being marked.
AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

I-1 Aircraft Performance, Selection, and Design - Figures of Merit - Assignment 2

(Adapted from Introduction to Aircraft Performance, Selection, and Design by F.J. Hale)

Objectives: - to collect in one place the key relationships that define "best"' performance and then
simplify them to yield "figure of merit" (FOM) expressions that can be used to
compare the performance of two or more aircraft (the selection process); or
- to determine the effects of a change in one or more of the physical characteristics
of an aircraft upon its performance (the design process).

These FOM expressions will use the basic physical characteristics and dimensions of an aircraft in
an explicit and direct manner rather than in such familiar groupings as the lift-to-drag ratio and the
best-range airspeed. Note that some of the equations used for FOM have been simplified, and thus
care is needed if they are used for calculating aircraft performance parameters.

There will generally be two FOM expressions written for each performance measure of interest:
i) using familiar and fundamental relationships, such as the wing loading (W/S), aspect ratio
(AR = b^2/S), and thrust-to-weight ratio (T/W);
ii) using individual and specific characteristics, such as the weight (W), wing area (S), wing
span (b), and thrust (T).
The first format will probably be more useful for selection and the second more useful for design.
Note that the word "design" as used in this section refers only to conceptual or feasibility design.

In comparing or discussing the modification of existing aircraft, the sources of data include Jane's
All the World’s Aircraft; aviation magazines such as Air International, Aviation Week and Space
Technology, and Flight International and specifications and operating manuals provided by the
manufacturers ¸ do not normally give values for the zero-lift drag coefficient CDo, the Oswald span
efficiency e, the specific fuel consumption c, or ‡, or the propeller efficiency, 0p(as applicable).
ˆ must be either back-calculated from given data or estimated, taking into consideration the type
of aircraft being examined. Since similar type aircraft normally have values of the same order of
magnitude for each of these parameters, estimation is usually adequate, although back-calculation
is desirable if possible. If an aircraft under consideration is of a radical design or configuration,
back-calculation may be necessary.

Please note that non-standard units (neither SI nor typical British units) are used in this set
of notes.

Other required data usually available include:

1. The maximum gross weight W (lb);
2. The wing area S (ft2);
3. The wing span b (ft);
4. The maximum sea-level thrust T (lb), or horsepower, HP (hp), or equivalent shaft
horsepower, ESHP (eshp);
5. The operational empty weight, WOE (lb);
6. The maximum payload weight WPL (lb), or the maximum number of passengers and cargo;
7. The maximum fuel weight Wf (lb), or maximum fuel capacity (gal);
8. The stall speed Vs (mph), preferably with full flaps and gear down;
9. The service ceiling hc (ft) - not really needed but, when given, serves as a convenient and
partial check of certain of the estimated values

Note: Max. Useful load = W - WOE

AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

Since the maximum payload weight and the maximum fuel weight represent the weight of each
individually but not collectively, their sum usually exceeds the maximum useful load, ie. it is not
possible to carry both the maximum payload and the maximum fuel at the same time without
exceeding the maximum allowable gross weight of the aircraft. There is always a trade-off between
payload and fuel in planning an operational flight, a trade-off to be determined by the requirements
of that particular flight. In the absence of a standardised mission, the generalised selection
(comparison) process will, somewhat arbitrarily, use the maximum fuel weight to evaluate the
maximum range and the maximum payload to evaluate the maximum payload range.

The figure of merit (FOM) expressions will be grouped and developed in the following order :
1. Level flight
A. Range
i. Best mileage (miles/lb)
ii. Maximum range (miles)
iii. Maximum-payload range (lb-miles)
iv. Best-range airspeed (miles per hour or mph)
B. Endurance
i. Minimum fuel-flow rate (lb/h)
ii. Maximum endurance (h)
C. Max. airspeed (mph)
2. Vertical flight
A. Minimum take-off run (ft)
B. Maximum ceiling (ft)
C. Climbing flight
i. Steepest climb angle (deg)
ii. Maximum rate of climb (feet per minute or fpm)
iii. Minimum time to some defined altitude (min)
3. Turning flight
A. Maximum load factor (g's)
B. Maximum turning rate (deg/s)
C. Tightest turn (ft)

Notes: The FOM expressions will be written in final form without development or explanation as
the origins of the complete expressions have been covered in Hale’s book. When the
density ratio is included in an FOM expression, it will be primarily for use in the design
process. In the selection process, the density ratio will normally be set equal to unity; the
values obtained will represent the approximate sea-level performance.

