Intrusion Alarm Systems - B9512G Control Panels

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Intrusion Alarm Systems | B9512G Control Panels

B9512G Control Panels

u Fully integrated intrusion, fire, and access control

allows users to interface with one system instead of

u Provides up to 599 points using a combination of

hardwired or wireless devices for installation
flexibility, and up to 32 areas and 32 doors for up to
2,000 users

u On-board Ethernet port for Conettix IP alarm

communication and remote programming,
compatible with modern IP networks including IPv6/
IPv4, Auto-IP, and Universal Plug and Play

u Installer-friendly features for simple installation and

communications, including plug-in PSTN and cellular
communication modules

u Remote Security Control app which allows users to

control their security systems - and view system
cameras - remotely from mobile devices such as
phones and tablets

The B9512G Control Panel and the B8512G Control • Monitor alarm points for intruder, gas, or fire alarms.
Panel are the new premier commercial control panels • Program all system functions local or remote using
from Bosch. B9512G control panels integrate Remote Programming Software (RPS) or the Installer
intrusion, fire, and access control providing one simple Services Portal programming tool (available in
user interface for all systems. Europe, Middle East, Africa, and China) or by using
With the ability to adapt to large and small basic programming through the keypad.
applications, the B9512G provides up to 599 • Add up to 32 doors of access control using the
optional B901 Access Control Module. Optionally use
individually identified points that can be split into 32
the D9210C Access Control Interface Module for up
to eight of the 32 doors.
The control panel can communicate through its built-in
The B9512G is a direct replacement for previous
Ethernet port (not applicable to “E” control panels), or
control panel models D9412GV4, D9412GV3,
through compatible plug-in modules that can send
D9412GV2, and D9412G.
events over the public switched telephone network
(PSTN) or over cellular network communications. Functions
For users, programmable keypad shortcuts, situation
sensitive on-screen help, and a bilingual user interface Programmable outputs
• Four alarm-output patterns
make system operation simple and easy.
• Programmable bell test
With the B9512G Control Panel, you can:
2 | B9512G Control Panels

Point response Custom functions

• Selectable point response time For added convenience, the installer can program
• Selectable EOL values and configuration custom functions that allow customers to complete
• Cross point capability complex tasks with one simple action. For example, a
• Fire alarm verification custom function can bypass a group of points and arm
• Dangerous gas indicator includes carbon monoxide the system, allowing the user to perform these
(NFPA 720) functions with one easy command. Users can activate
• Watch mode custom functions with a keypad, keyfob, token, or
• 63 point profiles
card, or the control panel can activate a function in
User interface reaction to a faulted point, or automatically through a
• Supervision of up to 32 keypads scheduled event (SKED).
• Custom keypad text is fully programmable through
RPS or the Installer Services Portal programming tool Passcode security
• Two-man rule. Requires two people with two unique
(available in Europe, Middle East, Africa, and China)
passcodes to be present at the time of opening.
• Full function menu including customizable shortcuts
• Early ambush. Allows users to verify that the facility is
• Authority by area and 32 character name for each
safe by requiring two passcodes. The control panel
sends a duress event if the user does not enter the
• 14 custom authority levels to restrict system features
passcode a second time after inspecting the
that each user can access
• Programmable primary and secondary language by
• Dual authentication. Requires two forms of
user and keypad
identification before processing certain system
• 12 available languages (any two can be concurrently
commands, including turning off the system and
opening doors. A standard system user must have a
User interface languages passcode, a credential (token or card), and
The following table shows the available languages per appropriate command authority permissions.
keypad type.
Door control
B915/ B920 B921C B930 B942/ Using the B901 Access Control Module or D9210C
B915I B942 Access Control Interface Module, the control panel
W provides a fully supervised access control solution.
English ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ The solution offers 14 programmable levels of access
authority. Authority for door access is controlled by
Chinese ✔ ✔ the user level, the group of the user, the time of day,
the door state, and the area armed (On/Off) state.
Dutch ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Easy exit control
French ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ The control panel changes from one On (armed) state
German ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ to another without turning off (disarming) the system.
For example, if you change the state from Part On
Greek ✔ ✔ (Perimeter Arm) to All On (Master Arm), the control
panel complies and reports the change. Easy exit
Hungarian ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
control reduces the number of keystrokes, simplifying
Italian ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ system operation.

