Chapter 1 Revise Jo

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Chapter 1


This chapter presents the background and purpose of the study,

hypothesis, theoretical and conceptual framework, significance of the study,

scope and limitations of the study, and definitions of terms.

Background and Purpose of the Study

Education had always been an important aspect in a person’s life. It is not

for life, rather it is life itself. Every individual, from birth up to what they are now,

had always been educated by parents and teachers, whether be it about life or

academic things. After all, education is important because it plays a vital role in

life as it molds every individual to be a good, functional, and responsible in the

society they belong in. In that case, effective teaching and good upbringing are

the important factors in achieving those intended goals.

Article XIV Section 2 of the Philippine Constitution emphasized that,

“The state shall establish, maintain and support complete adequate

and integrated system and education relevant to the need of the

people and society.”1

Every individual is entitled to a quality education that will be of use to help

them face their daily life. Not only that kind of education that will only teach what

people need to know, but that kind of education that will help them enhance their

knowledge about certain things and improve their way of thinking, analyzing and


Rafael Palma once cited that, education must produce individuals who are

both useful to themselves and to society. It is not only the parents’ responsibility

to educate the children, but also the teachers as second parents in school.

Teachers should not only teach from the book, instead they should teach based

on what is present and what should be taught to develop students’ different

aspects for them to be a well-rounded individual.2

Although the learners are familiar with the present technologies, teachers

should show them how it would be of help in their daily lives as a student and

show them that learning could be as enjoyable as they had imagined it to be.

The Objectives of Secondary Education is to discover and enhance, in

addition, the different aptitudes and interests of the individual student so as to

equip him with skills for productive endeavor and thus prepare him for work in the

real world and for further studies to higher education.3

Now that the learners are in the millennial century, teachers should learn

to adapt new teaching strategies that are related to or that will make use of the

present technology. After all, present times progress to the use of technology and

human effort

As stated in Article XIV Section 2 of the New Philippine Constitution:

“The state shall regulate the transfer and promote the adaptation of

technology from all the sources for the national benefit. It shall

encourage the widest participation of private groups, local

governments, and community based organization in the generation

and the utilization of the science and technology”.4


The state must regulate and adapt the use of technology, mostly and

especially in education. The researchers believed that this served as a motivation

for the learners to start gaining interest in learning the new topic.

In relation to what is stated above, material refers to the resources

available which serve as a motivation in the teaching-learning situation. A

material of learning can be classified as a "human person" or a "physical object".

The whole purpose of using material as a motivation is to initiate the students to

the real world they live in. Instructional materials, on the other hand, represents

elements which is found in that world and is believed that are meant to help

students to understand and explain reality.5

While Schramn referred to instructional materials as basic channel of

communication of ideas and concepts in the classroom for purpose of bringing

effective teaching and learning.6

Instructional materials are not only the design of teaching. It is the tool of

the teacher to give knowledge for the students. It is the way to communicate

ideas and give input of language to the learners.

The learning of the learners always depends on how the teacher delivers

or discusses the lesson. Teacher should know the strength and weaknesses of

the students to facilitate the learning. The teacher should know how to deliver

lesson in a lively way to involve the students in the learning. Therefore, teachers

must not look only in their student’s strengths they should also pay attention to

their weaknesses and enhance them to be useful for the students’ development

in learning. The use of learning materials are recommended for all subjects that

are related especially if it contains activities and discussions that will enhance

students’ higher order thinking skills.

A child's development is directly connected to its ability to interact with its

environment. Learners develop an understanding of themselves through their

interactions with events and materials outside themselves as cited by Piaget. All

environments have the ability to contribute or retard this process . Anita Old states

that "the motivation to interact with the environment exists in all children as an

intrinsic property of life, but the quality of the interactions is dependent upon the

possibilities for engagement that the environment provides".7

Therefore the cognitive development of the children is likely to be

facilitated if they are exposed to the environments that are stimulating in which

they get considerable attention and that provide them with the enriched cognitive

experiences. Learners who feel comfortable, yet stimulated in the environment

are able to settle in and enjoy learning. It also has an impact on parents as they

can see that the environment will be a safe and secure one for their learners.

