Irc 79-2019

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(First Revision)

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(First Revision)

Published by:


Kama Koti Marg,
Sector-6, R.K. Puram,
New Delhi-110 022


Price : ~ 3001-
(Plus Packing & Postage)
First Published May, 1981 I
Reprinted April, 2002
Reprinted April,2006
Reprinted June, 2009
First Revision August, 2019


(All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication sh be reproduced,
translated or transmitted in any form or by any means without the
permission of the Secretary General, Indian Rdds Congress)

Printed by India Offset Press, Delhi - 11 064

1100 Copies


s. No. Description Page No.

Personnel of the Highways Specifications and Standards Committee i-ii
1. Introduction 1
2. Scope 2
3. Roadway Indicators .2

4. Median Marker 8
5. Hazard Markers 9
6. Object Markers 11
7. Installation 13
8. Maintenance 13
(As on 23.10.2018)

1 Singh, B.N. . Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary to Govt. of
(Convenor) India, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi

2 Balakrishna, Y. Additional Director General, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,

(Co-Convenor) New Delhi

3 Kumar, Sanjeev Chief Engineer (R) S, R & T, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways,
(Member-Secretary) New Delhi


4 Behera, Bijan Kumar Engineer-in-Chief (Civil), Odisha

5 Bose, Dr. Sunil Head (Retd.), FPC Division, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi

6 Chandra, Dr. Satish Director, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi

7 Gupta, D.P. DG(RD) & AS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi

8 Jain, RK. Chief Engineer (Retd.), PWD Haryana

9 Kapila, K.K. Chairman & Managing Director, ICT Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

10 Kukrety, B.P. Associate Director, CEG Ltd., New Delhi

11 Kumar, Dr. Mahesh Engineer-in-Chief (Retd.), PWD (B&R) Haryana

12 Lal, Chaman Engineer-in-Chief (Retd.), PWD Haryana

13 Meena, H.L. Secretary (Retd.), PWD Rajasthan

14 Nashikkar, J.T. Secretary (Retd.), PWD Maharashtra

15 Nirmal, S.K. Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi

16 Pandey, I.K. Additional Director General, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
New Delhi
17 Parida, Prof. (Dr.) M. Dean, SRIC, Indian Institute ofTechnology, Roorkee

18 Patel, S;1. Secretary (Retd.), PWD (Roads and Buildings) Gujarat

19 Prasad, R Jai Engineer-in-Chief (Retd.), PWD & Bangalore Mahanagar Palike, Kamataka

Rawat, M.S.
Reddy, Dr. K.S. Krishna
Executive Director, AECOM India Pvt. Ltd.
Secretary, Public Works, Ports & Inland Water Transport Department,
22 Reddy, I.G. Engineer-in-Chief (NH, CRF & Buildings), PWD Hyderabad

23 Reddy, Prof. (Dr.) K.S. Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

24 Sharma, S.C. DG(RD) & SS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi

25 Shrivastava, A.K. Additional Director General (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways, New Delhi
26 Singh, Nirmaljit DG(RD) & S8 (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi

27 Sinha, AV. DG(RD) & SS (Retd.), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi

28 The Chief Engineer PWD Arunachal Pradesh

(Sasar, Toli)
29 The Chief Engineer Border Roads Organisation, New Delhi
(Kumar, Anil)
30 The Director (Tech.) National Rural Infrastructure Developlent Agency, New Delhi
(Pradhan, B.C.)
31 The General Manager National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation,
(Projects) Retd. NewD€lhi I.

(Kaul, Satish) "

32 The JICA Expert Japan International Cooperation Agerncy, New Delhi

(Kitayama, Michiya)
33 The Member (Projects) National Highways Authority of India, New Delhi
(Pandey, R.K.)

34 The Professor Indian Institute ofTechnology, Kanpur

(Chakroborty, Dr. Partha)

35 The Secretary Roads and Buildings Department, GJjarat

(Vasava, S.B.)

36 The Secretary (Roads) PWD Maharashtra

(Joshi, C.P.)

37 The Secretary (Tech.) Roadsand Buildings Department, Jalnmu & Kashmir

(Tickoo, Bimal) (Retd.)

38 The Special Director CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

General (Retd.)
(Bansal, M.C.)

39 Venkatesha, M.C. Consultant

40 Wasson, Ashok Member (Tech.) (Retd.), National Highways Authority of India, New Delhi

Corresponding Members

1 Jaigopal, R.K. MD, Struct Geotech Research Laboratories (P) Ltd., Bengaluru

2 Justo, Prof. (Dr.) C.E.G. Professor (Retd.), Emeritus

3 Veeraragavan, Prof. Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

(Dr.) A.

