Energies: Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination Problems in Distributed Generation Systems

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Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination
Problems in Distributed Generation Systems
Jakub Ehrenberger * ID
and Jan Švec
Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague, 166 27 Prague 6, Czech Republic; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +420-777-822-316

Academic Editor: Miguel Castilla

Received: 22 August 2017; Accepted: 11 September 2017; Published: 21 September 2017

Abstract: This paper proposes a new approach to the distributed generation system protection
coordination based on directional overcurrent protections with inverse-time characteristics. The key
question of protection coordination is the determination of correct values of all inverse-time
characteristics coefficients. The coefficients must be correctly chosen considering the sufficiently
short tripping times and the sufficiently long selectivity times. In the paper a new approach to
protection coordination is designed, in which not only some, but all the required types of short-circuit
contributions are taken into account. In radial systems, if the pickup currents are correctly chosen,
protection coordination for maximum contributions is enough to ensure selectivity times for all
the required short-circuit types. In distributed generation systems, due to different contributions
flowing through the primary and selective protections, coordination for maximum contributions is
not enough, but all the short-circuit types must be taken into account, and the protection coordination
becomes a complex problem. A possible solution to the problem, based on an appropriately designed
optimization, has been proposed in the paper. By repeating a simple optimization considering only
one short-circuit type, the protection coordination considering all the required short-circuit types has
been achieved. To show the importance of considering all the types of short-circuit contributions,
setting optimizations with one (the highest) and all the types of short-circuit contributions have
been performed. Finally, selectivity time values are explored throughout the entire protected section,
and both the settings are compared.

Keywords: distributed generation; selectivity; overcurrent protection; inverse-time characteristic;

protection setting optimization

1. Introduction
Currently, the protection of distributed generation systems (DGS) is increasingly a discussed topic.
By the connection of the source to the distributed system, not only the nominal, but also the fault
conditions are affected. Therefore, the topical concept of distributed system protection has gradually
been becoming inapplicable, and concepts taken from the transmission system protection, such as
differential [1–5], distance [6–14], or directional overcurrent [15–30], have increasingly been used.
In a classical radial concept depicted in Figure 1, the major electrical sources are connected to the
transmission system and, in contrast, the electrical loads to the distribution system. In view of the
network protection, a big advantage of the classical network concept is unidirectional power flow from
the transmission to the distribution system. Unidirectional current allows us to use simple protection
principles, for example, based on non-directional overcurrent protections.
If the short-circuit occurs in Section 3 (section numbers are green colored in Figure 1),
the protection O3 trip is required first and, after a certain time (selectively), the protection O2 trip next.

Energies 2017, 10, 1452; doi:10.3390/en10101452 www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2017, 10, 1452 2 of 17

There are two reasons: The first one is a backup of O3 by O2 in case of O3 failure, and the other one is
a minimum security margin (usually set at 200 ms), called the selectivity time, between the trips of
both protections. In the following text, the first tripping protection (O3 ) will be labelled as a primary
protection, and the other tripping protection (O2 ) will be labelled as a selective protection. As we can
see below, the short-circuit contributions flowing through the primary O3 and selective O2 protections2 of 17
Energies 2017, 10, 1452
are the same (if the short-circuit contribution of load 2 is neglected).
Figure 1. Radial system without distributed generation.

If the short-circuit occurs in Section 3 (section numbers are green colored in Figure 1), the
protection O3 trip is required first and, after a certain time (selectively), the protection O2 trip next.
There are two reasons: The first one is a backup of O3 by O2 in case of O3 failure, and the other one is
a minimum security margin (usually set at 200 ms), called the selectivity time, between the trips of
both protections. In the following text, the first tripping protection (O3) will be labelled as a primary
protection, and the other tripping protection (O2) will be labelled as a selective protection. As we can
see below, the short-circuit contributions flowing through the primary O3 and selective O2 protections
are the same (if the short-circuit contribution of load 2 is neglected).
As will be described in detail in the next sections, the aforementioned facts make protection
Figure 1. Radial system without distributed generation.
coordination very easy. For the correctly chosen pickup currents, only the types of short-circuit with
Figure 1. Radial system without distributed generation.
maximum short-circuit
As will be describedcontributions
in detailcan in thebe next
taken into account
sections, in protection
the aforementioned coordination.
facts make protection If the
selectivity is met forvery
coordination maximum
easy. Forcontributions,
the correctly chosen it is automatically
pickup currents, met forthe
only alltypes
the others.
of short-circuit with
If the short-circuit occurs in Section 3 (section numbers are green colored in Figure 1), the
maximum short-circuit contributions can be taken
In the part of DGS depicted in Figure 2, power sources can also be connected into account in protection coordination. If the
to the distribution
protection O3 trip is required first and, after a certain time (selectively), the protection O2 trip next.
Short-circuitis met for maximumflow
contributions contributions, it is automatically
to the short-circuit from bothmet fortheallsides,
the others.
and non-directional
There areIntwo the reasons:
part of The
DGS first one
depicted in is a backup
Figure 2, power of Osources
3 by O2 in case of O3 failure, and the other one is
can also be connected to section
the distribution
protections are no more applicable. If the overcurrent protections are used, each must be
a minimum security margin
system. Short-circuit (usuallyflow
contributions set toat the
ms), calledfrom the selectivity
both the sides, time,andbetween the trips of
equipped with two directional protections (the tripping directions are indicated by the green arrows),
protections. In the following text, the first tripping protection
are no more applicable. If the overcurrent protections are used, each section must (O 3) will be labelled as a primary
and the voltage transformer must be added for direction recognition. Let us assume a short-circuit in
equipped and withthetwoother tripping
directional protection
protections (the (Otripping
2) will be labelledare
directions as indicated
a selective byprotection. As we can
the green arrows),
2, from the lefttransformer
side; O4 is amustprimary protection and O2 is a selective protection. aAs we can see,
see below, thethe short-circuit contributions
voltage be added flowing throughrecognition.
for direction the primaryLet O3us and selective
assume O2 protections
the short-circuit
in Section contribution
2, from the left flowing
side; O through Oprotection
4 is a primary
4 is increased by generator contribution and it is
are the same (if the short-circuit contribution of load 2 is and O2 is a selective protection. As we can
different from
see, the the contribution
short-circuit flowingflowing
contribution through O2 [31–33].
through O is As will
increased bebydescribed
generator in detail in the
contribution andnext
As will be described in detail in the next sections, 4 the aforementioned facts make protection
sections, if short-circuit
is differentvery fromeasy. contributions
the contribution flowing
flowing through through primary
O2 [31–33]. As willand selective protections are
coordination For the correctly chosen pickup currents, onlybe described
the types ofinshort-circuit
detail in the with
nextnot only the
sections, type with maximum
if short-circuit contributions short-circuit
flowing through contributions,
primary and butselective
all the protections
required short-are
maximum short-circuit contributions can be taken into account in protection coordination. If the
circuit types must not beonlytaken
the type
intowith maximum
account. short-circuit
However, contributions,
similarly but all the
to a classical required
radial system,short-circuit
only one
selectivity is met for maximum contributions, it is automatically met for all the others.
types must be taken into account. However, similarly to
type of short-circuit can be assumed for protection coordination. The key issue of protection a classical radial system, only one type of
In the part of
short-circuit canDGS
be depicted
assumed forinprotection
Figure 2,coordination.
power sources The can
key also
issue be
of connected
protection to the distribution
coordination is
coordination is finding this type.
system. Short-circuit
finding this type. contributions flow to the short-circuit from both the sides, and non-directional
protections are no more applicable. If the overcurrent protections are used, each section must be
equipped with two directional protections (the tripping directions are indicated by the green arrows),
and the voltage transformer must be added for direction recognition. Let us assume a short-circuit in
Section 2, from the left side; O4 is a primary protection and O2 is a selective protection. As we can see,
the short-circuit contribution flowing through O4 is increased by generator contribution and it is
different from the contribution flowing through O2 [31–33]. As will be described in detail in the next
sections, if short-circuit contributions flowing through primary and selective protections are
different, not only the type with maximum short-circuit contributions, but all the required short-
circuit types must be takenFigure into account. However,
2. Part of distributed similarly
generation to a(DGS).
system classical radial system, only one
Figure 2. Part of distributed generation
type of short-circuit can be assumed for protection coordination. The key issue of protectionsystem (DGS).
The inverse-time characteristics, by their shape, simulate the function of a fuse or a circuit breaker,
coordination is finding this type.
and they
The inverse-timeallow forcharacteristics,
a faster tripping in bycase of an
their high overcurrent
shape, simulate the and, function
to the contrary,
of a afusesloweror tripping
a circuit
breaker, and they allow for a faster tripping in case of an high overcurrent and, to the protection
in case of a low overcurrent. For example, under the IEC standard [34], the tripping time of contrary, a
Oi can, according to [35], be written as:
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 3 of 17

