DRV Simodrive 611U Function Manual

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Product Overview 1

Installing and
Connecting- Up 2
the Board 3
SIMODRIVE 611 universal
SIMODRIVE 611 universal E Commissioning 4

Control Components for Communications via

Closed--Loop Speed Control PROFIBUS- DP 5
and Positioning Description of the
Functions 6
Function Manual
Fault Handling/
Diagnostics 7

Lists A
Abbreviations B
References C
Certificates D
Index E
Valid for

Control Software version

SIMODRIVE 611 universal 2.x
SIMODRIVE 611 universal 3.x
SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E 4.x
SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E 5.x
SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E 6.x
SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E 7.x
SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E 8.x
SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E 9.x
SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E 10.x
SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E 11.x
SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E 12.x
SIMODRIVE 611 universal/E 13.x

05/2010 Edition
SIMODRIVE documentation

Printing history
Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below.

The status of each edition is shown by the code in the ”Remarks” column.

Status code in the ”Remarks” column:

A.... New documentation

B.... Unrevised reprint with new Order No.

C.... Revised edition with new status

If factual changes have been made on the page since the last edition, this is
indicated by a new edition coding in the header on that page.

Edition Order No. Remarks

01.99 6SN1197--0AB20--0BP0 A
04.99 6SN1197--0AB20--0BP1 C
10.99 6SN1197--0AB20--0BP2 C
05.00 6SN1197--0AB20--0BP3 C
08.01 6SN1197--0AB20--0BP4 C
02.02 6SN1197--0AB20--0BP5 C
08.02 6SN1197--0AB20--0BP6 C
02.03 6SN1197--0AB20--0BP7 C
07.03 6SN1197--0AB20--0BP8 C
06.04 6SN1197--0AB20--1BP0 C
10.04 6SN1197--0AB20--1BP1 C
04.05 6SN1197--0AB20--1BP2 C
09.05 6SN1197--0AB20--1BP3 C
04.06 6SN1197--0AB20--1BP4 C
08.06 6SN1197--0AB20--1BP5 C
12.06 6SN1197--0AB20--1BP6 C
07.07 6SN1197--0AB20--1BP7 C
02.08 6SN1197--0AB20--1BP8 C
09.08 6SN1197--0AB20--2BP0 C
06.09 6SN1197--0AB20--2BP1 C
05.10 6SN1197--0AB20--2BP2 C
All products mentioned may be trademarks or product designations of Siemens AG or their suppliers,
whose use by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of the trademark owners.

We have checked that the contents of this publication agree with the
hardware and software described here. Nevertheless, differences might
exist and we cannot, therefore, guarantee that they are completely
identical. The information in this document is regularly checked and
necessary corrections are included in reprints. Suggestions for
improvement are also welcome.

 Siemens AG 1999--2010 All rights reserved. Subject to change without prior notice.

Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Siemens--Aktiengesellschaft

Instructions when reading
Structure of the The SIMODRIVE 611 documentation is structured in 2 levels:
documentation S General Documentation
S Manufacturer/Service Documentation
Information on the following topics is available at
S Ordering documentation
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My Documentation Manager provides you with a range of features
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S Training and FAQs
Information on our range of training courses and FAQs (frequently
asked questions) is available via the page navigation.

Target group This document addresses engineers and technologists (employed with
the machinery construction OEM), commissioning engineers (commis-
sioning the system/machine), programmers.

Benefits This publication describes the functions so that the target group under-
stands these functions and can appropriately select them. It provides
the target group with the information required to implement the ap-
propriate functions.
Should you wish for additional information or should exceptional prob-
lems arise that are not addressed in sufficient detail in this manual, you
can request the required information from your local Siemens office.

Standard version The scope of the functionality described in this document can differ
from the scope of the functionality of the drive system that is actually
supplied. It may be possible for other functions not described in this
documentation to be executed in the drive system. However, no claim
can be made regarding the availability of these functions when the
equipment is first supplied or in the event of servicing. Additions or revi-
sions made by the machine manufacturer are documented by the ma-
chine manufacturer.
This document does not purport to cover all details or variations in
equipment, nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in
connection with installation, operation or maintenance.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition iii
Foreword 06.09

The contents of this document are not part of an earlier or existing con-
tract or agreement nor do they change this. The sales contract contains
the entire obligation of Siemens. The warranty conditions specified in
the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Siemens. Any
statements contained herein neither create new warranties nor modify
the existing warranty.

Technical Support If you have any technical questions, please contact our hotline:

Phone +49 180 5050 222
Fax +49 180 5050 223
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Phone +1 423 262 2522
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Calls are subject to charge, e.g. 0.14 €/min. on the German landline
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Questions If you have any queries (suggestions, corrections) in relation to this

regarding documentation, please fax or e--mail us:
Fax +49 9131 98 2176
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Certificates You will find the certificates for the products described in this documen-
tation in the Internet: http://www.support.automation.siemens.com
under the Product/Order No. 15257461
or at the relevant branch office of the I DT MC group of Siemens AG.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

iv SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 Foreword

Information for The following should be observed when using this manual:
using this Manual
From Edition 10.99, this documentation includes information for
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” and ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”.
From Edition 02.02, this documentation includes information for
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR” and ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E
From Edition 09.05, this documentation includes information for
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS” and ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E
S Information for users of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” and
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”:
----> For you, all of the Chapters are applicable with the exception of
Chapter 1.4.
S Information for users of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” and
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E HR/HRS”:
----> It is important that you read Chapter 1.4.5 first.
The Chapter and pages are coded for the reader as follows in the
header line below the edition:
Designation Significance
S none Information is valid for 611u and 611ue
S ! not 611u ! Information is not valid for 611u
S ! not 611ue ! Information is not valid for 611ue
S ! 611ue diff ! Information differs between
611u and 611ue.
In addition, the list of differences in
Chapter 1.4.5 must be carefully observed.
Board Abbreviation (only for this purpose)
S SIMODRIVE 611 universal 611u
S SIMODRIVE 611 universal E 611ue

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition v
Foreword 04.06

The following should also be observed when using this manual:

1. Help: The following help is available for the reader:
S Complete table of contents
S Header line (as orientation):
the main chapter is in the upper header line
the sub--chapter is in the lower header line
S Chapter list of contents is provided at the beginning of each Chapter
S Appendix with
-- Abbreviations and List of References
-- Index
If you require information regarding a specific term, then look for
this in the Appendix under the Chapter ”Index”.
The Chapter number as well as the page number is specified
where information on this term can be found.
2. Parameter displays
In this description, for the parameters, the following displays and
significances are available:
S P0660 Parameter 0660 without sub--parameter
S P1451:8 P1451 with sub--parameters (P1451:0 to P1451:7)
:8 Sub--parameters that are dependent on the parameter set
S P0080:64 P0080 with sub--parameters (P0080:0 to P0080:63)
:64 sub--parameters that are dependent on the traversing block
The following applies: Colon (:) the parameter has the sub--parameter
Number: these sub--parameters are available (from :0)
S P1650.15 Parameter 1650 bit 15
3. Identifying ”new” or ”revised” information
The documentation, Edition 01.99 is the first edition.
How is the ”new” or ”revised” information identified for the other editions?
S ”from SW x.y” is provided with the information.
S The edition is in the header line on this page > 01.99.
List of faults and warnings, parameter list
The lists are completely updated at each edition, and a new edition
can be entered in the header lines on all of the pages.
For the individual faults and warnings, there is no software release--
dependent coding regarding the parameters.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

vi SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 Foreword

Edition of the There is a fixed relationship between the edition of the documentation
documentation? and the software release of the control board.
The first edition 01.99 describes the functionality of SW 2.1.
Software release of
the board? Edition 04.99 describes the functionality of SW 2.x.
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 2.x
What is new?
in comparison to SW 2.1?
S Rotary axis with modulo correction
S Motor changeover for induction motors
S Optional TERMINAL modules can now be used independent of the
operating mode.
S Communications via the RS485 interface (HW dependent)
S SimoCom U Comparing parameter sets
S Example: Drive operated via PROFIBUS
Reading/writing parameters via PROFIBUS
Edition 10.99 describes the functionality of SW 2.x and SW 3.x.
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 3.x
in comparison to SW 2.x?
S Jerk limitation
S External block change
S Input signal ”Suppress fault 608” (speed controller output limited)
S Optional PROFIBUS--DP module:
PROFIBUS--DP2, Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB00--0AA1
PROFIBUS--DP3, Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB01--0AA0
Process data configuring
Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (clock synchronous operation)
New control signals: NSOLL_B, DIG_OUT, Gx_STW
New status signals: NIST_B, DIG_IN, XistP, IqGl,
Override evaluation can be set (P0883)
S7 blocks to read/write parameters
S Fixed speed setpoints for closed--loop speed controlled operation
S i2t power module limitation
S SimoCom U Online operation via PROFIBUS possible
Online operation via MPI interface possible
PROFIBUS diagnostics screen
Help topics for each parameter of the expert list
S Faults and warnings:
The stop response (STOP I to STOP VII) is specified for each one

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition vii
Foreword 06.04

S List of motors 1FE1 motors (PE spindle) new in the list

1FT6xxx--xWxxx--xxxx motors new in the list
(water--cooled synchronous motors)
S ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board
S First common software release for the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
and ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”
Edition 05.00 describes the functionality of SW 2.x and SW 3.x.
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 3.3
in comparison to SW 3.1/3.2?
S ”External position reference value” operating mode
S Axis couplings
S Angular incremental encoder interface as input
S Direct measuring system (DM, encoder 2)
S Process data
-- Encoder interface (encoder 1, 2 and 3) is written into bitwise
-- Standard telegrams 4 and 103 have been supplemented
S The encoder interface is independent of clock--synchronous operation
S Traversing to fixed stop
S In order to execute traversing blocks, it is no longer necessary to
supply the input signals ”Operating condition/reject traversing task”
and ”Operating condition/intermediate stop”.
S SimoCom U ”Boot board” function
”User parameter list” function
S Permanent--magnet synchronous motors with field weakening
(1FE1 motors, PE spindle)
-- List of 1FE1 motors, expanded
-- Reluctance torque constant introduced
S Bandstop filter with bilinear transformation or Z transformation
Edition 08.01 describes the functionality of SW 2.x, SW 3.x and
SW 4.x.
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 4.x
in comparison to SW 2.x/3.x?
S ”External position reference value” is now available in the ”Positioning”
S Teach--in and incremental jogging
S Slave--to--slave communications, PROFIBUS--DP
S Dynamic Servo Control (DSC)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

viii SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 Foreword

Edition 02.02 describes the functionality of SW 2.x, SW 3.x,

SW 4.x and SW 5.1.
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 5.1?
S Spindle positioning
S Possibility of integrating into an external safety concept
”Safe standstill”
S Expanded functionality of the ”SimoCom U” start--up tool
-- Support, motor data optimization
-- Bit masking for the ”Trace” function
S Passive homing
S Filter parameterization (current, speed setpoint)
S ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR” control board
(HR stands for high resolution)
S The functionality for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” described in the
Description of Functions, also applies to ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR”
Edition 08.02 describes the functionality of SW 2.x, SW 3.x,
SW 4.x, SW 5.x and SW 6.1.
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 6.1?
S PROFIdrive conformance
Edition 02.03 describes the functionality of SW 2.x,
SW 3.x, SW 4.x, SW 5.x, SW 6.x and SW 7.1.
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 7.1?
S MDI (external block processing)
Edition 07.03 describes the functionality of SW 2.x, SW 3.x,
SW 4.x, SW 5.x, SW 6.x and SW 7.
The 06.04 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,
SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x and SW 8.1
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 8.1?
S Electronic handwheel
S Password protection
S Any gearbox ratio
S Changes/modifications for the CAN bus
S Direction--dependent fast--stop using a hardware switch
The 10.04 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,
SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x and SW 8.x

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition ix
Foreword 12.06

The 04.05 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,

SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x and SW 8.x
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 8.3?
S Input signal ”ON/OFF 1” at a digital input terminal
S Reading the DC link voltage via PROFIBUS--DP
S Referencing (homing) with distance--coded measuring system
The 09.05 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,
SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x, SW 8.x and SW 9.x
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 9.1?
S Control board ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS” to compatibly replace the
control board ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR”
S Additional torque/force limiting at zero setpoint (P1096/P1097)
S Parameter P0900 (angular incremental encoder handwheel evalua-
tion) is replaced by P0889
S Supplement to activate the function generator and the measuring
function for ”SimoCom U” with
-- PROFIBUS control signal in the pos mode (PosStw.15)
-- Digital input terminal function No. 41
The 04.06 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,
SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x, SW 8.x and SW 9.x
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 9.2?
S New type, optional PROFIBUS--DP module:
PROFIBUS--DP2, Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB00--0AA2
PROFIBUS--DP3, Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB01--0AA1
S Active oscillation damping (APC, in preparation)
S Extension of positioning data sets (64 to 256, in preparation)
S Start--up Tool ”SimoCom U” can run under WIN Server 2003
The 08.06 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,
SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x, SW 8.x and SW 9.x
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 10.1?
S Active oscillation damping (APC)
S Extension of positioning data sets (64 to 256)
S Encoder plausibility monitoring
The 12.06 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,
SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x, SW 8.x, SW 9.x and SW 10.x
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 10.2?
S Troubleshooting

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

x SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 Foreword

The 07.07 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,

SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x, SW 8.x, SW 9.x, SW 10.x and SW 11.x
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 11.1?
S Stationary minimum speed speed range exclusion
(taken over from SIMODRIVE 611 analog)
S Improvement of the distance of the measuring probe edges (to 65 ms)
S PTC evaluation for ASM
(taken over from SIMODRIVE 611 analog)
S Signal: Programmed velocity reached
S Monitoring of the direction of the axis motion
S Oscillation (taken over from SIMODRIVE 611 analog)
S Thermal motor model
The 02.08 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,
SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x, SW 8.x, SW 9.x, SW 10.x and SW 11.x
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 11.2?
S PROFIBUS-DP expansion and optional module interfaces for parame-
ters > 2000
S Oscillation function enabled via P 0878.6 = 1
S Troubleshooting
The 09.08 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,
SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x., SW 8.x, SW 9.x, SW 10.x SW 11.x and
SW 12.1.x
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 12.1?
S Speed monitoring using a BERO for IM operation
S Adaptations for PROFIDRIVE Version 4
S Travel to fixed stop with velocity limiting
S P1172 “FD operation with field weakening” have been introduced
S Troubleshooting
The 06.09 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,
SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x., SW 8.x, SW 9.x, SW 10.x SW 11.x and
SW 12.1.x
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 12.2?
S Pre--alarm threshold, thermal motor protection
S Troubleshooting
The 05.10 Edition describes the functionality of SW 3.6, SW 4.1,
SW 5.x, SW 6.x, SW 7.x, SW 8.x, SW 9.x, SW 10.x SW 11.x,
SW 12.1.x and SW 13.1.x
What are the essential new functions that have been added for SW 13.1?
S Equalization controller via Profibus
S Expansion of the power section derating
S Motor diagnostics, ground--fault test
S Dynamic energy management
S Online help “SimuComU start--up tool” changeover to HTML

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition xi
Foreword 09.05

Definition: Setup and operation of the device/equipment/system in question must

Who are only be performed using this documentation. Only qualified personnel
qualified should be allowed to commission and operate the device/system.
personnel? Qualified personnel as referred to in the safety instructions in this
documentation are persons authorized to start up, ground, and label
devices, systems, and circuits in accordance with the relevant safety

Safety information/ This documentation contains information that must be observed to en-
instructions sure your personal safety and to prevent material damage. The instruc-
tions for your personal safety are marked by a warning triangle. Instruc-
tions relating solely to material damage are not marked by a warning
triangle. Depending on the degree of hazard, the warning information is
shown as follows in decreasing sequence:

! Indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper
precautions are not taken.

! indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper
precautions are not taken.

! With a warning triangle indicates that minor personal injury can result if
proper precautions are not taken.

Without warning triangle indicates that material damage can result if
proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that an undesirable result or state may arise if the relevant
note is not observed.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

xii SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 Foreword

Proper use Note the following:

! Siemens products must only be used for the applications specified in
the catalog and in the technical documentation. If third--party products
and components are used, they must be recommended or approved
by Siemens. To ensure trouble--free and safe operation of the
products, they must be appropriately transported, stored, assembled,
installed, commissioned, operated and maintained. The permissible
ambient conditions must be adhered to. The notes in the associated
documentation must be complied with.

Further notes

This symbol indicates important information about the product or part
of the document, where the reader should take special note.

Reader’s note
This symbol is shown, if it relates to important information which the
reader must observe.

Technical information

! When electrical equipment is operated, certain parts of this equipment
are inevitably under dangerous voltage.
Incorrect handling of these units, i.e. not observing the warning
information, can therefore lead to death, severe bodily injury or
significant material damage.
Only appropriately qualified personnel may commission/start up this
This personnel must have in--depth knowledge regarding all of the
warning information and service measures according to this operating
Professional transport, storage, mounting, and installation, as well as
careful operation and service, are essential for the error--free, safe and
reliable operation of the equipment.
Hazardous axis motion can occur when working with the equipment.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition xiii
Foreword 06.04

! ”Protective separation” (PELV/SELV) in the drive can only be
guaranteed when the following points are taken into consideration:
S Certified components are used.
S The degree of protection for all components is ensured.
S With the exception of the DC link and motor terminals, all of the
circuits (e.g. digital inputs) must fulfill the requirements of PELV or
SELV circuits.
S The braking cable shield must be connected to PE through the
largest possible surface area.
S For unlisted motors, ”protective separation” is required between the
temperature sensor and motor winding.

When handling cables, observe the following:
S They are not damaged,
S they may not be stressed,
S they may not come into contact with rotating components.

! All of the SIMODRIVE unit connections must be withdrawn or
disconnected when the electrical equipment on the machines is subject
to a voltage test (EN 60204--1 (VDE 0113--1), Point 20.4).
This is necessary, as the SIMODRIVE insulation has already been
tested, and should not be subject to a new test (additional voltage

! Start--up/commissioning is absolutely prohibited until it has been
ensured that the machine in which the components described here are
to be installed, fulfills the regulations/specifications of the Directive

! The information and instructions in all of the documentation supplied
and any other instructions must always be observed to eliminate
hazardous situations and damage.
S For special versions of the machines and equipment, the
information in the associated catalogs and quotations applies.
S Further, all of the relevant national, local land plant/system--specific
regulations and specifications must be taken into account.
S All work should be undertaken with the system in a no--voltage

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

xiv SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 Foreword

When using mobile radios (e.g. cellular phones, mobile phones, 2--way
radios) with a transmission power of > 1 W close to the equipment
(< 1.5 m) the function of the equipment can be disturbed.

ESDS information ElectroStatic Discharge Sensitive Devices

and instructions

Components, which can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge are
individual components, integrated circuits, or boards, which when
handled, tested, or transported, could be destroyed by electrostatic
fields or electrostatic discharge. These components are referred to as
ESDS (ElectroStatic Discharge Sensitive Devices).
Handling ESDS modules:
S When handling devices which can be damaged by electrostatic
discharge, personnel, workstations and packaging must be well
S Electronic components should only be touched when absolutely
S Personnel may only come into contact with the components, if
-- they are continuously grounded through ESDS wristlets,
-- they wear ESDS shoes, ESDS shoe grounding strips in
conjunction with an ESDS floor surface.
S Boards/modules must only be placed on conductive surfaces (table
with ESDS surface, conductive ESDS foam, ESDS packaging,
ESDS transport container).
S Boards may not be brought close to data terminals, monitors or
television sets (minimum clearance to the screen > 10 cm).
S Boards may not be brought into contact with highly insulating
materials which can be statically charged, e.g. plastic foils,
insulating desktops, clothing manufactured from man--made fibers.
S Measuring work may only be carried out on the components if
-- the measuring unit is grounded (e.g. via protective conductor),
-- for floating measuring equipment, the probe is briefly discharged
before making measurements (e.g. a bare--metal control
housing is touched).
S Only touch control components, option modules and memory
modules at the front panel or at the edge of the PC boards.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition xv
Foreword 06.04

Space for your notes

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

xvi SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
Table of Contents

1 Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23

1.1 What can ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24
1.2 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” in the SIMODRIVE 611 system . . . . . . . . . . 1-28
1.3 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-32
1.3.1 Control board for 2 or 1 axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-35
1.3.2 Elements on the control board front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-37
1.3.3 Optional modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-40
1.4 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-43
1.4.1 Diagram of the board and optional module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-44
1.4.2 Elements on the control board front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-45
1.4.3 Description of the terminals, interfaces and operator control elements . . 1-46
1.4.4 Commissioning the board with ”SimoCom U” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-53
1.4.5 What are the differences with respect to ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”? . 1-55
2 Installing and Connecting--Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-60
2.1.1 Installing the control board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-60
2.1.2 Installing/removing an option module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-61
2.1.3 Installing/removing the memory module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62
2.1.4 Replacing a defective HR control board by a new one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-64
2.1.5 Replacing a defective HRS control board by a new one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-67
2.2 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-70
2.2.1 General information on connecting--up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-70
2.2.2 Connecting--up and setting the line supply infeed module . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-73
2.2.3 Connecting--up the power module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-74
2.3 Connection diagram and wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-75
2.3.1 Connection diagram for the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” board . . . . . . . . 2-75
2.3.2 Connecting--up the control board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-76
2.3.3 Connection diagram, connecting--up the optional TERMINAL module . . . 2-82
2.3.4 Connection diagram, connecting--up the optional PROFIBUS--DP module 2-84
2.4 Pin assignment of the interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-86
2.5 Cable diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-89
3 Parameterizing the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-91
3.1 Overview when parameterizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-92
3.2 Parameterizing using the display and operator unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-93
3.2.1 Parameterizing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-94
3.2.2 Example: Changing a parameter value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-99
3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U . 3-100
3.3.1 Installing SimoCom U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-100

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3.3.2 Entry into SimoCom U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-103

3.3.3 Online operation: SimoCom U via a serial interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-108
3.3.4 Online operation: SimoCom U via PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1) . . . . . . 3-114
4 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-119
4.1 General commissioning information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-120
4.2 Booting ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-123
4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-124
4.3.1 First commissioning with SimoCom U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-125
4.3.2 Series commissioning with SimoCom U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-126
4.3.3 Password protection with SimoCom U (from SW 8.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-127
4.3.4 Upgrading the firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-130
4.3.5 Firmware download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-130
4.3.6 Automated firmware download (from SW 8.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-131
4.4 Commissioning using the display and operator unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-133
4.5 Function--initiating and diagnostic parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-136
4.6 Parameters for hardware, operating mode and clock cycles . . . . . . . . . . . 4-142
4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-146
4.7.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-146
4.7.2 Commissioning induction motors (ARM) without encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-149
4.7.3 Motor data optimization, steps 1 to 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-153
4.7.4 Speed monitoring using a BERO (from SW 12.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-158
4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE
spindle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-161
4.8.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-161
4.8.2 Commissioning synchronous motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-163
4.8.3 Current controller adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-167
4.8.4 Parameters for PE spindles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-170
4.9 1FW6 built--in torque motors (from SW 6.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-172
4.9.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-172
4.9.2 Commissioning 1FW6 motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-174
4.9.3 Thermal motor protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-175
4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-176
4.10.1 General information on commissioning linear motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-176
4.10.2 Commissioning: Linear motor with one primary section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-179
4.10.3 Commissioning: Linear motor with two identical primary sections . . . . . . . 4-186
4.10.4 Mechanical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-189
4.10.5 Thermal motor protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-191
4.10.6 Measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-195
4.10.7 Parallel and double--cam arrangement of linear motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-198
4.10.8 Checking the linear motor by making measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-199
4.11 Direct measuring system for position control (from SW 3.3) . . . . . . . . . . . 4-200
4.12 Connecting induction motors with TTL encoder (from SW 8.1) . . . . . . . . . 4-204
4.13 FD operation with field weakening (from SW 12.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-205

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-207

5.1 General information about PROFIBUS--DP for
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-208
5.2 Basic functions of the cyclic data transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-214
5.3 Basic functions of the non--cyclic data transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-216
5.4 Terminal signals and PROFIBUS signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-220
5.5 Internal effect of PROFIBUS signal and hardware terminals . . . . . . . . . . . 5-221
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-224
5.6.1 Overview of the process data (PZD area) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-224
5.6.2 Description of the control words (setpoints) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-228
5.6.3 Description of the status words (actual values) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-241
5.6.4 Encoder interface (n--set mode, from SW 3.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-251
5.6.5 Configuring process data (from SW 3.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-263
5.6.6 Defining the process data according to the PPO type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-278
5.6.7 Parameter area (PKW area) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-281
5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-289
5.7.1 Master device file and configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-289
5.7.2 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-293
5.7.3 Diagnostics and troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-297
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-301
5.8.1 Equidistant DP cycle operation in the n--set mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-303
5.8.2 Equidistant DP cycle operation in the positioning mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-305
5.8.3 Times in the equidistant DP cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-308
5.8.4 Bus run--up, synchronization and net data save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-310
5.8.5 Parameterization using the parameterizing telegram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-312
5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-313
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-322
5.10.1 General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-322
5.10.2 Setpoint assignment in the subscriber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-325
5.10.3 Activating/parameterizing slave--to--slave communications . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-326
5.10.4 Message format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-328
5.10.5 Example: Coupling two drives (master, slave drive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-331
6 Description of the Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-337
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-339
6.1.1 Application examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-339
6.1.2 Current and speed control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-340
6.1.3 Ramp--function generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-342
6.1.4 Optimizing the closed--loop current and speed controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-344
6.1.5 Speed controller adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-346
6.1.6 Fixed speed setpoint (from SW 3.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-348
6.1.7 Monitoring functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-349
6.1.8 Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-357
6.1.9 Position measuring system with distance--coded reference marks
(from SW 4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-365
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-366
6.2.1 Encoder adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-367
6.2.2 Units for travel, velocity and acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-374

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6.2.3 Closed--loop position control components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-377

6.2.4 Referencing and adjusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-403
6.2.5 Referencing for incremental measuring systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-403
6.2.6 Referencing with a distance--coded measuring system (from SW 8.3) . . 6-409
6.2.7 Adjusting absolute measuring systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-413
6.2.8 Parameter overview when referencing/adjusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-415
6.2.9 Jogging operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-420
6.2.10 Programming traversing blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-422
6.2.11 Starting, interrupting and exiting traversing blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-435
6.2.12 MDI operation (from SW 7.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-440
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-445
6.3.1 Position reference value and position actual value coupling . . . . . . . . . . . 6-446
6.3.2 Handling faults in the master and slave drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-475
6.3.3 Torque setpoint coupling (from SW 4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-477
6.3.4 Equalization controller (from SW 7.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-483
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-483
Equalization controller via PROFIBUS-DP (from SW 13.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-489
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-494
6.4.1 Permanently--connected input terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-494
6.4.2 Freely--parameterizable digital input terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-495
6.4.3 List of input signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-496
6.4.4 Permanently--connected output terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-520
6.4.5 Freely--parameterizable digital output terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-520
6.4.6 List of output signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-522
6.5 Input/output terminals for the optional TERMINAL module . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-548
6.6 Analog inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-550
6.6.1 Basic setting of the analog inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-551
6.6.2 nset mode or nset with Mred mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-552
6.6.3 Mset mode or Mset with Mred mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-556
6.6.4 Torque/power reduction via terminal 24.x/20.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-559
6.6.5 Application example master/slave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-562
6.7 Analog outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-564
6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-578
6.8.1 Angular incremental encoder interface as output (P0890 = 1) . . . . . . . . . . 6-580
6.8.2 Angular incremental encoder interface as input (P0890 = 2, from SW 3.3) 6-585
6.8.3 Electronic handwheel (from SW 8.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-589
6.9 Motor holding brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-592
6.10 Parameter set changeover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-598
6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-602
6.11.1 General information on motor changeover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-602
6.11.2 Changeover, max. 4 motors each with 1 data set (P1013 = 1) . . . . . . . . . 6-608
6.11.3 Changeover, 1 motor with max. 4 data sets (P1013 = 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-610
6.11.4 Changeover, max. 2 motors each with 2 data sets (P1013 = 3) . . . . . . . . 6-611
6.11.5 Parameters for motor changeover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-614
6.12 Travel to fixed stop (positioning mode) (from SW 3.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-616
6.13 Teach--in (from SW 4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-623

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6.14 Dynamic Servo Control (DSC, from SW 4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-625

6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-627
6.16 Rotor position identification/pole position identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-637
6.17 Electrical braking when the encoder fails (from SW 9.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-644
6.18 Active oscillation damping (APC, from SW 10.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-646
6.19 Activate function generator immediately (from SW 11.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-651
6.20 Monitoring of the direction of the axis motion (from SW 11.1) . . . . . . . . . . 6-652
6.21 Power section derating (from SW 13.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-653
6.22 Dynamic energy management (from SW 13.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-655
6.23 Motor diagnostics, ground fault test (from SW 13.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-658
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-661
7.1 Overview of faults and warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-662
7.2 Displaying and handling faults and warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-667
7.2.1 Display and operator control via the display and operator unit . . . . . . . . . 7-667
7.2.2 FAULT LED on the front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-670
7.3 List of faults and alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-671
7.3.1 Fault without a number being displayed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-671
7.3.2 Error with fault/warning number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-672
7.4 Commissioning functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-760
7.4.1 Function generator (FG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-761
7.4.2 Trace function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-769
7.4.3 Test sockets, DAC1, DAC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-770
7.4.4 Measurement function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-773
7.5 V/Hz operation (diagnostics function) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-774
7.5.1 V/Hz operation with induction motors (ARM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-774
7.5.2 V/Hz operation with synchronous motors (SRM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-775
7.5.3 Parameters for V/Hz operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-777
7.6 Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-777
A Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-779
A.1 Parameter list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-780
A.2 Power module list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-922
A.3 List of motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-925
A.3.1 List of the rotating synchronous motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-925
A.3.2 List of permanent--magnet synchronous motors with field weakening
(1FE1, 2SP1, PE spindle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-935
A.3.3 List of permanent--magnet synchronous motors without field weakening,
built--in torque motors (1FW6, from SW 6.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-942
A.3.4 List of linear synchronous motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-946
A.3.5 List of induction motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-952
A.4 Encoder list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-962
A.4.1 Encoder code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-962
A.4.2 Encoder adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-965

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Table of Contents 05.10

B List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-971

C References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-977
D Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-981
E Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-993

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xxii SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition

Product Overview 1
1.1 What can ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24
1.2 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” in the SIMODRIVE 611 system . . . . . . . . . . 1-28
1.3 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-32
1.3.1 Control board for 2 or 1 axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-35
1.3.2 Elements on the control board front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-37
1.3.3 Optional modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-40
1.4 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-43
1.4.1 Diagram of the board and optional module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-44
1.4.2 Elements on the control board front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-45
1.4.3 Description of the terminals, interfaces and operator control elements . . 1-46
1.4.4 Commissioning the board with ”SimoCom U” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-53
1.4.5 What are the differences with respect to ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”? . 1-55

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 1-23
1 Product Overview 01.99
1.1 What can ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” do? ! 611ue diff !

1.1 What can ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” do?

What can ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” is a control board, which can be univer-
”SIMODRIVE 611 sally used in the modular SIMODRIVE 611 converter system as a re-
universal” do? sult of its communication interfaces, the motors and encoder systems
and option modules which can be used.
Two independent drive controls are implemented on a 2--axis board.
The closed--loop drive controls can be operated in the following oper-
ating modes with motor frequencies up to 1400 Hz:
S Operating mode, ”speed/torque setpoint”:
In this case, the board is used for closed--loop speed control, open--
loop torque control and/or torque reduction.
S ”Positioning” mode:
A maximum of 64 (256 from SW 10.1) traversing blocks can be se-
lected and executed. Every traversing block can be freely para-
meterized, and in addition to the block number, it also contains addi-
tional data, e.g. target position, acceleration, velocity, command and
block enable circuit.

Interfaces The following interfaces are provided on the board:

S Two analog interfaces per drive (10 V)
Setpoints for speed, torque (current, torque reduction or a velocity
override when positioning can be entered via these interfaces.
S Angular incremental encoder interface(WSG--SS)
-- Parameterized as input: (from SW 3.3)
Incremental position reference values can be entered.
-- Parameterized as output:
The position actual values are available for a higher--level control
via the appropriately parameterized interface.
S Four digital inputs and four digital outputs per drive
The digital inputs/outputs can be assigned the required control/mes-
sage functions by appropriate parameterization.
S Two analog outputs per drive

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1-24 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 1 Product Overview
! 611ue diff ! 1.1 What can ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” do?

Optional modules The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board can be expanded by
one of the following option modules:
S Optional TERMINAL module
This module provides an additional 8 digital inputs and 8 digital out-
puts (e.g. necessary to select and start a traversing block in the
”positioning” mode).

The input/output terminals of the optional TERMINAL module are:
S Before SW 4.1: permanently assigned to drive A or axis A
S From SW 4.1: can be freely assigned axes

S Optional PROFIBUS--DP module

To integrate the system into distributed concepts, ”SIMODRIVE 611
universal” can be operated as slave on PROFIBUS--DP using this
option module (refer to Table 1-3).

Which motors can The following motors can be used with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”:
be used?
S 1FK6, 1FT6 servomotors up to 140 Nm
S 1FE1 permanent--magnet synchronous motors
S 1PH induction motors up to 100 kW (1PH6, 1PH4, 1PH2, 1PH7)
S Induction motors without encoder
S Standard 1LA induction motors up to 100 kW
S 1FN linear motors
S 1FW6 built--in torque motors

S Two different motor types can be operated with a control board
(e.g. 1FK6 synchronous motor and 1PH7 induction motor).
S Unlisted motors can also be connected.
S The motors which can be connected are listed in Chapter A.3.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 1-25
1 Product Overview 01.99
1.1 What can ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” do? ! 611ue diff !

Which encoders The following encoders can be connected when using ”SIMODRIVE
can be 611 universal”:
connected? -- Resolver with pole pair numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
-- Incremental encoder with sin/cos 1Vpp up to 65535 pulses,
e.g. ERN 1387 from Heidenhain
-- Absolute encoder with
sin/cos 1Vpp and interface with EnDat protocol,
e.g. EQN 1325 from Heidenhain (EnDat protocol)
-- from SW 8.1
incremental encoders with TTL signals with control board, Order
No. 6SN1118--VNH01--0AAV, only for induction motors

S For a 2--axis control board, it is not possible to mix encoders with
sin/cos 1Vpp and resolvers.
S Unlisted encoders can also be connected.
S The encoders which can be connected are listed in Chapter A.4.
S The following is valid for resolvers:
The selected resolver must match the motor.
For resolvers, pole pair number = 1 (P1018) or the pole pair
number of the motor (P1112) is permissible.

Parameter The equipment is integrated and adapted to the machine/system by

assignment appropriately parameterizing it. The following possibilities are available
for start--up and for service:
S ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up tool
(SimoCom U under Windows, refer to Chapter 3.3)
S Display and operator unit
(on the control board front panel)

Data save The control board has an interchangeable memory module with a non--
volatile data memory (FEPROM) to save the following data:
S Firmware (system software)
S User data

Where can The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board can be flexibly used in
”SIMODRIVE 611 many applications as a result of its design.
universal” Typical applications for this control board are, e.g.:
be used?
S Textile machines
S Packaging machines
S Machine tools
S Handling equipment
S Conveyor and transport equipment
S Machines to machine/handle wood, glass or ceramics, etc.

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1-26 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.08 1 Product Overview
! 611ue diff ! 1.1 What can ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” do?

Function The subsequent diagram provides an overview of the features and
overview functions of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”.

Control units Operating modes

Optional modules
S Optional TERMINAL module S 2--axis for encodersS n--set
(speed/torque setpoint)
with sin/cos 1 Vpp
S Optional module -- Speed control
PROFIBUS--DP1 (up to SW 3.5) S 2--axis for resolvers -- Open--loop torque control
PROFIBUS--DP2 (from SW 3.1) S 1--axis for resolvers -- Torque reduction
PROFIBUS--DP3 (from SW 3.1)
As an alternative, for each -- Dyn. Servo Control
board, the following (DSC, from SW 4.1)
firmware can be used: -- Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1)
Serial interface -- Oscillation (from SW 11.1)
S RS232 S n--set -- Speed monitoring using a BERO
S RS--485 S Positioning (from SW 12.1)
S Positioning
-- HW/SW limit switches
-- 64 (256) traversing blocks (maximum)
2 analog
-- Position--related switching signals
interfaces (±10 V)
per drive -- Rotary axis with modulo correction
(from SW 2.4)
Angular incremental -- Jerk limiting (from SW 3.1)
encoder interface -- External block change (from SW 3.1)
S Electronic handwheel -- Travel to fixed stop
(from SW 8.1) (from SW 3.3)
4 digital inputs -- Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)
SIMODRIVE -- Position measuring system with
611 distance--coded reference marks
4 digital outputs
per drive (can be freely
universal (from SW 4.1)
parameterized) -- Jogging via velocity and incremental
(from SW 4.1)
2 test sockets (0 -- 5 V)
-- Teach--in (from SW 4.1)
-- MDI operation (from SW 7.1)
Safe start inhibit
(AS1/AS2) Memory module (can be replaced)
S Motor holding brake S Firmware (system software)
2 analog outputs sequence control
(±10 V) per drive S User data (parameter)
S 8 parameter sets Display and operator unit
Pushbuttons and LEDs for S IM operation ”SimoCom U”
S V/Hz operation (diagnostics) parameterizing and start--up tool
S FAULT S Motor changeover (from SW 2.4)
S SimoCom U <--> drive
S Direct measuring system -- via serial interface
(from SW 3.3)
-- via PROFIBUS (from SW 3.1)
S APC (from SW 10.1) S PROFIBUS--DP
S Therm. motor model (from SW 11.1)
Motors Encoder
S 1FK, 1FT6 synchronous motors S Incremental encoder with sin/cos 1Vpp
S 1FE1 permanent--magnet synchronous motors S Absolute encoder with sin/cos 1Vpp and
S 1PH induction motors EnDat interface
S 1LA standard induction motors S Resolver with pole pair numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
S 1FN linear motors and 6
S 1FW6 built--in torque motors S Incremental encoders with TTL signals (only
induction motors) (from SW 8.1)

Fig. 1-1 Function overview for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 1-27
1 Product Overview 01.99
1.2 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” in the SIMODRIVE 611 system ! 611ue diff !

1.2 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” in the SIMODRIVE 611 system

How is the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” is implemented as digital control module
SIMODRIVE 611 for two drives for operation in the SIMODRIVE 611 system.
A SIMODRIVE drive group is modular and comprises the following
integrated into the
modules and boards:
system? S Commutating reactor(s)
S Supply infeed module (NE module)
S Power module(s) with control board
-- ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” or
-- ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR” (from the middle of 2002 with
SW 5.1)
-- ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS” (from the middle of 2005 with
SW 9.1)

In the following chapters of the Description of Functions, a
differentiation is not made between ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” and
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”.
The functionality, specified under ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” also
applies for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”.

and, when required

S Line filter
S Monitoring and pulsed resistor module
S Transformer
Reference: /PJU/, SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters

Configuration Engineering a SIMODRIVE drive group is subdivided into the following

phases as follows:
S Phase 1 (engineering)
-- The motor is selected
-- The power module and the supply infeed are selected
S Phase 2 (integration)
-- Create circuit diagrams

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1-28 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 1 Product Overview
! 611ue diff ! 1.2 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” in the SIMODRIVE 611 system

Note 1
The following documentation, SW Tools and Catalogs are available
when engineering the system:
S Reference: /PJU/, SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters
S Reference: /PJM/, SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Motors
AC Motors for Feed and Main Spindle Drives
Program to engineer SIMODRIVE drives
S Reference: /BU/, Catalog NC 60, Ordering Documentation
/Z/, Catalog NC Z, Accessories and Equipment
S CD: Interactive Catalog CA01
840D/810D/FM--NC and SIMODRIVE 611D documentation

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 1-29
1 Product Overview 01.99
1.2 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” in the SIMODRIVE 611 system ! 611ue diff !

System overview The SIMODRIVE 611 drive converter system with the ”SIMODRIVE
611 universal” control board can comprise the individual components
and higher--level control components as shown in the following dia-

e.g. SIMATIC S7--300 (DP master)


Supply infeed module and start--up tool
(from SW 3.1) PG/PC ”SimoCom U”
Power module

DP slave


e.g. control board
DC link ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” for
encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp
Equipment bus

Memory module

Motor and encoders Motor and encoders

e.g. 1FT6, 1FK6 or 1PH7 and e.g. 1FT6, 1FK6 or 1PH7 and
encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp

Fig. 1-2 System overview (schematic)

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1-30 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 1 Product Overview
! 611ue diff ! 1.2 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” in the SIMODRIVE 611 system

Components The most important components and their function are listed in the fol-
lowing table.

Table 1-1 Components for the SIMODRIVE 611 system

Component Function
Line supply infeed ... has the following functions:
module S Interface from/to the 3--phase network
(NE module)
S Establishes the DC link voltage
S Equipment bus
Equipment bus ... supplies the control boards with various voltages
and enable signals.
DC link ... the power modules draw the power required to
control the motors from the DC link.
Power modules ... control the motors.
”SIMODRIVE 611 ... is used as 1 or 2--axis board in the SIMODRIVE
universal” 611 system, and can be expanded using the optional
control board TERMINALS or PROFIBUS--DP module.
Memory module ... is integrated on the control board, can be replaced
and has a non--volatile memory (FEPROM) to save
the firmware and the user data.
Optional modules ... expands the interface functionality of the control
... the optional TERMINAL module or the optional
PROFIBUS--DP module can be used.
Motor ... is connected to the power module.
Encoder ... is the angular incremental encoder to sense the
actual position.
Parameterizing ... is a software running under Windows
and 95/98/NT2000/XP to parameterize, commission and
start--up tool test the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board.
(SimoCom U) Furthermore, using this tool, the following functions
are possible:
for PG/PC
S Parameterizing ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
S Axes traversed
S Settings optimized
S Firmware downloaded
S Series machine startup
S Diagnostics (e.g. measuring function)

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1 Product Overview 01.99
1.3 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board ! 611ue diff !

1.3 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board

Description The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board is used in the
SIMODRIVE 611 system, and it can be expanded using the
optional TERMINALS or PROFIBUS--DP module.
Features The control board has the following features:
S Variants
Table 1-2 Control board, option modules, data medium

Cons. Description Order No. (MLFB)

Hardware Firmware
Control unit
1 n--set 6SN1118--0NH00--0AAV2)6)
2--axis1) for encoders 6SN1118--0NH01--0AAV5)7)
with sin/cos 1 Vpp or
2 TTL signals9)) Positioning 6SN1118--1NH00--0AAV2)6)
3 n--set 6SN1118--0NK00--0AAV2)6)
4 6SN1118--0NK01--0AAV5)8)
axis1) for resolvers
5 Positioning 6SN1118--1NK00--0AAV2)6)
6 6SN1118--1NK01--0AAV5)8)
7 n--set 6SN1118--0NJ00--0AAV2)6)
8 6SN1118--0NJ01--0AAV5)8)
1 axis for resolvers
9 Positioning 6SN1118--1NJ00--0AAV2)6)
10 6SN1118--1NJ01--0AAV5)8)
Option module (can be alternatively used in the control board)
1 TERMINALS -- 6SN1114--0NA00--0AA0
2 PROFIBUS--DP13) -- 6SN1114--0NB00--0AA0
3 PROFIBUS--DP24) -- 6SN1114--0NB00--0AA2
4 PROFIBUS--DP34) -- 6SN1114--0NB01--0AA1
Data carrier
1 CD SimoCom U, 6SN1153--VNX20--VAG02)
drive firmware, V = 0 ----> CD with the most
Toolbox, GSD current SW version
file, readme file,
The CD also contains pre-
vious SW versions

1) For 2--axis control boards, 1--axis operation is also possible

2) V: Space retainer for the hardware and software version
3) Can no longer be used from SW 4.1
4) Prerequisites: Control board SW 3.1 and higher
5) 1: ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS” control board from SW 8.3
6) ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board
7) 0: ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR” control board from SW 5.1
8) 0: ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR” control board from SW 6.2
9) With control board, Order No. 6SN1118--VNH01--0AAV from SW 8.1

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1-32 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 1 Product Overview
! 611ue diff ! 1.3 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board

Reader’s note 1
Please observe the information in the ”readme.txt” file on the CD
for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”.

S Settings
All drive--related settings of the control board can be made as follows:
-- using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U on an
external PG/PC (refer to Chapter 3.3)
-- using the display and operator unit on the front panel
(refer to Chapter 3.2)
-- using PROFIBUS--DP
(parameter area, PKW area, refer to Chapter 5.6.7)
S Software and data
The firmware and the user data are saved on a memory module
which can be replaced.
S Terminals and operator control elements
-- 2 analog inputs, 2 analog outputs per drive
-- 4 digital inputs, 4 digital outputs per drive
-- 2 test sockets
-- POWER--ON RESET pushbutton with LED
-- Display and operator unit
S Safe start inhibit
The start inhibit is addressed via terminal 663 and is signaled back
using a relay with positively--driven signaling contacts (AS1/AS2).
Using the start inhibit, the energy feed from the drive to the motor is
When the ”safe start inhibit” function is correctly used, the signaling
contacts AS1/AS2 must be included in the line contactor circuit or
the EMERGENCY OFF circuit.

When using the ”safe start inhibit” function, it must be ensured that the
velocity goes to zero.

The control board supports the ”Safe standstill” function.

Detailed information about the ”Safe Standstill” function is provided
Reference: /PJU/, SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters

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1 Product Overview 01.99
1.3 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board ! 611ue diff !

S Serial interface (RS232/RS485)
S Optional modules
-- Optional TERMINAL module,
8 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs for drive A
-- Optional PROFIBUS--DP module
S Expanded functions SW 5.1 and higher
The following expanded functionality is provided with the ”SIMODRIVE
611 universal control board for sin/cos 1Vpp encoders:
-- Higher internal resolution, interpolation factor 2048 (previously 128)
-- Pulse multiplication is possible (doubling) at the angular incre-
mental encoder interface for absolute value encoders
-- Pulse multiplication (doubling) and division (1:2, 1:4, 1:8) are
possible at the angular incremental encoder interface, also for
incremental encoders
-- From SW 8.1
It is possible to connect standard square--wave encoders (TTL)
with differential signals according to RS422 and 5 V power
supply voltage as pulse encoder for induction motors at the
SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR” control board (Order No.
S Expanded functions from SW 9.1
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR” or ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
control boards can be replaced by the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal
HRS” control board (higher computational performance” and this
replacement is compatible.
The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS” control board is, at all inter-
faces, electrically compatible to its predecessor and as far as all of
the functions are concerned.
The mechanical dimensions, mounting/installation dimensions and
connection interfaces of the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS” con-
trol board are compatible to the previous types and are compatible
from an installation perspective to the the SIMODRIVE 611 digital
power modules.
Exception: Connectors X461/X462.
-- 10--pin for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”.
-- 11--pin for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR” and ”SIMODRIVE
611 universal HRS” as terminal 15 has been added.
When the board has to be replaced, please refer to the attached
installation instructions regarding the wiring changes that have to
be made.

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1-34 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.06 1 Product Overview
! 611ue diff ! 1.3 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board

1.3.1 Control board for 2 or 1 axis

Control The following 2--axis control boards are available:
for 2 axes

2--axis for encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp or

2--axis for resolvers
(refer to Table 1-2)

Mounting slot for
S Optional TERMINAL module
S Interfaces
S Terminals
S Switches
Memory module
S Firmware ¢
S User data
Display and operator unit
¤ £
Pulse interface

¥ ¤
Equipment bus
The following applies to retaining
Tighten (to establish a good shield
contact) max. torque = 0.8 Nm
For plug connections:
Plug connectors with the same number of pins must be
appropriately coded so that they cannot be interchanged
(refer under the index entry ”Coding the mini connectors”).

Fig. 1-3 Control boards for 2 axes

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1.3 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board ! 611ue diff !

Control The following 1--axis control boards are available:
for 1 axis
1 axis for resolvers
(refer to Table 1-2)
These interfaces have
no function for the
1--axis version

¡ X302
Mounting slot for
S Optional TERMINAL module
S Interfaces
S Terminals
S Switches
Memory module
S Firmware ¢
S User data
Display and operator unit
¤ £
Pulse interface
Equipment bus
The following applies to retaining
Tighten (to establish a good shield
contact) max. torque = 0.8 Nm
For plug connections:
Plug connectors with the same number of pins must be
appropriately coded so that they cannot be interchanged
(refer under the index entry ”Coding the mini connectors”).

Fig. 1-4 Control board for 1 axis

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1.3.2 Elements on the control board front panel

Motor encoder, drive A Motor encoder, drive B
Signaling terminals X411 X412

AS1 Pushbutton for

AS2 RESET Mounting slot for
X421 S Optional TERMINAL module
Red FAULT X422 (inputs)
LED X432 (outputs)
Terminals for supply and (refer to Chapter 1.3.3)
pulse enable or
P24 S Optional PROFIBUS--DP
M24 module
X423 (interface)
9 (refer to Chapter 1.3.3)
663 Terminals, drive B
X431 56.B
Analog outputs X452 24.B
16.B X441 I1.B
15 I2.B
X34 X462 I3.B

1) A+.B 2) A+.B
M DAC1 DAC2 A--.B A--.B
Terminals, drive A B+.B B+.B
56.A X451 B--.B B--.B
14.A R+.B R+.B
24.A R--.B R--.B
20.A O0.B 15
65.A O1.B O0.B
9 O2.B O1.B
I0.A O3.B O2.B
I1.A O3.B
I3.A X461
A+.A A+.A
2) 1)
A--.A A--.A
B+.A B+.A Switch S1
B--.A B--.A
R+.A R+.A Serial interface
R--.A R--.A (RS232/RS485)
15 O0.A X471
O0.A O1.A
O1.A O2.A Display and
O2.A O3.A operator unit
Equipment bus
1) for 6SN1118--VNV00--0AAV: Order No.[MLFB] refer to Table 1-2 X351
2) for 6SN1118--VNV01--0AAV: Order No.[MLFB] refer to Table 1-2

Fig. 1-5 Front panel elements (dummy cover removed, no option module inserted)

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1 Reader’s note
The display and operator control elements provided on the front panel
are described in the following.
Additional information about
S Terminals (assignment, wiring, technical data, etc.)
S Interfaces (assignment, wiring, etc.)
are included in the Chapter 2.

Button for The component comprises a button with integrated LED.

ON--RESET, The button is recessed into the front panel (hole:  3 mm).
The processor runs up again when pressed.
When the pushbutton is pressed, an LED which may have been pre-
viously bright (lit), goes dark, i.e. this indicates the pushbutton was
completely actuated (the pushbutton pressure point has been

! When the POWER--ON RESET button is pressed, this corresponds to
a POWER ON and should only be executed when the motors are at a
In order to prevent the drive from undesirably starting after POWER
ON, before carrying out a POWER ON--RESET, the controller enable
must be withdrawn at terminals 65.A and 65.B.

S FAULT, LED red (refer to Chapter 7.2.2)

The LED is bright at run--up and when faults occur.

Display The 6--character 7--segment display with point is used to display and
and change parameter values and to display alarms.
operator unit
The operator control PLUS, P and MINUS keys are used to select and
change parameter values and/or for operator control when faults and
warnings are displayed (e.g. to acknowledge these).

Reader’s note
Handling the display and operator unit
S How to parameterize ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” is described in
Chapter 3.2.
S To remove faults and warnings refer to Chapter 7.2.

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Switch S1 The terminating resistor can be switched--in/switched--out using switch
S1 on the front panel of the control board for the angular incremental
encoder interface and the serial RS485 interface (RS485--SS).

Switch S1
Ang. enc. interf. (drive A) 1 Ang. enc. interf. (drive A)
if used as output if used as input
----> switch = OFF 2 ----> switch = ON
term. resistor is switched--out 3 term. resistor is switched--in
Ang. enc. interf. (drive B) 4 Ang. enc. interf. (drive B)
if used as output if used as input
----> switch = OFF 5 ----> switch = ON
term. resistor is switched--out 6 term. resistor is switched--in

RS485 7 RS485
terminating resistor is 8 terminating resistor is
switched--out switched--in
Serial Note: (at the first and last nodes of
interface the RS485 link)
X471) All of the associated switches
(e.g. switches 7 and 8) must be in the
same setting. Standard setting

Fig. 1-6 Location and settings of switch S1

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1.3.3 Optional modules

Optional An additional 8 digital inputs and outputs can be realized using this op-
TERMINAL module tional module.
The functionality of these inputs/outputs can be freely parameterized.

S The input/output terminals of the optional TERMINAL module are
-- Before SW 4.1: permanently assigned to drive A or axis A
-- From SW 4.1: can be freely assigned axes
S The optional TERMINAL module can be used as follows,
dependent on the software release:
-- The following applies before SW 2.4:
The module can only be used in the ”positioning” mode.
-- The following applies from SW 2.4:
The module can be used independently of the operating mode.

I4 Order No. [MLFB]: 6SN1114--0NA00--0AA0

I5 8 inputs

O8 X432
O9 8 outputs
The following applies to retaining screws:
Tighten (due to the shield contact)
Max. torque = 0.8 Nm

Fig. 1-7 Optional TERMINAL module

Reader’s note
Information regarding
S Installing the option
S The input and output terminals (X422 and X432)
S The connection diagram and wiring/connecting the option module
is included in Chapter 2.

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Optional The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board can be
PROFIBUS--DP connected and operated as DP slave on the PROFIBUS--DP field bus
module when this optional module is used.


The following applies to retaining screws:

Tighten (due to the shield contact)
Two--color LED for diagnostics Max. torque = 0.8 Nm

Fig. 1-8 Optional PROFIBUS--DP module

Table 1-3 Which optional modules are available?

Designation Order No. (MLFB) Features

(can no longer be S Cyclic data transfer (PKW and PZD section) possible
used from
SW 4.1)
S For control boards SW 3.1, this module can replace
the optional PROFIBUS--DP1 module
S Requirement:
Control board from SW 3.1 is required
Features that S Cyclic data transfer (PKW and PZD section) possible
PROFIBUS--DP2 and DP3 have in common S FW module can be updated using SimoCom U
S Non--cyclic data transfer (DP/V1)
S ”SimoCom U via PROFIBUS” possible
S ”Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP” function (clock--
synchronous PROFIBUS operation) is possible

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1 Table 1-4 Which optional modules can be used for the various software releases?

Situation Firmware version Optional module

1. A master configured software, generated from SW 3.1 No Yes Yes
with GSD file siem808f.gsd, can be oper-
ated with
2. A master configured software, generated before SW 4.1 Yes Yes Yes
with a GSD file siem8055f.gsd and P0875
= 2, can be operated with
3. A master configured software, generated from SW 4.1 No Yes Yes
with a GSD file siem8055f.gsd and P0875
= 2, can be operated with
4. A master configured application, gener- from SW 6.1 No Yes Yes
ated using gsd file si02808f.gsd and
P0875 = 2 can be operated with

Case 1 is for ”new” applications with the DP2, DP3 module.
Cases 2 and 3 are for series commissioning of drives using DP1
modules and for replacing a defective DP1 module by a DP2 module.
From SW 4.1, the DP1 module can no longer be used.

Reader’s note
Information regarding
S Installing the optional module ----> refer to Chapter 2
S The interface (X423) ----> refer to Chapter 2
S The connection diagram and wiring/connection of the option module
----> refer to Chapter 2
S Communications via PROFIBUS--DP ----> refer to Chapter 5

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1.4 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board

Description The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board is used with
SINUMERIK 802D with the ”motion control with PROFIBUS--DP” func-
Using this function, it is possible to implement a clock--synchronous
drive coupling between a DP master (e.g. SINUMERIK 802D) and the
DP slave ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”.

Features The control board has the following features:

S Control board (refer to Chapter 1.4.1)
-- Order No. (MLFB):
before SW 5.1: 6SN1118--0NH10--0AAV
(”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board)
V: Space retainer for hardware function
from SW 5.1: 6SN1118--0NH11--0AA0
(”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E HR” control board)
from SW 9.1: 6SN1118--0NH11--0AA1
(”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E HRS” control board)
-- 2--axis for encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp
-- with memory module for n--set
S Optional PROFIBUS--DP3 module (refer to Chapters 1.3.3 and 1.4.1)
-- Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB01--0AA0
S The parameters can be set as follows:
-- using the ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up tool on an
external PG/PC (refer to Chapter 3.3)
-- using the display and operator unit on the front panel
(refer to Chapter 3.2)
-- using PROFIBUS--DP
(parameter area, PKW area, refer to Chapter 5.6.7)
S Software and data
The software and the user data are saved on an interchangeable
memory module.
S Terminals and operator control elements
-- 2 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs per drive
-- 2 digital inputs and 2 digital outputs per drive
-- 2 test sockets
-- POWER--ON RESET button with integrated LED
-- Display and operator unit
S Safe start inhibit
Detailed information about this function is provided in
Reference: /PJU/, SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters
S Serial interface (RS232, refer to Chapter 3.3.3)

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1.4.1 Diagram of the board and optional module

Control board
with optional

”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board

2 axis for encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp

module Mounting slot X302
for the optional
DPC31 with PLL
S Interfaces ¡
S Terminals
S Test sockets
Serial interface
Encoder interface
for TTL encoders ¢
Memory module
The following applies to retaining S Firmware
S User data ¥
Tighten (due to the shield contact)
Max. torque = 0.8 Nm ¦
Display and
operator unit
For plug connections:
¦ §
Plug connectors with the same number Pulse interface
of pins must be appropriately coded so
that they cannot be interchanged (refer §
under the index entry ”Coding the mini Equipment bus

Fig. 1-9 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board with optional PROFIBUS--DP3 module

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1.4.2 Elements on the control board front panel

Motor Motor encoder
encoder drive B
drive A X412
Button for X411
Signaling terminals X423
AS1 X421 module

Terminals for supply and Terminals, drive B

pulse enable
P24 X454 14.B
M24 24.B
9 65.B
19 I1.B
Analog outputs O1.B

X441 Encoder interface, TTL encoder
75.B X472 1 P_Encoder
16.B 2 M_Encoder
15 3 A
(reference) 4 *A
5 Reserved
6 B
X34 7 *B
8 Reserved
M DAC1 DAC2 9 P_Encoder
10 R
Terminals, drive A 11 M_Encoder
56.A 12 *R
14.A 13 Reserved
24.A 14 Reserved
20.A 15 Reserved
I0.A Display
I1.A and
O0.A Serial operator unit
O1.A interface
X471 Equipment

Fig. 1-10 Elements on the front panel of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”

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1.4.3 Description of the terminals, interfaces and operator control elements

Board--specific The board--specific terminals and interfaces are available, common for
terminals and both drive A and B.

Table 1-5 Overview of the board--specific terminals and interfaces

Terminal Function Type Technical specifications

No. Desig-
Signaling terminal, start inhibit (X421)
Signaling contact NC Connector type: 2--pin conn. strip
AS1 Start inhibit Max. cond. cross--sect.: 2.5 mm2
X421 Feedback signal Contact: Floating NC contact
from terminal 663
AS2 Contact load capability: at 250 VAC max. 1 A2)
at 30 VDC max. 2 A


AS2 Relay, safe AS2 Relay, safe

start inhibit start inhibit
T. 663 T. 663

Pulses not enabled (T. 663) Pulses enabled (T. 663)

The gating pulses of the power The gating pulses of the power
transistors are inhibited. transistors are enabled.

Terminals for supply and pulse enable (X431)

Connector type: 5--pin conn. strip
Max. cond. cross--sect.: 1.5 mm2
P24 X431.1 External power sup- S Voltage tolerance
ply for digital outputs (including ripple): 10 V to 30 V
(+24 V) Max. aggregate current: 2.4 A
S The external supply is required for the 4 digital out-
M24 X431.2 Reference for the S puts (O0.A, O1.A and O0.B, O1.B).
external supply S When dimensioning the external power supply, the
total current of all of the digital outputs must be
taken into account.
9 X431.3 Enable voltage S Reference: Terminal 19
(+24 V) Maximum current(for the total group): 500 mA
The enable voltage (terminal 9) can be used to supply
the enable signals (e.g. pulse enable) as 24 V auxil-
iary voltage.
1) NC: NC contact; S: Supply
2) Corresponding to EN 60204--1 (Safety of Machinery), control transformers should be used when using
AC control voltages.

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Table 1-5

Overview of the board--specific terminals and interfaces, continued

Function Type Technical specifications

No. Desig-
Terminals for supply and pulse enable (X431), continued
663 X431.4 Pulse enable I Voltage tolerance
(+24 V) (including ripple): 21 V to 30 V
Typ. current consumption: 25 mA at 24 V
The pulse enable acts simultaneously on drive A and
drive B. When this pulse enable is withdrawn, the
drives ”coast down” unbraked.
19 X431.5 Reference S Note:
(Reference for all If the enable signals are to be controlled from an exter-
digital inputs) nal voltage and not from terminal 9, then the reference
potential (ground) of the external source must be con-
nected to this terminal.
Serial interface (X471)
-- X471 Serial interface for IO Connector type: 9--pin D--sub socket connector
”SimoCom U” Note:
S The interface can only be used as RS232 interface
----> refer to Chapter 3.3.3
S Pin assignment of the interface ----> refer to Chap-
ter 2.4
S Cable diagram for RS232 ----> refer to Chapter 2.5
PROFIBUS--DP interface (X423) for the optional PROFIBUS--DP3 module
-- X423 Communications in- IO Connector type: 9--pin D--sub socket connector
terface for Note:
S Pin assignment of the interface ----> refer to Chap-
ter 2.4
S Connecting diagram and connecting--up the op-
tional PROFIBUS--DP module ----> refer to Chapter
S Communications via PROFIBUS--DP
----> refer to Chapter 5
Equipment bus (X351)
-- X351 Equipment bus IO Ribbon cable: 34--pole
Voltages: various
Signals: various
Test sockets (X34)
DAC1 Test socket 12) MA Test socket:  2 mm
l ti 8 bits
DAC2 X34 Test socket 22) MA
Rated operating voltage: 0 V to 5 V
T Reference MA Maximum current: 3 mA
1) I: Input; S: Supply; IO: Input/output; MA: Measuring signal, analog
2) Can be freely parameterized

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Drive-- The drive--specific terminals are available for both drive A and drive B.
Table 1-6 Overview of the drive--specific terminals

Terminal Function Type Technical specifications

Drive A Drive B
No. Desig- No. Desig-
nation nation
Encoder connection (X411, X412)
-- X411 -- -- Motor encoder I Reference:
connection, drive A /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Convert-
-- -- -- X412 Motor encoder I ers
connection, drive B Chapter ”Indirect and direct position
or sensing”
connection, direct Encoder limit frequencies:
measuring system
(from SW 3.3)
S Enc. with sin/cos 1Vpp: 350 kHz
S Resolver: 432 Hz
Analog outputs (X441)
75.A X441.1 -- -- Analog output 12) AO Connector type: 5--pin conn. strip
g refer to3)
16.A X441.2 -- -- Analog output 22) AO Max. conductor cross--section for fine-
ly-stranded or solid cond.: 0.5 mm2
R t d operating
ti voltage:
lt --10
10 V to
t +10
-- -- 75.B X441.3 Analog output 12) AO
Maximum current: 3 mA
-- -- 16.B X441.4 Analog output 22) AO Resolution: 8 bits
Update: In the speed--contr. clock
15 X441.5 15 X441.5 Reference -- cycle
Short--circuit proof
1) I: Input; AO: Analogausgang
2) Can be freely parameterized
3) The analog outputs (X441) should be connected through a terminal strip.
A shielded cable should be used together for all of the analog outputs together between X441 and the
terminal strip. For this cable, the shield must be connected at both cable ends.
The 4 analog cables can be routed away from the terminal strip. The shield of the cables must be
connected and the ground cables must be connected to a common ground terminal.

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Table 1-6 Overview of the drive--specific terminals, continued

Terminal Function Type Technical specifications

Drive A Drive B
No. Desig- No. Desig-
nation nation
Terminals for the analog inputs and digital inputs/outputs (X453, X454)
X453 X454 Connector type: 10--pin conn. strip
Max. cond. cross-section for finely--stranded or solid cond.: 0.5 mm2
56.A X453.1 56.B X454.1 None -- --
14.A X453.2 14.B X454.2 None -- --
24.A X453.3 24.B X454.3 None -- --
20.A X453.4 20.B X454.4 None -- --
65.A X453.5 65.B X454.5 Controller enable I Typ. current consumption:
drive--specific 6 mA at 24 V
Level (incl. ripple)
High level: 15 V to 30 V
Low signal level: --3 V to 5 V
Electrical isolation:
Ref. is T. 19/T. M24
9 X453.6 9 X454.6 Enable voltage S Reference: Terminal 19
(+24 V) Maximum current
(for the total group): 500 mA
The enable voltage (terminal 9) can
be used to supply the enable signals
(e.g. controller enable).
I0.A X453.7 I0.B X454.7 Digital input 02) DI Voltage: 24 V
Typ. current consumption:
Fast 6 mA at 24 V
input 3) Level (incl. ripple)
High level: 15 V to 30 V
Low signal level: --3 V to 5 V
Electrical isolation:
Ref. is T. 19/T. M24
I1.A X453.8 I1.B X454.8 Digital input 12) DI S The parameterization of the input
terminals and the standard as-
signment is described in Chapter
S An open--circuit input is
interpreted as 0 signal.
1) I: Input; S: Supply; DI: Digital input
2) Can be freely parameterized
All of the digital inputs are de--bounced per software. For the signal detection, this results in a delay time
of between 1 and 2 interpolation clock cycles (P1010).
3) I0.x is internally hard--wired to the position sensing function where it acts almost instantaneously.

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1 Table 1-6 Overview of the drive--specific terminals, continued

Terminal Function Type Technical specifications

Drive A Drive B
No. Desig- No. Desig-
nation nation
O0.A X453.9 O0.B X454.9 Digital output 02) DO Rated current per output: 500 mA
Max. current per output: 600 mA
Voltage drop, typical:
250 mV at 500 mA
Short--circuit proof
O1.A X453.10 O1.B X454.10 Digital output 12) DO
Parameterization of the output termi-
nals as well as the standard assign-
ment is described in Chapter 6.4.5.
S The power switched via these outputs is supplied via terminals P24/M24 (X431). This must be
taken into account when dimensioning the external supply.
S The digital outputs only ”function” if an external power supply is available (+24 V, T. P24/M24).
1) DO: Digital output
2) Can be freely parameterized
The digital outputs are updated in the interpolation clock cycle (P1010). This is supplemented by a
hardware--related delay time of approx. 200 s.

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Encoder interface
for TTL encoders
Table 1-7 Encoder interface for TTL encoders (X472)

Pin Function Type Technical specifications

No. Designation
X472 Connector type: 15--pin D--sub socket connector
1 P_Encoder S S Recommended for TTL encoders:
2 M_Encoder S Order No. (MLFB): 6FX2001--2VB02
Encoder pulse number = 1024
3 A I V = Space retainer for conn. types A, C, E or G
4 *A Possibility of con
con- I S Cabling
5 Reserved necting a power -- -- Max. cable length: 15 m
supply for an addi-
addi -- Recommended
R d d encoder
d cable:
6 B tional measuring I
Order No.
No (MLFB): 6FX2002
2CA11 1VV0
7 *B system I V = Space retainer for cable type (length, ...)
(TTL encoders,
8 Reserved encoder 3) -- Reference:
9 P_Encoder The information is S /Z/ Catalog NC Z, Accessories and Equipment
f d to
t a S Encoder
E d power supply
10 R I
higher--level con- -- Voltage: 5.1
5 1 V ±2%
11 M_Encoder trol via PROFIBUS. S
-- Short--circuit proof
12 *R See Chapter 5.6.4 I -- Max. current: 300 mA
13 -- -- Max. short--circuit curr.: 3.5 A
14 Reserved -- S Encoder limit frequency
15 -- -- TTL encoder: 1 MHz

1) I: Input; S: Supply

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Button for The component comprises a button with integrated LED.
ON--RESET, The button is recessed into the front panel (hole:  3 mm).
The processor runs up again when pressed.
When the pushbutton is pressed, an LED which may have been pre-
viously bright (lit), goes dark, i.e. this indicates the pushbutton was
completely actuated (the pushbutton pressure point has been

! When the POWER--ON RESET button is pressed, this corresponds to
a POWER ON and should only be executed when the motors are at a
In order to prevent the drive from undesirably starting after POWER
ON, before carrying out a POWER ON--RESET, the controller enable
must be withdrawn at terminals 65.A and 65.B.

S FAULT, LED red (refer to Chapter 7.2.2)

The LED is bright at run--up and when faults occur.

Display The 6--character 7--segment display with point is used to display and
and change parameter values and to display alarms.
operator unit
The operator control PLUS, P and MINUS keys are used to select and
change parameter values and/or for operator control when faults and
warnings are displayed (e.g. to acknowledge these).

Reader’s note
Handling the display and operator unit
S To parameterize the drive, refer to Chapter 3.2
S To remove faults and warnings, refer to Chapter 7.2.1

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1.4.4 Commissioning the board with ”SimoCom U”

Requirements The following prerequisites must be fulfilled in order to be able to com-
mission a drive using the ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up
1. All of the prerequisites for commissioning are fulfilled, according to
Chapter 4.1 this means that the system with ”SIMODRIVE 611 uni-
versal E” can be commissioned.
2. The checklist for commissioning according to Chapter 4.1 has been
3. The optional PROFIBUS--DP3 module is inserted into the control
board (refer to Chapter 1.3.3).
4. The ”SimoCom U” tool is installed on the PC/PG, which is to be
used to commission the drive.
5. There is a connecting cable between the PG/PC and control board
(RS232 connecting cable, refer to Chapter 2.5).
6. The PC/PG with ”SimoCom U” is connected to the control board

Reader’s note
S Cable diagrams for the connecting cable refer to Chapter 2.5
S Everything about ”SimoCom U” refer to Chapter 3.3

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 1-53
1 Product Overview 01.99
1.4 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board ! not 611u !

Procedure when Please proceed as follows when commissioning ”SIMODRIVE 611 uni-
commissioning the versal E” using the ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up tool for
drive for the first the first time:
1. Power--up the drive group
2. Start SimoCom U
3. Request online operation for drive A
Operator action:
Execute the ”Search for online drives” function in the ”Start--up”
menu, and select drive A in the ”Drive and dialog browser”.
Is the ”start--up required” window displayed?
-- Yes: ----> Start the drive configuration assistant
---->This means you signal the drive the existing configuration
(PROFIBUS node address, power module, motor, etc.).
-- No: ----> Press ”re--configure drive” button
----> This means that you change the configuration on the control
board (PROFIBUS node address, power module, motor, etc.).
4. Execute the drive configuration, and at the end, press the ”Calculate
controller data, save, reset” button.

If drive B is to be commissioned, then the points must be executed for
drive B from point 3 onwards.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

1-54 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.00 1 Product Overview
! not 611u ! 1.4 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board

1.4.5 What are the differences with respect to ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”?

Table 1-8 Differences with respect to ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

Differ- SIMODRIVE This should be observed for

ence SIMODRIVE 611 universal
i lE
611 universal 611 universal E
The The following Reader’s note:
informa- chapter is of no Before the 10.99 Edition (SW 3.1) the following was valid:
tion in significance: This documentation only contains information for ”SIMODRIVE 611 univer-
this doc- S Chapter1.4 sal”.
From the 10.99 Edition (SW 3.1) the following is valid:
This documentation contains information for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
and ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”.
The information for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” is provided in this Chap-
The following abbreviations have been introduced to identify the informa-
tion for both modules in the other chapters:
Board Abbreviation (only for this purpose)
S SIMODRIVE 611 universal 611u
S SIMODRIVE 611 universal E 611ue
The following applies for users of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”:
The Chapter and pages are coded for the reader as follows in the header
line below the edition:
Designation Significance
S none Information is valid for 611u and 611ue
S ! not 611u ! Information is not valid for 611u
S ! not 611ue ! Information is not valid for 611ue
S ! 611ue diff ! Information differs between 611u and 611ue.
In addition, this list of differences must be
carefully observed.
Oper- S Speed/ S Speed/ S Permissible settings are:
ating torque set- torque set- -- P0700 = 0 (the drive is inactive, only drive B)
mode point point
Thus, a double--axis module can only be oper-
ated as single--axis module.
Should communications be established with inac-
S Positioning S No tive drive B via PROFIBUS?
If yes, then communications must be disabled
with P0875 = 0.
-- P0700 = 1
(operating mode ”speed/torque setpoint”)
P0700 = 3 is not permissible
Memory ... for n--set ... for n--set The rear of the memory module is identified as follows:
module ... for pos S URL.--SOFTWARE N_SOLL--611U (before SW 4.2)
S SYS.--SOFTWARE N_SOLL--611U (from SW 4.2)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 1-55
1 Product Overview 01.99
1.4 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board ! not 611u !

1 Table 1-8

Differences with respect to ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, continued

SIMODRIVE This should be observed for

ence SIMODRIVE 611 universal E
611 universal 611 universal E
Software S SW 1.1 S No Software release 3.1 is the first software release which
release S SW 2.1 S No is used for both modules.
S SW 2.4 S No The following applies for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”:
S SW 3.x S SW 3.x Software from SW 3.1 onwards must be used.
S SW 4.1 S SW 4.1
S SW 5.x S SW 5.x Note:
S SW 6.x S SW 6.x The SW version installed and supplied with the
”SIMODRIVE 611 universalE” control board is that which
S SW 7.x S SW 7.x
has been approved for combination with SINUMERIK
S SW 8.x S SW 8.3 802D!
S SW 9.x S SW 8.3
S SW 10.x S SW 8.3
S SW 11.x S SW 8.3
S SW 12.x S SW 8.3
S SW 13.x S SW 8.3
Module The module is identified using P0870 = 0004hex
type P0870 (module type) ----> it involves a ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control
board, 2--axes for encoders with sin/cos 1 Vpp
Analog S Term. S No The information in Chapter 6.6 is of no significance.
inputs 56.x/14.x S No
S Term.
Digital S Term. I0.x S Term. I0.x S Effective parameters are:
inputs S Term. I1.x S Term. I1.x -- P0660 (function, input terminal I0.x)
S Term. I2.x S No -- P0661 (function, input terminal I1.x)
S Term. I3.x S No P0662 and P0663 are ineffective
Digital S Term. O0.x S Term. O0.x S Effective parameters are:
outputs S Term. O1.x S Term. O1.x -- P0680 (signal function, output terminal O0.x)
S Term. O2.x S No -- P0681 (signal function, output terminal O1.x)
S Term. O3.x S No P0682 and P0683 are ineffective
Optional Yes, No, P0664 to P0671 (function, input terminal I4 to I11)
TERMI- can be used cannot be used And
P0684 to P0691 (signaling function, output terminal O4
to O11)
are of no significance
Optional S PROFIBUS-- S No P0872 = 4
PROFI- DP1 ----> The following option module was detected:
BUS S PROFIBUS-- S No Optional PROFIBUS--DP3 module (from SW 3.1)
module DP2 with PROFIBUS--ASIC DPC31 with PLL
S PROFIBUS-- S PROFIBUS Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB01--0AA0 or
DP3 DP3 SN1114--0NB01--0AA1

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

1-56 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.00 1 Product Overview
! not 611u ! 1.4 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board

Table 1-8

Differences with respect to ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, continued

SIMODRIVE This should be observed for

ence SIMODRIVE 611 universal E
611 universal 611 universal E
Serial S RS232 S RS232 S Permissible settings
interface S RS485 S No -- P0801 = 0 (RS232 interface, standard)
(indepen- P0801 = 1 is interpreted just like P0801 = 0
dent of the
P0802 and P0803 are of no significance
Angular Yes No S Permissible settings, drive A
incre- -- P0890 = 0 Encoder interface, inactive
-- P0890 = 4 Encoder interface, active
interface S Permissible settings, drive B
-- P0890 = 0 Encoder interface, inactive
For all other parameter values, a fault is signaled.
The encoder interface is not suitable to connect a direct
measuring system for the following reasons:
Encoder No Yes S The encoder signals are not evaluated in the drive.
interface The encoder in- S The drive transfers the information which is sensed
(TTL en- terface is used to a higher--level of control using the appropriate
coder) to connect an process data.
additional mea- S The encoder interface is used for the ”Motion Control
suring system with PROFIBUS--DP” function (clock cycle synchron-
(TTL encoders, ous operation, e.g. together with SINUMERIK 802D).
encoder 3) Note:
S ”Motion Control with PROFIBUS” function
----> refer to Chapter 5.8
S Configuring telegrams ----> refer to Chapter 5.6.5
S Encoder interface ----> refer to Chapter 5.6.4
Encoder S Sensor 1 S Sensor 1 Encoder 1 Motor measuring system (X411, X412)
i t f
interface Encoder 2 Direct measuring system (X412)
S Encoder 2 S Encoder 2
(process (from (from Encoder 3 TTL encoder (X472)
data) SW 3.3) SW 3.3) Description of the process data ---->
> refer to Chap. 5.6.4
S No S Sensor 3
Travers- Yes No This function is programmed using the FIXED STOP
ing to from SW 3.3 command in the ”Positioning” mode.
fixed The operating mode is not possible for SIMODRIVE 611
stop universal E ----> function not available
Axis Yes No This function can be used in either the ”External position
coup- from SW 3.3 reference value” mode or ”Positioning”.
lings Operating modes are not possible for SIMODRIVE 611
universal E ----> function is not available

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 1-57
1 Product Overview 01.99
1.4 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board

1 Space for your notes

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1-58 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
Installing and Connecting--Up 2 2
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-60
2.1.1 Installing the control board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-60
2.1.2 Installing/removing an option module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-61
2.1.3 Installing/removing the memory module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62
2.1.4 Replacing a defective HR control board by a new one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-64
2.1.5 Replacing a defective HRS control board by a new one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-67
2.2 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-70
2.2.1 General information on connecting--up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-70
2.2.2 Connecting--up and setting the line supply infeed module . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-73
2.2.3 Connecting--up the power module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-74
2.3 Connection diagram and wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-75
2.3.1 Connection diagram for the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” board . . . . . . . . 2-75
2.3.2 Connecting--up the control board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-76
2.3.3 Connection diagram, connecting--up the optional TERMINAL module . . . 2-82
2.3.4 Connection diagram, connecting--up the optional PROFIBUS--DP module 2-84
2.4 Pin assignment of the interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-86
2.5 Cable diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-89

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 2-59
2 Installing and Connecting--Up 01.99
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules

2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules

It is only permissible to install/remove a control board or an option
module when the system is in a no--voltage condition (powered down).
If boards or option modules are inserted or withdrawn under voltage,
this can result in data loss or destruction of components.

The screws retaining electrical connections at the modules must be
tightened with the following torque:
Screw size ----> tightening torque
M3 ----> 0.5 Nm (for electrical connections)
M3 ----> 0.8 Nm (for mechanical connections)
M4 ----> 1.8 Nm
M5 ----> 3.0 Nm
Tolerance ----> 0/+30 %
After transport, the screws should be tightened!

2.1.1 Installing the control board

The following points must be observed when installing the

”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board into the power module
(refer to Fig. 2-1):

! The ESDS measures must be observed when installing/removing the
control board.

1. Ensure that the power module is in a no--voltage condition.

2. Check that the memory module is inserted and locked into place in
the control board.
If it is not inserted, then refer to the point ”installing/removing the
memory module”.
3. Insert the control board in the power module.
4. Tighten up the screws retaining the board
(2 screws on the front panel, max. torque= 0.8 Nm).
5. Connect--up the front panel of the board corresponding to the con-
nection diagram (refer to Chapter 2.3.1).
The mating connectors are inserted at the appropriate interface.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

2-60 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 2 Installing and Connecting--Up
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules

2.1.2 Installing/removing an option module

An option module is installed/removed from the control board as follows
(refer to Fig. 2-1):

When installing/removing an option module, observe the ESDS

1. Ensure that the control board is in a no--voltage condition.

2. Removing (changing):
Release the screws at the slot and withdraw the option module
from the ”old” control board.
Remove the screws for the cover at the slot for the option module.
3. Insert the module through the front panel until it latches into place.
4. Tighten up the screws holding the module
(2 screws in the front panel, max. torque = 0.8 Nm).
5. Connect--up the front panel of the option module corresponding to
the connection diagram (refer to Chapter 2.3.3).
The mating connectors are inserted at the appropriate interface.

Power module Bolt

”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

control board

Mounting Optional TERMINAL module
... slot for or


For screws:
Memory module Tighten (due to the shield contact)
Max. torque = 0.8 Nm

Fig. 2-1 Installing the control board and an option module

The PROFIBUS firmware, associated with the 611u firmware must be
available on the PROFIBUS--DP option module. Otherwise the
firmware must be upgraded. PROFIBUS--DP1 option modules from
SW 4.1 -- and also in this particular case -- can no longer be used.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 2-61
2 Installing and Connecting--Up 01.99
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules

2.1.3 Installing/removing the memory module

General The memory module can be replaced, and when supplied from the fac-

2 tory, a new control board is already installed.

When replacing the control board (service) with an identical one, a
functioning memory module can be taken from the old control board
and inserted in the new control board. This means that the system soft-
ware can be transferred over with the user files without requiring any
other resources.
When replacing with a type HR or HRS control board, Chapter 2.1.4
or2.1.5 or the mounting instructions provided with the spare part must
be carefully observed.

What types of There are memory modules for n--set or positioning.

memory modules This is labeled at the rear of the memory module:
are available? Designation can be inserted in control board
before SW 4.2
URL.--SOFTWARE POS.--611U for positioning (refer to Chap. 1.3)
URL.--SOFTWARE N_SOLL--611U for n--set (refer to Chapter 1.3)
from SW 4.2
SYS.--SOFTWARE POS.--611U for positioning (refer to Chap. 1.3)
SYS.--SOFTWARE N_SOLL--611U for n--set (refer to Chapter 1.3)
The software designation refers to the system software including
the initial program loader.

How is the A memory module is inserted/replaced as follows:

memory module
! The ESDS measures must be observed when installing/removing the
memory module.

1. Place the old and new control boards on an ESDS--compatible sur-

face (to the left of the front panel).
2. Press the memory module latches downwards and outwards until
they release (refer to Fig. 2-2).
3. Remove the memory from its connections (upwards).
4. Insert the
old memory module into the new control board and the new
memory module into the old control board.
The latches must automatically engage.
5. Check that the latches are correctly engaged.

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2-62 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 2 Installing and Connecting--Up
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules

Control unit

Latch Slot for



Memory module

Fig. 2-2 Installing/removing the memory module

Referencing If a motor with absolute value encoder is mounted to the drive, then if
the firmware release was < 9.1, and a *.par file was downloaded into
the memory module, then the drive must always be re--reference (re--
homed), even if the drive already appears as if it has been referenced
If the referencing (homing) of the axis is completed and takes a lot of
time, then it is possible to save the reference point (home position). A
description on this is provided in the product support in the Internet
under FAQs ID21821692.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 2-63
2 Installing and Connecting--Up 01.99
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules

2.1.4 Replacing a defective HR control board by a new one

General From delivery date 04.2002 onwards, there will be a new

”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR” or ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E HR”
2 control board with a higher encoder resolution (refer to Chapter 1.3 or
1.4). This new hardware simultaneously replaces the previous types
and is coupled to the new software SW 5.1.

”old” ”new”
6SN1118--0NV00--0AAV 6SN1118--VNV01--0AA0
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board
6SN1118--1NV00--0AAV 6SN1118--VNV01--0AA0

6SN1118--0NH10--0AA0”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E” control board 6SN1118--0NH11--0AA0

Replacing control boards

Replace the option module

(refer to Chapter 2.1.2 ”Installing/removing
an option module”)

Replacing the memory module

(refer to Chapter 2.1.3 ”Installing/removing

a memory module”)

Re--connect the terminal block
(this is not present for 611 universal E)

Fig. 2-3 Replacing a defective HR control board by a new one

How is a A control board is installed/removed as follows:

control board
1. Ensure that the power module is in a no--voltage condition.
2. Release the screw connection and withdraw the ”old” control board
from the power module.
3. Remove the memory module from the defective (”old”) and insert
this into the ”new” control board, refer to Chapter 2.1.3 ”Installing/re-
moving a memory module”.
4. Insert the ”new” control board and connect--up the equipment bus.

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2-64 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 2 Installing and Connecting--Up
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules

5. Install the ”SimoCom U” start--up tool with version 5.1 (or higher)
or, when using an ”older” version, observe the following information:
-- Exit SimoCom U.
-- Make a back--up copy of the test file ”...\siemens\lists\control.txt”
in the main SimoCom U directory (generally under ”C:\Program
Files\Siemens\SimoComU”). 2
-- Then open this file with Microsoft Wordpad (not with a text editor!).
-- Search for the following line under the Section ”611U” or the last
line of this section:
-- 6SN1118--1NJ00--0AAx 259 0x00000000 1 1 2 1 ;611U
resolver 1--axis X_SOLL
-- Insert the following lines directly below:
-- 6SN1118--0NH01--0AA0 5 0x00000000 2 2 1 7 ;611U
encoder HR 2--axis N_SOLL
-- 6SN1118--0NK01--0AA0 7 0x00000000 1 2 1 8 ;611U
resolver HR 2--axis N_SOLL
-- 6SN1118--0NJ01--0AA0 8 0x00000000 1 1 1 8 ;611U
resolver HR 1--axis N_SOLL
-- 6SN1118--1NH01--0AA0 261 0x00000000 2 2 2 7 ;611U
encoder HR 2--axis X_SOLL
-- 6SN1118--1NK01--0AA0 263 0x00000000 1 2 2 8 ;611U
resolver HR 2--axis X_SOLL
-- 6SN1118--1NJ01--0AA0 264 0x00000000 1 1 2 8 ;611U
resolver HR 1--axis X_SOLL
-- As last line, insert under the Section ”611UE”:
-- 6SN1118--0NH11--0AA0 9 0x00000000 2 2 1 9 ;611UE
encoder HR 2--axis N_SOLL
-- Save the ”control.txt” file.
-- Restart SimoCom U and continue with Point 6.
6. Save your machine data from the ”old” memory module
(File: ”*.par”) using the ”SimoCom U” start--up tool.
7. Again remove the ”new” control board and replace the ”old” memory
module by the ”new” memory module. Software release  SW 5.1
is already installed on the ”new” memory module.
8. Insert the ”new” control board back into the power module and
tighten the retaining screws (2 screws at the front panel, torque =
0.8 Nm).

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 2-65
2 Installing and Connecting--Up 01.99
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules

9. Re--connect the front panel of the module corresponding to the con-

nection diagram.
Insert the mating connector at the appropriate interface.

2 Notice
For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, connectors X461 and X462
have been extended to an 11--pole version. This means that the signal
conductors connected to this terminal block must be
re--connected to the new (11--pole) terminal block (terminal block
assignment, refer to Fig. 1-5).

10.Download your machine data, saved under 6., into the ”new” control
board using the ”SimoCom U” start--up tool.

! It is only permissible to install/remove a control board when the system
is in a no--voltage condition (i.e. powered--down).
If a control board is inserted or removed under voltage (with the
system powered--up), this can result in data being lost or components
being destroyed.
The ESDS measures must be observed when installing/removing the
control board.

For spare control boards, a set of installation instructions are provided
which describes how the control board is replaced.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

2-66 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 2 Installing and Connecting--Up
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules

2.1.5 Replacing a defective HRS control board by a new one

General From 10.2005 onwards, there will be a new

”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS” or ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E
HRS” control board with a higher computational performance (refer to
Chapter 1.3 or 1.4). This new hardware simultaneously replaces the 2
previous types and is coupled to the new software SW 8.3.

”611 universal”
”old” ”new”
”611 universal HRS”
Replacing control boards

Replace the option module ”611 universal E HRS”

(refer to Chapter 2.1.2
”Installing/removing an option
Replacing the memory module

(refer to Chapter 2.1.3

”Installing/removing a memory

Re--connect the terminal block
(this is not present for 611 universal E)

”611 universal HR”


Replace the option module

(refer to Chapter 2.1.2

”Installing/removing an option
Replacing the memory module

(refer to Chapter 2.1.3

”Installing/removing a memory
Replacing control boards

Fig. 2-4 Replacing a defective HRS control board by a new one

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 2-67
2 Installing and Connecting--Up 01.99
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules

How is a A control board is installed/removed as follows:

control board
1. The user data should be in a file that has been backed--up. This is
because the ”old” memory module does not always run in the new
control board.

2 2. Ensure that the power module is in a no--voltage condition.

3. Release the screw connection and withdraw the ”old” control board
from the power module.
4. Remove the memory module from the defective (”old”) and insert
this into the ”new” control board, refer to
Chapter 2.1.3 ”Installing/removing a memory module”.
5. Insert the ”new” control board, tighten the retaining screws (2
screws at the front panel, max. torque = 0.8 Nm) and connect the
equipment bus.
6. Switch on the drive. If the drive system successfully boots, then the
operation to replace the board has been completed and you can
continue with Point 11.. Otherwise, carry--out the following steps 7.
to 10..
7. Install the ”SimoCom U” start--up tool, Version 8.3 (or higher).
8. Power--down/power--up the drive again and start the ”SimoCom U”
commissioning tool.
9. Comply with the request in ”SimoCom U” ”necessary to upgrade the
firmware” by installing firmware version 8.3 (or higher).
10.If communications are not established or the system does not boot
after it has been upgraded, then the old memory module is either
defective, and cannot be used and must be replaced by the memory
module of the new control board. The appropriate user data should
be downloaded from the archived file.
For a control board with motors with absolute value encoders and a
firmware release <9.1, the axes must be re--referenced, even if they
already appear to have been referenced. If referencing the axis is
complicated and time consuming, then there is a possibility of sav-
ing the reference points. A description on this is provided in Product
Support in the Internet under FAQs ID21821692.
11. Re--connect the front panel of the module corresponding to the con-
nection diagram. Insert the mating connector at the appropriate in-

Plug connectors X461 and X462 have been extended , for ”HR and
”HRS”, to an 11--pin version. This means that the assigned signal
conductors of the (10--pin) terminal block of the SIMODRIVE 611
universal must be re--connected to the new (11--pin) terminal block.
(terminal block assignment, refer to Fig. 1-5).

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

2-68 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 2 Installing and Connecting--Up
2.1 Installing/removing control boards and modules

! It is only permissible to install/remove a control board when the system
is in a no--voltage condition (i.e. powered--down).
If a control board is inserted or removed under voltage (with the
system powered--up), this can result in data being lost or components 2
being destroyed.
The ESDS measures must be observed when installing/removing the
control board.

For spare control boards, a set of installation instructions are provided
which describes how the control board is replaced.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 2-69
2 Installing and Connecting--Up 01.99
2.2 Wiring

2.2 Wiring

2.2.1 General information on connecting-- up

Reader’s note
Information on the subjects
S Cabinet design
S Basic rules regarding electromagnetic compatibility (basic EMC
S Equipotential bonding
S Wiring and cabling
S EMC--compliant wiring
S Shielding and shield connections
S Handling modules that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge
(ESDS measures), etc.
are included in
Reference: /EMC/ EMC Guidelines, Configuration Manual

! Cable shields and cores/conductors of power cables which are not
used (e.g. brake conductors) must be connected to PE potential in
order to discharge charges arising from capacitive coupling.
Non--observance can cause lethal shock voltages.

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2.2 Wiring

Mini connector For the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board, a compact connec-
MICRO-- tor is used (this is also known as mini connector).
COMBICON The following information is required when handling this mini connector:
S Introducing conductors (refer to Fig.2-5):
-- for solid conductors with 0.2 -- 0.5 mm2 or stranded conductors
with end sleeve 2
The conductors can be introduced without having to use a tool.
Insert the conductor into the required terminal.
-- for solid conductors < 0.2 mm2 or stranded conductors without
end sleeve
The lever--type opener must be pressed in order to introduce the
conductor (e.g. using a screwdriver 0.4 S 2.0 S 20 mm).
Depress the lever--type opener below to the particular terminal.
Insert the conductor into the opening provided and then release
the lever--type opener.
S Coding (refer to Fig. 2-5):
The connectors with the same number of pins should be coded so
that the incorrect connector cannot be inserted. A star with 6 individ-
ual coding profile is supplied with each control board.
Insert the coding element into the required coding groove on the
base housing. Now break--off the appropriate coding lug at the con-
nector section (e.g. coding groove/lug 2).

Test sockets Connector part Coding grooves

To measure the voltage at a terminal, The coding elements are
a measuring probe with max.  1 mm Base housing inserted here
diameter can be inserted in this (red insulating material)
Coding lugs
The appropriate lugs
Marking are broken off for
The self--adhesive coding.
labeling strips can Introducing the conductor
then be attached. (max. 0.5 mm2)
S Stranded conductor
S solid conductor
Lever--type opener
The terminal contact to introduce the conductor or to release a
conductor is opened using this element.
pressed ----> terminal contact opened 8 mm
not pressed ----> terminal contact closed

Fig. 2-5 Compact connector (Mini connector)

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2 Installing and Connecting--Up 01.99
2.2 Wiring

Recommended The following cables are recommended when connecting--up the most
cable important terminals on the control board:

Table 2-1 Recommended cable

2 Cable
Description Order No. (MLFB)

Analog Term. 56.A/14.A cond. 2 S 2 S 0.38 mm2 6FX2008--1BD21-- VVVV

inputs Term. 24.A/20.A cond. 2 S 2 S 0.38 mm2 Cable, sold by the meter,
Note: twisted pairs with overall
4--conductor connection, e.g. at drive A
4 S 2 S 0.38 mm2 +
4 S 0.5 mm2
Analog Term. 75.A/15 conductor 2 S 0.5 mm2
outputs Term. 16.A/15 conductor 2 S 0.5 mm2
Angular Term. A+.A cond. 1 S 0.38 mm2 6FX2008--1BD21-- VVVV
incre- Term. A--.A cond. 1 S 0.38 mm2 Cable, sold by the meter,
mental twisted pairs with overall
Term. B+.A cond. 1 S 0.38 mm2
encoder shield
inter- Term. B--.A cond. 1 S 0.38 mm2
face Term. R+.A cond. 1 S 0.38 mm2
4 S 2 S 0.38 mm2 +
Term. R--.A cond. 1 S 0.38 mm2 4 S 0.5 mm2
T. 15 (from SW 5.1) cond. 1 S 0.38 mm2 Condition to maintain the
Remaining: burst strength: Cable
Conductor 1 S 0.38 mm2 + 4 S 0.5 mm2 length < 30 m

Input/ Term. I0.x to term. I3.x 50--conductor cable with-

output Term. O0.x to term. O3.x out overall shield
termi- Conductors: 50 S 0.38
Term. I4 to term. I11
nals mm2
Term. O4 to term. O11

Shield connection To connect the shield to the side of the power module, the cable end
to the side of the must be prepared as illustrated in Fig. 2-6.
power module
With the shield exposed, the cable is connected at the top of the power
module using a shield connecting terminal (tapped holes are provided).

Approx. 300 Approx. 15 Approx. 15

Cable sheath

Shrink--on sleeve Exposed shield to scale

Fig. 2-6 Preparing the cable end for the shield connection

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2.2 Wiring

S The cable shield should be connected at both cable ends through
the largest possible surface area.
S Recommendation for the end of the conductor:
Remove 5 mm of insulation from the end of the conductor and
attach the specified cable lug using the manual crimping tool.
-- Pin--type cable lug from the AMP company
Type A, yellow, DIN cable cross--section range 0.14 --
0.35 mm2, max. insulation diameter 2.1 mm, Order No.:
-- Manual crimping tool from AMP
CERTI--CRIMP, Order No.: 169485--0

2.2.2 Connecting--up and setting the line supply infeed module

Wiring Connecting--up the line supply infeed module will not be described in
any more detail in this documentation. The following applies:

Reader’s note
Information on connecting--up the supply infeed modules, technical
data as well as an interface overview are included in:
Reference: /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters
Chapter ”Line infeed (NE)”

Setting switch S1 There is a 6--position switch S1 on the top or front of the line supply
infeed module.
The setting of this switch is not described in any more detail in this doc-
umentation. The following applies:

Reader’s note
Information on setting switch S1 at the line supply infeed module is
included in:
Reference: /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters
Chapter ”Line infeed (NE)”

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2 Installing and Connecting--Up 01.99
2.2 Wiring

2.2.3 Connecting--up the power module

Table 2-2 Overview of the interfaces

2 No.
Function Type
Technical specifications

Motor connections
U2 A1 Motor connection O Note:
V2 for drive A Additional information on connecting--up the power
W2 module, technical data as well as interface over-
view are included in:
U2 A2 Motor connection O Reference: /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611
V2 for drive B Configuration Manual,
(only for 2--axis Drive Converters
power modules) Chapter ”Power module”
PE Protective conductor I 0V
DC link
P600 -- DC link IO Conductor bar
Equipment bus
-- X151 Equipment bus IO Ribbon cable: 34--pole
Voltages: various
Signals: various
1) O: Output; I: Input; IO: Input/output

! If a contactor is used between the motor and the power module, then it
must be ensured that this contactor is only switched in a no--current
condition (power circuit).
When terminal 663 (pulse cancellation) is simultaneously de--energized
and the coil of the power contactor, this condition is maintained. The
pulses are almost instantaneously canceled, the contactor contacts are
then in a no--current condition, and switch somewhat later due to the
contact delay.
Switching on:
Terminal 663 may only be energized if all of the main contacts of the
power contactor are closed (e.g. terminal 663 is switched through an
auxiliary contact of the power contactor).

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2.3 Connection diagram and wiring

2.3.1 Connection diagram for the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” board

Supply infeed module Power module with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

Motor encoder X411 Motor encoder

drive A X412 drive B
External Internal Chkb. signal AS1 Signaling contact
X111 Pulse enable AS2 Start inhibit
External P24 X431 Internal External
Relay contact
73.2 supply M24
Ready IF: Pulse enable
signal EN+ 9 RF: Contr. enable
72 IF 663 EN+: Enable volt.
Reference EN-- 19
Group signal, X121 5.3 external DAC1
I2t/temperature 5.2 AO1 75.A
monitoring 5.1 16.A M
AO2 Test sockets
Pulse enable 63 Analog

9 EN+ outputs AO1 X34
9 AO2 16.B
Drive enable 64 Reference 15
19 EN--
X141 0 ... 10 V 56.A 56.B Analog
7 P24
(e.g. nset 1) 14.A 14.B input 1
45 P15
44 N15 Analog 24.A 24.B Analog
10 N24 input 2 20.A 20.B input 2
15 M RF 65.A 65.B RF
15 M EN+ 9 9 EN+
X161 I0.A I0.B
9 EN+ Digital Digital
Setting--up oper. I1.A I1.B
112 inputs inputs


Contactor control 48 I2.A I2.B

(I: Input) (I: Input)
111 I3.A I3.B
contacts, 113 A+.A A+.B
line contactorX171 A--.A A--.B
B+.A B+.B
Angular Angular


X172 AS1 B--.A B--.B

Signaling incremental incremental
AS2 encoder R+.A R+.B encoder
interface R--.A R--.B interface
Start inhibit JP 5V
EXT UNIT 151) 151)
Equip- Digital
μ UDC link>> O0.A O0.B
μ ment outputs Digital
X181 M500 (O: Output) O1.A O1.B
bus outputs
Note: O2.A O2.B (O: Output)


2U1 O3.A O3.B

The terminals which 1U1
are highlighted X471 Serial interface
must, as a minimum, 1V1 DC link P 600
be connected up in 2W1
order that the drives 1W1 M 600
can operate.
A1 A2

U1 V1 W1 PE1 U2 V2 W2 PE PE PE U2 V2 W2
to X411 to X412
L1 M M
to (from) E E
L2 3μ 3μ
L3 control
Drive A (motor 1) Drive B (motor 2)
1) from SW 5.1, for 6SN1118--VNV01--0AAV: Order No.[MLFB] refer to Table 1-2

Fig. 2-7 Connection diagram for the control board

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2.3 Connection diagram and wiring ! not 611ue !

2.3.2 Connecting--up the control board

Board-- The board--specific terminals and interfaces are available, common for

2 specific
terminals and
both drive A and B.

Table 2-3 Overview of the board--specific terminals and interfaces

Terminal Function Type Technical specifications

No. Desig-
Signaling terminal, start inhibit (X421)
AS1 Signaling contact NC Connector type: 2--pin conn. strip
Start inhibit Max. cond. cross--sect.: 2.5 mm2
X421 Feedback signal Contact: Floating NC contact
AS2 from terminal 663
Contact load capability: at 250 VAC max. 1 A2)
at 30 VDC max. 2 A


AS2 Relay, safe AS2 Relay, safe

start inhibit start inhibit
T. 663 T. 663

Pulses not enabled (T. 663) Pulses enabled (T. 663)

The gating pulses of the power The gating pulses of the power
transistors are inhibited. transistors are enabled.

1) NC: Normally closed contact

2) Corresponding to EN 60204--1 (Safety of Machinery), control transformers should be used when using
AC control voltages.

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Table 2-3 Overview of the board--specific terminals and interfaces, continued

Terminal Function Type Technical specifications

No. Desig-
Terminals for supply and pulse enable (X431) 2
Connector type: 5--pin conn. strip
Max. cond. cross--sect.: 1.5 mm2
P24 X431.1 External power sup- S
ply for digital outputs
(+24 V) Voltage tolerance
(including ripple): 10 V to 30 V
M24 X431.2 Reference for the S
external supply
The external supply is required for the following digital outputs:
S 8 outputs of the drive--specific terminals (X461, O0.A -- O3.A/X462, O0.B -- O3.B)
S 8 outputs of the optional TERMINAL module (X432, O4 -- O11)
When dimensioning the external power supply, the total current of all of the digital outputs must
be taken into account.
Maximum total current:
S for the control board (all 8 outputs): 2.4 A
S for the optional TERMINAL module (all 8 outputs): 480 mA
Board/module Outputs Dimensioning the external supply
Control board 8 max. 1.5 A ----> 24 V/1.5 A
Control module +
optional TERMINAL module 8 + 8 max. (1.5 A + 280 mA) ----> 24 V/1.8 A
9 X431.3 Enable voltage S Reference: Terminal 19
(+24 V) Maximum current(for the total group): 500 mA
The enable voltage (terminal 9) can be used to supply
the enable signals (e.g. pulse enable) as 24 V auxil-
iary voltage.
663 X431.4 Pulse enable I Voltage tolerance
(+24 V) (including ripple): 21 V to 30 V
Typ. current consumption: 25 mA at 24 V
The pulse enable acts simultaneously on drive A and
drive B. When this pulse enable is withdrawn, the
drives ”coast down” unbraked.
19 X431.5 Reference S Note:
(Reference for all If the enable signals are to be controlled from an exter-
digital inputs) nal voltage and not from terminal 9, then the reference
potential (ground) of the external source must be con-
nected to this terminal.
1) I: Input; S: Supply

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2.3 Connection diagram and wiring ! not 611ue !

Table 2-3 Overview of the board--specific terminals and interfaces, continued

Terminal Function Type Technical specifications

No. Desig-

2 Serial interface (X471)

-- X471 Serial interface for IO Connector type: 9--pin D--sub socket connector
”SimoCom U” Note:
S Online operation via the serial RS232/RS485 inter-
face ----> refer to Chapter 3.3.3
S Pin assignment of the interface ----> refer to Chap-
ter 2.4
S Cable diagram ----> refer to Chapter 2.5
Equipment bus (X351)
-- X351 Equipment bus IO Ribbon cable: 34--pin
Voltages: various
Signals: various
Test sockets (X34)
DAC1 Test socket 12) MA Test socket:  2 mm
l ti 8 bits
DAC2 X34 Test socket 22) MA
Rated operating voltage: 0 V to 5 V
M Reference MA Maximum current: 3 mA
1) I: Input; S: Supply; IO: Input/output; MA: Measuring signal, analog
2) Can be freely parameterized

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! not 611ue ! 2.3 Connection diagram and wiring

Drive-- The drive--specific terminals are available for both drive A and drive B.
Table 2-4 Overview of the drive--specific terminals

Terminal Function Type Technical specifications

Drive A Drive B
No. Desig- No. Desig-
nation nation
Encoder connection (X411, X412)
-- X411 -- -- Motor encoder con- I Reference:
nection, drive A /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Convert-
-- -- -- X412 Motor encoder con- I Chapter ”Indirect and direct position
nection, drive B sensing”
or Encoder limit frequencies:
connection, direct S Enc. with sin/cos 1Vpp: 350 kHz
measuring system
(from SW 3.3) S Resolver: 12 Bit 432 Hz
14 Bit 108 Hz
S Enc. with TTL signal4): 420 kHz
Analog outputs (X441)
75.A X441.1 -- -- Analog output 12) AO Connector type: 5--pin conn. strip
Wiring: refer to3)
16.A X441.2 -- -- Analog output 22) AO Max. conductor cross--section for fine-
ly--stranded or solid cond.: 0 5 mm2
cond : 0.5
-- -- 75.B X441.3 Analog output 12) AO Rated oper. voltage: --10 V to +10 V
M i
Maximum current:
t 3 mA
-- -- 16.B X441.4 Analog output 22) AO
Resolution: 8 bits
15 X441.5 15 X441.5 Reference -- Update: In the speed--contr. clock
(electronics ground)
Short--circuit proof
1) I: Input; AO: Analog output
2) Can be freely parameterized
3) The analog outputs (X441) should be connected through a terminal strip.
A shielded cable should be used together for all of the analog outputs together between X441 and the
terminal strip. For this cable, the shield must be connected at both cable ends.
The 4 analog cables can be routed away from the terminal strip. The shield of the cables must be
connected and the ground cables must be connected to a common ground terminal.
4) Only with control board, Order No. 6SN1118--VNH01--0AAV, from SW 8.1

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2.3 Connection diagram and wiring ! not 611ue !

Table 2-4 Overview of the drive--specific terminals, continued

Terminal Function Type Technical specifications

Drive A Drive B
No. Desig- No. Desig-
2 nation nation
Terminals for analog inputs and digital inputs/outputs (X451, X452)
Connector type: 10--pin conn. strip
X451 X452
Max. cond. cross-section for finely--stranded or solid cond.: 0.5 mm2
56.A X451.1 56.B X452.1 Analog input 1 AI Differential input
Voltage range
14.A X451.2 14.B X452.2 Reference 1 (limit values): --12.5 V to +12.5 V
Input resistance: 100 k
24.A X451.3 24.B X452.3 Analog input 2
Resolution: 14 bits (sign + 13 bits)
20.A X451.4 20.B X452.4 Reference 2 Wiring: Connect the cable with the
braided shield at both ends
65.A X451.5 65.B X452.5 Controller enable I Typ. curr. consumption: 6 mA at 24 V
drive--specific Signal level (incl. ripple)
High signal level: 15 V to 30 V
Low signal level: --3 V to 5 V
Electrical isolation:
Ref. is T. 19/T. M24
9 X451.6 9 X452.6 Enable voltage S Reference: Terminal 19
(+24 V) Maximum current
(for the total group): 500 mA
The enable voltage (terminal 9) can
be used to supply the enable signals
(e.g. controller enable).
I0.A X451.7 I0.B X452.7 Digital input 02) DI Voltage: 24 V
Fast input3) Typ. current consumption:
e.g. for 8.6 mA at 24 V
equivalent zero Signal level (incl. ripple)
mark, external High signal level: 15 V to 30 V
block change (from Low signal level: --3 V to 5 V
SW 3.1) Electrical isolation:
Ref. is T. 19/T. M24
I1.A X451.8 I1.B X452.8 Digital input 12) DI Note:
S Parameterization of the input ter-
i l and d th
the standard
t d d assign-
I2.A X451.9 I2.B X452.9 Digital input 22) DI
ment is described in
Chapter 6.4.2.
I3.A X451.10 I3.B X452.10 Digital input 32) DI S An open--circuit input is
interpreted as 0 signal.

1) I: Input; DI: Digital input; AI: Analog input; S: Supply,

2) Can be freely parameterized
All of the digital inputs are de--bounced per software. For the signal detection, this results in a delay time
of between 1 and 2 interpolation clock cycles (P1010).
3) I0.x is internally hard--wired to the position sensing function where it acts almost instantaneously.

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09.05 2 Installing and Connecting--Up
! not 611ue ! 2.3 Connection diagram and wiring

Table 2-4 Overview of the drive--specific terminals, continued

Terminal Function Type Technical specifications

Drive A Drive B
No. Desig- No. Desig-
nation nation 2
Drive--specific terminals (X461, X462)
Connector type: 10--pin conn. strip
X461 X462
Max. cond. cross--section for finely-stranded or solid cond.: 0.5 mm2
A+.A X461.1 A+.B X462.1 Signal A+ IO Angular
g incremental encoder interface
A--.A X461.2 A--.B X462.2 Signal A-- IO Wiring:
B+.A X461.3 B+.B X462.3 Signal B+ IO
S Cable
C bl withith b
id d shield,
hi ld con-
nected at both ends.
B--.A X461.4 B--.B X462.4 Signal B-- IO S Thee reference
e e e ce ground
g ou d of
o the
t e con-
R+.A X461.5 R+.B X462.5 Signal R+ IO nected node should be connected
to terminal 15.
R--.A X461.6 R--.B X462.6 Signal R-- IO S Condition to maintain the burst
153) X461.7 15 X462.7 Ground reference -- strength: Cable length < 30 m
Devices (stations) that conform to the RS485/RS422 Standard must be connected.
The permissible signal level lies between 0 V and +5 V. The module will be destroyed if higher
voltages are connected, e.g. 24 V!
The angular incremental encoder interface can be parameterized as either input or output (refer
to Chapter 6.8).
S Input (from SW 3.3) To enter incremental position reference values
S Output To output incremental position actual values
O0.A X461.8 O0.B X462.8 Digital output 02) DO Rated current per output: 500 mA
Max. current per output: 600 mA
Maximum total current: 2.4 A
(valid for these 8 outputs)
Voltage drop,
drop typical:
O1.A X461.9 O1.B X462.9 Digital output 12) DO 250 mV at 500 mA
Short--circuit proof
p termi-
Parameterization of the output
O2.A X461.10 O2.B X462.10 Digital output 22) DO nals as well as the standard assign-
ment is described in Chapter 6.4.5.
If all 8 outputs are simultaneously
controlled, then the following is valid:
O3.A X461.11 O3.B X462.11 Digital output 32) DO  Current = 240 mA ----> OK
 Current = 2.8 A ----> not OK, as the
summed current (total current) is
greater than 2.4 A.
S The power switched via these outputs is supplied via terminals P24/M24 (X431). This must be
taken into account when dimensioning the external supply.
S The digital outputs only ”function” if there is an external supply (+24 V/0 V, terminals
1) DO: Digital output; IO: Input/output
2) Can be freely parameterized
The digital outputs are updated in the interpolation clock cycle (P1010). This is supplemented by a
hardware--related delay time of approx. 200 s.
3) ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS” (Order No.[MLFB] 6SN1118-- VNVV1-- VVVV (with SW 5.1 or higher)

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2.3 Connection diagram and wiring ! not 611ue !

2.3.3 Connection diagram, connecting--up the optional TERMINAL


2 Connection
diagram for the
External P24 module
supply M24 X422
EN+ 9 I4 External
IF 663 I5
External EN-- 19 I6
reference I7 Digital
I8 inputs
I9 (I: Input)
O7 Digital
O8 outputs
O9 (O: Output)
Control board

Fig. 2-8 Connection diagram for the optional TERMINAL module

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Connecting--up the Connector type: 8--pin plug connector

optional Max. conductor cross--section for finely--stranded or solid conductors:
TERMINAL module 0.5 mm2
(X422, X432)
Table 2-5 Interface overview for the optional TERMINAL module

Terminal Function Type Technical specifications

No. Desig-
Digital inputs (X422)
I4 X422.1 Digital input 42) DI Voltage: 24 V
I5 X422.2 Digital input 52) DI Typ. current consumption: 6 mA at 24 V
i l isolation:
i l i Ref.
R f is
i T.
T 19/T.
19/T M24
I6 X422.3 Digital input 62) DI
Signal level (incl.
(incl ripple)
I7 X422.4 Digital input 72) DI High signal level: 15 V to 30 V
I8 X422.5 Digital input 82) DI Low signal level: --3 V to 5 V
I9 X422.6 Digital input 92) DI
An open--circuit
open circuit input is interpreted as 0 signal.
I10 X422.7 Digital input 102) DI
I11 X422.8 Digital input 112) DI
Digital outputs (X432)
O4 X432.1 Digital output 43) DO Rated current per output: 100 mA
Max. current per output: 120 mA
O5 X432.2 Digital output 53) DO Maximum total current: 480 mA
(valid for these 8 outputs)
O6 X432.3 Digital output 63) DO Short--circuit proof
O7 X432.4 Digital output 73) DO Voltage drop, typical: 50 mV at 100 mA
Electrical isolation: Ref. is T. 19/T. M24
O8 X432.5 Digital output 83) DO Example:
If allll 8 outputs are simultaneously
i l l controlled,
ll d then
h the
O9 X432.6 Digital output 93) DO
following g is valid:
O10 X432.7 Digital output 103) DO  Current = 240 mA ----> OK
 Current = 540 mA ----> not OK,
OK as the total current is
O11 X432.8 Digital output 113) DO greater than 480 mA.

S The parameterization of the terminals and the standard assignment is described in Chap.6.5.
S The power switched via these outputs is supplied via the board--specific terminal 431 (exter-
nal supply, P24, M24) from the control board.
This must be taken into account when dimensioning the external supply.
S The digital outputs only ”function” if an external power supply is available (+24 V, T.
1) DI: Digital input; DO: Digital output
2) Can be freely parameterized
All of the digital inputs are de--bounced per software. For the signal detection, this results in a delay time
of between 1 and 2 interpolation clock cycles (P1010).
3) Can be freely parameterized
The digital outputs are updated in the interpolation clock cycle (P1010). This is supplemented by a
hardware--related delay time of approx. 200 s.

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2.3 Connection diagram and wiring ! not 611ue !

2.3.4 Connection diagram, connecting--up the optional PROFIBUS--DP


2 Connection
diagram for the

e.g. SIMATIC S7--300 (DP master)



CP 5511
(from SW 3.1)
CP 5611


DP slave DP slave

X423 X423
... Power module with ...
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
control board and
optional PROFIBUS--DP module

Fig. 2-9 Connection diagram for the optional PROFIBUS--DP module

! The serial interface (X471) and the PROFIBUS--DP interface (X423)
use 9--pin D--SUB socket connectors.
If the cables are interchanged when connecting--up, this could destroy
the module or board of the communications partner.

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Bus connector and The following bus connectors can be connected to the optional PROFI-
mounting BUS--DP module:
S Bus connector for copper cable (e.g.: Cable 6XV1 830--0AH10)
Order No. (MLFB): 6ES7 972--0BB40--0XA0 (with PG connection)
Order No. (MLFB): 6ES7 972--0BA40--0XA0 (without PG connec-
tion) 2
The following bus connectors are permissible for copper cable:
Order No. (MLFB): 6FX2 003--0AA03 (with PG connection)
Order No. (MLFB): 6FX2 003--0AA02 (without PG connection)
Order No. (MLFB): 6GK1 500--0EA00 (axial cable outlet)
S OLP (optical link plug)
Bus connector for fiber--optic cables (baud rate: max. 1.5 Mbaud)
Order No. (MLFB): 6GK1 502--1AA00

80.1 (348) Optional PROFIBUS--DP module

74.9 (343)

Front panel
Front panel
Bus connector for copper OLP (optical link plug)
cables (with PG connection) Bus connector for fiber--optic
Note: cables

S The dimensions in brackets specify the total depth up to the rear cabinet panel.
S The external shield should be connected through the largest possible surface area (refer to Fig. 2-6).

Fig. 2-10 Mounting depth of the bus connector for the optional PROFIBUS--DP module

Reader’s note
Additional information on configuring a PROFIBUS--DP network is
provided in:
References: /IK10/ SIMATIC NET, Industrial communications,
Catalog IK 10
/STPI/ PROFIBUS & AS Interface, Components
Connected to the Field Bus, Catalog ST PI

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2 Installing and Connecting--Up 01.99
2.4 Pin assignment of the interfaces

2.4 Pin assignment of the interfaces

Pin assignment of Connector designation: X411 ----> Drive A

2 X411/X412 for
the control board Connector type:
X412 ----> Drive B
25--pin, D--Sub, plug connector
for encoder with
sin/cos 1Vpp and
Table 2-6 Assignment of X411/X412 for encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp
TTL signal (from
SW 8.1) Pin Signal name Pin Signal name
1 P_Encoder 14 5 V sense
2 M_Encoder 15 EnDat_DAT
3 A 16 0 V sense
4 *A 17 R
5 Inner shield 18 *R
6 B 19 C
7 *B 20 *C
8 Inner shield 21 D
9 Reserved 22 *D
10 EnDat_CLK 23 *EnDat_DAT
11 Reserved 24 Inner shield
12 *EnDat_CLK 25 --Temp (KTY/PTC)
13 +Temp (KTY/PTC) -- --

Cable Order No. (MLFB)

Motor encoder incremental 6FXV 002--2CA31--1VV0
Motor encoder incremental (AH20) 6FXV 002--2CA20--1VV0
Motor encoder absolute 6FX2 002--2EQ00--1VV0
Motor encoder absolute (EnDat) 6FX2 002--2EQ10--1VV0
Motor encoder absolute (AH20) 6FXV 002--2EQ20--1VV0
V: Space retainer for the cable type (length, ...)
Motor encoder, TTL signal the user does not have to
assemble a shielded
connecting cable
(only with control board, Order No. 6SN1118--VNH01--0AAV,
from SW 8.1)
References: /Z/ Catalog NC Z, Accessories and Equipment

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2-86 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 2 Installing and Connecting--Up
2.4 Pin assignment of the interfaces

Pin assignment of Connector designation: X411 ----> Drive A

X411/X412 for the X412 ----> Drive B
control board for Connector type: 25--pin, D--Sub, plug connector
Table 2-7 Assignment of X411/X412 for resolvers

Pin Signal name Pin Signal name 2

1 Reserved 14 Reserved
2 M_Encoder 15 Reserved
3 SIN_PLUS 16 Reserved
4 SIN_MINUS 17 Reserved
5 Inner shield 18 Reserved
6 COS_PLUS 19 Reserved
7 COS_MINUS 20 Reserved
8 Inner shield 21 Reserved
9 Excitation_Pos 22 Reserved
10 Reserved 23 Reserved
11 Excitation_Neg 24 Inner shield
12 Reserved 25 Temp-- (KTY/PTC)
13 Temp+ (KTY/PTC) -- --

Cable Order No. (MLFB)

Resolver in the motor 6FX2 002--2CF01--1VV0
Resolver in the motor (AH20) 6FXV 002--2CF20--1VV0
V: Space retainer for the cable type (length, ...)
References: /Z/ Catalog NC Z, Accessories and Equipment

Serial Connector type: 9--pin, D--Sub socket connector

Table 2-8 Assignment of the serial interface

Pin Signal name Pin Signal name

1 RS485 DATA+ 6 Reserved
2 RS232 TxD 7 RS232 CTS
3 RS232 RxD 8 RS232 RTS
4 Reserved 9 RS485 DATA--
5 Ground 0 V -- --
S The serial interface can be declared an RS232 or an RS485 interface by
appropriate parameterization (refer to Chapter 3.3.3).
S When set as an RS485 interface, a terminating resistor can be switched
in/out via switch S1 on the front panel.
S The cable diagrams for the serial interface are provided in Chapter 2.5.

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2 Installing and Connecting--Up 01.99
2.4 Pin assignment of the interfaces

Pin assignment of Connector type:9--pin, D--Sub socket connector

X423 for
the optional
Table 2-9 Assignment of the PROFIBUS--DP interface
module Pin Signal name Pin Signal name
2 1 Reserved 6 VP,
Supply voltage plus (P5V)
2 Reserved 7 Reserved
3 RxD/TxD--P, 8 RxD/TxD--N,
Receive/send data P Receive/send data N
B cable A conductor
4 RTS, Request To Send 9 Reserved
5 DGND, -- --
Data reference potential (M5V)

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10.99 2 Installing and Connecting--Up
2.5 Cable diagrams

2.5 Cable diagrams

Cable diagram for Cable diagram: 9/9 conductor

A commercially available 1 : 1 serial extension cable can be used to
connect a PG/PC to ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”.

PG/PC SIMODRIVE 611 universal

0.1 mm2
RxD 2 2 TxD
TxD 3 3 RxD
0V 5 5 0V
9--pin 9--pin
D--sub D--Sub
skt. con. plug con.
Connection to a Connection at X471
serial interface,
Setting the interface to
e.g. COM1/COM2 for PC/PG
RS232 (P0801 = 0)

Fig. 2-11 RS232 connecting cable with RTS/CTS lines:

PG/PC <--> SIMODRIVE 611 universal

PG/PC SIMODRIVE 611 universal

0.1 mm2
RxD 2 2 TxD
TxD 3 3 RxD
0V 5 5 0V
9--pin 9--pin
D--sub Jumpered D--Sub
skt. con. in the plug con.
Connection to a connector Connection at X471
serial interface,
Setting the interface to
e.g. COM1/COM2 for PC/PG
RS232 (P0801 = 0)

Fig. 2-12 RS232 connecting cable without RTS/CTS lines:

PG/PC <--> SIMODRIVE 611 universal

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2.5 Cable diagrams

Cable diagram: 25/9 conductor

PG SIMODRIVE 611 universal

0.1 mm2
RxD 3 2 TxD
2 TxD
DTR 20
1 Jumpered in the
25--pin connector 9--pin
D--Sub D--Sub
plug con. Remove the latch plug con.
interlock on the
Connection to a SIMODRIVE side Connection at X471
serial interface
Setting the interface to
e.g. COM1 V24/AG for PG
RS232 (P0801 = 0)

Fig. 2-13 RS232 connecting cable: PG <--> SIMODRIVE 611 universal

Order No.: 6FC9 348--2Tj00 j = B ----> Length 5 m

j = C ----> Length 10 m

Cable diagram for


SIMODRIVE 611 universal

0.1 mm2
RS232/RS485 1 (data +)
interface 9 (data --) First
RS--485 node
converter 9--pin
D--sub, plug
Connection at X471
Setting the interface to
RS485 (P0801 = 1)

PG/PC RS232 SIMODRIVE 611 universal

1 (data +)
9 (data --) n--th
RS--485 9--pin node
D--sub, plug
Connection at X471
Pins which are not used
Setting the interface to
may not be assigned.
RS485 (P0801 = 1)

Fig. 2-14 RS485 connecting cable:

PG/PC <----> RS232/RS485 interface converter <----> SIMODRIVE 611 universal

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2-90 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
Parameterizing the Board 3
3.1 Overview when parameterizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-92
Parameterizing using the display and operator unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Parameterizing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-94 3
3.2.2 Example: Changing a parameter value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-99
3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U . 3-100
3.3.1 Installing SimoCom U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-100
3.3.2 Entry into SimoCom U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-103
3.3.3 Online operation: SimoCom U via a serial interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-108
3.3.4 Online operation: SimoCom U via PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1) . . . . . . 3-114

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3 Parameterizing the Board 01.99
3.1 Overview when parameterizing

3.1 Overview when parameterizing

General You can parameterize ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” as follows:

S Using the display and operator unit on the front panel of
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
S Using the parameterizing and start--up tool
(SimoCom U) on a PG/PC
3 -- SimoCom U via serial interface (RS232/RS485)
----> refer to Chapter 3.3.3
-- SimoCom U via PROFIBUS--DP (CP 5511/CP 5611/CP 5613)
----> refer to Chapter 3.3.4

SIMODRIVE 611 universal RAM

FEPROM memory)
(non--volatile Display and
memory) Drive B
Save operator unit
Drive A
Drive B
Drive A Para--
Para-- Power on
meter set + P --
set POWER--ON to
meter RESET display
set and
interface interface
X471) (e.g. X423)

or (from SW 3.1)

Serial CP 5511 (PCMCIA card with adapter)

interface or
(e.g. COM1) CP 5611 CP 5613 (short PCI card)
Online operation
Parameterizing ----> the parameter set of a drive is
and start--up tool processed in the RAM of
PG/PC ”SimoCom U” ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
Offline mode
----> the parameter set is processed in
a file on the PG/PC

Fig. 3-1 Overview when parameterizing

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3.2 Parameterizing using the display and operator unit

3.2 Parameterizing using the display and operator unit

General The display and operator unit is used to

S Select, display and change parameters, sub--parameters and pa-
rameter values (refer to Chapter 3.2.1)
S Display and control when faults and warnings occur
(refer to Chapter 7.2)
Operating statuses The display unit on the front panel of the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
of the display unit control board can have the following operating statuses:

Table 3-1 Operating statuses of the display unit

Operating state Selection Description

Power--on mode Automatically S Power--on before first commissioning:
after power--on The following is displayed ”A1106” or
The parameterizing mode is se- S Power--on after the first commissioning:
lected by pressing any key After power--on and the system has suc-
on the operator unit (PLUS/MI- cessfully booted it goes into cyclic oper-
NUS/P key). ation and ”_ _ _ run” is displayed.
Parameterizing This mode can be selected from The parameterizing mode is used to select
mode S Power--on mode parameters and sub--parameter numbers and
(refer to Chapter to display and change parameter values.
3.2.1) Note:
S Alarm mode
You cannot change into another mode from
the parameterizing mode.
The other modes are automatically selected.
The parameterizing mode is
selected by pressing the MINUS
key on the operator unit.

Alarm mode Automatically The alarm mode is used to display faults and
(refer to Chapter after at least one fault or warning warnings.
7.2) occurs

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3 Parameterizing the Board 01.99
3.2 Parameterizing using the display and operator unit

3.2.1 Parameterizing mode

Display types In the parameterizing mode, a differentiation is made between the fol-
lowing display types:
S Parameter display
S Sub--parameter display

3 Note
Only those parameters are displayed, which correspond to the
selected authorization level.
Parameter P0651 is used to define which parameters can be read and
written into (refer to Chapter 4.5).

S Value display

Parameters These parameters can be displayed and handled in the following ways
without (example with A1400: Parameter 1400 from drive A):
and value display,
max. 6 digits

+ + Subsequent
Parameter display parameter parameter
-- -- +: Key +
P --: Key --
+ + P: Key P
Value display
-- --
Fig. 3-2 Handling parameters without sub--parameter and value display, max. 6 positions

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3.2 Parameterizing using the display and operator unit

Parameter with These parameters can be displayed and handled in the following ways
sub--parameter (example with A1401: Parameter 1401 from drive A):
and value display,
max. 6 digits

Parameter display +: Key +

+ + --: Key --
-- -- P: Key P
-- P 3
+ +
Sub--parameter display
-- --
Value display P
+ +
-- --
Fig. 3-3 Handling parameters with sub--parameter and value display, max. 6 positions

Parameters For these parameters, the following display and handling possibilities
without exist (example with A0160: Parameter 0160 from drive A):
and value display
> 6 digits

+ + Subsequent
Parameter display
parameter parameter
-- --
Sub--divided into H: High part
-- + +
L: Low part
+: Key + --
--: Key -- P P
P: Key P
Value display -- + -- +
Display from the Display up to the
the value 123 456.789)
7th position 6th position

Fig. 3-4 Handling parameters with sub--parameter and value display > 6 positions

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3.2 Parameterizing using the display and operator unit

Parameters with These parameters can be displayed and handled in the following ways
sub--parameter (example with A0081: Parameter 0081 from drive A):
and value display
> 6 digits

Parameter display

+ + Subsequent
parameter parameter
-- --
3 +: Key + P
-- +
--: Key -- +
P: Key P --
-- +
Sub--divided into H: High part
L: Low part
Value display -- + -- +
the value 123 456.789) Display from the Display up to the
7th position 6th position

Fig. 3-5 Handling parameters with sub--parameter and value display > 6 positions

Examples: Display in
A081.0H A081.0L
S P0081:0 = 123 456.789 mm 123 456.789
S P0081:5 = --3 459.765 mm --3 459.765

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3.2 Parameterizing using the display and operator unit

Key The following key combinations are available to make operator entries
combinations in the display types:

Table 3-2 Key combinations for operator control in the display types

Display Key Description

mode combination
Jump to the next higher existing param-
eter number

Jump to the next lower existing parame-
ter number 3
Fast scrolling up1)
+ P
Parameter (jumps over five existing parameters)
display Fast scrolling down1)
P --
(jumps over five existing parameters)
Jump to the same parameter of another
+ --

Jump to the sub--parameter display or
to the value display
Jump to the next sub--parameter num-
ber or back to the parameter display
Jump to the previous sub--parameter
-- number or back to the parameter dis-
Fast scrolling up1)
Sub-- + P (jumps over a maximum of five existing
parameter sub--parameters)
display Fast scrolling down1)
P -- (jumps over a maximum of five existing
Jump to the selected sub--parameter of
+ --
the same parameter of the other drive

P Jump to the value display

Parameter is incremented by 1 (at the

least--significant position)
Parameter value is decremented by 1
(at the least significant position)
Fast scrolling up1)
Value display + P
Fast scrolling down1)
P --

Jump to the parameter or sub--parame-
ter display

1) Setting to the lower or the upper limit

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3.2 Parameterizing using the display and operator unit

Parameters for The parameters of a drive are displayed in a numerical sequence.

drives A and B By simultaneously pressing the PLUS and MINUS keys in the parame-
ter and sub--parameter display, it is possible to jump to the same pa-
rameter of the other drive.
The parameters of drive A are designated with ”A ...” and the parame-
ters of drive B with ”b ...”.

Parameters of drive A

+ -- + --

Parameters of drive B

Fig. 3-6 Parameter display for drive A and B

Representation of Hexadecimal numbers are displayed in the following form:

hexadecimal _ _ _ _ _ 0. to F.F.F.F.F.F.

Displaying While a parameter value is being displayed, the associated parameter

parameter or sub--parameter number is cyclically displayed every 10 seconds for
numbers one second. This function can be enabled/disabled using P1650 bit 15.
P1650.15 =0 Cyclic display is active (standard)
=1 Cyclic display is inactive

Designating The parameters, which are effective after POWER ON, are designated
parameters which in the parameter display by a point after the drive letters.
are effective after
Designating parameters which are
effective after POWER ON

Fig. 3-7 Designating parameters which are effective after POWER ON

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3.2 Parameterizing using the display and operator unit

3.2.2 Example: Changing a parameter value

Example: Task description:

Changing a
The analog setpoint is to be inverted via terminal 56.B/14.B. In this
parameter value
case, in drive B, parameter P0608 must be set to 1.
S The drive was already commissioned once.
S Presently ”_ _ _ run” is being displayed. 3
Operating sequence:
1. Select the parameterizing mode
----> press any key on the operator unit (e.g. ”P”)
2. Select drive B
----> Simultaneously press the PLUS and MINUS keys
3. Remove write protection
----> Set P0651 to 4
4. Activate inversion, terminals 56.B/14.B
----> Set P0608 to 1
5. Save the parameters in the FEPROM
----> Set P0652 to 1
6. Re--activate write protection
----> Set P0651 to 0

The analog setpoint via terminal 56.B/14.B is now processed inverted.
At the next power--on and after the system has successfully booted ”_
_ _ run” is displayed again.
When reading/writing parameters using the display and operator unit,
the following generally applies:
The read and write protection (P0651) should be taken into account.

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3 Parameterizing the Board 01.99
3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up

tool SimoCom U
3.3.1 Installing SimoCom U

”SimoCom U” is a tool that is used for commissioning, diagnostics and
parameterization. It is not permissible to use this tool as operator
3 interface for continuous operation of drives!

Prerequisite A PG/PC is required to install the tool; it must fulfill the following mini-
mum requirements:
S Operating system:
Windows 98 or Windows NT or
from SW 4.1 also Windows ME or Windows 2000 or
from SW 6.1, also Window XP
from SW 9.1, also WIN Server 2003
from SW 9.2, only Windows XP, WIN Server 2003
from SW 12.1, only Windows XP, WIN Server 2003 or
Windows Vista
S 32 MB RAM memory
S Free memory required on the hard disk
-- Installing with one language ----> 30 MB
-- Installing each additional language ----> plus approx. 10 MB
S 1 free serial interface (RS232 interface)

Note: If the PG/PC does not have a serial interface, then a
commercially available USB/RS232 interface adapter can be

Software supply The various software versions are supplied on a CD--ROM.

Further, the software is available in the Internet under the following address:
----> Products & Solutions ----> Drive systems ----> Drive converters ---->
SIMODRIVE 611 ----> 611 universal ----> Downloads

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3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

Which SimoCom U The ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up tool can be used for
version is the various drives.
optimum one? The functional scope of ”SimoCom U” tool will be continually adapted to
the functional expansion of these drives.
In order to parameterize and handle all of the functions of a drive using
”SimoCom U”, the optimum matching ”SimoCom U” must be used, de-
pending on the drive software release.

Reader’s note
Which version of SimoCom U optimally matches which drive and which
drive software release?
refer to SimoCom U as follows:
Help ----> Info about ”SimoCom U” ... ----> Versions

Installing This is how you install the ”SimoCom U” tool on your PG/PC:
”SimoCom U”

Reader’s note
The ”readme.txt” file is provided on the software CD.
Please observe the information, tips and tricks provided in this file.

1. Insert the software CD into the appropriate drive of your PG/PC.

2. Run the ”setup.exe” file in the ”disk1” directory of the required ver-
sion of ”SimoCom U”.
3. Follow the instructions which the installation program displays step--
-- The ”SimoCom U” tool has now been installed in the target direc-
tory which you selected.
-- The tool can e.g. be started as follows:
--> SimoComU --> click on selection

The firmware on the CD can be loaded into the appropriate module
using the ”SimoCom U” tool.

