Determinants of Foreign Policy

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The key takeaways are that foreign policy is systematically planned to achieve a nation's interests and goals in international relations. Foreign policy is influenced by both internal factors like public opinion, resources and leadership as well as external factors like other states, international organizations and world events.

Some internal factors that influence foreign policy include public opinion, resources, economic conditions, strategic location and geography, and political system and ideology.

Some external factors that influence foreign policy include international organizations, world public opinion, the reactions of other states, regional environment, global problems, and the prevailing international system.

Determinants of Foreign Policy

It is a known fact that the formation of government is essential to run a state and no
state can live without maintaining interstate relations which have become so
essential in these days. To that end every government has to formulate a foreign
policy. Like internal and domestic policies, industrial policy, agricultural policy,
defense policy, education policy, labor policy etc. A state gives special attention to
the careful formulation and successful execution of its foreign policy. A successful
foreign policy enhances a nation’s power and prestige in the comity of nations.
Foreign policy gains also increase a government’s credibility in the eyes of public
internally as well as externally. Herein lies the importance of foreign policy. It has
become one of the most important core fields of international relations now we
discus Determinants of Foreign Policy .

Definitions And Nature Of Foreign Policy:

Foreign policy, according to Hartmann, “is a systematic statement of deliberately
selected national interests.”1 Foreign policy connotes a greater degree of rational
procedure, and a type of planning involved in a step-by-step progress to a known
and defined goal.2 It is a relatively rational answer to prevailing external
conditions. Though there are certain constraints, national and international, to any
such well though out planning, yet an endeavor is invariably made, and will
continue to be made.

Padelford and Lincoln observe that through foreign policy, every state decides
“what course it will pursue in world affairs within the limits of its strength and the
realities of the external environment.”3 It, therefore, gives a sense of direction to a
state. It suggests adequate means for the easy journey to this , direction. It creates a
sense of purpose as well as a confidence to achieve that purpose. It becomes so
indispensable that no state can operate at international level without it.
Foreign policy may be defined both in narrow and broad sense. Narrow definitions
emphasize the action aspect of foreign policy. In this sense, according
to Schleicher, “it refers to the actions (including words) of government officials to
influence human behavior beyond the jurisdiction of their own state.”4 Therefore,
foreign policy mainly implies a course of action. Padelford and Lincoln remark,
Foreign policy is the key element in the process by which a state translates its
broadly conceived goals and interests into concrete courses of action to attain those
objectives and preserve its interests.5

In the broad sense, it includes according to Schleicher, the objectives, plans, and
actions taken by a state relative to its external relationship.6 As every state has
various objectives political, economic, military, ideological or cultural it has
technically many policies. That is why, it has been suggested that one should speak
of foreign policies rather than a foreign policy. But foreign policy and foreign
policies have totally different meanings. As Lercheand Said clarify Probably the
best way to avoid confusion is to keep in mind that foreign policy (singular) is
usually phrased in terms of goals, whereas policies (plural) draw their relevance
from objectives.7 Thus a broad definition of foreign policy contains three elements
goals or objectives, policy plans and actual actions undertaken by a state to regulate
its external relations.

In the words of Rodee, “Foreign policy involves the formulation and

implementation of a group of principles which shape the behavior pattern of a state
while negotiating with other states to protect or further its vital interests.”8 Model
ski defines foreign policy as “the system of activities evolved by communities for
changing the behavior of other states and for adjusting their own activities to the
international environment. ”9 But Mahendra Kumar treats Model ski definition
as partially correct. According to him foreign policy should regulate and not only
change the behavior of other states. Therefore, he modifies Model ski’s definition
of foreign policy to include within its range all activities of a state to regulate the
behavior of other states, either through change or status quo, in order to ensure the
maximum service of its interest.10

He further defines foreign policy “as a thought out course of action for achieving
objectives in foreign relations as dictated by the ideology of national
interest.”11 Felik Gross introduced another addition by holding that even a
decision to have no relations with a state is also a foreign policy or, in other words,
not to have definite foreign policy is also a foreign policy.12 In this way, foreign
policy has both positive and negative dimensions. It is positive when it aims at
adjusting the behavior of other states by changing it and negative when it endeavors
for such an adjustment by not altering that behavior.

In sum, every state decides its own course of action in international relations in the
light of its means and ends. Then it conducts its foreign relations and behaves at
international level and regulates the behavior and action of other states according to
that action plan. This is what a nation foreign policy means.