Polish ✔ ✔ Programmable passcode-controlled menu list

Passcode-controlled shortcuts provide users only with
Portuguese ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ the options and information pertinent to them,
simplifying system operation.
Spanish ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Flexible control
Swedish ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ The system provides the flexibility to choose added
convenience or high security. For example, you can
Area configurations restrict to a keypad's immediate local area turning on
Link multiple areas to a shared area such as a lobby or
(arming) and turning off (disarming) the system with a
common entryway. The shared area then automatically
passcode, even if the user has access to other areas.
turns On (arms) when all associate areas are armed
This is particularly useful for high security areas,
and turns Off (disarms) when any one associate area
where a user may have access to the area, but would
is disarmed. For higher security applications, the Area
prefer to only turn off (disarm) the area individually
Re-Arm feature guarantees that areas are always
rather than with the rest of the system.
rearmed, and are disarmed for no longer than a
specific, configurable, amount of time (for example,
service time).
3 | B9512G Control Panels

Monitor Delay/Delayed Response • Plug-in cellular communicator: B442/B443/B444

Create a special point profile that delays the reaction Conettix IP communication provides a secure path that
of a point for a specified time (up to 1 hour in minutes includes anti-replay/anti-substitution features, and
and seconds). This delay provides time for the enhanced security with up to AES 256-bit encryption
specified condition to reset before activating any (using Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)).
annunciation. The system can annunciate locally and The control panel supports Domain Name System
send a report, if desired. When the system is armed, (DNS) for both remote programming and central
the point can respond like a normal point - providing station communication. DNS provides ease of use,
dual functionality. Use this feature to ensure that eliminating the need to use static IP addresses as your
perimeter doors have not been propped open, or to reporting destination, and accommodates a simple
monitor critical areas such as computer rooms and solution for central station disaster recovery. The
safes, for example. control panel supports both IPv6 and IPv4 networks.
System users Communication paths
The system supports up to 2,000 users. Each user can The control panel accommodates up to four separate
have a personalized passcode, a wireless keyfob, and phone and four separate network paths to the central
an access credential to control the system. You can station receiver. When resetting alarms or turning a
assign passcodes to one of 14 customized authority system on and off, the user is identified by name and
levels in each area that can be restricted to operate number.
only during certain times. You can program a primary
and secondary language for each user and by keypad Personal notification
The control panel can send text messages and emails
(select from English, Chinese, French, Greek,
for personal notification over Ethernet or using a
Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish).
cellular communicator. You can configure up to 32
The keypad changes to the user’s programmed
destinations using a combination of cellular phone
language when the user enters his passcode or holds
numbers and email addresses. The control panel sends
the Help key.
notifications in the user’s programmed primary
Route groups and destinations language.
The control panel can send reports to four different
route groups using one primary and up to three Bosch Remote Connect (Cloud)
Remote Connect simplifies connections from RPS, and
backup destinations for each route group.
the Remote Security Control app, using Bosch Cloud
Communication formats services. This service creates a secure connection to
The control panel sends reports in these formats: the control panel without specific router settings or
• Modem4 the need for a static IP address or DNS.
• ANSI-SIA Contact ID
Reporting capabilities Notice
The control panel has flexible communications for The Bosch Remote Connect service is not
most central station receivers with reporting available in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa.
capabilities such as:
• Individual point numbers Firmware updates
• Opening or closing reports by user and area number Remote firmware updates are available.
• Remote programming attempts
• Diagnostic reports A wide variety of input options
Each point:
Destination test • Single 1 kΩ, single 2 kΩ, dual 1 kΩ (1 kΩ + 1 kΩ), and
It is possible to send test reports to each and all No EOL (end-of-line) (EOL) resistor options (for on-
destinations within each route group. board and B208 inputs)
• Programmable for Fire, Intrusion, Access, Gas, and
Notice Supervisory devices
For premises equipment used in the • Supports hardwired and wireless devices
communication path, such as routers, use only UL • Supports IP cameras by Bosch as point and output
listed equipment. devices
IP camera support
IP communication The control panel can integrate directly with Bosch IP
The control panel can use IP to communicate with a cameras, using them as fully supervised points and
Conettix D6600 or a Conettix D6100IPv6 outputs.
Communications Receiver/Gateway. Use one of the
following for IP:
• The on-board Ethernet connection (not applicable to
“E” control panels)
• Ethernet Communication Module: B426
4 | B9512G Control Panels

