Marketing Plan Finale

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Junkshop is considered as a business, mean it literally, but this is a lucrative

business that operates a lot of money both for garbage collectors and junkshop
owners. Junks are everywhere. All of us have some amount of junky lying in the
garage, the closets and somewhere around the house. People want to get rid of
them so they just dispose it everywhere.

The Syell’s Junkshop is a business that helps to conserve the environment by

collecting recycled materials that can be turn into cash. Many people have a lot of
junks like empty bottles, used papers, used clothes, rust metals, used boxes, other
appliances that cannot be used and many other junk. The junkshop business is a big
help not only for the owners but also to the community and the environment. All
costumers even the kids, teenagers and elders are welcome to sell their junky
materials to us. We have our Facebook page The Green Market to be the fastest
transaction that can be use.

A good and fair service will keep and attract your customer. If there is no
fraudulent in service, then the customer will come again to the junkshop to sell their
junks. They give their trust on your service. Unlike in any other junkshop, when the
customer will go to their junkshop to sell their junks like plastic bottles, cans or even
metals, sometimes they did not tell the real price of it. Especially if the customers
are children that do not even know the real price of the junks they are selling. Or
sometimes in putting the junks on the weighing scale, they loosen the weighing
scale for the junks to become heavy. Even those scavengers who are using pushcart
(kariton), they loosen their weighing scale. If your junkshop give fair service and
trustworthy, then you will attract and keep your customer.

We provide honest, timely communication and service that shows respect and
kindness with every customer and competitor. We strive to create a positive work
environment by building a spirit of cooperative effort among every individual;
realizing our success depends on our ability to perform as one successful team. We
can do all things possible if we have the dedication and passion in what we are
doing. The Syell’s Junkshop will do the best to make it happen. A business is a
challenge at the start. A junkshop business has the potential to be a good source of
income. Try it and learn how you can convert your trash into cash.

1|Page Syell’s Junkshop

Section 1: Executive Summary
The Syell’s Junkshop is a business that helps to conserve the environment by
collecting recycled material that can be turn into cash. Many people have a lot of
junks like empty bottles, used papers, used clothes, rust metals, used boxes, and
other appliances that cannot be used and many other junk. The junkshop business is
a big help not only for the owners but also to the community and the environment.
The Syell’s Junkshop was named by combining the name of the business owners
who are Midsy De la Cruz and Lizbeth Almocera.

This business was established last November 29, 2018. In creating a

business, we first need to compose our vision, mission, and objectives. This will
serve as our guide in running your business. We also need to include the SWOT
(Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) it will help us focus on our
strengths, minimize weaknesses, take the greatest possible advantage of
opportunities available, and anticipate any threats to your business. We also need
to indicate our competitors, in order to learn from their mistakes, model what’s
working for them, expand on their ideas or even reveal opportunities. In order to
make our business successful, we need staffs to help us in running the business.
This marketing plan also contains some of the marketing strategies in order to grow
the business.For example, making an advertisement, creating a flyer, newsletter,
and magazine.
In order to attract more customers, we also need to think some ways to catch
them. This includes making some promos or discounts. We also need to think
deeper on where we need to locate our business, because like it or not the location
of our business really affects the price of our products. If our business will grow
and it will be introduce around the world, we need to have our distribution channel
so that there would be no problem if a lot of customers around the world will buy
from us.
All business owners should regularly, and closely, evaluate their financial
statements to best understand the health of business. We need to compute for our
financial statement, in this way we will know if we gain profit or loss. The most
important advantage of analyzing financial statements is that it will allow us to
make strategic decisions that support growth and long-term profitability. All of this
needs to be done in our business in order to achieve the success that we are
reaching for.

