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Put the following ingredients through your juicer and enjoy one big, delicious serving.

 1 bunch dill
 1 stalk of celery (about 12-16 ribs) with leaves
 1 lemon, peeled
 1 granny smith green apple

2. Anti-Insomnia Juice Recipe

 1 lemon, peeled
 2 cups kale, tough fibers removed from stems
 4 ribs of celery
 1 granny smith green apple
 1 fennel bulb with greens

3. Melatonin-Boosting Sleep Cocktail

 1 cup tart cherry juice, fresh or from concentrate

 1 handful spinach
 1 sweet apple, such as a Fuji or golden delicious

4. Simple Anti-Insomnia Green Juice

 4 ribs of celery
 2 granny smith green apples
 ½ head romaine lettuce or 2 cups of spring mix

5. Stress-Busting Sleep Juice Recipe

 1 inch ginger root, peeled

 1 lemon, peeled
 1 cucumber
 6 ribs of celery
 1 granny smith green apple
 8-10 stalks of asparagus

6. Low-Sugar Sleep Juice Recipe

 ½ head romaine or bibb lettuce

 1 cucumber
 1 inch ginger root
 1 bulb fennel with leaves

What Causes Insomnia and More Ways to Get Better Sleep

The nutrients in relaxing juices can help you sleep easier, but it’s very important to get to the root cause of your
insomnia and take a multi-pronged approach to improving your sleep.

There are many causes of insomnia. Some are temporary, while others might last for months or even years on end.
Common medical conditions, physical discomforts, and other issues that can contribute to insomnia include:

 Acid reflux and other gastrointestinal disturbances

 Alcohol
 Allergies
 Anxiety
 Arthritis
 Asthma
 Caffeine consumed within about eight hours of bedtime
 Chronic pain
 Depression
 Endocrine conditions
 Lower back pain
 Mattress issues, i.e. too soft or hard
 Medication
 Nicotine
 Nighttime exposure to blue light from electronics
 Neurological conditions
 Pregnancy
 Restless legs
 Shift work
 Stress

These are just some factors that contribute to insomnia. Some call for medical intervention, so consider visiting your
doctor if you think they may be part of your problem. Others are fairly easy to resolve on your own.

Ways to Improve Sleep

Besides drinking juices for better sleep, it’s a good idea to try some of the following tips:

 Start by identifying the cause of your insomnia if you can, and then consider whether there are steps you can take to
improve your situation.
 If, for example, you are suffering from physical discomfort or you just can’t seem to relax while you’re lying in bed, a
different mattress or even an inexpensive mattress pad might make a difference.
 Many of us enjoy watching TV as we unwind during the evening, or spend time checking social media, or even taking a
last look at emails before we lie down for the night. If your evening routine includes plenty of screen time, you might
want to consider cutting back. The light from your screen stimulates your brain and promotes wakefulness. If you
need a way to keep your mind from focusing on problems as you try to relax, consider picking up a book. Find
something that’s interesting enough to engage you, but not so exciting that you feel like reading all night!
 Daily activities can influence the way you sleep at night. If you’re not getting enough exercise, for example, you might
find that it is difficult to sleep. Simply taking a short walk after dinner might be helpful, and starting a more intense
exercise routine during the first half of the day is likely to have a positive effect on your ability to sleep, too.

This is just the tip of the insomnia iceberg. If you want to learn more, take a moment to whip up a relaxing juice
recipe, and read an in-depth guide to insomnia causes, symptoms, and remedies.

You may find that there’s just one underlying cause contributing to your sleepless nights, or you might discover that
there are many pieces to your individual puzzle.

With some simple lifestyle changes and perhaps a little help from your health care provider, you will find that it is
easier to get off to dreamland and wake up feeling refreshed.

How To Make Pumpkin Juice For Eye Health, Mood-Boosting And Stronger Immunity

When you think of pumpkins, you probably envision jack-o-lanterns or Halloween. But, pumpkins are more than just
Fall decorations or desserts. They are available all year round, although you may see more of them at the start of Fall.
Pumpkins are good for way more than carving, painting, and their seeds. In fact, pumpkins are one of the healthiest
foods you can include in your diet.

As the weather turns cold, pumpkins make great warm foods by warming your body from the inside out. A warmer
body strengthens your immune system, inhibits the growth of invading viruses or bacteria, and fends off winter bugs
to prevent you from getting sick.

Why Pumpkins Should Be A Part Of Your Diet

Make pumpkins a part of your diet all year round, and not just during Fall.

An excellent way of including pumpkins in your diet is to make pumpkin juice. Its unique taste is mildly sweet, rich
and very fulfilling.

As you learn about the health benefits of pumpkins, you’ll wonder why you aren’t eating them every day already. The
bright, rich color of a pumpkin is from the carotenoids.

Carotenoids are phytochemical compounds that are known for protecting your eyesight. However, carotenoids aren’t
just good for eyesight, they can also improve your skin complexion and prevent cancer.

If you have an active life, or hope to have an active life—start working pumpkin into your daily routine now.
Pumpkins are a long-lasting energy source, they reduce fatigue and improve athletic performance.

Benefits of Drinking Pumpkin Juice

You may be curious as to why pumpkin juice is preferable to eating pumpkin. Pumpkin, as it is, is an extremely
filling food. Because of that, you may only be able to eat a little bit before you get full.

By making pumpkin juice, you can consume more of it to take advantage of its full benefits. You can mix pumpkin
with other fruits and vegetables to make a variety of interesting and delicious juices.

This is only a short list of the health benefits of pumpkin juice:

 Supports your immune system with its high vitamin C content

 Has anti-inflammatory effect against arthritis and joint pains
 Strengthens your respiratory system from free radical attacks
 Strengthens bones and teeth
 A natural remedy for morning sickness
 Supports digestive health, allowing your body to get rid of toxins more quickly
 Calms anxious nerves naturally, without the side effects of medications
 Strengthens blood vessels and prevents the buildup of plaque in the veins
 Supports liver and kidney health
 Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines

How To Make Pumpkin Juice

You may not have tried pumpkin juice, but I can tell you, it tastes so good!

I’m talking about raw pumpkin juice, not steaming/boiling pumpkin and making a smoothie. Raw pumpkin juice.
And it’s easy to make.

To make your juice, wash all your ingredients, cut them into smaller sizes so that they fit through your juicer
chute. Simply run all of these ingredients through your juicer.
A slow juicer can juice these ingredients easily and produce a smooth juice. If using a centrifugal juicer, a little more
pumpkin may be needed as the juice yield is not as high as that of a slow juicer.

Here are some of my favorite pumpkin juice recipes:

1. Mood Booster Pumpkin Juice Recipe

 ½ a small pumpkin with stem and seeds removed, leave skin on

 1 red apple
 ½ lemon with peel removed
 1-inch chunk of ginger root with skin removed

2. Bright Eyes Carrot-Pumpkin Juice Recipe:

 3 carrots
 1 yellow capsicum (sweet pepper)
 ½ small pumpkin
 ½ lime
 1-inch ginger root (optional)

3. Spiced Creamy Pumpkin Juice Recipe

This is an easy juice recipe that I like. Simply juice half a medium-sized pumpkin, and add to it, milk of your choice.
I use coconut milk, or goat’s milk whenever I have it in my fridge.

Add ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder and ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon powder. I then blend it with my mini drink frother
to work up some froth. If you make it in bigger quantity, you can use an immersion blender to work up the froth.
Serve cool.

How To Make Cabbage Juice For Healing Stomach Ulcers And Open Sores

Peptic ulcers are open sores on the lining of the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum. They are rarely deadly, but still
extremely unpleasant and very common. As the medical saying goes, this condition ”kills few but troubles many.”

Unpleasant Symptoms Of Peptic Ulcers

It’s estimated that 11-14% of all men and 8-11% of women will develop peptic ulcers at some point in their life, but
just 1 person in 100,000 will die from the condition. The other sufferers are likely to experience decades of utterly
unpleasant symptoms such as:

 Abdominal pain
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Belching
 Indigestion
 Heartburn and chest pain
 Bleeding (rarely), characterized in most cases by dark, almost black stool

So, are you at risk of developing ulcers?

Most Common Risk Factors And Causes Of Peptic Ulcers

Understanding the common risk factors and causes of peptic ulcers is important for your healing. If any of these is/are
causing your ulcers, then it makes sense to remove them in order to start healing and preventing recurrence.

 Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) infection

 Regular use of conventional non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, Bayer)
or ibuprofen (Advil, Nurofen, Motril) without taking additional protection for the stomach and guts
 Unhealthy eating habits, including frequent consumption of spicy and fried foods
 High consumption of processed foods due to the artificial food additives
 Smoking
 Excessive or frequent alcohol intake
 Radiotherapy

H.pylori infection is the leading cause of peptic ulcers. According to the CDC, this bacteria is the cause of almost
90% of all duodenal ulcers and close to 80% of stomach ulcers. H.pylori is also a big cause of many cases of acid
reflux, thus cabbage juice has been found to be soothing for sufferers of this condition.

The conventional treatment of peptic ulcers heavily relies on at least two powerful antibiotics (with an optional third
one) – everything in order to eradicate that pesky bacterium from one’s gastrointestinal tract.

Cabbage Juice For Healing Stomach Ulcers

Fresh, raw, cabbage juice is the secret.

Yes, it works, and this is a scientifically confirmed fact with almost 70 years of history. Let’s take a closer look.

Back in 1949 Garnett Cheney, a doctor from San Francisco published a brilliant article with a headline that says it all:
“Rapid Healing of Peptic Ulcers in Patients Receiving Fresh Cabbage Juice.”

Just so you can imagine how “rapid” the healing is: Cabbage juice fixed peptic ulcers in as little as 7 days while
conventional therapy will take way longer with no promise of a cure!

The Cabbage Juice Therapy Study by Garnett Cheney

In a pilot study, thirteen subjects between 26 and 72 years of age were involved. They were diagnosed with gut ulcers
bearing a “crater” which was defined on an X-ray. These craters were grouped as small (3 to 5mm in diameter),
medium (6 to 8mm), and large (9 to 21mm).

 Four of them were females and nine were males

 Five of the subjects had a gastric ulcer
 Seven of them had a duodenal ulcer
 One subject was diagnosed with gastrojejunal ulcer

It is important to mention that the study “did not exclude any patient deeming that their ulcer was too bad to treat

A specific dietary regimen was prescribed to each of them to ensure exclusion of other possible food sources
containing the anti-ulcer vitamin.

Each subject was required to drink not less than one liter of green cabbage juice daily. The drink was apportioned
into 5 servings of 200ml (about seven ounces) each, to be drunk throughout the day.
The patients were also encouraged the use of salt, pepper and tomato juice for seasoning purposes. Three subject
received juice portions containing 75 percent of cabbage and 25 percent of celery (celery also contains vitamin U).

The results: The subjects were observed for five months straight. Before and after X-rays, as well as gastroscopic
study analysis of the patients was taken into account. Here is what could be concluded from the study thereon:

 11 out of 13 subjects showed up with no craters on X-ray after a course of 6-9 days of the therapy. This was deemed as
“rapid healing”
 One of the subjects who had a large ulcer crater exhibited curative signs in fourteen days. Another subject who had a
large duodenal ulcer with cap deformity took 23 days to heal
 The average healing time for all the cases under investigation was recorded to be 9 days
 Further astonishing results could be witnessed in two of the conditions; one subject had three small gastrojejunal
ulcers, and the other was affected with two such gastric ulcers. Both the subjects revealed healed guts upon the
second gastroscopic examination following the cabbage juice therapy.

The author of this amazing study, Garnett Cheney, emphasizes the fact that heating destroys vitamin U. Hence,
foods aimed to treat ulcers must be eaten raw and not subjected to cooking. Cabbage consumed in juice form is the
best remedy for the cure of ulcers.

Ulcer-Healing Components In Fresh Cabbage Juice

1. Vitamin U (for Ulcers)

Dr Garnett supposed that cabbage juice is rich in some kind of anti-ulcer factor, so he proposed to call it vitamin U
(for ulcers) until more data is available on the chemistry of the substance.

Today, we know that this marvelous vitamin U is actually S-methylmethionine, and here’s how it helps to heal ulcers
according to modern scientific reviews:

 Vitamin U boosts the production of mucin, the primary component of the mucus secreted by the mucous membranes.
Essentially, this helps to maintain a protective layer on the surface of the esophagus, stomach, and guts. Naturally, this
helps to prevent the formation of ulcers and heal existing ones.
 Vitamin U has significant cell-protecting properties, most likely due to its chemical formula with several sulfhydryl
groups. It is believed that these compounds work as antioxidants and help to balance local immunity.

2. Sulforaphane

Another powerful anti-ulcer agent in cabbage juice is known as sulforaphane (yep, the same substance that treats
autism and heals cancer). This compound is a powerful bactericide that’s incredibly effective against Helicobacter
pylori, which is the bacteria responsible for the vast majority of all peptic ulcers.

The effective dose of sulforaphane for the eradication of H. pylori is believed to be around 100 mg daily for adults.
Although cabbage doesn’t have as much sulforaphane as broccoli sprouts, it still contains enough of the substance to
bring significant relief for H. pylori infected ulcers.

3. Glutamic Acid

Glutamic acid is a non-essential amino acid, meaning that the body is capable of producing its own glutamic acid and
is not dependent upon getting it from food. One of its main roles is to serve as a neurotransmitter to help with
transmission of nerve impulses that are involved in learning and memory.

A deficiency in glutamic acid can lead to compromised gut integrity (leaky gut syndrome) and a poor immune system
function. This is another reason why cabbage is so good for the health of the intestines.
4. Antioxidants

Last but not least, cabbage juice is rich in vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that captures and neutralizes free radicals.
This is extremely important since free radical damage is an important component in the development and worsening
of gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and even stomach cancer.

Additional Health Benefits Of Vitamin U

Heal Skin Lesions

Did you know that peptic ulcers and skin lesions are very similar in terms of tissue damage? This fact explains why
there is evidence suggesting that vitamin U significantly accelerates the healing of wounds when applied directly on
the skin. Basically, you can soak clean gauze bandages in fresh cabbage juice and make natural skin-healing
dressings this way!

Suppress The Formation Of Fatty Cells

This may come as a surprise, but it’s actually a scientific fact: Vitamin U inhibits the formation of adipocytes (fat
cells) on a molecular level. This means that cabbage juice could help to lose and control weight through a whole
different mechanism of action that has nothing to do with calories and macronutrients. Although this effect is still to
be confirmed in human studies, it still sounds incredibly promising!

Prevent And Heal Damage To The Kidneys

Thanks to its antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and antifibrotic (prevents the formation of scars in the tissues),
vitamin U has shown great potential in the prevention and treatment of kidney damage. Antioxidant is especially
effective against toxic damage, for example, the one induced by conventional drugs such as valproic acid for the
treatment of seizures.

May Help With Depression

Although this last point doesn’t have a lot of scientific data to back it up yet, there is some evidence suggesting that
vitamin U effectively soothes depression regardless of its duration and previous treatment. There’s reason to believe
this is true because another substance with a VERY similar chemical structure has been confirmed dozens of times to
have anti-depressant properties.

How To Make Cabbage Juice For Healing Stomach Ulcers

Cabbage juice on its own actually tastes sweet, but it has a distinct after-taste that may not be pleasant for some.

Father of Juicing, Jay Kordich, worked with Dr Garnett Cheney in giving cabbage juice to prisoners in Alcatraz and
every one of them were healed of stomach ulcers.

In the study, only the green cabbage was used. Ingredients:

 1 small head of green cabbage

 3 carrots
 6 ribs of celery
 1-inch piece of ginger root

Always use only organic ingredients.

Wash, cut and put these ingredients through your juicer. Using a slow juicer will provide a higher juice yield
compared to a centrifugal juicer.

How much cabbage juice to drink for healing of stomach ulcers?

To make cabbage juice to suit your palate, you may also add other vegetables – cucumber, broccoli or a green apple
are all good options. Just be sure to use one small head of cabbage that should yield about one liter (or one quart) of

Of the one quart of juice (or more, if you added other vegetables), split them into 5 servings to be drunk throughout
the day.

For how long should you drink cabbage juice for healing of stomach ulcers?

For healing of any health conditions, always stop the offending foods for unhindered healing.

As per the study, many patients felt less pain after drinking the juice for two or three days. Depending on the severity
of your ulcers, you may drink the juice daily, anything from seven up to 21 days. Then, get checked again.


“Let food be thy medicine” said Hippocrates, the ancient Greek healer, over 2000 years ago. Sadly, this principle has
been widely neglected for decades, but with each passing year more and more studies emerge to prove it right.

Today, everyone has the power to bring natural healing into their life using simple, understandable, and affordable
foods. You just have to pick the right foods for each specific condition, and the results will last.

Beetroot Juice Lowers High Blood Pressure And Strengthens Cardiovascular Health

Beetroots are a nutrient-densed root vegetable, and they do taste great when prepared correctly. They contain a large
amount of beneficial vitamins and minerals and are a natural source of carbs for fueling energy in the human body.

With the abundance of nutrients and various ways of using it, there is no reason not to include beetroot in your
regular diet.

Use a beetroot juice recipe to improve your blood pressure and cardiovascular health, and discover some of the other
benefits of consuming this super food.

How Beetroot Juice Lowers High Blood Pressure

Statistics of High Blood Pressure In The USA

The CDC website states that about 75 million American adults (32%) have high blood pressure—that’s one in every
three adults! In 2014, high blood pressure contributed to more than 1,100 deaths in the USA, every day—410,000
deaths a year!

Don’t be a part of the statistics. High blood pressure can be managed/controlled by eating better and drinking a glass
of beetroot juice every day. Going the natural way gives you a chance to get better.

Taking a hypertension medication on the other hand, only suppresses your symptoms with no guarantee that you will
ever get better. Taking a pill to control your blood pressure can only cause side effects that will surface in your
health, later in life.
High Blood Pressure And Your Heart

A long-term hypertension by itself can cause some complication. When controlling your high blood pressure with
medication in the long-term, it can quietly damage your body before any serious symptoms develop. Drugs are
foreign matters that your body registers as toxins—they remain in your system, if not detoxified—and cause
oxidative stress and inflammation.

High blood pressure (and added oxidative stress) forces your heart to pump harder, to increase the blood flow through
your arteries, resulting in hardened, damaged and narrowed arteries.

Over time, the constant high pressure through these damaged arteries can cause potential rupture that leads to life-
threatening internal bleeding (called aneurysm). Other heart diseases may also result from this unnatural condition.

One Glass Of Beetroot Juice A Day

A study shows that one glass of beetroot juice a day is beneficial in reducing blood pressure in people with high
blood pressure (hypertension).

The study in question noted that three hours after drinking 17 ounces of beetroot juice, volunteers showed a decrease
in blood pressure that lasted up to 24 hours after drinking the juice!

The researchers found that “inorganic nitrate and beetroot juice supplementation was associated with a significant
reduction in systolic blood pressure”.

Raw beetroot contains high levels of nitrate (NO3), that the body uses when needed, to convert into biologically
active nitrite (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO).

Nitric oxide is a key molecule that our body produces to help all our 100 trillion cells communicate with each other
by transmitting signals throughout the entire body. It penetrates the underlying muscles and acts as a potent
vasodilator that relaxes the arteries. Therefore, nitric oxide plays a critical role in blood pressure and overall blood
circulation. In the process, it is also helpful for curbing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Beetroot Juice Boosts Stamina And Athletic Endurance

Studies show that the nitrates in beetroot juice leads to a reduction in oxygen uptake, making exercise less tiring. This
was not achieved by any other known means, including training.

Nitrates, being the active ingredient in beetroots, are converted into nitric oxide during exercise. The benefits are
most commonly experienced during aerobic exercise, when breathing is increased to draw more oxygen into the

In addition to increasing blood circulation and improving muscle contraction and relaxation, beetroot juice
supplementation is suspected to have improved the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration that provides the boost of
energy, thus sustained stamina.

Beetroot Contains An Abundance Of Nutrients

Beetroot has a large variety of vitamins and minerals. Eating beetroot provides you with vitamins A and C, the B
vitamins along with folate, iron, calcium, and potassium. The antioxidant-rich juice helps fight disease and prevent
cell damage.

Beetroot Is Rich In Betaine

Another benefit of eating more beetroot is the steady source of betaine. Betaine is a compound that can stimulate liver
cell functions and reduce homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is a non-protein amino acid that is known to increase
the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Read more about the full health benefits of beetroot.

Beetroot Caution

If you’re just starting off with beetroot, you may want to dilute the juice by adding other water-rich vegetables, such
as cucumber or celery. It is also advised that men avoid drinking beetroot juice every day as they don’t lose blood
like women do. Over-consumption of beetroot can lead to an increase of iron in the blood (beneficial for anemics).

Beetroot Juice Recipe

Gather the following ingredients to make your own beetroot juice. This recipe makes about 16-20 ounces:

 5-6 medium-sized raw beetroots

 1 cucumber (optional)
 1 lemon with peel (cut off both ends)
 1-inch of ginger root

Beetroot Juice Directions

If your beetroots have smooth skin, just use a vegetable brush and scrub them clean under running water. If they are
rough and uneven, peel them so you remove all soil that may be hidden in the uneven surface.

Gather all the above ingredients, wash and cut them to sizes that will fit your juicer chute. Run everything through
your juicer and pour into a pitcher. Stir the juice in the pitcher.

Have a glass a day to manage/control your high blood pressure. If you’re an athlete, drinking a glass every day will
help increase your stamina and reduce muscle inflammation.

What is SIBO and How Can Green Juice Help?

It wasn’t too long ago that most gastroenterologists would dismiss chronic digestive problems that couldn’t be
identified with a colonoscopy and tell patients that it is “all in your head”. Now, we have started to realize the
importance of a neglected organ, the microbiome, and its link to many diseases including IBS and SIBO. In the case
of SIBO it is a problem of too much bacteria in the wrong place, the small intestine.

What is SIBO?

SIBO (small instestinal bacterial overgrowth) is a dysbiosis or overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. It’s
important to remember that bacteria is normal in the digestive tract and provide many necessary functions for our
body. With SIBO, the problem is not the bacteria but that there is too much bacteria or the wrong type of bacteria in
the wrong place.

A lot of times this can be confusing, but just remember that the small intestine usually has lower counts of
bacteria and their main function is the absorption of essential nutrients from food, not excessive fermentation.
In the case of SIBO, bacteria is overgrowing and getting in the way of nutrient absorption because of issues with the
small bowel cleaning function.
How Do You Know You Have SIBO?

These are a few of the most common symptoms SIBO sufferers experience:

 Excessive gas, bloating, and or belching

 Altered digestive function in the form of diarrhea or constipation
 Cramps or abdominal pain
 Malabsorption of nutrients
 Brain fog and fatigue

SIBO can cause a lot of debilitating symptoms and is associated with many other medical conditions. It can also
cause absence from work and psychological issues like anxiety and depression. You can see a full list of symptoms
and associated diseases here.

Understanding Terminology: SIBO vs IBS

The terminology can often confuse people. SIBO stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and IBS stands for
irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome has always been the common diagnosis for people who have
chronic bowel problems but show no signs of inflammatory bowel disease on scans.

Both of the terms are now used interchangeably because research has found that SIBO is often found in up to 60% of
patients who are diagnosed with the more general term IBS. Basically, SIBO comes from the new wave of research
that has showed that in the majority of patients with IBS there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small bowel due to
the dysfunction of the gut. This is why SIBO and IBS can often times mean the same thing.

On the other hand, it is possible to have SIBO or IBS on its own. SIBO can exist when any other condition in the
body allows for bacterial overgrowth in the small bowel. For example, adhesions, pseudo obstruction, narcotics,
diabetes, and anything that slows down the flow of the small bowel allowing bacterial buildup.

IBS can also sometimes exist without SIBO. This is usually when someone has less severe symptoms and has food
sensitivities or occasional bouts of constipation or diarrhea. From my experience, in most cases the people who have
SIBO often times have more severe digestive issues because of the overgrowth of bacteria which causes a lot of gas,
bloating, and uncomfortable digestive symptoms.

Understanding The Digestive System

It’s important to understand the normal functions of the digestive system so you can understand what goes wrong in
the case of SIBO. When you eat food, it passes through a number of different tubes where food is broken down,
absorbed into the bloodstream to supply energy, and waste is excreted in the form of stool.

Here are the different parts of the process:

Mouth: Saliva is secreted and chewing starts to break down food into smaller particles.

Esophagus: Transports food into the stomach after swallowing.

Stomach: When food reaches the stomach it plops on the left hand side of the stomach and is further broken down
with acids and moved with muscles. The shorter right hand side of the stomach is used to move water through.

Small Intestine: Final breakdown of food takes place here. Food mixes with digestive enzymes from the pancreas
and fat solvents from the liver also known as bile. These pieces of protein, fat, and carbohydrates which are broken
down are then ready to be absorbed by the gut wall into the blood, and pumped to the body cells. The small intestine
is so long, it is labeled by three different sections from top to bottom: Duodenum, Jejunum, and Ileum.
The small intestine if studied closer, is a fascinating organ. It is about 10 to 20 feet long and weaves around in our
abdomen. It moves when we move our body and it is moist and pink. One other thing to note is that most people
don’t realize that only the end of the large intestine has anything to do with stool. The other parts of the intestine are
surprisingly clean. The small intestine is made to offer us as much surface area as possible for digestion and contains
many folds. It is made up of folds, villi, and microvilli which help absorb nutrients.

The small intestine is the star of the digestive process. It is here that our foods are broken down into their smallest
particles, absorbed into the bloodstream, and pumped to our body for energy and nutrition. We want this process to
work normally. In the case of SIBO, this process is disrupted because the overgrowth of bacteria competes for
nutrients and doesn’t allow our small intestine to absorb nutrients normally.

