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What to

How to

Digital Business
A Conceptual Framework

June 2015
An IMD and Cisco Initiative

Global Center for Digital Business Transformation An IMD
and Cisco Initiative

There is little doubt that digital tools and technologies are profoundly affecting the
way business is being conducted today. They have already disrupted many industries
and are threatening to disrupt others. In a recent study, we asked 941 executives
across 12 industries about the strength of their industry barriers to protect against
digital disruption. Twenty-nine percent of the respondents considered these barriers
INNOVATION AND STRATEGY to be low to non-existent. In 10 of the 12 industries, including retail, hospitality, retail,
telecom, financial services, and entertainment, they predicted that at least 3 of the
BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION current market leaders would fall out of the top ten in the next 5 years. Indeed, more
DIRECTOR GLOBAL CENTER than a third of respondents feared complete digital disruption of their industries in
FOR DIGITAL BUSINESS the same time period.

(JUNE 2015) The stakes are clearly high, but the risks and rewards are unevenly distributed. Some
industries are more affected than others. However, there are actions that organizations
can take to increase their rewards and decrease their risks. This document will define
digital business transformation and outline the journey that organizations must undertake
to avoid disruption, realize the benefits of transformation, and extract the most value
from digital technologies and business models.


There is a great deal of hype these days about ‘digital transformation’. The term is
often used but rarely defined. Wikipedia notes that it can mean anything from ‘going
paperless’ to ‘the application of digital technology in all aspects of human society’. The
business side of digital transformation has also attracted a lot of attention, particularly
from consulting companies 1. Unfortunately, this attention has led to confusion in the
marketplace as to what digital business transformation means, and as a consequence,
it has been inconsistently defined and unevenly applied, and measures to address it
have tended to be unreliable and incomparable.

We base our definition on the pragmatic needs of business leaders to drive performance
benefits from their investments in digital tools and technologies as follows:

Digital Business Transformation is Organizational Change through the use

of Digital Technologies and Business Models to Improve Performance.


Organizational Change
Transformation is fundamentally about change, and organizational change is the
foundation of digital business transformation. Organizational change, related to people,
processes, strategies, structures, and competitive dynamics, is where most of the
challenges and opportunities reside. A Cisco report on the Internet of Everything (IoE)
in 2013 projected that US$19 trillion of economic value would be at stake between
2013 and 2022 across nations, industries, and organizations 2. The majority of this
value would be unlocked through business change leading to faster innovation,
higher productivity, increased efficiency in processes, and enhanced customer

The importance of organizational change is well illustrated by Kodak’s fall from its
position of market dominance, and its ultimate demise. It cannot be claimed that
Kodak was not innovative. The world’s first digital camera was develop by the company
in 1975 and it made major investments in digital capabilities throughout the 1980s
and 1990s. Kodak failed primarily because it was not able to make the necessary
adjustments to adapt to new markets and changing customer requirements. The
company was encumbered by legacy infrastructure, people, and knowledge that
became increasingly obsolete, and was not willing to make tough choices early
enough to adapt to changing market demands. In other words, it failed to enact
sufficient organizational change.

Kodak’s Japanese competitor FujiFilm was faced with exactly the same challenges,
but managed to adapt and survive. The company accomplished this transformation
by combining investments in digital technologies with radical organizational change.
FujiFilm cut its workforce, sold underperforming assets, and shifted investment into
new areas such as high-end imaging machines, coatings for LCD displays, and
cosmetics. The company combined existing strengths with new digital capabilities to
build a highly modified organization able to compete in new markets. Today, the com-
pany is worth more than it was in the heights of 2000.

The Kodak/FujiFilm stories are well-known and provide dramatic examples of digital
transformation failure and success. However, the threat of digital disruption does
not always take place on such a large scale. Most
organizations face a multitude of smaller threats, rather
than imminent digital annihilation. Thus, the level of

“ THE LACK OF ACTION - OR change can be incremental and cumulative, such as

hiring new digitally-savvy employees and retraining
A SERIES OF INAPPROPRIATE existing staff, adding digital services to existing prod-
ucts, digitizing processes, and realigning incentives.
ACTIONS - CAN DRAMATICALLY Transformation does not have to mean radical change.
INCREASE A COMPANY’S Nevertheless, the lack of action - or a series of inap-
propriate actions - can dramatically increase a com-
VULNERABILITY TO DIGITAL pany’s vulnerability to digital disruption.

