Curriculum Till DE-39 PDF

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The document outlines the course structure and content for various computer engineering courses at NUST. It discusses the program educational objectives, key performance indicators, program learning outcomes and course details for each subject.

The main topics covered in the course outline include computer algorithms, data structures, object oriented programming, computer architecture, operating systems, databases, graphics, signals, networks and software engineering.

Some of the evaluation methods discussed for projects include probabilistic and deterministic approaches like PERT and CPM, project crashing and alternatives analysis, determination of resource requirements, and resource leveling.


Department of Computer and Software Engineering,

EME College, NUST
Assessment Criteria: The assessment criteria is tentatively assigned and subject to change by the choice of the
instructor, to whom the subject is assigned in a particular semester
Outcome Based Education Department of ComputerandSoftwareEngineering


Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) ............................................................................................................................ 4

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) ................................................................................................................................... 5
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) .................................................................................................................................. 6
EC-101 ALGORITHM AND COMPUTING ............................................................................................................................. 8
EC-103 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING DESIGN ........................................................................................ 14
EC-120 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................................ 18
EC-200 DATA STRUCTURES .............................................................................................................................................. 22
EC-201 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING .................................................................................................................... 27
EC-210 LOGIC AND SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT DESIGN .......................................................................................................... 32
EC-220 COMPUTER SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................................................... 36
EC-221 OPERATING SYSTEMS .......................................................................................................................................... 40
EC-240 DATABASE ENGINEERING .................................................................................................................................... 44
EC-301 COMPUTER GRAPHICS ......................................................................................................................................... 49
EC-310 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER BASED DESIGN ........................................................................... 52
EC-312 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING .............................................................................................................................. 57
EC-313 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING .............................................................................................................................. 63
EC-330 COMPUTER NETWORKS....................................................................................................................................... 68
EC-350 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS ........................................................................... 73
EC-360 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ................................................................................................................................... 78
EC-410 DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN ..................................................................................................................................... 82
EC-431 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION ................................................................................................................................. 87
EC-460 SOFTWARE DESIGN AND TESTING ....................................................................................................................... 90
EC-130 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS ................................................................................................................................. 96
EE-111 LINEAR CICUIT ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................................... 99
EE-211 ELECTRICAL NETWORK ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 103
EE-215 ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS................................................................................................................. 108
EE-232 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS...................................................................................................................................... 112
EE-371 LINEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................................... 117
EM-440 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION .............................................................................................................................. 121

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HU-100 ENGLISH ............................................................................................................................................................ 125
HU-101 ISLAMIC STUDIES .............................................................................................................................................. 129
HU-107 PAKISTAN STUDIES ........................................................................................................................................... 133
HU-109 COMMUNICATION SKILLS ................................................................................................................................. 137
HU-212 TECHNICAL AND BUSINESS WRITING ............................................................................................................... 140
MATH-105 CALCULUS AND VECTOR ALGEBRA .............................................................................................................. 142
MATH-121 LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ................................................................... 144
MATH-161 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS ............................................................................................................................ 147
MATH-232 COMPLEX VARIABLE AND TRANSFORM ...................................................................................................... 150
MATH-351 NUMERICAL METHODS................................................................................................................................ 152
MATH-361 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS ..................................................................................................................... 154
MGT-271 ENTREPRENEURSHIP ...................................................................................................................................... 156
PHY-102 APPLIED PHYSICS ............................................................................................................................................. 160
ME-100 ENGINEERING MECHANICS .............................................................................................................................. 162
ME-104 ENGINEERING DRAWING ................................................................................................................................. 165
ME-105 WORKSHOP PRACTICE ...................................................................................................................................... 168
OTM-455 ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 171

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Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO 1. Professional Employment: Graduates will be successful in the professional practice of

computer engineering and related fields. They will obtain employment in fields appropriate to their
education, will be entrepreneurs, will explore less traditional career paths e.g., business, law,
medicine, public policy, etc.

PEO 2. Professional Competence: Graduates who are employed within engineering fields will
demonstrate technical competence, such as identifying, formulating, analyzing, and creating
engineering solutions using appropriate current engineering techniques, skills, and tools.

PEO 3. Professional Learning: Graduates will engage in life-long learning i.e., advanced
education/degrees, professional development activities (e.g., informal interactions with colleagues,
formal conferences, workshops, short courses, etc.), updating and adapting their core knowledge and
abilities to compete in the ever changing global enterprise, developing new knowledge and skills to
pursue new career opportunities.

PEO 4. Professional Engagement: As appropriate to their professional or educational positions,

graduates will effectively communicate technical information in multiple formats, function
effectively on teams, follow the principles of professional ethics and develop and apply computer
engineering solutions within global, societal, and environmental contexts.

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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Program Education Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Measurement Tool
Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1 Professional 1.1) 70% of graduates are employed/ 1.1) Alumni Database
Employment professionally engaged within 1 year of graduation

1.2) 2% of graduates will start up their own 1.2) Alumni Database


1.3) 2% of graduates choose less traditional path 1.3) Alumni Database

such as business, law, medicine, public policy

PEO2 Professional PEO 2) 60% of the employers agree with PEO 2) Employer
Competence competency of graduated engineers given in PEO2 Survey

PEO3 Professional 3.1) 10% of graduates pursue higher education 3.1) Alumni Database

3.2) 30% of graduates have attended at least one 3.3) Alumni Database
professional related course.

3.3) 5% of the graduates will acquire new 3.4) Employer Survey

knowledge and skills to pursue new career

PEO4 Professional 4.1) 20% of graduates are at senior engineer 4.1) Alumni Survey /
Engagement management level at least 4 years after graduation Alumni Database

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Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

PLO 1 Engineering Knowledge

An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex
engineering problems.

PLO 2 Problem Analysis

An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex

engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

PLO 3 Design/Development of Solutions

An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design

systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate
consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental

PLO 4 Investigation

An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way

including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and
interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid

PLO 5 Modern Tool Usage

An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and

modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex
engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

PLO 6 The Engineer and Society

An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess

societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent

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responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to

complex engineering problems.

PLO 7 Environment and Sustainability

An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in

societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for
sustainable development.

PLO 8 Professional Ethics

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities

and norms of engineering practice

PLO 9 Individual and Teamwork

An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and

/or multidisciplinary settings.

PLO 10 Communication

An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex

engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large,
such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear

PLO 11 Project Management

An ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering principles to

one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in a
multidisciplinary environment.

PLO 12 Lifelong Learning

An ability to recognize importance of, and pursue lifelong learning in the broader
context of innovation and technological developments

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Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-101 Algorithm and Computing

Credits: 3 (2-1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Nil

Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab engineer

Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 4 Assignments

Lab reports: 15 reports

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 5 Quizzes

Quizzes: 5%

Assignments: 5-10%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%

Final Exam: 40-50%

Lab: 15%

Semester Project: 10%

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1. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Deitel and Deitel: C++ How to Program, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall
Reference Books: 1. Robert Lafore: Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Fourth
Edition, December 2001,Sams Publishing .

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2. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Overview

a. What is programming?
b. Computer configuration 3hrs
c. Algorithms and flowcharts
d. Computer languages; generations and levels of programming languages
e. data and results
f. Introduction to a typical IDE (Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0).
2. Input and Output
a. Stream I/O
b. Cin and Cout 3hrs
c. Assignment Statement
d. Implicit and explicit type casting

3. Operators
a. Arithmetic Operators 2hrs
b. Operator precedence
c. Associativity
4. Selection (Decisions)
a. Relational and logical operators
b. AND, OR, and NOT operators
c. Truth Tables for conditional operators
d. Single, double and multiway selection structure 8hrs
e. If, if/else, nested ifs
f. Conditional operator
g. Conditional expressions
h. Switch statement

5. Repetition (Loops)
a. Entrance closed and exit controlled loops 3hrs
b. While, do/while, for(; ;), break and continue statements
6. Functions
a. Programmer defined functions
b. Library functions
c. Storage classes 3hrs
d. Scope and lifetime of variables
e. Parameter pass
f. Call by copy and call by reference
g. Recursion
h. Comparison of iteration and recursion
7. Arrays
a. Declaring arrays
b. Input and output of data in arrays
c. Accessing individual elements
d. Passing arrays to functions 6hrs
e. Searching and sorting
f. Sequential search and binary search
g. Bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort
h. Array of characters
i. String library functions
8. Structures
a. Structure declaration
b. Accessing structure members 3hrs
c. Arrays of structures
d. Passing structures as function arguments
e. Structure with structured elements
9. Files 3hrs
a. Opening and closing files
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b. Files pointer
c. Binary and text files
d. Sequential and random access files
e. Reading and writing text files
f. Library functions for file manipulation

3. Catalog Descriptions
The purpose of this course is to teach fundamentals of programming to the students starting from the basic.
The course is software-oriented as students will be trained to create piece of code that are capable of
performing one of more tasks. The course includes comprehensive laboratory exercises.

4. Course Objectives
a) The students will have a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of programming.
b) The students will gain an in-depth knowledge of a modern IDE such as Microsoft Visual
c) The students will have good knowledge of C++ including its advantages and
d) Thus, having acquired a knowledge of Visual Studio and C++, the students will be able to
design and implement an algorithm from scratch.

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5. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction to programming

Lab 02 Variables and constants

Lab 03 Data types and Expressions

Lab 04 Coercion and casting

Lab 05 Selection structures

Lab 06 Repetition structures

Lab 07 “for” statement

Lab 08 Void functions

Lab 09 Variables and their types

Lab 10 Value returning functions

Lab 11 More on functions

Lab 12 Arrays

Lab 13 Pointers

Lab 14 Structures

Lab 15 Strings

Lab 16 Recursion

Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Applying fundamental concepts of selection statements and repetition

structures to solve a problem
1 C3

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CLO 2 Understanding and implementing the concept of functions and

Structures in C++

CLO 3 Design algorithms to solve complex problems using arrays and

pointers C6

CLO 4 To code, document, test and implement a well-structured, robust

computer program using C++ programming language 3 P2

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-103 Computer Applications in Engineering Design

Credits: 3 (2+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 2 Assignments

Lab reports: 12 reports

Quizzes: 5 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 5%

Assignments: 5%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30%

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Final Exam: 45%

Lab: 10%

Semester Project: 5%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. “Matlab for Engineers” by Holly Moore, 4th edition

Reference Books: 1. “Labview for everyone” by Jeffrey Travis, 3rd edition

2. “Latex, beginner’s guide” by Stefan kottwitz.

5. Catalog Descriptions

This course is intended for computer engineers who have already studied the basic
computer programming related courses. It will help the students to develop the skills to
use different computer applications/software necessary for a computer engineer to work
in the industry. In the lab, the students are made to learn various tools which are essential
for the design and development of software programs, hardware design, advanced
mathematical writing and communication of ideas diagrammatically.

6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Basic concepts and Matlab Programming 8hrs

2. GUI in Matlab 2hrs

3. Introduction to Simulink and simulations 4hrs

4. Introduction to Latex and Mathematical Drafting using Latex 4hrs

5. Introduction to Labview and simulations 8hrs

6. Basics of UML and MS-visio 6hrs

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7. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction to MATLAB

Lab 02 MATLAB programming I

Lab 03 MATLAB programming II

Lab 04 Algorithm development in MATLAB

Lab 05 Simulink programming I- Basic Structures

Lab 06 Simulink programming II- Simulations

Lab 07 GUI in Matlab

Lab 08 Getting started with Labview

Lab Simulations and external interface in Labview


Lab 11 Introduction to Latex

Lab 12 Mathematical writing in Latex

Lab 13 Introduction to MS visio

Lab 14 Introduction to UML

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8. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes

(Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning

CLO 1 To know different tools/software (Matlab, Labview, Latex, UML, Visio) for PLO 3
applications in engineering design

CLO 2 Analyse the engineering problem to identify the constituent part of the PLO 2
tool/software appropriate for its solution

CLO 3 To know different software/tools (Matlab, Simulink) used for the purpose of PLO 5
simulation in engineering

CLO 4 Implement solutions to different problems in engineering design using these PLO 5
tools/software (Matlab, Simulink, Labview) P2

CLO 5 To know the importance of computer application for the improvement of PLO 7
environment and to achieve international sustainable development goals.

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-210 Computer Organization

Credits: 2+1

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites -

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Lab 3 hrs/week

Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 OHTs, 1 Final Exam

Home work: 2 assignments

Quizzes: 4

Quizzes: 10%

Assignments: 10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30%

Final Exam: 50%

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4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: Computer Organization and design :The hardware /software
Interface,5th Edition, by Patterson and Hennesy, Morgan and Kaufman

Reference Books:  Computer Organization by Car Hamacher,Zvonks Vransic ,

Safeazaky , McGraw Hill,Vth Edition
 Computer Architecture and Organization by John P Hayes,Tata
McGraw Hill,1996

5. Catalog Descriptions
This course provides through discussions on the fundamentals of computer organization and
architecture and relates this to contemporary design issues. This will cover evolution of
computer,Computer system components ,system interconnection ,structures and functions of
different central processing units,control units,characteristics and functions of different
instruction sets,addressing modes, nenory,input/output, parallel processing, multi core computing
and mapping of computer components on today’s smart embedded systems. In addition the
students will also learn the memory management ,basic multiplication and division algorithms
and functioning of ALU. Upon Completion of this course ,students will be able to :

 Design their own ALU

 Able to select the system based on the requirements
 Mapping of program as per MIPS isntructions on MARS simulator
 Memory management hierarchy
 Binary logic mapping on proteus

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6. Course Objectives
This course will help students understand how computer systems/embedded computer devices are modelled
both at the design and fabrication levels.The course covers functionality of all computer system components
and their optimization/performance criteria. The instruction set mapping on the hardware and combinational
and sequential logic. How the addition/multiplication and division is mapped at the hardware level and what
are the design constraints.

7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

Contact Hours

Introduction to computer system, components and evolution of computers, Moore’s law

and its challenges, elaboration of various terminologies ,number system, cross 5hrs
conversions between systems, negative numbers and complements

Operations of the computer hardware, operands of the computer hardware, signed and
unsigned number, representing instructions in the computer, logical operations, MIPS 4hrs
addressing for 32-bit

CPU registers mapping on the stack in memory upon procedure calls 5hrs

Memory usage, input and output, implementation on SPIM and MARS simulator 5hrs

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of binary numbers ,algorithm 6hrs


Gates, Truth Tables, and logic equations, combinational logic, constructing a basic 5 hrs
arithmetic logic, faster addition, memory elements: flip-flops, latches and registers

MIPS mapping on the hardware using MARS simulator 4 hrs

Combinational and sequential Boolean logic, implementation on proteus 5 hrs

Memory hierarchy, the basic of caches 5 hrs

Finite-state machines, timing methodologies 4 hrs

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8. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 To comprehend core components of computer organization and

their interworking. Mapping of components on the modern day 1 C2
embedded systems/IoTs.

CLO 2 To apply the concepts of computer system performance parameters 2

for the analysis of computer system equipment

CLO 3 To understand the addition, multiplication and division techniques 3

and analyse their comparative performance

CLO 4 To use the instruction set architecture for mapping onto the MIPS
5 P4
instruction set and simulating on the MARS/SPIM simulator

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1. Course Information

Course Number and Title: EC-200 Data Structures

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Algorithm and Computing

2. Course Schedule

Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Office Hours : 6 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment

Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 4-6 Assignments

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Lab reports: 12 reports

Design Project: 1

Quizzes: 6 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 10%

Assignments: 10%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30%

Final Exam: 25%

Lab Work+ Semester Project: 25%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Frank M. Carrano, “Data Abstraction and Problem

solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors,” 6th Ed.,
Addison Wesley, 2013.

Reference Books: 1. Y. Langsam, M. J. Augenstein, A. M. Tenenbaum,

“Data Structures Using C and C++,” Prentice Hall,

2. Mark Allen Weiss, "Data Structures and Algorithm

Analysis in C++," Addison Wesley, 4th edition 2014.

5. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

ACM Knowledge area

Contact Mapping
Topics covered
Hrs. Knowledge Hrs.

7. Revision of basic concepts of Object Oriented


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8. Revision of the basic concepts of programming

with pointers.

9. Data structures

a. Arrays

b. Linked lists CE-SWD-5 Data

12hrs Structures [5]
c. Doubly lists

d. Stacks

e. Queues

10. Recursion 3hrs

CE-SWD-5 Recursion [3]

11. Searching

a. Sequential searches
b. Binary search

c. Trees

12. Complexity analysis Algorithmic analysis
analysis [4]
a. Basic Algorithm Analysis CE-CAL-3
b. Algorithmic Complexity (NP-Complete CE-CAL-8 Algorithm

13. Sorting

c. Bubble sort

d. Heap sort Classic

6hrs Algorithms for
e. Quick sort common tasks
f. Radix sort CE-CAL-5 [3]

g. Insertion sort

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h. Selection sort

i. Merge sort

14. Searching revisited

j. General n-ary trees 3hrs

k. Hash tables

15. Graphs

l. Minimum spanning tree

m. Dijkstra’s algorithm

n. Huffman’s coding

6. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping


Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learnin

PLOs g Level

CLO1 Analyze program to determine bugs like dangling pointer, bad

pointer, memory leakage and shallow copy etc. in program.