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3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

Un--installing You can un--install the ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up tool
SimoCom U from your PG/PC:
S Using the SimoCom U program
The ”SimoCom U” tool can, e.g. be uninstalled as follows:
--> Un--install SimoComU --> click
S Using the Control Panel just like any other Windows program

-- Select the ”control panel”
-- Double--click on the ”Software” symbol
-- Select the ”SimoCom U” program in the selection field
-- Press the ”add/remove...” button and then follow the instructions

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3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

3.3.2 Entry into SimoCom U

Prerequisite The SimoCom U parameterizing and start--up tool is installed and

started on the PG/PC acc. to Chapter 3.3.1.
The following basic screen is displayed after the first start:

Fig. 3-8 Basic screen of SimoCom U for the latest version

When using SimoCom U, please be aware of the following:
The program attempts to ”think with you”:
S If you select a command, which is presently not available for a
specific reason (e.g. you are offline and wish to ”move an axis ”),
then the program does what you would probably wish it to do:
It goes ”online”, and offers you a list of drives and after the required
drive has been selected, it opens the traversing window. However,
if you do not wish to do this, then you can exit and continue as
S Only the information is provided in the dialog boxes which must be
available as a result of the selected configuration.
If a synchronous motor is set, then a ramp--function generator is
not made available in the dialog boxes for parameterization.

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3 Parameterizing the Board 01.99
3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

Information on The information listed in Table 3-3 provides basic information and in-
SimoCom U structions on how to handle the SimoCom U parameterizing and
start--up tool.

Table 3-3 Information on SimoCom U

Function Description
Tasks, which can be S Check the wiring (go into the Online Help: connection diagrams)
executed using S Establish a connection to the drive to be parameterized
SimoCom U
S Change the parameters
3 -- The essential parameters are changed in interactive dialog
-- All of the parameters can be changed using the list parameterization
S Upgrade firmware
S Optimize the controller parameters
S Traverse the axis
S Diagnose the drive status
-- Obtain an overview of all of the connected drives and their status
-- Identify the connected hardware
-- Obtain a display of the terminal status
-- Obtain a display of the alarms and information on how they can be
S Carry--out diagnostics
-- Parameterize the test sockets (DAC1, DAC2)
This means that selected signals in the drive can be routed to the test
sockets for measurement with an oscilloscope.
-- Execute the measuring function
It is possible to measure the most important quantities in the closed--loop
current and speed control loop in the time and frequency domains with-
out having to use external measuring equipment; these can then also be
graphically displayed.
-- Execute the trace function
Selected measuring quantities in the drive can be measured correspond-
ing to the specified measuring parameters, and graphically displayed
using SimoCom U.
S Simulate terminal signals
S Save the results
-- Save the parameters in the drive FEPROM
-- Save the parameters in a file/open a file
-- Print the parameters
S Comparing parameter sets (from version 02.04)
This allows the differences between 2 parameter sets to be identified.
S Boot the board (from version 03.03)
The board status when originally shipped can be re--established using this
S User--parameter list (from version 03.03)
The user can include a parameter in this list. This list has the same function-
ality as the expert list.
S Password protection (from version 08.01)
Using this function, access protection can be provided for SimoCom U and
the drive firmware so that the drive configuration cannot be changed. To set
the password protection, refer to Chapter 4.3.3.

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3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

Table 3-3 Information on SimoCom U, continued

Function Description
Working offline ... this means that you are only working at the computer and you do not have a
connection to a ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” drive.
The opened files are now included in the drive selection box of the toolbar.
Working online ... this means that you are connected with one or several SIMODRIVE 611
universal drives and SimoCom U also knows these drives.
This is the case, if SimoCom U has already searched for the interface.
You go online, if
S You default setting in the menu ”Options/Settings/Communications” is set to
”connect via COMx”
(this is realized when starting SimoCom U)
S You make the selection with the operator action ”Search for online drives”
In the online mode, the toolbars of the opened files are included in the drive
selection box together with all of the drives available at the interface.
Recommended interface setting:
If you are starting SimoCom U for the first time, then you will be prompted about
the default setting of the interface:
S If you predominantly work in the office, then select ”work offline”.
S If you predominantly work at the machine, then select ”connect via” and the
serial interface at your computer.
The parameters, displayed via SimoCom U, are not cyclically read.
S If a parameter of an open dialog box is changed in online operation using
the display and operator unit, then this parameter remains ”frozen” in the
open dialog box.
S If a first commissioning is executed using the display and operator unit while
SimoCom U is in the online mode with the drive, then SimoCom U cannot
identify that the drive has been started up (commissioned).
After changing parameters using the display and operator unit or via PROFI-
BUS--DP, you should first go offline with SimoCom U, in order to go back online
with updated data.
Working in the drive You can work in a file directly in the drive or only at the PC -- however, only with
or one data set at any one time.
in the file For instance, you can be connected with a double axis module (and therefore
have access to the parameter sets in the two drives A and B) and at the same
time, have several files open. All of these parameter sets are then displayed in
the selection box in the toolbar, and also in the ”file” menu.
When you select ”Drive A”, you will see the status and the parameters which are
active directly in Drive A -- otherwise none. When changing over to a ”my.par”
file, then you will only see the parameters of this file.
Opened parameter files can also be re--closed:
Menu ”File/Close file”.

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3 Parameterizing the Board 01.99
3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

Table 3-3 Information on SimoCom U, continued

Function Description
Expert list ... displays all of the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” parameters.
You can individually change any parameter via the expert list. The operator has
no additional support here. This list parameterization should only be used in
exceptional cases.
S Operating Instructions
-- Call: Menu ”Start--up/Additional parameters/Expert list”

3 -- If you open the list, you will additionally obtain the menu, which can also
be reached using the right--hand mouse key.
-- It is especially interesting that the standard value and value limits for the
actual parameters are displayed in the status line.
-- Modified values only become effective after pressing the Enter key or if
another parameter was selected. Values which are inactive have a red
-- In the ”List” menu, you can select which data should appear in the list:
All, or only the controller data, or only the sub--parameter set 0 or ....
Furthermore, you can search for specific terms with F3 (or list/search
menu), e.g. you can search for ”temp” if you wish to change the
temperature warning threshold value.
-- Bit--coded values: Go with the cursor to the line and press F4 (or menu,
List/bit values). You then obtain a plain text display of the individual bits
and can select these at a click of the mouse.
Assign the PC the ... means that the terminal signals are ignored at the terminals and instead, the
master control drive evaluates signals set by the PC.
This means that the enable signals to traverse the drive can be output from the
S The pulse enable (terminal 663) and the controller enable (terminal 65.x)
must be provided, as before, via the input terminals.
This is for safety: You can withdraw these enable signals at any time, using
a switch in order to switch the drive into a no--current condition or shut it
S During PC--control, digital input 10 with the ”external block exchange” pa-
rameter assignment is not active even if set via the PC
(Diagnostics > Diagnostics Views > CTRL L).
Transfer the master ... you then obtain a display of the voltage level available at the terminals
control from the PC compared to the signals set by the PC.
back to the terminals The master control is only transferred back to the terminals after

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01.99 3 Parameterizing the Board
3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

Table 3-3 Information on SimoCom U, continued

Function Description
Commissioning A drive that has still not been commissioned, logs--on with:
required ”Commissioning required!”
You have 5 possibilities:
1. Open the Start--up Assistant -- if you have not already created a file, which
you wish to load into the drive.
2. Load an existing file into the drive.
3. Optionally, you can switch the drive, which logs--on, into the passive state
(this is only possible for drive B). 3
4. Work offline -- this means that you disconnect the link to the drive without
start up the drive.
5. Emergency exit -- in this case, you remain online without carrying out any
commissioning (e.g. in order to upgrade the firmware before commissioning)
Procedure when Recommendation:
commissioning Go through the ”Start--up” menu, from the top to the bottom.
The parameters are arranged according to importance:
1.) ... here, enter which power modules, which motors, which encoders are used
Drive configuration with this drive, and in which operating mode the drive is used.
If this data is changed, the controller data is re--calculated,
i.e. previous changes made to the relevant parameters will be overwritten.
2.) ... here, you will find the data, which is in most cases necessary and also
Basic commissioning sufficient for the motor and the operating mode that has been entered.
You can access all of the parameters in the expert list.
Traverse the drive After the drive has been configured, you can already operate the drive from the
Call: ”Operator control/Traverse/ ...” menu
Data transfer Also here, the program attempts to ”think with you”:
If you are working with drive A and select ”File/Load into drive”, then the
program assumes that you wish to download a file, still to be selected, into this
drive A.
If a file is presently open, then the program assumes that using the same
command, you wish to download this open data set into a drive still to be
If these assumptions are not applicable, then you can always undo by

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3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U ! 611ue diff !

Integrated help The ”SimoCom U” tool has an integrated Help function, which helps
you to use the tool and the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” drive.
This is how you call up the integrated help function:
S Using the menu command Help " Help contents...
S By pressing the Help button

S By pressing key F1

Printing Data for the following dialog boxes can be printed using the print sym-
bol in the symbol bar:
S Traversing blocks
S Teach In
S User parameter list
S Operating conditions
S Status parameters
S Trace function
S Measurement function
S Expert List

3.3.3 Online operation: SimoCom U via a serial interface

General The serial interface (X471) can be used as RS232 interface or as

RS485 interface.
S Used as RS232 interface
----> refer under the index entry, ”Communications via RS232”
S Used as RS485 interface
----> refer under the index entry ”Communications via RS485”

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Parameter The following parameters are available for the serial interface (X471):
Table 3-4 Overview of the serial interface

Interface Parameter
No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
0801 Toggling between RS232/RS485 --1 0 1 -- PO
The serial interface (X471) is either set to RS232 or RS485 using this
=1 Interface is set to RS485
Switch S1 =0 Interface is set to RS232
= --1 Reserved
The interface can be changed over from both drives. As the interface
can either be set to RS232 or to RS485, when changing the parameter
in a drive, the parameter in the other drive is automatically changed.
The RS485 interface can only function for control boards from a certain
hardware version onwards.
----> refer under the index entry ”RS485 (from HW ...1)”
0802 Drive number for RS485 0 0 31 -- PO
In an RS485 group, using this parameter, each drive must be assigned
a unique drive number that is used for addressing.
=0 The drive is not available in the RS485 group
X471) = 1 to 31 The drive has this valid drive number
S The drive number must be unique in the complete group.
S The terminating resistor is switched in/out using switch S1 (on:
Switch 7 and 8 = ON).
Before changing over the serial interface, it must be checked that the appropriate ”correct” connecting
cable is connected at X471.

Interface For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, the interface parameters for the serial
parameters interface are permanently assigned and cannot be changed.

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3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U ! 611ue diff !

Communications The serial RS232 interface is used to connect the ”SIMODRIVE 611
via RS232 universal” control board to a PG/PC.
The parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U communicates via
this interface in the online mode (refer to Fig. 3-9).

When changing the drive (changing--over the serial connecting cable)
while there is an open connection to SimoCom U, first wait until the
SimoCom U has recognized that the connection has been interrupted
3 (a dialog box opens within a few seconds). You can then insert the
cable into the new drive. In the dialog box, you can then select whether
you wish to re--connect or cancel.

The following should be observed when establishing a communications

1. Parameter P0801 ”toggling between RS232/RS485)”:
The parameter must be set to RS485 (P0801 = 0).
Set or check this parameter using the display and operator panel
(refer to Chapter 3.2).
2. RS232 connecting cable
between PG/PC and ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
(cable diagram: refer to Chapter 2.5).

SIMODRIVE 611 universal

interface (e.g. and start--up tool
PG/PC ”SimoCom U”
COM 1)


RS232 connecting cable

Serial interface (X471)

Fig. 3-9 Communications via RS232

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! 611ue diff ! 3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

Communications The serial RS485 interface is used to connect several ”SIMODRIVE

via RS485 611 universal” control boards in an RS485 group.
The SimoCom U parameterizing and start--up tool communicates, in
(the function is the online mode, via an RS232/RS485 interface converter and the se-
dependent on the lected drive in the RS485 group (refer to Fig. 3-10).

The RS485 interface can only function with control boards from the
appropriate hardware version (refer to Order No., MLFB).
Control board (Order No.) RS485? 3
S 6SN1118--VNV00--0AA0 RS485 cannot be used
S from 6SN1118--VNV00--0AA1 RS485 can be used
V: Space retainer for the Order No.

For communications via RS485, the following should be observed:

1. Parameter
-- P0801 (toggling between RS232/RS485)
The parameter must be set to RS485 (P0801 = 1).
Set or check this parameter using the display and operator panel
(refer to Chapter 3.2).
-- P0802 (drive number for RS485)
The drive number for each drive is selected via this parameter.
2. Interface converter RS232/RS485
For operation via RS485, a commercially available RS232/RS485
converter is required between the PC and RS485 bus.
The interface converter must have the following features:
-- The converter itself must automatically change over the data flow
-- It is not permissible that the converter sends an ”echo” back to
the PC.
Recommended RS232/RS485 interface converter name:
-- Name: PC/PPI cable (RS232/RS485 converter)
-- Order No.: 6ES7 901--3BF20--0XA0
-- Cable length: 5m
-- Connector: on the RS232 side: 9--pin socket connector
on the RS485 side: 9--pin plug connector
-- Power supply: via the connector on the RS485 side
RS485 side (+24 V/0.5 W)
-- Data transfer rate: set to 38.4 kbaud

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3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U ! 611ue diff !

3. Cable
-- RS232 connecting cable
Cable between the PG/PC and interface converter
(cable diagram: refer to Chapter 2.5)
-- RS485 connecting cable
Cable between the RS232/RS485 interface converter and the
nodes to establish an RS485 link
(cable diagram: refer to Chapter 2.5 or Fig. 3-10)

4. Terminating resistor for the RS485 bus
Generally applies:
First and last node ----> terminating resistor switched--in
Other nodes on the bus ----> terminating resistor switched--out
(switch S1, refer to Chapter 1.3.2)

Example: Communications from a PG/PC to 3 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” con-

Communications trol boards (2--axis versions) should be possible via the serial interface.
between the PG/PC Online operation between a PG/PC and the individual control boards
and 6 drives must be realized via an RS232/RS485 converter and the appropriate
via RS485 cabling on the RS485 side, so that the drive can go online at any time.
Assumptions for the example:
S The recommended RS232/RS485 converter is used (PC/PPI cable).
Set all of the switches at the converter to ”0”.
S The serial interface must be set to RS485 for all drives (P0801 = 1).
S Setting the drive number (P0802)
-- 1st board Drive A: Drive number for RS485 = 4
Drive B: Drive number for RS485 = 2
-- 2nd board Drive A: Drive number for RS485 = 7
Drive B: Drive number for RS485 = 8
-- 3rd board Drive A: Drive number for RS485 = 5
Drive B: Drive number for RS485 = 3
S Terminating resistor for the RS485 bus
-- Interface converter: First node
----> Switch--in the terminating resistor
or solder into the socket (refer to Fig. 3-10)
-- 1st and 2nd board: No first or last node
----> Switch--out the terminating resistor
-- 3rd board: Last node
----> Switch--in the terminating resistor

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Basic solution for the example:

Serial interface
(e.g. COM 1) RS--48
interface converter 5
RS232 PC/PPI 9--pin
cable plug

socket 3
socket Terminating resistor 120 

3rd module 2nd module 1st module 2 3 7 8

Drive A: P0801 = 1 Drive A: P0801 = 1 Drive A: P0801 = 1

Drive B: P0801 = 1 Drive B: P0801 = 1 Drive B: P0801 = 1
Drive A: P0802 = 5 Drive A: P0802 = 7 Drive A: P0802 = 4
Drive B: P0802 = 3 Drive B: P0802 = 8 Drive B: P0802 = 2
Terminating resistor in Terminating resistor out Terminating resistor out
S1: Switch 7 = ON S1: Switch 7 = OFF S1: Switch 7 = OFF
S1: Switch 8 = ON S1: Switch 8 = OFF S1: Switch 8 = OFF

0V +24 V


1 1 9--pin 1
9 9 plug 9

Data +

Data --

Fig. 3-10 Communications via RS485 (example with 3 nodes)

Essentially the same as when specifying the possible node addresses
(drive numbers), up to 31 drives can be connected to an
RS232/RS485 interface converter (PC/PPI cable).

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3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

3.3.4 Online operation: SimoCom U via PROFIBUS-- DP (from SW 3.1)

Description The ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up tool can communicate

with the drives via the serial interfaces and also via the PROFIBUS--DP
field bus.
The following online modes are possible:
S Online operation via the CP 5511/CP 5611/CP 5613 directly with the
3 field bus
PG/PC <----> CP 5511 / CP 5611 / CP 5613 <----> PROFIBUS <---->
S Online operation via the MPI interface of SIMATIC S7
PG/PC <----> MPI <----> PROFIBUS <----> drives
If the subsequently listed prerequisites are fulfilled, then online oper-
ation can be established between SimoCom U, and all of the drives
connected to the bus (”DP slaves 611U”).

When displaying drive--internal values (e.g. position setpoint...) devi-
ations can occur at the last position of the value. This is due to the dif-
ferent rounding--off techniques employed by the conversion programs
in the drive and in the “SimoCom U” parameterizing and commission-
ing tool. However, this has no effect on the computational accuracy in
the drive.

Settings for For SimoCom U, communications via PROFIBUS--DP can be set as

SimoCom U follows:
S Options -- Settings -- Communications ----> ”Interface” dialog”
S For ”For ”Go online” connect via” set the following:
----> ”PROFIBUS” and
----> ”Direct connection”
----> if the coupling is directly with the field bus
----> ”MPI --> PROFIBUS Routing”
----> if the coupling is via the MPI interface
----> ”Communication via OPC server” (from SW 6.1)
----> if the coupling is via OPC server
Then, online operation can be established directly to the drive via the
field bus using the ”Search for online drives” function.

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04.06 3 Parameterizing the Board
3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

Conditions In order to go online with a drive via the PROFIBUS--DP field bus using
”SimoCom U”, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
1. ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board from SW 3.1 with the fol-
lowing option module:
-- Optional PROFIBUS--DP2 module (with ASIC DPC31 without
Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB00--0AAx
-- Optional PROFIBUS--DP3 module (with ASIC DPC31 with PLL)
Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB01--0AAx
2. ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up tool from version 3.1
3. Communication boards, if connected via PROFIBUS
-- CP 5511 (PROFIBUS connection via PCMCIA card)
PCMCIA card, type 2 + adapter with 9--pin SUB--D socket con-
nector to connect to PROFIBUS.
Order No. (MLFB): 6GK1551--1AA00
-- CP 5611 (PROFIBUS connection through a short PCI card)
Short PCI card with 9--pin SUB--D socket to connect to
Order No. (MLFB): 6GK1561--1AA00
-- CP 5613 (PROFIBUS coupling via short PCI card)
(from SW 4.1)
Short PCI card with 9--pin SUB--D socket to connect to
Diagnostic LEDs,
PROFIBUS controller ASPC2 StepE
Order No. (MLFB): 6GK1561--3AA00
4. SIMATIC--CPU, if connected via an MPI interface
A routing--capable SIMATIC--CPU is required for a coupling via MPI
5. S7--DOS from V5.0
This software is supplied on the CD for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
(refer to Chapter 1.3).
6. Cables
-- between CP 5511 or CP 5611 and the PROFIBUS field bus
-- between the MPI interface from the PG and SIMATIC CPU

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3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

Going online/offline in cyclic operation via PROFIBUS:
While PROFIBUS is in cyclic operation, SimoCom U with CPxx
can be attached or disconnected from the field bus via the following
plug--in cable without creating a fault
Order No. (MLFB): 6ES7901--4BD00--0XA0 (plug--in cable)

Prerequisites with In order to go online with a drive using ”SimoCom U” via an OPC
the OPC server server PROFIBUS--DP, the OPC server must first be installed accord-
(from SW 6.1) ing to the manufacturers instructions and the following prerequisites
must be fulfilled:
S Hardware
-- PROFIBUS card must be installed in the PC -- cards from third--
party manufacturers can also be used
-- Connecting cable
S Software
-- Driver software and the associated OPC server for the installed
Profibus card
-- Configuring software for the OPC server
Most OPC server/Profibus cards require a bus setting (e.g. baud
rate, protocol) -- several also require that the existing drives are
configured on the bus.

Reader’s note
Please refer to the documentation of the appropriate manufacturer
regarding information on how to configure a PROFIBUS card and OP
server. These procedures depend on the particular manufacturer.

-- The OPC server, provided by the manufacturer, offers a possibil-

ity of accessing MSAC2 services according to DPV1 (EN50170)
including the DataTransport service.
OPC servers that have registered themselves with the system
under the Category ”Profibus–DPV1–OPC server Version 1.0”
fulfill this requirement.
When selecting the interface, SimoCom U offers this OPC server
in a separate selection box.

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3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

S SimoCom U from Version 6.1

After this configuration of the OPC server has been activated, the
access route to ”Communications via OPC server” can be set in
SimoCom U under ”Options/Settings/Communication”.
The OPC server to be used should then be selected using the ”OPC
Configuration” button:
-- We recommend that the option ”Display all DPV1--OPC--Server”
is selected and an OPC server selected from the selection box
located below. The OPC servers, which are displayed for this
particular selection, guarantee that the utilities (services),
required by SimComU, as described in the software prerequi-
sites, are provided.
-- If the required OPC server is not listed, but the required utilities
(services) are however available, then the button ”Display all
OPC servers” should be selected, whereby, all of the utilities,
installed in the PC which support the OPC, are listed.
-- Alternatively, the so--called ClassID of the OPC server can be
directly entered under the ”Specify OPC server name (only for

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3.3 Parameterizing using the parameterizing and start--up tool SimoCom U

SimoCom U via

SIMATIC S7--300 (CPU: S7--315--2--DP)

and start--up tool
PG/PC ”SimoCom U”


3 Setup.exe
CP 5511
CP 5611
CP 5613
(from SW 4.1)

OPC server
(from SW 6.1)


X423 X423 X423

”DP slave 611U” ”DP slave 611U” ”DP slave 611U”

Assumptions: Assumptions: Assumptions:
2--axis board 1--axis board 2--axis board
P0918 (node address) = 15 P0918 (node address) = 16 P0918 (node address) = 17

Fig. 3-11 SimoCom U via PROFIBUS (example with 3 control boards)

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3-118 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
Commissioning 4
4.1 General commissioning information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-120
4.2 Booting ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-123
4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-124
4.3.1 First commissioning with SimoCom U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-125
4.3.2 Series commissioning with SimoCom U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-126
4.3.3 Password protection with SimoCom U (from SW 8.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-127
Upgrading the firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Firmware download . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.6 Automated firmware download (from SW 8.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-131
4.4 Commissioning using the display and operator unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-133
4.5 Function--initiating and diagnostic parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-136
4.6 Parameters for hardware, operating mode and clock cycles . . . . . . . . . . . 4-142
4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-146
4.7.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-146
4.7.2 Commissioning induction motors (ARM) without encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-149
4.7.3 Motor data optimization, steps 1 to 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-153
4.7.4 Speed monitoring using a BERO (from SW 12.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-158
4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening
(PE spindle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-161
4.8.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-161
4.8.2 Commissioning synchronous motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-163
4.8.3 Current controller adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-167
4.8.4 Parameters for PE spindles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-170
4.9 1FW6 built--in torque motors (from SW 6.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-172
4.9.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-172
4.9.2 Commissioning 1FW6 motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-174
4.9.3 Thermal motor protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-175
4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-176
4.10.1 General information on commissioning linear motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-176
4.10.2 Commissioning: Linear motor with one primary section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-179
4.10.3 Commissioning: Linear motor with two identical primary sections . . . . . . . 4-186
4.10.4 Mechanical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-189
4.10.5 Thermal motor protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-191
4.10.6 Measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-195
4.10.7 Parallel and double--cam arrangement of linear motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-198
4.10.8 Checking the linear motor by making measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-199
4.11 Direct measuring system for position control (from SW 3.3) . . . . . . . . . . . 4-200
4.12 Connecting induction motors with TTL encoder (from SW 8.1) . . . . . . . . . 4-204
4.13 FD operation with field weakening (from SW 12.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-205

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4 Commissioning 01.99
4.1 General commissioning information

4.1 General commissioning information

Commissioning The following differentiation is made when commissioning the

”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board:
S First commissioning
If there is still not a matching parameter set for the drive, then the
drive must be commissioned for the first time.
The drive can be commissioned for the first time using
-- the SimoCom U tool (refer to Chapter 4.3.1)
-- the display and operator unit (refer to Chapter 3.2.1)
4 S Series commissioning
An existing data set can be transferred to the control board via the
SimoCom U tool (refer to Chapter 4.3.2).
-- Several systems having the same configuration and functions
are to be commissioned.
For the first system, a first commissioning must be executed,
and for additional systems, a series commissioning.
-- Replacing a control board.

S SimoCom U is a start--up tool for ”qualified commissioning
S SimoCom U has neither been designed nor is suitable for
operational control of the system!
S When called via several PCs, only that PC displays modified data,
from which the changes were also made!

The original status of the board when shipped can always be
re--established as follows:
S via P0649 = 1 (from SW 3.1)
S via the SimoCom U tool using the ”boot board” function (from
version 03.03)

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4.1 General commissioning information

Prerequisites The SIMODRIVE 611 universal control board can be commissioned the
for fastest if the following prerequisites are checked and fulfilled before
commissioning commissioning is started:

Table 4-1 Prerequisites for commissioning

The following conditions must be fulfilled OK

before commissioning! n
The SIMODRIVE drive group has been configured.
The wiring has been completed.
The Order numbers (MLFBs) of the power module, motor and en-
coder are known.
Checks for the supply infeed module (NE module)
Switch S1:
Check the settings of this switch at the NE and monitoring module
(e.g.: Has the line supply voltage been set to 400 V or 480 V?)
Reference: /PJU/, SIMODRIVE 611
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters
The system has been prepared so that it can be powered--up.

Check list The following checklist should help you to simply commission the com-
for ponents that we supplied, and to also guarantee a high availability
commissioning when used in conjunction with your product:
S Observe all of the ESD measures when handling components.
S All screws are tightened to the correct torque. Pay special attention
to the DC link bolt connections (1.8 Nm torque).
S All connectors are correctly attached and locked/screwed in place.
S Screw the control components into the power module.
S Observe the power--on sequence in the Configuration Manual.
S If the equipment is powered up and down too frequently, the DC link
pre--charging circuit will be inhibited. This can only be re--charged
again after a cooling time of several minutes (e.g. 4 minutes) with
the line supply disconnected (powered down).
S Are there line supply/motor contactors connected to the drive con-
verter? It is only permissible to switch these when they are in a no--
current condition.
S All components are grounded and correctly shielded.
Connection X131 is grounded.
S The load capability of the central power supply system is not exceeded.
S Only discharge the unit at the DC link buses through a minimum of
20 .

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4.1 General commissioning information

S The units are designed for the specified mechanical, climatic and
electrical ambient conditions. None of the limit values may be ex-
ceeded in operation nor during transport. Please pay special atten-
tion to the following:
-- Line supply conditions
-- Pollutants
-- Damaging gases
-- Ambient climatic conditions
-- Storage/transport
-- Shock load
-- Vibratory load
4 -- Ambient temperature
-- Total (summed) current of the digital outputs (refer to Chapter 2.3)

Reader’s note
More detailed information on the drive group and the ambient
conditions is provided in:
Reference: /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters

! General rule: Before powering--up or down using the main switch or a
line contactor, terminal 63 (pulse enable) and/or terminal 48 (start
terminal, contactor control) must be de--energized or disconnected at
the supply infeed module (NE module!
Otherwise, there is a danger that the line supply infeed module
will be destroyed.

Upgrading the In order that the optional PROFIBUS module can be upgraded error--
firmware of the free, the cyclic PROFIBUS connection must interrupted. In this case,
optional the physical connection must also be interrupted, i.e. the PROFIBUS
PROFIBUS module connector must be withdrawn.
The firmware cannot be upgraded while data is being transferred via

If the firmware is updated via PROFIBUS--DP and is then interrupted,
the firmware can only be downloaded via the serial link. This is the
case for the existing software releases < SW 4.1 or SW 7.2.

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4.2 Booting ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

4.2 Booting ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

General When booting, a differentiation is made as to whether the drive was

already commissioned.
S Still not commissioned
 The drive requests a commissioning routine
----> refer to Chapter 4.3.1 or 3.2.1
S Already commissioned
 When in an error--free condition, the drive runs up until the
following is displayed
”_ _ _ run”.
Reader’s note
Information regarding fault/error handling and diagnostics is provided
in Chapter 7.

Power--up the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
Run--up starts

Already Yes
No commissioned?

(e.g. specify the power
module, motor, The red LED is bright approx. 2 s
encoder, etc.
refer to
Chapter 4.3.1 or
Chapter 3.2.1) ”_ _ _ r u n ” is displayed
The red LED is dark

Note: The system has been successfully booted.

The drive is now in cyclic operation
Faults/errors which occur
when booting, are
displayed flashing, in the END
display unit.
Display unit

Fig. 4-1 Booting ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

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4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U

4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U

Requirements The following prerequisites must be fulfilled in order to be able to com-

mission a drive using the ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up
1. All of the prerequisites for commissioning, according to Chapter 4.1,
have been fulfilled, i.e. the system with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
can be commissioned.
2. The checklist for commissioning according to Chapter 4.1 has been
3. The ”SimoCom U” tool is installed on the PC/PG, which is to be
4 used to commission the drive.
4. There is a connecting cable between the PG/PC and the control
board (e.g. RS232 connecting cable, refer to Chapter 2.5).
5. The PC/PG with ”SimoCom U” is connected to the control board

Reader’s note
S Cable diagrams for the connecting cable refer to Chapter 2.5
S Installing ”SimoCom U”,
Introduction to ”SimoCom U” and
establishing online operation refer to Chapter 3.3

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4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U

4.3.1 First commissioning with SimoCom U

Procedure when When ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” is first commissioned using the
commissioning the ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up tool, proceed as follows:
drive for the first
1. Power--up the drive group
2. Start SimoCom U
3. Request online operation for drive A
Operator action:
Execute the ”Search for online drives” function in the ”Start--up”
menu, and select drive A in the ”Drive and dialog browser”.
Is the ”start--up required” window displayed?
-- Yes: ----> Start the drive configuration assistant
----> This signals the drive the existing configuration (power mo-
dule, motor, etc.).
-- No: ----> Press ”re--configure drive” button
----> This adapts the control board to the present configuration
(power module, motor, etc.).
4. Execute the drive configuration, and at the end, press the ”Calculate
controller data, save, reset” button.
5. Carry--out basic commissioning
Set the ”Drive and dialog browser” (left--hand window) to ”Parameter”.
To do this, press the ”P Par” button below the browser.
The commissioning is now executed by working through the remain-
ing dialog boxes for this drive in the ”Drive and dialog browser” from
the top to the bottom. The required settings are made in the se-
lected dialog boxes.

If drive B is to be commissioned, then the points must be executed for
drive B from point 3 onwards.

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4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U

4.3.2 Series commissioning with SimoCom U

Procedure for For series commissioning of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” with the
series ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up tool, proceed as follows:
1. Power--up the drive group
2. Start SimoCom U
3. Request online operation for drive A
Operator action:
Click--on the ”Search for online drives” in the ”Start--up” menu, and
select ”Drive A” in the selection box.

4 Is the ”start--up required” window displayed?

-- Yes:
----> Click on the ”Load parameter file into the drive...” button
----> After you have selected the required parameter file for drive
A and have pressed ”open”, the file is downloaded into drive A.
-- No:
----> Click on the menu ”File ----> Load into drive ----> Load and
save in the drive”
----> After you have selected the required parameter file for drive
A and have pressed ”open”, the file is downloaded into drive A.

If drive B is to be commissioned, then the points must be executed for
drive B from point 3 onwards.

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4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U

4.3.3 Password protection with SimoCom U (from SW 8.1)

General Access protection using a password is possible in order to ensure that

information when service is carried--out the drive configuration is not changed.
The ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start--up tool has a password
input and change view in order to carry--out the following on a con-
nected drive:
S Activate/de--activate the password protection
S Define the password
S Define the functions that are to be protected using the password
For a series commissioning, the password and the password configura-
tion are transferred to the drive just like any other parameter assign-
The password is not necessary to do the following:
S Open files
S Downloading files into a drive
The password must only be entered if the protected functions are to be
accessed in the file or in the drive.
SimoCom U allows the password function to be copied between sev-
eral drives.

The function ”Password protection” only functions with a ”SimoCom U”
parameterizing and start--up tool version 8.1.

Procedure when Proceed as follows when setting--up a password using the ”SimoCom
setting--up the U” parameterizing and start--up tool:
password 1. Power--up the drive group
2. Start SimoCom U
3. Request that the required drive either goes into the offline or online
4. In the ”drive and dialog browser” (left--hand window), select the
”password” folder
5. Access to enter a PIN and browser to enter the functions to be pro-
tected is activated by a ”check” in the ”Activate password protection”
field (right--hand window)
6. Enter a PIN (4--digit number from 1000...9999) and acknowledge

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4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U

7. Define the functions to be protected

----> The safety--relevant functions are displayed in
the ”right--hand” display window (browser) with a ”check” in
the particular field (default setting).
----> Further, additional functions can be assigned password
protection by activating the button ”Activate all functions”
or by entering a ”check” in the field of the function to be
8. Press the ”Accept password configuration” button
9. Save the changes

4 The ”Activate safety--relevant functions” and ”Activate all functions”
buttons should only be pressed when actually required.

Access protection Individual functions (operator masks, menu items, ...) can be protected
or enabled.
The following safety--relevant functions are set as default values:
S Expert List
S Load to drive
S Reconfigure drive
S Establish the standard values of the current drive configuration
S Upgrade firmware
S User parameter list

Access with The drive inhibits write access operations via SimoCom U <Version 8.1
SimoCom U and outputs a warning.
<Version 8.1
In order to be able to change the drive in any way, a
SimoCom U ²Version SW 8.1 must be used.

Access via the The drive inhibits all access operations via the 7--segment display. The
7--segment display 7--segment display is then only used to display ”_ _ _run” or warnings
and alarms that are present.

Access via data Access operations via PROFIBUS--DP, CAN bus and other unlisted
bus modules are not prevented, as in the normal operating state of the ma-
chine, these channels cannot be manipulated by the operator.

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4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U

Enable the access You can access a password--protected function via SimoCom U as fol-
1. In the online mode, SimoCom U prompts for the password.
----> Enter password
2. All of the protected functions in the ”right--hand” browser of the
menu screen can now be changed.
3. After entry, the password remains valid up to the next time that
SimoCom U goes online.
4. The protected functions cannot be accessed if the password was
not entered.
5. If the password was incorrectly entered five times in a row,
then SimoCom U must be re--started before the password can be

Password The drive must be deleted using ”delete drive configuration” or ”boot
forgotten? board”. This deletes the complete parameterization.

Before activating password protection using SimoCom U, we
recommend that the functioning configuration of the drive is saved in a
There is no generally--valid password!

Password When using A&D Data Management (ADDM) and other programs, that
protection and SimoCom U uses, then password protection may not be activated.
other programs
with SimoCom U

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4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U

4.3.4 Upgrading the firmware

Runtime behavior In order to take into account technical advances, the drive firmware is
continually being further developed with each software release.
In spite of the fact that the firmware is optimized regarding its runtime
behavior, it cannot be excluded that more recent firmware releases will
have a different runtime behavior. This must be especially taken into
account if functions are used that require a high level of runtime.
When upgrading control boards to a new firmware release, it must
therefore be carefully checked as to whether the runtime behavior is
satisfactory. If required, re--optimize the drive parameterization or do
not upgrade the firmware!
4 In order to be able to optimally use new firmware releases with respect
to the runtime behavior, we recommend that the latest hardware is al-
ways used.

4.3.5 Firmware download

Firmware can be downloaded using the “SimoCom U” parameterizing

and commissioning tool.
Under the menu item: Options / Service / .... select required firmware
upgrade item...., then follow the user prompting.
For a connection via PROFIBUS--DP, e.g. PC as Master Class 2 on the
bus, only an update or download is possible to any status of the drive
firmware (e.g. SW 7.2).
For a connection via the RS 232 interface, it is also possible to down-
load the firmware of the Profibus module.

Under no circumstances interrupt or exit the update as otherwise it is
possible that the module will no longer be able to be identified and

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4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U

4.3.6 Automated firmware download (from SW 8.1)

General Automated firmware download is possible using the ”SimoCom U”

parameterizing and start--up tool.
This means that both the actual firmware as well as also the previous
version releases (e.g. SW 7.2) can be downloaded.
”SimoCom U” is configured for the appropriate drive using registry files.
Data can be downloaded via the data bus (e.g. PROFIBUS--DP) or the
serial interface.

S When downloading via PROFIBUS--DP, the correct PROFIBUS
node address must be parameterized for the appropriate drive.
S The registry files must be edited so that they match a specified drive
S It is necessary that ”SimoCom U” was installed -- however, the ap-
plication may not run while changing or running the registry file.

Proceed as follows
1. Edit the .reg file and carry--out the settings (refer to Fig. 4-2).
If you wish to only change the file names, the path or the
PROFIBUS address, then the settings are also possible via
SimoCom U without using the .reg files.
----> Using the dialog menu ”Service” ----> ”Automated
firmware download” ----> ”Define file” or
”Options” ----> ”Settings” ----> ”Communications”
2. Run the .reg file if you have not carried--out the settings via
SimoCom U.
----> The Windows registry editor prompts after the settings
have been transferred into the registry.
----> Acknowledge with ”Enter”.
----> The Windows registry editor signals that the settings have been
successfully transferred into the registry
----> Again acknowledge this message with ”Enter”.

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4.3 Commissioning via SimoCom U

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Siemens\SimoCom U\V08.00.05
”FixedFirmwareFile”=”D:\\Firmware\\611u.ufw” SimoCom U Version
D:\\Firmware\\611u.ufw is the file name and the
path for the firmware that is downloaded.
”ProfibusAddress”=dword:00000010 00000010 is the PROFIBUS address for the drive -- in this
”FirstInvocation”=dword:00000000 case Drive No. 16 (hexadecimal).

Fig. 4-2 Text example for the ”.reg” file when connected via PROFIBUS DP

3. Go online with SimoCom U

----> Press CTRL+H to download the firmware

4 ----> SimoComU prompts you as to whether you wish to download

the firmware into your drive.
----> Acknowledge this using the ”Enter” key
4. A ”display window” shows the firmware being downloaded
----> A drive reset is requested once the download has been
successfully completed.
----> Acknowledge this using the ”Enter” key
5. Wait until the drive is again online and then check that the system is
correctly operating.
----> Then close SimoCom U
(key combination CTRL+ALT+Shift+F12).

S In order to upgrade or downgrade several drives, you will require
.”reg” files for each drive with the matching
PROFIBUS address. Repeat all of the steps from the beginning to
the end for each drive for which you wish to download the matching
S In order to download via the serial interface, an appropriate
connection must be established and the line
changes into
----> refer to the text example in the diagram 4-2.
The information in the ProfibusAdresse” line is ignored.
S When retrograding the drive to an older firmware release, it must be
noted that after downloading the system firmware and running--up
the module, it may be necessary to re--commission the drive.

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4.4 Commissioning using the display and operator unit

4.4 Commissioning using the display and operator unit


S Connecting the unit

S Check the connections (refer to Chap. 2.3.1) Is the ”E-- ...”? displayed flashing or
S De--energize terminal 663 (pulses are then is the display inactive?
not enabled)
Remove the cause!
Power--up the unit (power ON) (refer to Chapter 7)

Already No
Is a No
Yes A11061) or b11061)
Is No
”_ _ _ r u n”
displayed? Execute the hardware configuration
Oper. control Display Description
A1106 Power module code No.2)

Request Key P (+/--)3) Set the code (refer to Chapter A.2)

new Key P, + A1102 Motor code number
End Key P (+/--)3) Set the code (refer to Chapter A.3)
(cyclic Key P, + A1006 Encoder code number
operation) Yes
Key P (+/--)3) Set the code (refer to Chapter A.4)
Establish the boot state Key P, + A0700 Operating mode
S Remove write protection (P0651 = 4) Key P (+/--)3) Set the OM (refer to Chapter 4.6)
S Establish the boot state (P0659 = 0) Key P, + A0659 Boot5)
S Start to write into the FEPROM (P0652 = Key P, +, P Boot (P0659 = 0 --> 1)
1) and then wait until the write operation Key P A0659 or b0659 is displayed
has been completed (P0652 = 0)
S Execute a HW POWER--ON RESET or
POWER OFF ! ON Are both Yes
drives 1
3 Continue on the
No next page
1. Axxxx, bxxxx: Parameters, drive A, B Press the + and -- keys simultaneously (up to b0659)
2. Only set, if there is no automatic Press the -- key up to b1106 in the display
power module identification available
(refer to Chapter 4.6)
3. The parameter value is changed using these keys
4. If drive B is not used, then b0700 = 0 (drive B inactive) and b0659 = 0 --> 1 (boot)
5. Set the PROFIBUS node address ----> refer to Chapter 5.7.2

Fig. 4-3 Commissioning using the display and operator unit (Part 1 of 3)

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4.4 Commissioning using the display and operator unit

1 from the previous page

”_ _ _ run” Unlisted motor:

is displayed
(cyclic operation) (refer under the index entry
”Unlisted motor -- what is

Is an unlisted Yes
motor being 2 continue on the next
used? page


4 Remove write protection (P0651 = 4)

Adapt the necessary system--specific parameters as

required (e.g. the input/output terminals, monitoring
functions, optimization)

Values No


Save the parameters in the FEPROM

Start to write into the FEPROM (P0652 = 1) and then wait

until the write operation has been completed (P0652 = 0)

(cyclic operation)

Fig. 4-4 Commissioning using the display and operator unit (Part 2 of 3)

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4.4 Commissioning using the display and operator unit

2 from the previous page

Synchronous motor Unlisted Induction motor


S Remove write protection (P0651= 1.0.) S Remove write protection (P0651= 1.0.)
S Enter unlisted motor data
S Calculate unlisted motor (set P1082 to 1) S Enter the rating plate data (type)

Yes Are the equivalent

circuit diagram data 4


Enter the equivalent Enter the motor code (P1102 = 99)

diagram data Calculate the equivalent circuit
diagram data (set P1081 to 1)

Calculate unlisted motor

(set P1082 to 1)

S Remove write protection (P0651 = 4)

S Write into FEPROM (P0652 = 1), and wait until the
writing has been completed (P0652 = 0)

(cyclic operation)

Fig. 4-5 Commissioning using the display and operator unit (Part 3 of 3)

Reader’s note
What is an unlisted motor?
A motor, which is not defined using a motor code number, and is
therefore also not in the Attachment (refer to Chapter A.3.1, A.3.4 and
A.3.5) is classified as an unlisted motor.
The motor can be supplied from Siemens or from another motor
To commission an unlisted motor, the associated parameters are
required (refer under the index entry ” Unlisted motor -- parameters

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4 Commissioning 01.99
4.5 Function--initiating and diagnostic parameters

4.5 Function--initiating and diagnostic parameters

Table 4-2 Function--initiating parameters

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
0649 Delete parameters, drive A and B 0 0 1 -- PO
(from SW 3.1)
... all of the parameters can be deleted in the memory module FEPROM (user data). After these

parameters have been deleted, the status of the control board when it was first supplied is re--
0 Standard value
1 All of the parameters should be deleted (establish the status when first supplied)
Procedure when deleting all parameters:
S Switch--out the pulse and controller enable (e.g. via terminal 663, 65.A and 65.B)
S Remove write protection (P0651 = 10Hex, only for the display and operator unit)
S Activate that all parameters are deleted in the FEPROM (P0649 = 1)
S Write into the FEPROM (P0652 = 1)
S Carry--out a HW power--on reset
After booting, the board status when originally supplied is re--established.
0651 Read and write protection 0 0 10 Hex immedi-
This defines which parameters can be read (visible) or can be written into.
0 Parameters for standard commissioning (operator prompting) can be read
1 Parameters for standard commissioning (operating prompting) can be read and writ-
ten into
2 All parameters can be read
4 All parameters can be read and written into
(Exception: Motor data parameters cannot be written into)
8 Motor data parameters can be read and written into
10 All parameters (including motor data parameters) can be read and written into
Read and write protection is only of significance when parameterizing the display and operator
0652 Transfer into the FEPROM 0 0 1 -- immedi-
This means that parameter values can be transferred from the RAM into the FEPROM.
0 --> 1 The parameter values in the RAM are written into the FEPROM
The parameter is automatically set to 0 at the end of the data save operation.
1 Data is being saved -- other parameters cannot be selected
Writing to the FEPROM memory depends on the particular manufacturer and is physically limited
to between 105 and 106. In order that the maximum number of write operations is not exceeded
in the operational period, automatic, cyclic back--up operations are only permissible at time inter-
vals that are adequately long enough.

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4.5 Function--initiating and diagnostic parameters

Table 4-2 Function--initiating parameters, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
0659 Boot 0 0 4 -- PO
... it is possible to toggle between the boot and standard state.
0 Establish the boot state
Remove write protection (P0651 = 4), establish the boot state (P0659 = 0), write into
the FEPROM (P0652 = 1), hardware POWER--ON RESET
Only the following parameters can be selected and changed in the boot state (first
-- P1106 (power module code number), if it was not automatically identified
-- P1102 (motor code number)
P1006 (IM encoder code number)
P0700 (operating mode)
-- P0918 (PROFIBUS node address)
-- P0659 (boot), execute in the sense of a boot
0!1 Boot
All of the parameters, which are not listed above, are appropriately pre--set (default)
standard values or are preset as a result of internal ”calculate controller data” routine.
1 Standard state
The standard values are loaded. The motor code and power module code are write--
protected. The boot state can be re--established (with P0659 = 0).
2, 3, 4 Internal Siemens
1080 Calculate controller data 0 0 1 -- immedi-
Using this function, suitable settings for the control parameters are calculated from the motor
parameters and several other parameters.
0 -->1 The controller data is being calculated, the function is active
0 Function inactive or exited error--free
S Recommendation: Execute this function with SimoCom U, as the calculated parameters are
then displayed, and are only transferred and overwritten after acknowledgment.
S At the end of the calculation, the parameter is automatically reset to 0 or a fault code is writ-
ten into it.
S If there is an error condition, the parameters for current, flux and speed controller were not
able to be optimally pre--assigned. Standard values were entered.
The function can be re--started after the error cause has been removed.
Fault code:
--15 Magnetizing reactance (P1141) = 0
--16 Leakage reactance (P1139/P1140) = 0
--17 Rated motor frequency (P1134) = 0
--18 Rotor resistance (P1138) = 0
--19 Motor moment of inertia (P1117) = 0
--21 Speed at the start of field weakening (P1142) = 0
--22 Motor standstill current (P1118) = 0
--23 The ratio between the maximum motor current (P1104) and the motor standstill (stall)
current (P1118) is greater than the maximum value for the torque limit (P1230) and
the power limit (P1235)
--24 The ratio between the rated motor frequency (P1134) and the rated motor speed
(P1400) is not permissible (pole pair number)

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4.5 Function--initiating and diagnostic parameters

Table 4-2 Function--initiating parameters, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1081 Calculate the equivalent circuit diagram 0 0 1 -- immedi-
data (ARM) ately
1 Equivalent circuit diagram data is calculated, the function is active
0 Inactive or exited fault--free
Procedure for unlisted motors:
S Select ”unlisted motor” when commissioning the system for the first time (refer to Chap. A.3)
S Enter all rating plate data
S Calculate the equivalent circuit diagram data via P1081 = 1
S Calculate the unlisted motor via P1082 = 1

4 S At the end of the calculation, the parameter is automatically reset to 0 or a fault code is writ-
ten into it.
S Under fault conditions, the equivalent circuit diagram data are not changed (exception: Cod-
ing --56).
The function can be re--started after the cause of the fault has been removed.
Fault code:
--51 Rated motor power (P1130) = 0
--52 Rated motor voltage (P1132) = 0
--53 Rated motor current (P1103) = 0
--54 Cos  (P1129 = 0 or > 0.996)
--55 The ratio between the rated motor frequency (P1134) and the rated motor speed
(P1400) is not permissible (pole pair number)
--56 Warning: Speed at the start of field weakening (P1142) < Rated motor speed (P1400)
--57 The function is only only permissible for unlisted motors (P1102 = 99)
1082 Calculate unlisted motor 0 0 1 -- immedi-
... the ”Calculate unlisted motor” function is started. Parameters P1105 (only SRM), P1147,
P1241, P1401 are pre--assigned, the ”Calculate controller data” function executed and the ap-
propriate unlisted motor code entered into P1102.
By entering the unlisted motor code in P1102, at the next POWER ON, motor data which were
possibly changed, are no longer overwritten by the catalog motor data (previous motor code).
0 Inactive
1 Calculate unlisted motor
Are all equivalent circuit diagram data known?
S if no: Calculate the equivalent circuit diagram data via P1081
and set P1082 to 1
S if yes: Enter all of the equivalent circuit diagram data and set P1082 to 1
At the end of the calculation, the parameter is automatically set to 0, or an error code is written
into it (refer to the ”calculate controller data” function, P1080).
1083 Function selection, motor data optimiza- 1 1 4 -- immedi-
tion (ARM) ately
... specifies the function number for the motor data optimization.
1 Determine the leakage inductance and rotor resistance
2 Determine the no--load current and magnetizing reactance
3 Determine the speed at field weakening
4 Determine the moment of inertia

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4.5 Function--initiating and diagnostic parameters

Table 4-2 Function--initiating parameters, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1084 Start motor data optimization (ARM) 0 0 1 -- immedi-
... starts the ”motor data optimization” function, which is set in P1083.
0 Inactive or exited fault--free
1 Start motor data optimization
At the end, 0 or a fault code is automatically written into the parameter.
Fault code:
--2 A pulse frequency (P1100) of 4 kHz or 8 kHz is required

--3 Controller/pulse enable missing
--4 Speed setpoint <> 0
--5 Motor is presently being changed--over
--6 Error when determining the leakage inductance (result) < 0)
--7 V/f mode is active
--8 The incorrect motor was selected because of the motor changeover
--9 Parameterized maximum speed is too low for the measurement
--11 Changeover speed, open--loop/closed--loop control is too high (P1466)
--12 Speed range too low (P1466 or P1160 too high)
--13 Ramp--function generator enable missing
--14 Open--loop torque controlled mode is selected
--15 Motor data optimization for the listed motor not permissible (from SW 3.3)
--16 Excessively high current results in limiting by the i2t power module model

Diagnostic Diagnostic parameters are display parameters, i.e. they can only be
parameters read.
The following parameters are used for diagnostics:

Table 4-3 Diagnostic parameters

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
0599 Active motor data set (from SW 2.4) -- -- -- Hex RO
... indicates whether the motor changeover has been enabled, or which motor data set is active.
0 Motor changeover inhibited (P1013 = 0)
1 Motor data set 1 (P1xxx) active
2 Motor data set 2 (P2xxx) active
3 Motor data set 3 (P3xxx) active
4 Motor data set 4 (P4xxx) active
Motor changeover is described in Chapter 6.11.

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4.5 Function--initiating and diagnostic parameters

Table 4-3 Diagnostic parameters, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
0600 Operating display -- -- -- Hex RO
... displays the actual operating status of the unit.

Motor type Parameter set 0 ... 7

Synchr. motor, Parameterized
standard speed setpoint source
Induction mot., F: Fixed setpoint
standard A: Analog
Induction motor O: Digital
no encoder, n--set
4 open--loop contr.
Induction motor, Equipment status
operating mode
no encoder, All enable signals present, Trav. block Permanent
closed--loop contr. running coupling
Synchronous motor,
field--weakening All enable signals present, Activate
operation generating traversing task (edge)
Synchronous Setpoint enable missing
motor, linear (STW1.6) Intermediate stop

Ramp--function generator
Reject traversing
enable missing
Operating state Controller enable
(terminal 64 or 65.x) missing Referencing running
Drive not
enabled Module--specific, pulse
Reference point still
enable (terminal 633) missing
Speed--controlled not approached
Central enable (terminal 63
or 48) missing Follow--up mode
Open--loop torque or a fault is present
controlled operation
Power--on inhibit present
Jogging 1/2
V/f mode Inverter enable missing
(STW1.3) Override is zero
Positioning mode ON/OFF 1 missing (STW1.0)
Point lit Traversing to fixed stop
Enable/OFF 2 missing
----> PROFIBUS has
the master function MDI active
Point flashes Operating condition/OFF 3
----> missing (STW1.2) or no control Point lit
clock--synchronous requested (STW1.10) ----> wait for
operation active an external block change
Drive is inactive or
the parking axis has been selected
Point is lit ----> wait for the signal edge, ”motor
changed over” (STW2.11)
Freely parameterizable output terminals (standard assignment for n--set)
O3.x: Motor temperature pre--warning
O1.x: Ramp--up completed
O0.x: Ready or no fault
O2.x: | nact | < nmin

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05.00 4 Commissioning
4.5 Function--initiating and diagnostic parameters

Additional The following additional parameters are available for diagnostics:

parameters for
S P0653 Image, input signals, Part 1
diagnostics (refer
to Chapter A.1) S P0654 Image, input signals, Part 2
S P0655 Image, input signals, Part 3 (from SW 3.3)
S P0656 Image, output signals, Part 1
S P0657 Image, output signals, Part 2
S P0658 Image, output signals, Part 3
S P0678 Image of the input terminals
S P0698 Image of the output terminals

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4.6 Parameters for hardware, operating mode and clock cycles

4.6 Parameters for hardware, operating mode and clock


Hardware The drive must identify the hardware used (motor, power module and
parameters encoder) so that it can behave appropriately. The hardware can only be
identified when the drive is in the booted state.
S Specifying the hardware with the display and operator unit
In order to specify the motor, power module and encoder used, the
appropriate code must be determined from the tables, using the Or-
der No. (MLFB) and entered in the parameter.
S Specifying the hardware with SimoCom U
4 The motor, power module and encoder are selected from a list using
the relevant Order numbers (MLFB). The appropriate code is then
automatically entered.

! A power module could be destroyed for the following reasons:
S Incorrect power module code or motor code
S Incorrect motor data
S Inverter clock frequency or current controller gain too high

Calculate equivalent Procedure when first commissioning an unlisted motor

circuit diagram data, (also refer to Chapter 3.2.1):
calculate unlisted
S Select ”unlisted motor”, e.g. synchronous or induction motor
S Enter all of the rating plate data, and if known, all of the equivalent
circuit diagram data. The equivalent circuit diagram data can also be
calculated using parameter P1081.
S Set parameter P1082 ”Calculate unlisted motor”.
This means that the controller data is internally calculated and the
motor code number corresponding to the motor type is saved.

Automatic The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board has an automatic power
power module module detection function, i.e. the control board automatically detects
identification and identifies power modules with this function.
Which power modules have an automatic identification function?
Only power modules from a specific hardware version have the auto-
matic power module identification function (refer to Order No.).

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4.6 Parameters for hardware, operating mode and clock cycles

Power module (Order No.) Automatic identification?

S 6SN112V--VVVVV--VVV0 No automatic identification
S from 6SN112V--VVVVV--VVV1 Automatic identification
V: Space retainer for the Order No.
After the first commissioning, a value is in P1106 (power module code
No.) which corresponds to the particular power module.
An automatic power module identification routine is executed each time
that the control board boots. In this case, the value in P1106 is
compared with the value of the power module identified in P1110.
If the values are not the same, there is an error condition, and an ap-
propriate fault message is signaled.

Table 4-4 Hardware parameters 4

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1102 Motor code number 0 0 FFFF -- PO
The motor code number defines the connected motor.
S The motor code of the existing motor is located in the following lists:
-- for rotating synchronous motors (SRM) ----> refer to Chapter A.3.1
-- for permanent--magnet synchronous motors with field--
weakening (1FE1 motor, PE spindle, from SW 3.1) ----> refer to Chapter A.3.2
-- for linear synchronous motors (SLM) ----> refer to Chapter A.3.4
-- for induction motors (ARM) ----> refer to Chapter A.3.5
S At the first commissioning and at each POWER ON, the motor data are pre--assigned
according to the entered motor code (Exception: unlisted motor).
S For unlisted motors, the parameters must be manually assigned (refer to Chapter A.3).
1106 Power module code number 0 0 FFFF -- PO
The power module code number defines the power module used.
S The power module code can be determined from a list (refer to Chapter A.2).
S It is not necessary to select power modules with automatic identification.
1006 IM encoder code number 0 0 65 535 -- PO
The encoder code number describes the connected encoders.
S The encoder code number can be determined from a list (refer to Chapter A.4).
S At the first commissioning and at each POWER ON the encoder data are pre--assigned
corresponding to the entered encoder code number (Exception: Unlisted encoder).
S For unlisted encoders, the parameters must be manually assigned (refer to Chapter A.4).

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4.6 Parameters for hardware, operating mode and clock cycles

Parameters The operating mode of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” is set using P0700
for the (operating mode).
operating mode
It is not possible to change over the operating mode in the powered--on
status, as the parameter only becomes effective after POWER ON.

Table 4-5 Parameters for the operating mode

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
0700 Operating mode 0 1 3 -- PO
=0 Drive inactive only drive B)
This means that a double--axis module can only be operated in the single--axis mode.
Should there be no communications with the inactive drive B via PROFIBUS?
4 =1
If yes, then communications must be disabled using P0875 = 0.
Speed/torque setpoint (refer to Chapter 6.1)
In this mode, the drive can be operated in the following operating states:
-- closed--loop speed controlled mode (nset mode)
-- open--loop torque controlled mode (Mset mode)
-- torque reduction (MRed)
=2 External position reference value (from SW 3.3)
No longer available from SW 4.1. Select the positioning mode.
=3 Positioning (from SW 2.1, refer to Chapter 6.2)
Traversing blocks can be selected and executed in this operating mode.
Every traversing block can be freely parameterized, and in addition to the block num-
ber, it also contains additional data, e.g. target position, acceleration, velocity, com-
mand and block enable circuit.
S The drive can be operated in the ”speed/torque setpoint” mode and ”positioning” modes via
terminals or via PROFIBUS--DP or mixed (refer to Chapter 5.4).
S For operation with PROFIBUS--DP:
Operating mode Overview of process data
-- Speed/torque setpoint (refer to Chapter 5.6.1)
-- Positioning (from SW 2.1) refer to Chapter 5.6.1

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4.6 Parameters for hardware, operating mode and clock cycles

Parameters For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, the clock cycles (current controller,
for speed controller, position controller and interpolation clock cycles) are
clock cycles set as standard, and generally do not have to be changed.
However, the speed controller dynamic performance can be further en-
hanced by reducing the clock cycle times (current controller and speed
controller clock cycles).

In standard operation, use the standard clock cycle settings.
After the clock cycles have been changed, the ”calculate controller
data” function (P1080 = 1) should be executed.

Table 4-6 Parameters for clock cycles 4

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1000 Current controller clock cycle 2 4 4 31.25 s PO
1001 Speed controller clock cycle 2 4 16 31.25 s PO
1009 Position control cycle 32 32 128 31.25 s PO
1010 Interpolation cycle 64 128 640 31.25 s PO
The clock cycles are derived from the basic hardware clock cycle (31.25 s).
When changing the clock cycles, the data in the following tables and the associated limitations
must be observed.

Current Speed Position Inter- Clock cycles

ctr clk cycle ctr clk cycle ctr clk cycle polation clk cycle
P1000 P1001 P1009 P1010 Values

4 (125 s) 4 (125 s) 32 (1 ms) 128 (4 ms) Standard

2 (62.5 s) 2 (62.5 s) 1 ms 4 ms Possible values

4 (125 s) 4 (125 s) to to (also refer to
8 (250 s) 4 ms 20 ms Limitations)
12 (500 s) Tip: 31.25 s S 32 = 1 ms

S The clock cycles for both active axes must be set the same on a control board.
S Curr. ctr clk cycle: for 2 active axes and positioning, 62.5 s is not permissible
From SW 8.3:
for ”SIMODRIVE universal HRS” control board, 62.5 s
for 2 active axes and positioning, permissible
S Speed ctr clk cycle: Speed controller clock cycle≥ Current controller clock cycle
for 2 active axes, 62.5 s is not permissible
S Pos. ctr clk cycle: must be an integer multiple of the speed contr. clock cycle
S Interpolation cycle: must be an integer multiple of the position contr. clock cycle

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

4.7.1 Description

IM operation The IM function permits pure encoderless operation (IM operation) or mixed
operation (encoderless operation/operation with encoder), P1465 = 0.
The induction motor operation for a ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” drive
is used for 4--quadrant closed--loop speed control of induction motors
without speed or rotor position encoder.
Induction motor operation permits higher demands to be fulfilled re-
garding the dynamic control performance and the stall immunity of con-

4 ventional converter drives with V/Hz characteristic control. Compared

to drives with rotor position encoder, the speed accuracy is somewhat
lower and therefore it must be taken into account, that in the lower
speed range, the dynamic response and smooth running characteristics
will deteriorate.

Applications IM (Induction Motor) operation is used, e.g. in the area of special high--
speed motors, for grinding applications and for drives for punches and
MSD mode:
MSD mode with encoder is for high speed accuracy, dynamics and
positioning, P1465 > nmax.
Application: Spindles, spindle positioning

Closed--loop As the dynamic performance in IM operation is less than MSD oper-

control ation with encoder, a speed--torque--frequency pre--control is imple-
mented to improve the control dynamic performance.
This pre--control is only active in induction motor operation. It pre--con-
trols, with information about the drive torque, taking into account the
existing torque and current limits and the load (motor -- P1117 + load --
P1123:8 (from SW 2.4)), the torque required for a particular speed
change, in the fastest possible time.
This means, that when correctly parameterized, overshoot is prevented
and the controlled dynamic performance is enhanced.
For the torque pre--control, a smoothing time can be parameterized via
The speed controller is parameterized for induction motor operation
using P1451 and P1453 due to the low dynamic performance.
In the low speed range, for pure induction motor operation, the actual
speed, the orientation and the actual flux can no longer be calculated.
This is due to the accuracy of the measured values and the parameter
sensitivity of the technique. Thus, an open--loop current/frequency con-
trol is selected.
The changeover threshold is parameterized using P1466 , whereby a
5 % hysteresis is implemented.
In order to be able to accept a high load torque, even in the open--loop
controlled range, the motor current can be increased via P1458.

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

The value in MD 1458 should be taken into account when
dimensioning the power section, particularly in those cases where the
controlled operational state lasts for a long time. The maximum current
specified with MD 1458 is also used with low speeds and torques; this
can lead to long--term damage or to a power section whose
dimensions are too small being destroyed.

Behavior after When the pulses are canceled and in pure induction motor operation,
pulse cancellation the drive converter has no information about the actual motor speed.
When the pulses are re--enabled, the speed actual value must first be
searched for. 4
Parameter P1012.7 can be used to define whether the search should
start at the setpoint speed or at speed = 0.
P1012.7 =0 Search starts at the setpoint speed
=1 Search starts at speed = 0
When the motor is stationary and P1012.7 = 0, you should avoid apply-
ing a high setpoint before the pulses have been enabled.

! When deleting the gating pulses for the motor (terminal 663, terminal
63 or internally canceling the pulses when faults are present), there is
no motor speed data. The computed actual speed value is then set to
zero, Thus, all of the speed actual value signals, speed actual value
messages and output signals (| nact | < nmin, ramp--function generator
ended, | nact | < nx, nset = nact) are no longer reliable.

MSD/IM operation The MSD/AM function enables the control response to be switched dur-
ing operation from MSD to AM control for high speeds, depending on
the speed. Parameter P1465 > 0, < nmax.
The switchover takes place automatically, depending on the setting of
the speed threshold in P1465.
A switchover via a digital input, for example, is not possible.

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

IM, open--loop IM, closed--loop Pure

controlled controlled IM operation:
P1465 = 0
P1465 P1466 nmax

MSD MSD operation:
P1465 > nmax
nmax P1465

Mixed operation:
0 < P1465 < nmax

4 P1465
MSD----> ARM with encoder signal evaluation

IM ----> ARM without encoder signal evaluation

Fig. 4-6 Operating ranges, MSD/IM

For pure IM operation, a rotor position encoder is not necessarily
required. A fixed temperature must be selected in P1608, as in this
case, generally temperature sensing is not connected.
When IM operation is selected, only drive converter frequencies
(P1100) of 4 or 8 kHz are permissible.
Reference: /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters
Chapter ”Power modules”

Operating display The actual operating status of the drive is displayed in P0600 (oper-
ating display) (refer to Chapter 4.5).

Series reactor When high--speed special motors are used, or other low leakage induc-
tion motors, a series reactor may be required to ensure stable oper-
ation of the current controller.
This reactor is taken into account in the current model using P1119.

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

4.7.2 Commissioning induction motors (ARM) without encoder

! The EMERGENCY STOP functions must always be functioning when
commissioning the drive. The relevant safety regulations must be
observed to exclude danger for man and machine.
When optimizing the motor data, motor movements are initiated, which
can reach the maximum motor speed.

Motor data The use of unlisted induction motors with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
optimization is supported with the motor data optimization.
Often, the commissioning engineer only knows the rating plate data
(manufacturer’s data according to DIN VDE 0530, Part 1) of the motor.
The “Calculate equivalent circuit diagram data” function can be used to
calculate other motor data.
The result of the calculation is merely an approximate estimate. The
motor data optimization is used to improve the result.
When optimizing the motor data, voltage, current and speed setpoint
patterns are output to the motor, and information regarding the equiva-
lent circuit diagram data is taken from the motor response.

Prerequisites for The following prerequisites are necessary when commissioning the
commissioning drive system:
S Pulses, controller, and ramp--function generator must be enabled.
S Motor data optimization is possible in the MSD and IM modes.
S For MSD operation, it is not necessary to determine the moment of

As a result of the many motors available in the market, it cannot
always be guaranteed that the motor data optimization routine supplies
results for all motor types. This is especially true for motors with a low
power rating.
In this case, in addition to using the data on the motor rating plate, an
attempt can also be made to only execute those steps 1...4 for motor
data optimization (Chapter 4.7.3) that can be executed without any
problems being encountered. If step 2 results in problems, then only
the data on the motor rating plate should be used. So, after the motor
data optimization has been completed, an attempt can be made to
increase the flux gain (P1150). If this is also not successful, then
unfortunately, the motor cannot be used together with SIMODRIVE
611 universal!

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

induction motors
without encoder


Is the ”E-- ...”

displayed flashing
-- Connect--up the unit or
-- Check the connections is the display inactive?
Remove the cause!
Power--up the unit (refer to Chapter 7.3)
(power ON)

4 2
Already No

Is either No
Yes A1106 or b1106

Is No Yes
”___run ”
displayed? Carry--out the hardware configuration
(parameter list, refer to Chapter A.1)
-- Enter the power module code
Yes number1) (P1106)
-- Enter the motor code number
(P1102 = 99)
No Request a new -- Enter the encoder code number
commissioning? (P1006 = 98, no encoder)
-- Define the operating mode (P0700)
End -- Boot
(cyclic operation) Yes (set P0659 to 1)

Establish the boot state Fault message ”E--x683” is displayed.

-- Remove write protection (P0651 = 4) Using the -- key, change from the alarm
-- Boot, set P0659 to 0 mode into the operating mode (repeat
-- Start to write into the FEPROM (P0652 = 1) and often, as the system automatically
then wait until the write operation has been changes over into the alarm mode after
completed (P0652 = 0)
1 minute).
-- Carry--out a HW power--on reset
1) only
if not 2 continue on the next
automatically identified page

Fig. 4-7 Commissioning induction motors without encoder (Part 1)

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

from the previous page 1

P1103: Rated motor current
Remove write protection (P0651 = 8) P1119: Inductance, series reactor
P1129: cos  power factor
P1130: Rated motor output
Enter the rating plate data P1132: Rated motor voltage
P1134: Rated motor frequency
P1146: Maximum motor speed
Are the P1400: Rated motor speed
Yes equivalent No
circuit diagram
data known?
Enter the equivalent diagram data
Calculate the equivalent
P1117: Motor moment of inertia
circuit diagram data
P1135: Motor no--load voltage
(P1081 = 1)
P1136: Motor no--load current
P1137: Stator resistance, cold
P1138: Rotor resistance, cold
P1139: Stator leakage reactance
P1140: Rotor leakage reactance
P1141: Magnetizing reactance
P1142: Speed at the start of field weakening

No Motor data


Calculate unlisted motor (P1082 = 1)

Save to FEPROM (P0652 = 1)


Optimize the motor data, steps 1 to 4

(refer to Chapter 4.7.3)

Calculate unlisted motor (P1082 = 1)

Save to FEPROM (P0652 = 1)


3 continue on the next


Fig. 4-8 Commissioning induction motors without encoder (Part 2)

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

from the previous page 3

Check the following parameters, and if required, change:

P1401:8 Speed for the max. useful motor speed
P0610/0615 Drift/offset correction, terminal 56.x/14.x/terminal 24.x/20.x
P0618 Normalization voltage
P1451:8/1453:8 P gain, speed controller IM/integral action time
P1256:8/1257:8 Ramp--function generator, ramp--up/ramp--down time
P1147 Speed limiting
P1123:8 Load moment of inertia (from SW 2.4)

4 P1417:8
nx for ”nact < nx” signal
nmin for ”nact < nmin” signal
P1426:8 Tolerance bandwidth for ”nset = nact” signal
P1427 Delay time ”nset = nact” signal
P1428 Threshold torque Mdx
P1429 Delay time ”Md < Mdx” signal
P1230:8 1st torque limit
P1235:8 1st power limit
P1458 Current setpoint, open--loop controlled range IM
P1459 Torque smoothing time constant IM
P1465 Changeover speed IM
P1466 Changeover speed, open--loop/closed--loop control IM
P0660 -- 0663 Function, input terminal I0.x/I1.x/I2.x/I3.x
P0680 -- 0683 Signaling function, output terminal O0.x/O1.x/O2.x/O3.x

Start to write into the FEPROM (P0652 = 1)

and then wait until the write operation has been
completed (P0652 = 0)

Enable write protection (P0651 = 0)

Save parameters in the file

and document


Fig. 4-9 Commissioning induction motors without encoder (Part 3)

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4-152 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 4 Commissioning
4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

4.7.3 Motor data optimization, steps 1 to 4

Reader’s note
What happens to the faults occurring during motor data optimization?
Faults, which occur during the commissioning steps, are written into
P1084 as fault code (refer to the parameter list in Chapter A.1).
Prerequisites for the commissioning steps 1 to 4:
S Switch in the pulse, controller and ramp--function generator enable
S Remove write protection (P0651 = 8)
S Set the converter switching frequency (P1100) to 4 or 8 kHz
The motor is immediately braked if a motor data optimization routine is
interrupted while it is running.

Optimizing using From SW 5.1, the ”SimoCom U” start--up tool supports motor data opti-
”SimoCom U” mization.
After ”motor data optimization” has been selected, a menu is displayed
in which, the following optimization steps can be selected one after
another from the ”Settings” selection box. These optimizing steps can
be started using the ”Start” button:
1. Step 1: Determining the resistances and reactances
2. Step 2: Finely defining the no--load current, magnetizing field reactance
3. Step 3: Determining the speed at the start of field weakening
4. Step 4: Determining the moment of inertia
For the listed parameters, the results of the optimization steps are dis-
played, up--to--date, in the menu screen.

Optimizing with The motor can also be optimized as follows using parameter settings.
the parameter

Commissioning Determine the resistance and reactance values of the motor and an
step 1 improved no--load current value.

S The motor does not move and may not move during this
S Monitoring is not possible, as the induction motor does not have an

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

Carrying--out The step is executed as follows:

step 1
1. Select the step: P1083 = 1
2. Start the step: P1084 = 1
-- P1084 = 1 The step was started and is running --
it can be exited with P1084 = 0.
-- P1084 = 1/0 The step was successfully completed
-- P1084 = --x The step was cancelled with fault--x
(refer to P1084 in Chapter A.1)
Start again after the fault has been removed.

Changed The following parameters are calculated/written into:

S P1136, P1137, P1138, P1139, P1140, P1141
Commissioning Determine the no--load current and magnetizing reactance.
step 2
The no--load current is set, so that at rated speed, the no--load voltage
is present at the motor terminals.

! The motor is accelerated, with a positive rotating field, up to the rated

If the speed actual value is not steady (resolver, toothed--wheel
encoder), it cannot be guaranteed that this commissioning step is
correctly executed (the setting takes too long).
Remedy: Set the speed actual value smoothing (P1522) to min. 1 ms.

Carrying--out The step is executed as follows:

step 2
1. Select the step: P1083 = 2
2. Start the step: P1084 = 1
-- P1084 = 1 The step was started and is running --
it can be exited with P1084 = 0.
-- P1084 = 1/0 The step was successfully completed
-- P1084 = --x The step was cancelled with fault--x
(refer to P1084 in Chapter A.1)
Start again after the fault has been removed.

Changed The following parameters are calculated/written into:

S P1136, P1141

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

Commissioning Determine the speed at the start of field weakening.

step 3
When traveling at the threshold speed for the start of field weakening and
a DC link voltage VDC link, the converter output voltage is set to 380 V.
If VDC link < 600 V, the converter output voltage is reduced by the factor
VDC link/ 600 V.

! The motor is accelerated up to the speed at the start of field
weakening with a positive rotating field; the speed is limited to the
currently effective limit.

Note 4
If the speed actual value is not steady (resolver, toothed--wheel
encoder), it cannot be guaranteed that this commissioning step is
correctly executed (the setting takes too long).
Remedy: Set the speed actual value smoothing (P1522) to min. 1 ms.

Carrying out step 3 The step is executed as follows:

1. Select the step: P1083 = 3
2. Start the step: P1084 = 1
-- P1084 = 1 The step was started and is running --
it can be exited with P1084 = 0.
-- P1084 = 1/0 The step was successfully completed
-- P1084 = --x The step was cancelled with fault--x
(refer to P1084 in Chapter A.1)
Start again after the fault has been removed.

Changed The following parameters are calculated/written into:

S P1142

If an asynchronous motor with a rated voltage > 400 V is configured,
the message is displayed that the speed at the start of field weakening
lies under the rated speed. This configured rated voltage cannot be
provided by the DC link voltage UZK!

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

Commissioning Determine the moment of inertia.

step 4
The moment of inertia is set, so that when the motor accelerates to the
maximum speed, no I component is set in the speed controller.
(not required when
carrying--out self--
commissioning in Note
the MSD mode)
If there is a significant load moment of inertia in actual operation, this
step should be executed with a coupled load.
For identification runs, the total moment of inertia (P1117 + P1123:8
(from SW 2.4)) is taken into account and corrected in P1117. The
commissioning engineer must make the appropriate distribution
between P1117 and P1123:8 (parameter set independent and

! The motor is accelerated with a positive field direction of rotation up to
the maximum speed along the torque limit.

Carrying--out The step is executed as follows:

step 4
1. Select the step: P1083 = 4
2. Start the step: P1084 = 1
-- P1084 = 1 The step was started and is running --
it can be exited with P1084 = 0.
-- P1084 = 1/0 The step was successfully completed
-- P1084 = --x The step was cancelled with fault--x
(refer to P1084 in Chapter A.1)
Start again after the fault has been removed.

Changed The following parameters are calculated/written into:

S P1117

Parameter For IM operation (encoderless operation), the following parameters are

overview available:

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

Table 4-7 Parameter overview for IM operation (encoderless operation)

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effec-
1451:8 P gain, speed controller IM (ARM) 0.0 0.3 9 999.999 Nms/rad imme-
... the P gain of the speed controller in IM operation is set (operation without encoder).
The parameter is preset when executing the ”calculate controller data”/”calculate unlisted
motor” function.
1453:8 Integral action time, speed controller IM 0.0 140.0 6 000.0 ms imme-
(ARM) diately
... the integral action time of the speed controller is set in IM operation (operation without en-
Note: 4
The parameter is preset when executing the ”calculate controller data”/”calculate unlisted
motor” function.
1458 Current setpoint open--loop controlled 0.0 90.0 150.0 % imme-
range IM (ARM) diately
For pure IM operation (P1465 = 0), the drive is open--loop, current--frequency controlled below
the changeover speed (P1466).
In order to be able to accept a higher load torque, the motor current in this range can be in-
creased using P1458.
This is entered as a percentage of the rated motor current (P1103).
The current is limited to 90% of the current limit value (P1238).
1459 Torque smoothing time constant AM (ARM) 0.0 4.0 100.0 ms imme-
... the pre--control value for the torque is smoothed (initial rounding--off).
In IM operation, a speed--torque--frequency pre--control is implemented due to the low dynamic
1465 Changeover speed MSD/IM (ARM) 0.0 100 000.0 100 000.0 RPM imme-
Above this, the drive runs, in IM operation with the speed set in this parameter.
P1465 = 0 pure IM operation
P1466 < P1465 < nmax mixed operation, MSD/IM
P1465 > nmax only MSD operation
S When IM operation is selected, only pulse frequencies (P1100) of 4 and 8 kHz are permissi-
S The parameter is preset to 0 when first commissioning, if there is no motor measuring
system (P1006 = 98, P1027.5 = 1).
1466 Changeover speed, closed--loop/open-- 150.0 300.0 100 000.0 RPM imme-
loop control IM (ARM) diately
For pure IM operation (P1465 = 0), the drive is open--loop, current--frequency controlled below
the speed set using this parameter.
The parameter is preset when executing the ”calculate controller data”/”calculate unlisted
motor” function.

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

4.7.4 Speed monitoring using a BERO (from SW 12.1)

Description With the ”Speed monitoring using a BERO“ function, this function can
be emulated for IM operation the same as for the “SIMODRIVE 611
analog” drive that has already be implemented for all configured
induction motors.
An adapter for the BERO is required to use this function.

Commissioning The angular incremental encoder interface must be used as input for
the “Speed monitoring using BERO” for “SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
(refer to Chapter 6.8.2). This means that in the speed/torque setpoint

4 mode, the angular incremental encoder interface can no longer be used

as output if a BERO is connected.
The angular incremental encoder interface is correctly configured with
P0890 = 2, the angular incremental encoder interface switched--in as
input and P0894 = 1, pulse/direction signal.
Commercially available BEROs function with a 24 V output. This is the
reason that the signal level must be adapted to the angular incremental
encoder interface (5 V input). This can be realized by connecting a DTI
(Digital Tacho Interface, Order No. [MLFB] 6SE7090-0XX84-3DB0) at
the existing angular incremental encoder interface input.

If the angular incremental encoder interface has already been defined
as an output for another function, when a BERO is connected, fault
message 750 (from SW 12.1 and higher) is output -- “Angular incre-
mental encoder interface incorrectly configured”.

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

DTI connection

X401 receiver Signal level converter X403

5 V tachometer
5 V int 6 4
1 M tachometer 1

Current limiting RS-422_A

driver X405
3 3
6 5
9 7

M tachometer Short--circuit proof
5 V tachometer
DC input
14 15 V tachometer
3 M24 ext.
4 P24 ext.

X80 X81

X404 1 2

Fig. 4-10 Example: Digital Tacho Interface connection, Order No. [MLFB] 6SE7090-0XX84-3DB0

S Supply voltage connection:

-- DTI 24 V via X404.1 and X404.2
-- BERO 24 V is possible via X404.3 and X404.4
-- DTI 5 V is possible via X402.14 to X403.6 and X402.13 to X403.1

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4.7 Induction motor operation with induction motor

S Connection, BERO output signal:

-- BERO at X402.2 and M24 via X404.3 to X402.3
S Connection, DTI output signal:
-- DTI pulse track A from X405.2 to SIMODRIVE 611 universal
X461/X462 A+
-- DTI inverse pulse track A from X405.3 to SIMODRIVE 611
universal X461/X462 A--
-- DTI pulse track B from X405.4 to SIMODRIVE 611 universal
X461/X462 B+
-- DTI inverse pulse track B from X405.5 to SIMODRIVE 611
universal X461/X462 B--

4 -- DTI ground reference from X405.1 to SIMODRIVE 611 universal

X461/X462.7 (15)

Activation The “Speed monitoring using a BERO” function is activated with P1467 ≥ 1.
P1467 = 1 allows a BERO signal to be transferred to the angular incre-
mental encoder interface.
P1467 is set > 1 if the BERO detects the number of fan blades.

Parameter The following parameters are used for the “Speed monitoring using a BERO”:
S P1467 BERO pulse number
(refer to Chap. A.1)
S P1468 BERO shutdown threshold, speed monitoring
S P1469 BERO speed actual value

Fault case Fault message 718 “BERO shutdown threshold exceeded” is output, if,
S The speed threshold parameterized in P1468 was exceeded or
S BERO pulses are no longer being received for a calculated speed
of > 1200 RPM.

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4-160 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
12.06 4 Commissioning
4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE spindle)

4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without

field--weakening (PE spindle)

4.8.1 Description

What is a The permanent--magnet synchronous motors with field weakening

permanent-- (1FE1 motor series) are liquid--cooled synchronous motors, which are
magnet supplied as components. After the components have been assembled
synchronous on the spindle, a complete motor spindle unit is formed.
motor with field
The rotors of 1FE1 motors are equipped with permanent magnets. The
high speeds for spindle operation are achieved by a current which op- 4
poses the field. This is similar to field weakening for induction motors.

Advantages The advantages of permanent--magnet spindles in comparison to in-

duction motors are:
S Extremely low power loss in the rotor
----> low bearing temperature
S Higher torque for the same active part dimensions
----> more compact machine design
S Shorter accelerating times with the same moment of inertia
S Improved efficiency
S Favorable Cos 
----> it may be possible to use a smaller power module
S More favorable speed/power characteristic
----> no power reduction in the upper speed range

Reader’s note
Detailed information on 1FE1 motors, configuring and mounting
built--in motors are provided in:
Reference: /PJFE/ AC Motors for Main Spindle Drives
Synchronous Built--in Motors 1FE1
Configuration Manual
Manufacturer Documentation

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4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE spindle)

Motor A motor spindle generally consists of the following components:

S Spindle box
S Spindle with bearings
S Cooling system
The spindle manufacturer is responsible for designing the bearings,
lubrication and cooling.
S Built--in motor
-- 4--pole series (especially suitable for high speeds)
-- 6--pole series (especially suitable for high torque)
-- A VP module (VPM) is required, depending on the EMF (rotor
voltage) (VPM: Voltage Protection Module)
4 -- Maximum speed: up to 16 000 RPM
Maximum torque: up to 310 Nm
(depending on the frame size)
S Encoder system (integrated encoder)
-- Hollow shaft measuring systems with sin/cos 1 Vpp
(e.g. SIZAG 2 or SIMAG H)

System The prerequisites are as follows:

S Control board
SIMODRIVE 611 universal for encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp
S Maximum motor cable length = 50 m

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4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE spindle)

4.8.2 Commissioning synchronous motors

General The following questions must be positively answered before commis-

information on sioning synchronous motors:
S Are all of the prerequisites for commissioning checked and
were the points in the checklist for commissioning checked (refer to
Chapter 4.1)?
S Is the motor used a standard or an unlisted motor?
-- Standard motor?
In the Catalog, the motor is listed as a permanent--magnet
synchronous motor and has an assigned motor code (refer to
Chapter A.3.2)?
When commissioning, the motor used is selected from a list. 4
-- Unlisted motor?
The motor is not included in the list of permanent--magnet
synchronous motor without field weakening and also does not
have a motor code (refer to Chapter A.3.2)?
When commissioning, the data of the motor used must be avail-
able and must be manually entered.
The data required with field weakening can be found in the table
under the index entry ”Unlisted motor -- parameters for PE
S Are the motor and encoder already mounted and ready to be powered up?

Commissioning The synchronous motors are commissioned as follows using the

synchronous SimoCom U parameterizing and start--up tool:
motors with
1. Establish online operation
SimoCom U
Operation: e.g. with ”Commissioning -- search for online drives”
2. Configure the drive
General rule:
You can reach the next or the previous dialog box by pressing
”next” or ”back”.
-- ”Drive name” dialog box
-- ”Power module” dialog box (only if it is not automatically identified)
-- ”Motor selection” dialog box for standard motors:
”Motor” field ”Motor type” field
--> Standard motor --> 1FT6, 1FK6, 1FE1, 1FW6 (synchronous)
----> select the motor used
----> continue with the ”measuring system/encoder” dialog box

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4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE spindle)

-- ”Motor selection” dialog box for unlisted motor:

”Motor” field ”Motor type” field
--> Enter data --> Synchronous motor (SRM)
After ”continue”, the motor data and the pre--setting for the current
controller adaptation must be entered:
P No. Name Value Unit
1103 Rated motor current A(rms)
1104 Maximum motor current (as for P1122) A(rms)
1112 Motor pole pair number --
1113 Torque constant Nm/A
1114 Voltage constant V(rms)

4 1115
Armature resistance
Armature inductance
1117 Motor moment of inertia kgm2
1118 Motor standstill current A(rms)
1122 Motor limiting current (as for P1104) A(rms)
1128 Optimum load angle (from SW 3.3) Degrees
1146 Maximum motor speed RPM
1149 Reluctance torque constant (from mH
SW 3.3)
1180 Lower current limit adaptation 0 %
1181 Upper current limit adaptation 30 %
1182 Current controller data factor 30 %
1400 Rated motor speed RPM

-- ”Measuring system/encoder” dialog box

”Which motor measuring system are you using?” --> Enter data
The encoder data should be entered after ”continue”:
Incremental -- without zero mark yes
Rotor position identification yes
Note: This results in, P1011 = 3XXXHex
Speed actual value inversion first remains like this
P1005 (encoder pulse number) ______
-- ”Operating mode” dialog box
-- ”Complete the drive configuration” dialog box
After the data that has been set has been carefully checked, the
drive configuration is completed by pressing
”Accept this drive configuration”.

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4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE spindle)

3. With field weakening, PE specific parameters must be set and the

PE spindle activated (only for unlisted motors).
-- Enter or change the following parameters via the expert list.

P No. Name Value Unit

1136 Motor locked--rotor current A(rms)
1142 Speed at the start of field weaken- RPM
1015 Activate PE--MSD 1: Activated --
0: Deacti-

From SW 12.01, P1172 must be = 0!

-- Execute the ”calculate controller data” function

After this, the controller data is pre--assigned, PE--specific.
-- Save the parameters in the FEPROM
-- Carry--out a POWER--ON RESET

This completes the basic commissioning.
The motor can be operated with these settings.
After this first commissioning, for reasons of accuracy, the rotor
position identification run must be executed with zero mark and the
angular commutation offset determined.

Reader’s note
Additional commissioning instructions/information regarding motor
optimization are provided in the following.

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4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE spindle)

1. Check the control sense of the speed control loop
instructions to -- P1146 = _ _ _ _ _ _
optimize the motor P1147 = _ _ _ _ _ _ Note values so that they can be written
back into the system
-- P1146 (maximum motor speed) ----> enter a low value P1147
(speed limiting) ----> enter a low value
-- Enable the drive and operate the drive with a low speed setpoint

If Then
No error Control sense OK

4 Fault
If the control sense is incorrect, e.g. due to incorrect
phase sequence (counter--clockwise rotating field) or
the drive interchanged encoder tracks
oscillates at ----> correct the phase sequence or change the inversion
nset = 0) of the speed actual value (P1011.0) and carry out
Fault If the control sense or encoder pulse number (P1005) is
(e.g. incorrect
fault 608) ----> correct P1005 and execute a POWER--ON RESET

-- P1146 and P1147: Re--enter the old parameter values

2. Motor pole position identification is described in Chapter 6.16.
3. Set the current controller adaptation (refer to Chapter 4.8.3)
-- P1120 is pre--set with ”Calculate controller data”
-- Check the pre--setting for the current controller adaptation
(the values were already entered together with the motor data):
P1180 = 0 %, P1181 = 30 %, P1182 = 30 %

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4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE spindle)

4.8.3 Current controller adaptation

Pre--setting of the The current controller adaptation must be pre--set as follows before
current controller subsequently setting and checking:

Proportional gain Kp

= calculated
value [V/A]
= 30 %

P1180 = 0 % P1181 = 30 % Imax

Iq 4

Fig. 4-11 Pre--setting of the current controller adaptation for 1FE1 motors

Setting the current To check and set the current controller adaptation, different current set-
controller point steps are entered via the SimoCom U parameterizing and
adaptation start--up tool using the measuring function. The appropriate step re-
sponse is then evaluated (current actual value = torque actual value).

Goal when The adaptation characteristic for the P gain Kp of the current controller
setting the should be set over the complete current Iq, so that the controller is opti-
P gain Kp mally set at each current, and does not overshoot.

Kp is optimum Kp is too high, Kp is too low,

overshoots dampened
transient response
----> OK ----> not OK ----> OK, not optimum

Fig. 4-12 How should the step response be evaluated?

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4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE spindle)

Procedure The pre--setting (default) of the adaptation characteristic can, e.g. be

when checking the checked and set as follows:
1. Current setpoint input (amplitude = 2 % + offset = 0 %)
Check the start of the adaptation characteristic for Iq = 0 %.
Step response?
OK: P1120 is correct
Not OK: Increase/decrease P1120
----> Target: Optimum transient response
(refer to Fig. 4-12, left)
2. Current setpoint input (amplitude = 2 % + offset = 100 %)
Check the constant adaptation characteristic range at Iq = 100 %.
Step response?
4 OK:
Not OK:
P1182 is correct
Increase/decrease P1182
----> Objective: Optimum transient response
(refer to Fig. 4-12, left)
3. Current setpoint input (2 % amplitude + 30, 20, 10, 5 % offset)
Check the transition point and the gradient of the adaptation charac-
teristic at Iq = 30 %, 20 %, 10 %.
Step response?
OK: P1181 is correct
Not OK: Increase/decrease P1181
----> Objective: Well dampened transient response
(refer to Fig. 4-12, right)

The reference for the current setpoint (amplitude and offset) refer to
the power module transistor current (P1107, units: A(pk), peak value).
P1107 = 50 A(pk) ----> 50 A/2  36 A(rms) ----> 50 % ≐ 18 A
----> 10 % ≐ 3.6 A, etc.

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4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE spindle)

Parameter The following parameters are used for the current controller adaptation:
Table 4-8 Parameter overview for the current controller adaptation

No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effective
1180 Lower current limit adaptation (SRM, SLM) 0.0 0.0 100.0 % immedi-
1181 Upper current limit adaptation (SRM, SLM) 0.0 100.0 100.0 % immedi-
1182 Factor, current controller adaptation (SRM, 1.0 100.0 100.0 % immedi-
SLM) ately
The P gain of the current control (KP, P1120) can be reduced, depending on the current, using
the controller adaptation.
The adaptation characteristic is defined using P1180, P1181 and P1182.
The following value pairs are obtained:
S First value pair: P1180/100 %
S Second value pair: P1181/P1182

Proportional gain Kp

P1120 without adaptation

¡ © ¢
P1182 with adaptation

0 P1180 P1181 Imax
¡ Constant lower current range: Iq or Id < P1180
© Adaptation range: P1180 < Iq or Id < P1181
¢ Constant upper range: Iq or Id > P1181
P1180, P1181: Percentage values referred to P1104 (max. motor current)
P1182: Percentage value referred to P1120 (P gain, current controller)
The following applies: P1180 (lower current limit adaptation) < P1181 (upper current limit

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4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE spindle)

4.8.4 Parameters for PE spindles

Parameter The following parameters are used for permanent--magnet spindles

overview (PE spindles):

Table 4-9 Parameter overview for PE spindles

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1015 Activate PE--MSD (SRM) 0 0 1 -- PO
... the permanent--magnet spindle (PE spindle, 1FE1 motor) is activated/deactivated for this

=1 Permanent--magnet spindle is activated
=0 Permanent--magnet spindle is de--activated
1128 Optimum load angle (SRM) 90.0 90.0 135.0 De- immedi-
grees. ately
For synchronous motors that have rotors that are not symmetrical around the rotational axis,
the additional reluctance torque can be used to increase the torque.
The optimum load angle specifies at which load angle the torque reaches a maximum value at
150 % rated current.
Refer to P1149 (reluctance torque constant)
Synchronous motors without rotors that are symmetrical around their rotational axis: e.g. 1FE
S Operation with reluctance torque: P1128 and P1149 not equal to the standard value
S Operation without reluctance torque: P1128 and P1149 equal to the standard value
1136 Motor locked--rotor current 0.0 0.0 500.0 A(rms) immedi-
The parameter is set by selecting the motor from the motor list or according to the data sheet of
the motor manufacturer.
If the motor manufacturer has no data, then the motor locked--rotor current can be calculated
according to the following formula:
P1136 = (P1114 S 60 [sec]) / (3 S P1112 S P1116 S 2)
P1112 Motor pole pair number
P1114 Voltage constant (Vrms/1000 rev/min)
P1116 Armature inductance (in mH)
For PE spindles, the maximum motor short--circuit current (no--load current) influences the high
motor speeds. This means that if the power module rating is too low, the maximum speed will
not be reached. Otherwise, the functionality is not restricted.

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09.08 4 Commissioning
4.8 Permanent--magnet synchronous motor with and without field--weakening (PE spindle)

Table 4-9 Parameter overview for PE spindles, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1142 Speed at the start of field weakening 0.0 0.0 100 000.0 RPM immedi-
(SRM, ARM) ately
The speed at the start of field weakening is assigned when selecting the motor from the motor
list, or according to the motor manufacturer’s data sheet.
If the motor manufacturer has no data, then the speed at the start of field weakening can be
calculated according to the following formula:
For SRM:
P1142 [RPM]= 425 V S 1000 [RPM] / P1114 [V]
S P1114 Voltage constant
S Id
S P1136
Field--generating current
Motor locked--rotor current 4
P1142 Speed at the start of field weakening


-- P1136
Depending on the load, the field current can change between the speed -- Id -- characteristic
and the motor short--circuit current.
For ARM:
P1400 [RPM] S 400 [V]
P1142 [RPM] =
3 S 2 S P1134 [s --1] S P1119 [mH] S P1103 [A]
 P1132 [V] +

When commissioning the system, parameter P1142 is calculated using the motor equivalent
circuit diagram.
1145 Stall torque reduction factor 5.0 100.0 1000.0 % immed.
1149 Reluctance torque constant (SRM) 0.0 0.0 300.0 mH immed.
For synchronous motors that have rotors that are not symmetrical around the rotational axis,
the additional reluctance torque can be used to increase the torque.
The reluctance torque constant multiplied by the torque and field--generating current provides
the torque increased as a result of the reluctance torque.
Refer to P1128 (optimum load angle)
Synchronous motors that have rotors that are not symmetrical around the rotational axis: e.g.
1FE motors
S Operation with reluctance torque: P1128 and P1149 not equal to the standard value
S Operation without reluctance torque: P1128 and P1149 equal to the standard value

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4.9 1FW6 built--in torque motors (from SW 6.1)

4.9 1FW6 built--in torque motors (from SW 6.1)

4.9.1 Description

What is a Built--in torque motors are liquid--cooled, slow--speed (high pole num-
permanent-- ber), permanent--magnet three--phase synchronous motors with hol-
magnet low--shaft rotors. The motors are supplied as built--in components
synchronous which are kept together, when shipped, using an assembly unit. In
motor with field addition, a bearing and a rotary encoder are required for a complete
weakening? drive unit.

4 The stator and the rotor have flanges at both ends with centering sur-
faces and tapped holes which allow them to be integrated into a ma-

Advantages The motors distinguish themselves as follows:

S Extremely high power density
S High torque with a compact design and low envelope dimensions
S Wide range of types
S High overload capability (factor 1.8 ... 2.0)
S Low moment of inertia
S High degree of availability as there are no gearbox components in
the mechanical drive transmission line which are subject to wear
S Cable and cooling connections, either radial or axial
S Water cooling to increase the rated power
S Directly flanged to the machine

Reader’s note
Detailed information on 1FW6 motors and to engineer and mount
built--in torque motors is provided in:
Reference: /PJTM/ Configuration Manual
1FW6 Built--in Torque Motors
Manufacturer Documentation

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4-172 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.03 4 Commissioning
4.9 1FW6 built--in torque motors (from SW 6.1)

Components Generally, a built--in torque motor comprises the following components:

of built--in torque
S Stator
This comprises an iron core and a three--phase winding. The wind-
ing is cast in polyurethane in order to better dissipate the power
losses. The motor can be force--cooled using a liquid heat ex-
changer (main heat exchanger) around its circumference.
S Rotor
This is the reaction part of the motor. It comprises a cylindrical hol-
low steel shaft which has permanent magnets around its circumfer-
S Cooling
The cooling version depends on the outer diameter.
S Encoder system
-- Absolute incremental encoder with EnDat 4
(e.g. RCN 723, Heidenhain)
-- Incremental encoder (1Vpp)
(e.g. RON 786, Heidenhain)
-- Min. encoder pulse number zmin = 2048
-- Max. encoder pulse number zmax = 65535

System The prerequisites are as follows:

S Control board
SIMODRIVE 611 universal (encoder interpolation depends on the
number of pulses of the incremental encoder)
S Built--in torque motors should be set--up as feed motors
S Maximum motor cable length = 50 m

When built--in torque motors (direct drives) are connected to controlled
infeeds, an HFD commutating reactor with the appropriate resistance
must be used as otherwise electrical system oscillations could occur.
When engineering the HFD commutating reactor with resistor, refer to:
Reference: /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611
Configuration Manual
Manufacturer Documentation

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4.9 1FW6 built--in torque motors (from SW 6.1)

4.9.2 Commissioning 1FW6 motors

General The following questions must be positively answered before commis-

information on sioning 1FE1 motors:
S Are all of the prerequisites for commissioning checked and
1FW6 motors
were the points in the checklist for commissioning checked (refer to
Chapter 4.1)?
S Is the motor used a standard or an unlisted motor?
-- Standard motor?
In the Catalog, the motor is listed as a permanent--magnet
synchronous motor without field weakening and has an assigned
4 motor code (refer to Chapter A.3.3)?
When commissioning, the motor used is selected from a list.
-- Unlisted motor?
The motor is not included in the list of permanent--magnet
synchronous motor without field weakening and also does not
have a motor code (refer to Chapter A.3.3)?
When commissioning, the data of the motor used must be avail-
able and must be manually entered.
The necessary data is listed in the table under the index entry
”Unlisted motor -- parameters for 1FW6 motor”.
S Are the motor and encoder already mounted and ready to be
powered up?

Commissioning 1FW6 motors are commissioned as follows using the SimoCom U

1FW6 motors with parameterizing and start--up tool:
SimoCom U

Reader’s note
Also refer to commissioning 1FE1 motors with SimoCom U in Chapter

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4.9 1FW6 built--in torque motors (from SW 6.1)

Additional For 1FW6 torque motors, the commutation required for synchronous
commissioning motors can be automatically set using the software--based rotor posi-
information/ tion identification technique.
instructions to
The following two techniques can be applied for all frame sizes of
optimize the motor
1FW6 torque motors:
S Saturation--based technique (from SW 5.1)
-- This technique can also be used to determine the angular com-
mutation offset once in conjunction with an absolute measuring
system (e.g. RCN 723 from Heidenhain).
-- This technique does not cause the rotor to move which means
that it can also be used for axes which are locked (e.g. using a
-- Depending on the actual mechanical design, this can result in a
higher noise level when the axis is powered--up during the identi- 4
fication routine.
S Motion--based technique (from SW 6.1)
-- This technique may only be used for horizontal axes that are free
to move and are not braked (static friction < 10 % of the rated
motor torque).
-- When this technique is applied, under worst case condition, the
rotor can move in the range of  5 degrees.
-- The measuring system must be very stiffly mounted if this tech-
nique is used.

4.9.3 Thermal motor protection

1FW6 stators are equipped with the two following temperature monitor-
ing circuits to protect the stator against inadmissibly high thermal
stressing as well as to monitor the temperature during the commission-
ing phase and in operation:
S 2 x Temp--S (one switching threshold at 130C and another at 150C)
S 1 x Temp--F

Reader’s note
Detailed information on how to connect and evaluate the temperature
monitoring circuits is provided in:
Reference: /PJTM/ Configuration Manual
1FW6 Built--in Torque Motors
Manufacturer Documentation

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

4.10.1 General information on commissioning linear motors

General Before commissioning motors, the following questions must be an-

information on swered:
S Are all of the prerequisites for commissioning checked and were the
linear motors
points in the checklist for commissioning checked (refer to Chapter

4 S Is there a control board with sin/cos 1 Vpp (refer to Chapter 1.3)?

Reader’s note
Detailed information on linear motors, encoders and power connection,
configuring and mounting are provided in:
Reference: Configuration Manual
Linear Motors of the Product Family 1FN1 or
Linear Motors 1FN Peak-Load Motors of the
Product Family 1FN3

Checks in the The following checks can be made:

1. Linear motor
-- Which linear motor is being used?
-- Is the motor in the list (refer to Chapter A.3.4)?
Yes Which? 1FN _ _ _ _ -- _ _ _ _ _ -- _ _ _ _
No Is the data of the ”unlisted” linear motor available?
(refer under the index entry
”Unlisted motor -- Parameters for SLM”)
-- Is the motor already mounted and ready to be powered up?
-- If a cooling circuit is being used, is it functional?

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

2. Mechanical system
-- Is the axis easy to move over the complete traversing range?
-- Does the air gap between the primary and secondary section
and the mounting dimensions correspond to the motor manufac-
turer’s data (refer to Chapter 4.10.4)?
-- Suspended/hanging axis:
If weight equalization is being used for the axis, is this func-
-- Brake:
If a brake is being used, is it correctly controlled?
-- Traversing range limiting:
Are the mechanical end stops available and tightly bolted to both
ends of the traversing path?
-- Are the moving feeder cables correctly routed in a cable drag
3. Measuring system (refer to Chapter 4.10.6)
-- Which measuring system is being used? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Absolute or incremental abs j incr j
Grid spacing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  m
Zero marks (number and position) ____________
-- Which is the positive drive direction? (refer to Chapter 4.10.6)
Which is the positive counting direction of the measuring
Invert (P1011.0)? yes j no j
4. Wiring
-- Power module (connect UVW, phase sequence, clockwise rotating
-- Protective conductor connected?
-- Screen connected?
-- Temperature monitoring circuits:
Are the cables connected to the terminal block of the screen
connecting plate?
----> Temperature sensor (Temp--F):
The average absolute winding temperature can be
measured using the temperature sensor (Temp--F).
----> Overtemperature switch (Temp--S)
The over temperature shutdown circuit (Temp--S) allows each
individual motor phase winding to be digitally monitored for an
overtemperature condition.

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

! The circuits of Temp--F and Temp--S neither have ”protective
separation” between each other nor to the power circuits in
accordance with VDE 0160/EN 50178 (EN 61800--5--1).
Thus, they may not be used as SELV/PELV circuits, or connected with
these. Also refer to
Reference: Configuration Manual
Linear Motors of the Product Family 1FN1 or
Peak-Load Motors of the Product Family 1FN3

-- Temperature sensor evaluation (refer to Chapter 4.10.5)

4 5. Measuring system cable

Is the measuring system cable inserted at X411/X412 or at the
adapter connector of the temperature sensor coupling cable?

! Presently, the connection does not correspond to ”protective
separation” according to VDE 0160/EN 50178 (EN 61800--5--1).
Thus, they may not be used as SELV/PELV circuits, or connected with
these. Also refer to
Reference: Configuration Manual
Linear Motors of the Product Family 1FN1 or
Peak-Load Motors of the Product Family 1FN3

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

4.10.2 Commissioning: Linear motor with one primary section

Procedure when Linear motors with a primary section (single motor) should be commis-
commissioning sioned as follows using the parameterizing and start--up tool:
using SimoCom U

! The pulse enable (terminal 663) must be switched--out (de--energized)
for safety reasons before the drive is powered--up.

1. Establish online operation

Operation: e.g. with ”Commissioning -- search for online drives”
2. Configure the drive
General rule:
You can reach the next or the previous dialog box by pressing
”next” or ”back”.
-- ”Drive name” dialog box
-- ”Power module” dialog box (only if it is not automatically identified)
-- ”Motor selection” dialog box:
Is the linear motor included in the list of linear motors?
”Motor” field ”Motor type” field
--> Standard motor --> 1FNx (linear)
The linear motor is not included in the list of linear motors?
---->Unlisted motor
”Motor” field ”Motor type” field
--> Enter data --> Linear motor (SLM)
The motor data should be entered after ”continue”.

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

-- ”Measuring system/encoder” dialog box

”Which motor measuring system are you using?” --> Enter data
The encoder data should be entered after ”continue”.

”Linear measuring system” field

Incremental -- a zero mark
There is an incremental measuring system with 1 zero mark
in the traversing range.
Incremental -- several zero marks
An incremental measuring system is used with several zero
marks in the traversing range.
Incremental -- no zero mark
An incremental measuring system is used without any zero
marks in the traversing range.
Absolute (EnDat)
An absolute measuring system (EnDat) is used.
Speed actual value inversion
The inversion must be set, as was already determined under
”Check in the no--current status”.
Grid spacing
The grid spacing should be set as was already entered in the
”check in the no--current status” point.
Rotor position identification yes
(only for incremental measuring systems)
-- ”Operating mode” dialog box
-- ”Complete the drive configuration” dialog box
After the data that has been set has been carefully checked, the
drive configuration is completed by pressing
”Accept this drive configuration”.

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

3. Fixed temperature?
If the temperature monitoring is realized through a PLC and not
through the drive (refer to case c), then for the temperature sensor
evaluation, refer to Chapter 4.10.5), the monitoring function must be
disabled by specifying a fixed temperature > 0.
-- P1608 (fixed temperature) = e.g. 80 _C Monitoring off
-- P1608 (fixed temperature) = 0 _C Monitoring on
4. Reduce the maximum motor current for safety reasons
-- P1105 (maximum motor current) = e.g. enter 20 %

! Linear drives can achieve significantly higher rates of acceleration and
velocities than conventional drives.
The traversing range must always be kept clear in order to avoid any
potential danger for man or machine.

5. Determine the angular commutation offset

The angular commutation offset is determined as follows:
a) Select the identification technique using P1075. Possibly
adapt other machine data for the rotor position identification routine.
b) Save the parameters and carry--out a POWER ON RESET.
c) Depending on the measuring system used, proceed as follows:

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

For an incremental measuring system:


Yes Hall sensor boxes No


1FN3 Motor type 1FN1

1FN1 or 1FN3?

Secondary conditions Yes


4 Mount Hall sensor

When the enable signals are present, a rotor position

identification routine is immediately carried--out. If the
rotor position identification was not successful,
At power--on, the rough synchr. the appropriate fault message is output. If the
is retrieved from the causes of the fault are removed and the
Hall sensor signals (C/D track) fault message acknowledged, a new
identification attempt is made

Zero marks? One zero mark

Set P1017 (”commissioning”)

to 1

No zero mark,
Move the axis over the zero mark,
several zero marks
or distance--coded
reference marks
When the zero mark is passed,
the angular commutation
offset is automatically entered
into P1016
A zero mark is not selected
and an angular commutation
offset is
not transferred Alarm 799 is displayed

Save parameters and

carry--out a POWER--ON RESET


Fig. 4-13 Incremental measuring system

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

For an absolute measuring system:


1FN1 linear motor Motor type? 1FN3 linear motor

If the EnDat serial number If the EnDat serial number read from
read from the measuring system the measuring system is not equal to
is not equal to P1025, then P1017 P1025, then P1017 is not set and
is automatically set to 1 Alarm 604 is displayed
(”motor encoder is not adjusted”)

Yes, limitations fulfilled

(P1075 must be set to 3!)
Limitations for
motion--based rotor 4
position identification fulfilled?

Set P1017 to 1 No, limitations

acknowledge alarm 604 not fulfilled

The ang. comm. offset must be determined

by making the appropriate measurements
(refer to Chapter 4.10.8) and manually
When the enable signals are present, a rotor position entered into P1016
identification routine is immediately carried--out. If the
rotor position identification was not successful,
the appropriate fault message is output. If the
causes of the fault are removed and the The correct value in P1016
fault message acknowledged, a new is mandatory
identification attempt is made

The angular commutation offset Set P1017 to --1

is automatically entered
into P1016

The EnDat serial number is

read--out of the measuring system and
automatically entered into P1025

Alarm 799 is displayed

Save parameters and

carry--out a POWER--ON RESET


Fig. 4-14 Absolute measuring system

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

For a distance--coded measuring system:

”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” from SW 8.3 supports this measuring
system. Just the same as for incremental measuring systems, sev-
eral zero marks must be selected.

For unlisted motors, a rotor position identification routine to determine
the angular commutation offset cannot be guaranteed. Depending on
the motor design, the following can be possibly used for both
measuring systems:
S The technique based on saturation,
S The technique based on motion,

4 S For an absolute measuring system: The angular commutation offset

is determined by making the appropriate measurements (refer to
Chapter 4.10.8).
When commissioning has been completed, it is absolutely necessary
that the angular commutation offset is carefully checked again by
making the appropriate measurements. This is independent of whether
it involves an unlisted or SIEMENS motor!

6. Traverse the axis and check that it is functioning correctly

-- Traversing in the closed--loop speed controlled mode
When a speed setpoint is entered, does the axis traverse correctly?
Yes Set the rotor position identification (Point 10.)
No longer reduce the maximum current
(set P1105 to 100 %)
Optimize the current and speed controllers
(refer to Chapter 6.1.4)
If a higher--level closed--loop position control is used, after these points
have been executed, the linear motor has been commissioned,
otherwise after ”yes” immediately proceed with the next point.
No Resolve the problem (refer to Chapter7.3.2)
If fault 608 (speed controller output limited)
is displayed
----> Invert the speed actual value (change P1011.0)
-- Traversing in the positioning mode
Does the axis traverse with a positive velocity setpoint in the re-
quired direction?
Yes OK
No Change P0232 (position reference value inversion)
Is the traversing path OK (10 mm is specified ----> 10 mm traver-
sing path)?
7. Set or carry--out referencing/adjusting
-- Incremental measuring system: Referencing (refer to Chap. 6.2.5)
-- Absolute measuring system: Adjust (refer to Chapter 6.2.7)

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

8. Set the setpoint limit switch

-- P0314, P0315 and P0316
(refer under the index entry ”Software limit switch”)
9. Optimizing the axis controller settings
Generally, the automatic controller setting for linear motors does not
provide adequate results, as the measuring system mounting plays
a significant role in the closed--loop control characteristics.
-- Current and speed controllers (refer to Chapter 6.1.4)
-- Position controller (refer under the index entry
”Kv factor”)
10.Check and set the rotor position identification
To check the rotor position identification, using a test function, 4
you can determine the difference between the calculated rotor
angle position and that actually used by the closed--loop control.
Proceed as follows:
-- Start the test function several times and evaluate the difference
Start Set P1736 (test rotor position identification) to 1
Difference P1737 (difference, rotor position identification)

-- Is the spread of the measured values less than 10 degrees electrical?
Yes: OK
No: Increase P1019 (e.g. by 10 %)
and repeat the measurements
If OK after having repeated the measurements, then the
angular commutation offset can be re--determined:
For an incremental measuring system
(incremental -- one zero mark):
as for Point 5. (determining the angular commutation off-
For an absolute measuring system:
Power--down the drive (POWER ON--RESET)
Power--up the drive with the pulse or controller enable
signals switched--out
Set P1017.0 to 1
Switch--in the pulse and enable signals
----> The angular offset is automatically
entered into P1016
----> Fault 799
(Save to FEPROM and HW--RESET required)
is displayed
Save to FEPROM and carry--out a HW--RESET
For incremental measuring system
(incremental -- no or several zero marks):
Save to FEPROM and carry--out a HW RESET

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

4.10.3 Commissioning: Linear motor with two identical primary sections

General If it is certain that the EMF of both motors have the same relative
information phase position to one another, the connecting cables can be connected
in parallel and operated from one drive.
Linear motors, which are connected in parallel, are commissioned,
based on the commissioning of a single linear motor.
First, only one linear motor (motor 1) is connected to the drive, and is
commissioned as individual motor (1FNx ...). The angular commutation
offset is automatically determined and noted.
Instead of motor 1, motor 2 is connected and is commissioned as indi-
vidual motor. Also here, the angular commutation offset is automatically
4 determined and noted.
If the difference between the angular commutation offset of motor 1
and motor 2 is less than 10 degrees electrical, both motors can be con-
nected in parallel to the drive and commissioned as a parallel circuit
configuration of 2 linear motors (e.g. 2 S 1FN1xxx).

Procedure for Linear motors connected in parallel are commissioned as follows:

1. Disconnect the parallel circuit
linear motors
connected in Only connect motor 1 to the power module.
2. Commission motor 1 as a single motor
----> Observe the information/data in Chapter 4.10.1
----> Commission as described in Chapter 4.10.2
(up to and including Point 5.)
----> Check and set the rotor position identification
(refer to Chapter 4.10.2, Point 10.)
3. Traverse the axis and check that it is functioning correctly
4. Note the angular commutation offset of motor 1
-- P1016 (motor 1) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ degrees electrical
5. Power--down and wait until the DC link has been discharged
6. Instead of motor 1, connect motor 2 to the power module
For a Janus configuration (refer to Chapter 4.10.7) interchange
phases U and V.
7. Power--up with the pulse and controller enable signals switched out

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

8. Determine the angular commutation offset of motor 2

For an incremental measuring system:
as for Chapter 4.10.2, Point 5. (determining the angular commuta-
tion offset)
For an absolute measuring system:
Power--down the drive (POWER ON--RESET)
Power--up the drive with the pulse or controller enable signals
Set P1017.0 to 1
Switch--in the pulse and enable signals
----> The angular offset is automatically entered into P1016
----> Fault 799
(Save to FEPROM and HW--RESET required)
is displayed
Save to FEPROM and carry--out a HW--RESET 4
9. Traverse the axis and check that it is functioning correctly
10.Note the angular commutation offset of motor 2
-- P1016 (motor 2) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ degrees electrical
11. Deviation between Point 4. (motor 1) and Point 10. (motor 2)
if ≤ 10 degrees----> OK
If > 10 degrees
----> Check and correct the mechanical arrangement
(refer to Chapter 4.10.4 and 4.10.7)
----> Carry--out a check by making the appropriate measurements
(refer to Chapter 4.10.8)
12.Delete the drive configuration
Operator action: ”Options -- Service -- Delete drive configuration”
13.Power--down and wait until the DC link has been discharged
14.Connect the 2 linear motors in parallel again
Connect both of the motors back to the power module.
15.Power--up with the pulse and controller enable signals switched out
16.Commission the linear motors connected in parallel
-- Work completely through Chapter 4.10.2
-- In the ”motor selection” dialog box, select the motor connected in
parallel (2 S 1FNx ...)
enter the data of the unlisted motor connected in parallel (refer
under the index entry ”unlisted motor -- parameters for SLM”)

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

17.Compare the angular commutation offset between motors 1 and 2

P1016 (motor 1, refer to Point 4.) = _ _ _ _ _
P1016 (motor 2, refer to Point 10.) = _ _ _ _ _
if the difference ≤ 10 degrees OK
if the difference > 10 degrees not OK
Check and correct the motor cable connection at the power
module and determine the angular commutation offset.
For an incremental measuring system:
as for Chapter 4.10.2, Point 5. (determining the angular com-
mutation offset)
For an absolute measuring system:
Power--down the drive (POWER ON--RESET)
4 Power--up the drive with the pulse or controller enable signals
Set P1017.0 to 1
Switch--in the pulse and enable signals
----> The angular offset is automatically
entered into P1016
----> Fault 799
(Save to FEPROM and HW--RESET required)
is displayed
Save to FEPROM and carry--out a HW--RESET

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

4.10.4 Mechanical system

The mounting dimensions can be checked before mounting the motor,
e.g. using the final dimensions and feeler gauges.
The mounting dimensions must lie within the specified tolerance band-
width over the complete traversing distance.

The valid mounting dimensions can be taken from the following
S Reference: Configuration Manual
Linear Motors of the Product Family 1FN1 or
Linear Motors 1FN Peak-Load Motors of the
Product Family 1FN3
S The data sheet of the appropriate motor 4
For mounting dimension and air gap, the following applies:
Only the mounting dimension is decisive and not the air gap which can
be measured, when it comes to maintaining the electrical and
system--related characteristics of the linear motor. The air gap must be
large enough so that the motor can freely move.

Checking the
and air gap 1FN1



b l

Fig. 4-15 Important dimensions when mounting 1FN1 motors

Table 4-10 Important mounting dimensions and air gap for 1FN1 motors

Linear motors 1FN1 ...

1FN1 07j 1FN1 12j
1FN1 18j
Important dimension to be checked 1FN1 24j
Mounting dimension e1 [mm] 80.7 ± 0.3 106.7 ± 0.3
Mounting dimension e2 [mm] (without thermal insulating strips) 76.7 ± 0.3 101.7 ± 0.3
Measurable air gap l [mm] (without taking into account the mounting 1.1 +0.3/ 1.1 +0.3/
--0.45 --0.45
dimension tolerance)
Clearance b [mm] (without taking into account the mounting dimension 13 ± 1 13 ± 1

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4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

Checking the
1FN3 Precision cooler (optional)


4 Secondary section
Cooling profiles (optional)
Main cooler

Fig. 4-16 Important dimensions when mounting the motor

Table 4-11 Important dimensions, motor mounting

Mounting dimension with
precision and secondary

without precision cooler

with secondary section
without precision and
with precision cooler

Mounting dimension
Mounting dimension

Mounting dimension
secondary section
without secondary
without secondary

Motor frame size

Nominal air gap

Nominal air gap

with secondary

section cooler

section cooler




hM1 hM2 hM3 hM4

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
1FN3 050-- ...
±0.3 0.9 1.3 63.4 60.4 48.5 51.5
1FN3 100-- ...
1FN3 150-- ... ±0.3 0.9 1.3 65.4 62.4 50.5 53.5
1FN3 300-- ... ±0.3 0.9 1.3 79.0 76.0 64.1 67.1
1FN3 450-- ... ±0.3 0.9 1.3 81.0 78.0 66.1 69.1
1FN3 600-- ... ±0.3 0.9 1.3 86.0 76.0 64.1 67.1
1FN3 900-- ... ±0.3 0.9 1.3 88.0 78.0 66.1 69.1

Check the air gap After mounting the motor components, the air gap between the primary
and secondary sections can be optionally checked. Generally, this is
not necessary. If the mounting dimensions are correct, the correct air
gap is automatically obtained. If, after mounting, the air gap does not
match the data in Table 4-11, either the motor has been incorrectly
mounted, or the specified motor dimensions were not maintained when
the motor was produced.

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08.01 4 Commissioning
4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

4.10.5 Thermal motor protection

Description Two independent monitoring circuits are available for the 1FN1, 1FN3
primary sections for thermal motor protection.
The absolute, average winding temperature can be measured using the
temperature sensor (Temp--F) comprising a temperature sensor (KTY 84).
The overtemperature shutdown circuit (Temp--S) allows each individual
motor phase winding to be digitally monitored for an overtemperature
The two independent temperature circuits Temp--F and Temp--S can be
used for motor protection, either individually or together. At least one
Temp--S must be used for the motor overtemperature protection.
The circuit and connection system for Temp--F and Temp--S are de-
scribed in detail in:

Reader’s note
Reference: Configuration Manual of the Product Family 1FN1 or

! The circuits of Temp--F and Temp--S neither have ”protective
separation” between each other nor to the power circuits in
accordance with VDE 0160/EN 50178.
Thus, they may not be used as SELV/PELV circuits, or connected with
these. Also refer to the literature reference mentioned above!

Temp--S must be connected for thermal motor protection; it is not
permissible not to connect Temp--S!
Temp--F can be optionally connected to a measuring device for
commissioning and testing.
For regular operation, the Temp--F connections should be
short--circuited and connected to PE.

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4 Commissioning 01.99
4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

Temperature The resistance change is proportional to the winding temperature

sensor change.
Resistance when cold (20 C): approx. 580 Ohm
Resistance when hot (100 C): approx. 1000 Ohm
Response temp.: 1FN1:
Pre--warning at 120 C
Trip at 155 C ¦ 5 C
(standard setting)
Pre--warning at 100... 110C (depending
on the machine type)
Trip at120 C ¦ 5 C

4 Warning
! S If the user carries out an additional high--voltage check, the cable
ends of the Temp--F should be short--circuited before the check! If
the test voltage is connected to the temperature sensors, it will
destroy them.
S When connecting--up Temp--F, please observe the polarity!

R [k]

ID = 2 mA

0 100 200
U [C]

Fig. 4-17 Characteristic, temperature sensor (Temp--F)

The temperature sensor (Temp--F) only evaluates the winding
temperature of one phase in the primary section. However, the phases
in the synchronous motor are loaded to different degrees depending on
the particular load, so that in the worst case, the phases, not
measured, have the higher temperatures.

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08.01 4 Commissioning
4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

For protective separation, it is not permissible to connect Temp--F
at the encoder connector X411/X412 of the SIMODRIVE power
module without using a suitable protective module.
When handling and connecting Temp--F, it must be assumed, that
when the drive is powered up, there are hazardous voltages at the
terminals on the motor side and at the Temp--F connecting cable -- this
means that the drive must always be disconnected so that it is ensured
that it really is in a no--voltage condition.

shutdown circuit
The overtemperature shutdown circuit Temp--S has an NC contact for
each motor phase winding. The NC contacts are connected in series. 4
Temp--S for 1FN1
(bimetallic NC
Table 4-12 Shutdown and switch--in temperatures for the overtemperature
contact -- triplet)
shutdown circuit

1FN1 07j, 1FN1 18j,

1FN1 12j 1FN1 24j
Shutdown temperature 130 C 140 C
Switch--on temperature approx. 70 C approx. 70 C
Tolerance, switch--in tempera-  20 C  20 C
Tolerance, shutdown temper-  5 C  5 C

Temp--S can be connected to the PLC through a series resistor

20  < RV  100  via a 3RN1013--1BW10 thermistor motor protection
The series resistor is required in the sensor circuit due to the short--cir-
cuit detection function which is integrated in the 3RN1013--1BW10
thermistor motor protection device. Several Temp--S circuits can be
connected in series for each 3RN1013--1BW10 thermistor motor de-
vice. However, only one series resistor should be used for each
3RN1013--1BW10 thermistor motor protection device RV.

Temperature Temperature shutdown circuit comprising PTC temperature sensors

shutdown circuit (PTC elements).
Temp--S for 1FN3
There is one PTC temperature sensor (PTC element) in each of the
(PTC triplet)
three phase windings (U, V and W). The PTC elements are connected
in series. The characteristics of the PTC elements are in compliance
with DIN VDE 0660 Part 303, DIN 44081 and DIN 44082.

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4 Commissioning 01.99
4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

Type: PTC temperature resistor

Nominal response temp. (NAT) 120 C 5 K
Triplet resistance when cold
at T < NAT --20 K: min. 60  (3×20 )
max. 750 
Minimum triplet resistance when hot
at T = NAT --5 K: min. 590  (550  + 2×20 )
max. 1650  (3×550 )
at T = NAT +5 K: min. 1370  (1330  + 2×20 )
max. 3990  (3×1330 )
at T = NAT +15 K: min. 4100  (4000  + 2×20 )

max. 12000  (3×4000 )
Temp--S can be connected to a PLC via a 3RN1013--1BW10 thermistor
motor protection device. A max. of two Temp--S circuits can be con-
nected in series for each 3RN1013--1BW10 thermistor motor protection
device (total resistance when cold  1.5 k).

For protective separation, it is not permissible to connect Temp--S to
the PLC or at the encoder connector X411/X412 of the SIMODRIVE
power module without using a 3RN1013--1BW10 thermistor motor
protective device.
When handling and connecting Temp--F, it must be assumed, that
when the drive is powered up, there are hazardous voltages at the
terminals on the motor side and at the Temp--F connecting cable -- this
means that the drive must always be disconnected so that it is ensured
that it really is in a no--voltage condition.

How are the Please refer to the following note for the reader:
Reader’s note
Reference: Configuration Manual of the Product Family 1FN1 or

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08.01 4 Commissioning
4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

4.10.6 Measuring system

Determining the The control sense of an axis is correct if the positive direction of the
control sense drive (= clockwise rotating field U, V, W) coincides with the positive
counting direction of the measuring system.

The data to determine the drive direction is only valid for Siemens
motors (1FNx motors).
If the positive direction of the drive and positive counting direction of
the measuring system do not coincide, then when commissioning,
the speed actual value (P1011.0) must be inverted in the ”measuring
system/encoder” dialog box.
The control sense can also be checked by first parameterizing the
drive, and then manually moving it, with the enable signals inhibited
(switched out). 4
If the axis is pushed in the positive direction (refer to the definition in
Fig. 4-18), then the velocity actual value must also count in the positive

Determining the The direction of the drive is positive if the primary section moves rela-
drive direction tive to the secondary section in the opposite direction to the cable out-
let direction.
+ Primary Cable outlet direction
Secondary section (magnets) N -- north pole marking

Secondary section (magnets)

N -- north pole marking
Primary Cable outlet direction

Fig. 4-18 Determining the positive direction of the drive

Determining the The counting direction is determined depending on the measuring
counting direction of system itself.
the measuring
S Measuring systems from the Heidenhain Company

The counting direction of the measuring system is positive, if the
distance between the sensor head and rating plate increases.

Sensor head
Scale + Type plate

Fig. 4-19 Determining the counting direction for measuring systems from the
Heidenhain Company

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4 Commissioning 01.99
4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

S Measuring systems from Renishaw (e.g. RGH22B)

The RGH22B measuring system from Renishaw (grid division = 20 m)
only has connections which are compatible to Heidenhain from serial
number G69289 onwards. For earlier sensor heads, the zero mark can-
not be evaluated.
As the reference mark for the Renishaw RGH22B has a direction--depen-
dent position, with control cables BID and DIR, the encoder must be
parameterized, so that the reference mark is only output in one direction.
The direction (positive/negative) depends on the geometrical arrange-
ment at the machine and the reference point approach direction.

Table 4-13 Signal and pin assignments, signal marshaling

Signal Cable Round Connected to

4 color connec-
tor, +5 V 0V

BID Black Pin 9 Reference mark in Reference mark in

both directions one direction
DIR Orange Pin 7 Positive directions Negative direction
+5 V Brown Pin 12
0V White Pin 10

The counting direction of the measuring system is positive if the sensor

head moves relative to the gold band in the cable outlet direction.
+ Gold band
Sensor head

Fig. 4-20 Determining the counting direction for measuring systems from

If the sensor head is mechanically connected to the primary section,
the cable outlet direction must be different. Otherwise, invert the actual

S Measuring systems from Zeiss (e.g. LIE 5)

The positive counting direction of the linear measuring system from the
Zeiss company should be determined just like the measuring system
RGH22B from Renishaw (refer to Fig. 4-20).

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4-196 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 4 Commissioning
4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

Temperature The temperature sensor coupling cable is used to couple the tempera-
sensor coupling ture sensor circuit Temp--F into the encoder cable using connector
cable boxes. The transition from the power cable to encoder cable can be
realized at the machine as well as in the cabinet.

How are the Please refer to the following note for the reader:
temperature sensor
coupling cable and
length measuring
system connected?
Reader’s note
Section ”General information on the connection system (CON)” in:
Reference: /PJLM/ Configuration Manual,
1FN1, 1FN3 Linear Motors 4
If an incremental measuring system is used, the drive is roughly syn-
chronized using the rotor position identification.

! When connecting--up the temperature monitoring circuits, carefully
observe the specifications relating to protective separation
DIN EN 50178.
Information on protective separation can be taken from:
Reference: /PJLM/ Configuration Manual,
1FN1, 1FN3 Linear Motors

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 4-197
4 Commissioning 01.99
4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

4.10.7 Parallel and double-- cam arrangement of linear motors

Only identical linear motors (the same forces, winding types,
secondary section types and air gap) may be connected in parallel.
(Order designation or Order No. [[MLFB] of the primary sections to be
connected in parallel must be identical up to the winding sense and/or
primary section length.)
If linear motors in an axis are connected in parallel, the position of the
primary sections with respect to one another and to the secondary
sections must exhibit a specific grid, in order to achieve a matching
electrical phase position.
4 Additional data, refer to:
Configuration Manual, 1FN1, 1FN3
Linear Motors

Temperature The temperature sensors can be evaluated, for example, as follows:

sensor and
S Temperature sensor
electrical wiring
(refer to -- Motor 1: Evaluated by the drive
Chapter 4.10.5)
-- Motor 2: Not connected
(short--circuited and connected with PE)
S Temperature switch
-- Motor 1 and 2: Evaluated by a PLC

Reader’s note
Section ”General information on the connection system (CON)” in:
Reference: /PJLM/ Configuration Manual,
1FN1, 1FN3 Linear Motors

! When connecting--up the temperature monitoring circuits, carefully
observe the specifications relating to protective separation
DIN EN 50178.
Information on protective separation can be taken from:
Reference: /PJLM/ Configuration Manual, 1FN1, 1FN3
Linear Motors

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4-198 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 4 Commissioning
4.10 Linear motors (1FN1, 1FN3 motors)

4.10.8 Checking the linear motor by making measurements

Why make If the linear motor was commissioned according to the relevant instruc-
measurements? tions, and unexplained fault/error messages still occur, then all of the
signals must be checked using an oscilloscope.

Checking the For primary sections connected in parallel,

phase sequence the EMF_U from motor 1 must be in phase with the EMF_U from motor 2.
U--V--W The same applies to EMF_V and EMF_W.
These must be checked using the appropriate measurements.
Procedure for making the necessary measurements:
S De--energize terminal 48 (NE module) and terminal 663 (drive). 4
S Caution: Wait until the DC link has been discharged!
S Disconnect the power cables at the drive.
If primary sections are connected in parallel, please disconnect.
S Form an artificial neutral point using 1 kOhm resistors.

Linear V

1 k 1 k 1 k

Fig. 4-21 Configuration for making the measurements

For a positive traversing direction, the phase sequence must be U--V--W.

The direction of the drive is then positive if the primary section moves relative to
the secondary section in the opposite direction to the cable outlet direction.

+ Primary
Cable outlet direction
Secondary section (magnets) N -- north pole marking

Secondary section (magnets)
N -- north pole marking
Primary Cable outlet direction

Fig. 4-22 The positive direction of the drive (clockwise rotating field)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 4-199
4 Commissioning 01.99
4.11 Direct measuring system for position control (from SW 3.3) ! not 611ue !

4.11 Direct measuring system for position control (from SW 3.3)

Description Alternative to the motor encoder (indirect measuring system, IM) in the
”positioning” operating mode, a direct measuring system (DM) can be
used for closed--loop position control.
The direct measuring system for drive A, for a 2--axis control board, is
connected to X412 (motor encoder, drive B). In this case, drive B must
be de--activated.
After the direct measuring system has been activated, the drive evalu-
ates both measuring systems as follows:
S Motor encoder, drive A (IM) at X411:
4 ---->
for the closed--loop speed control of the axis
for the coarse synchronization of the axis rotor position
S Direct measuring system (DM) for drive A at X412:
----> for the closed--loop position control and
”precise” position sensing of axis A
The ”actual” position of the axis is sensed using a direct measuring
system. Any play between the motor and table is corrected.

if P0250 (A) = 1
----> Motor encoder, drive B
Motor encoder drive A but
----> a direct meas. system
is connected for drive A

Linear scale
Motor with (direct meas.
encoder system, DM)
measuring Sensor head
system, IM)
Gear Table


Fig. 4-23 Indirect and direct measuring system for drive A

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4-200 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 4 Commissioning
! not 611ue ! 4.11 Direct measuring system for position control (from SW 3.3)

Limitations and The following limitations and rules apply:

rules for a direct
1. The direct measuring system may only be directly connected at the
measuring system
load side without measuring gearbox.
2. Which combinations of power module and control board are pos-
sible for a direct measuring system?
-- 1--axis power module with 2--axis control board
In this case, drive B is not available.
-- 2--axis power module with 2--axis control board
Drive B is available.
The following applies: Switch drive B into a passive state (P0700
(B) = 0)
3. Which encoder systems are available for the direct measuring
Dependent on the 2--axis board with encoder for sin/cos 1 Vpp or for
resolver, the following rotary or linear measuring systems can be
connected at X412:
-- Incremental encoder with sin/cos 1 Vpp
-- Absolute value encoder with EnDat protocol
-- Resolver with any pole pair number
4. Process data for the direct measuring system
The actual values of the position controller can be read via status
word XistP.
5. The ”direct measuring system” function is activated with P0250 (A)
= 1.
The following applies:
-- This activation becomes effective after POWER ON
-- The direct measuring system must have been commissioned
----> refer to ”commissioning the direct measuring system”
-- It is not permissible to operate drive A without a motor measuring
----> The following must be valid: P1027.5 (A) = 0
-- The input terminal I0.B (fast input from drive B) can be assigned
a function for the direct measuring system from drive A via
e.g. the ”Equivalent zero mark” function (P0672=79) or
”flying measurement” (P0672=80)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 4-201
4 Commissioning 01.99
4.11 Direct measuring system for position control (from SW 3.3) ! not 611ue !