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Section 2: The Business
Waste comes in many forms, all of which affect people and nature. It is all
around us, piling up under our sinks, being buried in land field, polluting soils, and
suffocating marine life. But no matter we try cover it up or ship it away, this is one
environmental problem too big to be ignored. But we, as a concern citizen and
student, would like to prevent our nature from danger by creating products and
services that aims not just to earn or gain a higher profit but to implement our
advocacy which is the “101 ways not to waste our wastes” program.
Business name:
The Syell’s Junkshop
Business structure:
Our business is a formal partnership business.
Business location:
The Syell’s Junkshop is located at Brgy. 24 Sta. Monica San Nicolas Ilocos
Date established:
This business was established on November 29, 2018
Business owner(s):
This business is founded by the two owners namely Midsy De la Cruz and
Lizbeth Angel Almocera. They are both taking up the strand of Accountancy
Business and Management. These two young ladies think of a creative way to
lessen the trashes. So they decided to build up a business that is environmental
friendly. A business is a challenge at the start. The owners also have background
when it comes to business. Midsy De la Cruz has a food stall on their home while
Lizbeth Angel Almocera has a sari-sari store. In this way, they are practicing how to
run a business.

Owner/s experience:

The Syells Junkshop owners are ABM students and so, it’s given that they are
one of a business minded student. The owners had been experienced marketing
their service through the Trade Fair that was conducted on Nov 29 2018 at SNNHS
covered court. Through this program, we promoted our service and this is our
opportunity to be known in the industry. We also learned a lot of things and we
nurtured our skills.

Vision statement:
 Our vision is to become the first junk shop that promotes a well-organized
stocking system, clean and unsoiled environment to attract and change the
idea of people about the business.
 Earth saving environment, cleanliness and a caring community makes a
perfect ambiance.

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 And develop the individual in dealing and serving with other people and also
to help our economy be progressive and productive
 To reduce the amount of waste by promoting individual and corporate

Mission statement:
 Our mission is to ensure customer satisfaction in our services and facilities.
 Making an intact relationship towards scavengers and recycling agents for a
continuous growth of our lucrative business.
 And to promote our advocacy which is the “101 ways not to waste our
wastes” program.
 Establish to gain profit, be a good model to our society and also gives a
good quality service.

Business objectives:
 To make our community be productive, progressive, resourceful and a big
help to save our environment and for the society to have a good ambiance.
 To strengthen the customer relationship.
 Help the individual to recognize that even a trash makes cash.

 To inspire every individual to help keep the environment clean, and be a

caring community.
 To develop a unique brand proposition.

Section 3: SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing business and its environment – both
internal and external. It forms an important part of strategic planning process. This
analysis that takes into account not only FOR own business, but also for
competitor's activities and current industry and marketplace trends. This analysis is
a very effective way to identify different internal and external factors that will affect
the business.
Carrying out an analysis using the SWOT framework helps us focus on our
strengths, minimize weaknesses, take the greatest possible advantage of
opportunities available, and anticipate any threats to your business.

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Strengths Weaknesses
 This business doesn’t need to  Our business does not yet have a
hire more people for this business permit.
business because the owner  Inconvenient to pick-up, because
itself can do the job. we need a truck for delivery and
 Easy to find. Customer will not it needs a lot of space.
get hard of finding the  Junkshop business is all about
junkshop to sell their junks. junks and we will be suffering
 Abundance in supply. Supply is from the odor, heavy of junks
not a problem because many and sometimes it can affect your
people are selling their junks. health.

Opportunities Threats
 If our business is already  A new competitor in market
registered and have a business  Price wars with competitors
permit, then it will ensure that
the financial health of our
young business is in good
standing. And
we are also protected in the
event that business is under
legal scrutiny.

Section 4: Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

The Syell’s Junkshop stands on its quote “Turn your trash into Cash” which
means that the trashes that we are just throwing can also be a way of earning
Nowadays, trashes seem to have no value anymore but here in Syell’s
Junkshop we offer the service that you are searching for.
Our business is indeed a unique business because we are focuses on service.
We are helping the environment and the people inside the schools through buying
their unwanted items or trashes.
You can turn your trash into cash by selling us what you have recycled such
as unwanted tires, plastic bottles, newspapers, carton and rust metal. With this we
can help you to earn.