DISRUPTION.” As we will argue later, organizational change requires

a clear recognition of the need to transform, an under-
standing of what must be transformed, and a roadmap
of how to make the required changes. Successful trans-
formation requires the development of a key capability we call digital business agility.
This form of agility, described later, is fundamental in allowing organizations to respond
to the high paced and unpredictable change characteristic of digital disruption.


Digital Technologies and Business Models
A business transformation is digital when it is built on a foundation of digital technology.
This focus on digital technology is distinct from other potential transformation drivers
such as political, social, cultural, or economic shifts. The technologies and business
models that underpin digital transformation are not fixed. They vary over time and
also, to some extent, by industry sector and geography. Currently, the following
technologies are most significantly associated with digital business transformation:

• Analytics tools and applications, including ‘big data’,

• Mobile tools and applications,

• Platforms upon which to build shareable digital capabilities, like cloud solutions
and app marketplaces,

• Social media tools and applications,

• The Internet of Things, including connected devices and ‘smart’ networks.

Together these digital technologies, often cumulatively referred to as the Internet of

Everything (IoE), is having a profound effect on how organizations and industries are
transforming, often as a result of new technology-enabled business models.

Let’s take the healthcare sector for example. Social media and
the Web are rapidly reducing the information asymmetry
between patients and healthcare professionals, shifting

“THE INTERNET OF power away from physicians and moving it to patients and
care givers. Mobile applications and devices allow for real
EVERYTHING (IOE) IS time monitoring of health status, and can provide live links
to healthcare professionals. Proteus Digital Health, for
HAVING A PROFOUND example, measures real time vital statistics from a pill that
EFFECT ON HOW a patient swallows 3. Analytics tools can assess and analyze
information to diagnose, treat, and monitor patients, and
ORGANIZATIONS big data is leading the charge to personalized medicine.
AND INDUSTRIES Pharmaceutical companies and other life science players
need to transform themselves to take advantage of these
ARE TRANSFORMING.” trends, since digital transformation is facilitating the entry
of non-traditional competitors into the health and wellness
domain, including IT firms and food companies 4.

Improved Performance
The combination of organizational change and digital technologies, in turn, has the
potential to improve performance in multiple areas. Indeed, it is a mistake to restrict
the assessment of performance to a single metric. Broadly speaking, performance
improvements can be achieved in the following areas: increased revenues, improved
efficiency and reduced costs, faster and more successful innovation, more effective
knowledge collection, sharing and use, enhanced customer engagement and
customer service, and finally sustained protection against digital disruption. These
performance improvements are quantifiable because they can be measured and


reported. The quantifiable nature of many digital technologies, such as connected
devices, big data, and social media is a key enabler of digital business

The Walt Disney Company provides an interesting example of the use of digital
technologies and business models to improve performance. Over the past three
years, the company has made a big push into digital through two separate initiatives:
first the acquisition and subsequent deployment of MagicBands, and second, the
purchase of Maker Studios. The MagicBand is a wearable RFID device used in
Disney theme parks that acts as a virtual key (for hotel rooms), ticket (for attractions),
payment mechanism (for food and merchandise), and reservation maker (for restau-
rants and rides). The MagicBand is worn by all visitors, who are tracked as they move
through the resorts, and thus generates a treasure trove of information on their
behaviour and movement. The bands have helped Disney’s parks division to achieve
20% revenue growth over the past year, and higher levels of guest satisfaction.
Meanwhile, Maker Studios is the world’s largest multi-channel network of YouTube stars,
attracting more than 10 billion views every month with over 650 million subscribers 5.
It is a new business model that competes with Disney’s existing entertainment assets,
which is partly why Disney snapped it up for nearly USD 1 billion in 2014 6. With these
investments, Disney is betting on a more digital future and financial markets appear
to agree – Disney’s share price is up over 30% in the last year.


Digital business transformation is not a state of being, it is a journey and this journey
is guided by three questions:

Why What to How to

Transform? Transform? Transform?

The Digital Business Transformation Journey

Why transform?
The why transform question is the starting point of all digital business transfor-
mations. As transformation is challenging, organizations need to be clear on the
justification for change. Indeed, some industries face more imminent threats than
others. Our research found that while close to 50% of respondents in hospitality,
retail, and media sectors feared being put out of business due to digital disruption
in the next 5 years, the comparable figure for respondents from the utilities and oil
and gas sectors was less than 30% (see our report on The Digital Vortex).