6. Output the direct measuring system via the angular incremental

encoder interface
-- Before SW 4.1 the following applies:
The direct measuring system signals cannot be output via the
angular incremental encoder interface.
If the angular incremental encoder interface is switched as out-
put (P0890 = 1), then the following is valid, independent of acti-
vating the direct measuring system (P0250 (A) = 0 or 1):
Interface Output signals
Ang. incr. enc. interf. (A) Signals of the motor meas. system
Ang. incr. enc. interf. (B) No signals
-- From SW 4.1, the following applies:

4 The direct measuring system signals can be output via the angu-
lar incremental encoder interface. The angular incremental enco-
der interface as output becomes automatically active if P0890 is
set to 1 for the motor measuring system AND the direct measu-
ring system is activated (P0250 = 1). However, parameters
P0892 and P0893 are not effective for the angular incremental
encoder interface (B).
Interface Output signals
Ang. incr. enc. interf. (A) Signals of the motor meas. system
Ang. incr. enc. interf. (B) Signals of the direct
7. Direction adaptation for direct measuring systems
-- P0231 Position act. value inversion
-- P0232 Position ref. value inversion
8. You can toggle between the indirect measuring system (IM) and the
direct measuring system (DM) by changing P0250 and executing a
-- The parameters for the closed--loop position control are only
available once and must also be appropriately adapted,
P0231 Position act. value inversion
P0332 Position ref. value inversion
P0201 Backlash compensation
-- The parameters for the gearbox and spindle pitch are only avail-
able once and must be set for the indirect measuring system,
P0236 Spindle pitch
P0237:8 Encoder revolutions
P0238:8 Load revolutions
-- The adjustment status for absolute value encoders is changed
after changeover, i.e. P0175 is set to 0. A re--adjustment is re-
9. Which measuring system does the drive control use?
----> refer to P1792 (active measuring system)

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4-202 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.00 4 Commissioning
! not 611ue ! 4.11 Direct measuring system for position control (from SW 3.3)

Commissioning The following should be observed when commissioning:

the direct Requirements:
measuring system 1. The direct measuring system must have been installed, connected
at X412 and the system must be ready to be powered up.
2. The specified rules and limitations have been maintained.
1. Enter an encoder code for the direct measuring system
The encoder code number is requested when first commissioning
the system in the ”Positioning” mode via P1036.
if then
No DM P1036 = 0
DM available P1036 = 99 (unlisted encoder) and
enter data (refer to Chapter A.4)
2. Activate the direct measuring system
Set P0250 (A) to 1 4
3. Execute a POWER--ON RESET and check the function
Parameter The following parameters are available for the indirect and direct mea-
overview suring systems:
(refer to Chapter
Table 4-14 Parameter overview for indirect and direct measuring systems

Indirect measuring system Direct measuring system (DM2))

(IM1), motor encoder)
Parameter Parameter
No. Name No. Name
0250 Activates the direct measuring system -- --
(only possible for drive A)
1005 IM encoder pulse number 1007 DM encoder pulse number
1006 IM encoder code number 1036 DM encoder code number
1008 IM encoder phase error correction -- --
1011 IM configuration, actual value sensing 1030 DM configuration, actual value sensing
1018 IM pole pair number resolver 1040 DM pole pair number resolver
1021 IM multi--turn resolution, absolute value en- 1031 DM multi--turn resolution, absolute value
coder encoder
1022 IM single--turn resolution, absolute value 1032 DM single--turn resolution, absolute value
encoder encoder
1023 IM diagnostics 1033 DM diagnostics
1024 IM grid division 1034 DM grid division
1025 IM serial number, low component 1038 DM serial number, low component
1026 IM serial number, high component 1039 DM serial number, high component
1027 IM configuration, encoder 1037 DM configuration, encoder
1) IM ----> indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
2) DM ----> direct measuring system (encoder 2)

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4 Commissioning 01.99
4.12 Connecting induction motors with TTL encoder (from SW 8.1)

4.12 Connecting induction motors with TTL encoder (from SW 8.1)

Description Standard square--wave encoders (TTL) with differential signals accord-

ing to RS422 and 5 V power supply voltage can be connected as pulse
encoder for induction motors to the control board ”SIMODRIVE 611
universal HR/HRS” (Order No. 6SN1118--VNH01--0AAV).
The maximum encoder limiting frequency is 420 kHz.

Encoder connection: X411/X412

4 Pin assignment of the interface:

Encoder cable:
refer to Chapter 2.4
Users must assemble these themselves
Max. cable length: 50 m

If an induction motor with TTL encoder is connected to ”SIMODRIVE
611 universal HR/HRS”, then it is not permissible that the angular
incremental encoder interface is used as output.

! If individual or several signals of the encoder are short--circuited or
interrupted -- under certain circumstances -- it is possible that the
encoder signal monitoring does not respond and the motor can move
in an uncontrolled fashion.

Parameter The following parameters are available for connecting an induction

overview motor with TTL encoder:
(refer to Chapter S P1011 IM configuration, actual value sensing
S P1005 IM encoder pulse number
S P1027 IM configuration, encoder

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4-204 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.08 4 Commissioning
4.13 FD operation with field weakening (from SW 12.1)

4.13 FD operation with field weakening (from SW 12.1)

Description In order to be able to use field weakening – also with the FD machine
data assignments, e.g. for 1FT7 motors, then this can be activated by
setting P1172 = 1 in addition to P1015 = 1.

Closed--loop If P1015 and P1172 were enabled and a motor selected using the list
control parameters diagram, then the following machine data are additionally pre--assigned
using the “Calculate controller data” function:
S P1121: Current controller reset time

S P1147: Speed limitation (ARM SRM)
S P1401: Velocity for max. useful motor velocity (ARM SRM)
S P1403: Creep speed, pulse suppression (ARM SRM)
S P1404: Timer pulse suppression
S P1405: Monitoring speed, motor (ARM SRM)
S P1606: Threshold n controller at stop
S P1610: Diagnostic functions
S P1612: Shutdown response, faults 1
S P1613: Shutdown response, faults 2

For synchronous motors, field--weakening operation can be
switched--in using P1015.
“Calculate controller data” must be initiated after changing the machine
data setting!

The speed at the start of field weakening is assigned by selecting the

motor from the motor list or set according to the data sheet of the
motor manufacturer.
If the motor manufacturer does not specify any data, then the speed at
the start of field weakening can be calculated using the following formula:
P1142 = 380 V ¢ 1000 [RPM] / P1114

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4 Commissioning 01.99
4.13 FD operation with field weakening (from SW 12.1)

P1172 is only effective, if P1015 = 1 was set – “Activate PE--MSD”.
“Calculate controller data” must be initiated after changing the machine
data setting!

Parameter The following parameters are used for FD operation with field weakening:
overview S P1015 Activate PE--MSD (SRM)
(refer to Chapter
S P1114 Voltage constant (SRM SLM)
S P1142 Threshold speed field weakening (ARM SRM)
4 S P1172 FD operation with field weakening (SRM) (--> 12.1)

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4-206 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
Communications via PROFIBUS DP 5
5.1 General information about PROFIBUS--DP for
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-208
5.2 Basic functions of the cyclic data transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-214
5.3 Basic functions of the non--cyclic data transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-216
5.4 Terminal signals and PROFIBUS signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-220
5.5 Internal effect of PROFIBUS signal and hardware terminals . . . . . . . . . . . 5-221
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-224
5.6.1 Overview of the process data (PZD area) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-224
5.6.2 Description of the control words (setpoints) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-228
Description of the status words (actual values) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Encoder interface (n--set mode, from SW 3.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.6.5 Configuring process data (from SW 3.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-263
5.6.6 Defining the process data according to the PPO type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-278
5.6.7 Parameter area (PKW area) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-281
5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-289
5.7.1 Master device file and configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-289
5.7.2 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-293
5.7.3 Diagnostics and troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-297
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-301
5.8.1 Equidistant DP cycle operation in the n--set mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-303
5.8.2 Equidistant DP cycle operation in the positioning mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-305
5.8.3 Times in the equidistant DP cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-308
5.8.4 Bus run--up, synchronization and net data save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-310
5.8.5 Parameterization using the parameterizing telegram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-312
5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-313
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-322
5.10.1 General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-322
5.10.2 Setpoint assignment in the subscriber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-325
5.10.3 Activating/parameterizing slave--to--slave communications . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-326
5.10.4 Message format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-328
5.10.5 Example: Coupling two drives (master, slave drive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-331

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5.1 General information about PROFIBUS--DP for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

5.1 General information about PROFIBUS--DP for

”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
General PROFIBUS DP is an international, open fieldbus standard, which is
specified in the European Fieldbus Standard EN 50170 Part 2.
PROFIBUS DP is optimized for fast, data transmission at the field level
for time--critical applications.
The fieldbus is used for cyclic and non--cyclic data transfer between a
master and the slaves assigned to this master.
The following communication possibilities are available:
S Cyclic communication
----> Setpoint, actual value transfer using process data
(PZD communications)
-- According to the DP standard functionality
For standard DP operation, a new cycle is started after the old
cycle has been completed.
----> refer to Chapter 5.2
5 -- Clock--cycle synchronous functionality
For clock--cycle synchronous operation a new cycle is started
with the set Tp clock cycle.
----> refer to Chapter 5.2
-- Slave--to--slave communications
Fast, distributed data transfer between drives (slaves) is possible
using the ”slave--to--slave” communications function without in-
volving the master.
----> refer to Chapter 5.10
S Noncyclic communication
----> Access to the drive parameters
-- Parameterization using the ”SimoCom U” tool
----> refer to Chapter 3.3
-- Data transfer using the SIMATIC Operation Panel (SIMATIC OP)
----> refer to Chapter 5.3
-- PKW area in the net data structure according to PPOs
----> refer to Chapter 5.6.7
-- Data exchange with the master (e.g. SIMATIC S7) and other
control devices, utilizing the DPV1 utility (service) ”read data set/
write data set” corresponding to the PROFIdrive Profile
----> refer to Chapter 5.3
S Configuration
----> Configuring defines the data, which the master transfers
to the ”DP slaves” at every bus run--up via the parameterizing
telegram and the configuration telegram.
The system can be configured in the following ways (refer to Chapter 5.7):
-- using the GSD file (SIEM808F.GSD/SI02808F.GSD)
-- using the ”Slave object manager” (Drive ES)

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5-208 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
12.06 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.1 General information about PROFIBUS--DP for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

PROFIdrive The profile defines, among other things, how setpoints and actual val-
conformance ues are transferred and how drive parameters can be accessed.
S The profile includes the necessary definitions for the operating
mode ”Speed setpoint” and ”Positioning”.
S It defines the basic drive functions and leaves sufficient freedom for
application--specific expanded functionality and ongoing develop-
S The profile includes an image of the application functions on PROFIBUS--DP.
S The PROFIdrive Profile provides a total of 6 different application
S ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” is in conformance with the profile for
application Class 1 and from SW 6.1, application Class 4.
The following functional scope has been implemented corresponding to
the directive PROFIdrive V3.1 -- 2002. From SW 12.1, operation
according to the PROFIdrive profile version V4.1 – 2006 is possible:
S Isochronous mode
S Configuring a telegram 5
S Encoder interface
S Non--cyclic parameter access using DPV1 utilities
S Profile parameters
The following parameters should be set in order, for this functionality, to
achieve the precise compatibility to profile version 3.1:
S P0878 bit 0 =1, bit 1 = 1, bit 2 = 1 (from SW 8.2)
S P0879 bit 0 = 1, bit 1 = 0, bit 2 = 0, bit 9 =1
S P1012 bit 12 = 1, bit 13 = 1, bit 14 = 0, bit 15 = 1 (from SW 9.1)
In order to achieve compatibility to profile version 4.1, the following
parameters must also be set:
S P0878 bit 3 =1 (from SW 12.1)

Reader’s note
Standard telegrams are defined to simplify configuring PROFIBUS--DP.
Telegrams 1, 2 ..., 6 are designated as standard telegrams
corresponding to PROFIdrive definitions and telegrams 102...110 from
Siemens are designated as standard telegram.

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.1 General information about PROFIBUS--DP for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

Master and slaves For PROFIBUS, a differentiation is made between master and slave units.
S Master (active bus device)
Devices, which represent a master on the bus, define data transfer
along the bus, and are therefore known as active bus nodes.
A differentiation is made between two classes of master:
-- DP Master class 1 (DPMC1):
These are central master systems that exchange data with the
slaves in defined message cycles.
Examples: SIMATIC S5, SIMATIC S7, etc.
-- DP Master class 2 (DPMC2):
These are devices for configuring, commissioning, operator con-
trol and monitoring in bus operations.
Examples: Programming units, operator control and visualization
S Slaves (passive bus nodes)
These devices may only receive, acknowledge and transfer mes-

sages to a master when so requested.

Reader’s note
The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board with the optional
PROFIBUS--DP module is a slave on the fieldbus.
In the following text, this slave is designated the ”DP slave 611U” .

Data transfer PROFIBUS supports data transfer according to RS485 and also data
technology, transfer using fiber--optic cable.
baud rate
The ”DP--Slave 611U” automatically detects the baud rate set at the
bus at power--on.
The following baud rates are possible:
9.6 kbaud, 19.2 kbaud, 93.75 kbaud, 187.5 kbaud,
500 kbaud, 1.5 Mbaud, 3.0 Mbaud, 6.0 Mbaud and 12 Mbaud

S When using Optical Link Plugs (OLPs), the baud rate is limited to
1.5 Mbaud.
S When several slaves are connected to a master, for practical and
sensible operation with SimoCom U, a baud rate 187.5 kbaud
should be set.

When commissioning the fieldbus, the baud rate is defined the same
for all devices starting from the master.

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08.02 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.1 General information about PROFIBUS--DP for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

Data transfer via Data is transferred between the master and slaves according to the
PROFIBUS master/slave principle. The drives are always the slaves. This permits
extremely fast cyclic data transfer.
In addition, non--cyclic communications functions are also used for
parameterization, diagnostics and fault/error handling during cyclic data
transfer with drives.

DP master DP slave Other

611U slaves

Field bus

Fig. 5-1 Data transfer via PROFIBUS

Transferring words All of the word and double word formats used are transferred in the Big
and double words Endian format, i.e. the high byte or high word is transferred before the
low byte or low word.

Protocols The communications type corresponds to the protocol shown in Fig. 5-2
for the ”DP slave 611U”.

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.1 General information about PROFIBUS--DP for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

DPV1 parameter Parameters can be read and written into according to the protocol, de-
channel (from fined in the PROFIdrive Profile via the DPV1 parameter channel.
SW 6.1)

DP master DP master
Class 2 Class 2
SimoCom U
DP master DP Master Class 2
Class 1 (e.g. OP17)


S7 protocol
+ DPV1
DPV1 parameter

PNO Directive ”PROFIdrive Profile
Variable--Speed Drives”
S Cyclic data transfer: PZD part
S Non--cyclic data transfer: PKW part
S Non--cyclic data transfer: DPV1 parameter channel

S7 protocol +
data transfer protocol

DP slave

Fig. 5-2 Protocol for ”DP slave 611U”

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08.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.1 General information about PROFIBUS--DP for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

”SIMODRIVE 611 The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board together with the op-
universal” with tional PROFIBUS--DP module is used to connect drives to higher--level
optional automation systems via PROFIBUS--DP.
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” identifies the installed optional PROFI-
BUS--DP module at power--on.
If an optional module is used, the input/output functions can be se-
lected via PROFIBUS--DP, or also entered as setpoints.
The compatibility between the terminal and PROFIBUS signals is de-
scribed in Chapter 5.4.

To other PROFIBUS--DP To other

nodes fieldbus nodes
Retaining connector

Two color LEDs

for diagnostics and
9--pin (refer to Chapter
D--sub 5.7.3)
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
control board with optional
PROFIBUS--DP module Flashing
Alternating flashing light

Fig. 5-3 ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” with optional PROFIBUS--DP module

Reader’s note
S Which modules are available? refer to Chapter 1.3.3
S Installing the optional module refer to Chapter 2.1
S Connecting--up diagram
and connecting--up the optional module refer to Chapter 2.3.4

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5.2 Basic functions of the cyclic data transfer

5.2 Basic functions of the cyclic data transfer

Net data structure The structure of the net data for cyclic operation, is designated as pa-
according to PPOs rameter--process data--object (PPO) in the ”PROFIBUS profile, vari-
able--speed drives”.
The net data structure for cyclic data transfer is sub--divided into two
areas, which are transferred in each telegram.
S Parameter area (PKW, parameter identification value)
This telegram section is used to read and/or write parameters and
to read out faults. The data transfer is optional and can be defined
by appropriately configuring the system.
The mechanisms, used to apply the PKW part, are described in
Chapter 5.6.7.
S Process data area (PZD, process data)
This area contains the control words, setpoints and status informa-
tion and actual values.

5 The following data is transferred with the process data:

-- Control words and setpoints (task: master ----> drive) and
-- Status words and actual values (responses: drive ----> master)
When the bus system is commissioned, the master defines which PPO
type is used to address a drive. The ”DP slave 611U” is automatically
signaled the selected PPO--TYPE using the configuration telegram
when the system boots.

Telegram structure With cyclic data transfer, setpoints and actual values are transferred
for cyclic one after the other between the master and its associated slaves in a
data transfer cycle.
For standard DP operation, a new cycle is started after the old cycle
has been completed.
For clock--synchronous operation, a new cycle is started with the selected
TDP clock cycle.
The telegrams of the cyclic data transfer have, in both cases, the fol-
lowing basic structure:

Drive A Drive B

Protocol Net data (PPO) Net data (PPO) Protocol

frame Parameter Process Parameter Process frame
ID value data ID value data
(header) (trailer)
(PKW)1) (PZD) (PKW)1) (PZD)

Net data for drive B is only transferred, if the ”DP slave 611U” operates as
double--axis module.
----> refer to Chapter 5.9 under P0875
1) Transfer is optional and is defined by appropriately configuring the system.

Fig. 5-4 Telegram structure for cyclic data transfer

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08.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.2 Basic functions of the cyclic data transfer

PPOs The PPO selection can be subdivided into:

S Net data without parameter area
with 2 to 16 words for the process data.
S Net data with parameter area
with 2 to 16 words for the process data.
These are the PPO types 1, 2 and 5.
A different number of process data is permissible for the setpoints and
actual values (from SW 3.1).
In addition to be able to freely set the number of process data, the con-
figuring allows standard settings to be selected. This includes, in addi-
tion to the PPO types PPO1 to PPO5 (refer to Table 5-1) a whole se-
ries of configured functions (GSD file, Drive ES), which are suitable for
the various standard telegrams.

Table 5-1 Parameter process data objects (PPO types)

Net data
S See Chapter 5.6.7
S In closed--loop speed controlled operation, refer to Chapter 5.6.6 5
S In the positioning mode, refer to Chapter 5.6.6
PKE IND PWE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word

PPO Parameter Process data Object IND Sub--index,
PKW Parameter ID value sub--parameter number, array index
PKE Parameter ID PWE Parameter value
PZD Process data

The five various PPOs are selected with different data length
depending on the task that the drive has to fulfill in the automation

Configuring The process data structure of the telegram can be defined and config-
process data ured as follows from SW 3.1:
(from SW 3.1) S By selecting a standard telegram
S By freely configuring a telegram
----> Refer to Chapter 5.6.5

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5.3 Basic functions of the non--cyclic data transfer

5.3 Basic functions of the non--cyclic data transfer

Non--cyclic There are three non--cyclic channels which can be accessed on the
parameter access drive parameters from ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” via PROFIBUS--DP.
An overview of how parameters can be accessed for ”SIMODRIVE 611
universal” is shown in the following diagram.

PKW (cyclic) PROFIdrive parameter access via DPV1 S7 protocol

Master Class 1 Master Class 1 and Class 2 Master Class 2

Read Write Read Write Read

parameter parameter parameter parameter descriptive

Drive parameters

Fig. 5-5 Overview, parameter access operations for PROFIdrive

Every parameter is allocated a parameter number. Profile--specific
parameters are defined for the ranges decimal 900 to 999 and are
reserved from decimal 60000 to 65535.
In order to remain compatible to previous parameter assignments,
when accessing via the DPV1 parameter channel (reading/writing) in
the drive firmware, the index is output starting with 1 and on the
PROFIBUS side reduced by 1 (n--1).

PKW (cyclic) ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” is compatible to the PKW mechanism in

the PROFIdrive Profile, Version 2 and P0879.11; this allows a non--
cyclic parameter access to be carried--out within the cyclic data ex-

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5-216 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.08 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.3 Basic functions of the non--cyclic data transfer

Parameter access Using PROFIdrive, it is possible to transfer parameters via DPV1 using
via DPV1 non--cyclic communications. The parameter definition and parameter
access via the DPV1 mechanism is defined in the PROFIdrive parame-
ter model, which is part of the PROFIdrive Profile Version 3 and 4 (from
SW 12.1).
The function blocks and project examples for SIMATIC S7 can be used
to transfer drive parameters in a non--cyclic fashion:
Product Order No. (MLFB):
Drive ES SIMATIC 6SW1700--5JC00--2AA0

Reader’s note
Reference: /PPA/, PROFIdrive--Profile Drive Technology,
Version 3.1.2 Sept. 2004 (Chapter 3.4)
From SW 12.1:
Version 4.1 May 2006 (Chapter 6.2)

Parameters, A protocol has been defined for accessing parameters which comprises
reading/writing tasks and the associated responses. The tasks are non--cyclically
DPV1 (from transferred using the DPV1 utility ”write data” and the responses with
SW 6.1) ”read data”. Several drive parameters (e.g. traversing block) can be
simultaneously accessed using a task/response.
A DPV1 parameter task and a DPV1 parameter response with individ-
ual fields is defined and documented in the PROFIdrive profile.
When reading and writing parameters, that, depending on the current
configuring of the drive, are not valid -- e.g. P1083 is only valid for in-
duction motors, however, a synchronous motor is configured -- then the
Siemens--specific DPV1 error code 0x65 (parameter presently de--acti-
vated) is output.
Values of signal parameters (50000--type parameters) can only be read
if this was configured in the PROFIBUS telegram (P0915, P0916). A
negative acknowledgement (DPV1 error code 0x65) is output when
reading signal parameters using non--cyclic data transfer that were not
configured in the Profibus Telegram.

Read the The parameters, defined by the profile, are documented in a list form
parameter in the PROFIdrive profile.
description DPV1
This includes both parameters with the implementation rule ”manda-
(from SW 6.1)
tory”, i.e. parameters that are absolutely necessary in order to be in
conformance with the profile as well as parameters with the imple-
mentation rule ”optional” .
Parameter descriptions can be read so that now a master knows which
parameters a drive knows and the properties which each of these pa-
rameters has.

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.3 Basic functions of the non--cyclic data transfer

Reader’s note
Reference: /PPA/ PROFIdrive--Profile Drive Technology,
Version 3.1.2 Sept. 2004 (Chapter 3.4)
From SW 12.1:
Version 4.1 May 2006 (Chapter 6.2)

S7 protocol DPV1 It is possible to non--cyclically transfer parameters via the S7 protocol.

For this type of communication, the S7 protocols link to DPV1.

Communications From SW 4.1, data can be transferred, using the SIMATIC Operator Panel
with SIMATIC OP (SIMATIC OP) to ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” via the PROFIBUS--DP.
(from SW 4.1)
DP master DP master Class 2
Class 1 (PLC e.g. SIMATIC S7) (e.g. TP170B)


S7 protocol
+ DPV1

DP slave

Fig. 5-6 Communications, SIMATIC OP -- ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”

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07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.3 Basic functions of the non--cyclic data transfer

S Technical details
-- Communications are established directly between the SIMATIC OP
(e.g. TP170B) as Master Class 2 and the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
as slave using the S7 protocol and the non--cyclic DPV1 utilities.
-- SIMATIC OP can read and write into drive parameters.
-- A Class 1 master is not required.
S Configured in SIMATIC OP
-- The drive parameters are addressed using the data block and
data word.
----> Axis A:
Data block number_OP = parameter number_611U
Data word_OP = sub--parameter_611U
----> Axis B:
Data block number_OP = parameter number_611U + 10000
Data word_OP = sub--parameter_611U
S Parameterization in the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
-- A DP2 or DP3 module with a correctly entered DP address
(P0918) must be inserted.
-- Parameterize from where the drive is to be operated
----> PROFIBUS--DP Master Class 1:
Set P0875 = P872
----> HW terminals
Set P0875 to 0
S Setpoint input
-- it is not possible to directly enter setpoints from the SIMATIC OP.
-- Setpoints can be indirectly entered using the SIMATIC OP by
changing parameters, e.g. P0641 (fixed setpoint)
----> Enter the setpoint via HW terminals (P0875 = 0)

! For applications where the setpoint is entered using the SIMATIC OP,
in addition, an enable or EMERGENCY STOP signal should be
connected to SIMATIC OP, as an interrupted connection between
SIMATIC OP and ”SIMODRIVE universal” does not result in a drive

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5.4 Terminal signals and PROFIBUS signals

5.4 Terminal signals and PROFIBUS signals

Standard case When first commissioning the system with the optional PROFIBUS--DP
module inserted (standard case), the control board terminals are auto-
matically pre--assigned as follows:
S Digital input terminals: Terminals I0.x, I1.x, I2.x, I3.x = inactive
S Analog input terminals: Terminals 56.x/14.x, 24.x/20.x = switched--out

Table 5-2 Input terminals for the standard case

If Then
at the these parameters are pre--assigned as follows:
first commission- S P0660 = 0 (function, input terminal I0.x)
ing in the booted
state, an optional
S P0661 = 0 (function, input terminal I1.x)
PROFIBUS--DP S P0662 = 0 (function, input terminal I2.x)

5 module was
S P0663 = 0 (function, input terminal I3.x)
S P0607 = 0 (analog setpoint, terminal 56.x/14.x)
S P0612 = 0 (analog setpoint, terminal 24.x/20.x)
S Parameter value 0 signifies: the terminal is inactive
S x signifies: Space retainer for drive A or B

Mixed operation The terminal which is inactive or switched out as standard, can be re--
assigned a function by appropriately parameterizing the terminal.

S Rule for input signals:
-- A HW terminal has priority over a PROFIBUS signal.
S Rule for output signals:
-- The signal is output via the hardware terminal and PROFIBUS

Example There is an optional PROFIBUS--DP module, but in spite of this, an

analog speed setpoint is to be input via input, terminal 56.x/14.x.
P0607 = 1 ----> nset/Mset mode possible via terminal 56.x/14.x
The analog speed setpoint via 56.x/14.x is used. The speed setpoint
transferred via PROFIBUS--DP is ignored.

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08.99 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.5 Internal effect of PROFIBUS signal and hardware terminals

5.5 Internal effect of PROFIBUS signal and hardware terminals

Central Fig. 5-7 indicates which input terminal signals and PROFIBUS control
enable signals signals have an effect on the central internal enable signals.

T. 663 SIMODRIVE 611 universal

T. 63
STW1.1: OC/OFF 2
STW1.3: & Internal
pulse enable
Enable inverter
Fault present

Parking axis
Standstill &
T. 64 Internal
T. 65.x speed
& controller
STW1.0: ON/OFF 1 & enable
STW1.2: OC/OFF 3 ≥1 &
Power--on inhibit &
(refer to Fig. 5-9)
Fault present & Rotor position
(controller inhibit) active

Regenerative braking
Internal: nact > P1403
Internal: t < P1404
& ≥1
P1403 (shutdown
speed, pulse
cancellation) ZSW2.5: Open holding brake
P1404 (timer, Braking control Brake opening time running
pulse cancellation)

STW1.2: OC/OFF 3 Internal ramp--function

STW1.4: RFG enable
& generator enable

e.g.: STW1.1: Control word 1, bit 1

Fig. 5-7 Central enable signals and their dependency on the hardware terminals and PROFIBUS signals

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.5 Internal effect of PROFIBUS signal and hardware terminals

Statuses from the Fig. 5-8 shows which input terminal signals and PROFIBUS control sig-
terminal and nals have a significant effect on the most important status signals and
control signals how they are formed.

611 universal
T. 663
T. 63
STW1.1: OC/OFF 2
STW1.2: OC/OFF 3 ZSW1.0:
& Ready to be
Fault present
ready to be
(pulse enable)
Power--on inhibit
& powered--up

(refer to Fig. 5-9)

5 T. 663
T. 63
T. 64
T. 65.x & ZSW1.1:
STW1.0: ON/OFF 1 P1012.2
STW1.1: OC/OFF 2 & = 1 ----> Ready
STW1.2: OC/OFF 3 = 0 ----> No fault

Fault present
(pulse enable)
Power--on inhibit
(refer to Fig. 5-9)

Internal speed controller enable

Regenerative braking & ZSW1.2:
Status, controller
Brake opening time running

T. 663
T. 63 & ZSW1.4:
No OFF 2 present
STW1.1: OC/OFF 2

STW1.2: OC/OFF 3
No OFF 3 present

Fig. 5-8 Statuses dependent on the hardware terminals and PROFIBUS signals

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02.03 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.5 Internal effect of PROFIBUS signal and hardware terminals

Power--on inhibit If the power--on inhibit is activated (P1012.12 = 1), the drive can no
longer move by itself after the ”power--on inhibit” has been reached.
The ”power--on inhibit” status must be removed in order to traverse the
In order to activate the behavior/response in conformance with the
PROFIdrive from SW 6.1, bit 13 (power--on inhibit according to the
PROFIdrive Profile) is pre--assigned a value of 1 in parameter P1012
(function switch). This means that the behavior/response, in confor-
mance with PROFIdrive, is activated as standard.
Fig. 5-9 indicates which signals and parameters affect the power--on

T. 65.x
STW1.0: ON/OFF 1

T. 663 R
T. 63
STW1.1: OC/OFF 2 & & & S
≥1 inhibit
STW1.2: OC/OFF 3

or no fault
Fault present
(controller inhibit)

Fig. 5-9 Generating the power--on inhibit

If, in addition to P1012.13 = 1 also P1012.14 = 1 is set to 1, if the
status of signals STW1.1 (OC/OFF 2), STW1.2 (OC/OFF 3 and
STW1.0 (ON/OFF 1) simultaneously change
from 0 ----> 1, this does not result in the ”power--on inhibit” state.

Removing the power--on inhibit?

If there is no longer a setting condition for the power--on inhibit, then it
can be removed as follows:
S Withdraw the controller enable, terminal 65.x, or
S Reset control signal STW1.0
Switching out the power--on inhibit?
The power--on inhibit can be switched--out with P1012.12 = 0.

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

5.6.1 Overview of the process data (PZD area)

Reader’s note
In the index, for each process data (control/status word), it is specified
on which page information can be found on this word.
S refer to ”Process data in the n--set mode -- control words ...”
refer to ”Process data in the n--set mode -- status words ...”
S refer to ”Process data in the pos mode control words ...”
refer to the ”Process data in the pos mode -- status words -- ...”

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Overview of the From the perspective of the DP master, control words are setpoints.
control words The ”DP slave 611U” provides an image of the received process data
(setpoints) P1788:17 (control words, setpoints) in P1788:17 (received process
data, PROFIBUS).

Table 5-3 Overview of the control words (setpoints)

Control word Operating Remarks

Abbrevi- Description Data Signal n--set pos
ation type4) number1)
STW1 Control word 1 U16 50001 x --
STW1 Control word 1 U16 50001 -- x
STW2 Control word 2 U16 50003 x x
NSET_A Speed setpoint, most significant I16 50005 x --
word (nset--h)
NSET_B Speed setpoint, most significant I32 50007 x -- from SW 3.1
and least significant word
(nset--(h+l)) 5
G1_STW Encoder 1, control word2) U16 50009 x -- from SW 3.1
G2_STW Encoder 2, control word3) U16 50013 x -- from SW 3.3
G3_STW Encoder 3, control word2) U16 50017 x -- from SW 3.1
XERR System deviation (DSC) I32 50025 x -- from SW 4.1
KPC Position controller gain factor U32 50026 x -- from SW 4.1
MomRed Torque reduction U16 50101 x x
DAU1 Analog output, terminal 75.x/15 I16 50103 x x
DAU2 Analog output, terminal 16.x/15 I16 50105 x x
DIG_OUT Digital outputs, terminals O0.x to U16 50107 x x from SW 3.1
XSP Target position for ”spindle posi- I32 50109 x -- from SW 5.1
DezEing Distributed inputs U16 50111 x x from SW 4.1
MsollExt External torque setpoint I16 50113 x -- from SW 4.1
QStw Control word, slave--to--slave com- U16 50117 -- x from SW 4.1
SatzAnw Block selection U16 50201 x x (n--set
SW 5.1)
PosStw Position control word U16 50203 -- x
Over Override U16 50205 -- x
Xext External position reference value I32 50207 -- x from SW 4.1
dXcorExt Correction, external position refer- I32 50209 -- x from SW 4.1
ence value

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Table 5-3 Overview of the control words (setpoints), continued

Control word Operating Remarks

Abbrevi- Description Data Signal n--set pos
ation type4) number1)
MDIPos MDI position I32 50221 -- x from SW 7.1
MDIVel MDI velocity U32 50223 -- x from SW 7.1
MDIAcc MDI acceleration override U16 50225 -- x from SW 7.1.
MDIDec MDI deceleration override U16 50227 -- x from SW 7.1
MDIMode MDI mode U16 50229 -- x from SW 7.1
1) From SW 3.1 the following applies:
The signals are assigned to the process data in the setpoint telegram using P0915:17 (PZD setpoint
assignment, PROFIBUS) (refer under the index entry ”Process data, configuring”).
2) Before SW 3.3, the following applies:
This process data is only available if clock--synchronous operation is also running.
3) The process data for encoder 2 must be activated via P0879.12.
4) Data type: U16/U 32 ----> unsigned integer 16/32 bit ; I16/I 32 ----> integer 16/32 bit

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Overview of the From the perspective of the DP master, status words are actual values.
status words
The ”DP slave 611U” indicates an image of the sent process data (sta-
(actual values)
tus words, actual values) in P1789:17 (sent process data, PROFIBUS).
Table 5-4 Overview of the status words (actual values)

Status word Operating mode Remarks

Abbrevi- Description Data Signal n--set pos
ation type4) num-
ZSW1 Status word 1 U16 50002 x --
ZSW1 Status word 1 U16 50002 -- x
ZSW2 Status word 2 U16 50004 x x
NIST_A Speed actual value, most signifi- I16 50006 x x
cant word (nist--h)
NIST_B Speed actual value, most signifi- I32 50008 x x from SW 3.1
cant and least significant word
G1_ZSW Encoder 1, status word2) U16 50010 x -- 5
G1_XIST1 Encoder 1, pos. actual value 12) U32 50011 x -- from SW 3.1
G1_XIST2 Encoder 1, pos. actual value 22) U32 50012 x --
G2_ZSW Encoder 2, status word3) U16 50014 x --
G2_XIST1 Encoder 2, pos. actual value 13) U32 50015 x -- from SW 3.3
G2_XIST2 Encoder 2, pos. actual value 23) U32 50016 x --
G3_ZSW Encoder 3, status word2) U16 50018 x --
G3_XIST1 Encoder 3, pos. actual value 12) U32 50019 x -- from SW 3.1
G3_XIST2 Encoder 3, pos. actual value 22) U32 50020 x --
MeldW Message word U16 50102 x x
ADU1 Analog input, terminal 56.x/14 I16 50104 x x
ADU2 Analog input, terminal 24.x/20 I16 50106 x x
DIG_IN Digital inputs, terminals I0.x to U16 50108 x x from SW 3.1
Ausl Utilization U16 50110 x x
Pwirk Active power U16 50112 x x
Msoll Smoothed torque setpoint I16 50114 x x
IqGl Smoothed, torque--generating I16 50116 x x from SW 3.1
current Iq
QZsw Status word, slave--to--slave U16 50118 -- x from SW 4.1
UZK1 DC--link voltage U16 50119 x x from SW 8.3
AktSatz Currently selected block U16 50202 x x (n--set
from SW 5.1)
PosZsw Positioning status word U16 50204 -- x
XistP Position actual value (pos. mode) I32 50206 -- x from SW 3.1

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-4 Overview of the status words (actual values), continued

Status word Operating mode Remarks

Abbrevi- Description Data Signal n--set pos
ation type4) num-
XsollP Position reference value (posi- I32 50208 -- x from SW 4.1
tioning mode)
dXcor Correction, position reference I32 50210 -- x from SW 4.1
1) From SW 3.1 the following applies:
The signals are assigned to the process data in the actual value telegram using P0916:17 (PZD actual
value assignment, PROFIBUS) (refer under the index entry ”Process data, configuring”).
2) Before SW 3.3, the following applies:
This process data is only available if clock--synchronous operation is also running.
3) The process data for encoder 2 must be activated via P0879.12.
4) Data type: U16/U32 ----> Unsigned integer 16/32 bit ; I 16/I 32 ----> integer 16/32 bit

5 5.6.2 Description of the control words (setpoints)

Control word
STW1 (n--set
Table 5-5 Control word STW1 for the n--set mode

Spindle positioning on (from SW 5.1)

Open--loop torque controlled mode STW
Accelerating time zero for controller enable (from SW 3.1)
Opening the holding brake for test purposes (from SW 4.1)
Control requested/no control requested
Activate function generator immed. (from SW 11.02.06)1)
Activate the function generator (edge)
(from SW 8.1)
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reset the fault memory

Enable setpoint/inhibit setpoint
Ramp--function generator start/ramp--function generator stop
Ramp--up generator enabled
Enable inverter/pulse inhibit
Operating condition/OFF 3
Operating condition/OFF 2

1) The signal is only effective for P0878.6 = 1 and, for SW 11.01.03, is connected to bit 11!
S The control signals, from the perspective of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, are input signals and are
described in Chapter 6.4.3.
Also refer in the index under ”Input signal, digital ...”.
S The signals designated like this must have at least a 1--signal in order to be able to operate
a motor with the speed setpoint NSET_A or NSET_B.

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Control word
(pos mode)
Table 5-6 Control word STW1 for positioning

Request passive referencing (from SW 5.1)1)

Reserved 1
External block change (from SW 3.1)
Opening the holding brake for test purposes (from SW 4.1)
Start referencing/cancel referencing
Control requested/no control requested
Jogging 2 ON/jogging 2 OFF
Jogging 1 ON/jogging 1 OFF

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reset the fault memory

Activate traversing task (edge)
Oper. condition/intermediate stop

Operating condition/reject traversing task
Enable inverter/pulse inhibit
Operating condition/OFF 3
Operating condition/OFF 2
S The control signals, from the perspective of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, are input signals and are
described in Chapter 6.4.3.
Also refer in the index under ”Input signal, digital ...”.
S The signals which have been identified in this way, must have at least a 1 signal in order to
be able to start a traversing block using the control signal ”activate traversing task (edge)”.
1) QStw.1 is OR’d.

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Control word
Table 5-7 Control word STW2

Master sign--of--life (from SW 3.1) 2

Motor changed over (from SW 2.4)1)

Motor data changeover 1st input (from SW 2.4)1)
Motor data changeover 1st input (from SW 2.4)1)
Suppress fault 608 (from SW 3.1)

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Selection, parking axis

Integrator inhibit, speed controller
Ramp--up time zero
First speed setpoint filter off
5 Parameter set changeover
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
The control signals, from the perspective of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, are input signals and are de-
scribed in Chapter 6.4.3.
Also refer in the index under ”Input signal, digital ...”).
1) Only available in the n--set mode

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Control word The speed setpoint can be entered as follows:

S via NSET_A (nset--h) ----> lower resolution
(n--set mode) S via NSET_B (nset--h + nset--l) ----> higher resolution

Table 5-8 Speed setpoint via NSET_A or via NSET_B

NSET_A (nset--h) nset--l1) Decimal value for
24 23 16 15 8 73) 03) nset--h +
7 F F F F F F3) F3) +32 767 2 147 483 647 Highest value4)
: : : : :
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +16 384 1 073 741 824 Positive normalization
value (P0880)
: : : : :
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nset = 0
F F F F F F F F --1 --1 nset = --1
: : : : :
C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --16 384 --1 073 741 824 Negative normalization
value (P0880)
: : : : :
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --32 768 --2 147 483 648 Lowest value4)
1) The speed setpoint resolution is increased with nset--l.
The control word nset--l is only transferred for the PPO types PPO2, PPO4 and PPO5.
2) Sign bit: Bit = 0 ----> positive value, bit = 1 ----> negative value
3) The drive does not evaluate these values (low byte from nset--l)
4) The speed is limited by the lowest setting in P1401/P1405/P1146 or P1147.

Speed normalization P0880 is used to define which speed is obtained for

(P0880) NSET_A = 4000Hex or NSET_B = 4000 0000Hex.

Normalization value

4000hex NSET_A
4000 0000hex NSET_B

Fig. 5-10 Normalization of speed

Assumptions: The speed setpoint is entered via nset--h and P0880 =
----> resolution = 1, i.e. 1 digit ≐ 1 RPM

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Control word The system deviation for the dynamic servo control (DSC) is trans-
XERR ferred via this control word.
(n--set mode)
(from SW 4.1)

The format of XERR is identical with the format of G1_XIST1 (refer to

Chapter 5.6.4)

Control word For dynamic servo control (DSC) the position controller gain factor is
KPC transferred via this control word.
(n--set mode)
(from SW 4.1)

5 Transfer format: KPC is transmitted in the units 0.001 1/s

A2C2AH ≐ 666666D ≐ KPC = 666.666 1/s ≐ KPC = 40 1000/min
Value range: 0 to 4000.0
Special case:
For KPC = 0, the dynamic servo control is de--activated.

Control word The torque limit presently valid in the drive can be reduced using this
MomRed control word.


Normalization of The normalization of MomRed is defined using P0881 (evaluation,

MomRed (P0881) torque reduction PROFIBUS). All 16 bits in the
PROFIBUS process data are evaluated and interpreted as positive
number. The result of the conversion is a percentage factor k which is
applied to P1230 (torque limit) and P1235 (power limit).
P0881/100 %
k = maximum (0; 1 -- ⋅ MomRed)

Assumption: Best possible resolution for the full limiting range
Input: P0881 = 25 %

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It then means:
S Full torque
MomRed = 0000
----> k = 1 (i.e. 1 ⋅ P1230 and 1 ⋅ P1235 are effective)
S No torque
MomRed = FFFF
----> k = 1 -- 65535 / 65536 = 0.0000153 or almost 0
with a total of 65536 intermediate steps.
When P0881 is parameterized > 25 %, then it is possible to reduce to
precisely 0.

Control word The 2 analog outputs of a drive can be controlled using these control words.
1 2

P0626 = 38
75 x D
10 V
P0633 = 39 A
16 x
10 V 15 Reference (for terminals 75.x and 16.x)

Analog outputs
x: Space retainer for drive A or B

Table 5-9 Control word DAU1, DAU2

Control word Terminal/ Parameter/Signal No.

DAU1 (PROFIBUS) X441 P0626 = 38
Terminal (Signal DAU1 from PROFIBUS--PPO)
DAU2 (PROFIBUS) X441 P0633 = 39
Terminal (Signal DAU2 from PROFIBUS--PPO)
S It is only possible to control the analog outputs via PROFIBUS--DP if the
appropriate signal number is specified in P0626 or P0633.
S The parameters available to parameterize the analog outputs, are still
valid (refer to Chapter 6.7).

Transfer format:
4000Hex ≐ 5 V, if the shift factor = 0 and the offset = 0
4000Hex ≐ 10 V, if the shift factor = 1 and the offset = 0

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Control word The digital outputs at the drive can be controlled, using this control
DIG_OUT word from the master side via PROFIBUS.
(from SW 3.1)
This terminal must be assigned function number 38 so that an output
terminal can be controlled.


Bit 15 3 2 1 0
1 0 1 1

P0699 (inverting the

output terminals, refer to Chapter 6.4.5)

--1 O0.x: P0680 = 38

From int.

--1 O1.x: P0681 ≠ 38

From int.

5 --1 O2.x: P0682 = 38

From int.

--1 O3.x: P0683 = 38

From int.
Output terminals x: Space retainer for drive A or B

Fig. 5-11 Control word DIG_OUT (from SW 3.1)

Control word For the ”Spindle positioning” function, the target position is entered via
XSP this control word.
(n--set mode)
(from SW 5.1)

Data transfer format: 1000 ≐ 1 degree

Example: XSP = 145500 ----> 145.5 degrees

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Control word Control signals can be directly read in from another slave (publisher)
DezEing using this control word without the signals having first to be routed via
(from SW 4.1) the master.
The individual bits in the control word must then be assigned functions
using P0888, for example, ”ramp--function generator enable” or ”hard-
ware limit switch”.

Table 5-10 Control word DezEing


Parameterize with P0888

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Parameterize with P0888

The control signals, from the perspective of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, are input signals and are de-
scribed in Chapter 6.4.3. Also refer in the index under ”Input signal, digital ...”).

Control word For two rigidly connected drives, the actual torque setpoint of the
MsollExt master drive (ZSW Msoll) can be read into the slave drive using this
(from SW 4.1) control word.

Normalization of Normalization of MsollExt is defined using P0882 (evaluation, torque

MsollExt (P0882) setpoint PROFIBUS).
The polarity of the torque setpoint can be inverted by entering negative
Actual torque setpoint for
S Synchronous motors:
Torque setpoint [Nm] = P1118 ⋅ P1113 ⋅ ⋅ MsollExt
S Asynchronous motors:
60 ⋅ P1130 ⋅ 1000 P0882
Torque setpoint [Nm] = ⋅ ⋅ MsollExt
2  ⋅P1400 4000Hex

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The slave drive must be changed over into the open--loop torque
controlled mode using STW1.14.

Control word
(pos mode)
(from SW 4.1)
Table 5-11 Control word QStw



5 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Request passive referencing (from SW 5.1)1)

Correction, external reference value via dXcor (from SW 4.1)
The control signals, from the perspective of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, are input signals and are
described in Chapter 6.4.3 .
Also refer in the index under ”Input signal, digital ...”).
1) STW1.15 is OR’d.

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Control word
Table 5-12 Control word SatzAnw for positioning

Activate MDI (from SW 7.1)

Reserved STW Satz
1 Anw
Activate ang. incr. encoder, handwheel (from SW 8.1)
Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 1 (from SW 8.1)
Angular incr. encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 0 (from SW 8.1)

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

27 (from SW 10.1)
26 (from SW 10.1)
Block selection
(traversing blocks 0 to 23
63; from SW 10.1: 255
through 0)
The control signals, from the perspective of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, are input signals and are de-
scribed in Chapter 6.4.3.
Also refer in the index under ”Input signal, digital ...”).

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Control word
(pos mode)
Table 5-13 Control word (PosStw) for positioning

Activate function generator (edge) (from SW 9.1)

STW Pos Pos
1 Anw Stw


Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Invert the ang. incr. encoder input (from SW 3.5)

Activate teach--in (edge) (from SW 4.1)
Incremental jogging (from SW 4.1)
Activate coupling (from SW
5 Fixed stop, sensor (from3.3)
SW 3.3)
Setting the home position
Follow--up mode
The control signals, from the perspective of SIMODRIVE 611 universal are input signals and are de-
scribed in Chapter 6.4.3 (also refer to the index entry under Input signal, digital ...).

Control word The percentage value for the velocity override is specified using this
Over control word.
(pos mode)


1 Anw Stw 2

Normalization of the The override normalization is defined using P0883 (override evaluation
override (P0883) PROFIBUS).
Actual override = ⋅ Over

As the drive cannot rotate with Over = 0 %, then it is important for
PPO types 2, 4 and 5, that a practical value (greater than 0%) is in this
control word.
Negative values are interpreted as maximum value, as this control
word is viewed unsigned.

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Control word Using this control word, a master drive can control a slave drive with a
Xext position reference value.
(pos mode)
Xext can be connected with the XsollP or XistP quantities from the
(from SW 4.1)
master drive.
When using a SIMODRIVE 611 universal in the n--set mode as master
drive, a connection can be made with the actual value Gx_XIST1 from
the encoder interface.


Data transfer format: P0895 and P0896 define the input format
The following applies: Position in MSR = input value ⋅

Note 5
An input evaluation of the setpoints received via the source is only
made for a coupling via the angular incremental encoder (P0891 = 0 or
1) and via PROFIBUS--DP (P0891 = 4).

Control word The correction value, by which the position reference value jumps, e.g.
dXcorExt when referencing in the master drive (publisher) can also be read--in
(pos mode) and taken into account in the slave drive (subscriber) using this control
(from SW 4.1) word.


Data transfer format: P0895 and P0896 define the input format
The following applies: Position in MSR = input value ⋅

Control word For MDI blocks, the position is transferred via this control word.
(pos mode)
(from SW 7.1)

Data transfer format: Units as for parameter P0081:64/256 in MSR

Limits: min: --200000000 MSR
max: 200000000 MSR

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Control word For MDI blocks, the speed is transferred via this control word.
(pos mode)
(from SW 7.1) MDIVel

Transfer format:Units as for parameter P0082:64/256 in c*MSR/min

Limits min: 1000 c*MSR/min
max: 2000000000 c*MSR/min

Control word For MDI blocks, the acceleration override is transferred via this control
MDIAcc word.
(pos mode)
(from SW 7.1)

5 Data transfer format: Units as for parameter P0083:64/256 in %

Limits: min: 1 %
max: 100 %

Control word For MDI blocks, the deceleration override is transferred via the control
MDIDec word.
(pos mode)
(from SW 7.1)

Data transfer format: Units as for parameter P0084:64/256 in %

Limits: min: 1 %
max: 100 %

Control word For MDI blocks, the mode is transferred via this control word.
(pos mode)
(from SW 7.1)

Data transfer format: Units as for parameter P0087:64/256 in Hex

The following ID is only active for MDI: x0x = ABSOLUTE
x2x = ABS_POS
x3x = ABS_NEG
0xx = END

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5.6.3 Description of the status words (actual values)

Status word ZSW1

(n--set mode)

Table 5-14 Status word ZSW1 for the n--set mode

Spindle positioning on (from SW 5.1) n-- n--

Open--loop torque controlled mode ZSW ZSW
ist-- ist--
Function generator active (from SW 6.1) 1 2
h l
Comparison value reached/comparison value not reached
Control requested/no control possible
nset = nact

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Warning present/no warning present

Power--on inhibit/no power--on inhibit
No OFF 3 present/OFF 3 present
No OFF 2 present/OFF 2 present
Fault present/no fault present
Status, controller enable
Ready or no fault
Ready to be powered--up/not ready to be powered--up
From the perspective of SIMODRIVE 611 universal, status signals are output signals and are described
in Chapter 6.4.6.
Also refer in the index under ”Output signal, digital ...”).

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Status word ZSW1

(pos mode)

Table 5-15 Status word ZSW1 for positioning

Request passive referencing (from SW 5.1)

Torque--controlled operation (from SW 3.3) ZSW Pos Pos ZSW
Drive stationary/drive moving 1 Anw Zsw 2
Setpoint acknowledge (edge)
Reference point set/no reference point set
Reference position reached/outside reference position
Control requested/no control possible
No following error/following error

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Warning present/no warning present

Power--on inhibit/no power--on inhibit
No OFF 3 present/OFF 3 present

No OFF 2 present/OFF 2 present
Fault present/no fault present
Status, controller enable
Ready or no fault
Ready to be powered--up/not ready to be powered--up
From the perspective of SIMODRIVE 611 universal, status signals are output signals and are described
in Chapter 6.4.6.
Also refer in the index under ”Output signal, digital ...”).

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Status word ZSW2

Table 5-16 Status word ZSW2

Slave sign--of--life ZSW

(from SW 3.1) 2

Motor being changed over (from SW 3.3)1)

Actual motor 1st signal (from SW 2.4)1)
Actual motor 1st signal (from SW 2.4)1)
Suppress fault 608 active (from SW 3.1)

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Parking axis selected

Integrator inhibit, speed controller
Open holding brake
Ramp--function gen. inactive
First speed setpoint filter inactive

Parameter set
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0

From the perspective of SIMODRIVE 611 universal, status signals are output signals and are described
in Chapter 6.4.6.
Also refer in the index under ”Output signal, digital ...”).
1) Only available in the n--set mode

Status word For closed--loop speed controlled operation, the speed actual value is
NIST_A displayed as follows:


1 NIST_A 2

nist--h nist--l
NIST_A (nist--h) ----> lower resolution
NIST_B (nist--(h+l)) ----> higher resolution

The speed actual value is signaled in the same format as the speed
setpoint is specified
(refer to control word NSET_A (nset--h) and NSET_B (nset--(h+l)).
The speed actual value to be transferred via PROFIBUS--DP can be
smoothed using a PT1 filter (from SW 13.1). The smoothing time
constant of the PT1 filter is set using P0887 (P0887 = 0 smoothing is
not active).

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Status word
Table 5-17 Status word MeldW

Spindle position reached (spindle position 2, from SW 5.1)

Position reached (spindle position 1, from SW 5.1)
Pulses enabled (from SW 3.1) ZSW Meld
2 W
Power module current not limited (from SW 3.1)
nset = nact

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Heatsink temperature pre--warning

Motor overtemperature pre--warning
Variable signaling function
DC link monitoring VDC link > Vx
| nact| < nx

5 | nact | < nmin

| M | < Mx
Run--up process conpleted (n--set)
Programmed velocity reached (pos, from SW 11.1)

From the perspective of SIMODRIVE 611 universal, status signals are output signals and are described
in Chapter 6.4.6.
Also refer in the index under ”Output signal, digital ...”).

Status word ADU1 The actually converted values of the 2 analog inputs of a drive are dis-
ADU2 played using these status words.

1 2

Status word Analog input

ADU1 X451 terminal 56.x/14.x
ADU2 X451 terminal 24.x/20.x

The parameters available to parameterize the analog inputs are still
valid (refer to Chapter 6.6).

Data transfer format: 4000hex ≐ 10 V

Update rate at which this signal is provided:
S Isochronous PROFIBUS--DP
----> generally: DP clock cycle, sensed at instant in time Ti
S non--clock--cycle synchronous PROFIBUS--DP
----> n--set mode: Position controller clock cycle (P1009)
----> pos mode: Interpolation clock cycle (P1010)

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Status word The digital inputs at the drive can be read via the PROFIBUS and eval-
DIG_IN uated on the master side using this status word.
(from SW 3.1)


Bit 15 3 2 1 0
1 0 1 1

x: I1.x
Space retainer for
drive A or B

Input terminals

Fig. 5-12 Status word DIG_IN (from SW 3.1)

Status word This status word is used to display the ratio between the actual torque
Ausl and torque limit or between the actual power and the power limit.


The utilization value is smoothed using P1251 (time constant
(smoothing) motor utilization).

Data transfer format: 7FFFhex ≐ 100 %

Update rate at which this signal is provided:
S Isochronous PROFIBUS--DP
----> n--set mode: Position controller clock cycle (TMAPC) of the
----> pos mode Position controller clock cycle (P1009)
S non--clock--cycle synchronous PROFIBUS--DP
----> n--set mode: Position controller clock cycle (P1009)
----> pos mode: Interpolation clock cycle (P1010)

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Status word Pwirk The actual drive active power is displayed using this status word.
The active power is calculated from the speed actual value and the
actual torque setpoint. Contrary to the torque and power limits, in this
case, the current limiting is not taken into account.


Data transfer format: 100 ≐ 1 kW

Update rate at which this signal is provided:
S Isochronous PROFIBUS--DP
----> n--set mode: Position controller clock cycle (TMAPC) of the master
----> pos mode: Position controller clock cycle (P1009)
S non--clock--cycle synchronous PROFIBUS--DP
----> n--set mode: Position controller clock cycle (P1009)
----> pos mode: Interpolation clock cycle (P1010)

5 Status word Msoll The drive torque is displayed using this status word.


Normalization of The normalization of Msoll is defined (from SW 4.1) using P0882 (eval-
Msoll (P0882) uation, torque setpoint PROFIBUS).
Actual torque setpoint for
S Synchronous motors:
Torque setpoint [Nm] = P1118 ⋅ P1113 ⋅ ⋅ Msoll
S Asynchronous motors:
60 ⋅ P1130 ⋅ 1000 P0882
Torque setpoint [Nm] = ⋅ ⋅ Msoll
2  ⋅P1400 4000Hex

The reference torque is displayed in P1725 (normalization, torque
The torque value is smoothed via P1252 (transition frequency, torque
setpoint smoothing).

Transfer format: 4000Hex = 16384 ≐ reference torque (in P1725)

Update rate at which this signal is provided:
S Isochronous PROFIBUS--DP
----> generally: DP clock cycle, sensed at instant in time Ti
S non--clock--cycle synchronous PROFIBUS--DP
----> n--set mode: Position controller clock cycle (P1009)
----> pos mode: Interpolation clock cycle (P1010)

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Status word The actual smoothed torque--generating current Iq of the drive is dis-
IqGl played using this status word.
(from SW 3.1)
The smoothing can be set using P1250 (transition frequency, current
actual value smoothing).


Transfer format: 4000Hex = 16384 ≐ P1107 (transistor limit current)

Update rate at which this signal is provided:
S Isochronous PROFIBUS--DP
----> generally: DP clock cycle, sensed at instant in time Ti
S non--clock--cycle synchronous PROFIBUS--DP
----> n--set mode: Position controller clock cycle (P1009)
----> pos mode: Interpolation clock cycle (P1010)
Status word QZsw
(pos mode)
(from SW 4.1)

Table 5-18 Status word QZsw



Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Request passive referencing (from SW 5.1)

Correction, external reference value via dXcor (from SW 4.1)

From the perspective of SIMODRIVE 611 universal, status signals are output signals and are described
in Chapter 6.4.6.
Also refer in the index under ”Output signal, digital ...”).

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Status word
Table 5-19 Status word AktSatz

MDI active (from SW 7.1) ZSW Akt Pos ZSW

1 Satz Zsw 2
External block change (from SW 7.1)
Angular incremental encoder handwheel active (from SW 8.1)
Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 1 (from SW 8.1)
Angular incr. encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 0 (from SW 8.1)
Block processing inactive (from SW 8.1)

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

27 (from SW 10.1)
26 (from SW 10.1)
Status, block selection
5 (traversing blocks 0 to
63; from SW 10.1: 255
through 0)
As long as the block is not active, a --1 is displayed. The actual block number is displayed with the input
signal ”activate traversing task”.
From the perspective of SIMODRIVE 611 universal, status signals are output signals and are described
in Chapter 6.4.6.
Also refer in the index under ”Output signal, digital ...”).

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Status word
(pos mode)
Table 5-20 Status word PosZsw for positioning

Teach--in executed (from SW 4.1)

Travel to fixed stop active (from SW 3.3) ZSW Akt Pos
Fixed stop clamping torque reached (from SW 3.3) 1 Satz Zsw
Fixed stop reached (from SW 3.3)
Direct output 2 via the traversing block
Direct output 1 via the traversing block
Cam switching signal 2
Cam switching signal 1

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Plus software limit switch actuated

Minus software limit switch actuated
Axis moves backwards

Axis moves forwards
In synchronism (from SW 3.3)
Setpoint static
Velocity limiting active
Follow--up mode active
From the perspective of SIMODRIVE 611 universal, status signals are output signals and are described
in Chapter 6.4.6.
Also refer in the index under ”Output signal, digital ...”).

Status word The actual DC link voltage in the drive is displayed using this status
UZK1 word.
(from SW 8.3)


Data transfer format: hexadecimal, non--normalized

e.g.: 258hex = 600dec = 600 V
Reading the status word UZK1 must be configured in the standard tele-
gram (P0922 = 0; refer to Chapter 5.6.5).

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Status word XistP Position actual value (positioning)

(pos mode)
P1792 = 1 ----> XistP is received from the motor meas. system
(from SW 3.1)
P1792 = 2 ----> XistP is received from the direct measuring system

Table 5-21 Status word XistP (from SW 3.1)

XistP (from SW 3.1)

Bit Remarks
24 23 16 15 8 7 0 Decimal values
7 F F F F F F F 2 147 483 647 Highest value
: : : :
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XistP = 02)
F F F F F F F F --1 XistP = --1
: : : :
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --2 147 483 648 Lowest value

5 1) Sign bit:
2) Resolution:
Bit = 0 ----> positive value, bit = 1 ----> negative value
1 digit ≐ 1 measuring system grid (MSR)

Transfer format: P0884 and P0896 define the position output format
The following applies: Output value = position in MSR ⋅

Status word The actual position reference value at the output of the interpolator or
XsollP at the input of the fine interpolator is displayed in the drive using this
(pos mode) status word.
(from SW 4.1)

Transfer format: P0884 and P0896 define the position output format
The following applies: Output value = position in MSR ⋅

Status word The correction value by which the position reference value jumps, e.g.
dXcor when referencing in the master drive (publisher) is displayed in the
(pos mode) drive using this status word.
(from SW 4.1)

Transfer format: P0884 and P0896 define the position output format
The following applies: Output value = position in MSR ⋅

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5.6.4 Encoder interface (n-- set mode, from SW 3.1)

Encoder interface The encoder interface comprises the following process data:
process data

DP master G2_STW
G3_STW Control

Status signals


DP slave
G1_ ... Enc. 1 ----> Motor encoder Drives A, B: X411, X412
G2_ ... Enc. 2 ----> Direct meas. system Only drive A: X412 (from SW 3.3)
G3_ ... Enc. 3 ----> Addit. meas. system X472 (only for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”)
If P0890 = 4 a TTL signal can be entered via
the angular incremental encoder interface.

Fig. 5-13 Encoder interface process data

S The process data of the encoder interface can be included in the
telegram when configuring the process data.
----> Refer to Chapter 5.6.5
-- Encoder 1: Standard telegram 3 or 102 (refer to P0922)
-- Encoder 2: Standard telegram 4 or 103 (refer to P0922)
-- Enc. 1 and 3: Standard telegram 104 (refer to P0922)
S The process data for encoder 2 must be activated via P0879.12.
S The description of this process data can be taken from the following
Reference: /PPA/, PROFIdrive Profile Drive Technology
S Encoder 3 for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”:
For P0890 = 4, a TTL signal can be entered via the incremental
angular encoder interface (refer to Chapter 6.8) and re--output via
PROFIBUS--DP (encoder 3, e.g. standard telegram 104).

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Gx_STW Encoder x control word

x: Space retainer for encoder 1, 2 or 3
----> to control the encoder functionality

Table 5-22 Description of the individual signals in the encoder control word (Gx_STW)

Bit Name Signal status, description

If bit 7 = 0, then find reference mark request applies:
Bit Meaning
0 Function 1 Reference mark 1
0 1 Function 2 Reference mark 2
2 Function 3 Reference mark 3
3 Function 4 Reference mark 4
If bit 7 = 1, then flying measurement request applies:
Bit Meaning
0 Function 1 Measuring probe, positive edge

1 Function 2 Measuring probe, negative edge
S Bit x = 1 Request function
Bit x = 0 Do not request function
Func- S The following applies if more than 1 function is activated:
The values for all functions cannot be read until each activated func-
Find refer- tion has been terminated and this has been confirmed in the corre-
ence mark sponding status bit (ZSW.0/.1/.2/.3 ”0” signal again).
2 or S Find reference mark
Measure- Up to 4 reference marks can be found. Reference marks can also be
ment on-- skipped (e.g. find reference marks 1 and 3).
the--fly S Equivalent zero mark
Input terminal I0.x with function number 79 (refer to Chapter 6.4.2)
P0879.13/.14 (refer to Chapter A.1)
S Measurement on--the--fly
3 The positive and negative edge can be activated simultaneously.
The measuring probe signal is recognized depending on the direction.
The values are read out in succession.
Input terminal I0.x with function number 80 (refer to Chapter 6.4.2)

4 Bit 6, 5, 4 Meaning
000 --
5 Com- 001 Activate function x
010 Read value x
6 011 Abort function x
1 Measurement on--the--fly
7 Mode
0 Find reference mark (zero mark or BERO)

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Table 5-22 Description of the individual signals in the encoder control word (Gx_STW), continued

Bit Name Signal status, description

... -- Reserved
1 Request to cyclically transfer the absolute track of the absolute value
encoder (EnDat encoder) via Gx_XIST2
Used for (e.g.):
Request cyclic abso-
13 S Additional measuring system monitoring
lute value
S Synchronization during ramp--up
0 No request
1 Request to disable the measuring system monitoring and the actual
value sensing
Used for (e.g.):
Activate parking Removing an encoder or motor with encoder without having to
14 change the drive configuration and without causing a fault.
If parking with encoder control word Gx_STW, bit 14 is requested,
then all of the encoder faults that are present are deleted. 5
0 No request
0/1 Request to reset encoder faults

Gx_ZSW.15 1
Encoder error 0

Gx_STW.15 1

Acknowledge Acknowledge 0
15 encoder error
encoder error 1)
Gx_ZSW.11 1
Encoder fault 0
acknowledge active
Clear error

1) Signal must be reset by user

0 No request

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Example 1: Assumptions for the example:

Find reference
S Distance--coded reference mark
S Two reference marks (function 1/function 2)
S Closed--loop position control with encoder 1

Find reference mark
G1_STW.7 = 0

Function 1 Reference mark 1 Reference mark 1

G1_STW.0 = 1

Function 2 Reference mark 2 Reference mark 2

G1_STW.1= 1 0

5 Command
Activate function 1/2
G1_STW.4 = 1
(activate function) 0
Read Read
value 1 value 2
G1_STW.5 = 1 1
(read value)
Function 1 active Function 1 active
G1_ZSW.0 = 1
Function 2 active Function 2 active
G1_ZSW.1 = 1
Value 1 Value 2
Value 1/2 available available available
G1_ZSW.4 /.5 = 1
Actual position value
at reference mark 2
Actual position value
at reference mark 1
Reference mark 1/2
Actual value transfer 1 2

1) Signal must be reset by user

Fig. 5-14 Flowchart for ”find reference mark”

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Example 2: Assumptions for the example:

S Measuring probe with a positive edge (function 1)
S Closed--loop position control with encoder 1

Measurement on--the--fly
G1_STW.7 = 1

Function 1
G1_STW.0 = 1 Measuring probe, positive edge

Command Activate function 1

G1_STW.4 = 1 1
(activate function) 0

Read value 1
G1_STW.5 = 1
(read value)
1 5

Function active
G1_ZSW.0 = 1
Function 1 active

Value available
G1_ZSW.4 = 1
Value 1 available

Measuring probe deflected


Measuring probe edge

Actual value transfer

1) Signal must be reset by user

Fig. 5-15 Flowchart for ”flying measurement”

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Gx_ZSW Encoder x status word

x: Space retainer for encoder 1, 2 or 3
----> to display statuses, acknowledgments, faults/errors etc.

Table 5-23 Description of the individual signals in the encoder status word (Gx_ZSW)

Bit Name Signal status, description

Valid for find reference mark and flying measurement
0 Bit Meaning
0 Function 1 Reference mark 1
Measuring probe,
probe positive edge
1 Function 2 Reference mark 2
1 Measuring probe, negative edge
2 Function 3 Reference mark 3
1 -- 4 3 Function 4 Reference mark 4
2 active Note:
S Bit x = 1 Function active
5 Bit x = 0 Function inactive
S P0879 is set to indicate whether it involves a zero mark or an equiv-
3 alent zero mark (BERO). The equivalent zero mark must be para-
meterized at input terminal I0.x.
Find refer-
ence mark Valid for find reference mark and flying measurement
4 or Bit Meaning
Measure- 4 Value 1 Reference mark 1
ment on-- Measuring probe, positive edge
the--fly 5 Value 2 Reference mark 2
5 Measuring probe, negative edge
Status: 6 Value 3 Reference mark 3
Value 7 Value 4 Reference mark 4
1 -- 4
6 available
S Bit x = 1 Value available
Bit x = 0 Value not available
S Only
O one value can be fetched
f at a time.
Reason: Only one shared status word Gx_XIST2 is available for
7 reading the values.
S The measuring probe must be parameterized at input terminal I0.x.
Measuring 1 Measuring probe deflected
8 probe
deflected 0 Measuring probe is not deflected

-- Reserved
1 Encoder fault acknowledge active

Encoder fault acknowl- Note:

edge active Refer under STW.15 (acknowledge encoder error)
0 No acknowledgement active
12 -- Reserved

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Table 5-23 Description of the individual signals in the encoder status word (Gx_ZSW), continued

Bit Name Signal status, description

1 Acknowledgement for Gx_STW.13 (request cyclic absolute value)
Cyclic transmission of the absolute value can be interrupted by a
function with higher priority.
Transmit cyclic abso- The bit remains set although no absolute value is transmitted via
lute value Gx_XIST2.
----> refer to Fig. 5-17
----> refer to Gx_XIST2
0 No acknowledgement
1 Acknowledgment for Gx_STW.14 (activate parking encoder)
14 Parking encoder active
0 No acknowledgement
1 Encoder or actual value sensing fault present
15 Encoder error
The error code is stored in Gx_XIST2. If several errors occur, then
only the first error is displayed.
0 No fault present

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Gx_XIST1 Encoder x position actual value 1 ----> position actual value

S Resolution: Encoder pulses S 2n
n: Fine resolution
Number of bits for the internal multiplication
The fine resolution is defined via P1042/P1044.
P1042 Encoder 1, fine resolution G1_XIST1
P1044 Encoder 2 fine resolution G2_XIST1


Encoder pulses Fine information

Bit 31 11 10 0

5 Standard value
P1042 for G1_XIST1 (encoder 1)
P1044 for G2_XIST1 (encoder 2)

Fig. 5-16 Partitioning and settings for Gx_XIST1

S Encoder pulses
-- The following applies for encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp:
Encoder pulses = No. of sinusoidal signal periods
-- The following applies for resolvers with 12--bit resolution:
Encoder pulses = 1024 S No. of pole pairs of resolver
-- The following applies for resolvers with 14--bit resolution:
Encoder pulses = 4096 S No. of pole pairs of resolver
S After power--up: Gx_XIST1 = 0
S An overflow Gx_XIST1 must be viewed from the higher--level control
S In the drive there is no modulo view of Gx_XIST1

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Gx_XIST2 Encoder x position actual value 2 ----> Additional position actual value
Different values are entered in Gx_XIST2 depending on the function
(refer to Fig. 5-17).
S Priorities for Gx_XIST2
The following priorities should be considered for values in

Parking encoder? Gx_ZSW.14 = 1? Gx_XIST2 = 0

Yes =

Encoder fault? Gx_ZSW.15 = 1?
Error code
(refer to Table 5-24)

Gx_ZSW.4 = 1 Gx_XIST2
or .5 = 1 Yes
Value x present? =
or .6 = 1
or .7 = 1 Requested value


Transmit absolute Yes
Gx_ZSW.13 = 1 =
value cyclically?
Absolute value


Fig. 5-17 Priorities for functions and Gx_XIST2

S Resolution: Encoder pulses S 2n

n: Fine resolution
Number of bits for the internal multiplication
The fine resolution is defined via P1043/P1045 or P1042/P1044 for
the ”requested value” or the ”absolute value” in Gx_XIST2.
P1043 Encoder 1, fine resolution, absolute track G1_XIST2
P1045 Encoder 2, fine resolution, absolute track G2_XIST2
P1042 Encoder 1, fine resolution G1_XIST1
P1044 Encoder 2 fine resolution G2_XIST1

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Encoder pulses Fine information

Bit 31 11 9 8 0
P1042 for G1_XIST1 (encoder 1)
P1044 for G2_XIST1 (encoder 2) Standard
----> For reference mark or value
function ”Flying measurement”

P1043 for G1_XIST2 (encoder 1)

P1045 for G2_XIST2 (encoder 2)
----> for read absolute value (EnDat encoder)

Fig. 5-18 Partitioning and settings for Gx_XIST2

5 S Encoder pulses
-- The following applies for encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp:
Encoder pulses = No. of sinusoidal signal periods
-- The following applies for resolvers with 12--bit resolution:
Encoder pulses = 1024 S No. of pole pairs of resolver
-- The following applies for resolvers with 14--bit resolution:
Encoder pulses = 4096 S No. of pole pairs of resolver

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S Error code
Table 5-24 Fault code in Gx_XIST2

Gx_XIST2 Description Possible causes/description

1Hex Encoder sum error The fault description should be taken from the following faults (refer
to Chapter 7.3.2):
S Fault 514 Motor measuring system (encoder 1)
S Fault 609 Encoder limiting frequency exceeded
S Fault 512 Direct measuring system (encoder 2)
S Fault 615 DM encoder limiting frequency exceeded
2Hex Zero mark monitoring The fault description should be taken from the following faults (refer
to Chapter 7.3.2):
S Fault 508 Motor measuring system (encoder 1)
S Fault 514 Direct measuring system (encoder 2)
3Hex Abort parking encoder The ”parking axis” was already selected.
From PROFIdrive profile version 4.1, the fault “Abort parking
encoder” is also initiated if the motor measuring system may not
be parked as the motor is still turning.
4Hex Abort find reference S A fault is present (Gx_ZSW.15 = 1) 5
marker S Parking encoder/axis active
S ”Flying measurement” function already active
S Change of function type
S No reference mark programmed
S Hardware already busy with another function
S Only BERO: BERO not at terminal I0.x
S Not BERO: EnDat encoder used
S Invalid combination of reference marks for distance--coded
encoder (1--2, 3--4, 1--2--3--4 are supported)
5Hex Retrieve reference S A fault is present (Gx_ZSW.15 = 1)
value interrupted S Parking encoder/axis active
S No reference mark programmed
S Requested value not available
S Change of function type
6Hex Abort flying measure- S A fault is present (Gx_ZSW.15 = 1)
ment S Parking encoder/axis active
S Change of function type
S Reference point approach still active
S Measuring probe not at terminal I0.x and measuring probe 1 not
S Hardware already busy with another function
S Spindle positioning active (P0125=1, from SW 5.1)
7Hex Abort, retrieve S A fault is present (Gx_ZSW.15 = 1)
measured value S Parking encoder/axis active
S Change of function type
S Requested value not available
S Not exactly 1 value to be retrieved
8Hex Abort absolute value S EnDat encoder not used
transmission on

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Table 5-24 Fault code in Gx_XIST2, continued

Gx_XIST2 Description Possible causes/description

AHex Fault when reading For further diagnostics:
the absolute track of S ----> refer to P1023 IM diagnostics
the absolute value
encoder (EnDat S ----> refer to P1033 DM diagnostics
F01Hex Command is not S Encoder x control word Gx_STW.6 = 1
(from supported
SW 8.2)

Limitations and The following limitations and rules apply:

rules when
1. Which combinations of power module and control board are possible?
encoder 2 (direct -- 1--axis power module with 2--axis control board
measuring system)
In this case, drive B is not available.
5 -- 2--axis power module with 2--axis control board
Drive B is available.
The following applies: Switch drive B into a passive state (P0700 (B) = 0)
2. Which encoder systems are available for encoder 2?
Dependent on the 2--axis board with encoder for sin/cos 1 Vpp or for
resolver, the following rotary or linear measuring systems can be
connected at X412:
-- Incremental encoder with sin/cos 1 Vpp
-- Absolute value encoder with EnDat protocol
-- Resolver
3. Process data for encoder 2
-- Control word: G2_STW
-- Status words: G2_ZSW, G2_XIST1 and G2_XIST2
4. Encoder 2 is activated with P0879.12 (A) = 1.
The following applies:
-- This activation becomes effective after POWER ON
-- Encoder 2 must be commissioned
----> refer to the Start--up Assistant of SimoCom U
-- It is not permissible to operate drive A without a motor measuring
----> The following must be valid: P1027.5 (A) = 0
-- Input terminal I0.B (fast input from drive B) can be assigned a
function for encoder 2 from drive A via P0672.
e.g. the ”equivalent zero mark” or ”flying measurement” function

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5-262 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

5.6.5 Configuring process data (from SW 3.1)

Description The process data structure of the telegram can be defined and config-
ured as follows:
1. By selecting a standard telegram (P0922 > 0)
-- P0922 = 1 standard telegram for nset interface 16 bit
-- P0922 = 101 telegram is as for SW 2.4
(dependent on the operating mode)
2. By freely--configuring the telegram (P0922 = 0)
-- P0922 = 0 Before SW 4.1:
PZD1 to PZD4 are defined as standard
PZD5 to PZD16 can be freely configured
From SW 4.1: 5
PZD1 remains defined as standard
PZD2 to PZD16 can be freely configured
Setpoint direction
(refer to the parameter overview for P0915:17)
P0915:5 = xxxx (required signal ID)
P0915:6 = yyyy ...
Actual value direction
(refer to the parameter overview for P0916:17)
P0916:5 = uuuu (requested signal ID)
P0916:6 = vvvv ...

Standard signals, defined in the PROFIdrive Profile as well as special
signals only defined for the ”DP slave 611U” can be configured as
setpoints/actual values.
For double--word signals (32 bits) the appropriate signal ID must be
configured twice on adjacent process data.
P0916:7 = 50011 ----> G1_XIST1 is assigned to PZD7
P0916:8 = 50011 ----> G1_XIST1 is assigned to PZD8
----> as G1_XIST1 is a double word (32 bits), it must be assigned two

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 5-263
5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Parameter The following parameters are available for the process data configuring:

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0915:17 PZD setpoint assignment PROFIBUS 0 0 65 535 -- immedi-
... is used to assign the signals to the process data in the setpoint telegram.
Permissible signals for the setpoint direction (control words) are:
ID Significance Abbrev. Length Mode
S Signals according to the PROFIdrive Profile
0 No signal NIL 16 bit
50001 Control word 1 STW1 16 bit
50003 Control word 2 STW2 16 bit
50005 Speed setpoint A (nset--h) NSET_A 16 bit n--set
50007 Speed setpoint B (n--set (h + l)) NSET_B 32 bit n--set
50009 Encoder 1 control word G1_STW 16 bit n--set

5 50013
Encoder 2 control word (from SW 3.3)
Encoder 3 control word
16 bit
16 bit
50025 System deviation (DSC) (from SW 4.1) XERR 32 bit n--set
50026 Pos. contr. gain factor (DSC) (from SW 4.1) KPC 32 bit n--set
S Equipment--specific signals, especially for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
50101 Torque reduction MomRed 16 bit
50103 Analog output, terminals 75.x/15 DAU1 16 bit
50105 Analog output, terminals 16.x/15 DAU2 16 bit
50107 Digital outputs, terminals O0.x to O3.x DIG_OUT 16 bit
50109 Target pos. for ”Spindle positioning” (from SW 5.1) XSP 32 bit n--set
50111 Distributed inputs DezEing 16 bit
50113 Torque setpoint external MsollExt 16 bit
(read--in, subscriber) (from SW 4.1)
50117 Cntrl word slave--to--slave traffic (from SW 4.1) QStw 16 bit pos
50201 Block selection SatzAnw 16 bit
50203 Position control word PosStw 16 bit pos
50205 Override Over 16 bit pos
50207 Ext. position reference value (from SW 4.1) Xext 32 bit pos
50209 Correction, ext. pos. ref. val. (from SW 4.1) XcorExt 32 bit pos
50221 MDI position (from SW 7.1) MDIPos 32 bit pos
50223 MDI velocity (from SW 7.1) MDIVel 32 bit pos
50225 MDI acceleration override (from SW 7.1) MDIAcc 16 bit pos
50227 MDI deceleration override (from SW 7.1) MDIDec 16 bit pos
50229 MDI mode (from SW 7.1) MDIMode 16 bit pos

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

5-264 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

S For P0922 > 0, the following is valid:
P0915:17 is pre--assigned when booting corresponding to the selected standard telegram
in P0922.
A change made to P0915:2 to P0915:16 is overwritten again when the system re--boots
corresponding to the selected standard telegram.
S Operating mode not specified ----> possible in every operating mode
S The following applies for P0922 = 0:
Before SW 4.1 ----> From P0915:5 (assignment for PZD5), process data can be freely con-
figured. This means from P0915:5, the signal ID of the requested signal can be entered.
From SW 4.1 ----> From P0915:2 (assignment for PZD2), process data can be freely con-
figured, i.e. from P0915:2, the signal ID of the required signal can be entered.
P0915:0 No significance
P0915:1 PZD1 Configuring not possible (standard setting)
P0915:2 PZD2 Free configuring possible (from SW 4.1, before SW 4.1
from PZD5), i.e. enter the required signal ID
... ...
P0915:16 PZD16 Free configuring possible,
i.e. enter the required signal ID
S An overview of the control words is available in Chapter 5.6.1.
S The process data for encoder 2 must be activated via P0879.12.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 5-265
5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0916:17 PZD actual value assignment, 0 0 65 535 -- immedi-
... is used to assign the signals to the process data in the actual value telegram.
Permissible signals for the actual value direction (status words) are:
ID Significance Abbrev. Length Mode
S Signals according to the PROFIdrive Profile
50000/0 No signal NIL 16 bit
50002 Status word 1 ZSW1 16 bit
50004 Status word 2 ZSW2 16 bit
50006 Speed actual value A (nist--h) NIST_A 16 bit
50008 Speed actual value B (n--ist (h + l)) NIST_B 32 bit
50010 Encoder 1 status word G1_ZSW 16 bit n--set
50011 Encoder 1 position actual value 1 G1_XIST1 32 bit n--set
50012 Encoder 1 position actual value 2 G1_XIST2 32 bit n--set

5 50014
Encoder 2, status word (from SW 3.3)
Encoder 2, pos. act. value 1 (from SW 3.3)
16 bit
32 bit
50016 Encoder 2, pos. act. value 2 (from SW 3.3) G2_XIST2 32 bit n--set
50018 Encoder 3 status word G3_ZSW 16 bit n--set
50019 Encoder 3 position actual value 1 G3_XIST1 32 bit n--set
50020 Encoder 3 position actual value 2 G3_XIST2 32 bit n--set
S Equipment--specific signals, especially for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
50102 Message word MeldW 16 bit
50104 Analog input, terminals 56.x/14 ADU1 16 bit
50106 Analog input, terminal 24.x/20 ADU2 16 bit
50108 Digital inputs, terminals I0. to I3.x DIG_IN 16 bit
50110 Utilization Ausl 16 bit
50112 Active power Pwirk 16 bit
50114 Smoothed torque setpoint Msoll 16 bit
50116 Smoothed, torque--generating current Iq IqGl 16 bit
50118 Cntrl word slave--to--slave traffic (from SW 4.1) QZsw 16 bit pos
50119 DC link voltage (from SW 8.3) UZK1 16 bit
50202 Currently selected block AktSatz 16 bit
50204 Positioning status word PosZsw 16 bit pos
50206 Position actual value (positioning mode) XistP 32 bit pos
50208 Position reference value (from SW 4.1) XsollP 32 bit pos
50210 Correction, pos. ref. value (from SW 4.1) Xcor 32 bit pos

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5-266 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

S The following applies for P0922 > 0:
P0916:17 is pre--assigned when the system boots corresponding to the selected standard
telegram in P0922. A change made to P0916:2 to P0916:16 is again overwritten corre-
sponding to the selected standard telegram when the system re--boots.
S Operating mode not specified ----> possible in every operating mode
S The following applies for P0922 = 0:
before SW 4.1 ----> From P0916:5 (assignment for PZD5), process data can be freely con-
figured. This means from P0916:5, the signal ID of the requested signal can be entered.
From SW 4.1 ----> From P0916:2 (assignment for PZD2), process data can be freely con-
figured, i.e. from P0916:2, the signal ID of the required signal can be entered.
P0916:0 No significance
P0916:1 PZD1 Configuring not possible (standard setting)
P0916:2 PZD2 Free configuring possible (from SW 4.1, before SW 4.1
from PZD5), i.e. enter the required signal ID
... ...
P0916:16 PZD16 Free configuring possible,
i.e. enter the required signal ID
S An overview of the status words is provided in Chapter 5.6.1. 5
S The process data for encoder 2 must be activated via P0879.12.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 5-267
5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0922 Telegram selection PROFIBUS 0 101 104 -- PO
... is used to set the free configurability or to select a standard telegram.
The signal IDs of the process data can be entered into P0915:17 and P0916:17 and pre--as-
signed default values corresponding to the selection when the drive boots.
P0922 = 0 The telegram can be freely configured
i.e. PZD1 is pre--assigned default values as standard, dependent on the selected
operating mode and PZD2 to PZD16 can be configured using P0915:2 to P0915:16
or P0916:2 to P0916:16 by entering the required signal ID.

Operating mode:
P0700 = 1 (speed/torque setpoint)


STW1 NSET_B STW2 xxxx xxxx xxxx Setpoint

5 P0915

before SW 4.1: before SW 4.1:

xxxx: Signal name
from here from here
yyyy: Signal ID
can be freely can be freely
configured configured
ZSW1 NIST_B ZSW2 xxxx xxxx xxxx Actual
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :16
50002 50008 50008 50004 yyyy yyyy yyyy

Operating mode:
P0700 = 3 (positioning)


STW1 SatzAnw PosStw STW2 xxxx xxxx xxxx Setpoint
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :16
50001 50201 50203 50003 yyyy yyyy yyyy
before SW 4.1: before SW 4.1:
xxxx: Signal name
from here can be from here can be
yyyy: Signal ID
freely configured freely configured
ZSW1 AktSatz PosZsw ZSW2 xxxx xxxx xxxx Actual
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :16
50002 50202 50204 50004 yyyy yyyy yyyy

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5-268 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.99 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

P0922 = 1 Standard telegram 1, nset interface 16 bit

STW1 NSET_A Setpoint
P0915 P0915
:1 :2
50001 50005
ZSW1 NIST_A Actual
P0916 P0916
:1 :2
50002 50006

P0922 = 2 Standard telegram 2, nset interface 32 bit without encoder


STW1 NSET_B STW2 Setpoint 5
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4
50001 50007 50007 50003
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4
50002 50008 50008 50004

P0922 = 3 Standard telegram 3, nset interface 32 bit with encoder 1


STW1 NSET_B STW2 G1_STW Setpoint
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5
50001 50007 50007 50003 50009
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9
50002 50008 50008 50004 50010 50011 50011 50012 50012

This process data is associated with the encoder interface (refer to Chapter 5.6.4)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 5-269
5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

P0922 = 4 Standard telegram 4, nset interface, 32--bit with encoder 1 and encoder 2
SW 3.3
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6
50001 50007 50007 50003 50009 50013
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9
50002 50008 50008 50004 50010 50011 50011 50012 50012

PZD 10 PZD11 PZD12 PZD13 PZD14


P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916

:10 :11 :12 :13 :14
50014 50015 50015 50016 50016

This process data is associated with the encoder interface (refer to Chapter 5.6.4)

P0922 = 5 Standard telegram 5, nset interface with KPC (DSC) and encoder 1
from Setpoint
SW 4.1

P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915

:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9
50001 50007 50007 50003 50009 50025 50025 50026 50026

Actual value

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916

:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9
50002 50008 50008 50004 50010 50011 50011 50012 50012

This process data is associated with the encoder interface (refer to Chapter 5.6.4)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

5-270 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

P0922 = 6 Standard telegram 6, nset interface with KPC (DSC) and encoder 1 and
encoder 2
from Setpoint
SW 4.1

P091 P091 P091 P091 P091 P0915 P0915 P091 P091 P0915
5 5 5 5 5 :6 :7 5 5 :10
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 50013 50025 :8 :9 50026
50001 50007 50007 50003 50009 50025 50026
Actual value

P091 P091 P091 P091 P091 P0916 P091 P091 P0916 P091
6 6 6 6 6 :6 6 6 :9 6

:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 50011 :7 :8 50012 :10
50002 50008 50008 50004 50010 50011 50012 50014

value PZD11 PZD12 PZD13 PZD14

P0916 P091 P091 P0916

:11 6 6 :14
50015 :12 :13 50016
50015 50016
This process data is associated with the encoder interface (refer to Chapter 5.6.4)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 5-271
5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

P0922 = 101 The telegram has the same structure as in SW 2.4
this means that the process data are pre--assigned default values as follows de-
pending on the selected operating mode.

Operating mode: P0700 = 1 (speed/torque setpoint)

STW1 NSET_B STW2 MomRed DAC1 DAC2 Setpoint
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7
50001 50007 50007 50003 50101 50103 50105
Actual value
ZSW1 NIST_B ZSW2 MeldW ADC1 ADC2 Ausl Pactive Mset

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916

:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10
50002 50008 50008 50004 50102 50104 50106 50110 50112 50114

Operating mode: P0700 = 3 (positioning)


STW1 SatzAnw PosStw STW2 Over DAC1 DAC2 Setpoint
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7
50001 50201 50203 50003 50205 50103 50105
Actual value
ZSW1 AktSatz PosZsw ZSW2 MeldW ADC1 ADC2 Ausl Pactive Mset

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10
50002 50202 50204 50004 50102 50104 50106 50110 50112 50114

P0922 = 102 Standard telegram 102, nset interface with encoder 1


STW1 NSET_B STW2 MomRed G1_STW Setpoint
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6
50001 50007 50007 50003 50101 50009
Actual value

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10
50002 50008 50008 50004 50102 50010 50011 50011 50012 50012

This process data is associated with the encoder interface (refer to Chapter 5.6.4)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

5-272 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.00 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

P0922 = 103 Standard telegram 103, nset interface with encoder 1 and encoder 2
SW 3.3
STW1 NSET_B STW2 MomRed G1_STW G2_STW Setpoint
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7
50001 50007 50007 50003 50101 50009 50013
Actual value

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10
50002 50008 50008 50004 50102 50010 50011 50011 50012 50012

Actual value
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:11 :12 :13 :14 :15
50014 50015 50015 50016 50016

This process data is associated with the encoder interface (refer to Chapter 5.6.4)

P0922 = 104 Standard telegram 104, nset interface with encoder 1 and encoder 3


STW1 NSET_B STW2 MomRed G1_STW G3_STW Setpoint
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7
50001 50007 50007 50003 50101 50009 50017
Actual value

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10
50002 50008 50008 50004 50102 50010 50011 50011 50012 50012

Actual value

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916

:11 :12 :13 :14 :15
50018 50019 50019 50020 50020

This process data is associated with the encoder interface (refer to Chapter 5.6.4)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 5-273
5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

P0922 = 105 Standard telegram 105, nset interface with KPC (DSC) and encoder 1
from Setpoint
SW 4.1

P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10
50001 50007 50007 50003 50101 50009 50025 50025 50026 50026

Actual value

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10
50002 50008 50008 50004 50102 50010 50011 50011 50012 50012

5 This process data is associated with the encoder interface (refer to Chapter 5.6.4)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

5-274 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

P0922 = 106 Standard telegram 106, nset interface with KPC (DSC) and encoder 1 and en-
coder 2
from Setpoint
SW 4.1

P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915

:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9
50001 50007 50007 50003 50101 50009 50013 50025 50025

PZD 10 PZD11

P0915 P0915
:10 :11
50026 50026

Actual value 5

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10
50002 50008 50008 50004 50102 50010 50011 50011 50012 50012

Actual value

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916

:11 :12 :13 :14 :15
50014 50015 50015 50016 50016

This process data is associated with the encoder interface (refer to Chapter 5.6.4)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 5-275
5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

P0922 = 107 Standard telegram 107, nset interface with KPC (DSC) and encoder 1 and en-
coder 3
SW 4.1

P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915

:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9
50001 50007 50007 50003 50101 50009 50017 50025 50025

PZD 10 PZD11

P0915 P0915
:10 :11

50026 50026
Actual value

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10
50002 50008 50008 50004 50102 50010 50011 50011 50012 50012

Actual value

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916

:11 :12 :13 :14 :15
50018 50015 50015 50016 50016

This process data is associated with the encoder interface (refer to Chapter 5.6.4)

P0922 = 108 Standard telegram 108, positioning, master drive for the position reference
value coupling (publisher)
SW 4.1 STW1 SatzAnw PosStw STW2 Over Setpoint
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5
50001 50201 50203 50003 50205
Actual value
ZSW1 AktSatz PosZsw ZSW2 MeldW XsollP QZsw Xcor

P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10
50002 50202 50204 50004 50102 50208 50208 50118 50210 50210

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

5-276 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.03 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Table 5-25 Parameters for configuring the process data, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

P0922 = 109 Standard telegram 109, positioning, slave drive for the position reference
value coupling (subscriber)
from Setpoint
SW 4.1
STW1 SatzAnw PosStw STW2 Over Xext QStw XcorExt

P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10
50001 50201 50203 50003 50205 50207 50207 50117 50209 50209


ZSW1 AktSatz PosZsw ZSW2 MeldW XistP Actual value
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7
50002 50202 50204 50004 50102 50206 50206
P0922 = 110 Standard telegram 110, positioning with MDI
(from 5
SW 7.1)
STW1 SatzAnw PosStw STW2 Over MDIPos MDIVel

P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915

:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9
50001 50201 50203 50003 50205 50221 50221 50223 50223

PZD 10 PZD11 PZD12


P0915 P0915 P0915

:10 :11 :12
50225 50227 50229


ZSW1 AktSatz PosZsw ZSW2 MeldW XistP Actual value
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7
50002 50202 50204 50004 50102 50206 50206

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

5.6.6 Defining the process data according to the PPO type

Process data The following process data is transferred in the speed--controlled mode
in the closed--loop when using standard telegram 101, depending on the particular PPO
speed--controlled type:
Table 5-26 Process data in the closed--loop speed controlled mode

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
word word word word word word word word word word

Master Slave n-- n--

Control words soll-- soll--
1 2 Red 1 2
(setpoints) h l

The control words are described in Chapter 5.6.2.
The status words are described in Chapter 5.6.3.
Master Slave n--ist n--ist
Status words -- -- Ausl Mset
1 2 W 1 2 tive
(actual values) h l

PPO Parameter Process data Object ZSW1 Status word 1
PZD Process data n--ist Speed actual value
STW1 Control word 1 ZSW2 Status word 2
n--soll Speed setpoint MeldW Message word
STW2 Control word 2 ADU1 Analog input, terminal 56.x/14.x
MomRed Torque reduction ADU2 Analog input, terminal 24.x/20.x
DAU1 Analog output, terminal 75.x/15 Ausl Utilization
DAU2 Analog output, terminal 16.x/15 Pwirk Active power
Msoll Smoothed torque setpoint

Operation is also possible with the PPO types which cannot transfer all
process data (e.g. PPO1 and PPO3).
PPO type 3 is sufficient for closed--loop speed controlled operation
with a simple basic functionality (2 control and 2 status words).

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Example: The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” drive should be operated in the mode
Operating the ”speed/torque setpoint” with a speed of 1500 RPM via PROFIBUS--DP.
drive via
Assumptions for the slave:
in the closed--loop
speed controlled S The drive has been completely commissioned is connected to
mode PROFIBUS--DP and is ready to run.
S P0918 (PROFIBUS node address) = 12
Assumptions for the master:
S The DP master is a SIMATIC S7 (CPU: S7--315--2--DP)
S Hardware configuration
-- 1--axis, PPO type 1, node address = 12
-- Part I address O address
PKW 272 -- 279 272 -- 279 (not shown in the example)
PZD 280 -- 283 280 -- 283

SIMATIC S7--300 (CPU: S7--315--2--DP)



Control signals
STW1 PAB 280 = 0000 0100 PAB 281 = 0111 1111
n--soll--h PAW 282 = 1500

Status signals
ZSW1 PEB 280 = 0000 0111 PEB 281 = 0011 0111
n--ist--h PEW 282 = 1500
Input signals
at the DP slave
Output signals
at the DP slave

PAB, PAW Peripheral output byte, word

”DP slave 611U”:
Control board with PEB, PEW Peripheral input byte, word
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” STW Control word
with optional PROFIBUS--DP
ZSW Status word

Fig. 5-19 Example: Operate the drive via PROFIBUS

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Process data in Dependent on the PPO type, in the positioning mode, the following pro-
the positioning cess data is transferred when using standard telegram 101:
Table 5-27 Process data in the positioning mode

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
word word word word word word word word word word

Master Slave
Control words Over
1 Anw Stw 2 1 2
The control words are described in Chapter 5.6.2.
The status words are described in Chapter 5.6.3.
Master Slave
ZSW Akt Pos ZSW Meld ADU ADU Pac-
Status words Ausl Mset
1 Satz Zsw 2 W 1 2 tive
(actual values)
5 PPO1
PPO Parameter Process data Object ZSW1 Status word 1
PZD Process data AktSatz Currently selected block
STW1 Control word 1 PosZsw Positioning status word
SatzAnw Block selection ZSW2 Status word 2
PosStw Position control word MeldW Message word
STW2 Control word 2 ADU1 Analog input, terminal 56.x/14.x
Over Override ADU2 Analog input, terminal 24.x/20.x
DAU1 Analog output, terminal 75.x/15 Ausl Utilization
DAU2 Analog output, terminal 16.x/15 Pwirk Active power
Msoll Smoothed torque setpoint

Operation is also possible with the PPO types which cannot transfer all
process data (e.g. PPO1 and PPO3).
For the positioning mode with a basic functionality, PPO type 3 is
sufficient (2 control and 2 status words).

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

5.6.7 Parameter area (PKW area)

Tasks For PPO types 1, 2 and 5 for the net data (useful data), a parameter
range with 4 words is also transferred.
The following tasks are possible using the parameter range:
S Request parameter value (read parameters)
S Change parameter value (write parameters)
S Request number of array elements

Structure of the The PKW area comprises the parameter ID (PKE), the sub--index (IND)
PKW area and the parameter value (PWE).

Table 5-28 Structure of the parameter area (PKW)

Net data
PKE IND PWE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Word 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Word 3 Word 4
Bit 15 ... 0 Bit 15 ... 0
Value with the appropriate data type

16-bit parameters: Value = 0 Value

32-bit parameters: High component Low component
Bit 15 ... 8 Bit 7 ... 0
From SW 11.2: Sub--parameter number
Bit 15 = 1: PNU of PKE + 2000
Bit 12 = 1: PNU of PKE + 4000
Reserved bits 8 to 11, 13, 14
Bits 15 to 12 11 10 ... 0
Re- Note:
Value range Value range 1 ... 1 999
0 ... 15 Value range > 1999 refer to P0879.11
refer to IND bits 12 and 15
(Sub--index in the high/low byte of IND)

PPO Parameter Process data Object IND Sub--index,
PKW Parameter ID value sub--parameter number, array index
PZD Process data PWE Parameter value
PKE Parameter ID AK Task and response ID
(refer to Table 5-29 or 5-30)
PNU Parameter number

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Task telegram, The IDs for the task telegram (master ----> slave) should be taken from
IDs the following table:

Table 5-29 Task IDs (master ----> slave)

Request ID Function Response ID (positive)

0 No task 0
1 Request parameter value 1, 2
2 Change parameter value (word) 1
3 Change parameter value (double word) 2
4, 5 -- --
6 Request parameter value (array) 4, 5
7 Change parameter value (array word) 4
8 Change parameter value (array double word) 5
9 Request number of array elements 6

5 10 (from SW 3.5) Quickly change the parameter value (array, double


S All of the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” parameters can be read and written into the using the task IDs
6, 8 and 10.
S The negative response ID is 7.
S The IDs are defined so that they indicate which fields of the PK interface must also be evaluated.
S Task 8 Data is first calculated into the control and then a response telegram is sent
S Task 10 Data is calculated into the control and a response telegram is sent at the same time
For example, in order to be able to issue a start task immediately after a traversing block has been
completely transferred, the last write task should have the ID 8.

Response The IDs for the response telegram (slave ----> master) can be taken
telegram, from the following table:
Table 5-30 Response IDs (slave ----> master)

Response ID Function
0 No response
1 Transfer parameter value (word)
2 Transfer parameter value (double word)
3 --
4 Transfer parameter value (array word)
5 Transfer parameter value (array double word)
6 Transfer number of array elements
7 Task cannot be executed (with error number)
8, 9 and 10 --

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

How is a task The master transfers a task to a slave and repeats this task for at least
executed? as long as the associated response is received from the slave.
The slave provides the response until the master has formulated a new
For responses, which include parameter values, the slave always cycli-
cally responds with an updated value. This involves all responses to the
tasks ”request parameter value” and ”request parameter value (array)”.

Fault evaluation If tasks cannot be executed, the slave responds as follows:

S Outputs a response ID = 7
S Outputs an error number in word 4 of the parameter area

Table 5-31 Error IDs for ”DP slave 611U”

Fault Error cause


0 Illegal parameter number (the parameter does not exist)
1 Parameter value cannot be changed
(Parameter can only be read or is write protected)
2 Upper or lower value limit exceeded
3 Incorrect sub--index
4 No array (parameter does not have any sub--parameter)
5 Incorrect data type (is not required for the type conversion)
6 to 19 not required
20 to 100 Reserved

Data types The data type, assigned to the parameter must be written into the pa-
rameter value via the PKW mechanism (refer under data type in the
parameter list in Chapter A.1).

Table 5-32 Data types

Data type for Explanation Data type for

”DP slave 611U” SIMATIC S7
Integer16 Integer number, 16 bit INT
Integer32 Integer number, 32 bit DINT
Unsigned16 Integer number without sign WORD
(unsigned) 16 bit
Unsigned32 Integer number without sign DWORD
(unsigned) 32 bit
Floating point Floating--point number REAL

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Transferring For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, the traversing blocks in the ”position-
traversing blocks ing” operating mode are saved in parameters, and can therefore be
read and changed using the PKW mechanism.

Reader’s note
The parameters for the traversing blocks are described in Chapter

When mapping the traversing blocks to the parameters, the parameter

number defines the block components (position, velocity, etc.) and the
sub--parameter number of the traversing block number.
Example: P0081:17 Position for traversing block 17
Addressing in the PKW mechanism:
S The parameter ID (PKE) addresses the block components.
S The sub--index (IND) addresses the traversing block number
5 This means that a complete set can only be read or changed one after
the other via the individual components.
From SW 7.1, during positioning, a new position or a new traversing
block can be accepted and executed (flying block change) using the
function ”MDI” (refer to Chapter 6.2.12).

Rules for
1. A task or a response can always only be referred to one parameter.
2. The master must repeat a task until it has received the appropriate
response from the slave.
3. The slave provides the response until the master has formulated a
new task.
4. The master recognize the response to a task which it issued:
-- by evaluating the response ID
-- by evaluating the parameter number (PNU)
-- also, if required, by evaluating the parameter index (IND)
5. For response telegrams, which include parameter values, the slave
always cyclically responds with an updated value.
This involves all responses to the tasks ”request parameter value”
and ”request parameter value (array)”.

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Example: When there is at least one fault, the drive fault buffer (P0945:1 to
Reading P0945:8) should be read out via PROFIBUS, and buffered on the
parameters via master side.
Assumptions for the slave:
S The drive has been completely commissioned is connected to
PROFIBUS--DP and is ready to run.
S P0918 = 12 (PROFIBUS node address) has been set
Assumptions for the master:
S The DP master is a SIMATIC S7 (CPU: S7--315--2--DP)
S Hardware configuration
-- 1--axis, PPO type 1, node address = 12
-- Part I address O address
PKW 272 -- 279 272 -- 279
PZD 280 -- 283 280 -- 283 (not shown in the example)

What has to be If the input signal from the peripheral (I/O) area E281.3 (ZSW1.3, fault 5
programmed present/no fault present) = ”1” signal, then the following must be exe-
on the master side? cuted on the master side (refer to Fig. 5-20):
1. Programming SFC14 and SFC15
The standard functions SFC14 ”Read slave data” and SFC15 ”write
slave data” are required in order to consistently transfer more than
4 bytes.
2. Request parameter value
-- Write into the PKW output signals (PAB 272 --279)
AK = 6, PNU = 945, IND = 1, PWE = no significance
3. Read parameter value and save
-- Evaluate the PKW input signals (PEB 272 --279)
-- If AK = 4 or 5,
PNU = 945, IND = 1 and PWE = xx then OK
-- Read and save P945:1 = xx
-- If AK = 7,
then evaluate the fault number in PEW 278 (refer to Table 5-31)
4. Repeat points 1 and 2 to read the other sub--parameters of the fault
P945:2 ----> PNU = 945, IND = 2
to to
P945:8 ----> PNU = 945, IND = 8
This repetitive procedure can be exited if a ”0” is in one of the sub--
All of the faults of the last fault situation are then detected.

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

SIMATIC S7--300 (CPU: S7--315--2--DP)



PKW area (task)

PKE PAW 272 = 0110 0001 1101 1001 AK = 6, PNU = 945
IND PAW 274 = 0000 0000 0000 0001 Index = 1
PWE1 PAW 276 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 Value (high)
PWE2 PAW 278 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 Value (low)

Input signals
at the DP slave Output signals
at the DP slave

PKW area (response)

PEW 272 = 0101 0001 1101 1001
PEW 274 = 0000 0000 0000 0001
AK = 5, PNU = 945
Index = 1
PWE1 PEW 276 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 Value (high)
PWE2 PEW 278 = 130 (for example) Value (low)

PAW Peripheral output word

PEW Peripheral input word
PKE Parameter ID
”DP slave 611U”: IND Sub--index, sub--parameter number, array index
Control board with PWE Parameter value
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” AK Task and response ID
with optional PROFIBUS--DP
module PNU Parameter number

Fig. 5-20 Example: Reading parameters via PROFIBUS

The ”FC 92” SIMATIC S7 block can be used for ”read parameters via
This block is included in the toolbox of the CD for ”SIMODRIVE 611
universal” in the file ”s7_Baust.arj” and is documented using its block
There are additional application examples in the toolbox with the
”read/write parameter” function
(e.g. interface 611u <----> S7 in the file ”611u39.arj”).

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04.99 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

Example: Depending on a condition, the position in traversing block 4 (P0081:3)

Reading should be adapted as required via PROFIBUS.
parameters In this particular example, P0081:3 = 14 586 is written.
Assumptions for the slave:
S The drive has been completely commissioned is connected to
PROFIBUS--DP and is ready to run.
S P0700 = 3 (”positioning” mode) has been set
S P0918 = 12 (PROFIBUS node address) has been set
Assumptions for the master:
S The DP master is a SIMATIC S7 (CPU: S7--315--2--DP)
S Hardware configuration
-- 1--axis, PPO type 1, node address = 12
-- Part I address O address
PKW 272 -- 279 272 -- 279
PZD 280 -- 283 280 -- 283 (not shown in the example)
What has to be If the condition to write the position in traversing block 4 is available,
programmed then the following must occur on the master side
on the master side? (refer to Fig. 5-21):
1. Write the parameter value (define task)
-- PKW output signals (PAB 272 -- 279) written into
AK = 8, PNU = 81, IND = 3, PWE2 = 14586
2. Check the task
-- Evaluate the PKW input signals (PEB 272 --279)
-- If AK = 5, PNU = 81, IND = 3 and PWE2 = 14586 then OK
-- If AK = 7,
then evaluate the fault number in PEW 278 (refer to Table 5-31)

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5.6 Net data (PKW and PZD area)

SIMATIC S7--300 (CPU: S7--315--2--DP)



PKW area (task)

PKE PAW 272 = 1000 0000 0101 0001 AK = 8, PNU = 81
IND PAW 274 = 0000 0000 0000 0011 Index = 3
PWE1 PAW 276 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 Value (high)
PWE2 PAW 278 = 14586 (for example) Value (low)

Input signals
at the DP slave Output signals
at the DP slave

PKW area (response)

PEW 272 = 0101 0000 0101 0001
PEW 274 = 0000 0000 0000 0011
AK = 5, PNU = 81
Index = 3
PWE1 PEW 276 = 0000 0000 0000 0000 Value (high)
PWE2 PEW 278 = 14586 Value (low)

PAW Peripheral output word

PEW Peripheral input word
PKE Parameter ID
IND Sub--index, sub--parameter number, array index
”DP slave 611U”:
Control board with PWE Parameter value
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” AK Task and response ID
with optional PROFIBUS--DP
PNU Parameter number

Fig. 5-21 Example: Writing parameters via PROFIBUS

The ”FC 93” SIMATIC S7 block can be used to ”write parameters via
This block is included in the toolbox of the CD for ”SIMODRIVE 611
universal” in the file ”s7_Baust.arj” and is documented using its block
There are additional application examples in the toolbox with the
”read/write parameter” function
(e.g. interface 611u <----> S7 in the file ”611u39.arj”).

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08.02 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

5.7.1 Master device file and configuring

Performance PROFIBUS devices have different performance features.

features of In order that all of the master systems can correctly address the ”DP
the PROFIBUS slave 611U”, the characteristic features of the slave are combined in a
devices standardized master device file (GSD).
The ”DP slave 611U” is exclusively operated as DP slave.

Master device file The following master device files (GSDs) are available for the ”DP
for slave 611U”:
”DP slave 611U”
Before SW 4.1:
S SIEM8055.GSD for the optional PROFIBUS--DP1 module
From SW 4.1:
for the optional PROFIBUS--DP2 and DP3 modules
S SIEM808F.GSD for the optional PROFIBUS--DP2 and DP3 modules
From SW 6.1:
S SIEM808F.GSD for the optional PROFIBUS DP2 and DP3 modules
(PROFIdrive application Class 1)
S SI02808F.GSD for the optional PROFIBUS DP2 and DP3 modules
(PROFIdrive application Class 4)
Using the GSD file SI02808F.GSD, it is no longer necessary to enter
the block for clock--cycle synchronism into the parameterizing tele-
gram manually byte--for--byte.
In order to use the GSD file SI02808F.GSD, a configuring tool is
required which supports the GSD Revision 4 (e.g. Step7 HW--Config
Version x.xx)

Reader’s note
From SW 4.1, the optional PROFIBUS--DP1 module can no longer be
Compatibility conditions, GSD file and optional modules are described
in Chapter 1.3.3 in Table 1-4.

The GSDs are available as ASCII files on the data medium (e.g. CD)
for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”.
These files uniquely describe the features and properties of the ”DP
slave 611U” in a precisely defined format.
The GSD file must be inserted into the configuring tool of the master.

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5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

If this is not possible, then the appropriate information must be derived

for the ”DP slave 611U” from the GSD file.

Reader’s note
Information on the PROFIBUS--DP master settings should be taken
from the literature of the master used.

Configuration Configuring defines the data, which the master transfers to the ”DP
slaves” at every bus run--up via the parameterizing telegram and the
configuration telegram.
Configuring can be realized in the following ways:
1. Using the GSD ”SIEM808F.GSD” or ”SI02808F.GSD”
2. Using the ”Slave Object Manager (Drive ES Slave--OM)”,
which is included in the following products:

5 Product
Drive ES Basic V5.1 SP2
Order No. (MLFB):
6SW1700--5JA00--1AA0 (single license)
6SW1700--5JA00--1AA1 (company license)
6SW1700--5JA00--1AA4 (upgrade)
Drive ES SIMATIC V5.2 6SW1700--5JC00--2AA0
6SW1700--5JC00--2AA4 (upgrade)
The products, require as basis, the basic SIMATIC--STEP 7 software.
Compared to the GSD file, Drive ES offers a higher degree of user
friendliness regarding the telegram structure and clock cycle--synchro-
nous operation.
Slave--to--slave communications does not function without Drive ES.
The following is valid from SW 3.1:
The parameterizing and configuration data, received from the ”DP
slave 611U” are displayed in the following parameters:
S P1783:64 Received PROFIBUS parameterizing data
S P1784:64 Received PROFIBUS configuration data

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5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

Parameterizing For the parameterizing data, the following should be noted:

S for DP slaves with SIEM8055.GSD
The drive only expects the 6--byte standard DP parameterizing tele-
S for DP slaves with SIEM808F.GSD (from SW 3.1)
-- If there is no clock--synchronous operation
The standard setting from the GSD can be used for the parame-
terizing data.
-- If there is clock--synchronous operation
The parameterizing data must, in some cases, be modified (refer
to Chapter 5.8.5).

Configuration The following must be observed for the configuration data:

S for DP slaves with SIEM8055.GSD
Using the configuration telegram, the ”DP slave 611U” is signaled
the PPO type, the axis number and consistent or inconsistent data
transfer mode.
A consistent data transfer is selected as standard via the GSD file.
The ”DP slave 611U” also accepts an inconsistent data transfer (re-
fer to Table 5-33).
Consistent and inconsistent entries can also be mixed (e.g. the
PKW area with consistent and the PZD area with inconsistent data

Table 5-33 Permissible configuration telegrams

Data transfer
Consistent Inconsistent
PPO (over the complete length) (consistent over 1 word)
1--axis 2--axis 1--axis 2--axis
1 F3F1 F3F1F3F1 7371 73717371
2 F3F5 F3F5F3F5 7375 73757375
3 F1 F1F1 71 7171
4 F5 F5F5 75 7575
5 F3F9 F3F9F3F9 7379 73797379

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5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

S for DP slaves with SIEM808F.GSD (from SW 3.1)

Using the configuration telegram, the ”DP slave 611U” is signaled
the length of the I/O data, the axis number and consistent or incon-
sistent data transfer mode.
Net data -- maximum length
The maximum length of the net data is 20 words for each drive
(PKW section = 4 words, PZD section = max. 16 words).
PZD -- minimum length
if no clock--synchronous operation: I/O = min. 2/2 words
for clock--synchronous operation: I/O = min. 4/4 words
Any combination of I/O data is possible, whereby the length for the
data must be specified as either word or double--word resolution
(one word = 16 bits).
The 2--byte ID 01FEhex is used to differentiate between the two con-
figuration data of the two drives.
A PKW section is present, if the first entry for an axis is F3hex.

5 Table 5-34 IDs in the configuration telegram

Data transfer
Entry Description
Consistent Inconsistent
1 PIV F3
No PKW 00 or ≠ F3
1 or 2 ... last n words I/O F(n--1) with the 7(n--1)
exception F3
1 or 2 ... last n words I D(n--1) 5(n--1)
1 or 2 ... last n words O E(n--1) 6(n--1)

Table 5-35 Examples: Configuration data for SIEM808F.GSD

Data transfer
Consistent Inconsistent
Example (complete length) (consistent over
1 word)
1--axis 2--axis 1--axis 2--axis
With PKW with PZD = F3F9 F3F9 F379 F379
10/10 words (I/O), ≐ 01FE 01FE
PPO 5) F3F9 F379
the PKW section is
always consistent
Without PKW with PZD = D7EE D7EE 576E 576E
8/15 words (I/O) 01FE 01FE
D7EE 576E

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08.99 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

5.7.2 Commissioning

Prerequisites for a In order to commission the ”DP slave 611U” the slave must fulfill the
slave following prerequisites or these prerequisites must be clarified:
S What is the node address of the DP slave?
The node address must be set in P0918.
S In which mode is the DP slave operated?
This mode is set in P0700.
The selected mode is significant when defining the functional scope
of the DP slave and the function of the control and status signals.
-- ”Speed/torque setpoint” mode
The closed--loop speed controlled mode represents a functional
subset of the positioning mode.
The functional scope is defined by the control and status words
specified in Chapter 5.6.1.
-- ”Positioning” mode 5
In the positioning mode, the functional scope is defined by the
control and status words, specified in Chapter 5.6.1.

In order to commission all of the nodes connected to PROFIBUS, it
now may be necessary to temporarily disable the ”disturbing” DP
slaves (also refer to the Chapter 5.9 under P0875).

! With the ”DP slave 611U” powered--up, the enable terminals and
PROFIBUS enable signals are required in order to enable the drive
and to operate it.
If the ”DP slave 611U” is switched out via P0875 = 0, then the drive is
already enabled using the local enable terminals (e.g. terminal 663,
65.x). Thus, the enable signals via the PROFIBUS control word are no
longer necessary.

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

Prerequisites and When starting--up the ”DP slave 611U” the following must be taken into
information about consideration on the master side:
or to the master
S Node address (station address)
What is the node address (P0918) of the ”DP slave 611U” which is
to be commissioned?
S Master device file (GSD file)
Is there a GSD file for the ”DP--Slave 611U” for the master?
If not, then the GSD file must be inserted into the configuring tool of
the master for the ”DP--Slave 611U”.
S Data transfer (consistent/non--consistent)
The following applies when programming the data transfer (consis-
tent/inconsistent) in the user program of the master:
(e.g. for the SIMATIC S7, CPU 315--2DP)
-- PKW part
----> with SFC 14/15
-- PZD part
5 consistent data transfer (consistent over the complete length):
----> with SFC 14/15
non--consistent data transfer (consistent over 1 word):
----> An SFC14/15 cannot be used. Instead, a direct peripheral
access must be used (PAW/PEW).

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5-294 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.99 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

Parameterizing the Communications must be possible between the master and slave when
”DP--Slave--611U” parameterizing a DP slave via PROFIBUS.
via PROFIBUS To realize this, for ”DP slave 611U”, the PROFIBUS node address must
be set in P0918.
This can be done as follows:

1st possibility: Procedure:

Commission the
S Fully commission the system using the display and operator panel
system for the first
(refer to Chapter 4.4)
time using the
display and operator S Set the PROFIBUS node address
panel and then set P0918 = required address
S Save the parameters in the FEPROM: set A0652 to 1
S Carry--out a POWER--ON RESET

2nd possibility: There are the following possibilities:

Only set the
PROFIBUS address Setting the PROFIBUS node address via operator 5
using the display action (from SW 3.1)
and operator unit
S Neither faults nor warnings are displayed (if required, press the
MINUS key, refer to Chapter 7.2.1).
Proceed as follows:
1. Set the PROFIBUS node address
-- Press the ”P” key for longer than 3 seconds
----> The actual value of
P0918 (PROFIBUS node address) is displayed
-- Press the ”+” or ”--” key to set the required address
-- Press the ”P” key again to exit the entry field
2. Save the PROFIBUS node address in the FEPROM
-- Press the ”+” or ”--” key
----> P0652 (transfer into the FEPROM) is displayed
-- Press the ”P” key to change the parameter
-- Press the ”+” key to set P0652 to 1
and wait until P0652 = 0
3. Execute a POWER--ON RESET
-- Press the ”POWER--ON RESET” button on the front panel of the
----> the selected PROFIBUS node address
is effective after run--up

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

Setting the PROFIBUS node address using the dialog

box for the first start--up
1. Carry out the first commissioning (start--up) using the display and
operator unit and for the hardware configuration, do not enter the
configuration data up to the node address (refer to Chapter 4.4).
A1106 (power module code number) do not set
... (other parameters) do not set
A0918 (PROFIBUS node address) set
A0652 (write into the FEPROM) = 1 set
2. Carry--out a POWER--ON RESET
3. ----> cyclic operation between
”DP slave 611U” <------> PROFIBUS--DP master is possible


5 The system can be commissioned and parameterized as follows:

S With ”SimoCom U via PROFIBUS--DP” (from SW 3.1)
-- Establish online operation (refer to Chapter 3.3.4)
-- Carry--out the first or series commissioning (start--up) using
SimoCom U (refer to Chapter 4.3.1 or 4.3.2, P0918 (PROFIBUS
node address) may not be overwritten).
S Using ”read/write parameter ” via PKW section
The parameters of the ”DP slaves 611U” can be read/written into
via the PKW section from the PROFIBUS--DP master.

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5-296 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

5.7.3 Diagnostics and troubleshooting

LED display There is a two--color LED with the following significance on the front of
of the the optional PROFIBUS DP module:
option module

LED Significance
Off S The module has still not be started from the control board or
it has not been enabled (P0875)
Red S The module has been enabled (P0875) and started from the
Continuous control board,
there are no cyclic communications (MSCY_C1, Data
Exchange, net data transport) between the master and this
module as PROFIBUS slave or there was a communications
failure (watchdog)
Check! (if cyclic communications was previously active):
-- is the DP slave node address correct
(P0918  0)?
is the bus connection OK?
terminating resistor?
-- are all of the bus cables inserted?
Red S The module has an internal, fatal error
Flashing Counter--measure: Execute POWER--ON RESET
Replace the option module
Green S The module is enabled (P0875) and has been started from
the control board, cyclic communications has been
established (MSCY_C1, Data Exchange, net data transport)
between the master and this module as PROFIBUS slave
Yellow/green S The firmware is upgraded on the optional module via the
Alternating flashing light serial interface

Fig. 5-22 LED displays for diagnostics

Fault display Faults and warnings are displayed on the display unit located on the
on the front panel of the control board.
control board

Display and operator control

unit for faults and warnings
(refer to Chapter 7.2)

+ P --

Fig. 5-23 Fault display on the control board

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

Evaluating Faults which occur are entered into a fault buffer. The fault code, fault
faults via number, fault time and fault value for each fault are specified using the
PROFIBUS--DP appropriate parameters.

Status signal for The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” drive signals as to whether there is at
faults least one fault using the status bit or output signal ZSW1.3 ”Fault pres-
ent/no fault present”.

Fault buffer The fault buffer comprises 8 fault cases, each of which can include 8
fault entries.
For fault case 1, the faults which have occurred are saved and they
remain there until the fault case has been removed, i.e. all of the faults
have been removed and also acknowledged.
In fault cases 2 to 8, the acknowledged fault cases since the last
POWER ON are saved. The number of fault cases since POWER ON
can be read from P0952.

5 P0945:65 P0947:65 P0948:65 P0949:65

Fault code Fault number Fault time Fault value
Index 0 No significance
1 101 2 t_101 w_101
2 114 10 t_114 w_114
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 case
6 0 0 0 0 1
7 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0
9 90 3 t_90 w_90
10 0 0 0 0
to to
16 0 0 0 0 2

to to

57 0 0 0 0
58 0 0 0 0 Fault
to to case
64 0 0 0 0 8

Fig. 5-24 Fault buffer structure

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04.99 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

Rules regarding The following rules apply to the fault buffer:

the fault buffer
S At POWER ON, the complete fault buffer is deleted.
S The faults are entered in the sequence that they occur, in the pa-
rameter of fault case 1, i.e.
-- 1. fault that has occurred ----> parameter with index 1
-- 2. fault that has occurred ----> parameter with index 2, etc.
If more than 8 faults occur, then these are not displayed.
S Fault case 1 is considered to have been resolved, if, the following is
valid for all of the entered faults:
-- the cause has been removed and
-- the fault has been acknowledged
The fault buffer is then re--arranged so that the faults of fault case 1
go into fault case 2 and those from fault case 2 into fault case 3 etc.
This means that the parameters of fault case 1 are again free for
additional entries.
If more than 8 fault cases have occurred since the last POWER ON, 5
then fault case 8 is overwritten, the oldest fault case is eliminated.
S If, in fault case 1, there is at least one fault, which must be acknowl-
edged with POWER ON, then this is valid for the complete fault

Reader’s note
A description of the faults, the way in which they can be acknowledged
as well as a list of all the faults, is provided in Chapter 7.

Evaluating The warnings which occurred, are displayed, bit--coded in P0953 to

warnings via P0960.

Status signal for The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” drive signals as to whether there is at
warnings least one message present via the status bit or output signal ZSW1.7
”Warning present/no warning present”.

Reader’s note
A description of the warnings as well as a list of all of the warnings is
provided in Chapter 7.

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.7 Settings at the PROFIBUS--DP master

Diagnostics of the The sent and received process data of the ”DP slaves 611U” are dis-
process data played using the following parameters:
S P1788:17 Received process data PROFIBUS
S P1789:17 Sent process data PROFIBUS

Diagnostics of the The sent and received PKW data of the ”DP slave 611U” are displayed
PKW data using the following parameters:
(from SW 2.4)
S P1786:5 Received PKW data PROFIBUS
S P1787:5 Sent PKW data PROFIBUS

Diagnostics of the The parameterizing and configuration data, received from the DP
parameterizing master, are displayed using the following parameters:
and configuration
S P1783:64 Received PROFIBUS parameterizing data
data (from SW 3.1)
S P1784:64 Received PROFIBUS configuration data

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09.08 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

General Using the ”Motion Control with PROFIBUS DP” function, a clock--cycle
synchronous drive coupling can be established between a DP master
and one or several slaves via the PROFIBUS fieldbus.

Reader’s note
The clock--synchronous drive coupling is defined in the following
Reference: /PPA/, PROFIdrive Profile Drive Technology,
Version 3.1.2 Sept. 2004 (Chapter 3.4)
From SW 12.1:
Version 4.1 May 2006 (Chapter 6.2)

Which clock-- Clock--synchronous operation can be implemented using the following
synchronous DP masters:
masters are there?
Table 5-36 Examples for clock--synchronous masters

DP--MASTER DP slave 611U

SINUMERIK 840Di In the ”speed/torque setpoint” mode
Positioning and path control board (n--set mode)
FM 357--2
SIMATIC S7--300 In the ”positioning” operating mode
6ES7315--2AF03--xxxx (pos mode)

Activating The clock--cycle synchronous drive coupling can be activated if all of

the prerequisites of the DP master and DP slave have been fulfilled
and the function has been selected in the DP master by appropriately
parameterizing/configuring it.

Parameterizing The parameters for equidistant operation are included in the slave--spe-
equidistant cific master device file SIEM808F.GSD. Parameterization is also pos-
operation sible via Drive ES.
The master configuring ensures, that all of the DP slaves in the applica-
tion use the same clock cycle times and processing instants.
When PROFIBUS boots, the information required by the DP slaves, is
transferred from the master to all of the slaves via the parameterizing

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

DP cycle Every DP cycle starts with a Global Control Telegram (GC), which is
then followed, one after the other, with the data transfer with the indi-
vidual slaves (S1, S2, ...).
The GC telegram is a broadcast telegram, sent from the master, and
which is received simultaneously by all slaves.
The internal clock cycles of the ”DP slave 611U” are synchronized to
the DP clock cycle using this GC telegram and the PLL used for the
optional PROFIBUS--DP3 module.

Prerequisites and The clock--synchronous coupling has the following prerequisites and
features features:
S Prerequisites for the DP slave (refer to Chapter 1.3.3)
-- ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board from SW 3.1
-- Optional PROFIBUS--DP3 module with ASIC DPC31 and PLL
(Order No.: 6SN1114--0NB01--0AA0)
S Prerequisites for the DP master
5 -- ”Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP” function
-- Using a DP interface in the DP master, which can realize clock--
cycle synchronous operation
-- Transmission rate: Can be set between 1.5 and 12 Mbaud
S Telegram data transfer between a DP master and slave in equidis-
tant cycles.
S Post synchronization of the slave clock cycles to the equidistant DP
cycle via the Global Control Telegram at the start of a DP cycle.
S The maximum permissible fluctuations when recognizing a Global
Control Telegram (Jitter) via the optional PROFIBUS DP module is
dependent on the data transfer rate as follows:
Data transfer rate Max. permissible jitter
12 Mbaud 1.0 s
3 or 6 Mbaud 0.9 s
1.5 Mbaud 0.8 s
Clock--synchronous operation with the ”DP slave 611U” is only guar-
anteed when the maximum permissible jitter is maintained.
When configuring the bus system, it should be ensured, that espe-
cially when, e.g. repeaters or optical bus components are used, the
maximum permissible jitter is not exceeded.

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08.99 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

5.8.1 Equidistant DP cycle operation in the n-- set mode

Overview With the function, the closed--position control loop is closed through
PROFIBUS. The position controller is in the DP master, the closed--
loop current and speed control as well as the position actual value
sensing (encoder interface) are in the DP slave.
The position controller clock cycle is transferred to the DP slaves via
the fieldbus, and the slaves synchronize their speed/current controller
clock cycle to the position controller clock cycle of the DP master.
The DP master enters the speed setpoint.
The motor encoder or another measuring system can be used for the
position actual value sensing in the DP slave.
S Direct measuring system at X412 ----> Encoder 2 (from SW 3.3)
S Additional measuring system at X472 ----> Encoder 3
TTL encoder, P0890 = 4, only SIMODRIVE 611 universal E
The encoder interface must be configured in the process data. 5
----> Refer to Chapter 5.6.5

Position control loop

at X411/X412
at X411/X412
DP master with n Speed Current
n set Speed Current M E
the ”Motion Speed
control Current
control E
control control E
Control with control control
PROFIBUS-- x act
Clock xactact
DP” function Clo
e.g. cycl E
cycl E
Measuring system for
(encoder 2 or 3)

DP slave 611U

Fig. 5-25 Overview for ”motion control with PROFIBUS--DP”: Example with DP master and 3 DP slaves

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

Time sequence The position actual value xact is read in to the telegram image at time TI
before the start of each DP clock cycle, and is transferred to the DP
master at the next DP cycle.
The closed--loop DP master control starts at the time TM after each
position controller clock cycle, and uses the slave actual values which
were previously read. The master transfers the calculated setpoints to
the telegram image of the slave in the next DP cycle. The speed set-
point nset is input into the control at instant TO after the start of the DP
By minimizing the times TO and TI the dead time is also minimized in
the higher--level position control loop.

control cycle
Master R1 R2 R3 R1 R2

5 controller)


control cycle

Slaves R R
1 to 3


TMAPC Master Application Cycle: Position control cycle

TDP DP cycle time
TDX Data Exchange Time: Sum of the data transfer times of all of the slaves
TM Master time: Start of the closed--loop master control
TI Input time: Instant in time for the actual value sensing
TO Output time: Time of setpoint transfer
GC Global Control Telegram (Broadcast Telegram)
R Computation time, speed/position controller
Dx Slaves: Net data transfer between master and slave 1 -- n
MSG Acyclic utilities (for example, DP/V1, token passing)
RES Reserve: ”Active pause” until the isochronous (equidistant) cycle has expired

Fig. 5-26 Example: optimized DP cycle with TMAPC = 2 S TDP

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04.06 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

Average value In the ”DP slave 611U”, the speed setpoint is transferred at instant TO
generation for nset in each nth DP clock cycle (n = TMAPC/TDP).
In order to eliminate having to trace the setpoint steps, the speed set-
point can be averaged using an average value filter (P1012.8).

5.8.2 Equidistant DP cycle operation in the positioning mode

Overview The traversing movements can be simultaneously started for several

drives via the clock--synchronous PROFIBUS.
If the traversing blocks have been parameterized the same (travel, ve-
locity, acceleration) in the various drives, then the axes can also move
in synchronism.
Traversing blocks are simultaneously started and synchronous move-
ments of the motion profile are realized precisely in the IPO clock
In this case, position differences only result in different following errors 5
in the axes.

v: Velocity
t: Time
Axis 1

Axis 2

(IPO clock cycle)

Fig. 5-27 Example: Simultaneously starting the traversing motion

For the equidistant DP cycle sequence in the pos mode a setpoint
transfer instant (TO) of at least 750 s must be configured (refer to
Fig. 5-26). If the configured time is <750 s then it is possible that
either inconsistent or ”old” actual values are transferred, e.g. XistP,
XsollP, dXcor.

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

Timing The clock--cycle synchronous PROFIBUS ensures that the IPO clock
cycles run in synchronism in all of the axes involved which means that
the traversing enable signals are effective at precisely the same time.
The SYNC telegram from the DP master guarantees that the axes start
in the same DP clock cycle.


PLC user


clock cycle (IPO
clock cycle)
Slaves 1 to 3 IPO IPO IPO IPO IPO


TMAPC Master Application Cycle: Master application clock cycle

TDP DP cycle time
TDX Data Exchange Time: Sum of the data transfer times of all of the slaves
TI Input time: Instant in time for the actual value sensing
TO Output time: Time of setpoint transfer
GC Global Control Telegram (Broadcast Telegram)
Dx Slaves: Net data transfer between master and slave 1 -- n
MSG Acyclic utilities (for example, DP/V1, token passing)
RES Reserve: ”Active pause” until the isochronous (equidistant) cycle has expired

Fig. 5-28 Example: TIPO = 4 ms and TDP = 8 ms

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5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

Conditions General prerequisites:

S The interpolation clock cycle (P1010) must be parameterized the
same for all axes.
S The master application clock cycle TMAPC must be an integer multi-
ple of the interpolation clock cycle.
S TI and TO must be the same for all axes.
S TDP must be less than or equal to 16 ms.
S For masters, which cannot generate a master sign of life (e.g.
SIMATIC S7), TMAPC must be = to TDP and the sign--of--life monitor-
ing in operation must be disabled using P0879.8 = 1.
Additional prerequisites for SIMATIC S7:
S Presently, there is no run level that is in synchronism with DP cycle
in S7 user programs. This means, that if axes are to be simulta-
neously started, in addition to the clock--synchronous PROFIBUS
operation, the ”classic” SYNC mechanism must be used.

SYNC mechanism
----> refer to the documentation of the DP master SIMATIC S7
The SYNC mechanism may only be activated after the drive has set
the status bit ZSW1.9 ”control requested”.

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

5.8.3 Times in the equidistant DP cycle

General The ”DP slave 611U” requires the following time information for equidis-
information tant operation, clock cycles and signal processing instants:

Table 5-37 Time settings for ”DP slave 611U”

Name Value1) Limit value Description

TBASE_DP 5DChex -- Time base for TDP
≐ 1500dec: Calculation: TBASE_DP = 1500 S TBit = 125 s
TBit = 1/12 s at 12 Mbaud
TDP 8 TDP ≥ TDP_MIN DP cycle time
TDP = integer multiple S TBASE_DP
Calculation: TDP = 8 S TBASE_DP = 1 ms
TDP_MIN = 8 Minimum DP cycle time

Calculation: TDP_MIN = 8 S TBASE_DP = 1 ms
Master application cycle time
n = 1 -- 14 This is the time frame in which the master application
generates new setpoints (e.g. in the position controller
Calculation: TMAPC = 1 S TDP = 1 ms
TBASE_IO 5DChex -- Time base for TI, TO
≐ 1500dec: Calculation: TBASE_IO = 1500 S TBit = 125 s
TBit = 1/12 s at 12 Mbaud
TI 2 TI_MIN ≤ TI < TDP Time of actual value acquisition
Is the time, where the position actual value is sensed
before the start of a DP cycle.
TI = integer multiple of TBASE_IO
Calculation: TI = 2 S 125 s = 250 s
For TI = 0, the following is valid: TI ≐ TDP
TI_MIN = 1 Minimum TI
Calculation: TI_MIN = 1 S TBASE_IO = 125 s
TO 4 TDX + TO_MIN Time of setpoint transfer
≤ TO ≤ TDP This is the time that the setpoints (speed setpoint) are
transferred to the closed--loop control after the start of
DP cycle.
TO = integer multiple of TBASE_IO
Calculation: TO = 4 S 125 s = 500 s
For TO = 0, the following is valid: TO ≐ TDP
TO_MIN = 1 Minimum time interval between TO and TDX
TO_MIN = 1 S TBASE_IO = 125 s

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5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

Table 5-37 Time settings for ”DP slave 611U”, continued

Name Value1) Limit value Description

TDX E10hex TDX < TDP Data exchange time
≐ 3600dec This is the time which is required to transfer, within one
DP cycle, the process data to all of the slaves.
TDX = integer multiple of TBit
TBit = 1/12 s at 12 Mbaud
Calculation: TDX = 3600 S TBIT = 300 s
TPLL_W 0 -- PLL window
(half the window width of the GC synchronizing window)
The following applies to the setting:
S Small window ----> minimization of synchronization
fluctuations on the drive
S Large window ----> larger tolerance with respect to
GC fluctuations
Calculation (assumption: TPLL_W = AHex ≐ 10Dec)
TPLL_W = 10 S TBIT = 0.833 s
TBit = 1/12 s at 12 Mbaud
Recommendation: Set TPLL_W to 0 (standard value)
----> the ”DP slave 611U” then automatically uses the
standard value of 0.81 s
TPLL_D 0 -- PLL dead time
The PLL deadtime can be used to compensate for differ-
ent data transfer times to the slaves (e.g. due to the use
of repeaters).
The slaves with faster transfer times are delayed by a
corresponding PLL dead time.
Calculation: TPLL_D = 0 S TBIT = 0 s
TBit = 1/12 s at 12 Mbaud
1) The values correspond to the master device file SIEM808F.GSD

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

Setting criteria The following criteria must be taken into account when setting the times:
S DP cycle (TDP)
-- Time TDP must be set the same for all bus nodes.
-- The following must be valid: TDP > TDX and TDP ≧ TO
Time TDP is therefore long enough to permit communications
with all of the bus nodes.
-- Specific reserves must be available
This means that additional masters can be connected and non--
cyclic communications can be realized.
S TI and TO
-- n--set mode: Setting the times in TI and TO as short as possible
reduces the dead time in the position control loop.
-- The following must be valid: TO > TDX + TOmin
S The following is valid for interpolating axes:

5 -- TI of the interpolating axes should be the same

-- TO of the interpolating axes should be the same

5.8.4 Bus run-- up, synchronization and net data save

Bus run--up and When running--up, the DP master checks the DP slave by requesting
synchronization diagnostic information.
The following faults/errors are identified:
S Parameterizing and configuring errors
S The DP slave has been assigned to another master
S Static user diagnostics
S Operational readiness of the DP slave
If a fault has not been detected, then the DP master, with this DP
slave, goes into cyclic net data operation, i.e. input and output data are
With the transition into cyclic net data transfer, the DP slave is syn-
chronized to the master sign--of--life.
The DP slave runs in synchronism with the master, if
S The status signal ZSW1.9 (control requested/no control possible) = ”1”
S The slave sign--of--life (ZSW2.12 to ZSW2.15, value = 1 to 15) is

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08.99 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

Net data The net data save is realized in both data transfer directions (master
save <----> slave) using a sign--of--life that comprises a 4--bit counter.
The sign--of--life counter is always incremented from 1 to 15, and then
starts again with the value 1.
S Master sign--of--life (M--SoL)
-- The control signals STW2.12 to STW2.15 are used as master
-- The master sign--of--life counter is incremented in each master
application cycle (TMAPC).
-- P0879. 2 to .0 Permissible sign--of--life error
-- P0879. 8 Operation with/without
Master sign--of--life monitoring
-- Monitoring
The master sign--of--life is monitored in the DP slave. If the
master sign--of--life does not consecutively correspond to the
expected value or more often than is permitted in P0879 bit 2 to
bit 0, then the following occurs: 5
----> fault 597 (PROFIBUS: synchronization error) is output
----> zero is output as slave sign--of--life
----> the status signal ZSW1.9 (control requested/control not
possible) is set to ”0”
----> the system re--synchronizes to the master sign--of--life
S Slave sign--of--life (S--SoL)
-- The status signals ZSW2.12 to ZSW2.15 are used as slave
-- The slave sign--of--life counter is incremented in every DP cycle (TDP).