CLO2 Develop computer programs to learn the use of data structures and
relevant algorithms for them: stack, queue, dynamically linked lists,
trees, graphs, heap, priority queue, hash tables, sorting algorithms,
min-max algorithm.

CLO3 Analyze algorithms and data structures for performance comparison

in terms of time and space complexity.

CLO4 Solving open ended complex engineering problems by applying PLO3 P4

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appropriate data structures.

CLO5 Develop a project that solves a real problem in an application domain

(Networks, virtual hard disk, Data mining, machine learning etc.) by PLO3 P5
using data structures learnt in this course.

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-201 Object Oriented Programming

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Introduction to Programming

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice in week

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 4 hrs/week by instructor, 4 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessionals (One hour test) and 1 Final

Home work: 4 Assignments

Lab reports: 15 reports

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 5 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 8%

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Assignments: 7%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 20%

Final Exam: 40%

Lab: 15%

Semester Project/Open Lab Exam: 10%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Beginning C# Object Oriented Programming by Dan Clark
2. C# How to Program by Dietel & Dietel.
Reference Books: 1. Beginning Object Oriented Programming with C# by Jack

5. Catalog Descriptions
This course consists of topics related to object oriented paradigm ranging from design to development
software systems and solutions. The contents include object-oriented Analysis of given environment,
translating system requirements into UML based design, Class Associations, and logical design
implementation. Introduction to C#, Console Applications, Windows Forms Applications, Class Libraries,
Linking external dependencies. All lectures are supplemented by home works and laboratory
implementations of object oriented design and development tasks using Microsoft .NET framework with C#.

6. Course Objectives
a) The main objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive presentation of the
fundamentals of object oriented concepts and analysis both from a theoretical as well as
practical point of view.
b) To familiarize the students with the basic concepts of design and development.
c) To introduce the students to the data types and coding techniques used for object
oriented paradigm.

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d) To provide broader understanding of classes, objects and relationships.

e) To give them an idea about pure object oriented development environment.
f) To enable students to implement all theoretical information gained during the lectures in

7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage (48 Hrs)

1. Overview of Object Oriented Programming 3 hrs

a. Why Use OOP

b. Characteristics of OOP

c. History of OOP

2. Designing OOP Solutions 3 hrs

a. Goals of Application Design

b. Modeling Object Relationships

c. Extraction of Object Properties

3. Designing OOP with Unified Modeling Language 3 hrs

a. Use Case Diagram

b. Activity Diagram

c. Sequence Diagram

4. Class Diagram 3 hrs

a. Modeling Classes

b. Class Associations

c. Identification of Association Classes

5. Introduction of .NET Framework and Visual Studio 3 hrs

a. Components of .NET Framework

b. Working with .NET Framework

c. Using Visual Studio IDE

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6. Creating Classes 3 hrs

a. Defining Classes

b. Using Constructors

c. Overloading Methods

7. Creating Class Hierarchies 3 hrs

a. Understanding Inheritance

b. Abstract and Sealed Classes

c. Hiding Methods

8. Introduction to Interfaces 3 hrs

a. Defining Interfaces

b. Multi-Class Inheritance

c. Abstraction using Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes

9. Understanding Polymorphism 3 hrs

a. Implementing Polymorphism

b. Virtual and Override Methods

10. Implementing Object Collaboration - I 3 hrs

a. Communicating Through Messaging

b. Defining Method Signatures
c. Passing Parameters
d. Understanding Delegation
e. Implementing Events
11. Implementing Object Collaboration - II 3 hrs

a. Responding to Events
b. Exception Handling
c. Static Properties and Methods
d. Using Asynchronous Messaging
12. Role of Structures in Object Oriented Programming 3 hrs

a. Introduction of Structures
b. Value Types vs. Reference Types
13. Storing Data 3 hrs

a. Using Disk Data files

b. Using Databases
14. Developing Windows Applications 3 hrs

a. Fundamentals

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b. Layout Controls
c. Toolbox and Event Handling
15. Generics 3 hrs

a. Boxing Unboxing
b. Runtime Type Checking
c. Recursion
16. Fundamental Programming Concepts 3 hrs

a. Data Types and Conversion

b. Working with Operators
c. Decision Structures
d. Loop Structures (For Each Loop)
e. Collections

8. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes

(Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning

CLO 1 To analyze fundamental concepts of object-oriented PLO-1

programming for their mapping to real life scenarios.

CLO To design solution for implementing given problem in terms of PLO-3

2 objects and classes with their relationships, attributes and C3
properties using specific tool(s).

CLO 3 Understand how to apply the major object-oriented concepts to PLO-3

implement object oriented programs in C#, encapsulation, C3
inheritance and polymorphism as an open lab assignment.

CLO 4 Develop for deployment by completing software solution in a PLO- 5 P7

given environment using learned techniques and tools.

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-210 Logic and Sequential Circuit Design

Credits: 3 (2+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites EC-120 Computer Organization

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 4 Assignments

Quizzes: 4 Quizzes

Lab reports: 10 reports

Lab Exam 1 Final

Grading: Theory (75%) Lab (25%)

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 40% Lab Work 70%

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Quizzes: 15% Final Exam 30%

Assignments 5%

Final Exam 40%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Digital Design Fifth Edition by M. Morris Mano & Michael D.
Reference Books: 1. Hamblen, Hall, & Furman, Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems,
SOPC Edition, Springer Publishers. ISBN 9780387726700

5. Catalog Descriptions
Foundation in design and analysis of the operation of digital gates. Design and implementation
of combinational and sequential logic circuits. Concepts of Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps,
flip-flops, registers, and counters along with various logic families and comparison of their
behavior and characteristics.

6. Course Objectives
 Able to perform the conversion among different number systems; Familiar with baisc
logic gates -- AND, OR & NOT, XOR, XNOR; independently or work in team to
build simple logic circuits using basic.
 Understand Boolean algebra and basic properties of Boolean algebra; able to simplify
simple Boolean functions by using the basic Boolean properties.
 Able to design simple combinational logics using basic gates. Able to optimize simple
logic using Karnaugh maps, understand "don't care".
 Familiar with basic sequential logic components: SR Latch, D Flip-Flop and their
usage and able to analyze sequential logic circuits.
 Understand finite state machines (FSM) concept and work in team to do sequence
circuit design based FSM and state table using D-FFs.
 Familiar with basic combinational and sequential components used in the typical data
path designs: Register, Adders, Shifters, Comparators; Counters, Multiplier,

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Arithmetic-Logic Units (ALUs), RAM. Able to do simple register-transfer level

(RTL) design.
 Understand that the design process for today's billion-transistor digital systems
becomes a more programming based process than before and programming skills are

7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

 Digital Systems and Binary Numbers 6 hrs

 Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates 6 hrs

 Gate ‐ Level Minimization 3 hrs

 Combinational Logic 9 hrs

 Synchronous Sequential Logic 9 hrs

 Registers and Counters 4 hrs

 Memory and Programmable Logic 6 hrs

8. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Study of basic gates (Introduction to ICs, logic families)

Lab 02 Universal gates (Learn how to make gates using universal gates)

Lab 03 Basic Boolean Algebra rules

Lab 04 Modelsim installation & implementation of basic combinational circuits

Lab 05 Simulation & writing test bench in Verilog

Lab 06 Reducing Boolean expressions

Lab 07 HDL models

Lab 08 Ripple carry adder, decoder and magnitude comparator

Lab 9 Multiplexer and de-multiplexer

Lab 10 Implementing Boolean function using multiplexer

Lab 11 Sequential circuits: latches

Lab 12 Sequential circuits: flip flops

Lab 13 Sequential circuits counters using flip flops

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9. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes

(Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) PLOs Learning

CLO 1 Identify and explain fundamental concepts of digital logic design PLO 1 C2
including basic and universal gates, number systems, binary coded
systems, basic components of combinational and sequential circuits

CLO 2 Demonstrate the acquired knowledge to apply techniques related to PLO 1 C3

the design and analysis of digital electronic circuits including
Boolean algebra and multi-variable Karnaugh map methods

CLO 3 Analyze small-scale combinational and sequential digital circuits PLO 2 C4

CLO 4 Design small-scale combinational and synchronous sequential digital PLO 3 P4

circuit using Boolean algebra and K-maps

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-220 Computer System Architecture

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites EC-210 Logic and Sequential Circuit Design

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3hrs/week

Discussion: 1 hr/discussion, multiple discussion sections offered per quarter

Outside study: 7 hrs/week

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 One Hour Tests and 1 Final

Home work: 2 Assignments

Lab reports: As per lab manual

Design reports: None

Quizzes: 4 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 10%

Assignments: 10%

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2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25%

Final Exam: 30%

Lab: 25%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for
Performance, 8th Edition, 2010 by William Stallings.

Reference Books: 2. Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach,

Fifth Edition by John Hennessy, David Patterson, 2011

5. Catalog Descriptions
Computer arithmetic, register transfer language and micro operations, common bus system design, design of
arithmetic logic unit, design of hardwired control unit and micro programmed control unit, instruction sets
and addressing modes, memory system design, cache memory, virtual memory system, input/output interface
and operations and advanced topics such as parallel processing and pipeline processing.

6. Course Objectives
To teach students about the advanced concepts covering overview of computer architecture, which stresses
the underlying design principles and the impact of these principles on computer performance. General topics
include design methodology, processor design, control design, memory organization, system organization,
and parallel processing.

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7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Introduction to Computer System Architecture and Digital Computers. 4hrs

2. Register transfer language. Arithmetic, logic and shift micro operations.

3. Common bus system design and memory transfers, Tristate buffers. 4hrs

4. Binary data. Arithmetic operations on signed binary numbers. Overflow detection 4hrs
circuit design.

5. Design of Arithmetic Logic Unit and Control Unit. Hardwired Control Unit, 4hrs
Micro programmed Control Unit.

6. Microprocessor organization, microprocessor sequencing. Memory cycle, 4hrs

memory read cycle, memory-write cycle.

7. Microprocessor instruction set and addressing modes. Types of microprocessor

instructions, machine language, introduction to assembly language. 4hrs

8. Stack operations, Subroutines, Interrupts, Priority Interrupt.

9. Memory system design, memory hierarchy, primary memory (RAM, ROM),

secondary memory. Function table of RAM & ROM, memory address map.
Interfacing microprocessor with memory.
10. Cache memory, Different designs of cache memory system.

11. Input/Output Interface, memory mapped input/output, isolated input/output.

Parallel peripheral interface, serial communication interface, dedicated interface
components. Direct memory access.

12. Virtual memory system, Address mapping using pages.

13. Introduction to parallel processing, Multiprocessor systems, Pipeline processing.


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8. Lab Experiments
1 Introduction To Qtspim

2 Spim Console

3 Assembly Arithmetic And Memory Access Instructions

4 Loop And Conditional Instructions

5 Function In Mips

6 Recursive Functions

7 Simulating The Multiplication Hardware

8 Simulating The Division Hardware

9 Introduction To Architecture Design In C++

10 Architecture Design In C++ To Implement Arithmetic Instructions

11 Architecture Design In C++ To Implement Memory Access Instructions

9. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes

(Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Explain a wide variety of memory technologies both internal and external. PLO 1 C2

CLO 2 Analyze the working of components of the CPU including the ALU, registers, PLO 2
program counter, control unit using the Von Neumann Architecture.

CLO 3 Analyze the working and architecture of both single and multiple core PLO 2
processors in different scenarios.

CLO 4 Manipulation of computer architecture to construct solution of given problems PLO 4

through experimentation

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-221 Operating Systems

Credits: 3 (3+0)

Course type: Lecture

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: None

Office Hours : 6 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 1 Assignments

Lab reports: None

Design reports: 1 Design reports based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 6 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 15%

Assignments: 05%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30%

Final Exam: 40%

Semester Project: 10%

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4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne:
Operating System Concepts, 9th Edition, John Wiley and
Sons, ISBN 13: 978-1118129388
Reference Books: 1. William Stallings: Operating Systems, 7th Edition, Prentice
Hall, ISBN 0-13-031999-6

5. Catalog Descriptions
This course will introduce the core concepts of operating systems, such as processes and threads, scheduling,
synchronization, memory management, file systems, input and output device management and security. The
course will consist of assigned reading, weekly lectures, two sessionals and final exam, semester project,
and a sequence of assignments and quizzes. The goal of the readings and lectures is to introduce the core
concepts. The goal of the project and assignments is to give students some exposure to operating system
code and concepts. Students are expected to read the assigned materials prior to each class, and to participate
in in-class discussions.

6. Course Objectives
To study and discuss the fundamental operating system concepts covering the system structures, process
management, threading, CPU scheduling, synchronization, deadlocks, main memory and secondary storage
management, virtual memory, file-system implementation, I/O systems, disk scheduling and security, to be
able to understand methodologies of parallel and multitasking operating systems

7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

16. Operating system structures:
6 hrs
OS Services, OS interface, System Calls, System programs, OS design and
implementation, OS structures (Real-time, general purpose & embedded)

17. Processes: 4 hrs

process concept and states, process scheduling, operations on processes, inter-
process communications

18. Threads:
3 hrs
Multicore programming, multithreading models, thread libraries, threading issues,
operating system examples

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19. Process synchronization:

8 hrs
critical section problem, mutex locks, semaphores, classic problems of
synchronization, monitors, examples

20. CPU Scheduling:

4 hrs
Scheduling criteria, scheduling algorithms, thread scheduling, multi-processor
scheduling, real-time CPU scheduling

21. Deadlocks: 3 hrs

Characterization, handling, prevention, avoidance, detection, recovery

22. Main Memory Management: 6 hrs

Memory allocation, swapping, segmentation, paging, example architectures.

23. Virtual Memory: 3 hrs

Demand paging, page replacement algorithms

24. Mass Storage: 4 hrs

Disk structure, disk scheduling, disk management, RAID structure

25. File Systems:

3 hrs
Access methods, disk and directory structure, sharing, protection, file system

2 hrs
26. Distributed Operating Systems

27. Review
a. Review of important concepts before OHT-1 2hrs
b. Review of important concepts before OHT-2
c. Review of important concepts after OHT-2
d. Addressing student’s queries

8. Course Outcomes and their Relation toProgram Outcomes

(Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning

CLO 1 Be able to discuss the characteristics of different structures of the Operating PLO 1 C2
Systems (such as microkernel, layered, virtualization, etc.) and identify the

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core functions of the Operating Systems.

CLO 2 Be able to explain the principles and compare the algorithms on which the PLO 1
core functions of the Operating Systems are built on.

CLO 3 Be able to analyse and evaluate the algorithms of the core functions of the PLO 2
Operating Systems and explain the major performance issues with regard to C4
the core functions.

CLO 4 Be able to develop parallel applications using techniques and tools available PLO3
in modern systems (such as threads, system calls, semaphores, etc.).

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-240 Database Engineering

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites None

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice in week

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 4 hrs/week by instructor, 4 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessionals and 1 Final

Home work: 4 Assignments

Lab reports: 14 Reports, 2 Lab Exams (1 Mid, 1 Final)

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 4 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 8%

Assignments: 7%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 20%

Final Exam: 40%

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Lab: 25% (10% Semester Project)

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Modern Database Management by Jefrey A. Hoffer, V.
Ramesh and Heikki Topi, 11th Edition, 2012
Reference Books: 1. Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional by
Clare Churcher, 2007
2. Data Engineering: A Novel Approach to Data Design by
Brian Shive, 2013.

5. Catalog Descriptions
This course is consists of topics related to Database Engineering ranging from design to development. The
contents include Database Analysis, Requirements breakdown and modeling organizational behavior, entity
relationships, and logical database design to physical implementation. Introduction to SQL and its advance
techniques, application development and warehousing. All lectures are supplemented by home works and
laboratory implementations of database design and development tasks using Microsoft .NET framework and
SQL Server with management studio.

6. Course Objectives
a) The main objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive presentation of the fundamentals of
database concepts and analysis both from a theoretical as well as practical point of view.
b) To familiarize the students with the basic concepts of design and development.
c) To introduce the students to the data formats and coding techniques used for inter-type conversion.
d) To familiarize students with the basic concepts relational schema.
e) To provide broader understanding of referential integrity, relations and data integrity.
f) To give them an idea about structured query language.
g) To enable students to implement all theoretical information gained during the lectures in C#.NET
and SQL Server.