Digital business transformation can be motivated by a number of factors. In some

cases, it comes from consumers, who are better informed than ever before.
Consumers today are actively searching for enhanced service, lower prices, and higher
levels of quality. The showrooming phenomenon in retail environments, where con-
sumers visit physical stores to see items and then order them from online vendors,
is an example of the increasing sophistication of customers to seek the best deals.


The impetus for transformation might also come from new competitors with enhanced
offerings, better engagement models, or lower prices. There are many examples of
firms like Amazon or Google entering new markets and disrupting incumbents. The
disruption can also come from the inside. Indeed, in our survey, 65% of respondents
felt that digital disruption would originate from within their industries.

The pressure for change might come from emerging technologies that enable new
capabilities. These new technologies could provide points of competitive differenti-
ation if adopted first, or internalized and integrated in new ways. For example, DHL
and start-up QuiQui are experimenting with drones to deliver packages of medicine
to households, hospitals and clinics, and Sky Insurance and others are trialling single
use insurance policies, made possible by a combination of advanced analytics and
mobile applications 7.

Evidence of digital disruption is everywhere and organizations are well aware of the
challenges it creates. In our study, 69% of respondents saw the need to adapt their
business models to respond to the changing digital environment. Yet, despite this
awareness, only 55% of them claimed that digital disruption was a board level concern,
and only 25% had active plans to tackle the disruption head on.

#7 Healthcare
Oil and Gas #9

Services Media Utilities
#4 #2 #10

Telecom Technology
#5 #1

CPG and


Figure 1: Industries Plotted

Within the Digital Vortex

In Figure 1, using a combination of survey responses and objective data, we have

plotted each of the 12 industries we studied on a ‘digital vortex’. Industries on the
outside are least affected by digital disruption, while those most heavily impacted
are shown closer to the middle.


What to transform?
Once the motivation for transformation has been clarified (the answer to the why
transform question), the next stage of the journey begins – what to transform? Digital
business transformation can take many forms and smart transformation requires
prioritization. To help with the process of deciding what to transform, we have developed
a tool that we call the digitization piano. The digitization piano defines 7 distinct
categories, any of which could be transformed digitally.

The categories are: the business model (how a company makes money), the structure
(how a company is organized), the people (who works for a company), the processes
(how a company does things), the IT capability (how information is managed), the
offerings (what products and services a company offers), and the engagement model
(how a company engages with its customers and other stakeholders). These categories
make up the most important elements of an organizational value chain as it relates
to digital transformation. Some guiding questions for each category are shown in
Table 1.

Transformation Guiding questions to ask of each organizational

Category transformation category

Business Model What are your routes to market? How relevant is digitally-
(how you make money) enabled commerce, i.e. e-commerce, m-commerce?
Where does most of your revenue and profit come from?
What are your main customer segments? Do these need
to change?
How are you differentiated from your competition?
How relevant is this for the future?

Structure What type of organizational structure do you have?

(how you are organized) What is the balance between local and global decision
making? Does this make sense for the future?
Where do different aspects of ‘digital’ sit in your
organization? Are they effective?

People How digitally savvy are your employees across different parts
(the people who work of your organization?
for you) How digitally savvy are your leaders?
What new capabilities are required? How will you
acquire them?

Processes To what extent are your processes automated and digitized?

(how you do things) To what extent are your processes consistent across your
To what extent are your processes adaptable to change?

IT Capability How effective is your IT infrastructure: core systems, net-

(how you collect and works, databases. Is it able to support your digital ambitions?
manage information) How effective is your forward facing IT: websites,
mobile sites, social media?
How effective is your customer relationship
management system?
Do you have a clear IT strategy linked to your
corporate strategy?
Are your “dark assets” connected so you have
all the data you need?
Are you deriving value from your data?


Transformation Guiding questions to ask of each organizational
Category transformation category

Offerings How digitally-enabled are your products?

(your products How digitally-enabled are your services?
and services)

Engagement Model How strong is your relationship with customers?

(how you engage with How many customer touch-points do you have,
customers, suppliers, i.e. web, mobile, mail, face to face? How often do
etc.) you engage with them?
How loyal are your customers?