Large Intestine: Takes care of indigestibles that cannot be absorbed in the small intestine. This is home to most of
our gut bacteria which can break down the last nutritious substances for us. The large intestine and its flora also
provide us with an extra helping of fatty acids, vitamin K, vitamin b12, thiamine, and riboflavin.

In the final three feet of the large intestine, our water and salt levels are fine-tuned. Lastly, indigestible waste, water,
and bacteria form stool and it is pushed out of the body during a bowel movement.

Related reading: Understanding the Anatomy of The Gastrointestinal Tract And Its Functions.

What Causes SIBO?

There are many different reasons SIBO can occur. Something else in the body has to go wrong in order for this
dysbiosis in the small intestine to happen. While bacteria is normal and healthy, excessive amounts of the wrong
kinds of bacteria in the small bowel is not normal.

The following are just a few ways someone can develop SIBO:

Dysmotility: Cleansing waves in the small bowel which sweep bacteria and undigested materials down are damaged
allowing SIBO to occur.

Structural Issues: Adhesions, kinks in the bowel, cut nerves, obstructions.

Broad Spectrum Antibiotics/Gut Flora Disruption: Overuse of broad spectrum antibiotics which allows bacterial

Failed Natural Protections: Low stomach acid, weakened immune system, pancreatic insufficiency.

Stress: While stress is not found to be a direct cause it can contribute to the problem because stress decreases motility
of food and proper digestive processes.

How Green Juices Can Help SIBO

A lot of the time people who struggle with SIBO have issues with malabsorption and vitamin deficiencies. They
struggle to eat a variety of foods because the bacterial overgrowth feeds on highly fermentable roughage like
broccoli, cauliflower, beans, and other fermentable carbohydrates. This can be an issue because it leaves their body
starving for vital nutrients we get from fermentable plant-based foods.

In my experience eating with this digestive condition, I have found pure green juice to be an amazing source of
nutrition which is rapidly absorbed. It also allows people with digestive problems to get a small amount of insoluble
fiber into their diet which can help with constipation. In the case of SIBO, the quick absorption of nutrients from
green juice can allow people who struggle with malabsorption to get essential nutrients.
One important thing to remember is that most people with SIBO cannot tolerate much fructose or fruit so it is
important to keep juices purely green. This will allow them to get a healthy dose of absorbable greens without
feeding the SIBO with fructose.

A few of the vegetables I like to use in the green blends are:

 Kale
 Spinach
 Cucumber
 Ginger (great for promoting motility)
 Parsley
 Celery
 Lemon (small amounts are usually tolerable)
 Other green vegetables

Green juice is an awesome supplement for anyone who struggles with digestive issues including SIBO. If you deal
with constipation it can really help this annoying problem as well. To find more awesome recipes and green juice
guidelines I also recommend checking out the green juice recipes page. While there are many other treatment
strategies for managing and eliminating SIBO, feeding your body essential nutrients is important for the healing

Natural Treatments For Frozen Shoulder And Be Healed Within Days!

If you know anyone who has/had a frozen shoulder, you will know that they have tried almost everything that well-
meaning friends have suggested.

Maybe you have experienced a frozen shoulder. Doctors may prescribe various medications, physiotherapy, steroid
injections and even surgery for relief of pain. But really, natural treatment for frozen shoulder is the way to go!

What Is Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder (a.k.a. adhesive capsulitis) is an inflammation that occurs in the capsule of the humerus. The
shoulder joint has a very loose joint capsule known as the articular capsule of the humerus and the connection tissue
sometimes can become inflamed and stiff.

Frozen shoulder usually occurs to one shoulder at a time, rarely together. And when it happens, it can greatly limit the
range of motion in the shoulder. Sufferers may experience certain tightness or stiffness and even pain in the shoulder
that restrict movements.

Pain is constant, gets worse in the night or with cold weather. When left untreated, the condition doesn’t go away,
and can get to the extent that you will not be able to lift your arm. Getting dressed, driving, and normal chores can
cause severe pain in the shoulder.

Inflammatory Foods To Avoid When You Have Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is an inflammation of the humerus capsule and, just as with any other inflammation in the body, it
can get better or worse depending on what you eat.

Here is a brief list of inflammatory foods to absolutely avoid when you have a frozen shoulder.

 Sugar and refined carbs

Consumption of sugar (roughly one 330 ml can of soda) has been linked to a 60-109% boost in lab inflammatory
markers, such as the C-reactive protein. The same is true for all refined carbohydrates.

Also, remember that sugar is the favorite “food” of all bacteria. If you have any kind of bacterial infection, eating
sugar is very likely to worsen it (along with the related inflammation), wear down the resources of your body, and
eventually worsen your frozen shoulder as well.

 Trans fats

Trans-unsaturated fatty acids are among the worst things for your health in general, but things get even uglier when
it’s a matter of recovery from inflammation.

Studies indicate that trans fats directly cause inflammation of the blood vessels and reduce their ability to relax and
widen. Eventually, this decreases the blood flow to all organs in your body—this makes any inflammation much
worse and significantly slows down frozen shoulder healing.

 Alcohol

Alcohol consumption increases the flow of dangerous substances from the guts to the blood, such as microflora-
derived lipopolysaccharides (LPS).

These have to be neutralized by the liver and flushed out by the kidneys, two processes that take a lot of energy from
the body. Both factors significantly contribute to all possible inflammatory processes, including adhesive capsulitis.

 Processed animal-derived foods

Animal-derived foods loaded with protein and fat are also rich in advanced glycation end products (AGEs), and they
tend to form even more of those during cooking. This is important because AGEs have been linked to increased
oxidation, worsened inflammation, and significantly boosted risk of such conditions as diabetes and cardiovascular

If possible, do avoid all animal-derived foods during your treatment, especially if you’re dealing with severe frozen
shoulder. If that’s not an option, follow these principles to minimize the formation of AGEs in your food:

 Opt for moist heat over dry heat to cook your foods
 Cook on lower temperatures
 Add acidic ingredients such as vinegar or lemon juice
 Glutenous grains

Grains such as wheat, rye, and barley are also best to be avoided during periods of inflammation—and frozen
shoulder is not an exception. These grains are rich in gluten and lectin, compounds that are known to cause
dysfunction and disease in humans.

Even if you’re not gluten-sensitive, it’s a wise approach to avoid all possible dietary stress during periods of recovery
from inflammatory conditions.

Related Reading: 20 foods that will make inflammation in the body worse.

Natural Treatment For Frozen Shoulder

Medications may relieve pain temporarily, but they don’t heal, in fact they may make the situation worse by creating
other side effects such as inflammation in other parts of the body. And, you don’t want to have to permanently
depend on painkillers. Surgery comes with its risk with no guarantee of complete healing.
The key word in this debilitating condition is “inflammation“. With inflammation, juicing always works. And
knowing what juices to drink takes out the guess work and provides speedy healing.

Here are some of the things you can do to relieve frozen shoulder:

1. Improve your gut health

A very important and great place to start to prevent inflammation, is to focus on your gut health. A big part of your
immune system is located in your gut, so it makes sense that the health of your digestive system is one of your main
priorities for fighting inflammation.

The biggest problem that people face with their gut is a lack of healthy bacteria. This can be remedied by
eating fermented foods, or regularly drinking green juices. A much easier way is that you could also consider taking a
probiotics supplement.

Apple cider vinegar is a fermented drink that is easiest and most convenient to add to your diet that will help reduce
inflammation significantly. Buy only Bragg’s apple cider vinegar that has its “mother” in it, which is the key to your

2. Drink anti-inflammatory juices

One of the easiest natural remedies to stop inflammation is by drinking anti-inflammatory juices. This applies to
many inflammatory conditions.

With a frozen shoulder, I can imagine that juicing would be a nightmare for you. You will need to get someone
to make these juices for you.

Below are two of my favorite anti-inflammatory juice recipes. You can drink either one (or both) and they will give
you good results. Drinking these in their juice form allows you to take in larger amounts of their goodness for the
speedy healing of the inflammation in your shoulder.


Beetroot is rich in betalains, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, phenolic acids and flavonoids that all contribute to a
synergistic antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects to reduce oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.

Juice all these:

 6 large beetroots – cut off both ends and scrub clean under running water, juice with peel
 1 lemon – cut off both ends of the lemon and quarter it, juice with peel
 1-inch ginger root

This should make about 1 liter/quart of juice using a masticating juicer. If you use a high-speed centrifugal juicer, you
may get a little less.

Caution: If you have never drank beetroot juice, start with a little beetroot juice to see how your body responds to it.
If you experienced any reaction, drink plenty of water and drink a little less juice the next time and gradually work up
the amount that your body is able to “tolerate”.


Pineapple contains the bromelain enzyme that has analgesic (anti-inflammatory) properties. It is recommended for
therapeutic use in the treatment of chronic inflammation and diseases. Not only is pineapple a natural painkiller, it
also provides the right nutrients for healing of the inflammation.
Juice all these:

 1 whole pineapple – cut off the crown and thorny skin, then cut the yellow flesh into smaller pieces to fit through your
juicer chute
 8-10 ribs of celery
 1 cucumber
 1-inch ginger root
 A pinch of cayenne pepper (optional but works to support your healing)

This should make about 1 liter/quart of juice.


How much and how long you need to drink them, depends on how severe your frozen shoulder has become. Make 1
liter of juice every day and divide them into 3 portions to be drunk morning, afternoon and evening, on empty
stomach, at least 15 minutes before food.

Caution: If you are diabetic, have low blood pressure, a blood disorder or yeast infection: Drink only about
500ml/day (about 17oz/day)—split into two portions for morning and afternoon.

Yes, you can continue to eat, but try to reduce foods that are inflammation-causing. Instead, eat foods that will help
eliminate inflammation.

If you are on any medication, drink your juices 2 hours apart from medication.

After the first day, you may already feel some degree of improvement. That is how potent these juices are! Continue
drinking the same on the second and third day.

How many more days longer? As long as it takes for YOU, until the pain totally subsides. For some people, it may
take 3 days, for some others it may take up to 14 days. If you have suffered for months, a few days is really nothing
when you know that you will get well by drinking these anti-inflammatory juices.

3. Magnesium to treat frozen shoulder

Another thing that could be the reason behind your adhesive capsulitis (or at least contribute to its development) is an
inadequate intake of magnesium.

Magnesium deficiency is associated with increased risk of inflammation while proper intake prevents calcification of
blood vessels and generally improves blood flow through the body.

In fact, some experts even affirm that magnesium is among the best treatments for frozen shoulder! Check out this list
for foods that are rich in magnesium.

The best thing about dietary magnesium is that your body will absorb as much of the mineral as it needs, so you
don’t have to worry about the specific amounts of each food to eat. Combine this with other natural therapies for
treating frozen shoulder, and you can be sure to get some serious improvements in no time!

4. Acupuncture treatment for frozen shoulder

There are quite a few studies pointing to acupuncture as an effective treatment for frozen shoulder.

For example, a German trial from 2017 found that acupuncture brings instant pain relief in patients with severe frozen
In the same study, it was noted that significant pain improvement was reached twice as fast in those patients who had
received both acupuncture and conventional therapy (about 15 weeks) compared to those who had received
conventional treatment alone (about 30 weeks).

What’s important is that acupuncture has virtually no side effects or dangerous long-term consequences compared to
the conventional approach, which is based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Naturally, this makes
acupuncture one of the best treatments for frozen shoulder—just make sure to find a trusted professional!

5. Herbal remedies for frozen shoulder

To speed up your recovery from a frozen shoulder, include in your treatment, anti-inflammatory herbs with analgesic
properties that reduce inflammation and kill pain.

Some of the most effective options are:

 Reishi mushroom
 Devil’s claw
 Echinacea
 Thyme
 Rosemary
 Ginger
 Turmeric

Just by implementing some of the natural remedies suggested above, you can soon experience relief to your frozen

Kale Juice: One Of The Most Alkaline And Health-Boosting Juices

There are certain foods and drinks in our diet that are not necessarily harmful, but can cause complications if
consumed on a daily basis. Some of these foods and drinks include guilty pleasures like chocolate, candy, sodas,
wine, and even coffee.

Eating these foods frequently can cause the rise of acidic levels in our system, which in turn can lead to various
health complications such as long-term heartburn and inflammation.

Kale juice is one of the best natural options that can remedy the problem of acidity, and boost your overall physical
well-being. Here are a few important facts you should know about the health benefits of drinking kale juice.

Why Is Alkalinity Important?

Alkalinity refers to the acidic level in our body, more precisely, the pH or potential of Hydrogen level ranging from 0
to 14. Anything under 7.34 means that our system is dealing with an acidic condition which is not conducive to our
health, and can be harmful and damaging.

Once acidic levels rise, the organism becomes susceptible to various germs, bacteria, and inflammation, as the
immune system also become weaker.

When recuperating from various illnesses, colds and flus also become harder, and takes twice as much time to
recovery when the organism is fighting to return to an alkaline state.
Kale Juice Is Alkaline And Packed With Nutrients And Antioxidants

Juicing certain fruits and vegetables is a great way to maintain a healthy alkaline level, which will naturally boost
your immune system and contribute to your overall physical well-being. At the top of the vegetable list is kale.

Not only is kale low in calories (an overall 36 calories per serving), but it is also packed with nutrients and
antioxidants, that help improve your metabolism. Furthermore, consuming kale in juice form will also allow the body
to absorb it faster than when eaten as a salad.

Kale juice should be consumed on an empty stomach, as drinking it after meals may cause heartburn in some. This
way, all the nutrients found in kale will be absorbed easier. Additionally, when preparing kale juice, do not wait too
long before consuming it—drink it as soon as you prepare it.

Drinking kale juice is one of the healthiest choices one can make, but do bear in mind that too much of anything can
harm you. Subsequently, try to determine what is the right amount of juice for you.

Each individual’s body and metabolism is different, so feel free to experiment and gauge the right amount for you.
Listen to your body when it gives out signals of any discomfort.

Kale’s Super Anti-Inflammatory Properties For Arthritis

Kale is one of the many green vegetables that are rich in anti-inflammatory agents that are beneficial for arthritis-
related ailments.

Due to its high omega-3 fatty acid content, it is able to eliminate various harmful acids, such as the omega 6 fatty
acid, which is not only inherently harmful but can also have negative effects on the body.

Besides a high omega-3 fatty acid content, kale is also packed with an important vitamins—namely Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is known as one of the most important components that help fight cold and flu. It also strengthens the
immune system and boosts recovery after exercise.

Other important nutrients found in kale includes vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

Kale Boosts Eye And Heart Health

Kale is also rich in provitamin A carotenoid, which is an important component for eye health. With a daily kale juice
intake, you will not have to worry about wearing glasses for a really long time.

The heart is another organ that kale has great effects on. Due to a high amount of micronutrients found in kale, blood
pressure reduction and vasodilation is another health benefit of this leafy green miracle.

Other Superior Health Benefits Of Kale Juice

Since kale is packed with a number of highly beneficial nutrients and antioxidants, it doesn’t come as a surprise to
learn that it also slows the aging process and helps fight harmful agents in the system, thus serving as a cancer

Also, it has been proven that cancer patients who consume kale juice regularly recuperate faster and have more
energy after their treatment.
How To Make Your Healthy, Alkaline-Boosting Kale Juice

Kale juice can be made on its own or in a combination of other fruits and vegetables, such lemon, apples, pineapple,
kiwifruit, cucumber, celery, spinach and ginger.

Whether you are making a kale “cocktail” or drink it straight up, one thing is for sure—you will reap the benefits of
an astounding vegetable packed with some of the greatest nutrients nature has to offer.

Watermelon RIND Juice To Break Down Kidney Stones And STOP Urinary Tract

Most people eat only the juicy flesh inside of the watermelon. However, watermelon rind is completely edible. And
the benefits of watermelon rind juice is outstanding! Watermelon rind is beneficial for your body in many ways. In
fact, 95 percent of the nutrient value of a watermelon is in the rind!

Watermelon Rind Juice Breaks Down Kidney Stones And Reduces Inflammation

Watermelon juice is beneficial for breaking down kidney stones. Readers have shared with me about how they drink
jumbo glasses of watermelon juice daily to break down kidney stones that get eliminated more easily by urination.

I received this beautiful story from a reader that explains how he has successfully used watermelon rind juice to
eliminate his kidney stones without any pain!

Watermelon Rind Juice Breaks Down Kidney Stones

One reader shared that he was suffering excruciating pain from kidney stones. He knew it was due to kidney stones as
he had a history of this problem. He had previously sought the conventional medical help to break down the kidney
stones but pieces of the stone had gotten stuck in the ureter, causing severe pain.

When he read how watermelon rind could help to break down kidney stones, he did not lose time and immediately
got his wife to buy a big organic watermelon and had her juice the watermelon—flesh, seeds, rind and all. It made
about one gallon of juice. He drank the watermelon juice over 12 hours.

He was urinating many times throughout the day and at the end of the day, he went to bed with no more pain, and
slept soundly through the night.

Watermelon Rind Juice Reduces Inflammation

Another reader shared that watermelon juice helped reduce his extreme pain. In his own words ….

“I suffered with severe left-side back pain for several months. Thinking it was another kidney stone and after reading
that watermelon RIND juice was good for kidney stones, I sectioned a watermelon, removed the pink flesh, peeled
the dark green exterior of the melon, juiced the white rind with a low rpm juicer and drank it down. It wasn’t as tasty
as juice from the melon’s red flesh but it wasn’t bad at all. Actually it was quite refreshing.

The next morning I had ZERO pain. This happened several times until I finally went to my urologist who, after
dousing my body with radiation, informed me I had NO kidney stone. THEN I went to my chiropractor who, after
showing her where the pain was, put her finger on the exact vertebrae that was causing the ‘referred’ pain.

After just one adjustment and one simple acupuncture treatment, I walked out without any problem whereas, when I
first arrived, I could barely walk and had difficulty driving to her office.
Watermelon rind juice is now in my “food medicine cabinet”. I want to share this with everyone who’s experiencing
pain and wants to avoid toxic chemical analgesics which come with possible dangerous side effects.”

What’s In Watermelon Rind?

Among all fruits, watermelon has the highest amount of amino acid citrulline, a word derived from citrullus, a Latin
word for watermelon. This compound is found in the highest concentration in the rind.

The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture states that the citrulline in watermelon rind can fight free radical
damage, and it can boost the immune system.

Through my experience, I find that the rind contain nutrients that are powerful for cleansing the kidneys, even break
down stones for easy elimination.

Like the flesh of a watermelon, the rind is rich in mineralized water that helps the kidneys process waste more

Adequate hydration lowers blood pressure as well. Watermelon rind is also chock-full of vitamins C, B6, and A, and
you can get a good amount of zinc and potassium from eating this part of the fruit.

All of these vitamins and minerals can be found in just one serving of rind totaling 50 calories.

Other Benefits Of Consuming Watermelon Rind

Weight Loss

Citrulline can aid in weight loss, and the fiber found in the watermelon rind can help you feel fuller for longer.
Studies have shown that people who consume natural citrulline lose 30 percent more weight than those who do not.


The lycopene in watermelon rind may be able to reduce the inflammation responsible for arthritis pain, and the folate
in the rind may also lessen the risk of heart attack and colon cancer. Because watermelon is a god source of beta-
carotene, it benefits eye health as well.


Thanks to the blood and circulation-boosting powers of watermelon rind, drinking the juice may help men with mild
to moderate erectile dysfunction. Its libido-boosting ability comes from the amino acid citrulline that is highly
concentrated in the rind.

Try juicing your watermelon with the RIND and add half a lemon (with peel) in every jumbo glass of your juice.
Drink regularly to see an improvement to not only your love life, but also to your prostate health

Treats Urinary Tract Infections

The diuretic and hydrating properties of watermelon with its powerful cleansing abilities are beneficial for improving
the functions of kidneys and for treating urinary tract infections. At the first sign of a UTI, start drinking freshly-
extracted watermelon juice—flesh, seeds, rind and all—till symptoms are gone.

If you have a history of UTI, drinking watermelon juice—in its entirety—regularly, might be a good idea.

Reduces Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnant women can take advantage of healthy watermelon rinds. Small portions of the rind can reduce heartburn,
and it can reduce the swelling associated with pregnancy. The natural sugars can even reduce morning sickness! If
you’re troubled by muscle cramps, try eating a little bit of watermelon rind to guard against future cramps.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Due to its diuretic nature, drinking watermelon juice, and the RIND, can help to naturally lower high blood pressure.
And, the beauty of it is that, even people with LOW blood pressure can benefit from drinking this juice as it regulates
blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure!

Economical Benefit

Using every part of the watermelon doesn’t just benefit your health. It can stretch your food dollars as well. You can
make pickles using watermelon rind since it has the same consistency as a cucumber.

If you have access to a juicer, you can juice the rind for a great-tasting drink that fights free radical cell damage.
Make sure to buy only organic watermelon, and wash the outer skin completely for juicing. If you have a powerful
blender, you may make this into a smoothie as well—flesh, seeds, rind and all.

This Unique Juice Combo STOPS Nose And Gum Bleeds, Bruises And Internal Bleeding

My daughter used to have frequent nosebleeds and her pediatrician said that “it is a passing phase and that she will
outgrow it”. What total ignorance!! Once, she was bleeding profusely for about 30 minutes in the doctor’s clinic and
he was trying all different methods including putting a cold pad on her face. Nothing could help stop it! Imagine my
frustration in the doctor’s office that day.

I have learned since, that it was the “food” that she had been eating that were causing the nose bleeds. When she had
a bout of nosebleeds, I could guess that she has eaten some “forbidden junk food” in school. I’ve managed to
“control” her diet, cutting out on all the harmful foods, and giving her juices and supplements. Her nosebleeds had
long since stopped.

Causes Of Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds can occur spontaneously when the nasal membranes dry out and crack. This is common in dry climates,
or during the winter months when the air is dry and warm from household heaters.

People are more susceptible to a bloody nose if they take medications that prevent normal blood clotting, aspirin, or
any anti-inflammatory medication. In this situation, even a minor trauma could result in significant bleeding.

The incidence of nosebleeds is higher during the colder winter months when upper respiratory infections are more
frequent, and the temperature and humidity fluctuate more dramatically.

In addition, changes from a bitter cold outside environment to a warm, dry, heated home result in drying and changes
in the nose which make it more susceptible to bleeding. Nosebleeds also occur in hot, dry climates with low
humidity, or when there is a change in the seasons.

The following risk factors predispose people to nosebleeds:

 Infection
 Trauma, including self-induced by nose picking (this is a common cause of nosebleeds in children)
 Hypertension (high blood pressure)
 Use of blood thinning medications
 Alcohol abuse
 High consumption of processed and deep-fried foods
 Body that is highly acidic
 Stress and lack of sleep
 Deficiency in certain vitamins
 Less common causes of nosebleeds include tumors and inherited bleeding problems
 Hormonal changes during pregnancy may increase the risk of nosebleeds.

Change Of Diet And Lifestyle

One of the most important things to do if you frequently have nosebleeds, is to cut out on processed and junk foods.
Deep fried foods such as fish and chips and fried chicken are equally harmful that can bring on nosebleeds.

It would be ideal to also cut out on meat, dairy products and sugary foods for a period until you are healed. Just doing
this step helps a lot.

Adding fruits and vegetables into your diet is a big part of healing nosebleeds. Drink more juices that are rich in
vitamin C and antioxidants. Vitamin C helps to heal the wounds, repair and build/strengthen the capillaries and lining
of the mucous membranes.

Foods that may help to reduce nose-bleeds: Lotus roots (juiced raw) with oranges, carrots, grapefruits, guavas,
cranberries, strawberries and most green vegetables. Invest in a good gear juicer and start to drink about 6-8 oz of
vitamin C-rich juices twice everyday. And … drink LOTS of water daily! See how much water you need to drink

Although you may not see immediate result, you will see that the nosebleed recurrence will be further and further
apart, until they eventually stop. The side benefit is that in the process, you will also build your immune system.

In the meantime, the next time a nosebleed should happen, do not panic. Sit down and continuously pat cool (not
cold) water on your forehead and temples. The nose-bleed should subside very quickly.

Juice Recipe To Stop Nose Bleed

This rooty juice is not like your regular juice. The taste of lotus root and jicama is rather bland when juiced, yet the
benefits are many.

 1 medium-sized carrot
 1 large orange
 1 section of lotusroot
 1 medium-sized jicama (yam bean)
 1 inch ginger (optional but gives the drink that extra kick)

A masticating juicer is best for extracting root vegetables. It produces high juice yield.

This recipe makes about 800 ml worth of juice. It tastes like an orange-flavored powdery milk.

Health Benefits of This Anti-Nose Bleed Juice

Lotusroot, jicama (pronounced ) and orange are very rich in vitamin C and flavonoids. This combination is
beneficial for strengthening respiratory health like stopping sinus, asthma, phlegm (mucus), common cold and nasal

High consumption of vitamin C prevents hardening of the arteries, soothing the gastrointestines, strengthen immunity
system and is anti-inflammatory.
Lotusroot on its own, is rich in iron, vitamin B, C, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and a little calcium and protein.
Helpful for stopping diarrhea, relieve constipation, calms the stomach, reduce body heat, fever, relieve sinus
congestion and inflammation, reduce nose and gum bleeding. Also beneficial for the lungs and liver when taken
regularly with orange.

If you don’t want to use orange, you can substitute with grapefruits. However, use grapefruit only if you’re not on
any medication.

12 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits of Grapefruit Including Fighting Cancer And Diabetes

The grapefruit is a large orange-like fruit that belongs to the citrus family. It is a somewhat “new” addition to the
family, deriving from a natural cross-breeding between orange and pomelo, thus its size.

The diameter of a grapefruit, depending on its variety, can range between four and six inches. Its albedo (the white
matter under the skin) is about a quarter to half an inch thick. The fruit’s skin looks like that of an orange, but its flesh
comes in white, pink or red.