Components of Foreign Policy:

According to Lerche and Said, normally foreign policy includes three
elements. These are:

 Formulation of the objective in the most precise terms possible

 The nature of the action to be undertaken, stated with sufficient clarity to guide
and direct the state’s other officials and
 The forms and perhaps the amounts of national power to be applied in pursuit of
the objective.13

Mahendra Kumar describes four components:

 Policy makers,
 Interest and objectives
 Principles of foreign policy, and
 Means of foreign policy. 14

According to Jangam, foreign policy is the policy of a nation towards other

nations and generally it involves four factors:

 Principles underlying foreign policy.

 Problems faced by the nation.
 The particular way of making policy including the role of foreign policy makers
 The products or results of foreign policy.15

The above description renders the concept of foreign policy more clear.

Objectives of Foreign Policy:

Interest can be explained as the aims passed on to the policy makers by me
community. It may also be defined as the general and continuing ends for the
attainment of which a nation conducts its foreign relations. It includes such matters
as security against aggression, development of higher standards of living, and the
maintenance of conditions of national and international Stability. Foreign policy is
inconceivable without national interest. At the same time it must be clarified that
national interest does not exclude the significance of international obligation,
especially in the present day world.

On the other hand, objectives are the product of national interest. They are in the
words of Mahendra Kumar, interests spelled out and made more precise in the
light of the present day complexity of international relations.16 He further clarifies
that all interests of a nation will not be regarded as objectives unless they are
strongly loved by the political community and the same is prepared to make some
sacrifice or take some risk for their realization. In this way, objectives are of a more
specific nature than interests. 17

Common objectives of the foreign policy of all nations are:

1. Maintaining the integrity of the state,

2. Promoting economic interest,
3. Providing for national security,
4. Protecting national prestige and developing national power, and
5. Maintaining world order.

These can be supplemented by specific objectives according to the peculiar

problems and conditions of the particular country. Pr-requisites of Foreign Policy
Study of foreign policy necessitates that the following factors must be borne in

1 .Foreign policy has many constituents, most important of which are defense,
diplomatic and economic interests. These Constituents though singly salient, are
not necessarily mutually exclusive. They often coexist and strongly influence each

2. Foreign policy is made in the name of a state, but it is the government which
really formulates and executes it. The government is not an inanimate body. It is a
synthesis of organizations and individuals having their organizational and personal
interests which are not necessarily similar.

3. Foreign policy never operates in vacuum rather it is conditional by an

environment, both domestic and external. The domestic environment consists
of political parties, pressure groups, rival bureaucratic organizations, public
opinion, political culture etc. The external environment comprises among other sub
systemic actors neighboring states and others belonging to the region, super powers
and international organizations, especially the UN, World Bank, IMF and regional
organizations like O. A. S. and SAARC.

4. In government it is some individuals around Whom foreign policy making

revolves. It may be the President or Prime Minister or the King of a state and his
foreign minister, advisers and subordinates. Mostly the Head of the Government (
e. g. the Prime Minister in India and the President in USA) plays the prominent role
in this regard.

5. Foreign policy always involves both decision and action, with decision perhaps
the more important element. Action on behalf of an objective can result from policy
only it the decision itself indicates clearly what the policy maker had in mind both
as to objective and procedure.

6. Foreign policy embraces both important and less important matters. The routine
matters are dealt with at lower levels whereas important things are sent to higher
levels for disposal. There is a linkage between the degree of the importance of the
subject and the level of authority where it is disposed of.

7. Cost-risk factor in foreign policy has also its significance A policy decision
requires the commitment of resources, the assumption of a risk or both. One must
keep in mind that, in foreign policy as in life, everything has its price. The most
complex problem in policy formulation is the decision about how much effort
should be made in pursuit of an objective in view of competing claims of other
goals and the resource crunches.

8. Foreign policy has to be examined from actual behavior pattern of states rather
than exclusively from declared objectives or policy plans.
Instruments of Foreign Policy:
The instruments of foreign policy may be said to be those institutions or devices
through which the national power or resources are used for the accomplishment of
the interests and objectives. These are as follows :

1. Diplomacy:
Good diplomats ambassadors, envoys, ministers etc and through their art of
diplomacy can put country’s viewpoint effectively before the world and fulfill
foreign policy objectives by means of mutual negotiations and thus spare their
country from resorting to coercive methods. Diplomacy reduces the area of
disagreement and misunderstanding with other states. It is instrumental in reaching
out agreements, treaties and pacts with other nations. It plays its role both during
war and peace.