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.8 Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 3.1)

5.8.5 Parameterization using the parameterizing telegram

For parameterization, the ”DP slave 611U” is supplied with the following
equidistant parameters within a parameterizing telegram (Set_Prm):

State1 State3
----> bit 6: Fail_safe ----> bit 3: PRM_Structure
----> bit 4: IsoM_Req
Block length, incl. header
ID isochronous

----> E1hex no PROFIBUS standard
----> 04hex PROFIBUS standard

xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 1C xx 00 00

Byte 0 6 7 13

Standard DP DP/V1 Parameter

parameters parameters header

5 Isochron_Mode_Supported
----> 00hex not isochronous
5DChex ≐ 1500dec: TBASE_DP = 1500 S 1/12 s = 125 s
TDP = 8 S TBASE_DP = 1 ms
----> 01hex isochronous
----> E1hex isochronous TMAPC = 1 S TDP = 1 ms

TBASE_DP TDP TBASE_IO = 1500 S 1/12 s = 125 s
00 00 00 05 DC 00 08 01 00 00 05 DC
Byte 14 25



TI = 2 S TBASE_IO = 250 s
parameters TO= 4 S TBASE_IO = 500 s
E10hex ≐ 3600dec: TDX = 3600 S 1/12 s = 300 s
TPLL_W = 0
----> the standard value applies = 0.81 s
00 02 00 04 00 00 0E 10 00 00 00 00
Byte 26 37





P1783:64 is used for diagnostics, parameterizing data. e.g. This data must be set
S P1783:0 No. of valid bytes
S P1783:1 1st byte of the received parameterizing data, etc.

Fig. 5-29 Parameterizing telegram Set_Prm

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5-312 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.06 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP

5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP

Parameter The following parameters are available for PROFIBUS--DP:

Table 5-38 Parameters for PROFIBUS--DP

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
0872 Optional module type -- -- -- -- RO
... indicates which optional module was identified when the control board was powered--up.
0 No option module
1 Optional TERMINAL module, Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NA00--0AA0
2 Optional PROFIBUS--DP1 module
with PROFIBUS--ASIC SPC3, Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB00--0AA0

3 Optional PROFIBUS--DP2 module (from SW 3.1)
with PROFIBUS--ASIC DPC31 without PLL,
Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB00--0AA1/--0AA2
4 Optional PROFIBUS--DP3 module (from SW 3.1)
Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB01--0AA0/--0AA1
0873 Option module version -- -- -- Hex RO
... displays the version of the particular option module.
0875 Expected optional module type 0 0 4 -- PO
... indicates which option module was expected as a result of the parameterization.
The parameters are automatically set at the first start--up corresponding to P0872 (option mod-
ule type).
S P0875 = P0872
----> normal situation after first commissioning
----> no error is signaled when booting
S P0875 = 3 and P0872 = 0
----> the optional PROFIBUS--DP2 module has been parameterized but was not detected
----> a fault was signaled when the system ran up
Switch--out the communications or the ”DP slaves 611U” when the module is inserted:
S 1--axis module
----> the ”DP slave 611U” is switched--out from drive A with P0875 = 0
S 2--axis module
----> with P0875 = 0, the communications with drive B is switched--out from drive B
----> with P0875 = 0 in both drives, the ”DP slave 611U” is switched--out
This means, that e.g. ”disturbing” slaves can be temporarily disabled when commissioning the
other nodes (refer under the index entry ”Start--up PROFIBUS--DP”).
After disabling the communications or the module, P0875 must be again set to P0872.

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP

Table 5-38 Parameters for PROFIBUS--DP, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
0879 PROFIBUS configuration (from SW 3.1) 0 1 FFFF Hex PO
Bit 2, 1, 0 Permissible sign--of--life error
Bit 8 Operation with/without master sign--of--life monitoring
Bit 11 PKW area: Sub--index in the high/low byte of IND (from SW 3.3)
Bit 12 Activates the direct measuring system (encoder 2) for the encoder interface (from
SW 3.3)
Bit 13 Incremental motor measuring system with/without equivalent zero mark
Bit 14 Incremental, direct meas. system with/without equivalent zero mark (from SW 3.3)
0880 Speed evaluation PROFIBUS (SRM, RPM
ARM) imme-
0.0 16 384.0 100 000.0
Motor velocity evaluation PROFIBUS m/min diately

5 ... defines the normalization of the speed or velocity when using PROFIBUS--DP.
4000Hex or 16384Dec ¹ of the speed or velocity in P0880
0881 Evaluation, torque/power reduction %
(from PROFIBUS (SRM, ARM) imme-
SW 4.1) 0.0 16 384.0 16 384.0
Evaluation, force/power reduction % diately
... defines the normalization of the torque/power reduction or force/power reduction when us-
4000 hex or 16384 dec in the control word MomRed corresponds to a reduction by the per-
centage specified in P0881.
0882 Torque setpoint evaluation %
(from PROFIBUS (SRM, ARM) imme-
SW 4.1) --16384.0 800.0 16 384.0
Force setpoint evaluation % diately
... defines the normalization of the torque or force setpoint when entered via PROFIBUS--DP.
P0882 is a percentage value referred to the rated motor torque. The parameter acts on the
process data MsollExt (torque setpoint external in the input direction) and Msoll (torque set-
point in the output direction).
4000 hex or 16384 dec in the control word corresponds to the percentage entered into P0882.
0883 Override evaluation, PROFIBUS 0.0 16 384.0 16 384.0 % imme-
(from SW 3.1) diately
... defines the normalization of the override when entered via PROFIBUS DP.
4000hex or 16384dec ¹ the override in P0883
0884 PROFIBUS position output evaluation 1 2048 8388607 -- PO
(from number of increments
SW 4.1)
... defines the normalization of the override when entered via PROFIBUS.
4000hex or 16384dec ¹ the override in P0883

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08.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP

Table 5-38 Parameters for PROFIBUS--DP, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
0888:16 Function, distributed input 0 0 82 -- imme-
(from (PROFIBUS) diately
SW 4.1)
... defines which function a signal has which was read in via the PROFIBUS--PZD for distrib-
uted inputs (DezEing).
The function number from the ”list of input signals” is entered. The following applies for the
individual indices of P0888:
:0 Function DezEing bit 0
:1 Function DezEing bit 1
:2 etc.
0891 Source, external position reference --1 --1 4 -- PO
(from value
SW 3.3)
... defines the source for the external position reference value.
--1 No external position reference value
0 Angular incremental encoder interface
1 Motor encoder, drive A (only drive B in double--axis modules)
(only for compatibility, recommended value = 2)
2 Pos. act. value drive A (only drive B in double--axis modules, from SW 4.1)
3 Pos. ref. value, drive A (only drive B in double--axis modules, from SW 4.1)
4 PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 4.1)
0895 External position reference value -- num- 1 2048 8388607 -- PO
(from ber of increments
SW 3.3)
... defines, together with P0896 for couplings, the ratio between input increments and the di-
mension system grids.
----> P0895 input pulses at the angular incremental encoder correspond to P0896 MSR
----> Setpoint input from P0895 corresponds to P0896 MSR
refer to P0896
0896 External position reference value -- num- 1 10000 8388607 MSC PO
(from ber of dimension system grids
SW 3.3)
... defines, together with P0895, for couplings, the ratio between the input pulse periods (or
input bit) and the dimension system grids.
0915 PZD setpoint assignment, PROFIBUS 0 0 65 535 -- imme-
(from SW 3.1) diately
... is used to assign the signals to the process data in the setpoint telegram.
----> Refer to Chapter 5.6.5
0916 PZD actual value assignment, 0 0 65 535 -- imme-
PROFIBUS diately
(from SW 3.1)
... is used to assign the signals to the process data in the actual value telegram.
----> Refer to Chapter 5.6.5

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP

Table 5-38 Parameters for PROFIBUS--DP, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
0918 PROFIBUS node address 0 0 126 -- PO
... specifies the address of the drives as DP slave on PROFIBUS.
S There is one node address for the control board, although it is designed for two drives.
When changing the parameter in one drive, the parameter in the other drive is automati-
cally adapted.
S Every node connected to PROFIBUS must have a unique address.
0922 Telegram selection PROFIBUS 0 101 104 -- PO
(from SW 3.1)
... is used to set the free configurability or to select a standard telegram.
----> Refer to Chapter 5.6.5
0945:65 Fault code -- -- -- -- RO

5 ... the fault code, i.e. the number of the fault which occurred, is entered.
The faults which occurred, are entered as follows into the fault buffer:
-- first fault which occurred ----> parameter with index 1
-- eight faults which occurred ----> parameter with index 8
S The following belongs to a fault:
Fault code (P0945:65), fault number (P0947:65), fault time (P0948:65) and fault value
S A description of the faults, the way in which they can be acknowledged as well as a list of
all the faults, is provided in Chapter 7.
S This parameter is reset at POWER ON.
0947:65 Fault number -- -- -- -- RO
This parameter is of no significance.
0948:65 Fault time -- -- -- ms RO
This parameter specifies at which relative system time, the fault occurred.
This parameter is set to zero at POWER ON, and the time is then started.
0949:65 F value -- -- -- -- RO
The supplementary information associated with a fault which occurred, is entered in this pa-
S A description of the faults, the way in which they can be acknowledged as well as a list of
all the faults, is provided in Chapter 7.
S This parameter is reset at POWER ON.

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08.99 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP

Table 5-38 Parameters for PROFIBUS--DP, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
0952 Number of faults -- -- -- -- RO
The parameter specifies the faults which occurred after POWER ON an.
This parameter is reset at POWER ON.
0953 Warnings 800 -- 815 -- -- -- Hex RO
0954 Warnings 816 -- 831 -- -- -- Hex RO
0955 Warnings 832 -- 847 -- -- -- Hex RO
0956 Warnings 848 -- 863 -- -- -- Hex RO
0957 Warnings 864 -- 879 -- -- -- Hex RO
0958 Warnings 880 -- 895 -- -- -- Hex RO
0959 Warnings 896 -- 911 -- -- -- Hex RO
0960 Warnings 912 --927 -- -- -- Hex RO 5
... indicates which warning(s) is(are) present.
Bit x = 1 warning yyy present
Bit x = 0 a warning is not present
P0955 = 0110 ----> bits 8 and 4 are set ----> warnings 840 and 836 are present

Parameter 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit
P0953 815|814|813|812|811|810|809|808|807|806|805|804|803|802|801|800
P0954 831|830|829|828|827|826|825|824|823|822|821|820|819|818|817|816
P0955 847|846|845|844|843|842|841|840|839|838|837|836|835|834|833|832
P0956 863|862|861|860|859|858|857|856|855|854|853|852|851|850|849|848
P0957 879|878|877|876|875|874|873|872|871|870|869|868|867|866|865|864
P0958 895|894|893|892|891|890|889|888|887|886|885|884|883|882|881|880
P0959 911|910|909|908|907|906|905|904|903|902|901|900|899|898|897|896
P0960 927|926|925|924|923|922|921|920|919|918|917|916|915|914|913|912

0963 Baud rate PROFIBUS -- -- -- -- RO

SW 4.1)
... contains the actual baud rate of the PROFIBUS.
0 9.6 kbit/s
1 19.2 kbit/s
2 93.75 kbit/s
3 187.5 kbit/s
4 500 kbit/s
6 1500 kbit/s
7 3000 kbit/s
8 6000 bit/s
9 12000 kbit/s
10 31.25 kbit/s
11 45.45 kbit/s

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP

Table 5-38 Parameters for PROFIBUS--DP, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
0967 PROFIBUS control word -- -- -- Hex RO
... is the image of control word STW1.
The bit assignment can be found as follows:
under the index entry ”Process data in the n--set mode -- control words -- STW1”
under the index entry ”Process data in the pos mode -- control words -- STW1” (from SW 2.1)
under the index entry ”Process data in the x--set mode -- control words -- STW1” (from SW 3.3)
0968 PROFIBUS status word -- -- -- Hex RO
... is the image of status word ZSW1.
The bit assignment can be found as follows:
under the index entry ”Process data in the n--set mode -- status words -- ZSW1”
5 under the index entry ”Process data in the pos mode -- status words -- ZSW1” (from SW 2.1)
under the index entry ”Process data in the x--set mode -- status words -- ZSW1” (from SW 3.3)
0969 Actual time difference -- -- -- ms RO
... contains the relative system time since the last time that the drive was powered--up or since
the last counter overflow
1781:17 Setpoint source, PROFIBUS process -- -- -- Hex RO
(from data
SW 4.1)
... indicates the source of the process data received via PROFIBUS
The high byte includes a reference to the source device (0xFF for the master, DP address for
a Publisher) and the lower byte includes the offset within the received telegram
(counted in bytes starting with 1).
The following applies:
P1781:0 Number of valid entries
P1781:1 Source of process data 1 (STW1)
P1781:2 Source of process data 2 (PZD2), etc.
1782:17 Target offset, PROFIBUS process data -- -- -- Hex RO
SW 4.1)
... indicates which offset process data, sent to the master or the subscribers via PROFIBUS,
have in the sent telegram
(counted in bytes starting with 1).
The following applies:
P1782:0 Number of valid entries
P1782:1 Target offset of process data 1 (ZSW1)
P1782:2 Target offset of process data 2 (PZD2), etc.

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10.99 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP

Table 5-38 Parameters for PROFIBUS--DP, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
1783:64 Received parameterizing data -- -- -- Hex RO
PROFIBUS (from SW 3.1)
1784:64 Received configuration data -- -- -- Hex RO
PROFIBUS (from SW 3.1)
P1783:64 ... is an image of the parameterizing data received from the DP slave
(refer to Chapter 5.8.5).
P1784:64 ... is an image of the configuration data received from the DP slave
(refer to Chapter 5.7.1).

Index :0 :1 :2 :3 :4 :5 etc.
No. of
valid 1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte 4th byte 5th byte nth byte
Image of the parameter or configuration data

= 0 ----> Neither parameterizing nor configuration data available

1785:13 Extended PROFIBUS diagnostics -- -- -- Hex RO

SW 3.1)
... contains diagnostics information to operate PROFIBUS. The following applies for the indi-
vidual indices of P1785:
:0 Error master sign--of--life since POWER ON
:1 Clock--cycle synchronous operation selected
:2 Interpolation clock cycle (Tipo) in us
:3 Position controller clock cycle (Tlr) in us
:4 Master application cycle type (Tmapc) in us
:5 DP cycle time (Tdp) in us
:6 Data exchange time (Tdx) in us
:7 Instant in time of the setpoint sensing (To) in us
:8 Instant in time of the actual value sensing (Ti) in us
:9 PLL window (Tpllw) in 1/12us
:10 PLL delay time (Tplld) in 1/12us
:11 External slave--to--slave communication connections
:12 Internal slave--to--slave communication connections

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP

Table 5-38 Parameters for PROFIBUS--DP, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
1786:5 Received PKW data, PROFIBUS -- -- -- Hex RO
(from SW 2.4)
1787:5 Sent PKW data, PROFIBUS -- -- -- Hex RO
(from SW 2.4)
P1786:5 ... is an image of the PKW data received from the DP slave.
P1787:5 ... is an image of the PKW data sent to the DP master.
Index :0 :1 :2 :3 :4 PKE Parameter ID
No. of IND Sub--index, sub--parameter
valid PKE IND PWE number, array index
words PWE Parameter value
Image of the PKW data
PKW Parameter ID value

= 0 ----> no PKW data available

5 = 4 ----> PKW data available

The parameter range (PKW range) is described in Chapter 5.6.7.
1788:17 Received process data PROFIBUS -- -- -- Hex RO
1789:17 Sent process data PROFIBUS -- -- -- Hex RO
P1788:17 ... is an image of the process data received from the DP slave (control words).
P1789:17 ... is an image of the process data sent to the DP master (status words).

Index :0 :1 :2 :3 ... :14 :15 :16

No. of PZD PZD PZD PZD PZD PZD PZD: Process data
valid ...
1 2 3 14 15 16
Image of the process data (PZD)

S The number of valid words in P1788:0 and P1789:0 depends on the selected PPO type.
S Invalid words (are contained in parameters with an index greater than the number) have
the value 0.
S Example:
P1788:0 = 2 2 words are valid, i.e. it involves either a PPO1 or PPO3 P1788:1
contains the process data 1 (PZD1) P1788:2
contains the process data 2 (PZD2)
P1788:3 to P1788:10 have the value 0
S An overview of the process data in the speed--controlled mode and in the positioning mode
is included in Chapter 5.6.1.

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05.00 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.9 Parameter overview of PROFIBUS--DP

S P0600 Operating display
relevant for
PROFIBUS--DP S P0607 Analog setpoint, terminal 56.x/14.x
(refer to Chapter
S P0612 Analog setpoint, terminal 24.x/20.x
S P0653 Image, input signals, Part 1
S P0654 Image, input signals, Part 2
S P0656 Image, output signals, Part 1
S P0657 Image, output signals, Part 2
S P0658 Image, output signals, Part 3
S P0660 Function, input terminal I0.x
S P0661 Function, input terminal I1.x
S P0662 Function, input terminal I2.x
S P0663 Function, input terminal I3.x
S P0680 Function, output terminal O0.x
S P0681 Function, output terminal O1.x
S P0682 Function, output terminal O2.x
S P0683 Function, output terminal O3.x
S P0972 Request POWER--ON RESET (from SW 3.3)
S P1012.2 Function switch
Bit 2 ”Ready or no fault”
S P1012.12 Function switch
Bit 12 ”power--on inhibit”
S P1795 Optional module (PROFIBUS): Firmware version

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

5.10.1 General information

Description For PROFIBUS--DP, the master addresses all of the slaves one after
the other in a DP cycle. In this case, the master transfers its output
data (setpoints) to the particular slave and receives as response the
input data (actual values).
Fast, distributed data transfer between drives (slaves) is possible using
the ”slave--to--slave” communications function without involving the
The following terms are used for the functions described here:
S Slave--to--slave communications
S Data exchange broadcast (DXB.req)
5 S Slave--to--slave communications (is used in the following)

DP master Class 1 PG/PC HW Config
(e.g. SIMATIC S7)
Drive ES Basic
Parameterizing master
Clock cycle generator

Output data1) Input data1)


DP slave DP slave DP slave

611U 611U 611U
Publisher Subscriber Subscriber


1) From the perspective of the Class 1 master

Fig. 5-30 Slave--to--slave communications with the publisher--subscriber module

Publisher For the ”slave--to--slave communications” function, at least one slave

must accept the role of publisher.
The master addresses the publisher, when transferring the output data,
with a modified Layer 2 function code (DXB.req). The publisher then
sends its input data to the master with a broadcast telegram to all bus

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07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

Subscriber The subscribers evaluate the broadcast telegrams, sent from the pub-
lishers, and use the data which has been received as setpoints.
The setpoints are used, in addition to the setpoints received from the
master, corresponding to the configured telegram structure (P0915:17).

Links and taps The links configured in the subscriber (connection to publisher) contain
the following information:
S From which publishers may input data be received?
S Which input data is there?
S A which location should the input data be used as setpoints?
Several taps are possible within a link. Several input data or input data
areas, which are not associated with one another, can be used as set-
point via a tap.
Links are possible to the device itself. This means, e.g. that for a two--
axis module, data can be transferred from drive A to B. This internal
link corresponds, as far as the timing is concerned, to a link via
Requirements and The following limitations should be observed for the ”slave--to--slave”
boundary communications function:
S Drive ES Basic V5.1 SP1
S Optional PROFIBUS--DP2 module ≥ SW 4.1
S Optional PROFIBUS--DP3 module ≥ SW 4.1
S SIMODRIVE 611 universal ≥ SW 4.1
S Number of process data max. of 16 per drive
S Number of links to publishers max. 3 and 1 internal
S Number of taps per link max. 8

Applications For example, the following applications can be implemented using the
”slave--to--slave communications” function:
S Axis couplings (this is practical for clock cycle synchronous
operation) (refer to Chapter 6.3)
-- Angular synchronism where the position reference value or posi-
tion actual value is entered
-- Torque setpoint coupling (master/slave operation)
Master drive <----> Slave drive
Closed--loop speed controlled Open--loop torque controlled
S Entering digital input signals from another slave (refer to Chapter

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

Parameter The following parameters are available for the ”slave--to--slave commu-
overview nications” function:
(refer to Chapter
S P0032 External position reference value
S P0400 Reference point coordinate, master drive
S P0401 Coupling factor, revolutions master drive
S P0402 Coupling factor, revolutions slave drive
S P0410 Configuration, coupling that can be switched--in
S P0412 Synchronous offset position
S P0413 Offset, synchronous velocity
S P0420 Position difference, measuring probe to the zero
point, slave drive
S P0425:16 Coupling positions
S P0879 PROFIBUS configuration
S P0882 Evaluation, torque setpoint PROFIBUS

S P0884 PROFIBUS position output evaluation
Number of increments
S P0888 Function, distributed inputs (PROFIBUS)
S P0891 Source, external position reference value
S P0895 External position reference value -- No. of increments
S P0896 Ext. position reference value -- No. of dimension
system grids
S P0897 Inversion, external position reference value
S P0898 Modulo range, master drive
S P1781:17 Setpoint source, PROFIBUS process data
S P1782:17 Target offset, PROFIBUS process data
S P1785:13 Extended PROFIBUS diagnostics
Input/output The following signals are available for the ”slave--to--slave communica-
signals (refer to tions” function:
Chapter 5.6)
S Input signals
-- ”Correction, external position reference value via dXcor (from
SW 4.1)”
----> via the PROFIBUS control signal ”QStw.0”
-- ”Request passive referencing (from SW 5.1)”
----> via the PROFIBUS control signal QStw.1 or STW1.15”
S Output signals
-- ”Correction, external position reference value via dXcor (from
SW 4.1)”
----> via PROFIBUS control signal ”QZsw.0”
-- ”Request passive referencing (from SW 5.1)”
----> via the PROFIBUS control signal QZsw.1 or ZSW1.15”

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07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

5.10.2 Setpoint assignment in the subscriber

Setpoints The following statements can be made about the setpoint/reference

S Number of setpoint
When bus communications is being established, the master signals
the slave the number of setpoints (process data) to be transferred
e.g. using the STEP 7 HW--Config configuring tool.
S Contents of the setpoints
The structure and contents of the data are defined for the ”DP slave
611U” using the local process data configuring (P0915, P0922).
S Operation as ”standard” DP slave
The drive (slave) only receives its setpoints and output data from
the DP master.
S Operation as subscriber
When operating a slave subscriber, some of the setpoints are en-
tered from one or several publishers instead of from the master.
The slave is signaled the assignment when bus communications are
being established, using the parameterizing and configuring telegram.

Example, setpoint The slave in Fig. 5-31 receives its process data as follows:
S STW1 and STW2 from the master
S NSET_B and MomRed as tap from a publisher

Setpoint telegram from the master (bytes)

Setpoints in the subscriber

STW1 1
Actual value telegram STW2 4
from the publisher (bytes)
MomRed 5


P0915, P0922

Fig. 5-31 Example, setpoint assignment

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

5.10.3 Activating/parameterizing slave-- to-- slave communications

The activation of the function ”slave--to--slave communication” must be

activated in the subscribers.

Activation in the By configuring the links with Drive ES Basic, the master can identify
publisher which slaves are to be addressed as publisher with a modified layer 2
function code (DDB--Distributed Data Base).
The publisher then does not send its input data to the master, but to all
bus nodes as broadcast telegram.

Activation in the The slave, which is to be used as subscriber, requires a filter table.
subscriber The slave must know which setpoints are received from the master and
which are received from a publisher.
The filter table contains the following information:
S From which publisher is data to be retrieved?
5 S The length of the publisher input data (test purposes)?
S From which position (offset) in the input data is data to be taken?
S How much data is to be taken?
S To which position in the setpoints is the data, which has been taken,
to be copied?
Parameterizing telegram (SetPrm)
The filter table is transferred, as dedicated block from the master to the
slave with the parameterizing telegram when bus communications are
If: The block for the filter table is not available
element ”number of links” = 0
Then: ----> no subscriber functionality
The precise structure of this block, together with the permissible setting
values is shown in Fig. 5-32.
Configuration telegram (ChkCfg)
Using the configuration telegram, a slave knows how may setpoints are
to be received from the master and how many actual values are to be
sent to the master.
For slave--to--slave communications, a special empty ID is required for
each data access, which is then transferred with the ChkCfg.
Structure of the empty ID for Drive ES Basic (S7 ID format):
0x04 0x00 0x00 0xD3 0x40

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5-326 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

Block header Block--Len1) 12 -- 244

Command 0xE2
Slot 0x00

Specifier 0x00
Filter table Version ID 0xE2
Number of links 0 -- 3

Offset Link1
Offset Link n
Link1 Publisher DP address
Publisher input length
Tap1 Offset in the publisher data
Target offset in the subscriber

Length of the data access
Link2 Publisher DP address

1) Data in bytes
2) Calculated from the version ID

Fig. 5-32 Filter block in the parameterizing telegram (SetPrm)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 5-327
5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

5.10.4 Message format

Configuring a In order to be able to use the process data for slave--to--slave commu-
telegram nications, the appropriate signal IDs must be entered into P0915 and
P0916 for the telegram configuration.

Synchronous For synchronous operation, where position reference values or actual

operation values are entered for the axis couplings (refer to Chapter 6.3), the fol-
lowing process data is required for data transfer via PROFIBUS--DP:
S Signals for synchronous operation in the actual value direction (publisher)
-- Position actual value ----> Signal ID 50206
-- Position reference value ----> Signal ID 50208
-- Correction, position reference value ----> Signal ID 50210
-- Status word, slave--to--slave comm. ----> Signal ID 50118
S Signals for synchronous operation in the setpoint direction (subscriber)
-- External position reference value ----> Signal ID 50207
-- Correction, ext. position ref. value ----> Signal ID 50209
5 -- Control word, slave--to--slave comm. ----> Signal ID 50117
For a description of this process data, refer to Chapter 5.6.

Example, An example of a synchronous application, from the perspective of the

synchronous slave drive, is shown in Fig. 5-33. Most of the control words are en-
operation tered from the PROFIBUS--DP master; whereas, the actual setpoints/
reference values are sent from a ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” as
master drive.

Setpoint telegram from the master (bytes) Setpoints in the

universal” (slave drive)
Actual value in the ”SIMODRIVE
universal” (master drive) STW2

AktSatz Xext_H

PosZsw Xext_L


Fig. 5-33 Example, assigning the process data for a synchronous application

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5-328 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

Distributed input When distributed input signals are read in, a ”SIMODRIVE 611 univer-
signals sal” can directly read in control signals from another slave (publisher)
without the signals first having to be routed via the master.
Either an input module, which is capable of slave--to--slave communica-
tions (e.g. ET200) can be used as publisher, or another drive, whose sta-
tus signals can be used as control signals.
The following process data is required for the telegram configuring to read
in these input signals:
Distributed inputs ----> Signal ID 50111
For a description of the process data, refer to Chapter 5.6.
The individual bits in the process data must be assigned functions us-
ing parameter P0888. The same function IDs are used as when para-
meterizing the input terminals via P0660 to P0671 (function numbers
from the ”List of input signals”, refer to Chapter 6.4.2).
Using this function assignment, signal sources can be mixed. The fol-
lowing hierarchy applies (1. = highest priority):
1. The signal comes from the local digital input on the ”SIMODRIVE
611 universal” hardware. 5
2. The signal comes from a publisher via the process data ”DezEing”.
3. Signal comes from the PROFIBUS master via ”STW1”, ”STW2”,

Example, mixed For the example from Fig. 5-34, all setpoints, with the exception of the
operation hardware limit switch, are entered from the PROFIBUS--DP master.
The hardware limit switches are read in via an ET200 module and entered
into the process data ”DezEing” (bit 0 and bit1).
In this case, it is necessary that the appropriate telegram is configured
using P0915:17 and P0888:16 is assigned the function numbers for the
hardware limit switch.

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

Setpoint telegram from the master (S7) Setpoints in the Control signals in
universal” (subscriber) universal”

SatzAnw Block selection, bit 0
Actual value telegram from
the publisher (ET200) PosStw Setting the home position
STW2 Parameter set, bit 0
DezEing Hardware limit switch plus
Hardware limit switch minus

P0915:5 = 50111 P0888:0 = 81

P0888:1 = 82

5 Fig. 5-34 Example, mixed operation for the control signals

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5-330 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

5.10.5 Example: Coupling two drives (master, slave drive)

General The following example is based on the functionality of slave--to--slave

information communications via PROFIBUS--DP. It shows the steps which are nec-
essary, using SimoCom U, to parameterize the master and slave drive.
We recommend the following sequence when parameterizing:
1. Parameterizing the master, e.g. SIMATIC S7
2. Parameterizing the master drive
3. Parameterizing the slave drive
Assumptions for
the example S Standard telegram 108 for the master drive (publisher)
S Standard telegram 109 for the slave drive (subscriber)
S Default ±5 m, sufficient for the traversing range
S An SFC14/15 cannot be used
S P1009 = 4 ms

Parameterizing DP The steps when configuring an S7 are shown in the following Figs.: 5
The following data should be parameterized in the DP master (S7):
S Configuration, master drive matching telegram 108
----> number of process data
-- 4 words, PKW
-- 10 words, actual values to the DP master (inconsistent)
-- 10 words, setpoints from the DP master (inconsistent)

Fig. 5-35 Example, configuring the master drive for S7

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

S Configuring the slave drive matching telegram 109

----> Definition of the slave--to--slave communications link
-- 4 words, PKW
-- 10 words, actual values to the DP master (inconsistent)
-- 5 words, setpoints from the DP master (inconsistent)
-- 5 words, setpoints via slave--to--slave communications

Fig. 5-36 Example, configuring the slave drive for S7

S Clock cycle synchronization ----> applicable for the master and slave drives

Fig. 5-37 Example, clock cycle synchronization for configuring S7

DP cycle 4 ms

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5-332 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

When transferring data via the clock--cycle synchronous
PROFIBUS--DP, a setpoint transfer instant in time of (TO) of at least
750 s must be configured. If the configured time is <750 s then it is
possible that either inconsistent or ”old” actual values are transferred,
e.g. XistP, XsollP, dXcor.

Parameterizing the The following parameters have been set:

master drive
S P0922 = 108
----> Standard telegram 108: Master drive for the position reference
value coupling
S Normalization via P0884 and P0896
Setting for the best possible resolution:
P0884 = 2048 increments ≐ P0896 = 5 MSR
The default setting can be changed according to the following formula: 5
Max. traversing distance 231
which can be represented: ± ⋅ P0896

S Optional: Inverting the external position reference value using P0897

Fig. 5-38 Parameterizing the master drive

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 5-333
5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

In order to ensure that the process data is correctly assigned between
the publisher and subscriber, the offsets of the sent and received data
must match.
For example, actual values (sent data) for PZD 18 (XsollP_H) in the
master drive (Fig. 5-38) must match the setpoint/reference value
(received data) for PZD 18 (Xext_H) in the slave drive (Fig. 5-39).

Parameterizing the The following parameters have been set:

slave drive
S P0922 = 109
----> Standard telegram 109: Slave drive for the position reference
value coupling
S P0891 = 4
----> Source for ”External position reference value”: PROFIBUS DP

5 S Normalization using P0895 and P0896

Setting for the best possible resolution:
P0895 = 2048 increments ≐ P0896 = 5 MSR
Max. traversing distance 231
which can be represented: ± ⋅ P0896

S Optional: Inverting the external position reference value using P0897

Fig. 5-39 Parameterizing the slave drive

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07.01 5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

Configuring the The following parameters should be set at the slave drive:
S Source for the ”external position reference value”
----> e.g. P0891 = 4: PROFIBUS DP
S Select the coupling type using P0410
----> e.g. P0410 = 7: Coupling to the absolute position + P0412
via the digital input signal
S Define the optional coupling factor for revolutions, master and slave drive
----> P0401 and P0402 (e.g. 1)

Fig. 5-40 Parameterizing the couplings

The DP master must set control word PosStw.4 in order to activate the

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5 Communications via PROFIBUS DP 08.99
5.10 Slave--to--slave communications (from SW 4.1)

Space for your notes

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5-336 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
Description of the Functions 6
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-339
6.1.1 Application examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-339
6.1.2 Current and speed control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-340
6.1.3 Ramp--function generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-342
6.1.4 Optimizing the closed--loop current and speed controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-344
6.1.5 Speed controller adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-346
6.1.6 Fixed speed setpoint (from SW 3.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-348
6.1.7 Monitoring functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-349
6.1.8 Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-357
6.1.9 Position measuring system with distance--coded reference marks
(from SW 4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-365
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-366
6.2.1 Encoder adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-367
6.2.2 Units for travel, velocity and acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-374
6.2.3 Closed--loop position control components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-377
6.2.4 Referencing and adjusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-403
Referencing for incremental measuring systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Referencing with a distance--coded measuring system (from SW 8.3) . .
6.2.7 Adjusting absolute measuring systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-413
6.2.8 Parameter overview when referencing/adjusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-415
6.2.9 Jogging operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-420
6.2.10 Programming traversing blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-422
6.2.11 Starting, interrupting and exiting traversing blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-435
6.2.12 MDI operation (from SW 7.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-440
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-445
6.3.1 Position reference value and position actual value coupling . . . . . . . . . . . 6-446
6.3.2 Handling faults in the master and slave drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-475
6.3.3 Torque setpoint coupling (from SW 4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-477
6.3.4 Equalization controller (from SW 7.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-483
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-483
Equalization controller via PROFIBUS-DP (from SW 13.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-489
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-494
6.4.1 Permanently--connected input terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-494
6.4.2 Freely--parameterizable digital input terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-495
6.4.3 List of input signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-496
6.4.4 Permanently--connected output terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-520
6.4.5 Freely--parameterizable digital output terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-520
6.4.6 List of output signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-522
6.5 Input/output terminals for the optional TERMINAL module . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-548
6.6 Analog inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-550
6.6.1 Basic setting of the analog inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-551
6.6.2 nset mode or nset with Mred mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-552

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99

6.6.3 Mset mode or Mset with Mred mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-556

6.6.4 Torque/power reduction via terminal 24.x/20.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-559
6.6.5 Application example master/slave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-562
6.7 Analog outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-564
6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-578
6.8.1 Angular incremental encoder interface as output (P0890 = 1) . . . . . . . . . . 6-580
6.8.2 Angular incremental encoder interface as input (P0890 = 2, from SW 3.3) 6-585
6.8.3 Electronic handwheel (from SW 8.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-589
6.9 Motor holding brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-592
6.10 Parameter set changeover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-598
6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-602
6.11.1 General information on motor changeover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-602
6.11.2 Changeover, max. 4 motors each with 1 data set (P1013 = 1) . . . . . . . . . 6-608
6.11.3 Changeover, 1 motor with max. 4 data sets (P1013 = 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-610
6.11.4 Changeover, max. 2 motors each with 2 data sets (P1013 = 3) . . . . . . . . 6-611
6.11.5 Parameters for motor changeover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-614
6.12 Travel to fixed stop (positioning mode) (from SW 3.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-616
6.13 Teach--in (from SW 4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-623
6.14 Dynamic Servo Control (DSC, from SW 4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-625
6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-627
6 6.16 Rotor position identification/pole position identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-637
6.17 Electrical braking when the encoder fails (from SW 9.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-644
6.18 Active oscillation damping (APC, from SW 10.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-646
6.19 Activate function generator immediately (from SW 11.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-651
6.20 Monitoring of the direction of the axis motion (from SW 11.1) . . . . . . . . . . 6-652
6.21 Power section derating (from SW 13.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-653
6.22 Dynamic energy management (from SW 13.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-655
6.23 Motor diagnostics, ground fault test (from SW 13.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-658

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6-338 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

6.1.1 Application examples

nset Resolver/
SIMODRIVE encoder with sin/cos
611 1Vpp (incremental)
level universal

Fig. 6-1 Variable--speed drive

nset Resolver/
encoder with sin/cos
1Vpp (incremental)
Higher 611
level universal
Angular incremental encoder interface

Fig. 6-2 Positioning drive using a higher--level open--loop control, position

actual value generation via angular incremental encoder

Resolver/encoder with
nset sin/cos 1Vpp
(incremental) Direct
SIMODRIVE measuring
Higher 611 system
level universal

Fig. 6-3 Positioning drive using a higher--level open--loop control, position

actual value generation via a direct measuring system

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-339
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1) ! 611ue diff !

6.1.2 Current and speed control

General For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, in the ”speed/torque setpoint” mode,

a setpoint can be entered as follows via analog inputs 1 and 2:
S Terminal 56.x/14.x (refer to Chapter 6.6)
-- Speed setpoint nset analog/torque setpoint Mset analog
S Terminal 24.x/20.x (refer to Chapter 6.6)
-- Speed setpoint nset analog/torque setpoint Mset analog/setpoint
for torque reduction Mred analog

Time constant,
Input signal Speed integrator feedback
”Ramp--up time = 0” controller P1421
nset from ≥ 1.0
P0607 Speed
P0612 P1409
=0 setpoint filter
Ramp--up Integral action
nset generator Speed time TN
analog setpoint --
term. 56.x/14.x and/or term. 24.x/20.x (refer to Chapter 6.6)

P1256:8 limiting
6 (refer to
gain KP

Conversion, controller nact
torque to Torque
Setpoint conditioning, analog input

quadrature-- setpoint
axis current limiting U
=0 4 current V
analog =1
 Iq
filters --
set I Vd Inversion,
(refer to Current q
Chapter controller speed
6.6.3) Input signal Id actual value
”open--loop torque-- (P1011.0)
controlled mode”
MRed set
Id Iq
(refer to Chapter 6.6.2 or 6.6.3)

Induction motor/1FE1 motor flux sensing and closed--loop flux control

Synchronous motor without 1FE1 motor Iq set = Mset/KT (P1113) Id set = 0

Fig. 6-4 Current and speed control

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6-340 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Reader’s note
Described in the following:
S Ramp--function Generator
S Optimizing the closed--loop current and speed controller
S Speed controller adaptation
All additional parameters to optimize the current and speed control
loop can be adapted using the expert list.
Detailed information regarding the current and speed control loop are
included in:
Reference: /FBA/ SIMODRIVE 611D/SINUMERIK 840D/810D
Description of Functions, Drive Functions

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-341
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

6.1.3 Ramp--function generator

General The ramp--function generator is used to limit the acceleration when the
information analog setpoint voltage has step changes.
Various parameter set--dependent ramps can be entered for ramp--up
and ramp--down.
Parameter The following parameters are available for the ramp--function generator:
Table 6-1 Parameter overview for the ramp--function generator

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
0616:8 Ramp--function generator, ramp--up 2.0
from SW time (ARM) 0.0 immedi-
0.0 600.0 s
2.4 (SRM, SLM) ately
The setpoint is increased from zero up to the maximum permissible actual speed within this
S Max. permissible actual speed for synchronous motors: Minimum from 1.1 S P1400 and
(from SW 7.1 1.05 S P1400 and P1147 with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS” re-
S Max. permissible actual speed for induction motors: Minimum from P1146 and P1147
S Max. permissible actual speed for linear motors: from P1147
0617:8 Ramp--function generator, ramp--down 2.0

6 from SW
time (ARM)
0.0 0.0 600.0 s

The setpoint is changed from the maximum permissible actual speed to zero within this
S Max. permissible actual speed for synchronous motors: Minimum from 1.2 S P1400
and P1147
S Max. permissible actual speed for induction motors: Minimum from P1146 and P1147
1012.0 Ramp function generator tracking -- -- immedi-
-- Hex
The ramp--function generator tracking can be activated/de--activated using P1012 bit 0.
=1 Ramp--function generator tracking active (standard)
=0 Not active
Speed Ramp--function Speed Ramp--function
setpoint1) generator output2) setpoint1) generator output
with tracking2)
n n

Actual speed value Actual speed value

Without RFG tracking t1 t2 t With RFG tracking t1 t2 t

The drive continues to accelerate The ramp--function generator output is
between t1 and t2, although the speed prevented from leading the speed
setpoint (e.g. setpoint 0) is less than the actual value so that t1 and t2 almost
speed actual value. merge.
1) For example, from the PROFIBUS control word NSOLL or P0641 (fixed speed setpoint).
2) Ramp--function generator output corresponds to the speed setpoint trace parameter.

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6-342 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.03 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Input/output For the ramp--function generator, the following signals are used:
signals for the
S Input signal -- Ramp--function generator enable
-- Ramp--up time zero
-- Ramp--up time zero for controller enable (from SW 3.1)
S Output signal -- Ramp--up completed

Reader’s note
The signals can be entered or output as follows:
S via terminals ----> refer to Chapter 6.4.2 or 6.4.5
S via PROFIBUS--DP ----> refer to Chapter 5.6.1
All of the input/output signals are shown and described in Chapter
6.4.3 and 6.4.6 and can be found in the Index under ”Input signal...” or
”Output signal...”.

RFG input
Tolerance bandwidth P1426
RFG output

Threshold P1428

Ramp--up Delay time P1427


P1427 P1427
nset = nact

| M | < Mx Delay time P1429

from here onwards, | M | < Mx evaluation

1) For an active average--value filter for the speed setpoint (P1012.8=1), a setpoint step somewhat
greater than P1426 must be used in order to clearly identify the start of a new ramp--up operation.

Fig. 6-5 Signal characteristics for the ramp--function generator

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-343
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

6.1.4 Optimizing the closed-- loop current and speed controller

When optimizing the cascaded control structure (current, speed con-

troller), you generally proceed from the inside to the outside.

Optimizing the At the first commissioning or later, the current controller is pre--set us-
current controller ing the ”Calculate controller data” function, and generally no longer has
to be optimized.
However, all parameters for the current control loop can be adapted via
the expert list of the ”SimoCom U” tool.

Optimization At the first start--up (first commissioning) or later, the speed controller is
speed controller pre--set using the ”Calculate controller data”.
This speed controller setting is calculated for a motor operating under
no--load conditions, and corresponds to a ”safe” setting.
In order to be able to fully utilize the dynamic performance of the drive
including the mechanical system, some post--optimization will be nec-
S Optimizing using the ”SimoCom U” tool
The controller setting for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” can be auto-
6 matically executed using the ”SimoCom U” tool (only in online oper-
Press the ”Execute automatic controller setting” button under ”Con-
troller” and execute the steps offered.

Reader’s note
Recommendation when optimizing the controller:
Optimize the control loop with ”SimoCom U” and the ”Execute
automatic controller setting” function.

S Optimization using the display and operator control unit:

-- Remove write protection ----> set P0651 to 4
-- Increase the proportional gain Kp (P1407:8) until the motor
makes a whistling sound
-- Reduce the proportional gain Kp (P1407:8) until this whistling
sound disappears
-- The integral action time TN (P1409:8) can be retained

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01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Table 6-2 Parameters for the speed controller optimization

No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
1407:8 P gain, speed controller (SRM, ARM) 0.3 Nm*s/rad imme-
0.0 999 999.0
P gain, velocity controller (SLM) 2 000.0 Ns/m diately

... specifies the magnitude of the proportional (gain Kp, proportional component) of the control
1409:8 Integral action time, speed controller (SRM,
ARM) imme-
0.0 10.0 500.0 ms
Integral action time, velocity controller (SLM)
... specifies the integral action time (TN, integral component) of the control loop.

Reader’s note
When optimizing, e.g. linear drives, it may be necessary to set the
current and speed setpoint filters.
This procedure is described in:
Reference: /FBA/ SIMODRIVE 611D/SINUMERIK 840D/810D
Description of Functions, Drive Functions

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-345
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

6.1.5 Speed controller adaptation

Description The speed controller can be adapted, depending on the speed or veloc-
ity, using the speed/velocity controller adaptation.
For example, in order to better overcome static friction at lower speeds,
a higher proportional gain can be set than for higher speeds.

Enabling/disabling Adaptation is enabled/disabled with P1413.

S The following is valid with the adaptation enabled (P1413 = 1):
Proportional gain (Kp):
The settings in P1407:8 and P1408:8 are effective as a function of
the lower (P1411) and upper thresholds (P1412).
The values are linearly interpolated in the adaptation range.
Integral action time (TN):
The settings in P1409:8 and P1410:8 are effective as a function of
the lower (P1411) and upper thresholds (P1412).
S With adaptation disabled (P1413 = 0) the following is valid:
The proportional gain (Kp, P1407:8) and the

6 integral action time (TN, P1409) are effective over the complete

Proportional gain Kp
Integral action time TN P1410

Kp with adaptation
¡ ¢
P1408:8 without adaptation

0 P1411 P1412 P1401 x P1405:8 n

¡ Constant lower speed range (n or v < P1411)
© Adaptation range (P1411 < n or v < P1412)
¢ Constant upper speed range (n or v > P1412)

Fig. 6-6 Adaptation of the speed controller parameters using the


Only the position controller output is taken into account for limit
sensing (upper and lower adaptation speed).

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01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Parameter The following parameters are available for the speed controller adaptation:
Table 6-3 Parameters for the speed controller adaptation

No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Ef-
dard fec-
1413 Select adaptation, speed controller (SRM) 0 im-
Select adaptation, speed controller (ARM) 1 me-
0 1 --
Select adaptation, velocity controller (SLM) 0
... the adaptation can be activated/de--activated immediately.
1 The adaptation is active
0 The adaptation is not active
For induction motors (ARM), the speed controller adaptation is switched--in as standard.
1408:8 P gain, upper adaptation speed (SRM, ARM) 0.3 Nm*s/rad im-
0.0 999 999.0
999 0
P gain, upper adaptation velocity (SLM) 2 000.0 Ns/m di-
... defines the P gain in the constant, upper range (n or v > P1412).
When a value of 0 is entered, the associated integral component (P1410) is automatically de--
1410:8 Integral action time, upper adaptation speed im-
(SRM, ARM) me-
0.0 10.0 500.0 ms
Integral action time, upper adaptation velocity di-
(SLM) ately

... defines the integral action time in the constant, upper range (n or v > P1412).
With the adaptation activated, you should avoid de--activating the integral component for only
one range (P1409 = 0 and P1410  0 or vice versa).
Problem: Torque jumps when resetting the integral value at the transition from the adaptation
range to the constant range.
If a value of 0 is entered, this de--activates the integral component for the range greater than set
in P1412.
1411 Lower adaptation speed (SRM, ARM) RPM im-
Lower adaptation velocity, motor (SLM) m/min me-
0.0 0.0 100 000.0
... defines the lower threshold for adaptation.
1412 Upper adaptation speed (SRM, ARM) RPM im-
Upper adaptation velocity, motor (SLM) m/min me-
0.0 0.0 100 000.0
... defines the upper threshold for adaptation.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-347
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1) ! not 611ue !

6.1.6 Fixed speed setpoint (from SW 3.1)

Description Speed setpoints can be defined in parameters using this function. The
required fixed setpoint for the speed setpoint input is selected via input
signals. The currently selected fixed setpoint can be displayed via out-
put signals.
An analog voltage is not required for the speed setpoint input, and the
setpoint can be precisely set.

Input/output The following signals are used for the ”fixed speed setpoint” function:
S Input signals
(refer under index entry ”Input signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Fixed speed setpoint 1st input (function number = 15)
-- Fixed speed setpoint 2nd input (function number = 16)
-- Fixed speed setpoint 3rd input (function number = 17)
-- Fixed speed setpoint 4th input (function number = 18)

6 S Output signals
(refer under the index entry, ”Output signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Status, fixed speed setpoint 1st output (function number = 15)
-- Status, fixed speed setpoint 2nd output (function number = 16)
-- Status, fixed speed setpoint 3rd output (function number = 17)
-- Status, fixed speed setpoint 4th output (function number = 18)

Parameter The following parameters are available for the ”fixed speed setpoint”
overview function:
(refer to Chapter
S P0641:16 Fixed speed setpoint (SRM, ARM)
Fixed velocity setpoint (SLM)

Commissioning The following sequence is practical when commissioning:

the function
1. Enter the required fixed speed setpoints (refer to Chapter A.1)
P0641:0 = no significance
P0641:1 = required fixed setpoint 1
P0641:2 = required fixed setpoint 2, etc.
2. Parameterize the input terminals (refer to Chapters 6.4.2 and 6.4.3)
3. Parameterize the output terminals (refer to Chapters 6.4.5 and 6.4.6)
4. Check the function

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6-348 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

6.1.7 Monitoring functions

Motor temperature The temperature limit values are pre--assigned, corresponding to the
monitoring selected motor when the motor code is specified; the user should not
change these.
The following motor temperature monitoring functions are available:
S Temperature monitoring with pre--warning (P1602 + P1603)
If the temperature warning threshold (P1602) is exceeded, the result
is as follows:
-- Warning 814 is output
-- Timer (P1603) is started
-- Motor overtemperature is signaled via terminal 5.x at the NE
This signal is saved, if it is still present after the time in P1603
has expired.
-- The ”motor temperature pre--warning” (MeldW.6) output signal is
If the overtemperature condition still remains after the time set in
P1603, then this results in fault 614 and the drive is powered down.
The monitoring function can be enabled/disabled using P1601.14.
S Temperature monitoring without pre--warning (P1607)
If the temperature threshold in P1607 is exceeded, this immediately
results in fault 613 and the drive is powered down.
The monitoring function can be enabled/disabled using P1601.13.

The temperature monitoring functions (warning P1602 + timer P1603
or P1607) are not subject to any mutual restrictions, i.e. it is
permissible that P1607 < P1602.

S Specifying a fixed temperature (P1608)

When a fixed temperature is specified, the temperature--dependent
adaptation of the rotor resistance is executed with this fixed temper-

The temperature monitoring functions of the motor, set using P1602 or
P1607, are then no longer effective.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-349
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Temperature sensor The following motor temperature sensor types can can be connected to
S KTY temperature sensor (standard)
The measured resistance is converted to a temperature. The maxi-
mum permissible temperature can be parameterized (P1602).
S PTC temperature sensor
The PTC temperature sensor has a switching behavior:
-- Measured resistance < 1330 Ohm
(temperature display 0_ C)  Motor temperature is permissible
-- Measured resistance >1330 Ohm
(temperature display 200_ C)  Excessive motor temperature
-- Measure resistance < 30 Ohm  Short circuit
Warning 814 is signaled when the motor temperature reaches the
warning threshold for excessive motor temperature, in P1602 at the
KTY temperature sensor or the specific switching temperature at the
PTC temperature sensor.
When the resistance drops below the resistance threshold 1330 Ohm
at the PTC temperature sensor, the warning goes away again, provided
the excessive motor temperature does not exist longer than the timer
parameterized in P1603.
6 If the drive is to switch off immediately at an excessive temperature,
P1603 = 0 (timer for motor temperature alarm) is to be parameterized.
In the case of a short circuit recognition with a PTC temperature sensor
both Alarms 613 and 614 as well as Warning 814 are displayed simul-
taneously. In this case Parameters 1602 and 1607 are ineffective.

Table 6-4 Parameters for the motor temperature monitoring function

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
0603 Motor temperature -- -- -- C RO
... displays the motor temperature measured using the temperature sensor.
This display is not valid, if a fixed temperature was entered in P1608.
1602 Warning threshold, motor overtempera- 0 120 200 C immedi-
ture ately
The parameter specifies the permissible thermal steady--state motor temperature, and is ap-
propriately pre--assigned when the motor code is specified.
If the temperature warning threshold is exceeded, initially, ”only” warning 814 is output, which is
withdrawn when the temperature threshold is fallen below.
If the overtemperature condition remains for a time longer than that set in P1603, then this re-
sults in fault 614.
Monitoring can be enabled/disabled via P1601.14.

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07.07 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Table 6-4 Parameters for the motor temperature monitoring function, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1603 Timer for motor temperature alarm 0 240 600 s immedi-
The parameter defines the time, which is started when the temperature warning threshold is
exceeded (P1602).
1607 Shutdown limit, motor temperature 0 155 200 C immedi-
The temperature defines the shutdown limit for the temperature monitoring without pre--warn-
If the shutdown limit is exceeded, this results in fault 613.
1608 Fixed temperature 0 0 200 C immedi-
If a value > 0 is entered, the rotor resistance is adapted depending on the temperature using
this fixed temperature.
S This can be necessary, e.g. if a motor does not have any temperature sensor.
S This means, that, e.g. the temperature monitoring for linear motors is switched--out if the
monitoring is realized using an external PLC.
S The temperature monitoring functions of the motor, set using P1602 and P1603 or P1607,
are then no longer effective.
1609 PTC temperature sensor (from SW 11.1) 0 0 1 Hex immedi- 6
The temperature defines the sensor type for measuring the motor temperature.
Bit 0 = 0: KTY temperature sensor (standard)
Bit 0 = 1: PTC temperature sensor

Thermal motor This monitoring protects the motor from constant thermal overload so
model (only for that the motor is not overloaded beyond the permissible temperature. It
rotating motors) represents an expansion of the known temperature measurement (tem-
(from SW 11.1) perature sensors).
With the thermal motor model, a model temperature of the motor is cal-
culated internally in accordance with the motor type, the measured
motor current, the KTY motor temperature sensor, if present, and the
shutdown temperature threshold.
If the KTY motor temperature sensor is incorporated, the motor can no
longer be overloaded when powered on in the warmed--up state. The
calculated model temperature refers to the permissible shutdown tem-
perature of the motor from P1607 (up to SW 12.1) and P1288 (from
SW 12.2).

The thermal motor model cannot be activated if P1268 = 0 (winding
time constant).
If a PTC temperature sensor is connected, the ”Thermal motor model”
function acts as if no temperature sensor were connected.

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

In case of a thermal motor load (P1266) greater than that configure in

the response threshold P1269, the following happens, as when the
temperature threshold in P1602 is exceeded:
S Warning 814 is output
S Timer in P1603 is started
S Excessive motor temperature is signaled via terminal 5.x of the NE
S The ”motor temperature pre--warning” (Fct. No. 5, MeldW.6) output
signal is set
If the thermal motor load still exceeds the value in P1269 after the time
set in P1603, this results in Fault 614 and the drive being powered
down (can be parameterized).
If the motor load rises up to 100%, this results in Fault 614 and the
drive being powered down (can be parameterized).
These monitoring functions can be activated/deactivated with P1601 or
by switching off the drive with P1613.
Table 6-5 Parameters at thermal motor model

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1265 Configuration of thermal motor model 0 0 3 -- PO
6 SW
... Specifies the configuration for the thermal motor model.
Bit 0: Activation of the thermal motor model
Bit 0 = 0: Thermal motor model not activated
Bit 0 = 1: Thermal motor model activated
Bit 1: Evaluation of thermal motor model
Bit 1 = 0: Evaluation with KTY temperature sensor activated
Bit 1 = 1: No evaluation (purely current monitoring)
1266 Thermal motor load -- -- -- % immedi-
(from ately
... Is used to diagnose the thermal motor load
The parameter indicates the thermal load of the motor as a percentage. The mathematical
model references the maximum permissible motor temperature from P1288. A default value is
assigned to P1288 motor--specifically during commissioning. If this value is changed, the trig-
gering of the thermal motor model also changes.
In case of a thermal motor load > 100% Fault 613 is signaled.
1268 Winding time constant 0 0 5000 s immedi-
(from ately
... Is used to enter the winding time constant.
The motor--specific parameter has to be specified by the motor manufacturer.
It i required for thermal model model (P1265).

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6-352 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Table 6-5 Parameters at thermal motor model, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1269 Thermal motor load warning threshold 0 80 100 % immedi-
(from ately
... Outputs a message to the PLC (NST ”Motor temperature pre--warning ”, DB 31, to DBX
if the thermal motor load (P1266) is greater than the response threshold in P1269
and the time monitoring in P1603 is started.
If the timer expires without the value of the thermal motor load dropping below the threshold,
the drive generates a configurable reset alarm
(P1601, Bit 14).
Also refer to P1603 and P1288.
1288 Shutdown threshold, thermal motor 0 180 220 C immedi-
(from model ately
... defines the shutdown threshold of the thermal motor model (up to SW 12.1, P1607 applies).
When commissioning, the value in P1288 is pre--assigned depending on the specific motor.
Also refer to P1265, P1266, P1268 and P1269.

Torque setpoint The following is monitored:

monitoring (speed
S Is the speed controller output (torque setpoint) at its limit for longer
controller output
than the time in P1605 (torque, power, stall or current limit)?
limited, speed
controller at its and
S Is the absolute actual speed less than that in P1606?
When the monitoring function responds, fault 608 (speed controller out-
put limited) is output and the pulse enable is withdrawn.

Fault 608 (speed controller output limited) can be suppressed using
the input signal ”suppress fault 608 (from SW 3.1)”.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-353
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Table 6-6 Parameters for the torque setpoint monitoring

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1605 Timer stage, n controller at its limit 20.0 200.0 10 000.0 ms immedi-
... specifies how long the speed controller output may be at its limit, without a fault condition
being generated.
If P1605 < P1404, then regenerative braking can be canceled with fault 608, whereby the drive
then coasts down.
1606 Threshold, speed controller at its
limit 90 000.0 RPM
(SRM) 0.0 30.0 100 000.0 RPM Immed.
(ARM) 500.0 m/min
... specifies up to which speed the torque setpoint monitoring is active, i.e. up to this value, fault
608 (speed controller output limited) can be output.
For PE spindles (P1015 = 1), the standard assignment is the same as for ARM (30.0 RPM).

6 DC link The DC link of the drive system is monitored for an undervoltage condi-
monitoring tion.
The set DC link undervoltage warning threshold in P1604 is monitored
and the monitoring result is displayed via the ”DC link monitoring VDC
link > Vx output signal.

The DC link voltage is generally monitored in the NE modules. If the

fixed monitoring limits are exceeded or fallen below, then the NE mod-
ule automatically carries out shutdown operations.

Table 6-7 Parameters for the DC link monitoring

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1604 DC link undervoltage warning threshold 0 200 680 V(pk) immedi-
... specifies the DC link undervoltage warning threshold Vx to output the signal ”DC link moni-
toring VDC link > Vx”.
The DC link voltage is sensed by the NE module or a monitoring module, and can also be out-
put as analog signal (0 -- 10 V) via an analog output.

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6-354 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

From SW 4.1, the following monitoring functions/warnings are available

for the DC link voltage, which result in the drive being powered down
S Monitoring the DC link for an overvoltage condition
Threshold: P1163 ”Max. DC link voltage”
Fault 617, if the DC link voltage, when the pulses are enabled, is
greater than the threshold. The shutdown response can be config-
ured using P1613 bit 16 or 17.
S Monitoring for a DC link undervoltage condition
Threshold: P1162 ”Minimum DC link voltage”
Defines the permissible lower limit for the DC link voltage.
Fault 616 is generated if the DC link voltage when setting the enable
signals is less than the threshold. The monitoring only becomes ac-
tive if VDC link (P1701) has fallen below the value in P1162 at least
once and the drive is ready to be moved.
The shutdown response to fault 616 can be configured using P1613
bit 16 or 17.
If the standard value is entered in P1162/P1163, then the appropriate
monitoring is inactive.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-355
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Hardware When using ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” with a higher--level control, it

limit switch can occur that for coordinate transformation, e.g. shifting and rotating
(HW limit switch) the tool, that the software limit switches cannot be activated/evaluated
(from SW 8.1) in the higher--level control.
An axis fast stop is possible using a hardware limit switch monitoring
The HW limit switches must be connected to an input terminal with the
following function numbers:
S ”Plus hardware limit switch” function ----> function number 81
S ”Minus hardware limit switch” function ----> function number 82
----> Refer to Chapter 6.4.2

Traverse to a When traversing to a hardware limit switch, the associated input signal
hardware limit is set to ”0” and the following response is automatically initiated:
S A setpoint of zero is entered in the selecting speed direction -- the
axis is braked and comes to a standstill. The drive remains in the
closed--loop controlled mode.
If it is switched--in, the ramp--function generator remains active. The
braking that is initiated runs with or without braking ramp.

6 S One of the following warnings is output:

-- Warning 800 Minus hardware limit switch
-- Warning 801 Plus hardware limit switch
The hardware limit switch signal must always remain at a ”0 signal” out-
side the permitted traversing range. A brief change from ”0 signal” to ”1
signal” is not permitted.
As a result of the zero speed input when reaching the hardware limit
switch, alarms, e.g. ”following error too high” or similar faults must be
detected in the higher--level control.

How do you move If an axis is at a hardware limit switch, then it can be moved away as
away from a follows:
hardware limit
S Enter a setpoint in the opposite direction to the approach direction
S Withdraw the controller enable and move the drive away manually
After moving away from the hardware limit switch, warning 800 or 801
is automatically deleted.

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6-356 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Reader’s note
For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, additional monitoring functions can
be parameterized, and processed via output signals (terminals,
PROFIBUS) (refer to Chapter 6.4.6 and 6.20).

6.1.8 Limits

Limiting the speed The speed setpoint is limited to the maximum value which is set.
How is the speed setpoint limiting calculated?
Motor type Interdependencies
S SRM, SLM: P1405:8 S P1401:8
S ARM: Minimum
(P1405:8 S P1401:8, 1.02 S P1147, 1.02 S P1146)

Note 6
The maximum useful motor speed, set via P1401:8, is taken into
account when calculating the speed setpoint, i.e. P1401:8 acts as
speed limiting.
This is valid, independent of whether the setpoint is entered
via a terminal or PROFIBUS--DP.

Speed If the speed actual value exceeds the selected limit value by more than
limiting 2%, then the torque, when motoring, is set to 0.
Thus, further acceleration is not possible.
If the speed actual value drops below the limit value, the torque limiting
is withdrawn again.
How is the speed limiting calculated?
Motor type Interdependencies
S SRM: Minimum (P1147, 1.2 S P1400)
S ARM, SLM, PE spindle: Minimum (P1147, P1146)

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Table 6-8 Parameters for speed limiting

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Ef-
dard fec-
1146 Maximum motor speed (SRM) 0.0 RPM
Maximum motor speed (ARM) 0.0 15000.0 100 000.0 RPM PO
Maximum motor velocity (SLM) 0.0 m/min
... specifies the maximum motor speed or maximum motor velocity defined by the motor
This is only included in the speed limiting for rotary induction motors (ARM).
1147 Speed limit (SRM) 7 000.0 RPM im-
Speed limit (ARM) 0.0 8 000.0 100 000.0 RPM medi-
Velocity limit, motor (SLM) 120.0 m/min ately

... specifies the maximum permissible motor speed or motor velocity.

When commissioning the system for the first time and for ”calculate unlisted motors”, the param-
eter is pre--assigned as follows:
S SRM 1.1 S P1400
1.05 S P1400 (from SW 7.1 with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS” resolver)
S ARM, SLM, PE spindle P1146

6 Speed actual value > Speed limit

S Exceeded by more than 2 %:
The torque limit when motoring is internally set to zero, the drive is prevented from acceler-
ating any further.
With the appropriate setting, the ”speed controller at its limit” monitoring can respond.
1401:8 Speed for max. useful motor speed (SRM, RPM
ARM) im-
100 000.0
000 0 0.0
00 100 000.0
000 0 medi
Velocity for max. motor useful velocity m/min ately
... limits the speed to the maximum useful motor speed.
The parameter is pre--set at the first start--up and for ”Calculate unlisted motor”:
S SRM P1400
S ARM, SLM, PE spindle P1146
P1401:8 is used for normalization for speed setpoints entered via analog inputs (refer to Chap-
ter 6.6).
1405:8 Monitoring speed, motor (SRM, ARM) im-
Monitoring velocity, motor (SLM) 100.0 110.0 110.0 % medi-
... specifies the maximum permissible setpoint as a percentage referred to P1401:8.
The parameter is pre--assigned as follows when the system is commissioned for the first time
and for ”calculate unlisted motor”:
S SRM 110 %
105 % (from SW 7.1 with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”, resolver)

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6-358 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Limiting the torque The following limits all effect the torque setpoint at the speed controller
setpoint output. The ”lowest” (minimum) is used if different limits are available.
S Torque limiting
The value specifies the maximum permissible torque, whereby dif-
ferent limits can be parameterized for motoring and generating oper-
S Power limiting
The value specifies the maximum permissible power, whereby dif-
ferent limits can be parameterized for motoring and generating oper-
S Stall limiting (only for ARM and PE spindle)
The stall limiting is internally calculated in the drive from the motor
data. The internally calculated limit can be changed using the torque
reduction factor.

! If the stall limit has been set too high, this can cause the motor to

As the current limiting additionally limits the maximum torque which the
motor can provide, if the torque limit is increased, more torque will only
be available if a higher current can also flow. It may be necessary to 6
also adapt the current limit.

Resulting torque Power Stall limitation

limit value limiting

Torque limiting

P1230 nStall
This is internally calculated
X1/n2 and is displayed via P1148
(speed at the stall power).

When regenerating,
additional limiting using P1237
range Constant power range

nStall Speed nact

Rated speed nrated

Fig. 6-7 Limiting the torque setpoint

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-359
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

The torque/power can be reduced continuously by reducing the cur-

rently effective torque limit using ”MomRed” control word (refer to
Chapter 5.6.6). The result of the conversion is a percentage factor k
which is applied to P1230 (torque limit) and P1235 (power limit). For
the specified k factor, P1230 is replaced by k*P1230 and P1235, by
k*P1235 in Fig. 6-7.

Table 6-9 Parameters for limits

No. Description Min. Standard Max. Unit Effec-
1145 Stall torque reduction factor 5.0 100.0 1 000.0 % imme-
... the start of stall torque limiting can be changed (refer to Fig. 6-7).
For a setting greater than 100%, the intervention point is increased.
For a setting of less than 100%, the intervention point is decreased.
1230:8 1. torque limit value (SRM, ARM) imme-
5.0 100.0 900.0 %
1. Force limit value (SLM) diately

... specifies the maximum torque referred to the pull--out torque (SRM), rated motor torque
(ARM) or stall force (SLM) of the motor.

6 Stall torque/stall force = P1118 S P1113

P1118: Motor standstill (stall) current
P1113: Torque constant
Rated motor torque = ((P1130 S 1000) / (2 S P1400 / 60))
= 9549.3 S (P1130 / P1400)
P1130: Rated motor power
P1400: Rated motor speed
The minimum of the torque, power and stall torque limits are always effective as limit (refer to
Fig.6-7). The standard pre--assignment for ARM is 100%.
For SRM/SLM, this is realized with the following operator action Calculate controller data,
whereby the value is obtained from the following formula:
SRM/SLM: P1230:8 = (P1104/P1118) S 100 %
The following is especially true for ARM:
In order to achieve significantly shorter accelerating times up to the maximum speed, the power
and current limits must also be increased.
If the motor is overloaded for a longer period of time, this can result in an impermissible temper-
ature rise (the drive is shutdown as a result of a motor overtemperature condition); the motor
can also be destroyed.

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6-360 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Table 6-9 Parameters for limits, continued

No. Description Min. Standard Max. Unit Effec-
1235:8 1. power limit value 5.0 100.0 900.0 % imme-
... specifies the maximum permissible power referred to the motor power (SRM) or the rated
motor power (ARM -- P1130: Rated motor power).
Motor power for SRM [kW] = 1/9549.3 S (P1118 S P1113) S P1400
P1118: Motor standstill (stall) current
P1113: Torque constant
P1400: Rated motor speed
As shown in Fig. 6-7, using the power limiting (constant power), the torque is limited
(P = 2π S M S n; with P = constant ----> M -- 1/n).
The minimum of the torque, power and stall torque limits are always effective as limit (refer to
SRM/SLM: P1235:8 = (P1104/P1118) S 100 %
For SRM/SLM, this parameter is automatically pre--assigned using the operator action calcu-
late controller data, whereby the value is obtained from the formula above :
ARM: The standard default is 100 %.
The following is especially true for ARM:
If the speed at the start of field weakening is greater than the rated speed, then the ramp--up
times can already be shorted and the power yield increased if only the power limit is increased
(with the same current limit). As the current limit (P1238) can also limit the maximum torque
which can be specified, if the output limit (power limit) is increased further, more torque can only
be obtained if the current limit is also increased. 6
If the motor is overloaded for a longer period of time, this can result in an impermissible temper-
ature rise (the drive is shutdown as a result of a motor overtemperature condition); the motor
can also be destroyed.
Corresponding parameters are: P1104, P1145 and P1233:8 to P1238
1233:8 Regenerative limiting 5.0 100.0 100.0 % imme-
... specifies the regenerative limiting.
The setting refers to the parameter value in P1230.
1237 Maximum regenerative power 0.1 100.0 500.0 kW imme-
... allows the regenerative power to be limited for the input/regenerative feedback module.
An appropriately lower value should be entered here, especially when using an uncontrolled NE

Torque/power reduction
It is possible to continuously reduce the torque/power by reducing the
effective torque limit.
S for terminals:
via analog input 2 (terminal 24.x/20, refer to Chapter 6.6.4).
using the ”MomRed” control word (refer to Chapter 5.6.6).

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-361
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Torque reduction Drives, for which a stop was initiated as a result of one of the following
at nset = 0 (from measures, are braked with the maximum possible motor current
SW 9.1) (P1104) taking into account the reduction in P1105:
S Terminal 64 de--energized at the SIMODRIVE line infeed module.
S Generating an alarm, which initiates a Stop II, and therefore with-
draws the internal controller enable.
S Controller enable (ON/OFF1) withdrawn or terminal 65 de--ener-
gized (X451.5/X452.5).
This may possible cause the plant/machine to be mechanically damaged.
For this case, a torque reduction can be parameterized for a setpoint of
The following definitions apply:
S P1096: Used to configured the torque reduction at nset = 0.
Bit 0 = 1: Reduces the torque limit for a regenerative
stop with a speed setpoint of zero.
Bit 1 = 0 Monitors the speed controller at its endstop for
torque reduction
If the motor brakes with a low torque, then fault 608 can be initiated.
If it is not desirable that this fault is initiated, then the fault can be
suppressed using bit 1 = 1.
6 S P1097: Specifies the torque reduction at nset = 0.

The percentage value from P1097 only refers to the torque obtained at
the maximum motor current if P1105 = 100%.

S The braking behavior is influenced by:

-- P1403: Shutdown speed/velocity, pulse cancellation
If the absolute speed actual value or velocity actual value falls
below the specified shutdown speed in P1403 while braking, then
the pulse enable is withdrawn and the drive coasts down.
-- P1404: Timer for pulse suppression
The pulses are cancelled before this if the timer set in P1404 has
-- P1605: Timer stage, n controller at its limit
After the set time has expired, then drive coasts down after braking.
-- P1613: Shutdown response, faults
If the torque reduction is to be initiated by a fault at nset = 0,
then this must be parameterized using the shutdown response

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6-362 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Current limiting The motor current is limited to a maximum value.

The maximum value is obtained from the minimum between the para-
meterization according to Table 6-10 and the limiting as a result of the
power module.

Table 6-10 Parameters for the current limiting

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
1238 Current limit (ARM) 0.0 150.0 400.0 % imme-
... specifies the maximum permissible motor current referred to the rated motor current (P1103).
In order to shorten the ramp--up (accelerating) times, it may make sense to set the current limit
to values > 100%, and additionally increase the power and torque limit.
If the motor current is at its limit due to high torque/power limits, the monitoring function inter-
venes with P1605 and P1606 (speed controller at its limit).
1105 Reducing the maximum motor current (SRM, SLM) 0 100 100 % imme-
... specifies the maximum permissible motor current referred to the maximum motor current
The parameter is pre--set at the first start--up and for ”Calculate unlisted motor”:
SRM: P1105 = (P1122/P1104) S 100%
Stationary No stationary operation in the speed range around zero.
minimum speed Activation of the function ”Stationary minimum speed”:
(from SW 11.1)
 P1255 ǂ 0
If the value of the speed setpoint is smaller than the parameterized
minimum speed, the minimum speed is used as the setpoint with the
sign of the speed setpoint.
In the case of a speed setpoint near zero a hysteresis prevents an un-
wanted change in the sign. The width of the hysteresis is equal to the
minimum speed, however at the most 200 RPM.
A setpoint equal to zero can only be achieved when the minimum
speed is not equal to zero by removing the controller or ramp--function
generator enable.

Effective setpoint

200 RPM

200 RPM specified setpoint

Fig. 6-8 Method of operation of the minimum speed

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-363
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

Speed range No stationary operation in the excluded speed rate

exclusion (from
Activation of the function ”Speed range exclusion”:
SW 11.1)
 P1271 ǂ 0 and P1271 > P1270
Special case: P1271 > 0 and P1270 = 0
 The ”Speed range exclusion” function acts like the ”Stationary mini-
mum speed” function.
The ”Speed range exclusion” makes it possible to prohibit the station-
ary running of speeds in a range that can be parameterized.
This range can only be traveled through, whereby the set motor--spe-
cific ramp--up or ramp--down times of the ramp function generator are
If the speed setpoint lies between the lower speed (P1270) and the up-
per speed (P1271) of the ”Speed range exclusion”, coming from the
smaller value, the lower speed (P1270) continues to be effective as the
setpoint until the specified setpoint has reached the upper speed.
If the speed setpoint is dropping, the upper speed (P1271) is initially
retained until the setpoint has reached the lower speed (P1270).

Effective setpoint

6 P1271 upper value

P1271 lower value

Specified setpoint

Fig. 6-9 Method of operation of the speed range exclusion

If spindle positioning is selected with the ”Spindle positioning on” signal
(PROFIBUS STW1.15 or input terminal with Fct. No. 28), the
”Minimum speed” and ”Speed range exclusion” functions remain
deactivated until the ”Spindle positioning on” signal is canceled again.

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6-364 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
12.06 6 Description of the Functions
6.1 Operating mode, speed/torque setpoint (P0700 = 1)

6.1.9 Position measuring system with distance-- coded reference marks

(from SW 4.1)

General In order that large distances do not have to be traversed for reference
point approach, for indirect and direct measuring systems, it is possible
to use a position measuring system with distance--coded reference
This guarantees that the measuring system has already been refer-
enced after a short traversing distance (e.g. 20 mm).

Referencing with distance--coded reference marks is only possible
using PROFIBUS--DP in an external control (refer to Chapter 5.6.4). It
is not possible to evaluate the coding in the board itself!
From SW 8.3 for rotary encoder systems and from SW 9.2 for linear
encoder systems:
The SIMODRIVE module is, in the pos mode, in the position to
autonomously reference (home) without an external control.

Proceed as follows The procedure is the same as when referencing with normal incremen- 6
tal measuring systems.
The following conditions are to be observed:
S Indirect measuring system (motor measuring system, IM)
-- P1027.7 = 1 (IM configuration, encoder)
----> distance--coded reference scale
-- P1050 or P1051
----> basic distance between two fixed reference marks
S Direct measuring system (DM)
-- P1037.7 = 1 (DM configuration, encoder)
----> distance--coded reference scale
-- P1052 or P1053
----> distance--coded reference scale
S Modulo operation (from SW 10.2)
Distance--coded referencing in modulo operation is only possible if
the following practical, integer number modulo range values apply:
n ¡ 360 degrees with n = 1, 2, ...
Any modulo range values are not permitted and would result in fault
139 being output.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-365
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

General The following functions are available in the ”positioning” mode:

information on
S Referencing or adjusting
positioning for
”SIMODRIVE -- Referencing for incremental positioning measuring systems
611 universal” -- Adjusting absolute position measuring systems
-- Setting the home position
S Programming and selecting traversing blocks
The max. 64 (256, from SW 10.1) traversing blocks per drive can be
freely programmed and are saved in the parameters.
-- How many blocks can be individually selected via terminals?
Drive A + optional TERMINAL module: all 64/256 blocks
Drive B: Block 0 or 1 can be selected (1 input terminal)
-- How many blocks can be individually selected via PROFIBUS--DP?
Drives A and B: all 64/256 blocks
A block contains the following information:
-- Block number
-- Position
6 -- Velocity
-- Acceleration override
-- Deceleration override
-- Command
-- Command parameters
-- Mode: Block change enable -- positioning mode -- IDs
When programming a traversing block, the block enable condition is
specified. This means that when starting a block, precisely one block
can be executed (for a block enable condition END) or automatic, even
for several blocks (if the block enable condition CONTINUE FLYING,
The blocks are executed according to the consecutive block number
up to the block with the block enable condition END.
S Position--related switching signals (cams)
Signals are generated and output as a function of the actual position
actual value and parameter setting.
S Jogging
This operating mode allows speed--controlled traversing in the ”posi-
tioning” mode. From SW 4.1, the drive can be jogged in the closed--
loop position controlled mode (incremental) (refer to Chapter 6.2.9).
S Monitoring functions
Dynamic following error monitoring, positioning monitoring, standstill
monitoring, hardware/software limit switches

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6-366 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

6.2.1 Encoder adaptation

Normalization of The mechanical characteristics of the axis must be specified using the
the encoder appropriate parameters to adapt the encoder.
The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” drive calculates the ratio between the
travel and the encoder increments from this data, which means that
motion on the load side can be determined.

Linear axis with The following parameters are supplied using this configuration:
rotary motor
S P1027.4 = 0: Rotary motor encoder
S P1005 Encoder pulses per revolution
(only encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp)
S P0236 Spindle pitch or fictitious spindle pitch
S P0237:8 Encoder revolutions
S P0238:8 Load revolutions

Rotary motor encoder: P1027.4 = 0:

611 universal Table P0236

Encoder with nEncoder nLoad
sin/cos 1Vpp: P1005 P0237:8 P0238:8
resolver: Pole pair No.
Encoder revolutions P0237:8
Ü= =
Load revolutions P0238:8

Fig. 6-10 Linear axis with rotary motor encoder (ball screw)

Rotary motor encoder: P1027.4 = 0:

611 universal
Gear Rack
Encoder with Ü
sin/cos 1Vpp: P1005
nEncoder nLoad Pinion (no. of teeth)
P0237:8 P0238:8
resolver: Pole pair No.
P0236 = No. of teethS travel/tooth
Encoder revolutions P0237:8 (pinion) (rack)
Ü= =
Load revolutions P0238:8

Fig. 6-11 Linear axis with rotary motor encoder (rack/pinion)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-367
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Linear axis with The following parameters are supplied using this configuration:
S P1027.4 = 1: Linear motor encoder
motor encoder
S P1024 Grid divisions, linear measuring system

SIMODRIVE measuring
611 universal system
Slide Primary section

Sensor head
Secondary section

Fig. 6-12 Linear axis with linear motor encoder

Rotary axis The following parameters are supplied using this configuration:
with rotary
S P1027.4 = 0: Rotary motor encoder
motor encoder

6 S P1005 Encoder pulses per revolution

(only encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp)
S P0237:8 Encoder revolutions
S P0238:8 Load revolutions

SIMODRIVE Rotary motor encoder: P1027.4 = 0:

611 universal

Rotary table
Encoder nEncoder nLoad
with sin/cos 1Vpp: P1005 P0237:8 P0238:8
resolver: Pole pair No.
Encoder revolutions P0237:8
Ü= =
Load revolutions P0238:8

Fig. 6-13 Rotary axis with rotary motor encoder

Rotary axis A modular rotary axis is set via the following parameters:
S P0241 Activates the modulo conversion, rotary axis
modulo correction
(from SW 2.4) S P0242 Modulo range, rotary axis

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6-368 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Secondary The following secondary conditions must be observed, dependent on

conditions for the axis type:
Table 6-11 Restrictions for axis/encoder

Axis/encoder Restrictions
Rotary The axis must be referenced after power--up.
Linear None
absolute value
(e.g. LC 181)
axis Overflow after the number of revolutions entered in P1021 (multiturn reso-
lution, motor absolute value encoder).
Rotary absolute
For linear axis with encoder connected to the motor, the following is valid:
value encoder
----> The maximum traversing travel is: P1021 S effective spindle pitch
Example: EQN 1325, 10 mm spindle pitch
EQN 1325,
----> max. traversing distance = --20.48 m to 20.48 m
P1021 = 4096)
S The machine zero can be completely freely selected in the
range from --20.48 m to +20.48 m.
Incremental The axis must be referenced after power--up.
Rotary encoder
Motor encoder ----> max. revolutions in P1021 (e.g. 4096) 6
Absolute encoder Note:
lessly ro-
tating The same restrictions apply as for linear axes and rotary absolute value
The encoder must be mounted onto the motor.
Caution: Before SW 8.1:
The gear ratio cannot be freely selected.
The ratio between the encoder and load must be selected so that the full
range of encoder is an integer multiple of the modulo range.
The following condition must be fulfilled:
P0238:8 360000
P1021 S S = integer multiple
P0237:8 P0242
P1021 Multi--turn resolution, absolute value encoder motor
P0238:8 Load revolutions
P0237:8 Encoder revolutions
P0242 Modulo range, rotary axis in MSR
Example: P1021 = 4096
P0237:0 = 64, P0238:0 = 72
P0242 = 360 000
are permitted, because 4096 S 72/64 S 360/360 = 4608 is an integer num-
When a fault develops, fault 139 is signaled (modulo range and ratio do
not match).

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-369
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-11 Restrictions for axis/encoder, continued

Axis/encoder Restrictions
From SW 8.1:
Any gearbox ratio can be selected. (Fault 139 is no longer output.)
The following condition applies:
S Modulo range, Endat enc. (traversing range)  modulo range, load
P0238:8 360000
P1021 S S 1
P0237:8 P0242 [MSR]
S Practical modulo range values include: n ¡ 360 degr. with n = 1, 2, ...
For uneven gearbox factors, n must be 1, 2, ...
From SW 10.2, this will be monitored and if a fault develops, fault 149
is signaled (Incorrect data for modulo axis with absolute encoder).
If the selected gear ratio results in an uneven gear factor, when the
control module is shut down, the actual position is automatically saved.
Rotary This is triggered when the DC link voltage decreases. When engineering
axis the system it must be ensured that the time is sufficient to save the value.
end- Configuring:
lessly S DC link has been connected
Absolute encoder S P1161 = 0 (DC link fixed voltage deactived)
(modulo S P1162 > 0 , e.g. 500 V for a controlled infeed
rotary S Line supply infeed, terminal 112: Setting--up operation not permitted
axis) S DC link voltage VDC link (P1701 > (P1162 + P1164))
In order to supply the control board from the DC link, at the
infeed/regenerative feedback module, the DC link must be connected to

6 terminals M500 and P500 of terminal strip X181 (refer to Reference /PJU/
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters). This means that when the DC
link voltage is either removed or decreases, the energy saved in the DC
link can be used to maintain the closed--loop control for a specific time.
Wh powering--down
When i d or when
h ththe DC lilink
k voltage
lt d
decreases, the
th supply
for the closed--loop control must still be maintained until the data save
operation has been completed.
The thresholds to save the absolute value encoder data as a function of
the DC link voltage are shown in the following diagram. For reasons of
simplicity, the DC link charging and the decrease in the DC link voltage
are shown as linear characteristics.
The DC link voltage starts to increase after powering--up. It is only
possible to save the value when powering--down after the value P1162 +
P1164 is exceeded.
The value is saved if the DC link voltage drops below the value P1162.
However, if the system is not to be shut down and the DC link voltage
starts to increase again and operation continues, then the voltage
threshold P1162 + P1164 must be again exceeded in order to activate
that the value is saved.
Note: The voltage thresholds should be configured so that in operation,
no unnecessary data save operations are triggered if the DC link


Monitoring active Save t

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6-370 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
12.06 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Table 6-11 Restrictions for axis/encoder, continued

Axis/encoder Restrictions
Saving the encoder values for a double--axis module (drive A/B).
P1162 (B)

P1162 (A)

Saving both drives A and B t

The gear ratio can be freely selected.

Example: P0237:0 = 3
P0238:0 = 1
After the measuring system has been adjusted, the position of the load is
determined from the absolute position of the motor measuring system by
means of the gear ratio (R=P0238:8/P0237:8) .
For the functionality “any gear factors”, in parameters P0237[8] and P0238[8] the
ratios must be identical in all parameter sets. This means that a gear changeover is
not possible.
The gear ratio has to be the same in all the parameter sets since the posi-
tion can otherwise not be determined when parameter sets are changed. In
order to determine the clear position of the load, then it must be guaranteed
that after being powered--down, the motor can only move within half of the
absolute encoder range that can be represented (coast down or manual
end- motion). This is the reason that it is not permissible to use single--turn abso-
lute value encoders. Exceptions are possible if the user can ensure that the
Absolute encoder drive does not move by more than half of an encoder revolution.
(modulo If half of the absolute encoder range that can be represented is exceeded
rotary after powering--down, then the assumed actual position is incorrect and after
axis) powering--up again no fault or warning is generated!
S When the DC link voltage starts to ramp--up, the DC link coupling must
be maintained in order to supply the electronics.
S If a fault condition develops, fault 149 is signaled (incorrect data for mo-
dulo drive with absolute value encoder and any gearbox factor). In this
case, P1162 and P1164 should be checked, as the position value is only
saved if the corresponding thresholds have been exceeded or fallen below.
The axis must be re--adjusted after fault 149 occurs.
S Fault 149 is signaled, if the R button (RESET) on the control board is
pressed. The axis must be re--adjusted after fault 149 occurs. The DC
link must be charged and the enable signals issued.
S If, during the commissioning, position reference value (setpoint) inver-
sion is selected, then the next step is to carry--out a power on. Only then
can the reference point be set.
If the drive goes into regenerative operation after power--down, then this can
also cause problems when saving data if the control board is re--activated
by the energy fed back.
From SW 8.2:
As long as the signals were still not available at terminals 48 and 63 of the
NE module, the electronics power supply of the control board can be shut
down again after the system boots. If Alarm 149 is signaled in cyclic operation
while traversing, the cause can be a data transmission error of the absolute enco-
der. In this case, the encoder including the cable and connectors should be

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-371
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-11 Restrictions for axis/encoder, continued

Axis/encoder Restrictions
For incremental encoders, the above condition is not checked.
If the mechanical machine design does not fulfill the condition above,
Rotary then the rotary axis must be re--referenced after each endless operation
axis and when being powered up.
end- The following is valid when evaluating the zero mark:
lessly ro- Incremental en- S The evaluated zero mark must always be located at the same load
tating coder side position of the modulo range (the ratio is taken into account).
(modulo S For several zero marks, one must be defined for evaluation (e.g. set
rotary via cams).
S If it is not possible to reference the system using the encoder zero
mark, then the equivalent zero mark must be used (e.g. BERO at the
input with the ”equivalent zero mark” function).

Table 6-12 Parameters for the encoder adaptation

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

6 1027.4 IM configuration, encoder -- --

The motor encoder type is specified using P1027, bit 4.
-- Hex PO

Bit 4 Linear measuring system

=1 Linear motor encoder
=0 Rotary motor encoder
1005 IM encoder pulse number (SRM,
0 2048 65 535 -- PO
The parameter is only relevant for rotary motor encoders.
S For encoders with voltage signals sin/cos 1 Vpp (rotary motor encoder)
The encoder pulses per revolution are specified using this parameter.
S for resolvers
The parameter has no significance.
The ”fictitious” encoder pulses are internally calculated from the pole pair number (P1018)
of the resolver.
0236 Leadscrew pitch 1 10 000 8 388 607 MSR/ PO
The spindle pitch is specified in this parameter (e.g. ballscrew spindle with 10 mm/revolution
and metric dimension system ----> P0236 = 10 000 MSR/rev).
0237:8 Encoder revolutions 1 1 8 388 607 -- PO

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6-372 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Table 6-12 Parameters for the encoder adaptation, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0238:8 Load revolutions 1 1 8 388 607 -- PO
The gearbox ratio between the motor encoder and load is specified using these parameters.

Encoder revolutions P0237:8

ü= =
Load revolutions P0238:8 Ü: Ratio

The parameters are dependent on the parameter set. The effective parameter set can be se-
lected via the ”parameter set changeover” input signals.
0241 Activates the modulo conversion, 0 0 1 -- PO
rotary axis (SRM, ARM)
(from SW 2.4)
... activates/de--activates the modulo conversion for a rotary axis.
1 Modulo conversion activated, the modulo correction is executed according to P0242
0 Modulo conversion de--activated
0242 Modulo range, rotary axis (SRM, 1 360 000 100 000 000 MSC PO
(from SW 2.4)
... defines the modulo range of the rotary axis.
Practical modulo range values include: n S 360 degrees with n = 1, 2, ... 6
1162 Minimum DC link voltage 0 0 800 V(pk) immedi-
... defines the permissible lower limit for the DC link voltage.
If the DC link voltage falls below the parameterized value, then the stop response, parameter-
ized in P1613, bit 16 is initiated and the encoder data is saved in the FEPROM.
1164 Hysteresis, DC link voltage (from 0 50 600 V(pk) immedi-
SW 8.1) ately
... defines the hysteresis for the DC link voltage.
This parameter refers to P1162. For absolute value encoders with freely selectable gear ratio,
when voltage fluctuations occur, several data save operations of the absolute value encoder
data can, to a certain extent, be suppressed. These fluctuations can occur, e.g. when the drive
regenerates into the DC link.

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

6.2.2 Units for travel, velocity and acceleration

Dimension system When setting the dimension system (mm, inch or degrees) for a drive
grid (MSR) configuration in the ”Position mode”, then the dimension system grid
(MSR) is also defined:

Table 6-13 Dimension system and dimension system grid (MSR)

Dimension system Description

P0100 = 1 mm 1 MSR = 10 --3 mm (m, micrometers)
P0100 = 2 inch 1 MSR = 10 --4 inch
P0100 = 3 Degrees 1 MSR = 10 --3 degrees (mdegrees, milli

Reader’s note
The units of the physical quantities are displayed differently or must be
interpreted differently.
S In the parameter list (refer to Chapter A.1) and when reading and
writing into parameters via PROFIBUS--DP, there is the dimension
6 system grid (MSR) or a multiple (constant) of the MSR.
Examples in the mm dimension system:
-- Distance (travel) has the units [MSR]
-- Velocity has the units [c*MSR/min], c = 1
-- Acceleration has the units [1000 MSR/s2]
S For the display unit on the front panel of the control board and for
SimoCom U (for the dialog boxes and the expert list), there are
converted units.
Examples in the mm dimension system:
-- Travel (distance) has the units [mm]
-- Velocity has the units [mm/min]
-- Acceleration has the units [mm/s2]
The units for the various dimension systems (mm, inch or degrees)
can be listed in the following tables using specific examples.

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01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Units in the In the metric dimension system (P0100 = 1), the following units are
metric used for distance, velocity and acceleration:
dimension system
Table 6-14 Units in the metric dimension system

Units for
Physical quantity Parameter PROFIBUS-- Display SimoCom U
list (A.1) DP (5.6.7) unit (3.2) (3.3)
Distance m mm
Example: 123.456 mm 123456 [MSR] 123.456 mm
---->123.456 mm
Velocity m/min mm/min
Example: 4766.176 mm/min 4766176 [c * MSR/min]1) 4766.176 mm/min
----> 4766.176 mm/min
----> 4.766176 m/min
Acceleration mm/s2 mm/s2
Example: 4.378 m/s2 4378 [1000 MSR/s2] 4378 mm/s2
----> 4378 mm/s2
----> 4.378 m/s2
1) The units are specified as follows in the parameter list (refer to Chapter A.1): [c * MSR/min], c = 1

Units in the In the inch dimension system (P0100 = 2) the following units are used
inch dimension for distance, velocity and acceleration:
Table 6-15 Units in the inch dimension system

Units for
Physical quantity Parameter PROFIBUS-- Display SimoCom U
list (A.1) DP (5.6.7) unit (3.2) (3.3)
Distance 10 --4 inch inch
Example: 123.4567 inch 1234567 [MSR] 123.4567 inch
----> 123.456 7 inch
Velocity 10 --4 inch/min inch/min
Example: 476.1765 inch/min 4761765 [c * MSR/min]1) 476.1765 inch/min
----> 476.1765 inch/min
Acceleration 10 --1 inch/s2 inch/s2
Example: 243.7 inch/s2 2437 [1000 MSR/s2] 243.7 inch/s2
----> 2437*0.1 inch/s2
----> 243.7 inch/s2
1) The units are specified as follows in the parameter list (refer to Chapter A.1): [c * MSR/min], c = 1

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Units in the In the degrees dimension system (P0100 = 3) the following units are
degree dimension used for distance, velocity and acceleration:
Table 6-16 Units in the degree dimension system

Units for
Physical quantity Parameter PROFIBUS-- Display SimoCom U
list (A.1) DP (5.6.7) unit (3.2) (3.3)
Distance mdegrees Degrees
Example: 123.456 degrees 123456 [MSR] 123.456 degrees
----> 123.456 degrees
Velocity 10 mdegrees/min degrees/min
Example: 4766.17 degr./min 476617 [c * MSR/min]1) 4766.17 degr./min
----> 4766.17 degrees/min
Acceleration degrees/s2 degrees/s2
Example: 24 degrees/s2 24 [1000 MSR/s2] 24 degrees/s2
----> 24 degrees/s2
1) The units are specified as follows in the parameter list (refer to Chapter A.1): [c * MSR/min], c = 10

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! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

6.2.3 Closed-- loop position control components

General The closed--loop control of an axis consists of the current and speed
control loop and a higher--level position control loop.
The closed--loop position control fulfills the following tasks:
S Controls the velocity of the drive during movement
S The axis is precisely moved to the programmed target position
S Holds the axis at a target position even when disturbances are pres-
The closed--loop position controller is a P controller. Various function
units are provided in its environment, which provide support for special
tasks in the motion control, and which can be adapted to the axis cha-
racteristics using numerous parameters.

P0107 P0203 P0232 P0204:8

P0102 P0080:256
P0103 to P0210:8 Speed
P0104 P0087:256 pre--control
P0232 P0200:8

Fine Pos.
Position Interpolator inter-- ref.
setpoint (IPO) polator value Position + Speed
(FIPO) filter -- controller setpoint

P0310 P0315
P0205:8 Direction P0231
P0311 P0316
P0206:8 P0201 adaptation P0232
P0080 Block number
to (for traversing blocks) Backlash + + Position
P0087 Mode compensation actual
P0100 Dimension system value
P0102 Maximum velocity Monitoring
P0103 Maximum acceleration Following error P0318:8
P0104 Maximum deceleration Positioning P0320, P0321
P0107 Jerk limiting (from SW 3.1) Standstill P0325, P0326
P0200:8 Kv factor (position loop gain)
P0310 Cam switching position 1
P0201 Backlash compensation
P0311 Cam switching position 2
P0203 Speed pre--control mode
P0315 Minus software limit switch
P0204:8 Factor, speed pre--control
P0316 Plus software limit switch
P0205:8 (dead time)
Balancing filter, speed pre--control P0318:8 Dyn. following error monitoring tolerance
P0206:8 (PT1) P0320 Positioning monitoring time
P0210:8 Time constant, pos. ref. value filter (PT1) P0321 Positioning window
P0231 Position act. value inversion P0325 Standstill monitoring time
P0232 Position ref. value inversion P0326 Standstill window

Fig. 6-14 Closed--loop position control components

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-377
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Dimension system The units of an axis are defined using the dimension system setting.
S In the following text, the dimension system grid (MSR) term is used
as unit of the selected dimension system.
-- The following is valid depending on P0100:
1 MSR = 10--3 mm or 10--4 inch or 10--3 degrees
-- Example: Assumption P0100 = 1 ----> 103 MSR = 1 mm
S The dimension system is selected depending on the axis type
(linear axis, rotary axis), i.e. for a rotary axis, the dimension system
10--3 degrees must be parameterized.
S The dimension system setting must be specified when
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” is commissioned for the first time.

Dimension system Recommendation:

changeover Carry--out the first start--up using the ”correct” dimension system, so
mm <--> inch that it isn’t necessary to later changeover (refer to the following warning
If, after ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” has been first commissioned, it is
6 still necessary to changeover the dimension system setting from mm to
inch, then the following steps must be executed:
1. Enter the required dimension system into P0100
2. Carry out a POWER ON
During run--up, it is identified, that P0100 ≠ P0101 and automati-
cally, all of the parameters, dependent on the dimension system (re-
fer to Chapter A.1) are converted corresponding to the setting in
Parameters that are dependent on the dimension system have the
following units:
-- MSC
-- k * MSR/min
-- 1 000 MSR/s
-- 1 000 MSR/s2
-- 1 000 MSR/s3
-- MSR/rev
If 254 [mm] is located in P0081:4 and a changeover is made from
metric to inch (imperial units), then afterwards, 10 [inch] is located in

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01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

! Although it is possible to subsequently change over the dimension
system, we recommend that you do not do this:
When subsequently changing--over the dimension system from mm to
inch, data, dependent on the dimension system, is converted, whereby
rounding--off errors can occur and value limits can be violated.
The conversion is not made when changing between a rotary axis
(degrees) and linear axis (mm/inch).

Table 6-17 Parameters for the dimension system setting and changeover

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0100 Dimension system 1 1 3 -- PO
... specifies the dimension system grid (MSR) which is being used.
=1 ----> 1 MSR = 10 --3 mm used for linear axes in the metric system
=2 ----> 1 MSR = 10 --4 mm used for linear axes in the inch (imperial) system
=3 ----> 1 MSR = 10 --3 degrees used for rotary axes

P0100 = 1 ----> 345 123 MSR = 345.123 mm
0101 Actual dimension system -- -- -- -- RO
... indicates the currently active dimension system.
If it is identified at POWER ON that P0100 ≠ is P0101, then a dimension system changeover is
automatically made.

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Maximum The maximum velocity of an axis is defined using this parameter.

The drive is limited to this velocity if a higher velocity is specified or pro-
grammed via the override for the reference point approach or is pro-
grammed in the traversing block.
The maximum velocity limit is effective for reference point approach,
when executing a traversing block and in the jogging mode.

Maximum The maximum acceleration when approaching and the maximum decel-
acceleration eration when braking an axis can be specified, independently of one
P0103 another, using these two parameters.
The selected acceleration and deceleration are effective for reference
point approach, when executing a traversing block, and when jogging
(jog mode).

Table 6-18 Parameters for the maximum velocity, acceleration and deceleration

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0102 Maximum velocity 1 000 30 000 000 2 000 000 000 c*MSR/min immedi-
... defines the maximum velocity of the axis in the ”Positioning” mode.
0103 Maximum acceleration 1 100 999 999 1 000 MSR/s2 Vset_0
6 0104 Maximum delay 1 100 999 999 1 000 MSR/s2 Vset_0
... defines the maximum acceleration/deceleration of the axis when approaching/braking.
Maximum velocity (P0102)
Actual velocity
v: Velocity
a : Acceleration
t: Time a
Maximum acceleration (P0103)

Maximum deceleration (P0104)

S The maximum acceleration/deceleration is a step function.
S The effective acceleration or deceleration can be set in the traversing block using an override
(P0083:64/256 or P0084:64/256).

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! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Jerk limiting Acceleration and deceleration are step--like if jerk limiting is not used.
Using jerk limiting, a ramp--type increase can be parameterized for both
(from SW 3.1 )
quantities, so that approach and braking are ”smooth” (jerk--limited).

Applications Jerk limiting can be used, e.g. for positioning tasks using liquids or gen-
erally to reduce the mechanical stressing on an axis.

Table 6-19 Jerk limiting parameters

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0107 Jerk limitation 0 0 100 000 000 1 000 MSR/s3 Vset_0
The duration of the acceleration ramp (jerk time TR) is calculated from the higher value of the
maximum acceleration (P0103), the maximum deceleration (P0104) and the selected jerk limit-
ing (P0107).
v: Velocity
amax [103 MSR/s2] amax: Acceleration (higher value from P0103 and P0104)
TR [s] =
r [103 MSR/s3] r: Jerk
TR: Jerk time (calculated jerk time: refer to P1726)
0 Jerk limiting off
>0 Jerk limiting on, the selected value is effective (refer to P1726)
The jerk is internally limited to the appropriate jerk time of 200 ms. 6

P0103 a



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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-19 Jerk limiting parameters, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

S The following is valid for this diagram: Acceleration and deceleration have been set the
S If, when setting the jerk limiting, the warning 870 ”Jerk: Jerk time is limited” is displayed, then
the actual motion is ”harder” than that set in P0107.
S For traversing motion with a direct transition between acceleration and deceleration (i.e. jerk
time TR is greater than the constant velocity phase), jerk r can increase up to twice the para-
meterized jerk.
1726 Calculated jerk time -- -- -- ms RO
... indicates the calculated, current effective jerk time.
The jerk time is internally limited to 200 ms.
From SW 13.1 and higher, the jerk time is no longer permanently limited to 200 ms, but depends
on the interpolation sampling time.
The jerk time is calculated with: interpolation time [ms] ¯ 200
Therefore, for example, a maximum jerk time of 4 seconds is obtained with an interpolation sam-
pling time of 20 ms. The maximum standard value is 800 ms (interpolation sampling time 4 ms).

6 Table 6-20 Examples for acceleration, deceleration and jerk limiting

P01031) P01041) P01071) Which jerk time

(Maximum (Maximum (Jerk is effective for
acceleration) deceleration) limiting) acceleration and deceleration?
[1000 MSR/s2] [1000 MSR/s2] [1000 MSR/s3]
= 2 000 = 2 000 = 100 000 amax = 2 m/s2
----> 2 m/s2 ----> 2 m/s2 ----> 100 m/s3 ----> Jerk time = 20 ms
= 8 000 = 2 000 = 100 000 amax = 8 m/s2
----> 8 m/s2 ----> 2 m/s2 ----> 100 m/s3 ----> Jerk time = 80 ms
The jerk time of 80 ms is effective for accel-
eration and deceleration.
= 2 000 = 8 000 = 100 000 amax = 8 m/s2
----> 2 m/s2 ----> 8 m/s2 ----> 100 m/s3 ----> Jerk time = 80 ms
The jerk time of 80 ms is effective for accel-
eration and deceleration.
= 30 000 = 25 000 = 100 000 amax = 30 m/s2
----> 30 m/s2 ----> 25 m/s2 ----> 100 m/s3 ----> Jerk time = 300 ms
A warning is output, and the jerk is limited
corresponding to the jerk time of 200 ms for
acceleration and deceleration.

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01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Table 6-20 Examples for acceleration, deceleration and jerk limiting, continued

P01031) P01041) P01071) Which jerk time

(Maximum (Maximum (Jerk is effective for
acceleration) deceleration) limiting) acceleration and deceleration?
[1000 MSR/s2] [1000 MSR/s2] [1000 MSR/s3]
= 8 000 = 2 000 = 200 000 amax = 8 m/s2
----> 8 m/s2 ----> 2 m/s2 ----> 200 m/s3 ----> Jerk time = 40 ms
The jerk time of 40 ms is effective for accel-
eration and deceleration.
1) Prerequisites:
There is a metric linear axis (dimension system P0100 = 1 ----> 1000 MSR = 1 mm)

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Velocity override The velocity of an axis can be influenced using the velocity override or
P0111 also known as just override.

The maximum traversing velocity is limited by the maximum velocity
set in P0102.
The override has no effect on the acceleration/deceleration, i.e. when
the override is doubled, the axis velocity is doubled, but the positioning
time is not halved.

How can the The override can be entered as follows:

override S Analog input, terminals 56.x/14.x
be entered? The following prerequisites must be fulfilled to enter an override via
the analog input:
-- Set P0607 to 2 (refer to Chapter 6.6):
The analog input is declared as override input.
-- Set P0111 and P0112:
The reference voltage and normalization is defined.
-- SimoCom U may not have the master control.
6 The override is entered via the ”Over” control word.
S SimoCom U
SimoCom U must have the master control to set an override.

Table 6-21 Parameter for override via analog input, terminal 56.x/14.x

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0111 Normalization voltage, override 5.0 10.0 12.5 V(pk) immedi-
0112 Normalization, override 0 100 255 % immedi-
P0111: ... defines at which input voltage the override, specified in P0112 is valid.
P0112: ... defines which override is valid when applying the voltage specified in P0111.

Override [%] Standard values:

Max. P0111 = 10.0 V
P0112 = 100%
P0112 ---->
10 V at term. 56.x/14.x ≐ 100% override
U [V] 0 V at term. 56.x/14.x ≐ 0% override
P0111 12.5 V
For analog input, terminal 56.x/14.x, in addition the following parameters are effective (refer to
Chapter 6.6):
P0608 Inversion, terminal 56.x/14.x
P0609 Smoothing time, terminal 56.x/14.x
P0610 Offset correction, terminal 56.x/14.x

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01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Limit switch For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, the following limit switch monitoring
monitoring functions can be used:
S Hardware limit switches (HW limit switch)
S Software limit switches (SW limit switches)
The limit switch monitoring functions can be used to limit the operating
range or to protect the machine.

Minus Plus
software software
Minus limit switch limit switch Plus
hardware P0314 hardware
limit switch limit switch
(NC contact) P0315 P0316 (NC contact)

Output Output
signal signal
”minus ”plus
Mechanical Mechanical
software software
end of end of
limit switch limit switch
traversing traversing
actuated” actuated”
range range
Input terminal with Input terminal with
the ”minus hardware the ”plus hardware
limit switch” function limit switch” function

Fig. 6-15 Overview of the limit switch monitoring functions


Hardware There is a hardware limit switch for every axis and every approach
limit switch direction.
(HW limit switch)
The HW limit switches must be connected to an input terminal with the
following function numbers:
S ”Plus hardware limit switch” function ----> function number 81
S ”Minus hardware limit switch” function ----> function number 82
----> Refer to Chapter 6.4.2

Traverse to a When traversing to a hardware limit switch, the associated input signal
hardware limit is set and the following response is automatically initiated:
S The axis is braked with the deceleration level set in P0104 (maxi-
mum deceleration) and therefore comes to a standstill after the limit
switch. The drive remains in the closed--loop controlled mode.
S One of the following faults is signaled:
-- Fault 140 Minus hardware limit switch
-- Fault 141 Plus hardware limit switch
S The jogging key is inhibited in the direction of motion
S The traversing block is exited

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

How do you move If an axis is located at a hardware limit switch, then it can be moved
away from a away again as follows:
hardware limit
S Return the axis to the valid traversing range
-- Move away jogging in the opposite direction to the approach direction
-- Withdraw the controller enable and move the drive away manually
S Withdraw controller enable (terminal 65.x)
S Acknowledge the fault
Software The minus software limit switch (P0315) and the plus software limit
limit switches switch (P0316) must be appropriately set to limit the working range or
(SW limit switches) to protect the machine.
P0316 Notice
The software limit switches only become active if the following
conditions exist:
S The function is activated via P0314
S The axis is referenced (”reference point set” output signal)
Only then is it certain that the axis will be immediately stopped if it
attempts to move out of the permissible range.
The SW limit switch monitoring is dependent on the axis type as
S For a linear axis or rotary axis with modulo correction, the following
is valid:
The software limit switches can be activated via P0314 and set via
P0315 and P0316.
S For rotary axis with modulo correction (from SW 2.4), the following
is valid:
The software limit switches are automatically de--activated. If
monitoring is parameterized, it has no effect.

Output signals The status of a software limit switch is displayed using the following
signals (refer to Chapter 6.4.5):
S ”Minus software limit switch actuated” output signal
S ”Plus software limit switch actuated” output signal

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6-386 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Traverse to a When traversing to a software limit switch, the following response is

software limit automatically initiated:
S Behavior in the jog mode (via velocity)
-- When the axis reaches the software limit switch, it is braked with
the deceleration level set in P0104 (maximum deceleration) and
therefore comes to a standstill after the limit switch.
-- One of the following faults is signaled:
Fault 132 (drive is located after the minus software limit switch)
Fault 133 (drive is located after the plus software limit switch)
-- The jog button is inhibited in the approach direction.
S Behavior in the positioning mode (traversing blocks) and for incre-
mental jogging operation (from SW 4.1)
-- The axis comes to a standstill directly at the software limit
-- The traversing block or jogging operation is interrupted.
-- One of the following faults/warnings is signaled:
P0118.0 = 0 (standard, before SW 4.1)
Fault 119 (PLUS software limit switch actuated)
Fault 120 (MINUS software limit switch actuated)
P0118.0 = 1 (from SW 4.1)
Warning 849 (PLUS software limit switch actuated) 6
Warning 850 (MINUS software limit switch actuated)
-- When a target position is parameterized after a software
limit switch, the traversing block is not started and fault 101 or
102 is output.
How do you move If an axis is at a software limit switch, then it can be returned to the
away from a valid traversing range as follows:
software limit S P0118.0 = 0 (standard, before SW 4.1)
-- Return the axis to the valid traversing range
In the jogging mode (via velocity), move away in the direction
opposite to the approach direction
Withdraw the controller enable and move the drive away ma-
-- Withdraw controller enable (terminal 65.x)
-- Acknowledge the fault
S P0118.0 = 1 (from SW 4.1)
-- In the jogging mode (incremental or via velocity), move away in
the direction opposite to the approach direction
-- Move away, with the traversing block in the opposite direction to
the approach direction

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

If an axis is located after a software limit switch, then it is only possible

to move away in the opposite direction to the approach direction in the
jog mode via velocity.

Table 6-22 Parameters for software limit switch

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0118 Software limit switch 0 0 1 -- immedi-
configuration ately
The configuration for software limit switch reached is defined using these parameters.
Bit 0 = 1 Software limit switch reached with warning 849/850 (from SW 4.1)
Bit 0 = 0 Software limit switch reached with fault 119/120 (before SW 4.1)
0314 Activate software limit 0 0 1 -- PrgE
The software limit switches can be activated/de--activated using these parameters.
=1 Software limit switch active
=0 Software limit switch inactive (e.g. this is necessary for a rotary axis)
0315 Minus software limit --200 000 000 --200 000 000 200 000 000 MSC PrgE
0316 Plus software limit --200 000 000 200 000 000 200 000 000 MSC PrgE

6 The minus and plus positions for the software limit switches are set using these parameters.
The following applies: P0315 (minus software limit switch) < P0316 (plus software limit switch)

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6-388 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Position--related Using the position--dependent switching signals 1 and 2, cams can be

switching signals simulated without any mechanical equipment (e.g. at inaccessible posi-
(cams) tions), dependent on the actual position value.
The absolute cam switching positions are entered via parameter, and
the associated cam switching signals are output as output signal.

Only after the axis has been referenced, is it guaranteed that the cam
switching signals really do have a ”true” position reference when
This means that an AND logic operation must be externally established
between the ”Reference point set/reference point not set” output signal
and the ”Cam switching signals 1, 2” output signals (e.g. using an
external PLC).

Table 6-23 Parameters for position--related switching signals (cams)

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0310 Cam switching position 1 --200 000 000 0 200 000 000 MSC immedi-
0311 Cam switching position 2 --200 000 000 0 200 000 000 MSC immedi- 6
The cam switching positions 1 and 2 are set using these parameters.
The following assignment applies:
P0310 (cam switching position 1) ----> cam switching signal 1
P0311 (cam switching position 2) ----> cam switching signal 2
Also refer under the index entry ”Output signal, cam switching signals 1 and 2”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-389
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Backlash When mechanical force is transferred between a machine part and its
compensation drive, generally backlash occurs. If the mechanical system was to be
P0201 adjusted/designed so that there was absolutely no play, this would re-
sult in high wear. Thus, backlash (play) can occur between the machine
component and the encoder.
For axes with indirect position sensing, mechanical backlash results in
a falsification of the traversing distance, as, at direction reversal, the
axis travels either too far or not far enough corresponding to the abso-
lute value of the backlash.

The backlash compensation is active, after
S The axis has been referenced for incremental measuring systems
S The axis has been adjusted for absolute measuring systems
When backlash compensation is switched--in and there is a negative
traversing direction, then a direction of reversal can occur -- however
the correct position is approached. Remedy: Delete bit 8 in parameter

In order to compensate the backlash, the determined backlash must be

specified in P0201 with the correct polarity.
At each direction of rotation reversal, the axis actual value is corrected
dependent on the actual traversing direction.

Table M: Motor Table

E: Encoder

The encoder actual value leads the actual The actual value (table) leads the encoder actual
value (table) at direction reversal. value at a direction of rotation reversal.
----> the table doesn’t travel far enough ----> the table travels too far
----> positive backlash (standard case) ----> negative backlash

Fig. 6-16 Positive and negative backlash compensation

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-390 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Table 6-24 Parameters for backlash compensation

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0201 Backlash compensation --20 000 0 20 000 MSC immedi-
... switches the backlash compensation in/out, and defines the absolute backlash amount for a
positive or negative backlash.
=0 The backlash (play) compensation is disabled
>0 Positive play (standard situation)
For a direction of rotation reversal, the encoder actual value leads the actual value
(table). The table does not travel far enough.
<0 Negative play
The actual value (table) leads the encoder actual value at direction reversal. The
table travels too far.
S Search for reference: When is the compensation value switched--in?
When the zero mark is detected, backlash compensation is activated, only for P0173 = 1 (no
reference cams).
If the axis continues to move
-- in the same direction after the reference point approach ----> then a compensation value
is not entered
-- in the opposite direction ----> the compensation value is entered when the velocity set-
point reverses
S Reference point setting: When is the compensation value switched--in?
The behavior when first traversing after the ”Set reference point” in the positive or negative
direction depends on the setting ”Reference point approach -- plus/minus” (P0166).
0 Traversing in the pos. direction ----> a comp. value is not entered
Traversing in the neg. direction ----> comp. value is immediately entered
1 Traversing in the pos. direction ----> comp. value is immediately entered
Traversing in the neg. direction ----> a comp. value is not entered
= 1 ----> Negative direction
= 0 ----> Positive direction
If the reference point is simply set again (new command, with and without withdrawing the bit
”axis is referenced”), then for backlash compensation, the system acts as if the reference
point was not set again.
The behavior mentioned above is only seen after power--on or POWER--ON RESET!
S Absolute value encoder adjusted: When is the compensation value switched--in?
The behavior when first traversing after power--on, depends on the setting for ”reference
cams -- with/without” (P0173) and ”Direction reference point approach -- positive/negative”
The following applies:
P0173 P0166
0 0 Traversing in the pos. direction ----> comp. value is immediately entered
Traversing in the neg. direction ----> a comp. value is not entered
0 1 Traversing in the pos. direction ----> comp. value is not entered
Traversing in the neg. direction ----> a comp. value is immediately entered
1 0 Traversing in the pos. direction ----> comp. value is not entered
Traversing in the neg. direction ----> a comp. value is immediately entered
1 1 Traversing in the pos. direction ----> comp. value is immediately entered
Traversing in the neg. direction ----> a comp. value is not entered
= 1 ----> Negative direction
= 0 ----> Positive direction
= 1 ----> No reference cams used
= 0 ----> Reference cams used

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-391
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Position The position loop gain (Kv factor) defines which following error is ob-
loop gain tained at which axis traversing velocity.
(Kv factor) The mathematical (proportional) equation is as follows:
P0031 1m
Speed v min 1000
Kv factor = [1000/min] =
Following error ns mm min

The Kv factor influences the following important characteristic quantities

of the axis:
S Positioning accuracy and holding control
S Uniformity of the motion
S Positioning time
The better the axis design (high degree of stiffness), then the higher is
the achievable Kv factor, and therefore the better the axis parameters
from the technological perspective (lower following error).

The stable position loop gain which can actually be set for the
complete position control loop is influenced by time constants as well
6 as backlash (play) and spring elements in the control loop.
The required Kv factor is entered in P0200:8.
The actual (measured) Kv factor is displayed in P0031.

Table 6-25 Parameters for the position loop gain

No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Ef-

dard fec-
0200:8 Kv factor (position loop gain) 0.0 1.0 300.0 1 000/min im-
The Kv factor defines at which traversing velocity of the axis which following error is obtained.
Low Kv factor: Slow response to setpoint--actual value difference ns is high
High Kv factor: Fast response to setpoint--actual value difference, ns is small
Examples:Kv factor Significance
= 0.5 at v = 1 m/min an ns of 2 mm
= 1 is obtained at v = 1 m/min an ns of 1 mm
= 2 is obtained at v = 1 m/min an ns of 0.5 mm is obtained
The following parameters are available for position loop gain diagnostics:
S P0029 Following error
S P0030 System deviation, position controller input
S P0031 Actual Kv factor (position loop gain)
Refer under the index entry ”Diagnostics of the motion status”

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6-392 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Speed For speed pre--control, in addition a speed/velocity setpoint can be di-

pre--control rectly entered at the speed controller input. This additional setpoint can
P0203 be weighed with a factor.
The speed pre--control improves the control characteristics of the posi-
tion control loop in so much that for a constant velocity, the following
error is almost completely reduced, i.e. to almost zero.

pre--control Clock cycle adaptation
with P0203)
1st 2nd
speed + speed Speed
Inter-- Position set-- set--
con- con-
polator point point trol--
-- troller filter filter
xset P0205:8 P0206:8 ler

Fig. 6-17 Speed pre--control

Setting the speed

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled to set the speed pre--control: 6
S The current, speed and position control loop must be optimized.
After that, the speed pre--control can be set as follows:
1. Set P0203 = 1 ----> this activates speed pre--control
2. Set P0204:8 to 100 % (this is the standard value)
3. P0206:8 = Set the approximate value from the sum of
P1502:8 (time constant, speed setpoint filter 1) and
P1503:8 (time constant, speed setpoint filter 2)

4. P0205:8 = determine the value

Setting goal is: Positioning without undershoot or overshoot
Traverse the axis using the traversing blocks, and evaluate position-
ing by plotting the position actual value using the trace function (re-
fer to Chapter 7.4.2).
With the trace function, the approach characteristics of the axis can
be zoomed in using the appropriate scaling and then evaluated.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-393
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-26 Parameters for speed pre--control

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0203 Speed pre--control mode 0 0 1 -- immedi-
... the speed pre--control can be activated/de--activated.
1 Speed pre--control active
0 Pre--control not active
0204:8 Factor, speed pre--control 1.0 100.0 100.0 % immedi-
... the supplementary speed setpoint which was entered is weighted.
When the axis control loop has been optimally set as well as an equivalent time constant of the
speed control loop (P0205, P0206) precisely determined, the pre--control factor has the value
0205:8 Balancing filter, speed pre--control 0.0 0.0 10.0 ms immedi-
(dead time) ately
... allows the performance of the speed control loop to be simulated with a dead time.
The entered value is limited to two position controller clock cycles (P1009)
(1 position controller clock cycle is, as standard = 2 ms, refer to Chapter 4.6).
0206:8 Balancing filter, speed pre--control 0.0 0.0 100.0 ms immedi-
(PT1) ately
6 ... allows, in addition to P0205:8 the performance of the speed control loop to be simulated us-
ing a PT1 filter (low--pass filter).
... allows a possibly active speed setpoint smoothing to be better emulated (PT1).
0210:8 Time constant, position reference value 0.0 0.0 1 000.0 ms immedi-
filter ately
... is the time constant of the PT1 position reference value filter.
The effective Kv factor is reduced using the filter (position loop gain).
S To reduce the pre--control dynamic performance
Example: Kv factor = 3 * 1000/min ----> P0210:8 = 20.0 ms
S Jerk limiting
This makes it possible to achieve smoother control characteristics with improved response
to disturbances.
1012.8 Average value filter, speed setpoint -- -- -- Hex immedi-
... selects whether the speed setpoint steps from the position controller output (position control-
ler clock cycle) are interpolated in the speed controller clock cycle (adapted).
=1 Average value filter, speed setpoint filter on (standard)
Disadvantage: Delay in the position control loop by half a position controller clock
=0 Average value filter, speed setpoint off

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6-394 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Direction The position actual value and the position reference value can be
adaptation adapted using these parameters.
The direction adaptation should be made as follows:
1. The position control sense is not correct?
A fault is immediately signaled when moving the axis (e.g.:
131 (following error too high) or 135
(standstill monitoring has responded).
Invert the position actual value in P0231; POWER ON and check
the control sense.
2. The direction of motion is not correct?
The axis does not move in the required direction.
Invert the position reference value in P0232; POWER ON, and
check the direction of motion.

Table 6-27 Parameters for direction adaptation

Position actual value inversion 0
Min. Standard
0 1
Unit Effective
... the control sense of the position controller is established.
=1 Position actual value inversion
=0 No position actual value inversion
If the control sense of the position controller is not correct, then the position actual value must
be inverted. The direction of motion is set using P0232.
0232 Position reference value inversion 0 0 1 -- PO
... the required motion direction is selected.
=1 Position reference value inversion
Positive motor speed ----> the position is decreased (negative position count direc-
=0 No position reference value inversion
Positive motor speed ----> the position is increased (positive position count direction)
The position controller control sense is not influenced, i.e. it is internally taken into consider-

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-395
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Dynamic following When traversing an axis, a difference is obtained between the position
error monitoring reference value and position actual value, dependent on the following
quantities (following error):
S The instantaneous traversing velocity
S The stabilizing characteristics of the position control loop, i.e. of the
selected position control loop gain (Kv factor, P0200:8)
Fluctuations of the following error for a traversing axis signify inaccu-
rate positioning.
In order to be able to check these fluctuations, the following error moni-
toring must be appropriately set.

Mode of operation The dynamic following error monitoring is activated/de--activated with

P0318:8, and is based on the continuous comparison between the
measured and a calculated position actual value.
To calculate the following error, a model is used, which simulates the
dynamic performance of the position control loop.
A tolerance bandwidth (P0318:8) for the maximum following error devi-
ation is permitted so that the monitoring does not respond incorrectly
as a result of slight speed fluctuations (caused by load changes or by a
control loop model error).

Following error P0318:8

6 Δx

--vmax vmax Velocity


Fig. 6-18 Following error

Fault When the monitoring function responds, the drive is braked down to
standstill with the deceleration set in P0104 (max. deceleration) and
fault 131 (following error too high) is output.
A changeover is made into the follow--up mode.

Table 6-28 Parameters for the dynamic following error monitoring

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0318:8 Dynamic following error monitoring 0 1 000 200 000 000 MSC immedi-
tolerance ately
The parameter defines the maximum deviation between the measured and the calculated posi-
tion actual value before an error is signaled.
The tolerance bandwidth is intended to prevent the dynamic following error monitoring incor-
rectly responding caused by slight speed fluctuations resulting from operational control se-
quences (e.g. load surges).
0 Dynamic following error monitoring is de--activated
≥1 The dynamic following error monitoring is active with this value

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6-396 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.06 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Standstill Using the standstill monitoring function, it can be detected when the
monitoring axis leaves the target position (under load, for hanging axes, etc.).

Mode of operation The standstill monitoring time (P0325) is started after a motion block
has been completed (position reference value = target reference
After the delay time has expired, it is cyclically monitored as to whether
the position actual value remains within the defined standstill window

Single evaluation for the

positioning monitoring function
Position Positioning window P0321


Position Standstill window

actual P0326
value value
From here, cyclic evaluation
of the standstill monitoring

t 6
Standstill monitoring time P0325

Positioning monitoring time P0320

Fig. 6-19 Standstill and positioning monitoring

Fault When the standstill monitoring function responds, the drive is braked
down to standstill with the deceleration level set in P0104 (maximum
deceleration) and fault 135 (standstill monitoring) is signaled.
A changeover is made into the follow--up mode.

Switching--off The standstill monitoring function is disabled, if

S a new traversing block is started
S Follow--up mode is selected
S The standstill window has the value zero (P0326 = 0)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-397
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-29 Parameters for the standstill monitoring function

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0325 Standstill monitoring time 0 400 100 000 ms immedi-
This parameter defines the time after which, when approaching the position, the following error
must be within the standstill window (P0326).
S The standstill monitoring time is rounded--off in the drive to an integer multiple of the posi-
tion controller clock cycle (P1009).
S If a larger value is entered in P0325 than in P0320, this is limited internally in the drive to
0326 Standstill window 0 200 20 000 MSC immedi-
This parameter defines the standstill window, within which the position actual value must be
located after the standstill monitoring time has expired (P0325).
0 Standstill monitoring is de--activated
≥1 Standstill monitoring is active with this value

Standstill and There are the following differences between the standstill and position-
positioning ing monitoring:
6 monitoring
S Standstill monitoring
After the standstill monitoring time has expired, the system cycli-
cally checks whether the axis remains within the standstill window
around the target position.
Objective: Continually checks that the position is maintained
S Position monitoring
For this monitoring function, after the position monitoring time has
expired, it is checked once whether the actual position lies within
the positioning window around the target position.
Objective: Single check as to whether the position has been
reached with sufficient accuracy

The following is valid when setting the standstill and position
S Standstill monitoring time ≤ position monitoring time
(P0325 ≤ P0320)
S Standstill window ≥ positioning window
(P0326 ≥ P0321)

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6-398 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Position The position monitoring can be used to identify when the target position
monitoring is precisely approached.

Mode of operation In order to ensure that an axis is positioned within a specific time, after
a motion block has been completed (partial position reference value =
0, ≐ time t1 in Fig. 6-20) the position monitoring time (P0320) is
After this time has expired, it is checked once as to whether the posi-
tion actual value lies within the positioning window (P0321).

value Positioning window P0321

Position Position Fault

reference actual
value value
Position monitoring time
a b c P0320

t1 t2 t3

Setpoint static
1 signal 6
0 signal

1 signal
Reference position reached
0 signal

Fig. 6-20 Position monitoring

Table 6-30 Explanation of curves a, b and c

Curve Description
a After the target position has been reached in t1 the interpolator
starts the positioning monitoring time.
b From time t2 the position actual value is within the positioning win-
dow. Positioning is considered as having been completed.
c After the positioning monitoring time has expired in t3, the position
actual value lies outside the positioning window. This results in an

Output signals The following output signals are available

(description, refer under the index entry ”Output signal...”):
S Output signal, ”setpoint static”
S Output signal, ”reference position reached”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-399
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Fault When the monitoring function responds, the drive is shutdown and fault
134 is issued (positioning monitoring). A changeover is made into the
follow--up mode.

Table 6-31 Parameters for the positioning monitoring function

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0320 Positioning monitoring time 0 1 000 100 000 ms immedi-
This parameter defines the time when approaching the position, after which the following error
must be within positioning window (P0321).
The following applies when setting the positioning and standstill monitoring:
Positioning monitoring time (P0320) ≥ Standstill monitoring time (P0325)
0321 Positioning window 0 40 20 000 MSC immedi-
This parameter defines the positioning window within which the position actual value must be
located after the positioning monitoring time has expired (P0320).
0 Positioning monitoring is de--activated
≥1 Positioning monitoring is active with this value
S The following applies when setting the positioning and standstill monitoring:
6 Positioning window (P0321) ≤ Standstill window (P0326)
S The following is valid if the specified positioning window is not reached:
-- The motion block has not been completed
-- It is not possible to traverse the axis any further
-- After the time in P0320 has expired, fault 134 is issued (positioning monitoring)
S The size of the positioning window influences the block change time.
The lower that this tolerance is selected, then the longer positioning takes. It also takes that
much longer until the next traversing block can be executed.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-400 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
10.04 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Follow--up mode If an axis is in the follow--up mode, then the control is disabled and its
position reference value tracks the actual position actual value.
The actual position of the axis is still being sensed -- this means that it
is not necessary to re--home (re--reference) the axis when the fol-
low--up mode (correcting mode) is cancelled.

Selection, signals In the follow--up mode, there are various selection possibilities and sig-
S The follow--up mode is selected, if
-- controller enable terminal 65.x is withdrawn
the ”follow--up mode” input signal is set to ”1”
-- Jogging operation (jogging 1, 2) is active (when jogging via the
velocity, not for incremental jogging)
-- When a fault develops, automatically using ”SIMODRIVE 611
universal” (only for a STOP 0, I or II stop response)

S In all cases, the checkback signal is realized using the output signal
”follow--up mode active”.

Effect The ”follow--up mode” input signal is only relevant if the controller
enable (terminal 65.x) of the drive is withdrawn or if the controller is 6
S Follow--up mode = 1 (so--called tracking)
When the axis--specific controller enable is withdrawn (terminal
65.x), the position reference value of the associated axis continually
tracks the position actual value. In this status, the ”follow--up mode
active” output signal = ”1”.
If the controller is re--enabled, all additional axis movements start at
the actual position which may have changed.
S Follow--up mode = 0 (stopping)
No follow--up operation is activated when the controller enable is
withdrawn and the following error, positioning and standstill monitor-
ing are disabled. This means that the old position reference value is
kept. If the axis is pushed out of its position, a following error occurs
between the position reference value and the position actual value,
which is compensated when the controller enable is set. In this sta-
tus, the ”follow--up mode active” output signal = ”0”. However, when
the monitoring function is enabled, follow--up mode is activated and
the position reference value follows the position actual value.
All additional axis movements start at the reference position, which
was available before the controller enable was withdrawn.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-401
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Input terminal 1
controller enable,
terminal 65.x 0
The ramp--function
(RFG, refer to Chapter
6.1.3) is activated
”Follow--up mode” 1
input signal

”Follow--up mode
active” 0
output signal

Fig. 6-21 Characteristics (time) in the follow--up mode

If the follow--up mode is active and the input signal ”follow--up mode” is
set, then the dynamic following error monitoring, the position
monitoring and the standstill monitoring are not effective.

Diagnostics: The following parameters provide information about the actual motion
Motion status of an axis:
status of the axis
S P0020 Position reference value
S P0021 Position actual value
S P0022 Distance to go
S P0023 Velocity setpoint
S P0024 Velocity actual value
S P0025 Effective override
S P0026 Position act. value, ext. block change (from SW 3.1)
S P0029 Following error
S P0030 System deviation, position controller input
S P0031 Actual Kv factor (position loop gain)

Reader’s note
The parameters are displayed and described in the parameter list is
Chapter A.1.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-402 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

6.2.4 Referencing and adjusting

Definitions In order that the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” drive precisely identifies
the machine zero point after power--on, the axis measuring system
must be synchronized with the machine.
This synchronization is realized when referencing incremental measur-
ing systems or adjusting absolute measuring systems.

The following functions are ineffective for axes which are either not
referenced not adjusted:
S Software limit switches
S Backlash compensation
S Start the traversing blocks

6.2.5 Referencing for incremental measuring systems

General For axes with incremental measuring systems, each time the system is
powered--up, the position reference to the machine zero point must be
Synchronization is realized for a reference point approach by accepting
a specific position value at a known point of the axis.

S Before SW 4.1:
The encoder must be re--referenced if, for a referenced incremental
measuring system, a parameter set was changed over.
S From SW 4.1:
Using P0239, the behavior for a parameter set changeover can be
set for a motor measuring system.
P0239 = 0: Behavior as before SW 4.1 (standard)
P0239 = 1: For a parameter set changeover, it is only necessary
to re--reference the encoder, if the ratio P0237/P0238
has changed.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-403
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Starting the The reference point approach can be started in the ”positioning” mode
reference point via the ”start referencing” input signal.
The signal can be entered via an input terminal or via PROFIBUS--DP,
and must remain set until the end of the reference point approach
travel via the ”reference point set” output signal.
If the ”start referencing” signal is reset during referencing, then refer-
encing is exited and the drive stops.
For a 2--axis control board, the reference point approach for both axes
can be started and executed, either one after the other or simulta-
The approach direction for reference point approach is defined using

Axis with Axes, which have several zero marks over their complete traversing
reference cams range (e.g. incremental, rotary measuring system), require a reference
(P0173 = 0) cam to select the ”correct” zero mark when referencing.
The reference point approach for these axes is executed in 3 phases:

Phase 1: When starting the reference point approach, the following statuses are
Traverse to the available:
reference cams
6 S Axis is located in front of the reference cam
After the reference point approach is started, the axis moves with
the reference point approach velocity (P0163) in the direction speci-
fied by P0166.
The drive detects the reference cam using the input signal ”refer-
ence cam” and for a ”1” signal brakes down to standstill.
It continues with the ”synchronization with the zero pulse”.

The maximum permissible distance from the starting position up to the
reference cams can be monitored using P0170 (maximum distance to
the reference cams).
The override influences the reference point approach velocity.

S The axis is located at the reference cam

After the reference point approach has started, it is considered as
having been completed with ”travel to the reference cam”.
It continues with the ”synchronization with the zero pulse”.

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6-404 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.05 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Phase 2: The axis traverses with the reference point shutdown velocity (P0164)
Synchronization in the opposite direction to that specified in P0166.
using the After the reference cam has been left (input signal, ”reference cam” =
zero pulse ”0” signal), the axis synchronizes with the first zero pulse. The axis
brakes down to standstill.
The system continues with ”traverse to reference point”.

The maximum permissible travel from the reference cams to the zero
pulse can be monitored using P0171 (max. distance between the
reference cam/zero pulse).
The override is not effective.

Phase 3: The axis traverses with the reference point approach velocity (P0165),
Traversing to the the reference point offset (P0162) in a positive or negative direction
reference point referred to the zero pulse.
The following is achieved when the axis reaches the reference point:
S The reference point coordinate (P0160 = 0) is transferred as the
new reference position.
S The ”reference point set” output signal is set to a ”1” signal.
S From SW 8.3, the reference point approach (homing) can be termi-
nated after the zero mark has been detected, refer to Table 6-34
(P0160 = 1).
If the reference point offset is less than the braking travel of the axis
from the reference point shutdown velocity to standstill, then the
reference point is approached from the other direction.
The override is not effective.

Mounting a The reference cam signal must be connected to an input terminal with
reference cam function number 78 (reference cam).
Parameter P0167 can be used to adapt the signal characteristics of the
reference cam (NO/NC characteristics).