It is called a grapefruit simply because it grows in clusters, like grapes. The taste of a grapefruit can be bitter and sour
but it has so many health benefits.

Nutritional Benefits Of Grapefruit

Grapefruit doesn’t only contain vitamin C which is commonly known to be protective against cold or flu.

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It is not just one nutrient that helps prevent a certain disease, but rather the combination of all the nutrients in it that
does the trick. This is the kind of synergistic nutritional power that we can find only in the way that Nature provides
in our natural food.

Grapefruit peel is rich in flavonone glycosides and polymethoxyflavones (PMFs). The citrus flavonoids have recently
gained increased medical attention due to its protective effects against the occurrence of cancer.

This juicy fruit also have citric acid, natural sugars, essential oils like limonene, pinene and citral. It has high amounts
of vitamin C, and smaller amounts of vitamin A, B complex, E and K.

In the mineral department, larger amounts of calcium, folate, phosphorus, choline and potassium are found.

The nutritive phytonutrients of this voluptuous fruit—liminoids, flavonoids, lycopene and glucarates—help fight
cancer and various diseases.

An Interesting Fact About Grapefruits

In a study using a specific variety of grapefruit, the “Rio Red”, common household processing practices were
analyzed for their phytonutrient content. Grapefruits were processed by blending, juicing and hand squeezing.

Results suggest that:

 Grapefruit juice processed by blending had significantly higher levels of flavonoids (narirutin, naringin, hesperidin,
neohesperidin, didymin and poncirin) and limonin, compared to juicing and hand squeezing!
 Blending grapefruit juice also produced significantly higher levels of bergamottin. Bergamottin is an antimutagenic
compound that inhibits the mutation of cells. It also inhibits CYP1A1—an enzyme that can activate some toxic
compounds into cancer-causing agents.
 Ascorbic acid (a.k.a. vitamin C) and citric acid were significantly higher in juice processed by juicing and blending,
 Hand-squeezed grapefruit juice had significantly higher contents of dihydroxybergamottin (DHB) than juice processed
by juicing and blending. DHB is a compound found in grapefruit juice that although interferes with the metabolism of
pharmaceutical drugs, but in actuality prevents oxidation of drugs, increasing oral bioavailability of natural nutrients
present in the body.

So there you have it. Looks like blending grapefruit is a great decision if you are using grapefruit to fight cancer. To
boost your immune system or to recover from a cold, juice. If generally consuming grapefruit for all its rich benefits,
any way of extracting the juice is better than not consuming!

Health Benefits Of Grapefruit Juice

When eating or juicing grapefruit, peel off the skin but leave some of the albedo intact as it contains the highest
amount of valuable bioflavonoids and other anti-cancer agents. Bioflavonoids will superboost the nutrients contained
in grapefruit.

 High antioxidant and anticancer activities

Grapefruits have a few important phytonutrients that are powerful antioxidants. Many of the little known
phytonutrients are mentioned above in their nutritional benefits.

The more commonly known antioxidants are vitamin C, beta-carotene, lycopene and flavonones. On top of these,
there are also anti-inflammatory properties, making grapefruit beneficial for fighting many ailments, even cancer.

Most of the anticancer agents found in grapefruit are in the albedo (just under the skin), so be sure to include some of
the peel when juicing or blending. They were found to be particularly protective against cancers of the stomach and

 Improves blood circulation

It follows that when a fruit or a vegetable has very high content of antioxidants (and most of them do), they always
make an excellent food that can help improve blood circulation.

Individuals with poor blood circulation for extended periods of time will find that their immune system is low. With
poor blood flow, it sets the stage for any chronic disease to happen.

Drinking grapefruit juice regularly helps to improve blood circulation and along with that, reverses many health
issues and conditions.

 Treats overacidity

Although grapefruit has a sub-acid taste, it is really an alkaline-forming food. This has a profound effect in the
treatment of acidity in the digestive system. An acidic environment sets the perfect environment for sickness and
diseases to take a foothold. This includes overgrowth of yeasts, bacteria, viruses and parasites that can cause a whole
set of other health problems.

 Protects heart health

Pectin in this fruit has been found to be effective in reducing the accumulation of arterial deposits, and the vitamin C
helps to strengthen and maintain the elasticity of arteries, preventing atherosclerosis.
If you are not on any hypertension medication, grapefruit makes an excellent food for lowering high blood pressure.
Thanks to the high content of potassium, lycopene, choline and vitamin C, grapefruit juice can regulate and normalize
blood pressure.

Eating higher amounts of flavonoids-rich food such as grapefruit, may also lower the risk of ischemic stroke in both
men and women.

 Detoxifies liver and gallbladder

There are good reasons why grapefruit is often used in liver and gallbladder cleanse protocols. First of all, the bitter
in grapefruit makes it an excellent liver support food.

Naringenin is the bitter flavonoid in grapefruit, and it has shown beneficial effects on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
(NAFLD). Studies are finding more and more benefits in using this compound for treatments of different liver

 Strengthens the immune system

When you overwork, your body goes through a period of stress. Your immune system often takes a toll and you are
more likely to catch a bug.

A common cold is your body signalling you that your immune system is low. Drink a glass of grapefruit juice
regularly for its high vitamin C content, and give your immune system the extra boost to prevent any sickness coming
on full-blown.

 Lowers the risk of heart disease

A grapefruit a day can keep heart disease at bay. According to a study that was published in the American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition, drinking a glass of grapefruit juice every day keeps your blood vessels healthy and lowers your
risk of heart disease. This study identified flavonones as health-boosting agents commonly found in citrus fruits.

Researchers from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem tested grapefruits for their cholesterol-lowering abilities.
Participants were patients who recently had coronary bypass surgery with high blood cholesterol and had failed to
respond positively to statin drugs.

The patients were divided into three groups, given servings of fresh red grapefruits, white grapefruits and no
grapefruit, along with regular, balanced meals for 30 days.

It was observed that the fresh red grapefruit positively influenced serum lipid levels, especially serum triglycerides
and serum antioxidant activity.

The white grapefruit also showed promising cholesterol-lowering ability although a little less than the red grapefruit.
There was no change in lipid levels in patients who did not eat grapefruit.

It is interesting to note that pink to red grapefruits contain lycopene, a carotenoid that gives the fruits their colors.
Eating diets rich in carotenoids have been shown to lower risks of heart disease and other diseases.

 Lowers high blood pressure

There is evidence to show that grapefruit may reduce blood pressure. In a study on blood pressure in healthy,
overweight adults, participants were given one half of a fresh Rio Red grapefruit with each meal (3 times daily) for
six weeks.
Grapefruit consumption was associated with significant reduction in systolic blood pressure. Improvements were
observed in circulating lipids, with total cholesterol and “bad” LDL (low-density lipoprotein) significantly decreased.

 Prevents insulin resistance and aids in weight loss

91 obese patients participated in a study on the effects of grapefruit on weight and insulin resistance.

They were randomized into four groups with different combinations of apple juice, grapefruit juice, fresh grapefruit,
grapefruit capsules and placebo capsules.

Metabolic syndrome parameters were measured at the beginning and end of the 12-week study. After 12 weeks, it
was observed that the fresh grapefruit group had lost 1.6 kg.

The grapefruit juice group had lost 1.5 kg. The grapefruit capsule group had lost 1.1 kg and the placebo group’s
weight loss was insignificant.

There was also a significant reduction in 2-hour post-glucose insulin level in the grapefruit group, compared with the
placebo group.

In metabolic syndrome patients, the effect was also seen with the grapefruit capsules. Insulin resistance was improved
with fresh grapefruit.

 Promotes sleep quality

Studies show that there is a link between lack of lycopene in your diet with two sleep problems. “Short sleep”—
meaning sleeping five or less hours in the night, and difficulty falling asleep.

People with these two sleep problems generally have lower levels of lycopene in their blood than those who get
quality sleep.

Pink or red grapefruits contain high levels of lycopene that promote better sleep pattern. Eating a grapefruit before
bedtime will help your body get that rest it needs.

 Improves digestive health

Grapefruit contains many other medicinal properties that make it an excellent food for individuals suffering from
digestive disorders such as indigestion, constipation, IBS, gas, bloating and the like.

Eating a grapefruit helps stimulate production of healthy stomach acid for proper digestion of food. Its high
antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects help to reduce digestive discomfort from a poor diet.

When eating the fruit, eat it with its albedo and pith (the white matters under the skin) for their extra fiber that aids
bowel movements.

 Soothes sore throats and coughs

Taking high doses of vitamin C is a great help to boost your immune system in fighting a cough, cold and sore throat
that usually come in a cluster.

Although oranges are high in vitamin C, it is not advisable to eat them when you have a sore throat due to its
“warming” nature. Instead, drink freshly-extracted grapefruit juice with a little raw honey that helps to relieve sore
throats and soothes coughs almost instantly.
Grapefruit Consumption Tips

Choose grapefruits as you would oranges—firm and springy to the touch. If you can, choose the pink or red variety
which contain more phytonutrients, and are slightly sweeter.

Keep grapefruits at room temperature before juicing to get maximum juice yield. To prepare, quarter the fruit and
peel off the skin.

If you find grapefruit juice too bitter or sour, here’s a suggestion for one of my favorite combos that makes it so
delicious. Put these through your juicer:

 1 small beetroot
 2 grapefruits
 ½ lemon with peel
 1-inch ginger root

When is the best time to drink grapefruit juice?

I always suggest drinking freshly-extracted juices at least 15 minutes before a meal. Grapefruit juice helps to improve
the digestive health, and your body also gets the most nutrients out of the fruit when eaten/drunk on an empty

Instead of juicing, grapefruit may also be eaten whole or blended, for added fiber. There are many benefits to
drinking grapefruit juice whether in the morning or in the evening.

For weight loss efforts, you may use half a grapefruit 3x/day 15 minutes before your meal.

Cautionary Note

Grapefruit contains high levels of flavonoid naringin that will reject synthetic man-made drugs. This is beneficial for
our human cells because it helps to recognize alien compounds which should not be in our body, therefore, are treated
as toxins.

The presence of grapefruits may halt the metabolism of these drugs, leaving the drugs in your body, thus creating the
risk of toxic poisoning. You may have been told that grapefruit is the cause of the toxicity, but in fact, it is really the
drugs that is causing the toxicity.

If you are not under medication, grapefruit juice can do a world of good. However, despite all its goodness, always
remember to take only in moderation.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Naturally From The Inside Out

Cellulite might be a mystery to you—you don’t know how you got it, nor how to get rid of it. But, here’s what
cellulite really is …

Anyone can have cellulite, whether you’re thin or overweight. Cellulite is basically toxins trapped in fat cells causing
dimpling of the skin, that’s it! There’s really no mystery and it’s not some kind of a special fat, nor due to a
malfunctioning metabolism whatsoever.

You can get rid of cellulite. Here are a few suggestions that you can do, then drink one or all of the juices
recommended below regularly, to get to the root cause of cellulite, that is to remove those toxins in the body fat.
The first step is to stop taking in toxins that are causing cellulite-formation. The most toxic foods are processed foods,
trans fats and sugars.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite

Drink Plenty Of Water

Sodas and coffee don’t count for the water intake. Drink pure drinking water. Find out how much water you need
daily to stay properly hydrated. More will help to flush out more toxins.

Get Your Lymph Moving

Lymph is the fluid in your lymphatic system that carries waste and toxins out of your body. When you drink the
juices as below, it helps to melt your fats and toxins get dumped into the “sewage” to be carried out of the body.
Drinking water and getting your lymph moving will ensure toxins get eliminated properly.

Read more here about how to drain your lymphatic fluids. One of the best exercises that can easily get rid of cellulite
fast, is rebounding exercise. Just by doing this exercise 10-15 minutes three times a week, you will see a noticeable
difference within three months.

Detoxify And Alkalize

A good juice cleansing also alkalizes your body to ensure that it doesn’t continue to retain fats and storing toxins. An
alkaline body is lean, never bloated, full of energy and glowing.

Here’s a round-up of 4 juices that will help to get rid of cellulite. How does it work? These juices …

 Help improve blood circulation

 Burn excess fats effectively
 Detoxify and remove toxins from the body, thus reducing more fats forming
 Help metabolize sugar in the blood
 Help produce collagen to firm up the skin
 Reduce fluid retention which also contributes to formation of cellulite

1. Liver Support Juice

Cleanse and detoxify your liver with this delicious dark red juice. Iron and vitamins C and A help to cleanse your
liver of toxins, and return balance to your body—inside and out. This combo promotes circulation and good blood
pressure levels.


 1 large grapefruit, peeled

 3 medium beetroots
 2 carrots
 A handful of mint leaves


Peel and chop all the ingredients so they will fit through your juicer’s feeding chute. Juice and enjoy! This recipe is
designed to be juiced but you can also use a blender.

2. Cellulite-Melting Green Juice

This green juice is best for melting away the cellulite. Iron and vitamin C for healthy blood, and ginger gives it that
extra zing. This juice will give you a natural warmth, helps reduce inflammation and is hydrating for your skin.


 2 green apples
 1 fennel
 A bunch of cilantro
 A bunch of spinach leaves
 ½ lemon
 1-inch fresh ginger root


Chop all the ingredients so they will fit through the chute of your masticating juicer. There’s no need to skin or peel
the fruits as your juicer will expel these. This recipe is suitable for blending into a smoothie for extra fiber, but be
sure to use only organic.

3. The Digestive-Healthy Juice

This juice combo is helpful to move the digestive tract along for tremendous skin healing and fat burning benefits.

The bromelain in this juice with the right greens help reduce inflammation and is a great addition to your cellulite-
fighting efforts.


 ½ small pineapple
 1 cucumber
 6 ribs of celery
 6-8 big kale leaves
 ½ lemon with peel


Roughly chop all the ingredients and put into your slow juicer or blender.

4. Ultimate Cellulite-Busting Juice

This juice is intended to help fuel your body for exercise, promoting muscle repair for a great post-workout juice.

Oranges, tomatoes, cabbage and lemon give this juice a ton of antioxidants, and the red cabbage is a nutrient-dense
vegetable that is great for skin.


 2 oranges, peeled
 2 tomatoes
 ½ small red cabbage
 ½ lemon with peel
 1-inch fresh ginger root

Peel the oranges, wash and cut up the other ingredients. Juice.

If blending, make sure all ingredients are organic, peel lemon. Chop up the ingredients and put into blender and blend
into a nice smoothie.

Finally, Try Dry Brushing

These four juices are designed to help eliminate cellulite and restore balance to your skin, liver, and digestive system.
Always incorporate dark leafy greens whenever possible, into your diet. Adding all of the above juices often will
result in smoother, nicer skin and a healthier life.

Finally, try dry brushing. Dry skin brushing is phenomenal for optimizing the detoxifying effects of what you’re
doing above, and best of all, it works to minimize cellulite!!

Your skin is the largest elimination (detox) organ in the human body. One third of your body’s toxins are excreted
through the skin and dry brushing helps to unclog pores and excrete toxins that become trapped in the skin.

Here’s How To Dry Brush

 Purchase a natural (not synthetic) bristle brush with a long handle so you can reach all areas of your body.

 Get naked and stand in a bathtub or in the shower room (you will have a shower afterwards).

 Start brushing, beginning from your feet and moving in long sweeping motions, always toward your heart.
Then move on to your hands, still brushing towards your heart.

 Brush several times in each area, there will be overlaps and that’s fine.

 Take care as you brush over more sensitive areas, like your breasts. Your skin may be sensitive initially but it
will become less sensitive the more you dry brush.

 When you’re done dry brushing, take a shower. Alternate between the hottest water temperature and the
coldest that you can tolerate. This stimulates blood circulation, bringing more blood to the top layers of the

 Once you get out of the shower, pat dry you body, don’t rub hard. Apply a natural oil such as coconut oil on
your skin for moisturizing.

 If you can, dry brush every day before you shower and see the amazing results just within two weeks!
Remember to clean your brush with soap and water after every two or three times of dry brushing. Leave it to
dry in a dry place to avoid mildew or mold forming.

To have even better and faster effect, at least once or twice a week, take a detox salt bath. This is maximum self-care.
Not only do you lose your cellulite, you also lose all bodily aches and pains and see your health improve
TOP 3 BEST Juices To STOP Gout And Joint Pains Once And For All

Gout is a form of acute arthritis that causes severe pain and swelling in the joints. Although it commonly affects the
big toe, it may also affect other parts of the limbs especially at joints, such as at the ankle, knee, wrist or elbow. With
some people, it may also affect the spine and cause a severe back pain.

Gout attacks may come on suddenly and goes away after a few days. But with each attack, the sufferer may suffer
debilitating pain, and it keeps recurring. If you are suffering from gout attacks, it may be useful for you to know that
it occurs when there are high levels of uric acid circulating in the blood and some get lodged in the tissues of the

Foods That Cause Uric Acid

Uric acid is formed when the body breaks down waste products from foods that contain purine. Purine is a colorless
crystalline compound that forms into uric acid when it is oxidized in an acidic body.

In a normal healthy person, the kidneys are able to filter uric acid from the blood and excrete it in the urine. However,
when there’s an overload of uric acid in the body, or the kidneys are not efficient enough at filtering, gout attacks are

Some of the foods high in purine content are generally: Foods high in protein, such as meat products especially organ
meats, seafoods, peanuts, peas, lentils, flour and sugar products. Also avoid alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, if you
suffer from gout. Then, drink these juice recipes regularly till you see an improvement, and continue some more. I
have seen many improvements with my clients who stick to these simple diet change.

Juice Recipes To Stop Gout Attacks

All the ingredients in these juice recipes support the kidneys, help prevent oxidation and formation of uric
acid crystallines.

1. Juice To Reduce Uric Acid Crystalization


 1 cucumber
 8-10 ribs of celery
 1 green apple
 A squeeze of lemon juice
 1-inch fresh ginger root

2. Pain-Reducing Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice contains Bromelain and is an excellent natural pain-killer. Use only freshly squeezed pineapple juice.
Avoid canned or frozen pineapple as they have lost this pain-reducing enzymes.

Ginger contains gingerol and anti-oxidant properties that help relieve various inflammatory disorders like gout,
osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. It provides substantial relief in pain caused by inflammation and help decrease
swelling and morning stiffness.


 ½ small pineapple
 1 small cucumber
 1 lime
 ½ inch ginger

3. Bitter Gourd Stops Gout Inflammation

Bitter gourd juice is liver cleansing. It helps clean up a toxic blood, improves blood circulation and relieves gout pain.


 1 green apple
 6 ribs celery
 1 small or ½ a large cucumber
 ¼ small bittergourd (optional as it is bitter)
 ¼ lemon with peel
 thumb-sized ginger root

You Are NOT Fat. Your Stomach Is Bloated And Here's How To Get Rid Of The Bloating!

Either your jeans shrank or your belly grew, and chances are it’s the latter. You’re exercising and eating right, so
what’s up with the bloating?

Sometimes the culprit is obvious (hello, Aunt Flo and last night’s burrito! – too much information?), but other times
your “unhealthy” habits are the cause. Read on for reasons your belly can balloon—plus advice on how to deflate it

After consuming heavy meals, many people complain of their bloated belly. This condition is quite common and
rather unpleasant.

Many physicians believe that bloating could be gas that is trapped in the stomach. This condition is associated with
the dietary habits, which means that you can improve your condition by introducing healthy eating habits.

Here are several common factors that cause bloating, and once you learn how to distinguish them, you will be able to
relieve your condition:

Constipation: It occurs as a result of the gas that is trapped behind the stools. Increase your fiber and water intake to
prevent constipation. Smoothies, berries and oats are some of the foods you should eat more often.

Carbohydrates: Consume carbohydrates from whole foods. Avoid alcohol, sugar and starch. Poorly digested sugars
and starch make you feel bloated. Low-carb diet is the real thing. Try fruit smoothies, and use berries as base
ingredients. Veggies work great, too.

Stress: Chronic stress causes bloating and stomach ache. Eat healthy foods, drinks and find a proper way to de-stress
yourself in every situation.

Water: Insufficient water intake is a major contributor to numerous diseases and health problems. Coffee and sugar
dehydrate tissues.

Bloated stomach is sign of fluid retention, which is a condition in which tissues and organs retain more water than
needed. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Experts agree that a healthy individual should drink about 6-8
glasses of water.

Drinking a lot of water alone will help you lose a lot of weight!
Eating fast: Enjoy your meals. Go on the slow road. When you eat fast, you fail to chew food properly, and you get
indigestion that ferments and produces gase, giving you that bloating feeling. Take small bites and chew, chew,

Smoothie Remedy For Bloated Stomach


 3 stalks organic celery

 1 ripe organic banana
 1 large organic cucumber, sliced
 1-inch piece organic ginger, peeled and sliced
 ½ cup organic coconut water
 1 tbsp. Bragg’s apple cider vinegar
 4-5 cubes of ice

Add all the ingredients into your blender and blend till smooth.

This smoothie is filled with electrolytes and super-hydrating. Throw a little vegan protein powder in the mix to make
it into a great post-workout smoothie.

Why Does It Work?

Although each ingredient makes a contribution, there are a couple star players worth highlighting.

Apple Cider Vinegar: This stuff is no joke for reducing excessive gas and bloating. It is potent. However, to some, it
throws the taste off slightly. So if your bloat isn’t serious, you can omit it and let the other ingredients rise to the

Banana: Too much salt causes water retention around the abdominal area. Foods rich in potassium, such as bananas,
help fight bloating caused by salty foods. While salt invites water into the cells, potassium drives it out. Unripe
bananas contain resistant starch, which can cause gas and bloating, so be sure to use ripe bananas!

Celery: This natural diuretic helps relieve water retention. When buying celery, opt for organically grown produce
whenever possible.

Ginger: One of the best digestive aids around, it works on a few levels. It soothes and relaxes the digestive system
muscles. Ginger also contains zingibain, a protein digestive enzyme, which is particularly effective at reducing
bloating and gas caused by protein-rich foods. It is also anti-inflammatory.

How To Make This Vinegared Shrub, Alkalizing Tonic To Help Reduce Your Body Acidity

On a hot, sunny day, everyone is looking for that satisfying tasty drink that quenches thirst. Well, this insane
alkalizing tonic recipe for a watermelon shrub will delight you to the very core. Not only does it quench your thirst
but it also provides a rag-tag group of all natural ingredients and nutrients to the mix.

What’s In It?

This delightful pink drink is made with ripe, organic watermelon, raw honey, and apple cider vinegar. All the
ingredients combined make a watermelon syrup that can be used to flavor soda water or cocktails. This recipe is
mainly comprised of something called a shrub. The shrub is a vinegared syrup that was popular during the American
Colonial Era.

It’s also called a drinking vinegar. It is infused with fruit, herbs, and spices and can be added to water, soda water or
spirits. However, if you want to stick to the healthier version, like me, then stick to sweetening with natural
sweetener like raw honey.

Health Benefits Of Watermelon

o Contains essential electrolytes and is hydrating
o Helps improve digestive health
o Promotes youthful skin and a vibrant, healthy body
o Works as a diuretic
o Contains a healthy dose of Vitamins A, B6 and C
o Fights cancer
o Clears kidneys
o Strengthens bones
o Produces energy
o Reduces blood sugar level
o Reduces risk of heart disease
o Reduces high blood pressure

Flavor Enhancers

If you want to add more flavor to this drink or perhaps just mix it up again you can add any number of your own
homemade vinegars. If that’s not enough you can also add lime, lemon or mint to the mix. Mmmmm … sounds
delightful, doesn’t it?

Perfect Summer Alkalizing Tonic: Watermelon And ACV Drink


 5 cups ripe watermelon

 2 tablespoons of raw honey (warm it up a little so that it dissolves easily in the watermelon juice).
 ½ cup raw apple cider vinegar


1. You can juice the watermelon using your juicer, or put the watermelon in a blender and puree until liquefied.
2. If blended, strain the puree through a fine mesh strainer.
3. Add the honey and vinegar to the watermelon juice and stir until the honey is dissolved.
4. Place in a glass container and store in the refrigerator for 1-2 days before using. The vinegar taste will disappear over
5. Add the shrub to bubbly water for a refreshing, hydrating drink like the one pictured here.
6. The fermented Perfect Summer Watermelon Shrub will last in the refrigerator for up to a month.
Spiced Watermelon Detox Juice To Relieve Pain And Burn Fat

Let me introduce you to my absolute favorite and super addicting summer detox juice.

It’s super spicy. Enough to notice the heat, at least. Sweet enough to make you smile. And ultra refreshing. This juice
combines two foods that couldn’t be more opposite, yet go surprisingly well together: watermelon and cayenne

Nutritional And Health Benefits

Together, these ingredients work to enhance your health and refresh your body inside and out.

1. Watermelon

Besides quenching your thirst, watermelon is a nutrient-rich natural diuretic. It relieves bloating from the high-water
content and provides nourishing nutrients like Vitamin A and C. Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that
strengthens our immune system, allowing our bodies to fight off infections and diseases.

As well, watermelon contains cancer-fighting lycopene. Its lycopene content is even greater than that of tomatoes.

Juicing watermelon—as is done in this recipe—is a particularly great way of consuming this bright red fruit.
Watermelon juice contains citrulline, an amino acid that has been found to protect against muscle pain.

Furthermore, watermelons are known to be super cleansing and alkalizing. They help flush everything out!

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper revs up your metabolism and helps burn a few extra calories. This South American pepper is rich in
flavanoids and carotenoids, which contribute to eye health and slows the onset of age-related macular degeneration.

Cayenne also contains capsaicin, which has been proven to be effective in relieving pain, as well as improving joint
function and stiffness in muscles. Cayenne serves as a great remedy for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or

Moreover, due to its spicy kick, consuming cayenne peppers raises your body’s temperature and makes you
sweat. Though some of us are not too fond of sweating, this natural occurrence is quite beneficial to our health.
Sweating allows our bodies to detoxify by flushing out toxins and other unwanted substances. In addition, sweating
opens your pores and helps keep your skin looking fresh.