Table 1: Guiding questions for each category of digital business transformation

By answering these questions, the digitization piano can be used to provide a

roadmap of transformation needs. An assessment can be made within each category
of the current level of transformation and anticipated future required level of trans-
formation. Thus, an organization can see a visual map of the existing state of pre-
paredness for digital business transformation along with
the desired state. The difference between these two states
represents the amount of transformation that is required.
“IN ORDER TO MAKE THIS In some cases, the difference might be relatively modest,
requiring incremental change. In other cases, the gap might
SHIFT, THE COMPANY be very large, suggesting the need for more radical change.
NEEDED TO INITIATE A An example, illustrated in Figure 2, shows the various

DIALOGUE WITH ITS aspects of Burberry’s digital business transformation

between 2006 and 2015. In 2006, Burberry was faced
CUSTOMERS IN A with multiple challenges, including high costs, a frag-

DIFFERENT WAY, AND mented manufacturing base, product proliferation, and

inconsistent global pricing. However, the company’s largest
HENCE IT MADE A VERY problem was the state of its brand. The iconic clothing
company’s image had been hijacked by so-called ‘chavs’,
SIGNIFICANT MOVE INTO a kind of lower class ruffian. After several years of declining
SOCIAL MEDIA.” revenues, a new CEO, Angela Ahrendts, was brought in with
a vision to digitally transform the company. She initiated a
number of changes to the company across many elements
of the digitization piano. For example, she made major
changes to the business model, deciding to focus on millennials instead of the tra-
ditional mature consumer base. She also shifted the revenue focus of the company
to Asia and other emerging markets. In order to make this shift, the company needed
to initiate a dialogue with its customers in a different way, and hence it made a very
significant move into social media.



Focused on
Reduced Online fashion
Gen Y. Major
portfolio. shows.
Asia push.
Degree of Digitization Required

Offered custom Enhanced

Full eCommerce. Globally
products. benefits
Reclaimed for members.
around Fired lots of
Consolidated luxury image. Strong
2 Tsars: old guard.
global social media.
brand and tech. Hired
digitally-savvy Global CRM.
young people. iPads for
first policy.
sales people.

Focused on
mature segment. Huge product
Losing luxury Market range. Traditional
image. structure Many local Fragmented Low quality engagement

Unprofitable. with local P&L. Low turnover. processes. systems. control. model.

Business Model Structure People Processes IT Capability Offerings Engagement

(how you (how you (the people who (how you (How you (Your products, (How you
make money) are organized) work for you) do things) manage services) engage with key
information) stakeholders)

Categories of Organizational Transformation Figure 2: The Digitization

Piano Applied to Burberry

Notice in Figure 2 how Burberry made major changes across different categories of
the digitization piano. We refer to this approach as playing ‘chords’ rather than ‘keys’.
The company chose particular areas to digitally transform in concert, rather than rely
on a single approach. Burberry pursued a multi-technological approach, drawing on
social media, analytics, and mobile solutions to achieve their goals. They also
changed their organizational structure at the same time as recruiting younger

It is extremely difficult to achieve digital business transformation benefits by making single

changes or by employing single technologies. Lasting change can be accomplished
much more effectively by transforming multiple categories and multiple technologies
simultaneously. This level of change requires focus, as there are thousands of potential
combinations, and a high degree of collaboration, which is part of the reason that
many organizations fail in their digital transformation initiatives. According to Gartner,
only 30% of digital business transformation efforts today will be sucessful 8.

How to transform?
Tools like the digitization piano help to answer the what to transform question. It is
important to have a clear idea of where transformation is required, and in what order
it should be tackled. However, knowing what to do and how to do it are two very
different challenges. Thus, we come to the third question: how to transform? Of the
three questions in the digital business transformation journey, this question is the
hardest to answer. Indeed, many of the transformation failures mentioned above can
be put down to flawed execution.


Digital Business Agility
As we established in our Digital Vortex report, the differences in digital maturity and
potential for disruption among industries is substantial. Because of this variation,
there is no one-size-fits-all approach to successfully accomplishing digital business

However, regardless of which digital roadmap is pursued, we have determined that

organizations need to develop a fundamental capability that we call digital business
agility. This capability is made up of three components: hyperawareness, informed
decision making, and fast execution, as Shown in Figure 3.

Hyperawareness Informed Decision
Informed Decision
Making Making
Digital Digital
Business Business
Agility Agility

Fast Execution
Fast Execution

Figure 3: Digital Business

Figure 3:
Business Agility Components

Hyperawareness is an organizational capability to recognize future trends that will
impact an organization. In an environment characterized by accelerating rates of
change, it is imperative for organizations to sense the factors that will affect them.
We have seen many examples of companies with blindspots that have inhibited them
from sensing relevant trends. It is also the case that disruption is becoming hard to
spot as industries start to blur and traditional competitors are supplanted by emerging
players. One of the most well-known examples is Blockbuster, which failed to sense
the growing dissatisfaction of its users to late fees on rented videos, as well as the
shift to video streaming as an alternative to DVDs.