Integration of cameras allows the camera’s video

motion detection to activate points on the control Notice
panel. The control panel’s virtual outputs can be The Installer Services Portal programming tool is
configured to trigger camera actions, including available in Europe, Middle East, Africa, and
sending video snapshots via email. China.

Security and fire detection The following table shows the available languages for
The control panel provides eight on-board points, and RPS and Installer Services Portal programming tool.
up to 591 additional off-board points (depending on
Installer RPS RPS custom
model and expansion interfaces). You can program Services programming text*
individual points to monitor some types of burglar Portal
alarms, fire alarms, and supervision devices. programming
Event log
The event log stores up to 10192 local and reported English ✔ ✔ ✔
events. The event log includes time, date, event, area, Chinese ✔
point, and user. View the event log from a keypad or
use RPS or the Installer Services Portal programming Dutch ✔ ✔
tool (available in Europe, Middle East, Africa, and
French ✔ ✔
China) to remotely retrieve event information. When
the event log reaches a programmed threshold of German ✔ ✔
stored events, it can send an optional report to a
receiver. Greek ✔

Scheduled events (SKEDs) Hungarian ✔ ✔

The internal clock and calendar start individually
Italian ✔ ✔
scheduled events (SKEDs). SKEDs perform several
functions such as turn on or off, relay control, or point Polish ✔
The control panel offers: Portuguese ✔ ✔
• 80 scheduled events with up to 31 different functions
Spanish ✔ ✔
• 32 opening windows and 32 closing windows
• 32 user group windows Swedish ✔ ✔
• Day-of-week, date-of-month, or holiday only schedules
• 8 holiday schedules of 366 days (leap year) * RPS custom text is text, that can be entered in RPS
and which will then be displayed on keypads and on
Dual bus and SDI keypad retrofits the Remote Security Control app.
The dual SDI2 device bus design provides greater
installation flexibility, such as bus isolation for Diagnostics
Intrusion and Fire. To use popular SDI keypads (for Keypads, RPS and the Installer Services Portal
example D1255 and D1260), program one of the two programming tool (available in Europe, Middle East,
SDI2 buses for SDI operation. Africa, and China) offer diagnostic help for monitoring
and troubleshooting. The diagnostics features allow
ZONEX and POPEX retrofits you to view the status of the wired and wireless
To retrofit legacy Bosch control panels that use ZONEX devices. The features provide the status of the control
and POPEX devices, the control panel is compatible panel and its connected devices, such as firmware
with the B600 Retrofit (ZONEX) Module. The B600 version, power, and missing conditions. View the
adds two ZONEX buses to the control panel which can status of each area.
connect to existing legacy point bus (POPEX) devices
(for example, the D8125). Remote Security Control app
The Remote Security Control app allows users to
Programming control their security systems remotely from their
Installers can perform limited programming on-site devices. Users can:
with a keypad (critical parameters; such as account • Turn their security system On or Off
IDs, central station and RPS IP addresses and phone • Turn specific areas On or Off
numbers, reporting formats, and more). They can also • Control outputs for applications such as lighting
do full programming on-site or remotely (attended or control
unattended) with RPS. A programmable system • View live video from Bosch IP cameras
passcode prevents unauthorized remote programming. • Grant access remotely by unlocking and locking doors
Full programming is also possible with the web-based The app requires the installing dealer to create a
Installer Services Portal programming tool. The Remote Access Profile for users, and to install the
Installer Services Portal programming tool is available profile on their devices.
for panel firmware version 3.06 or higher.
5 | B9512G Control Panels