MOi ·KOi
ttripOi = E (1)
I pOi /I pcOi Oi − 1

where IpOi is short-circuit contribution flowing through protection, MOi is time multiplier, IpcOi is
pickup current, and KOi and EOi are slope constants.
The coordination process of directional overcurrent protections with inverse-time characteristics
in DGS has already been dealt with by many authors. In most of these works, an appropriately
designed optimization is shown as a suitable tool for this purpose. For example, in [15–23], the values
of time multipliers MOi are determined for predetermined values of IpcOi and slopes (EOi and KOi ).
For each protection, only one coefficient is looked for, and the linear programming can be used.
Other publications [24–30] have dealt with the determination of time multipliers MOi and pickup
currents IpcOi with predetermined slope. In the latter, the optimization is nonlinear and a more
sophisticated optimization method must be used. However, all the aforementioned works [15–30]
have mainly focused on the optimization process itself, but not much attention has been paid to
choosing the proper short-circuit contributions types; additionally, only the maximum and minimum
short-circuit contributions have been taken into account (and/or the current contributions values,
without a calculation process description, have only been mentioned). As will be described in the
article, the maximum and minimum short-circuit contributions can only be used if the short-circuit
contributions flowing through primary and selective protections are the same. Since those works
deal with protection of DGS, in which such an assumption cannot be generally held, the selectivity of
protections can be disturbed.

2. Tripping Time of Protection

According to (1), the protection tripping time can be determined assuming the short-circuit
contribution flowing through the protection IpOi > IpcOi constant during the disconnection process.
In case of variable IpOi , tripping time can be calculated from the definition relation [36]:
 ! EOi 
Z t
tripOi 1 I pOi
 − 1dt = 1 (2)
0 MOi ·KOi I pcOi

Let us consider a simplified case, where the short-circuit contribution I pOi > I pcOi flows through
protection only for time tOi . If I pOi flowed through protection for sufficiently long time t0tripOi ,
0 0

the protection would trip. However, we are assuming tOi 0 < t0

tripOi and, hence, the trip does not
occur. After the aforementioned time tOi , a different value of IpOi > IpcOi starts flowing through the
protection. To obtain a total tripping time, using (2) it can be written:
"  EOi #
R tOi 0
I pOi
MOi KOi 0 I pcOi − 1 dt+
R ttripOi I pOi
MOi KOi tOi I pcOi − 1 dt = 1

The result total tripping time can, using (3), be expressed as:
"  EOi #
I pOi  EOi
I pOi

KOi · MOi + − 0
I pcOi I pcOi
ttripOi =  EOi (4)
I pOi

I pcOi −1

To obtain a more precise value of the total tripping time, the evaluation principle of specific
protection must be used.
 I pcOi 
 
To obtain a more precise value of the total tripping time, the evaluation principle of specific
protection must be used.
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 4 of 17
3. Protection Coordination of Radial System without Distributed Generation
Protection in the introduction,
Coordination of Radial if System
the short-circuit contributions
without Distributed of the loads are neglected,
the contributions flowing through the primary and selective protections can be considered the same.
As mentioned in the introduction, if the short-circuit contributions of the loads are neglected,
If the short-circuit current is very close to, or lower than, the nominal current (e.g., for resistance
the contributions flowing through the primary and selective protections can be considered the same.
loads), the short-circuit contribution can be neglected. If the short circuit cannot be neglected (e.g.,
If the short-circuit current is very close to, or lower than, the nominal current (e.g., for resistance loads),
for loads
thewith rotatingcontribution
short-circuit machines),can thebeprinciples
If the shortin this cannot
circuit chapterbecannot
neglectedbe (e.g.,
used,forand the
with for DGS, machines),
rotating described the in the following
principles chapter,
described must
in this be used
chapter instead.
cannot be used,In and
the 3 there are
two possible cases of protection setting coordination between primary and selective
for DGS, described in the following chapter, must be used instead. In Figure 3 there are two possible protections for
the same current
cases Ip flowing
of protection through
setting them. In between
coordination case a), the pickup
primary andcurrent of protections
selective selective (j)forprotection
the sameis
current I flowing through them. In case a), the pickup current of selective
higher than the pprimary (i) protection IpcOi < IpcOj. It is obvious the selectivity time between i-th (j) protection is higher
and j-
than theΔtprimary
th protections i,j is always (i) protection
higher for IpcOi < IpcOjcurrent
a lower . It is obvious
Ip. Thatthe selectivity
means time
that if thebetween i-thisand
selectivity metj-th
protections ∆t
the maximum contribution, i,j is always higher for a lower current
it is automatically met for all I . That means that if the selectivity
p others. The short-circuit type producing is met for
the maximum contribution, it is automatically met for all others. The short-circuit type producing
maximum contribution can in this case be labelled as the most sensitive one. A similar case occurs in
maximum contribution can in this case be labelled as the most sensitive one. A similar case occurs in
case of equal pickup currents of both the protections IpcOp = IpcOd (in Figure 2, not drawn).
case of equal pickup currents of both the protections IpcOp = IpcOd (in Figure 2, not drawn).