Some definitions: Span loading, W/b (lb/ft) - reducing its magnitude usually improves many, but
not all, aspects of an aircraft’s performance.
Equivalent flat-plate area, f = SCD0 - for all types of aircraft and for all aspects
of performance, the lowest possible value for f is desired, since it is a measure
of the lowest possible drag.
Some useful conversion factors and constants:
1 knot = 1.1508 mph = 0.5144 m/s
1 m = 3.281 ft
1 mph = 1.467 fps

Gasoline is approximately 6 lb/gal

Jet fuel is approximately 6.75 lb/gal

AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

In the subsequent paragraphs and sections, two new aircraft parameters that may not been used
earlier are introduced. The first of these is the ratio of the aircraft weight to the wing span (W/b),
with the dimensions of lb/ft. This ratio is sometimes referred to as the span loading. Reducing its
magnitude usually improves many, but not all, aspects of the performance of an aircraft. The
second new parameter is the product of the wing area and the zero-lift drag coefficient (SCD0), with
the dimensions of ft2. It sometimes is referred to as the equivalent-flat-plate area and given the
symbol f. For all types of aircraft and for all aspects of performance, we want the lowest possible
value for SCDO, since it is a measure of the lowest possible drag.


The best mileage (specific range or range factor) is a good measure of the overall efficiency of an
aircraft. The customary units of statute miles per pound of fuel (mi/lb) can be converted to the
easy-to-visualize units of miles per gallon (mpg) by multiplying the miles per pound value by 6.75,
the approximate weight of 1 gal of jet fuel. The complete expression, in miles per pound, is

The corresponding figure of merit (FOM) expressions, also in miles per pound, are


The maximum range can be found from the level-flight approximation of the cruise-climb Breguet
range equation using the best-range conditions, namely,

where the mass ratio (MR) is given by

The FOM expressions are found by first replacing the ln MR by its approximation, the fuel-weight
fraction Wf/W. With this substitution, the maximum range is approximately equal to the product
of the best mileage and the fuel weight (in pounds), so that

This, in conjunction with the FOM values earlier, can be used as the FOM expression or we can use

AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

the following detailed FOM expressions:


where the range is in miles. For the maximum range Wf should be the weight of the maximum
useable fuel that the aircraft can carry, remembering that the corresponding maximum payload that
can be carried at the same time is the difference between the useful load and the maximum fuel
weight. This maximum range obviously does not provide any allowances for taxi, take-off, climb,
descent, landing, reserves, wind, etc. and is often referred to as the maximum still-air range.

The maximum-payload range, with the units of pound-miles (lb-mi), is a measure of the
payload-carrying capability of an aircraft based on the manufacturer's division of the maximum
useful load between fuel and payload. Since the fuel weight with the maximum payload will not
normally be the maximum, the maximum-payload range will be defined as the product of the best
mileage, the maximum payload weight, and the corresponding fuel weight, i.e.,


To illustrate the differences between maximum range, maximum-payload range, and ordinary
payload range, consider an aircraft with a best mileage of 0.4 mi/lb, a maximum useful load of
10,000 lb, a maximum useful fuel weight of 9,000 lb, and a maximum payload capability of
3,500 lb. Obviously, the sum of the maximum fuel and payload weights exceeds the maximum
useful load by 2,500 lb.

For this aircraft, the maximum range will be of the order of 3,600 mi (0.4 x 9,000). Since the
allowable payload weight in this case is 1,000 lb, the corresponding payload range will be
3.6 x 106 lb-mi (3,600 x 1,000).

With the maximum payload of 3,500 lb, the corresponding fuel weight is 6,500 lb. Consequently,
the best range with this amount of fuel will be 2,600 mi (0.4 x 6,500) and the maximum-payload
range will be 9.1 x 106 mi.

For any other combination of payloads and fuel weights, whose sum is equal to the maximum useful
load, such as 2,0001b of payload and 8,000 lb, the procedure is similar. The best range will be
3,200 mi (0.4 x 8,000), and the payload range will be 6.4 x 106 (3,200 x 2,000). Incidentally, if the
sum of the payload and fuel weights is less than the maximum useful load, the gross weight of the
aircraft will decrease, thus increasing the best mileage.

AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

The familiar expression for the best-range airspeed, expressed here in mph rather than fps, is

where the 0.68 is the conversion factor from fps to mph. The FOM expressions, still in mph, are:


Although the values obtained from these expressions are obviously not valid when the calculated
V exceeds the actual drag-rise number, they can still be used as figures of merit for comparison and
for design modification.

The minimum fuel-flow rate will use the units of pounds of fuel per hour (lb/h), which can be
converted to gallons per hour (gph) by dividing by 6.75. The complete expression is

and the FOM expressions are:


Two observations are in order. The first is that in this case the lower the value of the FOM, the
better the performance is. The second is that the fuel-flow rate is completely independent of the
airspeed, and thus of the altitude also.

