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QM Training 1 Master Data Manual PDF

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Last update: 16.08.2006

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 1



MATERIAL MASTER______________________________________________________3
CREATE QM VIEW – MM01_______________________________________________3
CHANGE KRAFT PLANT DATA - MM02___________________________________6
Batch Management_________________________________________________8
CREATE WORKCENTRE – CRQ1___________________________________________9
INSPECTION METHOD___________________________________________________12
CREATE INSPECTION METHOD – QS31____________________________________12
CODE GROUPS________________________________________________________13
CREATE CODE GROUP – QS41__________________________________________13
SELECTED SETS________________________________________________________15
CREATE SELECTED SETS –QS51_________________________________________15
MASTER INSPECTION CHARACTERISTICS___________________________________21
SAMPLE DRAWING PROCEDURE___________________________________________28
CREATE SAMPLE DRAWING PROCEDURE – QPV2____________________________28
SAMPLING PROCEDURE_________________________________________________31
CREATE SAMPLING PROCEDURE – QDV1__________________________________31
SAMPLING SCHEME_____________________________________________________34
CREATE SAMPLING SCHEME – QDP1______________________________________34
DYNAMIC MODIFICATION RULE___________________________________________36
CREATE DYNAMIC MODIFICATION RULE – QDR1____________________________36
INSPECTION PLAN_____________________________________________________41
CREATE INSPECTION PLAN – QP01______________________________________41
ANEX: CLASSIFICATION FOR QM__________________________________________50
CREATE A GENERAL CHARACTERISTIC – CT04_____________________________50
ANEX: Creation sequence for QM master data._____________________________54

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Create Material Master (MM01) – this is needed to create a new view for all materials
that will be QA tested, normally this material exists and you are just extending the QM
view, but if the material that you test is not already recognised in SAP then you may
need to create a material from scratch.
A QM grouping field, also need’s to be entered in the Kraft Plant Data view, this view
already should exist so you should be just changing this view using MM02. If this view
does not exist then you should use MM01

QM VIEW Go to MM01

Enter in the material number, the

industry sector is always “c” and the
material type. This will change
Z001-FG Z004-PACK
Z002-SFG Z008-PH

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 3


Select the QM view

and then

You will see this message at the bottom of the screen when you have entered into the
QM view

You now need to select the “Inspection Setup” box

Select on the Inspection Types box at the bottom

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The Correct “Insp Type” must be entered here and then you must select the 2 boxes,
preferred and active.
If checked, the
inspection lot will be
created automatically
when GR

The Inspection Type changes depending on the Material Type

Z010 NSRIL: Raw and Pack Material Inspection

Z011 SRIL: Raw and Pack Material Inspection
Z020 Phantom Material Inspection
Z030 SFG Inspection
Z040 FG Inspection
Z050 Environnemental Inspection
Z060 R&D Inspection
Z070 Rework Inspection
Z080 GR Bulk Material - with stock correction
Z090 GR Bulk Material - excl stock correction

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The preferred tick plays an important role; it is one of the criteria that need to be met
to have an automatic creation of an Inspection Lot (IL).
If you want your IL to be manual, like some SFG material types then these materials will
have to have the preferred box unticked.

As you press you will then see that the “Inspection SetUp” box is ticked, this is
because you have selected the “active” box, on the previous screen.

If a material need’s to go on “QI” hold when GR then this “post to insp stock” must be

This field is also in the purchasing view (but if selected in the QM view the system will
automatically select the field in the purchasing view and vice versa)

You then need to press the


Now you need to add the QM grouping field in the Kraft Plant Data
Go to MM02
Type in the Material number

QM grouping will be use for several functionalities:

 In the creation of an Inspc. Lot the searching could be done by QM Grouping.

 In the Report “Display Single Results” for Characteristics can be used as selection
 DMR works at group level

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Select the Kraft Plant Data view, press

Here you must enter the QM Grouping field at the bottom. This is decided by the plant
and can be copied from the system that they currently use to group their QM materials

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Batch Management

Materials will also need to be batch managed. This is not as simple as selecting the
batch management box in the purchasing view. Another process must take place.