Figure 3. Possible pickup current choices in radial system without distributed generation. (a) Pickup
Figure 3.current
Possible pickup protection
of selective current choices in than
is higher radial
thesystem without
primary; distributed
(b) Pickup generation.
current of (a) Pickup
primary protection is
current of selective protection
higher than the selective.is higher than the primary; (b) Pickup current of primary protection is
higher than the selective
Another case is depicted in Figure 3b. The pickup current of primary (i) protection is higher than
the selective (j) one IpcOi > IpcOj . The dependence of the selective time ∆ti,j on the current Ip can be
divided into two parts. In the first part labelled 1, selectivity time is always higher for a lower current Ip ,
similarly to the previous case. In the second part labelled 2, selectivity time is always lower for a lower
Ip , and for some very low values of Ip (near the primary protection pickup current) the selectivity
time is negative and selective protection reacts before the primary one. Since the selectivity must be
met for all the required short-circuit types, the maximum contribution is not enough, most sensitive
short-circuit type cannot be generally determined, and the minimum contribution must also be taken
be taken into account. To make coordination as easy as possible, the pickup currents choice had better
be made as in Figure 3a:

I pcOi ≤ I pcOj (5).

Energies 2017, 10, 1452 5 of 17
A simple setting of the k-th protection pickup current can, for example, be done as:
into account. To make coordination as Ieasy as=possible,
k pc ⋅ I nOk
the pickup currents choice had better be made (6)
as in Figure 3a:
where InOk is the nominal current flowing through I pcOi ≤
theI pcOj
protection in a pre-fault state, and k(5) pc is an
appropriately determined
A simple setting constant (itprotection
of the k-th always mustpickupbe higher
current can,than 1). Forbethe
for example, donedetermination
as: of kpc,
two basic facts must be taken into account. For low values of kpc, IpcOk is very close to the nominal
I pcOk = k pc · InOk (6)
current InOk, hence, there is a risk of a mal-trip. On the other hand, with high values of kpc, the
sensitivity of the Iprotection
where gets decreased.
nOk is the nominal current flowing through the protection in a pre-fault state, and kpc is
Due toanaappropriately
radial system topology,
determined condition
constant (5) must
(it always is always metthan
be higher for 1).theFor pickup current chosen
the determination
of k
according to (6).pc , two basic facts must be taken into account. For low values of k pc , I pcOk is very close to the
nominal current InOk , hence, there is a risk of a mal-trip. On the other hand, with high values of kpc ,
the sensitivity of the protection gets decreased.
4. Most Sensitive Short-Circuit Types Finding Process in Distributed Generation Systems
Due to a radial system topology, condition (5) is always met for the pickup current chosen
As mentioned toin(6).the introduction, in DGS, the short-circuit contributions flowing through

primary and selective

4. Most protections
Sensitive cannot
Short-Circuit generally
Types be considered
Finding Process the same.
in Distributed In Figure
Generation Systems 4 fault path is
depicted. Each fault path consists of primary Oi and selective Oj protections, primary ni and secondary
As mentioned in the introduction, in DGS, the short-circuit contributions flowing through primary
mi nodes, and
andthe minimum
selective required
protections cannotselectivity
generally betime Δti•, j . the same. In Figure 4 fault path is depicted.
Each fault path consists of primary Oi and selective Oj protections, primary ni and secondary mi nodes,
and the minimum required selectivity time ∆ti,j• .

Figure 4. Fault path definition.

Let us assume a generatorFigure connected 4. Fault to the path

between the primary and selective protections,
and a short-circuit in primary node ni . Short-circuit contribution flowing through a primary protection
Let us Ik
assume a generator
ni ,i is increased connected
by the generator to the bus
contribution and,between the primary
hence, the contribution and selective
flowing protections,
through a selective
and a short-circuit in Ik must be lower Ik
ni ,j primary nodeni ,ini. Short-circuit > Ik ni ,j . In Figure 5, there are depicted short-circuit
contribution flowing through a primary contributions
Ik ni ,i , Ik ni ,j and Ik0n ,i , Ik0n ,j , each for a different short-circuit type. In case depicted in Figure 5a, a higher
protection Ikni ,i is increased i by
i the generator contribution and, hence, the contribution flowing
sensitivity is obvious for contributions Ik ni ,i , Ik ni ,j . If slope of the characteristic for a selective protection
through a selective
gets changed, change to Ik
protection ni , j mustmay
sensitivity be lower occur as Ik > Ikni ,5b,
inn Figure
i ,i j . In
whereFigure a higher 5, there are depicted
sensitivity is obviousshort-
0 0
for contributions Ik n ,i , Ik n ,j . Since the shapes of characteristics are not known before the protection
circuit contributions
coordination (obtaining
Ikni ,i , Iknii , j their
and i
Ikn′i ,i , Ik
′i , j , each
isngoal for a different
of coordination), the most short-circuit type. In case
sensitive short-circuit typesdepicted
in Figure 5a,notaknownhighereither. A possible
sensitivity way of getting
is obvious the most sensitive
for contributions Iknshort-circuit
i ,i
, Ikni , j . If slope
types isofdepicted in the
the characteristic
diagram in Figure 6.
for a selective protection
To identify gets the most changed,
sensitive change
short-circuit to sensitivity may occurcontributions
types, all short-circuit as in Figureflowing5b, where a higher
sensitivity is
primary and for the contributions
selective protection ′
Ikni ,i , in ′
. primary
Since the andshapes
secondary of nodes
of each faultare
be calculated for all the short-circuit types. Another operation necessary is an initial estimation of
the topical short-circuit types. Initial topical types can be chosen randomly, but the final setting can
be obtained faster if three-phase short-circuits are chosen. After protection coordination for these
estimates, minimum required selectivity time ∆ti,j • is met for three-phase short-circuits, but for other
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 6 of 17

types, the selectivity may not be met. For this reason, selectivity can be calculated for all short-circuit
types, and the deviations from, as well as the minimum required selectivity times, can be found:

• kn
δtni,j kni,j = ∆tni,j kni,j − ∆ti,j
• km (7)
δtmi,j kmi,j = ∆tmi,j kmi,j − ∆ti,j

where, for example, kni,j is short-circuit type for primary node, ∆tni,j kni,j is selectivity time between

the primary and selective protections for short-circuit type kni,j in primary node, and ∆ti,j • kn

i,j is
an appropriate minimum required selectivity time. If all deviations are positive, all the required
selectivities are met, and topical short-circuit types are the most sensitive ones. If in any node, for any
short-circuit type, the deviation is negative, the type of deviation with a minimum value is found and
marked as topical. New topical short-circuit types are used for new protection coordination, and the
process is repeated until all deviations are positive. The coefficients of the characteristics obtained
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 6 of 17
in the last iteration of the aforementioned process ensure correct selectivity times for all short-circuit
before theand the obtained
protection topical (obtaining
coordination types are the most
their sensitive
shapes is goalones. As it will be
of coordination), shown
the in the next
most sensitive
sections, the protection coordination of DGS considering only some types (in most cases
short-circuit types are not known either. A possible way of getting the most sensitive short-circuit only the
types is depictedones)in of
theshort-circuit contributions,
diagram in Figure 6. as used in other published works on a similar topic,
can effect too-short selectivity in the remaining types.