Ex-Officio Members

1 President, (Reddy, Dr. K.S. Krishna), SecretarY, Public Works, Ports & Inland
Indian Roads .congress Water Transport Department, Karnataka

2 Director General (Road (Singh, B.N.), Ministry of Road Trans~ort and Highways, New Delhi
Development) & Special
Secretary to Govt. of India

3 Secretary -General, Nirmal, Sanjay Kumar

Indian Roads Congress



1.1 The role of delineators is to provide visual assistance to drivers about alignment of
the road ahead, especially at night: Delineators are particularly effective in the case of complex
locations involving changes in horizontal/vertical geometry, and during severe weather conditions
such as heavy rain, fog or snow. Normally, reflectors are used on the delineators for better night
time visibility.

1.2 In a broad sense, "delineation" stands for any device or treatment whose aim is to
outline the roadway or a portion thereof. This could include painted lines, raised pavement
markers, posts, post-mounted reflectors or contrast treatments of the pavement. Delineation by
pavement markings is covered by IRC:35, "Code of Practice for Road Markings". This code deals
only with post type retro reflective delineators or embedded on any concrete structures/trees.

1:3. The code was first published by IRC in 1981. A need was felt to update the document
keeping in view of the new and improved materials which are now available.ASub-group consisting
of Shri Pawan Kumar Singh (as Convener of the Sub-group) along with Dr. S. Velmurugan, Shri
S.K. Popli, Dr. P.K. Agarwal and Shri Parampreet Singh as members was constituted to prepare
the draft revision document. The draft prepared by the Sub-group was considered by the H-7
/ committee (personnel given below) at its meeting held on 10th October 2018. The Convener was
authorized to forward the same to IRC after modifying further in the light of the deliberations for
placing before the Highways Specifications and Standards (HSS) Committee. Subsequently,
HSS Committee considered and approved the draft in its meeting held on 23rd October, 2018.
The revised draft incorporating the comments of HSS was approved by the 216th Council in its
meeting held on 22nd November, 2018 at Nagpur (Maharashtra) for printing.

Singh, Nirmaljit Convenor

Velmurugan, Dr. S. Co-Convenor
George, Jacob Member-Secretary


Agarwal, Prof. (Dr.) P.K. Popli, SK

Agrawal, C.P. Ram, Prof. (Dr.) Sewa
Bhavsar, Jigesh Singh, Parampreet
ChakroQorty, Prof. (Dr.) Partha Singh, Pawan Kumar
Garg,Anil Tiwari, Prof. (Dr.) Geetam
Gupta, D.P. Rep. of MoRTH (Kumar, Sanjeev)
Mathew, Tony CGM, Road Safety, NHAI
Meena, Harkesh Rep.ofDGBR
Mitra, Prof. (Dr.) Sudeshna
Corresponding Members
Chand, Faqir Sikdar, Prof. (Dr.) P.K.
Gangopadhyay, Dr. S. Rep. of World Bank
Sidhu, H.S.


Ex-Officio Members
President, (Reddy, Dr. K.S. Krishna), Secretary,
Indian Roads Congress PUbl:iCWorks, Ports & Inland Water
Transport Department, Karnataka I
Director General (Sin~h, B.N.), Ministry of Road I

(Road Development) & Special Tran'sport & Highways I

Secretary to Govt. of India I

Secretary General, NirJal, Sanjay Kumar if'

Indian Roads Congress

. 2.1 Delineators are classified under three types:

(i) Roadway Indicators

,, .
(ii) Median Markers
(iii) Hazard Markers, and
(iv) Object Markers
2.2 Each ofthese serves a somewhat different purpose. " I oadwayindicators" are intended
to delineate the edges of the roadway to guide drivers about the alignment ahead, particularly
where it might be confusing for some reason. The objective bf "hazard markers" is to define
obstructions like guard-rails and abutments adjacent to the cadiageway, for instance at culverts
and bridges which are narrower than the roadway width at adproaches. "Object markers" are
used to indicate hazards and obstructions within the vehicle flo,)",path, for example channelizing
islands close to the intersections, roundabouts at the interse1btions or electric poles or trees
located within the Right of Way (RoW).