Learner’s behavior can be improved in responsive, stimulating environments that

have been carefully planned.

K to 12 is an education system under the Department of Education that

aims to enhance learners’ basic skills, produce more competent citizens, and

prepare graduates for lifelong learning and employment. “K” stands for

Kindergarten and “12” refers to the succeeding 12 years of basic education (6

years of elementary education, 4 years of junior high school, and 2 years of

senior high school).8


Different schools, universities and colleges offer senior high school with

different academic strands. Their aim is to cater the different skills and

capabilities of students in terms of education. K-12 really has a big help in our

country. Its main purpose is for the Philippines to level with other countries in

terms of education. Because there are cases that when a degree holder here in

our country goes abroad, they will be assigned to a lower job which is not

suitable for their degree. The reason why they assigned to lower job is because

of our educational system. That’s why the former President Benigno Aquino III

signed the Enhanced basic Education Act of 2013 into law, or commonly known

as the K-12 program.

The administering of the K-12 program met different problems like the

availability of classrooms, facilities, instructional materials, and also the

availability of teachers, teachers are not that suitable enough to teach all the

senior high school students and their teaching strategy, their knowledge about

their subject matter is not that complete due to the ranged of their ability and

skills. Also the availability of academic strand in a school for example, students

who wants to pursue a maritime course, should take a maritime academic strand

in Senior High.

Therefore the Department of Education has crafted a new curriculum

primarily designed for students who wish to pursue a career in the shipping

industry. The maritime curriculum, which was divided into two specializations, will

be taught to incoming senior high school students where they will have the

options to work after graduation or to pursue further maritime education in


college. Under the maritime specialization, senior high school students who

graduate from the said track will secure certifications allowing them to work as

members of a ship’s crew. They will be qualified for a job in the maritime industry

after graduating and acquiring required certifications. According to DepEd

Secretary Armin Luistro, this is a program that will allow the graduates of senior

high school even without going to college to take the certification of ratings and

then be a part of deck and engine.9

The maritime education teach subjects related to the training and skills

required to work in the maritime sector, whether it be as a crew member at sea or

shore side such as in a marine shipyard or port facility. Maritime Studies

encompasses the liberal arts in recognized humanities and social science

disciplines such as History, English, Geography, Economics, Political Science

and Anthropology. Maritime Studies emphasize the social and cultural side of the

human/water relationship, also recognizes and explores the links between

human activities and the composition and the condition of the coastal and marine

environments. Including history, literature, poetry, and film, maritime studies is

able to cover a wider scope than traditional maritime history or seamanship.

Some of the institutions providing maritime studies combine a broad grounding in

technical and scientific coursework with the study of courses in arts and


The concept “Maritime” is often used interchangeably with the term

“Marine”. This can be confusing as it relates to the type of training being

referenced to in this research. To clarify it’s important that the concept ‘maritime’

is understood. According to Hildebrand and Schröder-Hinrichs an understanding

of maritime in the context of research, aims at finding technology and innovative

solutions for better use of the sea and ocean resources related to human


Haun states that maritime education caters for the sea and shore side

resources related activities. Against this background, the term maritime will be

used in view of the human related activities. Among these are vessels

operations, training, technological aspects associated with naval architecture,

navigation, port facilities as well as sea and ashore resources. Instead of the

definitions above the researcher has create a definition of maritime education.

Maritime education and training is the acquisition of the knowledge and skills

related to subjects in the maritime field that enhance competence in the maritime


In addition to maritime strand and maritime course it is more common to

male students compare to female students. Based on the study done by

Paromita Mukherjee, there are 7 reasons why there are fewer women seafarers

in the maritime industry. These reasons are lack of awareness and information,

male dominated industry, less support, less acceptance by companies, social

cultural and practical obstacles, lack of workshops and seminars and job


The study is focused on determining the factors affecting academic

performance of the Maritime students. Specifically it aimed to determine factors

affecting the academic performance of the students in terms of Availability of


Teachers, classroom, facilities, and learning materials needed, competency of

teachers and availability of trainings and programs related to maritime strand.