Figure 5. Sensitivity of selectivity for different short-circuit contributions flowing through primary and
Figure protections.
5. Sensitivity of (a) higher sensitivity
selectivity for different for Ikni ,i , Ikncontributions
occurshort-circuit i ,j
; (b) higher sensitivity Ik0ni ,i , Ik0ni ,j .
occur forprimary
flowing through
and selective protections. (a) higher sensitivity occur for Ikni ,i , Ikni , j ; (b) higher sensitivity occur for
i ,i
Ikn′i , j . result, that is, the coefficients of inverse-time characteristics guaranteeing the selectivity
, similar
is met for all the required short-circuit types, can be obtained by only one coordination involving the
conditions for meeting all the required selectivity times. The total number of these conditions can be
obtained as:
con_num = type_num · 2 · path_num (8)

where type_num is number of types that are taken into account, and path_num is number of paths.
For example, if five short-circuit types and 25 paths are assumed, 5·× 2·× 25 = 250 conditions must
be taken into account. If the aforementioned process is used, the whole coordination consists of
several sub-coordinations with 1·× 2·× 25 = 50 conditions. The number of these sub-coordinations
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 7 of 17

Figure 5. Sensitivity of selectivity for different short-circuit contributions flowing through primary
is maximally
and selectiveequal to the number
protections. (a) higherof assumedoccur
sensitivity for Ikni ,i , Ik
short-circuit types, but in most systems, the number
ni , j ; (b) higher sensitivity occur for
is two or three. In larger systems, where the number of fault paths and short-circuit types is high,
Ikn′i ,i , Ikn′i , j .
the coordination can be greatly accelerated.

Figure 6. Finding
6. Finding process
process of of
thethe most
most sensitive
sensitive short-circuit
short-circuit types.

5. Protection Coordination of Distributed Generation Systems

As mentioned in the introduction, protection coordination in DGS is a complex problem.
Since manual coordination is rather complicated, and sometimes almost impossible, an automatic
algorithm had better be used. One of the most often used ways is optimization based on the
minimization of an appropriately designed objective function:
ψ∗ = arg min Φ(ψ)
ψ∈ D (9)
D = { ψ ∈ Rn : g ( ψ ) ≥ 0 }

where ψ is a vector of searched inverse-time characteristic coefficients, Φ(ψ) is an objective function,

D is a set of possible ψ values, and g(ψ) is a vector of constraints. The goal of optimization is finding the
vector ψ* for which the value of Φ(ψ) is minimum. For clarity, part of objective function and constraints
only for one primary protection O1 will be shown on the part of DGS depicted in Figure 7, first.
In our part of DGS protections O2 and O3 must be selective to protection O1 and, hence, fault
paths O1 –O2 and O1 –O3 must be constructed. Both paths have the same primary and secondary nodes
1 and 2, and minimum required selectivity times ∆t1,2 • and ∆t• . Objective functions can be defined as
the sum of all primary protection tripping times in the primary and secondary nodes:
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 8 of 17

MO1 ·KO1 MO1 ·KO1

Φ(ψ) = !E
+ !E
Ik1,1 kn T
( ) Ik2,1 kn T
( )
1,2 1,2
I pcO −1 I pcO −1
1 1
MO1 ·KO1 MO1 ·KO1 (10)
+ !E
+ !E
Ik1,1 kn T
( ) Ik2,1 kn T
( )
1,3 1,3
I pcO −1 I pcO −1
1 1

where example Ik2,1 is a vector of all types of short-circuit contributions flowing through protection 1 for
T is a topical short-circuit type for short-circuit in primary node 1.
short-circuit in node 2, and kn1,2
In addition to minimizing the objective function (10), minimum required selectivity times ∆t1,2 • and

∆t1,3 must also be met:
∆tn1,2 kn1,2
= t1,2 kn1,2 T
− t1,1 kn1,2 •
≥ ∆t1,2 T
∆tm1,2 km1,2
= t2,2 km1,2 T
− t2,1 km1,2 •
≥ ∆t1,2 T
∆tn1,3 kn1,3
= t1,3 kn1,3 T
− t1,1 kn1,3 •
≥ ∆t1,3 T
∆tm1,3 km1,3
= t2,3 km1,3 T
− t2,1 km1,3 •
≥ ∆t1,3 T

where example t1,2 is a vector of tripping times of protection O2 for short-circuit in node 1 and all types
of short-circuit. Required short-circuit types may not only contain the basic short-circuit types such
as three-phase-to-earth, single-phase-to-earth, two-phase-to-earth, or phase-to-phase, but different
system configurations can also be taken into account. For example, another short-circuit type can
be achieved by disconnection of the auxiliary line section related to protection OX or O1 . If there is
a short-circuit in the section between protection OX and O1 , one of these protections must trip first
and disconnect the relevant auxiliary line section. If there is a connection between the left side of
the network (through node 2) and its right side (through nodes related to O2 and O3 ), and the first
reaction of OX is assumed, disconnection of the line causes an increase in the contributions from the
right side (flowing through O1 , O2 , and O3 ). In order to properly disconnect the affected section,
the minimum required selectivity ∆t1,2 • and ∆t• times must also be guaranteed. Since there had been
some short-circuit contributions flowing through O1 , O2 , and O3 before the OX tripped, a certain part
of the selective times between O1 –O2 and O1 –O3 have already been met, and shorter selectivity times
for these short-circuit types can be used. For this reason, minimum required selectivity times may be
• and ∆t• are written as
different for each type of short circuit and, in (11), required selectivities ∆t1,2 1,3
vectors. Final tripping times and selectivities of protections on the right side can be calculated according
to (4). In the radial part of the system, the aforementioned increases of short-circuit contributions are
not possible and, hence, this type may not be considered.
A general form of objective function (10) can be written as:

MOi ·KOi MOi ·KOi

Φ(ψ) = ∑∑   ! EO
T i
+   ! EO
T i
j ∈J i ∈I Ikm
i ,i
kmi,j Ikn
i ,i
I pcO −1 I pcO −1
i i

Similarly, general constraints can be written as:

∆tni,j kni,j
T T −t
= tni ,j kni,j kn T ≥ ∆t • kn T
ni ,i i,j  i,j 
     i,j  (13)
∆tmi,j kmi,j = tmi ,j kmi,j − tmi ,i kmi,j ≥ ∆ti,j
T T T • km T

If all the pickup currents IpcOi and the slope constants EOi are appropriately chosen, only the
multipliers MOi are looked for, and minimization of (12) with constraints (13) can be fairly easy,
mediated by linear programming (e.g., Simplex Method).
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 8 of 17

constraints only for one primary protection O1 will be shown on the part of DGS depicted in Figure
7, first.Energies 2017, 10, 1452 9 of 17

Figure 7. Part of DGS.