2.3 At the same time, it is to be borne in mind that the (delineators are basically driving I
aids and should not be regarded as a substitute for warning sighs, road markings, or barriers for I

out-of-control vehicles. I


3.1 Roadway indicators are popularly called as Delineatlxs or Guide Poles. It is basically
a form of guide posts made of Mild steel with pure polyester pbwder coating with the minimum
thickness of powder coating of not less than 40 micron for p~otection against corrosion. The
surface should beconceated so that there should not be any kxposed surface without powder
coating. Alternatively, these metal guide poles can be conceal~d with thermoplastic body which
is of course somewhat cost prohibitive. The posts shall have Ian ellipsoidal or circular design
with the height of the pole shall be 800 to 900 mm above the ground with about 200 to 300
mm base which can be anchored onto the ground. Mild steJI Guide Poles shall conform to
Type XI sheeting specifications as per IRC:67 and ASTM D 4956 I
which would ensure to obtain
clear visibility of the road alignment during night time (refer Fig. 1). In this context, to achieve
enhanced visibility of the curved portion of the road, guide pbles shall have substantial area

allocated to exhibit alternate band of black paint and white retro reflective sheeting which can
provide added aesthetics as well. The above arrangement shall be in place on both sides of
poles in the case of undivided carriageways having sharp curves.

To prevent complete vandalism of the above, it is recommended to house the sheeting coupled
with concealed edges as shown in Fig. 1. The normal spacing between two successive guide
poles shall be about 50 to 70 m center to center in case of high speed interurban roads catering
to high volume traffic. However, in the case of low volume roads as well as rural roads located
on rolling and hilly terrain, concrete delineators (shown in Fig. 2) can be used as these would
'be less costly.


Fig. 1 Typical View of Delineators


1.120 CONrnETE:

AMFER 20 , 20
8 8mmS!l 4 NOS

mmS!l STIRRUP 250mm c/c

Fig. 2 Typical View of Concrete Delineators

3.2 As an alternative to guide poles in work zones, plastic drums with alternative red
and white retro-reflective stripes of 100 to 150 mm wide coryforming to Type IV Standards
(Reboundable work zone sheeting as per ASTM D 4956 Clause S2) shall be used for roadway
delineation as shown in Fig. 3, especially when it is for temporary purpose in the event of
diversions, road works etc. ' , ,

300mm min

100 to
150 mm ] •...__


Fig. 3 TemporaryDelineatorPostsfor ~J~'zo~es


3.3 These temporary guide posts shall possess a height of about 800 to 900 mm above the
ground with about 200 to 300 mm base anchored onto the grouhd. Such temporary delineators
shall have three stripes of retro reflective sheeting (each stripb with 150 sq em or above) of
Type XI conforming to IRC:67 and ASTM D-4956 which would ehsure clear visibility during night
time as shown in Fig. 3.
3.4 These guide poles shall be always retro reflective i? nature as it helps to improve
visibility at night and at locations where visibility is poor due to fog etc. As mentioned earlier,
the posts should have alternate band of black colour paint and White retro reflective sheeting of

Type XI as per IRC:67 and ASTM D-4956. White colored retro reflective sheeting should be fixed
I ,
on reverse side of posts in the case of undivided carriageways having sharp curves. ,

3.5 The decision to use roadway indicators, whether continuously or in short sections
selectively, will be guided by factors such as importance ofthe road, quantum offast traffic, speed ,

of travel, road crash records, danger posed by any specific deficiency

, in the road alignment, I
i '
etc. The primary use of roadway indicators in non-urban sections of main roads is especially ,

in curved reaches. However, in the urban stretches, the use df delineators could be decided
based on warrants of the road and traffic conditions including t~e road stretches which are not
adequately lighted. Application photographs are given in Fig. 4. i ,I, ',,
3.6 In situations where a guard-rail or parapet wall is provided for safety, roadway indicators
shall be mounted above or immediately behind the guard-rail. Inl addition, the guard-rail shall be
treated with Retro-reflective sheeting of Type VI black and yellow stripes with Aluminum backed
flexible prismatic sheeting conforming to ASTM D4956-09 which is applicable for reboundable


Fig. 4 Typical Illustration of Utility of Delineators during Day and Night Time

Criteria for Use

3.7 Normally, use of roadway indicators should be considered under the following situations:

(i) Curved Sections

(a) Horizontal curves of radius 300 m or less.
(b) Vertical curves with inadequate visibility.
(ii) Straight Sections
a. Road sections where visibility is often poor due to mist, fog or snowy
b. Reaches where the alignment appears uncertain to the driver, e.g. pavement
width transitions, temporary road diversions, etc.
c. Road sections subject to frequent submergence and ponding due to storm
d. Approaches to narrow bridges and culverts
e. Valley side of hill roads
f. Road embankment exceeding 3 m in height
g. Approaches to important intersections
h. Special problem points such as causeways and tunnels.