Bosch Video Management System integration Region Regulatory compliance/quality marks

With Bosch Video Management System (Bosch VMS)
and an intrusion system, the VMS operator has a single UL UL 1023 - Household Burglar Alarm Sys-
user interface to monitor and control the intrusion tem Units
system combined with video surveillance. With Bosch UL UL 1076 - Proprietary Burglar Alarm
VMS and a control panel, the operator can, for Units and Systems
UL UL 1610 - Central Station Burglar Alarm
• View videos triggered by intrusion events, including Units
all relevant information such as areas, point, and user
show in the display with the event. UL UL 1635 - Standard for Digital Alarm
Communicator System Units
• View areas, points, outputs, and doors - with their
statuses - on the Bosch VMS map, providing the exact FM Central Station
location in the system.
• Turn on (arm) and turn off (disarm) areas. FM Local Protective Signaling
• Bypass and unbypass points. FM Remote Station
• Lock and unlock doors (Bosch VMS 6.0 and higher).
Requirements to integrate Bosch VMS with a control CSFM see (the Bosch
• A licensed Bosch VMS system using Professional FCC Part 15 Class B
Editions v5.5 or higher or Bosch VMS Enterprise
FDNY- Fire Department of New York City
Edition v5.5 or higher. CoA [B9512G, B9512G-E, B8512G,
• Expansion license to integrate the intrusion control B8512G-E]
panel. One license needed per control panel. Order
Canada ULC [B9512G, B9512G-E, B8512G,
number MBX-XINT-xx for the expansion license added B8512G-E, B299, B600, B901, B925F,
to a Bosch VMS base license. Refer to the Bosch B926F]
Video Management Software product page on the
Bosch website, ULC CAN/ULC S303 - Local Burglar Alarm
Units and Systems
• Access to the control panel account and Remote
Programming Software (RPS) and the Installer ULC CAN/ULC S304 - Standard for Signal Re-
Services Portal programming tool (available in ceiving Center and Premise Burglar
Europe, Middle East, Africa, and China). Alarm
ULC CAN/ULC S545 - Residential Fire Warn-
Certifications and approvals ing System Control Units

Region Regulatory compliance/quality marks ULC CAN/ULC S559 - Fire Signal Receiving
Centres and Systems
USA ANSI- CP-01-2010-Control Panel Standard - ULC ULC-ORD C1023 - Household Burglar
SIA Features for False Alarm Reduction Alarm System Units
Australia RCM [B9512G] ULC ULC-ORD C1076 - Proprietary Burglar
Alarm Units and Systems
RCM [B8512G]
IC ICES-003 - Information Technology
RCM ACMA Equipment (ITE)
Europe CE EMC, LVD, RoHS [B9512G, B9512G-E, Brazil ANATEL 04450-16-01855 [B9512G, B8512G
B8512G, B8512G-E] when used with B430 or B442]
USA UL [B9512G, B9512G-E, B8512G,
B8512G-E, B299, B600, B901, B925F, Installation/configuration notes
UL UL 294 - Standard for Access Control Notice
Units and Systems
Not all products and features are available in all
UL UL 365 - Police Station Connected Bur- regions. Consult your local Bosch representative
glar Alarm Units for availability details.
UL UL 609 - Standard for Local Burglar
Alarm Units and Systems Compatible products
UL UL 636 - Holdup Alarm Units and Sys-
tems Keypads

UL UL 864 - Standard for Control Units and B942/B942W Touch Screen Keypad (SDI2)
Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems
B930 ATM Style Alphanumeric Keypad (SDI2)
UL UL 985 - Household Fire Warning Sys-
tem Units B926F Fire Keypad (SDI2)
6 | B9512G Control Panels