Figure 7. Part of DGS.
6. Pickup Current Choice
In ourCorrect
part ofpickup
DGS currents
2 and O3 must be selective to protection O1 and, hence, fault
an important part of the coordination process. As described
paths O
in Section 3, in the radial systems without Both
1–O 2 and O 1–O 3 must be constructed. paths generation,
distributed have the same primary
pickup currentsand secondary
of the primary nodes
• •
1 and 2, and minimum
protections required
lower than selectivity
the secondary ones (5)times Δt1,2beand
had better Δt1,3to. allow
chosen Objective functions
considering can be defined
the short-circuit
currents producing maximum short-circuit contributions only. In DGS, the pickup current choice does
as the sum of all primary protection tripping times in the primary and secondary nodes:
not affect the number of considered short-circuit types and, hence, it can be optional. However, in both
M met:⋅ K
the cases, the basic constraint must be
O1 O1 M ⋅K O1 O1
Φ (ψ ) = +
( ) ( )
EO1< k · Min Ik E
 kn1,2   Ik mi ,i knT  O1

k bn · InOi T< I pcOi (14)
Ik1,1 bk
   2,1 1,2 
where InOi is a nominal current flowing through the−protection
1 − 1and kbn and kbk are
 I pcO   inI pcO 
a pre-fault state,

   
appropriately chosen safety coefficients. 1As obvious in Figure 8, if the1short-circuit occurs in Section 2,
protection OX fails, and the pickup current of protection Oi is chosen according to (14), selective (10)
disconnection of Section 2 by Oi may O ⋅occur.
KO1 Therefore, constraint M O1 (14)⋅ KOcan only be used if failure of
+ If failure1 of protections
protections is not considered. + is to be considered,

EO1tighter constraint must

( ) ( )
be used:  Ik kn1,3 T   Ik2,1 kn1,3T 
Energies 2017, 10, 1452  1,1 k bn · InOi < IpcOi <− 1bk
k · 
Min Ikli ,i  −1 (15)10 of 17
 I pcO   I pcO1

 1
  
where example Ik2,1 is a vector of all types of short-circuit contributions flowing through protection
1 for short-circuit in node 2, and kn1,2 is a topical short-circuit type for short-circuit in primary node

1. In addition to minimizing the objective function (10), minimum required selectivity times Δt1,2 and

Δt1,3 must also be met:

Δtn1,2 ( kn1,2 ) = 8. ( kn1,2T current

) − t1,1 (choice.
) ≥ Δt1,2• ( kn1,2T )
T Figure 8. Pickup current choice.
Figure t1,2Pickup kn1,2

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
If, for a short-circuit type Tand a node, trip T
of the selective

is not
possible with the
Δ tm
7. Protection Coordination Example
chosen pickup current, some
1,2 km = t
1,2 in
2,2 km
(13) can
1,2 −bet km
2,1 1,2 ≥ Δ t1,2 km 1,2
To show the importance
7. Protection Coordination ( ) ( ) ( )
Δtnof considering
1,3= t T
1,3 the − t kn
≥ Δ t ( )
1,3 1,1
1,3 in

1,3 system

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
topologies, protection coordination examples of an IEEE 6-bus [24]
To show the importance of considering all the required short-circuit
T T and a in
T radial power
different system
• T
without distributed
Δ tm
topologies, generation
km 1,3 = t
protection coordination
in Figures

of an9 IEEE
t km
and 6-bus

1,3 Δ t2,1
10, respectively,
km 1,3
[24] and a radial powerbeen 1,3
system without The 1,3

lines where
data used for calculations are entered in Tables 1 and 2. For simplicity, all generators in the IEEE
example t1,2 is a vector of tripping times of protection O2 for short-circuit in node 1 and all
power system have Required
of short-circuit. the sameshort-circuit
parameters types
of subtransient, negative,
may not only contain and zero short-circuit
the basic reactance 15,types
and 12%,
such and the loads in a radial power
as three-phase-to-earth, system do not produce
single-phase-to-earth, any short-circuit
two-phase-to-earth, contributions. For
or phase-to-phase, but
coordination, five required types of short-circuits have been used (three-phase-to-earth Ik 3, single-
different system configurations can also be taken into account. For example, another short-circuit
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 10 of 17

distributed generation depicted in Figures 9 and 10, respectively, have been examined. The lines
data used for calculations are entered in Tables 1 and 2. For simplicity, all generators in the IEEE
6-bus power system have the same parameters of subtransient, negative, and zero reactance 15, 20,
and 12%, and the loads in a radial power system do not produce any short-circuit contributions.
For coordination, five required types of short-circuits have been used (three-phase-to-earth Ik3 ,
single-phase-to-earth Ik1 , two-phase-to-earth Ik2n , phase-to-phase Ik2 , and three-phase-to-earth with
disconnected auxiliary section Ik32 ). For the first four basic types, minimum selectivity time 200 ms has
been required, and for Ik32 only a reduced value of 50 ms has been required. The corresponding fault
paths are entered in Tables 3 and 4. In both the systems, all pickup currents have been determined
according to (6) with the value of constant kpc = 1.5, which has been selected to meet the condition
(14) for kbn = 1.1 and kbk = 0.8. All the nominal and pickup currents with the appropriate constraints
are entered in Tables 5 and 6. In a real system, even if the connection of DGS does not change,
the short-circuit contributions can be variable due to variable system conditions. From this point of
view, the maximum and minimum short-circuit contributions of each short-circuit type according
to [37] must be calculated and taken into account. Because the presentation of such a number of
short-circuits can be slightly confusing, the maximum short-circuit contributions have been presented
only (but in the algorithm all the maximum and minimum short-circuit contributions have been
considered). All the maximum short-circuit contributions considered in ni and mi nodes for all fault
paths are entered in Tables 7 and 8.

Table 1. IEEE 6-bus power system line parameters.