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Workcentre (CRQ1) – These are used to identify the different labs that exist within a
plant, so all of the different locations that samples are taken to, to be tested. It could
be one physical location that does all the chemical and sensory testing but this could
still be identified as 2 workcentres, if 2 samples were required

a) Workcentre name- these are plant specific and will start off with the prefix of
the plant BE01
… And then followed by
0010- Reception

b) Workcentre category – 0016 – always

c) Usage -009 –always

d) Std Value Key – ZQM1 – always

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E) Control Key –QM04 – always

F) Std Text Key – this is created manually separately to this transaction and then entered
in here; this is done in a piece of master data CA10 in the long text field.
There have been a number of std text keys set up which are not plant specific

g) Analysis time – min

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 10

This entry of the cost centre is now not required. If we entered a cost centre in the
workcentre, wherever this workcentre was used in an insp plan, it would capture all
analytical time for all inspections done in the lab. This level of detail is not required as
there is only a need to measure costs of the time spent on R&D. So the QM order (see
later) will capture this, therefore there is no need to enter a cost centre in here.

There are 2 reports that can be printed within the QM module. Where these 2 reports
are printed is determined by the configuration settings. If inside the configuration for
these reports you determine the printer to look at the workcentre, then this field inside
the workcentre will be the field that it will look for as to where to send the print

There are 2 reports that can be printed “Inspection Instruction” and “Sample Drawing
The inspection Instruction Report works in conjunction with the “Info field 1 “ in the
Inspection Plan , if this is maintained then a print out will occur for each characteristic.
The purpose is to allow the Lab workers to leave the SAP terminal, use the equipment in
the lab to find out the results write them down on this print out and then come back to
the SAP terminal and enter them in.
The Sample Drawing Instruction is information required on GR of a Raw material, to let
the person know how many physical samples to take and which lab they need to go to.
Whether these reports are automatic prints or “on request” depends on the config
behind the Insp Type.

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 11



Inspection Method (QS31) – this is used to tell the Lab person the method for carrying
out the test.

Enter in plant, the insp. method number and the valid from date

a) status – 2 “released” – always

b) short text – text to describe the method
c) search field – this field will have a naming convention A=Analytical , M=Micro ,

d) If you are creating different languages then you will need to translate to the other
language by pressing the “other languages “box below

If there is no translation necessary then you can copy. If this is not done then this field
will appear blank when you log on in FR for example

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 12


Code Groups (QS41)
Relation between the Code groups
and the Selected Sets These are created for the whole of Kraft and
are therefore not plant specific.
Code Groups Selected Sets They will be named generically and the
Not Plant Specific Plant Specific setup is done by the SAP QM STAR
Plant Oslo department.
COLOUR As example you can look to the figure at the
COLOUR left.
These are used for the QUALITATIVE
characteristics and are used to list all the
possible entries that could be used to
Create code group QS41
describe the result.
Plant Disena
Catalog –
COLOUR If there is a need to a other code group ore
Put in always 1
selected set then the ones already in SAP,
Code Group –
you have to raise a SD4 ticket to the SAP
describe here the code group
STAR QM team.

Enter in the short text and then enter the status “Released “

Highlight the line and select “codes “

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 13

Select “New Entries “

Enter all possible entries starting from 1 and then the text that describes the result.

Then press

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Selected Sets (QS51) – These are used to make the code groups, plant specific. If the
code group contains all possible entries then the selected sets means for your plant,
that you select the codes that are relevant to you. Nevertheless this is also a setup
done by the SAP QM STAR team. If you need to change the selected sets you can raise a
SD4 ticket to request the adjustments. This is because these transactions are sensitive
and also we want to have a common designs.

Catalog – always 1
Plant – enter your relevant plant
Selected Set – enter the name for your selected set

You now enter in the text and set the status to “released”

Highlight the line and press “selected set codes”

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Select “new entries “

Select on the “code groups” drop down key

Select the Code Group that refers to the Selected Set that you are creating, in this
example they have the same name

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Select the possible results that you want from the complete list of the code group for
your plant specific selected set, by ticking the boxes.

Then press

Need to also enter the code valuation. The code valuation has 2 possible entries,
“accepted” or “rejected”, so that when this particular result in selected, the system
will know whether it passes or not. This is used to determine whether the usage decision
passes automatically or not, this determines the green tick or red x in the Results
Recording transaction QE51N and ZQM_RES.

The Defect class is only required when the rejected valuation is selected this is not used
in the Kraft template and therefore anything can be entered in this field.

