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(1st,2nd & 3rd year) - 2013-14


Odisha-761211, INDIA,

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1+0+0 BGAG1101
Introductory Agriculture

2+1+0 BGAG1102
Principles of Agronomy

2+1+0 BGPG1101
Principles of Genetics

2+1+0 BGAC1101
Introduction to Soil Science

Production Technology of
2+1+0 BGHO1101

Fundamentals of

Statistics BGAS1101

Fundamentals of Soil, Water

and Conservation 2+1+0 BGAE1101
Insect Morphology and
Systematics 2+1+0 BGEN1101

TOTAL 15+7+1 = 23

Physical Education – PE – 111 /NCC – 111 / NSS – 111 (Non – Credit) 1(0+1)

Pre – requisite – Mathematics (Non – Credit) BM – 111 (A) 3 (2+1)

Botany (Non – Credit) BB – 111 (A) 3 (2+1)


2+1+0 BGAG1204
Water Management

1+1+0 BGAG1203
Agricultural Meteorology

Principles of Plant Breeding

2+1+0 BGPG1202

Agricultural Microbiology
1+1+0 BGAC1202

1+1+0 BGNE1201
Introductory Nematology

Crop Physiology – I

Principles of Agricultural BGEC1201

Dimensions of Agricultural BGEE1201
Introduction to Computer 1+1+0

Farm Power & Machinery BGAE1202

TOTAL 13+9+0 = 22
Comprehension & Communication skills in English (Non – credit) SE – 121 2 (1+1)
Pre requisite – Mathematics (Non – credit) BM – 122 (A) 3 (2+1)

Zoology (Non – credit) BZ – 121 (A) 3 (2+1)

Field Crops - I 2+1+0 BGAG2105

Rainfed Agriculture 1+0+0 BGAG2106

Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility

2+1+0 BGAC2103
& Nutrient Management

Plant Pathogens and

2+1+0 BGPP2102
Principles of Plant Pathology

Production Technology of
1+1+0 BGHO2102

Crop Nematode Management 1+1+0 BGNE2102

Agricultural Finance & Co- 1+0+1 BGEC2102


2+1+0 BGPH2102
Crop Physiology-II

Fundamentals of Rural
2+0+0 BGEE2102
Sociology & Educational
Livestock Production & 2+1+0 BGAP2101

TOTAL 16+7+1= 24
Field Crops-II 2+1+0 BGAG2207

Weed Management 1+1+0 BGAG2208

Cytogenetics & Crop 1+1+0 BGPG2203


Production Technology of 2+1+0 BGHO2203

Fruit Crops

Manures, Fertilizers & 2+1+0 BGAC2204


Insect Ecology & Integrated 2+1+0 BGEN2202

Pest Management

Diseases of Field Crops & 2+1+0 BGPP2203

their Management

Agricultural Marketing, 1+0+1 BGEC2203

Trade & Prices

Principles of Seed Science & 1+1+0 BGST2201


TOTAL 14+8+1= 23


Practical Crop Production-I 0+1+0 BGAG3109
Farming Systems and
1+1+0 BGAG3110
Sustainable Agriculture
Environmental Science 1+1+0 BGES3101
Production technology of
Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal 2+1+0 BGHO3104
and Plantation Crops
Breeding of Field &
2+1+0 BGPG3104
Horticultural Crops
Crop Pests, Stored Grain
2+1+0 BGEN3103
Pests and their Management
Diseases of Horticultural
2+1+0 BGPP3104
Crops and their Management
Mushroom Cultivation 0+1+0 BGPP3105
Production Economics and
1+1+0 BGEC3104
Farm Management
Development and 1+1+0 BGEE3103
Communication Skills
TOTAL 12+10+0



Practical Crop Production-II 0+1+0 BGAG3211
Organic Farming 1+1+0 BGAG3212
Principles of Plant
2+1+0 BGAB3201
Biochemistry 2+1+0 BGAC3205
Post-harvest Management and
Value Addition of Fruits and 1+1+0 BGHO3205
Fundamentals of Agri-
1+1+0 BGEC3205
Business Management
Extension Methodologies for
Transfer of Agricultural 1+1+0 BGEE3204
Seed Production technology 1+1+0 BGST3202
and Quality Control
Renewable Energy 1+1+0 BGAE3203
Protected Cultivation and
1+1+0 BGAE3204
Post-Harvest Technology
TOTAL 11+10+0

1. Introductory Agriculture [BGAG1101] 1(1+0+0)

Theory: Art, Science and business of crop production. Factors affecting crop production. Brief history of
agricultural development:- Chronological Agricultural Technology development in India. Indian Agriculture,
Agricultural growth, Balance sheet (DATA). Diversity in Physiography, Soil groups, Marine, Livestock and
Water. Dry land agriculture; Farming Systems approach; value addition requirements in new technology; Women
in Agriculture: multifaceted roles and tasks, work stress factors, Nutritional and rural life standards, role in house
hold design making, drudgery reduction for farm women, women friendly agricultural technology. Empowerment
of women; Group dynamics for farm women and rural women- the nucleus of agricultural extension and training.

Reference Book:

1. History of Agriculture in India, Vol.I-IV – (Ed.)M.S.Randhawa

2. Rainfed Agriculture in India:Research and development Scenario. J. Venkataswarelu
3. Concise History of Science in India, Agriculture - S.P. Rayachaudhury, D.M. Bose, S.N. Sen and B.V.A.
4. Women in Agriculture – B.Wasnik
5. The future of Indian Agriculture – Y.K.Alagh (NBT Publication)

2. Principles of Agronomy[BGAG1102] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Meaning and scope of Agronomy: National and International Agricultural Research Institutes located in
India, Agro-climatic zones of India and Orissa. Classification of crops. Crop rotation principles and advantages,
cropping pattern, cropping schemes, multiple cropping and mixed cropping principles and advantages,
intercropping types and advantages and assessment. Relay cropping, paira cropping and crop interactions. Crop
growth and development, and factors affecting yield. Crop stand establishment, planting geometry and its effect
on growth and yield. Selection of seed, sowing methods, tillage and it’s objectives, types and effect of tillage on
soil, tillage implements and harvesting. Yield and it’s estimation. Soil fertility and productivity, maintenance of
fertility, essential elements, their sources and availability and uptake by crops. Manures and fertilizers- organic
and in organic, green manuring, bio-fertilizers, balanced fertilizers, principles governing time and method of
fertilizer application, integrated nutrient management.

Practical: Identification of field crops and under utilized crops and their growth stages; Study of tillage
implements; Practice of ploughing; Practice of puddling; Study of seeding equipments; Different methods of
sowing; Study of manures, fertilizers and green manure crops / seeds (including calculations); Study of inter-
cultivation implements and practice; Practice of methods of fertilizer application; Preparation of fertilizers
mixture and spray solutions; Compost making; Participation in ongoing field operations.

Reference Book:
1. Principles of Agronomy - T.Y. Reddy and G. H. Sankar Reddi
2. Principles of Agronomy - S. R. Reddy
3. The Nature and Properties of Soil - N.C.Brady and Ray Weil
4. Manures and Fertilizers - K. S. Yawalkar, J.P. Agrawal and S. Bokde
5. Russels Soil Conditions and Plant Growth –Allan Wild

3. Principles of Genetics[BGPG1101] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Mendel’s laws of inheritance and exceptions to the laws; Types of gene action, Multiple alleles,
Pleiotropism, Penetrance and expressivity; Quantitative traits, Qualitative traits and differences between them;
Multiple factor hypothesis; Cytoplasmic inheritance, it’s characteristic features and difference between
chromosomal and cytoplasmic inheritance; Mutation and it’s characteristic features; Methods of inducing
mutations and C l B technique; molecular basis of gene mutation; Mechanisms of sex determination; Gene
expression and differential gene activation; operon concept and Fine structure of Gene; DNA and it’s structure,
function, types, modes of replication and repair; RNA and its structure, function and types; Transcription,
Translation, Genetic code and outline of protein synthesis; Crossing over and factors affecting it; Mechanism of
crossing over and Cytological proof of crossing over; Linkage, Types of linkage and estimation of linkage;
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; Changes in gene and genotype frequencies; Genetic disorders and gene therapy.

Practical: Gametogenesis and fertilization; Monohybrid ratio and its modifications; Dihybrid ratio and its
modifications; Trihybrid ratio; Chi-square analysis and Interaction of factors; Epistatic factors, Supplementary
factors and Duplicate factors; Complementary factors, Additive factors and Inhibitory factors; Blood grouping
and PTC test in human; Linkage – Two point test cross; Linkage – Three point test cross; gene order and genetic

Reference Book:

1. Genes - B. Lewin
2. Fundamentals of Genetics -B. D. Singh
3. Genetics - M. W. Strickberger
4. Principles of Genetics - E.W.Sinnott, L.C.Dunn, T.Dobzhansky
5. Principles of Genetics - E. J.Gardner, M. J.Simmons and D. P. Snustad
6. Genetics – B.D.Singh

4. Introduction to Soil Science [BGAC1101] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Soil: Pedological and edaphological concepts, Origin of the earth, Earth’s crust: Composition: Rocks
and minerals, Weathering, soil formation factors and processes, components of soils, Soil profile, soil physical
properties, soil texture, textural classes, particle size analysis, soil structure, classification, soil aggregates,
significance, soil consistency, soil crusting, Bulk density and particle density of soils & porosity, their
significance and manipulation, soil compaction, soil colour, elementary knowledge of soil classification and soils
of India; soil water, Retention and potentials, soil moisture constants, movement of soil water, Infiltration,
Percolation, Permeability, Drainage, Methods of determination of soil moisture. Thermal properties of soil, soil
temperature, Soil air, Gaseous exchange, influence of soil temperature and air on plant growth; Soil colloids,
properties, Nature, Types & significance; Layer silicate clays, their genesis and sources of charges, adsorption of
ions, ion exchange, CEC and AEC ,factors influencing ion exchange and its significance. Soil organic matter,
composition, decomposability, Humus, Fractionation of organic matter, carbon cycle, C:N ratio, Soil biology,
Biomass, Soil Organisms & their beneficial & harmful roles.
Practical: Determination of Bulk density & Particle density, Aggregate analysis, Soil strength, soil moisture
determination, Soil moisture constants-Field capacity, Infiltration rate, Water holding capacity, Soil Texture &
Mechanical analysis-Soil temperature, Analytical chemistry-Basic concepts, Techniques & calculations-
collection & processing of soil for analysis-Organic carbon, pH, EC, Soluble cations and anions-Study of a soil
profile-Identification of rocks and minerals.

Reference Book:

1. The nature and properties of soils-N.C.Brady and Ray R.Weil

2. A text book of Soil Science – T.D. Biswas& S.K. Mukherjee
3. Fundamentals of Soil Science – Indian Society of Soil Science
4. Conception,Application of Pedology – J.L. Sehgal
5. Soil Physics – B.P.Ghildyal and R.P.Tripathy
6. Introduction to soil Physics –D. Hillel
7. Soil Chemical Analysis – M.L.Jackson

5. Production Technology of Vegetables [BGHO1101] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Importance and scope of the vegetable cultivation, classification of vegetables, types of vegetable
farming, Study of vegetable crops with respect to their origin, distribution, climate and soil requirement, sowing
and planting ,varieties, nutrient requirement, irrigation, intercultural operations,harvesting , important insect
pests diseases and disorders crop improvement and seed production techniques of Solanaceous vegetables
(tomato, Brinjal and chilli,Capsicum) Cole crops (cauliflower and cabbage and Knolkhol), Cucurbits (Pumpkin,
Cucumber, gourd and melons). Legumes (pea, beans, Cowpea and Guanr), Okra, Bulb crops (onion and
garlic),Root crops (radish, turnip, beet and carrot), Potato, Topical tuber crops (sweet potato yams, colocasia,
cassava and amorphophallus) Leafy vegetables (amaranthus, basela, spinach and fenugreek), perennials (drum
stick, curry leaf).

Practical: Raising of vegetable seedlings in the nursery, seed germination planning and layout of kitchen garden.
Identification of vegetable seeds and plant parts, Seed rate, fertilizer calculation Physiological disorders,
transplanting, irrigation, weeding and intercultural operations of vegetable crops. Use of growth regulators in
vegetable crops, seed extraction of tomato, brinjal, visit to commercial vegetable farms, Research Stations,
Vegetable Markets.

Reference Book:

Vegetable Crops -T.K.Bose and M.G.Som

Vegetable for the tropical region -PremNath, S.Velayadhan and D.P.Singh
Technology for vegetable production and improvement -P.Hazra and M.G.Som.
Principles of Vegetable production -S.P.Singh
Text book of Vegetable, Tuber Crops and Spices -S.Thamburaj and N. Singh

6. Fundamentals of Microbiology [BGPP1101] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: History of Microbiology: Spontaneous generation theory, Role of microbes in fermentation, Germ
theory of disease, protection against infections. Applied areas of Microbiology: Metabolism in bacteria; ATP
generation, chemoautotrophy, photo autotrophy, respiration, fermentation. Bacteriophages: structure and
properties of Bacteral viruses- Lytic and Lysogenic cycles: viriods, prions. Bacterial genetics; Gene expression;
Genetic recombination: transformation, conjugation and transduction, genetic engineering, Plasmids, episomes,
genetically modified organism.