Table 6-32 Adapting the reference cam signal

If then, when P0167

the reference cam
Normally a 0/1 edge P0167 = 0 (no inversion)
open con- or 1/0 edge ----> (standard)
Normally a 0/1 edge P0167 = 1 (inversion)
closed con- or 1/0 edge ---->

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-405
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Reference cams
Motion e.g.:
P0662 = 78
M input I2.x
E I2.x with function No. 78
(reference cams,
Motor and refer to Chap. 6.4.2)

Fig. 6-22 Mounting a reference cam

Adjusting the The following factors influence how the drive identifies the reference
reference cam cam from a time perspective:
S Accuracy or time delay when detecting a reference cam
S Delay at the input, position controller clock cycle, interpolation clock
cycle, ...

! If the reference cam is not adjusted, so that at each reference point
approach, the same zero pulse is recognized for synchronization, then

6 an ”incorrect” machine zero point is obtained.

Experience has shown that it is best to adjust the reference cam edge,
required for synchronization, at the center between two zero pulses.

Example when adjusting the reference cam

After the reference point approach, the distance between the reference
cams and the zero pulse can be read in P0172.
This means that when the distance between 2 zero pulses is known,
the reference cam offset travel can be calculated.

P0172 Reference cams

Adjustment goal:
The reference cams
--”-- --”-- should be shifted, so that half
of the distance between
Distance 2 zero pulses is located in the
between 2 zero pulses P0172

Fig. 6-23 Adjusting the reference cam

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-406 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

What is the The reference cam must be long enough, so that when the cam is
minimum length of a approached with the reference point approach velocity, the braking
reference cam? travel ends right at the cam (the axis comes to a standstill at the cam),
and the cam is exited with the reference point shutdown velocity.
The minimum length of the reference cam is calculated as follows:

(reference point approach velocity)2 P01632

Min. length = =
2 S deceleration 2 S P0104

This only applies if the jerk limiting is not active (P0107 = 0), otherwise longer.

Table 6-33 Reference cam up to the end of the traversing range?

If..., then ...

the cam ex- the reference point approach can be started from every
tends up to the point of the axis.
end of the tra- Reason:
versing range,
There are 2 conditions in this case (in front of and actually
at the cam).
Recommenda- The axis behaves appropriately at the start of the reference
tion point approach, and traverses correctly for the reference

the reference
point approach.
The axis must be traversed into the range, determined at
cam does not start--up, before the reference point approach is started.
extend up to the Reason:
end of the tra-
In this case, there are 3 initial conditions (in front of, at or
versing range,
behind the cam). The drive cannot differentiate between in
front of and behind the cam, and for the reference point
approach, for a specific initial condition it does not reach
the reference cam.

Axis without Axes, which only have one zero mark over their complete traversing
reference cams range (e.g. rotary axes), do not require any reference cams when refer-
(P0173 = 1) encing.
A reference point approach for these axes is executed as follows:
1. Synchronization with the zero pulse (phase 2,
refer to ”axis with reference cams” (P0173 = 0)”
2. Travel to the reference point (phase 3,
refer to ”axis with reference cam (P0173 = 0)”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-407
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Motion sequence The referencing motion is shown in the following table as a function of
when the reference cams.
Table 6-34 Sequence when referencing (homing) for an incremental
measuring system

With/without In front of/at Motion sequence

Reference cams
Vappr. V

Axis is in
front of Ventry
the reference
Axis RK Reference cams
with Zero mark
(P0173 = 0)

Axis is at Ventry
the reference
cam Start

6 RK Reference cams
Zero mark
Axis tra-
verses up to Ventry
the reference
point (P0161 Start
= 0)1)
with Zero mark
f RV
Axis tra-
(P0173 = 1) Vshutd.
verses up to
after the zero
(P0161 = 1)1) HM Start
SW 8.3) RK
Zero mark

Vappr. P0163 (reference point approach velocity)
Vshutd. P0164 (reference point shutdown velocity)
Ventry P0165 (reference point entry velocity)
RV P0162 (reference point offset)
RK P0160 (reference point coordinate)
HM P0161 (stop at marks)
1) When referencing (homing), the act. position is not displayed in SimoCom U.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-408 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.05 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

6.2.6 Referencing with a distance--coded measuring system (from SW 8.3)

General In the case of measurement systems with distancecoded reference

marks, it is not necessary to evaluate a reference cam or approach a
defined reference point in order to reference the machine axis.
Measuring systems of this type consist of a line grid and a reference
mark track running parallel to this. The distance between two
consecutive reference marks is defined variably, so that the absolute
position of the machine axis can be determined from the distance.
For axes with incremental measuring systems, each time the system is
powered--up, the position reference to the machine zero point must be
Synchronization is realized at reference point approach by accepting a
specific position value at a known point of the axis.

The distance between the zero marks is continually monitored.
Only encoders are monitored whose pulse number can be divide by
either 16 or 10!

Starting the The reference point approach can be started in the ”positioning” mode
reference point via the ”start referencing” input signal.
The input signal is entered using an input terminal with function number
65, and must remain set until the end of the reference point approach is
signaled using the output signal ”reference point set” (function number
If the ”start referencing” signal is reset during referencing, then refer-
encing is exited and the drive stops.
During the reference point approach (homing), at least two reference
marks (zero marks) are passed. The reference point approach (hom-
ing) is completed when these zero marks have been passed and the
drive has been braked.
For a 2--axis control board, the reference point approach for both axes
can be started and executed, either one after the other or simulta-
The approach direction for reference point approach is defined using
The reference point approach (homing) is executed in 2 phases (refer
to Table 6-35):

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-409
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Phase 1: The axis traverses with the reference point shutdown velocity (P0164)
Synchronizing using in the direction specified in P0166.
two zero pulses
The system is synchronized when passing two zero pulses (position of
two zero marks). The axis brakes down to standstill after the second
zero pulse.
The system continues with ”traverse to reference point”.

The maximum permissible distance from the start up to the second
zero pulse is monitored using P0171 (max. distance between the
reference cams or start/zero pulse). For distance--coded measuring
systems, it is practical to set the basic distance.
The override is not effective.

Phase 2: The axis traverses with the reference point approach velocity (P0165),
Traversing to the the reference point offset (P0162) in a positive or negative direction
reference point referred to the zero pulse of the encoder.
(home position)
The following is achieved when the axis reaches the reference point:

6 S The reference point coordinate (P0160) is transferred as the new

reference position.
S The ”reference point set” output signal is set to a ”1” signal.

If, after the second zero point, a reference point approach is not
required (P0161 = 1), then the absolute position of the current position
is calculated and accepted in the drive.
The ”reference point set” output signal is then set to a ”1”. Parameter
P0162 and P0160 act the same as for a reference point approach with
one zero mark. The reference point offset does not refer to the zero
mark passed, but to the encoder zero.

Parameter change For a machine with distance--coded reference marks, there is no re-
for a new quirement to reference using cams.
Standard setting when referencing with distance--coded measuring sys-
----> P0173 = 1: ”Referencing without cams”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-410 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.05 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Motion sequence The referencing motion is shown in the following table as a function of
when the zero marks.
Table 6-35 Sequence when referencing with distance--coded measuring

With/without In front of/at Motion sequence

Reference cams
Axis tra-
verses up to Ventry
the reference
point (P0161 Start
= 0)1)
Axis RK Encoder
with Zero mark zero
cams (P0173
Axis tra-
= 1) Vshutd.
verses up to
after the zero
mark (P0161
= 1)1) HM Start
(from SW
8.3) RK Encoder
Zero mark zero
Vshutd. P0164 (reference point shutdown velocity)
Ventry P0165 (reference point entry velocity)
RV P0162 (reference point offset)
RK P0160 (reference point coordinate)
HM P0161 (stop at marks)
1) When referencing (homing), the act. abs. pos. is not displayed in SimoCom U.

Input/output The following signals are used for the function ”referencing with dis-
signals tance--coded measuring system:
(refer to Chapter S Input signals
6.4) (refer under the index entry, ”Input signal, digital -- ...)
-- Input signal ”Start referencing/cancel referencing”
----> using an input terminal with function number 65
S Output signal
(refer under the index entry ”Output signal, digital -- ...)
-- Output signal, ”Reference point set/no reference point set”
----> using an output terminal with function number 61

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-411
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Parameter The following parameters are used for referencing with distance--coded
overview measuring systems:
(refer to 6.2.8 and S P0161 Stopping at marks (from SW 8.3)
S P0173 Reference point approach (homing) without reference cams
S P1027 IM configuration, encoder
S P1037 DM configuration, encoder
S P1050 IM reference mark distance for distance--coded
S P1051 IM reference mark distance for distance--coded
rotary encoders
S P1052 DM reference mark distance for distance--coded
S P1053 DM reference mark distance for distance--coded
rotary encoders
S P1054 IM difference for distance--coded rotary encoders
(from SW 8.3)
S P1055 DM difference for distance--coded rotary encoders
(from SW 8.3)

6 S Modulo operation (from SW 10.2)
Distance--coded referencing in modulo operation is only possible if
the following practical, integer number modulo range values apply:
n ¡ 360 degrees with n = 1, 2, ...
Any modulo range values are not permitted and would result in fault
139 being output.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-412 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

6.2.7 Adjusting absolute measuring systems

General Axes with absolute value encoders automatically obtain their reference
information position without any axis motion after power--on.
S There is an absolute value encoder (single--turn/multi--turn absolute
value encoder) (P0175 = 0)
S Absolute value encoder is considered
to have been adjusted (P0175 = 3 for
indirect measuring system P0175 = 4 for direct measuring system)

Adjusting the An absolute value encoder should be adjusted once when commission-
absolute value ing the axis or after opening the mechanical coupling between the mea-
encoder suring system and mechanical system, for example, after:
S Replacing the measuring system and/or motor
S Changing the gearbox ratio (when changing the gearbox factors)
S Selection, ”parking axis” (if another EnDat encoder was connected)

Note 6
S ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” can only identify if the mechanical
coupling between the measuring system and mechanical system is
released, if it is powered up.
S When a parameter set is changed--over in operation (e.g. a gear
ratio is changed), the ”not adjusted” information is lost at
power--down if ”save to Feprom” is not explicitly initiated.
S Before SW 4.1:
If a parameter set changeover was carried out with an adjusted
absolute encoder for a particular motor measuring system, then the
encoder must be re--adjusted.
S From SW 4.1:
Using P0239, the behavior for a parameter set changeover can be
set for a motor measuring system.
P0239 = 0: Behavior as before SW 4.1 (standard)
P0239 = 1: For a parameter set changeover, it is only necessary
to adjust the encoder if the mechanical ratio of
P0237/P0238 has been changed.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-413
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Procedure The following sequence is practical when adjusting absolute value en-
to adjust an coders:
absolute value
1. Traverse the axis to a known or measured position (this is the
required actual value).
using the display
The axis can be traversed, e.g. using ”Jogging 1” or ”Jogging 2”.
and operator
control unit 2. Set P0160 to ”required actual value”
3. Set P0175 = 1
The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” drive determines the difference
between the required actual value in P0160 and the encoder actual
value and enters it into an internal parameter.
If a fault occurs, then P0175 is set to --1.
If the operation was error--free, then P0175 is set to 2, 3 or 4 (refer
to Chapter 6.2.8) and Fault 799 (save to FEPROM and HW RESET
required) is signaled.
-- Save parameters in the FEPROM (P0652 = 1)
-- Carry--out a HW--RESET (press the POWER--ON RESET button
on the front panel of the control board)
4. Check: Is the actual value correctly displayed after power--on?

Procedure when The absolute value encoder is adjusted, supported by the operator.
6 adjusting an
absolute value
The following sequence is practical:
1. Establish online operation between SimoCom U and the drive
using SimoCom U 2. Traverse the axis to a known or measured position (this is the re-
quired actual value).
The axis can be traversed, e.g. using ”Jogging 1” or ”Jogging 2”.
3. Select the ”referencing” dialog box
-- Enter the ”required actual value” into the appropriate field.
-- Press the ”Set absolute value” button.
The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” drive determines the difference
between the required actual value in P0160 and the encoder ac-
tual value and enters it into an internal parameter.
If this operation is error--free, fault 799 is then signaled (save to
FEPROM and HW RESET) and the operator is prompted to:
Save parameters by carrying out a ”save to FEPROM”
carry out a ”HW--RESET”
4. Check: Is the actual value correctly displayed after power--on?

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-414 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.06 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

6.2.8 Parameter overview when referencing/adjusting

Table 6-36 Parameter overview when referencing/adjusting

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Ef-
0160 Reference point --200 000 000 0 200 000 000 MSC im-
coordinate medi-
The parameter defines the position value which is set, as actual axis position, after referencing
or adjusting.
S Incremental measuring system
After the reference point has been reached, the drive accepts the position value in this pa-
rameter as the current axis position.
S Absolute encoder
When adjusting the encoder, the position value in this parameter is set as the actual axis
0161 Stopping at marks 0 0 1 -- im-
(from SW 8.3) medi-
...defines the behavior when stopping at marks.
0 Reference point approach (homing) is not interrupted at marks (standard) 6
1 Reference point approach (homing) remains stationary, if the first zero mark, or for distance--
coded measuring systems, the second zero mark was found.
0162 Reference point --200 000 000 --2 000 200 000 000 MSC PrgE
Incremental measuring system
After the reference zero pulse has been identified, the axis is moved through this distance.
The axis has reached the reference point of this position, and accepts the reference point coordi-
nate (P0160) as new actual value.
0163 Reference point 1 000 5 000 000 2 000 000 000 c*MSR/min PrgE
approach velocity
The axis moves with this velocity towards the reference cam after the reference point approach
has been started.
The velocity must be set, so that after the reference cam has been reached, and braking, the
following conditions must be fulfilled:
S The axis must come to a standstill at the reference cam
S It is not permissible that the hardware limit switch is reached when braking
0164 Reference point 1 000 300 000 2 000 000 000 c*MSR/min PrgE
shutdown velocity
The axis moves with this velocity between identifying the reference cam and synchronizing with
the first zero pulse (reference zero pulse).
0165 Reference point 1 000 300 000 2 000 000 000 c*MSR/min PrgE
entry velocity
The axis traverses with this velocity between synchronizing with the first zero pulse (reference
zero pulse) and reaching the reference point.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-415
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-36 Parameter overview when referencing/adjusting, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Ef-
0166 Reference cam 0 0 1 -- PrgE
approach direction
This parameter defines the approach direction/search direction of the reference cam.
At power--on, the axis can be located in front of or at the reference cam.
S Assumption: The axis is located in front of the reference cam.
When starting reference point approach, the reference cam is searched for in the direction
specified in this parameter.
S Assumption: The axis is located at the reference cam
When starting the reference point approach, the reference cam is already known. The axis
now moves away from the reference cam in the direction opposite to that entered in this pa-
rameter and continues the reference point approach.
1 The reference cam is in the negative direction
0 The reference cam is in the positive direction

Zero pulse for synchronization Zero pulse for synchronization

6 Search direction
Reference Reference Reference Reference
Search direction

point cam cam point

P0166 = 0 P0166 = 1

For an axis without reference cam (P0173 = 1), referencing is started with phase 2 (synchroniz-
ing with the zero reference pulse).
The approach direction when searching for the zero pulse is defined using P0166.
0167 Inverting 0 0 1 -- im-
reference cams medi-
... the switching behavior of the reference cam signal (input terminal with function number 78) is
1 Inversion ----> necessary for an NC contact
0 No inversion ----> necessary for a NO contact, standard
0170 Maximum distance to the 0 10 000 000 200 000 000 MSC PrgE
reference cam
... specifies the maximum distance the axis can traverse from starting the reference point ap-
proach in order to find the reference cams.
When a fault condition occurs, the axis remains stationary and fault 160 is signaled (reference
cam not reached).

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-416 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.05 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Table 6-36 Parameter overview when referencing/adjusting, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Ef-
0171 Max. distance up to the 0 20 000 200 000 000 MSC PrgE
zero pulse
... specifies the maximum distance the axis can move when leaving the reference cam or from
the start in order to find the zero pulse.
S If a fault condition occurs, the axis remains stationary and fault 162 is signaled (no reference
zero pulse available).
S If P0171 is entered and it is insignificantly higher than P0172, a fault can occur due to a de-
gree of uncertainty when determining the actual value travel.
0172 Distance up to the zero -- -- -- MSC RO
The travel between leaving the reference cam or from the start up to reaching the zero pulse is
entered in this parameter.
S This parameter helps to adjust the reference cam during start--up.
S There is some uncertainty in the actual distance between the reference cam and reference
zero pulse. This is caused by the switching behavior (timing) of the reference cam switch and
the sampling of the reference cam switching signals in the interpolation clock cycle.
The measured distance in P0172 can therefore be different at each reference point ap- 6
0173 Reference point 0 0 1 -- PrgE
approach without
reference cams
... identifies the type of axes, which do not require reference cams for referencing. These are the
following axes:
S Axes that have only one zero mark over the complete traversing range
S Rotary axes that only have one zero mark per revolution
1 No reference cam available
For these axes, the reference point approach starts with phase 2 (synchronization
with the reference zero pulse).
The approach direction is defined using P0166 (reference cam approach direction).
0 Reference cams available
For these axes, the reference point approach starts with phase 1 (travel to the refer-
ence cams).
0174 Referencing mode -- 1 1 2 -- im-
position measuring medi-
system ately
The parameter defines the referencing mode.
1 Incremental measuring system available
The zero pulse on the encoder track is evaluated.
2 There is an incremental measuring system with equivalent zero mark
Instead of the zero mark from the encoder, an ”equivalent zero mark” (e.g. a BERO
pulse) is expected at the input terminal I0.x.
The equivalent zero mark is identified, depending on the direction
(refer under the index entry ”Input signal -- equivalent zero mark”).

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-417
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-36 Parameter overview when referencing/adjusting, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Ef-
0175 Adjustment status -- 0 0 4 -- im-
absolute position measur- medi-
ing system ately
... indicates the status when adjusting the absolute value encoder
--1 Error/fault occurred when adjusting the encoder
0 Absolute value encoder has not been adjusted. Pre--setting when commissioning the
system for the first time.
1 Absolute value encoder has still not been adjusted. Adjustment has been initiated.
The parameter is set to 2 for an error--free adjustment.
If an error occurs when making the adjustment, the parameter is set to --1.
2 The absolute value encoder has been adjusted (before SW 3.1)
3 The absolute value encoder IM has been adjusted (from SW 3.1)
4 The absolute value encoder DM has been adjusted (from SW 3.3)
S If a valid adjustment becomes invalid, then P0175 is set from 2 to 0.
This can be realized by manually changing the parameter as well as from ”SIMODRIVE 611
universal” itself (e.g. for a parameter set changeover, as this signifies that the mechanical

6 coupling between the measuring system and mechanical system has been opened -- gear-
box changeover.
S If a series start--up is executed (copying the parameters from drive x to drive y), then the ad-
justment value is also reset due to the ”serial number motor measuring system”
(P1025/P1026) (P0175 = 0).
0239 Re--referencing or re-- 0 0 1  im-
adjustment only when medi-
required (SRM ARM) ately
(from SW 4.1)
0 Referencing or adjustment is withdrawn when a parameter set is changed (standard)
1 Referencing or adjustment is only withdrawn when a parameter set is changed if the
mechanical ratio (Ü = P0237:8/P0238:8) has changed.
1050 IM reference mark 0 20 000 4294967295 m PO
distance for distance--
coded measuring scales
(from SW 4.1)
...specifies the basic distance between two fixed reference marks. If the control detects that the
distance between each two reference marks is different and therefore incorrect, then the axis
remains stationary. Fault 508 (zero mark monitoring, motor measuring system) is signaled.
This monitoring is only activated if P1050/P1024*1000 can either be divided by 16 or by 10.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-418 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.05 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Table 6-36 Parameter overview when referencing/adjusting, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Ef-
1051 IM reference mark 0 20 000 4294967295 mdegrees PO
distance for distance--
coded rotary encoders
(from SW 4.1)
...specifies the basic distance between two fixed reference marks. If the control detects that the
distance between each two reference marks is different and therefore incorrect, then the axis
remains stationary. Fault 508 (zero mark monitoring, motor measuring system) is signaled.
This monitoring is only activated if P1051/1000*P1005/360 can either be divided by 16 or by 10.
1052 DM reference mark 0 20 000 4294967295 m PO
distance for distance--
coded measuring scales
(from SW 4.1)
...specifies the basic distance between two fixed reference marks. If the control detects that the
distance between each two reference marks is different and therefore incorrect, then the axis
remains stationary. Fault 514 (zero mark monitoring, direct measuring system) is signaled.

This monitoring is only activated if P1052/P1034*1000 can either be divided by 16 or by 10.
DM reference mark 0 20 000 4294967295 mdegrees PO
distance for distance--
coded rotary encoders
(from SW 4.1)
...specifies the basic distance between two fixed reference marks. If the control detects that the
distance between each two reference marks is different and therefore incorrect, then the axis
remains stationary. Fault 514 (zero mark monitoring, direct measuring system) is signaled.
This monitoring is only activated if P1053/1000*P1007/360 can either be divided by 16 or by 10.
1054 IM difference for dis- 0 20 450 000 mdegrees PO
tance--coded rotary en- 0 20 500 000 m
coders (from SW 8.3)
...specifies the differential distance between two reference marks for distance--coded encoders,
indirect measuring system (motor measuring system).
1055 DM difference for dis- 0 20 450 000 mdegrees PO
tance--coded rotary en- 0 20 500 000 m
coders (from SW 8.3)
...specifies the differential distance between two zero marks for distance--coded encoders, direct
measuring system.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-419
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

6.2.9 Jogging operation

Description Closed--loop speed controlled traversing is made possible when jogging

in the ”positioning” mode. Jogging is executed using the input signal
”Jogging 1, 2 ON” .

Changing over The jogging mode can be selected using the input signal ”jogging incre-
into the jogging mental” (refer to Fig. 6-24):
S Jogging via velocity (standard)
S Jogging via velocity and increments (from SW 4.1)

Input signal Input signal ”incremental jogging”

”Jogging 1 ON/Jogging 1 OFF” P0108 S Via velocity

24 V Jog 1

P0108 P0122 S Via velocity and

Input signal

6 ”Jogging 2 ON/Jogging 2 OFF”

24 V

Jog 2
S Via velocity

P0109 P0123 S Via velocity and


Fig. 6-24 Jogging: Via velocity or incrementally

1 signal
Input signal ”jogging 1 ON/jogging 1 OFF”
0 signal
1 signal
Input signal ”jogging 2 ON/jogging 2 OFF”
0 signal
Speed n

Fixed setpoint, jogging 1: P0108

1) 1)
Accelerating and braking along the
maximum acceleration/deceleration t
characteristic (P0103/P0104)
1) 1)

Fixed setpoint, jogging 2: P0109

Fig. 6-25 Accelerating and braking when jogging

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-420 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

The following is valid when jogging:
S The traversing direction is defined by the sign of P0108 or P0109.
S When the jogging signal is withdrawn, the axis comes to an
immediate stop and, at the next ”1” signal is re--started with the
same task.
S It is not possible to continue after incremental jogging has been
S The software limit switches are effective if they have been activated
and set for this axis, and the axis has been referenced. Contrary to
operation in the positioning mode, the axis only starts to brake
when the software limit switch is reached. The travel beyond the
software limit switch depends on the active velocity setpoint for
jogging 1/2 (P0108/P0109, override) and the selected maximum
deceleration (P0104).
S The override is effective.
S If input signals for jogging 1 and 2 are simultaneously available,
then an appropriate fault is signaled.
S If the position reference value is inverted (P0231, P0232), then the
direction of rotation also changes in the jogging mode.
S For speed--controlled jogging, the drive is in the follow--up status. In
this case, the velocity setpoint and actual
value are formed from the speed controller.

Parameter The following parameters are available for the ”jogging mode” function:
overview S P0108 Velocity setpoint, jogging 1
(refer to Chapter
A.1) S P0109 Velocity setpoint, jogging 2
S P0122 Jogging 1, increments (from SW 4.1)
S P0123 Jogging 2, increments (from SW 4.1)

Input signals (refer The following signals are available for the ”jogging mode” function:
to Chapter 6.4)
S Input signals
(refer under index entry ”Input signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Input signal ”jogging 1 ON/jogging 1 OFF”
----> using an input terminal with function number 62
----> via PROFIBUS control signal ”STW1.8”
-- Input signal ”jogging 2 ON/jogging 2 OFF”
----> using an input terminal with function number 63
----> via PROFIBUS control signal ”STW1.9”
-- Input signal, ”incremental jogging ” (from SW 4.1)
----> using an input terminal with function number 61
----> via the PROFIBUS control signal ”PosStw.5”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-421
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

6.2.10 Programming traversing blocks

Overview A maximum of 64 (256 from SW 10.1) traversing blocks can be pro-
grammed. The information associated with each block is listed in the
following table:
Table 6-37 Overview of the traversing blocks

Block Description Description Memory

Block number
80:0 80:1 ... A traversing block must be assigned a block number between 0 and 63, ...
so that it becomes valid and can be started.
Position 81:63
81:0 81:1 ... ...
Specifies the target position in the block to be approached. /255
Velocity 82:63
82:0 82:1 ... ...
Specifies the velocity with which the target position is approached. /255
Acceleration override 83:63
83:0 83:1 ... ...
This allows the acceleration to be influenced, referred to P0103. /255
Deceleration override 84:63
84:0 84:1 ... ...
This allows the deceleration to be influenced, referred to P0104. /255
Each traversing block must contain a command (refer to Table 6-38).
1 POSITIONING (Standard)

6 2/3
+: Block number, position, velocity,
Acceleration override, deceleration override, mode
+: Block number, velocity,
Acceleration override, deceleration override, mode
+: Block number, delay time in the ”command parameter”, mode 85:63
85:0 85:1 ... 5 GOTO ...
+: Block no., target block no. in the ”command parameter”, mode
+: Block number, output No. in the ”command parameter”, mode
8 FIXED ENDSTOP (from SW 3.3)
+: Block number, position, velocity,
Acceleration override, deceleration override,
Value range and units for clamping torque/clamping force in
the ”Command parameter”, mode
+: Block number, mode
Command parameters
86:0 86:1 ... Additionally required information to execute the command is specified ...

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6-422 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.06 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Table 6-37 Overview of the traversing blocks, continued

Block Description Description Memory

Spindle posi- Block change enable Positioning IDs
tioning (from mode
SW 5.1)
Xxxx xXxx xxXx xxxX 87:63
87:0 87:1 ... Target position 0: END (standard) 0: ABSOLUTE 1: ...
via 1: CONTINUE WITH (standard) SKIP_
0: Traversing STOP 1: RELATIVE BLOCK
block running 2: CONTINUE FLYING 2: ABS_POS

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-423
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Command-- The minimum block information which has to be made in a traversing

dependent block block with this command, is specified in the following table, for each
information command.

Table 6-38 Command--dependent block information

Block information Command--dependent block information which is

Block number P0080:64/256 x x x x x x x x x x
Position P0081:64/256 x -- -- -- -- -- -- x -- --
Velocity P0082:64/256 x x x -- -- -- -- x -- --
Acceleration override P0083:64/256 x x x -- -- -- -- x -- --
Deceleration override P0084:64/256 x x x -- -- -- -- x -- --
Command P0085:64/256 POSITIONING

FIXED STOP (from SW 3.3)
COUPLING_IN (from SW 3.3)
COUPLING_OUT (from SW 3.3)
Command parameters P0086:64/256 -- -- -- x x x x x -- --
Mode P0087:64/256
-- SKIP BLOCK + + + + + + + + + +
S Positioning mode1)
-- ABSOLUTE x -- -- -- -- -- -- x -- --
-- RELATIVE x -- -- -- -- -- -- x -- --
-- ABS_POS (from SW 2.4)2) x -- -- -- -- -- -- x -- --
-- ABS_NEG (from SW 2.4)2) x -- -- -- -- -- -- x -- --
S Block change enable 1)
-- END x x x x -- x x x x x
-- CONTINUE WITH STOP x -- -- x -- x x x x x
-- CONTINUE FLYING x -- -- -- -- x x x -- --
-- CONTINUE EXTERNAL (from x x x x -- -- -- -- x --
SW 3.1)
S 1) Only 1 info can be alternatively specified
S 2) Only possible for rotary axis with modulo correction
S x: This information must be specified for this command
S +: This information can be specified
S --: This information is not relevant

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6-424 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Input errors when entering block information are displayed using the
appropriate error messages, for all traversing blocks after a traversing
block has started.

Parameter All of the parameters, which are used to program traversing blocks, are
overview shown in the following.

Table 6-39 Parameters used to program traversing blocks

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0079 Reformatting 0 0 1 -- immedi-
the memory ately
... the memory for the traversing blocks can be reformatted, i.e. re--assigned.
0 Inactive, initial status
0 --> 1 Memory is being reformatted
When reformatting, increasing block numbers are written into the blocks at the
beginning of the memory. Invalid blocks (block number -- 1) are at the end of
the memory.
S After reformatting has been completed, the parameter is automatically reset to 0. 6
S Advantages of a reformatted memory:
When the blocks are displayed via SimoCom U or via the display unit on the front panel,
the blocks are located at the beginning of the memory and are sorted according to increas-
ing block numbers; there are no gaps.

:0 :1 :2 :3 :63 :0 :1 :2 :3 :63
P0080 --1 20 --1 15 ... --1 15 20 --1 --1 ... --1

P0081 xxx xxx xxx xxx ... xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx ... xxx
to ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
P0088 yyy yyy yyy yyy ... yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy ... yyy
before after
reformatting reformatting

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-425
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-39 Parameters used to program traversing blocks, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0080:64 Block number --1 --1 63 (256, -- PrgE
/256 from SW 10.1)
A traversing block must be assigned a valid block number so that it can be started.
--1 Invalid block number
Blocks, with this block number are not taken into account by the program inter-
0 to 63/256 Valid block number
S The block change enable is saved in the traversing block in P0087:64 (mode -- block
change enable).
There are the following possibilities for the block change enable:
-- END (standard)
S Several blocks are processed in an increasing sequence of the block numbers (e.g. for
blocks with the block change enable condition CONTINUE FLYING).
S The block number must be unique over all traversing blocks otherwise fault 109 (block
number available twice) is output when a traversing block is started.
S A valid block is ”disabled” by entering the block number ”--1”, i.e. the block information re-
6 mains saved, unchanged and when this block is re--assigned a valid block number, then
the block information becomes visible again.
Disable the block with ”skip block” (refer to P0087:64/256).
0081:64 Position --200 000 000 0 200 000 000 MSC PrgE
... specifies the target position in the traversing block.
S The target position is approached depending on P0087:64 (mode -- positioning mode).
S If, when selecting the traversing block, it is identified that the traversing range has been
violated, then an appropriate fault signal is output.

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6-426 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.06 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Table 6-39 Parameters used to program traversing blocks, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0082:64 Velocity prior to SW 600 000 2 000 000 000 c*MSR/min PrgE
/256 10.1:
1 000
starting with
SW 10.1:
... defines the velocity with which the target position is approached.

v v
velocity P0082:x

t t

a a
acceleration P0103

deceleration t t

Velocity and acceleration profile for ”long” or ”short” blocks 6

S x: Space retainer in the block memory
S If the programmed velocity in P0082:64/256 is greater than in P0102 (maximum velocity),
then the axis is limited to the maximum velocity and warning 803 is issued (programmed
velocity > maximum velocity).
S For short traversing distances, it is possible that the programmed velocity will not be
S starting with SW 10.1:
For ultra--fine surface machining, the velocity can now be programmed at
0.006 mm/min, for example, for ”slow feedrates”.
With a small override factor and a slow feedrate, the velocity setpoint of the
interpolator can end up being zero, even though the
override factor is not zero. In this case, a warning (810) is issued,
and the velocity setpoint is set to the smallest value.
0083:64 Acceleration 1 100 100 % PrgE
/256 override
... specifies which override is effective at the maximum acceleration (P0103).

aact = P0103 ⋅ x: Space retainer in the block memory
100 %
0084:64 Deceleration 1 100 100 % PrgE
/256 override
... specifies which override is effective at the maximum deceleration (P0104).

abrake, act = P0104 ⋅ x: Space retainer in the block memory
100 %

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-427
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-39 Parameters used to program traversing blocks, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0085:64 Command 1 1 10 -- PrgE
Every traversing block must include precisely one command for execution.
Using this command, the axis can be linearly traversed (point to point, PTP).
Note: Other block parameters are still effective (refer to Table 6-38).
With this command, the axis can be traversed with the velocity specified in the
block, up to
-- a limit switch is reached
-- the motion is interrupted by the input signal ”OC/intermediate stop”
-- the motion is interrupted by the input signal ”OC/reject traversing task”
Note: Other block parameters are still effective (refer to Table 6-38).
Limitation for rotary axis (modulo):
If a higher speed is entered in a traversing block (e.g. >1000 RPM) and if a low de-
celeration is set (e.g. standard setting
100 degrees/s2), then a fault is output.
The resulting braking travel must be <1000000 degrees.

6 The braking travel depends on the deceleration and the velocity.

v2 [degrees/s]2
Braking travel =
2 ⋅ a [degrees/s2]
A delay time, which should expire before the following traversing block is pro-
cessed, can be defined using this command.
The delay time is specified in the command parameter (P0086:x).
The command parameter is entered in ms, and is internally and automatically
rounded--off to a multiple of the interpolation clock cycle (P1010).
Jumps can be executed within a sequence of traversing blocks using this com-
The jump destination and the block number are specified in the command parame-
ter (P0086:x).
If the specified block number does not exist, then an appropriate fault is signaled
when a traversing block is started.

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6-428 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.06 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Table 6-39 Parameters used to program traversing blocks, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

An output signal can be set or reset using these commands.
P0086:x (command parameter) is used to specify which output terminal or which
status bit is to be controlled.
P0086:x = 1 ----> Output with Fct. No. 80 (direct output 1 via traversing block)
P0086:x = 2 ----> Output with Fct. No. 81 (direct output 2 via traversing block)
P0086:x = 3 ----> Output with Fct. Nos. 80 and 81 are controlled
P0086:x = 1 ----> status bit ”direct output 1 via traversing block”
P0086:x = 2 ----> status bit ”direct output 2 via traversing block”
P0086:x = 3 ----> both status bits are controlled
The function numbers for the outputs and the PROFIBUS bits are listed in the list of
output signals (refer to Chapter 6.4.6) under ”Output signal, direct output 1/2 via
traversing block”.
The output signals, influenced using SET_O or RESET_O remain ”frozen”, when a
fault develops, when a traversing block is interrupted, or at the end of the program.
This means, that the signals are exclusively influenced using the SET_O/RESET_O
commands. When starting or exiting the program, the output signals may possibly
have to be ”programmed” in an initial status.
8 FIXED STOP (from SW 3.3)

The ”travel to fixed stop” function is activated using this command.
COUPLING_IN (from SW 3.3)
10 COUPLING_OUT (from SW 3.3)
Using these commands, the axis coupling that can be switched--in/out can be
switched--in/out in the ”positioning” mode.
The block change enable ”CONTINUE EXTERNAL” can be
parameterized in the traversing block ”COUPLING IN”. In the ”COUPLING OUT”
traversing block, a fault is output for ”CONTINUE EXTERNAL”.
0086:64 Command parame- 0 1 65 535 -- PrgE
/256 ters
... specifies the additional information required for the following commands.
Command Additional information
WAITING Waiting time in ms
GOTO block number
SET_O 1, 2, 3: Set direct output 1, 2 or 3 (both signals)
RESET_O 1, 2, 3: Reset, direct output 1, 2 or 3 (both signals)
FIXED STOP (from SW 3.3)
Clamping torque or clamping force
Rotary drive: 1 -- 65 535 [0.01 Nm]
Linear drive: 1 -- 65 535 [N]
The command--dependent required block information is listed in the Table 6-38.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-429
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-39 Parameters used to program traversing blocks, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0087:64 Mode 0 0 1331 Hex PrgE
... specifies the following additional information for several commands:

0: ABSOLUTE (Standard)
2: ABS_POS only for rotary axes
3: ABS_NEG with modulo correction (from SW 2.4)

Block Positioning
change enable mode

0: END (Standard) 1: SKIP_BLOCK


0: Target position via P0081 Only for the function

1: Target position via PROFIBUS--DP ”Spindle positioning”
(from SW 5.1)
6 xxxX
A block with the ID SKIP_BLOCK is not processed, and is skipped.

0087:64 ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE positioning mode

/256 This data defines whether the program position should be interpreted as being absolute (as
coordinate point) or relative (as the distance to be moved).
S ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE for linear axis or rotary axis without modulo correction
The axis moves to the specified position and references itself to the axis zero. The soft-
ware limit switch monitoring is effective.
The axis moves around the specified position in the negative or positive direction and
references itself to the last position it approached.
The software limit switch monitoring is effective.

P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3

Position [MSR] Position [MSR]

10 10 10 10
30 Absolute dimension Incremental dimension
data input data input

Examples for ABSOLUTE: Examples for RELATIVE:

Position = +30 Travel to 30 Position = --10 Travel through 10 negative
Position = --10 Travel to --10 Position = +10 Travel through 10 positive

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-430 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.06 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Table 6-39 Parameters used to program traversing blocks, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

S ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE for rotary axis with modulo correction (from SW 2.4)
The axis approaches the program position within the modulo range, and it automati-
cally selects the shortest distance. For the same distance in both directions, the axis
moves in the positive direction.
For values with a negative sign or a value outside the modulo range, an appropriate
fault is output when a traversing block starts.
The axis traverses through the programmed position in a negative or positive direction
and refers itself to the position which was last approached.
The traversing distance can also be greater than the modulo range.
0087:64 Positioning mode ABS_POS or ABS_NEG (only rotary axis with modulo correction)
/256 With this information, for a rotary axis with modulo correction (P0241 = 1), the direction of
travel is specified along with the reference position.
-- ABS_POS (from SW 2.4):
The rotary axis traverses in the positive direction with respect to the reference position
within the modulo range.
-- ABS_NEG (from SW 2.4):
The rotary axis traverses in the negative direction with respect to the reference position
within the modulo range.
An appropriate fault is signaled when starting a traversing block for values with negative sign
or for a value outside the modulo range.
Reference position 0 Actual position Reference position 0 Actual position
315 45 315 45

270 90 270 90


225 135 225 135

180 180
Example: Example:
Positioning mode = ABS_POS Positioning mode = ABS_NEG
Position = 315 Position = 315
----> traverse to 315˚ in a pos. direction ----> traverse to 315˚ in a neg. direction
0087:64 Block change enable END
/256 The block change enable can be used for the following traversing blocks:

S For pure single block operation, i.e. each block must be individually selected and started
S At the last block of a block sequence, i.e. the block identifies the end of the block se-

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-431
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-39 Parameters used to program traversing blocks, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0087:64 Block change enable CONTINUE WITH STOP
/256 This block change enable has the following properties
(corresponds to ”precise stop G60” acc. to DIN 66025):
xXxx S The position programmed in the block is precisely approached
S The axis braked until the positioning window is reached (P0321)
For P0321=0 or if the following error is less than P0321, the block change is executed as
soon as the interpolator has reached its position reference value.
S The block is changed when the positioning window is reached.
Blk Pos. Vel. Command Pos. mode Block change enable

Example: 100
3 traversing blocks
For an existing axis coupling (position coupling), the positioning window is not effective for
CONTINUE WITH STOP. If this represents a problem in an application when the master drive

is stationary, then the PLC would first have to release the coupling and then position the slave
drive normally.
0087:64 Block change enable CONTINUE FLYING
/256 This block change enable has the following properties
(corresponds to ”precise stop G64” acc. to DIN 66025):
xXxx S The following block is immediately processed when the time to apply the brake is reached
S For a direction change, the axis brakes down to standstill and waits until the position actual
value has reached the positioning window (this corresponds to the block change enable
”continue with stop”
S If the deceleration override (P0084:64) between the actual block and the block to be
changed into on the fly differ, then the flying block change is automatically prevented and
instead of this, the CONTINUE WITH STOP block change executed
Blk Pos. Vel. Command Pos. mode Block change enable
v Brake application point

Example: 100
3 traversing blocks

There is a direction of reversal between block 1 and block 2. This is the reason that at the
braking instant, the drive brakes from block 1 down to standstill and waits until the position
actual value reaches the positioning window. After this, block 2 is executed.
For traversing blocks whose distance is able to be travelled through within an IPO clock cycle,
then the drive brakes briefly.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-432 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Table 6-39 Parameters used to program traversing blocks, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

0087:64 Block change enable CONTINUE EXTERNAL (from SW 3.1)
/256 This block change enable has the following properties:
S For a traversing block with the block change enable CONTINUE EXTERNAL, a flying
xXxx block change is made if an edge of the input signal ”external block change” is identified. If
the deceleration override (P0084:64/256) differs between the current and the block which
is to be changed into flying, then a flying block change is made.
S When using the commands SET_O and RESET_O, it is not possible to use the
block change enable CONTINUE EXTERNAL!
S What happens, if...?
-- The following traversing block is programmed in the RELATIVE positioning mode
----> The programmed position refers to the actual value at the instant
that the external block change is requested
-- The braking travel is greater than the distance programmed in the following block
----> The axis is held at the parameterized deceleration ramp and then traverses
to the target position in the opposite direction.
-- A different behavior is necessary for ”external block change”?
Then the required behavior must be set in P0110:
= 0 (standard) ----> If the signal is not available up to the start of braking, then the axis
is stopped in front of the target position (dependent on: Acceleration, deceleration,
velocity) and fault 109 (external block change not requested in the block)
is output.
= 1 ----> If the signal is not present up to the start of braking, then a flying block
change is made
(refer to block change enable CONTINUE FLYING).
= 2 ----> The block is traversed, independent of the signal, to the end. The system only
waits for the signal at the end of the block; when the signal is detected, a block
change is executed.
= 3 (from SW 5.1) ----> if the signal is not present up to the end of the block, then the
axis waits for the signal and when the signal is identified, a block change is made.
Note: When P0110 is changed, the change is not accepted after v_set = 0, but
only after the end of the program when the traversing block is re--started.
-- The subsequent traversing block is programmed with the WAIT command?
After the signal edge has been detected, the position actual value is written into P0026,
and the axis is braked down to standstill with the programmed deceleration (P0104 +
deceleration override in P0084:64/256) and then the system waits. The other position
data refer to the block change position.
-- Does the acceleration override (P0083:64/256) or deceleration override
(P0084:64/256) differ between the actual (current) block and the following block to be
changed into?
When the ”external block change” input signal is detected, the acceleration or decel-
eration override of the block, which is now current, becomes valid and is immediately
-- Was the deceleration changed during the braking ramp when positioning in absolute
----> a change is not accepted. Positioning is realized with the previously set
braking ramp (P0084 or P0094).
-- The subsequent traversing block in the positioning mode ABS_POS/ABS_NEG (only
rotary axis with modulo correction) and the deceleration override (P0084:64/256) be-
tween the actual block and the block to be changed into on the fly differ
----> A block change enable ”CONTINUE FLYING” or ”CONTINUE WITH STOP”
is executed depending on the block change position and the braking travel
, i.e. the programmed position is reached by the shortest distance.
S For the block change configuration P0110 = 2 or 3, it is not permissible that fast inputs I0.x
are used, as, for these, the block change can be initiated from different signal edges.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-433
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-39 Parameters used to program traversing blocks, continued

No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective

S The position actual value when detecting a signal edge at input signal ”external block
change” is written into P0026 (position actual value, external block change).
Blk Pos. Vel. Command Pos. mode Block change enable

Block 1 Block 2
Example: Block 0 Block 1, if no signal edge is detected
3 traversing blocks 100
P0110 = 1
Block 1 with
P0110 = 0
Input signal 1 signal
”external block change”
0 signal
Position actual value in

Refer under the index entry ”Input signal -- external block change”.
0087:64 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1)
For the ”Spindle positioning” function, the target position is programmed in P0081 or trans-
Xxxx ferred via PROFIBUS--DP.

Refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-434 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.06 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

6.2.11 Starting, interrupting and exiting traversing blocks

Overview The following input/output signals are available for traversing blocks:

Input signals Output signals

Activate traversing task Setpoint
(edge) acknowledge
Operating condition/ Setpoint static

Reject traversing task

Operating condition/ Drive stationary/

Intermediate stop Traversing drive moves

blocks Refer. position reached/
Outside the ref. position
Block selection Status, block selection
1st input/20 1st output/20
2nd input/21 2nd output/21
3rd input/22 3rd output/22
4th input/23 4th output/23
5th input/24 5th output/24
6th input/25 6th output/25
(from SW 10.1) 7th input/26 (from SW 10.1) 7th output/26
(from SW 10.1) 8th input/27

Fig. 6-26 Input/output signals for traversing blocks

(from SW 10.1) 8th output/27
S Prerequisite for ”activate traversing task”:
-- All of the enable signals are set and the controlled drive is in the
controller enable status (refer to Chapter 5.5, Fig. 5-8).
-- Previous jog operation must have been fully completed -- this
means that the output signal ”Follow--up mode active” must be 0
(Fct. No. 70 or PosZsw.0).
S When starting blocks, there must be at least 3 IPO clock cycles
between the signal ”activate traversing task” and the motion being
interrupted via ”OC/reject traversing task” or ”OC/intermediate
stop”. This applies both for operation using PROFIBUS--DP as well
as when using terminals.

Reader’s note
Generally, input/output signals are used in the following.
The following is true when viewed from ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”:
S for input signals:
-- when entered via terminals --> input terminal signals
-- when entered via PROFIBUS--DP --> control signals
S for output signals:
-- if output via terminals --> output terminal signals
-- if output via PROFIBUS--DP --> status signals

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-435
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Example: In this case, a new traversing block is only started if the previous block
Sequential start of had been completed, i.e. the drive has reached the reference position.
individual blocks

1 2 3

traversing task
Control Block 1
signals selection 0

Block selection 2
Status signals 1
signal) 0

Control signal traversing task
(positive edge!)

Status signal

6 Status signal
position reached

Status signal Drive at standstill

1 Selecting and starting the first traversing block

----> selected via ”block selection”
----> edge of ”activate traversing task” ----> ”setpoint acknowledgment” is set to a ”1” signal.
2 End of the first positioning operation,
----> ”setpoint acknowledgment” is reset
----> ”reference position reached” is set if the actual position is within the defined window
----> ”drive stationary” is set, if the speed is less than the speed limit for ”drive stationary”
The second traversing block is started
3 End of the second positioning operation

Fig. 6-27 Sequentially starting individual blocks

The selection and the status of the block selection are not
binary--coded, but represented, simplified as value.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-436 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Intermediate stop A traversing block can be interrupted using the ”operating condition/in-
termediate stop” control signal.
S A block which has been interrupted with ”intermediate stop” can
then be continued.
S An axis in ”intermediate stop” can be traversed in the jog mode or
referencing can be started. The interrupted traversing block is ex-
S If a traversing block is interrupted using the ”wait” command with
”Intermediate stop”, then the delay (waiting) time is stopped.

1 2 3 4

Control signal
traversing task

Control signal OC/intermediate


Control signal
Status signal acknowledge

Status signal

Status signal Drive at


1 Selecting and starting the traversing block

2 Interrupting the traversing block
----> ”operating condition/intermediate stop” is reset
----> the axis is braked using the parameterized deceleration and ”drive stationary” signaled
if the limit speed for standstill is fallen below
The ”setpoint acknowledgement” and ”reference position reached” signals are not influenced
by an intermediate stop.

3 Continuing the traversing block

----> ”operating condition/intermediate stop” is set
----> the interrupted traversing block is continued and ”drive stationary” reset,
if the speed limit for standstill is exceeded
4 End of positioning

Fig. 6-28 Characteristics of an intermediate stop of a traversing block

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-437
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1) ! not 611ue !

Reject traversing A traversing block can be interrupted using the ”OC reject/traversing
task task” control signal.
S A block, interrupted with ”reject traversing task” can no longer be
S A ”delete distance to go” is executed.
S It is also possible for a block with intermediate stop.

1 2 3 4

Control signal OC/reject

traversing task

Control signal
intermediate stop

Control signal Activate


Status signal Setpoint


6 Status signal

Status signal Drive at


IPO clock
1 Selecting and starting the traversing block

2 Interrupting the traversing block using ”reject traversing task”

----> ”operating condition/reject traversing task” is reset
----> ”setpoint acknowledgement” is reset
----> the axis is braked down to standstill with the maximum deceleration and ”drive stationary”
signaled if the speed limit for standstill is fallen below.
”Reference position reached” is not set.
3 Selecting and starting an additional (or the same) traversing block
4 End of positioning

Fig. 6-29 Characteristics when aborting a traversing block

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6-438 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

Diagnostics: Information about the traversing block presently being processed can
Image of the be read from the following parameters:
S P0001 Actual traversing block -- block number
traversing block
(refer to Chapter S P0002 Actual traversing block -- position
S P0003 Actual traversing block -- velocity
S P0004 Actual traversing block -- acceleration override
S P0005 Actual traversing block -- deceleration override
S P0006 Actual traversing block -- command
S P0007 Actual traversing block -- command parameter
S P0008 Actual traversing block -- mode

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-439
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

6.2.12 MDI operation (from SW 7.1)

Description Using the ”MDI operation” function and when in the ”positioning” mode
it is possible to change the parameters of the MDI block (e.g. reference
position, velocity, etc.) via process data and PROFIBUS--DP and/or via
parameters (P0091 to P0094, P0097) while this is executed. If, for this
particular block, the block change enable CONTINUE EXTERNAL is
parameterized, then the changes which were made can be immediately
activated with the signal to change the block. This means that the
changes are accepted in the interpolator. For the block change enable
END, the changes only become effective when this traversing block is
re--started in the interpolator.
In this MDI block, only RELATIVE, ABSOLUTE positioning operations
can be executed and for rotary axes with modulo correction, in addition,
In this case, only END or CONTINUE EXTERNAL with P0110 = 2 or 3
are permissible as block change enable condition.

Signal timing MDI

Block completed MDI canceled

External block change
Activate MDI

MDI active
External block change
(input signal, Fct. No. 67 or STW1.13)

External block change

(output signal Fct. No. 67 or AktSatz.14)

Activate traversing task

Reference position
Fault 144


Interpolator data

1) For the earliest possible instant in time to enter new block parameters (PZD and/or default block),
refer to Table 6-50 output signal function No. 67.
2) A new positioning operation is started without the MDI end position having been reached.

Fig. 6-30 Control and status signals for MDI

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6-440 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.03 6 Description of the Functions
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

The data available in the block parameters (PZD and/or default block)
at instant in time TA is transferred into the interpolator and processed.
This data (MDI A) remains valid up to instant in time TB when new data
is transferred into the interpolator. In turn, these (MDI B) remain valid
until new data is transferred (TC/MDI C).

The following applies for the MDI mode:
S MDI is switched--in using the ”activate MDI” signal via terminal
(Fct.No. 83) or PROFIBUS (SatzAnw.15). The ”MDI active” signal
is used for the feedback signal which is either transferred via
terminal (Fct. No. 83) or PROFIBUS (AktSatz.15). A traversing
block can be entered using process data (MDIPos, MDIVel,
MDIAcc, MDIDec, MDIMode) via PROFIBUS--DP and started using
the signal ”activate traversing task”.
S If either no MDI block or only individual block parameters are
entered via PROFIBUS--DP, then the missing parameters are taken
from the MDI default block (P0091 to P0094, P0097). However, if
MDI process data are parameterized in P0915:17 and these are
also transferred via PROFIBUS--DP, then the values in parameters
P0091 to P0094 and P0097 are not taken into account.
S If CONTINUE EXTERNAL is parameterized as block change
enable, then actual block parameters of the MDI block (entered via
PZDs and/or MDI default block) are immediately transferred into 6
the interpolator with the signal ”external block change”.
S For an MDI block, the block change enable signals CONTINUE
WITH STOP and CONTINUE FLYING, are not possible. The block
change enable CONTINUE EXTERNAL is only permissible with
P0110 = 2 or 3 (configuration of an external block change).
S If the signal ”Activate MDI” is set to 0 while an MDI block is still
running, then fault 144 is initiated. This means that MDI operation
can only be disabled after the target position has been reached.
S The signals ”operating condition/reject traversing task” and
”operating condition/intermediate stop” are effective just the same
as in the normal ”positioning” operating mode.
The monitoring functions, e.g. software and hardware switches are
also active.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-441
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

MDI positioning The MDI block is a positioning block which can contain the following
block data:
Position input MSR
Velocity input c S MSR/min
Acceleration override percentage of P0103
Deceleration override percentage of P0104
Mode ID
x2x = ABS_POS
x3x = ABS_NEG
0xx = END
The block parameters entered using PZDs via PROFIBUS--DP, are cy-
clically transferred. The block parameters which do not exist here, are
supplemented by the data from the default block (P0091 to P0094,
P0097). The parameters, valid up to when the traversing task is acti-
vated or the external block change, are then transferred into the inter-
polator and executed. This means, for example, that it may be suffi-
cient to just enter the position reference value using PZD and to use
the remaining data (velocity, acceleration override, etc.) from the de-
fault block.

6 MDI and external

block change
If CONTINUE EXTERNAL block change enable is parameterized in the
MDI block then the transfer of the ”possibly modified” block parameter
into the running or ”waiting” MDI block is triggered using the ”external
block change” signal. P0110 defines when the values become effective
i.e. when they are transferred into the interpolator:
S P0110 = 2
The system only waits for the signal at the end of the block; when
the signal is detected, a block change is executed.
S P0110 = 3
If the signal is not present up to the end of the block, then the axis
waits for the signal and when this is detected, a block change is
made. (from SW 5.1).
For the MDI function, only the configuration P0110 = 2 or 3 is per-

If the deceleration was changed during the braking ramp with absolute
positioning, then this is not accepted. Positioning is realized with the
previously set braking ramp (P0084:256 or P0094).

MDI block The input signal ”reject traversing task” deletes the programmed MDI
influence block.
The input signal ”intermediate stop” holds the MDI block.

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6-442 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.03 6 Description of the Functions
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

conditions S There is only one MDI block.
S The reference point must be approached or set, also for incremental
MDI blocks.
S The MDI block can be entered via PROFIBUS--DP or the default
block (P0091 to P0094, P0097). A combination is also possible.
This means, for example, the position is entered via PROFIBUS and
the remaining block parameters are taken from the default block.
S The interpolator requires 2 IPO clock cycles for a block change.
S If the transfer of modified block parameters is initiated using the ”ex-
ternal block change” signal while the MDI block is interrupted with
an intermediate stop -- then after the intermediate stop is withdrawn,
the modified block is executed.
S For MDI blocks where the programmed position can no longer be
reached in the specified direction of rotation, initially the axis is
braked down to standstill and is then moved to the target position in
the opposite direction.
S If relative positioning (incremental dimension) is parameterized for
an MDI block, then for a CONTINUE EXTERNAL block change
enable positioning is re--started from the current actual position with
”external block change”.
S The clock cycles (current controller, speed controller, positioning
controller and interpolation clock cycle) are, for ”SIMODRIVE 611
universal” set as standard and must be increased for a double--axis
module for two--axis operation (P1000, P1001, P1009, P1010).
S If, for an MDI block, the deceleration override (STW MDIDec or
P0094) is reduced too much, then fault 131 is output. However, for
absolute positioning, this only applies if the braking ramp has still
not started.
S If, for an MDI block, a block change is initiated, and the new target
position does not differ from the previous target position, then the
”reference position reached” output signal is not reset.

Parameter The following parameters are available for the ”MDI” function:
overview S P0091 MDI position
(refer to Chapter S P0092 MDI velocity
S P0093 MDI acceleration override
S P0094 MDI deceleration override
S P0097 MDI mode
S P0110 Configuration, external block change
S P0655 Image, input signals, Part 3
S P0657 Image, output signals, Part 2
S P0915:17 PZD setpoint assignment, PROFIBUS
S P0916:17 PZD actual value assignment, PROFIBUS
S P0922 Telegram selection PROFIBUS

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-443
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.2 Positioning mode (P0700 = 3, from SW 2.1)

The MDI traversing block, transferred using the MDI telegram can be
read, as before, using parameters P0001 to P0008.

Input/output The following signals are used for the ”MDI” function:
signals S Input signals
(refer to Chapter (refer under the index entry ”Input signal, digital -- ...)
-- Input signal ”activate MDI”
----> using an input terminal with function number 83
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”SatzAnw.15”
-- Input signal ”external block change”
(declares the MDI block valid)
----> using an input terminal with function number 67
----> using PROFIBUS control signal ”STW1.13”
-- Input signal ”operating condition/reject traversing task (deletes
the programmed MDI block)
----> using an input terminal with function number 58
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”STW1.4”
-- Input signal ”operating condition/intermediate stop”
6 (holds the MDI block)
----> using an input terminal with function number 59
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”STW1.5”
S Output signals
(refer under the index entry, ”output signal, digital -- ...)
The output signals are only effective when ”Activate MDI” is se-
-- Output signal ”MDI active”
----> using an output terminal with function number 83
----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”AktSatz.15”
-- Output signal ”external block change” (this is an image of the
input signal ”external block change”)
----> using an output terminal with function number 67
----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”AktSatz14”

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6-444 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
12.06 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

General ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” allows drives to be coupled via

PROFIBUS--DP or via terminals.
The main applications include:
S Position reference value and position actual value coupling
(”synchronous operation”)
----> Refer to Chapter 6.3.1
S Torque setpoint coupling (”master/slave operation”)
----> Refer to Chapter 6.3.3

Coupling via Possible position setpoint sources include:

The position setpoint is provided from a higher--level control, e.g.
SIMATIC S7--300.
S Synchronous coupling
Communications is realized using PROFIBUS--DP slave--to--slave
communications. One or several slaves (drives) are operated as
publishers, i.e. they not only provide their actual values to the DP
master, but also to other slaves (subscribers) per broadcast.
Configuring defines which subscribers accept which data as set-
points from which publisher.
From the perspective of the coupling, the master drive is a publisher
and a slave drive is a subscriber.

Coupling via The coupling is realized for a

S Position actual value coupling via the angular incremental encoder
interface (X461/X462) where the direction can be changed--over.
Up to 31 angular incremental encoder inputs can be connected at
angular incremental encoder output. The terminating resistor should
be switched--in at the last device (node) (S1.7 and S1.8).
S Torque coupling via analog inputs (X441/X442) or analog outputs

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-445
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

6.3.1 Position reference value and position actual value coupling

”SIMODRIVE 611 The master drive must output process data via PROFIBUS--DP which
universal” as the slave drive can use as position reference value. The following pro-
master drive cess data is available:
S XsollP (position reference value, number 50208)
S XistP (position actual value, number 50206)
Depending on the actual requirements, it is possible/necessary to out-
put additional process data.
Beyond the output of these signals, the master drive is parameterized
as a conventional positioning drive (”Positioning” mode, P0700 = 3).
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” assumes that when the position reference
value XsollP is output via PROFIBUS--DP, that it is being used as
master drive. In order that the master and slave drive simultaneously
process the position reference values, the master drive correspondingly
delays transferring data to its own position controller. If the position
reference value is only to be output for diagnostic purposes, then the
delay can be disabled using P1004.9 = 0.

”SIMODRIVE 611 The angular incremental encoder interface (X461/X462) is set as out-
universal” as put with P0890 = 1. This means that the incremental position actual
6 master drive, value of the motor encoder or a direct measuring system is output (re-
angular increm. fer to Chapter 6.8.1).
encoder interface

”SIMODRIVE 611 An interface for an external position reference value is available in the
universal” as slave ”positioning” mode (P0700 = 3).
drive Possible signal sources include:
S Angular incremental encoder interface (X461/X462, switched as
S Internal coupling in the double axis module
The external position reference value is entered via PROFIBUS--DP
with the following process data
S Xext (external position reference value, number 50207)
Depending on the actual requirements, it is possible/necessary to out-
put additional process data.
The normalization of the process data XsollP, XistP (master drive) or
Xext (slave drive) can be parameterized using a numerator/denomina-
tor pair This means that not only is a coupling possible between
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” drives, but also with other bus nodes (DP
master or DP slave).
When the interface is switched--in, the drive responds to absolute posi-
tion reference values which are entered via the angular incremental
encoder interface, switched as input, or PROFIBUS--DP. In addition,
traversing blocks can be executed, which result in superimposed mo-

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6-446 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

When the interface is switched--out, the drive can execute, as usual,

autonomous movements via traversing blocks.
The position reference value interface can be switched--in/switched--out
via an input signal (PROFIBUS--DP or terminal) or via a traversing
The following possibilities are available to reference incremental posi-
tion measuring systems:
S When the interface is switched--out, the drive can be individually
referenced as usual (refer to Chapter 6.2.4).
S When the interface is switched--in, the drive follows the reference
motion of the master drive via the ”passive referencing” function
(from SW 5.1).

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-447
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Table 6-40 Overview: Position reference value interface

Property Description
Can be switched--in/out S Activated via input signal ”activate coupling” and ”activate coupling via
I0.x” or PROFIBUS bit PosStw.4
P0410 = 1 Speed--synchronous
P0410 = 2 Position--synchronous
P0410 = 7 To the absolute position of the master drive from + P0412
(from SW 4.1)
S via a traversing block with the COUPLING_IN or COUPLING_OUT com-
P0410 = 3 Speed--synchronous
P0410 = 4 Position--synchronous
P0410 = 8 To the absolute position of the master drive from + P0412
(from SW 4.1)
S via the traversing block with the COUPLING_IN or COUPLING_OUT
command and queue functionality (being prepared)
P0410 = 5 Speed--synchronous
P0410 = 6 Position synchronous + P0412
Superimposed motion Yes, via traversing blocks with the coupling switched--in
Autonomous motion Yes, via traversing blocks with the coupling switched--out
Possible position refer- S Angular incremental encoder interface switched as input
ence value source S Drive A (for an internal coupling)
S PROFIBUS--DP master (clock cycle synchronous operation) (from SW

6 S PROFIBUS--DP slave (slave--to--slave communications) (from SW 4.1)

Parameterize the angular S P0892 Factor, angular incr. enc. pulse no./enc. pulse no.
incremental encoder in- S P0893 Angular incremental encoder zero pulse offset
terface as output ----> Refer to Chapter 6.8.1
P0890 = 1
Output pos. actual values
Parameterize the angular S P0891 Source, external position reference value
incremental encoder in- S P0894 Angular incremental encoder input signal waveform
terface as input S P0895 External position reference value -- No. of increments
P0890 = 2 S P0896 Ext. position reference value -- No. of dimension system
Receive position refer-
ence values S P0897 Inversion, external position reference value
S P0401 Coupling factor, revolutions master drive
S P0402 Coupling factor, revolutions slave drive
----> Refer to Chapter 6.8.2
Parameterize PROFIBUS S P0891 Source, external position reference value
interface as input S P0895 External position reference value -- No. of increments
S P0896 Ext. position reference value -- No. of dimension system
S P0897 Inversion, external position reference value
S P0898 Modulo range, master drive
S P0401 Coupling factor, revolutions master drive
S P0402 Coupling factor, revolutions slave drive
Referencing for incre- Required, if autonomous or superimposed motion has to be executed via
mental measuring sys- traversing blocks
tems ----> Refer to Chapter 6.2.4
Available in the operating ”Positioning” (P0700 = 3)

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6-448 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

possibilities S Angular incremental encoder interface, switched as input, as posi-
tion reference value source.

Master drive Slave drive 1 Slave drive 2

P0700 = 1/3 611 universal P0700 = 3 P0700 = 3
P0890 = 1 with angular P0890 = 2 P0890 = 2
P0891 = 0 incremental P0891 = 0 P0891 = 0
encoder interface
AIE E switched as output AIE E AIE E

Actual position value IN IN

3μ E 3μ E 3μ E

P0700 Operating mode

P0890 Activates the angular incr. enc./encoder interface
P0891 Source, external position reference value

Fig. 6-31 Angular incremental encoder interface as position reference value source 6
S For a double--axis module, an internal coupling can be switched--in
with drive A as master drive and drive B as slave drive.

Drive A Drive B
P0700 = 1/3 P0700 = 3
P0890 = 0 P0890 = 0
For the internal position actual value P0891 = 0 P0891 = 1
coupling, the angular incremental encoder
interface is not assigned. AIE E AIE E

3μ E 3μ E

P0700 Operating mode

P0890 Activates the angular incr. enc./encoder interface
P0891 Source, external position reference value

Fig. 6-32 Internal position actual value coupling

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-449
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

S DP master as position reference value source (clock cycle

synchronous operation recommended).

e.g. SIMATIC S7--300 Slave drive 1 Slave drive 2

PS307 CP342-- 5
IM 360 IM 361
P0700 = 3 P0700 = 3
RxD P0891 = 4 P0891 = 4
ET 200M
-300 IM 153

interface interface
PROFIBUS--DP (position reference value)

3μ E 3μ E

P0700 Operating mode

P0891 Source, external position reference value
(only P0891 = 4 possible)

Fig. 6-33 DP master, e.g. SIMATIC S7--300, as source for ”external position reference value ”

S Synchronous coupling between several DP slaves via slave--to--

slave communications, of which, one must be a master drive.
Master drive Slave drive 1 Slave drive 2
P0700 = 3 e.g. SIMODRIVE P0700 = 3 P0700 = 3
P0891 = 4 P0891 = 4


interface interface interface

(position reference value or

3μ E position actual value) 3μ E 3μ E

P0700 Operating mode

P0891 Source, external position reference value (only P0891 = 4 possible)

Fig. 6-34 Synchronous coupling between several DP slaves

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6-450 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Parameterizing the The external position reference value source is selected using P0891.
setpoint source
S P0891 = 0 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461/X462)
S P0891 = 1 Motor encoder Drive A
(only for compatibility, recommended P0891 = 2)
S P0891 = 2 Position actual value, drive A
S P0891 = 3 Position reference value, drive A
S P0891 = 4 Coupling via PROFIBUS--DP
(the telegram must be appropriately
parameterized for the master and slave drive sides)
P0891 = 1, 2 or 3 is only possible on drive B for a double--axis module.
In case of resolvers and changeover of the resolution 12 bits  14 bits
in Drive A, a four--fold value is to be parameterized using SimoCom U
as follows in Drive B:
S In the display of the information of the selected ”Couplings” dialog box
 ”Position input evaluation” entry field
S In the ”Expert list”
 Changing Parameter P0895

process data and
The following process data is available for the master drive: 6
S XsollP (position reference value, number 50208)
telegrams S XistP (position actual value, number 50206)
S QZsw (status word, slave--to--slave communications, number
S dXcor (correction, position reference/actual value, number 50210)
The process data XsollP, QZsw and dXcor are included in standard
telegram 108.
The following process data are available for the slave drive:
S Xext (external position reference value, number 50207)
S QStw (status word, slave--to--slave communications, number 50117)
S dXcorExt (correction, external position reference value, number 50209)
The process data Xext, QStw and dXcorExt are included in standard
telegram 109.
For a position reference value coupling between ”SIMODRIVE 611 uni-
versal” drives, we recommend that standard telegram 108 is used for
the master drive and standard telegram 109 for the slave drive.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-451
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

S It is not necessary to transfer dXcor or dXcorExt if, with the
coupling switched--in, no external jumps/steps can occur in the
external position reference value.
S It is not necessary to transfer QZsw or QStw if, when the coupling
is switched--in, no external jumps/steps can occur in the position
reference value and the ”passive referencing” function is not
S In the example in Chapter 5.10.5 for coupling 2 drives (master,
slave drive) a description is provided how the hardware
configuration can be parameterized for the necessary
slave--to--slave data transfer and with SimoCom U, the telegrams.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-452 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Input/output Setpoints, entered via the source, are evaluated at the input for the fol-
evaluation lowing couplings:
----> via the angular incremental encoder (P0891 = 0 or 1)
----> via PROFIBUS--DP (P0891 = 4)
S Input format (slave drive):
-- Xext (external position reference value, number 50207)
-- dXcorExt (correction, external position reference value, number
The following applies: Position in MSR = input value ⋅
S The output is evaluated ----> PROFIBUS--DP
Output format (master drive):
-- XsollP (position reference value, number 50208)
-- XistP (position actual value, number 50206)
-- dXcor (correction, position reference/actual value, 50210)
The following applies: Output value = position in MSR ⋅
The output value must be able to be represented using 32 bits. This
means that the maximum traversing distance that can be repre-
sented is:
P0896 P0896
--231 ⋅⋅⋅ (231--1)
P0895 (P0884) P0895 (P0884) 6
S The standard settings for PROFIBUS--DP are:
-- P0884 = 10000
-- P0895 = 10000
-- P0896 = 10000 MSR (μm)
Recommendation: Modify the standard setting as follows to achieve
the best possible resolution:
-- P0884 = 2048
-- P0895 = 2048
-- P0896 = 5 MSR (μm)
For this setting, the resolution is μm
and the traversing distance that can be represented is  5.24 m.

Changes to P0884, P0895 and P0896 are incorporated in P0032
(external position reference value).

Position reference The external position reference value can be inverted using P0897.
value inversion

Changes to P0897 are incorporated in P0032 (external position
reference value).

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-453
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Coupling factor A coupling factor for all setpoint sources can be defined using P0401 and
P0402. Revolutions of the master drive (P0401) correspond to revolutions
of the slave drive (P0402).

Setpoint steps If steps (jumps) occur in the external position reference value, e.g. after
referencing the master drive, this must be signaled to the slave drive so
that this does not execute this step
S Coupling via PROFIBUS DP
----> QZsw.0 = 1 (publisher) or QStw.0 = 1 (subscriber)
The amplitude of the step is transferred in dXcor and is received in
the dXcorExt.
S Coupling via the angular incremental encoder
----> not necessary, as it involves an incremental setpoint input
For P0891 = 7 or 8, it may be necessary to use
the signal ”setpoint, master drive” on the slave drive side.

S A ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” as slave drive also operates with
PROFIBUS master drives together which do not support the
concept of multiple correction value transfer. The only thing that is

6 necessary, is that, for a setpoint step, the control bit and the
correction value are correctly set. In this case, there is a danger,
that after the telegram has been lost, a setpoint step occurs.
S The slave drive corrects the setpoint when the 0/1 edge of the
control bit is detected.
S If it can be ensured that at the instant that the setpoint step occurs,
there is no coupling, then it is not necessary to transfer the step
location Xcor.

Coupling The coupling type is configured in the slave drive using P0410.
configuration The following is defined for a coupling via P0410:
(P0410) S Can be switched--in/switched--out via an input signal or traversing
S Speed synchronism, position synchronism or to the absolute
position of the master drive
----> refer to the following information.
For PROFIBUS--DP, P0410 = 7, i.e. can be switched--in/out via the in-
put signal, coupling is preset to the absolute position.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-454 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Coupling--in/out For P0410 = 1, 2 or 7, the coupling can be switched--in/out via an input

via the signal.
input signal The following applies:
(P0410 = 1, 2 S When switching--in/switching--out the coupling, the drive to be
or 7) coupled must remain stationary and a traversing program may not
S The coupling is switched--in/switched--out using the ”activate cou-
pling” input signal.
The input signal can be entered via input terminal or via
-- via an input terminal with function number 72 and 73
-- Via PROFIBUS signal ”PosStw.4”
What can be programmed for the coupling that is switched--in?
After the ”activate traversing task” input signal, traversing blocks
can be programmed with the commands:
Relative position input, WAIT, GOTO, SET_O, RESET_O,
S Additional block change enable circuits are:
FLYING and CONTINUE EXTERNAL (only for P0110 = 2)
S The coupling can be configured for speed synchronism, position
synchronism or an absolute position.
-- P0410 = 1 Speed synchronism via input signal 6
----> refer to Fig. 6-35
-- P0410 = 2 Position synchronism via input signal
----> refer to Fig. 6-36
-- P0410 = 7 Absolute position (from SW 4.1)

If a traversing block is parameterized with COUPLING_IN and/or
COUPLING_OUT and if the coupling is to be controlled using a digital
signal, then when any traversing block is started, fault 166 is always
output (not that traversing block with COUPLING_IN or with

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-455
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Coupling--in/out For P0410 = 3, 4 or 8, the coupling can be switched--in/switched--out

via traversing via a traversing block.
block (P0410 = 3, 4
The following applies:
or 8)
S The coupling is switched--in/switched--out using the following commands:
What happens after COUPLING_IN?
The drive waits until synchronism is achieved, and then executes
the appropriate block change enable.
When programmed with CONTINUE FLYING, the command al-
ways results in the block change enable CONTINUE WITH
What can be programmed for the coupling that is switched--in?
Traversing blocks can be programmed with the commands:
Relative position data, WAIT, GOTO, SET_O, RESET_O.
SING_NEG, fault 105 is output.
For a coupling that is kept closed, the programmed value is
switched to the position reference value, received via the angular
incremental encoder interface, so that a superimposed motion is

6 What happens after COUPLING_OUT?

The drive switches--out the coupling, brakes down to standstill,
and then executes the programmed block change enable.
S Additional block change enable circuits are:
FLYING and CONTINUE EXTERNAL (only for P0110 = 2)

S For blocks with COUPLING_IN/COUPLING_OUT, a block change
enable with CONTINUE FLYING is not possible.
S For blocks with COUPLING_OUT, a block change enable with
CONTINUE EXTERNAL is not possible.

S The coupling can be configured for speed synchronism, position

synchronism or an absolute position.
-- P0410 = 3 Speed synchronism via traversing block
----> refer to Fig. 6-35
-- P0410 = 4 Position synchronism via traversing block
----> refer to Fig. 6-36
-- P0410 = 8 Absolute position (from SW 4.1)
----> refer to Fig. 6-37

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6-456 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Speed For a speed--synchronous coupling, the drive accelerates after the cou-
synchronism pling has been switched--in, with the acceleration in P0103, up to the
(P0410 = 1 or 3) speed of the master drive.
The following error, that is automatically obtained when the slave drive
accelerates due to the different output velocities, is no longer reduced
to zero.
The position difference of the two drives is constant in the synchronous

Ramp--up Braking
v Synchronous phase
phase phase

Following error

”Activate coupling”

Output signal
”in synchronism” 0
vLA Velocity, master drive
vFA Speed setpoint, slave drive

Fig. 6-35 Speed synchronism (P0410 = 1 or 3)

Reader’s note
The phases are described in Table 6-41.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-457
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Position For the position--synchronous coupling, the slave drive takes into ac-
synchronism count the distance moved by the master drive and the position offset,
(P0410 = 2 or 4) entered in P0412
After speed synchronism has been reached, the following error which
has occurred and the position offset in P0412 is moved through with
the supplementary speed in P0413.

v Ramp--up Offset Syn-- Braking

phase phase chron-- phase
vFA ous

Following error + P0412

Following error

”Activate coupling”

6 Output signal
”in synchronism”

vLA Velocity, master drive in synchronism

vFA Speed setpoint, slave drive ----> the following error is less than the
P0412 Synchronous offset position following error tolerance set in P0318:8
P0413 Offset, synchronous velocity ----> refer under the index entry
”Dynamic following error monitoring”

Fig. 6-36 Position synchronism (P0410 = 2 or 4)

Contrary to the coupling to the absolute position, an offset between the

master and slave drives, existing before the coupling was established,
is no longer taken into account in the offset phase.

Reader’s note
The phases are described in Table 6-41.

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6-458 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Coupling to an With this function, the slave drive, for P0410 = 7 or 8, synchronizes to
absolute position the absolute position of the master drive plus an adjustable offset
(P0410 = 7 or 8) P0412. After synchronization, the master and slave drives have the
(from SW 4.1) same absolute position with the exception of the offset P0412.
The coupling can be switched--in/out using an input signal (P0410 = 7)
or using a traversing block (P0410 = 8).
The following secondary conditions must be observed in order to real-
ize a coupling to an absolute position:
S For P0891 = 2, 3 or 4, the master drive absolute position is available
to the slave drive.
S For P0891 = 0 or 1, the slave drive absolute position is not automat-
ically made available to the slave drive.
The reference point coordinates are communicated to the slave
drive once using the input signal ”set position reference value,
master drive” (function number 74) if the source of the external posi-
tion reference value is either the angular incremental encoder inter-
face (P0891 = 0), or for double--axis modules, the motor encoder of
drive A (P0891 = 1). The value of P0400 (reference point coordi-
nate, master drive) is written into P0032 (external position reference
After a positive edge, the display parameter P0032 ”External posi-
tion reference value” coincides with the master drive absolute posi-
tion. 6
A coupling should only be closed at the absolute position of the
master drive after ”set setpoint, master drive” as only then can be
guaranteed that the slave drive has been correctly referenced.
S ----> refer to the example, Chapter 5.10.5

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-459
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

v Ramp--up Offset Syn-- Braking

phase phase chron-- phase
vFA ous

In the synchronous phase:

xFA = xLA + P0412

”Activate coupling”

Output signal 1
”in synchronism” 0

vLA Velocity, master drive

vFA Speed setpoint, slave drive in synchronism
xLA Position, master drive ----> the following error is less than the
following error tolerance set in P0318:8
xXFA Position, slave drive
6 P0412
Synchronous offset position
Offset, synchronous velocity
----> refer under the index entry
”Dynamic following error monitoring”

Fig. 6-37 To absolute position (P0410 = 7 or 8)

Reader’s note
The phases are described in Table 6-41.

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6-460 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Table 6-41 Description of the phases for speed or position synchronism

Phases Speed--synchronous Position--synchronous Absolute position

(P0410 = 1 or 3) (P0410 = 2 or 4) (P0410 = 2 or 4)
(from SW 4.1)
Ramp--up After the coupling has been switched--in, the speed setpoint for the slave drive is
phase ramped up to the master drive speed.
The ramp gradient corresponds to the acceleration in P0103.
This phase is completed after the slave drive has reached the speed of the master
Offset phase -- After speed synchronism After speed synchronism
has been reached, the has been reached, the
summed following error drive moves by the offset in
and the position offset, en- the absolute position of the
tered in P0412 is moved master and slave drive and
through with speed vLA + the position offset, entered
P0413. into P0412 with speed vLA
+ P0413.
Synchronous For coupling--in/out using the input signal, the following applies (P0410 = 1, 2 or 7):
phase ----> A traversing program can be started.
For coupling--in/out using the traversing block, the following applies (P0410 = 3, 4 or
----> The traversing program is continued.

S The setpoint input via the angular incremental encoder interface, switched as input,
and the setpoint input via the traversing blocks are superimposed on one another.
S Traversing blocks with relative position data are permissible.
S ----> refer under the index entry ”Output signal, digital -- in synchronism”
Braking phase After the coupling has been switched--out, the drive goes into the braking phase and
brakes down to standstill with the deceleration set in P0104.
For coupling--in/out using the input signal, the following applies (P0410 = 1, 2 or 7):
----> A traversing program can be started.
For coupling--in/out using the traversing block, the following applies (P0410 = 3, 4 or
----> The traversing program is continued.
For coupling--in/out via input signal, the braking phase may only be initiated, if a tra-
versing program is no longer running for the slave drive.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-461
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Coupling using the With this function, a coupling is established between the master and
queue slave drives depending on a position memory (queue) being processed.
S Coupling always switched--in/out always via the traversing program
(P0410 = 5 or 6)
(being prepared) S P0410 = 5: Speed--synchronous
S P0410 = 6: Position--synchronous

Application The master drive drives a conveyor belt. The position of the workpieces
example, queue is detected using a measuring probe and saved in the slave drive in
functionality P0425:16. If a workpiece approaches its waiting position, the slave
(refer to Fig. 6-38) drive must accelerate in plenty of time so that it can move in
synchronism with the workpiece in the machinery range.
If a workpiece is detected, the distance, measured to the actual slave
drive position is continuously entered into P0425:16. The first work-
piece is entered under P0425:0 and the last under P0425:15.
A maximum of 16 positions can be saved ----> otherwise, fault 168 is
output (overflow, buffer memory).
For slave drives, a traversing program cyclically runs with coupling and
machining commands.

6 Sequence:
1. The COUPLING IN command is executed, i.e. the slave drive waits
to be synchronized to the master drive.
2. When will synchronization start, i.e. when will the coupling be
Synchronization is started when the next workpiece has reached the
slave drive, i.e. if the distance between the workpiece and the slave
drive in the next interpolation clock cycle k is
less than .
vLA Velocity, master drive
aFA Acceleration, slave drive
3. To start, speed synchronism is established. After this, the oldest
position is deleted from the position memory and for P0410 = 6,
position synchronism established.
The equalization motion is extremely short, as synchronization is
After synchronism has been established, additional commands can
be executed (e.g. to machine the workpiece).
For the commands, the same conditions apply as for the program-
mable couplings.

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6-462 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

4. The coupling is switched--out using the command COUPLING_OUT.

The drive remains stationary and the program is continued. From
this time onwards, there are no restrictions regarding the com-
The slave drive can be returned to the waiting position e.g. using an
additional command (POS ABS).

Traversing program in the slave drive

COUPLING IN ; wait until the next workpiece comes close
POS REL ; relative traversing motion
... blocks to be processed (i.e. for machining)
POS ABS waiting position ; retraction to the waiting position
GOTO start

Master vLA
distance xsync Machining distance
drive BERO
Overlaid motion

I0.x drive

LA Master drive P0420

FA Slave drive
--s 0 Waiting s

Fig. 6-38 Application example: Coupling via an input terminal with queue functionality

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-463
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Axis coupling for In order to implement an axis coupling for modulo rotary axes, the fol-
modulo lowing settings must be made:
rotary axes
S Which settings have to be made for the master axis?
(from SW 4.1)
-- ”Positioning” mode (P0700 = 3)
-- Set the modulo rotary axis (P0241, P0242)
S Which settings have to be made for the slave axis?
-- ”Positioning” mode (P0700 = 3)
-- Set the modulo rotary axis (P0241, P0242)
-- For the slave axis, the modulo range of the master axis must be
specified in P0898.
i.e.: P0242 (master axis) = P0898 (slave axis)

The modulo range of the master axis can be the same or not equal to
the modulo range of the slave axis.
i.e.: P0242 (master axis) = or ≠ P0242 (slave axis)

6 Modulo correction Position reference value steps as a result of modulo correction are de-
tected by the slave drive itself, i.e. it is not permissible that control bit
QStw.0 or the correction value dXcorExt are set.
The following is required:
S P0898 must be correctly parameterized for the slave drive.
S The traversing difference between two position reference values is
the maximum of half the modulo range (so that the direction of mo-
tion is clear)

Telegram loss Telegrams may be lost when transferring data via Profibus--DP. In this
case, the slave drive must extrapolate a new reference value position
from the previous acceleration and velocity.
The correct position is only approached with the next valid telegram. If
more telegrams are lost than are parameterized in P0879 , Fault 595 or
597 is output and the drive comes to a standstill.

Boundary The following secondary conditions must be observed for position refer-
conditions ence value and actual value coupling:
S Resolution of the angular incremental encoder interface
It should be carefully observed that the coupling must be configured
with a high resolution (encoder), e.g. for
----> a good resolution: 2048 pulses correspond to 10 mm
----> a poor resolution: 1250 pulses correspond to 1500 mm

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6-464 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

S Travel to fixed stop and axis coupling

-- It is not permissible to activate the ”travel to fixed stop” function
when in the coupled mode (Fault 173).
-- The axis coupling cannot be switched--in during the ”travel to
fixed stop” function (Fault 173).
S If it is predicted that a software limit switch will be passed, for
coupled axes, one of the following faults/warnings will be signaled:
-- Fault 132 or 133 after a software limit switch has been passed
(minus or plus)
-- Warning 891
(software limit switch PLUS actuated, coupled)
-- Warning 892
(software limit switch MINUS actuated, coupled)
For a coupled drive, there is no response to warning 891 or 892.
This can be signaled to the master drive using the output signal
”warning present”; this then allows the master drive to respond.
S Only relative position data is permissible for traversing blocks when
in the coupled mode (Fault 165).
S During an active coupling, a block change enable
CONTINUE EXTERNAL is only possible with P0110 = 2 (Fault 172).
S The position of the master drive, at which the coupling was re-
quested, is in P0425:0.
S The following applies for P0410 = 1, 2 or 7:
-- It is not possible to program the commands COUPLING_IN
or COUPLING_OUT (Fault 166).
-- The coupling can be switched--in/switched--out via input terminal
as follows:
Assign function 72 to any input terminal
----> Input signal ”activate coupling”
2.) (recommendation, as it is a fast input)
Assign function number 73 to input terminal I0.x
----> Assign the input signal ”Activate coupling via I0.x”
function number 72 to any other input terminal
----> Input signal ”Activate coupling”
(refer to Chapter 6.4.3 Function numbers 72 and 73)
S The following applies for P0410 = 3, 4 or 8:
The coupling cannot be switched--in/switched--out via an input signal.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-465
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

S Rotary axis with modulo correction and basic coupling

The following applies for SW 3.3:
The coupling mode for rotary axes with modulo correction is not per-
missible for the master and slave drive.
The following applies from SW 3.5:
The coupling mode is permissible for rotary axes with modulo
S Direct measuring system and axis coupling
For a drive with direct measuring system, the actual values of the
motor measuring system are always output via the angular incre-
mental encoder interface switched as output.
This means that an actual value coupling cannot be realized using
the direct measuring system.
S The following applies for P0410 = 5 or 6 (from SW 3.5):
-- It is only possible to precisely determine the position using the
fast input I0.x.
----> refer under the index entry ”Input signal, digital -- flying mea-
surement/length measurement”
-- The standstill time of the slave drive up to the next workpiece
must be at least 1 IPO clock cycle (P1010).
6 -- After COUPLING OUT for the slave drive, the drive should re-
tract to its waiting position as otherwise it will continue to be posi-
tioned away from the target position.
S The following secondary conditions have to be taken into consider-
ation when parameterizing P0891:
-- The following applies for P0891 = 1:
----> only exists for drive B;
----> for drive A, P0891 must be 0
-- The following applies for P0891 = 2 or 3:
----> Selectable for drive A or B
----> The other drive is then the master drive where P0891
must be set to 0.
----> Coupling via the input signal ”Activate coupling via
I0.x” (fast input) is not possible
S If a setpoint source is selected, which is not available for the drive,
e.g. there is no optional PROFIBUS--DP module, then Fault 788 is

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-466 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

S It is possible to have mixed operation of position reference value

sources within a drive group. For instance, drive A can receive its
setpoint via the angular incremental encoder and transfer this to
other drives via PROFIBUS--DP. The following secondary conditions
must be observed:
-- The synchronous operation of the drive group is poor as a result
of the different data propagation times.
-- There are differences in the position resolution between the indi-
vidual sources.
S Limitations for a slave axis

! When superimposing the speed of the master and slave drives, a
resulting slave drive speed can be obtained which is greater than the
maximum speed P0102. For slave axes, the speed monitoring in
P1147, P1401:8 and P1405:8 applies.

For coupled operation via PROFIBUS--DP, we recommend that internal
couplings are not used. Instead, the second drive should be
parameterized as subscriber (refer to Chapter 5.10).

S Display of position actual value XisP/position actual value Xset for

double--axis modules with ”SimoCom U commissioning tool”:
The displayed value of XistP/XsollP in the information display of the
selected ”PROFIBUS parameterization” dialog box can vary slightly
as compared to the displayed actual values/setpoints at the position
of the position displays of the SimoCom U (approx. 1 ).
S Coupling via angular incremental encoder interface with ”coarse en-
coder resolution”:
Prior to SW 10.1:
For axis couplings, the angular incremental encoder interface can
be configured as documented previously.
Starting with SW 10.1:
For an axis coupling with the ”Source, external position reference
value” function, ”Angular incremental encoder interface X461/X642
(coarse)” must be selected. This results in P0891 = 5.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-467
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Passive The slave drive cannot autonomously reference if there is a permanent

referencing for a coupling. Instead, the master drive specifies the referencing motion.
slave drive Using passive referencing, the slave drive can also be referenced.
(from SW 5.1)
When executing passive referencing, the slave drive is precisely re--
positioned at its own reference point.
The following commissioning help is available to determine and enter
the reference point offset for the slave drive.
This means, e.g. that it is possible, for a gantry group, to automatically
correct any possible skewing.
Passive referencing is possible for axes with absolute or incremental
encoder. However, the drive with the absolute value encoder must first
be adjusted using absolute value setting (Fault 176).
S Master and slave drive with incremental encoder.

Phase 1 2 3 4

Velocity profile
Master drive
Reference point
(encoder: incremental)
Zero mark (P0160)

6 P0162

Output signal
”request passive referencing”

possible offset due to ”soft” coupling

Velocity profile
Slave drive
(encoder: Reference
Zero mark point (P0160)
(permanent coupling) P0162

Input signal
”reference cams”

Input signal
”request passive referencing”

Output signal
”in synchronism”
P0160 Reference point coordinates
P0162 Reference point offset

Fig. 6-39 Sequence when passively referencing (master and slave drive with incremental encoder)

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6-468 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

S Master drive with absolute value encoder and slave drive with incre-
mental encoder.

Phase 1 2 3 4
Velocity profile
Master drive
Reference point
(encoder: absolute)

possible offset due to ”soft” coupling

Velocity profile
Slave drive
(encoder: Reference
Zero mark point (P0160)
(permanent coupling) P0162

Input signal
”reference cams”

Output signal
”in synchronism” 6
P0160 Reference point coordinates
P0162 Reference point offset

Fig. 6-40 Sequence when passively referencing (master drive with absolute value encoder, slave drive
with incremental encoder)

If the slave drive with incremental encoder does not have any refer-
ence cams, then it must be referenced using the ”set reference
point” input signal.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-469
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

S Master drive with incremental encoder and slave drive with absolute
value encoder.

Phase 1 2 3 4

Velocity profile
Master drive
Reference point
(encoder: incremental)
Zero mark (P0160)


Output signal
”request passive referencing”

Velocity profile
Slave drive
(encoder: absolute)
(permanent coupling)

6 Input signal
”request passive referencing”

Output signal
”in synchronism”

P0160 Reference point coordinates

P0162 Reference point offset

Fig. 6-41 Sequence when passively referencing (master drive with incremental encoder and slave drive
with absolute value encoder)

For a rigid mechanical coupling between the master and slave axes, it
is not permissible that P0179 is set to 2 if the slave drive is equipped
with an absolute value encoder. Otherwise, the slave drive would
position (in absolute terms) to the position specified in P0160.

S Master and slave drive with absolute value encoder.

For master and slave drive with absolute value encoder, passive
referencing is not practical, as the axes have been adjusted corre-
sponding to Chapter 6.2.7 (Adjustment for absolute measuring sys-

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6-470 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Timing when The following timing for passive referencing applies when using incre-
passively mental encoders for the master and slave drives. When referencing the
referencing master drive, after its zero mark is reached, passive referencing for the
(from SW 5.1) slave drive is requested. The master drive then traverses through the
reference point offset up to the reference point.
During this travel, the slave drive must detect a 1/0 edge at the ”refer-
ence cam” input signal and then its own zero mark.
After the master drive has reached its reference point, the slave drive is
moved to its reference point.
S Phase 1 Master drive searches for its zero mark
The master drive has moved away from the reference cam and
searches for the next zero mark.
After the zero mark has been found, the following is initiated:
-- The drive is braked down to standstill
-- Master drive:
Set the ”request passive referencing” output signal
-- Slave drive:
When the ”request passive referencing” input signal has been
detected, the slave drive starts to search for the 1/0 edge of the
input signal ”reference cams” after which it searches for the zero
S Phase 2 The master drive starts to its reference point
The master drive moves to traverse to its reference point. During
this traversing operation, the slave drive continues to search for its
zero mark.
S Phase 3 The master drive approaches its reference point
When the reference point is reached, the following is initiated:
-- The ”request passive referencing” output signal is reset
If the slave drive, up to this instant in time, has not found a zero
mark, fault 175 is signaled.
S Phase 4 Slave drive referenced
-- For P0179 = 0
After the reference point is reached, the value from P0160 is ac-
cepted as new actual value (set reference point).
-- For P0179 = 2
After the axis has reached its standstill position, the axis is tra-
versed, corresponding to P0162, to its own reference point with
the velocity defined in P0413. The value from P0160 is then ac-
cepted as new actual value.
----> Refer under the commissioning help for passive referencing
of the slave drive

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-471
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Commissioning The commissioning help is used to determine the reference point offset
help to passively in P0162 for the slave drive.
reference the slave Requirements: Set P0179 = 0
1. Carry--out passive referencing as usual (Fig.6-39).
(from SW 5.1)

To execute the following points, the master drive must be
precisely positioned at its reference point!

2. Slave drive:
-- In the jogging mode, the axis moves to its measured reference

Before ”jogging”, the coupling must be switched--out, otherwise
”jogging” is not possible. Switch--in the coupling again afterwards.

3. Slave drive:
-- Set P0179 = 1
6 ----> the distance between the zero mark and approached refer-
ence point is saved as offset in P0162
-- P0179 is internally set to 2
4. Save the parameters in the FEPROM
5. Carry--out a power on
This means that for future referencing, the reference point of the slave
drive is ”correctly” approached.

Secondary The following secondary conditions apply:

conditions and
S The slave drive must find its own zero mark during phases 2 and 3.
limitations when
passively S Passive referencing between the master and slave drive is con-
referencing trolled using the following signals:
(from SW 5.1)
-- Master drive: Output signal ”request passive
----> using the output terminal with function number 69
(refer to Chapter 6.4)
----> using the PROFIBUS status signal QZsw.1
(refer to Chapter 5.6.3)
-- Slave drive: Input signal ”request passive
----> using an input terminal with function number 69
(refer to Chapter 6.4)
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal QStw.1
(refer to Chapter 5.6.2)

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6-472 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

The master drive output signal should be connected to the input

signal of the slave drive.
If, for a double--axis module, P0891 (B) = 1, i.e. the position ac-
tual value of drive A is internally connected to the position refer-
ence value from drive B, then the following applies:
The ”request passive referencing” output signal from drive A
(master drive A) is internally and automatically recognized by
drive B (slave drive). In this case, external wiring is not required.
S The permanent coupling can be switched--in via an input signal or
with the traversing block. Additional traversing blocks are not per-
Example, switching--in with a traversing block using the ”Start--up
Tool SimoCom U”:
Block change enable: End
S If reference point approach is started at the master drive, and the
slave drive is coupled--out and coupled--in again, then the slave
drive outputs faults 131 and 605 if the master drive has reached its
reference point. This means that after a reference point approach
has been started, it is no longer possible to de--couple the axes.

Parameter The following parameters are used for the ”axis coupling” function:
S P0179 Mode, passive referencing (from SW 5.1)
(refer to Chapter
A.1) S P0400 Ref. point coordinate, master drive (from SW 4.1)
S P0401 Coupling factor, revolutions master drive
S P0402 Coupling factor, revolutions slave drive
S P0410 Configuration, coupling that can be switched--in
S P0412 Synchronous offset position
S P0413 Offset, synchronous velocity
S P0420 Position difference, measuring probe to the zero
point, slave drive (from SW 3.5)
S P0425:16 Coupling positions
S P0884 Position output value PROFIBUS -- No. of increments
S P0891 Source, external position reference value
S P0895 External position reference value -- No. of increments
S P0896 Ext. position reference value -- No. of dimension
system grids
S P0897 Inversion, external position reference value
S P0898 Modulo range, master drive (from SW 3.5)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-473
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Input/output The following signals are used for the function ”axis coupling”:
signals (refer to
S Input signals
Chapter 6.4, 5.6.2,
(refer under index entry ”Input signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Input signal, ”activate coupling”
----> using an input terminal with function number 72
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”PosStw.4”
-- Input signal, ”activate coupling via I0.x”
----> using an input terminal with function number 73
-- Input signal ”set setpoint, master drive” (from SW 4.1)
----> using an input terminal with function number 74
-- Input signal ”request passive referencing” (from SW 5.1)
----> using an input terminal with function number 69
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”STW1.15” or
alternatively ”QStw.1”
S Output signals
(refer under the index entry, ”Output signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Output signal ”in synchronism”

6 ----> using an output terminal with function number 71

----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”PosZsw.3”
-- Output signal ”Request passive referencing” (from SW 5.1)
----> using an output terminal with function number 69
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”ZSW1.15” or
alternatively ”QZsw.1”
Additional input/output signals
S Input signals
(refer under index entry ”Input signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Input signal, ”set reference point”
-- Input signal ”reference cams”
S Output signals
(refer under the index entry, ”Output signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Output signal, ”controller enable status”
-- Output signal ”fault present”
-- Output signal, ”warning present”

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6-474 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

6.3.2 Handling faults in the master and slave drives

Overview If a coupling is active, the master drive must be able to respond to

slave drive faults.
It must also be guaranteed that the slave drive is reliably stopped, if the
master drive develops a fault.

Faults in the slave Dependent on the stop responses, the following should be observed for
drive faults and warnings in the slave drive:

Table 6-42 Behavior when faults develop in the slave drive

Fault What happens when these fault situations occur?

Faults with S The coupling is disconnected (switched--out)
stop response S The slave drive is appropriately braked
STOP I S Output signals
STOP II -- Status, controller enable = 0
STOP III -- Fault present =1
-- Warning present =0
Faults with S Block processing is interrupted 6
stop response S The slave drive remains closed--loop controlled and
STOP IV coupled
STOP V S Output signals
STOP VI -- Status, controller enable = 1
-- Fault present =1
-- Warning present =0
Warnings with S No response for the slave drive
stop response S Output signals
STOP VII -- Status, controller enable = 1
-- Fault present =0
-- Warning present =1
Controller S When the controller enable is withdrawn, this does not
enable with- have to result in faults being output
drawn S Output signals
-- Status, controller enable = 0
-- Fault present =0
-- Warning present =0
The required stop response can be initiated for a group of axes by appropri-
ately externally evaluating the output signals of the slave drive.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-475
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

In Fig. 6-42 it is shown how a differentiation can be made between
these three stop classes as well as the withdrawal of the controller
enable from the three output signals ”status, controller enable”, ”fault
present” and ”warning present”. Furthermore, it is indicated how the
master drive and therefore the other slave drives could respond to
these signals.

The logical operations can be further optimized for the displayed
behavior. However, at this position, it is important that a differentiation
can be made between the various fault classes.

Slave drive

Output signals

STOP I -- III Master

& drive

6 &
T. 65.x
Controller enable controller enable

& Operating condition/
reject traversing task
--1 Operating condition/
intermediate stop
Status, controller enable

Fault present

Alarm present

Fig. 6-42 Example: Handling faults in the slave drive through the master drive

Faults in the Faults in the master drive can be just as flexibly handled as the faults in
master drive the slave drive which were discussed above.
In this case, the master drive output signals are used, and are corre-
spondingly connected to the input signals of the slave drive.
For an actual value coupling, it is not absolutely necessary to handle
master drive faults, as the slave drive follows the actual value of the
master drive anyway, and brakes when a fault situation develops.
On the other hand, for a setpoint coupling, it should be ensured that
when the setpoints fail, the group of axes is correctly stopped.

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6-476 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

6.3.3 Torque setpoint coupling (from SW 4.1)

Description A torque setpoint coupling (master/slave operation) between two rigidly

connected drives can be established via analog signals or PROFI-
How is this function activated?
S The master drive is changed--over into the closed--loop speed con-
trolled mode.
S The torque setpoint at the speed controller output of the master
drive is provided via the process data ”Msoll” (number 50114).
S The slave drive must be changed--over into the open--loop torque
controlled mode using process data ”STW1.14”.
S The torque setpoint of the master drive should be read into the
slave drive using process data ”MsollExt” (number 50113).

Normalization P0882 determines the normalization of process data ”Msoll” and

”MsollExt”. The percentage value of the rated motor torque, entered
into P0882, corresponds to value 16384 in the PROFIBUS interface.
The polarity of the torque setpoint can be inverted by entering negative
values. 6
The torque, corresponding to 16384, is displayed in Nm in P1725
(P0882 ⋅ rated motor torque).

Smoothing and The ”Msoll” process data is smoothed using the transition frequency set
clock cycle in P1252. The pre--setting P1252 = 100 Hz can result in problems for me-
chanical couplings. If required, the smoothing (dead time) should be dis-
abled using P1252 = 0.

For torque setpoint couplings via PROFIBUS--DP, when compared to
coupling via analog signals (refer to Chapter 6.6), there is a longer
dead time (≥ 1 ms instead of the speed controller clock cycle).

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-477
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Application The master/slave functionality is realized using analog signals

example or PROFIBUS--DP.

Master/slave operation is only possible for motors with encoders!

S An example of a coupling between two drives with analog input/out-

puts is described in Chapter 6.6.5.
S The following example shows a coupling with PROFIBUS--DP.

Master drive Slave drive

Torque actual Torque

value: Mset setpoint:
setpoint PROFIBUS DP
for a rigid coupling
1 signal ----> Mset operation
Mset operation for a released coupling
0 signal ----> nset operation
6 nset operation

Dependent on
the mechanical
Rigid or quasi--rigid
M M connection, which can
3 3 also be released in

Fig. 6-43 Example: Coupling two drives with master/slave to PROFIBUS--DP

! If, for a master/slave configuration, the rigid mechanical coupling is
released (the coupling is opened) then at the same time the slave drive
must be changed over to nset operation as otherwise the slave drive
would accelerate in an uncontrolled fashion to the maximum speed.

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6-478 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Parameterizing The diagrams 6-45 and 6-44 indicate the steps when configuring S7 for
DP master an example with the standard telegram 102 as template.
In the example, it is assumed that the encoder interface is not required.
The appropriate process data is therefore canceled.
The following data should be parameterized in the DP master (e.g.
S Configuration, master drive ----> Number of process data which must
match the selected telegrams
-- 4 words, PKW
-- 6 words, actual values to the DP master
-- 5 words, setpoints from the DP master

Fig. 6-44 Example, configuring the master drive for S7

S Configuring the slave drive to match the telegram

----> define the slave--to--slave communication link
-- 4 words, PKW
-- 5 words, actual values to the DP master
-- 5 words, setpoints from the DP master
-- 1 word, setpoints via slave--to--slave communications

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-479
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Fig. 6-45 Example, configuring the slave drive for S7

Parameterizing the The following parameters should be set:

6 master drive
S P0922 = 0
In the example, the standard telegram 102 is extended by Msoll.
----> the telegram should be configured as follows:
S P0916:6 = 50114 ----> status word Msoll
S Check P1252 (smoothing, Msoll)
S P0915:6 = 0 and P0916:7... 10 = 0
----> disable the encoder interface (optional)


STW1 NSOLL_B STW2 MomRed Setpoint
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5
50001 50007 50007 50003 50101
ZSW1 NIST_B ZSW2 MeldW Mset Actual
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6
50002 50008 50008 50004 50102 50114

Fig. 6-46 Configuring the telegram, master drive

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6-480 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Parameterizing The following parameters should be set:

the slave drive S P0922 = 0
In the example, the standard telegram 102 is extended by MsollExt.
----> the telegram should be configured as follows:


STW1 NSOLL_B STW2 MomRed MsetExt Setpoint
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6
50001 50007 50007 50003 50101 50113
ZSW1 NIST_B ZSW2 MeldW Actual
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5
50002 50008 50008 50004 50102

Fig. 6-47 Configuring a telegram, slave drive

S P0915:6 = 50113 ----> control word MsollExt

S P0916:6 ... 10 = 0 ----> disables the encoder interface (optional)

The normalization at the master and slave drive can be influenced 6
using P0882.

Parameter The following parameters are available for the ”torque setpoint cou-
overview pling” function:
(refer to Chapter
S P0607 Analog setpoint, terminal 56.x/14.x
S P0612 Analog setpoint, terminal 24.x/20.x
S P0618 Normalization voltage, speed setpoint
S P0619 Normalization voltage, torque setpoint
S P0620 Normalization voltage, torque/power reduction
S P0882 Evaluation, torque setpoint PROFIBUS
S P0881 Evaluation, torque/power reduction PROFIBUS
S P0916 PZD actual value assignment, PROFIBUS
S P0922 Telegram selection PROFIBUS
S P1240:8 Offset, torque setpoint (closed--loop speed--controlled)
S P1241:8 Normalization, torque setpoint
S P1242:8 Offset, torque setpoint (open--loop torque--controlled)
S P1243:8 Normalization, torque/power reduction
S P1252 Transition frequency, torque setpoint smoothing
S P1725 Normalization, torque setpoint

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-481
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Input/output The following signals are used for the function ”torque setpoint coupling”:
signals (refer to
S Input signals
Chapter 6.4)
(refer under index entry ”Input signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Input signal ”open--loop torque controlled operation”
----> using an input terminal with function number 4
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”STW1.14”
-- Input signal ”external torque setpoint”
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”MsollExt”
-- Input signal ”torque limit reduction”
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”MomRed”
S Output signals
(refer under the index entry, ”Output signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Output signal ”in synchronism”
----> using an output terminal with function number 71
----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”PosZsw.3”
-- Output signal ”open--loop torque controlled operation”
----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”ZSW1.14”
6 -- Output signal ”smoothed torque setpoint”
----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”Msoll”
-- Output signal ”smoothed torque--generating current Iq”
----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”IqGl”

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6-482 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
11.09 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

6.3.4 Equalization controller (from SW 7.1)

General information

Description For mechanically coupled axes, e.g. a rotating track which is driven
through two axes, then it is not sufficient to just enter identical speed
setpoints at both axes. Due to the drift, which is
always present in a real system, different torques occur at the coupling
A torque equalization controller is implemented in the ”SIMODRIVE 611
universal” software for applications such as these.

Control structure The mechanically coupled axes are in the master/slave mode. The actual
equalization controller is computed in the slave axis. The slave and master
axes are set using parameters.
If a pre--tensioning torque is required (gearbox, play), a parameterizable
supplementary torque is entered at the torque comparison location, which,
when the equalization controller is activated, gradually increases along a
smoothing characteristic which can be parameterized.
If different motors are used or if these are installed so that they oppose
each other, then torque weighting can be parameterized.
P1490 = 1: Analog terminal 24/20 is the source for the master -- slave torque setpoint comparison
----> (Master: P0626, P0625, P0631; slave: P0612, P0619)
P1490 = 2: The adjacent drive (double--axis module, drive A or B) is the source for the comparison,
torque setpoint master--slave
P1490 = 3: PROFIBUS--DP (from SW 13.1) is the source for the master--slave torque setpoint
P1491 Equalization controller
P1492 Time constant,
nset ncorr pre--tensioning torque P1494

+ P1493

Torque weighting,
equalization controller -- Torque weighting, equalization
slave P1496 controller -- master P1495
n controller i controller
Mset iqset

-- Torque --
nact Slave axis k S Þ = kT iqact

n controller Master axis I controller

Mset Iqset
-- Torque setpoint --

nact k S Þ = kT Iqact
Þ : magn. flux
kT = k S Þ = torque constant

Fig. 6-48 Closed--loop control structure, equalization controller

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-483
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

How is the torque As can be seen from Fig. 6-48, for the equalization control, Mset must
setpoint be transferred from the master axis to the slave axis. This can be done
transferred? in the following ways:
S Double--axis module -- internal coupling
Mset is coupled between the master drive and slave drive in the soft-
S Single--axis/double--axis modules coupled via I/O terminals
For most applications, the torque coupling is limited to higher power
ratings. This means that typically single--axis modules are used
In this case, the electrical coupling is established using analog I/O

SIMODRIVE 611 universal SIMODRIVE 611 universal

Slave Master

56/14 56/14
P0607 P0607
T. 65.x T. O0.x
6 enable”

75/15 24/20 75/15 24/20

P0612 P0626
P0619, refers Torque setpoint (Mset) P0625
to P1241 P0631

Fig. 6-49 Axis coupling with 2 single--axis modules through analog I/O

S Single--axis/double--axis modules coupled via PROFIBUS-DP

(from SW 13.1)

! If the master axis is not in the closed--loop control mode or if the
mechanical coupling is released, the slave axis, for a set tensioning
torque, can accelerate up to the maximum speed if the torque is
sufficient. This also occurs if the equalization controller has, after a
longer period of time, a high system deviation due to the integrator.
This then enters a high supplementary setpoint.

When the equalization controller is activated, induction motors cannot
be changed--over!

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6-484 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.03 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Parameter The following parameters should be set for the ”equalization controller”
overview function, if the coupling is realized via analog I/O terminals:
(refer to Chapter
S P0607 Analog setpoint, terminal 56.x/14.x
Parameterize the speed setpoint at both axes:
Master axis: P0607 = 1
Slave axis: P0607 = 1
P0608 = 1, if the direction of rotation is to be inverted
S P0626 Signal number, analog output terminals 75.x/15
(only for an analog setpoint coupling)
Master axis: P0626 = 36 (torque setpoint, finely normalized)
P0625 = 50
P0631 = 1
S P0612 Signal number, analog setpoint terminals 24.x/20.x
(only for an analog setpoint coupling)
Slave axis: P0612 = 3, is automatically set if, when using the
parameterizing and start--up tool ”SimoCom U”,
”slave axis with analog coupling” is selected
in the parameterizing screen form ”equalization
controller” for activate equalization controller.
P0619 = 5 (P0619 refers to P1241) 6
P1241 -- pre--assigned the rated torque

If P1490 = 1 and P0612 ≓ 3, then fault 738 is output.

S P1490 Activates the equalization controller

Master axis: P1490 = 0
Slave axis: P1490 = 0
----> No source or no equalization controller
P1490 = 1
----> Equalization controller is active,
Source is terminal 24/20
Parameterization of P0626, P0625, P0612,
P1490 = 2
----> Equalization controller is active
The source is the adjacent drive (drive A or B)
P1490 = 3 (from SW 13.1)
----> Equalization controller is active
Source is PROFIBUS-DP (P0922, P0915)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-485
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Settings for the slave axis:

S P1491 P gain, equalization controller
Recommended setting:
Vp equalization controller (P1491) = 0.5 / Vp speed controller (P1407)
The sign of the torque weighting must be taken into consideration
when inverting the speed!
S P1492 Integral action time, equalization controller
Recommended setting:
TN equalization controller (P1492) = 10 S TN speed controller (P1409)
S P1493 Pre--tensioning torque (pre--tensioning force)
equalization controller
If a pre--tensioning torque is required (e.g. gearbox, play), a supple-
mentary torque can be added at the torque comparison point using
P1493. When the equalization controller is activated, this supple-
mentary torque gradually increases. This delay is achieved using a
PT1 element which can be set using P1494.
S P1494 Pre--tensioning torque (pre--tensioning force)
equalization controller
P1494 is used to enter the time constant for the PT1 element which
ensures that the pre--tensioning torque gradually increases (pre--
6 tensioning force) when the equalization controller is activated.
S P1495 Torque weighting, equalization controller -- master
If different motors are involved in the closed--loop equalization con-
trol, then a torque weighting of the torque setpoint (or force weight-
ing of the force setpoint (SLM)) of the master axis can be set using
S P1496 Torque weighting, equalization controller -- slave
If various motors are involved in the closed--loop equalization con-
trol, then a torque weighting of the torque setpoint or force weighting
of the force setpoint (SLM) of the slave axis can be set.
The equalization controller is computed in the 1 ms clock cycle time
and the speed controller is computed in the speed controller clock
cycle. In order to achieve a softer transition between these times slices,
the setpoint steps (jumps) can be smoothed using a speed setpoint
filter as PT1 system (1 ms time constant).

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6-486 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

How is the The equalization controller is set as follows using SimoCom U:

commissioned? S Setting for the master axis for an analog coupling
The settings in the menu view ”equalization controller” result in the
analog output being set.

Fig. 6-50 Setting the master axis

The output normalization of the master axis is displayed as follows

in the menu view ”equalization controller”:

Fig. 6-51 Display, output normalization, master axis

S Setting for the slave axis for an analog coupling

The settings in the menu view ”equalization controller” cause the
equalization controller to be activated and the input of the slave axis
to be set. As the motors move in opposite directions; the direction of
rotation is inverted.

Fig. 6-52 Setting for the slave axis

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-487
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

The torque setpoint of the master axis is transferred via the analog
inputs. The output normalization and the input normalization must

Fig. 6-53 Display, input normalization, slave axis

Recommended setting, equalization controller:

Vp equalization controller = 0.5/Vp speed controller
TN equalization controller = 10 S TN speed controller
When inverting the speed, the sign of the torque weighting should
be carefully observed.

Fig. 6-54 Inverting the direction of rotation, slave axis

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6-488 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Equalization controller via PROFIBUS-DP (from SW 13.1)

How is the equal- Using SimoCom U the equalization controller is set as follows:
ization controller
S Setting for the master axis for a coupling via PROFIBUS-DP
The “Master axis with coupling via PROFIBUS“ setting is realized in
the menu view ”Activate equalization controller”.

Fig. 6-55 Setting for the master axis

S Setting for the slave axis for a coupling via PROFIBUS-DP

The settings in the menu view “Activate equalization controller“ acti-
vate the equalization controller and the input of the slave axis is set
(P1490 = 3, from SW 13.1.). If the motors should operate in the op- 6
posite directions, then for “Torque weighting master” a negative
value should be entered.

Fig. 6-56 Setting for the slave axis

The torque setpoint of the master axis is transferred via PROFIBUS-DP.

Recommended settings for the equalization controller:
VP equalization controller = 0.5 / VP speed controller
TN equalization controller = 10 S TN speed controller

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-489
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

6 Fig. 6-57 Block diagram, equalization controller for coupling via PROFIBUS-DP

Processor data for The torque setpoint at the speed controller output of the master drive is
the equalization available via the process data “Mset” (number 50114).
controller In the slave drive, the torque setpoint of the master drive is read--in
with the new process data ”Msetequal” (number 50123) that will be
newly introduced.
To achieve this, for both the master as well as the slave drive, a suit-
able standard telegram should first be selected (e.g. standard telegram
3 or 102) and then the telegram for the master drive should be ex-
tended by the process data “Mset” (number 50114) and for the slave
drive extended by the process data “Msetequal” (number 50123).
P0882 defines the scaling of the process data “Mset” and “Msetequal”.
The percentage value of the rated motor torque entered in P0882 cor-
responds to the value 16384 in the PROFIBUS interface.
The torque corresponding to 16384 is displayed in P1725 in Nm
(P0882 rated motor torque).
The process data “Mset” is smoothed via the corner frequency set in
P1252. The default setting P1252 = 100 Hz can cause problems for a
mechanical coupling. If required, the smoothing (dead time) should be
disabled using P1252 = 0.

Parameterization The following diagrams show the steps of the S7 configuring for an ex-
of the DP master ample with standard telegram 102 as template.
In the example, it is assumed that the encoder interface is not required.
The corresponding process data have therefore been deselected.

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05.10 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

The following data should be parameterized in the DP master

(e.g. SIMATIC S7):
S Configuration of the master drive  number of process data, which
must match the selected telegram:
-- 10 words actual values to the DP master
-- 6 words setpoints from the DP master

Fig. 6-58 Configuration example of a master drive for S7 configuration

S Configuration of the slave drive matching the telegram  definition

of the cross--transfer connection.
-- 10 words actual values to the DP master
-- 6 words setpoints from the DP master
-- 1 word setpoints via cross--transfer

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6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Fig. 6-59 Configuration example of a slave drive for S7 configuration

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05.10 6 Description of the Functions
6.3 Axis couplings (from SW 3.3)

Parameterization, The following parameters should be set:

master drive
S P092 = 0 In the example, standard telegram 102 is extended by
 The telegram should be configured as follows:
P0916:6 = 50114  status word Mset (50114)
P1252 check (smoothing Mset)
P0915:6 = 0 and
P0916:7 ... 10 = 0  deselect encoder interface (optional)


STW1 NSOLL_B STW2 MomRed Setpoint

P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915

:1 :2 :3 :4 :5
50001 50007 50007 50003 50101
ZSW1 NIST_B ZSW2 MeldW Mset Actual
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6
50002 50008 50008 50004 50102 50114

Fig. 6-60 Telegram configuration, master drive

Parameterization, The following parameters should be set:
slave drive
S P092 = 0 In the example standard telegram 102 is extended by
Msetequal (50123).
 The telegram should be configured as follows:
P0915:6 = 50123  control word Msetequal
P0916:6 ... 10 = 0  deselect encoder interface (optional)


STW1 NSOLL_B STW2 MomRed Msetequal Setpoint
P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915 P0915
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :6
50001 50007 50007 50003 50101 50123
ZSW1 NIST_B ZSW2 MeldW Actual
P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916 P0916
:1 :2 :3 :4 :5
50002 50008 50008 50004 50102

Fig. 6-61 Telegram configuration, slave drive

The scaling at the master and slave drives can be influenced using

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-493
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

6.4.1 Permanently-- connected input terminals

Table 6-43 Permanently--connected input terminals

Terminal Function Description

Drive A Drive B
663 Pulse enable, The inverter is enabled (motor control), if the enable voltage is
module--specific available at the following terminals:
1. Terminal 63 (pulse enable, group--specific,
at the NE and monitoring module)
2. Terminal 64 (controller enable, group--specific,
at the NE or monitoring module)
3. Terminal 48 (contactor control, at the NE module)
4. Terminal 663 (pulse enable, board--specific)
5. Terminal 65.x (controller enable, axis--specific)
If terminal 663 is opened while the motor is rotating, the inverter is
immediately (< 1 ms) inhibited, and the motors connected to this
module coast down in a no--current condition.

6 If the module is enabled using terminal 663, then the enable oper-
ation takes approx. 20 ms.
65.A 65.B Axis--specific The controller enable is dependent on the following enable sig-
controller nals:
enable 1. Terminal 63 (pulse enable, group--specific,
X451.5 X452.5
at the NE and monitoring module)
2. Terminal 64 (controller enable, group--specific,
at the NE or monitoring module)
3. Terminal 663 (pulse enable, board--specific)
4. Terminal 65.x (controller enable, axis--specific)
5. RFG, fault drive x (internal enable signal)
6. PROFIBUS enable signals
If the associated terminal 65.x is opened while the motor is rotat-
ing, then the drive brakes along the ramp--function generator
If the nmin threshold (P1403) is exceeded (as absolute value), or
after the pulse cancellation timer has expired (P1404), the inverter
is inhibited (pulses canceled), and the motor is shutdown without
any overshoot.
S x: Space retainer for drive A or B
S If the enable signals are missing, which are required to operate the drive, these can be determined
using P0600 (operating display) (refer to Chapter 4.5).

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04.99 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

6.4.2 Freely-- parameterizable digital input terminals

Description There are 4 freely parameterizable input terminals for every axis.
A terminal is parameterized by entering the appropriate required func-
tion number into the assigned parameter.
Which function numbers are available? ----> Refer to Chapter 6.4.3

S Rules when assigning input terminals a multiple number of times
The terminals are evaluated in the following sequence:
I0.x -- I1.x -- I2.x -- I3.x -- I4 -- I5 -- ... -- I11
If a function is assigned a multiple number of times to an input
terminal, influence is only possible using the ”last” terminal
assigned this particular function.
S Rule regarding hardware terminal and PROFIBUS signal
The hardware terminal has priority over the PROFIBUS signal, this
means that a signal via a terminal always has priority over the
”same” PROFIBUS signal.

The terminals may only be parameterized when the drive pulses are
If terminal functions are activated, however, are not connected--up,
then the ”0” signal is effective.

Overview of the There is the following assignment between terminals, drives and pa-
terminals and rameters:
Table 6-44 Overview of the freely--parameterizable input terminals

Terminal Parameter
Drive A Drive B No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Ef-
I0.A X451.7 I0.B X452.7 0660 Function, input 0 0 (SRM, SLM) 82 -- im-
terminal I0.x 35 (ARM) medi-
I1.A X451.8 I1.B X452.8 0661 Function, input 0 0 (SRM, SLM) 82 -- im-
terminal I1.x 7 (ARM) medi-

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6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-44 Overview of the freely--parameterizable input terminals, continued

Terminal Parameter
Drive A Drive B No. Name Min. Standard Max. Unit Ef-
I2.A X451.9 I2.B X452.9 0662 Function, input 0 3 82 -- im-
terminal I2.x medi-
I3.A X451.10 I3.B X452.10 0663 Function, input 0 4 82 -- im-
terminal I3.x medi-
-- -- -- -- Each input terminal can be assigned a function using these
The function number from the list of input signals is entered
(refer to Chapter 6.4.3).
The status of the input terminals is displayed in P0678 for
diagnostic purposes (refer to Chapter 4.5).

6.4.3 List of input signals

Reader’s note
The drive receives the input signals, listed in the Tables 6-45 and 6-46
either from an input terminal or as control bit from PROFIBUS--DP.
All of the input signals can be found under the index entry ”Input
The following must be specified for each signal:
S Fct. No.:
The function number is required to parameterize the input terminal
via the display and operator control unit.
S Operating mode (P0700):
This specifies in which operating mode the signal is available
(x: Available, --: Not available).
n--set: ”Speed/torque setpoint” mode
pos: ”Positioning” mode
The bit name is required to control the signal via PROFIBUS--DP
(refer to Chapter 5.6.1).
Example: STW1.4 ----> that means control word 1, bit 4

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Table 6-45 Overview of the input signals

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Inactive 0 x x --
Activate function generator immediately (from SW 11.1) 2 x -- STW1.11
Reset the fault memory 3 x x STW1.7
Open--loop torque controlled mode 4 x -- STW1.14
Motor data set changeover (from SW 2.4)
1st input/20 5 x -- STW2.9
2nd input/21 6 x -- STW2.10
Ramp--up time zero 7 x x STW2.4
Integrator inhibit, speed controller 8 x x STW2.6
Parameter set changeover
1st input/20 9 x x STW2.0
2nd input/21 10 x x STW2.1
3rd input/22 11 x x STW2.2
Fixed speed setpoint (from SW 3.1)
1st input/20 15 x -- --
2nd input/21 16 x -- --
3rd input/22
17 x -- --
4th input/23 18 x -- --
First speed setpoint filter off 25 x x STW2.3
Suppress fault 608 (from SW 3.1) 26 x x STW2.8
Spindle positioning on (from SW 5.1) 28 x -- STW1.15
ON/OFF 1 (from SW 8.3) 31 (from x x STW1.0
SW 8.3)
Operating condition/OFF 2 32 (from x x STW1.1
SW 4.1)
Operating condition/OFF 3 33 (from x x STW1.2
SW 5.1)
Enable inverter/pulse inhibit 34 (from x x STW1.3
SW 4.1)
Ramp--up generator enabled 35 x -- STW1.4
Selection, parking axis 40 x x STW2.7
Activate function generator (edge) (from SW 8.1) 41 (from x -- STW1.8
SW 9.1)
Activate function generator (edge) (from SW 9.1) 41 -- x PosStw.15
Opening the holding brake for test purposes (from 42 x x STW1.12
SW 4.1)

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6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-45 Overview of the input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Block selection 1st input/20 50 x x SatzAnw.0
2nd input/21 51 x x SatzAnw.1
3rd input/22 52 x x SatzAnw.2
4th input/23 53 x x SatzAnw.3
5th input/24 54 x x SatzAnw.4
6th input/25 55 x x SatzAnw.5
(from SW 10.1) 7th input/26 56 x x SatzAnw.6
(being prep., from SW 10.1) 8th input/27 57 x x SatzAnw.7
Operating condition/reject traversing task 58 -- x STW1.4
Oper. condition/intermediate stop 59 -- x STW1.5
Activate traversing task (edge) 60 -- x STW1.6
Incremental jogging (from SW 4.1) 61 -- x PosStw.5
Jogging 1 ON/jogging 1 OFF 62 -- x STW1.8
Jogging 2 ON/jogging 2 OFF 63 -- x STW1.9
Activate teach--in (edge) (from SW 4.1) 64 -- x PosStw.6
Control requested/no control requested -- x x STW1.10
Start referencing/cancel referencing 65 -- x STW1.11
6 External block change (from SW 3.1) 67 -- x STW1.13
Fixed stop, sensor (from SW 3.3) 68 -- x PosStw.3
Request passive referencing (from SW 5.1) 69 -- x STW1.15
Follow--up mode 70 -- x PosStw.0
Setting the home position 71 -- x PosStw.1
Activate coupling (from SW 3.3) 72 -- x PosStw.4
Activate coupling via I0.x (from SW 3.3) 73 -- x --
Set setpoint, master drive (from SW 4.1) 74 -- x QStw.0
Invert the angular incremental encoder input (from SW 75 -- x PosStw.7
Reference cams 78 -- x PosStw.2
Equivalent zero mark 79 x x --
Flying measurement/length measurement (from SW 3.1) 80 x -- --
Plus hardware limit switch (NC contact) (n--set from 81 x x --
SW 8.1)
Minus hardware limit switch (NC contact) (n--set from 82 x x --
SW 8.1)
Activate MDI (from SW 7.1) 83 -- x SatzAnw.15
Activate angular incremental encoder, handwheel (from 84 -- x SatzAnw.13
SW 8.1)
Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 85 -- x SatzAnw.11
0 (from SW 8.1)
Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 86 -- x SatzAnw.12
1 (from SW 8.1)

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08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-45 Overview of the input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Ramp--function generator start/ramp--function generator -- x -- STW1.5
Enable setpoint/inhibit setpoint -- x -- STW1.6
Accelerating time zero for controller enable (from -- x -- STW1.13
SW 3.1)
Motor changed over (from SW 2.4) -- x -- STW2.11
Master sign--of--life (from SW 3.1) -- x x STW2.12

Table 6-46 List of input signals

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit 6
Inactive 0 x x --
The input with this function is switched ”inactive”.
The input terminal can still be connected--up, but is not evaluated.
During commissioning (start--up), ”disturbing” inputs are first disabled, and are then activated later and
Activate function generator immediately (from SW 2 x -- STW1.11
Through this input signal the function generator can be activated immediately in the ”Speed/Torque set-
point” operating mode and thus the ”Oscillate” function be implemented analog, as at the SIMODRIVE
611 drive.
1 signal Function generator is activated immediately
0 signal Function generator is deactivated
S Activating the function generator immediately is described in Chapter 6.19.

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Reset the fault memory 3 x x STW1.7
Faults that are present that are acknowledged with RESET FAULT MEMORY, are reset via this input sig-
Before acknowledging faults/errors, their cause must first be removed.
Requirements: The controller enable signal at terminal 65.x has been withdrawn.
1 signal No effect
0/1 signal The fault memory is reset and the fault(s) acknowledged using a 0/1 edge.
0 signal No effect
S Faults, which can be acknowledged with POWER ON, cannot be reset in this fashion.
S The drive remains in the fault condition until all of the faults/errors have been removed.
In the PROFIBUS mode the system then goes into the ”power--on inhibit” status.
S From SW 6.1 and for P1012.12 = 1, the fault can also be acknowledged without the prerequisite that
the control signal STW1.0 = 0. The drive however, remains in the ”power--on inhibit” condition.
Open--loop torque controlled mode 4 x -- STW1.14
It is possible to toggle between closed--loop speed controlled and open--loop torque controlled operation
via this input signal.
6 1 signal Open--loop torque controlled operation (Mset mode)
0 signal Closed--loop speed controlled operation (nset mode)
Application: Master/slave, refer to Chapter 6.6.5.
Motor data set changeover (from SW 2.4)
1st input/20 5 x -- STW2.9
2nd input/21 6 x -- STW2.10
It is possible to toggle between a total of 4 motors/motor data sets using these 2 input signals.

Motor data set 1 2 3 4

1st input/weighting 20 0 1 0 1
2nd input/weighting 21 0 0 1 1

S The motor changeover version and therefore the behavior of the terminal, is selected using P1013
(motor changeover).
S Output terminal signals with function numbers 11, 12, 13 and 14 (motors 1, 2, 3 or 4 selected) are
used to control the contactors to change over the motor.
S In order to ensure that the function changes over in a controlled fashion (identified as being simulta-
neous) the switching operation of the inputs must be completed with one interpolation clock cycle
S Motor changeover is described in Chapter 6.11.
Ramp--up time zero 7 x x STW2.4
The ramp--function generator (RFG) can be switched--in and out via this input signal.
1 signal Ramp--function generator off
This acts just like a ramp--up and ramp--down of the ramp--function generator of 0 ms.
0 signal Ramp--function generator on

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08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Integrator inhibit, speed controller 8 x x STW2.6
The integral component of the speed controller can be inhibited or enabled using this input signal.
1 signal Integrator inhibit, speed controller
0 signal The speed controller integrator is not inhibited
For a 1 signal, the integral component of the speed controller is deleted (cleared) and the integrator is
Parameter set changeover
1st input/20 9 x x STW2.0
2nd input/21 10 x x STW2.1
3rd input/22 11 x x STW2.2
It is possible to toggle between a total of 8 parameter sets using these 3 input signals.

Parameter set 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1st input/weighting 20 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
2nd input/weighting 21 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Standard
3rd input/weighting 22 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Note: 6
S The bits, which are not assigned to an input terminal, are treated just like a 0 signal.
S To change over, e.g. from parameter set 0 to 1, only the signal of the 1st input is necessary.
S In order to ensure that the function changes over in a controlled fashion (identified as being simulta-
neous) the switching operation of the inputs must be completed with one interpolation clock cycle
S The ”parameter set changeover” function is described in Chapter 6.10.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-501
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Fixed speed setpoint (from SW 3.1)
1st input/20 15 x -- --
2nd input/21 16 x -- --
3rd input/22 17 x -- --
4th input/23 18 x -- --
Using these input signals, the ”fixed speed setpoint” function can be selected with the required fixed set-
points 1 to 15, or the function can be canceled.

Fixed speed setpoint 1 2 3 4 5 ... 15

1st input/weighting 20 0 1 0 1 0 1 ... 1
2nd input/weighting 21 0 0 1 1 0 0 ... 1
3rd input/weighting 22 0 0 0 0 1 1 ... 1
4th input/weighting 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1

Active fixed speed setpoint P0641:1

P0641:3 to P0641:15

6 Canceling the
Selecting the function
and the required fixed setpoint

S The ”fixed speed setpoint” function is described in Chapter 6.1.6.
S If the function is canceled, an analog setpoint can be entered via terminals 56.x/14 and/or terminals
S In order to ensure that the function changes over in a controlled fashion (identified as being simulta-
neous) the switching operation of the inputs must be completed with one interpolation clock cycle
S Refer to the ”status, fixed speed setpoint 1st to 4th input” output signal in Chapter 6.4.6.
First speed setpoint filter off 25 x x STW2.3
The first speed setpoint filter is switched--in/switched--out using this input signal.
This function is only effective if the filter was parameterized using P1501:8 as lowpass filter (e.g. PT1).
Thus, the low--pass filter of the 1st speed setpoint filter can be disabled/enabled using this input signal,
which allows the speed setpoint to be smoothed.
1 signal First speed setpoint filter is disabled ----> Low--pass filter is disabled
0 signal First speed setpoint filter is enabled ----> Low--pass filter is enabled
The status of the 1st speed setpoint filter is displayed using the ”first speed setpoint filter inactive” output

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08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Suppress fault 608 (from SW 3.1) 26 x x STW2.8
Fault 608 (speed controller output limited) can be suppressed/displayed using this input signal.
1 signal Fault 608 (speed controller output limited) is suppressed
0 signal Fault 608 is not suppressed
S The status of the suppressed function is signaled via the PROFIBUS status signal ZSW2.8 ”Sup-
pressing fault 608 active (from SW 3.1)”.
S Refer under the index entry ”Output signal -- suppress fault 608 active (from SW 3.1)”
S It is also possible to suppress the fault using P1601.8 (faults which can be suppressed 2, Fault 608).
Spindle positioning on (from SW 5.1) 28 x -- STW1.15
The function is activated using this input signal.
1 signal Activates the ”spindle positioning” function
0 signal De--activates the function
S Prerequisites to activate the ”Spindle positioning” function
-- ”n--set” mode ----> P0700 = 1
S The ”spindle positioning” function is described in Chapter 6.15 (from SW 5.1). 6
ON/OFF 1 31 (from x x STW1.0
SW 8.3)
0/1 signal ON
state ”drive ready”
The prerequisite is that STW1.1 and STW1.2 of the input signals ”operating condition/
OFF2” (Fct. No. 32) and the ”operating condition/OFF3” (Fct. No. 33) are also set.
The pulses remain canceled until the prerequisites for pulse enable have been fulfilled.
0 signal OFF 1
The drive brakes along the ramp--function generator ramp.
The gating pulses of the power transistors are cancelled (pulse inhibit) if one of the follow-
ing conditions is fulfilled:
-- |nact| < n (P1403)
-- the pulse cancellation timer stage (P1404) has expired
Operating condition/OFF 2 32 (from x x STW1.1
SW 4.1)
1 signal Operating condition
Prerequisite for the ”drive ready” status.
0 signal OFF 2
The motor is switched into a no--current condition and ”coasts down”.
The characteristics at power--on again can be defined via P1012.12.
P1012.12 = 1 Power--on inhibit for alarm and OFF 2/OFF 3
=0 No power--on inhibit

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6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Operating condition/OFF 3 33 (from x x STW1.2
SW 5.1)
1 signal Operating condition
Prerequisite for the ”drive ready” status and ”ready to power--up”.
0 signal OFF 3
Fast stop
The drive brakes along the torque limit/current limit without ramp--function generator. In
the open--loop torque controlled mode, this limit only corresponds to the specified torque
setpoint and not the maximum possible torque.
The gating pulses of the power transistors are cancelled (pulse inhibit) if one of the follow-
ing conditions is fulfilled:
-- |nact| < n (P1403)
-- the pulse cancellation timer stage (P1404) has expired
The characteristics at power--on again can be defined via P1012.12.
P1012.12 = 1 Power--on inhibit for alarm and OFF2/OFF3
=0 No power--on inhibit
Enable inverter/pulse inhibit 34 (from x x STW1.3
6 SW 4.1)
1 signal Enable inverter
Pulse enable, ramp--up with the setpoint entered
0 signal Pulse inhibit
The motor coasts down. In closed--loop speed controlled operation, the ”drive ready” state
remains set.
Ramp--function generator enable 35 x -- STW1.4
This input signal has the following characteristics, dependent on the signal level:
1 signal Ramp--function generator is enabled
Any speed setpoint can be entered.
This is the condition that the motor rotates.
1/0 signal Ramp--function generator is not longer enabled
The drive brakes at the torque/current limit without ramp--function generator.
This is the fastest possible braking at the torque/current limit.
0 signal The ramp--function generator output (speed setpoint) is set to 0.
The drive can be braked as quickly as possible using this signal, i.e. not along the ramp--function genera-
tor ramp, but at the torque limit.