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 17



There is another way to do exactly the same as above. If the list of entries in the code
group is very long and you are selecting all of them then this way may be quicker.

Select –Code Groups

Then press enter to see all possible code groups

Select on the line of the code group that you want to copy and press “select/deselect”
and then “copy”

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As you do this it will take you back to the below screen, with no entries copied

If you press the F4 (dropdown) key, it will now copy across the whole code group

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This can also be used for individual characteristics instead of using the tick option.

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Master Inspection Characteristics (QS21)

Enter the Plant

Master Inspection Characteristic Number
Valid from date

We can now either create a QUANTITATIVE or QUALITATIVE characteristics.

We can use “Preset Indicators “here to save on time and also to prevent typing errors.
Preset Indicators exist for both Qual and Quant characteristics. Each preset indicator
selects different tick boxes which define the characteristic. You can see the list below
which lists both Quant and Qual, preset indicators, each quantative one will have a
different combination some with an Upper and Lower Limit (UL, LL) some with just UL,
etcetera are also some Kraft preset indicators which have been created for using the
functionality of Long Term Characteristics , these are Z001 and Z002
To be able to use these preset characteristics you must be able to group your

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 21



a) Preset Indictor – Enter correct Preset Indicator for the characteristic

b) Status – 2 - always
c) Copy model – complete - always
d) Short text-
e) Search field – this is a 2 character entry that is the reverse of the first 2 digits of the
Master Insp Char number

As you press enter it then takes you through all the screens with the relevant ticks that
are associated with that preset indicator.
Sampling Procedure is always used
In the Results Confirmation, we use 2 options. Summ Recording, this is where the
summarising has been done by the user prior to entering in this field. Therefore this will
only allow 1 entry; this will be used for micro results
The other option is Single Result, this is where the result can be entered more than
once, and this will be used for Chemical
Another 2 radio buttons are used, Required Char and Optional Char. If a characteristic is
required then the usage decision will not pass auto until it is entered, with an optional
char a usage decision will pass auto if all other required characteristics have passed. If a
DMR is used at the char level then the char should be required

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The “Scope” radio buttons means that if you select fixed then you have to enter a fixed
amount of results, no more , no less .If not fixed then any amount of results can be
entered .The smaller and larger scope are self explanatory. They are all used in
conjunction with the Sampling Procedure.

The Long Term Characteristic (LTC) allows the usage decision to be passed ignoring the
missing results of the LTC. You can then at a later time add the results of the LTC to
the same inspection lot, after the usage decision has already been passed.

The RR change docs allow you to see the history of changes inside QE51N, so if you
change results then you can see this in the history.

The Print option is just for the Inspection Instruction Report. If “print” selected then
this char will appear on this report, if “no Print “it will not appear, “if do not print at
skip”, it will only appear when not in skip.

The documentation section refers to an extra pop box that will appear /not appear
when the result has been entered to allow you to enter text. If “Doc if rejected “is
selected, this pop up box will only appear when the result has failed.

The “calculated char” when selected means that this char will not require a result to be
entered as the result is calculated from another char result. The actual detail of the
formula is held within the Inspection Plan document.

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 23


Then as this is a QUAN char, it then will ask for decimal places , msmt unit (% , g per
100g ) upper /lower figures for your test, this combination of what it requires again
depends on the preset indicator that you have chosen

Once you press the , it will take you back to the header of the Characteristic, now
that you have entered Quant data, i.e. UL and LL, it will now put a tick in the “Quant
Data” box

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 24

For Micro if you require a label then another 4 fields need to be entered, to access these
fields then select “Classification”

Enter in “MIBI”

f) Classification entries

If a label is required (X in the first field) then the other 3 entries above will be printed
on the label along with the workcentre.
The Incubation time in days, will mean that the user will not be allowed to enter results
until after this incubation time has finished, this is for the ZQM_RES transaction.

g) Inspection methods – there could be many different methods in 1 characteristic. The

chosen method for the char can be either entered here or in the char directly in the insp
plan. Problem with the upload would mean that we will not enter methods here.

h) weighting of characteristic – this determines the importance of the char, it pulls

through into the Usage decision .The only options used are Z1 and Z2

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 25



a) Preset Indictor -. To save on having to enter each of the different characters, preset
indicators can be used to group similar characteristics. Make sure you select a preset
indicator that is Qual
b) Status – 2
c) copy model – complete
d) short text-
e) Search field – same as before

This time it takes you through the characters behind the preset for the Qual preset and
instead of entering in upper and lower field it asks you for the Selected Set.