Section 5: The Product/Service

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The Syell’s Junkshop is a service kind of business that aims to inspire every
individual to help keep the environment clean, and be a caring person in the
community. You can earn money and help the environment by selling your junks.
Below are the things that can be converted into cash:
Product/Service Description Price
A plastic bottle is a bottle constructed
Plastic Bottles 3.00 per kilo
from high density plastic.
A glass bottle is a bottle created from
Glass Bottle 0.05 per piece
Assorted papers Papers that are assorted. 0.05 per kilo
This is a pure white paper where there
White Paper no colored part. 4.00 per kilo

A carton is a box or container usually

Carton made of paperboard and sometimes of 2.00 per kilo
corrugated fibreboard.
Used Denim/ Clothes These are not being used. 2.00 per piece
Rust Metal A metal that is already decayed. 8.00 per kilo

Section 6: The Market

Knowing what are the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your
target market is very important in one’s business. Because in this way, you can
identify clearly who is your target customer. All of the people can be our customer in
junkshop business. It can be adults, teenagers, and children. But not only the poor
people can be our customers but also the rich people because our target are their

Section 7: The Competitors

Competition is an inevitable part of the business world, for businesses of any
size. It is not a necessary evil, but rather an important part of the business
ecosystem. In fact, competition can be an effective tool for growing and improving
your business. Knowing your competitors has other advantages like learning from
their mistakes, model what’s working for them, expand on their ideas or even reveal
opportunities. Scoping out your competitors should be an annual task and never be
look upon as being dishonest but as an asset to success.

Competitor Establi- Size Market Value offered Strength Weaknesses

shed share to customers s
date (%)
Gens 2004 5-10 50% The price is Their Their storage

6|Page Syell’s Junkshop

Junkshop lower than the location is room is not
other junkshops. near urban organize well.
They are the one
They are Their
who are
CnM located customer
2014 5-10 40% responsible in
Junkshop beside the service is not
getting the junks
high way. satisfying.
door to door.
Their location
is in rural area
They have more space is
Carlos that’s why
2012 7-11 30% staff to collect wider than
Junkshop some of the
more junks. the other
cannot see it.

Section 8: Marketing Objectives

The Syell’s Junkshop has the following marketing objectives;
 Develop brand awareness
 Develop an increase in sales while achieving its goal
 Maintaining a good relationship with the customers
 Be active in social media
 To meet the customer’s satisfaction by giving them a high quality and
affordable price

Section 9: Pricing & Positioning Strategy

Pricing and positioning strategy is an important element in the marketing
plan. Marketers have better chance to achieve a strong position in the marketplace
when they have a strategy and build a brand around it. A strategy that does a good
job of targeting a market segment delivers more value to the consumer, establishes
a stronger position against competitors, has more compelling communications and
has a higher profitability. Effective serving positioning ensures that marketing
messages resonate with target consumers. Many factors will influence your prices,
including your competitor’s rates and products.

Section 10: Distribution Plan

A strong distribution is important because it provides an edge over the
competition by providing customers with a higher level of order accuracy in a shorter
period of time. When customer needs are consistently improving as a result.
The Syell’s Junkshop can be contacted personally or in the Facebook page of
The Green Market. They can easily browse the internet to see or view all the
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Section 11: The Business Offers
Consumers are always looking for ways to save money, and they prefer to
buy from stores that offer the best deals. The Syell’s Junkshop are also giving offers
to its customers not just to gain more profit but also to payback the loyalty of its
customer that they gave. Giving also a discounts can also help enhance the
reputation of the business. The Syell’s Junkshop is offering a special promo which is,
if the customers sell 10 kilos of any junky materials then they will get a 5.00 free.

Section 12: Marketing Materials

Marketing materials are a highly effective way to promote the business to
customers, clients, business partners and potential investors. The Syell’s Junkshop
used the following marketing materials:
 Business Card
 A business card is a road map to opportunity. It could lead you to a great
new job, a great business partnership, or simply help your business make
money. Business cards are part of an introduction, they are important for
making a favorable first impression. An attractive, eye-catching business
card with all the relevant contact information can capture the attention of
your prospect and help you remain in her memory well after your initial
meeting. Business cards can also enhance credibility, as they can create a
sense of professionalism and legitimacy for every business.
 News Letter
 Newsletters help to build relationships with your customers through
regular communication and high-value information. Articles that provide
helpful technical or business tips demonstrate how your company can help
customers improve their own performance.
 Online Magazine
 Creating a magazine could be a profitable venture. Marketers know the
significance of having a well-recognized brand, and other branded
materials are an excellent way to establish your brand. It allows you to
bring the aesthetic qualities of font, colors, images and texture that helps
to establish brand recognition.
 Flyers
 Advertising using flyers is an affordable manner of delivering your goods
or services to your own potential clients. When it comes to flyer
distribution, selecting the right service is of utmost importance since it
actually plays a vital function in promoting your business.
 Video Advertisement
 Video advertisement are created to persuade people to buy products or
services. It helps to draw customers to a business and keep existing
customers. The more people are aware of your product, the more they will

