Investment Avenue Research Paper

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ROLL NO: M-2005, M.




Abstract- In this modern era, money plays an important role in one’s life. In order to overcome the
problems in future, People have to invest their money. Investment is the commitment of funds which have
been saved from current consumption with the hope that some benefits will be received in future. Savings
are invested in assets depending on person’s knowledge of different investment options, risk taking ability
and demand of return. Savings form an important part of the economy of any nation, with the savings
invested in various options available to the people, the money acts as the driver for the growth of the
country. Through this research paper, an analysis has been made about investor’s preference towards
investment avenues & study is taken of state Goa only

Keywords:- Investment avenues Risk and Return.


The economic development of any country depends upon the well-organized financial system. The financial
system is a broader term which brings under two fold the financial markets and the financial institutions
which support the system. The system main objective is to mobilized the savings in the form of money and
monetary assets and invest them effectively to productive ventures. It promotes investments and savings
which help faster economic development of any country.
Investment means an asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate
in the future. In economic sense, investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are
used in the future to create wealth. Investment goals vary from person to person, business to business. While
some want security, others give more weightage to returns alone.
There are various types of investments avenues like fixed deposits, post office schemes, bonds/debentures,
Mutual funds, Insurance, Shares, and Real estate etc. Mutual Funds are financial intermediaries concerned
with mobilizing savings of those who have surplus income and channelization of these savings in those
avenues where there is demand of funds.
There are a large number of investment instruments available today which can be classified into groups to
understand them easily. In India, numbers of investment avenues are available for the investors. Some of
them are marketable and liquid while others are non-marketable and some of them also highly risky while
others are almost risk less. The people have to choose Proper Avenue among them, depending upon her/his
specific need, risk preference, and return expected. Investment avenues can broadly categories under the
following heads:

1. Equity
2. FI Bonds

3. Corporate Debenture
4. Company Fixed
5. Bank Fixed
6. PPF

7. Life Insurance
8. Post Office-NSC

9. Gold/Silver/Precious stones
10. Real Estate

11. Mutual Fund

12. Others

Same way as per the risk taking ability of investor, the different avenues also categories as following:
❖ Safe/Low Risk Avenues: Savings Account, Bank Fixed Deposits, Public Provident fund,
Government Securities, etc.
❖ Moderate Risk Avenues: Mutual Funds, Life Insurance, Debentures, Bonds.
❖ High Risk Avenues: Equity Share Market, Commodity Market, FOREX Market.
❖ Traditional Avenues: Real Estate (property), Gold/Silver, Chit Funds.
❖ Emerging Avenues: Art and Passion.
Literature review:

V.R.Palanivelu &K.Chandrakumar(2013)examined the Investment choices of salaried class in

NamakkalTaluk, Tamilnadu, India with the help of 100 respondents as a sample size & it reveals that as per
Income level of employees, invest in different avenues. Age factor is also important while doing
Prasad (2009) examined the perception of the investors and their awareness on various investment
alternatives available. A sample of 100 investors has been taken from the twin cities of Hyderabad and
Secunderabad. The result of findings showed 75% Net traders were using online stock trading requiring
strong technology base whereas Traditional traders felt online trading not an acute process of stock trading
and they didn’t participate in net trading due to risk of a system failure.

Objectives of the study:

To examine the demographic details of respondents
To understand the awareness of people towards various investment avenues
To analyze the investor’s preference towards various investment avenues.

Scope of the Study:

This study was mainly planned to understand the various investment opportunities available for people and
also to understand the preferred investment avenues. This research study surely will provide a parameter
particularly for a better understanding of the investment avenues available to an investor from various
financial institutions. The findings of study present a comparison between selected investment avenues. The
level of awareness about the investment avenues is also considered under the study.

❖ Time Constraints was considered to be the major limitation of the study.
❖ The study is limited to the extent of the availability of data.
❖ The sample size was very limited to 40 investors it may not be represent entire population
Research Methodology:

The validity of any research is based on the systematic method of data collection and analysis of the data
collected. The data is collected through primary data as well as secondary data. The study is based on the
data collected from individual investors in goa. The sampling technique followed in this study is probability
sampling. Simple random techniques are used to select the respondent from the available database.
Accordingly the researcher has selected 40 investors in the study area.
Statistical Tools:

There are various statistical tools which are used in analyzing data. The following tools are used for
representing and analyzing data.

Data Representation:
❖ Table
❖ Percentage
❖ diagram
❖ Charts
The data analyzed by using under mentioned Techniques:

❖ Chi square test

❖ Person Correlation Coefficient

❖ C Sathiyamoorthy et al (2015), “Investment Pattern and Awareness of Salaried class Investors in
Tiruvannamalai District of Tamil Nadu”, Asia Pacific Journal of Research, Vol. 1, Issue 26, April
2015, pp 75-83, ISSN 2320-5504, E-ISSN 2347-4793
❖ Patil, S. and Nandawar, K. A Study on Preferred Investment Avenues among Salaried People With
Reference To Pune, India. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) (2014) 09-17
❖ Pandian, V.A. and Thangadurai, G. A Study of Investors Preference towards Various Investments
Avenues in Dehradun District. International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research 2
(4) (2013) 22-31.

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