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! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Selection, parking axis 40 x x STW2.7
The drive can be declared a ”parking axis”, using this input signal.
1 signal ”Parking axis” selected
The parking axis selection is only activated when the pulses are canceled or the controller
is inhibited with subsequent pulse cancellation (e.g. using terminal 663, 63, 65.x, control
signal ON/OFF 1) (refer to the output signal ”parking axis selected”).
The encoder--specific monitoring functions are suppressed for a parking axis.
The output signal ”reference point set” is withdrawn.
0 signal ”Parking axis” canceled
The monitoring functions are active corresponding to the setting in P1600.
It is possible to change over from one motor encoder unit to another unit using the ”parking axis” function,
without having to power down the drive.
After the ”parking axis” function has been canceled, the following is valid:
S Incremental measuring system: The axis must be re--referenced (refer to Chapter 6.2.5).
S Absolute measuring system (EnDat): The axis must be re--adjusted (refer to Chapter 6.2.7).
The adjustment status cannot be withdrawn by just selecting or canceling the ”parking axis” function.
This status is only permanently withdrawn when an another absolute value encoder has also been auto-
matically detected.
Activate function generator (edge) (from SW 8.1) 41 x -- STW1.8
(from (from SW 8.1)
SW 9.1)
Activate function generator (edge) (from SW 9.1) 41 -- x PosStw.15
When the function generator or the measuring function is appropriately parameterized, a synchronous
start of the function generator or the measuring function is activated -- e.g. for mechanically coupled axes
(gantry axis group).
0/1 signal Function generator or measuring function is activated
1/0 signal Function generator or measuring function is de--activated
The function generator is described in Chapter 7.4.1.
Opening the holding brake for test purposes (from 42 x x STW1.12
SW 4.1)
A holding brake can be opened for test purposes during the commissioning phase using this input signal.
1 signal The function is activated
0 signal De--activates the function
This input signal is only evaluated if the brake control is activated using P0850 = 1. In the operating
mode, the brake is controlled using P0850 (operating sequence control) and not via this input signal.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-505
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Block selection 1st input/20 50 x x SatzAnw.0
2nd input/21 51 x x SatzAnw.1
3rd input/22 52 x x SatzAnw.2
4th input/23 53 x x SatzAnw.3
5th input/24 54 x x SatzAnw.4
6th input/25 55 x x SatzAnw.5
7th input/26 (from SW 10.1) 56 x x SatzAnw.6
8th input/27 (from SW 10.1) 57 x x SatzAnw.7
Traversing blocks 0 to 63/255 can be selected using these 6 (8 from SW 10.1) input signals.

Block number 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 31 ... 63 255

1st input/weighting20 0 1 0 1 0 1 ... 1 ... 1 1
2nd input/weighting 21 0 0 1 1 0 0 ... 1 ... 1 1
3rd input/weighting 22 0 0 0 0 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 1
4th input/weighting 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1 ... 1 1
5th input/weighting 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1 ... 1 1
6th input/weighting 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 ... 1 1
7th input/weighting 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 1
8th input/weighting 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 1
6 Note:
S The bits, which are not assigned to an input terminal, are treated just like a 0 signal.
S When a block is selecting using PROFIBUS--DP (control word SatzAnw), the sign is not evaluated.
The PROFIBUS bits SatzAnw.8...15 are ignored, e.g. an input of 257 is interpreted as 1.
S Also refer to the input signal ”activate traversing task (edge)”
Operating condition/reject traversing task 58 -- x STW1.4
This input signal is used as traversing enable to process traversing blocks.
1 signal Operating condition for positioning
The 1 signal is a prerequisite so that a traversing task can be activated.
0 signal The traversing task is rejected
When the block is being actively processed, the drive brakes with the specified decelera-
tion (P0104) taking into account the deceleration override (P0084) to n = 0 with the follow-
ing effects:
-- The drive remains in closed--loop position control and the standstill monitoring function
is activated
-- The actual traversing task is rejected and delete residual distance is carried--out.
S If the axis was stopped with an ”intermediate stop”, and ”reject traversing task” was requested, then a
delete distance to go is also executed.
S As long as ”reject traversing task” is present, a traversing block cannot be started, i.e. the ”activate
traversing task (edge)” signal is ignored
S Execute traversing blocks:
-- Before SW 3.3 the following applies:
This signal must be supplied to execute traversing blocks.
-- From SW 3.3, the following applies:
In order to execute traversing blocks, it is no longer necessary to supply this signal.
----> However, only if the signals are not connected to an input.
S Also refer to the input signal ”activate traversing task (edge)”

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6-506 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Operating condition/intermediate stop 59 -- x STW1.5
Using this input signal, traversing block processing can be interrupted and then continued.
1 signal Operating condition for positioning
The 1 signal must be continuously present in order to process a traversing block.
0/1 signal A traversing block, interrupted by ”intermediate stop”, is continued.
0 signal Intermediate stop
When the block is being actively processed, the drive brakes with the specified decelera-
tion (P0104) taking into account the deceleration override (P0084:256) to n = 0 with the
following effects:
-- The drive remains in closed--loop position control and the standstill monitoring function
is activated
-- The actual traversing task is not rejected and is continued for a 0/1 edge

1 2 3 4
Control signal
traversing task

Control signal OC/intermediate


Control signal
Activate 6
traversing task

Status signal

Setpoint static
Status signal

Status signal
position reached

Status signal Drive at standstill

1 Start of a traversing block

2 Interrupting the traversing block using ”intermediate stop”
3 Continuing the traversing block
4 End of positioning

S An axis in ”intermediate stop” can be traversed in the jog mode or referencing can be started.
The interrupted traversing block is exited.
S Execute traversing blocks:
-- Before SW 3.3 the following applies:
This signal must be supplied to execute traversing blocks.
-- From SW 3.3, the following applies:
In order to execute traversing blocks, it is no longer necessary to supply this signal.
----> However, only if the signals are not connected to an input.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-507
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Activate traversing task (edge) 60 -- x STW1.6
A 0/1 edge of this input signal starts the traversing block selected using ”block selection”.
An edge change is only permissible, if
S The drive has confirmed the previous traversing block via the ”acknowledge setpoint” output signal
S The axis is referenced
(reference point set/no reference point set” output signal = ”1”)
S The input signals ”operating condition/intermediate stop” and ”operating condition/reject traversing
task” must be set to 1 in order to be able to start a block.
If a traversing task is activated and the secondary conditions are not fulfilled, then an appropriate warning
is signaled. The ”setpoint acknowledgment” output signal is only set if the block was started so that a
traversing task can be activated with the next signal edge.

1 2 3

Control signal
traversing task

Control signal
6 Control Block
signals selection 0

Block selection 2
Status signals 1
signal) 0
Activate traversing
Control signal
task (edge)

Status signal

Setpoint static
Status signal

Status signal
position reached

Status signal Drive at standstill

1 Select and start a traversing block

2 End of the positioning operation and automatic block change
3 End of the positioning operation and end of program

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6-508 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Incremental jogging (from SW 4.1) 61 -- x PosStw.5
This input signal is used to define whether jogging is executed via velocity or via velocity and increments.
1 signal Jogging via velocity and increments is effective
0 signal Jogging via velocity is effective
This input signal is effective for jogging 1 and jogging 2.
The ”jogging mode” function is described in Chapter 6.2.9.
Jogging 1 ON/jogging 1 OFF 62 -- x STW1.8
Jogging 2 ON/jogging 2 OFF 63 -- x STW1.9
Using these input signals closed--loop speed controlled traversing is possible in the ”positioning” mode,
without changing the mode.
S For jogging 1, the drive traverses with the speed/velocity in P0108.
S For jogging 2, the drive traverses with the speed/velocity P0109.
1 signal The drive traverses with the parameterized speed/velocity
1/0 signal The drive brakes down to standstill with the deceleration set in P0104 (maximum decel-
eration). The closed--loop position control is re--activated after the braking operation has

0 signal
been completed.
Output status for jogging
0/1 signal The drive accelerates to the speed/velocity, parameterized in P0108/P0109 with the ac-
celeration set in P0103 (maximum acceleration)
For jogging, the software limit switch and the override are effective.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-509
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Activate teach--in (edge) (from SW 4.1) 64 -- x PosStw.6
The ”teach--in” function is activated using this input signal.
When activated, the actual position reference value is entered as position reference value for the se-
lected traversing block.
1 signal No effect
1/0 signal Resets the ”teach--in successful” output signal
0 signal No effect
1/0 edge Activates ”teach--in” and transfer the instantaneous axis position into the teach--in block

Accept the axis

1 signal
Input signal ”activate teach--in (edge)”
0 signal

1 signal
Output signal ”teach--in successful”
0 signal

6 Note:
S Prerequisites to activate the ”teach--in” function:
-- ”Positioning” mode ----> P0700 = 3
-- Traversing program isn’t running ----> output signal ”drive stationary” = ”1”
-- Axis is referenced ----> output signal ”reference point set” = ”1”
S Refer under the index entry ”Output signal -- teach--in successful”
S The ”teach--in” function is described in Chapter 6.13.
Control requested/no control requested -- x x STW1.10
1 signal This input signal must be set so that process data, transferred from the PROFIBUS
master, is accepted by the slave and becomes effective.
The input signal should only be set to ”1”, after the PROFIBUS slave has signaled back a
realistic status using the status bit ”control requested/no control possible” = ”1”.
0 signal Data transferred from the PROFIBUS master is rejected by the slave, i.e. it is accepted as
Start referencing/cancel referencing 65 -- x STW1.11
... starts the reference point approach of an axis.
0/1 signal The reference point approach is started
1/0 signal A reference point approach which has been started is interrupted
The drive brakes with the deceleration rate specified in P0104 (maximum deceleration).
The ”reference point set” output signal remains at ”0”.

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6-510 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
External block change (from SW 3.1) 67 -- x STW1.13
For a traversing block with the block change enable CONTINUE EXTERNAL, a flying block change can
be initiated using this input signal (refer to Chapter 6.2.10).
0/1 edge or
1/0 edge The external block change is initiated
When the edge is detected, in addition to the block change, the position actual value of
the axis is written into P0026 (position actual value, block change).
The behavior when the signal edge is missing can be set using P0110 (configuration,
external block change).
If the braking distance of the new block is too high due to a lower velocity override, then the block change
enable is changed from CONTINUE FLYING to CONTINUE WITH STOP.
The ”external block change” function can be initiated as follows:
S Using input terminal I0.x or, for a direct measuring system, via I0.B (P0672)
-- Recommended if P0110  1, as it is a fast input
-- If the ”external block change” function was parameterized at input terminal I0.x, then other termi-
nals with this function, or the ”external block change” PROFIBUS control signal, no longer have
any effect.
-- The external block change is detected depending on the direction.
The following applies:
Traversing in a positive direction ----> the 1/0 edge is identified as external block change
Traversing in the negative direction ----> the 0/1 edge is identified as external block change
The actual value can be inverted using P1011.0, P0231 and P0232.
There is no inversion, if none or 2 of these parameters are set to invert
----> increasing (decreasing) position actual value corresponds to a positive (negative) direction
The value is inverted, if 1 or all 3 parameters are set to invert.
----> increasing (decreasing) position actual value corresponds to a negative (positive) direction
-- The value in P0026 corresponds to the existing position when the block change is detected.
S Using input terminal I1.x to I3.x or I4 to I11
-- Recommended, if P0110  2
-- The external block change is independent of the direction.
-- The value in P0026 does not precisely correspond to the block change position due to internal
signal propagation times.
S Using the PROFIBUS control signal STW1.13
-- The external block change is independent of the direction.
-- The value in P0026 does not precisely correspond to the block change position due to internal
signal propagation times.
S Refer under the index entry ”Block change enable -- CONTINUE EXTERNAL”.
If P0110  2, then input terminal I0.x or I0.B may not be used as input, as, for these, the block change
can be initiated from different signal edges.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-511
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Fixed stop, sensor (from SW 3.3) 68 -- x PosStw.3
Using this input signal, the drive recognizes the ”fixed stop reached” status via an external sensor.
1 signal Fixed stop is reached
0 signal Fixed stop has not been reached (standard)
The signal is only effective, if P0114 (fixed stop, configuration 2) = 1.
The ”travel to fixed stop” function is described in Chapter 6.12.
Request passive referencing 69 -- x STW1.15
(from SW 5.1)
Using this input signal, passive referencing for the slave drive is controlled.
1/0 signal Set reference point
= 0: The value in P0160 (reference point coordinate) is set as the actual axis position.
= 2: The axis moves through the deviation to the reference position.
0/1 signal The reference cam and zero mark search are activated

An appropriate fault is signaled if a zero mark has not been found up to the 1/0 edge.
The ”passive referencing” function is described in Chapter 6.3.
Follow--up mode 70 -- x PosStw.0
The follow--up mode for the axis is selected via this input signal.
1 signal Selecting follow--up operation
The axis is switched into the follow--up mode if the controller enable is additionally with-
drawn via terminal 65.x.
In the follow--up mode, the position control loop is open. The position reference value con-
tinuously follows up the actual value, i.e. the actual value is further sensed and updated
but a setpoint is not output.
If the axis is shifted from its position due to external effects, then the monitoring does not
output an error message.
0 signal Canceling the follow--up mode
If the controller is re--enabled, then the axis movement continues at the new actual posi-
tion which could have changed.
The position control loop is closed.
S The follow--up mode status is displayed via the ”follow--up mode active” output signal.
S The follow--up mode can also be selected as internal control response to an error.
S Refer under the index entry ”Follow--up mode”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-512 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Setting home position 71 -- x PosStw.1
An axis can be assigned a required actual value (P0160) (actual value setting) at any position using the
0/1 edge of the input signal. This is only possible if a traversing block is not being executed
0/1 signal The home position is set, i.e. the value P0160 is assigned as actual position.
After this, the axis is considered to have been referenced (output signal ”home position
set” = ”1”).
If the home position is set again (new command), then for the backlash compensation, the system be-
haves as if the home position was not set again.
Activate coupling (from SW 3.3) 72 -- x PosStw.4
The coupling, set via P0410, is activated using this input signal.
1 signal No function
0/1 signal Activate coupling
The coupling is activated corresponding to P0410.
= 1 or 2 ----> Coupling is switched--in
= 3 or 4 ----> The signal has no significance
= 5 or 6 ----> The coupled position is transferred into the queue (being prepared)
= 7 ----> Coupling is switched--in at the absolute position of the master drive
(from SW 4.1)
= 8 ----> Coupling via the traversing program to the absolute position of the
master drive (from SW 4.1)
0 signal Coupling--out, initial status
S Recommended for powering--up with a precise position:
Use the fast input I0.x on the control board.
----> refer to the input signal ”activate coupling via I0.x” (function number 73)
S The position when switching--in the coupling is displayed in P0425:0.
S The ”axis coupling” function is described in Chapter 6.3.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-513
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Activate coupling via I0.x (from SW 3.3) 73 -- x --
The coupling, set via P0410 is activated via the fast input I0.x using this input signal.
The activate coupling ”input signal” (function number 72) prepares the switching--in process via terminal
The edge of the input signal ”activate coupling via I0.x” (function number 73) switches--in the coupling.
The coupling is switched--out via the ”activate coupling” input signal (function number 72).
1 signal No significance
1/0 signal This edge switches--in the coupling for a positive traversing direction of the master axis
0/1 signal This edge switches--in the coupling for a negative traversing direction of the master axis
Input signal, ”activate coupling” (function number 72) = ”1”
0 signal No significance

Input signal, ”activate coupling”

Input terminal with function number 72 or
control signal PosStw.4

6 Input signal, ”activate coupling via I0.x”

Input terminal I0.x with function number 73

Coupling in Coupling out

S The position when switching--in the coupling is displayed in P0425:0.
S Function number 73 is only effective when assigned to input terminal I0.x.
S The ”activate coupling via I0.x” signal is recognized, dependent on the direction.
----> refer under the index entry ”Input signal, digital -- external block change”
S The ”axis coupling” function is described in Chapter 6.3.
Set setpoint, master drive (from SW 4.1) 74 -- x QStw.0
The absolute position of the master drive is set in the slave drive to the reference point coordinates using
this input signal.
1 signal No significance
0/1 signal The absolute position of the master drive is signaled to the slave drive once
0 signal No significance
S The input signal ”set setpoint, master drive” is only required for P0891 = 0 or 1. Only after this, may a
coupling be switched--in to the absolute position of the master drive (P0410 = 7 or 8)
----> otherwise, Fault 177 is output.
S The reference point coordinates of the master drive are signaled to the slave drive using P0400.
S The ”axis coupling” function is described in Chapter 6.3.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-514 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Invert the ang. incr. encoder input (from SW 3.5) 75 -- x PosStw.7
The incremental position reference value, received via the angular incremental encoder interface, can be
inverted using this input signal. When inverting, the incremental position reference value becomes effec-
tive in the opposite direction.
1 signal Inverting the incremental position reference value via the angular incremental encoder
0 signal No inversion
S Angular incremental encoder interface as input refer to Chapter 6.8.2
S The signal may only change when the axis is stationary.
Reference cams 78 -- x PosStw.2
This input signal is used to signal, when referencing, whether the axis remains stationary at the reference
1 signal The axis is located at the reference cam
0 signal The axis is not located at the reference cam
Equivalent zero mark 79 x x --
If the encoder zero pulse cannot be evaluated when referencing, then a signal supplied from a mounted
sensor can be fed via this input as ”zero mark equivalent”. 6
1 signal No significance
1/0 signal When passing the zero mark cam in a positive direction, this edge is detected as the
equivalent zero mark
0/1 signal When passing the zero mark cam in a negative direction, this edge is detected as the
equivalent zero mark
0 signal No significance


The BERO is high active I0.x Output cam

1 signal 2 3
Signal characteristics at input I0.x
0 signal 1 4

Starting in front of or at the cam and

1 2 traversing in a positive direction ----> the 1/0
edge at input I0.x is identified as equivalent
zero mark
Starting at the cam and traversing in a
3 negative direction ----> an equivalent zero
mark is not identified

Starting after the cam and traversing in a

4 negative direction ----> the 0/1 edge at input I0.x
is identified as the equivalent zero mark

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-515
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
S This function must be executed via input terminal I0.x (fast input).
S Activate the ”equivalent zero mark” function for an incremental measuring system:
-- refer to P0174
-- refer to P0879.13 or P0879.14
S The equivalent zero mark is identified as a function of the direction.
S The actual value can be inverted using P1011.0, P0231 and P0232.
-- There is no inversion, if none or 2 of these parameters are set to invert
----> increasing (decreasing) position actual value corresponds to a positive (negative) direction
-- The value is inverted, if 1 or all 3 parameters are set to invert.
----> increasing (decreasing) position actual value corresponds to a negative (positive) direction
Flying measurement/length measurement 80 x -- --
(from SW 3.1)
The encoder actual value can be retrieved via an input with this function.
0/1 signal or
1/0 signal The actual encoder value is retrieved
S This function must be executed via the fast I0.x input.
6 S The function is only available for ”Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP”.
----> refer under the index entry ”Encoder interface (from SW 3.1)”
S The function is only available for the control board ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” from Order No.
6SN1118--xxxxx--0AA2 and control board ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”.
S This function cannot be executed for spindle positioning active (P0125 = 1).
S The measuring probe signal is defined depending on the parameterized edge in control word
Gx_STW.0/1 (refer to Chapter 5.6.4).
S The edge clearance must be at least 150 ms. Measuring probe edges that are received faster (low
clearance between signals) cannot be evaluated.
S If the measuring probe signal is to be transferred via PROFIBUS in Gx_ZSW.8 then it must be pres-
ent at input I0.x ≥4 ms.
Plus hardware limit switch (NC contact) 81 x1) x --
Minus hardware limit switch (NC contact) 82 x1) x --
A hardware limit switch can be connected at an input with this function in order to limit the traversing
range in either the positive or negative direction.
1/0 signal The plus or minus hardware limit switch has been actuated
The axis is braked. The drive remains in closed--loop control.
In the pos mode:
The axis can be moved away from the limit switch in the jog mode.
In the n--set mode (from SW 8.1):
The axis can be moved away from the limit switch using a setpoint that is opposite to the
approach direction.
1 signal No significance
1) from SW 8.1
----> refer under the index entry ”hardware limit switch”

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6-516 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Activate MDI (from SW 7.1) 83 -- x SatzAnw.15
1 signal The MDI function is activated.
0 signal The MDI function is not activated.
If MDI is switched--in with the traversing program active, or is switched--out while the traversing block is
running, alarm 144 is initiated which interrupts the traversing program/traversing block.
Activate angular incremental encoder, handwheel 84 -- x SatzAnw.13
(from SW 8.1)
1 signal The angular incremental encoder handwheel function is activated.
0 signal The angular incremental encoder handwheel function is not activated.
S If the input signal ”jogging 1 ON/jogging 1 OFF” or ”jogging 2 ON/jogging 2 OFF” and ”activate angu-
lar incremental encoder, handwheel” are switched--in, Alarm 121 is output.
S The ”angular incremental encoder, handwheel” function is described in Chapter 6.8.
Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, 85 -- x SatzAnw.11
bit 0 (from SW 8.1)
Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, 86 -- x SatzAnw.12
bit 1 (from SW 8.1) 6
The factors entered using the following parameters are calculated--in using these 2 input signals.
Before SW 9.1: P0900:4
From SW 9.1: P0889:4

Ang. incr. enc. hwh. eval. 1 10 100 1000 (standard setting)

Bit 0 0 1 0 1
Bit 1 0 0 1 1
----> refer under the index entry ”Angular incremental encoder interface”
Ramp--function generator start/ramp--function gen- -- x -- STW1.5
erator stop
1 signal The ramp--function generator is enabled
0 signal The setpoint at the ramp--function generator output is frozen
Enable setpoint/inhibit setpoint -- x -- STW1.6
1 signal Enable setpoint
The setpoint at the ramp--function generator input is enabled.
0 signal Inhibit setpoint
The setpoint at the ramp--function generator input is set to zero.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-517
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Motor changed over (from SW 2.4) -- x -- STW2.11
For P1249 = 1 motor changeover is controlled via this input signal.
1 signal Initial status
1/0 signal Pulse enable is withdrawn
0 signal Initial status, selecting a motor corresponding to the motor data set
0/1 signal Enable the pulses

Input signals (selection)

Motor data set changeover 1st input,
Motor data set x Motor data set y
motor data set changeover 2nd input

Control signal STW2.11 2 5
”motor changed over” 0

1 3
Pulse enable

(SIMODRIVE 611 universal 0

Output signals Motor data set x Motor data set y

Actual motor 1st signal (ZSW2.9) off on
Actual motor 2nd signal (ZSW2.10)

Output signal
”status, controller enable” 0

Output signals from the SIMATIC S7 Motor x off
(Contactor control) 4
Motor y on

1 Selects the required motor data set

2 Signal to ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”: The pulse enable is internally withdrawn after STW2.11 = 0
3 The motors are only changed over when the pulses have been canceled (switched--in a no--current
4 Selects the motor corresponding to the motor data set
5 Signal to ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”: enable the pulses (STW2.11 edge 0 -- 1)

The ”motor changeover” function is described in Chapter 6.11.

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6-518 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-46 List of input signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Accelerating time zero for controller -- x -- STW1.13
enable (from SW 3.1)
The ramp--function generator (RFG) can be enabled/disabled as a function of the controller enable via
this input signal.
1 signal Operating case: Controller enabled
----> the drive ramp--function generator is off
----> the ”zero ramp--up time” is controlled
----> a higher--level control can assume the ramp-fct generator function
Error situation: Controller not enabled
----> drive ramp--function generator is on
----> the drive brakes via P1257:8 (ramp--fct. generator ramp--down time)
0 signal Ramp--function generator on
The following is valid when the signal is set:
If the controller is enabled, a higher--level control can assume the ramp--function generator function. If the
controller is not enabled, the drive ramp--function generator is again effective.
Refer to the ”zero ramp--up time” input signal
Master sign--of--life
(from SW 3.1)
-- x x STW2.12
For the ”Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP” function, these control signals are used as sign--of--life
(4--bit counter).
The sign--of--life counter is incremented from 1 to 15 and then starts again with the value 1.
The ”Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP” function is described in Chapter 5.8.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-519
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

6.4.4 Permanently--connected output terminals

Table 6-47 Permanently--connected output terminals

Terminal Function Description

Drive A Drive B
AS1 Checkback signal, The relay contact (NC contact) pulls--in, if the enable voltage
AS2 start inhibit is available at terminal 663 (module--specific pulse enable).

Mode of operation, application purpose and additional information on
the ”safe start inhibit” is included in:
Reference: /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters
Chapter ”Start inhibit in the drive modules”

6 6.4.5 Freely--parameterizable digital output terminals

Description There are 4 freely--parameterizable output terminals for each axis.

A terminal is parameterized by entering the appropriate required func-
tion number into the assigned parameter.
Which function numbers are available? ----> Refer to Chapter 6.4.6
P0699 is used to define as to whether the output signal is output, in-
verted, or not inverted.

The terminals may only be parameterized when the drive pulses are

! Digital outputs can assume non--definable states while the module
boots, the module is being initialized, for a computation time overflow
or processor crash. This can result in a safety risk at the machine
which must be completely eliminated using the appropriate external

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01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Overview of the There is the following assignment between terminals, drives and pa-
terminals and rameters:
Table 6-48 Overview for freely--parameterizable output terminals

Terminal Parameter
Drive A Drive B No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
O0.A X461.7 O0.B X462.7 0680 Signaling function, 0 33 82 -- imme-
output terminal O0.x diately
O1.A X461.8 O1.B X462.8 0681 Signaling function, 0 2 82 -- imme-
output terminal O1.x diately
O2.A X462.9 O2.B X462.B 0682 Signaling function, 0 1 82 -- imme-
output terminal O2.x diately
O3.A X461.10 O3.B X462.10 0683 Signaling function, 0 5 82 -- imme-
output terminal O3.x diately
-- -- -- -- A function can be assigned to each output terminal using
these parameters.
The function number from the list of output signals is en-
tered (refer to Chapter 6.4.6).
The status of the output terminals is displayed in P0698 for

-- -- -- -- 0699
diagnostics (refer to Chapter 4.5).
Inversion 0 0 FFF Hex imme-
Output terminal diately
-- -- -- -- The output terminal signals can be inverted using this pa-

20 = 1 Res. O8 O4 O0.x:

21 = 2 Res. O9 O5 O1.x:

22 = 4 Res. O10 O6 O2.x:

23 = 8 Res. O11 O7 O3.x:

P0699 = 0 5 0 6 hex
----> O8 O1.x
Example: O10 O2.x
are output inverted

O4 -- O11 are available on the optional TERMINAL module
(refer to Chapter 6.5).

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

6.4.6 List of output signals

Reader’s note
The drive ”signals” the output signals, listed in the Tables 6-49 and
6-50 either through an output terminal or as status bit to
All of the output signals can be found in the Index under Output
signal... .
For output signals, which are assigned to terminals, an inversion can
be parameterized. In this list, these output signals are represented as
not inverted.
If an output signal inversion has been parameterized, then this must be
appropriately taken into account when representing the signal.
The following must be specified for each signal:
S Fct. No.:
The function number is required to parameterize the output terminal
via the display and operator control unit.
S Operating mode (P0700):
This specifies in which operating mode the signal is available
(x: Available, --: Not available).

6 n--set:
”Speed/torque setpoint” mode
”Positioning” mode
The bit name is required to read the signal via PROFIBUS--DP
(refer to Chapter 5.6.1).
Example: ZSW2.10 ----> that means, status 2 bit 10

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! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-49 Overview of the output signals

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Inactive 0 x x --
| nact | < nmin 1 x x MeldW.2
Ramp--up completed 2 x x1)2) MeldW.0
| M | < Mx 3 x x1) MeldW.1
| nact| < nx 4 x x MeldW.3
Motor overtemperature pre--warning 5 x x MeldW.6
Heatsink temperature pre--warning 6 x x MeldW.7
Variable signaling function 7 x x MeldW.5
Open--loop torque controlled mode -- x x ZSW1.14
Integrator inhibit, speed controller -- x x ZSW2.6
Parameter set
1st input/20 -- x x ZSW2.0
2nd input/21 -- x x ZSW2.1
3rd input/22 -- x x ZSW2.2
Motor 1 selected (from SW 2.4) 11 x -- --
Motor 2 selected
Motor 3 selected
Motor 4 selected 14 x -- --
Status, fixed speed setpoint (from SW 3.1)
1st output/20 15 x -- --
2nd output/21 16 x -- --
3rd output/22 17 x -- --
4th output/23 18 x -- --
x -- ZSW1.8
nset = nact 20
x x1) MeldW.8
Function generator active 24 (from x -- ZSW1.13
SW 11.1) (from SW 6.1)
Spindle positioning on (from SW 5.1) 28 x -- ZSW1.15
Warning present/no warning present (from SW 3.3) 29 x x ZSW1.7
DC link monitoring VDC link > Vx 30 x x MeldW.4
Fault present/no fault present 31 x x ZSW1.3
Status, controller enable 32 x x ZSW1.2
Ready or no fault 33 x x ZSW1.1
Parking axis selected 34 x x ZSW2.7
Open holding brake 35 x x ZSW2.5
Pulses enabled (from SW 3.1) 36 x x MeldW.13
Power module current not limited (from SW 3.1) 37 x x MeldW.10
1) In the pos mode, the signal can only be conditionally used.
2) From SW 11.1 the ”Programmed velocity reached” output signal, Fct. No. 88, can be configured.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-523
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-49 Overview of the output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Control via PROFIBUS (from SW 3.1) 38 x x PZD
Status, block selection 1st output/20 50 x x AktSatz.0
2nd output/21 51 x x AktSatz.1
3rd output/22 52 x x AktSatz.2
4th output/23 53 x x AktSatz.3
5th output/24 54 x x AktSatz.4
6th output/25 55 x x AktSatz.5
(from SW 10.1) 7th output/26 56 x x AktSatz.6
(from SW 10.1) 8th output/27 57 x x AktSatz.7
Ready to be powered--up/not ready to be powered--up -- x x ZSW1.0
No OFF 2 present/OFF 2 present -- x x ZSW1.4
No OFF 3 present/OFF 3 present -- x x ZSW1.5
Power--on inhibit/no power--on inhibit -- x x ZSW1.6
No following error/following error 58 -- x ZSW1.8
Spindle position reached (from SW 5.1) 59 x -- MeldW.15

Control requested/no control possible -- x x ZSW1.9
Comparison value reached/comparison value not -- x -- ZSW1.10
Reference position reached/outside reference position 60 -- x ZSW1.10
x -- Meldw.14
Reference point set/no reference point set 61 -- x ZSW1.11
Setpoint acknowledge 62 -- x ZSW1.12
Teach--in executed (from SW 4.1) 64 -- x PosZsw.15
Drive stationary/drive moving -- -- x ZSW1.13
First speed setpoint filter inactive -- x x ZSW2.3
Ramp--function gen. inactive -- x x ZSW2.4
Actual motor 1st signal -- x -- ZSW2.9
(from SW 2.4) 2nd signal -- x -- ZSW2.10
Motor being changed over (from SW 3.3) -- x -- ZSW2.11
Slave sign--of--life (from SW 3.1) -- x x ZSW2.12
Suppress fault 608 active (from SW 3.1) -- x x ZSW2.8
Travel to fixed stop active (from SW 3.3) 66 -- x PosZsw.14
External block change (from SW 7.1) 67 -- x AktSatz.14

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08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-49 Overview of the output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Fixed stop reached (from SW 3.3) 68 -- x PosZsw.12
Request passive referencing (from SW 5.1) 69 -- x ZSW1.15
Followup mode active 70 -- x PosZsw.0
In synchronism (from SW 3.3) 71 -- x PosZsw.3
Setpoint static 72 -- x PosZsw.2
Fixed stop clamping torque reached (from SW 3.3) 73 -- x PosZsw.13
Axis moves forwards 74 -- x PosZsw.4
Axis moves backwards 75 -- x PosZsw.5
Minus software limit switch actuated 76 -- x PosZsw.6
Plus software limit switch actuated 77 -- x PosZsw.7
Cam switching signal 1 78 -- x PosZsw.8
Cam switching signal 2 79 -- x PosZsw.9
Direct output 1 via the traversing block 80 -- x PosZsw.10
Direct output 2 via the traversing block 81 -- x PosZsw.11
Velocity limiting active 82 -- x PosZsw.1 6
MDI active (from SW 7.1) 83 -- x AktSatz.15
Angular incremental encoder handwheel active (from 84 -- x AktSatz.13
SW 8.1)
Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 85 -- x AktSatz.11
0 (from SW 8.1)
Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 86 -- x AktSatz.12
1 (from SW 8.1)
Block processing inactive (from SW 8.1) 87 x x AktSatz.10
Programmed velocity reached (from SW 11.1) 88 -- x MeldW.0

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-50 List of output signals

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Inactive 0 x x --
An output with this function is ”disabled”, i.e. a signal is not output (continuously 0 V).
The output terminal can still be connected--up, but it is not evaluated.
To start--up a drive (commission a drive) the ”disturbing outputs” are first switched--out, and then are sub-
sequently activated to be commissioned.
| nact | < nmin 1 x x MeldW.2
This output signal is used to display whether the absolute actual speed (| nact |) is less than or greater
than the selected threshold speed (nmin, P1418:8).

| nact |
Fixed hysteresis= 2 RPM
nmin nmin (P1418:8)

1 signal
| nact| < nmin
0 signal
| nact | > nmin | nact | < nmin | nact | > nmin
6 Application:
The gearbox stage is only mechanically changed--over if the speed is less than that set in P1418:8, in
order to reduce the stressing on the mechanical system.
Ramp--up completed 2 x x1) MeldW.0
The end of a ramp--up operation is displayed after the speed setpoint has been changed, using this out-
put signal.
1 signal Ramp--up has been completed
1/0 signal Ramp--up starts
The start--up is identified, if
-- the speed setpoint changes
-- the defined tolerance bandwidth (P1426) is exited.
0 signal Ramp--up runs
0/1 signal Ramp--up has been completed
The end of ramp--up is identified, if
-- the speed setpoint is constant
-- the speed actual value is within the tolerance bandwidth around the speed setpoint
-- the delay time has expired (P1427).
Detailed information on the ramp--function generator is provided in Chapter 6.1.3.
1) In the pos mode, the signal can only be conditionally used because the speed setpoint is controlled
and there is no ramp--function generator.

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08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
| M | < Mx 3 x x MeldW.1
This output signal indicates whether the absolute torque | M | is less than or greater than the selected
torque (Mx, P1428). The value refers to the actual torque limiting when motoring including all limits (refer
to Chapter 6.1.8, Fig. 6-7).
The evaluation | M | < Mx is only realized in the n--set mode, if
S The ”ramp--up completed” status is signaled
S The delay time in P1429 has expired.
| nset |

Mx Mx (P1428)

1 signal
Ramp--up completed P1429
0 signal From here, evaluation
of | M | < Mx

| M | < Mx
1 signal 6
0 signal
| M | < Mx | M | > Mx | M | < Mx
Using this signal, a motor overload condition can be detected in order to be able to introduce an appropri-
ate response (stop the motor or reduce the load).
S In the pos mode, the ”ramp--up completed” state is always signaled, i.e. the delay time in P1429 has
already expired. The signal | M | < Mx immediately changes the signal state. Only when the delay
time in P1429 changes, is the signal | M | < Mx output delayed by this time.
S Parameter P1428 is referred to the threshold torque M_X (ARM. SRM) or the threshold force F_X
S In the pos mode, the signal can only be conditionally used because the speed setpoint is controlled
and there is no ramp--function generator.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-527
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
| nact| < nx 4 x x MeldW.3
This output signal is used to display as to whether the absolute actual speed (| nact |) is less than or
greater than the selected threshold speed (nx, P1417:8).

| nact |
Fixed hysteresis= 12 RPM
nx nx (P1417:8)

1 signal
| nact | < nx
0 signal
| nact| > nx | nact| < nx | nact| > nx

Speed monitoring
Motor overtemperature pre--warning 5 x x MeldW.6
This output signal is used to display whether the motor temperature (ÂMot) is less than or greater than the
selected motor temperature (Âx, P1602) warning threshold.

6 Note:
S If the motor temperature warning threshold is exceeded, initially, ”only” an appropriate signal is output.
When the warning threshold is fallen below, the signal is automatically withdrawn.
S If the overtemperature remains for a time longer than that set in P1603, then an appropriate fault is
S The motor temperature monitoring function can be disabled/enabled using P1601.14.
ÂMot Motor temperature

Âx Âx (P1602)

1 signal
Motor overtemperature pre--warning
0 signal
ÂMot < Âx ÂMot > Âx ÂMot < Âx

The user can respond to this message by reducing the load, thereby preventing the motor from shutting
down with the ”Motor temperature exceeded” fault after the set time has elapsed.
Heatsink temperature pre--warning 6 x x MeldW.7
This output signal is used to display whether the temperature of the heatsink in the power module has
been exceeded.
The hardware temperature switch--in the power module cannot be parameterized.
1 signal No heatsink temperature pre--warning
The temperature is within the permissible range.
0 signal Heatsink temperature pre--warning
The temperature is outside the possible range.
If the excessive temperature remains, then the drive is powered down after approx. 20 s

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08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Variable signaling function 7 x x MeldW.5
This output signal indicates whether any selected internal quantity has been fallen below or exceeded a
selectable threshold value.
A hysteresis (P1624) can be specified for the threshold value and a time for the pull--in or drop--out delay
(P1625, P1626) can be specified for the signal output.
The quantity to be monitored can either be selected by entering a signal number (P1621) or by entering
an address (P1620.1 and P1622).
P1620.0 1: Active
0: Not active
P1620.1 1: address range Y
0: address range X
P1620.2 1: comparison with the sign
0: comparison without the sign
P1621 Signal number, variable signaling function
The signal number from the signal selection list for analog outputs must be entered here (refer
to Chapter 6.7 under Table 6-57).
If the signal number = 1 (physical address), then the address must be entered into P1620.1 of
the address range and in P1622, the address (this is only relevant for Siemens service activi-
P1622 Address, variable signaling function 6
P1623 Threshold, variable signaling function
P1624 Hysteresis, variable signaling function
Note: The threshold and hysteresis are obtained from the signals specified in the normalization
P1621. The normalization is described in Chapter 6.7 under Table 6-57 and can be partially
read--out of parameters.
P1625 Pull--in delay variable signaling function
P1626 Drop--out delay variable signaling function

Threshold, P1623

P1625 P1626 t

1 signal
Variable signaling function
0 signal
Fallen below Exceeded Fallen below

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6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Open--loop torque controlled mode -- x x ZSW1.14
This output signal is used to signal whether closed--loop speed controlled or open--loop torque controlled
operation has been selected (STW1.14).
1 signal Open--loop torque controlled operation (Mset mode)
0 signal Closed--loop speed controlled operation (nset mode)
For the ”travel to fixed stop” function (positioning mode), after the fixed stop was reached, the position
controller goes into the state ”open--loop torque controlled mode”. The signal ZSW1.14 is
then also set to 1 in the pos mode.
Integrator inhibit, speed controller -- x x ZSW2.6
This output signal is used to signal whether the integral component of the speed controller is inhibited or
1 signal Integrator inhibit, speed controller
0 signal The speed controller integrator is not inhibited
Parameter set
1st input/20 -- x x ZSW2.0
2nd input/21 -- x x ZSW2.1
6 3rd input/22
These 3 output signals are used to output the selected parameter set.
-- x x ZSW2.2

Parameter set 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1st input/weighting 20 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
2nd input/weighting 21 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
3rd input/weighting 22 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

S The ”parameter set changeover” function is described in Chapter 6.10.
Motor 1 selected (from SW 2.4) 11 x -- --
Motor 2 selected 12 x -- --
Motor 3 selected 13 x -- --
Motor 4 selected 14 x -- --
The motor changeover contactors are controlled via these output terminal signals.
1 signal Motor 1, 2, 3 or 4 is selected
0 signal The motor has not been selected
S The motor changeover version and therefore the behavior of the terminal, is selected using P1013
(motor changeover).
S To select the motors or motor data sets, input terminal signals are available with function numbers 5
and 6 (motor data set changeover 1st input/2nd input).
S Motor changeover is described in Chapter 6.11.

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08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Status, fixed speed setpoint (from SW 3.1)
1st output/20 15 x -- --
2nd output/21 16 x -- --
3rd output/22 17 x -- --
4th output/23 18 x -- --
These output signals are used to display which fixed setpoint is selected via the input signals, and which
parameters specify the speed setpoint.

Fixed speed setpoint 1 2 3 4 5 ... 15

1st output/weighting 20 0 1 0 1 0 1 ... 1
2nd output/weighting 21 0 0 1 1 0 0 ... 1
3rd output/weighting 22 0 0 0 0 1 1 ... 1
4th output/weighting 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1

Effective --
fixed speed setpoint P0641:1
P0641:3 to P0641:15

Note: 6
S The ”fixed speed setpoint” function is described in Chapter 6.1.6.
S Refer to the ”Fixed speed setpoint 1st to 4th input” output signal in Chapter 6.4.3.
x -- ZSW1.8
nset = nact 20
x x MeldW.8
This output signal is used to display whether the speed actual value (nact) has entered the tolerance
bandwidth (P1426), and has remained in this tolerance bandwidth for at least a time (P1427).

nact P1426
Tolerance band

1 signal
Ramp--up completed
0 signal
1 signal
nset = nact
0 signal
When spindle positioning is selected (P0125 = 1), ZSW1.8 behaves/responds just the same as
Fct. No. 58 (pos mode)
In the pos mode, the signal can only be conditionally set as the speed setpoint is controlled.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-531
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Function generator active 24 (from x -- ZSW1.13
SW 11.1) (from SW 6.1)
The output signal provides information about the status of the function generator or the measuring func-
1 signal The function generator or the measuring function in the drive is active.
0 signal The function generator or the measuring function in the drive is not active.
Spindle positioning on (from SW 5.1) 28 x -- ZSW1.15
This signal displays as to whether the ”spindle positioning” function has been activated.
1 signal ”Spindle positioning” function is active
0 signal Function is not active
S Refer under the index entry ”Input signal -- spindle positioning on”
S The ”spindle positioning” function is described in Chapter 6.15 (from SW 5.1)
Warning present/no warning present 29 (from x x ZSW1.7
SW 3.3)
The output signal indicates whether the drive is signaling at least one warning.

6 1 signal Warning present

Which warning(s) is(are) present?
This can be identified by evaluating P0953 to P0960 (Warnings 800 to 927) (refer to
Chapter 5.9).
0 signal Warning not present
DC link monitoring VDC link > Vx 30 x x MeldW.4
This output signal is used to display whether the DC link voltage (VDC link) is less than or greater than the
selected DC link undervoltage warning threshold (Vx, P1604).

UDC link DC--link voltage

Vx Vx (P1604)

1 signal
VDC link > Vx
0 signal
VDC link > Vx VDC link < Vx VDC link > Vx

Fault present/no fault present 31 x x ZSW1.3

The output signal indicates whether the drive is signaling at least one fault.
1 signal Fault present
There is at least one fault present.
The cause of the fault or faults which is (are) present, must be removed and the fault then
0 signal No fault present
Refer to Chapter 7 for information on the faults as well as their acknowledgment.

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08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Status, controller enable 32 x x ZSW1.2
This output signal is used to display whether the speed controller is active and is ready to accept speed
1 signal The speed controller is active and setpoints can be accepted
0 signal The speed controller is not active
Ready or no fault 33 x x ZSW1.1
Depending on P1012.2, this output signal indicates whether
S The drive is ready (----> ”Ready” message”)
S No faults present (----> ”No fault” message)
if P1012.2 = ”1”, the following is valid: if P1012.2 = ”0”, the following is valid:
Signal ”Ready” ”No fault”
1 signal Drive is ready There is no fault present
0 signal Not ready There is at least one fault
Conditions No faults are present No faults are present
the board--specific pulse enable
is present (T. 663 = ”1”) independent of terminal 663
and 6
the drive--specific controller enable
is available (T. 65.x = ”1”) independent of terminal 65.x
the group--specific enable signals are available
(NE module, terminals 48, 63 and 64) independent of the NE module
the following PROFIBUS control signals
are available:
independent of the control signals
STW1.0 = ”1” (ON/OFF 1)
STW1.1 = ”1” (Operating condition/OFF 2)
STW1.2 = ”1” (Operating condition/OFF 3)
S The ”no fault” message is also transferred to the line supply infeed module (NE module, terminals 72,
73, 74).
S From SW 6.1 and for P1012.12 = 1 a fault can also be acknowledged without STW1.0 = 0. However,
the drive then remains in the ”Power--on inhibit” state (refer to Chapter 5.5 ”Forming the power--on
inhibit”; Fig.5-9).
Parking axis selected 34 x x ZSW2.7
This output signal is used to indicate whether the axis ”parks”.
For a ”parking axis”, all of the encoder--specific monitoring and evaluation functions are disabled. This
allows the encoder to be withdrawn without initiating an alarm.
1 signal Parking axis selected
0 signal Parking axis not selected

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-533
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Open holding brake 35 x x ZSW2.5
A motor holding brake can be controlled using an external auxiliary contactor via an output with this func-
The brake sequence control is executed in the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”.
1 signal The auxiliary contactor for the motor holding brake is energized
0 signal The auxiliary contactor is not energized
Refer to Chapter 6.9 for information on the motor holding brake.
Pulses enabled (from SW 3.1) 36 x x MeldW.13
This output signal is used to display whether the motor control pulses for this drive are enabled or inhib-
1 signal The motor control pulses are enabled
0 signal The pulses are inhibited
An armature short--circuit contactor may only be energized when the pulses are inhibited.
This signal can be evaluated as one of several conditions to control an armature short--circuit contactor.

6 Power module current not limited (from SW 3.1) 37 x x MeldW.10

This output signal is used to display whether the power module current is limited via the i2t power module
1 signal Power module current not limited
0 signal Power module current is limited

i Operation above Reduction

the load limit
The example is
valid for the
following motors:
1FT6, 1FK6, 1FNx

P1261 S in

4s 8s t
1 signal
Power module current not limited
0 signal
Range Range Range
without current of the limited without current
limiting current limiting

The ”i2t power module limiting” function is described in Chapter A.2.

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6-534 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Control via PROFIBUS (from SW 3.1) 38 x x PZD
The output terminal with this function can be controlled via PROFIBUS.
In this case, process data has to be configured, and then signal 50107 assigned to the PZD to be con-
trolled in the setpoint telegram (digital outputs, terminals O0.x to O3.x, DIG_OUT).
The following definitions apply:
Assigning the function
to the terminal Parameterizing the control using
S Term. O0.x ----> P0680 = 38 Bit 0 from PZD ”DIG_OUT”
S Term. O1.x ----> P0681 = 38 Bit 1 from PZD ”DIG_OUT”
S Term. O2.x ----> P0682 = 38 Bit 2 from PZD ”DIG_OUT”
S Term. O3.x ----> P0683 = 38 Bit 3 from PZD ”DIG_OUT”
S P0699 (inverting output terminals) can be used to set the output signal inversion by the drive.
S Refer to Chapter 5.6.5 for information on configuring process data.
Status, block selection 1st output/20 50 x x AktSatz.0
2nd output/21 51 x x AktSatz.1
3rd output/22
52 x x AktSatz.2
4th output/23 53 x x AktSatz.3
5th output/24 54 x x AktSatz.4
6th output/25 55 x x AktSatz.5
(from SW 10.1) 7th output/26 56 x x AktSatz.6
(from SW 10.1) 8th output/27 57 x x AktSatz.7
These output signals are used to display which traversing block is being presently processed.

Block number 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 31 ... 63 255

1st output/weighting 20 0 1 0 1 0 1 ... 1 ... 1 1
2nd output/weighting 21 0 0 1 1 0 0 ... 1 ... 1 1
3rd output/weighting 22 0 0 0 0 1 1 ... 1 ... 1 1
4th output/weighting 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1 ... 1 1
5th output/weighting 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1 ... 1 1
6th output/weighting 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 ... 1 1
7th output/weighting 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 1
8th output/weighting 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 1
Ready to be powered--up/not ready to be -- x x ZSW1.0
The output signal indicates whether the drive is ready to be powered--up.
1 signal Ready to power--up
In order that the drive goes into this state, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
-- the two operating conditions are available via STW1 (xxxx xxxx xxxx x11x)
-- the following enable signals are available: Terminal 63 (NE module), terminal 663
-- No fault present
-- No power--on inhibit present
0 signal Not ready to be powered--up
The drive is not ready to be powered--up.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-535
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
No OFF 2 present/OFF 2 present -- x x ZSW1.4
1 signal No OFF 2 present
0 signal OFF 2 present
No OFF 3 present/OFF 3 present -- x x ZSW1.5
1 signal No OFF 3 present
0 signal OFF 3 present
Power--on inhibit/no power--on inhibit -- x x ZSW1.6
1 signal Power--on inhibit
It is only possible to power--up the drive again using OFF 1 and then ON (STW1.0) (or
withdrawing terminal 65.x).
0 signal No power--on inhibit
The ”power--on inhibit” function can be disabled via P1012.12.
No following error/following error 58 -- x ZSW1.8
When the axis is traversed, closed--loop position controlled, using a model, the theoretically permissible
following error is calculated from the instantaneous traversing velocity and the selected Kv factor.
6 A following error window can be defined using P0318, which defines the permissible relative deviation
from this calculated value.
This output signal specifies whether the actual following error is within the following error window, defined
using P0318.
1 signal No following error
The actual following error is within the defined following error window.
0 signal Following error
The actual following error of the axis is outside the defined following error window.
Refer under the index entry ”Following error monitoring”.
Spindle position reached (from SW 5.1) 59 x -- MeldW.15
This signal displays as to whether the target position has been reached.
1 signal The spindle has reached the target position within the tolerance window (P0134).
0 signal The spindle has not reached the target position or alarms 131, 134 and 135 have oc-
The ”spindle positioning” function is described in Chapter 6.15 (from SW 5.1).

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-536 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Control requested/no control possible -- x x ZSW1.9
The status of the DP slave is signaled to the DP master using this output signal.
1 signal Control requested
The DP master is requested to accept control.
As a result of this output signal, the DP master should accept control and control bit
STW1.10 ”Control requested/not control requested” should be set to ”1”.
Note: (from SW 4.1)
For a two--axis drive, this bit is only influenced at axes which also retrieve data from a
publisher via slave--to--slave communications
(refer to Chapter 5.10).
0 signal Control not possible
The DP master is signaled that control is not possible. This is, for example, the case for
the following states:
-- the ”DP slave 611U” has still not irun--up
-- the ”SimoCom U” tool has taken--over the master control
-- the clock--cycle synchron. PROFIBUS no longer operates with clock cycle synchronism
-- for slave--to--slave communications, not all of the links have been established to the
publisher (from SW 4.1)
Comparison value reached/comparison value not
-- x -- ZSW1.10 6
The output signal indicates whether the comparison value, set using P1418:8, has been fallen below.
1 signal actual value > comparison value (P1418:8)
0 signal actual value < comparison value (P1418:8)

| nact |
Fixed hysteresis= 2 RPM
Comparison value P1418:8

1 signal
Comparison value reached
0 signal
Actual value Actual value Actual value
> < >
comparison comparison comparison
value value value
S The output signal corresponds to the | nact | < nmin signal with inverted logic.
S In n--set operation, this signal occupies the PROFIBUS bit ZSW1.10 if spindle positioning has not
been selected (from SW 5.1) (P0125 = 0). For the ”spindle positioning” function (from SW 5.1), the
”reference position reached/outside reference position” signal occupies ZSW1.10 (P0125 = 1), refer
to output signal Function No. 60.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-537
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Reference position reached/outside reference posi- 60 -- x ZSW1.10
x -- Meldw.14
This output signal is used to display, in the positioning mode (ZSW1.10), whether the axis has reached
the end of the traversing block (position reference value = target position) and the position actual value
lies within the positioning window (P0321).
In the n--set mode, MeldW.14 indicates that the reference position has been reached when positioning
the spindle
1 signal Reference position reached
The axis/spindle is at the end of a traversing task and the positioning monitoring time
(P0320) has expired within the positioning window (P0321).
0 signal Outside the reference position
The axis/spindle is outside the positioning window.
S The signal is not set when the axis stops, if
-- the axis is in the closed--loop speed controlled jogging mode
-- an ongoing traversing block is interrupted or canceled using ”intermediate stop” or ”stop” which
means that the target position has not been reached
S The signal remains set, until
6 -- a new traversing block is started
-- the axis is traversed in the jogging mode
-- a reference point approach is started
-- a fault (alarm) occurs (e.g. one of the monitoring windows P0318, P0321 or P0326) has been ex-
S The signal remains set if a traversing block is re--started and there is no difference between the target
position and the previous position.
Reference point set/no reference point set 61 -- x ZSW1.11
The output signal indicates whether an axis is referenced.
When referencing, the incremental measuring system of the axis is synchronized with the drive.
1 signal Reference point set
The axis has a valid reference point.
0 signal Reference point set
The axis does not have a valid reference point.
The following functions are not effective for an axis which is not referenced:
S Software limit switches
S Backlash compensation
S Start the traversing blocks

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6-538 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Setpoint acknowledge 62 -- x ZSW1.12
Using this output signal, the drive indicates that a new traversing tasks was accepted with the input sig-
nal ”activate traversing task (edge)” and when this traversing task was executed.
1 signal The traversing task is processed
The signal is set as soon as the traversing task in the drive is started with the ”Activate
traversing task” input signal.
0 signal A traversing task is not being processed
After a traversing task has been completed and (from SW 2.4) the ”activate traversing
task (edge)” input signal has been reset, the output signal is again reset.
A new traversing task may be started via the ”Activate traversing task (edge)” input signal.

1 signal
Input signal ”Activate traversing task (edge)”
0 signal
processing Off
1 signal
Output signal ”setpoint
acknowledgment” 0 signal
Example: Example:
Short traversing Long traversing
blocks blocks
Refer to the input signal ”Activate traversing task (edge)” in Chapter 6.4.3.
Teach--in executed (from SW 4.1) 64 -- x PosZsw.15
This signal indicates whether the ”teach--in” function was successfully executed after activation.
1 signal ”Teach--in” function executed
0 signal Function not executed
S Refer under the index entry ”Input signal -- activate teach--in (edge)”
S The ”teach--in” function is described in Chapter 6.13.
Drive stationary/drive moving -- -- x ZSW1.13
The output signal provides information about the actual operating status of the axis.
1 signal Drive stationary
The absolute actual speed is less than or equal to the threshold speed (nmin, P1418:8).
0 signal Drive is traversing
The absolute actual speed is greater than the threshold speed (nmin, P1418:8).
S The function of the output signal | nact | < nmin corresponds to this signal.
S This output signal cannot be used to identify whether the drive is crawling.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-539
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
First speed setpoint filter inactive -- x x ZSW2.3
The output signal specifies whether the first speed setpoint filter is active/inactive.
1 signal First speed setpoint filter is inactive ----> Low--pass filter is disabled
0 signal First speed setpoint filter is active ----> Low--pass filter is enabled
The first speed setp. filter can be enabled/disabled using the ”first speed setpoint filter off” input signal.
Ramp--function gen. inactive -- x x ZSW2.4
The output signal specifies whether the ramp--function generator is active. The ramp--function generator
can be switched--in/switched--out, e.g. using the input signal ”Ramp--up time zero”.
1 signal Ramp--function generator inactive
0 signal Ramp--function generator active
If the input signal STW2.4 = 0 is selected, then ZSW2.4 remains at 1 as long as the motor is stationary.
ZSW2.4 only goes to zero when the motor is moving.
Actual motor 1st signal -- x -- ZSW2.9
(from SW 2.4) 2nd signal -- x -- ZSW2.10

6 These 2 status signals can be used to identify which motor/motor data set is selected.

Motor data set 1 2 3 4

1st signal/ZSW2.9 0 1 0 1
2nd signal/ZSW2.10 0 0 1 1

S Motor changeover is described in Chapter 6.11.
S If, for P1249 = 1 a motor changeover was initiated via the input signals
”motor data set changeover 1st input or 2nd input” and these output signals did not change, then
P1013 (motor changeover) was incorrectly parameterized.
Motor being changed over (from SW 3.3) -- x -- ZSW2.11
The output signal indicates whether the motor is being changed over.
1 signal The motor is being changed over
During this time, the drive pulses are canceled.
0 signal Otherwise
The ”motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4)” function is described in Chapter 6.11.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-540 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Slave sign--of--life (from SW 3.1) -- x x ZSW2.12
For the ”Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP” function, these status signals are used as sign--of--life
(4--bit counter).
The sign--of--life counter is incremented from 1 to 15 and then starts again with the value 1.
It only starts to count, if:
S The clock--cycle synchronous PROFIBUS operates in clock--cycle synchronism
S For slave--to--slave communications, all of the links between the publisher and subscriber have been
established (from SW 4.1)
The ”Motion Control with PROFIBUS--DP” function is described in Chapter 5.8.
The ”slave--to--slave communications” function is described in Chapter 5.10 (from SW 4.1).
Suppress fault 608 active (from SW 3.1) -- x x ZSW2.8
This output signal is the checkback signal when suppressing fault 608 is activated via the input signal
”suppress fault 608” (from SW 3.1)”.
1 signal
0 signal
Suppressing fault 608 is active (speed controller output limited)
Suppressing fault 608 is not active
S Suppressing fault 608 (speed controller output limited) can be activated as follows:
-- via an input terminal with function number 26
-- via the PROFIBUS control signal STW2.8
S Refer under the index entry ”Input signal -- suppressing fault 608 (from SW 3.1)”
Travel to fixed stop active (from SW 3.3) 66 -- x PosZsw.14
This output signal is used to display whether the ”travel to fixed stop” function is active.
1 signal Block with the FIXED STOP command is being processed
The ”travel to fixed stop” function has been selected.
0 signal No block with the FIXED STOP command is being processed
The ”travel to fixed stop” function has been canceled.
S The ”travel to fixed stop” function is described in Chapter 6.12.
External block change (from SW 7.1) 67 -- x AktSatz.14
This output signal is used to display whether the ”External block change” function is active.
1 signal The ”external block change” function is selected.
0 signal The ”external block change” function is canceled.
S This output signal is an image of the input signal ”External block change” (Fct. No. 67 and STW1.13).
S When the edge of this output signal changes, this indicates that a block change has taken place, i.e.
especially in the MDI mode, a new MDI block may now be entered via PZD and/or default block (refer
to Chapter 6.2.12).

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-541
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Fixed stop reached (from SW 3.3) 68 -- x PosZsw.12
This output signal is used to display whether the drive is in the ”fixed stop reached” status.
1 signal The drive is in the ”fixed stop reached” status
0 signal The drive is not in the ”fixed stop reached” status
S The ”fixed stop reached” status is assumed, dependent on the setting in P0114 (fixed stop, configura-
tion 2).
S The ”travel to fixed stop” function is described in Chapter 6.12.
Request passive referencing (from SW 5.1) 69 -- x ZSW1.15
The master drive requests passive referencing for the slave drive, using this output signal.
To realize this, this output signal must be logically interlocked with the input signal ”request passive refer-
encing” for the slave drive.
1 signal The master drive has detected its zero mark
This means that for the slave drive, the reference cam and zero mark search are activated
While the signal is set, the slave axis must move over a zero mark otherwise an appropri-
ate fault is signaled.
0 signal The master drive has reached its reference point
6 Note:
S If, for a double--axis module P0891 (B) = 1, this means that the position actual value from drive A is
internally connected to the position reference value of drive B, then the following applies:
The output signal ”request passive referencing” from drive A (master drive) is internally and automati-
cally detected from drive B (slave drive). In this case, external wiring is not required.
S The ”request passive referencing” output signal is always output at the reference point approach
when the zero mark has been recognized.
S The ”passive referencing” function is described in Chapter 6.3.
Follow--up mode active 70 -- x PosZsw.0
This output signal is a checkback signal that the follow--up mode has been activated via the ”follow--up
mode” input signal.
1 signal Follow--up mode active
0 signal Follow--up mode not active
If the follow--up mode is active as internal response to an error/fault, then this is also displayed using this
input signal.

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6-542 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
In synchronism (from SW 3.3) 71 -- x PosZsw.3
This output signal is used to display whether the slave drive is in synchronism with the master drive.
1 signal The slave drive is in synchronism with the master drive
0 signal The slave drive is not in synchronism
S When is a drive in synchronism
If, for an active axis coupling, the following error is less than the following error tolerance set in
----> refer under the index entry ”Dynamic following error monitoring”
S For axis couplings in the ”positioning” mode, the signal is not influenced by superimposed axis motion
as a result of traversing blocks.
S The ”axis coupling” function is described in Chapter 6.3.
Setpoint static 72 -- x PosZsw.2
This output signal indicates the processing status of a traversing block on the setpoint side.
1 signal The axis is stationary as far as the setpoint is concerned,
i.e. the interpolator outputs the velocity setpoint 0.
0 signal A traversing block is being processed in the interpolator,

i.e. a velocity setpoint ≠ 0 is output. 6
S Together with the ”status block selection” output signal, it can be defined as to which traversing block
is being processed.
S This output signal is also supplied for the ”Jogging, incremental” function.
S Refer under the index entry ”Positioning monitoring”
Fixed stop clamping torque reached 73 -- x PosZsw.13
(from SW 3.3)
This output signal displays whether the drive is in the ”fixed stop reached” status and whether the pro-
grammed clamping torque has been reached.
1 signal The drive has provided the programmed clamping torque
0 signal The drive provides less torque than the clamping torque
S The ”behavior, clamping torque not reached” can be set using P0113.1.
S The ”travel to fixed stop” function is described in Chapter 6.12.
Axis moves forwards 74 -- x PosZsw.4
Axis moves backwards 75 -- x PosZsw.5
The actual direction of motion of the axis for an active traversing block is displayed using these output
1 signal The axis moves forwards or backwards
0 signal The axis does not move forwards or does not move backwards
If both signals = ”0”, then no axis movement is active.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-543
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Minus software limit switch actuated 76 -- x PosZsw.6
Plus software limit switch actuated 77 -- x PosZsw.7
The traversing range of the axis can be defined using the software limit switches plus (P0316) and minus
(P0315) (refer under the index entry ”Software limit switch).
The output signals indicate whether the appropriate software limit switch has been actuated.
1 signal The plus or minus software limit switch has been actuated
0 signal Neither the plus nor minus software limit switch has been actuated

P0315 P0316 Actual position value

xact [mm]
1 signal
Plus SW limit switch
0 signal

1 signal
Minus SW limit switch
0 signal
Minus SW limit switch Limit switch not Plus SW limit switch
actuated (xact ≤ P0315) actuated actuated (xact ≥ P0316)
6 Note:
The software limit switches only become active after the axis has been referenced.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-544 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Cam switching signal 1 78 -- x PosZsw.8
Cam switching signal 2 79 -- x PosZsw.9
For the ”position--related switching signals (cams)” function, the simulated cam signal is output via these
output signals.
Cam switching signal 1
1 signal Position actual value xact ≤ cam switching position 1 (P0310)
0 signal Position actual value xact > cam switching position 1 (P0310)
Cam switching signal 2
1 signal Position actual value xact ≤ cam switching position 2 (P0311)
0 signal Position actual value xact > cam switching position 2 (P0311)

Signal characteristics for a

linear axis P0310 P0311 Actual position value
xact [mm]
1 signal
Cam switching signal 1
0 signal
xact ≤ P0310 xact > P0310

1 signal
Cam switching signal 2
0 signal
xact ≤ P0311 xact > P0311

Signal characteristics for a rotary axis

with modulo correction P0310 P0311 Actual position value
(from SW 2.4)
360 0 360 0 xact [degrees]
1 signal
Cam switching signal 1
0 signal
xact > P0310 xact ≤ P0310 xact > P0310 xact ≤ P0310

1 signal
Cam switching signal 2
0 signal
xact > P0311 xact ≤ P0311 xact > P0311 xact ≤ P0311

S Only after the axis has been referenced can it be guaranteed that the cam switching signals have a
”true” position reference when they are output.
This is the reason that an external AND logic operation must be established between the output sig-
nal ”reference point set/no reference point set” and the output signals ”cam switching signals 1, 2”
(e.g. using an external PLC).
S The function ”position--related switching signals (cams)” is described in Chapter 6.2.3.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-545
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board ! 611ue diff !

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Direct output 1 via the traversing block 80 -- x PosZsw.10
Direct output 2 via the traversing block 81 -- x PosZsw.11
S For output terminals:
If an output is parameterized with this function, then this output can be set or reset from the traversing
block using the SET_O or RESET_O command.
The status signals can be set or reset from the traversing block using the SET_O or RESET_O com-
S The following commands are used to set and reset output signals:
SET_O/RESET_O command and command parameter = 1 ----> set/reset direct output 1
SET_O/RESET_O command and command parameter = 2 ----> set/reset direct output 2
SET_O/RESET_O command and command parameter = 3 ----> set/reset both signals
S Programming traversing blocks is described in Chapter 6.2.10.
Velocity limiting active 82 -- x PosZsw.1
The output signal indicates whether the velocity is limited.
The limiting is, for example, active if the programmed velocity is greater than the maximum velocity
6 (P0102), taking into consideration the override.
1 signal Velocity is limited
0 signal Velocity is not limited

Programmed velocity

P0102 (max. velocity)

1 signal
Velocity limiting active
0 signal
Limiting Velocity Limiting
is not active limiting is active is not active

This signal is not output when jogging via velocity!
MDI active (from SW 7.1) 83 -- x AktSatz.15
The output signal indicates whether the MDI function is operational.
1 signal The MDI function is active.
0 signal The MDI function is not active.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-546 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! 611ue diff ! 6.4 Input/output terminals of the control board

Table 6-50 List of output signals, continued

Signal name, description Fct. No. n--set pos PROFIBUS bit
Angular incremental encoder handwheel active 84 -- x AktSatz.13
(from SW 8.1)
The output signal indicates whether the angular incremental encoder handwheel function is operational.
1 signal The angular incremental encoder handwheel function is active.
0 signal The angular incremental encoder handwheel function is not active.
Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, 85 -- x AktSatz.11
bit 0 (from SW 8.1)
Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, 86 -- x AktSatz.12
bit 1 (from SW 8.1)
These 2 status signals can be used to define which angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation
is selected via the following parameter.
Before SW 9.1: P0900:4
From SW 9.1: P0889:4

Ang. incr. enc. hwh. eval. 0 1 2 3 (corresponding to P0900[4] or P0889[4])

Bit 0 0 1 0 1
Bit 1 0 0 1 1

The ”angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation” function is described in Chapter 6.8.
Block processing inactive (from SW 8.1) 87 x x AktSatz.10
The output signal indicates whether a traversing block has been processed.
1 signal A traversing block has been completely processed.
0 signal A traversing block is still being processed -- even if the override is zero and motion has
Programmed velocity reached 88 -- x Meldw.0
(from SW 11.1)
The output signal indicates whether a programmed velocity has been reached.
1 signal The function is active in the pos mode under the following conditions:
S An ”Activate traversing task” was given
S A velocity has been programmed
S Set velocity setpoint is constant
S The actual velocity lies within the tolerance window (P0117)
0 signal The function is not active if the conditions specified under 1 signal are not fulfilled.
Since the actual velocity does not equal 100% of the setpoint velocity due to physical influences, a toler-
ance window (P0117) has to be assigned to the actual speed. This avoids unnecessary switching on and
off of the output signal.
In jogging mode (Jogging 1, Jogging 2) or when faults occur (follow--up mode is active), the ”Pro-
grammed velocity reached” output signal reacts like the ”ramp--up completed” output signal (Fct. No. 2).

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-547
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.5 Input/output terminals for the optional TERMINAL module ! not 611ue !

6.5 Input/output terminals for the optional TERMINAL module

Description An optional TERMINAL module has 8 input and 8 output terminals,
which can be freely parameterized (refer to Chapter 1.3.3).
A terminal is assigned any function by entering the function number
corresponding to the required function into the parameter assigned to
the terminal.

The terminals may only be parameterized when the drive pulses are

Overview of the The following assignment exists between the input/output terminals,
terminals and drives and parameters:
Table 6-51 Terminals and parameters for the optional TERMINAL module

Terminal Parameter
Drive A/B No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive

Input terminals
I4 X422.1 0664 Function, input terminal I4 0 60 82 -- immedi-
I5 X422.2 0665 Function, input terminal I5 0 59 82 -- immedi-
I6 X422.3 0666 Function, input terminal I6 0 58 82 -- immedi-
I7 X422.4 0667 Function, input terminal I7 0 50 82 -- immedi-
I8 X422.5 0668 Function, input terminal I8 0 51 82 -- immedi-
I9 X422.6 0669 Function, input terminal I9 0 52 82 -- immedi-
I10 X422.7 0670 Function, input terminal I10 0 53 82 -- immedi-
I11 X422.8 0671 Function, input terminal I11 0 54 82 -- immedi-
Output terminals
O4 X432.1 0684 Signaling function 0 72 82 -- immedi-
output terminal O4 ately
O5 X432.2 0685 Signaling function 0 60 82 -- immedi-
output terminal O5 ately
O6 X432.3 0686 Signaling function 0 62 82 -- immedi-
output terminal O6 ately
O7 X432.4 0687 Signaling function 0 50 82 -- immedi-
output terminal O7 ately
O8 X432.5 0688 Signaling function 0 51 82 -- immedi-
output terminal O8 ately

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6-548 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.5 Input/output terminals for the optional TERMINAL module

Table 6-51 Terminals and parameters for the optional TERMINAL module, continued

Terminal Parameter
Drive A/B No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
O9 X432.6 0689 Signaling function 0 52 82 -- immedi-
output terminal O9 ately
O10 X432.7 0690 Signaling function 0 53 82 -- immedi-
output terminal O10 ately
O11 X432.8 0691 Signaling function 0 54 82 -- immedi-
output terminal O11 ately
-- -- 0699 Invertion, 0 0 FFF Hex immedi-
output terminal signals ately

20 = 1 Res. O8 O4 O0.x:
O0.x -- O3.x are available
21 = 2 Res. O9 O5 O1.x:
on the control board (refer
22 = 4 Res. O10 O6 O2.x: to Chapter 6.4.5)

23 = 8 Res. O11 O7 O3.x:

P0699 = 0 5 0 6 hex
----> O8 O1.x
Example: O10 O2.x
are output inverted
-- -- 0676 Assignment, inputs of the optional 0 0 3 -- immedi-
TERMINAL module (from SW 4.1) ately
-- -- 0696 Assignment, outputs optional TERMI- 0 0 3 -- immedi-
NAL module (from SW 4.1) ately
Each input/output terminal can be assigned a function using these parameters.
S Input terminals:
The function number from the list of input signals is entered (refer to Chapter 6.4.3).
The status of the input terminals is displayed in P0678 for diagnostic purposes (refer to Chapter 4.5).
S Output terminals:
The function number from the list of output signals is entered (refer to Chapter 6.4.6).
The status of the output terminals is displayed in P0698 for diagnostics (refer to Chapter 4.5).
The signals of the output terminals can be output inverted (P0699).
S Assignment of the terminals:
Before SW 4.1 the following applies:
All of the input/output terminals for the optional TERMINAL module are permanently assigned drive A.
From SW 4.1, the following applies:
For a double--axis module, the input/output terminals can be assigned, blockwise to either drive A or
B (P0676, P0696).

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-549
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.6 Analog inputs ! not 611ue !

6.6 Analog inputs

Description For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, there are two analog inputs for each
In the ”speed/torque setpoint” mode, the setpoint can be entered for
the following functions via these analog inputs:
S Speed Speed--controlled operation (nset operation)
For the nset mode, the analog voltage at terminal 56.x/14.x and/or
terminal 24.x/20.x is used as speed setpoint.
S Torque: Open--loop torque controlled operation (Mset mode)
For the Mset mode the analog voltage at terminal 56.x/14.x and/or
terminal 24.x/20.x is used as torque setpoint.
Open--loop torque control is used, if
-- the speed controller is implemented in a higher--level control, or
-- the master/slave functionality is used
S Torque/power reduction (Mred mode)
It may be necessary to reduce the maximum drive torque to protect
6 the machine components. The following possibilities exist:
-- Permanent torque limiting
This limit function can be set via parameters P1230 or P1235
(refer to Chapter 6.1.8).
-- Variable torque limiting
In this case, analog input 2 is set to Mred mode and the analog
voltage at terminal 24.x/20.x is used to continuously reduce the
In the ”positioning” mode, a setpoint can be entered for the velocity
override via analog input 1.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-550 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.6 Analog inputs

6.6.1 Basic setting of the analog inputs

Parameter The following functions can be assigned to analog input 1 and 2 of a

overview drive using the appropriate parameterization:

Table 6-52 Parameters for the function of the analog inputs

Analog Parameter
1 2 No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Ef-
dard fec-
0607 Analog setpoint, terminal 56.x/14.x 0 1 2 -- im-
56 x The parameter defines whether and how the analog setpoint is used at this analog
14 x input.
=0 ----> off
=1 ----> nset/Mset mode (refer to Note)
=2 Velocity override (refer under the index entry ”Override”)
0612 Analog setpoint, terminal 24.x/20.x 0 0 2 -- im-
ately 6
24 x The parameter defines whether and how the analog setpoint is used at this analog
20 x input.
=0 ----> off
=1 ----> nset/Mset mode (refer to Note)
=2 ----> Mred mode
S x: Space retainer for drive A or B
S nset/Mset mode:
It is always possible to toggle between nset and Mset mode using the ”open--loop torque controlled
operation” input signal (refer to Chapter 6.4.2).
0 signal: nset mode
1 signal: Mset mode
Input terminal I3.x is assigned, as standard, to the ”open--loop torque controlled mode” signal.
When toggling between nset and Mset mode, it should be noted, that a setpoint, which may be present
at the terminals, becomes immediately effective in the other operating mode.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-551
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.6 Analog inputs ! not 611ue !

6.6.2 nset mode or nset with Mred mode

nset mode via term. The voltage for the speed setpoint is dependent on the parameteriza-
56.x/14.x tion of the analog inputs and can comprise the voltage at terminal
and/or 56.x/14.x and/or terminal 24.x/20.x as well as the appropriate offset
term. 24.x/20.x corrections and inversions (refer to Fig. 6-62).
S ”Open--loop torque controlled operation” input signal = 0 signal
S P0607 P0612 Speed setpoint via
=1 =1 T. 56.x/14.x and T. 24.x/20.x
=0 =1 T. 24.x/20.x
=1 =0 T. 56.x/14.x

P0610 P1240:8
P0608 P0609 setpoint
T. 56.x
A Inver- Smoothing P0618
 10 V time
D sion P1401:8 ncontroller
T. 14.x +
PT1 filter
Normalization +
P0613 P0614 + Speed
T. 24.x + Smoothing setpoint
A Inver- --
 10 V time
D sion nset nact
T. 20.x PT1 filter analog
(refer to Chapter 6.1.2)

Fig. 6-62 Closed--loop speed control via terminal 56.x/14.x and/or terminal 24.x/20.x

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6-552 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.6 Analog inputs

nset mode via Requirements:

term. 56.x/14.x
S ”Open--loop torque controlled operation” input signal = 0 signal
Mred mode via S P0607 = 1 Speed setpoint via terminal 56.x/14.x
term. 24.x/20.x P0612= 2 Setpoint for Mred via terminal 24.x/20.x

Offset Offset
P0610 P1240:8 Torque
P0609 P1401:8 ncontroller
T. 56.x Smoothing Normalization
 10 V A Inver- time
sion Speed
T. 14.x D + PT1 filter +
setpoint --
nset nact
(refer to Chapter 6.1.2) P1230:8
P0614 P1235:8
P0613 Normalization
T. 24.x Smoothing
+ Inver- torque/
 10 V A
D sion
power X
T. 20.x PT1 filter Mred
Character-- analog
istic P0620 (refer to Chapter
Offset P1243:8
P0615 P1244
correction 6.1.2)

Fig. 6-63 Closed--loop speed controlled mode via terminal 56.x/14.x and torque/power reduction via
terminal 24.x/20.x

Reader’s note
The torque/power reduction via terminal 24.x/20.x is described in
Chapter 6.6.4.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-553
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.6 Analog inputs ! not 611ue !

Parameter The following parameters are available to parameterize the nset mode
overview using terminal 56.x/14.x and/or terminal 24.x/20.x:

Table 6-53 Parameters for the nset mode

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
0606 Voltage at terminals 56.x/14.x -- -- -- V(pk) RO
0611 Voltage at terminals 24.x/20.x -- -- -- V(pk) RO
... indicates the analog voltage presently available at this input terminal.
0608 Inversion, terminal 56.x/14.x 0 0 1 -- imme-
0613 Inversion, terminal 24.x/20.x 0 0 1 -- imme-
An inversion internally inverts the sign of the analog setpoint at this terminal. The motor direc-
tion of rotation is reversed.
0 No inversion
1 Inversion
There is the following assignment between inversion, direction of rotation, and setpoint:
S Without inversion, the motor rotates clockwise for a positive setpoint
¯ With inversion, the motor rotates anti--clockwise for a positive setpoint

6 Definition of the direction of rotation:

¯ When viewing the output shaft, the shaft rotates counter--clockwise ! The motor direction of
rotation is counter--clockwise
¯ When viewing the output shaft, the shaft rotates clockwise ! The motor direction of rotation
is clockwise
0609 Smoothing time, terminal 56.x/14.x 0.0
(SRM, SLM) imme-
0.0 3.0 1 000.0 ms
0614 Smoothing time, terminal 24.x/20.x 0.0
(SRM, SLM) imme-
0.0 3.0 1 000.0 ms
This allows the output of the A/D converter to be smoothed using a PT1 filter.
0610 Drift/offset correction terminal 56.x/14.x --9 999.9 0.0 9 999.9 mV(pk) imme-
0615 Drift/offset correction terminal 24.x/20.x --9 999.9 0.0 9 999.9 mV(pk) imme-
If the motor still continues to turn even with a speed setpoint of 0 V, and this is not desired, then
this parameter can be used to enter a voltage offset to adjust the analog input for zero output.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-554 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.6 Analog inputs

Table 6-53 Parameters for the nset mode, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
0618 Normalization voltage 5.0 9.0 12.5 V(pk) imme-
speed setpoint diately
1401:8 Speed for max. useful motor speed RPM
(SRM, ARM) imme-
--100 000.0 0.0 100 000.0
Velocity for max. motor useful velocity m/min diately
P0618: This defines the input voltage at which the maximum useful motor speed is reached.
P1401:8: The parameter specifies the maximum motor useful speed, and represents the refer-
ence value for P0618.
The standard value is pre--assigned for the hardware configuration depending on the
motor used.

n [rev/min] Example:
P0618 = 9
P1401:8 = 2000
----> at 9 V, the motor reaches a speed
U [V] of 2000 RPM
The maximum useful motor speed, set using P1401:8 is taken into account when calculating
the speed setpoint. This means that P1401:8 acts as a speed limit.
This is independent of whether the setpoint is entered via a terminal or PROFIBUS.
1240:8 Offset, torque setpoint (closed--loop Nm
speed controlled) (SRM, ARM) imme-
--50 000.0 0.0 50 000.0
Offset, force setpoint (closed--loop N diately
speed controlled) (SLM)
This parameter value is added to the torque setpoint or force setpoint (SLM).
This allows a weight equalization to be set.
1243 For the torque/power reduction via terminal 24.x/20.x (refer to Chapter 6.6.4), this parameter
can be used to make adjustments.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-555
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.6 Analog inputs ! not 611ue !

6.6.3 Mset mode or Mset with Mred mode

Mset mode via The analog torque setpoint Mset analog is dependent on the parameter-
terminal 56.x/14.x ization of the analog inputs and can comprise the voltage at terminal
and/or 56.x/14.x and/or terminal 24.x/20.x as well as the offset correction, in-
term. 24.x/20.x versions and the torque setpoint offset (refer to Fig. 6-64).
S ”Open--loop torque controlled operation” input signal = 1 signal
S P0607 P0612 Torque setpoint via
=1 =1 T. 56.x/14.x and T. 24.x/20.x
=0 =1 T. 24.x/20.x
=1 =0 T. 56.x/14.x

Offset P1242:8
P0608 P0609 setpoint
T. 56.x Smoothing
A Inver- P0619
 10 V time
D sion P1241:8
T. 14.x + PT1 filter
P0613 P0614 + torque
T. 24.x Mset
+ setpoint
A Inver- Smoothing analog
 10 V
D sion time (refer to
T. 20.x PT1 filter Chapter

Fig. 6-64 Open--loop torque control via terminal 56.x/14.x and/or terminal 24.x/20.x

Before SW 4.2:
The setpoint for Mset operation can only be entered via analog inputs
(terminals). It is not possible to enter a setpoint via PROFIBUS.
From SW 4.2:
The setpoint for Mset operation can either be entered via analog inputs
(terminals) or PROFIBUS--DP.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-556 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.6 Analog inputs

Mset mode via Requirements:

term. 56.x/14.x
S ”Open--loop torque controlled operation” input signal = 1 signal
Mred mode via S P0607 = 1 Torque setpoint via terminal 56.x/14.x
term. 24.x/20.x P0612= 2 Setpoint for Mred via terminal 24.x/20.x

Offset P1242:8 torque
correction setpoint
P0608 P0609
T. 56.x Normalization +
A Inver- Smoothing
 10 V time torque
T. 14.x D sion setpoint Mset
+ PT1 filter
(refer to Chapter
P0613 P0614 Normalization
T. 24.x +
A Inver- Smoothing torque/
 10 V time X
D sion power
T. 20.x PT1 filter
Character-- Mred
istic P0620 analog
Offset P1243:8
P1244 (refer to
Chapter 6.1.2) 6
Fig. 6-65 Open--loop torque controlled operation via terminal 56.x/14.x and torque/power reduction via
terminal 24.x/20.x

Reader’s note
The torque/power reduction via terminal 24.x/20.x is described in
Chapter 6.6.4.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-557
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.6 Analog inputs ! not 611ue !

Parameter The following parameters are provided to parameterize the Mset mode
overview using terminal 56.x/14.x and/or terminal 24.x/20.x:

Table 6-54 Parameter for Mset mode using terminal 56.x/14.x and/or terminal 24.x/20.x

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
0606 Voltage at terminals 56.x/14.x -- -- -- V(pk) RO
0611 Voltage at terminals 24.x/20.x -- -- -- V(pk) RO
... indicates the analog voltage presently available at this input terminal.
0608 Inversion, terminal 56.x/14.x 0 0 1 -- imme-
0613 Inversion, terminal 24.x/20.x 0 0 1 -- imme-
An inversion internally inverts the sign of the analog setpoint at this terminal. This causes the
torque to be reversed.
1 Inversion
0 No inversion
0609 Smoothing time, terminal 56.x/14.x (SRM, 0.0
SLM) imme-
0.0 3.0 1 000.0 ms

0614 Smoothing time, terminal 24.x/20.x (SRM, 0.0
SLM) imme-
0.0 3.0 1 000.0 ms
This allows the output of the A/D converter to be smoothed using a PT1 filter.
0610 Drift/offset correction terminal 56.x/14.x --9 999.9 0.0 9 999.9 mV(pk) imme-
0615 Drift/offset correction terminal 24.x/20.x --9 999.9 0.0 9 999.9 mV(pk) imme-
If, for a setpoint input of 0 volt, the motor starts to rotate, and this is not desired, then a voltage
offset can be entered using this parameter to adjust the analog input for zero output
0619 Normalization voltage, torque setpoint 5.0 10.0 12.5 V(pk) imme-
1241:8 Normalization, torque setpoint (SRM, ARM) Nm imme-
1.0 10.0 50 000.0
Normalization, force setpoint (SLM) N diately
P0619: This defines at which input voltage the torque setpoint normalization is reached.
P1241:8: The parameter represents the reference value for P0619. The standard value for
Mrated is pre--assigned ”calculate controller data”.

M [Nm]
Standard values:
P1241:8 P0619 = 10
P1241:8 = Mrated
----> at 10 V, Mrated is reached
P0619 U [V]

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-558 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.6 Analog inputs

Table 6-54 Parameter for Mset mode using terminal 56.x/14.x and/or terminal 24.x/20.x, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
1242:8 Offset torque setpoint (open--loop torque Nm
controlled) (SRM, ARM) imme-
--50 000.0 0.0 50 000.0
Offset force setpoint (open--loop torque con- N diately
trolled) (SLM)
This parameter value is added to the torque setpoint or force setpoint (SLM).
Thus, a pre--tensioning torque can be generated.
1243:8 For the torque/power reduction via terminal 24.x/20.x (refer to Chapter 6.6.4), this parameter
can be used to make adjustments.

6.6.4 Torque/power reduction via terminal 24.x/20.x

Description A continuous torque/power reduction (Mred mode) is possible via ana-

log input 2 (terminal 24.x/20.x) by entering an analog voltage.
The reduction is:
S In the constant torque range,
referred to the 1st torque limit (P1230)
S Constant power range
referred to the first power limit (P1235)

Characteristics to The following characteristics can be set, as a function of parameter

reduce the P1244, using the setpoint from terminal 24.x/20.x:
S Negative characteristic (P1244 = 1)
-- Application
For wire breakage, the input voltage is 0 V
----> the limits for the torque/power are effective, defined with the
normalization (maximum values)
----> this case is suitable for applications which require a torque
when a fault occurs (e.g. hanging axes)
S Positive characteristic (P1244 = 2)
-- Application
For a wire breakage, a 0 V input voltage becomes effective
----> there is no torque/power
----> this case is suitable for applications which do not require
torque under fault/error conditions

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-559
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.6 Analog inputs ! not 611ue !

Parameter The following parameters are available to parameterize the Mred mode
overview using terminal 24.x/20.x:

Table 6-55 Parameter for the Mred mode

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
0611 Voltage at terminals 24.x/20.x -- -- -- V(pk) RO
0613 Inversion, terminal 24.x/20.x 0 0 1 -- imme-
For the torque/power reduction, internally only positive setpoints are effective. For a negative
analog setpoint at terminal 24.x/20.x, an inversion function must be switched--in.
0614 Smoothing time, terminal 24.x/20.x (SRM, 0.0
SLM) imme-
0.0 3.0 1 000.0 ms
0615 Drift/offset correction terminal 24.x/20.x --9 999.9 0.0 9 999.9 mV(pk) imme-
These parameters are described in Chapter 6.6.3.
0620 Normalization voltage, torque/power reduc-

6 tion (SRM, ARM)

Normalization voltage, force/power reduction
5.0 10.0 12.5 V(pk)
1243:8 Normalization, torque/power reduction
(SRM, ARM) imme-
0.0 100.0 100.0 %
Normalization, force/power reduction (SLM)
P0620: ... defines up to which maximum voltage, a reduction can be made.
P1243:8 ... defines up to which maximum torque or power a reduction can be made.
The data is a percentage with the following reference:
Reference for torque: P1230 (1st torque limit)
Reference for power: P1235 (1st power limit)

Meffective/Peffective [%]
Mmax/Pmax Example:

P1243:8 P1244 = 1 P1244 = 1 (neg. characteristic)

P0620 = 5 V
P1243 = 50 %
0V 10 V VRed [V] with an input voltage
P0620 of 0 V to 5 V, the
Meffective/Peffective [%] torque/power can be
reduced from
Mmax/Pmax 50 % to 0 %, referred to
P1243:8 P1230:8/P1235:8
P1244 = 2 Note:
The actual reduction is displayed
0V 10 V VRed [V] in P1717.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-560 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.6 Analog inputs

Table 6-55 Parameter for the Mred mode, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
1244 Characteristic type, torque/power reduction
(SRM, ARM) imme-
1 1 2 --
Characteristic type, force/power reduction diately
... defines whether the reduction is realized with a negative or a positive characteristic.
=1 Negative characteristic
=2 Positive characteristic
1259 Torque/power reduction mot./gen. (SRM,
(from ARM) imme-
0 0 1 --
SW 3.7) diately
Force/power reduction mot./gen. (SLM)
... defines how the torque/power reduction or force/power reduction is effective depending on
the state motoring/regenerating.
=0 Reduction is effective, motoring and generating
=1 Reduction is only effective motoring
In an emergency situation, the axis can still be quickly braked for P1259 = 1.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-561
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.6 Analog inputs ! not 611ue !

6.6.5 Application example master/slave

Application The master/slave functionality is implemented using the analog inputs/

example outputs.
The master enters the torque setpoint for the slave via an analog out-
put (terminals 75.x/15 or 16.x/15). Refer to Chapter 6.7).

Master/slave operation is only possible for motors with encoders!

Signal No. 36 75.x/15
Master drive Slave drive

Speed 56.x/14.x 56.x/14.x

setpoint 24.x/20.x 24.x/20.x
for a rigid coupling
1 signal ----> Mset mode
6 Mset mode
0 signal
I3.x with the coupling
nset mode ----> nset mode
Dependent on
the mechanical
Rigid or quasi--rigid
M M connection, which can
3 3 also be released in

Fig. 6-66 Example: Coupling 2 drives with master/slave with analog I/O

! If, for a master/slave configuration, the rigid mechanical coupling is
released (the coupling is opened) then at the same time the slave drive
must be changed over to nset operation as otherwise the slave drive
would accelerate in an uncontrolled fashion to the maximum speed.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-562 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
6.6 Analog inputs

Example: The following settings are necessary for the master drive:
Settings for the
S Setting the analog output
master drive
Term. 75.x/15 P0626 = 36 (torque setpoint (finely normalized))
P0627 = 0 (shift factor)
P0631 = 1 (overcontrol protection on)
Term. 16.x/15 P0633 = 36 (torque setpoint (finely normalized))
P0634 = 0 (shift factor)
P0638 = 1 (overcontrol protection on)
S Set DAU (D/A converter) normalization
P0625 = 50 ----> +5 V ≐ twice the rated torque

Example: For the slave drives the following settings are necessary:
Settings for the
S Set the analog input
slave drive
Terminal 56.x/14.x P0607 = 1 (nset/Mset mode)
Terminal 24.x/20.x P0612 = 1 (nset/Mset mode)
S Set the normalization
P0619 = 5 (normalization voltage, torque setpoint)
P1241 = rated torque, slave--motor
(normalization, torque setpoint)
S Set the digital input
Function number = 4 (open--loop torque controlled mode)
Terminal on the control board ----> refer to Chap. 6.4.2
Terminal on the optional TERMINAL module ----> refer to Chap. 6.5

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-563
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.7 Analog outputs

6.7 Analog outputs

Description There are two freely parameterizable analog outputs with the following
features for each drive:
S Resolution of the DAU (D/A converter): 8 bit
S Rated operating voltage: --10 V to +10 V
S Update: in the speed controller clock cycle (P1001)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-564 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.7 Analog outputs

Parameter The following parameters are available to parameterize the analog outputs:
Table 6-56 Parameter overview for the analog outputs

Terminal Parameter
No. Desig- No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
nation dard tive
0626 Signal number 0 34 530 -- imme-
analog output terminals 75.x/15 diately
... defines which signal is output.
In this case, the appropriate signal number must be entered from the ”signal
selection list for analog output” (refer to table 6-57).
0627 Shift factor 0 0 47 -- imme-
analog output terminals 75.x/15 diately
... defines the shift factor, with which the output signal is manipulated (refer to
Fig. 6-69).
Only an 8 bit output window can be output from a 24/48 bit signal due to the
8--bit resolution. The shift factor can be used to define which 8 of the 24/48 bits
are located in the output window and should be output.
A shift factor for each signal is recommended in the signal selection list for
analog outputs (refer to Table 6-57).
0628 Offset analog output terminal --128 0 127 -- imme-
... specifies an offset to the 8--bit output signal.
75.A X441.1 Note:
75.B X441.3 S The signal to be output is shifted by 20/256 V (78 mV) by changing the
# # offset by 1 digit.
15 X441.5 S P0628 = --128 ≐ --10 V, P0628 = 127 ≐ +10 V
0631 Overcontrol protection 0 1 1 -- imme-
analog output, terminal 75.x/15 diately
... switches the over--control protection on or off.
=1 Overcontrol protection on (standard)
The bits above the 8--bit wide window cause +10 V or --10 V to be
output, i.e. the output is not overcontrolled.
=0 Over--control protection off
The bits above the 8--bit wide window are ignored. The analog
value is exclusively defined by the 8--bit window, i.e. the output can
be overcontrolled.
0632 Smoothing time 0.0 0.0 1 000.0 ms imme-
analog output terminal 75.x/15 diately
... smooths the output signal with a 1st order proportional element (PT1 ele-
ment, low--pass filter).
The filter is de--activated with P0632 = 0.0.
The following generally applies: low smoothing time ----> low smoothing effect
high smoothing time ----> high smooth. effect

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-565
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.7 Analog outputs

Table 6-56 Parameter overview for the analog outputs, continued

Terminal Parameter
No. Desig- No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
nation dard tive
0633 Signal number 0 35 530 -- imme-
analog output terminals 16.x/15 diately
Note: refer to the description of P0626 for terminal 75.x/15
0634 Shift factor 0 0 47 -- imme-
analog output terminals 16.x/15 diately
Note: refer to the description of P0627 for terminal 75.x/15
16 A
16.A X441 2
0635 Offset analog output terminal --128 0 127 -- imme-
16.B X441.4 16.x/15 diately
# #
Note: refer to the description of P0628 for terminal 75.x/15
15 X441 5
0638 Overcontrol protection, 0 1 1 -- imme-
analog output terminal 16.x/15 diately
Note: refer to the description of P0631 for terminal 75.x/15
0639 Smoothing time 0.0 0.0 1 000.0 ms imme-
analog output terminal 16.x/15 diately
Note: refer to the description of P0632 for terminal 75.x/15
-- -- 0623 DAU normalization, speed actual
6 Signal
No. 34
value (SRM, ARM)
DAU normalization, actual motor
--200.0 100.0 200.0 %
velocity (SLM)
... defines, for the output of ”absolute motor speed, finely normalized” (Signal
No. 34), which voltage is output at the maximum speed nmax.
The maximum speed nmax is given by:
for SRM: minimum (1.2 x P1400, P1147)
for ARM/SLM: minimum (P1146, P1147)

U [V] P0623 = 100% --> +10 V ≐ nmax
10 V P0623 = 50 % --> +5 V ≐ nmax
200 %
100 % P0623 = 200% --> +10 V ≐ 0.5 nmax
P0623 = --50% --> --5V ≐ nmax
50 %

0.5 nmax nmax | nact |

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6-566 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.7 Analog outputs

Table 6-56 Parameter overview for the analog outputs, continued

Terminal Parameter
No. Desig- No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
nation dard tive
-- -- 0624 DAU normalization, motor utiliza- --200.0 100.0 200.0 % imme-
Signal tion diately
No. 35
... defines, for the output of ”utilization (Mset/Mset, limit, finely normalized” (Signal
No. 35) which voltage is obtained when
S |maximum torque| (at n = 0 to nrated)
S |power| (at n > nrated).
is reached.
Examples: P0624 = 100 % --> +10 V ≐ Max. torque or power
P0624 = 50 % --> +5 V ≐ Max. torque or power
-- -- 0625 D/A normalization, torque setpoint
Signal (SRM, ARM) imme-
--200.0 100.0 200.0 %
No. 36 D/A normalization, force setpoint diately
... defines for the output of ”torque setpoint, finely normalized” (Signal No. 36),
which voltage is output when 200% rated torque is reached.
Examples: P0625 = 100 % --> +10 V ≐ twice the rated torque

P0625 = 50 % --> +5 V ≐ twice the rated torque
The output of signal No. 36 is signed.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-567
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.7 Analog outputs

Signal selection list

for analog output
Table 6-57 Signal selection list for analog outputs

Signal Operating Displayed Shift Bit Unit Normaliza-

mode in fac- width tion
tor (corre-
No. Designation n- pos sponds
set to LSB)
0 No signal x x -- -- -- -- --
1 Physical address x x -- 0 24 -- --
2 Current actual value, phase U x x -- 4 24 μApk P1710
3 Current actual value, phase V x x -- 4 24 μApk P1710
4 Field--generating current actual x x -- 4 24 μApk P1710
value Id
5 Torque--generating current ac- x x P1708 (%) 4 24 μApk P1710
tual value Iq P1718 (A)
6 Current setpoint Iq x x -- 4 24 μApk P1710
(limited after the filter)
7 Current setpoint Iq (before filter) x x -- 4 24 μApk P1710
8 Speed actual value, motor RPM

6 (SRM, ARM)
Velocity actual value, motor
x x P0602 6 24
9 Speed setpoint (SRM, ARM) P0601 RPM
(only for
x x 6 24 P1711
Velocity setpoint (SLM) controller m/min
10 Speed setpoint, reference RPM
model (SRM, ARM)
x x -- 6 24 P1711
Velocity setpoint, reference m/min
model (SLM)
11 Torque setpoint (speed control- μNm
ler output) (SRM, ARM)
x x P1716 4 24 P1713
Force setpoint (speed control- μN
ler output) (SLM)
12 Torque setpoint limit (pos.) μNm
x x -- 4 24 P1713
Force setpoint limit (pos.) μN
13 Motor utilization x x P0604 8 16 % 8000H
max (Mset/Mmax, pset/pmax) ≐100%
14 Active power x x -- 12 16 kW 0.01 kW
15 Rotor flux setpoint x x -- 1 24 μVs P1712
16 Rotor flux actual value x x -- 1 24 μVs P1712

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6-568 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.7 Analog outputs

Table 6-57 Signal selection list for analog outputs, continued

Signal Operating Displayed Shift Bit Unit Normaliza-

mode in fac- width tion
tor (corre-
No. Designation n- pos sponds
set to LSB)
17 Quadrature voltage Vq x x -- 11 24 V P1709 S VDC

18 Direct--axis voltage Vd x x -- 11 24 V P1709 S VDC


19 Current setpoint Id x x -- 4 24 μApk P1710

20 Motor temperature x x P0603 13 24 C 0.1 C
21 DC link voltage at the NE mod- x x P1701 13 24 V 1V
22 Zero mark signal, motor mea- x x -- 17 16 -- --
suring system
23 Bero signal/equivalent zero x x -- 12 16 -- --
mark (bit 11, inverted)
24 Absolute speed actual value RPM
x x -- 6 24 P1711
Absolute velocity actual value m/min
(SLM) 6
25 Slip frequency setpoint x x -- 8 24 1/s 2000 x 2Π
800000H x 1s
26 Zero mark signal, direct mea- x x -- 17 24 -- --
suring system
Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- --
29 Control voltage Q feedforward x x -- 11 24 V P1709 S VDC
control link/2

30 Control voltage D feedforward x x -- 11 24 V P1709 S VDC

control link/2

31 Normalized, electrical rotor x x -- 7 24 De- --

position grees
(10 000 hex = 360)
32 Absolute voltage setpoint x x P1705 11 24 V P1709
33 Absolute current actual value x x P1719 4 24 μApk P1710
34 Absolute speed actual value RPM
(finely normalized) (SRM,
x x -- 0 24 P1740
Absolute velocity actual value m/min
(finely normalized) (SLM)
Note: P0623 is the reference
35 Utilization (finely normalized) x x -- 0 24 % P1741
Note: P0624 is the reference

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-569
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.7 Analog outputs

Table 6-57 Signal selection list for analog outputs, continued

Signal Operating Displayed Shift Bit Unit Normaliza-

mode in fac- width tion
tor (corre-
No. Designation n- pos sponds
set to LSB)
36 Torque setpoint (finely normal- μNm
ized) (SRM, ARM)
Force setpoint (finely normal- x x -- 0 24 μN P1742
ized) (SLM)
Note: P0625 is the reference
37 Speed setpoint at terminals RPM
56.x/14.x, 24.x/20.x (SRM,
ARM) x x -- 6 P1711
Velocity setpoint at terminals m/min
56.x/14.x, 24.x/20.x (SLM)
38 Signal DAU1 from PROFIBUS-- x x -- 0 16 -- --
39 Signal DAU2 from PROFIBUS-- x x -- 0 16 -- --
40 Speed setpoint from RPM
6 Velocity setpoint from
x x -- 6 24
41 Rotor position, finely/coarsely x x -- 21 16 -- --
synchronized (from SW 5.1)
0: Still not synchronized
1: Coarsely synchronized
3: Coarsely and finely syn-
42 Input terminals (refer to P0678) x x -- 7 16 -- --
(from SW 5.1)
43 Torque setpoint limit (neg.) x x -- 4 24 μNm P1713
Force setpoint limit (neg.) μN
(SLM) (from SW 7.1)
44 Speed correction value (SRM, x x -- 0 24 RPM P1711
Velocity correction value (SLM) m/min
(from SW 7.1)
to Reserved -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70 Position controller output
x x -- 6 P1711
(SLM) m/min

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6-570 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.7 Analog outputs

Table 6-57 Signal selection list for analog outputs, continued

Signal Operating Displayed Shift Bit Unit Normaliza-

mode in fac- width tion
tor (corre-
No. Designation n- pos sponds
set to LSB)
71 Pre--control speed
-- x -- 6 24 P1711
(SLM) m/min
72 System deviation, x x P0030 27 48 MSC MSR S 2 --11
position controller input
73 Actual position value x x P0021 19 48 MSC MSR S 2 --11
74 Position setpoint x x P0020 19 48 MSC MSR S 2 --11
75 Velocity setpoint IPO x4) x P0023 30 48 MSR/s P1743
76 Following error x x P0029 27 48 MSC MSR S 2 --11
77 Following error, dynamic model x x -- 27 48 MSC MSR S 2 --11
78 External position reference -- x P0032 19 48 MSC MSR S
value P0403/P0404
(from SW 3.5) S 2 --11

79 External velocity setpoint (from -- x -- 30 48 MSC P1744

SW 3.5)
DSC system deviation x -- P0915 4 32 -- P1745
(from SW 4.1)
81 DSC pre--controlled speed, RPM
motor (from SW 4.1)
x -- P0915 6 32 P1711
DSC pre--control velocity,
motor (from SW 4.1)
82 DSC system deviation from RPM
PROFIBUS PPO x -- P0915 6 32 P1711
(from SW 7.1)
83 Equalization controller input μNm
x x -- 4 24 P1713
(from SW 7.1) μN
84 Equalization controller output RPM
x x -- 4 24 P1711
(from SW 7.1)
85 Torque setpoint -- master axis μNm
x x -- 4 24 P1713
(from SW 7.1) μN
86 Thermal motor load P1288
(from SW 11.2) x x P1266 0 16 % P1607 up to
SW 12.1
499 PROFIBUS PKW task (re- x x P1786:1 8 16 -- --
3) quest) identification (from
SW 5.1)
500 PROFIBUS PKW response ID x x P1787:1 8 16 -- --
3) (from SW 5.1)
501 PROFIBUS control word 1 x x P1788:x1) 8 16 -- --
3) (STW1) (from SW 5.1)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-571
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.7 Analog outputs

Table 6-57 Signal selection list for analog outputs, continued

Signal Operating Displayed Shift Bit Unit Normaliza-

mode in fac- width tion
tor (corre-
No. Designation n- pos sponds
set to LSB)
502 PROFIBUS status word 1 x x P1789:x2) 8 16 -- --
3) (ZSW1) (from SW 5.1)
503 PROFIBUS control word 2 x x P1788:x1) 8 16 -- --
3) (STW2) (from SW 5.1)
504 PROFIBUS status word 2 x x P1789:x2) 8 16 -- --
3) (ZSW2) (from SW 5.1)
505 PROFIBUS encoder 1 control x -- P1788:x1) 8 16 -- --
3) word (G1_STW) (from SW 5.1)
506 PROFIBUS encoder 1 status x -- P1789:x2) 8 16 -- --
3) word (G1_ZSW) (from SW 5.1)
507 PROFIBUS encoder 2 control x -- P1788:x1) 8 16 -- --
3) word (G2_STW) (from SW 5.1)
508 PROFIBUS encoder 2 status x -- P1789:x2) 8 16 -- --
3) word (G2_ZSW) (from SW 5.1)
509 PROFIBUS distributed inputs x x P1788:x1) 8 16 -- --
3) (DezEing) (from SW 5.1)
6 510
PROFIBUS message word x x P1789:x2) 8 16 -- --
(MeldW) (from SW 5.1)
511 PROFIBUS digital outputs, ter- x x P1788:x1) 19 16 -- --
3) minals O0.x to O3.x
(DIG_OUT) (from SW 5.1)
512 PROFIBUS digital inputs x x P1789:x2) 19 16 -- --
3) terminals I0.x to I3.x (DIG_IN)
(from SW 5.1)
513 PROFIBUS block selection x x P1788:x1) 17 16 -- --
3) (SatzAnw) (from SW 5.1)
514 PROFIBUS currently selected x x P1789:x2) 17 16 -- --
3) block (AktSatz) (from SW 5.1)
515 PROFIBUS position control -- x P1788:x1) 8 16 -- --
3) word (PosStw) (from SW 5.1)
516 PROFIBUS position status -- x P1789:x2) 8 16 -- --
3) word (PosZsw)
(from SW 5.1)
517 PROFIBUS control word -- x P1788:x1) 22 16 -- --
3) slave--to--slave communica-
tions (QStw) (from SW 5.1)
518 PROFIBUS status word slave-- -- x P1789:x2) 22 16 -- --
3) to--slave communications
(QZsw) (from SW 5.1)
519 PROFIBUS encoder 1 position x -- P1789:x1) 8 32 -- --
3) actual value 1 (G1_XIST1)
(from SW 7.1)

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6-572 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.7 Analog outputs

Table 6-57 Signal selection list for analog outputs, continued

Signal Operating Displayed Shift Bit Unit Normaliza-

mode in fac- width tion
tor (corre-
No. Designation n- pos sponds
set to LSB)
520 PROFIBUS encoder 1 position x -- P1789:x1) 8 32 -- --
3) actual value 2 (G1_XIST2)
(from SW 7.1)
522 PROFIBUS encoder 2 position x -- P1789:x1) 8 32 -- --
3) actual value 1 (G2_XIST1)
(from SW 7.1)
523 PROFIBUS encoder 2 position x -- P1789:x1) 8 32 -- --
3) actual value 2 (G2_XIST2)
(from SW 7.1)
524 PROFIBUS encoder 3 position x -- P1789:x1) 8 32 -- --
3) actual value 1 (G3_XIST1)
(from SW 7.1)
525 PROFIBUS encoder 3 position x -- P1789:x1) 8 32 -- --
3) actual value 2 (G3_XIST2)
(from SW 7.1)
S Abbreviations
-- rms: rms value
-- pk: Peak value
-- LSB: Least Significant Bit
-- MSR: Dimension system grid
S Signal marking?
-- Not marked: For SimoCom U, the signal is available as standard
-- Marked in gray: For SimoCom U, the signal is only available when the expert mode is activated
1) Dependent on the assignment in P0915:17
2) Dependent on the assignment in P0916:17
3) PROFIBUS signal only supplies a value if it is set in P0615 or P0916.
4) This only applies for spindle positioning

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-573
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.7 Analog outputs

Where are the Figs. 6-67 and 6-68 show, using the controller structures, where the
signals most important analog signals are taken from for the current and speed
taken from? controller or for the position controller.

Time constant,
Input signal Speed integrator feedback
”Ramp--up time = 0” controller P1421
≥ 1.0
nset from
9 < 1.0
P0612 P1409
=0 setpoint filter
Ramp--up Integral action
generator Speed time TN
nset =1
setpoint --
P1256:8 limiting
P1257:8 P1407
P1012.0 Proportional
8 gain KP

Conversion, Current
torque to Torque controller nact
quadrature-- setpoint
axis current limiting 6 17
Iq U

set 4 current V
Mset =1
 setpoint
filters --
analog Iq Vd
7 11 3
Current 2
Input signal Id
”open--loop torque-- 18
controlled mode” Id Id Iq
MRed set 4

Induction motor/1FE1 motor flux sensing and closed--loop flux control

Synchronous motor without 1FE1 motor Iq set = Mset/KT (P1113) Id set = 0
Signal No. Signal name
2 Current actual value phase U
3 Current actual value phase V
4 Field--generating current actual value Id
5 Torque--generating current actual value Iq
6 Current setpoint Iq (limited after the filter)
7 Current setpoint Iq (in front of the filter)
8 Speed actual value motor (SRM, ARM), velocity actual value, motor (SLM)
9 Speed setpoint (SRM, ARM), velocity setpoint (SLM)
11 Torque setpoint (SRM, ARM), force setpoint (SLM)
17 Quadrature--axis voltage Vq
18 Direct--axis voltage Vd

Fig. 6-67 Analog signals for the current and speed control loop

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6-574 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.7 Analog outputs

75 71
value 72 70
xIPO 74
filter Balancing
filter Position Speed
speed controller control nact xact
pre--control -- loop

-- Dynamic following
error monitoring
xset, ber



Signal No. Signal name 6

70 Output, position controller
71 Pre--control speed
72 System deviation, position controller input
73 Position actual value
74 Position reference value
75 Velocity setpoint IPO
76 Following error
77 Following error, dynamic model

Fig. 6-68 Analog signals for the position control loop

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-575
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.7 Analog outputs

Shift factor

Bit 23 (MSB) 16 15 8 7 0 (LSB)

Analog output value

with shift factor = 0

with shift factor = 1

with shift factor = 8

with shift factor = 16

MSB = Most Significant Bit

LSB = Least Significant Bit

Fig. 6-69 Shift factor for analog output of 24--bit signals

Bit 47 (MSB) 40 39 8 7 0 (LSB)

Analog output value

with shift factor = 0

with shift factor = 1

with shift factor = 8

6 with shift factor = 40

MSB = Most Significant Bit

LSB = Least Significant Bit

Fig. 6-70 Shift factor for analog output of 48--bit signals

Voltage range

voltage V
1st overflow 2nd overflow 3rd overflow 4th overflow

000000H 200000H 400000H 600000H 800000H A00000H C00000H E00000H FFFFFFH

Shift factor = 0 Offset = 0 V Hexadecimal value

Shift factor = 2 Fine normalization= 100 %

Fig. 6-71 Analog output voltage with overcontrol protection (P0631/P0638 = 1)

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6-576 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.7 Analog outputs

voltage V
1st overflow 2nd overflow 3rd overflow 4th overflow

000000H 200000H 400000H 600000H 800000H A00000H C00000H E00000H FFFFFFH

Shift factor = 0 Offset = 0 V Hexadecimal value

Shift factor = 2 Fine normalization= 100 %

Fig. 6-72 Analog output voltage without overcontrol protection (P0631/P0638 = 0)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-577
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462) ! not 611ue !

6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462)

Description Incremental setpoints can be read--in (input, from SW 3.3) and incre-
mental actual values output via this interface.
An electronic handwheel can be connected to this interface (from SW 8.1).
S Incremental position actual value is output via the angular incremen-
tal encoder interface
----> P0890 = 1
----> the interface is switched as output
----> refer to Chapter6.8.1
The incremental position actual value of the drive is output via the
interface. The actual value can be used by a high--level control.

The control board only supplies ”correct” angular incremental encoder
signals after it has been completely booted.
In order that a higher--level control does not go into a fault condition,
the control board must first run up, before the angular incremental
encoder interface signals can be evaluated. The criterion for this is the
6 ”ready” signal.
Switch--on sequence (e.g.):
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
control board ----> higher--level control

S Enter the incremental position setpoint value via the angular incre-
mental encoder interface (from SW 3.3)
----> P0890 = 2
----> the interface is switched as input
----> refer to Chapter 6.8.2
An incremental position reference value can be entered via the interface.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-578 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.00 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462)

Parameterizing the The angular incremental encoder interface is set for drive A and B us-
angular ing P0890. For drive B, the position actual value of drive A can be inter-
incremental nally connected to the position reference value (position setpoint) of
encoder interface drive B using P0891.
(P0890 and P0891)
For a position--synchronous coupling via the angular incremental en-
coder interface, synchronization of the position can be delayed. This is
especially noticeable for a coarse resolution of the position (just a few
increments per revolution) at the angular incremental encoder interface.

1 0

0, 1, 2
P0890 (A) P0891 (B)

Drive A 3 Drive B

Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos.

act. ref. act. ref.
values values values values

1 2 1

0 3 0 2 6
P0890 (A) P0890 (B)
Angular Angular
incremental incremental
encoder encoder
interface interface
Drive A Drive B

Term. A+.A Term. A+.B

Term. A--.A Term. A--.B
Term. B+.A Term. B+.B
Term. B--.A Term. B--.B
Term. R+.A Term. R+.B
Term. R--.A Term. R--.B

P0890 Activates the angular incr. enc./encoder interface

=1 Switch as output
=2 Switch as input (from SW 3.3)
=3 Switch as input and
output actual values from A internally via B, from SW 3.3, only drive A)
P0891 Angular incremental encoder, position actual value coupling internal double--axis module
=1 Actual value from A internally entered as setpoint for B, from SW 3.3, only drive B)

Fig. 6-73 Angular incremental encoder interface for drives A and B: Parameterized using P0890 and

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-579
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462) ! not 611ue !

6.8.1 Angular incremental encoder interface as output (P0890 = 1)

Description The angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462) is set as out-
put using P0890 = 1, i.e. the incremental position actual value of the
motor encoder is output via terminals A+.x/A--.x, B+.x/B--.x, R+.x/R--.x.
The encoder signals are output, depending on the encoder type, and
can still be partially manipulated (e.g. scaling or shifting, refer to Table


Table 6-58 shows for

which encoders, which
signals are output via the
6 angular incremental
encoder interface, and
what can be manipulated.

nset nset
analog analog

Angular incr. enc.

Angular incr. enc. interface
interface (parameterized
(parameterized as angular incr.
as angular incr. enc. interface
enc. interface P0890 = 1)
P0890 = 1)
-- Actual value --
control system
-- Setpoint --

Fig. 6-74 Angular incremental encoder interface parameterized as output

If, from SW 8.1, an induction motor with TTL encoder is connected to
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”, then it is not permissible that
the angular incremental encoder interface is used as output.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-580 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462)

Overview: The following table shows which signals are output for which encoder
Encoder -- angular types and with which parameters they can be manipulated.
encoder signals --
Table 6-58 Encoder -- angular incremental encoder signals -- manipulation

Sensor type Angular incremental encoder signals Distance Factor, an- Can the
between the gular enc. angular
zero pulses pulse no./ increm.
enc. pulse encoder
no. which zero
can be pulse be
used? shifted?
A/B R P0892 P0893
(pole pair no.)
2p = 1 (1--speed) 1024 pulses/rev 1024 pulses
Can be evalu-
4096 pulses Yes Yes
4p = 2 (2--speed) 2048 pulses/rev ated
(from SW 6.1)
6p = 3 (3--speed) 3072 pulses/rev
8p = 4 (4--speed) 4096 pulses/rev
Encoder with
sin/cos 1Vpp, Yes
Can be evalu- Dependent on
incremental P0892 = 0 (factor 1:1) (from No
ated the encoder
(without EnDat),
output timing un-
g via the angu- g
SW 5.1)
lar incremental encoder For pulse
number 2n:
interface (sinusoidal Encoder
Can be evalu-
becomes squarewave/ ated pulses/rev
Encoder with If not pulse
P0892 = 1, 2, 3
sin/cos 1Vpp number 2n,
(factor 1:x) Yes Yes
with EnDat, ro-
are output correspond- then the signal Cannot be
tating is present but evaluated
ing to the factor (sinu-
soidal becomes random (as it is a ran-
squarewave/TTL) (this means dom signal)
that it cannot
P0892 = 4 (factor 2:1, be evaluated)
from SW 5.1)
are output correspond- Signal avail-
Encoder with ing to the factor (sinu- able, but Cannot be
sin/cos 1Vpp soidal becomes random evaluated
Yes No
with EnDat, lin- squarewave/TTL) (this means (as it is a ran-
ear that it cannot dom signal)
be evaluated)
S When using absolute value encoders (EnDat), an absolute value is not transferred via the angular
incremental encoder interface, but encoder signals conditioned from ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”.
S In order that the zero offset is correctly taken into account, the drive must be stationary while the con-
trol board boots.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-581
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462) ! not 611ue !

Encoder with The TTL signals of the pulse encoder simulation (angular incremental
sin/cos 1Vpp encoder) are derived from the zero cross--overs of the sin/cos signals.
These signals are relatively flat which means that at lower speeds, mul-
tiple edges can occur at the changeover points with up to approx. half
of the sampling frequency.
For several counter modules, encoder monitoring circuits erroneously
signal faults. This is the reason that there is a secondary module with a
lower sampling frequency which can prevent the erroneous response of
the encoder monitoring function, e.g. the SIMATIC FM 354.
S Module, Order No. 6SN1118--0NH00--0AA2 (Catalog)
-- Angular incremental encoder sampling frequency 32 MHz
-- Multiple edges up to approx. 16 MHz
-- Useful angular incremental encoder signal, max. to approx. 350 kHz
(for encoders with 2048 pulses/rev. max. 10500 RPM)
S Module, Order No.[MLFB] 6SN1118--0NH00--0BA2 (alternative)
-- Angular incremental encoder sampling frequency 1.2 MHz
-- Multiple edges up to approx. 600 kHz
-- Useful angular incremental encoder signal, max. to approx. 200 kHz
(for encoders with 2048 pulses/rev. max. 6000 RPM)
From the following module, it can be assumed that the encoder moni-
6 toring will no longer incorrectly respond for several counter modules.
S Module Order No. [MLFB] 6SN1118-- VNH01--0AAV
-- Angular incremental encoder sampling frequency 4 MHz
-- Multiple edges up to approx. 2 MHz
-- Useful angular incremental encoder signal, max. to approx. 420 kHz
(for encoders with 2048 pulses/rev. max. 12300 RPM)
Angular If the angular incremental encoder interface is to be operated as set-
incremental point input, as pulse/direction signal or as forwards/reverse signal, then
encoder interface the angular incremental encoder interface of another ”SIMODRIVE 611
output for universal” module may not be used as setpoint source. The axis unde-
pulse/direction sirably traverses as a result of the multiple edges inherent to the
signal system.
If the angular incremental encoder interface is used as setpoint input
(pulse/direction signal or up/down signal), then a suitable setpoint
source, e.g. stepping motor control must be used with exactly the same
pulse number as master.
In order to couple to SIMODRIVE 611 universal modules, the quadra-
ture signal input signal waveform (P0894 = 0) should be used.
Parameter The following parameters must be observed when setting the angular
overview incremental encoder interface as output for incremental position actual
(refer to Chapter values:
S P0890 Activates the angular incr. enc./encoder interface
S P0892 Factor, angular incr. enc. pulse no./enc. pulse no.
S P0893 Angular incremental encoder zero pulse offset

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-582 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462)

encoder signals
for resolvers

1 pulse P = 1 ----> 1024 pulses/rev

P = 2 ----> 2048 pulses/rev
P = 3 ----> 3072 pulses/rev
P = 4 ----> 4096 pulses/rev
No. of pulses = P S 1024

B+.x P = 1 ----> 1 zero pulse/rev

P = 2 ----> 2 zero pulses/rev
P = 3 ----> 3 zero pulses/rev
R+.x P = 4 ----> 4 zero pulses/rev
Distance between the zero pulses =
1024 pulses
A+.x/B+.x/R+.x: Angular incremental encoder signals (x: space retainer for drive A or B)
P: Pole pair number of the resolver

Fig. 6-75 Angular incremental encoder signals for resolvers

encoder signals 6
for incremental
encoders with
sin/cos 1Vpp

Signal A

90_ 1 pulse (≐ 360_)

Encoder signals

Signal B


Angular incremental
B+.x encoder signals

R+.x 1 zero pulse/rev x: Space retainer for

drive A or B

Fig. 6-76 Angular incremental encoder signals for incremental encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-583
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462) ! not 611ue !

encoder signals
for absolute value
encoders with
sin/cos 1Vpp and
EnDat interface

Signal A

90_ 1 pulse (≐ 360_) Encoder signals

Signal B
x: Space retainer for
drive A or B
Angular incremental encoder signals
B+.x The zero pulse is generated from
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”.
Zero pulses which can be evaluated
R+.x 1 zero pulse/rev are only available for rotary encoders
6 with pulse number 2n.

Fig. 6-77 Angular incremental encoder signals for absolute value encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp and EnDat

If the absolute value encoder has more than 2n=2048 increments (n =
11), then one zero mark is output for each 2048 increments.
This means, that encoder pulse number/2048 zero marks are output at
the angular incremental encoder interface per motor revolution;
whereby the factor angular incremental encoder pulse number/encoder
pulse number is selected as 1:1.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-584 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.03 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462)

6.8.2 Angular incremental encoder interface as input (P0890 = 2, from

SW 3.3)

Description The angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462) is set as input
with P0890 = 2, i.e. an incremental position reference value can be en-
tered from an external control via terminals A+.x/A--.x, B+.x/B--.x and
Incremental The incremental position reference values, entered via the angular in-
position reference cremental encoder interface, are entered after the fine interpolator.
value via angular
encoder interface

Ang. incr. enc. interf. as input P0890 = 2

”Positioning” mode
±1 ”Positioning” mode
and P0897
coupling operation
coupled operation
switched--in P0032 switched--out
or Coupling P0401
Operating mode
”external position reference
factor P0402
P0023 75
value”1) d/dt
Position reference
value, external1) Closed--
P0020 74 loop
P0232 P0210:8
Fine position
interpolator + control
xIPO ±1
Positioning xset

S Parameter (refer to Chapter A.1):

-- P0020 Position reference value
-- P0023 Velocity setpoint
-- P0032 External position reference value
-- P0210:8 Time constant, position reference value filter
-- P0401 Coupling factor, revolutions master drive
-- P0402 Coupling factor, revolutions slave drive
-- P0890 Activates the angular incr. enc./encoder interface
-- P0895 Number of input pulse periods
-- P0896 Number of dimension system grids
-- P0897 Inversion, external position reference value
S Analog signals (refer to Chapter 7.4.3):
-- 74 Position setpoint
-- 75 Velocity setpoint
1) From SW 3.3, from SW 4.1, no longer possible.

Fig. 6-78 Incremental position reference value via angular incremental encoder interface

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-585
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462) ! not 611ue !

Input signal The following input waveforms can be selected:

Quadrature signal (P0894 = 0)
The position reference value is entered via track A and track B, offset
through 90 degrees. The direction of rotation identification is realized
via the signal sequence.

1 signal period ta
Edge clearance
Track A
Track A*
Track B
Track B*
1 segment
Track B before A
Track A before B ----> positive setpoint input ----> negative setpoint input

Fig. 6-79 Position reference value input via quadrature signals (P0894 = 0)

Pulse/direction signal (P0894 = 1)

The position reference value is entered via track A and the direction
identification via track B.

6 1 signal period thigh

Track A
Track A*
Track B
Track B*
1 segment ts
Positive setpoint input Negative setpoint input

Fig. 6-80 Position reference value input via pulse/direction signal (P0894 = 1)

Forwards/backwards signal (P0894 = 2)

The position reference value is entered, depending on the selected di-
rection, via Track A or B with the corresponding other track.

1 signal period
Track A
Track A*
Track B
Track B*
tlow ta 1 segment

Positive setpoint input Negative setpoint input

Fig. 6-81 Position reference value entered via the forwards/backwards signal
(P0894 = 2)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-586 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462)

Input format These parameters are used to define how many signal periods corre-
(P0895 spond to the distance to be traveled.
The dimension system is set to linear, metric
----> 1 MSR = 0.001 mm
The axis should move through 10 mm with 2048 signal periods.
----> P0895 = 2 048
----> P0896 = 10 000 [MSR]

Terminating If the angular incremental encoder interface is operated as input, then

resistor the following applies:
----> Switch--in the terminating resistor via switch 1
----> Refer to Chapter 1.3.2

Position reference The position reference value, entered via the angular incremental en-
value display coder interface, is displayed using this parameter.
S P0032 ----> Pos. ref. value via the angular incr. enc. interf.
S P0020 ----> Position reference value for the pos. controller 6
It is not absolutely necessary that P0032 and P0020 are the same (e.g.
for an axis coupling).

Input limiting It is only guaranteed that the input signals are correctly identified and
frequencies and processed via the angular incremental encoder interface, switched as
signal limits input if the following input limiting frequencies and signal limits are

Table 6-59 Input limiting frequencies and signal limits

Input limiting frequency Signal limits

Position controller clock
Input signal waveform cycle (P1009)1)
1 ms 2 ms 4 ms
Quadrature signal (P0894 = 0) 2.5 MHz 2 MHz 1 MHz Edge clearance
ta ≥ 100 ns
Pulse/direction signal (P0894 = 1) 5 MHz 5 MHz 4 MHz Pulse width
g , tlow ≥ 100 ns
Forwards/backwards signal (P0894 = 2) 5 MHz 5 MHz 4 MHz Set--up time
ts ≥ 20 ns
1) For clock--synchronous PROFIBUS operation, each time that clock synchronism is established, the
position controller clock is briefly and internally increased in the slave. This means, at this particular instant,
the signal frequency may not exceed half of the permissible input limiting frequency.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-587
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462) ! not 611ue !

Input in pos When switching--out (releasing) the coupling, it should be noted that the
operation interpolator controls the velocity to the last value that was present, be-
fore it starts to brake. For high fluctuations in the velocity setpoint, this
can lead to the drive first briefly accelerating before braking.
This has to be taken into consideration for coarse resolutions of the
position setpoint (e.g. 1 increment > 0.5 mm), as synchronization dis-
tances with different lengths can occur.

Encoder with From SW 8.3.7 and higher, it is also possible to use an encoder with a
coarse resolution coarse resolution (1 increment = approx. 1 mm or 1 degree). From
SW 10.1.1. and higher, P0891 must also be set to 5 (angular encoder
interface X461/X462 coarse).
If the acceleration in P0104 is set too low, then when synchronizing,
higher acceleration levels can be reached.

Parameter When setting the angular incremental encoder interface as input for
overview incremental position reference values, the following parameters must
(refer to Chapter be observed:
S P0032 External position reference value
S P0890 Activates the angular incr. enc./encoder interface

6 S P0891
S P0894
Source, external position reference value
Angular incremental encoder input signal waveform
S P0895 External position reference value -- No. of increments
S P0896 Ext. position reference value -- No. of dimension
system grids
S P0897 Inversion, external position reference value

Input signal For ”angular incremental encoder interface as input”, the following sig-
(refer to Chapter nal is available:
S Input signal ”invert angular increm. encoder input” (from SW 3.5)
(refer under the index entry ”Input signal, digital ...”)
----> using an input terminal with function number 75
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”PosStw.7”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-588 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 6 Description of the Functions
6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462)

6.8.3 Electronic handwheel (from SW 8.1)

Description An electronic handwheel can be connected to the angular incremental

encoder interface. Electronic handwheels can be used to traverse the
selected axes simultaneously in manual mode. The evaluation of the
handwheel pulses is defined using the indexing dimension evaluation.

Angular The electronic handwheel can, in the positioning mode, be activated via
incremental an input terminal function and via PROFIBUS--DP. The signals from the
encoder angular incremental encoder interface are velocity signals. The hand-
handwheel wheel and drive do not move in synchronism.
Acceleration and braking is realized according to P0103 and P0104.
The drive speed is limited by P0102.
The increments of the electronic handwheel can be assigned four fac-
tors using two input terminals.
The factors should be entered, before SW 9.1 in P0900 and from SW
9.1 onwards, in P0889:
Bit 1 Bit 0 Handwheel evaluation (standard)
P0900/P0889[0] 0 0 1 MSR
P0900/P0889[1] 0
P0900/P0889[2] 1
10 MSR
100 MSR
P0900/P0889[3] 1 1 1000 MSR
Before SW 9.1:
Sub--parameters P0900[0] up to P0900[3] can be optionally assigned
factors of between 1 and 10000.
From SW 9.1:
Sub--parameters P0889[0] to P0889[3] can be optionally assigned fac-
tors of between 1 and 10000.

Reader’s note
If the drive is moved using the electronic handwheel, then the drive
behavior corresponds to that of jogging, refer to Chapter 6.2.9.

The electronic handwheel supplies 100 incr./rev. One handwheel revo-
lution corresponds to a value of 1 mm.
200 handwheel revolutions in one minute correspond to a velocity of
200 mm/min. The handwheel evaluation is entered using the input sig-
nal ”angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 0”.
The following should be parameterized:
S Spindle pitch 10 mm/rev ----> P0236 = 10.000
S Quadrature signal activated ----> P0894 = 0
S Angular incremental encoder
handwheel evaluation 10 ----> P0900/P0889[1] = 10

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-589
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462)

Angular An axis is moved using the ”electronic handwheel” dependent on the

incremental direction.
encoder --
The direction should be set as follows using parameter P0899:8:
dependent S P0899:8 = 0: positive and negative direction (standard)
S P0899:8 = 1: only in the positive direction
S P0899:8 = 2: only in the negative direction

Angular incremental encoder pulses in the inhibited direction do not
result in the output of faults or warnings.
In the inhibited direction, only the pulses of the velocity setpoint are
cancelled. The velocity actual value must not necessarily follow the
velocity setpoint, e.g. as a result of external forces or transient
operations. As a result, motion is also possible in the direction that has
not been enabled.

Angular The handwheel direction of rotation can be inverted as follows:

6 encoder inversion
S Using the input terminal function No. 75 ”Invert angular incremental
encoder input”, i.e. when the axis is stationary, the incremental posi-
tion reference value is immediately inverted with a 1 signal at the
input terminals.
S ”External inversion position reference value”, via parameter P0897 --
i.e. the inversion of the incremental position reference value with
P0897 = 1 -- is only effective after power on.

Fault handling The following actions are not possible and initiate the appropriate
S If the input terminals Fct. No. 62 or control signal STW1.8 (jogging 1
ON) or Fct. No. 63 or STW1.9 (jogging 2 ON) and Fct. No. 84 or
SatzAnw.13 (activate angular incremental encoder, handwheel) are
simultaneously activated, then fault 121 is output.
S If input terminal Fct. No. 72 or control signal PosStw.4 (activate cou-
pling) and Fct. No. 84 or SatzAnw.13 (activate angular incremental
encoder handwheel) are simultaneously activated, if a position refer-
ence value source is active via Parameter P0891, then fault 167 is

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-590 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 6 Description of the Functions
6.8 Angular incremental encoder interface (X461, X462)

Parameter The following parameters must be observed when connecting a hand-

overview wheel to the angular incremental encoder interface:
(refer to Chapter S P0890 Activates the angular incr. enc./encoder interface
S P0899:8 Enters the angular incremental encoder direction
S P0900:4 Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation
(before SW 9.1)
S P0889:4 Angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation
(from SW 9.1)
S P0102 Maximum velocity
S P0103 Maximum acceleration
S P0104 Maximum deceleration
S P0655 Image, input signals, Part 3
S P0657 Image, output signals, Part 2

Input/output The following signals are used to connect a handwheel to the angular
signals incremental encoder interface:
(refer to Chapter S Input signals
6.4) (refer under index entry ”Input signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Input signal, ”activate angular incremental encoder handwheel”
(from SW 8.1)
----> using an input terminal with function number 84
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”SatzAnw.13”
-- Input signal, ”angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation,
bit 0” (from SW 8.1)
----> using an input terminal with function number 85
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”SatzAnw.11”
-- Input signal, ”angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation,
bit 1” (from SW 8.1)
----> using an input terminal with function number 86
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”SatzAnw.12”
S Output signals
(refer under the index entry, ”Output signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Output signal, ”angular incremental encoder handwheel active”
(from SW 8.1)
----> using an output terminal with function number 84
----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”AktSatz.13”
-- Output signal, ”angular incremental encoder handwheel evalua-
tion, bit 0” (from SW 8.1)
----> using an output terminal with function number 85
----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”AktSatz.11”
-- Output signal, ”angular incremental encoder handwheel evalua-
tion, bit 1” (from SW 8.1)
----> using an output terminal with function number 86
----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”AktSatz.12”

Compared to the input of control signals via PROFIBUS--DP, the input
terminal functions No. 84 to 86 have a higher priority.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-591
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.9 Motor holding brake

6.9 Motor holding brake

Description For axes, which must be secured against undesirable motion when
powered down, the brake sequence control of ”SIMODRIVE 611 uni-
versal” can be used to control the motor holding brake.
The relay for the motor holding brake is controlled via a freely--parame-
terizable output terminal.
SIEMENS motors are optionally available with a motor holding brake.

! It is not permissible to use the motor holding brake as working brake,
as it is generally only designed for a limited number of emergency
braking operations.

Activating The brake sequence control is activated by setting P0850 to 1.

This function is possible either the n--set mode or pos mode.

6 Connecting the The brake sequence control operates with the ”open holding brake”
motor holding output signal. The signal can be output as follows:
S Using a freely--parameterizable output terminal
The required output signal for the control board or the optional TER-
MINAL module must therefore be assigned function No. 35 for the
motor holding brake by appropriately parameterizing it.
Output terminals on the control board
0.x, O1.x, O2.x and O3.x (parameterization, refer to Chap. 6.4.5)
Output terminals for the optional TERMINAL module
O2, O3 to O11 (parameterization, refer to Chapter 6.5)
P0699 can be used, for each output terminal, to set whether the sig-
nal is output inverted.
The relay for the motor holding brake is connected at the para-
meterized output terminal.
S Via status signal for PROFIBUS--DP
The DP master must process the ”open holding brake” status signal.
The signal must be connected to the digital output of the master, to
which the relay for the motor holding brake is connected.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-592 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.9 Motor holding brake

Parameter The following parameters are used for the ”motor holding brake” function:
S P0850 Activates the brake control
(refer to Chapter
A.1) S P0851 Brake opening time
S P0852 Speed, close holding brake (SRM, ARM)
Motor velocity, close holding brake (SLM)
S P0853 Brake delay time
S P0854 Controller inhibit time

Information for
enabling the
controller and
pulses Note
For controller enable:
Issuing and withdrawing the controller enable is dependent on several
internal and external enable signals (refer to Chapter 6.4.1).
For pulse enable:
Issuing and withdrawing the pulse enable is dependent on several
internal and external enable signals (refer to Chapter 6.4.1).

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-593
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.9 Motor holding brake

Open brake When ”controller enable” is issued, the speed controller is active and
controls with nset = 0.
The speed setpoints are only transferred after the brake opening time
has expired.
This is signaled using the ”status, controller enable” output signal.