Maybe you prefer less spicy, so use less cayenne pepper, but the amount of each ingredient I listed out for you ends
up being PERFECT. I promise.

Watermelon Cayenne Detox Juice

Serves: 2 (4 cups)
Prep time: 5 minutes


 1/2 medium-sized watermelon, cut in squares

 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to taste

1. Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
2. Pour into jars and top with ice cubes.
3. Enjoy!

This Pineapple Smoothie Contains Cancer-Obliterating And Anti-Inflammatory


Turmeric is one of the most well-known natural remedies when it comes to overall health. Curcumin, a substance
found in turmeric, is effective at reducing inflammation. It has been shown to ease symptoms of osteoarthritis and
rheumatoid arthritis such as inflammation and pain.

In multiple lab tests, curcumin has also been shown to block the growth of certain types of tumors. One study showed
that a turmeric extract containing curcumin was able to stabilize colorectal cancer.

Other studies suggest that turmeric may be able to help protect against various skin diseases, Alzheimer’s disease,
colitis, stomach ulcers, high cholesterol levels and various other conditions.

Turmeric is commonly used as an ingredient in South Asian cooking and is added to various meals as a flavor
enhancer. Although it is mostly eaten with food, there are other ways to consume turmeric without having to cook up
an entire meal. One of these ways is a delicious turmeric smoothie.

Pineapple Smoothie

Although the key ingredient of this pineapple smoothie is turmeric, mainly due to it’s wide range of health benefits,
there are many other healthy ingredients included that make this smoothie one of the best recipes for strengthening
your immune system.

Pineapple for one, is a highly effective anti-inflammatory food, thanks to its bromelain enzyme.


 ½ teaspoon of turmeric
 1 cup of coconut milk—rich in fiber and vitamin C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6
 ½ cup of pineapple or mango—good source of vitamin C which provides protection against immune system
deficiencies and various diseases
 1 fresh banana—good source of potassium which helps maintain fluid balance and keeps your brain, nerves,
heart and muscles functioning
 ½ teaspoon of cinnamon—effective at lowering blood sugar levels in people with diabetes
 ½ teaspoon of ginger—reduces premenstruation cramps, and pain caused by arthritis, also effective at
reducing nausea and dizziness
 1 teaspoon of chia seeds—good source of fiber, protein, calcium, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids
 1 teaspoon of maca powder—commonly used to treat anemia, chronic fatigue and to boost energy levels
 A pinch of freshly ground black pepper for optimal nutrient absorption of the turmeric’s healing properties

Now that you know all of the various health benefits of the ingredients to this smoothie, watch the video below for
step-by-step instructions on how to make one like it.
3-ingredient Juice Recipe To Flush Kidneys, Reduce Bloating And Stop Joint Pains

This juice is a unique 3-ingredient combination of superfoods that does much for your heart, kidneys and relieve joint
pains caused by inflammation. It helps to flush out the kidneys, reduces bloating and swelling and stop arthritic pains

How often to drink? If you have any of the ailments mentioned below, drink about half a liter (half quart), at least 3-4
times a week for optimal results.

Briefly, this juice recipe when combined provide many health benefits:

 Good source of calcium in the right absorbable combination

 Cleanses your kidneys and help detoxify heavy metal toxicity
 Relieves joint inflammation and reduces silent inflammation
 Prevents other inflammatory ailments like gout and asthma
 Strengthens your immune system
 Highly nutritious to prevent many chronic diseases
 Lowers high blood pressure (reduce celery amount if you have low blood pressure)
 Helps ease headaches and migraines
 Has a calming and soothing effect on nerves, promotes quality sleep
 Increases red blood count
 Prevents the formation of calculi or kidney stones
 Relieves premenstruation symptoms such as water retention, bloating and cramps
 Improves eye health
 Many more!

Let’s look at each ingredient more closely.

1. Celery

Many people don’t consider celery a key part of their health regime. This is due to a popular misconception that
celery is just packed with water and no health benefits.

Celery has anti-inflammatory properties that protect against inflammation in the digestive tract. It contains unique
non-starch polysaccharides that are essential in protecting your body against inflammation. It is also rich in a few
known antioxidants, such as quercetin, phenolic acids and more.

One other key nutrient in celery is its natural sodium that helps counter the damages done by regular table salt. Where
table salt cause high blood pressure, the sodium in celery does the opposite.

Together with parsley, the diuretic effect of celery juice is beneficial for breaking up and eliminating kidney stones.

Read: The full health benefits of celery.

2. Parsley

Much like celery, parsley has natural health benefits that are often ignored. People tend to use this herb to garnish
dishes without realizing that it’s highly nutritious and can protect against joint pain, kidney/bladder cleansing,
promote optimal heart health.
One of the key benefits of parsley is its ability to bind with heavy metals and eliminating them for healthier liver and

In some animal studies, parsley has even been shown to contain compounds that inhibit tumor formation, especially
in the lungs. So really, parsley is more than just a pretty herb for garnish!

3. Pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is easily available in most parts of the world as it doesn’t ripen much more once it is
harvested, thus making it easy to be transported to neighboring countries.

When including pineapple for juicing, use fresh pineapples, not those canned ones that are soaked in sugar water.

The key ingredient in pineapple is bromelain, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory property that reduces joint
pains. Although it tastes acidic, pineapple juice has a special ability to help your body balance and neutralize fluids.
These qualities make pineapple unique.

Anti-Inflammatory Juice Recipe


 A whole stalk of celery (about 10-12 ribs)—cut off the base and wash each rib clean
 A whole bunch of parsley (as you purchase from the grocery)—best juiced using a masticating juicer
 A whole small pineapple—cut off crown and skin, leave in the core


Put all the ingredients through your masticating juicer.

If using a blender, add all the ingredients into your blender with a cup of fresh coconut water (or just pure drinking
water) and blend till smooth. You may also add kefir and nuts to enrich your smoothie.

Simple Remedy To Get Rid Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea Naturally

One of the most irritating ways to contribute to your partner’s health problems is by snoring. Getting the right amount
of sleep is essential for leading a healthy lifestyle, and if you’re constantly waking up in the middle of the night due
to your partner’s snoring it could have serious long-term effects on your health.

Not getting the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep per night can cause a variety of problems for your health including
weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases and more. Lack of sleep has also been proven to negatively
affect critical thinking and cognitive function.

What Causes Snoring?

So, you now know that causing your partner to lose sleep can harm both their physical and mental well-being.
It’s time to get to the root of the problem. What exactly causes you to snore?

If you are a chronic snorer then there is a good chance that the main cause of your snoring comes from nasal
congestion. The build-up of mucus in your throat and nasal passage can be caused by a variety of factors ranging
from allergies to nasal infections and even the common cold. Clearing up this mucus is one of the ways that you can
reduce or even prevent further snoring.
How Drinking Juice Can Help

Drinking juices has quickly becoming a popular way to improve one’s nutrition and health. It is also a simple (and
tasty) method of keeping your airways clear and reducing congestion. This is because drinking freshly-extracted juice
is one of the most efficient ways of consuming vitamins and other nutrients required to have a healthy immune

Having a healthy immune system can prevent snoring by reducing your chances of contracting viruses that cause
nasal congestion. Having a well-functioning immune system will also help prevent you from developing allergies
which can seriously contribute to mucus build-up.

Get Your 5 Per Day

Many people find it difficult to get their 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day, but juicing makes that an absolute
doddle. Rather than spend most of your day preparing various meals of fruits and vegetables to be eaten, juicing
allows you to get the same amount of nutrients condensed into a small glass of juice. This makes both the preparation
and consumption of immune system boosting foods easier and less time-consuming.

Drinking juices is an easy way to make sure you get all of the nutrients you need in order to have clear nasal passages
and a well-rested partner.

Foods To Avoid During The Day

You can avoid certain foods from the early evening hours to reduce mucus build-up that narrows your air passage.

Here are examples of some foods to avoid. These foods don’t do much good for your health anyway: Dairy products,
flour and sugar products, chocolate, fried foods, processed/refined foods.

Also avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. Eating a heavy meal before bedtime may make you snore louder than

Having avoided the above foods, drink a glass of this simple juice combo that helps reduce your nasal congestion.
Over time, by following this easy diet, your snoring will gradually reduce and your partner will thank you for a good
night’s sleep!

The Recipe

Here is a quick and simple recipe for an immune system-boosting juice:

 4 big carrots
 1 apple
 squeeze of lemon
 ½-inch of ginger root

Wash the ingredients, cut them into sizes that can fit through your juicer’s chute. Put them through your juicer. Serve
chilled, drink a couple of hours before going to sleep.

3 Easy Juice Recipes To Rescue Your High Blood Pressure And Cholesterol

If you are worried about your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, then the first place to start is with your diet. By
adding certain foods to your daily meals, you could naturally begin lowering your blood pressure without having to
use any medications.
Unfortunately, you may not have the time to create a balanced diet that includes proper nutrition. For help, many
people may turn to juicing. Using a juicer, you can quickly prepare a meal that incorporates a variety of beneficial
fruits and vegetables.

Which Fruits And Vegetables Are Helpful?

You do not need to drastically alter your diet in order to begin lowering your blood pressure and improving your
health. You just need to start including a few healthy options in your daily routine. Here are some heart-healthy fruits
and vegetables that you should consider adding to your diet:

 Any berries
 Beetroots
 Celery
 Green leafy vegetables
 Grapefruit
 Kiwifruits
 Lemon
 Ginger and turmeric
 And many more!

Blueberries have been found to help people cut their risk of high blood pressure. They contain natural compounds
called anthocyanins that help to protect against hypertension.

Kiwifruit contains valuable calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which can help to lower blood pressure levels. This
is especially helpful if you are currently lacking any of these nutrients that are responsible for the health of blood
cells. Other fruits such as peaches, nectarines, and bananas are also good sources of the same minerals.

While those foods are beneficial for your health and can help to lower your blood pressure, beetroots can provide
results almost instantly. Studies show that drinking beetroot juice can begin lowering blood pressure almost

Here are 3 easy juice recipes to rescue your blood pressure and cholesterol, using the foods mentioned.

1. Healthy Heartbeet Juice

This juice recipe includes a healthy dose of beetroot. To prepare this drink, simply process all of the ingredients in
your juicer and then shake or stir before serving. Here are the ingredients needed:

 1 green apple
 1 beetroot
 2 medium carrots
 3-4 radishes (optional)
 1 lemon
 1-inch ginger root

2. Minty Berry

This is a smoothie recipe that you can make using your blender. Always only use organic fruits and vegetables for
smoothies. This delicious glass of berries is very high in antioxidant content that is beneficial for lowering your blood
pressure and cholesterol levels.

 1 cup of frozen blueberries and raspberries mixed

 5-6 whole strawberries
 about 30 leaves of peppermint
 1 cup of kefir
 1 tablespoon of honey or to desired taste
 a pinch of cinnamon powder
 ½ cup of water or coconut water

3. Anti-Oxidation Juice

This final juice recipe includes a highly effective combination that is even better than any blood pressure medication.
It works as an anti-oxidation that renders cholesterol harmless. Use only organic and see an almost immediate
result. Not suitable for you if you’re on medication. Speak to your doctor about reducing your medication, or how
you can include these very beneficial foods in your diet.

 1 large grapefruit
 4 ribs of celery
 ½ bulb of fennel
 1 green apple
 1 lime
 1-inch ginger root

If you are concerned about your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, you may want to start making some simple
changes to your diet. Start by including more of the foods mentioned in your diet. These juice recipes are a great way
to ensure you receive nutrition and beneficial nutrients that could help to lower your blood pressure.

Simple Remedy To Get Rid Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea Naturally

One of the most irritating ways to contribute to your partner’s health problems is by snoring. Getting the right amount
of sleep is essential for leading a healthy lifestyle, and if you’re constantly waking up in the middle of the night due
to your partner’s snoring it could have serious long-term effects on your health.

Not getting the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep per night can cause a variety of problems for your health including
weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases and more. Lack of sleep has also been proven to negatively
affect critical thinking and cognitive function.

What Causes Snoring?

So, you now know that causing your partner to lose sleep can harm both their physical and mental well-being.
It’s time to get to the root of the problem. What exactly causes you to snore?

If you are a chronic snorer then there is a good chance that the main cause of your snoring comes from nasal
congestion. The build-up of mucus in your throat and nasal passage can be caused by a variety of factors ranging
from allergies to nasal infections and even the common cold. Clearing up this mucus is one of the ways that you can
reduce or even prevent further snoring.

How Drinking Juice Can Help

Drinking juices has quickly becoming a popular way to improve one’s nutrition and health. It is also a simple (and
tasty) method of keeping your airways clear and reducing congestion. This is because drinking freshly-extracted juice
is one of the most efficient ways of consuming vitamins and other nutrients required to have a healthy immune

Having a healthy immune system can prevent snoring by reducing your chances of contracting viruses that cause
nasal congestion. Having a well-functioning immune system will also help prevent you from developing allergies
which can seriously contribute to mucus build-up.

Get Your 5 Per Day

Many people find it difficult to get their 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day, but juicing makes that an absolute
doddle. Rather than spend most of your day preparing various meals of fruits and vegetables to be eaten, juicing
allows you to get the same amount of nutrients condensed into a small glass of juice. This makes both the preparation
and consumption of immune system boosting foods easier and less time-consuming.

Drinking juices is an easy way to make sure you get all of the nutrients you need in order to have clear nasal passages
and a well-rested partner.

Foods To Avoid During The Day

You can avoid certain foods from the early evening hours to reduce mucus build-up that narrows your air passage.

Here are examples of some foods to avoid. These foods don’t do much good for your health anyway: Dairy products,
flour and sugar products, chocolate, fried foods, processed/refined foods.

Also avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. Eating a heavy meal before bedtime may make you snore louder than

Having avoided the above foods, drink a glass of this simple juice combo that helps reduce your nasal congestion.
Over time, by following this easy diet, your snoring will gradually reduce and your partner will thank you for a good
night’s sleep!

The Recipe

Here is a quick and simple recipe for an immune system-boosting juice:

 4 big carrots
 1 apple
 squeeze of lemon
 ½-inch of ginger root

Wash the ingredients, cut them into sizes that can fit through your juicer’s chute. Put them through your juicer. Serve
chilled, drink a couple of hours before going to sleep.

4 Juice Recipes To Remedy Common Sleep Disorders That Keep You Up At Night

Dealing with a sleep disorder is annoying for a number of reasons. Without a good night’s rest, it is hard to get
through the day, you may have trouble concentrating, feel irritable and cranky, and not have the motivation to get
things done during the day.
While the mental fatigue that comes with a sleep disorder is difficult to deal with, the lack of sleep can also have an
impact on your physical health. You need to sleep to rest your brain and for your body to rejuvenate.

There are many different issues that can lead to difficulty sleeping, including a number of sleep disorders. Here are
four of the most common sleep disorders, along with juice recipes that could help you overcome your sleep
dysfunction. Drink daily till sleep comes and you’ll start feeling rested.

1. Insomnia

Insomnia is perhaps the most common sleep disorder. It is estimated that about 30% of Americans claim to suffer
from this condition. Insomnia results in poor sleep due to difficulty falling and staying asleep. People with insomnia
may also wake up early have trouble getting back to sleep. This causes difficulty concentrating and general fatigue.

Leafy vegetables, such as spinach or cabbage, contain high content of magnesium. Magnesium is known to help relax
muscles and calm nerves, which may help you get to sleep. Try this juice recipe containing both spinach and cabbage:

 ¼ head of Savoy cabbage

 A handful of spinach
 3 heads of Romaine lettuce
 2 green apples
 1-inch of ginger root
 1 lemon

For this juice recipe, and the other three below, wash all of the ingredients and cut them to sizes that fit the chute of
your juicer. Put them through your juicer, starting with the smaller pieces.

2. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is another fairly common sleep disorder. Sleep apnea causes you to stop breathing for several seconds, as
the result of blockage from the relaxing of the soft tissues in the back of your throat. This disruption in breathing can
cause you to wake up.

Eating more food containing fiber could help reduce an overproduction of mucus. Increasing mucus production may
increase the severity of your sleep apnea symptoms.

Try to eat more broccoli, apples, pears, artichokes, and this juice recipe that help reduce catarrh:

 4 ribs of celery
 2 Asian pears
 4 carrots
 1-inch of ginger root
 1 lemon

3. Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome is basically a neurological disorder that manifests itself as the need to move your legs while

You may experience an itching, aching, pulling, or throbbing sensation along your legs that increases with intensity
until you move your legs. This can make it difficult to fall asleep, leading to a bad night.
Consuming more iron and magnesium may help reduce the occurrence of symptoms related to restless leg syndrome,
allowing to get a better night’s rest. Try the following recipe, containing iron and magnesium-rich fruit and

 10-12 spears of asparagus

 2 cups of broccoli florets
 4 ribs of celery
 1 bulb of fennel
 A handful of parsley
 1 green apple
 1 lemon

4. Bruxism

Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, is commonly believed to be the result of stress or anxiety. When you
constantly grind your teeth during the night, you may end up waking to a headache or a sore jaw. This pain can make
it hard to fall asleep again.

A lack of vitamin B5, magnesium, or calcium could be partially responsible for your teeth grinding. Studies have
found that drinking green juices is a good remedy for many individuals suffering from bruxism. Here is a simple
green drink that you can make at home:

 4 carrots
 6 ribs of celery
 A handful of spinach
 A handful of parsley
 ¼ of a pineapple
 1 lemon

If you are having trouble sleeping, you should try to determine if one of these sleep disorders could be responsible for
your problems. Get to the root of the cause and then try the corresponding juice recipe.

Eliminate from your diet: Processed foods, dairy products, flour and sugar foods that are high in fats and low in
fiber. Then, drink your juice on a daily basis and you will likely see some improvement.

How Nutrient Deficiencies Cause Restless Leg Syndrome. (And How to Fix it)

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a condition that causes legs to jerk, twitch and kick involuntarily, when in bed just
before falling asleep. It is linked to night time painful leg muscle cramps that disrupt sleep patterns.

RLS occurs due to poor blood circulation, and/or deficiency in magnesiums, iron, calcium, potassium and zinc. Most
importantly, poor gut flora health prevents proper nutrients absorption and this can be remedied by eating fermented
foods and taking high quality probiotics. Lack of physical activities and sleep may make the condition worse.

Avoid: Highly processed/refined foods, flour and sugar products, alcohol, caffeine, smoking.

Include: Whole grains, oatmeals, nuts and seeds, beans and lentils, bananas, coriander, fennel, kelp, and lots of green

Together with the right diet, the combined nutrients in this juice combo help relax muscles and nerves. Suitable for
RLS, leg muscles cramp and insomnia.
Juice Recipe:

 ½ small beetroot
 2 green apples
 2 ribs of celery
 A handful of spinach
 A cup of broccoli florets
 ½ lemon

3 All-Natural Juice Recipes To Remedy Your Hyperthyroidism Symptoms

Your hypothalamus is responsible for regulating your body temperature. It does so by secreting hormones through
your thyroid glands. This affects how quickly your body can burn calories and utilize calories for energy.

Having an over-active thyroid can lead to a variety of health issues, including fatigue, irritability, high body
temperature than normal, insomnia, weight loss, hand tremors and in more severe cases, bulging eyeballs.

An over-production of the thyroid hormone is referred to as hyperthyroidism and it is a relatively common condition.
While you could seek medical treatment for this condition, there are also ways to deal with the problem naturally.

Foods To Avoid

If you have an over-active thyroid, you may want to avoid certain foods. Among the vegetables that may not be
suitable for you are eggplants, tomatoes and watercress. Definitely avoid eating foods that don’t do any good to
thyroid health, whether it is under-active or over-active.

Eliminate from your diet: Foods that contain gluten, soy products, processed foods that contain artificial food
additives, artificial sugar and transfats, stimulants like coffee, tea, nicotine and sodas.

Read more about nutrition for hyperthyroidism.

Learn how to remedy your hyperthyroidism with these 3 all-natural juice recipes. For all of the recipes below, wash
your fruits and vegetables, cut them into pieces small enough to put through your juicer chute. Serve chilled.

1. Hyperthyroidism Remedy Juice

This juice recipe contains a large serving of foods that have the right minerals with high water content that will
help to reduce the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Use the following ingredients:

 4-6 leaves of big kale

 6 ribs of celery
 1 cucumber
 2 green apples
 A small handful of cilantro
 1 lemon

2. Thyroid Healthy Juice

This juice combo is beneficial for an over-active thyroid. Basically, you want to include more moisture-rich
vegetables that are healing for your liver.

Wash and cut the following ingredients and put them through your juicer:
 ¼ head of Savoy cabbage
 2 heads of Romaine lettuce
 2 green apples
 4 ribs of celery
 1 lemon
 1-inch of fresh ginger

3. Anti-Inflammatory Juice

Beetroot is an anti-inflammatory root vegetable that supports liver health. It is an excellent food for healing of thyroid
issues. Drink beetroot juice 2-3 times a week to take advantage of its liver-healing properties.

 2 medium-sized beetroots
 4 carrots
 2 green apples
 1-inch fresh ginger root
 1 lemon

Start making juicing a lifestyle to heal not only your thyroid, but also your overall health. Start with these few that are
beneficial to reduce the symptoms of an over-active thyroid.

Manage And Reduce Hypothyroidism Symptoms With These 3 Juices

Hypothyroidism is a medical condition where your thyroid gland under-produces a hormone called thyroxine.
Hyperthyroidism is the opposite where your thyroid gland over-produces the thyroxine hormones.

Your thyroid gland helps to control your metabolism and the rate at which you burn calories. With an underactive
thyroid, you may experience fatigue, weight gain, PMS problems, infertility, low body temperature, low immunity
and poor concentration.

While mild symptoms can be relatively harmless, if this condition is left untreated it can have grave consequences. In
extreme cases, part of the thyroid gland may be removed surgically. For less severe situations, your doctor may
prescribe thyroid medications. Whenever you take a medication, you run the risk of experiencing side effects.

Foods To Avoid

There are some foods that you may want to limit eating when you have an under-active thyroid issue. Among them
are cruciferous vegetables, peaches, pears and radishes. For better result, totally avoid eating these: Foods that
contain gluten, soy products, processed foods that contain artificial food additives, artificial sugar and transfats,
stimulants like coffee, tea, nicotine and sodas.

Do not ignore a thyroid issue, but manage it, and probably even heal by eating totally clean. Here are 5 juices that
you can make for yourself, to reduce symptoms of a hypothyroidism issue.

1. Iodine-Rich Juice

Watercress has a high iodine content that helps reduce symptoms of an under-active thyroid. It is also very
detoxifying to the liver, further improving the immune system. This juice may not be suitable for an overactive

 A large handful of watercress

 A small handful of parsley
 2 green apples
 1 lime
 1-inch ginger root
 A sprinkle of chia seeds and sesame seeds for protein

2. Anti-inflammatory Juice

This juice recipe contains beetroot that is highly anti-inflammatory, helps to cleanse the liver and boost your immune

Drinking it regularly may help to restore hormone imbalances. Gather the following ingredients, wash, cut and put
them through your juicer:

 2 medium-sized beetroots
 4 carrots
 2 green apples
 1-inch fresh ginger root
 1 lemon

3. Sunburst Juice

Sunburst juice contains foods high in antioxidant vitamin C content, that help improve your immune system.

Peel the orange and lemon, cut up all the ingredients and put them through your juicer:

 1 large grapefruit
 2 yellow bell pepper
 4 carrots
 ½ a lemon

If you are experiencing signs of an under-active thyroid, try these juices by drinking one to two glasses a day and
begin to avoid those foods that aggravate. There are many “clean”, gluten-free food recipes you can start eating when
switching away from processed foods.

Drinking these juices may help you deal with some of your symptoms and may even correct your thyroid issue.

Fight Cancer And Premature Aging With This Spicy Tomato Juice Recipe

There are two major issues that people tend to worry about when they reach a certain point in their life—the risk of
cancer and the signs of aging. The chances of having to deal with either of these issues increase with prolonged
exposure to UV radiation.

There is one common food that can help you reduce your risks of both cancer and common signs of aging. What is
this miracle food? Tomatoes.

Just one serving of tomatoes a day can have a large positive impact on your health. This powerful food can help
reduce the risk of heart disease, improve digestion, and boost your immune system. Though, the greatest benefits
come from the lycopene and antioxidants found in tomatoes.
Why You Should Make This Spicy Tomato Juice

Tomatoes: Lycopene And Antioxidants

Lycopene is a carotenoid that gives tomatoes their deep red color. There have been numerous studies that have looked
into the medicinal benefits of this compound. Lycopene may be able to reduce the risk of various types of cancer,
including breast cancer.

The other major benefit comes from the inclusion of a multitude of antioxidants in tomatoes. These antioxidants
neutralize free radicals that are known to increase the risk of cancer and the signs of aging.

UV radiation and free radicals promote premature wrinkles, sun spots, and other issues that most people would like to
avoid. Antioxidants are one of your best forms of protection against carcinogens, free radicals and UV radiation.

While adding some chopped tomatoes to your salad can provide some of these benefits, you will absorb more of the
nutrients found in the tomatoes if they are processed. This breaks down the tomato and allows you to more efficiently
utilize the lycopene. Juicing tomatoes is a processing method that enhances the nutrients to make them more
bio-available and absorbable.

Cayenne Pepper: Fights Cancer Cells

Studies show that capsaicin exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, making it a promising candidate for treating
inflammatory diseases and cancer. It inhibits the enzyme activity of specific proteins that may cause these illnesses.

When ingested, cayenne pepper activates the white blood cells to protect your body from microbial attack. When they
are needed, white blood cells are employed to remove dead or damaged tissue and regulate the immune response to
keep you healthy.

Read: Cayenne pepper destroys cancer cells, help rebuild the gut and prevent heart attacks.