2. Publicity and Propaganda:

These can be used steadily to combat and break down the undesirable attitudes and
opinions and to create the desired attitudes and opinions. Propaganda can be used,
as it was used by Hitler and later on by super powers during Cold War, for the
systematic falsification of true propositions or positions and the establishment of
suitable ones. India’s factually strong case on Kashmir has been distorted by a
systematic and ceaseless propaganda by Pakistan, so much so that quite some
people in the world may wonder as to what, after all, the facts of the case are
publicity through radio, television magazines and other literature is also used as an
instrument of foreign policy.

Thus these three factors diplomacy, publicity and propaganda-are employed by a

nation for building up its public relations, for removing undesirable or discreditable
factors like embarrassment, misunderstanding, suspicion, fear, etc between itself
and other nations, and for projecting a favorable and acceptable image to other
nations. These also help in increasing the power and prestige of a nation.

3. Balance of Power:

This method is used for avoiding imbalance of power and strengthening the
position of given nations. For example, Britain employed the principle of balance
of power for a long time in the European power politics in order to maintain the
status quo and prevent any particular power from being too strong.

4. Collective Security:

The principle of collective security is adopted to secure collective defense as

threateningly posed or actually mobilized against a powerful nation or
nations. Balance of power and collective security are extremely useful as
instruments for smaller nations which have a limited capacity to defend themselves.

5. International Law and Organizations:

These are also used by nations whenever possible for advancing the objectives of
their foreign policy. During the post War period, Britain and France used the
League of Nations to maintain status quo which was in their favor. Now we see that
a number of third World countries are using the platform of the United Nations for
some of the basic goals of their foreign policies-anti-colonialism, anti-racialism,
disarmament and so on.

6. Economic and non-political methods:

Various economic methods are also adopted by various nations to achieve their
foreign policy objectives and also to harm the interest of Opponents. Economic
organizations are formed for this purpose e.g. E.E.C., E.C.M., COMECON, MI-I
Economic methods have already been discussed in detail in the previous chapter
on National Interest. Sometimes nations also exploit religious, cultural and ethnic
affinity to fulfill foreign policy objectives tag the use of Islam by many Muslim

7. War and Peace:

The institutions of war and peace are a kind of ultimate answer to the problems of a
nation’s foreign policy of the two, peace comes on the heels of war, generally
inaugurating a basic change in the foreign policies of nations concerned. But war is
generally a devastating answer to the problems of a nation’s foreign policy. When
objectives of foreign policy cannot be achieved through other means, nations resort
to war as an end argument.

Determinants of Foreign Policy:

Foreign policy of states is determined by a number of factors. These important
determinants having bearing on foreign policy can be broadly classified into three

 General or objective.
 Specific or subjective or internal.
 External factors.

The general and objective factors determine the framework in which policy choices
are to be made and operated. These are the factors which are common to all the
countries in determining their foreign policy. While the specific and subjective
factors vary from country to country in accordance with their internal conditions
and needs.

These specific factors determine the specific response of leadership to a particular

situation, and therefore indicate the direction of a foreign policy: There are some
external factors also that influence a country’s foreign policy. All these factors are
of great significance, and they clearly indicate that foreign policy can never be
satisfactorily explained by any simple determinant. These are explained in detail as

General and Objective Determinants:

These are of four types that play role in determining the foreign policy of all the

1. Sovereignty and Integrity of the Slate:

The first factor that every state keeps in mind while formulating foreign policy is
the safeguarding of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is the main
responsibility of a state to safeguard the property of citizens and to protect their
interests whatsoever they are. This responsibility also involves the concept of
security of national boundaries and if necessary to occupy other alien part of the
territory. The states aiming at the protection of their own territory, pursue the
policy of status quo. The states endeavoring to subjugate occupied or non-occupied
territory may be named as pursuing the expansionist policy. The policy of
safeguarding the interest of the citizens inside or outside the state, is known as
policy of prestige.

2. Inter-dependence of States:
All the states big or small, rich or poor are dependent on one another for one or the
other reasons. This inter-dependence may result in -conflict or cooperation so the
states under these stresses attempt to create a situation under which international
behavior may not be broken completely. Foreign policy is formulated in such a way
as to maintain a balance with bargaining. For example, India did not recognize
Israel for long, to dissuade the Arab countries from siding with Pakistan in the
event of Indo-Pak dispute.