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7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage (48 Hrs)

1. Database Environment and Development Process 3 Hrs

a. Basic Concepts and Definitions

b. Data Models

c. Relational Databases

2. Data Modeling (ERD) 3 Hrs

a. E-R Model

b. Modeling Entities and Attributes

c. Modeling Relationships

3. Enhanced E-R Model 3 Hrs

a. Supertypes and Subtypes

b. Representing Specialization and Generalization

c. Entity Clustering

4. Logical Database Design 3 Hrs

a. Relational Data Model

b. Transforming EER Diagrams into Relations

c. Normalization

5. Physical Database Design 3 Hrs

a. Designing Fields

b. De-normalizing and Partitioning

c. Indexes

d. Optimal Query Performance

6. Implementation 3 Hrs

a. SQL

b. Integrity Controls

c. Schema Manipulation

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7. Advanced SQL 3 Hrs

a. Processing Multiple Tables (Joins)

b. Transactional Integrity

c. Triggers and Routines

8. Database Application Development 3 Hrs

a. Client/Server Architecture

b. Web Components

c. Extensive Markup Language (XML)

9. Data Quality and Integration 3 Hrs

a. Managing Data Quality

b. Master Data Management

c. Data Integration

10. Distributed Databases 3 Hrs

a. Objectives and Tradeoffs

b. Distributed DBMS

c. Introduction to Hadoop

11. Object-Oriented Data Modeling 3 Hrs

a. UML (Unified Modeling Language)

b. Representing Aggregation

12. Data Modeling Tools and Notations 3 Hrs

a. Visio Professional

13. Database Administration using MS SQL Studio 3 Hrs

a. Managing Data Security

b. Database Backup and Recovery

c. Data Availability

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14. Database Administration using MS SQL Studio 3 Hrs

a. Built In functions

b. Views

c. Clustering

15. Non-Relational Databases 3 Hrs

a. Key-Value Databases

b. Graph Databases

16. No SQL Databases 3 Hrs

a. Column Wide

b. Document Based

8. CourseOutcomesandtheirRelationtoProgramOutcomes
(Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning

CLO 1 Describe the basic concepts (Entity modeling, Data integrity, PLO1
Relational modeling, Normalization etc) of relational database C2
management system.

CLO 2 Examine the end-user requirements to create a detailed database PLO4

system design.

CLO 3 Formulate information from data and database objects through the use PLO3
of SQL.

CLO 4 Design and develop a database management system (using backend PLO5
engines and UI tools) that satisfies relational theory and provides users P4
with business queries, business forms, and business reports.

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-301 Computer Graphics

Credits: 2+1

Course type: Lecture+lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Labs: 15

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 2

Quizzes: 10%

Assignments: 10%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30%

Final Exam: 50%

Lab: 15%

Semester Project: 10%

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4. Catalog Description
The Computer Graphics course is directed towards providing students the ability to use computers technology
to create realistic images and animations. The course gives students an introduction to the computer graphics
concepts and discusses graphics algorithms working behind the scene.

The course provides a basic understanding of the skills and techniques employed by 3D modeling, animation
and game development professionals. In this course, we will explore basic mesh modeling, texturing, lighting,
animation, rendering and game development in 3D environment. This course should provide a good basis for
further independent study in architectural, engineering, game, theatrical and character building.

5. Course Objectives
On Completion of this course :

 The students will have good understanding of graphics standards & APIs,graphics I/O Devices and
elements of pictures
 The student knows how to create valid and complete 3D meshes for use in visualizations,games design
and 3D printing .
 The student knows how to effectively use different materials,textures and texture mapping.
 The students knows how to rig different models and use it for animation
 The students will complete a game development project which will enable them to independently start
publishing low complexity games for various platforms

6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Introduction to computer graphics, Graphics standards and APIs
2. Basic block modeling
3. Modeling natural objects

4. Particle system

5. Material & shaders

6. Surface texturing

7. Lighting

8. Rendering

9. Rigging

10. Animation

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11. Basic elements of a game

12. Level Design

13. Characters and their animations

14. UI elements

15. Basic UI

7. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO

to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning

CLO 1 Identify and explain fundamental concepts of graphics standards & APIs 1 C2

CLO 2 Demonstrate the acquired knowledge to create valid and complete 5

3D meshes for use in visualization, games design, and 3D printing.

CLO 3 Know how to effectively use different materials, textures and texture 1

CLO 4 Create/import 3D models in game engines, Animate the models and

5 C5
make them interactive through code / blueprints.

CLO5 Create a single level 3D animated game 5 P7

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-310 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Based Design

Credits: 3+1

Course type: Lecture+Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites EC-201, EC-202

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 2 Assignments

Lab reports: 10 reports

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 4 Quizzes

Quizzes: 5%

Assignments: 5-10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%

Final Exam: 40-50%

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Lab: 15%

Semester Project: 10%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1.Muhammad Ali Mazidi , Rollind D. Mckinlay and Danny

Reference Books: 1. PIC Microcontroller: An Introduction to Software and

Hardware Interfacing By Han-Way Huang, 2005

2. Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers: Embedded Design by

Interactive Simulation By Martin P. Bates, 2nd Edition, 2013

5. Catalog Descriptions
It is the second level course for the students who have already taken courses like logic and
sequential circuit design and computer organization. The purpose of this course is to teach
fundamentals of microprocessors and microcontrollers introducing students the architecture,
assembly language and interfacing of a selected microprocessor and a microcontroller. The course
is extremely hardware-oriented as students will be trained to design applications where control
can be achieved via a microprocessor and microcontroller implementation to achieve a dedicated
‘embedded’ controller as a component of a larger system. The course includes comprehensive
laboratory exercises

6. Course Objectives
a) The students will have basic understanding of the architecture and operation of modern microprocessor
based computer systems.
b) The students will acquire in-depth knowledge of microcontrollers.
c) The students will gain expertise in writing programs in assembly and C.
d) The students will gain knowledge regarding hardware aspects of PIC microcontrollers, e.g. interfacing
of PIC microcontroller with input/output devices, its communication mechanism, understanding timing
diagram of input-output read/write bus cycles etc.
e) Thus having acquired knowledge in both software and hardware areas, the student will be able to take
on projects related to microcontrollers and microprocessors using assembly and C language
f) The students will acquire knowledge of Microchip PIC microcontrollers and its use in embedded systems

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7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Introduction to Microprocessor and Microcontrollers 3 hrs

a. Introduction to course
b. Key features of Microprocessor & Microcontrollers

2. Introduction to Computing
a. Basic concepts in digital logic design: A review 3 hrs
b. Number and coding system
c. Computer architecture-a short brief

3. The PIC Microcontrollers 2 hrs

a. Microprocessor and Embedded System
b. Overview of the PIC Microcontrollers
c. Choosing a Microcontroller – Criteria

4. The PIC18 Assembly Language Programming

a. Architecture & Organization of Microchip PIC Microcontrollers
b. Introduction to PIC18 Assembly Programming 8 hrs
c. Assembling, Linking and Running a PIC18 Program
d. PIC18 Data Types and Directives
e. PIC18 Register banks & stacks
f. Loop and Jump Instructions
g. Call Instructions
h. Time delay for various PIC18 Microcontroller

5. I/O Port Programming

a. PIC18 Programming 3 hrs
b. I/O Bit manipulation programming
c. Bit addresses for I/O and RAM
d. Extra 128-byte on-chip RAM in PIC18

6. Arithmetic, Logic Instructions and Programs

a. Arithmetic Instructions
b. Signed number concepts and arithmetic operations 3 hrs
c. Logic and compare instructions
d. Rotate instruction and data serialization
e. BCD, ASCII & other application programs

7. PIC18 Programming in C
a. Data types and time delay in PIC18 C 6 hrs
b. I/O Programming in PIC18 C
c. Logic Operations in PIC18 C
d. Data conversion programming in C
e. Accessing code ROM space in PIC18 C
f. Data Serialization using PIC18 C

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3 hrs
8. PIC18 Hardware Connection and Intel Hex File
a. Pin description of the PIC18
b. Explaining the Intel hex File

3 hrs
9. Serial Port Programming in Assembly and C
a. Basics of serial communication
b. b. PIC18 serial port programming in assembly

2 hrs
10. Timers
a. Basics of Timers in Microcontrollers
b. Programming of Timers in PIC18

11. Analog to Digital Conversion in Microcontrollers 3 hrs

a. Introduction to ADCs in PIC
b. Programming of ADC in PIC18

12. Interrupt Handling In Microcontrollers

a. Basic concepts of Interrupts in Microcontrollers 3 hrs
b. Interrupts Configuration in PIC18
c. Interrupts Programming in PIC18

8. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Understanding the basics and fundamental concepts about the

operation, usage and instruction set of microprocessors and 1 C2

CLO 2 Use the instruction set/machine code to instruct microprocessors and 1


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CLO 3 Use high level/low level languages to program the embedded systems 3
with microcontroller/microprocessor for complex tasks

CLO 4 Designing an embedded system by using the appropriate software and

3 P4
hardware tools

CLO5 Analyse the requirements provided by a user for the design of an

2 C4
embedded system

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-312 Digital Image Processing

Credits: 3 (2+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites None

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 5 Assignments

Lab reports: 16 reports

Design reports: 2 Design reports based on Mini and Semester Project

Quizzes: 4 Quizzes

Grading: Theory (75%) Lab (25%)

2 One Hour Tests 30% Lab Work 30%

Open Lab 1 10%

Quizzes: 10% Open Lab 2 10%

Assignments 10% Lab Tasks 20%

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Final Exam 50% Final Project 30%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Digital Image Processing by Rafael C. Gonzalez and
Woods, 3rd Edition, 2008
Reference Books: 1. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A Practical
Approach with Examples in Matlab by Chris Solomon,
Wiley-Blackwel, 2011
2. Digital Image Processing Using Matlab by Rafael C.
Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Pearson Education, 2009.
3. Digital Image Processing by Kenneth R. Castleman, Prentice
Hall International Edition, 1996.

5. Catalog Descriptions
This course is consists of topics related to image processing from introductory to a bit advanced
level. The contents include introduction to image processing systems and applications, Image
enhancement in spatial and frequency domains, removal of noise using image restoration, analysis
of images using wavelets, image compression, shape based analysis using morphological
operations, thresholding and clustering based segmentation, feature extraction such as edges,
corners and texture based features and image classification. All lectures are supplemented by home
works and laboratory implementations of image processing tasks using Python, OpenCV and

6. Course Objectives
a) The main objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive presentation of the
fundamentals of image processing and analysis both from a theoretical as well as

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practical point of view.

b) To familiarize the students with the techniques of image enhancement in spatial and
frequency domain.
c) To introduce the students to the image restoration techniques.
d) To familiarize students with the basic concepts relating to the color image processing.
e) To provide broader understanding of image compression, image morphology and
f) To give them an idea about low and high level feature extraction from images and to
apply classification in order to make decision support system for image processing
based applications
g) To enable students to implement all theoretical information gained during the lectures
in Python or MATLAB and also to program solutions in Python or MATLAB to
practical problems.
h) To give basic knowledge of using camera module along with Raspberry Pi for real
time image processing and computer vision based project

7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Introduction to image processing and it fundamentals 4 hrs

a. Structure of eye

b. Digital image acquisition model

c. Different types of images

2. Image enhancement in spatial domain 5 hrs

a. Intensity transformations

b. Histogram and its analysis

c. Convolution and spatial filtering

3. Image enhancement in frequency domain 3 hrs

a. Basic concepts related to Fourier transform

b. Sampling in frequency domain and introduction to DFT

c. Filtering in frequency

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4. Image restoration 2 hrs

a. Introduction to restoration model

b. Different types of noises and their models

c. Image restoration in spatial and frequency domains

5. Color image processing 1.5 hrs

a. Formation of color image

b. Different color models

c. Analysis of colored images

6. Image compression 1.5 hrs

a. Compression models, compression ratio, types of redundancy

b. Variable length coding

c. Lossy and lossless compression

7. Introduction to wavelets 2 hrs

a. motivation of wavelets

b. Wavelet decomposition

c. Haar wavelet

8. Morphological operations for binary and gray images 3 hrs

a. Introduction to morphological operations

b. Morphological operation for binary images

c. Gray level morphological operations

9. Segmentation using thresholding and clustering 2 hrs

a. Global, local and adaptive thresholding

b. K-means and mean shift clustering

10. Feature extraction (edges, corners, texture based features) 6 hrs

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11. Classification 2 hrs

12. Design problems and application examples Outside study

8. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction to OpenCV and Numerical Python,

Lab 02 Introduction to Python and OpenCV WRT Image processing

Lab 03 Connected Component Analysis

Lab 04 Transformation Operations and Histogram Equalization

Lab 05 2D Convolution and Spatial Filtering

Lab 06 Open Lab-1

Lab 07 Spatial Filtering

Lab 08 Frequency Domain and Image Analysis in Frequency Domain

Lab 9 Frequency Domain and Image Analysis in Frequency Domain-II

Lab 10 Segmentation using Clustering and Region Growing

Lab 11 Morphological Operations

Lab 12 Machine Learning

Lab 13 Texture Based Descriptors

Lab 14 Revision

Lab 15 Vivas

Lab 16 Open Lab-2 Lab Final

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9. CourseOutcomesandtheirRelationtoProgramOutcomes (Mapping CLO to

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning

CLO 1 Understanding the fundamentals and basic concepts of image PLO 1

processing related to image segmentation, compression, enhancement C2

CLO 2 Performing different mathematical transformations and histogram PLO 2

based operations for solving image enhancement and feature extraction C3

CLO 3 Combining the concepts of image processing with machine learning to PLO 3
design decision support systems for image processing based C6

CLO 4 Learning the use of Python and OpenCV to implement basic image PLO 5
processing algorithms and to build and execute image processing based P2
projects to solve real life and open ended problems

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-313 Digital Signal Processing

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites EE-231 Signal And Systems

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 5 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 5 Assignments

Lab reports: 12 reports

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 4 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 7.5%

Assignments: 3.75%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 22.5%

Final Exam: 30%

Lab: 17.5%

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Semester Project: 18.75%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer:
Discrete-time Signal Processing, 3rd Edition
Pearson Education Limited, 2013

2. J. G. Proakis, C. M. Rader, F. Ling, & L. Nikias

Advanced Digital Signal Processing

Reference Books: 1. Ifeachor Jervis

Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Approach
Prentice Hall

2. James H. McClellan, Ronald W. Schafer, Mark A. Yoder

DSP First: A multimedia approach
Prentice Hall

3. S. K. Mitra,
Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach,
McGraw-Hill, 1998.

5. Catalog Descriptions
Relationship between continuous-time and discrete-time signals, Z-transform, Discrete Fourier transform,
Fast Fourier transform, Structures for digital filtering, Introduction to digital filter design techniques, FIR
and IIR based filter design.

6. Course Objectives
a) This course provides an insight to the theory and application of DSP. Upon completion of
the course, the student should have a solid foundation in the basics of DSP related to signal
and system analysis and design with reasonable exposure to advanced topics in signal
processing. In advanced topics the focus will be on different topics in statistical and multi
rate signal processing.
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b) To enable students to implement all theoretical information gained during the lectures in
MATLAB and also to program solutions in MATLAB to practical problems.
c) To enable the use of Digital Signal Processing Kits such as DSK6713 and DSK6416 for
real time implementation of DSP based algorithms for embedded solutions

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7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Discrete-time signals and systems. 6 hrs

 Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems,

 convolution sum,
 finite (FIR) and infinite (IIR) impulse responses,
 difference equations

2. One and two-sided z-transforms, partial fractions, transfer functions, block 6 hrs

3. Discrete-time Fourier transform, properties, and applications. 6 hrs

4. Transform analysis of LTI systems: pole-zero representation for rational systems, 3 hrs
study of various important systems including all-pass system, inverse system and
minimum-phase system.

5. Filter design techniques: filter design as a numerical approximation problem, 3 hrs

transformation techniques for the design of IIR filters, FIR filter design by

6. Discrete Fourier transforms (DFT): definition and properties of the discrete Fourier 2 hrs
series, definition of the DFT and its properties, application to linear convolution.

7. Computation of the DFT: the computational problem, most commonly used Fast 2 hrs
Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms (radix-2, decimation-in-time)

8. Sampling of continuous-time signal and sampling rate conversion: the sampling 4 hrs
theorem and some of its variations, reconstruction formulae, application to the
discrete-time processing of continuous-time signals. Sampling rate conversion in
multi-rate systems, multi-rate signal processing, band-pass sampling

9. Examples of applications of DSP (lectures and computer project). outside study 2 hrs

10. Review

 Review of important concepts before OHT-1 2 hrs

 Review of important concepts before OHT-2
 Review of important concepts after OHT-2
 Addressing student’s queries

8. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning

CLO 1 Conduct different operations on discrete-time sequences for LTI systems, PLO 1 C4
including linear and circular convolution and analysis of different transforms

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(DTFT, DFT, z-Transforms) and their applications in DSP.

CLO 2 Illustrate the use of DAC and ADC in DSP systems adhering to Nyquist PLO 1
sampling theorem.

CLO 3 Design digital systems (FIR and IIR filters) using different techniques PLO 3 C6

CLO 4 Conduct MATLAB and Digital Signal Processing Kits-based project(s) PLO 5
requiring some independent reading, programming, simulations, and P4
technical writing.