As you come out of this, the catalogs box will now have a tick

f) Classification – not required for QUAL

g) Inspection method – is not required to be entered here, it can be entered inside
the IP

h) Weighting of characteristic- as above

If you do not use Preset Indicators when creating the Qual char, you will have to
manually select “Charac. Attribute “otherwise when entering the code group/selected
set it will fail. You can select again by going to “control indicators “

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Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 27




Sample Drawing Procedure (QPV2) – This is used to tell you how many physical samples
to take. This will often tie in with the number of workcentres you have, as generally
each lab (workcentre) will require their own physical sample. This doc explains the
process of having 1 physical sample per workcentre and we need to use the “partial
sample “

As you enter into the transaction it takes you straight to the below screen, where all the
previously created Sample Drawing Procedures are, select “New Entries “

a) Drawing – will have a STD naming convention, using the plant code
b) Text -

Press and then select the line

Then double click “Sample Drawing Item “

Select “New Entries”

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 28


c) Lot container – not required

d) To part Sample – this is matched off against the Part Sample column in the Inspection
Plan against the characteristics. This can be created for 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 to create
enough for the maximum amounts of plant
e) Sample container – not required
f) Size Factor – this is needed to determine how many physical samples should be taken
g) Fixed number - 1

If you need to apply a rule where the number of physical samples changes depending on
the GR quantity. Then a Sampling Scheme must have been previously created.

You then attach the sampling scheme to the partial sample number that is attached to
the workcentre that requires the rule.

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Sampling Procedure (QDV1) – This determines how much of the sample is taken from
the insp lot and how many times you test the same characteristic on the same sample.
This is added to the IP at the char level

There will be at least 2, one for Quan and one for Qual.
As the size of the sample does not change, and the number of tests of the same
characteristics on the same physical sample is always one, they it will be called FIX1_QN
and FIX1_QL

If you want to test the same char on the same sample, this will give you more lines for
results entry in Results Recording, if you want 5 lines, then FIX5_QL/QN. If you want to
see these 5 lines then you must also be sure that the MIC is a “single “not “summarised”

a) Sampling type - we will always use 100 Fixed Sample; this says that the sample size is
independent of the qty Del. So if a 1000kg’s is delivered, the sample size is the same as
if 100kg’s were delivered.

b) Valuation mode - we only use 2 options here, 400 for Qual and 700 for Quan

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The 700 for the Quantative is useful for obtaining the mean result when entering more
than one. The line at the top (16) indicates the mean value of the 5 entered results

Whether you can enter more than 5 or less is determined by the scope within the MIC
whether it is fixed or not.

If “fixed “you will have to fill in 5 results (you can force it closed with less than 5). If
“scope not fixed” it will allow you to enter as many results as you want by clicking on
the below icon, more entry lines will appear.

c) Inspection points - this should always be “Sample Management”.

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 32


Select Arrow, to move forward 1 page

Then press Sample

d) Sample Size – this description is quite confusing as it indicates that it means the size
of the sample, where as really it indicated the number of times a characteristic should
be tested on the same physical sample. So for example a certain material may need to
have its ph measure 5 times, so 5 would be entered here. This will have an affect of the
true size of the sample that is removed in units of measure.

It is used in conjunction with the insp plan that will hold the quantity i.e., 10kg, you
then will x5 to give you the amount to be removed in total 50kg.

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 33



This is required when the number of physical samples that need to be taken changes
depending on the Goods Receipt Quantity.
The mathematical rule needs to be defined and captured within the Sampling Scheme.
This sampling scheme is then applied inside the Sample Drawing Procedure against the
Partial sample number where the workcentre is linked that needs this rule.