If you want to fight cancer and aging caused by UV radiation, then you will want to make and drink this easy tomato
juice recipe.

Read more about the health benefits of tomatoes.

Spicy Tomato Juice

While you could simply process several tomatoes in a juicer, some people may find the taste to be a little strong. The
following tomato juice recipe is still simple to prepare, but it includes a few added ingredients to give it a bit more


 3 large tomatoes
 6 ribs of celery
 1-inch of ginger root, remove skin
 A dash of cayenne pepper

Cut up the tomatoes in sizes that can be put through the chute of your juicer. If you’re using a masticating juicer, you
may leave the seeds. Remove seeds if you’re using a centrifugal juicer or blending them.

Juice the first three ingredients above then add a dash of cayenne pepper. Serve chilled.
The next time you visit the grocery store or a farmer’s market, pick up some fresh tomatoes or consider growing your
own in your backyard. You do not need to have a green thumb to grow tomatoes, as they are fairly easy to grow.

Why Mucus is Actually Crucial For Your Body (And A Juice To Ease Excessive Mucus)

It’s a conversation topic that most people don’t like to talk about. However, it’s a very important bodily function.
Mucus (also known as snot, phlegm and catarrh) works as a lubricant, so to speak, for the body.

The mouth, nose, sinuses, lungs, gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the throat all contain tissues that produce mucus. The
mucus that these tissues create work to protect the surfaces of these parts of the body, thus preventing the tissues
underneath them from becoming dried out.

Mucus also works to prevent the body from becoming infected with viruses, bacteria and other germs. When
something enters the body that shouldn’t, with the intention of making an individual sick, the mucus traps the foreign
pathogen, preventing it from entering the body and infiltrating the immune system. In other words, mucus prevents

Believe it or not, that gross, gooey and green stuff which seems to be produced by the boat load when you are sick is
actually working to help you. You see, mucus contains antibodies, enzymes, protein and cells, just to name a few

All of these are good things for the body, especially when it is sick. When you’re sick, you probably notice an
increased production of mucus, right? Well, that’s because the mucus is being produced at a greater rate in order to
help you fight off your illness. Though gross, it’s actually pretty cool, if you think about it.

Production Of Mucus

The human body constantly creates mucus; however, you don’t notice it most of the time because it is usually thin in
consistency and thus slides down the back of your throat and you never even know it was there.

However, there are times that your mucus will change in consistency, and it is these times that you notice the
production, and all you want to do is get rid of it.

As previously mentioned, mucus gets thicker and stickier when you are sick, which is why you constantly blow your
nose and hock back ‘loogies’ when you have a cold, a sinus infection or the flu.

It can also change consistency when your body is affected by an allergen and it is trying to protect your body from
the allergen. Believe it or not, there are also certain foods that can cause you to produce more mucus.

Foods That Create Mucus

There are certain foods that cause gustatory rhinitis to go into effect, a reflex reaction that is set off by eating. As a
result, your body goes into overtime producing mucus.

Researchers have found that there are four foods, in particular, that cause the increased production of mucus. If you
want to minimize the amount of mucus your body creates, you’ll want to avoid these five foods:

 Milk and other dairy products

 Red meat that has a high fat content
 Alcohol
 Gluten
 Refined sugar

These foods are known to activate the gustatory rhinitis, which speed up the production of mucus and can make you
feel miserable.

Mucus-Reducing Juice

If after giving up the above mucus-causing food and you still have mucus in your throat, where you often feel the
need to have to clear the throat, it could be a sign of an allergy to some other foods that you’re eating.

This juice recipe helps to reduce excessive production of mucus and catarrh. Just clean, cut and put all these
ingredients through your juicer:

 8 carrots
 2 green apples
 1-inch ginger root

This simple juice is also excellent for reducing sinusitis. Also take a high-quality probiotics supplement or add
fermented foods in your diet for speedy healing from sinusitis.

3 Juices And What To Eat To Soothe Tummy Troubles

in Green Juice Recipes, Juice By Ailments, Juice Recipes

Last updated on 11 MAR 2019






Every one of us will experience a stomach upset of some kind, at one point or another. It would be handy to have a
natural remedy close at hand when we encounter nausea, vomiting, or just a slight stomach discomfort from eating
the wrong food.

Have you ever considered drinking freshly-extracted juices to ease the discomfort, instead of popping another pill?
Definitely AVOID taking these pills that will only help ease the discomfort temporarily, but cause long-term side
effects: Antacids, anti-diarrheal, laxatives, stimulants, etc.

Making your own juices with the right, fresh ingredients get to the root of the problem and reduce future
attacks. Some of the beneficial ingredients that you could use include:
 Ginger and turmeric are known to help with indigestion, nausea, bloating and vomiting. They are also beneficial for
relieving heartburn. If you believe that your tummy troubles are related to gas in the digestive tract, ginger or turmeric
may help remove the gas that could be trapped in your intestinal tract. Go here to make your own ginger-turmeric tea.
 Cabbage is a beneficial food for treating ulcers. The juice in cabbage contains an antioxidant called sulforaphane. This
antioxidant attacks a bacterium that is known as one of the root causes of peptic ulcers, which are a common source
of tummy troubles. It can also help protect the lining of your gastrointestinal tract and provide relief from acid reflux.
 Carrot is delicious yet mild and gentle on the stomach. When stomach is sore from various digestive disorders,
drinking pure carrot juice helps to calm and heal the stomach.
 Jicama is one of the few root vegetables that have medicinal properties that are healing for the digestive system.
Drinking jicama juice on its own, or mixing with carrot juice, helps ease most digestive discomforts.
 Fennel is a miracle herb, capable of helping you deal with a range of health problems. It can help your body maintain
its balance of electrolytes, which may correct mild stomach discomfort. It is also a great source of fiber that
helps improve digestion.
 Beetroot has medicinal properties that are beneficial for moving bowels in cases of constipation, and helpful for
healing stomach ulcers. Mix beetroot juice with carrot juice for a delicious drink that settles many stomach
 Banana and papaya can be eaten on its own (not juiced). This is helpful when you’re feeling weak from
repeated diarrhea and not feel up to juicing. Peel a banana or cut up a papaya and just eat.

Now that you know which ingredients to look for, here are 5 juice recipes that utilize these foods for a refreshing,
stomach soothing juice.

1. Beet Tummy Trouble

This juice recipe helps flush toxins from your digestive system and calms the stomach. To prepare this juice to “beet”
tummy trouble, put all the following ingredients through your juicer:

 2 beetroots
 5 carrots
 1 lemon, peeled
 1-inch of fresh ginger root

2. Fennel In The Sun

Fennel is one of the ingredients that could help deal with your stomach pains. Here’s a delicious juice combo that
may be helpful to ease that discomfort. Put all the ingredients through your juicer:

 1 jicama
 6 ribs of celery
 1 bulb of fennel
 1 lemon
 1-inch of fresh ginger root

3. Cabbage Delight

This juice recipe is excellent to soothe digestive troubles caused by stomach ulcers. Drink this juice daily for two
weeks and see a big improvement to your digestive troubles. Also suitable if you have acid reflux or heartburn. Get
the recipe here.

No one enjoys having to put up with an upset stomach. If you experienced bloating, acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, or
mild stomach discomfort, any of these juice recipes may be helpful. Always use organic produce for best results. If
the problem persists, seek help from your professional health provider.
Beet The Cold With These 3 Body-Warming Drinks That Improve Blood Circulation

Do your feet and fingers feel cold even during warm days? Do you feel chilled easily even when others around you
are feeling just comfortable? These could be signs of poor blood circulation. Bad circulation can affect various parts
of the body and cause your extremities to feel cold. Try these body-warming drinks to improve blood circulation.

Most of the time, poor blood circulation is due to an overacidity in the body from poor diet choices, or from
accumulation of toxins that are not being eliminated properly, again due to poor food choices and environmental
pollution. Poor circulation along the legs and feet are most common. Some other causes or reasons for poor
circulation or feeling of cold, include:

 Hypothyroidism
 Raynaud’s syndrome
 Blood clots
 Varicose veins
 Obesity
 Diabetes
 Candida infections
 Heavy metal poisoning

Blood circulation is an important part of your health. Blood is responsible for transporting essential nutrients and
oxygen through your entire body. By keeping your heart healthy, you could begin improving circulation problems.

Here are 5 alkalizing juices to help boost circulation. They are also “body-warming” foods that are suitable for
drinking, during the cold weather.

3 Body-Warming Drinks That Improve Blood Circulation

1. Beet The Cold

This drink has the combination of all the right ingredients that help dilate the blood vessels for better blood flow and
circulation. The three main ingredients are roots or ground vegetable that make them “warming food”. Simply put all
these ingredients through your juicer:

 2 beetroots
 4 carrots
 1 bulb of fennel
 1-inch of fresh ginger root (up to 2-inch if you dare!)
 1 lemon

2. Spicy Hot Booster

This juice recipe boosts your immunity, is “body-warming” and boosts blood circulation. Drink this juice alternately
with the other juices recommended here.

 4 carrots
 2 red or yellow bell peppers
 1 jalapeno
 1 green apple
 ½ lemon
 1-inch of fresh ginger root

3. Lemongrass-Ginger Tea
This Lemongrass-Ginger Tea is not a juice recipe but it’s one of my favorite drinks for a cold day. just to warm up
the body. One of the reasons for feeling cold could also be due to Candida infections. If this is your condition, then
this drink not only helps to gradually kill the Candida but also helps warm you up.

If you have Candida, make a pot of this drink (about 1 liter/quart) and drink daily for 2 weeks, or more days if
necessary. But be sure to omit the raw honey and drink it warm.

If you tend to feel cold all of the time or notice any other signs of poor circulation, such as numbness or a tingling
sensation, then try drinking these juice recipes. They include a variety of ingredients that are known to promote heart
health and improve blood circulation.

Besides drinking these recipes, you may like to consider what you’re eating. What you’re NOT eating also plays an
important role in your overall health.

How To Make Lemongrass-Ginger Tea To Rid Yeast Infection And To Heal Digestive

Make this healthful tea a regular drink alongside your fresh juices, for a super-boost to your
immune system.

Why Drink Lemongrass-Ginger Tea

Lemongrass-ginger tea is an excellent home remedy for many health problems. Regularly drinking it helps your
overall well-being. For therapeutic use, it is recommended to drink 500 ml to a liter of this tea (approximately 17-34
oz) daily.

Read all about the health benefits of lemongrass and ginger. And when combined, they work synergistically,
powerfully, and effectively. You would benefit from drinking this tea if you …

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 are juice fasting/feasting

 are undergoing a detox program
 want to lose weight
 want to improve your immune system
 have a highly acidic blood
 have a health problem that is a result of imbalanced intestinal flora
 have yeast, bladder or urinary tract infection

Lemongrass-Ginger Tea Recipe

For illustration purpose, I’m using a one-glass portion measurement.

For a 500 ml (~17 oz) glass of tea, you will need:

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 600 ml (~20 oz) pure drinking water. A small amount of water will evaporate during boiling.

 3 big lemongrass bulbs – you want the white base part where concentration of nutrients is highest.

 1 torch ginger bud (optional – can omit if unavailable. If omit, replace with 1-2 additional lemongrass bulbs).
 2 inches ginger root (less, if you want less pungent).
Note: old ginger is more pungent than the young one.

To make bigger volume of tea, multiply the above portions accordingly.

1. In a non-aluminium pot, boil 600 ml (~20oz) of water.

2. Slice finely, or cut/pound the above ingredients to release the phytonutrients, fragrance and oils.

Throw the cut ingredients into the boiling water, turn fire down to simmer for 5-7 minutes

When done, turn off the fire and cover the pot with lid. Let the tea steep for about 20-30 minutes.

5. Strain. Add 1 tablespoon raw honey or stevia for taste if desired. Drink warm.

It is recommended that you make this tea fresh daily, and drink it warm, before meals.

Tip for busy people: You can prepare this tea in the night and leave it in the pot to cool. In the morning, just lightly
reboil it and pour into a thermal flask to take with you to work. You can sip it throughout the day but do not keep for
more than 24 hours.

Note that when drinking this tea, the diuretic effect will make you want to urinate more. The tea is doing its work of
carrying out toxins to be eliminated. Do drink lots of water also to continue with the elimination.

Health Benefits of Ginger Root You Might Have Overlooked

What is Ginger?

Ginger (Zingiber Officinale), classified as a herb, is a flowering plant with long green stems and leaves. The swollen
ginger roots have been widely used in traditional medicine and as a spice in tropical cuisine for centuries.

Although often referred to as a root, ginger is an underground stem called a rhizome. The rhizome is branched with
small “limbs”. The brown skin is thin if harvested when young, but thickens with maturity.

The color of the flesh varies from pale yellow to white or pink, or even red, depending on the variety.

Young ginger is fragrant, pungent, fleshy and juicy with a mild spicy taste. As it matures the rhizome becomes more
fibrous, drier and also tends to be spicier than its younger counterpart.

A recent study showed that young ginger brings down body temperature as in the case of fever. Whereas the old
(dryer) ginger brings up the body temperature as in the case of a cold and suitable during winter. When undertaking
an extended juice feast, I recommend the use of old ginger for this reason.

Nutritional Benefits of Ginger

Ginger has at least twelve types of antioxidants, making it useful for treatment of a wide range of disorders.

Ginger contains essential oils, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, choline, folate, inositol, manganese,
panthotenic acid, silicon, and a small amount of vitamin B3.

It is used widely for its medicinal properties, and has aphrodisiac properties.
Health Benefits of Ginger

If you can stomach the spicy heat, ginger works wonders in treating many disorders.

Ginger is an anti-coagulant: Ginger reduces the stickiness of blood platelets, which in turn reduces your risk of
stroke. Add fresh to your cooking or add a teaspoonful of young ginger juice in your beverages to enjoy the
anticoagulant properties.

Ginger has aphrodisiac effect: A natural aphrodisiac, ginger just might be a healthier, natural substitute to viagra!
Drink hot as a herbal tea (by mixing ginger juice, hot water and raw honey) after a not-too-heavy meal and see it

Ginger can fight off common cold: A ginger infusion is an effective way to relieve fever and flu symptoms or fight
off a cold. Cut or grate a small piece of mature ginger and infuse in hot water for 5 minutes. Add some green tea
leaves if you wish. Strain and drink when hot.

Relieves tingly and sanitize the throat: Drink ginger juice with raw honey three to four times a day for a bad throat
and tingly cough. It is soothing and helps clear up phlegm. If you have a dry cough, use the young ginger. If there is
phlegm, use the nature older ginger.

Combat cysts and mastitis: Ginger compress is a very effective way to naturally reduce and eliminate cysts and

Treats digestive disorders: Mix a teaspoonful each of young ginger juice, fresh lime juice and fresh mint juice with
honey to taste in a glass of water. Drink to relieve heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting. This is especially
helpful after a big meaty meal.

Relieves fatigue and invigorate: Ginger has warming and invigorating properties. It also relieves muscle pain and
soreness. Slice a piece of ginger into disks and boil it with a big glass of water. Add a piece of cinnamon bark, bring
to boil and then cover it for about half an hour till it turns to golden color. Drink it to relieve fatigue when recovering
from fever.

Relieves flatulence/wind: Pound a piece of fresh ginger and boil with a cup of water and add a little honey to taste.
Drink it twice a day to let off the wind trapped in the intestinal tract.

Headaches: Drinking lemon-ginger tea will help to relieve headaches as it encourages blood circulation and
supplying oxygen to the brain, reducing the pain. Adding ginger to your diet regularly will stop chronic headaches.

Impotency: Believe it or not! Mix a teaspoonful of young ginger juice to a half-boiled egg and a teaspoonful of
honey. Take this concoction on an empty stomach, every night for a month. It helps to counter impotency, premature
ejaculation and increase sperm count. (Not proven but worth trying!)

Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory (gingerols) and anti-oxidant properties in ginger help relieve various
inflammatory disorders like gout, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. It provides substantial relief in pain caused
by inflammation and help decrease swelling and morning stiffness.

Menstruation disorder: Pound a piece of young ginger and boil with a cup of water and add a little honey to taste.
Drink it hot two or three times a day for a month. The pain-relieving and anti-cramping compounds in ginger
effectively help relieve painful menstruation cramps (dysmenorrhoea). In the absence of menstruation in women in
the reproductive age (amenorrhoea), this concoction can also help induce menstruation.
Morning, sea and motion sickness: A teaspoonful of young ginger juice with some honey will help alleviate
morning sickness, sea or motion sickness, dizziness and even nausea caused by chemotherapy or anesthesia.

Pain killer: Ginger juice makes an excellent pain killer, even when applied externally. For headaches, apply the juice
to the forehead. For toothache, apply to the external area of the cheek or jaw area.

Stomach ulcer: Ginger juice added to your daily juice will gradually heal stomach ulcers. Avoid/limit consumption
of processed foods that aggravate the ulcers. Cabbage juice is also helpful to completely heal stomach ulcers in a very
short time.

Consumption Tips

Use a teaspoon to scrape off the ginger skin. When adding ginger in cooking, add at the beginning of cooking for a
milder taste, or near the end for a much more pungent taste.

Add a little (about 1 tsp) fresh ginger juice in your vegetable or fruit juices whenever possible. Start with a little and
gradually increase the amount according to your taste. Ginger is pungent but it gives your juice that “extra kick”.

Learn how to make:

 Lemon-ginger-honey tea for cold and cough

 Lemongrass and ginger detoxifying tea that is has anti-microbial effect, beneficial for individuals suffering from yeast

Important notes

 Warning! Do not give ginger juice to young children, or honey to infants!

 Fresh ginger juice is very potent as it contains high levels of active enzymes and substances. Only a teaspoonful is
needed to feel its efficacy in treating disorders.
 Ginger juice is spicy, so go slow with it if you are not used to its spiciness. Side effects can be flatulence and
uncontrollable burping. This doesn’t mean that the juice causes gas, but rather that the consumption causes the body
to release trapped gas in your intestinal tract.
 More does not mean better. Ginger does contain moderate amounts of oxalate. Individuals with a history of oxalate-
containing kidney stones should avoid over-consumption.


Why is ginger hot/spicy?

The hot, pungent, spicy taste and scent of ginger comes from essential oils and phenolic compounds such as gingerols
and shogaols in the rhizone. Gingerols act in a similar way to capsicum (responsible for the heat in chili peppers) in
the body, but to a far lesser extent – hence ginger is not hot like chili.

Where can I buy fresh ginger?

You can find ginger in the fresh fruits and veg section easily of most supermarkets and health food shops. Make sure
that is does not look dry and wrinkly (which means it is old). Look for rhizomes with the beginning of new shoots
growing – this means that the rhizome is healthy and growing – it will last far longer in the kitchen, and could even
be planted at home for cultivation.

How to store ginger

Store ginger in a cool dry place, out of direct sunlight. Try and consume while still fresh – it will shrivel and dry out
with time, but rarely go moldy unless stored in a damp place.

You can slice off chunks of ginger as required. The cut will deal and dry out within a few hours.

Use Lemongrass To Kill Bacterial, Fungal And Yeast Infections

Lemongrass is named such but has no connection with lemons except that it has a strong lemon-like aroma and taste.

It is a tropical herb that grows as a long, thin-bladed, green grass in a bush with scallion-like base, and used widely in
Asian cooking.

As with all grasses, lemongrass is very fibrous and cannot be eaten as it is. You can juice it using a masticating juicer,
or make tea of it. It has tremendous health benefits that are especially helpful when consumed during a juice fast/feast
or when on a detox program as it helps rebalance the intestinal flora.

Nutritional Benefits Of Lemongrass

Do not let this humble grass deceive you. It is packed with so much goodness that it can help improve so many
chronic conditions. Nutrient-wise, it is a good source of vitamins A and C, folate, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron,
potassium, phosphorus, calcium and manganese; with minute traces of the B vitamins

From the leaves and stems, citronella oil is obtained for making insect repellent, soap, perfumery and flavorings.

Learn how to make lemongrass-ginger tea here.

Health Benefits Of Lemongrass

Lemongrass has long been widely used in Asian countries for its medicinal properties and also in culinary.

What makes it so effective in many medical condition is that it has certain antiseptic compounds that effectively kill
the harmful microorganisms (bacteria, yeast, fungal, parasites, etc.) in the digestive tract, YET preserving the
beneficial bacteria.

For a healthy digestive tract, lemongrass is made into therapeutic tea that is drunk regularly to see its efficacy:

Anemia: Thanks to its high content in iron, which is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin (the protein in red
cells responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body) lemongrass is helpful for various types of anemia,
especially those resulting from iron deficiency.

Anti-cancer: A study was done to show that lemongrass contains citral, an anticancer property that could cause
cancer cells to die, yet preserves the healthy tissues. However, this does not mean that drinking lemongrass juice/tea
alone will heal your cancer; it helps.

Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic: Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, lemongrass juice can be
used as a valuable aid for treating arthritis, gout and inflammation of the urinary tract.

Bacterial or fungal infection: Thanks to its antiseptic properties, drinking lemongrass tea for a season helps to
eliminate the bad micro-organism, detoxify and purify the blood, keeping bacterial, fungal or yeast infections in
check. Read how to make lemongrass-ginger tea for this purpose.
Balsamic action: Due to its content in volatile oils, lemongrass has a beneficial, balsamic action on the respiratory
tract. So it can be used to relieve the symptoms associated with flu, cold and hay fever.

Detoxifying: The antioxidant, antiseptic and diuretic effect of lemongrass make it an important ingredient to be
included in the diet when detoxifying. It helps to cleanse and purify the liver, kidneys, bladder, pancreas and
increases blood circulation. The diuretic effect helps carry out the toxins from the process to be eliminated

Diabetes: The purifying and cleansing effect of lemongrass tea help to cleanse/detoxify the pancreas and improve its
functions, thus lowering blood sugar level in diabetics.

Digestive health: Lemongrass helps regulate intestinal function and motility due to its antimicrobial properties. It
helps to kill bad bacteria and parasites, repopulate the good bacteria in the colon, thus assisting to improve digestive-
related problems like: indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal bloating, flatulence, stomach spasms, vomiting
and cramps.

Gastritis or Heartburn: A warm glass of lemongrass tea can be very soothing when having gastritis or acid
indigestion. Drinking the tea therapeutically will gradually reduce the recurrence of both gastritis and heartburn.

High blood pressure: The high potassium content promotes diuresis, thereby helping to lower and regulate blood
pressure. Regularly drinking lemongrass tea is encouraged.

High cholesterol: Lemongrass has an anti-cholesterol and anti-atherosclerosis action. It helps reduce both the
absorption of cholesterol from the intestine, as well as the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol in the blood, thus preventing
one of the first steps in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Insomnia: Insomnia happens due to internal chemical imbalance or nervous disorders. The purifying activities and
calming effect of lemongrass help improve sleep.

Nervous system: Magnesium, phosphorous and folate are important nutrients needed for healthy functioning of the
nervous system. They help improve concentration, memory and the brain’s ability to process information.

Purifying action: Perhaps the most characteristic action of lemongrass is its purifying effect on the whole body,
since it helps eliminate toxins from the body by enhancing the cleansing of the colon.

Skin health: When blood is purified, circulation is improved, skin health will follow suit. Regularly drinking
lemongrass tea helps to improve acne problem, eczema and psoriasis.

Weight loss: Drinking lemongrass tea helps to melt fats in a detoxifying manner. The diuretic effect helps carry out
the wastes in high volume, effectively and quickly, resulting in weight loss.

Consumption Tips

Lemongrass is used widely in Asian cooking. It is usually crushed or pound to release its nice lemony aroma that
adds fragrant to foods. It can be used to prepare soups, broths, curries, sauces, tea, as well as cut into thin slices and
added to a variety of salads.

The leaves, stem and bulb of lemongrass can be used for their various health benefits. To benefit most from it, make
and drink lemongrass tea, as the essential oils and phytonutrients are leaked into the boiling water that is the tea.

Phytonutrients do not get destroyed by heat.

Cautionary Note

Lemongrass juice can be very potent to be taken on its own. Best to make tea out of it for easier consumption and for
maximum benefits. Do not consume, however, if you’re on any medication as it may interfere with the drugs you’re

3 Delicious Juice Recipes To Relieve Tendonitis And Soothe Inflammation

Dealing with joint pain, tendonitis, and arthritis-related pains can be debilitating. It can make it hard to walk around
and complete everyday activities. In most situations, the best way to begin treating joint pain is to take steps to reduce

Inflammation increases the pain that you experience related to joint issues and tendonitis. Even though inflammation
is a natural process, chronic inflammation can increase the intensity and duration of your pain. If you are looking for
a natural way to ease your pain, your best solution involves the use of fresh fruits and vegetables that have anti-
inflammatory properties.

3 Juice Recipes To Relieve Tendonitis And Soothe Inflammation

1. Golden Sun Juice

This anti-inflammatory juice should help anyone that is dealing with joint pain, tendonitis, or any type of pain related
to arthritis. It includes the right ingredients that contain strong anti-inflammatory properties, along with nutrients that
can help aid the digestive system and cleanse the liver, while reducing inflammation.

Remove the skin and core the pineapple, deseed the bell peppers and peel the lemon. Cut up all the ingredients and
put them through your juicer:

 ½ pineapple
 2 yellow bell peppers
 4 ribs of celery
 ½ lemon
 1-inch piece of ginger root

2. Inflammation-Soothing Juice

This recipe is very simple, with just four ingredients, yet it is incredibly delicious and beneficial for reducing
inflammation. Kale has high content of vitamin K that helps improve blood circulation and therefore, reducing
chronic inflammation in patients.