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-330 Computer Networks

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 6 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching

assistant/lab engineer

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 6 Assignments

Lab reports: 12 reports

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 6 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 7.5%

Assignments: 7.5%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 22.5%

Final Exam: 37.5%

Lab: 15%

Semester Project: 10%

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4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. J. Kurose and K. Ross, Computer Networking – A Top-
Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 6th edition,
Reference Books: 1. Garcia and Widjaja, “Communication Networks –
Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures”, Second
Edition, McGraw Hill, 2002

5. Catalog Descriptions
This course focuses on the principles, algorithms, architectures, protocols and advancements in core areas of
computer networks. This course covers computer networks in a top down manner, starting from the
application layer to the Physical Layer. Topics include TCP/IP and OSI reference models, Application Layer:
Principles of network applications, network application models, and application layer protocols like HTTP,
FTP, and DNS etc. Transport layer concepts, services, principles of connection oriented (TCP) and
connectionless transport (UDP), Network Layer services, types, network layer devices, IP addressing,
Overview of internet protocols (IP, ICMP etc.). Routing algorithms (Link state vs distance vector routing).
IPv6, IP multicast, DHCP, NAT etc. Link layer services, devices, medium access protocols, error correction
techniques. This course will also cover the basics of network security issues. Although, there are no
prerequisites to this course; however, good understanding of programing concepts and operating system
concepts can prove helpful

6. Course Objectives
a) Build detailed understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer networks.
b) To describe the layered architecture of the TCP/IP model and explain core functions of
each layer including addressing, routing, internetworking, switching, multiplexing, channel
c) Be exposed to the recent developments in computer networks research.
d) To gain practical experience of the subject through programming assignments.
e) Enable students to extend their knowledge of computer networks (acquired from the
course) towards their final year project
f) Provide students with a detailed insight to the fundamentals of data communication and
computer networks.

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7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Introduction to computer networks, internet structure, terminologies, basic concepts

a. Introduction to course – course outline, education needs 5hrs
b. Protocol layers and their service models
c. Discussion about OSI and TCP/IP reference models

2. Application Layer: Principles of network applications (Peer-to-peer, client server &

hybrid communications)
a. Web and HTTP
b. DNS 8hrs
c. FTP
d. Email
e. Torrent

3. Transport Layer: introduction, services, multiplexing/de-multiplexing etc.

a. connectionless transport (UDP)
b. Principles of reliable data transfer 8hrs
c. Connection oriented transport (TCP)
d. TCP services
e. Socket Programming (Creating Network Applications)
4. Network Layer: Introduction, Services, Routing and Forwarding Concepts
a. IP addressing, Packet formats, Forwarding in the internet
b. Subnetting, Supernetting
c. The routing problem (Link state routing)
d. The routing problem (distance vector routing) 8hrs
e. Routing in the Internet, OSPF, RIP etc.
g. Broadcast and Multicast routing concepts

5. Network Layer: IPv4 limitations

a. Network Address Translation (NAT) 3hrs
b. IPv6: Addressing, packet format, protocol changes
c. Interworking of IPv6 and IPv4 routers
6. Link Layer: concept, services etc.
a. Error detection/correction techniques
b. Medium access control (MAC) protocols CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA,
ALOHA etc. 4hrs
c. ARP
d. Ethernet, Link layer switches
e. Wireless Networks (WLAN)
f. Network Topologies

7. Security Concepts 4hrs

a. Cryptography, authentication, message integrity etc.

8. Physical layer functionalities/concepts overview: Communication concepts: data, 2hrs

signal, modulation schemes etc. Network topologies, network types

9. Review
e. Review of important concepts before OHT-1 2hrs
f. Review of important concepts before OHT-2
g. Review of important concepts after OHT-2
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h. Addressing student’s queries

8. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction to Network packet headers, protocol layers, packet sniffing tool Wireshark

Lab 02 Introduction to (some) Basic Networking Commands and Familiarization with Networking

Lab 03 Introduction to Cisco Packet Tracer and Simulating a Simple Local Area Network on Packet

Lab 04 Simulating multiple networks in Cisco Packet Tracer and Internetwork Communication

Lab 05 Simulation and Implementation of Peer to Peer Connection between Two PCs

Lab 06 Socket Programming (TCP Sockets)

Lab 07 Socket Programming (Open Lab)

Lab 08 Lab Mid

Lab 09 Running DHCP Service on a Server along with HTTP and DNS in Cisco Packet Tracer

Lab 10 Basic Commands in CLI mode of Router IOS In Cisco Packet Tracer

Lab 11 Assigning IP Addresses to Interfaces and Access via Telnet Utility

Lab 12 Completely Configuring a Switch and Router via Telnet Utility for Multiple Networks

Lab 13 Configure DHCP Server on a Router and Check the IP Address Assignment

Lab 14 Socket Programming (RAW Sockets)

Lab 15 RAW Sockets (Open Lab)

Lab 16 Lab Final

9. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO

to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learnin
g Level

CLO 1 Explain the layered architecture of Computer Networks PLO 1 C2

CLO 2 Rank & criticize various network protocols and algorithms for PLO 2 C5

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suitability and effectiveness in different scenarios

CLO 3 Explain different security measure used in computer networks and PLO 3
identify basic security threats

CLO 4 Build multi-party network applications that effectively take care of PLO3
best practices used for TCP/IP applications development

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-350 Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Elective

Course pre-requisites None

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice in a week

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Discussion: 1 hr/discussion, multiple discussion sections offered per quarter

Outside study: 6 hrs/week

Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor, 2 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 4 Assignments

Lab reports: 14 reports

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 5 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 10%

Assignments: 5%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25%

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Final Exam: 40%

Lab: 15%

Semester Project: 5%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, by S. Russell and
P. Norvig, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009.

Reference Books: 1. Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach, by M. Tim

Jones, Infinity Science Press, 2008.
2. Pattern Classification, by Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart
and David G. Stork, Wiley Inter-science, 2nd edition, 2006.
3. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, by Christopher
Bishop, Springer, 2006.

5. Catalog Descriptions
This course introduces students to the basic search methods, problem solving, and learning methods of
artificial intelligence. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to develop intelligent systems
by assembling solutions to concrete computational problems; understand the role of search algorithms,
problem solving, and learning in intelligent-system engineering; and appreciate the role of problem solving,
vision, and language in understanding human intelligence from a computational perspective.

6. Course Objectives
a) Objectives are to learn techniques and theory developed in major areas of Artificial Intelligence
and to learn about the state of the art in Artificial Intelligence.
b) To have an appreciation for and understanding of both the achievements of AI and the theory
underlying those achievements.
c) To have an appreciation for the engineering issues underlying the design of AI systems.
d) To have a basic proficiency in a traditional AI language including an ability to write simple to
intermediate programs and an ability to understand code written in that language.
e) To have an understanding of the basic issues of knowledge representation and blind and heuristic
search, as well as an understanding of other topics such as game theory and minimax algorithm,
etc. that play an important role in AI programs.
f) To have a basic understanding of some of the more advanced topics of AI such as learning using

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Bayesian networks, decision trees and neural networks.

7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Turing test

3 hrs

2. Agents, PEAS model, Rationality, Nature and properties of environment, Structures of

agents 3 hrs

3. Problem solving by searching, Uninformed search strategies, Breadth first search (BFS),
Uniform Cost search 3 hrs

4. Depth first search (DFS) , Depth limited search, Iterative deepening DFS
3 hrs

5. Informed search strategies, Greedy best first search, A* search

4 hrs

6. Local search algorithms, Genetic algorithms (GA)

4 hrs

7. Adversarial search, Games, Minimax algorithm, Alpha-beta pruning

4 hrs

8. Introduction to Machine Learning, Feature extraction and classification

3 hrs

9. K-nearest neighbor classifier, Training and testing error, Confusion matrix, Sensitivity and
Specificity 4 hrs

10. Bayesian Networks and Naïve Based Bayes Models, Gaussian distribution, covariance
matrix 6 hrs

11. Neural networks and single layer Perceptron

4 hrs

12. Introduction to non-metric method and decision trees, entropy impurity, CART algorithm,
query selection 4 hrs

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8. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction to Python

Lab 02 Object Oriented Design Practices in Python

Lab 03 Graph Theory and Path Searches in Python

Lab 04 Breadth First Search for Graph and Tree Traversal

Lab 05 Depth First Search for Graph and Tree Traversal

Lab 06 Greedy Best First Search for Graphs

Lab 07 A* Search for Graphs

Lab 08 Genetic Algorithm

Lab 09 Minimax with Alpha-Beta Pruning

Lab 10 Mid Term Lab Exam

Lab 11 K-Nearest Neighbors Classification Model

Lab 12 Univariate/Multivariate Bayesian Classification Model

Lab 13 Naïve Bayes Classification

Lab 14 Single Layered Feed Forward Neural Network (Perceptron)

Lab 15 Open Lab

9. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learnin
PLOs g Level

CLO 1 Solving problems using various uninformed and informed search PLO 2
strategies. C3

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CLO 2 Apply local search algorithms like Genetic Algorithm (GA) on PLO 2
optimization problems and perform Minimax search on games. C3

CLO 3 Design machine learning systems, demonstrating understanding of PLO 3

machine learning concepts including feature extraction and
classification. C6

CLO 4 Implement projects in the lab work that use Python and MATLAB for PLO
execution of the theoretical knowledge gained during class lectures, 12
requiring some independent reading, programming and learning. P2

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-360 Software Engineering

Credits: 3

Course type: Lecture

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Twice weekly

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 3 Assignments

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 3 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 10%

Projects + Assignments: 10%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30%

Final Exam: 50%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville, Latest
Reference Books: 1. Object Oriented Analysis and Design by Grady Booch,
Latest Edition
2. Applying UML and Patterns.”, Craig Larman, Latest
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5. Catalog Descriptions
This course is aimed at helping students build up an understanding of how to develop a software system from
scratch by guiding them through the development process and giving them the fundamental principles of
system development with object oriented technology using UML. The course will initiate students to the
different software process models, software requirements engineering process, software architecture and
design, systems analysis and design as a problem-solving activity, key elements of analysis and design, and
the place of the analysis and design phases within the system development life cycle.

6. Course Objectives
The Main objectives of the course includes delivering students: -

•Knowledge of basic software engineering methods and practices, and their appropriate application.

•A general understanding of software process models such as the waterfall, evolutionary and agile models
like extreme programming and scrum.

•An understanding of software requirements and the SRS document.

An understanding of object oriented analysis and design and UML.

•An understanding of implementation issues such as modularity and coding standards.

•An understanding of software testing approaches such as unit testing and integration testing.

•An understanding of software risk analysis and management

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7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

 Intro & Basic concepts of SW Engineering. 6 Hrs

 Decomposition and Abstraction 2 Hrs

 Software development Process 4 Hrs

 Software Development Process Models 6 Hrs

 Agile software development 4 Hrs

 Requirement Engineering 6 Hrs

 Software Architecture and Design 4 Hrs

 Implementation and Coding Standards 4 Hrs

 Software testing 6 Hrs

 Debugging 2 Hrs

 Software maintenance 2 Hrs

 Risk Analysis 2 Hrs

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7. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes

(Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning

CLO 1 Design a software development strategy and select appropriate software PLO 3
development for any given software project

CLO 2 Design UML diagrams from requirements to deployment of any given PLO 3

CLO 3 Understand ethical obligations while developing a software for a client PLO 8

CLO 4 Keeps updated with new trends in software development methodologies PLO 12 A4

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-410 Digital System Design

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Signal And Systems

Digital Logic Design

Computer Architecture

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 5 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 5 Assignments

Lab reports: 12 reports

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 5 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 5%

Assignments: 5-10%

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2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%

Final Exam: 40-50%

Lab: 15%

Semester Project: 10%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Selected Chapters from the following:
Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems by Shoab A.
Khan, John Wiley & Sons
Reference Books: 2. VERILOG HDL-A guide to digital design and synthesis by
Samir Palnitkar, Prentice Hall Publisher
3. Advanced Digital Design with VERILOG HDL by Michael
D. Ciletti, Prentice Hall Publisher

5. Catalog Descriptions

The objective of this course is to make the students working as digital designer of a system to
realize they act as an architect, who can invent interesting structures fulfilling functionality with
creativity and effectiveness. The design needs to be flexible, scalable, reusable and testable. The
main focus of the course is teaching students all the interesting elements of digital system design
and the cost of inclusion of these elements in terms of power and area on the systems.

6. Course Objectives

The objective of the course is to teach students

a) VERILOG as hardware description language

b) FPGA architecture and logic Synthesis concept
c) Architecture of basic building blocks, adders, multipliers, shifters
d) Converting floating-point algorithms design in MATLAB to Fixed-point format
e) Effective HW mapping techniques: Fully parallel, Time-shared, micro-coded architectures
f) Designing State-machines based architecture

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7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. High-level digital design methodology using VERILOG, Design, 6 hrs.
Implementation, and Verification

2. FPGA-based design and logic synthesis 2 hrs.

3. Application requiring HW implementation, Floating-Point to Fixed-Point 6 hrs.


4. Architectures for Basic Building Blocks, Adder, Compression Trees, and 6 hrs.

5. Transformation for high speed using pipelining, retiming, and parallel 3 hrs.

6. Dedicated Fully Parallel Architecture, Time shared Architecture, 4 hrs.

Hardwired State Machine based

7. Design, Micro Program State Machine based Design 3 hrs.

8. Review

 Review of important concepts before OHT-1 2 hrs.

 Review of important concepts before OHT-2
 Review of important concepts after OHT-2
 Addressing student’s queries
8. Lab Experiments

Lab 01- Introduction to VERILOG

Basic syntax (Condition, Loops & Functions)

Lab 03 Test Vector and Basic Handling in MODELSIM

IIR and FIR implementation using VERILOG

Lab 04 Introduction to XILINX and FPGA designing

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Lab 05- Fixed Point Algorithm designing

Floating Point Algorithm designing

Lab 07- File Handling

Time Shared Architecture (Folding)


Lab 09 State Machines

Lab 10- Adders (Carry Ripple Adder, Carry Select Adder, Carry Sum Adder etc.)
Compression Techniques (Carry Save Reduction, Dual Carry Save Reduction,

Multi-operand addition

FPGA prototyping

FIFO/LIFO Controller

Lab 12- Serial Interface of FPGA with PC

VGA interface of FPGA and PC

Power Analysis of a RTL design

Real Time Debugging of RTL logic on FPGA

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9. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learnin
PLOs g Level

CLO 1 Implementation of basic building blocks of digital systems using HDL

PLO 5 C3

CLO 2 Review the architecture of basic building blocks of a digital design PLO 1 C5

CLO 3 Develop effective mapping of software algorithms/ applications on

PLO 3 C6
dedicated application specific hardware

CLO 4 Design and implementation of micro-coded state machine for

PLO 3 C6
application specific design problems

CLO 5 Designing a digital system for solving open ended lab sessions and end
PLO 9 P4
term projects

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-431 Digital Communications

Credits: 3 (2+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites --

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 1 hrs/week, Meet once weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meet once weekly

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by lab engineer

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 4-6 Assignments

Lab reports: 10 reports

Design Project: 1

Quizzes: 4-6 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 6.67%

Assignments: 3.33%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 20%

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Final Exam: 26.67%

Lab: 33.33%

Semester Project: 10%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Digital Communication by Bernard Sklar

Reference Books: 1. Digital Communication Systems by Simon Haykin

2. Modern Analog and Digital Communications by B P


5. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Digital Communications Basic Blocks, Introduction, Revision of Basic DSP


2. Sampling Theorem, Aliasing, Over Sampling, Sampling and Quantizing

effects, Channel effects, Signal to Noise Ratio

3. Random Variables and Random Processes

4. Conversion of analog signals to digital signals, Pulse Code Modulation,

Uniform and Non Uniform Quantization, Companding

5. PCM waveform types, Line Coding, Correlative Coding, duo-binary coding

and decoding, precoding

6. Inter symbol Interference, Pulse shaping to reduce ISI, Error Performance,

Eye Patterns

7. M-ary Pulse Modulation and Demodulation, Matched Filter, Optimum


8. Error Performance, Degradation in Digital Communication Systems, Fading


9. Synchronization, Channel Estimation and Channel Equalization

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10. Basics of OFDM System

11. Basics of Channel Coding Techniques

6. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes

(Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Understand the basic functionality of a digital

1 C2
communication system (transmitter block, receiver block,
CLO 2 Demonstrate knowledge about digital modulation, coding 1 C3
techniques and synchronization
CLO 3 Analyze the performance of a given system over AWGN as 2 C4
well as fading channels
CLO 4 Design and develop a complete digital communication 3 P4
system using a given set of requirements (Lab Work)

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EC-460 Software Design and Testing

Credits: 3 (2+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Elective

Course pre-requisites Object-Oriented Programming, Software Engineering

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 6 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 2 Assignments

Lab reports: 7 reports

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Lab Project (Lab 08-Lab 13)

Quizzes: 6 Quizzes

Grading: Theory 67%

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Quizzes: 15%

Assignments: 5%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30%

Final Exam: 50%

Lab 33%

Lab 01-04: 5%

Lab 05-13: 95%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Learning UML 2.0, from Russ Miles and Kim Hamilton,
published by O'Reilly. ISBN: 978-0-596-00982-3
2. Software Testing: Principles and Practices, from Naresh
Chauhan, published by Oxford University Press. ISBN 13:
Course Specific Lecture 1. Lectures notes on Software System Design by:
Notes: - Frank Alexander Kraemer, PhD, Associate Professor,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU), Norway
- Urooj Fatima, PhD, Assistant Professor, National
University of Science and Technology, Pakistan
- Humberto Castejón, Senior Researcher, Telenor
Research, Norway.
Reference Books: 1. Introduction to Software Engineering Design: Processes,
Principles and Patterns with UML2, Christopher Fox,
Addison-Wesley Professional

5. Catalog Descriptions
The course is about introduction to design methods, generic design processes and languages to develop ICT
systems with an emphasis on communication between system components. This includes classical ICT

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systems, cyber-physical systems, Internet-of-Things systems and emerging combinations of these. The main
topics are:

- Design of systems according to user requirements and use cases

- Languages for system specifications and system models, with an emphasis on behavior descriptions

- Semantics of specification and design models and consistency between them

- Analysis of design models for detection of realizability problems (implied scenarios) at an early
specification level.