3. Promotion of National Interest:

It is the primary duty of all states to promote and further their national interests
through their foreign policies. There may be difference between the interests of one
state with that of another as they naturally vary according to time, place, location
and circumstances, but the interests as self-preservation, security and well-being of
its citizens are the common interests on the basis of which foreign policy is
generally made.

4. Internal and External Conditions:

Foreign policy of every state is conditioned by certain internal and external factors.
Internal factors include geography, population, economic needs, ideology, history
and culture, military capacity, social structure, personalities, public Opinion etc.
External factors are global environment, great power structure,
alliances, international organizations, world public Opinion, reaction of other states
etc. The degree of influence of these factors on the foreign policy may vary from
country to country. That is why they are discussed in detail in subsequent

Specific, Subjective or Internal Determinants:

Every state has its own specific interests that require specific decision in foreign
policy making. A state may be facing certain problems and difficulties and
therefore, has to take several internal factors into consideration while formulating
its foreign policy. These internal factors are known as subjective or special factors
and may differ from state to state. These particular or specific factors are a under.

1. Geography:
A permanent and stable determinant of foreign policy is geography. It determines
the temperature, resources, frontiers and neighbors. The size of the state,
topography, shape, location and climate are important components of geography. A
size large enough to support a population sufficient to man an adequate military
establishment a climate which is uniform and conducive to physical vigor,
preferably either temperate or tropical highland, a topography offering boundaries
with natural defense barrier such as mountains, forests, swamps, rivers, deserts and
oceans and a shape which is compact rather than disintegrated or scattered and thus
easier to defend, provide part of the necessary power potential allowing a state to
pursue an independent foreign g policy. Location is one of the crucial elements in
molding the foreign policy outlook. The insular location of the United Kingdom
has influenced the general character of the British foreign policy as decisively as
the isolated geographic position of the United States in the case of the American
foreign policy. Location has created for them a sense of security as the vastness of
size has conferred the same sense upon Russia and China.

In the context of new technological developments, the importance of geography has

suffered a set back. The coming of supersonic jets, inter-continental ballistic
missiles and rockets have made the mountains and seas vulnerable. Now within few
hours any distance can be covered and heavy bombers can encircle the globe.
Possibility of offensive defense against nuclear missiles is remote. A state while
formulating its foreign policy takes a distant country as seriously as it takes a
neighboring country. Notwithstanding the above developments, the importance of
geography its still intact as the foreign policy of every state continuous to be related
to its geography, though partially.

Another guide to foreign policy is the history of the country From history alone the
nation inherits a style and culture which in turn influence the foreign policy
making. History is the past record of the doings of a community, of its failures and
successes. The past experience, failures and successes guide policy makers to deal
with present problems. If a specific policy had proved to be rewarding in the past,
policy-makers would-like to try the same policy for tackling similar situations in
future. On the contrary, if a particular policy had proved to be a failure to deal with
a situation, the policy-makers would try a different policy under an identical
situation in future.

History shapes the current tradition and the self image of a society, and therefore,
the specific national style. The British habit of muddling through, the French
concern with security, honor and glory, the German ruthlessness, the Soviet
obsession with secrecy, and the American habit to interpret international issues as
moral issues, India’s policy of non alignment and Panchsheel, have definite and
specific historical roots. In every case, such a national style and character
influenced the making and execution of foreign policy.

it, as a determinant of foreign policy, is relevant both in quantitative and qualitative
terms. The political, economic and military phases of a nation’s foreign policy is
also molded by the size, character and distribution its population. It is believed that
the greater the number of population, the greater will be its power. Manpower
determines the standard of living, values, the way of life and even expectation of a
nation. The significance of China and India rests partly on the large size of their
population. Besides the quantity, the quality of population as revealed in its
educational level, skilled labor, technical know-how, health and strong national
character, is a determinant of foreign policy. The quality of population also
influences the quality of political system, public administration, leadership and
even execution of foreign policy.

4. Natural Resources:
Food, minerals, metal, coal, crude oil,water resources constitute an
important element of national power and consequently of foreign policy.
Availability of these resources in plenty definitely enhances the importance of a
country. For example,the presence of petroleum has significantly strengthen the
position of West Asian countries in international relations. They have used oil as a
tool of their foreign policy. If natural resources are not locally available, they have
to be procured through international cooperation. Availability of strategic and
crucial raw materials will place a v country in advantageous position in foreign
affairs. On the contrary, a country lacking in these resources will follow a weak
foreign policy.

