Survey On Multi Relational Graph Classification
Survey On Multi Relational Graph Classification
Survey On Multi Relational Graph Classification
ABSTRACT: An increasing number of data mining applications involve the analysis of complex and structured types of
data and require the use of expressive pattern languages. Many of these applications cannot be solved using traditional data
mining algorithms. This observation forms the main motivation for the multi-disciplinary field of Multi-Relational Data
Mining (MRDM). Unfortunately, existing ―upgrading‖ approaches, especially those using Logic Programming techniques,
often suffer not only from poor scalability when dealing with complex database schemas but also from unsatisfactory
predictive performance while handling noisy or numeric values in real-world applications. However, ―flattening‖ strategies
tend to require considerable time and effort for the data transformation, result in losing the compact representations of the
normalized databases, and produce an extremely large table with huge number of additional attributes and numerous NULL
values (missing values). As a result, these difficulties have prevented a wider application of multi relational mining, and
post an urgent challenge to the data mining community. To address the above mentioned problems, this article introduces a
multiple view approach—where neither ―upgrading‖ nor ―flattening‖ is required— to bridge the gap between propositional
learning algorithms and relational databases and current research challenges in the field of Multi relational classification
based on Multi View Learning.
Most real-world data are stored in relational databases. So to classify objects in one relation, other relations provide crucial
information. Traditional mechanism cannot convert relational data into a single table without expert knowledge or loosing
essential information. Multi-relational classification automatically classifies objects using multiple relations. Vast amounts
of real world data are routinely collected into and organized in relational databases. Most of today’s structured data is
stored in relational databases. Thus, the task of learning from relational data has begun to receive significant attention in the
literature. Unfortunately, most methods only utilize ―flat‖ data representations. Thus, to apply these single-table data
mining techniques, we are forced to incur a computational penalty by first converting the data into this
―flat‖ form. Patterns of activity that, in isolation, are of limited significance for classification but, when combined/related,
will improve the performance of system. Multi relational classification aims at discovering useful patterns across multiple
inter-connected tables (relations) in a relational database. Traditional machine learning approaches assume a random
sample of homogeneous data from single relation but real world data sets are multi-relational and heterogeneous. Current
solution does not scale well and cannot realistically be applied when considering database containing huge amount of data.
The Multi View Classification (MVC) approach employs the multi-view learning framework to operate directly on multi-
relational databases with conventional data mining methods. The approach works as follows.
1: Information Propagation Stage: The Information Propagation Stage, first of all, constructs training data sets for use by a
number of view learners, using a relational database as input. The Information Propagation Element propagates essential
information from the target relation to the background relations, based on the foreign key links. In this way, each resulting
relation contains efficient and various information, which then enables a propositional learner to efficiently learn the target
2: Aggregation Stage: After the Information Propagation, the Aggregation Stage summarizes information embedded in
multiple tuples and squeeze them into one row. This procedure is applied to each of the data sets constructed in the
Information Propagation Stage. In this stage, aggregation functions are applied to each background relation (to which the
Along the same lines, the authors in [Papadimitriou et al., 2008] introduce five graph similarity functions for directed, time-
evolving web graphs: vertex/edge overlap similarity, vertex ranking, vertex/edge vector similarity, sequence similarity, and
signature similarity. Among these metrics, the one that performs best in terms of change detection in web graphs is the
Signature Similarity (SS), which is based on the Sim Hash algorithm. This algorithm uses as features the nodes and edges
of the input graphs, weighted appropriately by their Page Rank. [Berlingerio et al., 2012] use a graph similarity approach
for discontinuity detection in daily instances of social networks. In a nutshell, NETSIMILE consists of three phases: (i)
Feature Extraction. The focus is on local and ego net-based features (e.g., number of neighbors, clustering coefficient,
average of neighbors’ degrees); (ii) Feature Aggregation. The node × features matrix of the first phase is converted to a
single ―signature‖ vector that consists of the median, mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis of each extracted
feature over all the nodes in the graph; (iii) Comparison. The signature vectors are compared using the Canberra Distance,
and a single similarity score is produced for consecutive timestamps of the graph sequence. The days that have low
similarity score with the surrounding days are characterized as anomalous. Another recent work, [Koutra et al., 2013b],
proposes a complex graph-featurebased similarity approach, DELTACON, for discontinuity detection, which enjoys several
The major challenges come from, the large high dimensional search spaces due to many attributes in multiple relations and
the high computational cost in feature selection and classifier construction due to the high complexity in the structure of
multiple relations [1].
The idea of using heterogeneous learners will further increase understanding of the multiple views learning scheme.
To study applying data preprocessing techniques such as feature selection in order to further improve the performance
of the MVC algorithms.
Also, prior work has shown that more complex aggregation functions can improve the generalization accuracy of
relational learning. It would also be interesting to investigate this for MVC.
It would also be interesting to examine the influence of different model combination techniques and view validation
Study different "goodness" heuristic measurements and their impact on these algorithms.
Evaluating the method against learning tasks with more than two classes will be interesting to investigate.
Study how the total tuples and imbalanced ratio in each resulting view impacts the result of the final combination
Also, it would be very interesting to further investigate relational schemas with composite keys.
In addition, another area for future work is the study which extends this approach to deal with relational data stored in
the form of graph and social network.
To investigate the behavior of the multiple view learning frameworks, while developing more sophisticated view
construction techniques. In other words, the view construction procedure will search the entire feature space in order to
determine how to better group the features into different views.
Another area for future work is employing relational data mining algorithms as hypotheses construction methods,
rather than generating relational features and then applying single-table learning strategies, while training a set of
diverse individual view learners.
Research has shown that popular ensemble methods such as Bagging, Boosting, and Stacking can significantly
improve the predictive performance of an individual model in some cases. Through employing relational mining
algorithms as view learners in the multiple view learning framework, will be able to explore the impact of popular
ensemble techniques on the relational learning strategies.
A novel approach is needed which can conduct both Feature and Relation Selection for efficient multi-relational
Join Graph can be further pruned to improve the classification time, by eliminating tables that may not really contribute
much to the overall classification task.
MVC can be extended to include selection of the right classifier at the table level.
Consequently, no guidelines are available to select the best classifier for a particular type of data.
In future, experimentation with different view combination techniques, such as majority voting and weighted voting
can be future investigated.
In this paper we have demonstrated that Multi View Learning is inherently more powerful than other approaches of
relational learning. There clearly is a large class of Data Mining problems that cannot be successfully approached using
another relational learning without transformation. These problems, which can be characterized by the presence of
relational structure within the database they deal with, can successfully be approached by the Multi View Learning. The
presented overview of multi-faceted graph visualization aims to survey a vast field of visualization. To do so, despite the
extent of the research in this field, we have devised a categorization based on different visual combination modalities and
merely highlighted selected visualizations for each category. We have further presented our efforts to relate the existing
surveys in this field to our categorization. While there exists no one-to-one mapping between those surveys and our
categories, the overlap we could establish is considerable and the differences are mainly due to particularities of individual
facets. We deem this ―meta survey‖ to be an important step towards a better understanding of the space of possible
visualization solutions for multi-faceted graphs altogether. This overview further points into directions for future research
in the following three aspects:
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