- Fundamentals of software testing techniques for SDLC.

6. Course Objectives
a) Classify different types of requirements, and explain the main activities during requirements
development. Recite and detect potential problems during requirements engineering.
b) Recognize design (modeling) elements in UML, properly explain their semantics, and correctly map
them to program code. This comprises sequence, state machine, and activity diagrams among others.
c) Write project deliverables that describe software system design, properties and solutions.
d) Plan and coordinate the development of larger software products (consisting of more than one single
application) within a team of developers.
e) Make proper design choices for the system and document them accordingly.
f) Understand the principles and practices of software testing with emphasis on dynamic testing

7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Introduction to Software Systems Design
a. Introduction to course – course overview
b. Motivation on using design models 3hrs
c. Introduction to design methods and principles
d. Introduction to modeling complex realities and model-driven
development with details on domain modeling

2. Designing with Interaction Models

a. Introduction to behavioral modeling 4hrs
b. Introduction to UML sequence diagrams: Syntax and Semantics
c. Designing with UML sequence diagrams using real system examples

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3. Designing with State-based Models

a. Basic concepts and requirements of defining complete behaviours: Value
on designing with state models
b. Introduction to UML state machines: Syntax and Semantics 4hrs
c. Designing with UML state machines using real system examples
d. Advanced UML state machines with composite states, submachine states,
deferring events, and timers

4. Realizability of Behavioural Designs: Analysis of Design Models for Errors

a. Analysis of design models for realizability problems (so called implied
scenarios) using manual model inspections approach
b. Techniques on detection and resolution of the following realizability 2hrs
- Message re-ordering problem
- Mixed initiative problem

5. Modeling Resource Allocation Behavioural Designs

a. Difference between implementation resources and domain resources 2hrs
b. Designing a general solution of resource allocation problem using various
case studies
6. Designing with Activity Diagrams
a. Introduction to UML Activity Diagrams: Syntax and Semantics
b. Token semantics of UML Activity Diagrams
c. Designing with UML Activity Diagrams using real system examples 4hrs
d. Modularization of activity design models using the concept of module
contracts (external state machines esm)
e. Using the concept of module contract to validate the designs based on
activity diagrams
7. Global Behavioural Designs versus Local Designs
a. Pros and Cons of global designs versus local designs
b. Introduction to the concept of a service required for specifying global 2hrs
behavioural designs
c. Designing global behaviours using UML activity diagrams and UML
interaction overview diagrams

8. Introduction to Software Testing

a. Goals of Software Testing
b. Model for Testing Process 4hrs
c. Effective vs Exhaustive Testing
d. Software Testing Terminilogy and Principles
e. Software Testing Life Cycle

9. Testing Techniques, Software Testing Metrics and Test Automation

a. Black-Box Testing
b. White-Box Testing 6 hrs
c. Regression Testing
d. Overview of Software Testing Metrics
e. Overview of Test Automation and Tools
10. Team-Based Learning
a. Students applied all design principles individually as well as in their
assigned teams during regular class activities and quizes 4 hrs

11. Review
i. Review of important concepts before OHT-1
j. Review of important concepts after OHT-1 6hrs
k. Review of important concepts before OHT-2
l. Review of important concepts after OHT-2
m. Review of important concepts before final exam
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n. Addressing student’s queries

8. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Domain Modelling and Interaction Diagrams (UML Sequence Diagrams (SD))

Lab 02 State Machine Synthesis from Sequence Diagrams

Lab 03 Implementation of State Machines

Lab 04 Eclipse Installation: Introduction to JAVA Programming

Lab 05 Introduction to Reactive Blocks Tool

Lab 06 Design of Simple Taxi-Order System using Reactive Blocks Tool & GUI

Lab 07 Modelling Multiplicity of Instances using Sessions in Reactive Blocks Tool

Lab 08 Design, Verification and Validation of a distributed system: the Taxi Central using
Reactive Blocks Tool (Open-Ended Problem)

Stage 1: Design the Taxi Central System

Lab 09
Stage 2: Implement your design of the Taxi System in Reactive Blocks
Lab 10
Stage 2.1: Implement the TaxiDispatcher
Lab 11
Stage 2.2: Implement the UserClient with sessions
Lab 12
Stage 2.3: Implement the TaxiClient with sessions
Lab 13
Stage 3: Verify and Validate, and implement your design into an executable prototype

Lab 14 Lab Project Exam

9. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO

to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Deep understanding of the UML language and be able to apply it on PLO 1
requirements development activities of distributed systems

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CLO 2 Design complex distributed systems using model based approach PLO 3 C6

CLO 3 Perform analysis and validation activities while understanding their role in PLO 2
leading to sustainable and dependable system

CLO 4 Work individually as well as in a team to apply software design principles to PLO 9
assigned tasks and class activities

Lab outcomes

CLO 5 Extensive knowledge about one tool at least and being able to effectively use PLO 5

CLO 6 Be able to write project deliverables that describe system requirements, PLO 1
properties and solutions

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: ECO-130 Engineering Economics

Credits: 2-0

Course type: Lecture

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 OHTs , 1 Final

Home work: 4 Assignments

Quizzes: 4

Quizzes: 10%

Assignments: 10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%

Final Exam: 40-50%

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4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 2. Engineering Economy by Gerald J. Thuesen and W J Fabrycky
Prentice Hall
3. Engineering Economy , 7th Ed. by E. Paul Degarmo, William G.
Sullivan, John R. Canada, Macmillan Publishing Company
Reference Books: 2. Advanced Engineering Economics by Chan S. Park and Gunter P.
Sharp-Bette, John Willey
3. Cost – Benefit Analysis, Concepts and Practices by Anthony E.
Boardman, David H. Greenberg 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall

5. Course Objectives
1. To familiarize the students with the basic concepts of money management.
2. Demonstrate the importance of economics in the engineering solutions.
3. Comprehend engineering economy principles and decision making process in engineering.
4. Compare different financial plans involving interest.
5. Apply the concept of break-even analysis and depreciation in different scenarios.
6. Compare different proposals using B/C ratio, IRR, Payback period.
7. Organize project in the field of engineering economics.

6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Introduction: Definition, relationship between engineering and management / economics
2. Principles of engineering economy and Decision-making process
3. Cost concepts and analysis: terminology, application of cost concepts, life cycle cost

4. Money-time relationship: Time value of money, simple and compound interest, nominal 6-7
and effective interest rates
5. Cash flow, single sums of money, uniform series of cash flows and equivalence
6. Break-even analysis: break-even point, break-even involving income and cost analysis.

7. Depreciation: measuring depreciation, depreciation accounting and standard methods for 11

calculating depreciation.
8. Basic methods: present worth, annual worth, future worth
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9. Comparing alternative proposals: Present worth, Annual payments, future worth, payback 13
10. Benefit-cost analysis: Comparing benefits of costs, B/C ratios, and methods for 14
calculating B/C ratios
11. Rate of return methods: Internal rate of return and external rate of return methods
12. Accounting and engineering economy studies

1. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning

CLO 1 Demonstrate the importance of economics in engineering solutions. 6 C2

CLO 2 Comprehend engineering economy principles and decision making 6

process in engineering.

CLO 3 Compare different financial plans involving interest. 7 C3

CLO 4 Apply the concept of break-even analysis and depreciation in

different scenarios. 6 C3

CLO 5 Compare different proposals using B/C ratio, IRR, Payback period.
7 C3

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EE-111, Linear Circuit Analysis

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Basic electricity and magnetism, Calculus and analytic

geometry, solution of systems of linear algebraic equations

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 One Hour Tests (OHTs) and 1 Final

Home work: 4 Assignments

Lab reports: 14 reports

Quizzes: 6 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 10%

Assignments: 5%

Two OHT Exams: 25%

Final Exam: 35%

Lab/Semester Project: 25%

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4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: Electric Circuits Fundamentals, 1st Edition, by Sergio Franco,
Oxford English Press 1995.

Reference Books: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 3rd Edition, by Charles K.

Alexander & Matthew N.O.Sadiku, McGraw Hill 2003.

5. Catalog Descriptions
The course is designed to acquaint students with basic electronic circuits and their working. The
operation of each element comprising the circuit is analyzed. Different techniques used to solve
the circuits are discussed in detail along with circuit reduction techniques. The response of first
order RC and RL circuits is also analyzed along with step response. In addition to class lectures,
comprehensive laboratory exercises are also designed so that theoretical knowledge may be
coincided with practical.

6. Course Objectives
a) Present fundamental circuit analysis techniques.
b) Introduce circuit equivalent and modeling.
c) Develop physical insight and intuition for problem solving.
d) Use of PSpice simulation as a verification tool.

7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Basic Circuit Elements, KCL , KVL. 9hrs

2. Series Parallel circuits, voltage and current dividers. 3hrs

3. Nodal and Loop Analysis. 3hrs

4. Linearity, Superposition, Source Transformation. 3hrs

5. Thevenin and Norton Theorems. 6hrs

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6. Power and Maximum Power Transfer. 3hrs

7. Circuit Analysis with dependent sources. 6hrs

8. Operational Amplifiers 6hrs

9. Basic RC and RL Circuits, Transients in First-Order Networks.

8. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction , Basic concepts and lab equipment.

Lab 02 Experimental verification of OHM’s law.

Lab 03 Verification of current and voltage divider rule.

Lab 04 Experimental verification of nodal analysis.

Lab 05 Experimental verification of mesh analysis.

Lab 06 Experimental verification of superposition theorem.

Lab 07 Study of state and delta connections of resistances. Experimental verification of star
delta transformation.

Lab 08 Experimental verification of Thevenin’s theorem.

Lab 09 Study of maximum power transfer theorem and its experimental verification for a

Lab 10 Verification of reciprocity theorem.

Lab 11 Implementation of inverting amplifier, non-inverting amplifier and unity gain

follower (OP AMP Applications)

Lab 12 Transient analysis and time constant determination of an RC circuit.

Lab 13 Potentiometer and Rheostat.

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9. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learnin
PLOs g Level

CLO 1 Understanding and applying the fundamental concepts and response of

linear circuit elements in time domain. C3

CLO 2 Applying different circuit analysis techniques and circuit theorems to

solve complex circuits for unknown quantities. Circuit reduction C3
techniques are also utilized. PLO 2

CLO 3 Identify and model first order electric systems involving capacitors and PLO 2
inductors and analyze their natural and transient response

CLO 4 Creating, selecting and applying different techniques to solve problems PLO 5
in lab along with observing the functionality of circuits in MultiSim.

CLO 5 Demonstrate ability to work effectively as an individual or in a team PLO 9 A3

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EE-211, Electrical Network Analysis

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites EE-111 Linear Circuit Analysis

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessionals and 1 Final

Home work: Assignments

Lab reports: Reports

Quizzes: Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 8%

Assignments: 5%

Two Sessional Exams: 24%

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Final Exam: 38%

Lab/Semester Project: 25%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: Electric Circuits Fundamentals, 1st Edition, by Sergio Franco,
Oxford English Press 1995.

Reference Books: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 3rd Edition, by Charles K.

Alexander & Matthew N.O.Sadiku, McGraw Hill 2003.

5. Catalog Descriptions
The course is designed to analyze the natural and complete response of first and second order
circuits to constant/ non constant forcing functions in time, frequency and s domain. Concepts like
frequency/AC response of RLC circuits, phasors, complex impedance, power transfer, resonance
and Laplace transform as circuit analysis tools are discussed in detail. In addition to class lectures,
comprehensive laboratory exercises are also designed so that theoretical knowledge may be
coincided with practical.

6. Course Objectives
a) Students would have a good understanding of the response of AC circuits in time
and frequency domain. The concepts of EE 111 Linear Circuit Analysis are
b) The student would have a good grasp of AC circuit analysis techniques.
c) Students would be able to apply concepts in algebra, complex numbers,
simultaneous equation and phasors to calculate accurate solutions to AC circuits.

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7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Transient response of second order circuits 9hrs

2. AC Response of First and Second Order Circuits 3hrs

3. AC Resonance in series and parallel circuits 6hrs

4. AC Circuit Analysis 6hrs

5. AC Power and Three phase systems 6hrs

6. Network Functions in s domain and frequency response using Bode plots 6hrs

7. Mutual Inductance and Magnetically Coupled Circuits, Ideal Transformer 3hrs

8. Laplace Transforms and its applications to circuit analysis 9hrs

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8. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Learning first order RC circuit with Time Constant, Differentiation and Passive

Lab 02 Learning Damping Ratio and Resonance in series RLC circuit

Lab 03 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem and Thevenin Equivalent

Lab 04 Designing Band Pass Filter

Lab 05 Designing Band Stop Filter

Lab 06 Determination of complex impedance and power factor of network

Lab 07 Learning operational amplifiers in inverting configuration

Lab 08 Learning operational amplifiers in non-inverting configuration

Lab 09 Understanding the working of operational amplifiers as comparators

Lab 10 Understanding the working of summation amplifiers and designing circuits to control

Lab 11 Determination of two port network Z parameters

Lab 12 Determination of two port network Y parameters

Lab 13 Tutorial on circuit designing in proteus

Lab 14 Design Project

9. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learnin
PLOs g Level

CLO 1 Learning and interpreting frequency response of networks using

frequency and s domain techniques and be able to plot frequency C2
response using Bode plot. PLO1

CLO 2 Analyzing the circuits for constant/non constant forcing functions in PLO2 C4

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time, frequency and s domain.

CLO 3 Learning advanced circuit analysis tools such as the Laplace transform PLO2 C3

CLO 4 Observing the working of different circuits in lab. PLO4 P2

CLO5 An ability to work effectively as an individual or in a team in lab or in PLO9

any assigned group or individual task.

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EE-215, Electronic Devices and Circuits

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites EE-111 Linear Circuit Analysis

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab engineer

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: Assignments

Lab reports: Reports

Quizzes: Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 7%~12%

Assignments: 4%~8%

Two Sessional Exams: 22% ~30%

Final Exam: 30% ~38%

Lab/Semester Project: 25%

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4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: Microelectronic Circuits, 6th Edition, by Adel S. Sedra and
Kenneth C. Smith, Oxford University Press 2009.

Reference Books: Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 2nd Edition, by B. Razavi,

Wiley 2013.

5. Catalog Descriptions
The course is designed to acquaint students with physical operation and terminal characteristics of
diodes, modeling of forward and reverse characteristics of diodes, zener diodes, rectifiers and limiting
circuits. Physical structure and principle of operation of BJTs and MOSFETs. Analysis of dc circuits
and biasing of transistors, small/large signal models of BJTs and MOSFETs. Small signal model,
design and analysis of various amplifier configurations. In addition to class lectures, comprehensive
laboratory exercises are also designed so that theoretical knowledge may be consolidated with practical

6. Course Objectives
a) Learn principle of operation and characteristics of electronic devices namely diodes, BJTs
and MOSFETs.
b) Design and analysis of electronic circuits based on diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs.
c) Develop hands-on skills through Lab and project work.
d) Develop physical insight and intuition for problem solving.
e) Use of SPICE simulation as a verification tool.