5. Economic Factors:
Today, no state in the world can boast of economic self sufficiency. Even the
United States is greatly dependent upon world trade for economic prosperity. This
mutual interdependence of the economies also works as a determinant of foreign
policy. Economic interdependence leads to international economic activity which is
expressed in terms of tariffs, import quotas, trade agreements and other financial
arrangements. Sometimes adjustments in international economic relationship create
tension in the world which further takes the form of political and military action.
States are not equally gifted by nature with natural and economic resources nor
they are capable of utilizing available resources. Therefore, nations make their
foreign policies in a way so that the supply of war materials may not run short and
their trade may have a favorable balance international economic activity also needs
facilities and protection of foreign investment. All these economic factors have
bearing on foreign policy.

6. Development:
Usually, a developed nation tends to follow an independent foreign policy whereas
a backward nation is inclined to pursue a dependency policy. The latter, owing to
its poverty and military weakness, would rely on developed nations for economic
development and or for its protection against a powerful enemy. Such compulsions
do not normally perturb strong and developed nations. However, security is a
relative term and even the most powerful nation perhaps does not feel fully secure.
Many a time developed nations like Britain and France are not able to follow
independent foreign policies. They are often required to toe the line of NATO
dictated by the United States. Although Japan is an economic power and threatens
to overcome the United States in the economic sphere in near future yet it is
militarily weak and is dependent upon the US for its security via-a-vis Russia and
China. Japan is compelled to follow the dictates of the US in the realm of foreign
policy. Thus, foreign policy co relationship between development and
independence is indefinite and uncertain.

In general, developed states have more active foreign policy than developing states.
The former, due to their superior resources, can afford to be more involved in
external issues. However, sometimes even developing states, follow active foreign
policies to the extent of intervening in other countries, directly or indirectly e.g.
Sukarno’s Indonesia, Nasser’s Egypt, Gaddafi’s Libya, Saddam’s Iraq etc.

7. National and Military Capacity:

It includes the military preparedness of a state, its technological advancement and
modem means of communication. The economic development and enlightened
political institutions are also associated with the national capacity. States with
adequate military capacity will have greater initiative and bargaining power in
foreign policy matters. Only those states have adopted aggressive postures who feel
themselves militarily strong.

National capacity determines as well as executes foreign policy effectively. If the

state increases its national capacity, its foreign policy will need a big change. It will
strive to attain a position of distinction in international relations, if it decreases, the
state will have to compromise with its poor status For example, at the, end of the
Second World War Britain became a less powerful state. Change in its national
capacity had considerably changed British foreign policy. The change in the US
foreign policy after the war was owing to the tremendous rate of economic growth
and military success in the war that encouraged it to pursue a policy of involvement
instead of isolation.

8. Ideology:
There has been a great debate on whether ideology persecutes as a determinant of
foreign policy. Some scholars say that democratic nations believe in peace while
dictation regimes believe in war, But reality falsifies this hypothesis. America and
Britain, by no means, are less wan prone than Russia and China. At times a leader
makes the use of ideology merely to justify his policy or behavior in familiar terms
which is acceptable to his countrymen. But on the other occasions a nation goes to
war not for national security but only to compel others to subscribe to its ideology.
An objective view on this matter is that ideology alone is not a policy goal This is
proved by the fact that nations professing Opposite ideologies live in peace with
each other for a number of years. However, there is another side of the picture.
Foreign policy of the Soviet Union cannot be fully explained if one ignores the
ideology of communism. World revolution remained one of the chief objectives of
the USSR’s foreign policy for many years. Russian expansion after 1945 aimed at
establishing of communism as much as her political domination.

However, the role of ideology as a determinant of foreign policy should not be over
emphasized. Often ideologies are used simply to obscure the real facts of a
situation or real motives of ambitious rulers. Sometimes governments stand for
certain ideas only to command popular support at home and preferably abroad also.
The foreign policy of India and many other countries despite ideological overtones
cannot be explained except in terms of national interests. In short, it can be said that
ideologies do not fully determine foreign policy objectives although they influence
to some extent their directions.
After 1986, end detente has once again returned and Super Powers like the USA
and the USSR came closer. People have again started talking of the end of
ideology. Even ex President Gorbachev had stressed the need for de idealization of
international relations. He is also of the opinion that nations with Opposite
ideological systems should not merely co-exist peacefully but should move further
in the domain of constructive cooperation. Ideological camps or blocks
which emerged after the Second World War have almost disappeared now. No
country is interested in ideological rigidities. All these recent developments have
further lowered the role of ideology in the formulation of foreign policy.