B925F Fire Keypad (SDI2) F220‑PTH Photoelectric Smoke Detector with +135°F (+57°C) Heat
B921C Two-line Capacitive Keypad (SDI2)
F220‑PTH Photoelectric Smoke Detector with +135°F (+57°C) Heat
B920 Two-line Alphanumeric Keypad (SDI2) Sensor and Carbon Monoxide Sensors
B915/B915I Basic Keypad (SDI2) F220‑B6C 12/24 VDC Four‑wire Base with Auxiliary Form C Relay
D1255 Series Keypads FCC-380 Carbon Monoxide Detector
D1260 Series Keypads FCH-T320 Heat Detector
D1256RB Fire Keypad FCP-OT320 Multisensor Detector Optical/Thermal
D1257RB Remote Fire Alarm Annunciator FCP-O320 Optical Smoke Detector

Power MX775i Addressable PIR Detector

D1640 16.5 VAC 40 VA Transformer MX794i Long Range Multiplex PIR Detector

DE-45-18 Transformer MX934i Addressable PIR Detector

D126 Standby Battery (12 V, 7 Ah) MX938i Addressable PIR Detector

D1218 Battery (12 V, 18 Ah) ZX776Z PIR Detector

D122 Dual Battery Harness ZX794Z Long Range PIR Detector

D122L Dual Battery Harness with Long Leads ZX835 TriTech Microwave/PIR Detector

ZX935Z PIR Detector

ZX938Z PIR Detector
B8103 Universal Enclosure (White)
ZX970 PIR/Microwave Detector
D8103 Universal Enclosure (Gray)
Bosch conventional detectors, including Professional Series, Blue Line
D8108A Attack Resistant Enclosure Gen2, Blue Line, Classic Line, Commercial Line, and Ceiling Mount
D8108A-CE Attack Resistant Enclosure with Built-in Transformer motion detectors, as well as glass break, seismic, request-to-exit,
photoelectric, heat, and smoke detectors.
D8109 Fire Enclosure
B208 Octo-input Module
B56 Keypad Surface Mount Box
B299 POPEX Module
B96 Keypad Trim Bezel
B308 Octo-output Module
B99 USB Direct Connect Cable
B426 Conettix Ethernet Communication Module
B501-10 Interconnect wiring cables (pack of 10)
B430 Plug-in Telephone Communicator
D161 Dual Modular Telephone Cord (7 f)
B442 Conettix Plug-in Cellular Communicator (using GPRS)
D162 Modular Telephone Cord (2 ft)
B443 Conettix Plug-in Cellular Communicator (using HSPA+)
D166 Telephone Jack (RJ31X)
B444 Conettix Plug-in Cellular Communicator
Detectors B450 Conettix Plug-in Communicator Interface
D7050 Series Addressable Photoelectric Smoke and Smoke Heat B520 Auxiliary Power Supply Module
Detector Heads
B600 Retrofit (ZONEX) Module
F220-B6PM/S 12/24 VDC Addressable Detector Bases with POPITs
B810 wireless receiver (RADION)
F220‑B6 12/24 VDC Two‑wire Base
B820 SDI2 Inovonics Interface Module
F220‑B6R Standard 12/24 VDC Four‑wire Base)
B901 Access Control Module
F220‑P Photoelectric Smoke Detector
D113 Battery Lead Supervision Module

D125B Dual Class B Initiating Module

7 | B9512G Control Panels

D126 Standby Battery (12 V, 7 Ah) RFDW-SM-A/RFDW-SM surface mount door/window contact

D129 Class A Initiating Module RFGB-A/RFGB glass break detector

D130 Auxiliary Relay Module RFKF-A/RFKF two-button keyfob

D132A Smoke Detector Reversing Relay Module RFKF-FBS-A/RFKF-FBS four-button keyfob