Maximum endurance is associated with the minimum fuel-flow rate. The units are hours and the
complete expression is

With the approximation of Wf/W for the ln MR, as before, the FOM expressions can be written as

AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design



Remember that the maximum endurance of the aircraft is with the maximum usable fuel weight.
With respect to the maximum-endurance airspeed, since it is approximately 76 percent of the
best-range airspeed, the aircraft with the highest best-range airspeed also has the highest
maximum-endurance airspeed.

The maximum airspeed (in level flight and in mph) can be found from the rather complicated
relationship that

The FOM expressions, still in mph, are much simpler:


Even though these values will often exceed the drag-rise Mach number, and may even be
supersonic, they are still valid figures of merit.

The minimum take-off ground run in feet is approximated by

The FOM expressions are


AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

If neither the maximum lift coefficient for take-off nor the lift-off airspeed is available (the usual
situation), use 120 percent of the full-flaps stall speed, if it is available, to calculate the value to be
used for the lift coefficient. If only the no-flaps stall speed is given, use it to calculate the value io
be used. As with the fuel-flow rate, the smaller the value of the FOM, the better the performance

One expression for the maximum ceiling in feet is

The FOM expressions, still in feet, are:


When the service ceiling is given, as is often the case, these expressions can be used to verify the
given value and to determine how to increase the ceiling, if so desired. The given value of the
ceiling can also be used to back-calculate Em or to verify the previously calculated value, using

The steepest climb angle occurs at sea level and, for climb angles of the order of 30 deg or less,
can be found (in degrees) from

where the arc sin is in degrees. The FOM expressions, still in degrees, are:


The fastest climb (maximum rate of climb) also occurs at sea level and is probably most easily
determined, in fpm, from


AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

The FOM expressions, in fpm, are


Remember that the T/W ratio actually used may be less than the maximum available in order to
lengthen engine life, to avoid the possibility of exceeding a maximum allowable load factor, or to
stay within FAR airspeed limits.

The minimum time to altitude describes the fastest climb with a constant throttle setting from sea
level to a specified altitude. The simplest FOM expression, in minutes, is

where h is the final altitude in feet.

The maximum load factor is one measure of the manoeuvrability of an aircraft, occurs at sea level,
and is given in g's by

The FOM expressions are:


The fastest turning rate at constant altitude can be expressed in degrees per second as

AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

The FOM expressions, in deg/s, are:


The tightest turn (minimum-radius turn), expressed in feet, is given by

The FOM expressions, also in feet, are:


Remember that, for both fastest turns and for tightest turns, the theoretical airspeeds are generally
lower than the corresponding stall speeds. Therefore, the maximum lift coefficient, which does not
appear explicitly, and the actual stall speeds should be considered in a comparative evaluation.


In this section, two existing and successful twin-engine executive aircraft will be evaluated and
compared using basic data taken from Jane's All The World's Aircraft. Both aircraft were originally
equipped with turbojet engines, which were subsequently replaced by turbofans; in fact, both
aircraft are now using the same engine. One aircraft will be designated Aircraft A and the other will
be Aircraft B.

AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

From the data given in Jane's, only the following items were used in calculating the figures of merit:
On the basis of these data, it appears that the aircraft are almost identical and that there should be
no significant differences in their performance. We shall, however, continue with our comparative

The three pieces of missing data are, as expected, the zero-lift drag coefficient, the Oswald span
efficiency, and the thrust specific fuel consumption. Since the aircraft are so similar, let us estimate
values and use identical values for both aircraft. A value of 0.016 for CD0 seems reasonable (it may
be a bit on the low side) since the aircraft are of moderate size and range with wings of moderate

With aspect ratios of the order of 7, an Oswald span efficiency of 0.85 also seems reasonable. The
thrust specific fuel consumption is taken to be 0.85 lb/h/lb, lower than normal for a pure turbojet
and a bit high for a high bypass turbofan.

The data we have acquired and estimated can be combined or used to calculate some familiar and
two not so familiar parameters and groupings, namely:

At this point, let us use the given service ceiling to check the reasonableness of the estimated values
for e and for CD0; they are reflected in the calculated values of Em. Using the approximation for the
density ratio at the ceiling, i.e.,

the density ratio for Aircraft A is 0.192 and for Aircraft B is 0.194, which closely correspond to
ceilings of 45,000 ft, the value given in Jane's for each aircraft.