9. Public Opinion:
Specially in democratic countries public opinion cannot be ignored as one of the
determinants of foreign policy. It is often vague, volatile, amenable to quick
changes and difficult to mobilize. But once on a particular problem public opinion
is mobilized and expressed in clear terms, it becomes difficult for the government
to overlook it while taking decision on the issue in question. It was the force of the
public Opinion in the United States politics, that compelled the government to
order withdrawal of the American forces from the South Vietnam. Likewise, it was
also under the pressure of public opinion that Krishna Menon had to resign in 1962
after the Chinese aggression. Thus generally public Opinion acts as a determinant
in shaping the foreign policy of a nation.

10. Decision-Makers:
The attitude of policy and decision makers is also carried weight. Leadership
determines the strength and the direction of a foreign policy. The role that a country
performs at a particular time, and the foreign policy that will be pursued, are
outcome of the qualities of those who are in the position to make decisions. How
decision-makers perceive national interest and their image of the external and
global environment has much to do with the making of foreign policy as final
decision regarding foreign matters lies in their hands. In fact, policy decisions in
external matters can never be separated from the psychological traits, the
personality or the predisposition of the leaders. They, and not the abstract state or
organization take the most crucial decision concerning foreign policy.

11. Domestic Instability:

Sometimes domestic instability also works as a determinant of foreign policy.
Quincy Wright, an eminent scholar of international politics as well as war has
observed that a ruler prevents sedition by making external war. It is a common
saying in India that Pakistan has been continuously following an aggressive and
hostile attitude towards India as it has never been able to deal with
numerous internal issues challenging its very legitimacy and existence. Some
Pakistani also allege the same thing about New Delhi. Many people suspected that
the nuclear explosion of 1974 by India was primarily meant to divert the attention
of Indians from domestic difficulties and enhance the image of Mrs. Gandhi who
was then fishing in troubled water at home.

The opponents of President Nixon criticized that in October 1973 he over

emphasized Russian threat in Middle East and resorted to nuclear alert because he
wanted to escape from the Watergate which was about to dethrone him. Thus it is
the insecurity of the ruling elites often projected or taken as domestic instability
that moulds the foreign policy on several occasions.

External Factors:
Certain external factors and situations also influence and shape a nation’s foreign
policy. These factors are as follows:

1. International Organizations:
These include international law, the U.N.O., and its activities, UNESCO, I.L.O,
W.H.O., I.M.F., etc. The nations cannot completely ignore international law,
treaties and contracts so that their violations may not put in danger the policies.
Almost all countries are also members of the U. N O. Its decisions and activities
effect the foreign policy of many nations. The Communist China for a long time
ignored international organizations and consequently could not secure its due
position in the sphere of international relations. In 1971 she became a member of
U.N.O. and this fact caused several shifts in China’s foreign policy.

2. World Public Opinion:

World public Opinion provides dynamism to external environment. It is always
changing. It is very difficult to know it unless it becomes very clear and organized.
Like a flicker of light it influences the foreign policy rarely. The characteristic of
consistency is absolutely absent in it. Only if domestic public opinion of many
countries combines it becomes an effective world public opinion. Then it also
serves as a determinant of foreign policy No country howsoever powerful can go
ever challenging world public Opinion

3. Reaction of other States:

The states cannot always neglect the viewpoint of other states while making their
foreign policies. Moreover, every state has some friendly nations or allies. Their
reaction about a particular policy has to be given special attention States usually
never attempt to pursue those interests which are totally Opposed to the
fundamental interests of other state it a police ignores the reaction of other states it
has little chance to succeed.

4.Other External Factors:

The other external factors that have a bearing upon foreign policy are general world
conditions, whether tense or relaxed, cold war like or detente like, war prone or
peace oriented. General regional environment, whether surrounded by hostile or
friendly neighbors. Special endemic problems inflicting the region like Palestinian
problem in West Asia. Political and economic global problems like arms race,
nuclear proliferation, economic depression, economic protectionism, economic
inequalities e. g. North-South problem, refugee problem etc. Prevailing alliance
system and power structure in the world-bipolar or multi polar also influence
foreign policy of various states.

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