D133 Single Relay Module RFKF-TBS-A/RFKF-TBS two-button keyfob

D134 Dual Relay Module RFPB-SB-A/ RFPB-SB single-button panic

D185 Reverse Polarity Signaling Module RFPB-TB-A/RFPB-TB two-button panic

D192G Class “B”, Style Y Bell Circuit Supervision RFRP-A/RFRP repeater

D1218 Battery (12 V, 18 Ah) RFSM-A/RFSM smoke detector

D8125 Addressable Expansion Module RFPR-12-A/RFPR-12 PIR motion detector

D8125MUX Multiplex Bus Interface RFPR-C12-A/RFPR-C12 PIR curtain motion detector

D8128D OctoPOPIT Eight‑point Expander RFUN-A/RFUN universal transmitter

D8129 Octo‑relay Module

Inovonics Wireless
D8130 Door Release Module
B820 SDI2 Inovonics Interface Module
D9127U/T POPIT Module
ENKIT-SDI2 SDI2 Inovonics Interface and Receiver Kit. Includes B820
DS7461i Single‑zone Input Module and EN4200

DS7465i Input‑output Module EN1210 Universal Transmitter (Single-input)

D9210C Access Control Interface Module EN1210EOL Universal Transmitter with EOL Resistor

ICP-EZTS Cover and Wall Tamper Switch EN1210W Door-Window Transmitter with Reed Switch

ICP-SDI-9114 SDI Splitter EN1215EOL Universal Transmitter with Wall Tamper, Reed Switch, and
EOL Resistor
Applications EN1223D Water‑resistant Pendant Transmitter (Double-button)
Remote Programming Software (RPS or RPS‑LITE) v6.03 and higher EN1223S Water‑resistant Pendant Transmitter (Single-button)
Installer Services Portal programming tool EN1224-ON Multiple-Condition Pendant Transmitter
Bosch Video Management System v5.5 and higher EN1233D Necklace Pendant Transmitter (Double-button)
Remote Security Control EN1233S Necklace Pendant Transmitter (Single-button)

Conettix receivers EN1235D Beltclip Pendant Transmitter (Double-button)

(Managed and configured with Conettix D6200 Programming/
EN1235DF Fixed-location Transmitter (Double-button)
Administration Software v2.10)
EN1235S Beltclip Pendant Transmitter (Single-button)
Conettix D6600 Communications Receiver/Gateway (with only D6641
line cards installed) with CPU version 01.10.00 EN1235SF Fixed-location Transmitter (Single-button)
Conettix D6100IPv6 Communications Receiver/Gateway with CPU EN1247 Glass-break Detector Transmitter
version 61.10.00
EN1249 Bill Trap Transmitter
Conettix D6100i Communications Receiver/Gateway with CPU version
61.10.00 EN1242 Smoke Detector Transmitter

EN1260 Wall Mount Motion Detector

RADION wireless from Bosch
EN1261HT High Traffic Motion Detector
B810 wireless receiver (RADION)
EN1262 Motion Detector with Pet Immunity
RFBT-A/RFBT bill trap
EN1265 360° Ceiling Mount Motion Detector
RFDL-11-A/RFDL-11 TriTech motion detector

RFDW-RM-A/RFDW-RM recessed mount door/window contact

8 | B9512G Control Panels

EN4200 Serial Receiver IP cameras 16

EN5040-T High Power Repeater with Transformer SKEDs 80

Technical specifications Ordering information

Properties B9512G IP control panel, 32 areas, 599 points
Supports up to 599 points, 3 on-board outputs, and 32
Dimensions 10.625 in x 7.75in x 1.875 in (26.99 x
areas for intrusion, commercial fire. On-board
19.69 x 4.76 cm)
Weight 1.95 lbs (0.88 kg) Order number B9512G

Communications B9512G-E Control panel 32 areas 599 points, no IP

The B9512G-E is available only in kits.
Ethernet 10/100 full duplex (N/A for “E” control Order number B9512G-E

Environmental considerations

Relative humidity 5% to 93% at +32°C (+90°F)

Temperature (operating) 0°C to +49°C (+32°F to +120°F)

Power requirements

Current (maximum) Standby: 180 mA

Alarm: 260 mA

Output (alarm) 2 A at 12 VDC

Output (auxiliary, 1.4 A at 12 VDC nominal

continuous power, and
switched auxiliary

Voltage (operating) 12 VDC nominal

Voltage (AC) 16.5 - 18 VAC


Terminal wire size 12 AWG to 22 AWG (2.0 mm to 0.65


SDI2 wiring Maximum distance – Wire size

(unshielded wire only): 7,500 ft
(2,286 m) - 22 AWG (0.65 mm)