7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. The Ideal Diode
2. Terminal Characteristics of PN Junction Diodes
3. Modeling the Diode Forward Characteristic
4. Operation in the Reverse Breakdown Region (Zener Diodes)

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5. Rectifier Circuits

6. Limiter Circuits 1hrs

7. Device Structure and Physical Operation
8. Current-Voltage Characteristics
9. BJT Circuits at DC
10. Applying the BJT in Amplifier Design
11. Small-Signal Operation and Models
12. Basic BJT Amplifier Configurations and Discrete-Circuit BJT Amplifiers

13. Device Structure and Physical Operation
14. Current Voltage Characteristics
15. MOSFET Circuits at DC
16. Applying the MOSFETs in Amplifier Design
17. Small-Signal Operation and Models
18. Basic MOSFET Amplifier Configurations
19. Biasing in MOS Amplifier Circuits and Discrete-Circuit MOS Amplifiers

8. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction: Basic Concepts and Lab Equipment

Lab 02 Diode Characteristics

Lab 03 Construction of a Half Wave Rectifier Circuit and Checking its Output Waveform on

Lab 04 Construction of a Full Wave Rectifier Circuit and Checking its Output Waveform on

Lab 05 To Check the Effects of Filter Capacitance on DC Output Voltage and Ripples on

Lab 06 Study of Diode Clippers (Application of Diodes)

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Lab 07 Study of Diode Clampers (Application of Diodes)

Lab 08 Study of Zener Diode Characteristics and Voltage Regulator

Lab 09 Study of Characteristics of Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)

Lab 10 Fixed and Voltage Divider Bias of BJTs

Lab 11 Emitter and Collector Feedback Bias of BJT

Lab 12 Common Emitter Transistor Amplifier

Lab 13 Common Base and Emitter Follower(Common Collector ) Amplifier

9. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO

to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Learning and understanding the fundamental electronic devices namely

diodes, BJTs, MOSFETs and analyzing the response of circuits C4
comprising of these devices. PLO 1

CLO 2 Applying different techniques to solve complex circuits for unknown

quantities. C3

CLO 3 Observing the working of different circuits in the lab.


CLO 4 Demonstrate ability to work effectively as an individual or in a team


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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EE-232 Signals and Systems

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisite(s) Math-121 Linear Algebra and ODE

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 2hrs/week

3. Course Assessment
Exam: Two OHT examinations and One Final examination

Home work: 2

Lab reports: 13

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 8

Grading: Quizzes: 9%

Assignments: 5%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 24%

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Final Exam: 37%

Lab/Semester Project: 25%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbook(s): 1. Signals and Systems by Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky
with S. Hamid Nawab (2nd Edition)

Reference Book(s): 1. Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Using the Web and
Matlab by Edward W. Kamen & Bonnie S. Heck.

2. Computer Explorations in Signals and Systems Using Matlab

by John R. Buck, M. Daniel Andrew & C. Singer

5. Catalog Descriptions
This is an introductory course to Signals and Systems. The course will focus on how signals can
be represented in time domain and how they can be transformed into other domains. The resultant
alternative viewpoint allows more intuitive/ simpler solutions to various engineering problems.
The students will also learn about analytical techniques that allow modelling the behaviour of the
systems and gain an insight into the characteristics of signals. The course will provide skills to
model, analyze and design signals and systems in general.

6. Course Objectives

a) To introduce basic concepts of Signals and Systems.

b) To give comprehensive introduction of the properties of continuous and discrete Signals
and Systems.
c) To give concept of transforms and basic understanding of different domains.
d) To give understanding of system impulse response and its use in different scenarios.
e) To introduce concept of system transfer function and frequency response.
f) Is this course sufficient base is prepared for students in Signals and Systems that will
help in their future courses of Digital Signal Processing, Digital Controls, and Digital
g) To give them the feel of real world Problems/ Trends/ Technologies.

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7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Introduction, Types of Signals

 Motivation, Applications

 Signal Classification 3 hrs

 CT, DT, Analog, Digital, Deterministic, Random, Periodic, aperiodic;

Even & Odd signal decomposition

2. Signal Transformations/Signal Fundamentals

 Signal Transformations

 Fundamental signals : Complex Exponentials; Decaying exponentials; 3 hrs

sinusoids; Unit Impulse; Unit Step

 Signal representation using fundamental signals

3. System Classification

 Continuous/Discrete ; Analog/Digital
3 hrs
 Linear/Nonlinear ; Time-invariant/Time varying; Causal/Anti-causal;

4. LTI Systems Theory

 Intro to LTI Systems

 Impulse response as system characterization

 LTI System Properties

 Commutative/Distributive/Associative 8 hrs

 Linearity

 Convolution (CT and DT)

 Difference equations for LTI system

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5. Fourier Series

 Frequency domain view of LTI systems

 Concept of complex frequency

 Fourier series representation of CT periodic signals (CTFS)

4 hrs
 Properties of CTFS

 Fourier series representation of DT periodic signals (DTFS)

 Properties of DTFS

6. Continuous Time Fourier Transform (CTFT)

 FT of continuous time aperiodic signals

 Properties of CTFT 6 hrs

 Fourier Transform of periodic signals

7. Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)

 FT of discrete time aperiodic signals 6 hrs

 Properties of DTFT

8. Introduction to Sampling

 Time Domain and frequency domain description; Nyquist criterion

5 hrs
 Aliasing; Under/Over sampling

9. Laplace transform (LT)

 Convergence of CTFT and motivation of Laplace transform

 Properties of LT
5 hrs
 Pole-zero plots; significance

 Filter design by pole zero placement (time permitting)

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10. z-transform

 Convergence of DTFT and motivation of z-transform

5 hrs
 Properties of z-transform

 Difference equations and z-transform

8. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learnin
PLOs g Level

CLO 1 Gain basic knowledge of signals and systems. 1 C2

CLO 2 Explain the transformations on signals. 2 C3

CLO 3 Use of appropriate signal transformations for analysis in complex

3 C4

CLO 4 Develop computer programs to implement different signal processing

5 P2

CLO5 Demonstrate ability to work effectively as an individual or in a team. 9 A3

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EE-371 Linear Control Systems

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites None; but prior study of ME-437 Mechanical Vibrations and EE-
313 Electronic Circuit Design would be extremely helpful.

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Discussion: 1 hrs/week

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 OHT and 1 Final Examination

Home work: 5 Assignments

Lab reports: 14 Reports

Design reports: 1 Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: 6 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 10%

Assignments: 10%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30%

Final Exam: 50%

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Lab: 25%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: Design of Feedback Control Systems, (Fourth Edition), by
R.T. Stefani, C.J. Savant, B.
Shahian, G.H. Hostetter, Oxford
University Press, 2002,
ISBN: 0-19-514249-

Reference Books: 1. Modern Control Systems (Eleventh Edition), by Richard C.

Dorf and Robert H. Bishop,
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2001, ISBN:

2. Modern Control Engineering (Fourth Edition), by K.

Ogata, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2002,
ISBN: 0-13-060907-2

3. Control Systems Engineering (Fifth Edition), by N. Nise,

Wiley-VCH, 2008, ISBN: 0-

5. Catalog Descriptions
It is the job of the of a control engineer to analyze existing systems, and to design new systems to
meet specific needs. However, more frequently a controller unit needs to be designed to improve
the performance of existing systems. When designing a system, or implementing a controller to
augment an existing system, we need to model the system mathematically, analyze the
mathematical model, design the system/controller, implement the system/controller and perform
testing. This course covers all these aspects of the analysis and design of a control system.

6. Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will demonstrate competency by being able

1. The student will have the ability to analyze complex linear systems (single and
multivariable, external and internal representation). This includes their stability,
controller design and evaluation of closed loop response.

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2. Apply mathematical/analytical skills, to analyze system designs using root-locusand

state-space methods.

3. Ability to design controllers for linear discrete-time control systems so that their
performance meets specified design criteria.

4. Knowledge and understanding to provide a basis or opportunity for originality in

developing and applying control concepts in the context of research.

5. The student will be able to use modern analytical tools, test equipment and computer
aided design to assemble different types of control systems and measure performance.

7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

Basic Concepts 6hrs

Modeling of Electrical, Electro-Mechanical Systems 6hrs

Transfer functions, Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs 3hrs

Response of First and Second Order Systems 4hrs

Asymptotic/BIBO Stability and Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion 4hrs

Performance Specifications of Linear Time-Invariant Control Systems 3hrs

Root Locus Analysis 5hrs

Root Locus Design 5hrs

Frequency Response Analysis 3hrs

State Space Analysis 5hrs

State Space Design 4hrs

8. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction to MATLAB

Lab 02 Introduction to Laboratory Trainer

Lab 03 System Interconnections and Response Analysis

Lab 04 Introduction to DC Motor Control Trainer

Lab 05 DC Motor Control Trainer Modeling (Part – a)

Lab 06 DC Motor Control Trainer Modeling (Part – b)

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Lab 07 Pre Lab for Controller Implementation

Lab 08 Introduction to SISO toolbox

Lab 09 Controller + Case Study

Lab 10 DC Motor Control Trainer Speed Control (Part - a)

Lab 11 DC Motor Control Trainer Speed Control (Part - b)

Lab 12 Position Control

Lab 13 Root Locus

Lab 14 Design Project

9. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes

(Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) PLOs
g Level

The student will have the ability to understand complex linear systems, 1 C2
their stability and evaluation of closed loop response.

Apply mathematical or analytical skills, to analyze system designs using 2 C4

root-locus, frequency response, and state-space methods.

Ability to design and evaluate feedback controllers for linear systems 3 C6

so that their performance meets desired specifications.

The student will be able to use modern analytical tools, test equipment 5 P2
CLO 4 and computer aided design to assemble different types of control
systems and measure performance.

CLO 5 Demonstrate ability to work effectively as an individual or in a team 9 A3

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EM-440 Industrial Automation

Credits: 2-1

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab


3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: Assignments

Lab reports: Reports

Design reports: Design report based on Semester Project

Quizzes: Quizzes

Grading(Tentative): Quizzes: 5%

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Assignments: 15%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%

Final Exam: 40%

Lab: 15%

Semester Project: 10%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Programmable Logic Controllers 4th Edition (W Bolton)

2. OMG Manual, Business Process Model and Notation

(BPMN), Version 2.0

3. Fundamental Accounting Principles, Volume 3, Kermit D.

Larson, Carroll, Raymond F, Tilly Jensen, McGraw-Hill
Ryerson, Limited, 2002

4. Quantitative Methods, By Shashi Kumar, Gyan Publishing

House, 2009

5. Course Objectives
Around the globe traditional manufacturing is going through digital transformation. US has
initiated industrial internet, cyber physical systems and advanced manufacturing program (AMP)
for future manufacturing. Germany is leading this transformation as fourth industrial revolution
(Industry 4.0). China has also launched the 2025 Program and Internet Plus to focus on smart
manufacturing. Digital manufacturing uses computers, networking and related technologies to
control and optimize the entire production process. For manufacturing industry, their processes
need to adapt to this rapid change. The objective of the course is to make students understand and
appreciate the fourth industrial revolution, make students go through the entire processes of
digitization of a manufacturing industry/factory. Teach them the technologies that are being used
for Industry 4.0 from Computer Engineering perspective.

6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Requirement engineering for industrial process automation

2. Industrial Process capturing using BPMN 2.0 notation

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3. Simulation of BPMN 2.0 industrial processes and business process re-


4. Inventory management and supply chain management

5. Finance and double entry accounts in manufacturing

6. Optimization techniques for decision aiding in industrial automation

7. Networked sensors, IIOTs, autonomous robots and integration with

complex machinery for operations efficiency

8. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)

7. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction to BPMN

Lab 02 Design business process using BPMN with BIZAGI

Lab 03 Inventory Management

Lab 04 Inventory Management

Lab 05 Inventory Management

Lab 06 GPIO and Physical computing on Rasberry pi

Lab 07 Block chain technology for industrial automation

Lab 08 Linear Programming

Lab 09 Programmable logic uniy

8. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

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CLO 1 Use BMPN 2.0 to capture a manufacturing process

2 C3

CLO 2 Analyse problems to model them as Linear Programming Problems 4

for optimal solution

CLO 3 Familiarization with PLCs and their use in Industrial automation 2 C2

CLO 4 Implementation of various aspects of industrial automation using tools

(BPMN 2.0 simulations, double entry accounts, PLC programming, 3 P2
Linear Programming)

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: HU-100

Credits: 2

Course type: Lecture

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 OHTs ,1 Final

Home work: 1

Quizzes: 4

Quizzes: 5%

Assignments: 5-10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%

Final Exam: 40-50%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

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Textbooks: 1. Wren and Martin, English Grammar and Composition

Reference Books: 1. Building English Skills, Yellow Level

5. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

Article Topics Estimated Contact

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Factors Affecting English Language 4

1 Parts of Speech

2 Forms and Function of English language 8

Sentence Structure

Sentence Variation

3 Punctuation 4


Semi colon


4 Development of Paragraph 4

Invention and Inquiry Technique

Types of Paragraphs

5 Types of Composition 4

Articles Writing

Article Reviews

6 Improving listening skill 2

7 Summary Writing 2

Precise Writing

8 Group Presentations 4

6. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

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CLO 1 Listen to initiate effectively in different situation for variety of

A3 10

CLO 2 Undertake a productive writing practice to demonstrate coherence and A3

unification in paragraph development

CLO 3 Gain awareness to describe different learning approaches connected to A1

successful and an error free writing

CLO 4 Act confidently while working independently or in a group A5 10

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: HU-101 Islamic Studies

Credits: 2+0

Course type: Lecture

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly

Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final

Home work: 1

Quizzes: 1

Quizzes: 10%

Assignments: 10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%

Final Exam: 50%

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4. Course Objectives
1. Islamic basic beliefs and its obligations

2. Fundamental Rights and duties of a Muslim

3. Ethical and moral values

4. Islamic History

5. Islam and Modernism

6. Islamic state parameters and ruling system

6. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 To establish that Islam strengthens ethical value of not only its
8 C2
followers but also of the society

CLO 2 To list examples from history, how Islam has improved the ethical 8
standards of society and individuals

CLO 3 To teach students how by becoming practicing Muslim shall improve 8

their ethical and moral values

CLO 4 To relate Islamic studies with professionals’/engineers’ responsibility

6 A5
towards society

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5. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

Weeks Topics

Week 1 Introduction of Course and its objectives

Introduction to Quran

Reason to study Quran

Week 2 Basic Ethics in Quran and Hadith

Part 1

Week 3 Basic Ethics in Quran and Hadith

Part 2

Week 4 Basic Ethics in Quran and Hadith

Part 3

Week 5 Islam and state

(Khilafa, Communism, Marxism, Dictatorship, Democracy, Monarchy )

Week 6 OHT-1

Week 7 Historical Journey of Islam

(Chronological order of Prophets , Pre-islamic Era and Life of the Prophet PBUH)

Week 8 Historical Journey of Islam

( Khulafa e Rashideen, , Ummayid)

Week 9 Historical Journey of Islam

(Abbasids, Ottoman Empire, Islam in Contemporary world)

Week 10 Assignments and presentations

Week 11 Assignments and presentations

Week 12 OHT-2

Week 13 Assignments and presentations

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Week 14 Five Pillars of Islam

(Kalma Tyeeba, Nmaz, Roza)

Week 15 Five Pillars of Islam

(Zakat , Haj)

Week 16 World Religions& Islamic World View

Week 17 Discussion

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: HU-107 Pakistan Studies
Credits: 2+0
Course type: Lecture
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly
Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 OHTs, 1 Final Exam
Home work: 1 Assignment
Quizzes: 4
Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%
Final Exam: 40-50%

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4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 4. N/A
Reference Books: 1. Sharif-ul-Mujahid. 1976. Ideological Orientation of
Pakistan. Islamabad: Ministry of Education, Government of
2. Wolpert, Stanley. 1993. Jinnah of Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford
University Press.
3. Hodson, H. W. 2001. The Great Divide: Britain – India –
Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
4. Khan, Hamid. 2001. Constitutional and Political History of
Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
5. Iqbal, Muhammad. 1930. The Reconstruction of Religious
Though in Islam.
6. Ullah, Hamid. 1980. Introduction to Islam. Paris: Centre
CulturelIslamique (Paris). (Multiple Publishers)
7. Jalal, Ayesha. 1994. The Sole Spokesman: Jinnah, The
Muslim League and The Demand for Pakistan. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
8. Saeed, b. Khalid. 1968. Pakistan: The Formative Phase
(1857-1947). Oxford University Press
9. Qureshi, I. H. 1990. The Struggle for Pakistan. Karachi:
University of Karachi. (Multiple Publishers)
10. Mahmood, Safdar. 2000. Pakistan: Political Roots &
Development 1947-1999. Oxford University Press.
11. Rizvi, A. Hassan. 1993. Pakistan and the Geo-strategic
Environment: A Study of Foreign Policy. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan
12. Samad, Abdus, Governance, Economic Policy and Reform in
Pakistan. Lahore: Vanguard
13. Khan, Jameel-ul-Rehman. 1999. Government and
Administration in Pakistan. Islamabad: Public
Administration Research Centre
14. Sattar, Abdul. 2007. Pakistan Foreign Policy 1947-2005: A
Concise History. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
15. Hathaway, R. M &Kugelman, M. 2009. Powering Pakistan:
Meeting Pakistan’s Energy Needs in the 21st Century. Oxford
University Press.
16. Govt. of Pakistan. Annual Report 2014-2015: Review of
Economy. State Bank of Pakistan. 2015

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5. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Ideological Foundation, Iqbal’s Ideology and History of the Creation of
 Cultural differences between Hindus & Muslims and Two Nation
 Iqbal’s Ideology for Muslims in India
 Islam as an integrating philosophy for peace
 Historical Perspective

