C3f - 3 - People v. Sabayoc

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C3f- 3 – Confessions

People v. Sayaboc
GR No. 147201
Jan 15, 2004

Davide, Jr., C.J.:

Before the Court is the decision of 9 November 2000 of the Regional Trial Court of
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, Branch 27, in Criminal Case No. 2912 finding appellant Benjamin
Sayaboc (Sayaboc) guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of murder and sentencing him to
suffer the penalty of death; and (2) finding appellant Marlon Buenviaje guilty as principal and
appellants Miguel Buenviaje and Patricio Escorpiso guilty as accomplices in the crime of homicide.

Aug 13, 1994 – Abel Ramos (Ramos) was a ta vulcanizing shop and saw an altercation
between Marlon Buenviaje (Buenviaje) and Joseph Galam (Galam) while being pacified by a Tessie
Pawid (Pawid). Buenviaje, as he was leaving, shouted Putang-ina mo Joseph, may araw ka rin,
papatayin kita." Galam retorted, "Gago, traydor, gold digger, halika." Buenviaje did not respond
anymore and left on a tricycle.

3 monhts later – Diana Grace Sancez Jaramillo (Jaramillo), a waitress of Rooftop Disco and
Lodging House (Rooftop), encountered Benjamin Sabayoc (Sabayoc) who then asked what time
does Galam arrive. Jaramillo replied that she didn’t know and proceeded to the 2nd floor

Tessie Pilar (Pilar) caretaker of Rooftop, saw Sabayoc seated in the swing besued the
information counter, hands tucked inside his pants and jacket, ordered a bottle of beer. She served
the order, alebit delayed due to giving instructions to the dish washed, Sabayoc was angry as to why
it took so long. After serving the same went to the 2nd floor. At this point Galam arrived.

Shortly after they heard 4 gunshots from the ground flor of the building. Jaramillo saw
Sbayoc shooting Galam, who then ran away.

Joselito Parungao (Parungao), who was going to buy food from Kowloon restaurant, saw
that a tricycle was parked on the vacant lot between Rooftop and Diego Theatre. He saw Marlon
and Miguel Buenviaje, son and father respectively, and Patricio Escorpiso on said tricycle. He then
heard 4 gunshots and saw Sabayoc running, rode the tricycle and sped into the middle of town.

Employees immediately brought Galam to the hospital but he had already died. Dr. Antonio
Labasan (Labasan) conducted an autopsy and saw 4 gunshot wounds, 1st 2 from the back, and the
other 2 being fatal.

Pilar and Jaramillo was brought to the PNP crime lab, and were interviewed and were
shown a cartographic sketch allowing them to identify the face of the assailant. Sabayoc was then
arrested and taken to the Provincial Command Headquarters. Sabayoc was informed of his
constitutional rights, and Sabayoc requested for an atty. Seeing he couldn’t name one, the PNP
provided him one from PAO (Atty. Rodolfo Cornejo). Sabayoc executed an extrajudicial confession
and confessed to killing Galam for 100k at the behest of marlon Buenviaje. He liksie implicated
Miguel and Secorpiso. The confession was also singed by Atty. Cornejo and attested by one fiscal
Melvin Tiongson

The prosecution filed a case against Sabayoc presented the Jaramillo, Pilar, Parungao, and
even the extrajudicial confession made by Sabayoc, and then rested their case.

Sabayoc denied having committed the crime through an alibi, and deinied having met Atty.
Cornejo, and alleged that he was beaten by 6 police officers in the investigating room, who then
coerced him to confessed having killed Galam.

RTC found Sabayoc guilty of the crime of murder, with treachery.

The appellants argue that the extrajudicial confession of Sayaboc may not be admitted in
evidence against him because the PAO lawyer who was his counsel during the custodial investigation,
was not a competent, independent, vigilant, and effective counsel. He was ineffective because he
remained silent during the entire proceedings. He was not independent, as he was formerly a judge
in the National Police Commission, which was holding court inside the PNP Command of Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya.

1) Whether the accused validly waive his right to counsel?
2) Whether the police afford the accused the right to be informed?