Put all these ingredients through the juicer:

 ½ pineapple
 10-12 big kale leaves
 1 cucumber
 ½ lemon

3. Strawberry-Apple Delight

Strawberries contain powerful antioxidants that may help reduce some of your inflammation, and the added lime will
super-boost the nutrients in this juice. Use the following ingredients to prepare this simple juice recipe:
 2 large Fuji/Gala apples
 3 cups of whole strawberries
 1 lime

Peel the lime before adding to your juicer. Wash the apples and strawberries. Strawberries leaves are nutritious and
may be included in the juice. This recipe is suitable to be made a smoothie too.

Tendonitis can be painful to deal with. While there may be several quality topical treatments for managing joint pain
and tendonitis, the best way is to get to the root of the problem that is to reduce inflammation. These juice recipes
have anti-inflammatory medicinal properties that are excellent for reducing your pain and helping you heal at a faster

Try to drink at least one to two servings of these healthy juices on a daily basis until your joint pain or tendonitis

4 Powerful Juice Recipes To Help Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally

By now, most people are aware of the fact that high blood pressure has been linked to an increased risk of heart
disease and other health complications. Stress, another common health concern, can increase your blood pressure.
Reducing blood pressure and stress can help prevent heart attacks, strokes, and other heart problems.

Use the following 4 juice recipes to start lowering your blood pressure, while relieving stress and improving your
overall health.

4 Powerful Juices To Lower High Blood Pressure

1. Beetroot-Carrot Booster

This juice recipe tastes great and is packed with nutrients that help lower your blood pressure. Beetroot is the first
thing that comes to mind when we talk about lowering blood pressure. It does a great job at that.

Onion contains oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) that attack free radicals. OPCs are quickly absorbed and have
been shown to help improve blood circulation and vein health. Caution, not many people can stomach onion juice, so
use less or omit if you cannot tolerate it.

To make this Booster juice, put all the following ingredients through your juicer and serve.

 2 large beetroots
 3 carrots
 1 cucumber
 1 medium-sized onion
 1 lemon

2. Go With Green

Green juices are oh-so good for lowering blood pressure. While they alkalize the blood, they are also cleansing and
hydrating. This combination is also great for helping to calm the nerves, and reduce stress levels.

Put all these ingredients through your juicer:

 8 ribs of celery
 3 heads of Romaine lettuce
 2 green apples
 A handful of cilantro leaves
 1 lemon

3. Flower Power

The Flower Power drink offers a large dose of anti-inflammatory properties. By reducing inflammatory, it also
reduces the risks of hypertension going out of control. Always use organic produce whenever possible.

Put the following ingredients through your juicer and serve chilled.

 ½ head of red cabbage

 1 bulb of fennel
 2 oranges
 2 bell peppers (red and/or yellow)
 1 lemon, peeled

4. Turmeric Sunrise

Turmeric and ginger roots have long been used as a remedy for treating high blood pressure.

Extracts from these roots are commonly used in pain relievers and other medications, including prescription
medications for treating hypertension.

Along with turmeric and ginger, you will benefit from the inclusion of the other root vegetables that help enhance the
juice nutrients and absorption:

 1 inch of fresh ginger root

 1 inch of fresh turmeric root
 4 large carrots
 1 medium-sized jicama
 1 lemon, peeled
Drinking juices is a good way to start improving your health, but there is more that you can do to lower blood
pressure and relieve stress. Along with ensuring you receive enough vitamins and minerals, you should try to include
regular exercise in your daily routine. This will get your blood moving and can go a long way towards lowering

If high blood pressure or stress are major factors in your life, then start taking steps to improve your health, beginning
with the daily consumption of freshly juiced drinks.

The Miracle Herb You Rarely Think About Juicing (And 3 Delicious Recipes)

Many people do not yet realize just how powerful this herb can be. Just two tablespoons of parsley juice contains
around 16 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C and over 12 percent of the RDA of vitamin A.
These go towards helping to strengthen your immune system, along with a wide range of health benefits.

This herb, which you can easily grow in your own garden, is beneficial for a wide variety of common illnesses and
health conditions. Parsley. Parsley is a unique plant that can help ease allergy symptoms and help heal skin tissue,
prevent inflammation, cleanse your kidneys, and prevent bladder infections.

Health Benefits Of Parsley

Here is a look at some of the most beneficial reasons for adding more parsley to your diet, along with 5 simple juice

Promote Healthy Skin And Strengthen Your Immune System

The high vitamin C content found in parsley helps with the synthesis of collagen, which is needed to maintain
healthy, glowing skin. Ensuring your body has enough collagen can also increase your ability to heal wounds and
keep your bones healthy.

Improve Respiratory Health and Fight Infection

The vitamin A in parsley helps increase the health of mucous membranes. This improves the health of your
respiratory system, urinary, and intestinal tracts. Receiving more of the A vitamin could be useful if you are dealing
with any issues related to those areas of your body. Additionally, your white blood cells depend on vitamin A to fight

Maintain Strong Bones and Improve Cardiovascular Health

Along with vitamins A and C, two tablespoons of parsley contains over 150 percent of the RDA of vitamin K. This
vitamin is essential for healthy bones and for the health of your nervous system. It also helps to prevent calcium
build-up in your tissue, lowering the risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.

Parsley Contains Powerful Antioxidants

Another benefit of parsley is the abundance of antioxidants that prevent free radical damage in the body and
reduce inflammation. These antioxidants are beneficial for preventing osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis pains.

Read the complete health benefits of parsley.

3 Delicious Recipes To Make Your Parsley Juice

Parsley can be used for more than just as garnish. Start using parsley in your juices or smoothies. To get you started,
here are 3 simple juice recipes that include parsley as one of their primary ingredients.

As a word of caution, pregnant and nursing women should not consume large amounts of parsley to prevent any
detoxication effect that parsley may cause.

1. Allergy-Reducing Green Juice

This first recipe includes a few additional ingredients, other than parsley, that help boost your immune system and
reduce the intensity of your allergy symptoms. Put all these ingredients through your juicer (best to use a masticating
juicer) or make a smoothie, adjusting the quantity to suit your taste:

 A big handful of parsley

 1 medium cucumber
 1 small bulb of fennel
 1 green apple
 2 kiwifruits
 1 lemon, peeled
 1 inch of fresh ginger root

2. Delicious Respiratory Health Drink

This recipe may soon be your favorite if you’re new to juicing and wanting to try adding more greens to your juices.
It is easy to prepare and includes a variety of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants.

 A big handful of parsley

 3 carrots
 1 green apple
 1 orange
 1 tomato

3. Spicy Parsley Juice For Kidney Health

This last juice recipe includes a mixture of green vegetables, offering an abundance of vitamins B, C and K, along
with many beneficial minerals that are beneficial for a healthy kidney. Put these ingredients through your juicer:

 A big handful of parsley

 8-10 ribs of celery
 2 green apples
 1 cucumber
 1 jalapeno (pungent, optional)
 1 lemon, peeled

Some people may find the taste of parsley to be bitter. Bitter taste on its own is beneficial, but if you can’t handle
bitter, the above recipes may make it more palatable. Adding fruits and carrots helps mask the taste.

Parsley is a highly beneficial herb and is easy to grow. You can grow them in small pots on your kitchen window sill.
Check the soil every couple of days, adding fresh water from your sink as needed.
Reduce Uric Acid Crystalization With This Juice To Stop Gout Attacks
in Green Juice Recipes, Juice By Ailments, Juice Recipes

Last updated on 17 SEP 2017






Gout is a form of acute arthritis that causes severe pain and swelling in the joints. Although it commonly affects the
big toe, it may also affect other parts of the limbs especially at joints, such as at the ankle, knee, wrist or elbow. With
some people, it may also affect the spine and cause a severe back pain.

Gout attacks may come on suddenly and goes away after a few days. But with each attack, the sufferer may suffer
debilitating pain, and it keeps recurring. If you are suffering from gout attacks, it may be useful for you to know that
it occurs when there are high levels of uric acid circulating in the blood and some get lodged in the tissues of the

Uric acid is formed when the body breaks down waste products from foods that contain purine. Purine is a colorless
crystalline compound that forms into uric acid when it is oxidized in an acidic body.

In a normal healthy person, the kidneys are able to filter uric acid from the blood and excrete it in the urine. However,
when there’s an overload of uric acid in the body, or the kidneys are not efficient enough at filtering, gout attacks are

Some of the foods high in purine content are generally foods high in protein, such as meat products, seafoods, beans
and grains. If you suffer from gout, eliminate these foods from your diet for a time and drink this juice recipe
regularly till you see an improvement, and continue some more.

Juice Recipe To Reduce Gout Attacks

All the ingredients in this juice recipe supports the kidneys, help prevent oxidation and formation of uric
acid crystallines. The green apple makes this juice taste delicious and is optional. The lemon and ginger root are
necessary to enhance the juice nutrients.


 1 cucumber
 8-10 ribs of celery
 1 green apple
 A squeeze of lemon juice
 1-inch fresh ginger root
Drink This Nutritious Liver Support Juice Weekly For A Healthy Liver
in Juice By Ailments, Juice Recipes

Last updated on 18 SEP 2018






Of all our detoxification organs, the first one that gets burdened is our colon, then our liver. When we eat processed
foods or foods laden in artificial chemicals (we can’t really escape them!), we are exposed to pollutants and toxins
that burden our liver.

When our liver becomes overloaded with toxins, it can no longer filter and process them efficiently. It is helpful to be
mindful of our liver when making food choices, by eliminating processed foods, fatty foods, flour and sugar products.
Eating the right foods may also help to “dislodge” the toxins and support healthy liver functions.

One of my favorite and easiest ways for maintaining the health of my liver is by drinking this very nutritious and
delicious juice regularly. If I’m asked to choose only one juice recipe for liver health, I choose this.

If you’re unaccustomed to drinking beetroot juice, start with only one beetroot a week, then gradually work your way
up till you’re comfortable drinking beetroot juice every other day. Beetroot is one of the best liver detoxifying juice
to keep your liver healthy.

Juice Recipe:

Makes one generous portion. Always use organic fruits and vegetables when possible.

 2 medium-sized beetroots
 1 cucumber
 1 grapefruit
 ½ lemon
 1-inch ginger root

4 Morning Juice Recipes To Boost Your Energy Through The Day

Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day. A filling breakfast will allow you to enjoy your day, prevent
midday food cravings, and provide you with the nutrition you need. Unfortunately, many people do not have time to
prepare a healthy breakfast.

If you are short on time, juicing provides a simple way to prepare a breakfast that contains all of the nutrition that you
require. The following morning juice recipes will give you a boost of energy that will keep you going throughout the
1. Homemade V8 Juice

V8 juice is a traditional health drink, but you do not need to spend a lot of money on store-bought V8 juice. To
receive the same nutrition, at a fraction of the cost, prepare your own V8 juice. Simply put the following ingredients
through your juicer:

 1 red bell pepper

 2 large carrots
 3 ribs of celery
 ½ cucumber
 2 handfuls of parsley
 A handful of spinach
 2 medium tomatoes
 A dash of cayenne pepper

2. All-Round Rich Juice

The following juice recipe makes a tasty treat. For a filling breakfast, simply juice these ingredients and serve chilled:

 2 large carrots
 2 green apples
 3 ribs of celery
 1 orange
 2 medium pears

3. Bloody-Red Juice

This bloody-red juice may sound intimidating, but it is a nutritious drink that is blood-building and provides a boost
to your energy level.

Put the following fruits and vegetables through your juicer for a healthy, delicious breakfast drink:

 ¼ head of a small red cabbage

 2 medium pears
 ½ of a lemon

4. Berry Healthy Breakfast

This berry healthy breakfast will not only provide you with energy, it will fill you up with high quality nutrients
and antioxidants.

The inclusion of strawberries and tomato will provide additional antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

To make your berry healthy breakfast drink, use these ingredients:

 2 cups of strawberries
 2 medium tomatoes
 4 carrots
 1 orange

These four juices are easy to prepare, providing you with energy and nutrition to make it through the day. Receive a
boost of energy and beneficial nutrients by creating your own healthy, filling and delicious breakfasts.
Foods To Eat And 3 Delicious Juice Recipes To Promote Weight Loss
in Healthy Eats, Juice Recipes, Lifestyle & Wellness, Weight Management

Last updated on 16 APR 2019





If you want to lose weight you need to take a look at the food that you are eating. The problem that many people run
into when trying to drop a few pounds is that they either focus on exercise or their diet—but not both at the same
time. By combining a balanced diet with moderate exercise, you should be able to lose weight.

So what should you eat? There are plenty of nutritious options available, but fresh juicer recipes provide you with
much-needed nutrients that aid weight loss. Drinking a beverage made from fresh fruits and vegetables could help
improve your digestion, boost your metabolism, and allow you to lose weight naturally.

Top 10 Foods For Weight Loss

The following foods are some of the most beneficial produce for promoting weight loss. When you look for juice
recipes, look for recipes that include some of these foods.

1. Avocado

Avocados are probably the best fruit for assisting with weight loss. It contains an abundance of fatty acids that can
help speed up your metabolism and boost your energy.

2. Lemon

Lemon contains riboflavin, vitamin B, and minerals that can help detox your body. When you cleanse your system,
you can naturally improve your digestive process and your metabolism. Try drinking a glass of lemon water at least
once per day to jump start your metabolism.

3. Watermelon

Watermelon has a high water content, making it a natural diuretic. It is also very low in calories and contains a large
supply of vitamin A, B, and C. The provided lycopene can help protect your heart and prevent cancer.

4. Bananas

Bananas should almost always be consumed raw. Cooking them can remove the nutrition they provide. They also
make a great snack for fighting sugar cravings. Eating one or two banana daily ensures that you are regular and help
kill cravings, aiding in weight loss.
5. Grapefruit

Grapefruit contains quite a few carbohydrates, but the high sugar content found in grapefruit could help improve your
digestive process. Try eating more grapefruit to deal with bloating, constipation, and other digestive distress. Learn
more of others health benefits of Grapefruit.

6. Oranges

Oranges are commonly thought of as a healthy fruit, which is entirely true. They are a great source of vitamin C,
calcium, and other essential vitamins and minerals. Oranges have a high water content and contain few calories.
Snack on an orange the next time you crave sugar.

7. Apples

Apples have a high water content and contain fiber, making them useful for improving digestion. You will find that
several of the recipes provided below include green or red apples.

8. Pomegranate

Whether you eat a fresh pomegranate, pomegranate seeds, or drink pomegranate juice, this rich fruit is a great source
for antioxidants and fiber.

9. Pineapple

Pineapple contains powerful antioxidants and enzymes that should help with your digestive process. It is also a low-
calorie fruit that contains no cholesterol or fat.

10. Berries

Just about any berry, including blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, and raspberries can act as a detoxifier and
bowel cleanser. Eating more berries should improve your digestion and help you drop some weight.

To make the process of finding juice recipes that include the foods listed above, here are the top 5 drinks that you
should consider drinking on a regular basis. Try to have at least one of these drinks each day.

1. Green Energy Booster

This first recipe includes dark, leafy greens, which are the best for melting away the fats. Simply put all of the
following ingredients through your juicer, and in your blender if you want to make a green smoothie.

 1 bunch of kale (or Swiss chard, Collard greens, or any greens of choice)
 1 bunch of spinach
 1 cucumber
 3 green apples
 1-inch of fresh ginger
 1 lemon

2. Burn Fats & Beet Cellulites

If you need a boost to your digestive system, try this next recipe. Grapefruit and beetroot both supports liver and help
burn fats and cellulites. To enhance the taste of grapefruit and beetroot, lemon is key in this recipe. Put all of these
ingredients through your juicer to make a healthy anti-cellulite juice:
 3 large beetroot
 ½ small pineapple (remove skin)
 1 cucumber
 1 large grapefruit (peeled)
 A handful of mint leaves
 1-inch fresh ginger
 1 lemon

3. Watermelon And Kiwifruit Slushie

Watermelon and kiwifruit are both fruits that are beneficial for promoting a healthy digestive system.

The inclusion of ginger root provides a boost to your immune system.

Here are the ingredients needed for this simple juice recipe, put them through your juicer, or blend in your blender:

 4-6 kiwifruits
 ½ small watermelon
 4 radishes
 1-inch fresh ginger root
 1 lime

These are just a few examples of healthy juice recipes that you can use to start losing weight. Search for other recipes
on this site, so that you can build a list of juice recipes and add more variety to your diet. This will ensure you
continue to receive the nutrition you require, as you replace meals with fresh juices.

3 Juices That Bust Inflammation, Break Up Mucus And Stop Sinus Congestion

When you get tired of dealing with sinus congestion or a stuffy nose, instead of relying on medications, consider
using natural remedies to cure your problem. Congestion is often caused by a combination of inflammation and a
buildup of mucus.

By drinking specific juices, you may be able to fight the inflammation and begin clearing your nasal passage of
mucus. Use these 5 juice recipes to deal with your stuffy nose or sinus congestion.

3 Juices To Reduce Stuffy Nose, Sinus Congestion

1. Super Sinus-Be-Gone Juice

This first juice recipe includes oranges, lemon, apples, and ginger to create a super sinus-be-gone juice. The ginger
helps fight inflammation and provides a boost to your immune system. It is a great source of antioxidants and vitamin

To make your super sinus-be-gone juice, simply put all the following ingredients through your juicer:

 1 large carrot
 2 oranges (peeled)
 ½ lemon (peeled)
 1 green apple
 1-inch fresh ginger root
 1 pinch of ground cayenne pepper

2. Sinus Soother

This recipe can also help reduce arthritis pain. The combination of pineapple, beetroots, and ginger root will provide
you with antioxidants that can fight inflammation, allowing your mucus to naturally drain. Here are the ingredients
needed for the sinus soother:

 ½ pineapple
 4 beetroots
 1 cucumber
 1-inch ginger root
 ½ lemon

3. Sinus-Free Green Juice

This sinus-free green juice contains a mixture of vegetables, and ginger root, for a powerful cocktail of antioxidants
and vitamin C to help clear your sinuses.

Use these ingredients to make two servings of the sinus-free juice:

 2 green apples
 6 ribs of celery
 1 small bulb of fennel
 1 cucumber
 A big handful of mint leaves
 1 inch of fresh ginger root
 ½ lemon

Sinus congestion is not always easily treated, but before you start looking into complicated treatments and other
natural remedies, try drinking one of these juices every day. These juices should help fight inflammation, boost your
immune system, and get your nasal cavities functioning properly again.

7 Reasons To Do A Kidney Cleanse And What To Juice And Eat For A Good Flush

The kidneys are major detoxification organs. They are needed for removing wastes from your body. They also help
balance body fluids and create urine, along with assisting with other bodily processes.

If you are serious about good health, then learn more about kidney cleanses.

Find out why you should perform a kidney cleanse, what juices to drink, what foods to avoid, and what foods can
help eliminate toxins and waste from your kidneys.

Before getting into the details of a kidney cleanse, it should be noted that some people may need to consult their
professional healthcare provider before starting a kidney cleanse. If you have any existing kidney problems or
medical conditions that require a special diet, then talk to your doctor first.

When starting the kidney cleanse, you may want to start slowly. Test the ingredients in your kidney flush by
replacing one meal at a time with a juice.
Why Should You Perform A Kidney Cleanse?

So why should you perform a kidney cleanse? There is a multitude of reasons to flush toxins and wastes from your
body. From reducing bloating to preventing kidney infections, a kidney detox is a simple way to promote better
health. Here are a few reasons for following a kidney cleanse for several days.

1. Reduce Bloating

As your kidneys become backed up with toxins and waste, you are more likely to experience bloating as their
function gets impaired.

2. Prevent Fatigue

When your kidneys are not in good shape you are more likely to experience fatigue. Your body will begin having
difficulty in processing certain foods, which may limit your ability to absorb nutrients and convert food into energy.

3. Prevent Kidney Infections

Waste and toxins in your kidneys could eventually lead to an infection. A good kidney flushing will help to remedy
this problem.

4. Correct Bladder Problems

As your kidneys become clogged with toxins and wastes, you may also notice bladder problems. You could
experience frequent or infrequent bladder problems.

5. Prevent Kidney Stones

While kidney stones are typically created due to a buildup of fats, cleansing your kidney can help cut down on your
chances of developing painful kidney stones.

6. Protect Your Skin

If your kidneys cannot properly filter out toxins from your system, you may experience skin breakouts such as rashes,
acne, and eczema.

7. Correct Hormonal Imbalances

Since your kidneys are part of your digestive process, when they are not functioning properly you are at a higher risk
of developing a hormonal imbalance.

How Can You Perform A Kidney Cleanse?

There are different ways to cleanse your kidney, and they typically last about five days. If you are interested in
performing a kidney cleanse, then consider using one of these two options:

 either perform a juice fast for five days

 or eat a raw fruit and vegetable diet on days 1 and 5 and fast on juices for days 2, 3 and 4 of the cleanse.

You can use a variety of different juices to flush your kidney. By choosing the right fruits and vegetables, they are
beneficial for detoxifying your kidneys. The following four juice recipes include an excellent combination of produce
that are known to help cleanse your kidneys.
Related reading: Complete detox according to this important detox sequence.

1. Radish Kidney Detox

 6-8 radish
 ½ head of purple cabbage
 8 ribs of celery
 1 lemon
 1-inch ginger root
 Use organic produce whenever possible. Wash them before using. Put all the ingredients through your juicer
and serve. This should make one portion which can act as a meal replacement during your kidney cleanse.
Multiply the quantity if you want to make more for a few meal replacements.
 2. Simple Carrot and Cucumber Juice

 8 carrots
 2 green apples
 1 large cucumber
 ½ lemon

This recipe makes one portion. Multiply the quantity to make more for later.

Wash the ingredients and put them through your juicer. This is a light juice, which may be more suitable for a midday
meal replacement, as opposed to a breakfast meal replacement.

3. Kidney Watermelon Flush

 ½ watermelon (or fresh coconut water)

 1 lime (peeled)

When juicing watermelon, always include the rind! It is one of the best things to break down any stone calcification
in the kidneys.

Cut the watermelon into chunks and juice/blend them with a lime (peeled). Lemon will help your body absorb the
nutrients 5x better!

Do not be afraid to drink watermelon juice in jumbo glasses if you can handle it as it cleanses the kidneys really

4. Cayenne and Citrus Kidney Cleanse

 1 lemon
 ½ a lime
 A dash of cayenne pepper
 16 ounces of water
 1 tablespoon of raw honey (or to taste)

You may want to start each day of your kidney cleanse with this drink. The combination of lemon, lime, and cayenne
pepper will help clear your detoxification organs. Juice the lemon and lime and then mix into 16-ounces of water with
raw honey to taste. Add a dash of cayenne pepper to taste.
What Food Should You Eat To Cleanse Your Kidney?

In addition to using the recipes provided above, there are certain foods that you may want to include in your diet to
help cleanse your kidney. The following items are known to help flush toxins and clear wastes from your kidneys and
digestive system. Try including more of these foods in your diet.

1. Celeriac

Celeriac is the root of celery that has a rather unattractive appearance but is an excellent food for kidney health.

It provides an abundance of nutrients that are beneficial for flushing your kidneys.

You can make a nutritious kidney-cleansing broth using celeriac.

2. Asparagus

The diuretic and alkaline properties of asparagus help prevent or dissolve kidney stones. It helps break up oxalic acid
crystals formed in the kidneys.

3. Watermelon

Watermelon is primarily comprised of water, making it a natural diuretic. Eat watermelon in addition of drinking the
juice. When juicing watermelon, don’t throw away the rind as the rind is very effective for breaking down kidney
stones, if any. Adding foods that boost your digestive system and aid the process of moving food through your system
is one of the key components of performing a kidney cleanse.

4. Lemon Juice

Almost every kidney cleanse juice that you find will contain lemon juice. Lemon juice is known to help prevent the
formation of kidney stones and can help break down toxins and waste in your kidneys. If you have the urge to
pee very frequently throughout the day and night, even when there’s only little pee, then adding lemon to your juices
and water will lessen the frequency of bathroom trips.

5. Herbs and Spices

No kidney cleanse would be complete without herbs and spices. Ginger and turmeric are a couple of the most
powerful spices. Both spices contain powerful antioxidants that can assist the function of your kidneys. Turmeric can
also reduce inflammation and prevent kidney infections. Other herbs and spices to consider include dandelion leaves
and nettle.

Cleansing your kidneys is a simple way to prevent bloating and other signs of kidney trouble. Consider using the
recipes provided above or look for other juice recipes that include some of the foods and spices listed.

4 Juice Recipes To Help You Fall Asleep In Under 15 Minutes

Are you having trouble getting to sleep? Whether you are suffering from insomnia or you are simply finding it
difficult to fall asleep, it is important to address the issue as soon as you can.

A lack of sleep can affect your cognitive function, dexterity, and mental focus. Over time, your distressed sleep
patterns could lead to other health issues, such as an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, and other problems.
If you need help falling asleep, you may want to look at the foods that you are eating. Drinking the following 4 juice
recipes regularly will help your body to relax and falling asleep in under 15 minutes becomes easy.

1. Green Sleep Juice

This first juice recipe includes watercress, celery and romaine lettuce to create a green juice that should help you get
to bed. The watercress contains calcium and magnesium. Celery and Romaine lettuce help calm your nerves and relax
your body. Put all the following ingredients through your juicer to create one serving:

 ½ a bunch of watercress
 8 ribs of celery
 4-5 heads of Romaine lettuce (or a bunch of spinach)
 2 green apples
 1 lemon (peeled)

2. Insomnia Buster

If you are having trouble sleeping, anemia could be a reason for your restless nights. Drinking this next juice will
help increase your hemoglobin levels, while calming your nerves and your mind.

Use the following ingredients and put them through your juicer:

 6-8 ribs of celery

 1 cucumber
 4 medium-sized beetroots
 ½ lemon
 1 inch of fresh ginger

3. Cherry Sleep Juice

Tart cherries may be able to help you get to sleep faster. They contain melatonin, which is a hormone that can help
you sleep and stay asleep.