The values shown for CLm ax were determined by using 120 percent of the full flaps stall speed in fps
and the relationship that

AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

For Aircraft A, 120 percent of the stall speed is 200 fps, and the corresponding lift coefficient is 1.6.
For Aircraft B, 120 percent of the stall speed is 183 fps, and the corresponding lift coefficient is

The figures of merit can now be calculated for each aircraft, using the expressions of the preceding
section; they are shown in Table A-1. Although the primary purpose of these figures of merit is
either for comparing one or more aircraft with each other or for evaluating the effects of modifying
the characteristics of an individual aircraft, the values themselves are representative of the sea-level
performance of the aircraft.

The FOM calculations are quite straightforward, with the possible exception of the maximum range
and the maximum-payload range. In calculating the FOM for maximum range, the maximum fuel
weights of 9,464 and 8,708 lb were used for Aircraft A and Aircraft B, respectively. As a matter
of interest only, the corresponding payload weights are 1,336 and 1,138 lb.


In calculating the maximum-payload range, Aircraft A uses the given maximum payload weight of
3,050 lb with a corresponding fuel weight of 7,750 lb. Aircraft B uses the maximum payload
weight of 2,145 lb and a corresponding fuel weight of 7,701 lb.

Looking down the second and third columns of Table A-1, we see that Aircraft A appears to be
better than Aircraft Bin most areas of performance. The last column, entitled "Relative Value," is

AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

a quantitative measure of the relative performance of Aircraft A with respect to Aircraft B, using
the performance of B as the baseline. In level and climbing flight, the superiority of Aircraft A is
quite apparent, particularly with respect to the maximum range and the maximum-payload range.
Aircraft B, on the other hand, has an 85 percent shorter take-off run, by virtue of its lower wing
loading, and a 10 to 18 percent better turning performance (without consideration of stall speeds)
by virtue of its lower span loading.

Aircraft B's performance is penalized by its 23 percent larger wing area, leading directly to a 23
percent larger equivalent flat plate area (SCD0), if we assume identical CD0's as we have, and by its
11% larger operational empty weight fraction (0.59 versus 0.54). If the wing span of Aircraft A
were to be increased to 49.38 ft, then the span loading would decrease and become equal to that of
Aircraft B, as would the turning performance. Decreasing W/b would also improve the range
performance of Aircraft A even more, with the exception of the best-range airspeed, which would
decrease by about 5 percent. The best way to decrease the take-off run of A would be to increase
the lift coefficient rather than increase either the wing area or the thrust, which would increase SCD0
in the first case and the engine weight (and thus the gross weight) in the second. The performance
of Aircraft B, with the exception of the take-off run, can be improved by simply reducing its wing

If we could have only one gross figure of merit to use in the evaluation and comparison of turbojet
and turbofan aircraft, it might well be the product of the span loading (W/b), the equivalent
flat-plate area (SCD0), and the operational empty weight fraction (OEW/W). This product reduces
to the product of the equivalent flat-plate area and the operational empty weight span loading
(OEW/b), a new parameter. The expressions for this single GFOM are


When using the GFOM, the smaller the value is, the better the performance. This is the opposite
of the majority of the FOM's.

For our two aircraft, A and B, the relevant parameters and the GFOM are:

AERO1400 Introduction to Aircraft Construction and Design

Looking at these figures above, we see that the GFOM for Aircraft A is of the order of 20 percent
lower than that for Aircraft B, which is reflected in the value of 1.22 for the relative value. If we
look at the numbers making up the GFOM, we see that the larger span loading of Aircraft A is
compensated for by the smaller OEW/W fraction, so that the OEW/b ratios of both aircraft are
essentially equal. Therefore, it is the 23 percent larger SCD0 (in this case, due to the larger wing area
alone) that leads to the larger GFOM for Aircraft B.

Comparing the GFOM with the Relative Values of Table 9-1, we see that the GFOM is definitely
a "gross" (a rough or order of magnitude) figure of merit and that it is primarily a measure of the
relative performance with respect to level flight, particularly the range. Although it provides no
details on comparative performance, the GFOM approach is quick and easy to use. Furthermore,
it emphasises the importance of the new design parameters that have appeared in this section,
namely, the span loading ( W/b), the equivalent flat-plate area (SCD0), the operational empty weight
fraction (OEW/W), and the operational empty weight span loading (OEW/b).

Supplementary Definitions

Maximum Lift-to-Drag ratio

where ,

where , and e is the Oswald Span Efficiency factor, b is the wing

span, and S is the reference wing area.

Lift Coefficient

Drag Coefficient

Density Ratio

Density conversion: 1 slug/ft3 = 515.4 kg/m3 = 32.17 lb/ft3

Distance conversion: 1 mile = 1609 m = 5280 ft

Speed conversion: 1 knot = 1.688 ft/s = 0.5144 m/s = 1.151 mph


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