Section between Nodes Positive and Negative Impedance (Ω) Zero Impedance (Ω) Susceptance (µS)
1–2 0.1875 + 0.6105i 0.5625 + 1.8315i 4.2254
4–5 0.0625 + 0.2035i 0.1875 + 0.6105i 1.4085
7–8 0.1250 + 0.4070i 0.3750 + 1.2210i 2.8169
10–11 0.1875 + 0.6105i 0.5625 + 1.8315i 4.2254
12–13 0.3750 + 1.2210i 1.1250 + 3.6630i 8.4507
14–15 0.2500 + 0.8140i 0.7500 + 2.4420i 5.6338
17–18 0.1250 + 0.4070i 0.3750 + 1.2210i 2.8169

Table 2. Radial power system line parameters.

Section between Nodes Positive and Negative Impedance (Ω) Zero Impedance (Ω) Susceptance (µS)
2–3 0.1250 + 0.4070i 0.3750 + 1.2210i 2.8169
4–5 0.0938 + 0.3053i 0.2813 + 0.9158i 2.1127
6–7 0.0625 + 0.2035i 0.1875 + 0.6105i 1.4085
8–9 0.0250 + 0.0814i 0.0750 + 0.2442i 0.5634
10–11 0.3750 + 1.2210i 1.1250 + 3.6630i 8.4507
12–13 0.2500 + 0.8140i 0.7500 + 2.4420i 5.6338
14–15 0.1250 + 0.4070i 0.3750 + 1.2210i 2.8169

Table 3. IEEE 6-bus power system fault paths.

Number of Primary Secondary Primary Secondary

Fault Path Nodes ni Nodes mi Protections i Protections j
0 1 2 1 9
1 1 2 1 7
2 2 1 2 4
3 2 1 2 14
4 4 5 3 1
5 4 5 3 14
6 5 4 4 10
7 5 4 4 6
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 11 of 17

Table 3. Cont.

Number of Primary Secondary Primary Secondary

Fault Path Nodes ni Nodes mi Protections i Protections j
8 10 11 5 3
9 10 11 5 10
10 11 10 6 8
11 11 10 6 12
12 13 12 7 5
13 13 12 7 12
14 12 13 8 2
15 12 13 8 9
16 8 7 9 3
17 8 7 9 6
18 7 8 10 2
19 7 8 10 7
20 17 18 11 5
21 17 18 11 8
22 18 17 12
23 14 15 13 1
24 14 15 13 4
25 15 14 14

Table 4. Radial power system fault paths.

Number of Primary Secondary Primary Secondary

Fault Path Nodes ni Nodes mi Protections i Protections j
0 2 3 1
1 4 5 2 1
2 6 7 3 2
3 8 9 4 3
4 10 11 5 2
5 12 13 6 5
6 14 15 7 5

Table 5. IEEE 6-bus power system pickup currents and constraints (all values in A).

Pickup Current Upper Constraint

Protection Oi Lower Constraint 1.1·InOi 
IpcOi 0.8·Min Ikmi ,i
1 147.02 220.53 343.46
2 146.99 220.48 228.00
3 40.45 60.67 344.60
4 40.45 60.68 1111.00
5 64.08 96.11 1486.47
6 64.05 96.07 667.84
7 99.24 148.86 291.98
8 99.30 148.94 499.57
9 198.43 297.65 313.64
10 198.45 297.68 568.88
11 139.87 209.81 1745.48
12 139.85 209.78 731.92
13 70.13 105. 19 1531.34
14 70.09 105.13 365.40
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 12 of 17

Table 6. Radial power system pickup currents and constraints (all values in A).

Lower Constraint Pickup Current Upper Constraint

Protection Oi 
1.1·InOi IpcOi 0.8·Min Ikmi ,i
1 487.65 664.98 4105.42
2 487.66 664.99 3753.83
3 161.19 219.80 3455.04
4 161.20 219.82 3127.07
5 326.49 445.22 3456.79
6 121.07 165.10 3114.87
7 201.98 275.42 3114.86

Table 7. IEEE 6-bus power system maximum short-circuit contributions (all values in kA).

ni mi
Num. of Ik3 Ik1 Ik2n Ik2 Ik32 Ik3 Ik1 Ik2n Ik2 Ik32
Fault Path
Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj
0 15.1 1.6 15.0 1.6 15.1 1.6 15.1 1.6 16.3 2.6 5.1 4.1 4.5 3.6 4.9 3.9 4.3 3.5 9.4 1.6
1 15.1 0.8 15.0 0.8 15.1 0.8 15.1 0.8 16.3 1.0 5.1 0.5 4.5 0.4 4.9 0.5 4.3 0.4 9.4 0.6
2 8.3 6.6 7.7 5.9 8.0 6.3 8.0 6.3 11.5 9.8 1.3 0.3 1.3 0.3 1.3 0.3 1.1 0.3 7.6 6.4
3 8.3 0.6 7.7 0.6 8.0 0.6 8.0 0.6 11.5 0.6 1.3 0.6 1.3 0.6 1.3 0.6 1.1 0.5 7.6 0.4
4 6.7 5.0 6.2 4.4 6.5 4.8 6.5 4.8 10.5 8.8 4.4 2.8 4.1 2.5 4.3 2.7 3.7 2.4 9.0 7.6
5 6.7 0.6 6.2 0.6 6.5 0.6 6.5 0.6 10.5 0.6 4.4 0.6 4.1 0.6 4.3 0.6 3.7 0.5 9.0 0.5
6 9.5 6.3 8.7 5.7 9.2 6.1 9.2 6.1 12.5 8.8 6.7 4.2 6.0 3.6 6.4 4.0 5.6 3.6 10.5 7.4
7 9.5 2.3 8.7 2.1 9.2 2.2 9.2 2.2 12.5 2.8 6.7 1.7 6.0 1.6 6.4 1.7 5.6 1.5 10.5 2.4
8 11.5 4.3 10.6 4.0 11.2 4.2 11.2 4.2 13.1 4.9 5.9 2.4 4.9 2.0 5.6 2.2 5.0 2.0 8.2 3.1
9 11.5 6.4 10.6 5.7 11.2 6.1 11.2 6.1 13.1 7.4 5.9 2.9 4.9 2.3 5.6 2.7 5.0 2.5 8.2 4.6
10 5.4 3.9 4.8 3.2 5.1 3.7 5.1 3.7 7.8 6.3 2.3 1.0 2.1 0.9 2.3 1.0 2.0 0.9 5.8 4.6
11 5.4 1.2 4.8 1.3 5.1 1.3 5.1 1.3 7.8 1.2 2.3 1.1 2.1 1.1 2.3 1.1 2.0 0.9 5.8 0.9
12 7.3 5.9 6.4 4.9 7.0 5.5 7.0 5.5 9.3 7.9 0.9 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.4 5.1 4.2
13 7.3 1.2 6.4 1.3 7.0 1.3 7.0 1.3 9.3 1.2 0.9 1.1 0.8 1.1 0.9 1.1 0.7 0.9 5.1 0.7
14 15.6 1.2 15.5 1.2 15.6 1.2 15.6 1.2 16.3 1.5 4.0 1.1 3.3 0.9 3.7 1.1 3.4 1.0 6.6 0.7
15 15.6 1.6 15.5 1.6 15.6 1.7 15.6 1.7 16.3 2.2 4.0 2.9 3.3 2.3 3.7 2.7 3.4 2.5 6.6 1.0
16 7.5 4.3 7.0 4.0 7.3 4.2 7.3 4.2 11.5 7.1 1.7 0.4 1.7 0.4 1.7 0.4 1.4 0.4 8.5 5.3
17 7.5 2.3 7.0 2.1 7.3 2.2 7.3 2.2 11.5 3.5 1.7 0.5 1.7 0.5 1.7 0.5 1.4 0.4 8.5 2.6
18 14.7 1.2 14.6 1.2 14.7 1.2 14.7 1.2 16.2 2.3 6.5 2.8 5.8 2.4 6.2 2.6 5.5 2.3 10.9 1.6
19 14.7 0.8 14.6 0.8 14.7 0.8 14.7 0.8 16.2 1.3 6.5 1.0 5.8 0.8 6.2 0.9 5.5 0.8 10.9 0.9
20 10.1 5.9 8.4 4.9 9.4 5.5 9.4 5.5 10.1 5.9 7.7 4.5 6.0 3.5 7.1 4.2 6.5 3.8 7.7 4.5
21 10.1 4.0 8.4 3.2 9.4 3.7 9.4 3.7 10.1 4.0 7.7 3.0 6.0 2.3 7.1 2.8 6.5 2.6 7.7 3.0
22 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.2
23 12.7 5.0 11.5 4.4 12.2 4.8 12.2 4.8 12.7 5.0 7.2 2.8 5.4 2.0 6.6 2.5 6.1 2.4 7.2 2.8
24 12.7 6.6 11.5 5.9 12.2 6.4 12.2 6.4 12.7 6.6 7.2 3.7 5.4 2.8 6.6 3.4 6.1 3.2 7.2 3.7
25 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6