Objective when The brake opening time should be selected, so that after the ”controller
setting the brake enable” is issued, the speed controller becomes active when the motor
opening time holding brake opens.
For all other settings, the control acts against the brake.
The following applies:
Brake opening time (P0851) ≥ Time to open the holding brake

Controller enable

Speed setpoint

6 Output signal 1
”open holding brake” 0
P0851 Brake opening time

Output signal 1
”status, controller 0
enable” t
Holding brake
Duration t
required to release holding brake

Fig. 6-82 Release brake: Characteristics when issuing ”controller enable”

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6-594 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 6 Description of the Functions
6.9 Motor holding brake

Closing the brake The axis is actively braked when the ”controller enable” is withdrawn.
when withdrawing The brake delay time (P0853) is started when the ”controller enable”
the ”controller signal drops--out, i.e. at nset = 0.
enable” At n = nholding brake (P0852), the following is valid:
S The ”open holding brake” output signal is deleted
After the brake delay time has expired (P0853), the ”open holding
brake” output signal is always canceled.
For nset = 0, the controller inhibit time (P0854) starts to run down.
Objective for this The time required to close the holding brake should be adjusted so that
setting the control is only withdrawn after the brake has closed. This prevents
an axis from possibly sagging.

enable 0
Ramp--function 1
0 t
active (internal)
operation In the example, the
Speed setpoint ”ramp--down time, ramp--function generator” = 0

Actual speed Drive braked actively 6

value (e.g.: regenerative braking)
nholding brake
Internal signal 1
”open holding brake”
P0853 Brake delay time

Internal 1
enable 0
Output signal 1 P0854 Controller inhibit time
”status, controller 0
enable” t
Holding brake
Duration t
required to close holding brake

Fig. 6-83 Closing the brake: Behavior when withdrawing ”controller enable”

The signals designated as internal (e.g. ”open holding brake”) differ --
as a result of the additional internal run times and interlocks -- from the
appropriate digital input and output signals or PROFIBUS signals.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-595
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.9 Motor holding brake

Closing the brake When the pulse enable is withdrawn, the drive coasts down, and the
when the ”pulse ”open holding brake” output signal is canceled.
enable” is
After the time taken for the brake to close, the drive is braked by the
motor holding brake.

Pulse enable

Closed--loop speed controlled

speed setpoint
Open--loop torque controlled
operation torque setpoint t
The drive ”coasts” down
The drive is braked
Actual speed value
by the motor brake

Output signal 1
”open holding brake”
enable 0

Output signal 1
”status, controller enable” 0
Holding brake
required to close holding brake

Fig. 6-84 Closing the brake: Behavior when withdrawing ”pulse enable”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-596 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.9 Motor holding brake

Example: Task description, assumptions:

Motor with motor
A motor with holding brake for a hanging axis is connected to drive A.
holding brake
The motor holding brake is to be controlled via output terminal O3.A.
What other settings are required?
1. Connect--up the relay to control the motor holding brake
2. Assign the function ”holding brake” to output terminal O3.A
(P0683 = 35)
3. Activate the brake sequence control in the drive (P0850 = 1)
4. Set the parameter to open the holding brake
P0851 (brake opening time)
This time must be set, so that it is equal to or greater than the time
to open the holding brake.
5. Set the parameters for closing the holding brake when withdrawing
the controller enable
P0852 (speed, close holding brake)
P0853 (brake delay time)
The brake delay time (P0853) must be harmonized with the speed
at which the holding brake closes (P0852).
P0854 (controller inhibit time)
The controller inhibit time must be harmonized with the time that it
takes to close the brake so that the drive cannot drop.
Example of determining the controller inhibit time:
Mark the position of the axis and initiate an alarm that withdraws the
controller enable.
Does the axis sag? If yes, then increase the controller inhibit time

SIMODRIVE 611 universal

Safety circuit
Term. P24
24 V
Term. M24

1) brake

Motor with Output
motor- O3.A
holding brake
1) Overvoltage circuitry, e.g. varistor

Fig. 6-85 Example: Controlling the motor holding brake via output O3.A

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-597
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.10 Parameter set changeover

6.10 Parameter set changeover

Description By selecting parameter sets, the appropriate parameter set--dependent

parameters become effective.
This means that parameters can be adapted to various requirements,
S Dynamic adaptations
S Gearbox stage changeover (high or low speed)
It is possible to toggle between a maximum of 8 parameter blocks (pa-
rameter blocks 0 to 7) via the appropriate input signals.

Parameters that For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” the following parameter types are
are independent available, referred to the parameter set changeover:
and dependent
S Parameter set--independent parameters
on the parameter
set These parameters only have one parameter value, and are effec-
tive, independent of the selected parameter set.
P0660 Function, input terminal I0.x
6 S Parameter set--dependent parameters
These parameters have, for every parameter set, a parameter value
which is effective, dependent on the selected parameter set.
P1407:8 P--gain, speed controller (ARM, SRM)
P--gain, velocity controller (SLM)
P1407:0 is effective, if parameter set 0 is selected (standard)
P1407:7 is effective, if parameter set is selected

Table 6-60 Parameter set--dependent parameters

Parameters for parameter set Operating

0 1 ... 7 nset pos Description
0115:0 0115:1 ... 0115:7 -- x Fixed stop, max. following error (from SW 3.3)
0116:0 0116:1 ... 0116:7 -- x Fixed stop, monitoring window (from SW 3.3)
0200:0 0200:1 ... 0200:7 x1) x Kv factor (position loop gain)
0204:0 0204:1 ... 0204:7 -- x Factor, speed pre--control
0205:0 0205:1 ... 0205:7 x1) x Balancing filter, speed pre--control (dead time)
0206:0 0206:1 ... 0206:7 x1) x Balancing filter, speed pre--control (PT1)
0210:0 0210:1 ... 0210:7 x1) x Time constant, position reference value filter
0237:0 0237:1 ... 0237:7 x1) x Encoder revolutions

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-598 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.99 6 Description of the Functions
6.10 Parameter set changeover

Table 6-60 Parameter set--dependent parameters, continued

Parameters for parameter set Operating

0 1 ... 7 nset pos Description
0238:0 0238:1 ... 0238:7 x1) x Load revolutions
0318:0 0318:1 ... 0318:7 x1) x Dynamic following error monitoring tolerance
1123:0 1123:1 ... 1123:7 x x Load moment of inertia (ARM, SRM) (from SW 2.4)
Load mass (SLM)
1200:0 1200:1 ... 1200:7
to to to x x Current setpoint filter
1221:0 1221:1 ... 1221:7
1230:0 1230:1 ... 1230:7 x x 1. Torque limit value (ARM, SRM)
1. Force limit value (SLM)
1233:0 1233:1 ... 1233:7 x x Regenerative limiting
1235:0 1235:1 ... 1235:7 x x 1. power limit value
1240:0 1240:1 ... 1240:7 x x Offset, torque setpoint (speed controlled) (ARM, SRM)
Offset, force setpoint (speed--controlled) (SLM)
1241:0 1241:1 ... 1241:7 x -- Normalization, torque setpoint (ARM, SRM)
Normalization, force setpoint (SLM)
1242:0 1242:1 ... 1242:7 x -- Offset, torque setpoint (torque controlled) (ARM, SRM) 6
Offset, force setpoint (open--loop torque contr.) (SLM)
1243:0 1243:1 ... 1243:7 x x Normalization, torque/power reduction (ARM, SRM)
Normalization, force/power reduction (SLM)
1256:0 1256:1 ... 1256:7 x -- Ramp--function generator, ramp--up time (from SW 2.4)
1257:0 1257:1 ... 1257:7 x -- Ramp--function generator, ramp--down time (from SW
1401:0 1401:1 ... 1401:7 x x Speed for max. useful motor speed (ARM, SRM)
Velocity for max. useful motor velocity (SLM)
1405:0 1405:1 ... 1405:7 x x Monitoring speed, motor (ARM, SRM)
Monitoring velocity, motor (SLM)
1407:0 1407:1 ... 1407:7 x x P gain, speed controller (ARM, SRM)
P gain, velocity controller (SLM)
1408:0 1408:1 ... 1408:7 x x P gain, upper adaptation speed (ARM, SRM)
P gain, upper adaptation velocity (SLM)
1409:0 1409:1 ... 1409:7 x x Integral action time, speed controller (ARM, SRM)
Integral action time, velocity controller (SLM)
1410:0 1410:1 ... 1410:7 x x Integral action time, upper adaptation speed (ARM, SRM)
Integral action time, upper adaptation velocity (SLM)
1414:0 1414:1 ... 1414:7 x x Natural frequency, reference model, speed (ARM, SRM)
Natural frequency, reference model, velocity (SLM)
1415:0 1415:1 ... 1415:7 x x Damping, reference model, speed (ARM, SRM)
Damping, reference model, velocity (SLM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-599
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.10 Parameter set changeover

Table 6-60 Parameter set--dependent parameters, continued

Parameters for parameter set Operating

0 1 ... 7 nset pos Description
1417:0 1417:1 ... 1417:7 x x n_x for ”n_act < n_x” signal
1418:0 1418:1 ... 1418:7 x x n_min for ”n_act < n_min” signal
1421:0 1421:1 ... 1421:7 x x Time constant, integrator feedback (speed controller)
1426:0 1426:1 ... 1426:7 x x Tolerance bandwidth for ”n_set = n_act” signal
1428:0 1428:1 ... 1428:7 x x Threshold torque M_x (ARM, SRM)
Threshold force F_x (SLM)
1451:0 1451:1 ... 1451:7 x x P gain, speed controller IM (ARM)
1453:0 1453:1 ... 1453:7 x x Integral action time, speed controller IM (ARM)
1500:0 1500:1 ... 1500:7
d setpoint
t i t filter
filt (ARM,
to to to x x
Velocity setpoint filter (SLM)
1521:0 1521:1 ... 1521:7
x: The parameter is available in this operating mode
--: The parameter is not available in this operating mode

x1) for spindle positioning (from SW 5.1)

Only parameter set 0 is parameterized using this SimoCom U
parameterizing and start--up tool via the interactive dialog operation.
Parameter sets 1 to 7 must be parameterized using the Expert list of
SimoCom U.

How can you You can toggle between parameter sets 0 and 7 using
toggle between the following input signals:
parameter sets?
S Input signal ”parameter set changeover 1st input”
S Input signal ”parameter set changeover 2nd input”
S Input signal ”parameter set changeover 3rd input”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-600 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.03 6 Description of the Functions
6.10 Parameter set changeover

The input signals to change over the parameter set can be entered via
input terminals or via PROFIBUS--DP (refer to Chapter 6.4.3 or under
the index entry ”input signal, parameter set changeover”).
For a parameter set changeover in the positioning mode (P0700 = 3),
for the same gear set ratios, the reference point is lost. This is not the
case if P0239 = 1.

Application Task description:

Example Drive A and therefore the coupled mechanical system is loaded to vari-
ous degrees (e.g. with and without load).
In order to adapt the system to the masses to be moved, the parameter
set--dependent parameters are defined in parameter sets 0 and 1 cor-
responding to the different loads.
Input terminal I0.A is to be used to toggle between parameter set 0 and 1:
Input terminal Parameter Description
I0.A 1st input P0660 = 9 Changeover
xx 2nd input xx Acts just like a 0 signal
xx 3rd input xx Acts just like a 0 signal
The input terminals to toggle between the parameter sets, is controlled
from a higher--level PLC as a function of the mass being moved.

SIMODRIVE 611 universal

0 signal: Parameter set 0 selected
1 signal: Parameter set 1 selected

Drive A
The motor is operated, dependent on
how input terminal I0.A is energized, M

using either parameter set 0 or 1.

Fig. 6-86 Example: Parameter set changeover

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-601
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4) ! not 611ue !

6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4)

6.11.1 General information on motor changeover

Motor changeover The following changeover functions can be implemented depending on

versions the setting in P1013 (motor changeover):

Table 6-61 Motor changeover versions

P1013 Changeover Description Refer-

0 None --
Motor data set 1 (P1xxx) is always selected.
Max. 4 motors, Characteristics:
each with S The motor/motor data sets are changed over us-
1 motor data set ing freely--parameterizable
freely parameterizable input/output terminals.
Fct. No. S The pulses are canceled at each changeover
operation. Refer to
Input Output
1 Chapter
11 Application:
5 M 6.11.2
M S Changing over several motors1)2)




6 1 motor with max. Characteristics:

4 motor data sets S The motor data sets are changed over using
Fct. No. freely--parameterizable input terminals.
Input S The pulses are not canceled when changing over. Refer to
5 M
2 Application: Chapter


S Adaptation of the motor and controller data (e.g.



pulse frequency changeover)

Max. 2 motors each with Characteristics:

2 motor data sets S The motors/motor data sets are changed over via
a freely parameterizable input terminal and via the
speed thresholds.
S If an input terminal is used to change over, the
Fct. No. pulses are canceled.
Input Output
11 S The pulses are not canceled if changeover is real- Refer to
M ized using speed thresholds. Chapter

M Application: 6.11.4

6 13

S Speed--dependent adaptation of the motor and

controller data (e.g. pulse frequency changeover)
n for
-- one motor
-- two motors
-- star/delta operation
1) Encoder changeover is not possible.
2) Only 1 motor can be used with encoder.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-602 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4)

Motor data sets For the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board, there are data sets
for a maximum of 4 induction motors.

The currently effective motor data set is displayed in P0599 (active
motor data set).
It is only possible to enable motor changeover in the ”speed/torque
setpoint” mode (P0700 = 1).
Before motor changeover can be selected, the motor data must be
entered into the associated parameters 2xxx, 3xxx and/or 4xxx. For
motors with Code No., it is sufficient to make the entry in Px102. After
this, in both cases, it is necessary to carry--out a ”calculate controller
data” routine using Px080 = 1.

Table 6-62 Motor data set--dependent parameters

Motor data set Description

1 2 3 4
1100 2100 3100 4100 Frequency, pulse--width modulation
1102 2102 3102 4102 Motor code number
(99 is entered for non--catalog motors)
S When using several catalog motors, the motor data is
only valid after first entering the appropriate motor
code, followed by data save and POWER ON.
S For a motor changeover with ”gap” (e.g. from motor 1 to
3), a motor code number (dummy code) must be en-
tered in the intermediate motor data set, i.e. the ap-
propriate parameter may not have the value zero.
S After manually changing the motor code number, the
following parameters must be checked, and if required,
set to practical values:
-- P1401, P2401, P3401 or P4401
(speed for the maximum useful motor speed)
-- P1147, P2147, P3147 or P4147
(speed limiting)
1103 2103 3103 4103 Rated motor current
1117 2117 3117 4117 Motor moment of inertia
1119 2119 3119 4119 Inductance of the series reactor
1120 2120 3120 4120 P gain, current controller
1121 2121 3121 4121 Integrator time of current controller
1123:8 2123:8 3123:8 4123:8 Load moment of inertia
1125 2125 3125 4125 Ramp--up time 1 for V/Hz operation

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-603
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4) ! not 611ue !

Table 6-62 Motor data set--dependent parameters, continued

Motor data set Description

1 2 3 4
1127 2127 3127 4127 Voltage at f = 0, V/Hz mode
1129 2129 3129 4129 cos phi power factor
1130 2130 3130 4130 Rated motor power
1132 2132 3132 4132 Rated motor voltage
1134 2134 3134 4134 Rated motor frequency
1135 2135 3135 4135 Motor no--load voltage
1136 2136 3136 4136 Motor no--load current
1137 2137 3137 4137 Stator resistance, cold
1138 2138 3138 4138 Rotor resistance, cold
1139 2139 3139 4139 Stator leakage reactance
1140 2140 3140 4140 Rotor leakage reactance
1141 2141 3141 4141 Magnetizing reactance
1142 2142 3142 4142 Speed at the start of field weakening
1145 2145 3145 4145 Stall torque reduction factor

6 1146
Maximum motor speed
Speed limitation
1148 1) 2148 1) 3148 1) 4148 1) Speed at the start of the stall power
1150 2150 3150 4150 P gain, flux controller
1151 2151 3151 4151 Integral action time, flux controller
1160 2160 3160 4160 Speed at the start of flux sensing
1167 2167 3167 4167 Response value of the ground fault test (from SW 13.1)
1168 2168 3168 4168 Maximum rotation, ground fault test (from SW 13.1)
Maximum motion, ground fault test (SLM) (from SW 13.1)
1180 2180 3180 4180 Lower current limit adaptation
1181 2181 3181 4181 Upper current limit adaptation
1182 2182 3182 4182 Factor, current controller adaptation
1230:8 2230:8 3230:8 4230:8 1st torque limit value
1233:8 2233:8 3233:8 4233:8 Regenerative limiting
1235:8 2235:8 3235:8 4235:8 1st power limit value
1238 2238 3238 4238 Current limit value
1240:8 2240:8 3240:8 4240:8 Offset, torque setpoint (speed controlled)
1241:8 2241:8 3241:8 4241:8 Normalization, torque setpoint
1242:8 2242:8 3242:8 4242:8 Offset, torque setpoint (torque controlled)
1243:8 2243:8 3243:8 4243:8 Normalization, torque/power reduction
1245 2245 3245 4245 Threshold for speed--dep. Mset smoothing

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6-604 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4)

Table 6-62 Motor data set--dependent parameters, continued

Motor data set Description

1 2 3 4
1246 2246 3246 4246 Hysteresis for speed--dep. Mset smoothing
1256:8 2256:8 3256:8 4256:8 Ramp--function generator, ramp--up time
1257:8 2257:8 3257:8 4257:8 Ramp--function generator, ramp--down time
1288 2288 3288 4288 Shutdown threshold, thermal motor model
1400 2400 3400 4400 Rated motor speed
1401:8 2401:8 3401:8 4401:8 Speed for the max. useful motor speed
1403 2403 3403 4403 Shutoff speed for pulse suppression
1405:8 2405:8 3405:8 4405:8 Monitoring speed, motor
1407:8 2407:8 3407:8 4407:8 P gain of speed controller
1408:8 2408:8 3408:8 4408:8 P gain, upper adaptation speed
1409:8 2409:8 3409:8 4409:8 Integral action time, speed controller
1410:8 2410:8 3410:8 4410:8 Integral action time, upper adaptation speed
1411 2411 3411 4411 Lower adaptation speed
1412 2412 3412 4412 Upper adaptation speed
Select adaptation, speed controller
nx for ”nact < nx” signal
1418:8 2418:8 3418:8 4418:8 nmin for ”nact < nmin” signal
1426:8 2426:8 3426:8 4426:8 Tolerance bandwidth for ”nset = nact” signal
1451:8 2451:8 3451:8 4451:8 P gain, speed controller IM
1453:8 2453:8 3453:8 4453:8 Integral action time, speed controller IM
1458 2458 3458 4458 Current setpoint, open--loop controlled range IM
1459 2459 3459 4459 Torque smoothing time constant IM
1465 2465 3465 4465 Changeover speed, MSD/IM
1466 2466 3466 4466 Changeover speed, closed--loop/open--loop control IM
1602 2602 3602 4602 Warning threshold, motor overtemperature
1607 2607 3607 4607 Shutdown limit, motor temperature
1608 2608 3608 4608 Fixed temperature
1712 1) 2712 1) 3712 1) 4712 1) Weighting, rotor flux representation
1713 1) 2713 1) 3713 1) 4713 1) Weighting, torque representation
1725 1) 2725 1) 3725 1) 4725 1) Normalization, torque setpoint
1) These parameters are read--only.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-605
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4) ! not 611ue !

Selecting the The following input and output signals are used to select the motor data
motor data sets set and the associated motor:
and motors via
universal Output terminal with
Input terminal with Fct. No. 11
”Motor 1 selected”
Fct. No. 5
”Motor data set Fct. No. 12
changeover, 1st input” ”Motor 2 selected”
Fct. No. 6 Fct. No. 13
”Motor data set ”Motor 3 selected”
changeover, 2nd input”
Fct. No. 14
”Motor 4 selected”

Output terminals with Fct. Nos. 11...14 are only controlled, if P1249 = 0!

Fig. 6-87 Input/output signals: freely--parameterizable terminals

Control signal
”Motor data set 611 Status signal
changeover, 1st input” universal
STW2.9 ”Actual motor, 1st signal”
”Motor data set
changeover, 2nd input” ”Actual motor, 2nd signal”
STW2.10 ZSW2.10
”Motor changed over” ”Motor being changed
STW2.11 over”
(from SW 3.3)

Fig. 6-88 Input/output signals: PROFIBUS signals

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6-606 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4)

Reader’s note
S Input signals: refer under the index entry ”Input signal...”
Output signals: refer under the index entry ”Output signal ...”
S The wiring of the input/output terminals for the control board and for
the optional TERMINAL module is described in Chapter 2.2.
S The following input/output terminals are available:
-- for the control board: I0.x to I3.x or O0.x to O3.x
x: Space retainer for drive A or B
-- for the optional TERMINAL module: I4 to I11 or O4 to O11
S The parameterization of the input/output terminals is described as
-- for the control board: in Chapter 6.4.2 and 6.4.5
-- for the optional TERMINAL module: in Chapter 6.5

Pulse frequency A dedicated power module pulse frequency (P1100) can be parameter-
changeover ized for each motor data set.
The speed requirement of the motor can be better adapted by changing
over the pulse frequency. With a higher pulse frequency, higher speeds
can be achieved.
The following applies for the pulse frequency, it must have at least
approx. 6 the frequency of the instantaneous motor frequency.
High pulse frequencies mean high switching losses and therefore poor
At a pulse frequency of 8 kHz, only 40–55% of the possible current that
is available at 3.2 kHz is available.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-607
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4) ! not 611ue !

6.11.2 Changeover, max. 4 motors each with 1 data set (P1013 = 1)

Description For this changeover version (P1013 = 1), a maximum of 4 motors each
with 1 associated motor data set can be changed over.

The pulses are canceled at each changeover.

Input/output The following 2 input and 4 output signals are available to changeover
signals for a maximum of 4 motors/motor data sets:
Table 6-63 Input/output terminal signals

Input terminal Effective Output terminal

with motor data set with
function No. function No.
6 5 14 13 12 11
0 0 P1xxx 0 0 0 1
6 0 1 P2xxx 0 0 1 0
1 0 P3xxx 0 1 0 0
1 1 P4xxx 1 0 0 0

The number of contactors which can be controlled for motor
changeover is limited by the number of output terminals.
Output terminals 11, 12, 13 and 14 are not controlled, if P1249 = 1.

How does a ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” receives a request for changeover, if the
changeover work? signal status at one of the two input terminals for motor data set
changeover has changed.
A changeover is then realized automatically as follows:
1. The pulses are canceled and the motor selection outputs are reset
2. Time t1 starts (this is set to 320 ms)
3. After time t1 expires, the ”correct” output terminal is set to select the
4. Time t2 starts (this is set to 160 ms)
5. After time t2 expires, the pulses are enabled

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-608 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4)

Application 4 motors should be operated with drive A from ”SIMODRIVE 611 uni-
example versal”.
Assumptions for the example:
S An optional TERMINAL module is used.
S The changeover is realized via the following input/output terminals:
I8 (X422.5) P0668 (function, input terminal I8) = 5
I9 (X422.6) P0669 (function, input terminal I9) = 6
O8 (X432.5) P0688 (signaling function, output terminal O8) = 11
O9 (X432.6) P0689 (signaling function, output terminal O9) = 12
O10 (X432.7) P0690 (signaling function, output terminal O10) = 13
O11 (X432.8) P0691 (signaling function, output terminal O11) = 14

K2 611
Pulse enable K3 T. 663 Output terminals
K4 O81)
Input terminals O9
I8 O10
1st input 0 1 0 1
2nd input I9 O11
0 0 1 1
Motor selection 1 2 3 4
U2 W2 V2
2) 0V

K1 K2 K3 K4


M1 M2 M3 M4
3~ 3~ 3~ 3~
K2 K1 K1 K1
Motor 1 K3 Motor 2 K2 Motor 3 K2 Motor 4
K4 K4 K4 K3

1) Several motors cannot be simultaneously selected as this is interlocked per software.

The recommended contactor interlocking additionally guarantees that only one motor
can be operated at any one time.
2) Only necessary for special high--speed motors.

Fig. 6-89 Recommended circuit: Changing over 4 motors, each with one motor data set

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-609
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4) ! not 611ue !

6.11.3 Changeover, 1 motor with max. 4 data sets (P1013 = 2)

Description For this changeover version (P1013 = 2) for one motor, a maximum of
4 motor data sets can be changed over.

The pulses are not canceled at changeover, i.e. the changeover is
made with the pulses enabled.

This version can be used to adapt the motor and controller data.

Input/output The following input/output signals are used for this changeover version:
Table 6-64 Input/output terminal signals

Input terminal Effective Output terminal

with motor data set with
function No. function No.
6 5 141) 131) 121) 111)
6 0 0 P1xxx 0 0 0 0
0 1 P2xxx 0 0 0 0
1 0 P3xxx 0 0 0 0
1 1 P4xxx 0 0 0 0

1) The output terminals with function numbers 11 to 14 are not energized.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-610 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4)

6.11.4 Changeover, max. 2 motors each with 2 data sets (P1013 = 3)

Description For this changeover version (P1013 = 3) a maximum of 2 motors each

with 2 associated motor data sets can be changed over.
The changeover is realized using the input terminal with function num-
ber 6 and using the appropriately selected speed thresholds in P1247
or P1248. At changeover, the absolute speed value is considered.
Changeover is also possible during operation. When changing over be-
tween star and delta operation, it is possible to additionally select be-
tween eight drive parameter sets [0...7].

Input/output The following input/output signals are used for this changeover version:
Table 6-65 Input/output terminal signals

Input terminal Speed Effective Output terminal

with threshold3) motor data with
function No. set function No.
61) 52) 144) 13 124) 11
n < P1247 P1xxx 0 0 0 1
0 --
n > P1247 P2xxx 0 0 0 1 6
n < P1248 P3xxx 0 1 0 0
1 --
n > P1248 P4xxx 0 1 0 0

1) If the input terminal is used to change over the motor, then the pulses are
canceled at the changeover.
2) The input terminal with function number 5 is inactive for this changeover
3) The pulses are not canceled if changeover is realized using speed
4) Output terminals with function numbers 12 and 14 are not energized.

Output terminals 11 and 13 are not energized, if P1249 = 1.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-611
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4) ! not 611ue !

Application Motors with star/delta changeover support a wide constant power

example: range.
At lower speeds, the motor is operated in the star circuit configuration
(high torque) and at higher speeds, in the delta circuit configuration
(high stall torque).
P1013 = 3)
Assumptions for the example:
S The motor is operated with drive A.
S An optional TERMINAL module is used.
S The changeover is realized via the following input/output terminals:
I8 (X422.5) P0668 (function, input terminal I8) = 6
O8 (X432.5) P0688 (signaling function, output terminal O8) = 11
O9 (X432.6) P0689 (signaling function, output terminal O9) = 13
S P1247 = 700
i.e. 0 < n < 700 ----> motor in the star mode
n > 700 ----> motor in the delta mode

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-612 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4)

Kx1) K1 K2
T. 663 611
universal Output terminals
enable P24 O8 (Fct. No. 11)
PLC O9 (Fct. No. 13)
changeover Input terminal K2H K1H
1 signal ---->  operation I8 (Fct. No. 6)
0 signal ---->  operation U2 V2 W2 PE




K2 K1 K1 K2

U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 W2
K1 K2 U1 V1 W1

 operation  operation

0V 1PH

1) A safe operating stop is not guaranteed by just opening K1 and K2.

This is the reason that for safety--related reasons, contactor
Kx should be used to provide electrical isolation. This contactor may only be switched--in the
no--current condition, i.e. the pulse enable must be withdrawn 40 ms before the contactor is
opened (de--energized).

Fig. 6-90 Recommended circuit: Changing over a motor in star/delta operation

Main contactors K1 and K2 must be switched in the no--current
If this is not observed, the drive converter and contactors could be

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-613
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4) ! not 611ue !

6.11.5 Parameters for motor changeover

Parameter The following parameters are available for motor changeover:

Table 6-66 Parameters for motor changeover

No. Description Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1013 Enable, motor changeover (ARM) 0 0 3 -- PO
... the motor changeover is enabled or the motor changeover type is selected
Value Description
0 Motor changeover inhibited
1 Motor changeover with pulse cancellation
2 Motor changeover without pulse cancellation (data set changeover)
3 Motor changeover using speed thresholds (P1247, P1248)
It is only possible to enable motor changeover in the ”speed/torque setpoint” mode (P0700 =
1247 Speed threshold 100.0 100 000.0 100 000.0 RPM immedi-
motor changeover 1/2 (ARM) ately
6 1248 Speed threshold 100.0 100 000.0 100 000.0 RPM immedi-
motor changeover 3/4 (ARM) ately
... the speed thresholds for the motor changeover are defined with speed threshold (P1013 =
Below P1247 minus 5% hysteresis, the first motor data set is selected (P1xxx).
Above P1247 plus 5% hysteresis, the second motor data set is selected (P2xxx).
Below P1248 minus 5% hysteresis, the third motor data set is selected (P3xxx).
Above P1248 plus 5% hysteresis, the fourth motor data set is selected (P4xxx).

Motor data set Motor data set

P1xxx P1247 P2xxx
P3xxx P1248 P4xxx

5% 5%

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-614 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.11 Motor changeover for induction motors (from SW 2.4)

Table 6-66 Parameters for motor changeover, continued

No. Description Min. Standard Max. Unit Effective
1249 External contactor control 0 0 1 -- immedi-
motor changeover (ARM) ately
... specifies whether the contactors for motor changeover are controlled from the drive or from
an external control.
1 Motor changeover via external control
The contactor control for the motor changeover is realized using an external control
via the ”motor changeover” input signal (STW2.11).
The output terminals with function numbers 11, 12, 13 and 14 are not energized.
0 Motor changeover via drive
The contactors to change over the motor are controlled from the drive via the output
terminals with function numbers 11, 12, 13 and 14.
The contactors used to change--over the motor must be switched in a no--current condition.
If an external control is used to changeover the motor, and it is ”incorrectly” changed over (e.g.
the pulses are present), it is possible that the power/supply infeed module will be destroyed.
Motor changeover should be realized using the drive output terminals (P1249 = 0).

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-615
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.12 Travel to fixed stop (positioning mode) (from SW 3.3) ! not 611ue !

6.12 Travel to fixed stop (positioning mode) (from SW 3.3)

Description A linear or rotary axis can be traversed in the ”positioning” mode by

specifying a target position and a maximum possible torque using the
”travel to fixed endstop” function. When a fixed stop is reached, then
the defined torque/force is established.
This property can be used, e.g. for the following tasks:
S To clamp workpieces (e.g. to press the spindle sleeve against the
S Approaching the mechanical reference point
S Carry out simple measuring operations (e.g. with a low torque)
The function is programmed using the FIXED STOP command. The
clamping torque must also be specified in this traversing block. The
following applies:
Drive Value range and units for the
clamping torque/clamping force
S Rotating 1 -- 65 535 [0.01 Nm]
S Linear 1 -- 65 535 [0.01 N]

6 A selectable fixed endstop monitoring window prevents the drive from

continuing after the fixed endstop has been reached (e.g. when the
fixed endstop breaks--off)

When jogging (closed--loop speed control), travel to fixed stop is also
possible by suppressing fault 608 (speed controller output limited)
using the ”suppress fault 608” input signal.
The ”travel to fixed stop” function may not be used for coupled axes.

Application The following applies to axes with incremental measuring system:

After a traversing block has been executed with the ”fixed stop” com-
mand and the block change enable END, the axis can be re--refer-
enced at the fixed stop using the ”set reference point” function.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-616 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.12 Travel to fixed stop (positioning mode) (from SW 3.3)

Flowchart The following sequence applies for the ”travel to fixed stop” function:
S How is this function started?
The function is started when executing a traversing block with the
FIXED STOP command.
The same data as for a positioning set should be made in this tra-
versing block and, in addition, also the clamping torque in [0.01 Nm]
or the clamping force in [N] (refer under the index entry ”Command--
dependent block information”).
In order that the fixed endstop (workpiece) can be reached at all, it
must be located between the start and target positions. The target
position must be selected a considerable distance behind the fixed
S How is the axis moved after start?
-- After starting the block, the axis travels in the direction of the tar-
get position with the programmed velocity.
-- The clamping torque/clamping force, programmed in this block,
already becomes effective from the starting position, i.e. the axis
moves to the fixed stop with the reduced torque limit/force limit.
-- The dynamic following error monitoring is not effective when trav-
eling to the fixed stop.
S What happens if ... 6
-- ... the fixed stop is reached before the target position is reached
(standard case)?
----> refer to ”What happens if the fixed stop is reached?”
-- ... the fixed stop is not reached, but the target position is ap-
----> refer to ”What happens if the fixed stop is not reached?”
-- ... the programmed clamping torque is not reached.
----> refer to ”What happens if the fixed stop is reached but the
programmed clamping torque is not reached?”
-- ... the axis is first at the fixed stop and then leaves this position,
i.e. has the fixed stop broken off?
----> then the fixed endstop monitoring becomes effective, i.e. the
axis then moves by the distance, set in P0116:8 (fixed endstop
monitoring window) plus the braking ramp.
----> refer to ”fixed endstop” monitoring window

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-617
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.12 Travel to fixed stop (positioning mode) (from SW 3.3) ! not 611ue !

What happens if If the axis moves to a fixed stop, then the behavior is as follows:
the fixed stop is
S The closed--loop drive control increases the torque for the axis up to
the programmed clamping torque, and then keeps it constant.
S The ”fixed stop reached” status is reached as follows, depending on
P0114 (fixed stop, configuration 2):

Table 6-67 Behavior, if the fixed stop is reached

If the following is valid for the ”fixed stop reached” status:

P0114 = 0 The status is automatically reached, if the following error ex-
(standard) ceeds the theoretically calculated following error by the value
entered in P0115:8.
S Refer under the index entry ”Dynamic following error moni-
S The following applies for the target position:
Target position > position, fixed stop + P0115:8 + braking
P0114 = 1 The status is only reached, if it is recognized via the ”sensor,
fixed stop” input signal.

S The following applies after the ”fixed stop reached” status has been
6 recognized:
-- The distance to go is deleted
-- The position reference value is tracked
-- The fixed endstop monitoring is activated
-- The controller enable remains active
-- The ”fixed stop reached” output signal is set
-- Is the programmed clamping torque reached?
Yes ----> the output signal
”fixed stop, clamping torque reached” is set
No ----> the behavior is dependent on P0113.1

Table 6-68 Behavior, if the clamping torque is not reached

If Then the following is valid:

P0113.1 = 0 Warning 889 is signaled
(standard) The block change enable is only realized, as programmed in
the block, only after the clamping torque has been reached.
P0113.1 = 1 Warning 889 is signaled and a block change is made
The block change enable is realized as programmed in the
The block change enable CONTINUE FLYING, behaves just like the block
change enable CONTINUE WITH STOP.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-618 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.01 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.12 Travel to fixed stop (positioning mode) (from SW 3.3)

-- The clamping torque remains, if ...

subsequently, e.g. blocks are processed with the commands
There is no subsequent block, i.e. the traversing program has
been completed
-- the position can be read in P0002 (actual traversing block -- position)

What happens if If, for a traversing block, the axis moves to the brake initiation point
the fixed stop is with the FIXED STOP command, without detecting the status ”fixed
not reached? stop reached”, then the following behavior applies, dependent on

Table 6-69 Behavior, if the fixed stop is not reached

If Then the following is valid:

P0113.0 = 0 Fault 145 is signaled
(standard) The torque limiting is automatically disabled. The axis is braked
and comes to a standstill in front of the programmed target posi-
tion. The deviation from the reference position depends on:
S Positioning velocity
S Acceleration
S Deceleration
P0113.0 = 1 A block change is made 6
The torque limiting is automatically disabled. The block change
enable is realized as programmed in the block.

Canceling the The ”travel to fixed stop” function is interrupted, and if warning 889 is
”travel to fixed present it is acknowledged, if one of the following occurs:
stop” function S The next block is processed with the POSITIONING command
S the jogging mode is selected if previously interrupted
----> with the input signal ”reject operating condition/traversing task”
S The controller enable is withdrawn (----> fault 147)
S Pulse enable is withdrawn (----> fault 147)

Interrupting or The following applies for a traversing block with the FIXED STOP com-
exiting the ”travel mand:
to fixed stop”
S Interrupt and continue
----> using the ”operating condition/intermediate stop” input signal
S Exit
----> using the ”operating condition/reject traversing task” input signal
In all of these cases, the drive is correspondingly braked.
Interruption at the fixed stop:
The drive remains at the fixed stop, and can be moved away from it
either in the jog mode, or by starting a new traversing block.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-619
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.12 Travel to fixed stop (positioning mode) (from SW 3.3) ! not 611ue !

S Abort
---->while ”travel to fixed stop”
The drive brakes and maintains this position with a reduced torque
as ”traverse to fixed stop” is still active The position is monitored
using P0326. Fault 145 is signaled when the tolerance window in
P0326 is exceeded.

Fixed endstop If the axis travels by more than the monitoring window, set in P0116:8
monitoring when it reaches the ”fixed stop reached” status, then the ”travel to
window fixed stop” function is canceled as a result of fault 146 (fixed stop, axis
outside the monitoring window), and the axis is stopped.
The following applies for the fixed endstop monitoring window:
S Set using P0116:8 (fixed endstop monitoring window).
S The monitoring window generally applies for a drive, which means,
in order to adapt it for an individual traversing block, P0116:8 must
be correspondingly re--written into before the block starts.
S The value in P0116:8 is valid both in the positive as well as the neg-
ative travel directions.
S The window setting must be selected, so that a fault is only initiated
if the endstop breaks.
If the monitoring window P0116:8 is set too large (e.g. to the maxi-

6 mum value) and if the fixed endstop breaks away, then the drive
From SW 12.1, the following applies: The speed is limited to the
value that the drive had before reaching the fixed endstop. The limit
is implemented using a two--step control:
-- Speed too high ----> torque = 0
-- Speed too low ----> programmed torque

Hanging axis For a hanging axis without mechanical weight equalization, when pro-
without gramming the clamping torque and when defining the fixed endstop
mechanical weight monitoring window, it must be taken into consideration as to whether
equalization the electronic weight equalization is set via P1240:8.
The clamping torque, effective for ”travel to fixed stop” is made up as follows:
S Programmed clamping torque in the traversing block
S P1240:8 (offset, torque setpoint speed--controlled)
The following applies when programming the clamping torque for a
hanging axis without mechanical weight equalization:

Table 6-70 Clamping torque for a hanging axis

If Then
A torque offset is not Take into account the weight equalization when pro-
entered (P1240:8 = 0) gramming the clamping torque.
A torque offset is The weight equalization is not taken into account
entered (P1240:8 ≠ 0) when programming the clamping torque

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-620 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.06 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.12 Travel to fixed stop (positioning mode) (from SW 3.3)

Diagnostics for The following diagnostics are available for the activated function:
”travel to fixed S Display via P0600 (operating status)
S Display via ”travel to fixed stop active” output signal

Signal The motor current, following error, input/output signals and positions for
characteristics the ”travel to fixed endstop” function are illustrated in the following dia-


Motor current

P0115:8 valid, if
Following error P0114 = 0
valid, if
”Fixed stop sensor” input signal
P0114 = 1

”Fixed stop reached” output signal

”Fixed stop, clamping torque reached” output signal

Actual position P0116:8

Monitoring window for ”fixed stop
--”-- --”--
Starting position Programmed
end position
Block change

Block with
Block with command command Block with command

”Travel to fixed stop active” output signal

P0086:64/256 Command parameter -- clamping torque

P0114 Fixed stop, configuration 2
P0115:8 Fixed stop, maximum following error
P0116:8 Fixed stop, monitoring window

Fig. 6-91 Signal timing for the ”travel to fixed stop” function

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-621
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.12 Travel to fixed stop (positioning mode) (from SW 3.3) ! not 611ue !

Travel to fixed
endstop and

! It must be ensured, that after the ”travel to fixed endstop” function is
withdrawn as a result of EMERGENCY OFF, the machine cannot go
into a potentially hazardous state (e.g. the clamped workpiece drops
out of the clamping mechanism after EMERGENCY OFF).

Parameter The following parameters are available for the ”travel to fixed stop”
overview function:
(refer to Chapter
S P0113 Fixed stop, configuration 1
S P0114 Fixed stop, configuration 2
S P0115:8 Fixed stop, maximum following error
S P0116:8 Fixed stop, monitoring window
S P1240:8 Offset, torque setpoint (speed controlled)
Offset, force setpoint (speed controlled)

6 Input/output The following signals are used for the function ”traverse to fixed stop”:
S Input signals
(refer under index entry ”Input signal, digital -- ...”)
-- ”Fixed stop sensor” input signal
----> using an input terminal with function number 68
----> using PROFIBUS control signal PosStw.3
S Output signals
(refer under the index entry, ”Output signal, digital -- ...”)
-- ”Fixed stop reached” output signal
----> using an output terminal with function number 68
----> using PROFIBUS status signal PosZsw.12
-- ”Fixed stop, clamping torque reached” output signal
----> using an output terminal with function number 73
----> using PROFIBUS status signal PosZsw.13
-- ”Travel to fixed stop active” output signal
----> using an output terminal with function number 66
----> using PROFIBUS status signal PosZsw.14

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-622 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.13 Teach--in (from SW 4.1)

6.13 Teach--in (from SW 4.1)

Description Using this function, an approached axis position can be directly entered
into a specific traversing block as position reference value.
The axis can be traversed to the required position e.g. using ”jogging”
and/or ”incremental jogging.
The ”teach--in” function is activated using the ”activate teach--in (edge)”
input signal in the ”positioning” mode.
It is not possible to activate ”teach--in” while a traversing program is
Table 6-71 Overview of teach--in

Question? Parameter Description

Teach--in block
IIn which
hi h tra-
P0120 = --1 The position value (actual position reference value) is written into the
versing block is
(standard) traversing block which is selected either via digital input signals (Fct.
the position
No. 50 to 55) or the PROFIBUS control signal SatzAnw.0 -- .5.
value be writ-
ten? P0120 ≥ 0 The position value (actual position reference value) is written into the
traversing block which is specified using P0120.
Teach--in standard block
P0121 = --1 When activating ”Teach--in”, only the position value is written into the
(standard) selected block (the actual position reference value).
All other data must be manually entered to make it a complete travers-
How does the
teach--in block ing block.
become a com- P0121 ≥ 0 For ”teach--in”, the block, defined using P0121, is transferred into the
plete traversing selected block and the position value (actual position reference value)
block? is overwritten.
P0087 is not completely transferred, but only the position mode and the
block enable condition. Information as to whether the block is sup-
pressed or not is not transferred into the new block.
Teach--in configuration
P0124.0 = 1 Automatically increase the block number (P0120 ≥ 0)
In this mode, after each successful ”teach--in”, the teach--in block in
P0120 is automatically increased.
In this case, the teach in blocks are overwritten.
If the teach--in block is selected using an input signal (P0120 = --1) and
the ”automatically increase block number” function is enabled, then the
What are the following applies:
various config- S The first teach--in block is selected via input signals
uration possi- S Additional teach--in blocks are defined using P0120
P0124.1 The block number is automatically searched for
= 1: In this mode, for ”teach--in”, a search is made for the block in
P0120. If an invalid block is selected via P0120, then this
block is generated in the memory at the first position where there
is still no block. A complete block is generated
(although P0121 = --1).
= 0: If the block in P0120 or the block selected via the input signals
is not available, then fault 183 is output.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-623
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.13 Teach--in (from SW 4.1) ! not 611ue !

Parameter The following parameters are available for the ”teach--in” function:
S P0120 Teach--in block
(refer to Chapter
A.1) S P0121 Teach--in standard block
S P0124 Teach--in configuration

Input/output The following signals are used for the ”teach--in” function:
signals (refer to
S Input signals
Chapter 6.4)
(refer under index entry ”Input signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Input signal ”activate teach--in (edge)”
----> using an input terminal with function number 64
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”PosStw.6”
-- up to SW 9.2
Input signal ”block selection 1st to 6th input”
----> using an input terminal with function number 50 -- 55
----> using PROFIBUS control signal SatzAnw.0 -- .5
-- From SW 10.1
Input signal ”block selection 1st to 8th input”

6 ----> using an input terminal with function number 50 -- 57

----> using PROFIBUS control signal SatzAnw.0 -- .7
S Output signals
(refer under the index entry, ”Output signal, digital -- ...”)
-- Output signal ”teach--in successful”
----> using an output terminal with function number 64
----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”PosZsw.15”

The positions with teach--in are only transferred into the RAM memory.
Data is manually saved using the ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and
start--up tool with ”Save in the drive (FEPROM)”.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-624 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.14 Dynamic Servo Control (DSC, from SW 4.1)

6.14 Dynamic Servo Control (DSC, from SW 4.1)

Description The ”Dynamic Servo Control” ( DSC) is a closed--loop control structure

which is computed in a fast speed controller clock cycle and is supplied
with setpoints by the control in the position controller clock cycle.
This allows higher position controller gain factors to be achieved.

Condition The following prerequisites are necessary to use Dynamic Servo Control:
S n--set mode
S Isochronous PROFIBUS--DP
S The position controller gain factor (KPC) and the system deviation
(XERR) must be included in the PROFIBUS--DP setpoint telegram
(refer to P0915)
S The position actual value must be transferred to the master in the
actual value telegram of PROFIBUS--DP via the encoder interface
Gx_XIST1 (refer to Chapter 5.6.4)
S When DSC is activated, the speed setpoint N_SOLL_B from the
PROFIBUS telegram is used as speed pre--control value
S The internal quasi--position controller uses the position actual value 6
from the motor measuring system (G1_XIST1)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-625
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.14 Dynamic Servo Control (DSC, from SW 4.1)

Data transfer
deadtime Interpolator
n pre n pre
Speed Speed
Path inter-- Data transfer setpoint setpoint
polation deadtime T position Interpolator KPC filter 1 filter 2
xset Xerr

time T speed
T position

Data transfer
T position deadtime TDP

Master Drive

6 Fig. 6-92 Principle of Dynamic Servo Control; the speed setpoint is used for speed precontrol

Activating If the prerequisites for DSC have been fulfilled, the function is activated
by transferring a value for KPC > 0 in the PROFIBUS telegram.
When DSC is activated, the position controller gain in the master
should be set again.
If the PROFIBUS control words XERR (system deviation, DSC) and
KPC (position controller gain factor, DSC) are activated in the
PROFIBUS telegram the closed--loop control structure is also acti-
vated. This means that the ramp function generator, for example, is no
longer active.

Deactivating The DSC function is de--activated by setting KPC = 0. Then, only the
speed pre--control is effective.
Higher gain factors can be set using DSC. This is the reason that the
control loop can become unstable when DSC is disabled. Before disab-
ling DSC (e.g. for optional tests) the KV factor must be reduced in the

Speed setpoint When using DSC, a speed--setpoint filter is no longer required to

value filter round--off the speed setpoint stages.
When using the DSC function, it only makes sense to use speed set-
point filter 1 to support the position controller, e.g. to suppress reso-
nance effects.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-626 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.06 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1)

6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1)

Description Using the ”spindle positioning” function, in the ”n--set” mode, the
spindle can be traversed to a specific position and then held there.

Activating The function is activated in the ”n--set” mode (P0700 = 1) via the input
signal ”spindle positioning on” or via PROFIBUS--DP (STW1.15), if
P0125 = 1 (spindle positioning active).

If the ”spindle positioning” function is carried--out using NC functionality
(e.g. SINUMERIK 802D), then P0125 must be set to 0 (spindle
positioning de--activated).

In addition, a traversing block number must be entered via a terminal or

PROFIBUS--DP. If a bit is not selected for the traversing block number,
then data in traversing block 0 is used.
The following is mainly defined in the traversing block:
S The target position (also via PROFIBUS--DP control word XSP is
possible, being prepared)
S The search velocity, and
S How the axis approaches the target position 6
The target position can be approached as follows:
S With the actual direction of rotation
S With a defined direction of rotation (clockwise, counter--clockwise)

Position actual
value sensing S With a motor encoder (sin/cos 1 Vpp)
S With a motor encoder (sin/cos 1 Vpp) and external zero (BERO) at
the spindle when the gearbox stage is being changed--over
S With direct measuring system (spindle encoder, sin/cos 1 Vpp) via
encoder connection X412 (drive B)

conditions S Spindle positioning only with motor 1.
S If spindle positioning has been selected, then the encoder informa-
tion for PROFIBUS--DP (G1_STW, G1_ZSW) is no longer precisely
S If ”spindle positioning on” is selected using a terminal or PROFI-
BUS--DP (for P0125 = 1), then the ”relative” positioning mode
(P0087:64/256) may no longer be programmed in the currently se-
lected traversing block.
S When spindle positioning is selected, it is not possible to change
over the motor via PROFIBUS--DP.
S Spindle positioning is not supported in conjunction with the absolute
distance--coded measuring systems.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-627
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1) ! not 611ue !

Positioning If the drive has still not been referenced, it is automatically referenced
operation after activating the ”spindle positioning on” function.
The positioning operation is executed via the position controller and is
carried--out in several phases:
1. Selecting the ”spindle positioning on” function via terminal or PRO-
FIBUS--DP in the ”n--set” mode
2. Traversing to the search velocity
3. Traversing with search velocity and searching for the zero mark
4. Braking to the 1st target position (angle)

Command, spindle positioning on

2 3 4

Fig. 6-93 Example, spindle positioning

If the drive is at the 1st target position, then the additional target posi-
6 tions can be approached immediately by selecting another traversing
In order to guarantee a defined changeover to the next position (via
terminals), only one bit should be changed when selecting the travers-
ing block.
If, when the controller is inhibited, the spindle is pushed (pressed) out
of a parameterized tolerance window (P0131), then the position actual
value is corrected (tracked). If the controller is then re--enabled, the
spindle remains at that particular position. It is only re--positioned again
if ”spindle positioning” is activated.

Parameter The following parameters are available for the ”spindle positioning”
overview function:
(refer to Chapter S P0080:256 Block number (traversing blocks)
A.1) S P0081:256 Position reference value (traversing blocks)
S P0082:256 (Search) velocity (traversing blocks)
S P0083:256 Acceleration override
S P0084:256 Deceleration override
S P0087:256 (Spindle) positioning mode
S P0102 Maximum velocity
S P0103 Maximum acceleration
S P0104 Maximum deceleration
S P0125 Spindle positioning active
S P0126 Spindle positioning, zero mark tolerance window
S P0127 Spindle positioning, setting the internal zero mark
S P0128 Spindle positioning, offset, zero mark

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-628 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.03 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1)

S P0129 Spindle positioning, tolerance, search velocity

S P0130 Spindle positioning, lowest search velocity
S P0131 Spindle positioning, motion window
S P0133 Spindle positioning, max. search velocity
S P0174 Referencing mode -- position measuring system
S P0200:8 Kv factor (position loop gain)
S P0231 Position act. value inversion
S P0232 Position ref. value inversion
S P0237:8 Encoder revolutions
S P0238:8 Load revolutions
S P0242 Modulo range, rotary axis
S P0250 Activating the direct measuring system
The following diagnostic parameters are available for the ”spindle posi-
tioning” function:
S P0001 Actual traversing block -- block number
S P0002 Actual traversing block -- position
S P0003 Actual traversing block -- velocity
S P0004 Actual traversing block -- acceleration override
S P0005 Actual traversing block -- deceleration override
S P0008 Actual traversing block -- mode
S P0020 Position reference value 6
S P0021 Position actual value
S P0024 Velocity actual value
S P0132 Spindle positioning, zero mark difference (BERO)
S P0136 Spindle positioning, active/inactive
S P0137 Spindle positioning, status
Setting values for the position actual value monitoring:
S P0134 Spindle positioning, positioning window reached
S P0318:8 Dynamic following error monitoring tolerance
S P0320 Positioning monitoring time
S P0321 Positioning window (reference position reached)
S P0326 Standstill window

! When the monitoring is disabled via parameters P0318:8, P0321 and
P0326, it should be noted that under fault conditions, the drive can
accelerate up to the max. speed.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-629
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1) ! not 611ue !

Approaching the The target position approach is defined using the parameters of the
target position selected traversing block.
using the
traversing block
Table 6-72 Parameters for ”spindle positioning”

Parameter Parameter text Value and description

P0080:N Block number 0... 63
P0081:N Position Target position in degrees
P0082:N Velocity Search velocity in degrees/min. The velocity is always referred to the load
side, i.e. for a ratio of 4:1 (motor/load), the motor rotates 4 x faster.
P0083:N Acceleration This allows the acceleration to be influenced, referred to P0103.
P0084:N Deceleration This allows the deceleration to be influenced, referred to P0104.
P0087:N Mode U0W0Hex
U = target position input
0: Input via traversing block (P0081:N)
1: Input via PROFIBUS--DP; control word XSP (Signal No. 50109)
W = Positioning mode

6 The behavior when approaching the target position is defined in parame-

ter P0087. The behavior depends on whether the ”spindle positioning”
function is already active and the 1st position was approached or not.
Behavior for nset Behavior if the
active 1st target position
has already been reached
W=0 The position is ap- The new target position is
ABSOLUTE proached with the approached through the
(Standard) actual direction of shortest distance
W = 1 RELATIVE Not supported The new position is incremen-
tally approached.
W = 2 ABS_POS The position is The new target position is ap-
approached in the proached in absolute terms
positive direction. and in the positive direction
(clockwise rotation)
W = 3 ABS_NEG The position is The new target position is ap-
approached in the proached in absolute terms
negative direction. and in the negative direction

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-630 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
11.09 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1)

Structure of the
traversing block

No. Command Mode Position Velocity Acceleration Deceleration

(P0080) (P0087 (P0081) (P0082) (referred to (referred to
W degrees/min P0103) P0104)

0 Positioning1) ABSOLUTE 0 72000 100 % 100 %

1 Positioning1) ABS_POS 90 3600 100 % 100 %

1) only this entry is possible

Fig. 6-94 Example: Programming the traversing block

If no bit is selected when selecting the block with the ”spindle position-
ing on” command, then traversing block 0 is automatically selected.
The axis then positions with the values from traversing block 0.
In the example, Fig. 6-94 (Standard setting) the drive moves to the
position value 0 degrees from the actual speed and direction of rota-
tion, at a search velocity of 72000 degrees/min (200 RPM).
If bit 0 is set in this state, when selecting the traversing block (via
terminal or PROFIBUS--DP), then the drive rotates according to the
ABS_POS mode in the clockwise sense with the max. velocity of
3600 degrees/min and remains stationary at the 90 degrees position.
After bit 0 is switched--out, the axis moves from 90 degrees to 0 de-
The ”spindle positioning on” command must always be present. If the
command is switched--out, then the axis rotates at the speed of the
currently effective speed setpoint.

Search rate The search velocity depends on the initial velocity at the instant that the
”spindle positioning” function is activated at n--set (refer to Fig. 6-95).
In this case, the following parameters are effective:
P0082:256 Velocity
P0083:256 Acceleration override
P0084:256 Deceleration override
P0103 Max. acceleration
P0104 Max. deceleration
P0129 Spindle positioning, tolerance, search velocity
P0130 Spindle positioning, lowest search velocity
P0133 Spindle positioning, max. search velocity
P1256:8 Ramp--function generator, ramp--up time
P1257:8 Ramp--function generator, ramp--down time

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-631
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1) ! not 611ue !

Spindle positioning on Zero mark recognized

Minimum from
v P0133 and P0082

v2 = max. search velocity
Velocity range

v1 = lowest search velocity
(P0130 * P0082)
P1256 Target

1 In this velocity range, the drive accelerates to the search velocity v1. The drive traverses to the
target position if the zero mark is recognized.

2 In this velocity range (search velocity), the drive traverses without changing its velocity until
the zero mark has been recognized. The drive then traverses to the target position.

3 In this velocity range, the drive brakes to the search velocity v2. The drive traverses to the target
position if the zero mark is recognized.

Condition: The maximum velocity P0102 must be greater than v2.

Fig. 6-95 Spindle positioning at n--set, if the axis was previously referenced

Spindle Procedure to shift the zero mark and set it to a specific value:
positioning, zero
1st possibility:
mark offset
-- Enter the zero mark offset directly into P0128.
2nd possibility:
-- Traverse the spindle to the required position, e.g. manually rotate
-- Set P0127 to 1. This means that the actual position value is
transferred into P0128. P0127 automatically changes to 0.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-632 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1)

Encoder P0250 and P0174 must be set to the existing measuring system.
Table 6-73 Encoder configuration for spindle positioning

P0250 P0174
Indirect measuring system (motor encoder) 0 1
with encoder zero mark
In addition, the gearbox ratio must be entered
into P0237:8 (encoder revolutions) and
P0238:8 (load revolutions)
Indirect measuring system (motor encoder) 0 2
with external zero mark
In addition, the gearbox ratio must be entered
into P0237:8 (encoder revolutions) and
P0238:8 (load revolutions)
Direct measuring system with encoder zero 1 1

It is possible to select position actual value inversion using parameter


Spindle drive with For spindle drives with gearboxes, an external zero mark
gearbox (BERO) (BERO) should be provided as reference point if the spindle has to be
For multi--stage gearboxes, the gearbox stage ratios must be taken into
account. The ratios must be entered via parameter P0237 (gearbox
revolutions) and P0238 (load revolutions). For parameter set 0, the ra-
tio of the first gearbox stage can be defined using SimoCom U in the
menu screen ”Mechanical system” (1:1 is the basic setting).
Additional gearbox stage ratios must be entered using the Expert list
(P0237:x, P0238:x; x = 1 to 7).
If a changeover gearbox with a ratio of 1:1 or 1:4 is used, for the 1st
gearbox stage, parameters P0237:0 and P0238:0 remain unchanged
(because 1:1) and for the ratio 1:4, the following values are entered into
parameters P0237:1 = 1 and P0238:1 = 4. These values become valid
after ”Power on”.
The ratio can be checked using parameter P0132. In this case, the
distance between two zero marks is displayed in degrees. If the values
which are displayed deviate from 360 degrees, then the gear--up/gear--
down ratio was not correctly parameterized.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-633
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1) ! not 611ue !

Input/output The following signals are used for the ”spindle positioning” function:
signals S Input signals
(refer to Chapter (refer under the index entry ”Input signal, digital -- ...)
-- Input signal, ”spindle positioning on”
----> using an input terminal with function number 28
----> using the PROFIBUS control signal ”STW1.15”
-- Input of traversing blocks
----> via an input terminal, or
----> via PROFIBUS--DP
When the traversing block selection is changed (number), the
position is immediately changed to the position specified in the
traversing block.
S Output signals
(refer under the index entry, ”output signal, digital -- ...)
The output signals are only effective when selecting ”spindle posi-
tion on”.
-- Output signal, ”spindle positioning on”
----> using an output terminal with function number 28

6 ----> using the PROFIBUS status signal ”ZSW1.14”

-- Output signal ”spindle position reached”
----> setting a window with P0134
----> using an output terminal with function number 59
----> using PROFIBUS status signal ”MeldW.15”
-- Output signal ”reference position reached/outside reference position”
----> setting values with P0320, P0321
----> using an output terminal with function number 60
----> using PROFIBUS status signal ”MeldW.14”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-634 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 6 Description of the Functions
! not 611ue ! 6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1)

Short Hardware structure: Encoder signals and zero pulse from the motor encoder
commissioning Software prerequisites:
(example) S Software release SW 5.1
S The spindle positioning program must be activated via
SimoCom U or P0125 =1.
S Select the ”spindle positioning on” function via terminal
(Fct. No. 28) or PROFIBUS--DP (STW1.15). (e.g. ”spindle position-
ing on ” via terminal I2.A).


1. Enable the controller and pulses

2. Select ”spindle position on”
----> the spindle positions to the position specified in traversing block 0

Is a zero No

1. Inhibit the controller
2. Disable the selection of ”spindle positioning on” 6

Can the position be No

selected by manually
rotating the spindle?


1. Rotate the spindle to the required position Enter the zero offset value in degrees,
either directly via P0128 or SimoCom U or
2. Set the actual position as zero position
enable the controller; approach the position and
using the SimoCom U menu screen ”Spindle set the actual position as zero mark via
positioning” or set P0127 to 1 SimoCom U or set P0127 to 1. When setting the
----> Zero mark offset is displayed using zero position, the controller inhibit and the
P0128 ”spindle position on” selection must be disabled.

Save the new zero mark (P0652 = 1)

Fig. 6-96 Commissioning example, spindle positioning

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-635
6 Description of the Functions 01.99
6.15 Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1) ! not 611ue !

Should positioning be No


1. Current controller
2. Speed controller
3. Ramp--up/ramp--down time (P1256:8/P1257:8)
4. Search velocity via P0082 (traversing block), if necessary, increase P0133
5. Max. deceleration/acceleration (P0103, P0104) and input the override via traversing
6. Position controller (Kv factor adaptation via P0200:8)
Observe the parameter set changeover!

6 Save parameters which have been changed


Fig. 6-97 Commissioning example, spindle positioning, continued

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-636 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.16 Rotor position identification/pole position identification

6.16 Rotor position identification/pole position identification

Terminology change:
Rotor position identification (RLI), corresponds to the pole position
identification (PLI)!

Description Drive converters with field--orientated closed--loop control impress the

current into permanent--magnet synchronous motors to establish the
magnetic flux in the motor.
At power--on, the rotor position identification (RLI) automatically deter-
mines the absolute rotor position using the maximum of the magnetic
The rotor position identification is used for:
S Determining the rotor position (coarse synchronization and fine syn-
S Supports commissioning when determining the commutation angle
Two techniques can be used for the rotor position identification routine:
S For the technique based on saturation (P1075 = 1)
S A technique based on movement (P1075 = 3) (from SW 6.1).
The particular technique can be selected using parameter P1075. 6
Coarse Determining the rotor position
The rotor position identification routine automatically determines the
motor rotor position. This means that the motor encoder does not re-
quire any additional position information from the encoder (C/D track).
For linear motors, Hall sensors are not required if the limitations and
secondary conditions are maintained.

synchronization S with zero marks: P1011.13 = 0
For the fine synchronization (P1011.13 = 0), the commutation offset
is transferred when passing the zero mark.
-- The fine synchronization with zero mark guarantees a consistent
and optimum and force and torque utilization.
-- An increase in robustness thanks to renewed encoder monitoring
(absolute information and internal pole position).
Parameter P1016 must be appropriately set.

When replacing the motor/encoder, the commutation angle (P1016)
must be re--determined.

S with pole position identification: P1011.13 = 1

For P1011.13 = 1, fine synchronization is replaced by the pole posi-
tion identification. P1016 is not effective.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-637
6 Description of the Functions 07.07
6.16 Rotor position identification/pole position identification

Equivalent of Encoder adjustment is not required if the rotor position identification

the encoder routine is used for coarse and fine synchronization.
Configuration, In P1011, bit 12 (identify coarse position) is set in order that the rotor
actual value position identification technique is initiated when powering--up the drive.
sensing motor If bit 13 is set (fine position identification), a rotor position identification
encoder is executed independently of bit 12.

Parameter The following parameters are used for the rotor position synchroniza-
overview tion/rotor position identification:
(refer to Chapter S P1011 IM configuration, actual value sensing
A.1) S P1016 Angular commutation offset
S P1017 Commissioning support
S P1019 Current, rotor position identification
S P1020 Maximum rotation, rotor position identification (SRM)
Maximum movement, rotor position identification (SLM)
S P1075 Technique, rotor position identification
S P1076 Load moment of inertia RLI (SRM)
Load mass RLI (SLM)
S P1523 Time constant, speed actual value filter (PT1) RLI
(from SW 9.1)

6 The following diagnostics parameters are used rotor position synchro-

nization/rotor position identification:
S P1734 Diagnostics, rotor position identification
S P1736 Test, rotor position identification
S P1737 Difference, rotor position identification

conditions S The techniques can only be started when the controller and pulses
are enabled as current must flow through the motor.
S When using an absolute motor measuring system, the rotor position
identification can only be used to determine the commutation angle
offset (P1016).
S The technique can only be started when the controller and pulses
are enabled as current must flow through the motor.
For the technique
based on saturation
S This technique can be used for both braked and non--braked mo-
(P1075 = 1)
S The technique cannot be used for motors which are moving.
S The current which is entered must be adequate in order to generate
a significant measuring signal.
S The measurement and evaluation take approx. 250 ms.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-638 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 6 Description of the Functions
6.16 Rotor position identification/pole position identification

For the technique

based on motion
S Due to the different mechanical designs, for the motion--based rotor
(P1075 = 3,
position identification technique, the result must be checked once
from SW 6.1)
when the drive system is first commissioned. The deviation of mea-
sured rotor position should be < 10 electrical.
S The measuring system must stiffly mounted.
S The axis static friction must be low in comparison to the rated motor
force or rated motor torque. An excessively high static friction can
have a significant negative impact on the accuracy of the rotor posi-
tion identification and, under certain circumstances, make it impossi-
ble to execute the rotor position identification with motion.
S The technique may only be used for horizontal axes which can
freely move and which do not have a brake.
S During the rotor position identification run, it is not permissible that
external forces are applied to the motor.
S If the previous secondary conditions/limitations are not fulfilled, then
linear motors can only be operated with Hall sensor boxes or with
absolute measuring systems.
S When this technique is used, under worst case condition, movement
in the range of  10 mm or 5 degrees can occur.
S In the pos mode, until the identification has been completed, the
axis to be identified must be set in the follow--up mode in order to 6
suppress fault 135 during the identification routine (standstill moni-
S When starting the rotor position identification routine via P1736 as a
-- For a test start, fault 135 (standstill monitoring) can be output,
which must be acknowledged with RESET.
-- For coupled axes, the test start for rotor position identification is
not permitted

! When the motors are not braked, the motor rotates or moves as a
result of the current impressed during the measurement. The
magnitude of the motion depends on the magnitude of the current and
the moment of inertia of the motor and load.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-639
6 Description of the Functions 12.06
6.16 Rotor position identification/pole position identification

Parameterization For the parameterization of the rotor position identification for the mo-
for the tion--based technique, initially, a rotor position identification run must be
motion--based made with a standard parameterization.
The noise which is generated should be heard as a sequence of soft
(P1075 = 3)
(from SW 6.1)
The following should be done if faults occur:
S Fault 611 (inadmissible motion):
----> Increase the parameterized load mass (P1076), check the max-
imum permissible motion (P1020) and if required, increase.
S Fault 610 (rotor position identification unsuccessful) and P1734 = –4
(current rise too low):
----> The motor is not correctly connected
----> The motor power connections must be checked.
S Fault 610 (rotor position identification unsuccessful) and P1734 = –6
(max. permissible duration exceeded):
----> This can be due to the following reasons:
-- external forces have faulted the identification routine (e.g.
coupled axes have not been opened, surges, etc.),
-- if the drive emits an excessive noise (a loud whistling sound) dur-
ing the identification routine, then the identification technique has
become unstable:
6 ----> P1076 must be reduced,
from SW 9.1 also possible in the negative range
-- Extremely low encoder resolution:
----> use an encoder with a higher resolution
-- encoder mounting is not stiff enough:
----> improve the mounting.
S Fault 610 (rotor position identification unsuccessful) and P1734 = –7
(no clear rotor position has been found:
----> This can be due to the following reasons:
-- the axis cannot freely move (e.g. the motor rotor is locked)
-- external forces have disturbed the identification routine (refer
-- the axis has an extremely high friction:
----> the identification current (P1019) must be increased
If the rotor position identification routine was successful, the rotor posi-
tion which was found should be checked. This test function can deter-
mine the difference between the determined rotor position angle and
the rotor position angle used by the closed--loop control.
The following procedure should be applied several times:
1. Start the test function using P1736 = 1.
2. Evaluate the difference in P1737 -- a spread of the measured values
of less than 10 degrees is acceptable. If this is not the case, then a
higher current must be used for the identification routine (P1019).

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-640 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
12.06 6 Description of the Functions
6.16 Rotor position identification/pole position identification

Steps when
commissioning the
1. Step: Determine the pole position
-- Incremental measuring system (with zero mark)
Set P1011.12 = 1
Set P1011.13 = 0
Carry--out a HW--RESET
Set P1017.0 = 1
Switch--in the pulse and controller enable signals
Move the axis over the zero mark (e.g. enter low nset)
----> The angular offset is automatically entered into P1016
----> Fault 799 is displayed
(Save to FEPROM and HW--RESET required)
Save to FEPROM and carry--out a HW--RESET
-- Absolute measuring system (with CD track)
Power--up with the controller and pulses disabled
Set P1017.0 = 1
Switch--in the controller and pulse enable
----> The angular offset is automatically entered into P1016
----> Fault 799
(Save to FEPROM and HW--RESET required) is displayed
Save to FEPROM and carry--out a HW--RESET

2. Step: Check the pole position 6

To check the rotor position identification, using a test function, you
can determine the difference between the calculated rotor angle
position and that actually used by the closed--loop control. Proceed
as follows:
-- Start the test function several times and evaluate the difference
Start Set P1736 (test rotor position identification) to 1
Difference P1737 (difference, rotor position identification)

-- Is the spread of the measured values less than 2 degrees electrical?
Yes: OK
No: Increase P1019 (e.g. by 10 %)
and repeat the measurements
If OK after having repeated the measurements, then the
angular commutation offset can be re--determined:
For an incremental measuring system:
as for Point 2. (determining the angular commutation offset)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-641
6 Description of the Functions 08.06
6.16 Rotor position identification/pole position identification

For an absolute measuring system:

Power--down the drive (POWER ON--RESET)
Power--up the drive with the pulse or controller enable
signals switched--out
Set P1017.0 to 1
Switch--in the pulse and enable signals
----> The angular offset is automatically
entered into P1016
----> Fault 799
(Save to FEPROM and HW--RESET required)
is displayed
Save to FEPROM and carry--out a HW--RESET

Supplement Measuring systems with coarser encoder resolution are being increas-
from SW 9.1 ingly used. This is the reason that when carrying--out a rotor position
identification routine, method 3 (P1075 = 3), it is possible to enter a
time constant for the speed actual value filtering using P1523 during
the rotor position identification routine. P1522 is then not effective dur-
ing the pole position identification.

Plausibility To increase the ruggedness of the drive as regards incorrect encoder

monitoring, information, rotor/pole position identification is carried out after every
6 encoder
(from SW 10.1)
ramp--up function and each time a parking axis is deselected. The re-
sult is compared with the rotor position calculated using the absolute
encoder information. If the deviation is more than 45 degrees, an error
is recorded.

Area of the plausibility monitoring

Actual position
--45 45

An offset by one of more pole pitches cannot
be detected!

Fig. 6-98 Limits of plausibility monitoring (rotary axis example)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-642 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 6 Description of the Functions
6.16 Rotor position identification/pole position identification

Activation with P1011:

S Bit 10 = 0 ----> No rotor/pole position check (standard)
S Bit 10 = 1 ----> Automatic rotor/pole permissible check permitted



Read absolute info from

encoder (EnDat or C/D)

Calculate rotor position

Bit 10 = 1
P1011 Rotor/pole position identification

Bit 10 = 0

Deviation < 45 degrees

Fault 510
”Positive feedback detected”

Remedy, refer to fault

Possible to start closed--loop


Fig. 6-99 Plausibility monitoring for absolute encoder

P1019 must be adapted at the motor.
For P1075 = 3 (motion--based) -- the motor can move.
For P1075 = 1 (saturation--based) -- noise can be emitted.
The secondary conditions/constraints for both of these techniques
must be carefully observed!

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-643
6 Description of the Functions 09.08
6.17 Electrical braking when the encoder fails (from SW 9.1)

6.17 Electrical braking when the encoder fails (from SW 9.1)

Description For a feed drive with synchronous motor (SRM, SLM), if the encoder
fails without the encoder information, then the drive is braked up to the
changeover speed/velocity parameterized in P1466.

Electrical braking when the encoder fails has not been designed for
operation with coupled axes!

Activating The function ”electrical braking when the encoder fails” is activated with
P1049 = 1. The standard setting (default setting) is P1049 = 0.

Braking sequence If P1049 = 1, then braking is carried--out in the following steps:

S Initially, the pulse inhibit is suppressed.
S The speed controller enable to initiate braking is simultaneously
6 withdrawn.
S The drive brakes down to the changeover speed/velocity parameter-
ized in P1466. The pulses are only inhibited then and the motor
costs down.
S If the motor speed/velocity at the instant that the encoder fails lies
below the changeover speed/velocity defined in P1466, then the
pulse inhibit is directly initiated and the motor coasts down.

S The timer for pulse cancellation in P1404 should be greater than the
duration of the braking operation.
S The changeover speed/velocity P1403 should be less than the value
of the changeover speed/velocity in P1466.
S The maximum torque for a regenerative stop is always reduced with
S The function to monitor whether the speed controller is at its end-
stop is always disabled (P1096.1 = 1).
S The following criteria always apply for the use, otherwise fault 722 is
-- Rotating motors (SRM) P1466 > 40000/P1114
-- Linear motors (SLM): P1466 > 1386/P1114
When commissioning a motor, P1466 is automatically set to this

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-644 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 6 Description of the Functions
6.17 Electrical braking when the encoder fails (from SW 9.1)

This braking can withdraw a large proportion of the kinetic energy from
the system. This means that at the end the motor coasts down with a
low amount of energy and depending on the particular application and
the motors selected, the machinery construction OEM should provide
additional protective measure

Parameter The following parameters are used for ”electrical braking when the encoder
overview fails”:
(refer to Chapter S P1049 Activate EMF brake (SRM SLM)
S P1097 Red. max. torque for regen. stop
S P1403 Shutdown speed, pulse cancellation (SRM)
Shutdown speed, pulse cancellation (SLM)
S P1404 Timer, pulse cancellation
S P1466 Changeover speed, closed--loop control/pulse cancellation (SRM)
Changeover velocity, closed--loop control/pulse cancellation (SLM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-645
6 Description of the Functions 08.06
6.18 Active oscillation damping (APC, from SW 10.1)

6.18 Active oscillation damping (APC, from SW 10.1)

Description Mechanical oscillation/vibration in the tool and at the machine can be

dampened using control--related measures in the form of this function.
The required damping is achieved by means of feedback or input of
suitable signals from the direct measuring system of an axis to the
speed setpoint.

Speed control loop

Speed Current
Speed setpoint controller setpoint filter Motor Mechanical system
n set, load n set, mot Φload, act

n mot, act P1562 Ü

Speed actual value DM

F(jω) Dynamic re-
working and adaptation
n set n load, act

6 0 1 P1560

P1560 back 1 a load, act
Filter 2 Filter 1 Tv1
APC controller output

1 Bit13
Bit10 1
Filter 3 P1576... P1571... P1564
P1580 P1575
Filter 5 Filter 4 Tv2
1 Bit14
Bit7 1
0 P1560

P1590... P1586... P1567 Selection

P1594 P1589 feed-
back 2

Fig. 6-100 Principle APC structure

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6-646 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.06 6 Description of the Functions
6.18 Active oscillation damping (APC, from SW 10.1)

Activating Activating with P1560 bit 5.

S Bit 5 = 0 ----> APC is de--activated
S Bit 5 = 1 ----> APC is activated
S Bit 6 Reserved
S Bit 7 Selecting the input for 2nd cascade APC
S Bit 8 Filter input APC of the function generator
S Bit 9 Do not connect filter output of APC
S Bit 10 Input 1st cascade APC
S Bit 11 Speed control with direct measuring system
(pulse de--coupling)
S Bit 12 Reserved
S Bit 13 APC, disable 1st cascade
S Bit 14 APC, disable 2nd cascade
S Bit 15 Reserved
S The direct measuring system must be activated (P0250 = 1) during
nset mode and the position actual value transferred to the higher--
level control.
S P1562 must be pre--assigned.

S An axis must have two measuring systems -- i.e. a motor measuring
system and a direct measuring system. This means that APC can
only be used for 1 axis.
S APC only functions with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”.
S The mechanical components to be dampened must be suitable.

Exercise caution for axes holding workpieces and axes where the
mass changes!

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-647
6 Description of the Functions 08.06
6.18 Active oscillation damping (APC, from SW 10.1)

Commissioning The following sequence is practical when commissioning:

the function
1. Define the APC mode (P1560).
2. Parameterize the ratio between the motor measuring system and
direct measuring system.
The ratio is entered as a factor, by which the direct measuring
system pulse frequency must be multiplied in order to obtain the
motor measuring system pulse frequency -- assuming uniform, con-
sistent motion. This includes the measuring system resolution differ-
ences and any gearbox or measuring gearbox, which are possibly
being used. If the direction of rotation is different, then this is taken
into account with a negative sign. The sign is included in the ratio.
Example 1:
Rotating motor, 2,048 pulses/rev, with a ball screw pitch of 10 mm/
rev, direct measuring system 20 m.
Converted to the motor side: (10 mm/rev)/(20 m)= 500 pulses per
motor revolution on the load side; factor: 2048/500 = 4,096
Example 2:
Rotating motor, 2048 pulses/rev, gearbox to the load with a ratio or 25:1,
rotating load with load measuring system 8192 pulses/rev. 8192/25 pulses
per motor revolution on the load side; factor: 2048/8192 ⋅ 25 = 6.25

6 Example 3:
Rotating motor, 2048 pulses/rev, load directly coupled to the direct
measuring system 1024 pulses/rev
Converted to the motor side: 1024 pulses per motor revolution on
the load side; factor: 2048/1024 = 2.0
3. Define the acceleration filter type (P1570:8).
4. Parameterize the sub--sampling of the acceleration filter (P1569).
The sub--sampling factor is entered here for filters 1, 2, 4, and 5.
1 means no sub--sampling (standard).
Sub--sampling should be used for filters with a low blocking fre-
quency. It is generally recommended that
Blocking frequency ⋅ Sampling time ⋅ Sub--sampling factor should
be ≧ 1/160.
This can easily be ensured using the sub--sampling factor. It is ef-
fective for filters 1, 2, 4, and 5. The 3rd filter is always processed in
the speed controller cycle and can serve to interpolate the filters,
which have been sub--sampled. All filters can only be deactivated by
being suitably parameterized (e.g., using default values); there is no
on/off switch.
5. Parameterize the filter characteristics (P1571:8...P1594:8)

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6-648 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.06 6 Description of the Functions
6.18 Active oscillation damping (APC, from SW 10.1)

Filters 1 and 2 or 4 and 5 can be disabled by selecting PT1 and setting
the time constant to zero.
Filter 3 cannot be configured as PT1 and therefore cannot be disabled.
The ”SimoCom U” start--up tool is used to display the filter frequency

Parameter The following parameters are used for APC:

overview S P1560 APC mode (ARM SRM)
(refer to Chapter APC mode (SLM)
S P1562 Ratio, motor to DM (ARM SRM)
Ratio, motor to DM (SLM)
S P1564:8 Derivative action time, load speed controller (ARM SRM)
Derivative action time, load velocity controller (SLM)
S P1567:8 Derivative action time, load speed controller 2 (ARM SRM)
Derivative action time, load velocity controller 2 (SLM)
S P1569 Sub--sampling, accel. filter (ARM SRM)
Sub--sampling accel. filter (SLM)
S P1570:8 Type, acceleration filter (ARM SRM)
Type, acceleration filter (SLM)
S P1571:8 Time constant, accel. filter 1 (ARM SRM)
Time constant, accel. filter 1 (SLM)
S P1572:8 Denom., natural freq. Accel. filter 1 (ARM SRM)
Denom. natural freq. Accel. filter 1 (SLM)
S P1573:8 Denom. damping accel. filter 1 (ARM SRM)
Denom. damping accel. filter 1 (SLM)
S P1574:8 Numerator natural freq. Accel. filter 1 (ARM SRM)
Numerator natural freq. Accel. filter 1 (SLM)
S P1575:8 Numerator damp. accel. filter 1 (ARM SRM)
Numerator damp. accel. filter 1 (SLM)
S P1576:8 Time constant, accel. filter 2 (ARM SRM)
Time constant, accel. filter 2 (SLM)
S P1577:8 Denom., natural freq. Accel. filter 2 (ARM SRM)
Denom. natural freq. Accel. filter 2 (SLM)
S P1578:8 Denom. damping accel. filter 2 (ARM SRM)
Denom. damping accel. filter 2 (SLM)
S P1579:8 Numerator natural freq. Accel. filter 2 (ARM SRM)
Numerator natural freq. Accel. filter 2 (SLM)
S P1580:8 Numerator damp. accel. filter 2 (ARM SRM)
Numerator damp. accel. filter 2 (SLM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-649
6 Description of the Functions 08.06
6.18 Active oscillation damping (APC, from SW 10.1)

S P1581:8 Denom., natural freq. Accel. filter 3 (ARM SRM)

Denom. natural freq. Accel. filter 3 (SLM)
S P1582:8 Denom. damping accel. filter 3 (ARM SRM)
Denom. damping accel. filter 3 (SLM)
S P1583:8 Numerator natural freq. Accel. filter 3 (ARM SRM)
Numerator natural freq. Accel. filter 3 (SLM)
S P1584:8 Numerator damp. accel. filter 3 (ARM SRM)
Numerator damp. accel. filter 3 (SLM)
S P1585:8 Time constant, accel. filter 4 (ARM SRM)
Time constant, accel. filter 4 (SLM)
S P1586:8 Denom., natural freq. Accel. filter 4 (ARM SRM)
Denom. natural freq. Accel. filter 4 (SLM)
S P1587:8 Denom. damping accel. filter 4 (ARM SRM)
Denom. damping accel. filter 4 (SLM)
S P1588:8 Numerator natural freq. Accel. filter 4 (ARM SRM)
Numerator natural freq. Accel. filter 4 (SLM)
S P1589:8 Numerator damp. accel. filter 4 (ARM SRM)
Numerator damp. accel. filter 4 (SLM)
S P1590:8 Time constant, accel. filter 5 (ARM SRM)
Time constant, accel. filter 5 (SLM)
S P1591:8 Denom., natural freq. Accel. filter 5 (ARM SRM)
Denom. natural freq. Accel. filter 5 (SLM)
6 S P1592:8 Denom. damping accel. filter 5 (ARM SRM)
Denom. damping accel. filter 5 (SLM)
S P1593:8 Numerator natural freq. Accel. filter 5 (ARM SRM)
Numerator natural freq. Accel. filter 5 (SLM)
S P1594:8 Numerator damp. accel. filter 5 (ARM SRM)
Numerator damp. accel. filter 5 (SLM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-650 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 6 Description of the Functions
6.19 Activate function generator immediately (from SW 11.2)

6.19 Activate function generator immediately (from SW 11.2)

Description The function generator can be activated immediately in the ”Speed/

torque setpoint” mode by using the ”Activate function generator imme-
diately” input signal.

Input/output ”Activate function generator immediately” activation:

S Using input terminal with function number 2
S Using PROFIBUS control word STW1.9
”Function generator active” message/display:
S Using an output terminal with function number 24
S Using PROFIBUS status word ZSW1.13

Boundary The ”Activate function generator immediately” input signal cannot be

conditions activated simultaneously for Drive A and B. If the function generator us
activated for Drive A and B or is parameterized incorrectly, Warning
824 ”Faulty function generator” is triggered with additional information.

The ”Oscillate” function of the ”SIMODRIVE 611 analog” can be
simulated by using the ”Activate function generator immediately” input
signal. The parameters of the ”Function generator” function are to be
parameterized in a suitable manner (see Chapter 7.4.1).
The ”PRBS white noise” function generator waveform is not suitable
for the oscillating function. This waveform does not have any
interlocking for ”oscillating”!
Starting via PROFIBUS-DP is only possible if bit 6 is set to 1 in P0878.
If the oscillation function is canceled (controller enable is withdrawn)
then the drive brakes along the braking ramp P1813. At zero speed,
oscillation is ended and the drive is switched into the ”Positioning”
operating mode.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-651
6 Description of the Functions 11.09
6.20 Monitoring of the direction of the axis motion (from SW 11.1)

6.20 Monitoring of the direction of the axis motion (from SW 11.1)

Description The ruggedness of the drive system with regard to encoder and pole
position faults can be increased with this function.
It offers a solution for the following faults:
S Faulty absolute information from the encoder and thus false pole
position information
S Demagnetized synchronous machine with faulty pole position identi-
A check is carried out whether the acceleration/velocity of a machine
always corresponds to the direction of the torque/force, referenced to
all the torques/forces existing in the system, In the process, oscillatory
sytems, external torques/forces and the energy storage in the system
are taken into account.
If the speed controller is longer at its limit than the period parameter-
ized in P1645 and the direction of acceleration/speed and torque/force
differs, Fault 510 is reported.

Activating Activating with parameter:

S P1645 Missing orientation timer
6 Parameterization of the duration for which speed controllers may
have different directions during the acceleration/velocity and torque/
force at the same limit.
S P1646 Threshold deactivating of the direction monitoring
Parameterization from which speed/velocity the direction monitoring
is to be deactivate.

Boundary The direction monitoring is activated by default. It can be deactivated

conditions by setting P1646 = 0. This may be necessary at the following applica-
S External torque
S Oscillating system
S Vertical axes
S Axes coupled at HLA
S Master slave with bias
S Traversing to fixed stop
S Extremely fast axis (reversing in 10 ms)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-652 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 6 Description of the Functions
6.21 Power section derating (from SW 13.1)

6.21 Power section derating (from SW 13.1)

Description In order to protect the power section, currents Imax, Irated and Is6 must
be reduced depending on the frequency, the ambient temperature and
the installation altitude when compared to the standard power section
values listed in the catalog (derating).
For “SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, the derating characteristic is deter-
mined as follows:

In Ambient temperatures up to 40 C


f1 [kHz]
f0 8

Fig. 6-101 Derating characteristic

If the pulse frequency f1 (P1100) is higher than frequency f0 (for SRM,

SLM or PE spindle “FD operation in field weakening”
(P1015 = 1 and P1172 = 1): 4 kHz, for ARM or PE spindle 6
(P1015 = 1 and P1172 = 0): 3.2 kHz), the maximum permissible current
of the power section (P1108 or P1175) is linearly reduced according to
the characteristic above.
The gradient of the characteristic is defined by derating factor X1 asso-
ciated with a pulse frequency of 8 kHz.
When commissioning a system for the first time, the derating factor X1
is pre--assigned when selecting a power section.
The currently effective derating factor is calculated when the system
powers--up depending on the following:
S Pulse frequency (P1100)
S Ambient temperature (P1094), from SW 13.1
S Installation altitude (P1095), from SW 13.1
The derating factor can be seen in display data P1099.
The derating characteristics “pulse frequency--dependent”, “tempera-
ture--dependent” and “installation altitude--dependent” are the basis for
this automatic calculation.

Reader’s note
Derating characteristics, refer to
References: /PJU/ Configuration Manual SIMODRIVE Converters
Chapter 4.4 Current reduction/derating

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-653
6 Description of the Functions 05.10
6.21 Power section derating (from SW 13.1)

With this functionality, the following current reduction (derating) is

obtained for the power section:
S For SRM, SLM or PE spindle “FD operation in field weakening”
(P1015 = 1 and P1172 = 1)
-- Imax = P1108 (from power section list) ¯ P1175 (from power
section list) ¯ P1099
-- IS6 = P1109 (from power section list) ¯ P1176 (from power
section list) ¯ P1099
-- Irated = P1111 (from power section list) ¯ P1177 (from power
section list) ¯ P1099
S For ARM or PE spindle (P1015 = 1 and P1172 = 0)
-- Imax = P1108 (from power section list) ¯ P1099
-- IS6 = P1109 (from power section list) ¯ P1099
-- Irated = P1111 (from power section list) ¯ P1099

Parameter The following parameters are used for “Power section derating“:
overview S P1106 Power section code number
(refer to
S P1107 Transistor limit current
Chapter A.1)
P1108 Limiting power section current (rms)
S P1109 Limiting power section S6 (rms)
S P1111 Rated power section current (rms)
S P1175 Synch. reduction factor for P1108
S P1176 Synch. reduction factor for P1109
S P1177 Synch. reduction factor for P1111
S P1178 Synch. current reduction factor
S P1179 Asynch. current reduction factor
S P1094 Derating, ambient temperature
S P1095 Derating, installation altitude
S P1099 Limiting factor, power section currents
S P1260 i2t limiting, limit current power module S6
S P1261 i2t limiting, rated power module current

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-654 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 6 Description of the Functions
6.22 Dynamic energy management (from SW 13.1)

6.22 Dynamic energy management (from SW 13.1)

Description Dynamic energy management allows the infeed/regenerative feedback

unit to be dimensioned in--line with the specific requirements and
adapted to the overall system concept.
Regenerative drive braking causes the DC link voltage to increase.
While braking (which also means regenerative feedback into the line
supply), for certain drives, the braking torque should be briefly reduced
in order that the maximum permissible DC link voltage is not exceeded.

Activation Activated with P1155:

S Bit 0: Dynamic energy management function
-- Bit 0 = 0 ----> not active
-- Bit 0 = 1 ----> active
S Bit 1: Dynamic energy management function only effective for re-
generative braking
-- Bit 1 = 0 ----> not active
-- Bit 1 = 1 ----> active
With an axis--specific configuring, using P1152 a “Minimum DC link 6
voltage dynamic energy management” can be set, and using P1153 a
“Maximum DC link voltage dynamic energy management” can be set.

Boundary If the DC link voltage increases during operation (P1155 bit 1 = 0) or

conditions during regenerative braking (P1155 bit 1 = 1) via the “Maximum DC link
voltage dynamic energy management” P1153, Alarm 617 “DC link over-
voltage” is output and the torque is reduced to 0%, which opposes a
voltage increase.
This torque reduction is only withdrawn if the DC link voltage subse-
quently falls below the “Minimum DC link voltage dynamic energy man-
agement” P1152.
In this case, the DC link voltage can again increase as a step function if
the motor is still rotating. This can be reduced using the setting P1096/
P1097 “Red. max. torque for regen. stop”.
For regenerative braking, the maximum torque is reduced to the per-
centage value specified in P1097 -- assuming that P1096 bit 0 is active.
This means that briefly occurring voltage spikes in the DC link voltage
can be avoided.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-655
6 Description of the Functions 05.10
6.22 Dynamic energy management (from SW 13.1)

Precondition The times must lie within the configured times of P1403 “Shutdown
speed pulse cancellation” and P1404 “Timer pulse cancellation” so that
only a controller inhibit is initiated and not a pulse inhibit.
To achieve this, the controller inhibit must be configured as a shutdown
response when Alarm 617 is output with P1613 “Shutdown response,
fault 2”, bit 17 “DC link voltage“.

When the upper limit for the DC link voltage dynamic energy manage-
ment is exceeded (P1701 > P1153), then Alarm 617 “DC link overvol-
tage” is output.
The configuration must ensure that the sum of all of the motion axes,
which regenerate into the line supply, cannot destroy the infeed/regen-
erative feedback unit. Alarm 617 can be influenced using P1613 bit 17.

Speeding up the DC link sensing
The DC link voltage is measured using a multiplexer which is also used
to sense the motor temperature for motor 1 and motor 2 and an inter-
6 nal reference measurement.
These “switchover deadtimes” are also included in the response of the
DC link voltage sensing.
In order that the DC link voltage monitoring responds faster, after ex-
ceeding a speed threshold that can be entered into P1154 “only V DC
link monitoring from motor speed”, the multiplexer can be prevented
from switching over so that only the DC link voltage is monitored.
A 3% ”Hysteresis” around the speed threshold prevents continuous
toggling between the monitoring functions.
If the response threshold (0.97 ⋅ P1154) is fallen below again, then the
standard function is re-established.
The motor temperature monitoring and the reference measurement are
inhibited for the time that it takes to measure the DC link voltage. This
measure means that if the “Maximum DC link voltage dynamic energy
management” P1153 is exceeded then this is detected with the short-
est possible delay time.

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6-656 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 6 Description of the Functions
6.22 Dynamic energy management (from SW 13.1)

At the same time, the machine concept must guarantee that the speed
limit is also exceeded from time to time; otherwise, the following
alarms or messages cannot be output -- or cannot be responded to:
S Alarm 613 “Shutdown limit, motor overtemperature exceeded”
S Alarm 614 “Delayed shutdown for motor overtemperature”
S Warning 814 “Motor temperature pre--alarm“
Here, it makes sense to protect the motor against overload using the
thermal motor protection function (P1265 – P1269).
Comment: The multiplexer shutdown is effective for both axes of a

Parameter The following parameters are used for “Dynamic energy management”:
overview S P1152 Minimum DC link voltage dynamic energy management
(refer to
S P1153 Maximum DC link voltage dynamic energy management
Chapter A.1)
S P1164 Only V DC link monitoring from motor speed
S P1155 Dyn. energy management active
S P1403 Shutdown speed pulse cancellation
S P1404 Timer pulse cancellation 6
S P1613 Shutdown response faults 2 (bit 17)
S P1096 Red. max. torque for regen. stop active
S P1097 Red. max. torque for regen. stop

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-657
6 Description of the Functions 05.10
6.23 Motor diagnostics, ground fault test (from SW 13.1)

6.23 Motor diagnostics, ground fault test (from SW 13.1)

Description This function can be used to detect a ground fault, i.e. a conductive
connection between one of the motor phases and ground. This motor
test takes place when the closed--loop control powers--up; however, it
can also be specifically initiated in operation.

The machine cannot be used for production during the motor diagnos-
tics ground fault test.

Activation Activated with P1166 (activate ground fault test):

S Bit 0: Automatic ground fault test after power on
-- Bit 0 = 0 ----> automatic motor ground fault test after power--up
-- Bit 0 = 1 ----> automatic motor ground fault test after power--up
S Bit 1: start ground fault test using P1166
6 -- Bit 1 = 1 ----> Start: Start: activate motor ground fault test in
operation using the signal edge 0-->1
The bit is automatically reset after the ground fault test has been

The ground fault test does not represent a protection function in the
sense of the VDE guidelines.

S If, during the ground fault test, the current exceeds the value config-
ured in P1167 “Response threshold of the ground fault test”, then
Alarm 511 “Ground fault detected” is output.
The cause of the alarm is saved in P1169 = -6.
S Current flows through the motor when the ground fault test is per-
formed; this is the reason that the function can only be started after
the controller and pulses have been enabled.
S If, during the ground fault test, the pulse enable is withdrawn, then
the ground fault test waits for the next pulse enable -- and then
repeats the complete procedure.

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6-658 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 6 Description of the Functions
6.23 Motor diagnostics, ground fault test (from SW 13.1)

The execution and/or error response are/is shown in Fig. 6-102:

Start the ground fault test with P1166 bit 0 or bit 1

Reset diagnostics parameters P1169

0: function was not selected or was not exited

Diagnostics parameter P1169:

No --1: Measurement was not able to be
Pulses enabled, but no motor/spindle started, no controller/pulse enable
--2: Measurement was not able to be
started, motor/spindle turning
--8: Axis is parked

Execute ground fault test

Ground fault detected?

Yes Power on Alarm 511 6
Ground fault detected

Diagnostics parameter P1169: Diagnostics parameter P1169:
1: Measurement completed, --3: Short--circuit detected, current response
no ground fault occurred threshold was exceeded
--4: Motor moved during the measurement
more than is permitted in P1168
--5: Current was not able to be reduced in
time during the measurement
(measurement not possible)
--6: Measurement not possible/practical
 configuration in P1167 illegal
--7: Short--circuit detected, current limit
reached or calculated current rise too high


Fig. 6-102 Evaluation using diagnostics parameter P1169

S The ground fault test is not possible for a motor that is presently
rotating. As a consequence, the motor must be stationary before the
start of the test (speed actual value ≤ P1403 ”shutdown speed
pulse cancellation”).
S If the brake control is activated (P0850 “Activate brake control”),
then the speed actual value must be ≤ P0852 “Speed/motor veloc-
ity close holding brake”.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 6-659
6 Description of the Functions 05.10
6.23 Motor diagnostics, ground fault test (from SW 13.1)

S When booting after power on, the automatic ground fault test
(P1166 bit 0 = 1) can only be performed for motor 1.
If a ground fault test is to be performed for motors 2 to 4 from the
motor data set changeover, then this must be explicitly realized us-
ing P1166 bit 1 = 1.
S A ground fault test for a hanging/suspended axis is possible, under
the prerequisite that the axis is mechanically locked using the hold-
ing brake.

Parameter The following parameters are used for the “Motor diagnostics ground
overview fault test”:
(refer to S P1166 Activate ground fault test
Chapter A.1)
S P1167 Response threshold of the ground fault test
S P1168 Maximum rotation, ground fault test (ARM SRM)
Maximum motion, ground fault test (SLM)
S P1169 Motor diagnostics

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

6-660 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
Fault Handling/Diagnostics 7
7.1 Overview of faults and warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-662
7.2 Displaying and handling faults and warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-667
7.2.1 Display and operator control via the display and operator unit . . . . . . . . . 7-667
7.2.2 FAULT LED on the front panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-670
7.3 List of faults and alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-671
7.3.1 Fault without a number being displayed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-671
7.3.2 Error with fault/warning number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-672
7.4 Commissioning functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-760
7.4.1 Function generator (FG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-761
7.4.2 Trace function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-769
7.4.3 Test sockets, DAC1, DAC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-770
7.4.4 Measurement function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-773
7.5 V/Hz operation (diagnostics function) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-774
7.5.1 V/Hz operation with induction motors (ARM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-774
7.5.2 V/Hz operation with synchronous motors (SRM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-775
7.5.3 Parameters for V/Hz operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-777
7.6 Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-777

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-661
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.1 Overview of faults and warnings

7.1 Overview of faults and warnings

Table 7-1 Overview of faults and warnings

Type Range Description

When faults occur
S The segment display automatically changes over
S The fault No. is output, flashing
e.g. E--A008 ----> Error 8 from drive A
E--b714 ----> Error 714 from drive B
S An appropriate stop response is initiated
Fault S They are displayed in the sequence in which they occurred
S If several faults are present, then the 1st fault and all of the additional
faults can be displayed using the PLUS key (refer to Fig. 7-2)
have the
numbers S Faults with/without supplementary information
< 800 -- without supplementary information
... The cause of the fault is only defined by the fault number.
and 799 -- with supplementary information
are dis- The cause of the fault is defined by the fault number and supple-
played mentary information.
with For the display unit, a change is made between the fault (output
”E--xxx” with E...) and the supplementary information (where only a value
is output) .
S Starting from the fault display, you can changeover into the parame-
terizing mode using the MINUS key

S Faults have a higher priority than the warnings
Fault correction
S Remove the cause of the fault
S Acknowledge the fault (is specified for every fault)
When warnings occur
S The segment display automatically changes over
S The warning number is output flashing
Warning e.g. E A805 ----> Warning 805 from drive A
E b810 ----> Warning 810 from drive B
have the Features
numbers 800 S If several warnings are present, there is no relationship between the
≥ 800 time which they occurred and their display
S Only one warning is displayed
and 927
are dis-
S The warning with the lowest number is displayed
played S Starting from the fault display, you can changeover into the parame-
with ”E terizing mode using the MINUS key
xxx” Removing warnings
S Warnings are self--acknowledging,
i.e. they automatically reset themselves once the condition is no lon-
ger fulfilled

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7-662 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.1 Overview of faults and warnings

Alarm log The parameterizing and commissioning tool ”SimoCom U” enters the
alarms and warnngs that have occurred with data time into an alarm
protocol file that is saved in the ”SIMOCOMU installation path” under
If ”SimoCom U” is connected to a drive that is already operational, then
for the warnings that have occurred up until then, neither date nor time
is specified in the log file. If the size of the alarm log file exceeds 50 kb,
then after closing the parameterizing and commissioning tool
”SimoCom U”, the contents of the log file are transferred into the
AlarmLog.bak file and AlarmLog.txt is set--up again.

Acknowledgement In the list of faults and warnings (refer to Chapter 7.3), for each fault
and warning, an explanation is given under ”Acknowledge”, as to how
they can be acknowledged after the cause has been removed.

Acknowledging Faults, which are to be acknowledged with POWER ON, can be alter-
faults with natively acknowledged as follows:
----> power--off/power--on ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
2. Press the POWER--ON RESET button on the front panel of the con-
trol board
3. POWER--ON RESET with the ”SimoCom U” tool
The processor runs up again, all of the faults are acknowledged, and
the fault buffer is re--initialized.

Acknowledging Faults, which are to be acknowledged with RESET FAULT MEMORY,

faults with
can be alternatively acknowledged as follows: 7
Prerequisites when acknowledging:
S Disable the controller enable via terminal 65.x
S Set the PROFIBUS control signal STW1.0 to ”0”
From SW 6.1 and for P1012.12 = 1, the fault can also be
acknowledged without this prerequisite. However, the drive then
remains in the ”Power--on inhibit” state (refer to Chapter 5.5
”Forming the power--on inhibit”; Fig.5-9).
S Set the appropriate bus signal (e.g. for the CAN bus, from
SW 8.1)

1. Carry--out POWER ON acknowledgment

In addition to the POWER ON faults, all of the faults, which can be
acknowledged with RESET FAULT MEMORY, are also acknowl-
2. Set the input terminal with the ”reset fault memory” function to ”1”
3. Press button P on the display and operator control unit

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-663
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.1 Overview of faults and warnings

4. Using PROFIBUS--DP: Set STW1.7 (reset fault memory) to ”1”

5. Set terminal R on the NE module to ”1”
When this terminal is energized, ”reset fault memory” is effective for
all of the control boards of the complete drive group.
6. For the ”SimoCom U” tool in the dialog box ”Alarm report” by press-
ing the ”Reset fault memory” button
7. From SW 9.1:
The fault buffer is cleared with parameter P0952 = 0 and the faults
are acknowledged if the causes were resolved.
If a fault is acknowledged, before the cause, e.g. overtemperature, DC
link undervoltage etc. was removed, then the fault message is subse-
quently de--activated at that instant in time when the cause is no longer
present. The fault memory does not have to be reset again.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-664 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.1 Overview of faults and warnings

Stop responses In the list of faults and warnings, for each fault and warning, the stop
response and its effects are specified under ”stop response”.
----> Refer to Chapter 7.3

Handling faults in the master and slave drive for coupled axes, refer to
Chapter 6.3.2.

Table 7-2 Stop responses and their effect

Stop Stopping Effect

response via...

Internal S Immediate pulse cancellation.

pulse inhibit S The drive ”coasts down”.
S Speed--controlled operation
-- By immediately entering nset = 0 the drive
is braked along the down ramp.
-- If the speed actual value falls below the
value in P1403 (shutdown speed, pulse
cancellation), or if the time in P1404
(timer stage, pulse cancellation) has ex-
pired, then the pulses are canceled.
S Torque--controlled operation
-- The drive does not actively brake.

control inhibit
-- If the speed actual value falls below the
value in P1403 (shutdown speed, pulse
cancellation), or if the time in P1404
(timer stage, pulse cancellation) has ex-
pired, then the pulses are canceled.
S Torque/force limiting for setpoint 0 (only nset
operation, from SW 8.3)
-- P1096 can be used to activate torque
limit reduction when regeneratively brak-
-- P1097 can be used to parameterize the
factor to reduce the torque limit when re-
generatively braking.
S The axis is braked, closed--loop speed con-
trolled with the maximum deceleration
STOP III nset = 0 (P0104).
S The drive remains in the closed--loop con-
trolled mode.
S The axis is braked closed--loop position con-
trolled with the maximum deceleration
Interpolator (P0104).
(P0104) S The drive remains in the closed--loop con-
trolled mode.
S The axes remain coupled.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-665
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.1 Overview of faults and warnings

Table 7-2 Stop responses and their effect, continued

Stop Stopping Effect

response via...
S The axis is braked closed--loop position con-
Interpolator trolled using the programmed deceleration
(P0104 (P0104 S deceleration override in
STOP V P0084:64/256).
P0084:64/256) S The drive remains in the closed--loop con-
trolled mode.
S Standstill after the end of a block.
STOP VI End of block S The drive remains in the closed--loop con-
trolled mode.
S No effect.
STOP VII none S Acknowledgment is not required.
S That is a warning
STOP VIII STOP I (ARM) Digital outputs are switched to 0 V and cyclic
(from STOP II (SRM, PROFIBUS communications are interrupted.
SW 9.2) SLM) Caution:
Depending on the extent of the processor over-
load that occurs, it cannot always be guaranteed
that all software modules, which initiate re-
sponses, are executed. This means that some
responses may not be initiated.
Faults that can be suppressed
This means that:
These faults can be de--activated.
P1600 S Which faults can be suppressed?
And The faults, specified in P1600 and P1601

7 P1601
can be suppressed.
e.g. faults 508, 509, 608 etc.
S How can they be suppressed?
Refer to
By setting the parameter bit assigned to the
ChapterA.1 fault via P1600 and P1601.
Fault 608 is to be suppressed.
----> set P1601.8 to 1
Can be
para- Faults which can be set
meterized This means that:
For these faults, either STOP I or STOP II can
P1612 be set as stop response.
And S Which faults can be set?
P1613 The faults, specified in P1612 and P1613,
can be set.
e.g. faults 504, 505, 607 etc.
(from SW 3.3)
S How can these be set?
By setting the parameter bit assigned to the
Refer to fault via P1612 and P1613.
ChapterA.1 Example:
STOP II should be initiated as response to
fault 608.
----> set P1613.8 to 0

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7-666 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.2 Displaying and handling faults and warnings

7.2 Displaying and handling faults and warnings

7.2.1 Display and operator control via the display and operator unit

Displaying The segment display is automatically changed over into the alarm
faults and mode when one or several faults or warnings occur. The faults and
warnings warnings are output flashing on the display unit. They can be displayed
as follows:

Table 7-3 Displaying alarms on the display unit

Display example Description

(flashing display)
1. This is what it looks like if a fault has occurred (refer to Fig. 7-1).
S E: it involves a fault
(Code: 1 hyphen)
S 1 hyphen: there is one fault present
S A: the fault is assigned to drive A
S 608: is the fault number
2. This is what it looks like if several faults have occurred
(refer to Fig. 7-2).
S E: it involves several faults
(Code: 3 hyphens)
S 3 hyphens:
-- several faults are present 7
-- this is the first which occurred
S A: the fault is assigned to drive A
S 131: is the fault number
By pressing the PLUS button, several faults can be
displayed for each additional fault.

S E: it involves an additional fault

(code: 2 hyphens)
S 2 hyphens:
-- several faults are present
-- this is an additional fault
S A: the fault is assigned to drive A
S 134: is the fault number
3. This is what it looks like if a warning is present (refer to Fig. 7-3).
S E: it involves a warning
(code: no hyphen)
S A: the warning is assigned to drive A
S 804: is the warning number

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-667
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.2 Displaying and handling faults and warnings

Operator control, When a fault occurs, it can be handled using the MINUS and P keys as
if a fault is present shown in the following diagram.

Code for a fault

(E and 1 hyphen) Alarm mode

Display and Flashing

operator unit display

Automatically -- Acknowledge
after one
minute P term. 65.x
+ P --
Parameterizing mode

Key -- Switch into the parameterizing mode

Key P Acknowledging faults with RESET FAULT MEMORY

Fig. 7-1 Operator control, if a fault is present

Operator control, When faults occur, they can be handled as shown in the following dia-
if several faults gram using the PLUS, MINUS and P keys.
have occurred

7 Code for the first fault which Alarm mode Code for an additional fault
occurred Flashing
(E and 2 hyphens)
(E and 3 hyphens) display

+ +
Display and ...
operator unit

Automatically Acknowledge
after one
minute -- P
+ P -- term. 65.x
Parameterizing mode de--energized

Key + Displays additional faults, sorted according to the sequence

that they occurred
Key -- Switch into the parameterizing mode
Key P Acknowledging faults with RESET FAULT MEMORY

Fig. 7-2 Operator control, if several faults have occurred

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7-668 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.2 Displaying and handling faults and warnings

Operator action, When warnings occur, they can be handled using the MINUS key as
if one shown in the following diagram.
warning is present

Symbol for one warning

(no hyphen) Alarm mode
Display and
operator unit Flashing

Automatically --
after one

+ P --
Parameterizing mode

Key -- Switch into the parameterizing mode

Fig. 7-3 Operator action, if one warning is present

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-669
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.2 Displaying and handling faults and warnings

7.2.2 FAULT LED on the front panel

LED display There is a button with integrated LED on the front panel of the
on the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board.

R: Pushbutton for POWER--ON RESET

F FAULT LED for diagnostics

Fig. 7-4 FAULT LED on the front panel of the control board

What significance If a FAULT--LED is lit on the front panel of the control board, it can be
does the interpreted as follows:

7 Table 7-4 Significance of the FAULT LED

If Then
S there is at least one fault (No.: < 800, the fault number
The is displayed on the display unit)
FAULT LED S the control board is booting (approx. 2 sec).
on the The LED goes dark after successful booting.
front panel of S a first commissioning is requested
control board S the memory module is not inserted on the control mod-
ule or is not ”correctly” inserted
lights up
S the control board is defective

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7-670 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
10.99 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

7.3 List of faults and alarms

7.3.1 Fault without a number being displayed

Fault After power-- on, the operating display is inactive

Cause -- At least 2 phases are missing (NE module)
-- At least 2 input fuses have ruptured (NE module)
-- Defective electronics power supply in the NE module
-- Equipment bus connection (ribbon cable) from
the NE module to the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
control board is either not inserted or defective
-- Defective control board
Fault After the controller enable, the motor is stationary at
nset ≠ 0
Cause -- P1401:8 is set to zero
-- Power--on inhibit is present for PROFIBUS operation
Remove the power--on inhibit with
A ”high -- low -- high” signal change at 65.x or
the control bit STW1.0 (ON/OFF 1)
set bit 12 of parameter 1012 to zero
Fault After the controller has been enabled, the motor briefly
moves 7
Cause -- Defective power module
Fault After the controller has been enabled, the motor
rotates at max. 50 RPM at nset > 50 RPM or the motor
oscillates at nset < 50 RPM
Cause -- Motor phase sequence is incorrect (interchange 2 phase connections)
-- The entered encoder pulse number was too high
Fault After the controller is enabled, the motor accelerates
to a high speed
Cause -- Encoder pulse number too small
-- Open--loop torque controlled mode selection?
Fault ”-- -- -- -- -- --” is output on the display unit
Cause -- There is no drive firmware in this memory module.
-- Remedy, refer to fault 001

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7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

7.3.2 Error with fault/warning number

Version: 13.01.02

Reader’s note
S In some instances, the space retainers (e.g. \%u) are specified for
the texts of the individual faults and warnings. In online operation
with SimoCom U instead of a space retainer, an appropriate value
is displayed.
S The complete list is updated corresponding to the Edition of this
documentation (refer to the Edition in the header lines) and
corresponds to the software release of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
documented here. The individual faults/warnings are not coded
dependent on the software release.

000 Alarm diagnostics not possible

Cause -- Communications to the drive have been interrupted.
-- Different versions of the ”SimoCom U” start-up and
parameterizing tool and the drive.
Remedy -- Check the communications to the drive (cable, interfaces, ... )
-- The V_611U<Version>.acc file on the hard disk of the PG/PC
should be adapted to the drive as follows:
-- Exit ”SimoCom U”
-- Delete the V_611U<Version>.acc file (search and delete the file)
-- Restart ”SimoCom U” and go online
The V_611U<Version>.acc file is now re-generated and is
harmonized to the drive version.
Never delete the file V000000.acc!

7 001 The drive does not have firmware

Cause No drive firmware on the memory module.
Remedy -- Load the drive firmware via SimoCom U
-- Insert the memory module with firmware
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

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7-672 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

002 Computation time overflow. Suppl. info: \%X

Cause The computation time of the drive processor is no longer sufficient for
the selected functions in the specified cycle times.
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy Disable functions which take up a lot of computation time, e.g.:
-- Variable signaling function (P1620)
-- Trace function
-- Start-up with FFT or analyzing the step response
-- Speed feedforward control (P0203)
-- Min/Max memory (P1650.0)
-- DAC output (max. 1 channel)
Increase cycle times:
-- Current controller cycle (P1000)
-- Speed controller cycle (P1001)
-- Position controller cycle (P1009)
-- Interpolation cycle (P1010)
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP VIII
003 NMI due to watchdog. Suppl. info: \%X
Cause The watchdog timer on the control module has expired. The cause is a
hardware fault in the time basis on the control module.
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy -- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP VIII
004 Stack overflow. Suppl. info: \%X
Cause The limits of the internal processor hardware stack or the software
stack in the data memory have been violated. The cause is probably a
hardware fault on the control module.
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy -- Power down / power up drive module
-- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP VIII
005 Illegal Opcode, Trace, SWI, NMI (DSP). Suppl. info: \%X
Cause The processor has detected an illegal command in the program
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy -- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP VIII

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-673
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

006 Checksum test error. Suppl. info: \%X

Cause During the continuous check of the checksum in the program / data
memory, a difference was identified between the reference and actual
checksum. The cause is probably a hardware fault on the control mod-
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy -- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP VIII
007 Error when initializing. Supplementary info: \%X
Cause An error occurred when loading the firmware from the memory module.

Cause: Data transfer error, FEPROM memory cell defective

Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy Carry-out RESET or POWER-ON.
If a download is still unsuccessful after several attempts, the memory
module must be replaced. If this is unsuccessful the control module is
defective and must be replaced.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP VIII
020 NMI due to cycle failure
Cause Basic cycle has failed.
Possible causes: EMC faults, hardware fault, control module

7 Remedy -- Check the plug-in connections

-- Implement noise suppression measures (screening, check ground
-- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP VIII
025 SSI interrupt
Cause An illegal processor interrupt has occurred. An EMC fault or a hardware
fault on the control module could be the reason.
Remedy -- Check the plug-in connections
-- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP VIII

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05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

026 SCI interrupt

Cause An illegal processor interrupt has occurred. An EMC fault or a hardware
fault on the control module could be the reason.
Remedy -- Check the plug-in connections
-- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP VIII
027 HOST interrupt
Cause An illegal processor interrupt has occurred. An EMC fault or a hardware
fault on the control module could be the reason.
Remedy -- Check the plug-in connections
-- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP VIII
028 Actual current sensing during power-up
Cause When the current actual value sensing runs up, or in cyclic operation at
pulse inhibit, a 0 current is expected. The drive system then identifies
that no currents are flowing (excessive deviation to the theoretical cen-
ter frequency). It is possible that the hardware for the current actual
value sensing is defective.
Remedy -- Check the plug-in connections
-- Check whether the control module is correctly inserted
-- Replace control module
-- Replace the power section 7
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
029 Incorrect measuring circuit evaluation. Suppl. info:
Cause The motor measuring system has a motor encoder with voltage output
which requires a measured circuit evaluation with voltage input, or a
resolver with appropriate evaluation. Another measuring circuit evalua-
tion was identified.
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy -- Check the plug-in connections
-- Implement noise suppression measures (screening, check ground
connections, ...)
-- Control module and encoder must be the same type
(sin/cos or resolver)
-- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-675
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

030 S7 communication error. Supplementary info: \%X

Cause A fatal communication error was identified, or the drive software is no
longer consistent. The cause is erroneous communications or a hard-
ware fault on the control module.
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy -- Implement noise suppression measures (screening, check ground
connections, ...)
-- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
031 Internal data error. Suppl. info: \%X
Cause Error in the internal data, e.g. errors in the element / block lists (incor-
rect formats, ...). The drive software is no longer consistant. The cause
is propably a hardware fault on the control module.
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy -- Re-load drive software
-- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
032 Incorrect number of current setpoint filters
Cause An illegal number of current setpoint filters was entered (> 4) (maxi-
mum number = 4).
Remedy Correct number of current setpoint filters (P1200).
7 Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
033 Incorrect number of speed setpoint filters
Cause An inadmissible number of speed setpoint filters (> 2) was entered
(max. number = 2).
Remedy Correct number of speed setpoint filters (P1500)
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
034 Axis count function has failed
Cause The function for determining the number of axes that physically exist on
the power section has calculated an illegal value.
Remedy Check that the control module is correctly inserted in the power section
or whether the power section is defective.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

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7-676 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

035 Error when saving the user data. Supplementary info:

Cause An error occurred when saving the user data in the FEPROM on the
memory module.
Cause: Data transfer error, FEPROM memory cell defective
Note: The user data which was last saved, is still available as long as a
new data backup was unsuccessful.
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy -- Re-initiate data save.
If unsuccessful after several back-up attempts, then the memory must
be formatted via the menu Options-service-FEPROM.
The memory module must be replaced if this is also unsuccessful.
If the user data valid when the fault occurred are to be re-used with the
new and/or formatted memory module, then these must first be read-
out using SimoCom U.
-- Carry-out RESET or POWER ON.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
036 Error when downloading the firmware. Suppl. info: \%X
Cause A error occurred when downloading a new firmware release.
Cause: Data transfer error, FEPROM memory cell defective
Note: As the previously used firmware was erased when downloading,
the drive expects a new firmware download after RESET or POWER
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy Carry-out RESET or POWER-ON.
The memory module must be replaced if unsuccessful after several 7
download attempts. If this is also unsuccessful, then the control module
is defective and must be replaced.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
037 Error when initializing the user data. Supplementary
info: \%X
Cause An error occurred when loading the user data from the memory mod-
Cause: Data transfer error, FEPROM memory cell defective
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy -- Execute RESET or POWER ON
-- Parameter file ”Load and save in the drive” or re-configure drive
If unsuccessful after several back-up attempts, then the memory must
be formatted via the menu Options-Service-FEPROM.
If this is unsuccessful, the memory module must be replaced. If this is
also unsuccessful, then the control module is defective and must be
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-677
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

039 Error during power section identification. Supplemen-

tary info: \%X
Cause Supplementary information
More than 1 power section (unit) type was identified.
No power section type was identified, although it would have been pos-
The identified power module differs from the entered PM (P1106). To
xxxx: the code of the identified PM is entered here.
Different power section codes (P1106) are entered for this 2-axis mod-
Remedy -- Execute RESET or POWER ON
-- Check whether the control module is correctly inserted in the power
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
040 Expected option module is not available.
Cause The parameterization (P0875) expects an option module which is not
available on this control module.
Remedy Compare the type of the expected option module (P0875) with the type
of the inserted option module (P0872) and check/replace the inserted
option module or cancel the option module with P0875 = 0.

7 Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
041 The firmware does not support the option module.
Suppl. info: \%u
Cause Supplementary info = 1:
An option module is inserted (P0872) or parameterized (P0875), which
is not supported by the firmware release of the control module.
Remedy Supplementary info = 1:
-- Upgrade the firmware
-- Use a legal option module
-- Cancel the option module with P0875 = 0
Supplementary info = 2:
-- Use a permissible option module (DP3)
-- Cancel the option module with P0875 = 0
Supplementary info = 3:
-- Replace the option module hardware DP1 by option module DP2 or
DP3, without changing the drive parameters and the master
configuring. The parameter for the expected option module remains
at P0875 = 2.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

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7-678 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

042 Internal software error. Supplementary info \%u

Cause There is an internal software error.
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy -- Execute POWER ON-RESET (press button R)
-- Re-load the software into the memory module (execute software
-- Contact the Hotline
-- Replace control module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
043 Firmware, option module
Cause The option module does not contain the currently required firmware.
Remedy Use a module with suitable firmware or upgrade the firmware
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
044 Connection to the option module failed. Supplemen-
tary info \%X
Cause The BUS coupling has failed.
Remedy -- Execute POWER ON-RESET (press button R)
-- Replace option module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response
Expected option module is axially unequal
Cause The option module type, expected from the parameterization, is differ-
ent for the two axes of a 2-axis module.
Remedy Set the expected option module type in P0875 the same for both axes,
or cancel for axis B by setting P0875 to 0.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
048 Illegal status PROFIBUS hardware
Cause An illegal status of the PROFIBUS controller was recognized.
Remedy -- Execute POWER-ON RESET
-- Check the PROFIBUS unit screw connection
-- Replace drive module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II

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7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

101 Target position block \%n < plus software limit switch
Cause The target position specified in this block lies outside the range limited
by P0316 (plus software limit switch).
Remedy -- Change the target position in the block
-- Set the software limit switches differently
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
102 Target position block \%n < minus software limit
Cause The target position specified in this block lies outside the range limited
by P0315 (minus software limit switch).
Remedy -- Change the target position in the block
-- Set the software limit switches differently
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
103 Block number \%n: Direct output function not possible
Cause For the SET_0 or RESET_0 command, an illegal value was entered
into P0086:256 (command parameter).
Remedy Enter value 1, 2 or 3 into P0086:256 (command parameter).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V

7 104 Block \%n: There is no jump target

Cause A jump is programmed to a non-existent block number in this traversing
Remedy Program the existing block number.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
105 Illegal mode specified in block \%n
Cause Inadmissible information is in P0087:256/P0097 (mode). One position
of P0087:256/P0097 has an illegal value.
For the commands SET_O and RESET_O, the CONTINUE EXTER-
NAL block change enable is not permissible.
For MDI: The configuration of the external block change P0110 is incor-
rect. The external block change is only permissible with P0110 = 2 or 3.
Block change enable only with ”END” or ”CONTINUE EXTERNAL”.
For axis couplings: For COUPLING_IN/COUPLING_OUT via a travers-
ing block (P0410=3, 4 or 8), a block change enable with CONTINUE
FLYING is not possible.
Remedy Check and correct P0087:256/P0097.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI

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7-680 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

106 Block \%n: ABS_POS mode not possible for linear axis
Cause For a linear axes, the positioning mode ABS_POS was programmed
(only for rotary axes).
Remedy Change P0087:256/P0097 (mode).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
107 Block \%n: ABS_NEG mode not possible for a linear
Cause For a linear axes, the positioning mode ABS_NEG was programmed
(only for rotary axes).
Remedy Change P0087:256/P0097 (mode).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
108 Block number \%n available twice
Cause There are several traversing blocks with the same block number in the
program memory. The block numbers must be unique over all travers-
ing blocks.
Remedy Assign unique block numbers.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
109 External block change not requested in block \%n
Cause For a traversing block with the block change enable CONTINUE EX- 7
TERNAL and P0110 (configuration, external block change) = 0, the ex-
ternal block change was not requested.
Remedy Remove the cause that the signal edge is missing at the input terminal
or for a PROFIBUS control signal STW1.13 or for the appropriate field-
bus signal.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V
110 Selected block number \%n does not exist
Cause A block number was selected which is not available in the program
memory or has been suppressed.
Remedy Select the existing block number.
Program the traversing block with the selected block number.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-681
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

111 GOTO in block number \%n not permissible

Cause The step command GOTO may not be programmed for this block num-
Remedy Program another command.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
112 Activate traversing task and start referencing, hand-
wheel simultaneously
Cause A positive signal edge was simultaneously detected for the input sig-
nals ”Activate traversing task” and ”Start referencing” and ”Activate
At power-on or POWER-ON RESET, if both input signals have a ”1”
signal, then for both signals a 0/1 edge (positive edge) is simulta-
neously identified.
Remedy Reset both input signals, and re-start the required function after the
fault has been acknowledged.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
113 Activate traversing task and jog, handwheel simulta-
Cause A positive signal edge was simultaneously detected for the input sig-
nals ”Activate traversing task” and ”Jog 1”, ”Jog 2” and ”Activate hand-
7 At power-on or POWER-ON RESET, if both input signals have a ”1”
signal, then for both signals a 0/1 edge (positive edge) is simulta-
neously identified.
Remedy Reset both input signals, and re-start the required function after the
fault has been acknowledged.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
114 Block change enable END in block number \%n ex-
Cause The traversing block with the highest block number does not have END
as block step enable.
Remedy -- Program this traversing block with block step enable END.
-- Program the GOTO command for this traversing block.
-- Program additional traversing blocks with higher block number and
program the block step enable END (highest block number) in the
last block.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI

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7-682 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

115 Traversing range start reached

Cause The axis has moved to the traversing range limit in a block with the
command ENDLOS_NEG (--200 000 000 MSR).
Remedy -- Acknowledge fault
-- Move away in the positive direction (e.g. jog)
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V
116 Traversing range end reached
Cause The axis has moved to the traversing range limit in a block with the
command ENDLOS_POS (200 000 000 MSR).
Remedy -- Acknowledge fault
-- Move away in the negative direction (e.g. jog)
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V
117 Target position block \%n < start of the traversing
Cause The target position specified in this block lies outside the absolute tra-
versing range (--200 000 000 MSR).
Remedy Change the target position in the block
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
118 Target position block \%n < end of the traversing range 7
Cause The target position specified in this block lies outside the absolute tra-
versing range (200 000 000 MSR).
Remedy Change the target position in the block
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
119 PLUS software limit switch actuated
Cause For a block with the ENDLOS_POS command, the axis has actuated
the plus software limit switch (P0316) for absolute or relative position-
The behavior for software limit switch reached, can be set using
Remedy -- Acknowledge fault
-- Move away in the negative direction, jog mode
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V

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7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

120 MINUS software limit switch actuated

Cause For a block with the ENDLOS_NEG command, the axis has actuated
the minus software limit switch (P0315) for absolute or relative position-
The behavior for software limit switch reached, can be set using
Remedy -- Acknowledge fault
-- Move away in the positive direction, jog mode
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V
121 Jog 1, jog 2 or handwheel simultaneously active
Cause The input signals ”jog 1”, ”jog 2” or ”activate handwheel” were simulta-
neously activated.
Remedy -- Reset both input signals
-- Acknowledge the fault
-- Activate the required input signal
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
122 Parameter \%u: value range limits violated
Cause The value range limit of the parameter was violated when the dimen-
sion system was changed over from inches to millimeters.
Remedy Place the parameter value within the value range.