Practical: General instruction, Familiarization with instruments, materials, glassware etc. in a microbiology
laboratory: Practice of Aseptic methods: I- Evaluation of aseptic techniques with Nutrient broth tubes, II-
Evaluation of aseptic technique with a Nutrient agar plate. Methods of Sterilization and preparation of media I-
Preparation of nutrient broth, nutrient agar plates, nutrient agar slant and nutrient agar stabling; II-Sterilization of
glassware by Dry heating; III-Sterilization of nutrient broth by Filtration: Plating methods for Isolation and
Purification of bacteria I- Isolation of bacteria by Streak plate method. II- Isolation of aerobic spore forming
bacteria by Enrichment using Streak plate method. III- Checking of purity of a bacterial culture by Streak plating
method. Identification of bacteria by staining methods and Biochemical tests: I-Morphological examination of
bacteria by simple and different staining. II-Different biochemical tests for identification of bacterial culture;
Enumeration of bacteria: I- Enumeration of bacteria by stain slide method. II- Enumeration of bacteria by most
probable number method. III- Enumeration of bacteria by pour plate method and spread plate method.

Reference Book:

1. Microbiology - M. J. Pelczar, E.C.S. Chan, N.R. Kreig

2. Microbiology - N. P. Saxena and D. K. Awasthi
3. Microbiology - R.P. Singh

7. Statistics [BGAS 1101] 2(1+0+1)

Theory: Introduction: Definition of Statistics and its use and limitations; Frequency Distribution and Frequency
Curves; Measures of Central Tendency: Characteristics of Ideal Average, Arithmetic Mean; Median, Mode,
Merits and Demerits of Arithmetic Mean; Measures of Dispersion: Standard Deviation, Variance and Coefficient
of Variation; Probability: Definition and concept of probability; Normal Distribution and its properties;
Introduction to Sampling: Random Sampling; the concept of Standard Error; Tests of Significance- Types of
Errors, Null Hypothesis, Level of Significance and Degrees of Freedom, Steps involved in testing of hypothesis;
Large Sample Test- SND test for Means, Single Sample and Two Samples; Small Sample Test for Means -
Student’s t-test for Single Sample, Two Samples and Paired t test. F test; Chi-Square Test in 2x2 Contingency
Table, Yates’ Correction for continuity; Correlation: Types of Correlation and identification through Scatter
Diagram, Computation of Correlation Coefficient ‘r’ and its testing. Linear Regression: of Y on X and X on Y.
Inter-relation between ‘r’ and the regression coefficients, fitting of regression equations. Experimental Designs:
Basic Designs, Completely Randomized Design (CRD), Layout and analysis with equal and unequal number of
observations, Randomized Block Design (RBD), Layout and analysis, Latin Square Design (LSD), Layout and

Tutorial: Construction of Frequency Distribution Tables and Frequency Curves; Computation of Arithmetic
Mean for Un-Grouped and Grouped data; Computation of Median for Un-Grouped and Grouped data;
Computation of Mode for Un-Grouped and Grouped data; Computation of Standard Deviation, Variance and
Coefficient of Variation for Un-Grouped and Grouped data; SND test for Means, Single Sample; SND test for
Means, Two Samples; Student’s t-test for Single Sample; Student’s t-test for Two Samples; Paired t test and F
test; Chi-Square Test in 2x2 Contingency Table, Yates’ Correction for continuity; Computation of Correlation
Coefficient ‘r’ and its testing; Fitting of regression equations- Y on X and X on Y; Analysis of Completely
Randomized Design (CRD); Analysis of Randomized Block Design (RBD); Analysis of Latin Square Design
Reference Book:

1. A First Course in Statistics with Applications- AKPC Swain

2. A Text Book of Agricultural Statistics – R.Rangaswamy
3. Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. I & II –A.M.Goon, M.K.Gupta and B.Dasgupta
4. Statistical methods for Agricultural workers–V.G.Panse and P.S.Sukhatme, IACR Publication

8. Fundamentals of Soil, Water and Conservation Engineering [BGAE1101] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Surveying: survey equipment, chain survey, cross staff survey, plotting procedure, calculations of area
of regular and irregular fields. Levelling - levelling equipment, terminology, methods of calculation of reduced
levels, types of levelling, contouring. Irrigation, classification of projects, flow irrigation and lift irrigation. Water
source, Water lifting devices - pumps (shallow and deep well), capacity, power calculations.Irrigation water
measurement- weirs, flumes and orifices and methods of water measurement and instruments. Water conveyance
systems, open channel and underground pipeline. Irrigation methods - drip and sprinkle irrigation systems. Soil
and water conservation - soil erosion, types and engineering control measures.

Practical: Acquaintance with chain survey equipment; Ranging and measurement of offsets; Chain triangulation;
Cross staff survey; Plotting of chain triangulation; Plotting of cross staff survey; Levelling equipment - dumpy
level, levelling staff, temporary adjustments and staff reading; Differential leveling; Profile leveling; Contour
survey grid method; Plotting of contours; Study of centrifugal pumping system and irrigation water measuring
devices; Study of different components of sprinkler irrigation systems; Study of different components of drip and
sprinkler irrigation systems; 1Jniformity of water application in drip and sprinkler systems; Study of soil and
water conservation measures.

Reference Book:

1. A Text Book of Surveying and Levelling – P.C. Purnima

2. Land & Water Management Engineering – V.V.N. Murty
3. Soil Erosion and Conservation – R.P. Tripathy and H.P. Singh

9. Insect Morphology and Systematics [BGEN 1101] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: History of Entomology in India. Factors for insects abundance. Classification of Phylum Arthropoda
up to up to classes. Relationship of class Insecta with other classes of Arthropoda. Morphology: Structure
and functions of insect cuticle and moulting. Body segmentation.Structure of Head, thorax and
abdomen.Structure and modifications of insect antennae, mouth parts and legs.Wing venation, modifications
and wing coupling apparatus.Structure of male and female genetalia.Sensoryorgans.Metamorphosis and
diapause in insects.Types of larvae and pupae. Structure and functions of digestive, circulatory, excretory,
respiratory, nervous, secretory (Endocrine) and reproductive system in insects. Types of reproduction in
insects, Systematics: Taxonomy importance, history and development and binomial nomenclature,
Definitions of Biotype, Sub – species, species, Genus, Family and Order. Classification of class Insecta up to
Orders.Orthoptera, Acrididate, Dictyoptera, Mantidate, Odonata, Isoptera, Termitidae, Thysanoptera,
Thripidae, Hemiptera, Pentatomidae, Coreidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Lygaeidae, Cicadellida, Delphacidae,
Aphididae, Coccidae, Aleurodidae, Pseudococcidae, Neuroptera, Chrysopidae, Lepidoptera, Noctuidae,
Sphingidae, Pyralidae, Gelechiidae, Arctiidae, Coleoptera, Coccinellidae, Chrysomelidae, Cerambycidae,
Curculionidae, Bruchidae, Scarabaeidae, Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae, Apidae, Trichogrammatidae,
Ichneumonidae, Braconidae, Diptra, Cecidomyiidae, Trypetidae, Tachinidae, Agromyziidae.
Practical: Methods of collection and preservation of insects including immature stages: External features of
Grasshopper/Blister beetle; Types of insect antennae, mouthparts and
legs, wing venation, types of wings and wing coupling apparatus. Types of insect larvae and pupae;
Dissection of digestive system in insects (Grasshopper): Dissection of male and female reproductive systems
in insects (Grasshopper), Study of characters of orders Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Odonata, Isoptera,
Thyssanoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera and their families of
agricultural importance.

Reference Book:

1. The Insects: Structure and Function – R.F. Chapman

2. A General Text book of Entomology – A. D. Imms
3. General and Applied Entomology – B.V. David and T.N. Anantha Krishnan.


1. Water Management and Micro Irrigation[BGAG1204] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Irrigation: definition and objectives, water resources and irrigation development in India and Orissa;
Soil plant water relationships; Methods of soil moisture estimation, soil water movement, evapotranspiration and
crop water requirement; effective rainfall, scheduling of irrigation; Methods of irrigation: surface and subsurface,
Micro irrigation, sprinkler and drip irrigation; Irrigation efficiency and water use efficiency, conjunctive use of
water, irrigation water quality and its management. Water management of different crops (rice, wheat, maize,
groundnut, sun flower, mustard, pulses, sugarcane, cotton, potato, mango, banana and tomato); Agricultural
drainage, Onfarm water management.

Practical: Determination of bulk density; Determination of soil moisture content by gravimetric method,
tensiometer, electrical resistance block and neutron moisture meter; Determination of field capacity by field
method; Determination of permanent wilting point; Measurement of irrigation water through flumes and weirs;
Calculation of irrigation water requirement (Problems); Determination of infiltration rate; Demonstration of
furrow method of irrigation; Demonstration of check basin and basin method of irrigation; Visit to farmers field
and cost estimation of drip irrigation system; Demonstration of filter cleaning, fertigation, injection and flushing
of laterals; Erection and operation of sprinkler irrigation system; Measurement of emitter discharge rate, wetted
diameter and calculation of emitter discharge variability; Determination of EC, pH, carbonates, bicarbonates,
Ca++ and Mg++ in irrigation water (quality parameters)

Reference Book:

1. Irrigation Principles and Practices - O.W. Israelsen and V.E. Hansen

2. Irrigation and Drainage - D. Lenka
3. Irrigation, Theory and Practices - A. M. Michael
4. Agricultural Drainage : Principles and Practices – U.S.Kadam
5. Micro-irrigation for cash crops – M.L. Choudhary
6. Handbook on pressurized irrigation techniques – A. Phocaides (FAO)
7. Land Drainage– Principles, Methods and Applications- A.K.Bhattacharya and A.M.Michael

2. Agricultural Meteorology[BGAG1203] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: Agricultural meteorology: Weather and climate, micro-climate, weather elements, Earths’ atmosphere,
Composition and structure, solar radiation, Nature, properties, depletion, solar constant and energy balance,
Atmospheric, temperature, factors affecting, horizontal and vertical distribution, variations, climate change :
causes, effect on ecosystem , crop production ,remedial measures and global warming, Air Pressure variations;
Wind: factors affecting, cyclones and anticyclones and general circulation, Atmospheric humidity, vapour
pressure and saturation, Process of condensation, formation of dew, fog, mist, snow, rain and hail; Formation and
classification of clouds, Introduction to monsoon, Basics of weather forecasting, Introduction to remote sensing
and their application. Crop weather relationship, evapotranspiration.Agro climatic zones of India and Odisha.

Practical: Site selection for Agromet observatory; Measurement of temperature; Measurement of rainfall;
Measurement of evaporation (atmospheric/soil); Measurement of atmospheric pressure; Measurement of sunshine
duration and solar radiation; Measurement of wind direction and speed and relative humidity; Study of weather
forecasting and synoptic charts: Study of remote sensing.

Reference Book:

1. Agrometeorology and remote sensing - D.D. Sahu

2. Text book of Agricultural Meteorology - Edited by M.C. Varshney
3. Introduction to Agrometeorology - H.S.Mavi
4. Crops and Weather – S. Venkataraman and A. Krishnan (ICAR)
5. Climate, Weather and Crops in India – D. Lenka

3. Principles of Plant Breeding[BGPG1202] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Classification of plants. Aims and objectives of Plant Breeding; Modes of reproduction, Sexual,
Asexual, Apomixis and their classification; Significance in plant breeding; Modes of pollination, genetic
consequences, differences between self and cross pollinated crops; Variation – heritable and non-heritable,
Methods of breeding – introduction and acclimatization. Selection, Mass selection, Johannson’s pure line theory,
genetic basis of pure line selection; Hybridization, Aims and objectives, types of hybridization; Methods of
handling of segregating generations, pedigree method, bulk method, back cross method and modified methods;
Incompatibility and male sterility and their utilization in crop improvement; Heterosis - inbreeding depression,
various theories of Heterosis, exploitation of hybrid vigour development of inbred lines, single cross and double
cross hybrids; Population improvement programmes, recurrent selection, synthetics and composites; Methods of
breeding for vegetatively propagated crops; Clonal selection; Mutation breeding; Ploidy breeding; significance
in crop improvement.

Practical: Botanical description and floral biology; Study of megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis;
Fertilization and life cycle of an angiospermic plant; Plant Breeder’s kit; Hybridization techniques and
precautions to be taken; Floral morphology, selfing, emasculation and crossing techniques of Rice, Sorghum,
Maize, Wheat, Bajra, ragi; Sugarcane, coconut, Groundnut, Castor, Safflower, Sesamum, Redgram,
BengalgramGreengram, Soybean, blackgram, Chillies, Brinjal, Tomato, Bhendi, Onion, Bottle gourd, Ridge
gourd, Cotton, Mesta, Jute and Sunhemp; Study of male sterility and incompatibility in field plots.

