Brelemprogresstest 10

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10 | Progress test

Working with words B Actually, I’m sorry, we have a small problem.

Match 1–9 to a–i to form questions. They 16’re waiting in our Cardiff warehouse,
but our delivery driver is off sick.
1 How often do you a problem?
A When 17’s he coming back? Do you know?
attend …_____
B I’m not really sure. Don’t worry. I’ll find a
solution. Can I call you back this afternoon?
2 Is that your final … b in a team?
A This morning’s better. I 18’m going out after
B OK, I’ll call you back later this morning.
3 Do you like to work … c the problem?
Underline the correct answer from the words in
4 Is it a very big …_____ d new ideas? italics.

19 That’s the most expensive / expensivest

5 Did you find …_____ e decision?
restaurant in town.
20 These new components are better / best than
6 How good is your team f meetings?
the old ones.
at developing …_____
21 I don’t think the problem we have in the
factory is very big / bigger.
7 When can we make … g a decision about
22 Our company has the high / highest turnover
_____ this?
in the industry.
23 The worse / worst problem we have is that
8 Is that a good …_____ h idea?
staff are leaving.
24 It’s the more / most up-to-date technology on
9 Why can’t you solve … i a solution?
the market.
25 Is there an easier / easiest solution than this
Language at work
Business communication
Are the verbs in the present continuous in this
conversation talking about the present (P) or the Replace 26–30 in the conversation with a–e, so that
future (F)? Write your answers (P or F) next to the the meaning stays the same. Write the letters next
numbers. to the numbers.
10 _____ 15 _____
26 _____ a’s your opinion
11 _____ 16 _____
27 _____ b’m not so sure
12 _____ 17 _____
28 _____ c we should
13 _____ 18 _____
29 _____ d that’s true
14 _____
30 _____ e I think
A Hello, I 10’m calling about my late delivery.
A Did you read the report?
B I’m sorry, who 11’s speaking?
B Yes, I did.
A This is Nicola Havers of HVS. We 12’re still
A So, what 26do you think?
having problems with deliveries from you.
B 27
In my opinion it’s a salary problem. I think
B Well, I’m sure we can solve them. First of all, 28
it’s a good idea to increase pay.
what 13are you waiting for at the moment?
A Sorry, but I 29don’t agree.
A The replacement components for our conveyor
B Do you think we can increase numbers of
staff? With more staff, they won’t work long
B Oh yes. I know. We 14’re bringing them next
A Yes, 30I agree.
A Really? But why 15aren’t you delivering them
this week?
Result _____ / 30 marks

Business Result Elementary Progress Test 10 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Speaking test
Role cards
Copy this page and cut out the role cards for the students. Students work together and discuss the problems.
Use the Speaking test results form to evaluate each student’s performance. You can then cut out the results and
give them to the students.
Student B
Student A
1 You work in a team of eight people. Here are
1 You work in a team of eight people. Here are two of the team’s problems:
two of the team’s problems: – Your new team leader often goes home at
– You have a team meeting every Friday 5pm; the rest of the team is there until 7 or
afternoon to discuss the week’s work; it’s 8pm.
always too long. – It’s noisy in the office when people are
– People often don’t read emails from other on the phone at the same time.
members of the team.
2 Think of one solution for each problem in 1.
2 Think of one solution for each problem in 1.
3 Have a meeting with Student A. Discuss four
3 Have a meeting with Student B. Discuss four problems (your problems and your partner’s
problems (your problems and your partner’s problems).
Remember to: Remember to:
 present and explain the problem  present and explain the problem
 ask for opinions  ask for opinions
 give opinions  give opinions
 agree and disagree  agree and disagree
 find a solution.  find a solution

Speaking test results

Use these forms to evaluate the students.

Student A Student B

Can the student … Didn’t do this Yes, but with Yes, did this Can the student … Didn’t do this Yes, but with Yes, did this
(0 points) some mistakes very well (0 points) some mistakes very well
(1 point) (2 points) (1 point) (2 points)
present and explain present and explain
the problem the problem

ask for opinions ask for opinions

give opinions give opinions

agree and disagree agree and disagree

find a solution find a solution

Result __________ / 10 marks Result _________ / 10 marks

Business Result Elementary Progress Test 10 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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