Theoretical Framework

The theory that guided the researchers in conducting in the study was

"Bruner's Constructivist Theory" which states that learning is an active process in

which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon on their current or

past experience and knowledge.

Jerome Bruner launched the notion that people interpret the world mostly

in terms of similarities and differences. This is a valuable contribution to how

individuals construct their own models or view of the world.14

According to Albert Bandura’s theory of Social Learning that emphasizes

the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and

emotional reactions of others. Bandura states that, “Learning would be

exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on

the effects of their own actions to inform them what to do. Fortunately, most

human behavior is learned observationally through modeling from observing

others one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later

occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action.”15

Students do not only imitate each other but also the teacher. Being a

good role model, open to all the students, and holding the students to a level of

responsibility will be imitated by the students. Teacher will be a role model by not

letting students turn in their work, past the due date reinforces the importance of

responsibility. Moreover, teachers should know how to inspire, challenge and


motivate their students to move beyond the comfort of performing and step out

into the power of accomplishing things acceptably and excellently.

In teaching and conducive learning, it is important to integrate questions,

tasks or activities that can challenge and motivate the interest of the students to

develop their own ideas and thoughts about the certain subjects. Teacher should

also think other strategies or construct new method to catch up the interest of the

students to learn.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to find the Factors that Affect the Academic Performance

of the Maritime Students of Philsin College Rizal Inc. S.Y. 2018-2019.

Specifically these questions sought to answers the following problems:

1. What is the profile of the respondents

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Gender

2. What are the Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Maritime Students

in terms of:

2.1 Teacher – related factors;

2.1.1 Punctuality;

2.1.2 Motivate his/her students;

2.1.3 Uses different teaching strategies;

2.1.4 Uses different instructional materials;

2.1.5 Approachability;

2.2 Classroom – related factors;

2.2.1 Conducive to learning;

2.2.2 Well – ventilated;

2.2.3 Well – illuminated;

2.2.4 Class population;

2.2.5 Number of chairs;

2.3 School – related factors;

2.3.1 Affordability of Tuition fees;

2.3.2 Trainings and seminars offered;

2.3.3 Availability of learning materials;

2.3.4 Approachability of personnel;

2.3.5 Availability of classrooms and facilities?

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study is based on Coomb’s IPO model,

which consists of the Input, Process, and Output. It shows the flow of the study

and how the researchers come up with the chosen topic.

Input contains variables and materials that the researchers will use to

conduct the study; (1) Information regarding the profile and number of the

respondents in the study (2) Questionnaire Checklist which will contain the

Factors that Affect the Academic Performance of the Maritime Students of Philsin

College Rizal Inc.


Process contains procedures or the steps that the researchers undergone

in order to gather data; (1) Distribution of questionnaires, (2) Following up the

respondent, (3) Gathering the Questionnaires, (4) Interpretation, and (5)

Validation of Data.

And Output contains the Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of the

Maritime Students of Philsin College Rizal Inc. Arrows indicate the step-by-step

process that the researchers will follow.

Feedback refers to the conclusion of the researchers that will help future

researchers who will conduct researches with the same topic as this. The figure 1

below shows the complete concept of this framework.



 Profile of the
 Distribution of  Factors Affecting
 Name
 Age the Academic
 Gender Performance of
 Gathering the the Maritime
 Questionnaire
Questionnaires, Students of
Checklist which
contain the factors Philsin College
 Analysis and
that affect the Rizal Inc.
academic Interpretation of
performance of the
maritime students Data
of Philsin College
Rizal Inc. in terms
 Teacher-
 Classroom-
 School-Related


Figure 1

Conceptual Framework Showing the Factors Affecting

the Academic Performance of the Maritime Students
of Philsin College Rizal Inc.

Hypothesis of the Study

The study tested the hypothesis that the Factor does not Affect the

Academic Performance of the Maritime Students of Philsin College Rizal Inc.

School Year 2018-2019.