Reference Book:

1. Principles of Plant Breeding - R.W. Allard

2. Principles of Plan Breeding - B. D. Singh
3. Plant Breeding - (Ed.) V. L. Chopra
4. Plant Breeding. Analysis and Exploitation of Variation - D. Roy
5. Essentials of Plant Breeding – P.Singh
4. Agricultural Microbiology[BGAC1202] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: Soil microbiology, Microbial groups in soil, microbial transformations of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus
and sulphur. Biological nitrogen fixation, Microflora of Rhizosphere and phyllospheremicroflora, microbes in
composting, microbiology of water, Microbiology of food; microbial spoilage and principles of food
preservation. Beneficial microorganisms in Agriculture; Biofertilizer (Bacterial, Cyanobacterial and fungal),
microbial insecticides, Microbial agents for control of plant diseases, Biodegradation, biogas production

Practical: Acquittance with microbial equipments and their use. Enumeration of microbial population in
soil.Isolation, multiplication and preservation of bacteria.Gram staining of bacteria and measurement of microbial
growth.Microscopic study of heterocyst in BGA. Experiments on ammonification, nitrification, denitrification,
organic matter decomposition and evolution of CO2 in soil, Experiment in urea hydrolysis. Morphological study
of nitrogen fixing nodules.Methods of application of Biofertlizers in the field.

Reference Book:

1. Introduction to soil Microbiology – M Alexander

2. Agricultural Microbiology – G. Rangaswami and Bagyaraj
3. Soil microorganism and plant growth – N.S. Subbarao
4. Biofertilizers in Agriculture – N.S. Subbarao.

5. Introductory Nematology[BGNE1201] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: Introduction on Nematode. Economic Importance of Nematodes, History of Phytonematology,

Structure of a typical plant parasitic nematode.General morphology on various organ systems and
organelles.Modification of stoma and oesophagous in soil and plant nematodes. Biology of nematode,
Classification of economically important nematode genera up to family level with identification marks.

Practical: Study of Nematological laboratory appliances, study of bionocular stereoscopic and Research
Microscopes, collection of soil and plant samples, Extaction of nematodes from soil by Cobb’s sieving and
decantation technique followed by modified Baermann technique, killing and fixing of nematodes, processing
and mounting of nematodes, mouth parts and oesophagous of soil and plant nematodes. Identification of
Hoplolaimus, Helicotylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus, Criconemella, Caloosia.

Reference Book:

1. Text book on Introductory Plant Nematology – R.K. Walia and H.K. Bajaj
2. A Treatise on Phytonematology –P.P. Reddy
3. Introduction to Plant Nematology –V.H. Dropkin

6. Crop Physiology-I[BGPH1201] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: Introduction, Importance in Agriculture, Seed Physiology, Seed Structures, morphological,

Physiological and biochemical changes during seed development. physiological maturity, Morphological and
physiological changes associated with physiological maturity in crops. Harvest maturity, seed viability and
vigour. Factors affecting seeds viability and vigour. Methods of testing seed viability and vigour. germination,
utilization of seed reserves during seed germination. Morphological, physiological and biochemical changes
during seed germination. Factors affecting seed germination. Post harvest physiology-seed dormancy, definition,
types of seed dormancy. Advantages and disadvantages of seed dormancy. Causes and remedial measures for
breaking seed dormancy. Optimum condition for seed storage, factors Influencing seed storage (ISTA
standards). Crop water relationship, physiological Importance of water to plants, water potential and its
components, measurement of water Status in plants.transpiration, significance, transpiration in relation to crop
productivity. water use efficiency WUE in C3, C4 and CAM plants. Factors affecting WUE.photosynthesis,
energy synthesis significance of C3, C4 and CAM pathways. relationship of photosynthesis and crop productivity,
photorespiration. Factors affecting photosynthesis and productivity.Method of measuring
photosynthesis.Photosynthetic efficiency.Respiration and its significance, brief account of growth respiration and
maintenance respiration, alternate respiration, salt respiration, wound respiration-measurement of respiration.

Practical: Preparation of solutions, measurement of water status in roots, stems and leafs, measurement of water
potential by Chardakov’s method, measurement of Osmotic otential by Plasmolytic method, measurement of
water potential by Gravimetric method, measurement of absorption spectrum of chloroplastic pigments and
fluorescence, measurement of chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll, measurement of carotinoid pigments,
measurement of stomatal frequency and index, measurement of respiration, study of leaf anatomy of C 3, and C4
plants, measurement of transpiration, imbibitions of seed, optimum conditions of seed germination. Seed viability
test, breaking of seed dormancy by chemical and mechanical methods, yield analysis, seed Vigour test.

Reference Book:

1. Principles of seed technology - G.N.Kulkarni

2. Plant physiology - R.G.S. Bidwell
3. A text book of plant physiology - C.P.Mallick and A.K.Srivastav
4. The germination of seeds - A.M. Mayer and A.Poljakoff-Mayber
5. Plant physiology - R.K.Sinha
6. Plant Physiology -K.N.Vatia and A.N.Parasar
7. The physiology and biochemistry of seed development, dormancy and germination -A.A.Khan
8. Seed Physiology – K. Vanangamudi

7. Principles of Agricultural Economics[BGEC1201] 2(2+0+0)

Theory: Introduction to economic theory: Micro Economics: Definition, subject matter, division of economics,
scope and importance of economics. Basic terms and concepts used in economics. Demand theory :
Characteristics of human wants, classification of wants, law of diminishing marginal utility, law of equi-marginal
utility, consumer’s surplus, meaning and kinds of demand, law of demand, elasticity of demand and measurement
of elasticity of demand. Production and supply: Nature and factors of production, meaning, importance and
characteristics of land, meaning and characteristics of labour, labour efficiency, importance of capital, capital
formation, stags of capital formation. Organization: Importance and functions of entrepreneur, different forms of
business organization definition, meaning and law of supply. Market: Characteristics of perfect and various
imperfect markets, equilibrium conditions of firm, price determination under perfect competition. Macro
economics: concepts, importance and measurement of national income. Inflation: Kinds of inflation, causes and
consequences of inflation and role of monetary and fiscal policy to check inflation. Public finance: meaning of
public finance, distinction between public and private finance, importance and functions of public finance,
sources of govt. finance. Public expenditure: classification of public expenditure, principles of public
expenditure, importance and role of public expenditure on economy. Public revenue: canons of taxation,
characteristics of a good tax system, kinds of taxes, advantages and disadvantages of different types of taxes,
incidences of taxation.

Reference Book:

1. Elementary Economic Theory - K.K. Dewett and J.D. Verma

2. International Economics - B. Mishra
3. Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics - A.N. Sadhu and A. Singh
4. Economics - Paul A. Samelson and W.D. Nordhans

8. Dimensions of Agricultural Extension[BGEE1201] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: Education- Meaning, Definition, Types- Formal, Informal and Non-formal education and their
Characteristics. Extension Education and Agricultural Extension- Meaning, Definition, Concepts, Objectives and
Principles.Rural development - Meaning, Definition, Concepts, Objectives, Importance and Problems in rural
development. Developmental programmes of pre-independence era- Sriniketan, Marthandam, Gurgaon
experiment and Gandhian constructive programme. Development programmes of Post independence era, Firka
Development, Etawah- Pilot project and Nilokheri Experiment. Community Development Programme- Meaning,
Definition, Concepts, Philosophy, Principles, Objectives, Differences between Community Development and
Extension Education. National Extension service. Panchayat Raj system-Meaning of Democratic-
Decentralization and PanchayatRaj, three tiers of Panchayat Raj system. Power, Functions and Organizational
setup. Agricultural Development Programmes with reference to year of start, objectives & sailent features-
Intensive Agricultural District Programme (IADP), High Yielding Varieties Programme(HYVP), Institution
Village Linkage Programme(IVLP), Watershed Development Programme (WDP), National Agricultural
Technology Project(NATP), ATMA, ATIC, Social Justice and Poverty alleviation programmes- Integrated
Tribal Development Agency( ITDA), Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), Swarna Jayanthi
Gram SwarojgarYojana (SGSY), Prime Minister Employment Yojana (PMEY). New trends in extension,
privatization. Women Development programmes- Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas
(DWCRA), RashtriyaMahilaKosh (RMK), Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) and Mahila Samriddi
Yojana (MSY). Reorganized extension system (T & V System) - Salient features, Fort night Meetings, Monthly
workshops, Linkages, Merits and Demerits. Emergence of Broad Based Extension (BBE.).

Practical: Visits to a village and kisanmandal to study the ongoing developmentprogrammes. Visits to
Panchayat Raj Institutions to study the functioning of Gram Panchayaat (GP) &ZillaPrajaParishad (ZPP). Visit
and study the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA). Participation in monthly workshops of Training and
Visit (T&V) System. Visit to Watershed Development Project area. Visit to a village to study the Self Help
Groups (SHGs) of DWCRA. Visit to a voluntary organization to study the developmental activities. Organizing
PRA techniques in a village to identify the agricultural problems. Visit to villages.

Reference Book:

1. Education & Communication for Development- O.P.Dahama& O.P. Bhatanagar

2. Extension Communication & Management- G.L.Ray
3. Defining Agricultural Extension for 1990s- D.C. Misra
4. Agricultural Extension- A.W. Van Den Ban & H.S. Hawkins
5. Hand book of Extension Education- O.S.Rathoreet al
6. Rural Extension Hand book- V. Singh & M.S. Vasistha
7. New Dimension and Approaches in Extension – J. Vasanthakumar

9. Introduction to computer application[BGAS1202] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: Introduction to Computers, Anatomy of Computers, Input and Output Devices. Units of Memory,
Hardware, Operating System, Software and Classification of Computers.Personal Computers booting of
computer, warm and cold booting. Computer Viruses, Worms and Vaccines WINDOWS: GUI, Desktop and its

MSWORD: Word, processing and units of document, features of word-processing packages. Creating, Editing,
Formatting and saving a document in MSWORD.

MSEXCEL: Electronic Spreadsheets, concept, packages. Creating, Editing and saving a spreadsheet with
MSEXCEL.Use of in-built Statistical and other functions and writing expressions.Creating & Working with
Charts: Creating a Chart, Moving and Resizing a Chart, Formatting and Editing Objects in a Chart, Changing a
Chart's Source Data, Changing a Chart Type and Working with Pie Charts, Adding Titles, Gridlines, and a Data
Table, Formatting a Data Series and Chart Axis, Annotating a Chart, Working with 3-D Charts, Selecting and
Saving a Custom Chart, Using Fill Effects, Mapping Data, Modifying a Map, Data Analysis using different

MS POWER POINT:Features of Power Point Package.

MSACCESS: Concept of Database, Units of database, creating database.

GIS: Introduction to GIS, Data analysis with existing Agricultural data by using QGIS.

PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING: Flow Charts and Algorithms, illustration through examples. Internet:
World Wide Web (WWW), Concepts, Web Browsing and Electronic Mail.


1. Study of Computer Components; Booting of Computer and its Shut Down.

2. Practice of some fundamental DOS Commands, TIME, DATE, DIR, COPY, FORMAT, VOL, LABEL,
and PATH.
3. Operating System, Use of Mouse, Title Bar, Minimum, Maximum and Close Buttons, Scroll Bars, Menus
and Tool Bars; WINDOWS Explorer, Creating Folders, COPY and PASTE functions.
4. MSWORD: Creating a Document, Saving and editing; MSWORD, Use of options from Tool Bars,
Format, Insert and Tools (Spelling & Grammar) Alignment of text; MSWORD, Creating a Table,
Merging of Cells, Column and Row width.
5. MSEXCEL: Creating a Spreadsheet, Alignment of rows, columns and cells using Format tool bar.
MSEXCEL: Entering Expressions through the formula tool bar and use of inbuilt functions, SUM,
6. MSEXCEL: Data Analysis using different charts. Creating Graphs and Saving with & without data
7. MSACCESS: Creating Database, Structuring with different types of fields;
8. MS Power Point: Preparation of slides on Power Point.
9. GIS: Introduction to GIS, Data analysis with existing Agricultural data by using QGIS.
10. Transforming the data of WORD, EXCEL and ACCESS to other formats.
11. Algorithm and Flow chart with different examples.
12. Internet Browsing: Browsing a Web Page and Creating of E-Mail ID.

Reference Book:
1. Computer Studies – a First course – J. Shelly and R. Hunt.
2. Programming in BASIC – E.Balagurusamy
3. Microsoft Windows XP Manual, Microsoft Office XP Manual

10. Farm Power and Machinery[BGAE1202] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: Farm power in India: sources, I.C engines, working principles, two stroke and four stroke engines, I.C.
engine terminology, different systems of I.C. engine. Tractors, Types, Selection of tractor and cost of tractor
power. Tillage implements: Primary and Secondary tillage implements, Implements for intercultural operations,
seed drills, paddy transplanters, plant protection equipment and harvesting equipment; Equipment for land
development and soil conservation.

Practical: Study of different components of I.C. Engine; Study of working of four stroke engine; Study of
working of two stroke engine; Study of M.B. plough, measurement of plough size different parts, horizontal and
vertical suction, determination of line of pull etc.; Study of disc plough; Study of seed--cum-fertilizer drills-
furrow opener, metering mechanism and calibration; Study, maintenance and operation of tractor; Learning of
tractor driving; Study, maintenance and operation of power tiller; Study of different parts, registration alignment
and operation of mower. Study of different inter cultivation equipment in terms of efficiency, field capacity;
Repairs and adjustments and operation of sprayers; Repairs and adjustments and operation of dusters; Study of
paddy transplanters.