Table 8. Radial power system maximum short-circuit contributions (all values in kA).

ni mi
Num. of Ik3 Ik1 Ik2n Ik2 Ik3 Ik1 Ik2n Ik2
Fault Path
Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj Oi Oj
0 6.5 0.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.0 5.6 5.8 5.1
1 5.9 5.9 5.6 5.6 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.5 5.5 4.9 4.9 5.3 5.3 4.7 4.7
2 5.4 5.4 4.9 4.9 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.0 5.0 4.4 4.3 4.8 4.8 4.4 4.3
3 5.0 5.0 4.3 4.3 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.7 3.9 3.9 4.4 4.4 4.0 4.0
4 5.4 5.4 4.9 4.9 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.0 5.0 4.3 4.3 4.8 4.8 4.3 4.3
5 5.0 5.0 4.3 4.3 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.7 3.9 3.9 4.4 4.4 4.0 4.0
6 5.0 5.0 4.3 4.3 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.7 3.9 3.9 4.4 4.4 4.0 4.0

In the objective function design in Section 5 and in many publications, too [15–30], the selectivities
met only in the primary and secondary nodes have been assumed. To verify the selectivity is met,
not only in these nodes but in the entire protected section (between the primary and secondary nodes),
different short-circuits placements have been explored in the protected section. Short-circuits have
been shifted from the primary ni to secondary mi nodes, as depicted in Figure 11.
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 13 of 17

Energies 2017, 10, 1452 13 of 17

Energies 2017, 10, 1452 13 of 17
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 13 of 17

Figure 9. Coordinated IEEE 6-bus power system.

9. Coordinated IEEE 6-bus power system.
Figure Coordinated
Figure 9. Coordinated IEEE 6-bus
IEEE 6-bus power
power system.

Figure 10. Coordinated IEEE 6-bus power system.

Short-circuit shifting (change to original lengths la and lb) is facilitated by changing the relative
distance l from 0 to 1 with a step 0.01. For l = 0, the short-circuit is placed in the original secondary
node mi, and for l = 1, the short circuit is placed in primary node ni. For each l value and each short-
circuit type, selectivity times between the primary and selective protections of all fault paths have
been calculated and their lowest 10. Coordinated
value Min{∆tm IEEE been
i,j} has
6-bus selected.
power system.
Figure Coordinated
Figure Coordinated IEEE6-bus
IEEE 6-bus power
power system.

Short-circuit shifting (change to original lengths la and lb) is facilitated by changing the relative
Short-circuit shifting (change to original lengths la and lb) is facilitated by changing the relative
distance l from 0 to 1 with a step 0.01. For l = 0, the short-circuit is placed in the original secondary
distance l from 0 to 1 with a step 0.01. For l = 0, the short-circuit is placed in the original secondary
node mi, and for l = 1, the short circuit is placed in primary node ni. For each l value and each short-
node mi, and for l = 1, the short circuit is placed in primary node ni. For each l value and each short-
circuit type, selectivity times between the primary and selective protections of all fault paths have
circuit type, selectivity times between the primary and selective protections of all fault paths have
been calculated and their lowest value Min{∆tmi,j} has been selected.
been calculated and their lowest value Min{∆tmi,j} has been selected.

Figure 11. Short-circuit

Figure11. shifting
Short-circuit shifting along
along the protected
the protected section.section.