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want to patronize it. When you do a good advertisement, consumers want
to try the products. Also, good advertising builds the morale of existing
customers to keep using your products.
 The Green Market- Facebook Page
 Most of us nowadays already have a Facebook account, and it a great
opportunity for a business to create a Facebook page because more
people can reach and see. A Facebook business page serves to help
people learn about your business in terms of what you do, how you can be
contacted, and where you're located.
 Business Logo
 A logo is an important part of your business brand, and makes a
significant impact on a business public perception. In fact, a logo is one of
the most important branding investments a business can make. A logo can
be described as the face of a business.
 Banner
 Banners still remain to be as one of the most popular mediums for
advertisement. The reason being that they are less expensive. If you are
running a small business and would not want to invest too much into
advertisement, in that case banners would be the perfect option for you.
All you need to do is to get in touch with a banner designing company
who would get things done for you. Though they are less expensive
compared to the modern mediums of advertisement, banners are very
attractive. Displaying a banner in apublic domain creates an excellent
impression and can certainly help to draw a lot of attention. Being
attractive is one of the reasons why banners are still being used with so
much of effectiveness even today,

Section 13: Promotions Strategy

Promotion is the best way to communicate to the customers. It helps informs
the customers about the brands available in the market and the variety of products
useful to them. It also invites the target audience to evaluate how your product or
service measures up against your competitors. The Syell’s Junkshop used some
promotional strategies which includes the joining of the Trade Fair in school and
even in the municipality. Creating a video advertisement and posting updates and
promos on Facebook –The Green Market. Making flyers, online magazines, and
doing newsletter. The owners concluded that the social media is the now the fastest
and easiest way to promote and communicate to its customers. These are some
ways that The Syell’s Junkshop are doing to reach the target customer.

Section 14: Online Marketing Strategy

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Like it or not, most customers go online these days to find and/or review new
products and/or services to purchase. As such, having the right online marketing
strategy can help you secure new customers and gain competitive advantage.

Paid Online Advertising Strategy: It is not necessary to pay a lot of money in order
to advertise your product. The Syell’s Junkshop created a video advertisement in the
Facebook page – The Green Market and an online magazine.

Social Media Strategy: The Syell’s Junkshop is using the social media to reach its
target customer the Facebook page- The Green Market. We are creating a video
advertisement, posting an update for our service, and doing an online magazine.

Section 15: Referral Strategy

Customer referrals are one of the most powerful selling and marketing tools
available. In fact, the best source of new business is a referral from a satisfied
customer.Given the business potential from garnering customer referrals, it's
important to know how to get good word of mouth from your regulars. Being able to
build a high percentage of business from customers, and even prospects, through
referrals is an enviable characteristic of exceptional sales professionals. Some of our
customer referred our service to her co-teacher and students.

Section 16: Retention Strategy

For any business that provides a product or service to customers, the act of
finding, targeting and obtaining new customers is always going to be among its top
priorities. The Syell’s Junkshop is providing a newsletter and soliciting their ideas and
suggestions. Another one is building the customer and not the sale. For businesses
who are trying to sell their product, it is important to make a customer feel like they
care about them even after they purchase. This will make all the difference in
building a strong and lasting relationship with that customer. Building strong
relationships is the most important driver when it comes to customer retention rates.
If customers feel like they are just a sale, they will go somewhere else without a
second thought. If they feel that they have built a relationship with a business, they
are more likely to come back a second and third time.

Section 17: The People

In building your business you need to have a person who will help you in
making your business successful.The success of any business is directly affected by
the performance of the employees within the organization, whether or not those
employees are dealing directly with customers. Businesses that clearly understand
the impact of their employees' performance are better able to manage employee
output and productivity. Properly managing employee performance helps any
business to increase profits and consistently meet sales goals.

