AU Holidaylist
AU Holidaylist
AU Holidaylist
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The following shall be the list of Holidays for the Academic
Session 201
Name of Holldays Date
No, Day I ofDays
I Id-ul-Zuha @akrid)+ t2.08.2019 Monday 0l
2. Independence Day 15.08.2019 Thwsday 0l
3. Rhkshabandhan 5.08.20 | 9
I Ihursday 0t
Janamashtami 23.08.2019 Friday 0l
5. Muharraht 10.09.2019 Tuesday OI
6 Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday 02.10.2019 Wednesday OI
7. Dussehra Bieak 06.10.2019 to Sunday to Monday 0z
07. r0.20r9
8. Vijya Dashmi 08.10.2019 Tuesday 0l
Deepavali 27.10.2019 Smday 0t
10. Gobardhan Puia 28.10.2019 Monday 0l
I ld-e-Milad-un-Nabl* t0.l1.2019 Sunday 0l
12. Guru Nanak Jayanti 12.11.2019 Tuesday 0l
ll. Winter Vacation 21.12.2019 to (Only for teachers) l2
14. Christmas Day 25.12.2019 Wednesday I
15. Makar Sankanti 15.0 | .2020 Wednesday I
lo Mduni Amavasya 24.0t.2020 Friday I
t7. Basant Panchami 29.01.2020 Wednesday I
t8. Republic Day ' 26.01.2020 Sunday I
19. Ravidas jayanti/Maghi pumirna 09.02.2020 Sunday I
20. Maha Shivratri 2t.02.2020 Friday I
2t. Holi 10.03.2020 luesday I
22. Ram Navami 02.04.2020 Thursday
Mahavir Jayanti 06.04.2020 Monday
24. Good Friday 10.04.2020 Friday
25. Ambedkar Jayanti | 4.04.2020 Tuesday
26. Buddha Pumima 07.0s.2020 Thursday I
27. Summer Break 10.05.2020 to Only for Teachers
28. Id-ul-Fitr* 25.05.2020 Monday I
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List ofRestricted Holidays for the Academic Session 2019- 20.
Each employee can avail for himself/herself of any two holidays to be chosen by hir/her out ofthis
lis of
Restricted Holidays.
Any list olher than this will not be valid.
3 Holidays marked with an ssterisk (t) is liable to slight alteration according to visibility of Moon. If any
change in date occurs, the same \rill be announced by the pRO.
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Prof. N. K, Shukla
) the following for information and necessary action:
l All rhe Deans, of the Faculties (ArtvcommercdL;Vscience L
2. TL"
P"1l Student Welfare/College DevelopmenVResea.rch & Development.
3. AII the Hgads of the Departments.
The Proctor
_All the Directors of Institutes/Coordinators of Cenres.
Director,I.C.T. Cell with request to upload on the University Wobsite.
All the Wardons/Superintendents of Hostels.
All the Principals ofthe Constituent Colleg€s.
The Confoller of Ex8minations.
I The Librarian.
The Finance Oflicer.
All. tho Joint Registrars/Deputy Registrar/Assistant Registra$.
University Engineer/P.R.O./S.M.O./Estate Manager/S;curity Officer/C.p.l.O./Law Officer.
The SVC, AU.- for kind information to the Hon,ble Vice_Chancellor.
U.l.S. Unit, Computer Centre.
Record Section.
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Joint Registrar