Use these ingredients for a quick nighttime juice to help you get some sleep:

 2 cups of tart cherries

 2 oranges
 ½ a cup of coconut milk
 1 teaspoon of vanilla

4. Grapefruit Insomnia Elixir

Grapefruit is a great source of vitamin C, along with other minerals that can help relax your mind, nervous system,
and the rest of your body. Grapefruit helps dispel fatigue and is equally useful for insomnia remedy. Read for others
health benefits of grapefruit.

 1 large grapefruit
 2 green apples
 6 ribs of celery
 1 lime
It is perfectly normal to occasionally have trouble falling asleep, but if the problem persists, then you may begin to
notice the toll that it takes on your health. When you have trouble falling asleep, drink one of the juices in this list to
help you get some rest.

Along with drinking a juice before bedtime, there are other steps that you can use to improve your sleep. Avoid foods
that contain tyramine before bedtime. Tyramine stimulates the brain and can be found in cheese, bacon, eggplant, and

You may also want to avoid any stimulants in the evening, such as alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine. Another tip is to set
a bedtime and try to go to bed at the same time every night.

Among these juices and the other tips, you should be getting some much-needed rest in no time.

10 Ways To Relieve Arthritis Knee Pain Without Medication

Individuals who suffer from arthritis pain knows how joints and knee pains can sometimes be crippling. Knee pain
limit your movements and activities, so it can be tempting to head to the store and pick up a strong pain-killer, or to
get a prescription for chronic pain.

Medication is not always the answer. Almost every pill carries the risk of at least some side effects. While some of
these side effects may seem to be minor, they stay in your system for many years that may later turn cancerous. On
the other hand, natural remedies carry very little risks.

Use natural remedies to treat your knee pain, without medication, and see the relief you will get. Eating healthy and
drinking freshly-extracted juices will gradually and eventually help improve your condition far more than what
medication can do for you.

Relieve Arthritis Knee Pain Naturally

1. Make Yourself This Natural Pain-Relieving Juice

One of the best things you can do to relieve most pains is to drink freshly-extracted juice to act as a natural pain-
killer. Make yourself a glass of beetroot juice that has a special ability to help relieve the pain in your joints. The
recipe is pretty simple:

 3 large beetroots
 1 fennel, OR 4-6 ribs of celery
 ½ lemon (with peel)
 1-inch fresh ginger root
 A handful of mint or parsley leaves

It’s a wonderful, fresh tasting juice that will help you get through your workouts, your day, and just help ease your
daily discomfort.

Having done that, other simple changes could give you that extra mileage …

2. Pay Attention to Your Posture

Improving your posture is always a good way to prevent to knee pain. Making sure that you walk tall and avoid
slouching could help take pressure off of your knees. You may also want to avoid crossing your legs when sitting.
3. Schedule a Massage

If you have the time, schedule a massage. Depending on the nature of your aches and pain, your insurance may even
cover the costs.

4. Wear a Brace

If you need to spend time on your feet, then wear a brace to cut down on the pressure that you place on your knees.
Give your knees a break, by using a brace, which could also reduce swelling.

5. Choose the Right Shoes

The shoes that you wear can help or hinder your pain relief. Make sure that you choose the right shoes and always try
them on before making a purchase. You may also want to avoid wearing high heels or any other shoes that could
place extra stress on your knees.

6. Elevate Your Leg

When you are at home resting, you should keep your legs elevated. This will help reduce swelling. Lay down, when
you are home, and place your leg on a pile of pillows.

7. Apply a Cold Compress

Another way to reduce swelling is to apply a cold compress. Place a handful of ice cubes in a freezer bag and wrap it
in a hand towel. You could also use a bag of frozen peas. Apply the cold compress to your knees for a few minutes to
help reduce swelling and gain some pain relief.

8. Use An Extra Pillow At Night

When you go to bed at night, use an extra pillow and place it between your knees. Lay on your side and keep the
pillow in place. Not only will this help rest your knees, it will also help align your spine and prevent back pain. This
could also help with your posture, limiting the pressure on your knees.

9. Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods

If you suffer from arthritis or have had an injury, consuming foods with anti-inflammatory properties will reduce
inflammation, offering pain relief. Turmeric, cinnamon, and fish oil are a few of the greatest sources of anti-
inflammatory compounds. Make your own turmeric tea, and see how amazing it works on relieving pain.

10. Stay in Shape

Dropping a few pounds can help relieve pressure on your knees and even protect you from osteoarthritis. Look for
low impact exercises to start shedding some weight or to stay in shape. Anything that does not require a lot of
strenuous movement involving your legs, like swimming, should limit the strain on your knees.

4 Juice Recipes To Heal Acid Reflux, Stomach Ulcers, Kill Harmful Bacteria, Boost
Immune System

There are many juices that help to naturally relieve bloating, cramping, and most digestive disorders. You just need to
choose the right fruits and vegetables. The digestive process involves multiple organs and many processes. If any part
of this process is having difficulty, you can experience digestive problems.
By juicing certain produce, the right enzymes help to break down foods, nutrients, and provide relief. Try using these
4 juicing recipes to improve your digestive health:

4 Calming Juices To Heal Digestive Disorders

1. Improve Digestion, Relieve Constipation, Reduce Cramps

This juice combo helps the ladies deal with menstruation cramps. It is also excellent for recovery from minor muscle
injuries. Use celery and pineapple to make a tasty juice:

 4-6 ribs of celery

 ½ bulb of fennel
 ½ a small pineapple
 1-inch ginger root

This combination is high in anti-inflammatory properties, help reduce pains and calm the nerves. Also beneficial for
regularity and ease digestive disorders.

2. Heal Acid Reflux, Stomach Ulcers, Calm Digestive System

I have recommended this juice combo many times over as I see its effectiveness in healing acid reflux, peptic ulcers
and other digestive disorders.

Use organic produce for best results. Wash and cut up these ingredients and put them through your juicer.

 ½ head of a small cabbage

 4-6 ribs of celery
 3 large carrots
 ½ lemon with peel
 1-inch ginger root

Each of these vegetables have their unique medicinal properties that are beneficial for calming the digestive system.

For healing of peptic ulcers, use green cabbage over the red/purple one.

3. Detoxify Gut, Kill Harmful Bacteria, Boost Immune System

Wheatgrass is one of the best complete foods as it contains all the nutrients needed in one shot (3 ounces) that is very
potent and concentrated.

If you cannot consume wheatgrass juice alone, you may add it into your apple or carrot juice to make it more

 3 large carrots (or two green apples)

 2 ounces of wheatgrass juice
 A squeeze of lemon juice to enhance nutrients and taste

Wheatgrass juice is excellent for binding with toxins in the digestive tract and escorting them out of the system, and
at the same time, do cells repair and healing.

To build a healthy digestive system or strong immunity, consider drinking wheatgrass juice on a daily basis. You may
grow your own wheatgrass, buy frozen packs (not bottled ones) or use pure wheatgrass powder.
4. Relieves Gas And Bloating, Ease Water Retention

Feeling bloated or constipated? Watermelon and cantaloupe juice are rich in water content and are nutrient-dense.
Juice and drink each fruit alone or together.

Do not be afraid to drink them in jumbo glasses especially in cases of constipation.

There may be a temporary uneasiness after drinking the juice, but it’s working up the bulk for elimination and
relief will come.

 ½ a cantaloupe
 ½ a watermelon

This juice is great to reduce water retention and bloating that comes with eating too much sodium or the ladies’
monthly menstruation.

5 Juice Recipes With High Dose of Vitamin C For Preventing Cancer

As you probably know, vitamin C can provide a wide variety of benefits. Typically, oranges are the first food that
comes to mind, when thinking of vitamin C, but there are many other sources.

While you may already be aware that vitamin C can help improve your immune system and provide a boost to your
energy, there are other potential benefits of getting more of this vitamin in your diet. It turns out that high doses of
vitamin C may be able to help treat cancer.

Vitamin C Is An Antioxidant

For many years, it has been thought that the antioxidants found in vitamin C may prevent, or even delay, certain types
of damage to your cells. According to some recent research, instead of protecting important cells, the vitamin C could
help kill off cancerous cells—or at least impair the growth of the cancer.

After absorbing vitamin C, a portion of the vitamin called ascorbic acid, is oxidized and converted into a compound
referred to as dehydro-ascorbic acid (DHA). Once your body receives this DHA, cancerous cells try to convert the
DHA back into ascorbic acid. The cancer cells are unable to do this, so they eventually die out.

Bioflavonoids Promote Healthy Cells

While vitamin C may not directly protect your cells, bioflavonoids are cofactors that are necessary to promote healthy
cells. Bioflavonoids, which are also sometimes called vitamin P, are a type of antioxidant found in many of the same
foods that contain vitamin C. This is the beauty of how Nature package fruits and vegetables with nutrients that work
together synergistically.

Studies show that bioflavonoids can support the formation of healthy cells, while suppressing the growth of unhealthy
cells—including cancerous cells.

Which Foods Contain Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids?

Generally, fruits and vegetables provide the best way of getting more vitamin C and bioflavonoids. This is just a short
list of such foods that you can include in your diet:

 Red bell peppers

 Strawberries and all berries/currants
 Pomegranates
 Guava
 Kiwifruit
 Grapes
 Mangoes
 Papayas
 Tomatoes
 Dark green vegetables
 Broccoli
 Brussels sprouts
 Garlic
 Spinach

Along with all of the produce listed, most citrus fruits contain healthy doses of vitamin C and bioflavonoids. This
includes oranges, lemons, limes, and even peaches.

Five Juice Recipes High In Antioxidants

Are you looking for a way to add more of these foods to your diet? Try juicing. Using fresh fruits and vegetables to
make your own juice is one of the easiest ways to give your body more vitamins and minerals. Also, eating raw
produce ensures you do not miss out on any of the nutrients.

Here are five juice recipes that you can use to include some of the foods mentioned. You may also use a blender to
make smoothies with these recipes.

1. Broccoli and Spinach Juice/Smoothie

 ½ a head of broccoli
 A handful of spinach
 1 cucumber
 2 cups of green grapes
 ½ lemon
 1-inch fresh ginger root (optional)

2. Citrus Juice

 1 grapefruit
 2 oranges
 1 lime

3. Strawberry and Papaya Smoothie

 10-12 strawberries
 ½ papaya
 1 cup of kefir

4. Green Juice

 6-8 large kale leaves

 4-6 ribs of celery
 1 cucumber
 2 green apples
 ½ lemon
5. Bell Pepper Juice

 2-3 red/yellow bell peppers (remove seeds)

 2 large carrots
 2 oranges
 ½ lemon
 1-inch fresh ginger root

For all of these recipes, simply put all of the ingredients through your juicer. When adding oranges, you should peel
the fruit first. You can leave the lemon peel on if you’re using organic.

Try each of these recipes. Having a variety of produce will help ensure you receive more vitamins and minerals.

While more research is needed to fully verify whether vitamin C and bioflavonoids can help kill cancer, the signs are
promising; though, there are plenty of additional advantages to adding these nutrients to your diet, so get your juicer

These 4 Energy Booster Juices Are Better Than Any Energy Drinks On The Market

Skip the energy drinks and prepare your own energy booster juices in the morning. Energy drinks have been shown to
potentially cause a variety of health problems. They unnaturally increase your heart rate and can lead to an energy
crash in the afternoon.

Whether or not you have tried juicing before, you should definitely think about trying some of these energy boosters.
The following four juices are the perfect way to start your day—offering you the nutrition and energy you need to
make it through your morning.

4 Energy Booster Juices

1. Pineapple Juice Boost

Pineapple contains bromelain that is anti-inflammatory, gives you better mileage by toning down inflammation. For
making your own pineapple juice boost, put all of the following ingredients through your juicer:

 ½ small pineapple
 1 grapefruit
 ½ lemon
 1-inch of fresh ginger

2. Coconut and Kale Juice

Coconut and kale juice is another great energy booster. Kale alone will provide you with the nutrition your body
needs in the morning.

The addition of the other ingredients, including apples, coconut water, and ginger round complete this drink. Simply
put all of these ingredients through your juicer:

 6-8 leaves of kale

 2 apples
 4 ounces of coconut water
 1 inch of fresh ginger

3. Beet and Ginger Juice

Beetroots are a super food, full of vitamins and minerals, along with enough calories to keep you going through the

The addition of lemon and ginger will help remove some of the “dirt” taste of beetroot. Use these ingredients, put
them through your juicer, and serve with ice:

 1 large beetroot
 1 green apple
 1 cucumber
 ½ lemon
 1-inch fresh ginger

4. Green Energy Juice

This energy juice is one of the most powerful. The combination of cucumber, kale, ginger, and dark vegetables will
give you the energy boost you need to make it through the day.

Put all of the following ingredients through your juicer:

 8 stalks of celery
 1 large cucumber
 6 kale leaves
 A handful of parsley or cilantro
 ½ lemon
 1-inch fresh ginger

Make any of these juice recipes for your morning energy boost. If you do not have a juicer, you could use a blender,
but you may have to do some extra peeling. You may have noticed that most of these recipes include fresh ginger.
You can adjust the amount of ginger that you want to include to taste.

All four of these juice recipes provide the nutrition you will need to start your day right.

This Cruciferous Vegetable Detoxifies The Liver And Soothes Inflammation

Cabbage is a high fiber, low calorie vegetable that can help you to realize excellent health. The secret properties of
cabbage have long been known for centuries by certain cultures. There is research that has been done that confirms
cabbage as among the super foods.

Cabbage is an excellent anti-inflammatory food that is also beneficial for your bone and colon health. There are
several proven health benefits to using raw natural cabbage in your daily diet and as a natural remedy for peptic ulcer
and various digestive disorders.

Healing Benefits Of Cabbage

There are 5 key benefits to using cabbage. Always use only organic.

 As detox for stomach and colon: Using fresh raw cabbage juice has been shown to detoxify the stomach and the
colon. It is helpful for reducing diarrhea and relieving inflammation of the intestine. Drink a couple of glasses of
cabbage juice throughout the day to realize all the benefits it has to offer. This miracle juice has been proven over and
over, for its peptic ulcers healing power. The green cabbage is best for this purpose.
 Blood-building: For individuals who suffer from anemia, it is highly recommended to drink one or two glasses of raw
cabbage juice every day. Cabbage is rich in chlorophyll and blood-building properties which are beneficial to improve
blood quality in an anemic body.

 Wound healing: Cabbage is not just for your insides! It has been used as an anti-inflammatory on a swollen cuticle or
glands, or even on engorged breasts after weaning off breast-feeding, by laying a cabbage leaf on the swelling
overnight. Use it to relieve sore spots, wounds and even blisters. Just wash the leaves that you are going to use and
roll them flat using a rolling pin or a glass bottle. Heat them lightly in a pot with water until they are just warm. Place
the leaf on the wound and let sit for about 2 hours, then repeat the process with a new leaf. Keep doing this till you
see the wound heal.

 Heal peptic ulcer: This juice recipe (in image above) has been proven many times over, of its effectiveness in healing
peptic ulcer. Go to this page to learn more about how to make it.

 Liver detox: Cabbage is excellent when it comes to liver cleansing. Drink cabbage juice to overcome hangovers!
The anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce the effects of dehydration and headache from liver intoxication.

 Weight loss: The detoxifying and diuretic effect of this cruciferous vegetable is also great in improving regularity that
gradually help in weight loss in a safe and healthy way.

Consumption Tips

The best way to gain the most benefits from cabbage is in its juice form, but you can steam or eat it raw in a salad.
Whichever way you enjoy it the most.

There are three types of cabbage (red/purple, green and Savoy) and you should be consuming them all.

Savoy cabbage is the best that you want to consume to help you ward off cancer. Savoy cabbage is an excellent
source of sinigrin which is one of the glucosinolates that has received special attention from cancer researchers as
having preventive properties against cancers of the bladder, colon and prostate.

Cabbage is a miracle food that should be a part of anyone’s diet who wants to enjoy good health.

Rose Apple Juice Detoxifies The Liver, Stops Diabetes, Prevents Breast And Prostate

The health benefits of rose apple juice are simply amazing! Nature is just amazing in what it offers us. While
scientist study and research ways to beat cancer, the answer is always going to be prevention and it will always come
from Nature!

Every once in a while a “discovery” in Nature can show us the way to a healthier lifestyle. Of course the rose apple
has been around for centuries and has been used by indigenous peoples to treat a full range of ailments. It is just that
western world “discovers” something that has always been right there for the picking.

Don’t Let the Name Fool You

Rose apple has nothing to do with roses. It is a fruit that originated in Southeast Asia but is grown in many sub tropic
climates. It was considered an invasive species because it would easily propagate and muscle out the local flora. It
grows wild in many regions.
The fruit looks a lot like guava but it has only very few seeds, unlike the guava. It tastes and smells differently as
well. Rose apples have been described as having the juiciness of watermelons and rightfully so, as it is about 96%
water. It is not calorie-dense either.

Other names that this fruit goes by includes: Malabar plum and Jambosier. While it is considered a shrub
technically, it can easily grow to over 40 feet in height.

The fruits can be a full range of colors, ranging from yellow, green to a deep red, depending on the species of the
plant. There is no indication that one type of species is better than the other. They all offer the same healing

Rose apples do not ship well and in the USA would likely only survive in south Florida and Southern California
as they are temperamental plants that do not hold up well even under the lightest frost.

Rose Apple Juice

As the health benefits of rose apple juice is becoming better documented in modern medical texts, the juice is
becoming more available.

To enjoy the health benefits of rose apple juice, look out at your local health food store or the Asian groceries. Juice
them as how you would juice apples.

It tastes good on its own, or with a squeeze of lime juice!

Rose Apple Juice Reduces Risks Of Cancer

The health benefits of rose apple juice are numerous. If your goal is to live a lifestyle that incorporates natural
preventive foods, this juice should be on your radar.

The health benefits of rose apple juice is well documented and can include:

 Detoxifying the liver

 Improving digestion
 Preventing certain types of cancers
 Battling diabetes
 Boosting the immune system
 Reducing oxidation of bad cholesterol
 Reducing fungal and bacterial infections
 Reducing fevers
 Reducing epileptic seizures

The active organic compounds found in rose apples including vitamins A and C have been documented in medical
text and recent researches to be an effective agent to prevent both breast cancer and prostate cancer in people that
have incorporated this fruit juice into their diet.

It is a natural anti-fungicide and anti-bacterial which means that it can help to reduce fevers associated with
infections. The organic compounds can help to regulate blood sugars to help with diabetes. This is a really
impressive fruit that offers really refreshing juice.
How To Do Target Juicing To Achieve Your Specific Health Goals Faster

You may not see your organs working every day, as a matter of fact you very likely take them for granted until you
start having issues. Then all of a sudden your organs and their health becomes very important. Learn how to do target
juicing for speedy healing and achieve your specific health goals faster.

Prevention is always better than worrying about a cure. You can easily prevent many problems with your organs by
making sure that you are doing everything you can to keep your organs in top condition.

When you start to have issues with one organ it is never an isolated problem. It affects your entire body. The fact of
the matter is, taking care of your organs is a lot easier than you would think.

Target Juicing For Speedy Healing Is The Answer

Getting the right balance of nutrients can be difficult with regular meal plans but juicing is pure nutrition and by
using a balance of the “right” fruits and veggies you can easily beat some of the most debilitating organ diseases.

Juicing allows you to get high-density nutrition out of a drink, that is difficult to get any other way.

To get the most out of juicing you want to be consistent. In other words you cannot juice for just one day and then go
back to your old ways. Juicing is a lifestyle, and it works!

Use organic ingredients whenever you can, and always wash your fruits and veggies well before you use them.

The Fruits And Vegetables

Knowing which fruits and vegetables have the right nutrients will help you target your health issues and ensure you
reach your juicing goals faster. Just about all fruits and vegetables are good for you but there some fruits and
vegetables that are preferred for specific health issues.

No matter what your juicing goal is there are fruits and vegetables that can help you to easily reach your goals.

We will list the fruits here and notate which is the largest benefit that they offer.

 Apple reduces hunger pangs and helpful for intestinal health.

 Citrus fruits: Oranges, lemons, grapefruits are all very high in antioxidant vitamin C that super boost your immune
system. They also have toxin-fighting properties.
 Beetroot contains phytonutrients that have proven cancer-fighting ability. Beetroot juice can help to lower blood
pressure and fight inflammation in your organs. It is an awesome addition for liver support.
 Carrot offers one of the highest concentrations of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a form of Vitamin A that is
necessary for vision, hair and skin health.
 Parsley is great in green juices, it is chock full of chlorophyll which is immune-boosting. It is a cancer fighting food,
detoxifies heavy metal poisoning and helps with digestion.
 Fresh ginger root added into your juice is good for your digestive health. It also keeps down nausea and keeps you
 Celery is densed with silicon, a nutrient that provides the strength in your bones. Celery is also great for detoxifying,
lowering blood pressure, and keeping your digestive health in good shape.
 Avocados are rich in healthy fats. They are great to use as part of a weight loss regimen because they are filling and
will keep your stomach feeling full for many hours. The rich healthy fat also helps promote weight loss by increasing
your metabolism.
 Tomato is high in lycopene. Lycopene is a well-known antioxidant fighting nutrient. It can help to ward off cancer and
keep your organs functioning at top performance.

Go here for more juices for almost every common ailments.


Juicing does not have to be boring. There are so many great fruits and vegetables that you can choose from to meet
your juicing goals. Experiment with different combinations to find the juice that you love. Freshly-extracted juices
are so nutritious and will help you achieve your health goals faster.

Lose weight, fight off cancer and keep your organs healthy!

5 Smoothie Recipes To Keep You Full Till Lunch And Help You Lose Weight

Many people assume that making a smoothie is the easiest way to start watching what you eat. You can simply whip
together a smoothie in the morning and call it good. Unfortunately, many smoothie recipes will leave you craving
more food before lunchtime arrives.

When you start craving food before lunch, you are more likely to make unwise food decisions. You may end up
grabbing a snack from the vending machine or eating a large lunch full of unhealthy sugar. To cut down on the
chances of this occurring, you need filling smoothie recipes.

Use the following five healthy smoothie recipes to keep you full until lunch and help you lose weight.

1. Nutty Cashew Smoothie

This first smoothie recipe contains cashew nuts that will add healthy fats to your diet. Cashews prevent blood sugar
spikes and improve your balance of unsaturated and saturated fats.


 ¼ cup of cashews
 1 cup of almond or coconut milk
 2 tablespoons of wheat germ
 1 tablespoon of raw honey
 1 medium banana (frozen)
 3 ice cubes

Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until the nutty cashew smoothie is smooth.

2. Protein Power Breakfast

If ensuring you get enough protein is vital to your meal plans, this smoothie will provide you with a good dose of


 1 banana or a small papaya

 1 cup of kefir
 ½ cup of coconut water (or just filtered water)
 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
 2 tablespoons of nuts (your choice of walnuts, pecans, cashews, etc.)

Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until desired smooth texture.

3. Green Day Starter

This recipe includes various green produce for a great meal to start your day. The inclusion of hemp seeds will
provide some protein. If you cannot find hemp seeds, you can also use an equal amount of yogurt.


 1 medium pear
 1 green apple
 1 small cucumber
 Juice from half a lemon
 3 tablespoons of raw hemp seeds
 20 sprigs of fresh parsley
 1 cup of kefir

You may peel the skin off pear, cucumber and apple if you wish. I usually leave them on especially when they’re
organic. Cut them up and remove seeds. Combine with all the other ingredients in your blender and blend until

4. Raspberry Fiber Blast

When you need more fiber to improve digestion, try this raspberry fiber blast. This single smoothie will provide you
with your entire daily-recommended dose of fiber.


 1½ cups of frozen raspberries (or other desired berries)

 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
 1 cup of kefir
 ½ cup of water
 1 tablespoon of raw honey

First, add the chia seeds into the half cup of water. This should form a gel after about five minutes. Then combine all
the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

5. Green Protein Smoothie

The final smoothie in this list, the green protein smoothie, provides everything you need to tide you over until lunch,
including protein, fiber, and healthy fats.


 2 cups of spinach
 1 avocado (peeled and pitted)
 ½ a medium cucumber (remove seeds)
 1 lime (peeled)
 1 cup of kefir, almond milk or coconut milk
 ½ cup of water

Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

If you want to have a smoothie in the morning, but find that most of your smoothie recipes leave you wanting more—
try any of these five healthy smoothie recipes. They will hold you over until lunch, while providing you with an
abundance of beneficial vitamins and minerals.
How To Use Beetroot Juice To Detox Your Liver, Break Down Gallstones And Stop
Allergies In 4 Weeks!

The goal of detoxification or cleansing your liver is to get rid of toxins that build up over time. These toxins are
thought to be created by the consumption of unhealthy, processed foods. Use these 5 beetroot juices for liver detox
and improve your immune system.

Along with providing a boost to your immune system and remedy for digestive disorders, cleansing your liver may
even help prevent fatty liver, gall stones, lower your cholesterol, and provide relief from allergies. Some people have
reported that by detoxifying their liver, it also helps to regulate blood sugar levels, prevent fatigue, and reduce minor
aches and pain.

Most liver cleanses are performed by only drinking juices for several days. By choosing a variety of juice drinks, you
can ensure you receive an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals.

Use these liver cleansing juice recipes to detoxify and cleanse your system. Try to choose a few different recipes,
instead of drinking the same drink over and over.

Before you start, read more about the health benefits and some safety measures about beetroot here. If you’re in any
way constipated (not having at least one bowel movement a day), then it is best that you do a complete
gastrointestinal cleanse before you start liver cleansing. After a gastrointestinal cleanse, you will be able to eliminate
toxins much better, and prevent uneliminated toxins from being reabsorbed into your liver.

