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11  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation, and ENGLISH FILE
Practical English   A Starter

GRAMMAR 4 Complete the sentences with the opposite of the

verb in bold.
1 Complete the questions with pronouns.
Example: A Did the train arrive at 9:00?
Example: A I gave it to you yesterday. B No, it left at 9:00.
B Oh yes, I put it in my room.
1 A Did Tom lose his wallet?
1 A Do you like ________? B No, he ___________ his wallet.
B Yes, I do. She’s very nice.
2 A Did you send an email?
2 A When did Paul meet ________? B No, I ___________ an email.
B Last month. Paul was in a café when they
3 A Did he turn on the lights?
walked in.
B No, he ___________ the lights.
3 A We’re lost. Can you help ________?
4 A Did they like the movie?
B Of course.
B No, they ___________ the movie.
4 A Sam gave ________ his grandmother’s ring.
5 A Did you go to Jen’s house?
B Really? Lucky you!
B No, she ___________ to my house.
5 A Do you know Jack?
B Yes, I met ________ at Dave’s birthday party.

Vocabulary total 10

2 Complete the sentences with the correct simple PRONUNCIATION

past form of the verb in parentheses.
5 Look at the letters in bold. Write a check (✓) if they
Example: Sheila came back early from her holiday are silent. Write an X if they are not silent.
yesterday. (come)
Example: wrote  ✓
1 Tom ________ a coffee and a cake in the café. (buy) think X
2 Jane ________ to Houston in her new car. (drive)
1 bought ________
3 Joe ________ the new James Bond movie last night.
(see) 2 listen ________

4 Simon ________ a terrible noise. (hear) 3 what ________

5 Rory ________ a lot of pictures on vacation. (take) 4 drove ________

5 knew ________
Pronunciation total 5
Grammar total 10
Practical English
6 Complete the dialogues with words from the box.
3 Underline the correct word to complete the
dialogue. drink  bring  like  party  brought  came
Sue What’s the last movie you saw?
Example: A  The party starts in 30 minutes.
Jim It was Remember Me. B  Oh! I want to go buy something to drink.
Sue Remember Me? What did you think of / at it?
1 A This Saturday is my sister’s birthday _______.
Jim Oh, I 1 very / really didn’t like 2 her / it. The film Would you like to come?
was 3 fantastic / awful.
B Sure. I’d love to.
Sue Oh, my. Who was in it?
2 A I’m glad you _______ tonight, Paul.
Jim Tom Dillon.
B Me too. I’m happy to be here.
Sue Tom Dillon? Oh, I like 4 him / it. He’s 5 terrible /

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11  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation, and ENGLISH FILE
Practical English   A Starter

3 A Here. I _______ some flowers.

B Thanks, Andrea. They’re beautiful!
4 A Do you need anything for the party?
B Oh, can you _______ some sandwiches?
5 A I’m going to the café. Would you _______ a coffee?
B That sounds great. Thanks!

Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, and Practical English total 30

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11  Reading and Writing   A Starter

READING 7 Many musicians liked The Goat Rodeo Sessions.

1 Read the text and check (✓) True or False. ■  False ■  

8 You can hear Fred’s music in some movies.
■  False ■  
An amazing musician 9 Fred saw Yo-Yo Ma’s mp3 player.
My name is Fred Stevens, and I’m a musician. Actually, I’m a
classical musician. I started playing the cello when I was six
■  False ■  
years old. Now I play with the Cleveland Symphony 9
Orchestra. I love classical music, but I listen to a lot of other
things, too. My mp3 player has more than 500 songs on it. I 2 Read the text again and choose the correct number
like rock, pop, and hip hop – all kinds of music. Last week I or year to complete the sentences.
went to a Coldplay concert. They’re really fantastic. They’re
Example: Fred started playing cello when he was six
one of my favorite bands. I have three of their albums.
years old.
My favorite classical musician is—you guessed it—Yo-Yo
Ma. He’s probably the most famous cello player in the world, 1 There are more than ___________ songs on Fred’s
but he doesn’t only play the music of Bach, Beethoven, and mp3 player.
Brahms. In 2003, Yo-Yo Ma made an album called Obrigado 2 Fred has ___________ of Coldplay’s albums.
Brazil. In this album he mixed classical cello together with 3 Yo-Yo Ma made an album in ___________ called
Brazilian music. It’s really amazing. Obrigado Brazil.
In 2011, he made an album called The Goat Rodeo Sessions. 4 The album The Goat Rodeo Sessions came out in
In this album, Yo-Yo Ma played his cello with American ___________.
bluegrass musicians. Some people didn’t like this album.
5 Memoirs of a Geisha came out in ___________.
But many musicians loved it. Mixing classical music with
other kinds of music is really interesting, I think.
6 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon came out in
You can also hear Yo-Yo Ma’s music in movies. He played
music in the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in 2000, 6
Master and Commander in 2003, and Memoirs of a Geisha in
2005. Sometimes I ask myself, “What kind of music does Reading total 15
Yo-Yo Ma have on his mp3 player?” I don’t know. But I think
he listens to all kinds of music – just like I do! WRITING

1 Fred Stevens is a classical musician.

1 Answer the questions about an album you like.
1 What is the name of the album?
■  False ■  
2 Who is the musician or group?
2 Fred’s favorite classical musician is Yo-Yo Ma. 3 When did this album come out?
■  False ■  
True  4 What’s your favorite song on the album?
3 Fred listens to hip hop on his mp3 player. 5 Why do you like this album?
■  False ■  
True  Writing total 10
4 Fred can’t stand Coldplay’s music.
Reading and Writing total 25
■  False ■  
5 Fred only listens to Bach and Beethoven.
■  False ■  
6 Yo-Yo Ma’s albums sometimes mix classical music
with other kinds of music.
■  False ■  

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11 Listening and Speaking   A Starter

LISTENING 3 You’re looking for a new book to read. Ask your

partner questions about a book review.
1 Listen to Neil and Rachel talking about Rachel’s
weekend. Write a check (✓) if the information is
correct. Write an X if the information is incorrect. Book review by: __________________________________
1 Rachel went to the movies with her brother on the Name of book: ___________________________________
weekend. Author: __________________________________________
2 It was Matt’s idea to go and see the movie. Came out in: _____________________________________
3 Rachel saw a movie called End of the Day. Review: __________________________________________
4 Matt didn’t like the movie very much.
5 In the movie, Tom loved Mary.
5 4 Your partner is looking for a new book to read.
Answer his/her questions with information from
this review.
2 Listen to five conversations. Check (✓) True
or False .
Book review by: Brian McMaster
1 Sarah really liked the play.
Name of book: The Hunger Games
True  ■  False ■  
2 Bob likes classical music a lot. Author: Suzanne Collins
True  ■  False ■   Came out in: 2008
3 Abbey likes the new album from Adele. Review: This book is amazing!
True  ■  False ■  
4 Kyle wants to read the new book by J.K. Rowling.
Speaking total 15
True  ■  False ■  
5 Donna liked her dinner at the City Grill. Listening and Speaking total 25
True  ■  False ■  

Listening total 10

1 Ask your partner these questions.
1 Can you describe a book you like a lot?
2 Who wrote it?
3 When did you read it?
4 Do any of your friends like this book? Who?
5 Why do you like it?
2 Now answer your partner’s questions.

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