Icse X Model Paper

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SCIENCE Paper – 1
(two hours)
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all the questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

SECTION A (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this Section.
Question 1
(a) Derive the relation between C G S and S I unit of work. [2]
(b) A postage stamp kept below a rectangular glass block of R.I. 1.5 when viewed from above it
appears to be raised by 7.0 mm. Calculate the thickness of the glass block. [2]
(c) State and define SI unit of power. [2]
(d) Name the unit of physical quantity obtained by the formula P/F.
Where P is power and F is force. [2]
(e) A wrench has a long handle, explain why? [2]

Question 2
(a) Can a body have momentum without energy. [2]
(b) Write the relationship between angle of incidence, angle of prism and angle of deviation
for a light ray passing through a prism. [2]
(c) A body is acted upon by a force. State two conditions when work done is zero. [2]
(d) Can kinetic energy be negative? Give reason [2]
(e) What are the factors on which the following characteristics of a musical note depend?
1. Intensity 2. Timbre. [2]

Question 3
(a) What do you mean by Ohmic and non-Ohmic Conductor? Also plot V-I graph for both. [2]
(b) Calculate the quantity of heat produced in 5 minutes in a 20 resistor carrying 2.5 A current.[2]
(c) Calculate equivalent resistance between A and B [2]

(d) Write two effects of force on a non rigid body. [2]

(e) A force acts on a body and displaces it by a distance S in a direction at an angle θ with the
direction of force. What should be the value of θ to get the maximum positive work?

Question 4

(a) [2]
(b) Displacement distance graph of two sound waves A and B, travelling in a medium, are as shown
in the diagram below.

Study the two sound waves and compare their: (i) Amplitudes (ii) Wavelengths [2]

(c) What do you understand by free vibrations of a body?

(ii) Why does the amplitude of a vibrating body continuously decrease during damped vibrations?

(d) (i) State and define the S.I. unit of power.

(ii) How is the unit horse power related to the S.I. unit of power? [2]

(e) (i) Why is the motion of a body moving with a constant speed around a circular path said to be
(ii) Name the unit of physical quantity obtained by the formula 2
Where K: kinetic energy, V: Linear velocity [2]

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Attempt any four questions from this Section

Question 5
(a) Establish the relation between Kinetic energy and momentum. [3]
(b) Two bodies A and B have mass in the ratio 5:1 and their kinetic energies in the ratio 125:9. Find
the ratio of their velocities [3]

(c) A uniform half metre rule balances horizontally on a knife edge at 29 cm mark when a weight of
20 gf is suspended from one end.
(i) Draw a diagram of the arrangement
(ii) What is the weight of the half metre rule? [4]
Question 6

(a) A uniform meter scale is in equilibrium as shown in the diagram: [3]

(i) Calculate the weight of the meter scale.

(ii) Which of the following options is correct to keep the ruler in equilibrium when 40 gf wt is
shifted to 0 cm mark?

(b) In fig a uniform bar of length l m is supported at its ends loaded by a weight W kgf at its middle.
In equilibrium, find the reactions R1 and R2 at the ends. [3]

(c) A bullet of mass 0.01kg strikes a wooden target 0.1m thick with a velocity of 400 ms-1. It
emerges out from the target with a velocity of 100ms-1. Calculate (a) Loss in KE. (b) average
retarding force of wooden block. [4]

Question 7

(i) Copy and complete the ray diagram to show the formation of the image of the object AB
(ii) Name the lens LL'.
(iii) Name a distance between line LL’ and point x. [3]

(b) Copy and complete the following diagrams to show the path of the ray of monochromatic light in
each case as it enters and emerges out of the right angle isosceles prism. Mark the angle
wherever necessary (critical angle is 42°). Name the device where this arrangement is used

(c) Define (i) dispersion (ii) scattering (iii) spectrum [3]

Question 8

(a) A water pump raises 50litres of water through a height of 25 m in 5 s. calculate the power, which
the pump supplies. ( take g = 10 ms-2, density of water = 1000 kgm-3) [3]

(b) An object of length 10 cm stands vertically on the principal axis of converging lens of focal
length 10 cm, and at a distance of 17 cm from the lens. Find the position, size and nature of the
image. Also draw the ray diagram [3]

(c) The bob of a simple pendulum is imparted a velocity 5ms-1 when it is at its mean position. To
what maximum vertical height will it rise on reaching to its extreme position if 60% of its energy
is lost in overcoming the air friction? [4]

Question 9
(a) John fires a gun towards a hill and hears its echo after 5 seconds. He then moves 320 m
towards the hill and fires his gun again. This time he hears the echo after 3 seconds.
Calculate the velocity of sound. [3]

(b) (i) Draw a displacement-distance graph for two waves A and B such that the amplitude of wave A is
three times that of wave B.
(ii) Give one example of forced vibration.
(iii) State two necessary conditions for hearing a distinct echo.
(iv) Mention one important use of echo [4]

(c) What Is meant by an echo? Mention two Important conditions that Is necessary for an echo to be
heard distinctly [3]

Question 10
(a) (i) A substance has nearly zero resistance at a temperature of 1 K. What is such a substance called
? (ii) State any two factors which affect the resistance of a metallic wire. [1+2]

(b) What is the current flowing through each of the resistor A and B in the following
circuits? [3]

(c) A battery of e.m.f. 15V and internal resistance 3Ω is connected to resistors of 3 Ω and 6 Ω
connected in parallel. Find: (i) the current through the battery, (ii) P.d. between the terminals of
the battery, (iii) the current in 3 Ω resistor, (iv) the current in 6 Ω resistor [4]

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