10 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
Name Job Title Department Responsibilities
He is responsible for
Management daily operation of the
Benjie Tumamao Coo Department organization and
routinely report to the

Preparing, planning
and project managing
Senior marketing Marketing the publication of all
Angel Erika officer Department publicity material to
Tungpalan maximize brand

financial reports,
monitoring accounts,
Midsy De la Cruz
Finance Manager Finance and preparing activity
. Department reports
and financial forecasts.

A business owner of a
small business may be
involved in keeping the
Lizbeth Angel
Business Owner books, recording
revenue from any sales
and keeping track of all
expenses and profits.

They organize files,

Charlene Joyce Secretary typing, preparing and
Agunoy collating reports

A supply officer keeps

MoiralynCatubig Supply officer
track of the finances of
the business in relation
to incoming and

11 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
outgoing supplies.

She needs to answer

the customer inquiries
AlynaGeralde Sales Department and gives information
and help them to solve
customer problems.

The one who manage

Page the page and routinely
administrator Maintenance checks the update on
the page.

managers oversee
warehouse, inventory
Faye Marla Product control, material
Guillermo Distributor Logistic handling, customer
service, transportation
and planning workers.

Section 18: The Physical Environment

The physical environment represents the tangible aspects of selling your
products and services, such as the quality of the furnishings in your consulting
rooms or the design of your reception area. Creating a positive physical
environment doesn’t have to be costly – a vase full of fresh flowers can make a big

Name Selling Delivery Improvements

Environment Environment
They can contact us
Facebook page- The to go and get their We must have a
Plastic Green Market or junky materials or wider stock room to
Bottles within the SNNHS they can be the one store the collected
Campus who will approach junks.
12 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
They can contact us
Facebook page- The to go and get their We must have a
Glass Green Market or junky materials or wider stock room to
Bottle within the SNNHS they can be the one store the collected
Campus who will approach junks.
They can contact us
Facebook page- The to go and get their We must have a
Assorted Green Market or junky materials or wider stock room to
papers within the SNNHS they can be the one store the collected
Campus who will approach junks.
They can contact us
Facebook page- The to go and get their We must have a
Green Market or junky materials or wider stock room to
White Paper
within the SNNHS they can be the one store the collected
Campus who will approach junks.
They can contact us
Facebook page- The to go and get their We must have a
Green Market or junky materials or wider stock room to
within the SNNHS they can be the one store the collected
Campus who will approach junks.
They can contact us
Facebook page- The to go and get their We must have a
Green Market or junky materials or wider stock room to
within the SNNHS they can be the one store the collected
Campus who will approach junks.
They can contact us
Facebook page- The to go and get their We must have a
Green Market or junky materials or wider stock room to
Rust Metal
within the SNNHS they can be the one store the collected
Campus who will approach junks.

Section 19: Financial Projections

In business, there are many challenges that we encountered in order for us to
be successful. It takes time to be known in the industry, do we need to be patient,
have faith and be active on our works.
13 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
We the owners of the Syell’s Junkshop are making our goal come true. We
are visualizing to achieve our vision and mission statement. The process in earning
trash from our customers is very much time consuming and we really need to move
in order for us to search customers.

In the future, we will be needing a huge storage room to store all the junks
that we collected. And if our business will be known in the business industry, we will
hire employees to help us in collecting and managing our business. We will also be
needing vehicles to roam around and get junks every houses.

Accept it or not, most of the successful businesses needs more financial in

order to run and sustain the needs of the business. If our business will be succeed in
the future, then the financial is not anymore the problem. After 4 to 5 years in the
business industry, a lot of customers will able to reach us. But before everything,
you first need to do some marketing strategies in order to gain more customers,
sales, and profits.

Section 20: Supporting Documentation


Advertising using flyers is an affordable manner of delivering your goods or

services to your own potential clients. When it comes to flyer distribution,
selecting the right service is of utmost importance since it actually plays a
vital function in promoting your business.

14 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
Business Card

An attractive, eye-catching business card with all the relevant contact

information can capture the attention of your prospect and help you remain in
her memory well after your initial meeting. Business cards can also enhance
credibility, as they can create a sense of professionalism and legitimacy for
every business.