Reference Book:

1. Principles of Farm Machinery – Roy Bainer, R.A. Kepner, E.L. Barger

2. Farm Machinery and Equipment – C.P. Nakra
3. Elements of Farm Machinery – J. Sahay

1. Field Crops-I [BGAG2105] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Origin, geographic distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic requirement, varieties, cultural
practices and yield of kharif crops, Cereals – rice, maize, sorghum, pearl millet and minor millets; Pulses
:pigeonpea, mungbean, urdbean and horsegram; Oilseeds: groundnut, sesame, niger and soybean; Fibrecrops:
cotton, jute, mesta and sun hemp; and Forage crops: sorghum, maize, bajra, guinea grass, Deenananath grass,
napier and para grass, cowpea, rice bean and stylosanthes. Grass land management.

Practical: Rice nursery preparation and transplanting/seed bed preparation and sowing of Kharif crops;
Calculations of seed rate; Sowing of soybean, pigeonpea, mungbean, maize, groundnut, and cotton; Effect of seed
size on germination and seedling vigour of soybean/groundnut; Effect of sowing depth on germination of
groundnut; Identification of weeds in rice, maize and soybean fields and study of weed control experiments in
these crops; Topdressing of nitrogen in maize and rice and study of fertilizer experiments on rice, maize,
sorghum and millets; Study of yield contributing characters, yield calculations, harvesting and yield estimation of
above crops; Study of crop varieties and important agronomic experiments; Study of forage experiments.
Judging the maturity stage of kharif crops viz: rice maize pulses and oilseed crops

Reference Book:

1. Modern Techniques of raising field crops - Chida Singh

2. Crop management under rainfed and irrigated condition - S.S.Singh
3. Agronomy of field crops - S.R.Reddy
4. Text book of field crop production - Edited by R. Prasad (ICAR)

2. Rainfed Agriculture[BGAG2106] 1(1+0+0)

Theory:Dry land farming-definitions, constraints-climate, soil, technological and socio-economic, geological

distribution of dry land of India. Drought- definition, effect on plant growth, drought management. Principles of
dry farming, crop management practices, intercropping, conservation tillage, agronomic practices for moisture
conservation, shifting cultivation and alternate land use system. Contingent crop planning for different agro
climatic zones of the state. Watershed management- definition, objective, factors affecting the operation of water
shed, data required for management planning, land use planning according to capability, water harvesting and
recycling, mechanical and biological measures for soil and water conservation. Management practices –
conservation structures, pasture development, agro forestry, cropping pattern for crop lands, animal husbandry
and pisiculture. Evaluation of water- shed –cost: benefit analysis.

Reference Book:

1. Dryfarming in India - U.S.SreeRamulu

2. Dryland Agriculture – G. Subbareddy
3. Watershed Management - V.V. Narayan, G. Shastry and U.S. Pattanaik
4. Soil Erosion and conservation - R.P. Tripathi and H.P. Singh
5. Watershed Management for dryland agriculture – M.C. Oswal

3. Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management[BGAC2102] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Soil as a source of plant nutrients, Essential and beneficial elements, criteria of essentiality, forms of
nutrients in soil, mechanisms of nutrient transport to plants, factors affecting nutrient availability to plants.
Measures to overcome deficiencies and toxicities, problem soils-acid ,salt affected and calcareous soils,
characteristics, nutrient availabilities, Reclamation-mechanical, chemical and biological methods, Fertilizer and
insecticides and their effect on soil water and air, irrigation water-Quality of irrigation water and its appraisal.
Indian standards for water quality.Use of saline water for agriculture.Soil fertility-Different approaches for soil
fertility evaluation.Methods, soil testing-Chemical methods, critical levels of different nutrients in soil.Plant
analysis-DRIS methods, critical levels in plants, Rapid tissue tests, Indicator plants, Biological method of soil
fertility evaluation. Soil test based fertilizer recommendation to crops. Factors influencing nutrient use efficiency
( NUE) in respect of N,P,K,S, Fe and Zn fertilizer. Source, method and scheduling of nutrients for different soils
and crops grown under rainfed and irrigated conditions.

Practical: Principles of analytical Instruments and their calibration and application, colorimetry and flame
photometry. Estimation of available N,P,K,S and Zn in oils, pH, EC, soluble cations and anions in soil water
extracts, Lime requirement and gypsum requirement of problem soils, Estimation of N,P and K in plants.
Reference Book:

1. Chemistry of the soils – F. Bear

2. Soils and soil fertility – C.M. Thomson and F.R. Troeh
3. Soil fertility and fertilizers – S.L.Tisdale, W.L.Nelson, J.D. Beaton and J.L. Havlin

4. Plant Pathogens and Principles of Plant Pathology[BGPP2102] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Introduction, important plant pathogenic organisms, different groups, fungi, bacteria, fastidious
vesicular bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses, viriods, algae, protozoa and phanerogamic parasites with examples of
disease caused by them. General characters of fungi: Definition of fungus, somatic structures, types of fungal
thalli, fungal tissues, modifications of thallus, reproduction in fungi (asexual and sexual). Nomenclature,
Binomial system of nomenclature, rules of nomenclature, classification of fungi, Key to divisions and sub-
divisions. Introduction: Definition and objectives of plant Pathology. History of Plant Pathology.Terms and
concepts in Plant pathology.Survival and dispersal of plant pathogens. Phenomenon of infection: pre-penetration,
penetration and post penetration. Pathogenesis: Role of enzymes, toxins, growth regulators and polysaccharides.
Defense mechanism in plants- Structural and Bio-chemical (pre and post infection).Plant disease epidemiology.
Plant disease Forecasting- Remote sensing-General principles of plant disease management- Importance, general
Principles- avoidance exclusion, protection- plant Quarantine and Inspection- quarantine Rules and Regulations
Cultural Methods- Rouging, eradication of alternate and collateral hosts, crop rotation, manure and fertilizer
management, mixed cropping, sanitation, hot weather ploughing, soil amendments, time of sowing, seed rate and
plant density, irrigation and drainage. Role and mechanisms of biological control and PGPR.Physical Methods-
Heat and Chemical methods- Methods of application of fungicides.Host plant resistance- Application of
biotechnology in plant disease management- Development of disease resistant, transgenic plants through gene
cloning.Integrated plant disease management (IDM) - Concept advantages and importance.
Practical: Plant disease symptom identification and preservation of disease samples. Isolation techniques for
plant pathogens. Study of Pythium, Phytophthora and Albugo: Study of Sclerospora, Peronosclerospora.
Pseudoperonospora, Peronospora, Plasmopara and Bremia: Study of genera Mucor and Rhizopus. Study of
Oidium, Oidiopsis, Ovulariopsis, Erysiphae, Phyllactinia, Uncinula and Podosphaera: Study of Puccinia
(different stage). Uromyces, Hemiliea: Study of Sphacelotheca, Ustilago and Totyposporium: Study of Agaricus,
Pleurotus and Ganoderma: Study of Septoria, Colletotrichum. Pestalotiopsis and Pyricularia: Study of
Aspergillus, Alternaria, Stemphyllium, Cercospora, Phaeoisariopsis, Rhizoctonia and Sclerotium. Demonstration
of Koch’s postulates.Study of different groups of fungicides and antibiotics. Preparation of fungicides- Bordeaux
mixture, Bordeaux paste, Chestnut compound: Methods of application of fungicides- seed, soil and foliar; Bio-
assay of fungicides- poisoned food techniques, inhibition zone technique and slide germination technique; Bio-
control of plant pathogens- dual culture techniques, seed treatment. Visit to quarantine station and remote sensing

Reference Book:

1. Plant Pathogens : The Fungi - R. S. Singh

2. An Introduction to Fungi- H. C. Dubey
3. Principles of Plant Pathology - R. S. Singh
4. Plant Pathology - R. S. Mehrotra

5. Production Technology of Flowers[BGHO2102] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: Scope and importance of ornamental horticulture Garden and its parts. Types and styles of ornamental
garden, planning of ornamental garden, use of trees, shrubs, climbers house plants and seasonal flowers in the
garden cultivation practices with respect to origin, distribution, climate and soil. Planting material requirement,
varieties nutrition, irrigation, intercultural operation, plant protection measures, harvesting and post harvest
management of flower crops like rose, tuberose, marigold, gladiolus and chrysanthemum. Production technology
of house plants and their use in interior decoration.
Practical: Identification of different groups of ornamental plants (Trees, shrubs, climbers, house plants, palms
seasonal etc.), Development of garden features. Layout of lawn and its maintenance.Care and maintenance of
indoor plants. Training and pruning of Rose. Pinching, disbudding and dishooting of chrysanthemum and dahlia,
planning and layout of gardens and garden designs for public and private gardens. Prolonging the shelf life of cut
flowers. Visit to parks, gardens nursery and commercial flower growing areas.

Reference Book:

Floriculture in India - G.S.Randhawa and A. Mukopadhyay

Complete gardening in India - K.S.G.Gopalswami
Commercial flowers - T.K.Bose and L.P.Yadav
Text Book of Floriculture and Land scaping - N.Roychowdhury and H.P.Mishra

6. Crop Nematode Management[BGNE2102] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: Association of plant parasitic nematodes in various crop plants. Classification of nematodes based on
feeding habits. Feeding processes in phytonematodes. Symptomatology Economically important nematodes
affecting Rice, wheat, important vegetables, fruit and ornamentals with their symptom, biology, spread of the
disease and integrated nematode management.

Practical: Isolation of Plant parasitic nematodes from plant parts, collection and preservation of nematode
disease specimens, staining and presentation of root-knot nematode infected root sample, Experiment technique
used in Pathogenicity studies of root-knot nematode, Clinical study of Meloidogyne, Rotylenchulus, Tylenchulus,
Anguina, Aphelenchoides, Hirschmanniella, Pratylenchus, Radopholus, Xiphinema. Study of nematicides, bio-
pesticides, oilcakes and their method of application.

Reference Book:

Nematode Pests of Crops - D.S. Bhatti and R.K. Walia

Text Book on Introductory Plant Nematology - R.K. Walia and H.K. Bajaj.
Nematode Pest Management - An appraisal of Eco-friendly approaches - G. Swarup, D.R. Dasgupta and
J.S. Gill

7. Agricultural Finance and Cooperation[BGEC2102] 2(1+0+1)

Theory: Agricultural finance: nature and scope, time value of money, compounding and discounting.
Agricultural credit: meaning, definition, need, classification. Credit analysis: 3R’s 5C’s and 7P’s of credit,
repayment plans. History of financing agriculture in India.Commercial banks, nationalization of commercial
banks. Lead bank scheme, regional rural banks, scale of finance. Higher financing agencies, RBI, NABARD,
AFC, Asian Development Bank, World Bank, Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India.Assessment
of crop losses, determination of compensation. Crop insurance, advantages and limitations in application,
estimation of crop yields. Agricultural cooperation: philosophy and principles. History of Indian cooperative
Movement, pre-independence and post independence periods, cooperation in different plan periods, cooperative
credit structure: PACS, FSCS. Reorganization of cooperative credit structure in Orissa, Successful cooperative
systems in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab etc.

Tutorial: Factors governing use of capital and identification of credit needs; Time value of money,
Compounding and discounting; Tools of financial management, Balance sheet, Income statement and cash flow
analysis; Estimations of credit needs and determining unit costs; Preparations and analysis of loan proposals;
Types of repayment laons; Study of financial institutions: PACS, DCCB, Apex Banks, RRB, CBs, NABARD.

Reference Book:

1. Agril. Finance – W.E. Lee, M.D. Bohelje, A.G. Nelson and W.G. Murray
2. Managing Agril. Finance : Theory and Practice - A.S. Kahlon and K. Singh
3. Agricultural Finance and Management - S. Reddy and R. Ram
4. Agril. Finance : Theory and Practice - J.P. Singh

8. Crop physiology-II[BGPH2102] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Nutriophysiology – definition-Mengels classification of Plant nutrients-physiology of nutrient uptakes –

function of plant nutrient – deficiency and toxicity symptoms of plant nutrients – foliar nutrients – foliar
nutrition – hydroponics. Growth and development, definition, determinate and indeterminate growth, monocarpic
and polycarpic species with examples.Measurement of growth, growth analysis, growth characteristics, definition
and mathematical formulae. Translocation of assimilates. Phloem loading, apoplastic and symplastic transport of
assimilates. Source and sink concept. Dry matter partitioning. Harvest index of crops. Photoperiodismand
vernalization in relation to crop productivity. Plant growth regulators, classification, occurrence, biosynthesis,
mode of action of auxin, gibberellins, cytokinins, ABA, ethylene.Novel plant growth regulators, commercial
application of plant growth Regulators in agriculture. Senescence and abscission, definition, theories of
mechanism And control of senescence – physiological and biological changes and their significance. Fruit
ripening, metamorphic changes – climacteric and non-climacteric fruits, hormonal Regulation of fruit ripening
(with ethrel, CCC, polaris, paclobuterozole). Stress Physiology – drought, submergence and anoxia. Temperature
stress, salt stress, radiation Stress. Environmental pollutants – heavy metals – air pollution and green house effect
on Crop productivity.

Practical: Growth analysis, calculation of growth parameters, determination of leaf area by Various methods,
study the effect of plant growth regulators on plant growth, senescence of plant parts, determination of
chlorophyll stability index, determination of soil water Potential. Quantitative and qualitative test of mineral
nutrients in plant sample, study.The mineral nutrient deficiency by hydroponics.

