A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science IV Effects of Force On Objects

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science IV

Effects of Force on Objects

I.Learning Objectives
At the end of the period, the learner should be able to:

 identify the movement of force applied on an object

 value the importance of force in our daily living especially when using it
 describe what is force
 explain how does force affects the shape, movement and direction applied to an object
 demonstrate how force can change the position and the shape of an object
II.Subject Matter
Effects of Force
The New Science Links
Science Journey
Ball, coins, rubber bands, kitchen sponge, balloon, clay and video clip
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
 What do I have here? A ball and a rubber bands teacher.
 The students will be divided into two. Each group
will be given a ball and rubber bands. The first
group will be given a ball and the other group a
rubber bands.
 I want you to choose your partner. Each partner
will be given a ball. Now, what are going to do with
this ball? Answers may vary.
 You are going to place the ball on the floor and I
want you to move the ball softly to your partner.
Try to push the ball harder.
 The other group will be given a rubber bands. I
want you to stretch the rubber band softly.
 What did you do to move the ball? Answers may vary.
 How will you describe the movement of the ball
when pass it softly? It move in a shorter distance.
 What happens when you apply more force on the
ball? It move in a longer distance.
 What changes happens to the rubber band when
you stretched it? It stretches and return back to its normal shape.
 What did you use in order for you to move the
object? We uses our energy or strength.
 How is it related to the activity? Answers may vary.
 What happens to the object when force is applied
to them? If energy or strength is applied the object will move.
B. Presentation
Analyze each picture.

How will you describe the following pictures?

Can you identify what causes the changes in the
movement of these objects? The objects moved because apply our force.
Forces are all around us. We may not be able to see them,
but we always feel their effects on us and to the objects
around us.
C. Group Activity
Teacher will divide the class into groups and provide them
a job card in which the activity and questions written
below. Students will perform the given activity and answer Learner’s will proceed to their respective group.
the questions that follow. You will write your answers on
the manila paper provided and the leader will be the one
to discuss your group observation.
Group 1:
Given a coin, pencil, and sharpener.
1. Place the coin on a flat surface and observe the
position of the coin.
2. One student will push the coin gently. And ask
another student to push it harder.
3. Do the same thing on pencil and sharpener by
following procedure #2.
4. What difference do you observe in the two
5. How will you describe the distance of the object
when you push it gently and harder?
Group 2:
Students will be given a sponge and spring.
1. Squeeze the kitchen sponge.
2. Take the metal spring and press it using your
3. What happens when you squeeze it?
4. What happens when you release it? What does
it show?
Group 3:
Students will be given inflated balloon.
1. Press the balloon gently by hands.
2. Repeat the activity to the other members of the
3. What happens when he/she presses the balloon?
4. What happens when you releases it?
Group 4:
Students will be given a box of clay.
1. Get some clay and roll it into a ball.
2. Get another clay and flatten it using your hand.
3. Place the ball of clay inside the flattened piece of
4. Now press the clay ball using your hands.
5. What happens when you press the clay ball?
6. Does the clay return to its original shape when
hands are removed?
What is force? A push or pull. Anything that causes an object to change
its size, direction or shape of an object.

How does force cause changes in direction? shape? and Answers may vary.
When do you apply force? In doing some activities.
Are these forces important to us? How? Answers may vary.
In what instance were you able to help others by using
your force? Answers may vary.

What is force? Push or pull, or any influence that causes an object to
undergo a change in shape, direction or size.
What is the effect of force when it is applied to an
object? It will change its shape or direction.

F .Application
Scan the classroom to find things that need either a push or a pull to make them move in different directions.
Discuss where pushes and pulls changes the shape of different objects in everyday life and enlist them.
Find two materials in which objects regain their original shape after the removal of applied force.
Find two materials in which objects change their shape on applying force but don’t regain their original shape
on removal of applied force. Draw their pictures.

Prepared by:
Miss Joyce Ann R. Alsisto

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