Hyperawareness is made up a several distinct sub-capabilities. The first sub-capability

is the sensing of new technology trends. A second is recognizing changes in the
competitive landscape, both within and across industries. A third is capturing new
ideas from employees, suppliers, and customers. Part of hyperawareness is the need
to ‘leave the office’ and see first-hand how products and services are being used
in practice.


There is also a strong digital component to hyperawareness. Digital tools, like social
media, connected devices, and analytics can act as digital barometers that are
constantly monitoring the status quo and reporting back relevant changes.

The city of Barcelona provides an interesting example of hyperawareness 9. The city

decided to install thousands of connected devices across the city to monitor what
was going on, to improve the lives of its citizens and tourists, and to save money.
For example, city planners found that one third of the traffic in the center of Barcelona
consisted of drivers looking for a parking spot. Therefore, they placed sensors in
parking spots and linked them to apps, so that drivers could quickly and easily find
the closest place to park. They also placed sensors in garbage bins to detect the
fullness level, and dynamically schedule pickups accordingly.

In another example, food and beverage giant Nestlé located a Digital Acceleration
Team at its Swiss head office. This team of young employees was given the respon-
sibility to constantly monitor the Web and social media platforms for mentions of the
company’s products and brands as an early warning system for any emerging issues.

Informed Decision Making

Having a strong hyperawareness capability is necessary, but not sufficient for digital
business agility. Often, organizations collect interesting and relevant data and information
that is subsequently ignored. Informed decision making is the capability to actively
analyze information that comes in through hyperawareness.

Like hyperawareness, informed decision making is based on a number of sub-ca-

pabilities. They include a governance process to prioritize information, a high level
of cross functional coordination so that different parts of the organization can actively
listen and share what they know, and an IT infrastructure that facilitates the capture,
analysis, and dissemination of relevant information. The
result of these sub-capabilities is an ability to make fact

“ INFORMED DECISION based decisions in a timely manner.

MAKING IS THE Like hyperawareness, informed decision making has a

strong digital component: knowledge management sys-
CAPABILITY TO tems to organize insights, collaboration systems to facili-
tate remote conversations, dashboards to display relevant
ACTIVELY ANALYZE information, and analytics systems to provide evi-
INFORMATION THAT dence-based insights to support decision making. Deci-
sions are ‘informed’ due to the currency of the data and
COMES IN THROUGH the rigour of the analysis.

HYPERAWARENESS.” Like many organizations with call centers, Nationwide

Insurance adopted a ‘first available operator’ rule to
answer calls. However, after a sustained period of testing
and analysis, the company discovered that retention rates for customers wishing to
cancel their policies dramatically increased when they were matched with agents
with compatible profiles. This insight was unexpected and challenged the prevail-
ing view of call prioritization. The company consequently made the decision to
match callers with agents based on profile compatibility even if it meant a longer
waiting period. Retention rates doubled as a result of the change.


Fast Execution
Hyperawareness is crucial to understanding relevant trends, informed decision
making is critical to deciding upon the right response; however, neither of these matter
if an organization is unable to quickly execute the necessary changes. Fast execution
combines two elements: speed and implementation. Both are critical to achieving
successful digital business transformation. Fast execution is a response capability
that incorporates turning decision into action. In our research, respondents told us
that fast innovation and high agility were the two most
dangerous capabilities of emerging digital disruptors.

“FAST EXECUTION There are a few crucial elements of fast execution. One is
the importance of an organizational culture that encour-
COMBINES TWO ages experimentation and tolerates failure. By definition,

ELEMENTS: SPEED innovation and experimentation do not succeed all of the

time. Indeed, most new initiatives fail. A fast execution
AND IMPLEMENTATION. capability acknowledges that failure will occur, and consid-
ers it acceptable is long as there is a strong effort to learn
BOTH ARE CRITICAL from the failure, adapt, and try again.
TO ACHIEVING A successful digital business transformer like Google has
SUCCESSFUL a huge legacy of failure, exemplified by products like
Google Wave and Glass, yet the company is comfortable
DIGITAL BUSINESS to learn from these failures, leave them behind, and move

TRANSFORMATION.” on. This capability is much more difficult to master for large
organizations in legacy businesses.