Number of…

Areas 32

Custom functions 32

Keypads 32 keypads, including 16 SDI keypads

Events Up to 10,192

Passcode users 2000, plus 1 installer passcode

Points 599 (8 on-board, up to 591 off-board

and virtual)

Programmable outputs 599 (3 on-board, up to 596 off-board

and virtual)

RF points 504
9 | B9512G Control Panels

Accessories D1640 Transformer plug-in, 16V 40VA

B520 Auxiliary power supply module, 2A 12V System transformer rated at 16.5 VAC, 40 VA.
Provides auxiliary power to 12 VDC devices or to SDI2 Order number D1640
Order number B520 D1640-CA Transformer, plug-in, 16V 40VA, Canada
For use in Canada. System transformer rated at
B208 SDI2 8-Input Expansion Module 16.5 VAC, 40 VA.
Provides 8 programmable inputs. Order number D1640-CA
Order number B208
D9002-5 Mounting plate, 6 location 3-hole, 5 pcs
B308 SDI2 8-Output Expansion Module 5 pack of mounting skirts for B8103, D8103, D8108A,
Provides 8 programmable relays. and D8109 enclosures. Each skirt can hold up to six
Order number B308 standard 3-hole mounting modules.
Order number D9002-5
B901 Door Controller
Fully supervised, addressable SDI2/SDI bus device D101 Enclosure lock and key set
that allows access control integration for Bosch G and Short-body lock set with one key supplied. Uses the
B Series Control Panels. D102 (#1358) replacement key.
Order number B901 Order number D101

B810 Wireless SDI2 bus interface D110 Tamper switch for enclosure, 2pcs
Receives RF signals from RADION transmitters, Screw‑on tamper switch that fits all enclosures.
repeaters, and glassbreaks. Operates at 433.42 MHz. Shipped in packages of two.
For use with compatible SDI2 bus control panels. Order number D110
Order number B810
ICP-EZTS Dual tamper switch
D122 Dual battery harness, 17" 18AWG Combination tamper switch with a wire loop for
Harness with circuit breaker. Connects two batteries additional tamper outputs.
(in parallel) to a compatible control panel. Order number ICP-EZTS
Order number D122
B8103 Universal enclosure, white
D122L Dual battery harness, 35'', 12V White steel enclosure measuring 41 cm x 41 cm x 9 cm
Harness with circuit breaker and leads measuring (16 in. x 16 in. x 3.5 in.).
35 in. (89 cm). Connects two batteries (in parallel) to Order number B8103
a compatible control panel in a separate enclosure.
Order number D122L D8108A Attack resistant enclosure, large, grey
Grey steel enclosure measuring 41.5 cm x 41.5 cm x
D126 Battery, 12V 7Ah 9 cm (16 in. x 16 in. x 3.5 in.).
A rechargeable sealed lead‑acid power supply used as UL Listed. Includes a lock and key set.
a secondary power supply or in auxiliary or ancillary Order number D8108A
Order number D126 D8109 Fire enclosure, 16x16x3.5", red
Red enclosure, 16in. x 16in. x 3.5in. (41cm x 41cm x
D1218 Battery, 12V 18Ah 9cm), 16 gauge (1.5mm) cold-rolled steel, full‑length
The D1218 is a 12 V 18 Ah sealed lead‑acid battery hinge, D101F lock and 2 D102F keys, UL Listed for
with two bolt-fastened terminals. It is used for standby commercial fire/burglary applications.
and auxiliary power. It connects to a compatible Order number D8109
control panel using a D122 or D122L Dual battery
D8004 Transformer enclosure kit, grey
Order number D1218 For applications that might require a remote
transformer in an enclosure. Can be used with B
D1238 BATTERY, 12V 38 AH Series control panels and D9412GV4/D7412GV4
A 12 V sealed lead-acid battery for standby and control panels.
auxiliary power with two bolt‑fastened terminals. Order number D8004
Includes hardware for attaching battery leads or spade
BATB-40 Battery box/enclosure, 22x20.75x7.25"
Order number D1238 22 x 20.75 x 7.25" (56 x 53 x 18.5 cm). Holds two dry
or wet cell batteries. Optional BATB-SHELF battery
D137 Accessory mounting bracket for enclosure shelf increases number of batteries. Suitable for
Used to mount accessory modules in B8103, D8108A, residential/commercial fire or burglary applications.
and D8109 enclosures. Order number BATB-40
Order number D137
10 | B9512G Control Panels