15 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
Mini Trade Fair 2018

This photo was taken last November 29, 2018 during the Mini Trade Fair held
inside the San Nicolas National High School covered court.

Presenting the owner of the This were the time that we had
a customer selling their junky
Syell’s Junkshop
materials to us.

16 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
The Syell’s Junkshop mini booth

Business Logo
A logo is an important part of your business brand, and makes a significant
impact on a business public perception. In fact, a logo is one of the most
important branding investments a business can make.

17 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
If you are running a small business and would not want to invest too much
into advertisement, in that case banners would be the perfect option for you.

News Letter
Newsletters help to build relationships with your customers through regular
communication and high-value information.

18 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
Results of Product Evaluation

Buyers Perception to the service based on: MEAN VERBAL

a. Usefulness 3.50 SA (Strongly Agree)
b. Helpfulness 2.97 A (Agree)
c. Accessibility 3.33 SA (Strongly Agree)
Respondents assessment about their
marketing strategy:
a. Did our service meet your market 2.97 A (Agree)
needs and demands?
b. Did our service meet your 3.13 SA (Strongly Agee)
c. Are the rates of how we buy your 3.50 SA (Strongly Agree)
waste materials reasonable?
Customer Service
a. How do you rate our responsiveness in 3.37 SA (Strongly Agree)
dealing with you?
b. Does the owner managed their 3.70 SA (Strongly Agree)
business properly and orderly?
c. How do you rate our social media 3.60 SA (Strongly Agree)
presence – The Green Market.


1.0 – 1.72 SD (Strongly Disagree)

1.76 – 2.50 D (Disagree)

2.51 – 3.25 A (Agree)

3.26 – 4.00 SA (Strongly Agree)

19 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
Online Magazine

Creating a magazine could be a profitable venture. Marketers know the

significance of having a well-recognized brand, and other branded materials
are an excellent way to establish your brand. It allows you to bring the
aesthetic qualities of font, colors, images and texture that helps to establish
brand recognition.

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26 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
a) Plastic Bottles

16 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 80.00

4 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 20.00
19 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 95.00
1 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 5.00
6 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 30.00
20 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 100.00
46 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 230.00

b) Assorted Papers
6 kl @ PHP 1.00 PHP 6.00

c) Karton
3 kl @ PHP 3.00 PHP 9.00

d) Broken Plastics
4 kl @ PHP 12.00 PHP 48.00
PHP 623.00
a) Plastic Bottles
82 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 410.00
9 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 45.00
2 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 10.00
6 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 30.00
15 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 75.00
6 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 30.00
15 kl @ PHP 5.00 PHP 75.00

b) Assorted Papers
18 kl @ PHP 1.00 PHP 18.00
29 kl @ PHP 1.00 PHP 29.00

c) Karton
8 kl @ PHP 3.00 PHP 24.00
6 kl @ PHP 3.00 PHP 18.00
5 kl @ PHP 3.00 PHP 15.00

d) White Paper
7 kl @ PHP 6.00 PHP 42.00
17 kl @ PHP 6.00 PHP 102.00
20 kl @ PHP 6.00 PHP 120.00

27 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop
e) Used Denims
3 pcs. @ PHP 10.00 PHP 30.00
3 pcs. @ PHP 10.00 PHP 30.00
3 pcs. @ PHP 10.00 PHP 30.00

f) Used Clothes
3 pcs. @ PHP 10.00 PHP 30.00
3 pcs. @ PHP 10.00 PHP 30.00
3 pcs. @ PHP 10.00 PHP 30.00
3 pcs. @ PHP 10.00 PHP 30.00

d) Broken Plastics
4 kl @ PHP 12.00 PHP 48.00
3 kl @ PHP 12.00 PHP 36.00
PHP 1,337.00
a) Assorted Papers
6 kl @ PHP 1.00 PHP 6.00
PHP 6.00
PHP 1,966.00

a) Fair
3 times @ PHP 15.00 PHP 45.00
2 times @ PHP 15.00 PHP 30.00

b) Printing
12 pcs. @ PHP 6.00 PHP 72.00

c) Capital
103 pcs. @ PHP 1.00 PHP 103.00
PHP 250.00

PROFIT PHP 1,716.00

28 | P a g e Syell’s Junkshop

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