Reference Book:

1. Stress physiology - J.Levitt

2. Plant growth regulator potential and practice - T.H.Thomas
3. Plant physiology - P.S.Gill
4. Plant physiology - R.G.S. Bidwell
5. A text book of plant physiology - C.P.Mallick and A.K.Srivastav
6. Physiology of crop plants - F.P.Gardener, R.B.Pearce&R.L.Mitchell
7. Mineral nutrition of higher plants - Horst Marschner
8. A hand book on mineral nutrition and diagnostic technique for nutritional disorders of crops -

9. Fundamentals of Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology[BGEE2102] 2(2+0+0)

Theory: Extension Education and Agricultural Extension - Meaning, Definition, Scope and Importance.
Sociology and Rural Sociology, Meaning, Definition, Scope, Importance of Rural Sociology in Agricultural
Extension and Interrelationship between Rural Sociology & Agricultural Extension . Indian Rural Society,
Important characteristics. Differences and Relationship between Rural and Urban societies. Social Groups-
Meaning, Definitions, Classification, Factors considered in formation and organization of groups, Motivation in
group formation and Role of Agricultural Extension. Social Stratification- Meaning, Definition, Functions, Basis
for stratification, Forms of Social stratification Characteristics and - Differences between Class & Caste System.
Cultural concepts, Culture, Customs, Folkways, Mores, Taboos, Rituals and Traditions- Meaning, Definition and
their Role in Agricultural Extension. Social Values and Attitudes- Meaning , Definition. Types and Role of
Social Values and Attitudes in Agricultural Extension. Social Institutions – Meaning, Definition, Major
institutions in Rural society, Functions and their Role in Agricultural Extension. Social Organizations- Meaning,
Definition, Types of Organizations and Role of Social organization in Agricultural Extension. Social Control-
Meaning, Definition, Need of social control and Means of Social control. Social change- Meaning, Definition.
Nature of Social change, Dimensions of social change and factors of social change. Leadership- Meaning,
Definition, Classification, Roles of a leader, Different methods of Selection of Professional and Lay leaders.
Training of Leaders- Meaning , Definition, Methods of training, Advantages and Limitations in use of local
leaders in Agricultural Extension. Psychology and Educational Psychology-Meaning, Definition, Scope and
Importance of Educational Psychology in Agricultural Extension, Intelligence- Meaning, Definition, Types,
Factors affecting intelligence and Importance of intelligence in Agricultural Extension. Personality – Meaning,
Definition, Types, Factors influencing the Personality and Role of personality in Agricultural Extension.
Teaching- Learning process- Meaning and Definition of Teaching, Learning, Learning experience and Learning
situation . Elements of learning situation and its characteristics.Principles of learning and their implication for

Reference Book:

1. Introductory Rural Sociology- J.B. Chitamber

2. An Introduction to Sociology- Vidya Bhusan & D. R. Sachdev
3. Introductory Psychology - C.T. Morgan & R.A. King
4. Educational Psychology- C.E. Skinner
5. Rural Sociology & Psychology in Extension Education- N.K.Tripathi
6. Extension Education- A. Adivi Reddy

10. Livestock Production and Management[BGAP2101] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Place of livestock in the national economy, different livestock development programmes of Govt. of
India. Important exotic and Indian breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and swine.Measures and factors affecting
fertility in livestock, reproductive behaviour like oestrus, parturition, farrowing etc.Milk secretion, milking of
animals and factors affecting milk yield and composition.Selection and breeding of livestock for higher milk and
meat production.Feeding and management of calves, growing heifers and milch animals and other classes and
types of animals, housing principles, space requirements for different species of livestock. Disease control
measures, sanitation and care, breeding, feeding and production records. Breed characteristics of poultry, their
methods of rearing, breeding, feeding and management, incubation, hatching and brooding, vaccination and
prevention of diseases, preservation and marketing of eggs, its economics and keeping quality. Cost of production
of milk, economical units of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and swine.

Practical: Identification, handling and restraining of animals; Judging and culling; Feeding and ration
formulation; Hatching, housing and management of poultry; Visit to livestock farms and Economics of livestock

Reference Book:

1. A Textbook of Animal Husbandry – G.C. Benerjee

2. Livestock Production and Management – N.S.R. Sastri, C.K. Thomas, R.A. Singh
3. Essentials of Animal Production and Management – R. Singh
4. A Handbook of Animal Husbandry – ICAR
5. A Textbook of Livestock Production Management in Tropics – D.N. Verma

1. Field Crops- II[BGAG2207] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Origin, geographical distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic requirements, varieties,
cultural practices and yield of rabi crops; Cereals: wheat, barley; Pulses: chickpea, lentil, peas, french bean;
Oilseeds: rapeseed and mustard, sunflower, safflower and linseed; Sugar crops: sugarcane and sugar beet,
Commercial crops: potato and tobacco, Forage crops: berseem, Lucerne,Japanese mustard and oat, Medicinal and
aromatic crops such as mentha, lemon grass, citronella, palmarosa, pacheoli, aswagandha and Aloe vera.
Practical: Seed bed preparation and sowing of wheat, sugarcane and sunflower; Calculations on seed rate; Top
dressing of nitrogen in wheat and study of fertilizer experiments on wheat and mustard; Identification of weeds in
wheat and grain legumes, application of herbicide and study of weed control experiments; Morphological
characteristics of wheat, sugarcane, chickpea and mustard; Yield contributing characters of wheat; Yield and
quality analysis of sugarcane; Judging the maturity stage of rabi crops. Important agronomic experiments of rabi
crops and visit to research stations related to rabi crops.

Reference Book:

1. Modern Techniques of raising field crops - Chida Singh

2. Crop management under rainfed and irrigated condition - S.S.Singh
3. Agronomy of field crops - S.R.Reddy
4. Text book of field crop production - Edited by R. Prasad (ICAR)

2. Weed Management[BGAG2208] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: Weeds: Introduction, harmful and beneficial effects, classification, propagation dissemination and
persistence ; Weed biology and ecology, crop weed association, crop weed competition and allelopathy Concepts
of weed prevention, control and eradication; Methods of weed control: physical, cultural, chemical and biological
methods. Integrated weed management; Herbicides: advantages and limitation of herbicide usage in India,
Herbicide classification, formulations, methods of application; Introduction to adjuvants and their use in
herbicides; Introduction to selectivity of herbicides, Transformation of herbicides in the soil, compatibility of
herbicides with other agro chemicals; Weed management in major field and horticultural crops, shift of weed
flora in cropping systems, aquatic and problematic weeds and their control, herbicide resistance management and
residual effect of herbicides in the environment.

Practical: Identification of weeds; Survey of weeds in crop fields and other habitats; Weed vegetation analysis,
Preparation of herbarium of weeds; Calculations on weed control efficiency and weed index; Herbicide label
information; Computation of herbicide doses; Study of herbicide application equipment and calibration;
Demonstration of methods of herbicide application; Preparation of list of commonly available herbicides and
their manufacturing companies; Study of herbicide formulation and phytotoxicity symptoms of herbicides in
different crops; Biology of nut sedge, bermuda grass, parthenium and celosia; Economics of weed control
practices; Tours and visits to experimental field and problem areas.

Reference Book:

1. Modern weed management - O.P.Gupta

2. Principles of Weed science - V.S. Rao
3. Weed management - V.N. Saraswat, V. M. Bhan and N.T. Yaduraju (ICAR)
4. All about weed control - S. Subramaniam, A.Mohamed Ali and R. Jaykumar
5. Fundamentalsof weed Science - Zimdahl

3. Cytogenetics and Crop Improvement[BGPG2203] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: History of cytogenetics, plant cell culture and contents; Ultra structure of cell and cell organelles and
their functions; Study of chromosome structure, morphology, number and types (Lamp brush chromosome,
Polytene chromosome, artificial chromosome); Karyotype and Idiograms; Mitosis and meiosis – their
significance and differences between them; Numerical aberrations of chromosome - Polyploidy and evolution of
crop species like Cotton, wheat, Triticale and Brassicas; Structural aberrations of chromosomes - deficiency,
duplication, inversion and translocation; Elements of molecular cytogenetics (FISH & GISH techniques).
Induction of haploids and Polyploids – their role in crop improvement and development of new crops; Balanced
tertiary trisomic (BTT) in hybrid seed production; Allien additions and substitution lines – significance in crop

Practical: Microscopy (Light microscopes and electron microscopes); Cytological techniques – fixation and
staining, smear and squash techniques; preparation of micro slides and identification of various stages of mitosis
and meiosis; Study of pollen grain variation (size) in different crops and pollen sterility; Induction of polyploidy
using colchicines; Induction of chromosomal aberration using chemicals.

Reference Book:

1. Elements of Cytology - N.S.Cohn

2. Cell Biology - C. B. Powar
3. Introduction to Cytogenetics - G. Prasad
4. Cytogenetics of Crop Plants - M. S. Swaminathan, P. K Gupta, and U. Sinha
5. . Cytogenetics - C. P. Swanson, T. Merz, and J. Young

4. Production Technology of Fruit Crops[BGHO2203] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Importance and scope of fruit crops in India, Present status , area and production, geographical
distribution, important varieties, propagation methods, soil and climatic requirements. Layout and planting,
manuring, irrigation, interculture, training and pruning, intercropping, plant protection and management of
physiological disorders of mango, banana, citrus, guava, pineapple, papaya, sapota, aonla, ber, litchi, jackfruit,
and custard apple.

Practical: Identification of major and minor fruits crops fruit nursery management –rearing and maintenance of
grafts/seedling, lifting and packing of plants, Orchard lay out and planting, orchard management practices-
cultivation, weed management ,pruning and training , manuring, irrigation and special care etc .Use of plant
Bio- regulator harvesting and marketing of fruit . Visit to commercial orchards Tissue culture lab, and
Horticulture Research Stations.

Reference Book:

1. Commercial Fruits - S.P.Singh

2. A text book of pomology Vol-II ( Tropical fruits ) - T.K.Chattopadhaya
3. A text book of pomology Vol-II (Sub- tropical fruits ) - T.K. Chattopadhaya
4. Fruits tropical and sub-tropical - T.K.Bose
5. Fruits - R. Singh
6. Fruits Physiology and production – A. Singh

5. Manures, Fertilizers and Agrochemicals[BGAC2204] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Introduction-Raw materials-Manures- Bulky and concentrated-FYM, Composts-Different methods,

Mechanical compost plants, Vermicomposting, Green manures, oil cakes, sewage and sludge-Biogas plant slurry,
plant and animal refuges, Fertilizers-classification, Manufacturing processes and properties of major
nitrogenous(ammonium sulphate, urea, calcium ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate
nitrate) Phosphatic(single super phosphate, enriched super phosphate, diammonium phosphate, ammonium poly
phosphate), Potassic and complex fertilizers, their fate and reactions in the soil, Secondary and micronutrients
fertilizers, Amendments, Fertilizer control order, fertilizer storage, Biofertilizers and their advantage, Organic
chemistry as prelude to agro-chemicals, Diverse types of agrochemicals, Botanical insecticides(Neem),
pyrethrum, synthetic pyrethroids, Synthetic organic insecticides, major classes, properties and uses of some
important insecticides under each class, Herbicides-Major classes-Properties and uses of 2,4 –D, atrazine,
glyphosate, butachlor, benthiocarb, Fungicides-Major classes- Properties and uses of carbendazine, carboxin,
captan, tridemorph and copper oxychloride-Insecticides Act, plant growth regulators.

Practical: Total nitrogen and phosphorus in manures/composts-Ammonical and nitrate nitrogen-water soluble
P2O5, potassium, calcium, sulphur and zinc contents of fertilizers. COD in organic wastes-Adulteration in
fertilizer, Argentimtric and iodometric titrations-their use in the analysis of lindane, metasystox, endosulphan,
malathion, copper and sulphur fungicides-Compatibility of fertilizers with pesticides.
Reference Book:

1. Soil fertility and fertilizers-S.L.Tisdale, W.L.Nelson, J.D. Benton and J.L. Havlin
2. Manures and Fertilizers – K.S. Yawalker, J.B. Agarwal and S. Bokde
3. Soil Fertility, Theory and Practice –J.S. Kanwar
4. A text Book of fertilizers – R.K.Basak
5. Toxicology of insecticides-F. Matsumura
6. Insecticides, action & metabolism-R.D.O’Brien
7. Chemistry of insecticides & fungicides- V.S.Sreeramulu

6. Insect Ecology and integrated Pest Management including Beneficial 3(2+1+0)


Theory: Insect Ecology: Introduction, Environment and its components. Effect of a biotic factors- temperature,
moisture, humidity, rainfall, light, atmospheric pressure and air currents, Effect of biotic factors- food
competition, natural and environmental resistance, Concepts of Balance of life in nature, biotic potential and
environmental resistance and causes for outbreak of pests in agro-ecosystem. Pest Surveillance and pest
forecasting, Categories of pests, IPM: Introduction, importance, concepts, principles and tools of IPM- Host plant
resistance, Cultural, Mechanical, Physical, Legislative, Biological (Parasites, predators & transgenic plant,
pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and viruses) methods of control. Chemical control- importance, hazards and
limitations, Classification of insecticides, toxicity of insecticides and formulations of insecticides, Study of
important insecticides, Botanical insecticides - neem based products, Cyclodiens, Organophosphates,
Carbamates, Synthetic Pyrethroids, Novel insecticides, Pheromones, Nicotinyl insecticides, Chitin synthesis
inhibitors, Phenyl pyrazoles, Avermectins, Macrocyclic lactones, Oxadiazines, Thioureaderivaties, Pyridine
azomethines, pyrroles etc. Nematicides, Rodenticides, Acaricides and fumigants. Recent methods of pest control,
repellents, antifeedants, hormones, attractants, gamma radiation and genetic control. Practices, scope and
limitations of IPM, Insecticides Act- 1968- Important provisions.Application techniques of spray fluids,
phytotoxicity of insecticides.Symptoms of poisoning, first aid and antidotes. Beneficial insects: parasites and
predators used in pest control and their mass multiplication techniques. Important groups of micro-organisms,
bacteria, viruses and fungi used in pest control and their mass multiplication techniques. Important groups of
micro-organisms, bacteria, viruses and fungi used in pest control and their mass multiplication techniques.
Important species of pollinators, weed killers and scavengers, their importance, Non insect pests- mites,
nematodes, rodents and birds, Vermiculture.