Placement and Spacing . I

3.8 As a general rule, roadway indictors should be erected at the edge of the usable
shoulder and in the' case of kerbed sections at a distance Of 0.6 m from the kerb face. On
hilly terrains, they may be placed either on the parapet or at the , edge of the earthen. shoulder
depending on the available roadway width and Right of Way (~oW).
3.9 The overall line of posts should be parallel to centre line of the road ordinarily, except
that at guard-rails or other obstructions, it may be so adjusted t~at the delineators are in line with
Or inside the innermost edge of the obstruction (see Fig. 5). As far as practicable, the top of the
posts should be in uniform grade, taking into account the effect~ of shoulder cross fall and super
elevation. ,
3.10 On straight sections, roadway indicators should bel spaced uniformly 50-70 m from
each other, according to local conditions, the posts being in pairs, one on each side of the
. roadway. On divided roads, these should also be provided on medians to meet the condition of
providing them on inside of the horizontal curves. Where the normal uniform spacing is affected

by cross-roads, driveways etc. and a delineator would fall in that area; the same may be moved
in either direction a distance not exceeding one quarter of the usual spacing. If it still falls in such
a zone, it should be omitted. :

Delineators mounted above or immediately behind Guard Rail. The placement of delineators are not at constant
distance from roadway edge because of the Btidge Rail
Note:- I

Delineators should be placed at a constant distance from the carriageway edge expect that when an
obstruction exists near the pavement edge, the line of delineators should make a smooth transition so as
to be in line with the obstruction. i

Fig. 5 Illustration of Roadway Indicator Installation on the Curved Approach to a Bridge

.' I

3.11 On horizontal curves, the spacing should be fixed in relation to the curve radius as
given in Table 1. In addition, some delineators should be continued beyond the curve on either
side. The spacing of first, second and third roadway indicators on the approaches, in advance
and beyond the curve, should be 1.8 S, 3 Sand 6 S respectively (where S is the normal spacing
on the curve) but not exceeding 50 m. The method of placement is explained in Fig. 6.

Table 1 Recommended Spacing for Roadway Indicators on Horizontal Curves

Radius of Curve (meters) Spacing on Curve, (S) (meters)

30 6
50 8
100 12
200 20
300 25


1. Adjust Distance 'x' suitably so that the last roadway delineator
is at the end of the curve.
2. Install all delineators at edge of the roadway perpendicular to
the oncoming traffic.
3. See table for value of '5' i.e. Spacing of delineators on the



Fig. 6 Typical Illustration of Delineator Spacing on Horizontal Curves

i I,
3.12 ' ' On vertical curves where visibility is not adequate" roadway indicators should be
provided at a spacing of 30 to 50 m depending on the sharpnesSI of the curve.

3.13 At problematic locations like causeways, road delineators may be installed at a much
smaller spacing, say 5 or 10 m, according to local conditions.

"r ~,
, 1;1
Flexible Median Marker (FMM) should be used for improving m~dian visibility during dark hours. ,.
, Use of Median Marker provides safety against collision happening with medians during night time
, or severe weather. Flexible Median Markers shall be provided with fluorescent yellow colour retro
reflective sheeting Type XI as per IRC:67. Flexible Median Marker shall be of tough, high impact
resistant, injection-molded, thermoplastic body with property of flexibility to provide high durability
'and U shape structure having rebound/bounce back property (r~fer Fig. 7 for typical illustration).

As mentioned earlier, the sheeting shall be of Type XI conforming to IRC:67 and it should be
:, i
on both .the faces whereby providing maximum reflectivity at l,anger distances with adequate
durability. The logo of the manufacturer shall be embossed on e:ither side of the body during the ,

injection molding process. FMM shall be fixed by a combination bf epoxy adhesive and grouting/
drilling on concrete medians or properly constructed solid medians.

A. Colour
The marker body shall be produced in neutral Black colour. The colour of the retro reflective \ 1
elernent shall be Florescent Yellow. II II i'
I ,,
B. Material I

The plastic body of the FMM shall be moulded from Flexible Thermoplastic Body.
C. Dimensions I

Height: The marker height shall be a minimum of 180 mm.


Width: The marker width shall be a minimum 120 mm. :

, I

Body Thickness: Minimum of 6.5 mm.

: i:
Shank Length:' Each of the shanks shall not be less than 20 mmand depth shall not be less than
30 rnm.
: I
I '
Reflective Area: Shall not be less than 90 cm square.
D. Performance I
Reboundability I

The body of FMM shall bounce back to its original position after 750 numbers of hits using
pendulurn of 1.8 kg conforming to ASTM D 256.