2. Quaid-e-Azam: An Architect of Pakistan

 Biography of Quaid-e-Azam
 Round Table Conferences (1930-1932)
 Pakistan Resolution
 Gandhi-Jinnah Talk
 Independence Act-1947
 Quaid-e-Azam as Governor General of Pakistan

3. The Resources of Pakistan—Land & Natural Resources and Human

 Location and geo-strategic importance
 Social Structure and cultural strengths & weaknesses
 Power potentials of Pakistan
 Human Resource

4. Economic Outlook of Pakistan and Hard-Soft Power

 Economic Structure
 The key resources like water, energy, mineral resources
 The industrial and agricultural potential and their share in our

5. The National Security of Pakistan including Economic, Energy, Water

and Food Security
 National Security Structure and functions
 Economic Security
 Energy Security
 Water Security
 Food Security

6. Pakistan’s Geopolitical Context / External Threats and Internal Security

 The ethnic, linguistic and sectarian make up of Pakistan
 The potential for internal conflict and integration
 The relationship between internal conflict and external relations

7. Perception and Realities of Pakistan

 Pakistan’s Political Conditions
 Pakistan’s Economic Conditions
 Pakistan’s image in the world
 Education standards and its impact on the society
 Counter terrorism and counter extremism policies

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8. Governance & State System of Pakistan

 Governance Structure
 Procedure of Governance and their implementation
 Application of Technology on governance in line with advance

6. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Understand the ideological and historical struggle in the creation of

6 C2
CLO 2 Analyze the significance of geopolitical positioning and its implication 6
for both traditional and non-traditional security of Pakistani society.
CLO 3 Understand and realize the importance of good governance, 6
governance structure, economic system,political processes,
constitutional and legislative processes and political culture of
Pakistani society.
CLO 4 Analyze the importance of language and religion in society of Pakistan
given its socio-cultural diversity and ethno-sectarian makeup in
relation to internal and external conflicts.
6 C5
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: HU-109 Communication Skills
Credits: 2
Course type: Lecture
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly
Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 OHTs, 1 Final Exam
Home work: 1 Assignment , 1 Project
Quizzes: 02
Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%
Final Exam: 40-50%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Wren and Martin, English Grammar and Composition
Reference Books:
a)Building English Skills, Yellow Level
b)Practical English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet c)
High Schools English Grammar by P. C. Wren and H. Martin
d)Exploring the World of English by Sadat Ali Shah
e)Business Communication & Technologies (Beck, Harvey, Mylonas,
Rasmussen )
f) Business Communication Today (Lesikar & Flatley)
g)Business Communication Today –ll (Bovee & Thill)
h)Business Communication (Mary Ellen Guffey)
i)Business Communication, Building Critical Skills (Locker &

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5. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

Article Topics Estimated
Contact Hours
Précis Writing 4
1 (a) General rules of summary writing
(b) Use of language in summary writing
(c) Things never to be missed in summary writing
(d) Practice in summary writing
2 Paragraph and Essay Writing 4
(a) Parts of an essay
(b) Ways to develop a proper beginning, middle, and ending of
an essay
(c) Kinds of an essay
3 CV and Job Application 4
(a) Kinds of a CV
(b) Ways to develop an effective CV
(c) Cover Letter
4 Reading and Comprehension 4
(a) Ways to cope with and understand complex texts
(b) Practice in understanding complex texts
(c) Skimming and scanning, speed reading, intensive and extensive
5 Listening and Speaking Skills 4
(a) Audiovisual material will be used to test and then improve
the listening skills of students;
(b) Students to hold discussions in English language on a variety of
6 Memorandum Writing 4
(a) Difference between letter and memo
(b) Format of memo
7 Translation of texts, Punctuation marks, vocabulary development 4
(a) The importance of the correct use of punctuation marks
(b) Practice on the use of punctuation marks
(c) Development of vocabulary through extensive reading
(d) Things to remember in translation
(e) Rules of Transliteration
Presentations Skills PowerPoint and Prezi Final presentations 4

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6. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
CLO 1 Write summary of lengthy as well as complex texts without losing
10 A2
the gist and important details of the original written piece
CLO 2 Practice writing official letters, memorandums and reports in a 10
professional manner
CLO 3 Label different kinds of essays and perform brainstorming-clustering 10
method to generate ideas in the form of a coherent essay
CLO 4 Perform extensive reading activities in a bid to improve reading
skills, learn to aptly place punctuation marks and use question tags in 10 A2
an appropriate manner
CLO 5 Identify presentation blind spots for sound presentation skills through
10 A1
presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Prezi

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: HU-212 Technical & Business Writing
Credits: 2
Course type: Lecture
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly
Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 OHTs, 1 Final Exam
Home work: 01
Quizzes: 04
Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%
Final Exam: 40-50%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1 Wren and Martin, English Grammar and Composition
Reference Books: 1. Davies J.W. Communication for Engineering Students (Longman
2. van Emden J. Effective communication for Science & Technology
(Palgrave 2001)
3. Van Emden J. A Handbook of Writing for Engineers 2nd ed.
(Macmillan 1998)
4. van Emden J. and Easteal J. Technical Writing and Speaking, an
Introduction (McGraw-Hill 1996)
5. Pfeiffer W.S. Pocket Guide to Technical Writing (Prentice Hall
6. Eisenberg A. Effective Technical Communication (McGraw-Hill
7. John Langan, College Writing Skills. McGraw-Hill Higher
Education. 2004.)
8.Pauley/Riordan, Technical Report Writing Today
9.Gerson/Gerson , Technical Writing- Process and Product
10.Lesikar/Flatley, Business Communication Today-Empowering the
Internet Generation

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5. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

Article Contact
Introduction to Technical Report Writing, Importance of Technical Report Writing ,
1 Purpose of Technical Report Writing, Characteristics and style of Technical Report 4

2 Analysis of various User’s Manuals, Product Descriptions and Warning Labels as

technical report writing samples 4

Basics of Academic Writing, How is Academic Writing Different from Technical

3 Writing, Overview of various kinds of essays (for comparison), Class discussion on the 4
differences between technical and academic writing

What is a Research Proposal? Research Article etc., Style, content, language, form,
4 clarity and consistency in writing, 4

5 Introduction to in-text citation methods, footnotes, endnotes, bibliography in academic

writing 2

6 What is a memorandum? What is a Short Report?, Format of a short report 2

7 Letter Writing, Interim Progress Report & Personal Activity Report 2

8 Planning Long Reports 2

9 Writing Long Reports 2

10 Feasibility Report 2

11 Presentation Skills and Final Project Presentations 4

6. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
CLO 1 Describe technical writing, its importance, purpose, characteristics and
10 A1
how it is different from ordinary writing10
CLO 2 Discuss the style, content, language, form, clarity and consistency in 10
technical and academic writing by analyzing user manuals, research A2
proposals, technical papers, and project reports
CLO 3 Write short and long reports, memorandums, cover letters, and other 10
official letters on letterhead stationery.
CLO 4 Locate the common mistakes in PowerPoint presentations, follow
10 A1
presentation rules, and follow sound presentation skills

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: MATH-105 Calculus And Vector Algebra
Credits: 3
Course type: Lecture
Required or Elective: Required

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets once weekly
Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 sessional ,1 Final
Home work: 01
Quizzes: 06
Quizzes: 5%
Assignments: 5-10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%
Final Exam: 40-50%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 5. Swokowski, Onlinick & Pence: Calculus (6th Edition)
6. (b) E. Kreyszing, Advanced Engineering mathematics (9th
edition) (Referred as “K”)
Reference Books: 4. Robert T. Smith & Roland B. Minton: Calculus (3rd Edition)

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5. Course Objectives
To teach basic concepts of single variable Calculus.

6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

Article Topics Estimated
1.1-1.5 Limits & continuity, techniques of finding limits 4
2.2-2.6 Techniques of differentiation, Tangent lines and rates of change 2
3.1-3.4 Extrema of functions, Rolle’s and Mean value theorems, Concavity. 5
4.2-4.6 Riemann sum, definite integrals and properties of integrals 3
5.1-5.4 Solids of revolution, volume of solids of revolution by Cylindrical 4
shell & Cross section methods.
5.5-5.7 Arc length, surface of revolution, Center of mass 3
6.9 Indeterminate forms and L Hospital rule, trigonometric integrals. 3
7.7 Improper Integrals 3
8.2-8.3 Convergence and divergence of sequences and series, positive term 5
series, integral test.
8.4-8.5 Basic comparison test, limit comparison test, the ratio and root tests, 6
alternating series, absolute and conditional convergence.
8.6-8.8 Power series, Maclaurin and Taylor series. 3
9.1-9.3 K Vectors in 2-Space and 3-Space, Inner, vector and triple products 3
9.1-9.3 K Scalar and vector product of three and four vectors, Volume of 2
parallelepiped and tetrahedron

7. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
CLO 1 To be able to use the concepts of limits and continuity 1 C3
CLO 2 Applying techniques of differentiation and integration to real world 2
CLO 3 Evaluate and carryout the convergence analysis of sequences and 2
CLO 4 Understanding the basic concepts of vector algebra 1 C2

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: MATH-121 Linear Algebra & Ordinary Differential Equations
Credits: 3
Course type: Lecture
Required or Elective: Required

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly
Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 OHTs, 1 Final Exam
Home work:
Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%
Final Exam: 40-50%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: (a) Dennis G. Zill and Michael Cullen, Differential Equations (3 rd
(b) E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th ed.

Reference Books: Glyn James, Modern Engineering Mathematics

5. Course Objectives
To teach techniques for solving ordinary differential equations and impart different concepts of linear algebra.

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6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

Contact Hours

Linear Algebra
Basic Concepts. Matrix Addition. Scalar Multiplication
Matrix Multiplication 1
Linear Systems of Equations. Gauss Elimination. 1
Solution of Linear Systems: Existence, Uniqueness, General Form 1
Inverse of a Matrix. Gauss-Jordan Elimination. 3
Vector Spaces, Sub Spaces and Linear Transformations 3
Linear dependence, linear independence, spanning set, basis 4
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 3
First Order Ordinary Differential Equations 2
Separable Variables.
Homogeneous Equations. 2
Exact Equations and Integrating Factors. 3
Linear Equations. 1
Equations of Bernoulli, Ricatti and Clairaut. 2
Applications of Linear and Non-Linear First Order ODEs. 2
Linear Differential Equations of Higher Order
Preliminary Theory.
Initial and Boundary Value Problems. 1
Linear Dependence and Linear Independence.
Constructing a second solution from a known solutions.
Homogeneous Linear Equations with constant coefficients. 1
Non-Homogeneous Linear Equations with constant coefficients 3
Differential Operators.
Undetermined Coefficients. 2
Variation of Parameters. 2
Non-Homogeneous Linear Equations with Variable Coefficients 2
Cauchy-Euler Equation.
Laplace Transform 3
Laplace Transform and Inverse Transform.
Unit step function, Dirac delta function 2
Solution of 1st and higher order initial value problem using Laplace Transform. 4

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7. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
CLO 1 Solving system of linear equation using matrices 1 C3
CLO 2 Evaluating Eigen values, Eigen vector and related problems 1 C3
CLO 3 Evaluating first order and higher order differential equations. 2 C5
CLO 4 Carry out Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace transforms including
solution of Initial value problems involving piece-wise continuous 2 C5

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: MATH-161 Discrete Mathematics
Credits: 3
Course type: Lecture
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets once weekly
Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab engineer

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final
Home work: 1 Assignments
Quizzes: 5 Quizzes
Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%
Final Exam: 40-50%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

1. K.H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, (4th
2. Susanna S. Epp, Discrete Mathematics with Application
(3rd Edition)
Reference Books: 1. Robert Lafore: Object-Oriented Programming in C++,
Fourth Edition, December 2001,Sams Publishing .

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5. Course Objectives
This course introduces the basic concepts and techniques of counting, reasoning, graph theory, algorithms
and mathematical modeling

6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

Article Topics Estimated contact hours
1.1,1.2,1.3 Introduction, Logic, Propositional 3
Equivalences, predicates and
1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7 Basic Set Theory, Functions, 3
Sequences and Summation
2.3, 3.1, 3.2 The Integers and Division, Methods of
Proof; Mathematical Induction
3.3, 3.4 Recursive Definition and Algorithms
4.1, 4.2 Basic counting, Pigeon hole principles
6.1, 6.2 Relations and their Properties
6.3 Relation Representation
6.5, 6.6 Equivalence Relations, Partial
7.1, 7.2 Intro to Graphs
7.3, 7.4 Graph Isomorphism, Connectivity
7.5, 8.1 Euler and Hamilton Path, Intro to
7.6 Shortest Path Problem
8.4, 8.5 Tree Sorting, Spanning Trees
8.6 Minimum Spanning Trees
9.1 to 9.4 Boolean function, Logic gates, 3
minimization of circuits

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7. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
CLO 1 Use of mathematical reasoning to comprehend and construct
1 C3
mathematical argument
CLO 2 Solve counting problems with combinatorial analysis 2 C3
CLO 3 Applied Graphs to real world problem 1 C3
CLO 4 Analyse various algorithms 2 C4

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: MATH-232 Comples Variable and Transform
Credits: 3
Course type: lecture
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets once weekly
Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final
Home work: 1 Assignments
Quizzes: 4 Quizzes
Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30%
Final Exam: 40-50%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (9th Edition) by Ervin
Reference Books: 1. Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics by Glyn James.
Real and Complex Analysis by Walter Rudin

5. Course Objectives
 Workout the basic properties of the complex function
 CLO2. Solving integral to the complex function
 CLO3. Represent a given function in terms of Fourier series and Fourier integrals
 CLO4. Evaluating Laplace, Fourier and Z-transforms a given function

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6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

13.1-13.2 Review of Complex algebra, Complex functions, Real and imaginary 3
components of a function of a complex variable function, Limit and
13.3-13.4 Derivative, Cauchy Riemann Equations, Properties of UV- function, 3
Analytic Functions, Harmonic functions.
13.7 Complex logarithms 1
14.1 Line integral in complex plane 2
14.2-14.3 Cauchy Integral theorem, Cauchy Integral formula 3
14.4 Derivatives of analytic functions 1
15.1-15.4 Sequence and Series, Power series, Taylor series 2
16.1 Laurent series 2
16.2 Singularities and Zeros 2
16.3-16.4 Residue integration method, Evaluation of real integrals 4
11.1 Periodic functions, Trigonometric series, Fourier series 2
11.2 Fourier series for functions of any period 3
11.3 Even and Odd functions, Half range expansions 2
11.4 Complex Fourier series 1
11.7 Fourier integral 2
11.8-11.9 Fourier Transform 3
17.1-17.4 Concept of mapping, Complex mapping functions, Conformal Mapping 3
and its applications.
James 6.1-6.3 Introduction, Definition, examples and properties of Z-transform. 3
James 6.4 Inverse of Z-transform 1
James 6.5 Solution of Difference equation 2

7. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Workout the basic properties of the complex function

1 C2
CLO 2 Solving integral to the complex function
CLO 3 Represent a given function in terms of Fourier series and Fourier
integrals 2
CLO 4 Evaluating Laplace, Fourier and Z-transforms a given function
1 C5

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: MATH-351 Numerical Methods
Credits: 3
Course type: Lecture
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets once weekly
Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final
Home work: 1 Assignments
Quizzes: 4 Quizzes
Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%
Final Exam: 40-50%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: Numerical Analysis (8th ed) By Burden & Faires
Reference Books: 1. Curtis F.Gerald Patrick O.Wheatley: Applied Numerical
Analysis, Addison-Wesley
2. Numerical Methods Using Matlab (4th Edition) By John H.
Mathews and Kurtis D. Fink , Pearson Education.

3. E. Kreyszing. Advanced Engineering Mathematics 9th ed

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5. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Mathematical Priliminaries
a. Round off error and Computer arithmetic 1hr
b. Algorithms and Convergence
2. Iterative Methods for the Solutions of Non-Linear Equations (convergence analysis)
a. Bisection Method
b. Fixed Point Method 5hrs
c. Newton-Raphson Method
d. Secant Method & Regula - Falsi Method
3. Interpolation
a. Introduction
b. Lagrange interpolation
c. Newton’s Divided Difference Interpolation
d. Forward Difference and Backward Difference Interpolation 10hrs
e. Introduction to Cubic Spline Interpolation
f. Clamped Cubic Spline
g. Natural Spline
4. Numerical Integration
a. Elements of Numerical Integration 4hrs
b. Rectangular, Trapezoidal , Simpson’s Rule
5. Numerical Differentiation
6. Numerical Methods in Linear Algebra
a. LU Factorization, Dolittle’s, Crouts’s and Cholesky’s Method
b. Iterative Methods for Systems of Equations 10hrs
c. Jacobi;s Method, Gauss-Siedel Method
d. Evaluation of Eigen Values by Iteration : Power Method
7. Solution of 1st and Higher Order Ordinary Differential Equations
a. Introduction
b. Euler’s Method for first order OBEs
c. Heun’s Method for first order ODEs
d. 2ns and 4th Order Runge-Kutta Method for first order ODEs
e. Solution of Higher Order IVPs
f. Solution of Higher Order BVPs
g. Solution of Higher Order BVPs using Shooting Methods

6. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Applying numerical methods for solving nonlinear equations

2 C3
CLO 2 Implementation of various methods for interpolating the data 2
CLO 3 Calculate integrals numerically 1
CLO 4 Understand the numerical techniques in linear algebra 1 C3
CLO5 Evaluating ODEs and PDEs using numerical techniques 2 C5

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: MATH-361 Probability And Statistics
Credits: 3
Course type: lecture
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets once weekly
Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final
Home work: 1 Assignments
Quizzes: 3 Quizzes
Quizzes: 10
Assignments: 10
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30
Final Exam: 50

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 7. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E.Kreyszig
Reference Books: a) Probability and Statistics by Murray R. Speigel
b) Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by

5. Course Objectives
a) To teach students basics of probability and statistics with applications related to
different disciplines of engineering.