Practical: Visit to meteorological observatory/ automatic weather reporting stations; Study of terrestrial and
pond ecosystems of insects; Studies on behaviours of insects and orientation (repellency, stimulation, deterancy);
Study of distribution patterns of insects, sampling techniques for the estimation of insect population and damage;
Pest Surveillance through light traps, pheromone traps and field incidence; Practicable IPM practices,
Mechanical and physical methods: practicable IPM practices, cultural and biological methods; Chemical control,
Insecticides and their formulations; Calculation of doses/ concentrations of insecticides; Compatibility of
pesticides and phytotoxicity of insecticides; IPM case studies; Identification of common phytophagous mites and
their morphological characters; Identification of common plant parasitic nematodes and their morphological
characters; Identification of rodents and bird pests and their damage; Identification of earthworms in
vermiculture- visit to vermiculture unit; Other beneficial insects, pollinators, weed killers and scavengers.

Reference Book:
1. Elements of Economic Entomology - B. V. David
2. Integrated Pest Management, Concepts and Approaches - G.S. Dhaliwal and R. Arora
3. Insect Pest Management - Larry, P. Pedigo
4. Insects and mites of crops in India (ICAR) - M. R. G. K. Nair (ICAR)
5. Botanical Pesticides in integrated pest management - M. S. Chari and Ramaprasad

7. Diseases of Field Crops and Their Management[BGPP2203] 3(2+1+0)

Theory: Economic importance, symptoms, cause, epidemiology, disease cycle and integrated management of
disease of rice, sorghum, bajra, maize, wheat, sugarcane, turmeric, ginger, tobacco, groundnut, castor, sesamum,
sunflower, cotton, redgram, bengalgram, blackgram, greengram, Pea, soyabean.

Practical: Study of symptoms, etiology, host-parasite relationship and specific control measures of the following
crop diseases. Presentation of disease samples survey and collection of diseases of rice, sorghum; diseases of
wheat, bajra and maize; diseases of sugarcane, turmeric and tobacco; diseases of groundnut, castor and
sunflower; diseases of sesamum and cotton; diseases of redgram, greengram, blackgram, bengalgram and
soyabean; Field visits at appropriate time during the semester.

Note: Students should submit 50 pressed, well mounted diseased specimens in three installments during the

Reference Book:

1. Plant Diseases - R. S. Singh

2. Plant Pathology – R.S.Mehrotra
3. Plant Pathology - P. D. Sharma
4. Diseases of Crop Plants - G. Rangaswami

8. Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices[BGEC2203] 2(1+0+1)

Theory: Agricultural Marketing: Concepts and Definition, Scope and subject matter, Market and Marketing:
Meaning, Definitions, Components of a market, Classification. Market structure, Conduct,
performance.Marketing structure, market functionaries or agencies. Producer’s surplus: Meaning, Types of
producers surplus, marketable surplus. Marketed surplus, importance, factors affecting marketable surplus.
Marketing channels: Meaning, definition, channels for different products. Market integration, meaning,
definition, types of market integration. Marketing efficiency: meaning, definition, marketing costs, margins and
price spread, factors affecting the cost of marketing, reasons for higher marketing costs of farm commodities,
ways of reducing marketing costs. Theories of international trade: Domestic trade, free trade, international trade,
GATT, WTO, implications of AOA, market access, domestic support, export subsidies, EXIM-policy and
ministerial conferences. Cooperative marketing.State trading.Ware housing corporation; central and state,
objectives, functions, advantages. Food corporation of India: objectives and functions. Quality control,
agricultural products, AGMARK, price characteristics of agricultural product process, meaning, need for
agricultural price policy. Risk in marketing: meaning and importance, types of risk in marketing, speculations and
hedging, futures trading, contract farming.

Tutorial: Identification of marketing channels; study of Rythu Bazars, Regulated markets; study of unregulated
markets; study of livestock markets; price spread analysis; visit to market institutions, NAFED; study of
SWC,CWC and STC; analysis of information of daily prices; marketed and marketable surplus; of different

Reference Book:

1. Agricultural Marketing in India - S.S. Acharya and N.L.Aggarwal

2. Agricultural Price Policy - S.S. Acharya and N.L. Aggarwal
3. Marketing of Agricultural Products - R.L. Kohls and N. JoseshUhl
4. Agricultural Price Analysis - G.E. Shephard

9. Principles of Seed Science and Technology[BGST2201] 2(1+1+0)

Theory: Seed Technology – scope and importance, development of seed industry in India, difference between
seed and grain, categories of agricultural seeds. Development of crop varieties and hybrids, their evaluation and
release at National and State level. Seed quality – concept, quality characteristics.Seed development and
maturation, accumulation of food reserves in seeds.Seed germination – types of seed germination, factors
affecting germination, changes in seeds associated with germination, field emergence and stand establishment.
Seed viability – difference between seed viability and germination, viability nomograph.Seed vigour – concept,
factors affecting seed vigour, significance of assessing seed vigour.Seed dormancy – merits and demerits of
dormancy in seeds, intensity and duration of dormancy, types of seed dormancy, causes, methods of breaking
dormancy, induction of dormancy.Seed longevity and deterioration – orthodox and recalcitrant seeds, factors
influencing the life span of seeds, symptoms of seed deterioration, possible causes of seed deterioration, seed
invigoration. Seed testing– objectives, development of organisations for seed testing at international and national
level, establishment of a seed testing laboratory. Seed health – pathogens, insects and other organisms causing
damage to sowing quality of seed and their management.Seed legislation: Seeds Act 1966, seed law enforcement
– duties and powers of seed inspectors, offences and penalties, Seeds (Control) Order 1983, other issues related to
seed quality regulation. Intellectual Property Rights, patenting, WTO, Plant Breeders Rights.

Practical: Identification of different agricultural seeds, Seed structure of typical monocot and dicot seeds, Seed
sampling and handling of seed samples, Moisture estimation, Purity analysis, Determination of ODV,
Germination test, Seed viability test, Assessment of seed vigour, Genetic purity testing – laboratory methods and
field plot test, Seed health testing for pathogens and insect damage.

Reference Book:

1. Seed Technology – R.L. Agrawal

2. Principles of Seed Technology – G.M. Kulkarni
3. Structure Development and Reproduction in Angiospeerms – V. Singh, P.C. Pande&D.K.Jain
4. Principles of Seed Science & Technology – L.O. Copeland & M.B. KcDonald


1. Practical Crop Production-I [BGAG3109] 1(0+1)

Practical: Crop planning, raising field crops like rice maize, groundnut, pulses in multiple cropping systems:
Field preparation, seed treatment, nursery raising, sowing, nutrient management, water management, weed
management and management of insect pests and diseases of crops harvesting, threshing, drying, winnowing,
storage and marketing of produce. Preparation of balance sheet including cost of cultivation, net returns per
student as well as per team of a group of students.
2. Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture[BGAG3110] 2(1+1)

Theory: Sustainable agriculture: Introduction, definition, goal and current concepts, factors affecting ecological
balance and ameliorative measures; Land degradation and conservators of natural resources, LEIA & HEIA;
Irrigation problems, waste lands and their development; Organic farming: definition, principles and components;
soil health management; Farming systems: definition, principles and components, IFS models for wetland,
irrigated dry land and rainfed situations. Precision farming, contract farming. Farming system models for
different categories of farmers.

Practical: Preparation of cropping scheme for irrigated situations; Preparation of cropping scheme for dryland
situations; Study of existing farming systems in nearby villages; Preparation of integrated farming system model
for wetlands; Preparation of integrated farming system model for dry lands; Preparation of enriched Farm Yard
Manure; Preparation of Vermicompost NADEP compost; Visit to urban waste recycling unit; Study of profitable
utilization of agricultural wastes; Visit to poultry and dairy units to study resource allocation, utilization and
economics; Visit to an organic farm to study various components and utilization; Study of degraded lands.

Reference Book:
1. Fundamental Approaches in sustainable agriculture - J.P. Sharma
2. Farming System in Tropics - A. Rangaswami
3. Farming System: Theory and Practice – S.A. Solaimalai
4. Text book of farming system – U.K.Behera

3. Environmental Science[BGES3101] 2(1+1)

Theory: Scope and importance of environmental studies, Natural resources: Renewable and renewable resources,
forest, water, food, energy and land resources, Ecosystems: Definition, concept, structure and functions.
Producers, consumers and decomposers of an ecosystem, Energy flow in the ecosystem. Types of ecosystems,
Bio-diversity; Definition, classification, threats to biodiversity and its conservation, Environmental pollution;
causes, effects and control of air, water, soil, thermal, noise and marine pollution, causes, effects and
management of soil nuclear hazards and industrial wastes, Disaster management, Floods, earthquakes, cyclones
and land slides. Social issues and the environment, unsustainable to sustainable development. The Environment
protection Act. The Air Act. The water Act. The wildlife protection Act and Forest Conservation Act. Woman
and child welfare, HIV/AIDS and Role of information technology on environment and human health.

Practical: Collection, processing and storage of effluent samples; Determination of Bio-Chemical oxygen
demand(BOD) in effluent sample; Determination of Chemical oxygen demand (COD) in effluent sample;
Estimation of dissolved oxygen in effluent samples; Determination of sound level meter; Estimation of
respirable and non respirable dust in the air by using portable dust sampler; Determination of total dissolved

Reference Book:
1. Perspective of Environmental Sciences – Kaushik & Kaushik
2. Air Environment and Pollution – S.S. Purohit
3. Water Pollution causes, effects and control – P.K. Goel
4. Biodiversity and Forest genetic resource – D.N. Tiwari
5. Biodiversity : Planning for sustainable Development – J. Singh
6. Text Book of Ecology and Environment – S.C. Joshi
7. Environmental Engineering – G. Kiely
8. Environmental Engineering – B.K. Nanda and T. Biswal
4. Production technology of spices, aromatic, medicinal and plantation crops 3(2+1)

Theory: Scope importance present status and future prospects of Medicinal, aromatic and plantation crops.
Origin , distribution varieties cultivation, processing ,marketing and storage active in grediedients, extraction of
days and essential oils of important medicinal, aromatic and plantation crops like Aswagandha, Sarpagandha,
Kalmegh, Aloe, Sweet flag, Belladona, Cinchona, glory lily, ipecac Gudmar,Sandal wood, Tulsi, roosffia, Senna,
Perisnkle, eucallyptas, henna, Kewda , Guduchi, Jasmine, Vanilla, cashew, coconut, arecanut, oil palm Tea,
Coffe, Rubber, Cocoa and and other important plant species .Oil extraction and purification, processing
technology and value addition, classification of drugs and essential oils .

Practical: Identification of medicinal, and Plantation crops. Planting care management, harvesting and
processing of medicinal, aromatics and plantation crops including pest-disease control. Extraction of oil from
aromatic plants. Visit to plantation commercial sites of plantation and industries, collections of samples and
preparation of herbarium.

Reference Book:

5. A Text book of plantation crops - K.M.Pillai.

6. Spices and plantation crops - J.S.Singh.
7. Medicinal Plants - A.K.Shrivastava
8. Major spices and condiments crop management and Post harvest technology - J.S.Pruthy.
9. Spices (Horticulture Science Series -5) (Ed.)K.V.Peter
10. Aromatic Plants and Essential Oils – M.S. Virdi, S. Malviya and T. Ramasami

5. Breeding of Field &Horticulture Crops [BGPG3104] 3(2+1)

Theory: Breeding objectives and important concepts of breeding self pollinated, cross pollinated and
vegetatively propagated crops; Hardy-Weinberg Law; Study in respect of origin, distribution of species, wild
relatives and forms, Cereals, (rice, wheat, maize, finger millet); Pulses (redgram, greengram, blackgram,
soybean); Oilseeds (Groundnut, sesame, sunflower, mustard) etc. Fibers (Cotton, jute) etc. Vegetables (Tomato,
bhindi, chilli, cucumbers); Flowers crops (Chrysanthemum, rose, galardia & marigold); Fruit crops (guava,
mango, banana, papaya); Major breeding procedures for development of hybrids / varieties of various crops;
Plant Genetic Resources their conservation and utilization in crop improvement; Ideotype concept in crop
improvement; Breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses; Mechanisms of resistance in plant to
pathogens and pest; Definition of biometrics, assessment of variability i.e., additive, dominance and epistasis;
Genotype x Environment interaction and influence on yield/performance. IPR and its related issues.

