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Power Exercises 2.0

1.0 A double-angle shape is shown. The steel is A36, and the holes are for 12 mm diameter bolts.
Assume that Ae = 0.75An.
a. Determine the design tensile strength for LRFD.
b. Determine the allowable strength for ASD.

Ag = 1560 mm2 (Angle) 2L 125 x 75 x 8 LLBB

Ans. a) Pu = 594.0 kN; b) Pa = 396 kN
2.0 The tension member shown contains holes for 19 mm Ø bolts. At what spacing s, will the net area for the section
through one hole be the same as a rupture line passing through two holes?


200 75 P


Ans. 81.24 mm
3.0 An L200 x 100 x 18.75 is used as a tension member, with 22 mm Ø bolts in each leg at usual gage location. Two rows
of bolts are used in the long leg, and one in the short leg. Determine the minimum stagger, s, necessary so that only
two holes need be subtracted in determining the net area. What is the net area?


75 P

s s s s

Ans. s = 67.8 mm; An = 4,335.94 mm2

4.0 Determine the smallest net area of the tension member shown. The holes are for 19 mm Ø bolts at the usual gage
locations. The stagger is 37.5 mm.
50 9.5 50


43.75 P

2L125 x 87.5 x 6.25 s

Ans. An = 1,853.57 mm2
5.0 The tension member shown is a PL 16 × 250, and the steel is A36. The bolts are shown are 22 mm in diameter.
a. Determine the design strength for LRFD.
b. Determine the allowable strength for ASD.
50 50 75 75




Ans. a) Pu = 892.8 kN; b) Pa = 595.2 kN

6.0 The tension member shown is an L150 × 87.5 × 8. The bolts are 19 mm in diameter. If A36 steel is used, is the
member adequate for a service dead load of 138 kN and a service live load of 138 kN?
a. Use LRFD.
b. Use ASD.
50 37.5 37.5 37.5


62.5 P

Ans. a) Adequate: 400.99 kN > 386.4 kN; b) Not Adequate: 267.33 kN < 276 kN
7.0 The A double-channel shape, 2C250× 29.75, of A572 Grade 50 steel is used for a built-up tension member as shown.
The holes are for 12 mm diameter bolts. Determine the total service load capacity if the live load is three times the
dead load. The location of the centroid is 21.25 mm from the outer face of the web.
a. Use LRFD.
100 100 100 100
b. Use ASD.
Properties of C250 x 29.75
Ag = 2036 mm2 62.5
bf = 50 mm
d = 250 mm
tw = 6 mm P
tf = 6 mm

Ans. a) P = 839.59 kN; b) P = 839.59 kN

8.0 From the figure shown, diameter of holes is 20 mm. Steel plates is made up of 10 mm x 250 mm with staggered
sections in the accompanying figure.
50 60 75 Fy = 248.8 MPa
Fu = 449.3 MPa



50 P



a. Compute the net area An for the plate. Use LRFD method.
b. Compute the design strength of the connection.
c. Compute the maximum value of service load T when A36 steel is used, the live load is four times the dead load.
Ans. a) An = 2,087.5 mm2; b) Pu = 559.8 kN; c) T= 368.29 kN
9.0 A C12 × 30 is connected with 25 mm diameter bolts in each flange, as shown. If Fy= 345 MPa, Fu= 448 MPa, and
Ae = 0.90An, compute the following.
a. The design strength for LRFD.
b. The allowable strength for ASD.
Properties of C12 x 30
Ag = 5,690 mm2
bf = 50 mm P
d = 304.8 mm
tw = 13 mm
tf = 12.7 mm

Ans. a) Pu = 1,505.59 kN; b) Pa = 1,003.73 kN

10.0 A PL 10 mm × 150 mm tension member is welded to a gusset plate as shown. The steel is A36.
Assume that Ae = Ag and compute the following.
a. The design strength for LRFD.
b. The allowable strength for ASD.
PL10 x 150

Ans. a) Pu = 334.8 kN; b) Pa = 223.2 kN

11.0 A C8 × 11.5 is connected to a gusset plate with 22 mm diameter bolts as shown. The steel is A572 Grade 50. If the
member is subjected to dead load and live load only, what is the total service load capacity if the live-to-dead load
ratio is 3? Assume that Ae = 0.85An.
a. Use LRFD.
b. Use ASD.
C8 × 11.5 Properties of A572 Grade 50:
Fy = 345 MPa
Fu = 448 MPa

Properties of C8 x 11.5:
Ag = 2,181 mm2
bf = 57.4 mm
d = 203.2 mm
tw = 5.6 mm
tf = 9.9 mm

Ans. a) T = 361.95 kN; b) T = 361.95 kN

12.0 The tension member is a PL 10 mm × 137.5 mm of A242 steel. It is connected to a 10 mm thick gusset plate, also of
A242 steel, with 19 mm diameter bolts as shown. Determine the nominal block shear strength of the tension member.
PL10 x 137.5
Properties of A242:
Fy = 345 MPa
37.5 Fu = 483 MPa



75 75
37.5 37.5
Ans. a) Tu = 530.7 kN; b) T = 353.8 kN

13.0 A double-channel shape, 2C8 × 18.75, is used as a tension member. The channels are bolted to a 10 mm gusset plate
with 22 mm diameter bolts. The tension member is A572 Grade 50 steel and the gusset plate is A36. If ASD is used,
how much tensile load can be applied? Consider all limit states.
Properties of A572 Grade 50:
2C8 x 18.75
Fy = 345 MPa
Fu = 448 MPa
Properties of C8 x 18.75:
Ag = 3,555 mm2
bf = 64.2 mm
d = 203.2 mm 50
tw = 12.4 mm
tf = 9.9 mm
𝑥̅ = 14.35 mm 75 75 75
Ans. T = 1189.09 kN
14.0 Two plates each of equal thickness are bolted together with 6 -22 mm Ø A325 bolts spaced as follows:
S1 = 40 mm S3 = 100 mm
S2 = 80 mm t = 16 mm
Steel Strength and Shear Stresses are:
Yield Strength: Fy = 248 MPa
Ultimate Strength: Fu = 400 MPa
Allowable bolt shear stress: Fv = 120 MPa
Bolt Hole diameter = 25 mm

S1 S2 S2 S1 t

T S3


Calculate the allowable and design tensile load T under the following conditions:
a) Based on gross area of the plate.
b) Based on the net area of the plate.
c) Based on block shear strength.
Ans. a) Tu 642.82 kN; Ta = 428.54 kN; b) Tu = 624 kN; Ta = 416 kN; c) Tu = 849.12 kN; Ta = 566.08 kN


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