BATB-80 Battery box/enclosure, 14x20.75x7.25" Available languages: English, Chinese, Dutch, French,
14 x 20.75 x 7.25" (36 x 53 x 18.5 cm). Battery box/ German, Greek, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese,
enclosure with shelf holds up to four dry or wet cell Spanish, Swedish.
batteries. Suitable for residential/commercial fire or Order number B942
burglary applications. B942W Touch screen KP, prox/input/output,white
Order number BATB-80
White SDI2 touch screen keypad with inputs and one
B99 USB direct connect cable output.
Male A to Male A USB cable for local programming of Available languages: English, Chinese, Dutch, French,
control panels with on-board USB ports. German, Greek, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese,
Order number B99 Spanish, Swedish.
Order number B942W
B915 Basic Keypad
Two-line alphanumeric basic keypad with language B925F Fire and intrusion keypad, SDI2
function keys. Two-line alphanumeric fire and intrusion keypad.
Available languages: English, Chinese, Dutch, French, Order number B925F
German, Greek, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, B926F Fire keypad, SDI2
Spanish, Swedish. Two-line alphanumeric fire keypad
Order number B915 Order number B926F
B915I LCD keypad, icon keys, SDI2 B426 Ethernet Communication Module
Two-line alphanumeric basic keypad with icon function Supports two-way communications over Ethernet
keys. networks for compatible control panels
Available languages: English, Chinese, Dutch, French, Order number B426
German, Greek, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese,
Spanish, Swedish. B442 Plug-in cellular module, GPRS
Order number B915I Multi-function cellular communicator that provides IP
communication over a (GPRS) cellular network
B920 2 Line Alpha Numeric Keypad (SDI2) Order number B442
Two-line alphanumeric keypad
Available languages: English, Dutch, French, German, B443 Plug-in Cellular, HSPA+ (3G+)
Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish. Multi-function 3G/4G cellular communicator providing
Order number B920 IP communication over a GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA+
cellular network
B921C Two-line Keypad w/Touch keys, Inputs Order number B443
Two-line alphanumeric keypad with inputs and
capacitive touch keys in black. B444 Plug-in cellular module, VZW LTE, hot
Available languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Pre-activated 4G LTE cellular communicator for secure
Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish. two-way IP communication on the Verizon Wireless
Order number B921C LTE network.
Order number B444
B930 ATM Style-Alpha Numeric Keypad (SD12)
Five-line ATM style alphanumeric keypad B444-C Plug-in cell module, VZW LTE, cold
Available languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Non-activated 4G LTE cellular communicator for
Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish. secure two-way IP communication on the Verizon
Order number B930 Wireless LTE network.
Order number B444-C
B942 Touch Screen KP Prox/Input/Output, black
Black SDI2 touch screen keypad with inputs and one Software Options
output. D5500C-USB Kit with DVD and USB security dongle
Remote Programming Software (RPS) with USB
security key (dongle).
Order number D5500C-USB

Represented by:

Europe, Middle East, Africa: Germany: North America: Asia-Pacific:

Bosch Security Systems B.V. Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems
P.O. Box 80002 Robert-Bosch-Ring 5 130 Perinton Parkway 11 Bishan Street 21
5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands 85630 Grasbrunn Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Singapore 573943
Phone: + 31 40 2577 284 Germany Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Phone: +65 6571 2808
[email protected] Fax: +1 585 223 9180 Fax: +65 6571 2699 [email protected] [email protected]

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