Practical: Emasculation and Hybridization techniques; Handling of segregating generations- pedigree methods;
Handling of segregating generations - bulk methods; Handling of segregating generations - back cross methods;
Field lay out of experiments; Field trials, maintenance of records and registers; Estimation of Heterosis and
inbreeding depression; Estimation of Heritability, GCA and SCA; Estimation of variability parameters; Parentage
of released varieties/hybrids; Problems on Hardy-Weinberg Law; Study of quality characters; Sources of donors
for different characters; Visit to seed production and certification plots; Visit to AICRP trials and programmes;
Visit to grow out test plots; Visit to various research stations; Visit to other institutions
Reference Book:
1. Plant Breeding - (Ed.) V. L. Chopra
2. Breeding Field Crops - J. M. Poehlman
3. Crop Breeding & Genetics - S.G.Ram and H. G. Singh.

6. Crop pests, Stored Grain Pests and Their Management[BGEN3103] 3(2+1)

Theory: Stored grain pests: Coleopteran and Lepidopteran pests, their biology and damage, preventive and
curative methods, Distribution, biology, nature and symptoms of damage, and management strategies of insect
and non insect pests of rice, sorghum, maize, ragi (Eleucine coracana), wheat, sugarcane, cotton, mesta,
sunhemp, pulses, groundnut, castor, ginger, safflower, sunflower, mustard, brinjal, bhendi, tomato, cruciferous
and cucurbitaceous vegetables, potato, sweet potato, colocasia, moringa, amaranthus, chillies, mango, citrus,
grapevine, cashew, banana, pomegranate, guava, sapota, ber, apple, coconut, tobacco, coffee, tea, turmeric, betel
vine, onion, coriander garlic, curry leaf, pepper, ginger and ornamental plants.

Practical: Identification of pests, their damage, symptoms and management of rice, sorghum, maize, wheat,
sugarcane, cotton, pulses, Solanaceous and Malvaceous vegetables, cruciferous and cucurbitaceous vegetables,
chilli, mango, citrus and sapota.

Reference Book:

1. Integrated pest management, Concepts and Approaches - G. S. Dhaliwal and R. Arora

2. A Textbook of Applied Entomology ‘Vol. I’ - K. P. Srivastava
3. Elements of Economic Entomology - B. Vasantharaj David
4. Crop Protection: Management strategies - D. Prasad
5. Agricultural insect pests and their control - V. B. Awasthi
6. A textbook of Plantation Crops - K. M. Pillai

7. Diseases of Horticultural Crops and Their Management[BGPP3104] 3(2+1)

Theory: Economic Importance, symptoms, causal organism, disease cycle and integrated management of
diseases of citrus, mango, banana, grapevine, pomegranate, papaya, guava, sapota, apple chilli, brinjal, bhendi,
potato, crucifers, cucurbits, tomato, beans, onion, coconut, oil palm, betelvine, mulberry, coffee, tea, rose,
chrysanthemum and jasmine.

Practical: Diseases of beans, citrus, guava and sapota; Disease of papaya, banana, pomegranate and beri;
Diseases of mango, grapes and apple; Diseases of chilli, brinjal and bhendi; Diseases of potato, tomato and
crucifers; Diseases of cucurbits, onion and betelvine; Diseases of oil palm, coconut, tea and coffee ; Diseases of
rose, chrysanthemum and jasmine. Field visits at appropriate time during the summer.

Note: Students should submit 50 pressed, well mounted diseased specimens in three installments during the

Reference Book:
1. Diseases of Vegetables - R. S. Singh
2. Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables and their Management - T. S. Thind
3. Diseases of Crop Plants - G. Rangaswami

8. Mushroom Cultivation[BGPP3105] 1(0+1)

Practical: Historical development and importance of cultivated, medicinal and poisonous mushroom. General
morphology of different mushrooms. Methods of isolation and purification of mushroom for development of
mother culture. Methods for preparation of spawn. Methods of cultivation of Volvariella, Pleuratus and milky
mushroom. Care of mushroom beds. Study of contaminants and diseases limiting mushroom production.
Mushroom processing and preservation. Development of small unit model for mushroom cultivation.

Reference Book:
1. Mushroom Cultivation in India - B.C.Suman and V.P.Sharma
2. Mushroom Growing for Everyone - G. Roy
3. Mushroom Production and Processing - V.N.Pathak, N.Yadav and M.Gaur

9. Production Economics and Farm Management[BGEC3104] 2(1+1)

Theory: Production economics: Definition of production economics, assumptions in study of production

economics, meaning of perfect competition and price determination under perfect competition. Production and
cost functions, law of diminishing return and three stages of production, deriving cost function from production
function. Factor-product relationship: economic efficiency condition, methods of determining the optimum
amount of input and output, short run equilibrium derived demand of inputs, opportunity costs. Factor-factor
relationship: methods determining least cost combination of two variable inputs, elasticity of factor substitution,
iso-cline, expansion path and profit maximization. Product-product relationship: Enterprise combinations in
agriculture, methods determining maximum revenue combination of enterprises and equi-marginal principle.
Farm Management: Definition, scope, functions of farm management science, nature and characteristics of farm
management science, various farm management decisions, farm planning and budgeting partial and complete
budget, steps in farm planning and budgeting, types and system of farming. Linear programming: assumptions,
advantages and limitations of linear programming.

Practical : Mathematical problems relating to production and cost function, factor-product, factor-factor and
product-product relationship, methods of calculation of depreciation, preparation of enterprise budget, calculation
of cost A1, A2, A3, B2 etc. farm business income, family labour income, net income using farm management data,
preparation of farm plans.

Reference Book:
1. Fundamentals of Farm Business Management – S.S. Johl and T. Kapur
2. Production Economics – J.P. Doll and F. Orazem
3. Economics of Farm Management in India – A.S. Kahlon and K. Singh

10. Entrepreneurship Development and Communication Skills[BGEE3104] 2(1+1)

Theory: Entrepreneurship Development : Assessing overall business environment in the Indian economy.
Overview of Indian social, political and economic systems and their implications for decision making by
individual entrepreneurs. Globalisation and the emerging business / entrepreneurial environment . Concept of
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial and managerial characteristics, managing an enterprise, motivation and
entrepreneurship development , importance of planning, monitoring , evaluation and follow up, managing
competition, entrepreneurship development programs, SWOT analysis, Generation, incubation and
commercialization of ideas and innovations. Government schemes and incentives for promotion of
entrepreneurship. Government policy on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) / SSIs, Export and ‘Import,
Policies relevant to agriculture sector. Venture capital Contact farming and joint ventures, public-private
partnership. Overview of agri inputs industry. Characteristics of Indian agricultural processing and export
industry. Social Responsibility of ‘Business Communication Skills: Structural and functional grammar: meaning
and process of communication, verbal and non-verbal communication: listening and note taking, writing skills,
oral presentation skills, field diary and lab record, indexing , footnote and bibliographic procedures, Reading and
comprehension of general and technical articles, précis writing, summarizing, abstracting, individual and group
presentations, impromptu presentation, public speaking, Group discussion, Organizing seminars and conferences.

Practical: Listening and note taking , writing skills, oral presentation skills, field diary and lab record, indexing,
footnote and bibliographic procedures, Reading and comprehension of general and technical articles, précis
writing, summarizing, abstracting, individual and group presentation.

Reference Book:

1. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship- S.K.Mohanty

2. Participatory Planning and Project Management in Extension Sciences- M.M.Adhikary
3. The Entrepreneurs Hand Book- J. Mancuso
4. Agricultural Communication- A reference Manual (FAO) - B.E. Swanson et al
5. Development Communication for Agriculture- R.K.Samanta
6. Market Led Extension – Dimensions & Tools- F.M.H.Kalee et al


1. Practical Crop Production-II [BGAG3211] 1(0+1)

Practical: Crop planning, raising field crops like wheat, summer rice, mustard, rabi groundnut, sugarcane,
potato, rajmashs in multiple cropping systems: Field preparation, seed treatment, nursery raising, sowing, nutrient
management, water management, weed management and management of insect-pests and diseases of crops
harvesting, threshing, drying, winnowing, storage and marketing of produce. Preparation of balance sheet
including cost of cultivation, net returns per student as well as per team of a group of students.

2. Organic Farming[BGAG3212] 2(1+1)

Theory: Introduction, concept, relevance in present context; Organic production requirements; Biological
intensive nutrient management-organic manures, vermicomposting, green manuring, recycling of organic
residues, biofertilizers; Soil improvement and amendments; Integrated diseases and pest management – use of
biocontrol agents, biopesticides pheromones, trap crops, bird perches; Weed management; Quality
considerations, certification, labeling and accreditation processors, marketing, exports.
Practical: Preparation of quality compost material, Stydy of earthworm and methods of vermicomposting.
Production and use of BGA and azolla, use of Rhizobium, Azotobacter and Azospirillum, Phosphate solubilizing
bacteria Phosphate solubilizing mycorrhiza. Vegetable and medicinal crops nursery raising. Raising of vegetable
crops organically through nutrient, diseases and pest management; macro quality analysis, grading, packaging,
post harvest management.
Reference Book:
1. Organic Farming : Theory and Practice - S.P.Palaniappan and K.Aannadurai
2. A Hand book of Organic Farming - A.K. Sharma
3. Hand book of Organic Farming and Biofertilizers - A.C.Gaur
4. Organic farming for sustainable Horticulture – P. Parvatha Reddy
5. Organic Agriculture – J.C. Tarafdar

3. Principles of Plant Biotechnology[BGAB3201] 3(2+1)

Theory: Concepts of Plant Biotechnology: History of Plant Tissue Culture and Plant Genetic Engineering; Scope
and importance in Crop Improvement: Totipotency and Morphogenesis, Nutritional requirements of in-vitro
cultures; Techniques of In-vitro cultures, Micro propagation, Anther culture, Pollen culture, Ovule culture,
Embryo culture, Test tube fertilization, Endosperm culture, Factors affecting above in-vitro culture; Applications
and Achievements; Somaclonal variation, Types, Reasons: Somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed production
technology; Protoplast isolation, Culture, Manipulation and Fusion; Products of somatic hybrids and cybrids,
Applications in crop improvement. Genetic engineering; Restriction enzymes; Vectors for gene transfer – Gene
cloning – Direct and indirect method of gene transfer – Transgenic plants and their applications. Blotting
techniques – DNA finger printing – DNA based markers – RFLP, AFLP, RAPD, SSR and DNA Probes –
Mapping QTL – Future prospects. MAS, and its application in crop improvement.

Practical: Requirements for Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory; Techniques in Plant Tissue Culture; Media
components and preparations; Sterilization techniques and Inoculation of various explants; Aseptic manipulation
of various explants; Callus induction and Plant Regeneration; Micro propagation of important crops; Anther,
Embryo and Endosperm culture; Hardening / Acclimatization of regenerated plants; Somatic embryogenesis and
synthetic seed production; Isolation of protoplast; Demonstration of Culturing of protoplast; Demonstration of
Isolation of DNA; Demonstration of Gene transfer techniques, direct methods; Demonstration of Gene transfer
techniques, indirect methods; Demonstration of Confirmation of Genetic transformation; Demonstration of gel-
electrophoricsis techniques.

Reference Book:
1. Introduction to Plant Biotechnology – H.S. Chawala
2. Plant Biotechnology – A. Slater et al.
3. Handbook of Plant tissue culture – ICAR
4. Plant tissue Culture : Theory and Practice – S.S. Bhojwani and M.K. Razdan

4. Biochemistry[BGAC3205] 3(2+1)

Theory: Biochemistry – Introduction and importance. Plant cell, cell wall and its role in livestock, Food and
paper industries, Bio-molecules – structure, properties and applications: Amino acids, peptides and proteins –
Plant proteins and their quality. Enzymes – Factors affecting the activity, classification, immobilization and other
industrial applications. Lipids- acyl lipids, their industrial application in soaps, detergents, paints, vanishes,
lubricants, adhesives, plastics, nylon, bio-diesel, biodegradable plastics etc. Carbohydrates; nucleotides and
nucleic acids, metabolic energy and its generation – Metabolism – Basic concepts, glycolysis, citric acid cycle,
pentose phosphate pathway, oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid oxidation, general reaction of amino acid
degradation. Biosynthesis – carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, metabolic regulation. Secondary
metabolites, terpenoids, alkaloids, phenolics and their applications in food and pharmaceutical industries.