5 Beetroot Juices For Liver Detox

1. Beetroot Liver Cleanse

This first juice drink combines beetroot with other liver cleansing fruits and vegetables. Combine all of the following
ingredients in a juicer:

 1 large beetroot
 1 green apple
 3 carrots
 4 ribs of celery
 ½ lemon with peel

2. Citrus-Beetroot Drink

Citrus fruits are commonly included in juice cleanse recipes for their high bioflavonoids content that really enhance
the nutrient contents of any juices. For this citrus-beetroot drink, put all of these ingredients through your juicer:

 1 large beetroot
 1 grapefruit
 1 orange
 1 lemon (or 2 limes)
 1-inch ginger root

3. Spicy Red Beet Drink

This spicy red beetroot drink is a little pungent and may not be suitable for everybody but it is so high in
antioxidants. To make this drink, you will need:

 2 large beetroots
 2 or 3 red or yellow bell pepper
 1 jalapeno pepper
 1 lime

4. Purple Ginger Root and Beet Drink

A purple beetroot drink will make a good mid-day meal. Gather the following ingredients and process using your

 1 large beetroot
 ¼ head of red cabbage
 1 cucumber
 4 ribs of celery stalk
 1 lemon
 1 inch of fresh ginger root

5. Root Liver Cleanse Drink

This final recipe contains several root plants, including ginger and turmeric. Turmeric is a spice that is commonly
used in Indian cuisine and is known for containing a wide range of beneficial nutrients. For a root liver cleanse drink,
combine all of these ingredients in your juicer:

 1 large beetroot
 1 jicama
 3 carrots
 1 inch of fresh turmeric root
 1 inch of fresh ginger root

Liver Cleanse For Four Weeks

Before starting a cleanse, make sure that you take precautions. It is important to ensure that you continue to receive
proper nutrition. If you feel fatigued, while performing a liver cleanse, you should stop the process and resume eating
your normal diet. This also applies to any other side effects, such as dizziness, nausea, or headaches.

Cleansing your liver may take several weeks. Use the recipes above, one at a time, 2-3 glasses a day for at least three
days out of a week (whether consecutive or alternate days). The recipes given are for one portion. Multiply the
quantity accordingly to make enough for 2-3 days. Take a break and do the same with another recipe the following
weeks for four or five consecutive weeks. Repeat every 3-6 months to keep your liver in tip-top condition.

You may eat as normal, but carefully cutting out foods that burden your liver. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables in
your diet during your liver cleanse, and drink plenty of water to help flush out the toxins.

Once you’ve done this for at least four weeks, you will see a big improvement in your overall energy and alertness. If
you have high blood pressure, that should come down. You may also find other ailments, joint pains and bodily ache

Easy-To-Make Drink That Is Rich In Omega-3s, Fiber And Protein

When you think of chia seeds, you probably picture the novelty gift that allows you to grow chia out of a terra cotta
container designed to represent an animal or famous cartoon character. Many people are not aware that chia seeds are
actually a beneficial food and not just part of a novelty gift.
Chia seeds contain a variety of vitamins and minerals which make them the perfect addition for anyone looking for
additional nutrition. They contain natural sugars, protein, and are a great source for various nutrients.

Chia seeds taste bland so not everyone may enjoy the taste. To get a nutritious and delicious serving of chia seeds, try
this easy-to-make chia seeds juice.

Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds

As mentioned, chia seeds are rich with beneficial ingredients, including omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. They are also a
good source of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper, iron, and zinc. Along with these nutrients, chia
seeds will also provide you with a large dose of antioxidants and protein.

Use the following chia seeds recipe and serve as a snack or as a meal replacement. With a good ratio of protein to
carbs, you could also drink this juice for your post-workout snack, to help with muscle recovery.

Chia Seeds Drink Ingredients

This simple recipe only requires a few ingredients, including a juice of your choice. You could use just about any
juice, freshly extracted from your juicer. This could include fresh lime or lemon, for a boost of antioxidants, or fresh
vegetables, to make a green drink. Here is the complete list of ingredients:

 1 cup of juice (your choice)

 3 tablespoons of chia seeds
 1 cup of water

Chia Seeds Drink Directions

To start making your chia seed drink, warm up the cup of water. Heat the water in a small pot over the stove top. Pour
the slightly warmed water (not boiling) into a cup and add the three tablespoons of chia seeds.

Begin stirring the chia seeds into the water. As you stir, the seeds will begin to swell. Cover the cup and place in your
fridge. Leave the cup in the fridge overnight.

The next morning, the chia seeds and water mixture should be a thick gel. In a blender, mix the chia seed gel with the
one cup of juice that you chose. Mix until the combination is smooth and then serve. This should make about 18
ounces of juice—or two servings.

Serve this drink as soon as you have mixed the ingredients. The gelatinous consistency of the drink will lose its
thickness as the ingredients settle. The fiber in this drink works like a “broom” to clean out the digestive tract and it
works really awesome.

When you are looking for a healthy snack, post-workout meal, or light meal replacement, this easy to make chia
seeds recipe is just what you need. It is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein – making it a great option
for anyone, regardless of your dietary needs.

4 Antioxidant-Rich Juices That Instantly Boost Your Mental Wellbeing And Clarity

The food that you eat can play a major part in your overall health. This includes not just your physical health, but
your mental wellbeing. If you, or someone you know, suffer from depression, then instead of relying on prescription
medications with known side effects, try any of these high-antioxidant juices for mental health to relieve the
A recent study conducted by researchers at the Otago Department of Human Nutrition looked at the link between
food consumption and emotions. Participants in the study were required to keep track of the food that they ate in the
evening and then how they felt the next morning.

Researchers found that on the days that people ate more fruits and vegetables, the participants felt calmer, happier,
and more energized than when they ate breads, starches, and processed foods.

The team of researchers also mentioned that people suffering from depression often show high levels of
homocysteine. This is a non-protein amino acid that can prevent people from overcoming their depression.
Consuming foods rich in folate and high in antioxidants may help lower homocysteine levels, increasing the ability to
deal with depression.

Use any of the following juice recipes to combat depression by adding more folate to your high antioxidant diet with
no negative side effects.

5 High Antioxidant Juices For Mental Health

1. Green Apple Juice

Green apples have enzymes that are beneficial for the digestive tract. Keeping a healthy gut will help to reduce brain
fog and symptoms of depression. This juice combines the benefits of apples with the antioxidants found in kale and

Gather the following ingredients, to make your own green apple juice:

 4 medium granny smith apples

 4-6 ribs of celery
 10-12 big kale leaves
 A bunch of spinach
 1 lemon

Peel the lemon and then put all the ingredients through your juicer. After juicing the ingredients, give the drink a
good stir and then serve chilled.

2. Spinach and Cucumber Juice Drink

Spinach is a great source of folate, magnesium, as well as other important vitamins and minerals for mental health.
To make your own spinach and cucumber juice drink, use these ingredients:

 A bunch of spinach
 2 green apples
 1 cucumber
 1 lime with peel

Combine all the ingredients and put them through your juicer.

3. Pomegranate And Orange Juice

Pomegranate is packed with antioxidants, the focus of this juice drink. Bioflavonoids from the citrus fruits added in
this juice will super boost the power of the already high antioxidants content, making the juice awesome!

 2 ripe pomegranates
 1 green apple
 2 oranges
 1 lime with peel

Combine all of these ingredients and put them through your juicer. Juice and serve immediately.

4. Red Cabbage Juice

This juice combination has all the key ingredients that are powerful for healing of the digestive tract. A weak
digestive tract prevents healing of depression symptoms. Our gut is also known as our “second brain”, therefore,
keeping our gut in tip-top condition will definitely help improve mood and brain functions.

 2 green apples
 4 carrots
 ¼ head of red cabbage
 1 inch of fresh ginger root
 1 lemon

Juice these and serve. Expect to see results!

Beetroot Juice Recipe To Improve Blood Pressure And Cardiovascular Health

Beetroots are a very nutritious root vegetable, and they happen to taste great. They include a large amount of useful
vitamins and minerals and are a natural source of carbs for fueling energy in the human body.

With the abundance of nutrients and various ways of using it, there is no reason not to include beetroot in your
regular diet.

Use a beetroot juice recipe to improve your blood pressure and cardiovascular health, and discover some of the other
benefits of consuming this super food.

How Beetroot Juice Improves Blood Pressure

Statistics of High Blood Pressure In The USA

The CDC website states that about 75 million American adults (32%) have high blood pressure—that’s one in every
three adults! In 2014, high blood pressure contributed to more than 1,100 deaths in the USA, every day—410,000
deaths a year!

Don’t be a part of the statistics. High blood pressure can be managed/controlled by eating better and drinking a glass
of beetroot juice every day. Going the natural way gives you a chance to get better.

Taking a hypertension medication on the other hand, only suppresses your symptoms with no guarantee that you will
ever get better. Taking a pill to control your blood pressure can only cause side effects that will surface in your
health, later in life.

High Blood Pressure And Your Heart

When you have untreated high blood pressure, it can quietly damage your body before any symptom develops. With
long-term uncontrolled hypertension, your blood pressure increases the blood flow through your arteries, resulting in
hardened, damaged and narrowed arteries.
Over time, the constant high pressure through these damaged arteries can cause potential rupture that can lead to life-
threatening internal bleeding (called aneurysm).

One Glass Of Beetroot Juice A Day

A study shows that one glass of beetroot juice a day is beneficial in reducing blood pressure in people with high
blood pressure (hypertension).

The study in question noted that three hours after drinking 17 ounces of beetroot juice, volunteers showed a decrease
in blood pressure that lasted up to 24 hours after drinking the juice!

The researchers found that “inorganic nitrate and beetroot juice supplementation was associated with a significant
reduction in systolic blood pressure”.

Raw beetroot contains high levels of nitrate (NO3), that the body uses when needed, to convert into biologically
active nitrite (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO).

Nitric oxide is a key molecule that our body produces to help all our 100 trillion cells communicate with each other
by transmitting signals throughout the entire body. It penetrates the underlying muscles and acts as a potent
vasodilator that relaxes the arteries. Therefore, nitric oxide plays a critical role in blood pressure and overall blood
circulation. In the process, it is also helpful for curbing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Beetroot Juice Boosts Stamina And Athletic Endurance

Studies show that the nitrates in beetroot juice leads to a reduction in oxygen uptake, making exercise less tiring. This
was not achieved by any other known means, including training.

Nitrates, being the active ingredient in beetroots, are converted into nitric oxide during exercise. The benefits are
most commonly experienced during aerobic exercise, when breathing is increased to draw more oxygen into the

In addition to increasing blood circulation and improving muscle contraction and relaxation, beetroot juice
supplementation is suspected to have improved the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration that provides the boost of
energy, thus sustained stamina.

Beetroot Contains An Abundance Of Nutrients

Beetroot has a large variety of vitamins and minerals. Eating beetroot provides you with vitamins A and C, the B
vitamins along with folate, iron, calcium, and potassium. The antioxidant-rich juice helps fight disease and prevent
cell damage.

Beetroot Is Rich In Betaine

Another benefit of eating more beetroot is the steady source of betaine. Betaine is a compound that can stimulate liver
cell functions and reduce homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is a non-protein amino acid that is known to increase
the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Beetroot Caution

If you’re just starting off with beetroot, you may want to dilute the juice by adding other water-rich vegetables, such
as cucumber or celery. It is also advised that men avoid drinking beetroot juice every day as they don’t lose blood
like women do. Over-consumption of beetroot can lead to an increase of iron in the blood (beneficial for anemics).
Beetroot Juice Recipe

Gather the following ingredients to make your own beetroot juice. This recipe makes about 16-20 ounces:

 5-6 medium-sized raw beetroots

 1 cucumber (optional)
 1 lemon with peel (cut off both ends)
 1-inch of ginger root

Beet Juice Directions

If your beetroots have smooth skin, just use a vegetable brush and scrub them clean under running water. If they are
rough and uneven, peel them so you remove all soil that may be hidden in the uneven surface.

Gather all the above ingredients, wash and cut them to sizes that will fit your juicer chute. Run everything through
your juicer and pour into a pitcher. Stir the juice in the pitcher.

Have a glass a day to manage/control your high blood pressure. If you’re an athlete, drinking a glass every day will
help increase your stamina and reduce muscle inflammation.

100% Pure, Homemade Grape Juice For Instant Headache Relief

Headaches and migraines can be caused by a wide variety of factors, including dehydration, improper nutrition, and
skipping meals. When a headache occurs, most people simply take an aspirin and wait for the pill to take effect.
Unfortunately, there are certain risks and potential side effects that come with taking aspirin.

Every year, a small number of people actually die from taking aspirin. Consuming pills on a regular basis can also
damage the lining of your stomach, leading to gastrointestinal issues and other health problems. To avoid the
potential side effects, there are a number of natural ways to find headache relief—including drinking grape juice.

How Can Concord Grapes Help Provide Headache Relief?

Concord grapes are a great source of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which can improve the function of your liver. Most
migraines that are not related to sinus congestion are caused by abnormal liver function and this can be corrected by
getting more vitamin B2. Grapes are also an excellent source of vitamin C and iron, both of which are beneficial for
liver functions.

When headaches occur that are related to sinus congestion, improper nutrition, or dehydration, drinking a tall glass of
grape juice may be just what you need. this nutrient-densed juice helps to rehydrate your body while improving blood

If you are prone to headaches drinking this juice regularly may help you to reduce headache recurrences. Due to
their large seeds, they are not often eaten nor juiced raw. Here’s a recipe to make your own 100% homemade concord
grape juice, that you can can and freeze for various uses, especially for relief of headaches.

Homemade Grape Juice Ingredients

There are actually only two ingredients that you will need to make your own grape juice, but there is a long list of
necessary equipment. You will require 1 cup of water and 26 pounds of Concord grapes, along with the following

 Large saucepan
 Small saucepan
 Water bath canner
 7 pieces of quart-size mason jars (with lids and bands)
 Jar lifter
 Potato masher
 Canning ladle
 Canning funnel
 Cheesecloth

Homemade Grape Juice Directions

1. The first step is to wash the grapes and remove the stems. Next, combine the grapes and the water in a large
saucepan. Heat over low heat. Simmer until the skins of the grapes soften. Use a potato masher to mash the
grapes, while continuing to simmer for fifteen minutes. Occasionally stir the mashed grapes.
2. Strain the mashed grapes through a sheet of cheesecloth. Discard the skin from the grapes. Place the strained
grape jelly in a large container and put in your fridge. Allow the jelly to chill for 48 hours. As it chills,
sediment will settle along the bottom.
3. Prepare your mason jars by washing them clean. Use a water bath canner to arrange your jars. Add water and
boil the jars for about ten minutes to sterilize them. Warm the lids in a small saucepan over low heat. It is
important that you keep the jars and the lids warm until you are ready to can your grape juice.
4. Remove the grape juice from the fridge, using caution to avoid disturbing the sediment that has settled.
Carefully pour the grape juice through a strainer and into a large saucepan. Bring the juice to a boil. Continue
boiling for ten minutes, stirring occasionally.
5. Line your jars on your kitchen counter. You may want to place towels underneath, to avoid staining your
counter. Carefully scoop the grape juice into the jars using the ladle. You should leave about a quarter-inch of
space below the top of the jar.
6. Using the magnetic lid lifter, remove the lids from the warm water, dry them and place on the jars. Screw on
the bands and carefully place your jars into the canner. Once you have all the jars in the canner, add enough
water to submerge the jars one-inch below the water level.
7. Bring the water to a boil and continue boiling for five minutes. Let the jars sit for about ten minutes and then
carefully remove them with a jar lifter. Place the jars on a towel and allow them to cool for twelve hours.
8. After allowing the jars to cool, check the seal. Place your jars in the fridge. Once the grape juice has chilled, it
is ready to drink. Try to consume your entire batch within a few days.

This recipe takes a bit of time to prepare, but you can save money by preparing your own grape juice that is without
preservatives. Along with saving money, you can also enjoy the fact that you have 100 percent, natural homemade
grape juice that helps relieve headaches.

When you notice the signs of a headache approaching, drink a glass of your homemade grape juice to stop the
headache in its tracks.

3 Essential Juice Recipes To Boost Your Gut Health Naturally

One of the most common reasons that people have difficulty losing weight is due to their digestive issues. If your gut
is unhealthy, the rest of your body will suffer, including your metabolism. So if you want to lose weight or improve
your health, the first place to start is with your gut.

By drinking fresh juices with ingredients known to help cleanse your system, you can flush your body of harmful
bacteria and begin restoring your digestive health. Consider following a juice cleanse, with the following three juice
drinks, or replace one meal per day with one of the juices below.

3 Juice Recipes For Gut Health

1. Cucumber And Cilantro Juice

This first juice drink is packed with nutrients that are beneficial for your liver, kidneys, and digestive system. The
combination of green vegetables is excellent for cleaning out the digestive system, boost energy, and kill harmful
bacteria. Juice all of the following ingredients, except for the Aloe vera. Once you have juiced the ingredients, stir in
the Aloe vera:

 1 cucumber
 1 jicama
 A handful of cilantro
 1 lime
 1-inch of ginger root
 2 ounces of Aloe vera (optional)

2. Minty Cucumber Juice Drink

With the minty cucumber juice drink, you will find a couple of ingredients that help add beneficial gut bacteria—
fennel and cucumber. The inclusion of lemon, ginger, and mint will help to flush your system. To make this drink,
peel the lemon and then put all the following ingredients through your juicer:

 ½ head of fennel
 1 cucumber
 2 handfuls of mint leaves
 1 inch of fresh ginger root
 ½ lemon

3. Papaya Smoothie

This tasty papaya smoothie is so rich with fiber and acts like an intestinal “broom” to sweep out the digestive tract.
To make a papaya juice drink, combine the following ingredients in your juicer:

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 ½ a small papaya
 1 banana
 1 lemon wedge

To begin restoring the health of your digestive system, follow a three-day juicing regimen. Replace one of your meals
with any of the above drinks. You may also want to take a probiotic each morning, to add healthy bacteria to your

Every cell in your body is affected by the health of your gut. If you have had trouble losing weight or experienced
any digestive issues, these juices may be beneficial for you.

DIY Immunity Boosting Juice Shots To Combat The Flu This Cold Season

No one enjoys being sick—runny nose, sniffling, sore throat, fever, and nausea. These symptoms are not fun to deal
with and are first signs of low immunity. The aggravation of dealing with a cold or flu is multiplied when your
children get sick. As the cold and flu season approaches, use homemade juices to combat bacteria and viruses.

Here are eight different cold and flu “shots” that you can make and take to keep you and your family healthy. Try
consuming at least one of these drinks each day, to boost your immune system and lower your chances of getting sick
this cold and flu season.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar Cold And Flu Prevention

First up is an apple cider vinegar remedy. Apple cider vinegar is a great source of beta-carotene, which is converted
to vitamin A by your body. Vitamin A is a natural antioxidant, which can attack free radicals and boost your
immunity to the cold and flu.

This remedy is simple to make—mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 3oz (about 90ml) of water.

Read more about the many uses of apple cider vinegar.

2. Mean Green Cold and Flu Shot

Dark green, leafy vegetables are known for containing an abundance of beneficial vitamins and nutrients, including
magnesium, vitamin B6, and folate. Great examples of healthy green vegetables include spinach, kale, and parsley,
and wheatgrass, which are the basis for this cold and flu shot.

Make This Sweet Potato Juice To Control Blood Sugar, Detoxify Your Lungs And Improve
Eye Sight

Sweet potatoes are an often over-looked vegetable. This is unfortunate, as they contain an abundance of beneficial
vitamins and nutrients. They are inexpensive, always readily available, and taste great. Eating sweet potatoes can help
your body control blood sugar and improve your overall health, among other benefits.

Health Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes

If you are looking for reasons to eat sweet potatoes, look over some of the additional advantages of this super

First off, sweet potatoes is one of the rare vegetables that contain vitamin B6. This vitamin helps to reduce the levels
of a chemical called homocysteine—which has been linked to heart attacks and various degenerative diseases.

Sweet potatoes are also a good source of vitamins C and D. Vitamin C helps boost your immune system and is an
excellent antioxidants that reduces damages done by free radicals. Both vitamins are necessary for bone growth,
digestion, and blood cells formation.

Eating sweet potatoes will provide you with iron, magnesium, potassium, and beta-carotene. Iron and magnesium are
a couple other useful minerals for boosting your immune system and helping to reduce stress. Magnesium also helps
promote better heart health and red and white blood cell production.

The beta-carotene found in sweet potatoes is converted into vitamin A by your body when needed, thus there is no
toxicity of overdose. Vitamin A is needed to improve eyesight, your immune system, and is a powerful antioxidant.
By eating sweet potatoes, you are receiving beneficial vitamins and nutrients that will help control your blood sugar
and increase your immune system.

Buying And Storing Sweet Potatoes

There are a few precautions, when you go to the store to buy sweet potatoes. Always check the sweet potatoes before
buying. Make sure that they are firm, without any bruises, cracks, holes (think worms) or soft spots. You should also
avoid sweet potatoes stored in refrigerated aisles, as the colder temperature can affect the taste.
When you get your sweet potatoes home, you should store them in a cool dark place, but not in the fridge. They
should remain fresh for up to ten days.

Always use only organic sweet potatoes!

Sweet Potato Juice Recipe

If you are looking for a way to include sweet potatoes in your diet, you will love this sweet potato juice recipe. It
makes a great breakfast or snack and is easy to prepare. You can use your juicer, or if you do not have a juicer,
use your blender.

Sweet Potato Juice Ingredients:

 1-2 raw sweet potato

 2 carrots
 1 jicama
 4-6 ribs of celery
 A pinch of cinnamon

How To Make Sweet Potato Juice:

To make your own sweet potato juice, juice all of the produce from the ingredients listed above. Always use organic
where possible. Combine the juiced ingredients and sprinkle a little cinnamon on top.

Use this recipe to start adding sweet potatoes to your diet. Have sweet potato juice for breakfast, lunch, or as a
midday snack to include more vitamins and minerals in your diet.

7 Effective Juice Recipes To Give You Strong, Healthy and Full Hair

How is the condition of your hair? Various factors affect your hair growth and your hair texture, but the most
important of these factors is your diet. By paying attention to what you eat, you can promote healthier, more
manageable hair; or try any of these juices for healthy hair.

Juicing is one of the best ways to add targeted nutrients to your diet. You can easily enjoy the benefits of a variety of
produce, without having to prepare complicated meals. You simply cut the produce down to size and run it through
your juicer.

Before getting into how you can add more nutrients to your diet using a juicer, you should learn which foods you
should focus on.

> Eat More Cucumber

First up, eat more cucumbers. Cucumbers contain potassium, silica, sulfur, and manganese. These minerals are
beneficial for helping promote hair growth, as well as improve the overall condition of your skin and fingernails.
Cucumber is mostly comprised of water, helping to keep your hair and body hydrated.

> Eat More Carrots

Carrots are rich with pre-cursor vitamin A (actually, they contain beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A by
your body).
Vitamin A is an important vitamin for keeping your hair healthy and improving the texture of your hair. It will help to
condition and moisturize your scalp.

More vitamin A can also make your hair thicker and stronger, by promoting healthier hair follicles along your scalp.
This will help prevent hair from breaking as easily and prevent split-ends.

Vitamin A is best derived from fresh foods. Do not supplement with vitamin A synthetic tablets as they can become
toxic and cause the opposite effect, that is hair loss instead.

> Eat More Green, Leafy Vegetables

Along with carrots and cucumbers, you need plenty of green, leafy vegetables in your diet. This includes kale and
spinach, which contain loads of vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, as well as calcium. These nutrients will help regulate the
production of sebum—the natural oily substance that coats your hair follicles.

Juices For Healthy Hair — Easy-To-Make Juice Recipes

By using some simple juice recipes, that include a combination of the produce mentioned above, you will be able to
keep your hair silky and hydrated. Look over the following seven effective juice recipes to give you silky,
manageable hair.

1. Cucumber Carrot Juice

This first recipe is light, yet contains healthy doses of beta-carotene.

The inclusion of an apple will help with digestion, allowing you to absorb the nutrients quicker. Juice the following

 4 large carrots
 1 apple
 1 cucumber
 A squeeze of lemon juice

2. Lycopene Booster

The next recipe is another carrot and cucumber combo, but with the addition of lycopene that is an anti-aging

Combine the following ingredients:

 4 large carrots
 2 large tomatoes
 1 cucumber
 1 red/yellow pepper
 A squeeze of lemon juice

3. Beetroot Juice Cleanser

Beetroot helps cleanse and support liver function for better blood circulation that carries nutrients to your hair.

It contains many of the nutrients needed to promote healthier hair. Combine these items:
 4 large carrots
 1 cucumber
 1 small beetroot
 ¼ lemon with peel

4. Kale Celery Juice

This recipe includes kale leaves, which are a great source of beneficial nutrients for silky hair and healthier hair

You can add a bit of lemon for added flavor:

 4-6 large kale leaves

 2 ribs of celery
 1 cucumber
 1 green apple
 1-inch ginger root

5. Strawberry Blast Juicer Recipe

The Strawberry Blast combines cucumbers, carrots, and strawberries.

The strawberries add vitamin C and high antioxidants content that help stimulate hair growth. Juice these items:

 12 fresh strawberries
 2 carrots
 1 cucumber
 1 red apple

6. Guava Juice

Guava has high antioxidants content, and a variety of minerals. With guava juice, you will get a healthy amount of
iron, calcium and folate.

These minerals help prevent hair loss and strengthen your hair. Use this simple recipe to make your own guava juice:

 2 guavas (remove seeds)

 4 carrots
 1 green apple

7. Onion Cucumber Juice

Eating more onion can help to restore damaged hair and supply your follicles with more nutrients.

This should help make your hair smoother and more manageable. Add these ingredients to your juicer:

 1 onion
 2 large cucumbers
 4 carrots
 ¼ lemon with peel
If you want silky, more manageable hair, start drinking a glass of any of these juices daily. This will help promote a
healthier head of hair and give you the tresses that you have want.

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