Enter QDP1

Enter in the number

Enter in the text

Select the below radio buttons

Then press . Select the below

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Enter in the mathematical rule. There are no units of measure, the measure defaults to
the GR unit. You will have problems if you GR in a number of different Units if measure
although this is not usually the case.
This below , say that between 1-5000kg there will be 2 physical samples, 5001-10000kg
4 samples etc .
There need to be a maximum amount entered i.e. 999999= 8 samples

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 35



If you don’t want to inspect a characteristic every time you attach a DMR to it in the
inspection plan. We always set DMR on Characteristic level and will determent how
many times you test the characteristic. As an example you can test fat every 30 days in
a product if you make the right DMR. In QE51N, the on of result recording transaction,
skipped characters are visible but greyed out. You can put them manual in process

a) Naming convention of Dynamic Modification Rule

DMR is only created by the SAP QM central team and is based on strict rules.
There are only three digits for the numbering and 40 characters for the DMR description
available. The DMR’s are divided in three blocks.
Bloc 1: Starting from 000 and counting up. DMR reset is controlled by time (infinite
skipping). In this bloc you will find all DMR’s which have time as controlling key.
Skipping will be by default 9999
e.g. test 1 time in 30 days. 009 1t,9999sk,rst 30d,fl rpt 0x
Bloc 2: Starting from 100 and counting up. DMR reset is controlled by skip (infinite day’s)
In this bloc you will find all DMR’s which have skipping as controlling key. Time will be
by default 9999
e.g. test 1 delivery skip the next 9 103 1t,9sk,rst 9999d,fl rpt 0x
Bloc 3: Starting from 300 and counting up DMR reset is controlled by time and by
skipping. In this bloc you will find all DMR’s which have time and skipping as controlling
e.g. if you want to have the first inspection lot created each day to be a skip
then you can use the example, skip 1, test 1, skip 1, test 1 … reset every day.
302 1sk,1t,1sk,rst 1d,fl rpt 0x

On the next page you find detailed information on how the naming should be.
To harmonize the data, the business should look first in the already existing DMR and use
them. If they can not find a DMR that covers there need they can ask to create a new one.
In the master data intranet sit under the folder “convention materials”, you can find here a
translation of months versus days. See the table.
Shelf life Shelf life Shelf life Shelf life Shelf life Shelf life Shelf life Shelf life
(months) (days) (months) (days) (months) (days) (months) (days)
1 31 7 214 13 396 19 579
2 61 8 244 14 426 20 609
3 92 9 275 15 457 21 640
4 122 10 305 16 487 22 670
5 153 11 335 17 518 23 700
6 183 12 365 18 549 24 730
We use the same list to put days in our DMR. This means that for example one month will
be 31 days. Also we want to ask the business to challenge their needs. It could be that in
the past the business inspected every 28 days (4 weeks) something. When there is a DMR
existing in the system for testing every 31 days it could be a challenged internal ore with
corporate quality to replace the 28 days testing in the past with the 31days. Such initiatives
help us to limit the database and improve the quality of harmonisation. In case of confusion
or disagreement about a new DMR, the reference group leader could advice.

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 36

Example of a DMR naming

Trst 0d

Example DMR 002 Trst 0d:Total reset of the DMR, 0 is no reset, put only in the name when not 0
1t,9999sk,rst 30d,fl rpt 3x 1t: 1 test
rst 7d:reset skip after 30 days and go to stage 10
fl rpt 3x: if test fails, inspect the 3 next inspection lots

fl rpt 3x

9999sk rst 30d

We only Put Trst in the begin of the naming when it is not 0.

Example of a more complex naming: e.g. Trst 365d,9t,1t,9999sk,rst 30d to 1t, fl rpt 3x
This would mean that the first 9 deliveries, if they are all accepted, it goes to the stage
for testing ones a month but when fails repeat 3 next deliveries, after 365 days it is
totally reset and will start again with 9 test, etc. As this is already more than 40 you
could restrict is as Trst365d,9t,1t,9999sk,rst30dto1t,flrpt3x

The description of the naming is universal and can be maintained as such in all the
different languages in use. Currently translated for the following languages; EN, DE, ES,
…. (please add inhere new ones). Maintaining in different languages is done by logging
in, in the wanted language, go to QDR2 and place the name description in the empty
field. To be done for all DMR’s!!!

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 37

How to create a DMR (QDR1)

Type in the number that you want to give and press anter. (e.g. 109)

Reset period days.

Here you can
define after how
many days after
creating your
inspection lot the
DMR will be reset.
The DMR will
start then again
with the stage with
has this tick in.

(see next screen)

Type in the description of the DMR. (e.g. 1t,19sk,rst 9999d,fl rpt 3x)

Then press . You will get the next screen.