coordination (change to original
has been performed lengths
using thela algorithms
and lb ) is facilitated
described inby changing
Chapters 4 andthe
5 relative
for two cases. In the first case, coordinations considering only the highest short-circuit
distance l from 0 to 1 with a step 0.01. For l = 0, the short-circuit is placed in the original secondary node types (three-
phase-to-earth in all paths) have been performed. In the other case, all five short-circuit types have
mi , and for l = 1, the short circuit is placed in primary node ni . For each l value and each short-circuit
been considered by the algorithm
Figure 11.the
described in
4. the
of the minimum of selectivity
section. of all fault paths have been
type, times
selectivity times between
Min{∆tmi,j} on relative Figure
11. Short-circuit and
l for bothshifting
cases isalong
the protected
depicted in Figuressection.
12–15. As it can be seen,
calculated and their
in theProtection
radial systemlowest value
distributed } has
been performedi,j been selected.
usingselectivity timedescribed
the algorithms for all short circuit 4types
in Chapters and 5is
Protection coordination has been performed using the algorithms described in Chapters 4 and 5
for twothe coordination
cases. In thefor firstthe has
case, been
of l performed
= 1, and
coordinations for using
considering thethe
of l it is
highest described
short-circuit in(three-
types Chapters
means 4 and
for two cases. In the first case, coordinations considering only the highest short-circuit types (three-
5 for two cases. Inin the
phase-to-earth first have
all paths) case,beencoordinations
performed. In considering
the other case, only
all fivethe highest types
phase-to-earth in all paths) have been performed. In the other case, all five short-circuit types have
have types
been considered byin
(three-phase-to-earth theall
paths) described
have beenin Chapter 4. Dependence
performed. In theof the minimum
other case, of selectivity
all five short-circuit
been considered by the algorithm described in Chapter 4. Dependence of the minimum of selectivity
times Min{∆tmi,j} on relative distance l for both cases is depicted in Figures 12–15. As it can be seen,
types have been
times considered
Min{∆tm by the
i,j} on relative algorithm
distance l for both described in Chapter
cases is depicted 4. Dependence
in Figures 12–15. As it canofbethe minimum
in the radial system without distributed generation, selectivity time for all short circuit types is
of selectivity the radial
times system
Min{∆tm without distributed
} on of relative generation,
distance selectivity
l for both time for all short circuit types is 12–15.
always the shortest for thei,jvalue l = 1, and for lower values of lcases is depicted
it is increasing. Thatinmeans
always the shortest for the value of l = 1, and for lower values of l it is increasing. That means
As it can be seen, in the radial system without distributed generation, selectivity time for all short
circuit types is always the shortest for the value of l = 1, and for lower values of l it is increasing.
That means considering only the primary nodes and the types of short-circuits with the highest
short-circuit contributions is enough to guarantee the selectivity for all required types. A different case
is obvious in the IEEE 6-bus power system, where considering only the highest short-circuits can lead
to too-short selectivity times (shorter than the minimum required value of 200 ms) in the remaining
types considered.
short selectivity
selectivity times
times (shorter
(shorter than
than the
the minimum
minimum required
required value
value of
of 200
200 ms)
ms) in
in the
the remaining
remaining typestypes
Next, it
it can
can bebe seen,
seen, forfor both
both systems,
systems, that
that selectivity
selectivity times
times are
are always
always the
the shortest
shortest for
for ll == 00 (in
mmi node) and l = 1 (in ni node). Thus, coordination only in the primary and secondary nodes is
i node) and l = 1 (in n i node). Thus, coordination only in the primary and secondary nodes is enough
to guarantee
guarantee selectivity
selectivity through
through the
the entire
entire protected
protected section,
section, and
and the
the algorithm
algorithm described
described inin Section
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 14 of 17
55 can be used for system protection coordination.
can be used for system protection coordination.

Figure 12. Dependence

Figure 12. ofof
12. Dependence
Dependence the
of theminimum
the minimum selectivitytimes
minimum selectivity
selectivity times
times Min{∆tm
Min{∆tm i,j }relative
i,j} on
i,j} on
on relative
relative distance
distance ll for l for
for IEEE
where only
only three-phase-to-earth
three-phase-to-earth short-circuits
short-circuits are are respected.
bus power system where only three-phase-to-earth short-circuits are respected.

Figure 13. Dependence

Figure of the minimum selectivity
selectivity times Min{∆tmi,j }relative
on relative distance l for IEEE
Figure 13.13. Dependence
Dependence of
of the
the minimum
minimum selectivity times
times Min{∆tm
Min{∆tmi,ji,j}} on
on relative distance
distance ll for
for IEEE
6-bus power
bus 2017, 10,system
power systemwhere
1452 where all
all required short-circuit
required short-circuit types
types areare considered.
considered. 15 of 17
bus power system where all required short-circuit types are considered.

Figure 14. Dependence of the minimum selectivity times Min{∆tm } on relative distance l for radial
Figure 14. Dependence of the minimum selectivity times Min{∆tmi,j}i,jon relative distance l for radial
power system where
power system only
where three-phase-to-earth
only three-phase-to-earthshort-circuits areconsidered.
short-circuits are considered.

Next, it can be seen, for both systems, that selectivity times are always the shortest for l = 0 (in mi node)
and l = 1 (in ni node). Thus, coordination only in the primary and secondary nodes is enough to
Energies 2017, 10, 1452 15 of 17

guarantee 14. Dependence of the
through theminimum selectivity
entire protected times and
section, Min{∆tm i,j} on relative
the algorithm distance in
described l for radial5 can
be used forsystem
systemwhere only three-phase-to-earth
protection coordination. short-circuits are considered.

Figure 15. Dependence of the minimum selectivity times Min{∆tmi,j } on relative distance l for radial
Figure 15. Dependence of the minimum selectivity times Min{∆tmi,j} on relative distance l for radial
power system where all required short-circuit types are considered.
power system where all required short-circuit types are considered.

8. Conclusions
In this
this paper,
paper,a anew
approach to to
coordination of the
of directional
the directionalovercurrent protections
overcurrent with
inverse-time characteristics
with inverse-time in radial
characteristics and distributed
in radial generation
and distributed systemssystems
generation has been presented.
has Unlike
been presented.
Unlikepublished articles on
other published a similar
articles on topic, not just
a similar some,
topic, not but
justall the required
some, but all the types of short-circuits
required types of
have been taken
short-circuits haveinto
beenaccount. Since
taken into the coordination
account. of taking into
Since the coordination ofaccount
taking into a greater
account number of
a greater
number of short-circuit types can betypes
required short-circuit a complex
can beproblem,
a complexa new algorithm
problem, a new based on the search
algorithm based for
on the
searchsensitive short-circuit
for the most sensitivetype has been type
short-circuit designed. To speed
has been up the
designed. To entire
speed process, an automatic
up the entire process,
coordination algorithm based
an automatic coordination on thebased
algorithm appropriately designed optimization
on the appropriately has been has
designed optimization used. Byused.
been the
combination of both the aforementioned algorithms, an example of protection
By the combination of both the aforementioned algorithms, an example of protection coordination in coordination in a
a distributed generation
radial system
system without
without distributed
generation, has been examined.
examined. To To point out
out the
the necessity
necessity ofof considering
considering all all the
the required
required short-circuit
types, the coordinations
types, the coordinations have been performed for two cases. In the first
In the first case, the coordinations
considering only three-phase-to-earth short-circuits and, in the second, second, thethe coordinations
coordinations considering
all the required short-circuit types have been performed. To To verify
verify the
the correctness
correctness of proposed
algorithms, selectivity values have been checked along the entire entire protected section for all all the
the required
short-circuit types.
types. Considering
Consideringall allof
of the
the required
required short-circuit
short-circuit types
types hashas been
been found
found to to be
be very
important in DGS, and if only some of the short-circuit types are considered, selectivity need not be
met in the remaining types. Considering only one short-circuit type has been proved usable only in
radial systems without distributed generation.

Author Contributions: The main idea of this paper was proposed by Jakub Ehrenberger. Jan Švec supervised the
research and was responsible for final editing and proofreading.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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