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6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

Article Topics Contact
# Hours
24.1 Graphical Representation of Data: Stem-and-Leaf Plot, Histogram, Boxplot; Mean, 3
Standard Deviation, Variance
24.2 Sample Space, Experiment Outcomes, and Sampling with and without 3
replacement, Set theory,.
24.3 Introduction to theory of Probability, Theorems of Probability, Conditional 3
24.4 Permutations and Combinations 3
24.5 Random Variables and Probability Distributions 3
24.6 Mean and Variance of a Distribution, Expectation, Moments 3
24.7 Binomial, Poisson & Hyper geometric distributions. 3
24.8 Normal distribution. 3
24.9 Distributions of several Random Variables 3
25.1 Random Sampling 3
25.2 Point estimation of Parameters 3
25.3 Confidence intervals. 3
25.4 Testing of hypothesis. Decisions 3
25.5 Quality control, Control chart 3
25.6 Acceptance sampling, errors & rectification. 3
25.7 Goodness of Fit, Chi-square test 3
25.9 Regression Analysis. 3

7. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 1. Present sample data and extract its important features

2 C4
2. Understand different discrete and continuous probability 2

CLO 3 3. Estimate different population parameters on the basis of samples

CLO 4 4. Implement quantity control measures 1 C3

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: MGT-271 Entrepreneurship
Credits: 2-0
Course type: lecture
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites Nil

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly
Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessional and 1 Final
Home work: 4 Assignments
Quizzes: 4 Quizzes
Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30%
Final Exam: 50%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 8. Entreprenuership 6th/8th/10th edition by Robert D.Hisrich,
M.P.Peters & D.A.Shepherd
Reference Books: 5. Entrepreneurship – Theory Process Practice, Donald F. Koratko
8th Edition (South Western - Cengage Learning)
6. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, 2011.
7. The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and
Transform Your Career by Reid Hoffman, 2012
8. Big Bang Disruption: Strategy in the Age of Devastating
Innovation by Larry Downes and Paul Nunes, 2014

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5. Catalog Descriptions
It is an introduction to the concept of entrepreneurship. The course will cover the characteristics of and
types of entrepreneurs, identifying problems and opportunities, creative problem solving techniques,
developing a viable business plan/model and entrepreneurial significance.

6. Course Objectives
The major learning aims of this course are to develop students’ knowledge about entrepreneurship.
Specifically, by the end of the course students should be able to:
• Develop an understanding of the nature of entrepreneurship & determine whether you want to be an
entrepreneur with your own business or a corporate entrepreneur (entrepreneur in someone else’s business)
• Understand how to identify opportunities (problems), develop creative solutions and build a viable
business model around these
• Identify and understand the driving forces of new venture success
• Understand the ethical and legitimacy challenges that entrepreneurs face with in new ventures

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7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

Topics Breakdown
1 The introduction of Entrepreneur
 The different outcomes of engaging in entrepreneurship 1,2,3
 Characteristics or Personal Competency of an Entrepreneur
 The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth
 The Entrepreneurial Process
 The Benefits of Entrepreneurship
 The Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship
 Ten Deadly Mistakes of Entrepreneurship
 How to avoid failure in a Entrepreneurial business
 Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Mind-Set
2 Entrepreneurial Intentions and Corporate Entrepreneurship
 The Intention to Act Entrepreneurially
 Entrepreneur Background and Characteristics
 Role Models and Support Systems
 Minority Entrepreneurs
 Entrepreneurial Intentions Within Existing Organizations
 Men Vs. Women Entrepreneurs
 Entrepreneur Vs. Inventor
 Managerial vs Entrepreneurial Decision Making
 Distinguishing Entrepreneurially from Traditionally Managed
 Establishing Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Organization
 Understanding the entrepreneurial perspective in individuals
 Characteristics of an Entrepreneurial Environment
 Leadership Characteristics of Corporate Entrepreneurs
3 Entrepreneurial Strategy: Generating and Exploiting New Entries 7,8,9
Creativity and the Business Idea
 The Generation and Exploitation of New Entry Opportunities
 The Decision to Exploit or Not to Exploit the New Entry
 Entry Strategy for New Entry Exploitation
 Risk Reduction Strategies for New Entry Exploitation
 Comparative analysis entrepreneurship in other countries
Acquiring an Established Entrepreneurial Venture

The Business Plan: Creating and

Starting the Venture

 Planning as Part of the Business Operation

 What is the Business Plan? 10,11,12,
 How do Potential Lenders and Investors Evaluate the Plan?
 Presenting the Plan
 Writing the Business Plan
 Critical Issues for Environmental and Industry Analysis
 Describing the Venture

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 Using and Implementing the Business Plan

 Why Some Business Plans Fail

The Marketing Plan

 Industry Analysis
 Marketing Research for the New Venture
 A Comparison of Survey Methods
5  Understanding the Marketing Plan 13,14
 Characteristics of a Marketing Plan
 The Marketing System
 The Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Strategies

 Case Studies on Entrepreneurship

 Innovation and the Entrepreneur
 The Innovation Process
6  Legal Challenges for Entrepreneurial ventures 15.16
 Sources of Capital for Entrepreneurial ventures

8. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning

CLO 1 Understand the importance of Entrepreneurship in society C2 6

CLO 2 Ability to generate idea for new venture/business C3 6

CLO 3 Development of Business Model/Plan C4 9

CLO 4 Promotion/Marketing Strategies of new venture C3 9

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: PHY-102 Applied Physics
Credits: 3(2-1)
Course type: Lecture + Lab
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites Fsc/A Level physics

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week, Meets once weekly
Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week
Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by teaching assistant/lab engineer

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 OHTs ,1 Final
Home work: 1
Quizzes: 4
Quizzes: 5%
Assignments: 5-10%
2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 25-30%
Final Exam: 40-50%
Semester Project:

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Physics by Halliday, Resnick, Krane, 5th edition2. Semiconductor
Device Physics By Nandita Das Gupta 3rd Edition
Reference Books: 1. Engineering Electromagnetics by N O Sadiku, International
2. Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker Vol 2

5. Course Objectives
To learn basic concepts of Physics and perform experiments in lab to verify theory.

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6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

S# Contact
Topics hours

CH-25 to Electrostatics; Coulomb's law, Gauss's law, electric potential 10

CH-32 Magnetic Force on charge and current elements, Ampere's law and its 10
&CH-34 applications, Faraday’s law
(Book-2) Energy Band Theory, Fermi level, electron hole concentration, 12
CH-1,2,4 Diffusion and Drift current, PN Junction

7. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping CLO to PLO)
Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
CLO 1 Be able to describe and represent mathematically the concepts of
1 C3
Electrostatics and to solve problems related to knowledge gained.
CLO 2 Be able to describe and represent mathematically the concepts of 1
Magnetostatics and to solve problems related to knowledge gained.
CLO 3 Develop the understanding of semiconductors based on energy band 1
theory and working of PN Junction.
CLO4 Perform Scientific measurements in Lab to verify theory 2 P2

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: ME 100 Engineering Mechanics
Credits: 3
Course type: Lecture
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites None; but a knowledge about forces and vectors will be helpful for
better understanding of the subject.

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly
Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 One Hour Tests (OHTs) and 1 Final
Home work: 4 Assignments
Quizzes: 6 Quizzes
Grading: Quizzes: 15%
Assignments: 5%
Two OHT Exams: 30%
Final Exam: 50%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics, 12th Edition by
R.C. Hibbler
Reference Books: Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics, Latest Edition. J. L.
Meriam & L.G. Kraige

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5. Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to develop the capacity to predict the effects of force while carrying
out the creative design function of engineering. Concepts of properties of forces, moments,
couples and resultants are developed. Analysis of two and three dimensional force systems and
subsequently the analysis of two-dimensional equilibrium are also introduced to the students.
Students are also exposed to the plane trusses and their solution by different methods which help
them analyzing the structures and designing new structures. The students are introduced to the
concentrated and distributed forces of friction which enables them to understand the design of a
machine. The students are also taught the basic concepts of kinematics and kinetics of particle.

6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Understand force vectors in a plane (2D) and in space (3D)

2. Compute moments about a point and about an axis 3hrs

3. Apply equations of equilibrium in two and three dimensions and analyze trusses by
method of joints and method of sections 3hrs

4. Solve Problems which include frictional forces and friction angles in equilibrium 3hrs

5. Understand the concepts of kinematics of particle motion 6hrs

6. Apply the concept of kinetics on particle motion 3hrs

7. Circuit Analysis with dependent sources. 6hrs

8. Operational Amplifiers

9. Basic RC and RL Circuits, Transients in First-Order Networks. 3hrs

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7. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction , Basic concepts and lab equipment.
Lab 02 Experimental verification of OHM’s law.
Lab 03 Verification of current and voltage divider rule.
Lab 04 Experimental verification of nodal analysis.
Lab 05 Experimental verification of mesh analysis.
Lab 06 Experimental verification of superposition theorem.
Lab 07 Study of state and delta connections of resistances. Experimental verification of star
delta transformation.
Lab 08 Experimental verification of Thevenin’s theorem.
Lab 09 Study of maximum power transfer theorem and its experimental verification for a
Lab 10 Verification of reciprocity theorem.
Lab 11 Implementation of inverting amplifier, non-inverting amplifier and unity gain follower
(OP AMP Applications)
Lab 12 Transient analysis and time constant determination of an RC circuit.
Lab 13 Potentiometer and Rheostat.

8. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Understand force vectors in a plane (2D) and in space (3D)

Compute moments about a point and about an axis C3
CLO 3 Apply equations of equilibrium in two and three dimensions and analyze PLO 2
trusses by method of joints and method of sections C3
CLO 4 Solve Problems which include frictional forces and friction angles in PLO 2
equilibrium C3
CLO 5 Understand the concepts of kinematics of particle motion PLO 1 C2
CLO 6 Apply the concept of kinetics on particle motion PLO 2 C3

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: ME-104: Engineering Drawing
Credits: 1
Course type: Lab
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites Basics of Geometrical Drawing

2. Course Schedule
Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week
Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 1 Final
Home work: 2 Assignments
Quizzes: 4 Quizzes
Grading: Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
Final Exam: 40%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. First Year Engineering Drawing by A. C. Parkinson
2. Geometrical Drawing by N. D. Bhatt.
3. B. McFarlane, Beginning AUTOCAD 2004, 1st edition, Elsevier
M.A. Drum, Wildfire 2.0 fundamentals
Reference Books: 1. Engineering Drawing and Design by Cecil Jensen And Jay D. Helsel
2. Engineering Graphics by Craft Meyer and Boyer
3. G.R. Bertoline, E.M. Weibe, Fundamentals of Graphics
Communication, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York

5. Catalog Descriptions
This course begins with the study of basic concepts of Engineering Drawing. Students are then practised
about technical drawing which includes sectional drawing, isometric drawing, orthographic projection, first
and third angle and standard part drawing. They are given assignment per week which has to be completed
in their practical period regarding orthographic projections, sectional drawing and isometric drawing. After
completing the Engineering Drawing section of the course, they are then taught about drafting tools in
AutoCAD. Students learn powerful tools and techniques necessary for professional 2D drawing and

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dimensioning using the software AutoCAD.

6. Course Objectives
1. Understand the fundamental aspects of drawing
2. Distinguish between first and third angle of projection drawings
3. Apply standard dimensions to an engineering drawing in manual drawing and using AutoCAD
4. Use the drafting tools and AutoCAD to prepare accurate technical drawings in first and third angle
of projection

5. Use the drafting tools to prepare accurate technical sectioning and isometric drawings

7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Types of lines and usage

2. Drawing Instruments and usage

3. Sheet planning and Dimensioning

4. Orthographic rojection, First and Third Angle

5. Sectional Drawing

6. Isometric Drawing

7. DRAW commands

8. Selection SETS options

9. VIEW commands

10. MODIFY commands

11. DIMENSION commands

12. LAYERS commands

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8. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Understand the fundamental aspects of drawing

CLO 2 Distinguish between first and third angle of projection drawings P1
CLO 3 Apply standard dimensions to an engineering drawing in manual drawing and
using AutoCAD software
CLO 4 Use the drafting tools and AutoCAD to prepare accurate technical drawings
in first and third angle of projection
CLO 5 Use the drafting tools to prepare accurate technical sectioning and isometric

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: ME-105 Workshop Practice
Credits: 0-1
Course type: Lab
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites College Level Education

2. Course Schedule
Lab: 3 hrs/week
Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 1 Final Viva
Lab reports: 10 reports
Quizzes: 6 Quizzes
Grading: Quizzes: 30%
Lab Report: 10%
Final Viva: 60%

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: Workshop Technology, Part I& II by W.A. Chapman, Arnold Pub,
Latest Edition..
Reference Books: Comprehensive Workshop Technology (Manufacturing Processes)by
S.K. Garg

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5. Course Objectives
Objective of the course is to make students familiar with the practical aspects of key workshop
technologies such as casting, welding and machining. At the culmination of this course, students
will be able to identify and implement the key manufacturing processes and steps that can be
employed to create various parts and assemblies. Fundamentally, a considerable enhancement in
level of engineering knowledge of the students is envisaged upon successful completion of this

6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Introduction to welding technology

2. Practical welding technology

3. Introduction to casting

4. Practical demonstration and implementation of sand casting

5. Introduction to machining

6. Demonstration and implementation of lathe machining

7. Introduction to gear making.

8. Spur gear manufacturing fundamentals and demonstration

9. Introduction to forging

10. Part fabrication through manual hammer forging

11. Introduction to fitting and assembly techniques

12. Create a mechanical assembly through fitting techniques

13. Introduction to electric fitting

14. Assembling an electric circuit

15. Introduction to wood working

16. Create a wood part by applying various wood working techniques

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7. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) Learning
PLOs Level

CLO 1 Recall the fundamental knowledge behind key workshop technologies such as
welding, machining and casting etc. PLO 1
CLO 2 Show an understanding of the implementation of various workshop
technologies PLO 1
CLO 3 Practically implement the knowledge of key workshop practice technologies PLO 4
by creating parts and assemblies.
CLO 4 Students shall be able to effectively respond to rapidly developing/arising PLO 4
situations where they have to express personal opinion regarding a problem.

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1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: OTM-455: Engineering Project Management
Credits: 2-0
Course type: Lecture
Required or Elective: Required
Course pre-requisites None

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 2 hrs/week
Office Hours : 2 hrs/week by instructor

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 Sessionals and 1 Final
Home work: Assignments
Quizzes: Quizzes
Grading: Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
Two Sessional Exams: 30%
Final Exam: 50%

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4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: PMBOK &
The Wiley Guide to Managing Projects- edited by Peter W.G Morris,
Jeffery K. Pinto Published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New Jeresy

Reference Books: Project Management – 7th edition by Harold Kerzner

published by Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data.
Production and Operation Management, 8Th Edition by Norman Gaither
and Greg Fazier, South-Western College Publishing

5. Course Objectives
To familiarize the students with the basic concepts of engineering project management.

6. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage

1. Concept of a project and its definition 1st - 2nd
2. Request for proposal (RFP) and Proposal 3rd Week

3. Introduction to project life cycle, planning, scheduling and control of projects 4th – 5th
4. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 6th Week

5. Gantt Chart 7th Week

6. Network model and its applications 8th Week

7. Probabilistic and Deterministic approaches 9th Week

8. PERT and CPM, Network simulation 10th Week

9. Project crashing and alternatives analysis 11th Week

10. Determination of resource requirements of a project 12th Week

11. Resource leveling, Project scheduling under limited resources 13th Week

12. Project Evaluation and Control 14th Week

13. Case studies and problem solutions 15th Week

14. Planning Engineering 16th Week

EME College,NUST 172

Outcome Based Education Department of ComputerandSoftwareEngineering

7. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes (Mapping

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) PLO Learnin
s g Level
CLO1 Demonstrate the importance of proj mgmt in engineering solutions
CLO2 Comprehend engineering project mgmt knowledge areas and process 6
CLO3 Compare different evaluation methods of a project 7 C3
CLO4 Apply the concept of time value of money 6 C3
CLO5 Compare different proposals using B/C ratio, IRR, Payback period. 7 C3

EME College,NUST 173

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