In the first stage put the thick in. Normally we put this in the first line, but if you
put this thick in the fifth line for example the DMR will start reading from the fifth line.
For the stage we count each time five up, starting form 10 (10, 15, 20, …)
You fill in the stage (e.g. 10), inspection severity (we use always 4 and for skip stage this is
left blanc). You put the skip thick in if you want to have a skip stage. Next you select the
line and press the button “Stage Change”.
On the next page we start building the DMR.

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You can have two different stages.
When you put a tick in the skip
square, you get the skip stage.
Ells you get the inspection stage.

Skip stage Inspection stage

Inspection stage 20 is for this example the Inspection stage 10 is for this example
skips stage. the normal inspection stage.
 For the part:  For the part:
From the moment that you reach stage 20, From the moment that you have 1
the next 9 inspection lots that you create, the inspection created, it will set the quality
character where this DMR is behind, will be level to go inspection stage 20 (skip)
in skip.  For the part:
After this 9 inspection lot, ore when 9999 If you record the result and the result is
days are passed, it will go again to inspection rejected, it will count in the rejection
stage 10. field as well. When you make the user
 For the part: decision, it will go to inspection stage
As the characteristic is in skip, you normally 15 in stead of 20.
have no rejection. However, in QE51N
results recording you can put the character in
process and fill in the result. If this result is
rejected, this will count up in this field (it
counts up from the moment The user
decision is taken.. From the moment that
there is more then one rejection it will go in
this case to inspection stage 15.

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In transaction QDL3 you can see the quality lever for the material per vendor. You can
select the line that you want en step in to the detail. In there you will see for each
characteristic in which inspection stage of the DMR it is in.

In the next example you can see the Quality level for a inspection lot.

The characteristic was rejected so the next inspection stage will be 15.

Manufacturing Team – SAP Competency Centre 40



Inspection Plan (QP01) – this is where all the other pieces of master data are pulled
into. It identifies exactly how a material will be tested, in which workcentre, what
needs to be tested etc .A change number will need to be created first (CC01), this
change number is used to track changes and as a security measure.

Type in CC01. Then select the Star Profile

Then Enter in Text and valid from date

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Then press you will get a number appear at the bottom, this number is required for
the next inspection plan.

You then go back to QP01 to create the Inspection Plan, type in the change number
supplied above.
When we create IP we create them using a group. How a plant decides to group their
materials is their choice. You would group similar materials with similar inspections.
If 2 or more materials have exactly the same inspections, same workcentres, same
control indicators, and then these materials can be attached to the same group counter,
say “01”. If the IP is slightly different but would still sit in the same group then the
group counter for the next material would then be “02”
This attaching of materials with the same IP to the same group and group counter, will
aid mass changes in the future .In the below example we will create using a material
and a group

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A) Usage – there the options here are the Z1-Z5

These are assigned to the Inspection type they are also maintained in the Customising.
You must make sure that you select the correct Usage here as it will check the usage
inside the Insp type that you have assigned in the Material Master. This will not error
here but will only error on creation of the IL. So you must be careful. Please see below

Material master - QM VIEWS

Inspection Status Selecte Task list
Material types Name of the business process
type profile d set usage
Z080 Z003 GR Bulk Material - with stock correction N/A ZQM15 Z1
Z090 Z003 GR Bulk Material - excl stock correction N/A ZQM15 Z1
Z010 NSRIL: Raw and Pack Material Inspection N/A ZQM15 Z1
Z003 Z004
Z011 SRIL: Raw and Pack Material Inspection N/A ZQM15 Z1
Z003 Z004
Z020 Z008 Phantom Material Inspection N/A ZQM15 Z5
Z030 Z002 SFG Inspection N/A ZQM15 Z2
Z070 Z002 Rework Inspection N/A ZQM15 Z2
Z040 Z001 FG Inspection N/A ZQM15 Z2
Z050 Z008 Environmental Inspection N/A ZQM15 Z3
Z060 Z008 R&D Inspection N/A ZQM15 Z4
Z070 Z014 Rework Inspection N/A ZQM15 Z2

b) Status – 4 always
c) Inspection Point – Choose a value depending on the plant:

d) Sample drawing procedure – there is only 1 option here, except for Namur which has 2
e) Dynamic mod level – 1 or 3, 0 is not used. This is used in conjunction with the mod
rule. Here you determine whether the rule is to be applied at the insp type Level
(header so GR) which is 1, or 3 which is at the char level
f) modification rule – this is entered only if 1 is entered in the above field , if a 3 it is
left blank and entered at the char level