Practical: Amino acid models (atomic): Paper electrophoresis for the separation of plant pigments; protein
denaturation – heat, pH, precipitations of proteins with heavy metals, protein estimation by Lowry method;
enzyme kinetics, competitive inhibition, enzyme

Reference Book:
Principles of Biochemistry – A.L. Lehninger
Elementary Biochemistry – E. T. Mertz
Outlines of Biochemistry – E.E. Conn, P.K.Stump, G.Bruening and R.H. Doi
Plant Biochemistry- J. Bonner and J. E. Verner
Principles of Biochemistry – A.C. Deb

5. Post harvest management and value addition of fruits and vegetables[BGHO3205] 2(1+1)

Theory: Importance of post harvest technology in fruits and vegetables ,maturity indices, harvesting and post
harvest handling of fruits and vegetable, pre harvest factors affecting quality of post harvest shelf life of fruits
and vegetables, Factor responsible for determination of harvesting of fruits and vegetables. Chemicals use for
harvesting and delaying ripening of fruits and vegetables. Methods of storage, Methods of packaging and
packaging materials and transport containers, cushioning materials and shrink wrapping. Importance and scope of
fruit and vegetable preservation in India, principles of preservation by heat , low temperature, chemicals and
fermentation, preservation through canning, bottling , freezing, dehydration, drying and radiations preparation of
Jam, Jellies, marmalades, preserves, chutneys, pickles, ketchup , sauce, puree, syrups, juices, squashes and
cordials, spoilage of canned products. Preservatives, colors permitted and prohibited in India.

Practical: Determination of stage of maturity of fruits and vegetables ,studies on composition of fruits and
vegetables, estimation of sugar, pectin etc. in fruits and vegetables , Treatment of fruits and vegetables for
longer shelf life by chemical and physical methods . Identification of instruments and equipments. Study of
chemicals and preservatives used in the preservation laboratory, preparation of Juice, squash, cordials and pulp
concentrate. Preparation of Jam, Jelly and marmalade. Sun drying and dehydration of fruits and vegetables. Visit
to cold storage units in the state. Low temperature and zero energy cool chamber storing of fruits and vegetables.

Reference Book:
Fruit and Vegetable Preservation, Principles and practices - R.P. Srivastava and S. Kumar.
Fruit and Vegetable preservation – G. Lal and Siddhapa.
Commercial fruits and vegetables products - W.V. Cruess.
Post harvest technology of Horticulture Crops - (Ed.) K.V. Peter

6. Fundamentals of Agri- Business Management[BGEC3205] 2(1+1)

Theory: Agribusiness: Meaning, definition, structure of agribusiness, (input, farm product sectors). Importance
of agribusiness in the Indian economy, agricultural policy, agribusiness management, distinctive features,
importance of good management, definitions of management. Management functions, planning, meaning,
definition, types of plans (purpose or mission, goals or objectives, strategies, policies, procedures, rules,
programmes, budget) characteristics of sound plan, steps in planning, organization, staffing, directing,
motivation, ordering, leading, supervision, communication, control. Capital management, financial management
of agribusiness: importance of financial statements, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, analysis of financial
statements, agro-based industries: importance and need, classification of industries, types of agro-based
industries, institutional arrangement, procedure to set up agro-based industries, constraints in establishing agro-
based industries. Marketing management: meaning, definitions, marketing mix, 4Ps of marketing. Mix, market
segmentation, methods of market, product life cycle. Pricing policy, meaning, pricing method, prices at various
stages of marketing; project, definitions, project cycle, identification, formulation, appraisal, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation, appraisal and evaluation techniques, NPW, BCR, IRR, N/K ratio, sensitivity analysis,
characteristics of agricultural projects: preparation of project reports for various activities in agriculture and allied
sectors: dairying, poultry, fisheries, agro-industries etc.

Practical: Study of input markets: seed, fertilizers, pesticides. Study of output markets, grains, fruits, vegetables,
flowers. Study of product markets, retail trade commodity trading, value added products. Study of financing
institutions cooperatives commercial banks, RRBs, agribusiness finance limited, NABARD; Preparations of
projects, feasibility reports; project appraisal techniques; case study of agro-based industries.

Reference Book:
1. An Introduction to Food and Agribusiness - G.A. Baker
2. Marketing Management – P. Kotler
3. Principle and Practice of Management - L.M. Prasad

7. Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agricultural Technology[BGEE3204] 2(1+1)

Theory: Communication- Meaning, Definition, Models, Elements and their Characteristics. Types and Barriers
in communication. Extension Programme Planning- Meaning, Definitions of Planning, Programme, Project,
Importance, Principles and Steps in Programme Development Process, Monitoring and Evaluation of Extension
Programmes. Extension Teaching methods- Meaning, Definition, Functions and Classification. Individual contact
methods- Farm and Home visit, Result Demonstration. Field trials – Meaning, Objectives, Steps, Merits and
Demerits, Group contact methods – Group discussion, Method demonstration, Field Trips – Meaning, Objectives,
Steps, Merits and Demerits. Small group discussion techniques - Lecture, Symposium, Panel, Debate, Forum,
Buzz group. Workshop, Brain Storming, Seminar and Conference. Mass contact Methods – Campaign,
Exhibition, Kisan Mela, Radio & Television- Meaning, Importance, Steps, Merits & Demerits, Factors
influencing in selection of Extension Teaching Methods and Combination (Media Mix) of Teaching methods.
Innovative Information sources – Internet’ Cyber Cafes, Video and Tele conference, Kisan call centres,
Consultancy clinics. Agricultural Journalism - Meaning, Scope and Importance, Source of news, Types, Merits
and Limitations. Diffusion and Adoption of Innovations – Meaning, Definition, Models of adoption Process,
Innovation – Decision Process – Elements, Adopter categories and their characteristics, Factors influencing
adoption process. Capacity building of Extension Personnel and Farmers- Meaning , Definition, Types of
training, Training to farmers, farm women and Rural youth – FTC and KVK.

Practical: Simulated exercises on communication Identifying the Problems. Fixing the Priorities and selecting a
most important problem for preparation of a project. Developing a project based on identified problem in a
selected village. Organization of Group discussion and Method demonstration. Visit to KVK / FTC. Planning
and Writing of scripts for Radio and Television. Audio Visual aids- Meaning, Importance and Classification .
Selection, Planning, Preparation, Evaluation and Presentation of visual aids. Planning & Preparation of visual
aids- Charts, Posters, Over Head Projector, (OHP) Transparencies, Power Point Slides, Planning and
Preparation of Agricultural Information materials – Leaflet, Folder, Pamphlet, News Stories, Success Stories,
Handling of Public Address Equipment (PAE) System, Still camera, Video Camera and Liquid Crystal Display
(LCD) Projector.

Reference Book:

1. Innovative Extension Approaches in Technology Transfer - B.S. Hansra et al

2. Extension Communication & Management- G.L. Ray
3. Text Book on Agricultural Communication Process & Methods - A.S. Sandhu
1. 4.Diffusion of Innovations - E.M.Rogers
4. Diffusion of Agricultural Innovations in Village India - S. Das Gupta
5. Farm Journalism - J. Balailal & K.P. Mitra
6. The Process of Communication - D.K. Berlo

8. Seed Production Technology and Quality Control[BGST3202] 2(1+1)

Theory: Seed production: Introduction, importance of seed production, classes of seed, seed policy, seed demand
forecasting and planning for certified, foundation and breeder seed production, deterioration of crop varieties,
factors affecting deterioration and their control, maintenance of genetic purity during seed production, production
of nucleus & breeder seed, maintenance and multiplication of pre-release and newly released varieties in self and
cross-pollinated crops, general principles of seed production in open-pollinated varieties and hybrids. Seed
Processing: Objectives, planning, layout and establishment of seed processing plant, sequence of seed processing
operations, Seed Drying – need, methods, principle of forced air seed drying, components and operation of seed
dryers, types of seed dryers, Seed cleaning and grading – pre-conditioning equipments and their use, basic seed
cleaning using the air screen machine, its working principle, different upgrading equipments and their use, Seed
treatment – importance of seed treatment, types of seed treatments, equipment used for seed treatment (Slurry and
Mist–o–matic treaters), Seed packing – types of packaging materials, criteria for their selection, Seed storage –
stages of seed storage, factors affecting seed longevity during storage, conditions required for good storage,
general principles of seed storage, constructional features for good seed warehouse, control of temperature and
relative humidity in storage, measures for pest and disease control. Seed certification: procedure for seed
certification, field inspection and field counts, seed inspection, minimum seed certification standards. Seed
marketing: marketing structure, marketing organization, sales generation activities, promotional media, pricing
policy, factors affecting seed marketing.

Practical: Study of foundation and certified seed production techniques (varieties and hybrids) in rice, wheat,
maize, green gram, black gram, arhar, groundnut, rapeseed and mustard, sesamum, cotton, jute, potato, tomato,
brinjal, chillies, okra and onion. Visit to seed production plots of above crops. Visit to seed processing plant,
Varietal identification in seed production plots, Planting ratios, isolation distance, roguing, etc.

Reference Book:

1. Seed Technology – R.L. Agrawal

2. Principles of Seed Certification and Testing – N.P. Nema
3. Principles of Seed Science & Technology – L.O. Copeland & M.B. KcDonald
4. Seed Processing – B.R. Gregg, A.G. Law, S.S. Virdi & J.S. Ballis.
9. Renewable Energy[BGAE3203] 2 (1+1)

Theory: Energy sources, Introduction, Classification, Energy from Biomass, Types of biogas plants,
constructional details, Biogas production and its utilization, Agricultural wastes, Principles of combustion,
pyrolysis and gasification, Types of gasifiers, Producer gas and its utilization. Briquettes, Types of Briquetting
machines, uses of Briquettes, Shredders. Solar energy, Solar flat plate and focussing plate collectors, Solar air
heaters, Solar space heating and cooling, Solar energy applications / Solar energy gadgets, Solar cookers, Solar
water heating systems, solar grain dryers, Solar Refrigeration system, Solar ponds, Solar photo voltaic systems,
solar lantern, Solar street lights, solar fencing, Solar pumping systems. Wind energy, Types of wind mills,
Constructional details & application of wind mills. Liquid Bio fuels, Bio diesel and Ethanol from agricultural
produce, its production & uses.

Practical: Constructional details of KYIC & Janatha type biogas plants; Constructional details of Deen Bandu
type hiogas plants; Field visit to biogas plants; Constructional details of different types of gasifiers; Testing of
gasifiers; Briquette preparation from biomass; To study and find the efficiency of solar cooker; To study and find
the performance of a solar still; To study and find the performance of a solar dryers; Study and working of solar
photovoltaic pumping system; Study and performance evaluation of domestic solar water heater; Study and
performance evaluation of solar lantern; Study and performance evaluation of solar street light; To study the
performance of different types of wind mills; Field visit to wind mills; To study the processing of Bio-diesel
production from Jatropha.

Reference Book:

1. Non Conventional Energy Sources – G.D. Raj

2. Energy Technology (Nonconventional, Renewable and Conventional) – S.Rao, Dr. B.B. Parulekar
3. Non Conventonal Energy Resources – D.S. Chauhan, S.K.Srivastava
4. Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Sources – G.N. Tiwari and M.K. Chosal

10. Protected Cultivation and Post Harvest Technology[BGAE3204] 2 (1+1)

Theory: Green house technology, Introduction, Types of Green Houses; Plant response to Green house
environment, Planning and design of greenhouses, Design criteria of greenhouse for cooling and heating
purposes. Green house equipment, materials of construction for traditional and low cost green houses. Irrigation
systems used in greenhouses, Typical applications, passive solar green house, hot air green house heating
systems, green house drying. Cost estimation and economic analysis. Choice of crops for cultivation under
greenhouses, problems / constraints of greenhouse cultivation and future. strategies. Growing media, soil culture,
type of soil required, drainage, flooding and leaching, soil pasteurization in peat moss and mixtures, rock wool
and other inert media, nutrient film technique (NFT) / hydroponics. Threshing, threshers for different crops. parts,
terminology, care and maintenance. Winnowing, manual and power operated winnowers, care and maintenance.
Groundnut decorticators, hand operated and power operated decorticators. principles of working, care and
maintenance. Maize shellers & castor shellers. Drying, grain drying, types of drying, types of dryers. Storage,
grain storage, types of storage structures. Fruits and vegetables cleaning, machinery for cleaning of fruits and
vegetables, care and maintenance. Grading, methods of grading, equipment for grading of fruits and vegetables,
care and maintenance. Size reduction. equipment for size reduction care and maintenance. Evaporation, Principle,
types of evaporators, quality standards - F AQ, AST A, FPO, FDA.
Practical: Study of different types of green houses based on shape, construction and cladding materials;
Calculation of air rate exchange in an active summer winter cooling system; Calculation of rate of air exchange in
an active winter cooling system; Estimation of drying rate of agricultural products inside green house; Testing of
soil and water to study its suitability for growing crops in greenhouses: The study of fertigation requirements for
greenhouses crops and estimation of E. C. in the fertigation solution; The study of various growing media used in
raising of greenhouse crops and their preparation and pasteurization / sterilization: Visit to commercial green
houses: Study of threshers, their components, operation and adjustments: Winnowers, their components,
operation and adjustements; Study of different components of groundnut decorticator; Study of maize shellers;
Study of castor shellers: Study of improved grain storage structure; Study of dryers; Study of cleaners & graders.

Reference Book:
1. Elements of Agricultural Engineering – Dr. J. Sahay
2. Principles of Agricultural Processing – P.H. Panday
3. Post Harvest Technology of Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds – A. Chakravorty
4. Principles of Agricultural Engineering – A.M. Michael & T.P. Ojha
5. Unit Operations in Agricultural Process Engineering – K.K. Singh & K. M Sahay
Greenhouse Technology – G.N. Tiwary & R.K. Goel

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