Tensile Test
Adhesion between the body and outer casing body of FMM sh<;lllwithstand 50 Kgf tensile loads
conforming to ASTM D 638 method. i,

Application and placement

FMM shall be used for the illumination of median as well as Parapet wall structures etc.
Recommended minimum application distance is 2 m in the case of urban areas, 5 m for interurban
highways and expressways or as suggested by Engineer In-charge (Refer Fig. 8).

Retro reflective Sheeting

Fi9:7 Typical Illustration of Flexible Median Markers

Fig. 8 Typicallllustratlon of Utility of Flexible Median Markers during Day and Night Time



5.1 The following designs shall be adopted for hazard markers:

The striped markers consisting of alternating black and yellow stripes sloping downward at an
angle of 45° towards the side of the obstruction on which the traffic is to pass (see Fig. 9).
Hazard marker to be made with Type XI sheeting conforming to IRC:67.


Fig. 9a Object Hazard Sign (Left) Fig. 9b Obje<;t Hazard Sign (Right)

.450 ••

Fig. 9c Object Hazard Marker Two Way Sign (For Two Way Hazards)

Application and Placement

Object Hazard Markers (OHM) should be put up wherever there are objects on the edge of the
travelled way which can lead to road crashes. For e.g. bridge abutments, guard rails, etc.

5.2 These OHM should be erected immediately ahead of the line of obstruction, for
instance on a narrow bridge just where the bridge rail starts. Wh~n placed in conjunction with the
guard-rail on a bridge approach, the OHM should be located immediately behind the guard-rail
and at sufficient height to ensure that these will be properly visible to the oncoming traffic. The
inside edge of the OHM should be in line with the inner edge of the obstruction as far as possible.

5.3 Typical application of these markers on a narrow bridge in continuation of a curve is
shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10 Typical Illustration of Object Hazard Markers on Narrow Bridge


Several designs of object markers are possible including circular shape. For example, such
Aluminum-backed flexible prismatic reflective sheeting shall be used for application on the beam
and post of the Metal crash barrier or porous concrete structures like roundabout, at bull noses,
Traffic PolicelToll Booth Structures, as well as at entry/exit points of the Tunnel structures aimed
at enhancing nighttime vjsibility (refer Fig. 11).

6.1 This Aluminum-backed flexible prismatic sheeting shall be made of yellow colored
flexible prismatic sheeting with non-metallic prismatic lens formed in a transparent, synthetic
resin as retro reflective elements. This flexible prismatic sheeting shall have black and yellow
stripes with aluminum backed flexible prismatic Type VI sheeting conforming to ASTM: D4956 .
specifications and standards of coefficient of retro reflectivity, flexibility and impact resistance
applicable for reboundable devices. This flexible prismatic sheeting shall have screen printed
arrow/slant line pattern in black colour in a continuous roll format. These object markers may be
bigger if the conditions so warrant on the ground.


Fig. 11 Typical Illustration of Placement of Flexible Object Markers

6.2 Typical locations.where such flexible object markers Canbe used are given in Fig. 11: I

(i) On the beam and post of the Metal Crash Barrier (MCB)lWire Rope Barrier post.
(ii) Periphery of the roundabout as well as bull noses of the traffICislands pointing
towards the direction of travel.
(iii) Traffic PolicefToll Booth Structures as well as at entry/exit points of the Tunnel
structures etc.
6.3 These markers should be pasted on the above locations for instance in the case of
a channelizing islandlroundabout at its nose point only (facing the direction of traffic) without

having the need to put on the entire periphery which will help in achieving enhanced safety with
minimal investment. Width of object marker shall be 300 mm and length of object markers might
vary depending upon the situation but shall be generally minimum around 400 to 500 mm so that
reflectors are fully visible to the approaching traffic as shown in Fig. 11.


7.1 Techniques of installation can vary according to nature and stiffness of the ground, and
local custom. A proper foundation with M-25 grade of concrete shall be used for the installation of
all types of delineators. Installation should ensure that the post does not change its orientation,
particularly when it is of a circular shape.

7.2 The delineators should be so positioned thatthe retro reflectorised face is perpendicular
to the direction of travel.


To remove dirt, the delineator should be periodically scrubbed clean, especially after rains.
Warranty of reflective sheeting should be in accordance with IRC:67. The ground around the
delineators should be kept clean by cutting grass and bushes periodically so that visibility of the
above delineators suggested for installation at any specific location is not affected.

(The Official amendments to this document would be published by
the IRC in its periodical, 'Indian Highways' which shall be
considered as effective and as part of the Code/Guidelines/Manual,
etc. from the date specified therein)





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