Rules - 50 Hour Filmmaking Challenge

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A. Time Period

1. Filmmaking hour for IFP's 50 Hour Filmmaking Challenge is scheduled to begin

from September 27th, 8:00 PM IST and end on September 29th, 10:00 PM IST.
2. Participants need to submit their film by the upload link provided to the Team
Leader via. Registered e-mail ID and mobile number (SMS).
3. The upload link will be sent as soon as the challenge begins and will be closed at the
end of the challenge.
4. Apart from uploading the film, the teams are required to sign and submit the
agreements online which shall be sent after the 50 hours.
5. Only the films submitted before the deadline will officially be considered as a part of
the challenge.

B. Tasks – Each team has to perform the following tasks in the given period of 50 hour.

1. Scripting
2. Casting
3. Location and Art Design
4. Shooting
5. Editing
6. Dubbing and Background Music
7. Color Correction and Rendering
8. Compressing below 2 GB
9. Uploading film via the link sent on registered e-mail ID & mobile no.

C. However, the team can perform the following tasks before the 50 hour period.

1. Organizing Crew
2. Organizing Cast
3. Securing Equipments
4. Scouting/Securing Locations
D. The entire film must be shot within the filmmaking period and the team needs to provide
proof of the same as and when needed.

1. Teams cannot use stock footage or footage created earlier.

2. Photographs can be used in a film, only if the team has the rights to use them.

E. Team members will get the theme online on September 27th 2019, 8:00 PM IST on IFP's
official social media handles on Facebook & Instagram.

1. The theme of the challenge will be revealed through SMS and e-mail as well.
2. Along with the theme, 3 to 5 different genres will also be provided during the launch
of the challenge. Teams are free to choose any one genre.
3. All teams are requested to get updates regarding the challenge on IFP's official
social media handles on Facebook & Instagram.

F. All team members must be volunteers.

G. For Amateur and Professional category, teams have to use a DSLR or professional film
camera with at least 1080p video capture. For Mobile Filmmaking category, a mobile
camera with a minimum capture of 1080p should be used. To assure noiseless sound
quality, an external microphone should be used. The final rendered films should be
submitted in 1080p only.

H. Teams are encouraged to work with local composers and musicians to write and compose
music for the films. Teams can use pre-recorded music provided the team has the copyright
to the music. If teams are unable to compose or have any original music, they can use
copyright-free music in the film. However, if the film demands and the team uses a
copyrighted track, it can be only used upto maximum 15 seconds along with a compulsory
mention to composer and music link in the end credit of the film.

I. The finished film must be a minimum of 4 minutes in duration, and a maximum of 6

minutes in duration—not including end credits.

J. End credits at the end of each film are limited to a maximum of 60 seconds. These 60
seconds are over and above the maximum length of 6 minutes.

1. The teams should use the ‘Opening Slide’ ie. IFP Title Slate provided to the team
leaders at the beginning of 50 hour. Opening titles are considered to be part of the
film, and hence count in the total duration of your film.
2. Order:

 IFP Title Slate (provided to you at the beginning of the challenge)

 1 second of blank
 3 seconds of black slate with Film Name
 Your movie

K. The final video must be uploaded in MP4/MOV/MPEG-4 format. The uploaded video
should be in 1080p and strictly below 2 GB. The file name should be your Creator ID. For
instance, if your creator ID is TA2130, your file should be TA2130.mp4

L. Each team must submit all the signed agreements for cast, crew, music, locations, etc.
within 3 days of uploading the film. All these documents will be sent to team leader via e-
mail at the end of the challenge. The film will not be evaluated until the documents are
signed and received.

M. For being eligible for the Project:

1. Films must be the original work of the team and must not infringe third-party’s
2. Must be suitable for publication and not contain obscene or indecent material.
3. Must not contain obscene or pornographic material; must not contain defamatory
statements about any person, company, organization or entity.
4. Must not invade privacy or other rights of any person, company or entity.
5. Must not in any other way violate applicable laws and regulations; and must not
contain any copyrighted elements not owned by the team.
6. Films containing prohibited or inappropriate content as determined by IFP in its sole
discretion will be disqualified.

N. Teams are requested to keep the original footage and project files of the films for a period of 3
years after the submission. India Film Project may select to broadcast these films across television
and theatre for specific needs and shall require highest quality to achieve so.

O. India Film Project and Project Parties may, in their sole discretion, disqualify films
deemed to be inappropriate or otherwise non-compliant.

P. India Film Project team may add to or amend these rules at any time prior to the
beginning of the filmmaking period, without informing the participants.

---- END OF RULES ----

The 50 hour filmmaking challenge is a lot about collaborating with right people. Teams who
have won in the past have had right people from their city to work with them, not limited to
only friends. People who bring enthusiasm and excellence in all fields, be it technical,
production or actors.

Script the film in adherence to theme provided. Do not deviate from theme and genre.
Teams who shoot good films but irrelevant to theme, might not be considered qualified by

Try to cast actors with some experience of acting or facing camera in the past. It is very
important for an actor to look apt for their character and more imprtant to convincingly
perform. Costumes and makeup are other things to be taken care of and should not be
taken for granted.

Find apt locations that uplift the scenes. Well lit and neat locations always help in adding to
visual appeal. Make sure no hinderance appears in your background while you roll the

Shoot a film that is visually appealling for jury to watch. In case you do not have advanced
equipments, use basic ones such as tripods, lights, reflectors, external microphones to
maintain quality. Avoid low-light shots and handheld shots until you have right equipments.
Visual appeal transcends beyond great cinematic shots.

Edit the film to keeping only what is relevant. It is not neccesary to tell a story in a linear
manner. Avoid much use of text for transitions.
In case you aren’t accessible to dubbing studio, dub your film with actors/voice artists in a
noiseless environment on a high quality microphone. A film with unwanted background
noise does not impress jury.

Background music is a key element to your film. Some of the previous IFP winners have
used music very effectively as a part of storytelling. We encourage teams to collaborate with
composers in your city to create music for your film. In case you are unable to find a local
music composer, please use royalty free music or purchased music for commercial use only.
Avoid using random music from internet since the film will be disqualified.

Make sure to color correct your film once you are done with your editing. Right tuning of
colors plays a role in storytelling and can elevate the movie viewing experience of audience.

Render your film without losing on quality. In the past, some good films have lost the
challenge since the teams took more than required time in rendering their film and missed
the 50 hour deadline.

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