Another aspect of fast execution is the ability to move

resources quickly and efficiently to where they are most
needed. High levels of bureaucracy and organizational silos are the enemy of fast
execution. Organizations that execute quickly are typically empowered to take action
at lower levels of the company hierarchy. Resources are digitized to the highest extent
possible to allow for easy and frictionless movement to where they are needed.

The importance of digital business agility

Regression analysis on the data we collected shows that digital business agility is
significantly and positively associated with two measures of performance: compar-
ative financial performance over the past 5 years, and response to digital disruption.
Thus, digital business agility not only helps organizations to respond to the challenges
of digital disruption, it is also linked to sustained financial performance, compared to
a group of peer companies.

In addition to their combined effect, each component capability of digital business

agility is also positively and significantly linked with the two performance measures.
The association with financial performance is strongest for hyperawareness, then
informed decision making, and finally fast execution. This ranking is reversed when
it comes to the ability to respond to digital disruption: the strongest link is for fast
execution, followed by informed decision making, and then hyperawareness. These
results expose an interesting finding; in order to achieve the full benefits of digital
business transformation, organizations need to balance all three elements of digital
business agility.


Digital business transformation is about change. Organizations preparing to meet the
challenge of digital business transformation must ask themselves three questions:
why do I need to transform, what do I need to transform, and how should I transform.
The answers to these questions are by no means straightforward. Our research
suggests that many firms underestimate the dangers of digital disruption, and thus
may not be sufficiently prepared for the negative consequences that have already
befallen many firms in the technology, media, entertainment, retail and other sectors.

Understanding the need for transformation (answering the why transform question)
leads to the question of which parts of the value chain that need to be transformed.
We have divided the organizational value chain into 7 critical elements that are at the
core of digital business transformation: the business model, the structure, the people,
the processes, the IT capabilities, and offerings, and the engagement model. We
collectively refer to these elements as the digitization piano. We have found that the
chances of successful transformation are enhanced if an organization addresses
more than one element at the same time, i.e. plays chords rather than keys. This
combinatorial response is appropriate to the threats of digital disruption that often
come in multiple forms.

Understanding the need to transform and having a good grasp of what must change
are important, but the key to success lies in the implementation. How to transform
is where most organizations fail. While there is no one-size-fits-all roadmap for
organizations across every sector, we found that a digital business agility capability
is positively and significantly linked to both positive financial performance and the
ability to respond to digital disruption. Digital business agility is composed of three
sub-capabilities: hyperawareness, or the ability to detect relevant trends, information
decision making, or the ability to make evidence-based decisions quickly and collab-
oratively, and fast execution, or the ability to quickly translate decisions into action.

Digital business transformation is by no means easy to achieve; but for many firms,
it is a competitive necessity. Digital disruption is spreading quickly across industries
and many executives are unsure of the appropriate responses. They know that they
must act, but it is not clear to them what needs to be done. The frameworks we
propose in this document help to guide the choices that executives must make to
transform their organizations in the face of digital opportunities and threats.



All the major consulting firms and the consulting arms of the major accounting firms have
developed or are developing digital transformation practices, each with their own models and

Internet of Everything (IoE) Value Index How Much Value Are Private-Sector Firms Capturing
from IoE in 2013?, Cisco Whitepaper, 2013,
Internet of Everything: A $4.6 Trillion Public-Sector Opportunity, Cisco Whitepaper, 2013,


Who is Looking After You? The Challenges of Blurring Industry Boundaries, Tom Malnight and
Tracey Keys, 2014




Top 10 Strategic Predictions for 2015 and Beyond: Digital Business Is Driving ‘Big Change’,
Gartner Research, 2014,

Link to Cisco IoE report


Contact us
Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
Chemin de Bellerive 23
P.O. Box 915
1001 Lausanne
Tel: +41 21 618 02 51
[email protected]

The Global Center for Digital Business Transformation

The DBT Center combines Cisco’s leadership in the Internet of Everything with IMD
expertise in developing global leaders, focusing on the organizational change required
for digital transformation. IMD is a top-ranked business school with a flexible, effec-
tive approach to real-world executive education and applied research. Cisco has the
technical expertise and open innovation approach that can help executives generate
practical insights to succeed in today’s fast-moving competitive marketplace.

Chemin de Bellerive 23
P.O. Box 915
1001 Lausanne
Central tel: +41 21 618 01 11
Central fax: +41 21 618 07 07
[email protected]

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