Significance of the Study

The study focused on the different factors affecting the academic

performance of Maritime Students such as class size, learning materials,

environment of the class, technology used in the class and work activities,

financial, different teaching strategies, conducive learning and etc. The study may

help both school policy makers and parents of the students. It will help the school

admin to design and implement the policies to improve the students’ performance

and the quality of education by changing the attitude of students towards learning,

facilitating students and improving the teaching strategies. It may also create

awareness among students about their rights and responsibilities to achieve

quality education. The study is also significant to the community in that their

investment in education is expected to translate to quality education, and the

findings show how this can be achieved. The study also adds the existing body of

knowledge on determinants of academic performance.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focused on the Factors that affect the Academic Performance of

the Maritime Students of Philisin College Rizal Inc.


The respondents are the Grade 11 Maritime students and the teachers at

Philsin College Rizal Inc. for the school year 2018-2019.

The respondents were five (5) teachers, five and the twenty (20) Grade 11

maritime students of Philsin College Rizal Inc. The researchers chose them

because they were suitable in conduct of this study during the S.Y. 2018-2019.

The questionnaire checklist was administered by the researchers as an

instrument to determine the Factors that Affect the Maritime Students of Philsin

College Rizal, Inc.

The researchers conduct the study in the belief that the result may help

the school to know if there will be parts to improve for the better of the Maritime

education and for the performance of the learners.


Definition of Terms

The following terms used in the study are defined operationally and

conceptually for better understanding of the study.

Academic Performance. This pertains to the outcome of education to

which students, teachers and school has achieved their goals.

Classroom. It refers to a learning space, a room in which both children and

adults learn.

Competency. Refers to the combination of observable and measurable

knowledge, skills, abilities and personal attributes that contribute to enhanced the

performance and ultimately result to success.

Instructional Materials. Refers to any collection of materials

including animate and inanimate objects and human and non-human resources

that a teacher may use in teaching and learning situations to help achieve

desired learning objectives.

Maritime Strand. This refers to the emphasize of the social and cultural

side of the human/water relationship, it also recognizes and explores the links

between human activities and the composition and the condition of the coastal

and marine environments.

Programs. It refers to a planned series of future events, items, or


Trainings. It refers to an organized activity aimed at imparting information

and/or instructions to improve the recipient's performance or to help him or her

attain a required level of knowledge or skill.

Punctuality. It refers to the action of an individual that is planned to do at

exact the exact time given.

School Facilities. Refers to an instrument that rates facility conditions on

such factors as educational adequacy, environment for education, space

flexibility, and cosmetic condition.

Appraisal. It refers to judging a value, condition or importance of a thing or

even a person.


1Jose G. Nolledo, The Philippine Constitution of the Republic of the

Philippines: explained, (Metro Manila: National Bookstore, 1966) 228,
2Jose F. Calderon, Foundation of Education, (Manila Philippines: Rex
Book Store), 403
3Jose F. Calderon, Foundation of Education, (manila Philippines: Rex
Book Store), 439.
4, Retrieved on March 12, 2019

5 Jesus
C. Palma, Curriculum Development System, 2nd Ed.
(Mandaluyong City: National Book Store, 1992, 2009), 107.
6, Retrieved on March 13, 2019
7 Anita R. Olds, Designing developmentally optimal classrooms for
children with Special needs, , Retrieved on March 13, 2019

8 What is K-12. Retrieved from

9 Alcober, Neil. (2016). The Manila Times: Senior High School offer
Maritime curriculum,, Retrieved on March 13, 2019
10 Maritime Studies. Retrieved from
11 Hildebrand, L., & Schröder-Hinrichs, Maritime and marine: Synonyms,
solitudes or schizophrenia, , Retrieved on March

12 E. Haun, Grants Offered for Maritime History Projects,, Retrieved on March 13,2019
13 Paromita Mukherjee, 7 Main reasons why there are fewer Women

Seafarers in the Maritime Industry. Retrieved on March

13, 2019
14Maria Rita Lucas and Brenda B. Corpuz, Facilitating Learning: A
Metacognition Process, 4th Ed. (Manila: Lorimar Publishing Inc., 2014), 143-149.

15 Albert Bandura,The Social Learning Theory,

, Retrieved on March 12, 2019

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