1. No, Sayaboc was not afforded his constitutional right to a competent counsel. While we
are unable to rule on the unsubstantiated claim that Atty. Cornejo was partial to the police, still, the
facts show through the testimonies of Sayaboc and prosecution witness SPO4 Cagungao that Atty.
Cornejo remained silent throughout the duration of the custodial investigation. The trial court
attributed the silence of Atty. Cornejo to the garrulous nature and intelligence of Sayaboc, thus:

As already stated, Sayaboc was a garrulous man and intelligent. It was in his character for him to
want to be a central figure in a drama, albeit tragic – for others. He would do what he wanted to do
regardless of the advice of others. Hence, Atty. Cornejo could only advise him of his constitutional
rights, which was apparently done. The said counsel could not stop him from making his confession
even if he did try.28

We find this explanation unacceptable. That Sayaboc was a "garrulous" man who would "do
what he wanted to do regardless of the advice of others" is immaterial. The waiver of a right is within
the rights of a suspect. What is lacking is a showing, to the satisfaction of this Court, of a faithful
attempt at each stage of the investigation to make Sayaboc aware of the consequences of his actions.
If anything, it appears that Sayaboc’s counsel was ineffectual for having been cowed by his client’s
enthusiasm to speak, or, worse, was indifferent to it.
The right to a competent and independent counsel means that the counsel should satisfy
himself, during the conduct of the investigation, that the suspect understands the import and
consequences of answering the questions propounded. In People v. Deniega,29 we said:
The desired role of counsel in the process of custodial investigation is rendered meaningless if the
lawyer merely gives perfunctory advice as opposed to a meaningful advocacy of the rights of the
person undergoing questioning. If the advice given is so cursory as to be useless, voluntariness is

This is not to say that a counsel should try to prevent an accused from making a confession.
Indeed, as an officer of the court, it is an attorney’s duty to, first and foremost, seek the truth.
However, counsel should be able, throughout the investigation, to explain the nature of the
questions by conferring with his client and halting the investigation should the need arise. The duty
of a lawyer includes ensuring that the suspect under custodial investigation is aware that the right
of an accused to remain silent may be invoked at any time.

We understand the difficulty and frustration of police investigators in obtaining evidence to

bring criminals to justice. But even the hardest of criminals have rights that cannot be interfered
with. Those tasked with the enforcement of the law and who accuse those who violate it carry the
burden of ensuring that all evidence obtained by them in the course of the performance of their
duties are untainted with constitutional infirmity. The purpose of the stringent requirements of the
law is to protect all persons, especially the innocent and the weak, against possible indiscriminate
use of the powers of the government. Any deviation cannot be tolerated, and any fruit of such
deviation shall be excluded from evidence.

2. No. Beginning with the admissibility of Sayaboc’s extrajudicial confession, the Court held
that such cannot be used in evidence in this case.

Jurisprudence provides that extrajudicial confessions are presumed to be voluntary. The

condition for this presumption, however, is that the prosecution is able to show that the
constitutional requirements safeguarding an accused’s rights during custodial investigation have
been strictly complied with, especially when the extrajudicial confession has been denounced.

The rationale for this requirement is to allay any fear that the person being investigated
would succumb to coercion while in the unfamiliar or intimidating environment that is inherent in
custodial investigations. Therefore, even if the confession may appear to have been given
voluntarily since the confessant did not file charges against his alleged intimidators for
maltreatment, the failure to properly inform a suspect of his rights during a custodial investigation
renders the confession valueless and inadmissible.

In Sayaboc’s case, apart from the absence of an express waiver of his rights, the confession
contains the passing of information of the kind held to be in violation of the right to be informed
under Section 12, Article III of the Constitution. The stereotyped "advice" appearing in practically all
extrajudicial confessions which are later repudiated has assumed the nature of a "legal form" or
model. Police investigators either automatically type it together with the curt "Opo" as the answer
or ask the accused to sign it or even copy it in their handwriting. Its tired, punctilious, fixed, and
artificially stately style does not create an impression of voluntariness or even understanding on the
part of the accused. The showing of a spontaneous, free, and unconstrained giving up of a right is

The right to be informed requires "the transmission of meaningful information rather than
just the ceremonial and perfunctory recitation of an abstract constitutional principle." It should
allow the suspect to consider the effects and consequences of any waiver he might make of these
rights. More so when the suspect is one like Sayaboc, who has an educational attainment of Grade
IV, was a stranger in Nueva Vizcaya, and had already been under the control of the police officers
for two days previous to the investigation, albeit for another offense.

For these reasons, the extrajudicial confession of Sayaboc cannot be used in evidence
against him. We hold, however, that the prosecution has discharged its burden of proving his guilt
for the crime of homicide.

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