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g) Material assignment – to add any other materials that would be the same
It can also be used to add the vendor and also the “Search Field “is used to enter the
“pre incubation time “this is only for Micro. This will not be used for Belgium Plants

h) Operations

Once in Operation’s, if you select the Workcentre and go to Operations details

Scroll down
Inspection Point Completion – 3, this will prevent a pop up box appearing each time you
record a result in results recording , this pop up box would make you choose between
accept and reject . If you have a 3 it will automatically do this for you

I) workcentre- enters in all the different labs that this material must go to, to be tested

Highlight the line

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j) Inspection characteristics – enter in all the characteristics that need to be measured

Quant and Qual .As you press enter this will pull through the method from the
characteristic data, unless there was more than one entered, in which case it will ask
you to choose.

k) Sampling procedure- it will it always ask for this, as you selected “sampling
procedure“ inside the MIC. There are only 2 options here FIX1_QN and FIX1_QL

It will then pull through the upper and lower limits if a Quant Char, or the selected set if
a Qual char. These values that have pulled through from the master Insp Char can be

You can also remove completely the fact that it has an upper limit in the MIC by
selecting “control indictors “

You then deselect the upper limit so as this field can be left blank

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You can add a formula calculation too by selecting “calculated char” within the MIC or
the IP. The “record measured vales” must be selected too

Once you have done this you then need to create formula in the IP. You can do this by
selecting the line and then “quantative Data”.

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You are then able to enter the formula; you have to enter the char in the format
“c00001”, the “1” indicating the number of the characteristic.
You can only use Quantative chars within the formula so be careful when creating your
formula. The below example is for char 7 the result will be to add the result of char 2 to
the result of char 4. Please note that the “decimal places” field is blank, indicating no
decimal places.

In Results recording the char 7 will appear as status “1” and the field greyed out.

You have to close the char 7 to get the result of the formula to come through; it does
not come through automatically as both of the results are entered. Therefore you select
the line and press the “lock “icon. As you do this it will pull through the result of the
formula, 15 in this example (4.50 + 10). Here it pulls through 15 not 14.50 as this char is

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identified to have no decimal places (see previous screen shot) .This should be taken
into account when using formulas

l) Par Sample –This is to group the samples by operation, this is connected to the Sample
drawing procedure. We will place 10 against the first workcentre, 20 against the second,
30 against the third .This will create 3 different physical samples. If you require 2
workcentres to share the same physical sample then you must maintain the same par
sample against all of the characteristics in that workcentre. If you want to attach a
sampling scheme to a particular workcentre then be careful to use the correct partial
sample against the correct workcentre

m) Info field 1 – this can have 3 entries, blank, 1 or 2. If 1 it will print out a “work list“
called the Inspection Instruction, this lists out all the char that need to be measured.
This is useful as often the machines where the tests are carried out are not close to the
SAP terminal, so the user can write down the results and then bring them back to the
terminal and enter them.
In this below example the first characteristic will have 1 line and the second will have 3
lines, if you leave blank means there will be no print of this characteristic at all.

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n) Info field 3 – (see above) this lets the user know the percentage of the dilution. So
the amount of sample to the amount of medium that it is mixed in. This will initiate the
label that comes out, if you enter -1, -2, -3, you will get 3 labels, one for each dilution.


It determines everything you need to know about the testing of a particular


the lab that needs the material ( could be more than 1 )

the char tests that need to be carried out in each lab
the method to carry out the tests
How many samples should be taken
The size of the samples
The frequency of the sample/char inspection

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We are using the classification system for microbiology information.

5 characteristics are used for the solution:


This data is used for identifying criteria for a class.

This data is at client level.

Maintain several languages:

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Maintain the possible values:


This data has to be created to make the link between an object that has to be classified
by the criteria (created before as general characteristics).

Here, the classified object is a master inspection characteristic. So the class type is 005.

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Use this button in order to maintain several translations:

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Go to characteristic tab in order to assign the characteristics you want for this class:

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ANEX: Creation sequence for QM master data.

Quantitative / Qualitative

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