7 Acknowledgement
Stop response
123 Linear encoder for the selected dimension system ille-
Cause For a linear encoder, the dimension system was set to degrees.
Remedy Change the dimension system setting (P0100).
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
124 Referencing and jog simultaneously started
Cause For the ”start referencing” and ”Jog 1” and ”Jog 2” input signals, a posi-
tive edge was simultaneously identified.
Remedy Reset both input signals, and re-start the required function after the
fault has been acknowledged.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V

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05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

125 Falling edge of the reference cam not identified

Cause When moving away from the reference cams, the traversing range limit
was reached, as the 1/0 edge of the reference cam was not identified.
Remedy Check the ”reference cam” input signal and repeat the reference point
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
126 Block \%n: ABS_POS for rotary axis, is not possible
without modulo conversion
Cause The ABS_POS positioning mode is only permitted for a rotary axis with
activated module conversion (P0241 = 1).
Remedy Use the valid positioning mode for this axis type.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
127 Block \%n: ABS_NEG for rotary axis is not possible
without modulo conversion
Cause The ABS_NEG positioning mode is only permitted for a rotary axis with
activated modulo conversion (P0241 = 1).
Remedy Use the valid positioning mode for this axis type.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
128 Block \%n: Target position lies outside the modulo 7
Cause The programmed target position (P0081:256/P0091) lies outside the
set modulo range (P0242).
Remedy Program valid target position.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
129 Maximum velocity for a rotary axis with modulo con-
version too high
Cause The programmed maximum velocity (P0102) is too high to correctly
calculate the modulo offset. The maximum velocity may only be so
high, that 90% of the modulo range (P0242) can be traveled through
within one interpolation cycle (P1010).
Remedy Reduce maximum velocity (P0102).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-685
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

130 Controller or pulse enable withdrawn in motion

Cause Possible causes are:
-- One of the following enable signals was withdrawn while moving:
Terminals 48, 63, 64, 663, 65.x, PROFIBUS or bus enable signals,
PC enable from SimoCom U
-- Another fault has occurred, which causes the controller or pulse
enable to be withdrawn
-- The drive is in the power-on inhibit state
Remedy -- Set the enable signals or check the cause of the first fault which
occurred and remove
-- Remove the power-on inhibit with the edge (0 ----> 1) at control word
STW1.0 or terminal 65.
-- Withdraw the power-on inhibit from the fieldbus signal.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
131 Following error too high
Cause Possible causes are:
-- The torque or acceleration capability of the drive is exceeded
-- Position measuring system fault
-- The position control sense is not correct (P0231)
-- Mechanical system blocked
-- Excessive traversing velocity or excessive position setpoint
Remedy Check the above causes and remove.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
7 Stop response STOP II
132 Drive located after the minus software limit switch
Cause The axis was moved to the minus software limit switch (P0315), jog
The fault can also occur if the software limit switches are inactive if the
position actual value falls below the limit value of --200 000 000 MSR,
that corresponds to 555 revolutions for a rotary axis.
Remedy Return the drive into the traversing range using jog button 1 or 2. Then
acknowledge the fault.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP III

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05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

133 Drive located after the plus software limit switch

Cause The axis was moved to the plus software limit switch (P0316), jog
The fault can also occur if the software limit switches are inactive if the
position actual value exceeds the limit value of 200 000 000 MSR, that
corresponds to 555 revolutions for a rotary axis.
Remedy Return the drive into the traversing range using jog button 1 or 2. Then
acknowledge the fault.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP III
134 Positioning monitoring has responded
Cause The drive has not yet reached the positioning window (P0321) after the
positioning monitoring time (P0320) has expired.
Possible causes:
-- Positioning monitoring time (P0320) parameters too low
-- Positioning window (P0321) parameters too low
-- Position loop gain (P0200) too low
-- Position loop gain (P0200) too high (instability/tendency to oscillate)
-- Mechanical block
Remedy Check above parameters and correct.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
135 Standstill monitoring has responded
Cause The drive has left the standstill window (P0326) after the standstill mon-
itoring time (P0325) has expired. 7
Possible causes are:
-- Position actual value inversion (P0231) incorrectly set
-- Standstill monitoring time (P0325) parameters too low
-- Standstill window (P0326) parameters too low
-- Position loop gain (P0200) too low
-- Position loop gain (P0200) too high (instability/tendency to oscillate)
-- Mechanical overload
-- Check connecting cable motor/converter (phase missing, exchanged)
Remedy Check above parameters and correct.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II

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7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

136 Conv.factor,feedforward contr.speed,parameter set

\%d,cannot be represented
Cause The conversion factor in the position controller between velocity and
speed cannot be displayed.
This factor depends on the following parameters:
-- Spindle pitch (P0236), for linear axes
-- Gearbox ratio (P0238:8 / P0237:8).
Remedy Check the above mentioned parameters and correct.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
137 Conv.factor,pos.contr.output,parameter set \%d,cannot
be represented
Cause The conversion factor in the position controller between the following
error and the speed setpoint cannot be represented.
This factor depends on the following parameters:
-- Spindle pitch (P0236) (for linear axes)
-- Gearbox ratio P0238:8 / P0237:8
-- Position control loop gain P0200:8
Remedy Check the above mentioned parameters and correct.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
138 Conversion factor between the motor and load too
7 Cause The conversion factor between the motor and load is greater than 2 to
the power of 24 or less than 2 to the power of --24.
Remedy Check the following parameters and correct:
P0236, P0237, P0238, P1005, P1024
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
139 Modulo range and ratio do not match
Cause For EnDat absolute value encoders or for distance-coded measuring
systems the ratio between the encoder and load must be so that the
full range of the encoder is a multiple of the modulo range.
The following condition must be fulfilled (for single turn or for distance-
coded encoder 1 instead of P1021/P1031):
IM: P1021 * P0238:8 / P0237:8 * 360 / P0242 must be an integer num-
DM: P1031 * 360 / P0242 must be an integer number
Remedy -- Check and correctP1021, P0238:8, P0237:8
-- Adapt the modulo range (P0242)
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

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05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

140 Minus hardware limit switch

Cause A 1/0 edge was identified at the ”Minus hardware limit switch” input sig-
Remedy Return the drive into the traversing range using jog button 1 or 2. Then
acknowledge the fault.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP III
141 Plus hardware limit switch
Cause A 1/0 edge was identified at the ”Plus hardware limit switch” input sig-
Remedy Return the drive into the traversing range using jog button 1 or 2. Then
acknowledge the fault.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP III
142 Input I0.x not parameterized as equivalent zero mark
Cause When entering an external signal as equivalent zero mark (P0174 = 2),
input I0.x must be assigned ”equivalent zero mark” function (Fct.
if a direct measuring system is used, input I0.B must be assigned the
”equivalent zero mark” function (Fct. No.: 79).
Remedy -- Motor measuring system: P0660 = 79
-- Direct measuring system: P0672 = 79
Stop response
143 Endless traversing and external block change in block
Cause The block change enable CONTINUE_EXTERNAL for the
ENDLESS_POS or ENDLESS_NEG command is only permitted with
P0110 = 0 or 1.
Remedy Block change enable or change P0110.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
144 Switching-in/switching-out MDI erroneous
Cause In the active traversing program, MDI was switched-in or, in the active
MDI block, MDI was switched-out.
Remedy Acknowledge fault
Change P0110
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II

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7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

145 Fixed endstop not reached

Cause In a traversing block with the FIXED ENDSTOP command, the fixed
endstop was not reached. The fixed endstop lies outside the position
programmed in this block.
After interrupting the function, traverse to fixed stop, the drive was
pushed out of its position (drop position).
Remedy Check programming
Increase kP0326 if the drive was forced out of the position.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V
146 Fixed endstop, axis outside the monitoring window
Cause In the ”Fixed endstop reached” status, the axis has moved outside the
defined monitoring window.
Remedy -- Check P0116:8 (fixed endstop, monitoring window)
-- Check mechanical system
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
147 Enable signals withdrawn at the fixed endstop
Cause Possible causes are:
-- One of the following enable signals was withdrawn while traversing to
the fixed endstop: Terminals 48, 63, 64, 663, 65.x, PROFIBUS and bus
enable signals, PC enable from SimoCom U
-- Another fault has occurred, which causes the controller or pulse

7 Remedy
enable to be withdrawn
Set the enable signals and check the cause of the first fault and re-
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
148 Velocity in block \%n outside the range
Cause The velocity specified in this block lies outside the range (6 to 2 000
000 000 c*MSR/min).
Remedy Change the velocity in the block
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI

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05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

149 Incorrect data for modulo axis with absolute encoder.

Supplementary info \%u
Cause Data error for modulo drive with absolute encoder and any gear factor.
-- Data was not able to be saved after power-on.
-- Absolute position was not able to be read-out of the encoder.
-- P1021 * P0238:8 / P0237:8 * 360 / P0242 must be greater than or
equal to 1.
-- Modulo range must be n * 360 Degrees with n = 1, 2, ....
-- Drive booting was interrupted.
-- When parameter set > 0 is selected the ratios P0238:8 / P0237:8 are
not equal.
Supplementary information: only for siemens-internal error diagnostics
Remedy -- Adjust the drive by setting the absolute value.
-- Check the switching threshold in P1162 (minimum DC link voltage).
-- Check the hysteresis of the DC link voltage monitoring in P1164.
-- Check parameters P0237:8, P0238:8, P0242.
-- Check that the DC link voltage is deactivated (P1161 = 0).
-- Wait until ”run” appears in the seven-segment display before booting.
-- Check that the activation threshold is less than the DC link voltage
(P1162 + P1164 < P1701).
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP V
150 External position reference value < max. traversing
range suppl. info \%u
Cause The external position reference value has exceeded the upper travers-
ing range limit.
Supplementary info = 0:
Limit exceeded after the coupling factors P0401/P0402 identified, i.e.
P0032 > 200 000 000 MSR.
Supplementary info = 1:
Limit exceeded after the coupling factors P0401/P0402 identified, i.e.
P0032 * P0402 / P0401 > 200 000 000 MSR.
Remedy Return the external position reference value to the value range. Then
acknowledge the fault.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-691
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

151 External position reference value < min. traversing

range suppl. info \%u
Cause The external position reference value has fallen below the lower tra-
versing range limit.
Supplementary info = 0:
Limit fallen below after the coupling factors P0401/P0402 identified, i.e.
P0032 < -- 200 000 000 MSR.
Supplementary info = 1:
Limit fallen below after the coupling factors P0401/P0402 identified, i.e.
P0032 * P0402 / P0401 < -- 200 000 000 MSR.
Remedy Return the external position reference value to the value range. Then
acknowledge the fault.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
152 Pos.ref.val. and act.val. output via the bus interf. lim-
ited. Suppl. info \%X
Cause The output of the position reference value, position actual value or
position correction value is parameterized via PROFIBUS or the bus
interface. However, the value to be output can no longer be repre-
sented in 32 bits and was therefore limited to the maximum values
0x7fffffff or 0x80000000.
The traversing range which can be displayed is given by
Lower limit: -- 2147483648 * P896 / P884
Upper limit: + 2147483647 * P896 / P884
The supplementary information explains which process data has vio-
lated the lower or upper limit:
7 Supplementary info process data Violation
xx1 Position reference value Xset (No. 50208) Upper limit exceeded
xx2 Position reference value Xset (No. 50208) Lower limit fallen below
x1x Position actual value Xact (No. 50206) Upper limit exceeded
x2x Position actual value Xact (No. 50206) Lower limit fallen below
1xx Position correction value dxKorr (No. 50210) upper limit exceeded
2xx Position correction value dxKorr (No. 50210) lower limit fallen be-
Remedy -- Move drive back e.g. by jogging in the representable traversing
-- Adapt the lower and upper limit to the required traversing range using
P884 and P896.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP III

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7-692 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

160 Reference cam not reached

Cause After starting the reference point approach, the axis moves through the
distance in P0170 (max. distance to the reference cam) without finding
the reference cam.
Remedy -- Check the ”reference cam” signal
-- Check P0170
-- If it is an axis without reference cam, then set P0173 to 1
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V
161 Reference cams too short
Cause When the axis moves to the reference cam, and does not come to a
standstill at the cam, then this error is signaled, i.e. the reference cam
is too short.
Remedy -- Set P0163 (reference point approach velocity) to a lower value
-- Increase P0104 (maximum deceleration)
-- Use larger reference cam
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V
162 No zero reference pulse present
Cause -- After the reference cam has been left, the axis has moved through
the distance in P0171 (max. distance between the reference cam/zero
pulse), without finding a zero pulse.
-- For distance-coded measuring system (from SW 8.3 onwards):
The maximum permissible distance (clearance) between two reference
marks was exceeded. 7
Remedy -- Check the encoder with reference to the zero mark
-- Set P0171 to a higher value
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V
163 Encoderless operation and operating mode do not
Cause Encoderless operation was parameterized (P1006) and the ”Position-
ing” mode selected.
Remedy Set operating mode ”speed/torque setpoint” (P0700 = 1)
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP V
164 Coupling released during the traversing job.
Cause The coupling was disconnected while a traversing task was running
Remedy First exist the traversing task and then disconnect the coupling.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP III

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7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

165 Absolute positioning block not possible

Cause Traversing blocks with absolute position data are not permitted while
the axis coupling is activated.
Remedy Correct traversing block
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
166 Coupling not possible
Cause -- No coupling can be established in the actual operating status.
-- For P0891=2 or 3, it is not possible to couple using the input signal
”Activate coupling through I0.x” (fast input).
Remedy -- Check the coupling configuration (P0410)
-- Set angular encoder interface (P0890, P0891)
-- Check the source of the external position reference value and input
signal source.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI
167 Activate coupling signal present
Cause -- The input signal ”Activate coupling” is present. An edge of the input
signal is necessary to activate the coupling.
-- In the jog mode, while traversing, the input signal ”coupling on” was
-- The ”coupling in” input signal was entered in handwheel operation.
Remedy Reset ”Activate coupling” input signal
7 Acknowledge fault
Set the input signal again to switch-in the coupling
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
168 Overflow, buffer memory
Cause Occurs for couplings with queue functionality.
A maximum of 16 positions can be saved in P0425:16.
Remedy Ensure that maximum 16 positions are saved.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP IV

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05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

169 Coupling trigger missed

Cause Occurs for couplings with queue functionality.
Synchronizatin is requested using the KOPPLUNG_ON command and
it is identified that the position at which the coupling is switched-in, has
already bee passed.
Remedy Ensure that the slave drive was stationary for at least 1 IPO clock cycle
(P1010), before the coupling for the next element in the position
memory must be switched-in.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
170 Coupling switched-out during the traversing program
Cause While the drive was executing a traversing program, the ”Activate cou-
pling” input signal was reset.
Remedy Only switch-out the coupling if the traversing program has been com-
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
171 Coupling not possible
Cause While the drive was executing a traversing program, the ”Active cou-
pling” input signal was set.
Remedy Only switch-in the coupling if the traversing program has been com-
Stop response
172 External block change for coupling not possible
Cause If there is an existing coupling, traversing blocks with external block
enable are only permitted if P0110 = 2.
Remedy Correct traversing program
Change P0110 (configuration, external block change)
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
173 Coupling and traverse to endstop simultaneously
Cause Not possible to simultaneously couple and traverse to the endstop.
Remedy Correct traversing program
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP V

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7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

174 Passive referencing not possible

Cause For the passive referencing, the encoder interface must be switched as
input and the ”Positioning” mode must be set.
Remedy -- Set the ”Positioning” mode (P0700)
-- Set angular encoder interface (P0890, P0891)
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
175 Passive referencing not realized. Supplementary info:
Cause While the master drive corrects the zero mark offset, the slave drive
must pass over a zero mark.
Supplementary information
0 = reference cam not found
1 = Reference cam not left
2 = Zero reference pulse not found
Remedy Ensure that the cam of the slave drive is located between the cam and
the reference point of the master drive. Appropriately shift the cam
and/or increase the reference point offset (P0162) at the master drive.
If the zero pulse is not found, the reference point offset (P0162) must
also be increased at the master drive.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
176 Absolute encoder must be adjusted

7 Cause Passive referencing with absolute encoders (e.g. EnDat encoders) is

only possible after the encoder has been adjusted.
Remedy Adjust the drive by setting the absolute value.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV

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05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

177 Start-up passive referencing P179 not possible

Cause The start-up help for passive referencing determines the reference
point offset in P0162 in the slave drive. The following prerequisites
must be available:
-- (permanent) position coupling exists to the master drive
-- Master drive must be precisely at its reference point
-- Slave drive has passed the zero mark.
Remedy -- Establish a coupling at the slave drive: PosStw.4 or input terminal
function 72/73
-- Reference the master drive: STW1.11 or input terminal function 65 at
the master drive
-- ”Wiring” check: The requirement for passive referencing must be
transferred from the master to the slave drive:
Masterdrive: Output via ZSW1.15, QZsw.1 or output terminal
function 69
Slave drive: read-in via STW1.15, QStw.1 or input terminal function 69
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
180 Teach-in without reference point
Cause Teach-in only possible for a referenced axis.
Remedy Request reference axis and teach in
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
181 Teach-in block invalid
Cause The specified teach-in block is invalid. 7
Remedy Specify the valid and existing traversing block.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
182 Teach-in standard block invalid
Cause The specified teach-in standard block is invalid.
Remedy Specify the valid and existing traversing block.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
183 Teach-in block not found
Cause The specified teach-in block is not found.
Remedy Select the valid and existing traversing block.
Activate ”Automatically search for block numer” function.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV

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7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

184 Teach-in standard block not found

Cause The specified teach-in standard block is not found.
Remedy Generate the required standard block for the specified block number
Enter the correct block number.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP IV
185 Positioning mode invalid
Cause For the ”Spindle positioning” function, the positioning mode (P0087) is
not valid.
Remedy Program traversing block positioning as absolute, absolute positive or
absolute negative.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
186 Spindle cannot be referenced, supplementary info \%d
Cause For the ”Spindle positioning” function, an error has occurred while posi-
Supplementary info Significance
0 the distance between the last two zero marks was not correct.
1 For two revolutions a zero mark was no longer detected, which
was in a tolerance bandwidth of P0126.
Remedy Check cable and connections.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
7 Stop response STOP II

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05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

187 Conversion factor spindle pos. cannot be represented,

supplementary info \%d
Cause Conversion factors for spindle positioning was not able to be intialized
Supplementary info, ones and tens position:
00: Conversion factor, velocity to speed too small
01: Conversion factor, velocity to speed too high
02: Conversion factor, adaptation filter too low (--> increase P0210)
03: Conversion factor, adaptation filter too high (--> reduce P0210)
04: Conversion factor, pre-control balancing filter too low
(--> increase P0206)
05: Conversion factor, pre-control balancing filter too high
(--> reduce P0206)
06: Conversion factor, sum delay too small
07: Conversion factor, sum delay too large
08: Conversion factor, following error model too small
09: Conversion factor, following error model too large
The hundreds position of the supplementary info contains the parmeter
set involved.
Remedy Check and correct specified parameters.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
188 Spindle positioning: P\%d illegal
Cause Spindle positioning requires the following parameterization:
P0241 = 1
P0100 = 3
Remedy Correct the specified parameter or cancel spindle positioning by setting
P0125 to 0. 7
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
189 Jogging, incremental invalid
Cause 1. Jogging incremental is not valid in this mode.
2. An attempt was made to move an axis away from a software limit
switch using incremental jogging -- however the axis is not at the soft-
ware limit switch, but behind it.
3. An attempt was made while executing one or several traversing
blocks (also via an axis coupling) to activate incremental jogging.
Remedy 1. Commission the drive in the positioning mode.
2. Move back with jog key 1 or 2 with velocity.
3. Interrupt traversing blocks with the operating condition, reject tra-
versing task.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP VI

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-699
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

190 Actual firmware does not support spindle positioning

Cause This firmware does not support the spindle positioning function.
Remedy Set parameter P0125 to 0
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II
191 Zero mark setting unsuccessful
Cause It is not possible to set the internal zero mark, if
1. Input signal ”Spindle positioning on” is set, or
2. Still no zero mark found.
Remedy Maintain the following sequence:
1. Execute spindle positioning ----> zero mark found
2. Withdraw input signal ”spindle positioning on”
3. Set the internal zero mark (P0127=1).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
192 Max. search velocity too high
Cause The maximum search velocity for spindle positioning is greater than the
maximum motor speed.
Remedy Reduce parameter P0133 or reduce the velocity in the traversing block.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II

7 193 Zero mark not found

Cause The zero mark (encoder or equivalent zero mark, e.g. BERO) was not
found. Gearbox ratio (mechanical system) was not correctly parameter-
ized using parameter P0237/P0238.
Remedy -- Check the equivalent zero mark (BERO) function, if required, replace
the BERO
-- Readjust the clearance when using BERO
-- Check the cabling
-- Correctly parameterize the gearbox ratio (mechanical system) using
parameter P0237/P0238
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
194 Spindle positioning is only possible with motor 1
Cause Spindle positioning is only possible with motor 1.
Remedy Activate motor data set 1 before the spindle positioning command.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-700 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

195 Speed pre-control not permissible

Cause Speed pre-control is not permissible with spindle positioning.
Remedy Cancel the speed pre-control (P0203)
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
196 Illegal combination of input signals (warning \%u)
Cause An illegal combination of signals is present at the inputs, at the Profibus
control words or at the appropriate bus signals. The detailed cause of
the error can be taken from the help text associated with the warning
that is entered as supplementary information.
This fault can be activated or suppressed using Parameter P338.
Supplementary information: Warning number
Remedy Change the input signals or suppress the fault using P338.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
501 Measuring circuit error, absolute current
Cause 1. The smoothed absolute current (P1254, current monitoring time
constant) is greater than 120 % of the permissible power section cur-
rent (P1107).
2. For an active rotor position identification, the permissible current
threshold was exceeded.
3. The P gain of the controller (P1120) has been set too high.
Remedy -- Motor/controller data not correct
-- For active rotor position identification P1019 (current, rotor position
identification) check and if required reduce
-- Reduce the P gain of current controller (P1120), check the current
controller adaptation (P1180, P1181, P1182)
-- Replace control module
-- Replace the power section
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-701
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

504 Measuring circuit error, motor measuring system

Cause The encoder signal level is too low, faulted (incorrect shielding), or the
cable breakage monitoring function has responded.
After separately shutting down the supply voltage at the drive, for
SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS with 1Vpp encoder or SIMODRIVE
universalE HRS with 1Vpp encoder, this fault message can be output
during the shutdown procedure without any significance for the control.
Remedy -- Use the original Siemens pre-assembled encoder cables
(better screening)
-- Check for sporadic interruptions (loose contact, e.g. when the drag
cable is being moved)
-- For toothed-wheel encoders, check the clearance between
the toothed wheel and sensor
-- Check the encoder, encoder cables and connectors between the
motor and control module
-- Check the screen connection at the front panel of the control module
(top screw)
-- Replace the encoder cables or the control module
-- Exchange the encoder or motor
-- If this fault was signaled without any significance, then it should either
be acknowledged in the control or the drive and control should be pow-
ered-down together.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable
505 Meas.circ.error motor meas.syst.abs.track
Cause 1. The motor absolute track (CD track) is monitored for an interrupted
7 conductor. For optical encoders, the absolute track supports the evalu-
ation of the mechanical position within one motor revolution.
2. For absolute encoders with EnDat interface, this fault displays an
initialization error.
Additional information on the reason for the fault is included in P1023
(IM diagnostics).
Remedy -- Incorrect encoder cable type
-- Check for sporadic interruptions (loose contact, e.g. when the drag
cable is being moved)
-- Remove noise which is coupled in due to inadequate screening of the
cable by replacing the encoder cable
-- Incorrect encoder type configured (e.g. ERN instead of EQN)
-- Check the encoder, encoder cables and connectors between the
motor and control module
-- Replace control module
-- Replace encoder
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-702 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

507 Synchronization error rotor position

Cause The difference between the actual rotor position and the new rotor posi-
tion, which was determined by fine synchronization is greater than 45
degrees electrical.
When commissioning a linear motor with rotor position identification
(e.g. linear motor, 1FE1 motor), the fine synchronization was not ad-
Remedy -- Adjust the fine synchronization using P1017 (commissioning help
-- Check encoder cable, encoder cable connection and grounding
(possibly EMC problems)
-- Check the shield contact, front panel, control module (upper screw)
-- Replace control module
-- Exchange the encoder or motor
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable
508 Zero mark monitoring, motor measuring system
Cause The measured rotor position fluctuates between 2 encoder zero marks
(encoder lines may have been lost).
The encoder monitoring function can be disabled using P1600.8.
Remedy -- Use the original Siemens pre-assembled encoder cables
(better screening)
-- Check for sporadic interruptions (loose contact, e.g. due to cable
drag movements)
-- For toothed-wheel encoders, check the clearance between the
toothed wheel and sensor
-- Check the encoder, encoder cables and connectors between the
motor and control module
-- Check the shield contact, front panel, control module (upper screw)
-- Replace the encoder cables or the control module
-- Replace control module
-- Exchange the encoder or motor
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-703
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

509 Drive converter limiting frequency exceeded

Cause The drive converter has exceeded the maximum permissible drive con-
verter frequency.
Remedy -- Encoder pulse number is too low, enter the actual encoder pulse
number in P1005
-- Stop the belt slipping in open-loop torque controlled mode
(the belt slips)
-- Check P1400 (rated motor speed)
-- Check P1146 (maximum motor speed)
-- Check P1147 (speed limiting)
-- Check P1112 (motor pole pair number)
-- Check P1134 (rated motor frequency)
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable
510 Positive feedback identified
Cause Ramp-up:
The actual rotor position and the position information read-out of the
encoder were compared with one another while booting and a deviation
of more than 45 Degrees was identified, P1011[10].
The acceleration/velocity direction is different than the torque/force di-
This monitoring function can be set using P1645 and P1646.
Remedy -- This alarm can also occur when axes are mechanically blocked.
Check the fault cause analog to Alarm 605 ”Speed controller output
7 -- Operation may only be resumed after the fault has been removed
otherwise there is a danger of uncontrollable motion.
-- The deviation is due to dirt on the encoder or incorrect mounting/
installation of the encoder or encoder cable.
-- If the load oscillates strongly increase the delay for the monitoring
-- Caution : The value in P1645 influences the duration of the axis
motion, triggered by positive feedback until the fault responds.
-- Check the encoder: Mounting, dirt, absolute track fault, lost pulses,
encoder cable
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-704 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

511 Ground fault detected

Cause Firmware has detected a ground fault.
Measured phase currents are greater than the response value of the
ground fault test configured in P1167 or the motion is greater than the
maximum permitted motion for the ground fault test configured in
Remedy -- Ground fault in the power cables or at the motor.
During the ground fault test, at least one phase increases above the
threshold P1167 or P1168.
Detailed information can be taken from the diagnostics parameter
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable
512 Measuring circuit error, direct measuring system
Cause The encoder signal level is too low, faulted (incorrect shielding), or the
cable breakage monitoring function has responded.
Remedy -- Use the original Siemens pre-assembled encoder cables
(better screening)
-- Check for sporadic interruptions (loose contact, e.g. due to cable
drag movements)
-- For toothed-wheel encoders, check the clearance between the
toothed wheel and sensor
-- Check the encoder, encoder cables and connectors between the
encoder and control module
-- Check the shield contact, front panel, control module (upper screw)
-- Replace the encoder cables or the control module
-- Replace encoder 7
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-705
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

513 Measuring circuit error, direct measuring system abso-

lute track
Cause For absolute encoders with EnDat interface, this fault indicates an init-
ialization error.
Additional information on the reason for the fault is included in P1033
(DM diagnostics).
Remedy -- Incorrect encoder cable type
-- Check for sporadic interruptions (loose contact, e.g. when the drag
cable is being moved)
-- Remove noise which is coupled in due to inadequate screening of the
cable by replacing the encoder cable
-- Incorrect encoder type configured (e.g. ERN instead of EQN)
-- Check the encoder, encoder cables and connectors between the
encoder and control module
-- Replace control module
-- Replace encoder
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable
514 Zero mark monitoring, direct measuring system
Cause A fluctuation in the measured values has occurred between 2 encoder
zero marks (encoder pulses may have been lost).
The encoder monitoring can be disabled using P1600.14.
Remedy -- Use the original Siemens pre-assembled encoder cables

7 (better screening)
-- Check for sporadic interruptions (loose contact, e.g. due to cable
drag movements)
-- For toothed-wheel encoders, check the clearance between the
toothed wheel and sensor
-- Check the encoder, encoder cables and connectors between the
motor and control module
-- Check the shield contact, front panel, control module (upper screw)
-- Replace the encoder cables or the control module
-- Replace encoder
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-706 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

515 Power module temperature, exceeded

Cause The power section temperature is sensed using a temperature sensor
on the heatsink. The drive is immediately shut down 20 seconds after
the heatsink temperature alarm in order to prevent the power section
being thermally destroyed (regenerative stop).
Remedy Improve the drive module cooling, e.g. using:
-- Higher airflow in the switching cabinet, possibly cool the ambient air
of the drive modules
-- Avoid many acceleration and braking operations which follow
quickly one after the other
-- Check that the power section for the axis/spindle is adequate,
otherwise use a higher-rating module
-- Ambient temperature too high (refer to the Planning Guide)
-- Permissible installation altitude exceeded (refer to the
Planning Guide)
-- Pulse frequency too high (refer to the Planning Guide)
-- Check fan, if required, replace
-- Maintain the minimum clearance above and below the power section
(refer to the Planning Guide)
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable
591 Pos.contr.clock cycle not equal to DP clock cycle/mas-
ter applic. clock cycle
Cause For a 2-axis module, one axis is in the n-set mode and one axis in the
positioning mode. For the axis in the n-set mode, a position controller
clock cycle (of the master) is entered via the clock-cycle synchronous
PROFIBUS or the bus interface. This position controller clock cycle
differs from the parameterized position controller clock cycle (P1009) of
the axis in the positioning mode. The position controller clock cycle of
the master is obtained, in the n-set mode, from the DP clock cycle
(Tdp) or the clock cycle of the bus interface multiplied by the time grid
Remedy For a clock cycle synchronous PROFIBUS (isochronous) or the bus
interface, the clock cycles configured for the bus (parameterization) are
aligned with the position controller clock cycle P1009 from the position-
ing axis and n-set axis.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-707
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

592 Spindle positioning: Pos. contr. not equal to master

application clock cycle
Cause The function ”spindle positioning” requires, for a clock-cycle synchron-
ous PROFIBUS or the bus interface, that the position controller clock
cycle of the master matches the parameterized position controller clock
cycle (P1009). The position controller clock cycle of the master is ob-
tained from the DP clock cycle (Tdp) multiplied by the time grid Tmapc.
Remedy For the clock-cycle synchronous PROFIBUS or the bus interface, the
clock cycles configured for the bus (parameterization) are aligned with
the position controller clock cycle P1009.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II
593 Fieldbus: Drive is not in synchronism. Supplementary
info: \%X
Cause Supplementary information
The master sign-of-life has more consecutive failures than permitted.
The permissible sign-of-life errors are specified using P0879 bits 2--0
The Global Control telegram to synchronize the clock cycles has failed
in operation for several consecutive DP clock cycles or in several DP
clock cycles has violated the time grid specified using the parameteriz-
ing telegram (refer to times Tdp and Tpllw). If the complete DP commu-
nications permanently fails, at the latest after the response monitoring
times specified when configuring the bus, fault 595 is also output.
7 Remedy -- Check whether communications is briefly or continuously interrupted.
-- Check whether the BUS master can operate in clock cycle
synchronism and outputs the global control telegrams, necessary for
clock cycle synchronous operation, in the equidistant DP clock cycle.
-- Check whether clock synchronism has been activated in the bus con-
figuration, although it is not controlled by the master used.
-- Check whether the master sign-of-life is received and incremented in
the parameterized clock cycle.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-708 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

595 Fieldbus: Cyclic data transfer was interrupted

Cause The cyclic data transfer between the master and slave was interrupted
due to the fact that cyclic frames were missing, or due to the reception
of a parameterizing or configuring frame.
-- Bus connection interrupted
-- Master runs up again
-- Master has changed into the ’Clear’ state
For a passive axis, fault cannot be acknowledged using ”RESET
Remedy Check the master and bus connection to the master. As soon as cyclic
data transfer runs again, the fault can be acknowledged.
Set P0875 to 0 in the passive axis.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
596 PROFIBUS: Connection to the publisher \%u inter-
Cause Cyclic data transfer between this slave and a slave-to-slave commu-
nications publisher was interrupted as cyclic telegrams were missing.
-- Bus connection interrupted
-- Publisher failure
-- Master runs up again
-- The response monitoring (Watchdog) for this slave was de-activated
via the parameterizing telegram (SetPrm)
(Diagnostics: P1783:1 bit 3 = 0).
Supplementary info: PROFIBUS address of the publisher 7
Remedy Check the publisher and bus connections to the publisher, to the
master and between the master and publisher. If the watchdog is de-
activated, activate the response monitoring for this slave via Drive ES.
As soon as cyclic data transfer runs again, the fault can be acknowl-
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-709
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

597 PROFIBUS: Drive not in synchronism. Supplementary

information: \%X
Cause Supplementary information
The master sign-of-life (STW2, bits 12--15) has more consecutive fail-
ures than permitted. The permissible sign-of-life error is specified using
P0879 bit 2--0 (PROFIBUS configuration).
The Global Control telegram to synchronize the clock cycles has failed
in operation for several DP cycles in a row or has violated the time grid
(refer to times Tdp and Tpllw) -- specified using the parameterizing tele-
gram -- for several DP clock cycles in a row. If the complete DP com-
munications fails permanently, then Fault 599 is also output -- at the
latest after the response monitoring time specified when the bus was
configured, expires.
Remedy -- Check whether communications is briefly or continuously interrupted.
-- Check whether the PROFIBUS master can operate in clock cycle
synchronism and the Global Control Telegrams, required for clock
cycle synchronous operation, are output in the equidistant DP clock
-- Check whether clock synchronism has been activated in the bus
configuration, although it is not controlled by the master used.
-- Check whether the master sign-of-life (STW2, bits 12--15) is received
and is incremented in the parameterized clock cycle.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-710 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

598 PROFIBUS: Synchronization error. Supplementary

info: \%X
Cause Supplementary information
The expected 1st global control clock cycle display did not occur within
the waiting time.
PLL synchronization unsuccessful
When synchronizing to the clock cycle, the global control clock cycle
had more consecutive failures than are permitted.
The data frames w. the process data (setpoint direction) were only re-
ceived after the time (To--125 s)) in the slave has expired.
Remedy -- Check whether the PROFIBUS master can operate in synchronism
with the clock cycle, and that the necessary global-control frames are
output for operation in synchronism with the clock cycle.
-- Check whether clock synchronism has been activated in the bus con-
figuration, although it is not controlled by the master used.
-- Check whether the equidistant DP clock cycle, transferred with the
parameterizing telegram, was actually set and activated at the master.
-- Check whether the time Tdx -- defined in the master configuring --
corresponds to the actual data transfer time to all slaves and is less
than the configured time (To--125 s).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II
599 PROFIBUS: Cyclic data transfer was interrupted
Cause The cyclic data transfer between the master and slave was interrupted
due to the fact that cyclic frames were missing, or due to the reception
of a parameterizing or configuring frame.
-- Bus connection interrupted
-- Master runs up again
-- Master has changed into the ’Clear’ state
For a passive axis, fault cannot be acknowledged using ”RESET
Remedy Check the master and bus connection to the master. As soon as cyclic
data transfer runs again, the fault can be acknowledged.
Set P0875 to 0 in the passive axis.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-711
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

600 Pole position (P1016) has not been set

Cause The pole position set (P1016) is 0.
Commissioning using P1017= --1 is only possible if P1016 is not equal
to 0.
Remedy First measure the pole position and enter ( P1016 ), then complete
commissioning ( P1017 = --1 ).
If P1016 should be precisely 0, enter 0.001.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable
601 Error in AD conversion, terminal 56/14 or 24/20
Cause A timing error was identified when reading-out the A/D converter for
terminal 56.x/14.x or 24.x/20.x. The read values are probably incorrect/
Remedy Replace closed-loop control module
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable
602 Open-loop torque controlled oper. w/o encoder is not
Cause In the IM mode, open-loop torque controlled operation was selected via
an input terminal or via PROFIBUS-DP or the bus interface.
Remedy Deselect the torque-controlled operation or leave the IM mode (change-
over speed P1465).

7 Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY

Stop response parameterizable
603 Changeover to non-parameterized motor data set
Cause An attempt was made to change over to a motor data set which was
not parameterized.
Remedy Parameterizing motor data set
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-712 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

604 Motor encoder is not adjusted

Cause For an EnDat motor measuring system, it was identified that the serial
number does not match that saved, i.e. the encoder has still not run
with this drive.
Remedy 1FN3 linear motors (if P1075=1):
Measure the rotor position offset to the EMF of the U_R phase and add
to P1016 as the commutation angle offset. Then set P1017 to --1 in
order to save the serial number of the EnDat encoder.
To determine commutation angle offset in P1016, initiate the rotor posi-
tion identification routine via P1017=1. The rotor position identification
routine is executed by acknowledging the fault and setting the enable
also refer to description of P1017
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable
605 Position controller output limited
Cause The speed setpoint requested from the position controller lies above
the max. motor speed.
Possible causes:
-- Programmed velocity (P0082:256) too high
-- Max. acceleration (P0103) or deceleration (P0104) too high
-- Axis is overloaded or blocked
Remedy -- Check and correct the above parameter
Stop response
606 Flux controller output limited
Cause The specified flux setpoint cannot be realized, although maximum cur-
rent is input.
-- Motor data are incorrect
-- Motor data and motor connection type (star/delta) do not match
-- Motor has stalled because motor data are extremely inaccurate
-- Current limit is too low for the motor (0.9 * P1238 * P1103 < P1136)
-- Power section is too small
Remedy -- Correct the motor data
-- If required use a larger power section
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-713
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

607 Current controller output limited

Cause The entered setpoint cannot be impressed in the motor, although the
maximum voltage has been entered. The cause could be that the motor
is not connected, or a phase is missing.
Remedy -- Check the connecting cable, motor/drive converter (phase missing)
-- Check the motor contactor
-- DC link voltage present?
-- Check the DC link busbar (check that the screws are tight)
-- Uce monitoring function in the power section has responded
(RESET by powering off/powering on)
-- Replace the power section or control module
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable
608 Speed controller output limited
Cause The speed controller is at its limit for an inadmissibly long time (torque
and current limit). The permissible duration is defined in P1605, the
speed upper limit up to when the monitoring responds is defined in
Synchronous motor:
In normal operation, the correct, optimized axis drive should never
reach its current limit -- not even for extremely large speed changes
(changeover sequences from rapid traverse in the positive direction to
rapid traverse in the negative direction).
P1605 = 200 ms
P1606 = 8000 rev/min
Induction motor:
7 Acceleration and braking with the maximum torque/current are usual in
operation, only a stalled drive (0 speed) is monitored.
P1605 = 200 ms
P1606 = 30 rev/min
1. At the first commissioning, after the software has been replaced or
the software has been upgraded, after the parameters have been en-
tered the ”calculate motor data” or ”calculate controller data” function
was not executed. The drive then keeps the default values (for the val-
ues to be calculated this is zero) which can, under certain circum-
stances, result in this fault (P1605 and P1606 should be adapted to the
mechanical and dynamic capabilities of the axis).
2. An undesirable input of a high torque reduction via the analog inputs
or via PROFIBUS and the bus interface. For PROFIBUS and the bus
interface, this effect especially occurs when changing from the position-
ing mode to the speed setpoint input mode (check as to whether a
torque reduction is entered. Diagnostics using P1717, 0%: No torque,
100%: Full torque).
Remedy -- Check connecting cable motor/converter (phase missing, exchanged)
-- Check the motor contactor
-- Check the torque reduction (P1717)
-- DC link voltage present?
-- Check the DC link voltage (check that the screws are tight)
-- Unblock the motor
-- Is the motor encoder connected?

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-714 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

-- Check the motor encoder cable screen

-- Is the motor grounded (PE connection)?
-- Check the encoder pulse number (P1005)
-- Does the encoder cable fit to the encoder type?
-- Check the direction of rotation of the encoder tracks (e.g. toothed-
wheel encoder, P1011)
Adapt parameters P1605 and P1606 to the mechanical and dynamic
capabilities of the axis. Check whether a torque reduction has been
entered (diagnostics via P1717, 0%: no torque, 100%: full torque).
For linear motors:
-- Check actual value inversion
-- Check the reduction in the maximum motor current (P1105) and if
required increase the value
-- Check the power cable connection
-- For the parallel circuit configuration, are the motors correctly as-
signed and electrically connected?
-- Uce monitoring function in the power section has responded (RESET
by powering off/powering on)
-- Replace the power section or control module
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable
609 Encoder limit frequency exceeded
Cause The speed actual value exceeds the encoder frequency.
-- Incorrect encoder
-- P1005 does not correspond to the no. of encoder pulses
-- Encoder defective
-- Motor cable defective or not properly attached
-- Shield on motor encoder cable is not connected
-- Defective control module 7
Remedy -- Enter correct encoder data / replace encoder
-- Check the encoder pulse number (P1005)
-- Attach motor cable correctly or replace
-- Connect the motor encoder cable screen
-- Reduce the speed setpoint input (P1401)
-- Replace control module
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-715
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

610 Rotor position identification has failed

Cause if P1075=1 (technique based on saturation)
A rotor position could not be determined from the measurement signals
(motor current), as no significant saturation effects occurred.
Also refer to parameter P1734 for detailed diagnostics.
if P1075=3 (motion-based technique)
1. Current increase too low.
2. Maximum permissible duration exceeded.
3. No clear rotor position found.
Remedy if P1075=1
-- Increase current via P1019
-- Check armature inductance (P1116) and if required, increase
-- Check the connecting cable, motor/drive converter (phase missing)
-- Check the motor contactor
-- DC link voltage present?
-- Check the DC link busbar (check that the screws are tight)
-- Uce monitoring function in the power section has responded
(RESET by powering off/powering on)
-- Replace the power section or control module
if P1075=3
To 1.
-- The motor is not correctly connected
-- The motor power connection must be checked
To 2.
-- Remove disturbing external forces (e.g. axis couplings which are not
-- Identification technique must remain stable (P1076 must be reduced)
-- Use an encoder with higher resolution

7 -- Improve the encoder mounting (it is not stiff enough)

To 3.
-- Remove disturbing external forces (e.g. axis couplings which are not
-- The axis must be able to freely move (e.g. the motor rotor may not be

-- Reduce the high axis friction (increase P1019)
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-716 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

611 Illegal motion during rotor position identification

Cause During the rotor position identification (motor current measurement),
the motor rotated more than the value entered in P1020. The rotation
could be caused by having powered on with the motor already rotating,
or caused by the identification routine itself.
Remedy if P1075=1
-- If the interchange was caused by the identification itself and if the
error occurs again, then reduce P1019 or increase P1020.
-- Lock the motor rotor during the identification routine.
if P1075=3
-- Increase the parameterized load mass (P1076)
-- Check the maximum permissible motion (P1020) and if required,
-- Reduce the current, rotor position identification (P1019)
If the current and speed controller clock cycle have low values (62.5
microseconds), then it maybe necessary to increase P1019.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable
612 Illegal current during rotor position identification
Cause 1. Current was >= 1.2 * 1.05 * P1107 while rotor position identification
was active
2. Current was >= P1104 while rotor position identification was active
Remedy With the rotor position identification (P1011.12 and P1011.13) acti-
vated, if required, check and reduce P1019 (current, rotor position iden-
Stop response
613 Shutdown limit, motor overtemperature exceeded.
Supplementary information \%X
Cause .. is specified in the additional information:
1 The motor temperature is sensed using a KTY temperature sensor.
a) The motor temperature has exceeded the temperature limit in
b) The sensor or the cable is interrupted or has a short-circuit.
2. The motor temperature is sensed using a PTC temperature sensor.
b) The sensor or the cable has a short-circuit.
3. The thermal motor model has tripped because the permitted thermal
motor utilization in P1266 was exceeded.
Remedy -- Avoid many acceleration and braking operations which follow one
another quickly.
-- Motor overload?
-- Check whether the motor output is sufficient for the drive, otherwise
use a more powerful motor, possibly together with a higher-rating
power section.
-- Check the motor data. The current could be too high due to incorrect
motor data.
-- Temperature sensor monitoring.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-717
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

-- Check whether the sensor type (KTY or PTC) is correctly set in

-- If the alarm occurs with the motor in the cold condition check whether
the sensor is short-circuited or the cable is interrupted.
-- Check the motor fan.
-- Check the motor encoder cable.
-- Motor encoder defective?
-- Check and possibly reduce P1230 or P1235.
The motor temperature monitoring can be disabled with P1601 bit 13 =
For linear motors:
-- Check the parameters for the motor temperature monitoring
P1602 (alarm threshold, motor overtemperature) = 120 degrees C
P1603 (timer, motor temperature alarm) = 240 s
P1607 (shutdown limit, motor temperature) = 155 degrees C
P1608 (fixed temperature) = 0 degrees C
P1608 = 0 ----> Temperature sensing active
P1608 > 0 ----> Fixed temperature active
-- If the temperature monitoring is exclusively realized using an external
PLC, a fixed temperature must be entered into P1608
(e. g. 80 degrees C). This disables the drive temperature monitoring.
-- Check the parameters for the thermal motor model
P1265 (thermal motor model configuration)
P1268 (winding time constant)
P1288 (shutdown threshold, thermal motor model)
-- Check the power connector at the motor
-- Check the connection of the temperature sensor coupling cable at the
end of the power cable, approx. 580 Ohm (KTY) or 100 Ohm (PTC)
must be able to be measured at 20 Degrees C
-- If the measuring system connector is withdrawn (X411 for 611U or
7 MOT ENCODR for POSMO) is approx. 580 Ohm (KTY) or 100 Ohm
(PTC) measured between PIN 13 (611U) or 20 (POSMO) and PIN 25
(611U) or 21 (POSMO)at 20 Degree C?
-- Check the measuring system connector at the drive (X411 or
MOT ENCODR) to ensure that it is correctly inserted
-- For drives connected in parallel, both KTY temperature sensors may
not be directly connected. In this case an appropriate evaluation unit,
e.g. SME-92 or SME-94 should be used for 2 drives.
-- If the temperature switch and temperature sensor are connected in
series, the temperature sensor (NC contact) may have responded, or
the temperature switch is defective
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable
614 Delayed shutdown for motor overtemp. (P1602 /
P1603). Supplementary info. \%X
Cause .. is specified in the additional information:
1 The motor temperature is sensed using a KTY temperature sensor.
a) The motor temperature has exceeded the temperature limit, motor
overtemperature P1602 for a longer period of time than that permitted
in P1603.
b) The sensor or the cable is interrupted or has a short-circuit.
2. The motor temperature is sensed using a PTC temperature sensor.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-718 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

a) The motor temperature has exceeded the PTC-specific switching

temperature for a time longer than that permitted in P1603.
b) The sensor or the cable has a short-circuit.
3. The thermal motor model has tripped because the permitted thermal
motor utilization alarm threshold P1269 was exceeded for a time longer
than permitted in P1603.
Remedy -- Avoid many acceleration and braking operations which follow one
another quickly.
-- Motor overload?
-- Check whether the motor output is sufficient for the drive, otherwise
use a more powerful motor, possibly together with a higher-rating
power section.
-- Check the motor data. The current could be too high due to incorrect
motor data.
-- Check the thermal motor utilization alarm threshold P1269.
-- Temperature sensor monitoring.
-- Check whether the sensor type (KTY or PTC) is correctly set in
-- If the alarm occurs with the motor in the cold condition check whether
the sensor is short-circuited or the cable is interrupted.
-- Check the motor fan.
-- Check the motor encoder cable.
-- Motor encoder defective?
-- Check and possibly reduce P1230 or P1235.
The motor temperature monitoring can be disabled with P1601 bit 14 =
For linear motors:
-- Check the parameters for the motor temperature monitoring
P1602 (alarm threshold, motor overtemperature) = 120 degrees C
P1603 (timer, motor temperature alarm) = 240 s
P1607 (shutdown limit, motor temperature) = 155 degrees C 7
P1608 (fixed temperature) = 0 degrees C
P1608 = 0 temperature sensing active
P1608 > 0 fixed temperature active
-- If the temperature monitoring is exclusively realized using an external
PLC, a fixed temperature must be entered into P1608
(e. g. 80 degrees C). This disables the drive temperature monitoring.
-- Check the parameters for the thermal motor model
P1265 (thermal motor model configuration)
P1268 (winding time constant)
P1288 (shutdown threshold, thermal motor model)
-- Check the power connector at the motor
-- Check the connection of the temperature sensor coupling cable at the
end of the power cable, approx. 580 Ohm (KTY) or 100 Ohm (PTC)
must be able to be measured at 20 Degrees C
-- If the measuring system connector is withdrawn (X411 for 611U or
MOT ENCODR for POSMO) is approx. 580 Ohm (KTY) or 100 Ohm
(PTC) measured between PIN 13 (611U) or 20 (POSMO) and PIN 25
(611U) or 21 (POSMO)at 20 Degree C?
-- Check the measuring system connector at the drive (X411 or
MOT ENCODR) to ensure that it is correctly inserted
-- For drives connected in parallel, both KTY temperature sensors may
not be directly connected. In this case an appropriate evaluation unit,
e.g. SME-92 or SME-94 should be used for 2 drives.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-719
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

-- If the temperature switch and temperature sensor are connected in

series, the temperature sensor (NC contact) may have responded, or
the temperature switch is defective
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable
615 DM encoder limiting frequency exceeded
Cause The speed actual value of the direct measuring system exceeds the
permissible encoder limiting frequency.
-- Incorrect encoder
-- P1007 does not coincide with the encoder pulse number
-- Encoder defective
-- Defective encoder cable or not correctly retained
-- Encoder cable shield is not connected
-- Defective control module
Remedy -- Enter correct encoder data / replace encoder
-- Check encoder pulse number (P1007)
-- Correctly retain encoder cable / replace
-- Connect encoder cable shield
-- Reduce speed setpoint input
-- Replace control module
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable
616 DC link undervoltage
Cause The infeed has gone into a fault condition and the DC link voltage has
fallen below the permissible lower limit P1162.
7 Remedy -- Check whether the line supply voltage is available
-- Check whether the pulsed resistor is overloaded
-- Switch-off/switch-on infeed
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable
617 DC link overvoltage
Cause The DC link voltage has exceeded the permissible upper limit P1163.
Dynamic energy management has been activated using P1155, bit 0
and the DC link voltage has exceeded the ”Maximum DC link voltage
dyn. energy management” P1153 (from SW 13.1).
Remedy -- Check whether the line supply voltage is available
-- Reduce load duty cycle
-- Check P1163
-- If P1155 bit 0 is activated, increase P1153 or deactivate P1155 bit 0
(from SW 13.1)
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response parameterizable

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-720 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

680 Illegal motor code number

Cause A motor code was entered in P1102 for which no data is available.
Remedy -- Commission the system again and enter the correct motor code
number (P1102).
-- The ”SimoCom U” parameterizing and start-up tool includes motors
that are still not known in this particular drive version. Either upgrade
the drive version or enter the motor as non-listed motor.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
681 Illegal power section code number
Cause A power section code was entered in P1106, for which no data is avail-
Remedy -- Enter the correct power unit code in P1106.
-- For power modules with automatic identification, upgrade firmware.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
682 Illegal encoder code number in P\%u
Cause An encoder code was entered in P1006 or P1036, for which there is no
The direct measuring system (P0250/P0879.12) is activated, although
an encoder was not specified in P1036.
Remedy Enter the correct encoder code or the code for third-party encoders
(99) in P1006 or P1036.
De-activate direct measuring system (P0250/P0879.12). 7
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-721
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

683 Calculate controller data was unsuccessful at first

start-up (\%d)
Cause An error occurred at the first start-up with ”calculate controller data”.
Under fault conditions, the parameters for the current controller, flux
controller and speed controller could not be optimally assigned.
Remedy Read-out the detailed cause of the error from P1080 and remove the
Then initiate ”calculate controller data” again with P1080 = 1. Repeat
this operation, until no error is displayed in P1080. Then save in the
FEPROM and execute a POWER ON-RESET.
Error coding in the supplementary info and P1080:
--15 magnetizing reactance (P1141) = 0
--16 leakage reactance (P1139 / P1140) = 0
--17 rated motor frequency (P1134) = 0
--18 rotor resistance (P1138) = 0
--19 motor moment of inertia (P1117) = 0
--21 threshold speed for field weakening (P1142) = 0
--22 motor standstill current (P1118) = 0
--23 The ratio between the maximum motor current (P1104) and the
motor stall current (P1118) is greater than the maximum value for the
torque limit (P1230) and the power limit (P1235).
--24 The ratio between the rated motor frequency (P1134) and the rated
motor speed (P1400) is inadmissible (pole pair number).
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
703 Invalid current controller cycle
7 Cause An illegal value was entered in P1000.
Remedy Enter a valid value in P1000.
Permissible values for P1000 are:
2 (62.5 s) for single-axis positioning or for speed setpoint input
4 (125 s) in each operating mode
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
704 Invalid speed controller cycle
Cause An illegal value was entered into P1001.
Remedy Enter a valid value in P1001.
Permissible values for P1001 are 2 (62.5 s), 4 (125 s), 8 (250 s), 16
(500 s).
Setting 2 (62.5 s) is only permissible for single-axis operation.
Further, P1001 must be >= P1000.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-722 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

705 Invalid position controller cycle

Cause The monitoring function identified a position controller cycle (P1009)
outside the permissible limits.
Remedy Enter a valid value in P1009.
Permissible values for P1009 lie between 32 (1 ms) and 128 (4ms).
Further, the position control cycle must be a integral multiple of the
speed control cycle.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
706 Invalid interpolation cycle
Cause The monitoring function has identified an interpolation clock cycle
(P1010) that is outside the permissible limits or an illegal ratio between
the interpolation clock cycle and the position controller clock cycle
Remedy Enter a valid value in P1010 or correct P1009.
Permissible values for P1010 lie between 128 (4ms) and 640 (20ms)
or, only for the 1-axis version, also 64 (2ms) if P1009 is also 64 (2ms).
Further, the interpolation cycle must be an integral multiple of the posi-
tion controller cycle.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
708 Axial deviations in current controller cycle
Cause On a 2-axis module, the current controller cycle is different for both

Check P1000 and set the input values the same for both drives.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
709 Axial deviations in speed controller cycle
Cause On a 2-axis module, the speed controller cycle is different for both
Remedy Check P1001 and set the input values the same for both drives.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
710 Axial deviations in position controller or interpolation
Cause For a 2-axis module, the position controller clock cycle (P1009) or the
interpolation clock cycle (P1010) is different for the two axes.
Remedy Check P1009 / P1010 and set the input values for both drives the
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-723
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

716 Invalid torque constant

Cause The ratio between the rated torque and rated current (torque constant
[Nm/A]) in P1113 is incorrect (less than/equal to zero) or the ratio
P1113 / P1112 is greater than 70.
Remedy Enter the valid torque/current ratio for the motor used in P1113 or enter
a permissible ratio of P1113 / P1112.
Third-party motor:
The torque constant should be determined from the motor data sheet.
Siemens motor:
The torque constant is defined by the motor code (P1102).
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
718 BERO shutdown threshold exceeded
Cause BERO speed actual value is greater than the shutdown threshold spe-
cified in P1468 (the motor is prevented from accelerating in an uncon-
trolled fashion) or for a calculated speed > 1200 rpm, BERO pulses are
no longer received (e.g. the cable is interrupted)
Remedy Check the parameterization of the induction motor
Check BERO or BERO cable, BERO pulse length
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
719 Motor not parameterized for delta operation
Cause When the star-delta changeover is activated using P1013, the motor is

7 Remedy
not parameterized for delta operation (motor 2).
Check and enter the parameters for delta operation (motor 2).
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
720 Invalid maximum motor speed
Cause Due to the high maximum motor speed in P1401 and the speed con-
troller cycle in P1001, high partial speeds can occur which can result in
a format overflow.
Remedy Check P1401 and P1001 and correct.
The drive software is designed for large reserve margins, so that the
displayed alarm can only occur as a result of a parameterizing error.
For a speed controller cycle time of 125 s, a motor speed of 480 000
RPM can still be processed correctly!
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-724 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

721 Spindle speed too high

Cause As a result of the high spindle speed and the interpolation clock cycle
(P1010), the modulo value can no longer be correctly taken into ac-
count. The alarm is initiated, if jerky equalization motion occurs -- e.g.
due to incorrect parameter values.
Remedy Shorten the interpolation clock cycle.
If possible, increase the modulo range of the rotary axis (P0242).
Calculating the spindle speed limit [RPM] = 7 / IPO clock cycle[ms] x
60 x 1000 (for the modulo range, 360 degrees = 1 spindle revolution)
IPO clock cycle = 4 ms, for max. 7 revolutions (up to 7 x modulo range)
-- a maximum spindle speed of 105000 RPM is obtained per IPO clock
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
722 Changeover speed/velocity too low
Cause For the selected setting of P1466, the induced voltage is too low in the
lower speed range in order to be able to reliably guarantee sensorless
operation. The induced voltage must be at least 40 Volt (phase-to-
phase, RMS) at the particular speed.
Remedy The following should be ensured:
Induction motor : P1466 >= 150 RPM
Rotary synchronous motor: P1466 > 40000 / P1114
Linear motor: P1466 > 1386 / P1114
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM) 7
723 Axial deviations in STS configuration
Cause On a 2-axis module, the gating unit configuration (P1003) is different
for the two gating units.
Remedy Check P1003 and set the bits for the two module axes the same (do
not change the standard setting, this represents the optimum configura-
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-725
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

724 Invalid motor pole pair number

Cause Synchronous motors:
-- The pole pair number in P1112 is zero or negative.
-- Encoder with CD track (P1027.6 = 0): The pole pair number in P1112
is greater than 6.
-- Encoder without CD track or with Hall sensors (P1027.6 = 1): The
motor pole pair number is dependent on the encoder pulse number
(max. 4096 for P1005 >= 32768).
Induction motors:
-- An invalid pole pair number was determined from P1134 and P1400.
Motor with resolver:
-- The maximum motor pole pair number for the modules
6SN1118--*NK01--0AA0 or 6SN1118--*NJ01--0AA0 is 64, otherwise 4 or
Remedy Synchronous motors:
-- Check P1112, P1027.6 and P1014.
Induction motors:
-- Determine and correctly enter rated speed and/or rated frequency.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
725 Invalid encoder pulse number
Cause The encoder pulse number of the motor measuring system (P1005) is
set to zero.
Remedy Harmonize the encoder pulse number of the motor measuring system
in P1005 to the encoder used. The indirect motor measuring system
must always be configured for synchronous and induction motors (ex-
7 ception: Induction motor operation).
Standard setting: 2 048 increments/revolution
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
726 Invalid voltage constant
Cause The voltage constant of the motor in P1114 is set to zero.
Remedy Determine the voltage constant of the motor used, and enter in P1114.
The voltage constant is measured as induced voltage (EMF) under no-
load conditions at n = 1 000 RPM as RMS valued at the motor termi-
nals (phase to phase).
Third-party motor:
The voltage constant should be determined from a motor data sheet.
Siemens motor:
The voltage constant is determined from the motor code (P1102).
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-726 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

727 Invalid combination of power section and synchron-

ous motor
Cause The power module has not been released for synchronous motors.
Remedy -- Check configuring
-- Use a valid power section
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
728 Torque/current adaptation factor too high
Cause The adaptation factor between the setpoint torque and the torque gen-
erating current (Iq) in the speed controller is too high.
Remedy Check P1103, P1107 and P1113 and if required, enter correct values.
Third-party motor:
The values should be determined from a motor data sheet.
Siemens motor:
The values are determined from the motor code (P1102).
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
729 Invalid motor stall current
Cause The motor stall current (P1118) is less than or equal to zero.
Remedy Determine the stall current of the motor used and enter in P1118.
Third-party motor:
The stall current should be determined from a motor data sheet.

Siemens motor:
The stall current is determined from the motor code (P1102).
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
731 Invalid rated output
Cause The rated motor output (P1130) of the motor is less than or equal to
Remedy Determine the rated motor output of the motor used and enter in
Third-party motor:
The rated motor output should be determined from a motor data sheet.
Siemens motor:
The rated motor output is determined from the motor code (P1102).
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-727
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

732 Invalid rated speed

Cause The rated motor speed (P1400) of the motor is less than or equal to
Remedy Determine the rated speed of the motor being used and enter into
Third-party motor:
The rated motor speed should be determined from a motor data sheet.
Siemens motor:
The rated motor speed is determined from the motor code (P1102).
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
738 Incorrect mode, analog input for the equalization con-
Cause If the equalization controller is parameterized with P1490 = 1 --> then
P0612 must be parameterized with the value 3
Remedy -- P0612=3 or
-- P1490 not equal to 1
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
739 Incorrect axis number, equalization controller
Cause If the equalization controller is parameterized with P1490 = 2 --> two
active axes must be available on the module.

Remedy -- P1490 equal to 1 (coupling via analog terminals)
-- Activate the 2nd axis
-- Use a 2-axis module
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
742 V/f operation: Drive frequency, motor \%d not permissi-
Cause In V/f operation, only drive converter frequencies of 4 or 8 kHz are per-
Remedy Change P1100 or cancel V/f operation (P1014).
When operating with several motors/motor data sets, also set
P2100/P3100/P4100 to 4 or 8 kHz.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-728 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

743 Function is not possible using this control board

Cause ”
Remedy ”
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
744 Motor changeover only permissible for the closed-loop
speed controlled mode
Cause Motor changeover (P1013) may only be activated in the closed-loop
speed controlled mode (P0700 = 1).
Remedy -- Inhibit motor changeover (P1013 = 0)
-- Change over into the closed-loop speed controlled mode (P0700 = 1)
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP I
745 New EnDat encoder
Cause For a direct measuring system with EnDat it was identified that the se-
rial number does not correspond with that saved -- i.e. the serial num-
ber of the encoder has still not been saved.
Remedy Save parameters, then power on
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response parameterizable
749 Speed measuring range is not sufficient
Cause The maximum speed which can be achieved with speed feedback can- 7
not be measured using the module.
Remedy -- Parameterize the encoder type corresponding to the type of motor
and the control module.
-- Synchronous motor: P1147 * resolver pole pair number must be less
than the limiting frequency of the control module (12 bit: 25402 RPM;
14 bit: 6350 RPM).
-- Induction motor : min ( P1146, P1465 ) * resolver pole pair number
must be less than the limiting frequency of the control module (12 bit:
25402 RPM; 14 bit: 6350 RPM).
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-729
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

750 Speed monitoring BERO incorrectly configured

Cause -for the BERO speed monitoring function, parameter P0890 ”Activate
angular encoder/encoder interface” must be set to 4 (input for TTL en-
-- Parameter P0894 ”Angular encoder input signal form” must be set
to 1 (pulse/direction signal”,
-- Parameter P1465 ”Changeover speed MSD/IM” set to 0,
-- Parameter P1006 ”IM encoder code number” or P1036 ”DM encoder
code number” must be set to 98 (without encoder).
Remedy Adapt the angular encoder interface, change over to operation without
encoder, correct the changeover speed.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
751 Speed controller gain too high
Cause P gain, speed controller for the lower speed range (P1407) and the up-
per speed range (P1408) were selected to be too high.
In AM (induction motor) operation:
The P gain of the speed controller (P1451) is too high.
Remedy Reduce the P gain of the speed controller.
Only optimized with the adaption disabled (P1413 = 0). The P gain
(P1407) is then effective over the complete speed range. After the opti-
mum setting has been found, adaption can be re-enabled (P1413 = 1)
and the P gain optimized for the upper speed range (P1408).
In AM (induction motor) operation:
For the speed controller, enter a lower value for the P gain (P1451).

7 Acknowledgement
Stop response
753 Current, rotor position identification less than the min.
Cause A current was parameterized in P1019 (current, rotor position identifica-
tion) which is less than the minimum value permissible for the motor.
Remedy Enter a current in P1019, which is not less than the permissible mini-
mum value for the motor (40% for third-party synchronous linear
motor). It may be necessary to use a larger power module.
If permissible for the motor used, suppress the fault by setting P1012,
bit 5.
For motors with weak saturation effects (e.g. 1FN3 linear motors), as a
result of the low identification current, orientation may be erroneous,
thus resulting in uncontrolled motion.
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-730 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

756 Invalid speed hysteresis of the current setpoint

Cause The hysteresis of the speed for the current setpoint smoothing (P1246)
may not be greater than the threshold speed of the hysteresis (P1245),
as otherwise a ”negative” lower speed would be obtained.
Remedy P1246 (standard value: 50 [RPM]) must be entered lower than the
threshold for the speeddependent setpoint smoothing (P1245, standard
value: 4 000 [RPM]).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
757 PZD config.: illegal frame no. in P0922
Cause The frame number set in P0922 is illegal or impermissible for the oper-
ating mode currently selected via P0700.
Remedy Check P0922 and enter valid value.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II
758 Setpoint source incorrectly parameterized. Supplemen-
tary info \%u
Cause The selected setpoint source in P0891 is invalid.
1 Internal coupling not possible for POSMO or single-axis module
2 Internal coupling not possible for drive A
3 Coupling via PROFIBUS-DP or the bus interface selected, but the
matching option module is not inserted
Remedy Check P891 and enter a valid value. 7
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-731
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

759 Encoder/motor types do not match

Cause A linear motor was selected, and no linear scale configured
(P1027.4 = 0).
A rotating motor was selected and a linear scale configured
(P1027.4 = 1).
A resolver has been selected the pole pair number (P1018) of which is
illegal. A pole pair number =1 or the pole pair number of the motor
(P1112) is admissible.
The maximum speed (P1146) cannot be measured with the resolver.
The required resolution ( 1011[2]=1 or 1030[2]=1, resolver evaluation )
cannot be set with this module.
For this setting, either 6SN1118--*NK01--0AA0 or
6SN1118--*NJ01--0AA0 is required.
Remedy -- Parameterize the encoder type corresponding to the type of motor
and the control module.
-- Use the required (6SN1118--*NK01--0AA0 or 6SN1118--*NJ01--0AA0 )
control module.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
760 Pole pair width/scale graduations cannot be repre-
sented internally
Cause For linear motors, the equivalent (internal) pole pair number and (inter-
nal) encoder pulse number are calculated from the pole pair width and
grid division. In this case, the encoder pulse number must be an integer
multiple of one or x pole pair widths. This error message is output if the
pole pair width/grid division * x (up to x=4096) is not an integer multiple
7 or if an internal encoder pulse number which was calculated is too high.
A result with a tolerance of +/-- 0.001 absolute is interpreted to be an
Remedy Long travel paths:
A linear measuring system with an encoder mark number that is an in-
tegral divisor of x* pole pair widths should be used.
Short travel paths:
For short travel, only a low error can accumulate which has hardly any
effect on the maximum achievable force and on the temperature rise, if
the encoder pulse number fits with a deviation of more than +/--0.001 in
the pole pair width. We then recommend that the pole pair width is
slightly changed.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-732 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

761 P0892 cannot be used with this measuring system

Cause The following settings are permitted (Order No.[MLFB] 6SN1118--.... ):
Incremental measuring systems ( 7 bit ) with sin/cos 1 Vpp without En-
Dat interface (..*NH00--0AA*, ..*NH10--0AA*) : 0
Incremental measuring systems ( 7 bits ) with sin/cos 1 Vpp with EnDat
interface (..*NH00--0AA*, ..*NH10--0AA*) : 0,1,2,3
Incremental measuring systems ( 11 bit ) with sin/cos 1 Vpp
(..*NH01--0AA*, ..*NH11--0AA*) : 0,1,2,3,4
resolver ( 12 bit ) (..*NK00--0AA0 or ..*NJ00--0AA0) : 0,1,2,3
Resolver ( 12 bit ) (..*NK01--0AA0 or ..*NJ01--0AA0) with 12-bit resolu-
tion ( 1011[2]=0 or 1030[2]=0 ) : 0,1,2,3,4,5
Resolver ( 14 bit ) (..*NK01--0AA0 or ..*NJ01--0AA0) with 14 bit resolu-
tion ( 1011[2]=1 or 1030[2]=1 ) : --2,--1,0,1,2,3
Remedy Set P0892 (factor, angular encoder pulse number/encoder pulse num-
ber) to a valid value.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
762 P0893 cannot be used with this measuring system
Cause For incremental measuring systems with sin/cos 1 Vpp without EnDat
interface and for linear measuring systems with sin/cos 1 Vpp with En-
Dat interface, a zero pulse offset cannot be set via P0893.
Remedy Set P0893 (angular encoder zero pulse offset) to 0.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
764 Multiple assignment of terminal A or B (P0890) 7
Cause When selecting 3 in P0890, from drive A or B (setpoint at terminal A
and actual value at terminal B), it was identified, that terminal A or B
were already being used by another drive. Thus, this configuration is
not possible.
Remedy Check the configuration of terminals A and B in P0890 and eliminate
multiple assignments of both drives.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
765 P0890 and P0891 configure both setpoint inputs
Cause An actual value coupling is switched-in for drive B (P0891 = 1). At the
same time, for the same drive, terminal A or B was parameterized as
position setpoint input (P0890 = 2 or 3).
Remedy Check the configuration of terminals A and B in P0890, compare with
P0891 and eliminate multiple setpoint sources.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-733
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

766 Blocking frequency > Shannon frequency

Cause The bandstop frequency of a speed setpoint filter is greater than the
Shannon sampling frequency from the sampling theorem.
Remedy The bandstop frequency for P1514, filter 1 or P1517 for filter 2 must be
less than the inverse value of two speed controller clock cycles 1/ (2 *
P1001 * 31.25 microseconds).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
767 Natural frequency > Shannon frequency
Cause The natural frequency of a speed setpoint filter is greater than the
Shannon sampling frequency from the sampling theorem.
Remedy The natural frequency of a speed setpoint filter must be lower than the
reciprocal of two speed controller cycles.
Speed setpoint filter 1:
P1520 * 0.01 * P1514 < 1 / (2 * P1001 * 31.25 microseconds)
Speed setpoint filter 2:
P1521 * 0.01 * P1517 < 1 / (2 * P1001 * 31.25 microseconds)
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
768 Numerator bandwidth > twice the blocking frequency
Cause The numerator bandwidth of a current or speed setpoint filter is greater
than twice the blocking frequency.
This alarm is only generated for the general bandstop, if the following is

7 valid:
Speed setpoint filter 1: P1516 > 2 * P1514 or P1520 <> 100.0
Speed setpoint filter 2: P1519 > 0.0 or P1521 <> 100.0
Current setpoint filter 1: P1212 > 0.0
Current setpoint filter 2: P1215 > 0.0
Current setpoint filter 3: P1218 > 0.0
Current setpoint filter 4: P1221 > 0.0
Remedy The numerator bandwidth must be less than twice the bandstop fre-
Current setpoint filter 1: P1212 <= 2 * P1210
Current setpoint filter 2: P1215 <= 2 * P1213
Current setpoint filter 3: P1218 <= 2 * P1216
Current setpoint filter 4: P1221 <= 2 * P1219
Speed setpoint filter 1: P1516 <= 2 * P1514
Speed setpoint filter 2: P1519 <= 2 * P1517
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-734 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

769 Denominator bandwidth > twice the natural frequency

Cause The denominator bandwidth of a current or speed setpoint filter is
greater than twice the natural frequency.
This alarm is only generated for the general bandstop, if the following is
Speed setpoint filter 1: P1516 > 2 * P1514 or P1520 <> 100.0
Speed setpoint filter 2: P1519 > 0.0 or P1521 <> 100.0
Current setpoint filter 1: P1212 > 0.0
Current setpoint filter 2: P1215 > 0.0
Current setpoint filter 3: P1218 > 0.0
Current setpoint filter 4: P1221 > 0.0
Remedy The denominator bandwidth of a current or speed setpoint filter must
be less than twice the natural frequency.
Speed setpoint filter 1: P1515 <= 2 * P1514 * 0.01 * P1520
Speed setpoint filter 2: P1518 <= 2 * P1517 * 0.01 * P1521
Current setpoint filter 1: P1211 <= 2 * P1210
Current setpoint filter 2: P1214 <= 2 * P1213
Current setpoint filter 3: P1217 <= 2 * P1216
Current setpoint filter 4: P1220 <= 2 * P1219
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
770 Format error
Cause The calculated bandstop filter coefficients cannot be represented in the
internal format.
Remedy Change filter setting.
Stop response
771 Induction motor oper.: drive converter frequency
motor \%d not permissible
Cause In induction motor operation (selected by P1465 < P1146), drive con-
verter frequencies of 4 or 8 kHz are permissible.
Remedy -- Change P1100
-- Cancel induction motor operation (P1465 > P1146)
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
772 Induction motor oper.: speed controller gain, motor
\%d too high
Cause The P gain of the speed controller (P1451) is too high.
Remedy For the speed controller, enter a lower value for the P gain (P1451).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-735
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

773 Not permissible to active analog input

Cause For this particular hardware version, it is not permissible to activate the
analog input.
Remedy -- Set P0607 to 0 and P0612 to 0 or
-- Use the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control module.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
774 Induction motor oper.: changeover speed motor \%d
not permissible
Cause For mixed operation (with / without encoder) P1465 > 0, only closed-
loop controlled induction motor operation is permissible (P1466 <=
Remedy Eliminate error by selecting pure induction motor operation (P1465 = 0)
or by canceling induction motor open-loop controlled operation (P1465
> P1466).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
775 SSI encoder incorrectly parameterized. Supplementary
info \%u
Cause Incorrect parameterization of the SSI absolute value encoder.
Supplementary info = 0x1, 0x11 (indirect, direct measuring system):
----> The single-turn resolution cannot be 0.
Supplementary info = 0x2, 0x12 (indirect, direct measuring system):
7 ----> The number of parameterized bits is greater than the telegram
Supplementary info = 0x3, 0x13 (indirect, direct measuring system):
----> For linear encoders, it is not possible to have multi-turn resolution.
Remedy For supplementary info 1 or 11:
Check P1022 and P1032
For supplementary info 2 or 12:
Check P1021, P1022, P1027.12 and P1027.14 with respect to P1028
and check P1031, P1032, P1037.12 and P1037.14 with respect to
For supplementary info 3 or 13:
Check P1021 and P1031
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP I

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-736 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

776 TTL encoder not possible for older basic module

Cause For an old basic module, which does not support TTL encoders, a TTL
encoder was selected as motor measuring system.
Remedy Use a new basic module or incremental measuring system with sin/cos
1 Vpp.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP I
777 Current for the rotor position identification too high
Cause A current was parameterized in P1019, which is greater than the cur-
rent which is permissible for the motor and the power section used.
Remedy Reduce the current via P1019.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
778 Impermissible converter frequency for rotor position ID
Cause When selecting the rotor position identification (P1019), drive converter
frequencies (P1100) of 4 or 8 kHz are permissible.
Remedy Change the drive converter frequency or cancel the rotor position iden-
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
779 Motor moment of inertia, motor \%d invalid
Cause The motor moment of inertia (P1117) is incorrect (less than/equal to 7
Remedy Enter the valid motor moment of inertia for the motor used, in P1117.
Third-party motor:
The motor moment of inertia should be determined from a motor data
Siemens motor:
The characteristic motor data should be determined from the motor
code (P1102).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-737
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

780 No-load current, motor > rated motor current (motor

Cause The motor no-load current (P1136) has been parameterized greater
than the rated motor current (P1103).
Remedy Enter the valid currents for the motor used in P1136 and P1103.
Third-party motor:
The required currents should be determined using a motor data sheet.
Siemens motor:
The currents are determined using the motor code (P1102).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
781 No-load current, motor \%d > rated power section cur-
Cause The motor no-load current (P1136) has been set to higher values than
the rated power section current.
before SW 2.4 the following is valid: Rated power section current =
from SW 2.4 the following is valid: Rated power section current = P1111
* P1099
Remedy -- Enter the valid current for the motor used in P1136.
Third-party motor:
The required currents should be determined using a motor data sheet.
Siemens motor:
The currents are determined using the motor code (P1102).
-- Reduce the power section pulse frequency P1100.
7 -- Use a higher-rating power section (re-commission).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
782 Reactance motor \%d invalid
Cause The stator leakage reactance (P1139), the rotor leakage reactance
(P1140) or the magnetizing reactance (P1141) of the motor is incorrect
(less than/equal to zer0).
Remedy Determine the stator, rotor leakage reactance and magnetizing reac-
tance of the motor being used and enter into P1139, P1140 and P1141.
Third-party motor:
The values should be determined from a motor data sheet.
Siemens motor:
The values are determined from the motor code (P1102).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-738 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

783 Rotor resistance, motor \%d invalid

Cause The rotor resistance (P1138, cold) of the motor is zero or there was a
format overflow for an internal conversion.
Remedy The following parameters can have incorrect values:
P1001 (speed controller cycle)
P1134 (rated motor frequency)
P1138 (rotor resistance)
P1139 (leakage stator reactance)
P1140 (leakage rotor reactance)
P1141 (magnetizing field reactance)
Check the parameter, and if required, correct using the motor data
The following condition must be fulfilled:
16 * P1001 * 0.00003125 * P1138 * 2PI * P1134 / (P1140 + P1141) < 1
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
784 No-load voltage, motor \%d invalid
Cause Error in no-load voltage P1135:
-- P1135 <= 0 or
-- P1135 > P1132 or
-- P1135 * P1142 / P1400 + Vser.react. > 450V.
With Vser.react. = 0.181 * P1136 * P1142 * P1119
Remedy Determine the no-load voltage of the motor being used and enter into
Third-party motor:
The following parameters may have incorrect values:
P1119 (inductance of the series reactor)
P1132 (rated motor voltage)
P1135 (no-load motor voltage)
P1400 (rated motor speed)
P1142 (threshold speed for field weakening)
P1136 (no-load motor current)
Check parameters and if required correct using a motor data sheet.
Siemens motor:
The no-load voltage is determined from the motor code (P1102).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-739
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

785 No-load current, motor \%d invalid

Cause The no-load current (P1136) of the motor (ARM) is incorrect (less than/
equal to zero).
Remedy Determine the no-load current of the motor (ARM) being used and en-
ter into P1136.
Third-party motor:
The no-load current should be determined from a motor data sheet.
Siemens motor:
The no-load current is determined from the motor code (P1102).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
786 Field-weakening speed, motor \%d invalid
Cause The threshold speed for field weakening for induction motors (P1142) is
incorrect (less than/equal to zero).
Remedy Determine the speed at which field weakening starts for the motor
being used and enter into P1142.
Third-party motor:
The field weakening speed should be determined from a motor data
Siemens motor:
The field weakening speed is determined from the motor code (P1102).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
787 Induction motor oper.: feedforward control gain motor
7 \%d cannot be displayed
Cause The feedforward control gain for induction motors cannot be repre-
sented in the internal numerical format if the motor moment of inertia
and rated motor torque were unfavorably selected.
Remedy Operation without encoder:
Reduce the encoder pulse number (P1005), as this is used in the inter-
nal numerical format.
Operation with encoder:
Reduce the speed controller cycle (P1001).
Acknowledgement RESET FAULT MEMORY
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
788 P0891 for drive B only
Cause An actual-value link has been activated (P0891 = 1) for drive A. The
hardware does not permit this setting.
Remedy For drive A, set P0891 to the value 0.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-740 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

789 Setpoint transfer SimoCom U ==> drive interrupted

Cause The setpoint transfer from SimoCom U to the drive was interrupted, i.e.
there is no longer an online connection. The Master Control was re-
turned to the drive.
Communication between the two communication partners was faulty.
While moving the drive using SimoCom U, other functions were car-
ried-out on the PG/PC (e.g. online help was opened, a file was opened)
so that from SimoCom U the drive can only be irregularly supplied with
Remedy -- Check whether SimoCom U is still operating correctly, if required, re-
-- Check whether the communication connection is OK, if required, re-
place the connecting cable
-- When in the online mode, do not select any time-intensive functions
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
790 Illegal operating mode. Supplementary info: \%u
Cause The selected operating mode (P0700) is not permitted for this module
or axis.
Supplementary info = 0x1:
Operating mode ==0 selected on the 1st axis
Supplementary info = 0x2:
”Positioing” operating mode selected for the Nset control module
Supplementary info = 0x3:
Operating mode is not possible with this firmware release
Supplementary info = 0x4:

”External position reference value” operating mode no longer possible.
For supplementary info 1:
Select valid operating mode (P0700 > 0)
For supplementary info 2:
Select Nset operating mode or use a positioning module.
For supplementary info 3:
Use a firmware release which supports this operating mode.
For supplementary info 4:
Select ”Positioning” operating mode.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP I
791 TTL encoder interface incorrectly parameterized
Cause The TTL encoder interface may only be parameterized as follows for
this particular hardware version:
Drive A: P0890 = 0 or 4, 0: Interface inactive, 4: TTL encoder input
Drive B: P0890 = 0
Remedy Set P0890 to permissible value.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-741
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

792 Direct measuring system incorrectly parameterized.

Supplementary info: \%u
Cause It is not permitted to parameterize the direct measuring system.
Supplementary info = 0x1:
A direct measuring system cannot be used using this board.
Supplementary info = 0x2:
The direct measuring system cannot be simultaneously operated with
drive B.
Supplementary info = 0x3:
The direct measuring system is active and drive A is set for encoder-
less operation (P1027 bit 5 = 1).
Remedy For supplementary info 1:
Use the required board.
For supplementary info 2:
-- De-activate the direct measuring system for drive A (P0250/P0879.12
= 0)
-- Switch drive B inactive (P0700 = 0)
For supplementary info 3:
-- De-activate the direct measuring system for drive A (P0250/P0879.12
= 0)
-- Commission the motor measuring system for drive A
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP I
793 Angular encoder signal waveform different for drive A
7 Cause
and B
The input signal waveform for the angular encoder interface must be
set the same for the drives.
Remedy Check P0894 for both drives and set the same
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
794 P0890 = 3 not permitted for drive B
Cause This angular encoder interface setting is not permitted for drive B.
Remedy Check P0890 for drive B and set to a permissible value
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-742 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

795 Ang. encoder, pos. ref. value normalization factor too

large. Suppl. info: \%u
Cause The position reference value normalization for the angular encoder in-
terface is not permissible.
Supplementary info
= 1 ----> Condition P0401 * P0895 < 8388608 violated
= 2 ----> Condition P0402 * P0896 < 8388608 violated
Remedy Check parameterization via P0401, P0402, P0895 and P0896. It may
be possible to achieve the conditions above by shortening the numera-
tor P0401 * P0895 with the denominator P0402 * P0896.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II
797 Error in center frequency measurement
Cause The speed was too high while measuring the center frequency (adjust-
ing the current actual value sensing). The center frequency is automati-
cally measured when ramping-up or when the pulses are inhibited.
Remedy Check the encoder cable.
Power up the drive converter if the motor runs at a reduced speed.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP I
798 Measured value memory active
Cause The measured-value memory was active during power-up.

Remedy Run up again.
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP I
799 FEPROM backup and HW Reset required
Cause Parameters were re-calculated. Parameters must be saved and the
module run up again after this new calculation.
Remedy The newly calculated data should be saved in the FEPROM. The new
parameters become effective the next time that the module runs up!
Acknowledgement POWER ON
Stop response STOP II (SRM, SLM) STOP I (ARM)
800 Minus hardware limit switch
Cause A 1/0 edge was identified at the ”Minus hardware limit switch” input sig-
Remedy -- In the pos mode: Return the drive to the traversing range using jog
key 1 or 2.
-- In the n-set mode: Enter a setpoint that opposes the approach direc-
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-743
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

801 Plus hardware limit switch

Cause A 1/0 edge was identified at the ”Plus hardware limit switch” input sig-
Remedy -- In the pos mode: Return the drive to the traversing range using jog
key 1 or 2.
-- In the n-set mode: Enter a setpoint that opposes the approach direc-
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
802 Drive rotates in response to angular encoder output
Cause The drive was not stationary as the zero pulse offset was programmed
on the angular encoder interface. Low speeds are not critical, but the
inaccuracy of the zero pulse position increases in proportion to speed.
Remedy Ensure that the drive is at a standstill, or take into account a higher in-
accuracy of the zero pulse.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
804 Controller enable or on/off 1(edge) or on/off 2/3 miss-
Cause When starting a traversing block, the controller enable has not been
set, or the controller enable is missing during a traversing program
when re-starting the axis from standstill.
7 Controller enable missing, i.e. one of the following signals missing:
-- PROFIBUS control signals (STW1.0: ON / OFF 1 (signal edge),
STW1.1: OC / OFF2, STW1.2: OC / OFF 3, STW1.3: Enable inverter /
pulse inhibit) and the appropriate signals of the bus interface
-- PC enable (SimoCom U)
-- Terminal 64
-- Terminal 65.x
Remedy Set the missing signal, and re-start the traversing block or enter a sig-
nal edge via PROFIBUS.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-744 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

805 Pulse enable missing

Cause When starting a traversing block, the pulse enable is not set, or the
pulse enable is missing during a traversing program when re-starting
the axis from standstill.
Pulse enable missing, i.e. one of the following signals missing:
-- PROFIBUS control signals (STW1.1: OC / OFF 2, STW1.3: Enable
inverter / pulse inhibit) or the appropriate signals of the bus interface
-- Terminal 48 (NE module)
-- Terminal NS1/NS2 (NE module)
-- Terminal 63 (NE module)
-- Terminal 663 (control module)
Remedy Set the missing enable signal and then re-start the traversing block.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
806 OC/reject traversing task missing
Cause When starting a traversing block, the ”operating condition / reject tra-
versing task” input signal is not set.
Remedy Set the ”operating condition / reject traversing task” input signal and
then re-start the traversing block.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
807 OC/intermediate stop missing
Cause When starting a traversing block the ”operating condition / intermediate

stop” input signal is not set.
Set the ”operating condition / intermediate stop” input signal and then
re-start the traversing block.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
808 Reference point not set
Cause When starting a traversing block, a reference point is not set.
Remedy Execute referencing or set a reference point using the ”set reference
point” input signal.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
809 Parking axis selected
Cause When starting a traversing block or when starting referencing, the
”parking axis” function is selected.
Remedy Cancel the ”parking axis” function and then re-start the required func-
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-745
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

810 Velocity in the block \%n with override = 0

Cause The velocity programmed in this block was calculated with the actual
override and a value of 0 was obtained.
The velocity is set to the lowest unit.
Remedy Increase override.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
811 Absolute value memory, alarm threshold
Cause Not enough absolute value memory space.
Remedy -- Power-down the drive and power-up again
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
814 Motor temperature, pre-alarm
Cause 1. The motor temperature is sensed using a temperature sensor
(KTY84 or PTC) and evaluated in the drive. This alarm is output if the
motor temperature reaches the alarm threshold, motor overtemperature
(P1602 for KTY or the PTC-specific switching temperature for PTC).
2. The thermal motor model has reached the thermal motor utilization
alarm threshold P1269.
Remedy -- Avoid many acceleration and braking operations which follow one
another quickly.
-- Check whether the motor output is sufficient for the drive, otherwise
7 use a more powerful motor, possibly together with a higher-rating
power section.
-- Check the motor data. It is possible that the motor current is too high
as a result of incorrect motor data.
-- Check the thermal motor utilization alarm threshold P1269.
-- Temperature sensor monitoring.
-- Check the motor fan.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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7-746 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

815 Power module temperature, pre-alarm

Cause The power unit heatsink temperature is sensed using a thermosensor
located on the main heatsink. If the overtemperature condition remains,
then the drive shuts down after approx. 20 s.
Remedy Improve the drive module cooling, e.g. using:
-- Higher airflow in the switching cabinet, possibly cool the ambient air
of the drive modules
-- Avoid many acceleration and braking operations which follow quickly
one after the other
-- Check that the power section for the axis/spindle is adequate,
otherwise use a higher-rating module
-- Ambient temperature too high (refer to the Planning Guide)
-- Permissible installation altitude exceeded (refer to the
Planning Guide)
-- Pulse frequency too high (refer to the Planning Guide)
-- Check fan, if required, replace
-- Maintain the minimum clearance above and below the power section
(refer to the Planning Guide)
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
816 Resolver sensing at its limit
Cause At run-up, the speed with an existing resolver evaluation was extremely
high. It is possible that this was not the actual speed, and that the re-
solver was not connected to the measuring circuit input.
Remedy Insert the measuring circuit connector and enter a reset.
Stop response
not required
820 Power module in i2t limiting
Cause The power module is being operated too long above the permissible
load limit.
Remedy -- Avoid many acceleration and braking operations which follow quickly
one after the other
-- Check that the power section for the axis/spindle is adequate, other-
wise use a higher-rating module
-- Pulse frequency too high (refer to the Planning Guide)
-- Check P1260 and P1261
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
824 Function generator faulted \%d
Cause An error has occurred when activating the function generator.
Remedy Read-out the detailed fault cause from P1800 and remove the cause.
Fault coding in supplementary info and P1800.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-747
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

827 Fieldbus is not in the data exchange state

Cause The bus interface is still not in the data exchange state or data ex-
change was interrupted.
-- The master has not yet run up, or has not yet established a
connection to the slave.
-- The bus addresses differ in the master configuring and slave
-- The bus connection has been physically interrupted.
-- The master is still in the clear condition.
-- An illegal parameterization or configuration was received.
-- A BUS address was assigned several times.
Remedy Master, check the assignment of bus addresses and bus connection.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
828 Fieldbus is not in clock-cycle synchronism to the
Cause The bus interface is in the data exchange state and was selected using
the parameterizing telegram of the clock-cycle synchronous operation.
It was not possible to synchronize to the clock cycle specified by the
master and to the master sign of life.
-- The master does not send an equidistant global control frame al-
though clock synchronism has been selected via the bus configuration.
-- The master uses a different equidistant DP clock cycle as was com-
municated to the slave in the parameterizing telegram.
7 -- The master does not increment its sign-of-life in the configured time
grid Tmapc.
Remedy Check master application and bus configuration
Check the consistency between the clock cycle input for the slave con-
figuring and the clock cycle setting at the master.
If the master (e.g. SIMATIC S7) does not transfer a sign-of-life, the
sign-of-life evalution can also be suppressed using P0879 bit 8.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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7-748 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

829 PROFIBUS: Illegal parameterization received. Reason:

Cause An illegal parameterizing frame was received via PROFIBUS. Cyclic
data transfer cannot start.
8 = The parameterizing telegram has an illegal length
9 = The length data in the equidistant block is illegal
10 = A block header has an unknown ID.
11 = The basis time Tbasedp is not permissible (not equal to 125 s).
12 = The DP clock cycle Tdp is not permissible (less than 1ms or
greater than 32ms).
13 = The time Tmapc is less than 1*Tdp or greater than 14*Tdp.
14 = The base time Tbaseio is not permissible (not equal to 125 s).
15 = Time Ti is greater than the DP clock cycle (Tdp).
16 = Time To is greater than the DP clock cycle (Tdp).
17 = For active Data Exchange, a new parameterization was received
with different contents.
18 = Clock cycle synchronous operation was selected without a
suitable option module having been activated (refer to P0875).
19 = IsoM_Req (state 3, bit 4) is requested in the DPV1 header without
there being an isochron block (ID 0x04).
20 = Fail_Safe (state 1, bit 6), IsoM_Req (state 3, bit 4) or
Prm_Structure (state 3, bit3) missing in the DPV1 header although
an isochron block (ID 0x04) is available.
21 = The time Tdx is greater than (To -- 125us) or greater than
(Tdp -- 250 s).
22 = The time Tpllw is greater than 1us.
23 = Slave-to-slave communication access target address and length
do not conform to word boundary.
24 = Maximum number (3 external + 1 internal) of slave-to-slave
communication links has been exceeded.
25 = Maximum number (8) of accesses per link has been exceeded.
26 = Unknown version ID in the slave-to-slave communications block.
27 = The maximum overall length of the filter table has been exceeded.
31 = The permitted maximum length of the parameterizing telegram for
the option module has been exceeded.
32 = The option module firmware does not support slave-to-slave
Remedy Check the bus configuration at the master, and if required correct the
If required, insert (reason 18) a suitable option module and activate.
If required, (reason 31 or reason 32) upgrade the option module firm-
ware to a version greater than or equal to 04.01.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-749
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

830 PROFIBUS: Illegal configuration received. Reason: \%u

Cause An illegal configuration frame was received via PROFIBUS. Cyclic data
transfer cannot start.
1 = In the master, more axes are configured than are physically
present in the power module.
2 = The number of axes configured in the master is not equal to the
number axes for which the PROFIBUS-DP option module is
actively switched via P0875. Note: Even if axis B is de-activated
(passivated), communications with axis B are not automatically
3 = Configuration incomplete (too short) for one of the PPL types
(only for vor P875 = 2).
4 = No PPO type detected (only for P875 = 2).
5 = Length calculation different between firmware and option module.
6 = For active data exchange, a new configuration was received with
different length.
7 = Configuration contained unknown S7 ID.
19 = More PZD’s have been configured than the maximum permissible.
20 = The configurtion contains an unknown special character
(only axis separators are permitted).
22 = Target offset of slave-to-slave communications access exceeds
the maximum number of PZDs
28 = Number of slave-to-slave communication IDs differs from the
number of accesses in the parameterizing telegram.
29 = Setpoint PZDs are not uniformly supplied by the master or slave
(drive) publisher.
30 = The permitted maximum length of the configuration telegram for
the option module has been exceeded.
7 Remedy Check the bus configuring at the master and if required correct.
If required, using P875, activate the option module PROFIBUS-DP,
which are previously configured in the PROFIBUS Master for the num-
ber of axes involved.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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7-750 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

831 PROFIBUS is not in the data transfer condition

Cause The PROFIBUS is not in a data transfer status (data exchange) or data
transfer was interrupted.
-- The master has not yet run up, or has not yet established a connec-
tion to the slave.
-- The bus addresses differ in the master configuring and slave parame-
-- The bus connection has been physically interrupted.
-- The master is still in the clear condition.
-- An illegal parameterization or configuration was received.
-- A PROFIBUS address was assigned several times.
Remedy Master, check the assignment of bus addresses and bus connection.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
832 PROFIBUS not clock-synchronous with the master
Cause The PROFIBUS is in a data transfer status (data exchange) and has
been selected via the parameterizing frame of synchronous operation.
It could not yet be synchronized to the clock preset by the master resp.
to the master sign-of-life.
-- The master does not send an equidistant global control frame al-
though clock synchronism has been selected via the bus configuration.
-- The master uses a different equidistant DP clock cycle as was com-
municated to the slave in the parameterizing telegram.
-- The master increments its sign-of-life (STW2 Bits 12--15) not in the

configured time frame Tmapc.
Check master application and bus configuration
Check the consistency between the clock cycle input for the slave con-
figuring and the clock cycle setting at the master.
If the master (e.g. SIMATIC S7) does not transfer a sign-of-life, the
sign-of-life evalution can also be suppressed using P0879 bit 8.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-751
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

833 PROFIBUS: No connection to the publisher \%u

Cause Cyclic data transfer between this slave and a slave-to-slave commu-
nications publisher was still not started or was interrupted.
-- Bus connection interrupted
-- Publisher failure
-- Master runs up again
-- The response monitoring (Watchdog) for this slave was de-activated
via the parameterizing telegram (SetPrm)
(Diagnostics: P1783:1 bit 3 = 0).
Supplementary info: PROFIBUS address of the publisher
Remedy Check the publisher and bus connections to the publisher, to the
master and between the master and publisher.
if the watchdog is de-activated, activate the response monitoring for
this slave via Drive ES.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
840 Teach-in for running traversing program
Cause Teach-in was requested during a running traversing program.
Remedy Exit the traversing program and re-request teach-in.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
841 Teach-in for relative block

7 Cause
The traversing block as ”teach in block” is relative instead of absolute.
Change the traversing block mode ”teach in block” from relative to ab-
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
842 Teach-in for a relative standard block
Cause The traversing block as ”teach in standard set”, is relative instead of
Remedy Change the traversing block mode ”teach in standard block” from rela-
tive to absolute.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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7-752 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

843 Search velocity too high

Cause The search velocity for spindle positioning is too high for the selected
maximum deceleration.
Remedy Reduce the search speed P0082:256 or increase the maximum decel-
eration P0104.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
845 Jogging not effective for active coupling
Cause Jogging is not possible while a coupling is closed.
Remedy Release the coupling and re-activate jogging.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
849 PLUS software limit switch actuated
Cause For a block with the ENDLOS_POS command, the axis has actuated
the plus software limit switch (P0316) for absolute or relative position-
The behavior for software limit switch reached, can be set using
Remedy -- Move away in the negative direction, jogging.
-- Move away in the negative direction using the traversing block.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
850 MINUS software limit switch actuated 7
Cause For a block with the ENDLOS_NEG command, the axis has actuated
the minus software limit switch (P0315) for absolute or relative position-
The behavior for software limit switch reached, can be set using
Remedy -- Move away in the positive direction, jogging.
-- Move away in the positive direction using the traversing block.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
864 Parameterization error in speed controller adaptation
Cause The upper adaption speed (P1412) was parameterized with a lower
value than the lower adaption speed (P1411).
Remedy P1412 must contain a higher value than P1411.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-753
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

865 Invalid signal number

Cause The signal number for the analog output is not permissible.
An analog value can be output for diagnostic, service and optimization
Term. 75.x/15, 16.x/15, DAC1, DAC2
Remedy Enter valid signal number
(refer to the Description of Functions SIMODRIVE 611 universal)
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
866 Parameterizing error, current controller adaption
Cause For the current controller adaption, the upper current limit (P1181) was
parameterized with a lower value than the lower current limit (P1180).
Adaption is de-activated when the parameterizing error is output.
Remedy P1181 must contain a higher value than P1180.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
867 Generator mode: Response voltage > shutdown
Cause The sum of the values in P1631 + P1632 is greater than the value in
Remedy Boot module

P1630 to P1633 are internal Siemens parameters
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
868 Regenerative operation: shutdown threshold > re-
sponse threshold
Cause The input value for the shutdown threshold, regenerative operation
(P1633) is greater than (or equal to) the response threshold, DC link
voltage (P1630).
Remedy Boot module
P1630 and P1633 are internal Siemens parameters
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
869 Reference point coordinate limited to modulo range
Cause The reference point coordinate is internally limited to the modulo range.
Remedy Enter a value in P0160 which lies within the modulo range (P0242).
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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7-754 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

870 Jerk: jerk time is limited

Cause When calculating the jerk time T from the acceleration a and the jerk r,
the result was an excessively high jerk time, so that the time is limited
The following is valid: T = a/r, where
a: Acceleration (higher value from P0103 and P0104)
r: Jerk (P0107)
Remedy -- Increase jerk (P0107)
-- Reduce maximum acceleration (P0103) or maximum deceleration
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
871 Induction motor operation: drive converter frequency
motor not permissible
Cause In induction motor operation (selected by P1465 < P1146), drive con-
verter frequencies of 4 or 8 kHz are permissible.
Remedy -- Change P1100
-- Cancel induction motor operation (P1465 > P1146)
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
872 PARAMETERIZING ERROR: P gain, equalization con-
troller too high
Cause PARAMETERIZING ERROR: P gain, equalization controller does not fit
into the format. 7
Remedy -- Change P1491
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
875 Axial deviations in fixed voltage
Cause For the axes of a drive module, an unequal fixed voltage (P1161) was
As a fixed voltage <> 0 replaces the DC link voltage measured value,
but the DC link voltage is only measured once for all drives of a drive
module, the fixed voltage on all module axes must be equal, before it is
Remedy Set the same fixed voltage (P1161) on all module axes.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-755
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

876 Terminal function \%u in the actual mode illegal

Cause The function number, used as input terminal or distributed input
(P0888) may not be used in the actual mode.
Remedy Change P0700 (operating mode) or enter a suitable function number in
P0888 or P0660, P0661 etc.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
877 Output function \%u not permissible in the actual oper-
ating mode
Cause The function number, used as output, may not be used in the actual
operating mode.
Remedy Change P0700 (operating mode) or enter a suitable function number in
P0680, P0681, etc.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
878 Input I0.x not parameterized as equivalent zero mark
Cause When entering an external signal as equivalent zero mark (P0174 = 2)
input I0.x must be assigned the function ”equivalent zero mark” (Fct.
No.: 79).
if a direct measuring system is used, input I0.B must be assigned the
”equivalent zero mark” function (Fct. No.: 79).
Remedy -- Motor measuring system: P0660 = 79

-- Direct measuring system: P0672 = 79
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
879 Time constant deadtime, speed feedforward control
(P0205:\%u) too high
Cause P0205:8 may not be greater than two position controller clock cycles.
Higher values are internally limited.
Remedy Reduce P0205:8 to max. two position controller clock cycles (P1009).
Parameterize an addition delay via P0206:8.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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7-756 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

881 PZD configuring: Signal number in P0915:\%u invalid

Cause An undefined or illegal signal number in the current operating mode
(P0700) was identified for the process data software.
P0915:1 is not equal to 50001 (STW1).
The process data for encoder 1 has been configured although encoder-
less operation is activated (P1011.5).
The process data for encoder 2 were configured although the direct
measuring system is not activated (P0879.12).
Remedy Correct P0915:17
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
882 PZD configuring: Double word signal number in
P0915:\%u invalid
Cause For signals with double words (length = 32 bits), the corresponding sig-
nal identifier must be configured twice for adjacent process data. The
following subparameter must therefore also be parameterized with the
same signal number.
Remedy Correct P0915:17
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
883 PZD configuring: Signal number in P0916:\%u invalid
Cause An undefined or illegal signal number in the current operating mode
(P0700) was identified for the process data software.
P0916:1 is not equal to 50002 (ZSW1).
The process data for encoder 1 has been configured although encoder-
less operation is activated (P1011.5).
The process data for encoder 2 were configured although the direct
measuring system is not activated (P0879.12).
Remedy Correct P0916:17
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
884 PZD configuring: Double word signal number in
P0916:\%u ivalid
Cause For signals with double words (length = 32 bits), the corresponding sig-
nal identifier must be configured twice for adjacent process data. The
following subparameter must therefore also be parameterized with the
same signal number.
Remedy Correct P0916:17
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-757
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.3 List of faults and alarms

885 P1261 greater than 100.0 % not permissible

Cause P1261 greater than 100.0 % is not permissible for permanent-magnet
synchronous motors with field weakening (PE spindle, P1015 = 1). It is
internally limited to 100.0 %.
Remedy Set P1261 to max. 100.0 %.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
886 Pre-tensioning torque greater than 16x rated torque
Cause The parameterized pre-tensioning torque (P1493) is greater than 16x
the standstill torque (SRM), rated motor torque (ARM) and standstill
force (SLM) of the motor.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Limits”
Remedy Reduce pre-tensioning torque (P1493)
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
889 Fixed endstop, axis has not reached the clamping
Cause The axis has reached the fixed stop -- however was not able to estab-
lish the programmed clamping torque
Remedy Check the parameters for the limits.
Acknowledgement not required

7 Stop response
Acceleration - deceleration override incorrect
Cause The acceleratino override or the deceleration override is not in the
range from 1% to 100%.
if the value > 100%, then it is limited to 100%.
If the value < 1%, then limited to 1%.
The traversing block is not interrupted.
Remedy Check the programming of the acceleration override and deceleration
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

7-758 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.3 List of faults and alarms

891 PLUS software limit switch actuated coupled

Cause With the actual master drive velocity, this coupling axis will probably
reach or pass the PLUS software limit switch.
This warning is output if the coupled axis has fallen below 200% of the
braking travel up to the PLUS software limit switch.
Remedy Traverse the master drive so that this coupling axis goes into the per-
missible traversing range.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
892 MINUS software limit switch actuated coupled
Cause With the actual master drive velocity, this coupling axis will probably
reach or pass the MINUS software limit switch.
This warning is output if the coupled axis has fallen below 200% of the
braking travel up to the MINUS software limit switch.
Remedy Traverse the master drive so that this coupling axis goes into the per-
missible traversing range.
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
893 Function 73 only effective at terminal I0.x
Cause The terminal function 73 ”Coupling on I0” is only effective at terminal
Remedy Assign terminal I0.x to function 73.
Stop response
not required
894 Inputs, optional TERMINAL module assigned twice
Cause The input terminals on the optional TERMINAL module can only be
used by one drive.
Remedy Check and correct P0676 (A) and P0676 (B).
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII
895 Outputs, optional TERMINAL module assigned twice
Cause Only one drive can use the output terminals on the optional TERMINAL
Remedy Check and correct P0696 (A) and P0696 (B).
Acknowledgement not required
Stop response STOP VII

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-759
7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.4 Commissioning functions

7.4 Commissioning functions

Overview The commissioning functions and support tools help during start--up,
during service, when optimizing the drive, and troubleshooting.
The ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board has the following com-
missioning and help functions:
S Function generator (FG) refer to Chapter 7.4.1
S Trace function refer to Chapter 7.4.2
S Test sockets (DAC1, DAC2) refer to Chapter 7.4.3
S Measuring function refer to Chapter 7.4.4

! Setpoints entered via analog inputs (e.g. via terminals 56.x/14.x and/or
24.x/20.x) or speeds entered via PROFIBUS--DP are added when the
function generator starts.
The analog inputs can be disabled via P0607 = 0 (for terminal
56.x/14.x) or P0612 = 0 (for terminal 24.x/20.x).


7 For a ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” control board, only 1 function

generator or 1 measuring function can be started at the same time,
i.e. either for drive A or B.

Start--up The SimoCom U parameterization and start--up tool can, in the online
(commissioning) mode, start the commissioning functions ”function generator” and
functions and ”measuring function” with the control authority for PG/PC.
”SimoCom U” tool

If online operation between SimoCom U and ”SIMODRIVE 611
universal” is interrupted while a start--up function is being executed,
then this start--up function is exited, and an appropriate fault is
displayed on the display unit.

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7-760 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.4 Commissioning functions

7.4.1 Function generator (FG)

Overview Using the function generator:

S The influence of the higher--level control loops can be specifically
S The dynamic performance can be compared for coupled drives.
S A simple characteristic (traversing profile) can be selected as set-
point and repeated, without having to program a traversing program.
S From SW 11.1 the ”Oscillate” function of the ”SIMODRIVE 611 ana-
log” can be simulated.
The function generator generates various types of setpoints (square-
wave, staircase, delta, PRBS or sinusoidal), and enters this setpoint,
corresponding to the selected mode, as current setpoint, disturbing
torque or as speed setpoint.

! If the function generator is active, then traversing motion is not

Starting the The following must be observed when starting the function generator:
S The function generator is started as follows
-- Setting P1800 = 1
The function generator is immediately started. 7
-- Setting P1800 = 2 (from SW 8.1)
Synchronous start of the function generator, e.g. for gantry axes,
if in the n--set mode, the PROFIBUS control word STW1.8 is 1.
From SW 9.1 onwards, also with PROFIBUS control word
PosStw.15 in the pos mode or with the digital input terminal func-
tion No. 41 ”activate function generator (signal edge)”.
-- From SW 11.2 onwards for the realization of the ”Oscillation”
function with PROFIBUS control word STW1.9 = 1 or with input
terminal function No. 2 ”Activate function generator immediately”.
S The following starting conditions and enable signals must be available:
Table 7-5 Starting conditions for the function generator

Starting conditions Operating mode FG Operating mode FG

P1804 P1804
=1 =2
= 3 (only V/Hz = 3 (without V/Hz
operation) operation)
Speed controlled x
operation on
Controller enable x x

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7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.4 Commissioning functions

Table 7-5 Starting conditions for the function generator, continued

Starting conditions Operating mode FG Operating mode FG

P1804 P1804
=1 =2
= 3 (only V/Hz = 3 (without V/Hz
operation) operation)
Pulse enable x x
Internal regenerative stop x x
Ramp--up generator x x
x: Start condition must be fulfilled

Fault If a fault is identified when starting or during operation, then the func-
tion generator is exited, and the reason for the fault is displayed by en-
tering a negative value in P1800.

Stopping the The function generator can be stopped as follows:

S Stopped via P1800 = 1 ! 0
If the function generator is stopped using this parameter, then the
drive is braked with the deceleration set in P1813.
S Stopping is possible via STW1.8 = 0 for P1800 = 2 (from SW 8.1)
From SW 9.1 also with PROFIBUS control word PosStw.15 in the
7 pos mode or with digital input terminal functions No. 41 ”activate
function generator (signal edge)”.
If the function generator is stopped using this PROFIBUS control
word, then the drive is braked with the deceleration set in P1813.
After stopping, the value --23 appears in P1800.
S Cancel
As soon as one of the function generator starting conditions is no
longer fulfilled, the drive brakes along the braking ramp P1813 or
”coasts down” when the pulse enable is withdrawn.
Further, the function generator is stopped, if incorrect parameteriza-
tion is executed during operation.

The control structure of the drive is re--established each time that the
function generator is stopped or aborted.
While the function generator runs, e.g. in the mode ”current setpoint”
(P1804 = 1), all of the higher--level control loops are open. The control
loops are re--closed when the function generator is either stopped or

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03.04 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.4 Commissioning functions

Parameter The following parameters are used to parameterize the function generator:
Table 7-6 Parameters for the function generator

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effective
1800 Function generator control --40 0 2 -- immedi-
... starts, exits the function generator and if a fault/error is present, displays the reason.
=2 Synchronous start of the function generator (from SW 8.1)
=1 Starts the function generator. The FG is again terminated with P1800 = 1 ! 0.
=0 Function generator is inactive
= --1 Commissioning--function was started; but was possibly already running on another
= --2 Inadmissible mode or the mode was changed while the FG was active
= --4 The period is 0 or too high
= --6 The absolute amplitude is too high
= --7 The offset lies outside the permitted range
= --8 The limit is greater than permitted
= --9 Incorrect waveform or the waveform was changed while the FG was active
= --10 The pulse width is negative or greater than the period
= --11 The bandwidth is less than 1 Hz or greater than the maximum possible bandwidth
(for a sampling time of 0.125 ms, the maximum possible bandwidth is 4000 Hz)
= --15 The 2nd amplitude for the ”staircase” waveform is too high
= --16 The commissioning function was not started or was aborted due to an active inter-

= --17
nal regenerative stop
The commissioning function was not started or was aborted due to the missing
pulse enable
= --18 The commissioning function was not started or was aborted due to the missing
speed controller enable
= --19 The commissioning function was not started or was aborted due to the missing
”speed controlled mode” enable
= --20 The commissioning function was not started or was aborted due to a missing ramp--
function generator enable signal
= --21 The commissioning function was not started due to a traversing axis (e.g. active
traversing block)
=--23 The commissioning function was canceled because the synchronous start enable
was withdrawn

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7.4 Commissioning functions

Table 7-6 Parameters for the function generator, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effective
1804 Function generator mode 1 3 5 -- immedi-
... specifies at which input the generated setpoint is entered.
=1 Current setpoint
The current control loop is closed, all of the higher--level control loops are open.
The function generator output is the current setpoint in the current controller clock
=2 Disturbing torque
The speed control loop is closed, all of the higher--level control loops are open. The
function generator output is the current setpoint in the speed controller clock cycle.
When starting and stopping, the acceleration/deceleration is limited by the ramp--
function generator of the function generator.
=3 Speed setpoint
The speed control loop is closed, all of the higher--level control loops are open. The
function generator output is the speed setpoint in the speed controller clock cycle.
When starting and stopping, the acceleration/deceleration is limited by the ramp--
function generator of the function generator.
=4 Disturbing torque with the ramp--function generator (from SW 2.4)
The speed control loop is closed and all of the higher--level control loops are open.
The function generator output is the current setpoint in the speed controller clock
When starting and stopping, the acceleration/deceleration is limited by the ramp--
function generator of the function generator as well as by the ramp--function gener-
ator in the speed setpoint channel. The maximum value from the ramp--up/ramp--

7 down time (P1256/P1257) of the RFG in the speed setpoint channel and the time of
the ramp--function generator of the function generator (P1813) is always used.
=5 Speed setpoint with the ramp--function generator (from SW 2.4)
The speed control loop is closed and all of the higher--level control loops are open.
The function generator output is the speed setpoint in the controller clock cycle.
When starting and stopping, the acceleration/deceleration is limited by the ramp--
function generator of the function generator as well as by the ramp--function gener-
ator in the speed setpoint channel. The maximum value from the ramp--up/ramp--
down time (P1256/P1257) of the RFG in the speed setpoint channel and the time of
the ramp--function generator of the function generator (P1813) is always used.
When moving along the characteristic, the ramp--up and ramp--down time of the
ramp--function generator in the speed setpoint channel is taken into account.

Note: When a parameter is changed with the function generator active, this causes the
system to crash.

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7.4 Commissioning functions

Table 7-6 Parameters for the function generator, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effective
1805 Function generator, waveform 1 1 5 -- immedi-
... specifies which function generator waveform should be output.
Note: When a parameter is changed with the function generator active, this causes the
system to crash.
=1 Rectangle Limiting Open parameter
Offset: P1807
Ramp--up Amplitude
time Amplitude: P1806
Offset Pulse width: P1811
Period: P1810
Start Pulse width Limit: P1808
Period Ramp--up time: P1813
=2 Staircase Limiting Open parameter
2nd amplitude Offset: P1807
Amplitude Amplitude: P1806
Ramp--up 2nd amplitude: P1809
time Period: P1810
Start Period Limit: P1808
--”-- --”--
Ramp--up time: P1813

=3 Triangular
Limiting Open parameter
Offset: P1807
Amplitude: P1806
Ramp--up Period: P1810
Limit: P1808
Start Period Ramp--up time: P1813
--”-- --”--

=4 PRBS (pseudo random binary signal) Limiting Open parameter

noise Offset: P1807
Amplitude Amplitude: P1806
Ramp--up Bandwidth: P1812
time Offset Limit: P1808
Start 1/(2 x bandwidth) Ramp--up time: P1813

=5 Sinusoidal Limiting Open parameter

Offset: P1807
Amplitude Amplitude: P1806
Ramp--up Period: P1810
Limit: P1808
Start Period Ramp--up time: P1813
--”-- --”--

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7.4 Commissioning functions

Table 7-6 Parameters for the function generator, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effective
1806 Start--up function, amplitude --1 600.0 5.0 1 600.0 % immedi-
... specifies the amplitude of the signal to be output. The units are dependent on P1804.
if then
P1804 = 1, 2 the units are referred to P1103 (rated motor current)
P1804 = 3 the units are referred to P1400 (rated motor speed)
1807 Start--up function, offset --1 600.0 0.0 1 600.0 % immedi-
... defines the offset of the signal to be output. The units are dependent on P1804.
if then
P1804 = 1 the unit is referred to P1103 (rated motor current)
P1804 = 2, 3 the units are referred to P1400 (rated motor speed)
For P1804 = 2 (”fault torque” mode), the offset does not affect the current setpoint, but the
speed setpoint, to compensate for the effects of backlash (play).
1808 Function generator limiting 0.0 100.0 1 600.0 % immedi-
... defines the limit of the signal to be output. The units are dependent on P1804.
if then
P1804 = 1, 2 the units are referred to P1103 (rated motor current)

P1804 = 3 the units are referred to P1400 (rated motor speed)
The limit is effective, symmetrically around the zero point.
For P1804 = 2 (”disturbance torque” mode), the limit only acts on the current setpoint, but not
on the speed setpoint (= offset).
1809 Function generator 2nd amplitude --1 600.0 7.0 1 600.0 % immedi-
(only for P1805 = 2, staircase) ately
... specifies the 2nd amplitude for the ”staircase” waveform. The units are dependent on
if then
P1804 = 1, 2 the units are referred to P1103 (rated motor current)
P1804 = 3 the units are referred to P1400 (rated motor speed)
1810 Function generator period 1 1 000 65 535 ms immedi-
(not for P1805 = 4, PRBS) ately
... defines the period of the signal to be output.
1811 Function generator pulse width 0 500 65 535 ms immedi-
(only for P1805 = 1, squarewave) ately
... defines the pulse width of the ”squarewave” waveform.
1812 Start--up function, bandwidth (FFT) 1 4 000 8 000 Hz immedi-
(only for P1805 = 4, PRBS) ately
... defines the bandwidth in the PRBS mode.

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7.4 Commissioning functions

Table 7-6 Parameters for the function generator, continued

No. Description Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effective
1813 Start--up function, ramp--up time at 0.0 32.0 100 000.0 ms immedi-
P1400 ately
(only for P1804 = 2, 3
----> closed speed control loop)
... specifies the time in which the drive accelerates or decelerates (brakes) to the required
speed. In this case, the parameter refers to P1400 (rated speed).

The following applies: P1813 = S required ramp--up time
required speed
Rated speed nrated = 3000 RPM (P1400)
The drive should accelerate up to 500 RPM in 20 ms
----> P1813 = (3000 / 500) S 20 ms = 120 ms

Additional Additional waveforms are available using the appropriate parameteriza-

waveforms tion.
For the ”triangular” waveform, a triangular waveform without peak is
obtained by appropriately parameterizing the limit.

Limiting 7

Fig. 7-5 ”Triangular” waveforms with no peak

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7.4 Commissioning functions

Details of the The ”staircase” waveform is especially significant when optimizing the
”staircase” speed controller.
waveform Depending on how the amplitude is parameterized, the following inter-
esting possibilities are obtained:
S Amplitude = 0 (P1806 = 0)
-- Reversing is possible
-- The axis stops at the end points
-- There is play and static friction if there is no offset
-- With offset, the axis continually distances itself from the starting

2nd amplitude Limiting


Start Period
--”-- --”--

Fig. 7-6 ”Staircase” waveform with amplitude = 0 and offset > amplitude 2

S Amplitude ≠ 0 (P1806 ≠ 0)
7 Advantages:
-- Reversing is possible
-- A higher (2nd amplitude) is selected from a basic velocity (ampli-
-- The traversing profile periodically repeats itself.
This means that when optimizing the control loop, the effect can
be immediately monitored, e.g. using an oscilloscope connected
to test sockets DAC1/DAC2.
-- The axis always moves through the same distance in each direc-

2nd amplitude Limiting

Start --”-- --”--

Fig. 7-7 ”Staircase” waveform with amplitude > 0 and offset = 0

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02.03 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.4 Commissioning functions

7.4.2 Trace function

Description Selected measuring quantities in the drive can be measured corre-

sponding to the specified measuring parameters, using the trace
function and graphically displayed using SimoCom U.

Overview of The trace function has the following properties and features:
S 4 trace buffers with up to 2048 measured values
The actual number of possible measured values is dependent on
whether the measuring signal is 24 or 48 bit.
S Freely--selectable measuring signals
The required signal is selected from a signal selection box.
S Triggering
-- without triggering (the trace starts immediately after START)
-- with triggering to an additional trigger signal with signal edge/sig-
nal level/bit pattern triggering and trigger delay/pre--trigger
-- trigger is initiated by a change in the bit mask (from SW 5.1)
A trigger is initiated as soon as one of the bits in the bit mask
S X/Y scaling: Automatic and selectable
Using the scaling, a sub--range can be specified for the abscissa (x
axis) and ordinate (y axis), so that a section can be displayed.
It is possible to zoom in using an appropriately set scaling factor. 7
S Signal measurement via cursor
This means that the signals can be analyzed using the X cursor
(time axis) and/or Y cursor.
S From SW 5.1, individual bits of a signal can be evaluated.
One or several bits can be selected in the ”SimoCom U” in the
”trace” input mask using the ”bit masking” button. The bit masking
can be set, independently for each channel and can be recognized
by the units of the associated signal.

Reader’s note
The trace function can only be used together with the SimoCom U
parameterizing and start--up tool, i.e. SimoCom U is used to control
the trace function and to display the measured values.
Additional information on the trace function is provided in the online
help for SimoCom U.

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7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics 01.99
7.4 Commissioning functions

7.4.3 Test sockets, DAC1, DAC2

Description For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”, there are two test sockets to output
analog signals, with the following features:
S Resolution of the DAC 8 bit
S Voltage range 0 V to +5 V
S Measurement clock cycle Speed controller clock cycle
S Shift factor (refer to Figs. 7-8 and 7-9)
The resolution is 8 bit. Thus, only an 8 bit section can be output
from a 24/48 bit signal. The shift factor defines how finely the se-
lected signal is quantized.
S Module--specific
The test sockets are provided for each module, i.e. they can be acti-
vated and de--activated from each drive.
Only one drive can output one value at a test socket.
S Signal selection list
The signals which can be output via the test sockets, can be taken
from the signal selection list for analog outputs (refer to Chap. 6.7).

The test sockets are only provided for test purposes during

7 commissioning or for service.

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7.4 Commissioning functions

Parameter The assignment between the test sockets and parameters is as follows:
Table 7-7 Overview of the test sockets

Test sockets Parameter

No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
1820 Signal number, test socket 1 0 8 530 -- imme-
... defines which signal is output via the DAC (D/A converter).
The signal number from the signal selection list must be entered for ana-
log output (refer to Chapter 6.7 under Table 6-57).
1821 Shift factor, test socket 1 0 6 47 -- imme-
... defines the shift factor, with which the output signal is manipulated.
Speed actual Only an 8 bit output window can be output from a 24/48 bit signal due to
value, motor the 8--bit resolution. The shift factor can be used to define which 8 of the
drive A 24/48 bits are located in the output window and should be output.
1822 Offset, test socket 1 --128 0 127 -- imme-
... specifies the offset, which is added to the 8--bit output signal.
X34 DAC1 The signal to be output is shifted by 5/256 V (19.5 mV) by changing the
offset by 1 digit.
P1822 = --128 ≐ 0 V, P1822 = 0 ≐ +2.5 V, P1822 = 127 ≐ +5V
1826 Status, test socket 1 0 1 1 -- imme-
... defines the status of the test socket for this drive.
2.5 V
≐ 0 V of
the meas.
Test socket is inactive
Test socket is active 7
As always only one drive can output one value at a test socket, when
0V changing the parameter in one drive, the parameter in the other drive is
automatically adapted.
For a 2--axis module, the test sockets are preset as follows after the first
Drive A Drive B
Test socket 1 active (P1826 = 1) inactive (P1826 = 0)
Test socket 2 inactive (P1836 = 0) active (P1836 = 1)
1830 Signal number, test socket 2 0 14 530 -- imme-
Description, refer to that for P1820.
X34 DAC1
1831 Shift factor, test socket 2 0 12 47 -- imme-
M DAC2 Description, refer to that for P1821.
1832 Offset, test socket 2 --128 0 127 -- imme-
Active power Description, refer to that for P1822.
drive B
1836 Status, test socket 2 0 1 1 -- imme-
(as standard)
Description, refer to that for P1826.

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7.4 Commissioning functions

Shift factor

Bit 23 (MSB) 16 15 8 7 0 (LSB)

Analog output value

with shift factor = 0

with shift factor = 1

with shift factor = 8

with shift factor = 16

MSB = Most Significant Bit

LSB = Least Significant Bit

Fig. 7-8 Shift factor for analog output of 24--bit signals

Bit 47 (MSB) 40 39 8 7 0 (LSB)

Analog output value

with shift factor = 0

with shift factor = 1

with shift factor = 8

with shift factor = 40

MSB = Most Significant Bit

LSB = Least Significant Bit

7 Fig. 7-9 Shift factor for analog output of 48--bit signals

Voltage range

voltage V
1st overflow 2nd overflow 3rd overflow 4th overflow

2.5 V

000000H 200000H 400000H 600000H 800000H A00000H C00000H E00000H FFFFFFH

Shift factor = 0 Offset = 0 V Hexadecimal value

Shift factor = 2 Fine normalization= 100 %

Fig. 7-10 Voltage range for test sockets

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7.4 Commissioning functions

7.4.4 Measurement function

Overview Using the measuring function, by using simple parameterization, the

influence of higher--level control circuits can be disabled and the dy-
namic performance of the individual drives can be displayed without
using any external measuring equipment.
This means that it is possible to evaluate and analyze important quanti-
ties of the current and speed control loop in the time and frequency do-

Measuring Test signals with a selectable time interval are input into the drives to
principle determine the measured values for graphic display of the time and fre-
quency characteristics of drives and closed--loop control functions.

Speed setpoint
Test signal

Setpoint Speed Current Process

0 controller controller
--- ---
Actual current value

Actual speed value

Test duration (Ttest)

Meas. Meas. value 1 Meas. buffer 1

selection Meas. value 2
Meas. buffer 2
(max. 3)
Meas. value 3 Meas. buffer 3

Fig. 7-11 Block diagram of the drive optimization (schematic)

Reader’s note
The trace function can only be used together with the SimoCom U
parameterizing and start--up tool, i.e. SimoCom U is used to control
the trace function and to display the measured values.
Additional information on the measuring functions is provided in the
online help for SimoCom U.

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7.5 V/Hz operation (diagnostics function)

7.5 V/Hz operation (diagnostics function)

Description V/Hz operation allows the following motors to be used:

S Induction motors without encoder evaluation
S 1FK6/1FT6 feed motors without encoder evaluation

The V/Hz operation is exclusively provided for diagnostics purposes for
synchronous (SRM) and induction motors (ARM).
V/Hz operation may only be used with converter switching frequencies
(P1100) of 4 or 8 kHz. After changing P1100, ”calculate controller data”
must be re--executed.
For operation with encoder, the speed actual value from the measuring
system is displayed, and for operation without encoder, a calculated
speed actual value.

7.5.1 V/Hz operation with induction motors (ARM)

Commissioning For V/Hz operation, it is first necessary to carry--out the standard com-
7 missioning for an induction motor with motor selection to obtain practi-
cal pre--assignment values (default values) for all of the parameters.
If a motor measuring system is not used, then ”no encoder” must be
selected as the encoder type.
As ”unlisted motors” are generally used, for simple sensorless (no en-
coder) operation, the rating plate data should be entered and
the ”calculate equivalent circuit diagram data” and ”calculate con-
troller data” functions executed.
V/Hz operation is then activated using P1014 = 1.

Parameters for For V/Hz operation with induction motors, the following parameters are
V/Hz operation available:
with induction
motors (ARM)
Table 7-8 Parameters for V/Hz operation with ARM

Parameter Name
P1014 Activates V/f mode
P1125 Ramp--up time 1 for V/Hz operation
P1127 Voltage at f = 0, V/Hz mode
P1132 Rated motor voltage

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7.5 V/Hz operation (diagnostics function)

Table 7-8 Parameters for V/Hz operation with ARM, continued

Parameter Name
P1134 Rated motor frequency
P1146 Maximum motor speed
P1103 Rated motor current
P1238 Current limit value
P1400 Rated motor speed
P1401 Speed for the max. useful motor speed
P1405:8 Monitoring speed, motor

V/Hz characteristic The speed setpoint is converted into the frequency to be used as refer-
ARM ence, taking into account the pole pair number, which is determined
from the rated motor frequency and rated motor speed.
This means the synchronous frequency, associated with the speed set-
point, is output (no slip compensation)

U [V]

~ 430 V



P1134 f [1/s]

Fig. 7-12 V/Hz characteristic ARM

Ramp--up time The ramp--up time can be set via P1125.

7.5.2 V/Hz operation with synchronous motors (SRM)

Commissioning For synchronous motors, V/Hz operation is only used for diagnostic
In this case, the standard commissioning must first be executed with
motor selection, to obtain practical pre--assignment values for all of the
motor data.
V/Hz operation is then activated using P1014 = 1.

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7.5 V/Hz operation (diagnostics function)

Parameters for For V/Hz operation with synchronous motors, the following parameters
V/Hz operation are available:
with synchronous
motors (SRM)
Table 7-9 Parameter V/Hz operation with 1FK6/1FT6 motors (SRM)

Parameter Name
P1014 Activates V/f mode
P1104 Maximum motor current
P1105 Reduced maximum motor current
P1112 Motor pole pair number
P1114 Voltage constant
P1125 Ramp--up time 1 for V/Hz operation
P1400 Rated motor speed
P1401 Speed for the max. useful motor speed
P1405:8 Monitoring speed, motor

V/Hz characteristic The speed setpoint conversion into the frequency to be used as refer-
SRM ence is obtained from the pole pair number.

U [V]
~ 430 V

7 P1114

1000 f [1/s]
P1112 x

Fig. 7-13 V/Hz characteristic SRM

Generally, only speeds up to approx. 25% of the rated speed can be

reached due to the strong tendency for synchronous motors to oscillate
in the V/Hz mode.

Ramp--up times The ramp--up time can be set via P1125.

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08.02 7 Fault Handling/Diagnostics
7.6 Spare parts

7.5.3 Parameters for V/Hz operation

Parameter The following parameters are available for V/Hz operation

Table 7-10 Parameter overview for V/Hz operation

No. Name Min. Stan- Max. Unit Effec-
dard tive
1014 Activates V/f mode 0 0 1 -- PO
... V/Hz operation for this drive is activated/de--activated.
=1 V/Hz operation is activated
=0 V/Hz operation is de--activated
1125 Ramp--up time 1 for V/Hz operation 0.01 5.0 100.0 s imme-
When V/Hz operation is activated, this is the time in which the speed setpoint is changed from
0 to the maximum motor speed (P1146).
1127 Voltage at f = 0 V/Hz operation (ARM) 0.0 2.0 20.0 V(pk) imme-
When V/Hz operation is activated, and at 0 frequency, the voltage which is output is increased
by the value in this parameter.
The parameter is preset when carrying--out the ”calculate controller data” function.

7.6 Spare parts


Table 7-11 Terminals for SIMODRIVE 611 universal

Designation Terminal Item number Order No.

X421 AS1, AS2 GWE--000000590513 6SY9907
X431 P24, M24,9 663,19 GWE--000000588343 6SY9908
X451, X452 56.x, 14.x, 24.x, 20.x, ... GWE--000000588293 6SY9910
X461, X462 (10 pin) A+.x, A--.x, B+.x, B--.x
X461, X462 (11 pin) A+.x, A--.x, B+.x, B--.x A5E0009717 6SY9913
X453, X454 A+.x, A--.x, B+.x, ...0
X441 75.x. 16.x, 15 GWE--000000588277 6SY9911
X422, X432 I4...I11, O4...O11 GWE--000000588285 6SY9912
Power connector, motor connec- 6SY9904
Power connector, pulsed resistor 6SY9905s

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition 7-777
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7.6 Spare parts

Space for your notes

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7-778 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
Lists A
A.1 Parameter list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-780
A.2 Power module list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-922
A.3 List of motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-925
A.3.1 List of the rotating synchronous motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-925
A.3.2 List of permanent--magnet synchronous motors with field weakening
(1FE1, 2SP1, PE spindle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-935
A.3.3 List of permanent--magnet synchronous motors without field weakening,
built--in torque motors (1FW6, from SW 6.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-942
A.3.4 List of linear synchronous motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-946
A.3.5 List of induction motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-952
A.4 Encoder list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-962
A.4.1 Encoder code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-962
A.4.2 Encoder adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-965

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-779
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list

A.1 Parameter list

Reader’s note
The parameters listed in the following are valid for all of the software
releases of ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”.
The complete list is updated corresponding to the edition of this
documentation (refer to the edition in the header lines) and
corresponds here to the documented software releases of
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”.
The parameters are designated depending on the particular software

General The parameters are listed as follows:

information on the
parameter list

Significance of the parameter numbers (examples) Valid for ... motors

none all
(refer under the index entry ”Parameters -- ...)
SRM rotating synchronous
P1400 Parameter 1400 with sub--parameters ARM rotating induction
P1401:8 Parameter 1401 with 8 sub--parameters SLM synchronous linear
P0081:64 Parameter 0081 with 64 sub--parameters
Parameter number Parameter text Motor dependency Software release
no data:
... available from SW 2.1

xxxx word_word word_word word_word (yyy) (--> x.y)

Min Standard Max Units Data type Effective (yyy)
xx xx xx yy zz uu e.g.: --> 2.4 :
... available from SW 2.4

A Units
S RO (Read Only)
can only be read
S MSR: Dimension system grid S immed. is effective immediately when changed
1 MSR = 0.001 mm for P0100 = 1 S PO POWER ON
1 MSR = 0.0001 inch for P0100 = 2 when changed, becomes effective after
1 MSR = 0.001 degrees for P0100 = 3 POWER ON
S c * MSR S PrgE End of program is
effective if none of the programs
c = 1: for a dimension system mm or inch (block processing) are active
c = 10: for a dimension system, degrees
S Vsoll_0 Velocity setpoint zero
Example: Effective for a velocity setpoint = 0
P0082:64 = 50 000 [c*MSR/min] Information on effective
Dimens. system Significance In order that a parameter ”immediately” becomes
----> mm 50 mm/min effective after a change, it may be necessary to
----> inch 5 inch/min execute the associated function (e.g. P0160
----> degrees 500 degrees/min (reference point coordinates) a reference point
approach must be carried out).

Fig. A-1 Parameter list

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A-780 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

Parameter list The following parameters are available for the ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
control board:
Version: 13.01.02
0001 Actual traversing block - block number
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Integer16 RO
... in the ”Positioning” mode and for the ”spindle positioning” function it specifies the block num-
ber of the traversing block being processed.
Note: Refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks” or for P0080:256
0002 Actual traversing block - position
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- MSR Integer32 RO
... in the ”Positioning” mode and for the ”spindle positioning” function it specifies the pro-
grammed position of the traversing block being processed.
Note: Refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks” or for P0081:256
0003 Actual traversing block - velocity
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- c*MSR/min Unsigned32 RO
... in the ”Positioning” mode and for the ”spindle positioning” function it specifies the pro-
grammed velocity of the traversing block being processed.
Note: Refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks” or for P0082:256
0004 Actual traversing block -- acceleration override
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Unsigned16 RO
... in the ”Positioning” mode and for the ”Spindle positioning” function it specifies the pro-
grammed acceleration override of the traversing block being processed.
Note: Refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks” or for P0083:256
0005 Actual traversing block -- deceleration override
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Unsigned16 RO
... in the ”Positioning” mode and for the ”Spindle positioning” function it specifies the pro-
grammed deceleration override of the traversing block being processed.
Note: Refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks” or for P0084:256
0006 Actual traversing block - command
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... in the ”Positioning” mode specifies the programmed command of the traversing block being
Note: Refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks” or for P0085:256
0007 Actual traversing block - command parameter
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... in the ”Positioning” mode specifies the programmed command parameter of the traversing
block being processed.
Note: Refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks” or for P0086:256

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0008 Actual traversing block - mode

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... in the ”Positioning” mode and for the ”Spindle positioning” function it specifies the pro-
grammed mode of the traversing block being processed.
Note: Refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks” or for P0087:256
0020 Position setpoint
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- MSR Integer32 RO
... in the ”positioning” mode and for the ”Spindle positioning” function, displays the actual abso-
lute reference position.
0021 Position actual value
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- MSR Integer32 RO
... in the ”positioning” mode and for the ”Spindle positioning” function, displays the actual
system deviation (reference value -- actual difference) at the absolute actual position.
0022 Distance to go
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- MSR Integer32 RO
... indicates the distance to go in the operating mode ”positioning” and for the function ”spindle
The distance to go is the difference up to the end of the actual traversing block (P0001).
0023 Velocity setpoint
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- c*MSR/min Integer32 RO
... in the ”positioning” mode and for the ”Spindle positioning” function, displays the actual
system deviation (reference value -- actual difference) at the actual setpoint -- traversing veloc-
0024 Actual velocity
A Min
Data type
... in the ”positioning” mode and for the ”Spindle positioning” function, displays the actual tra-
versing velocity.
0025 Effective override
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO
... in the ”Positioning” mode displays the actual, effective velocity override.
The currently effective override can differ from the specified override due to limits (e. g. P0102
(maximum velocity)).

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0026 Position actual value, external block change (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- MSR Integer32 RO
... displays, in the ”Positioning” mode, the position actual value displayed when an edge is de-
tected at the ”External block change” input signal.
The parameter is reset when starting a traversing block with the block change enable CON-
refer to the index entry ”block step enable -- CONTINUE EXTERNAL”
0029 Following error
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- MSR Integer32 RO
... in the ”positioning” mode and for the ”Spindle positioning” function, displays the actual follow-
ing error.
The following error is the difference between the position setpoint (before the position setpoint
filter, interpolator output) and the position actual value.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Kv factor” or ”Analog signals for the position control loop”
0030 Control deviation, position controller input
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- MSR Integer32 RO
... in the ”positioning” mode and for the ”Spindle positioning” function, displays the actual
system deviation (reference value -- actual difference) at the position controller input.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Kv factor” or ”Analog signals for the position control loop”
0031 Actual Kv factor (position loop gain)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- 1000/min Floating Point RO
... in the ”positioning” mode and for the ”Spindle positioning” function, displays the actually avail-
able (measured) Kv factor.
A Kv factor = 1 is set in P0200:8.
When traversing the axis, the current (measured) Kv factor is calculated and displayed in this
Note: A
The actual Kv factor display (P0031) can have large values at low velocities due to the round-
ing-off errors.
At standstill, the selected (required) Kv factor (P0200:8) is displayed.
0032 Position reference value, external (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- MSR Integer32 RO
... displays the externally entered position reference value.
The quantities of P0895 to P0897 are incorporated in P0032.
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-783
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0079 Reformat memory

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... the memory can be reformated for the traversing blocks, i.e. re-segmented.
0 inactive, initial status
0 --> 1 Re-format memory is initiated
Advantages of a re-formatted memory:
When displaying the blocks via SimoCom U or via the display unit on the front panel, the blocks
are located at the beginning of the memory, are sorted according to increasing block numbers,
and there are no gaps.
The parameter is automatically reset to 0 when reformating has been completed.
0080:256 Block number
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1 --1 255 -- Integer16 PrgE
A traversing block must be assigned a valid block number, so that it can be started.
--1 invalid block number
0 to 255 Valid block number
The block change enable (progress condition) itself is saved in the traversing block in
P0087:256 (mode -- block change enable).
Several blocks (e. g. for blocks with the block step enable CONTINUE FLYING) are processed
in the increasing sequence of the block numbers.
The block number must be unique over all traversing blocks.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Traversing blocks”
0081:256 Position
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200000000 0 200000000 MSR Integer32 PrgE
... specifies the target position in the traversing block.
The target position is approached dependent on P0087:256 (mode -- positioning mode).
Note: refer to the index entry ”Traversing blocks”
0082:256 Velocity
A Min
Data type
... defines the velocity, with which the target position is approached.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Traversing blocks”
0083:256 Acceleration override
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 100 100 % Unsigned16 PrgE
... specifies which override has an effect on the maximum acceleration (P0103).
Note: refer to the index entry ”Traversing blocks”
0084:256 Deceleration override
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 100 100 % Unsigned16 PrgE
... specifies which override has an effect on the maximum deceleration (P0104).
Note: refer to the index entry ”Traversing blocks”

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A-784 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0085:256 Command
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 10 -- Unsigned16 PrgE
Each traversing block must contain precisely one command for execution.
Value command
8 FIXED ENDSTOP (from SW 3.3 onwards)
9 COUPLING_ON (from SW 3.3)
10 COUPLING_OFF (from SW 3.3)
Depending on the command, additional block information is required in a traversing block.
refer to the index entry ”Traversing blocks” or ”Command-dependent block information”
0086:256 Command parameter
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 65535 -- Unsigned16 PrgE
... specifies the supplementary block information required for the following commands.
Command Additional information
WAIT Waiting time in ms
GOTO Block number
SET_O 1, 2, 3: Set direct output 1, 2 or 3 (both signals)
RESET_O 1, 2, 3: Reset direct output 1, 2 or 3 (both signals)
Clamping torque or clamping force
Rotary drive: 1 -- 65 535 [0.01 Nm]
Linear drive: 1 -- 65 535 [N]
refer to the index entry ”Traversing blocks” or ”Command-dependent block information”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-785
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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0087:256 Mode
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1331 Hex Unsigned16 PrgE
... specifies the following additional information for several commands.
P0087:256 = UVWX
Bit 0 Target position source for spindle positioning (from SW 5.1)
=0 Target position via traversing block (P0081)
=1 Target position via PROFIBUS (STW XSP)
V block step enable function
=0 END (standard)
W Positioning mode
=0 ABSOLUTE (standard)
=2 ABS_POS (only for modulo rotary axis, from SW 2.4)
=3 ABS_NEG (only for modulo rotary axis, from SW 2.4)
X Identifications
=1 suppress block
Note: refer to the index entry ”Traversing blocks”
0091 MDI position (--> 7.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200000000 0 200000000 MSR Integer32 Vsoet_0
... specifies the target position in the MDI traversing block.
The value, entered here, is used if the position is not entered as cycle process data (refer to
P0915) via PROFIBUS.
The target position is approached dependent on P0097 (mode -- positioning modoe).
The parameter is not effective for Vset_0 if P0110 = 3 and P0097 = U3WX are set. The param-
eter becomes effective when the signal edge of the digital input signal ”external block change”
changes and if MDI is not entered via PROFIBUS-DP control words (STW).
A refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks”
0092 MDI velocity (-- > 7.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
6 3000 2000000000 c*MSR/min Unsigned32 Vsoet_0
... defines the velocity with which the MDI target position is approached.
The value, entered here, is used if the velocity is not entered as cycle process data (refer to
P0915) via PROFIBUS.
The parameter is not effective for Vset_0 if P0110 = 3 and P0097 = U3WX are set. The param-
eter becomes effective when the signal edge of the digital input signal ”external block change”
changes and if MDI is not entered via PROFIBUS-DP control words (STW).
refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks”

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A-786 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0093 MDI acceleration override (-- > 7.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 100 100 % Unsigned16 Vsoet_0
... specifies which override is effective for the MDI block at the maximum acceleration (P0103).
The value, entered here, is used if the acceleration override is not entered as cycle process
data (refer to P0915) via PROFIBUS
The parameter is not effective for Vset_0 if P0110 = 3 and P0097 = U3WX are set. The param-
eter becomes effective when the signal edge of the digital input signal ”external block change”
changes and if MDI is not entered via PROFIBUS-DP control words (STW).
refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks”
0094 MDI deceleration override (-- > 7.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 100 100 % Unsigned16 Vsoet_0
... specifies which override is effective for the MDI block at the maximum deceleration (P0104).
The value, entered here, is used if the acceleration override is not entered as cycle process
data (refer to P0915) via PROFIBUS
The parameter is not effective for Vset_0 if P0110 = 3 and P0097 = U3WX are set. The param-
eter becomes effective when the signal edge of the digital input signal ”external block change”
changes and if MDI is not entered via PROFIBUS-DP control words (STW).
refer under the index entry ”traversing blocks”
0097 MDI mode (-- > 7.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 310 330 Hex Unsigned16 Vsoet_0
... for several commands, for the MDI block it provides the following additional information.
P0097 = VMX
V block step enable function
=0 END
W Positioning mode
RELATIVE (standard)
ABS_POS (only for modulo rotary axis) A
=3 ABS_NEG (only for modulo rotary axis)
X Identifications
not relevant
Note: refer to the index entry ”Traversing blocks”
0100 Dimension system
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 3 -- Unsigned16 PO
... specifies the measuring system grid pattern (MSR) which is being used.
1 ----> 1 MSR = 1/1000 mm
2 ----> 1 MSR = 1/10000 inch
3 ----> 1 MSR = 1/1000 degrees
Example: P0100 = 1 ----> 345123 MSR = 345.123 mm
Note: refer to the index entry ”Dimension system”

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0101 Actual dimension system

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... displays the currently active measuring system.
If at POWER ON it is identified that P0100 is not equal to P0101, then a measuring system
changeover is automatically executed.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Dimension system”
0102 Maximum motor velocity
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1000 30000000 2000000000 c*MSR/min Unsigned32 immed.
... defines the maximum traversing velocity of the axis, in the mode ”Positioning” and ”n-set,
when selecting spindle positioning”
Note: Refer under the index entry ”Closed-loop position control” and ”Spindle positioning ”
0103 Maximum acceleration
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 100 999999 1000MSR/s2 Unsigned32 Vsoet_0
... defines the maximum acceleration acting on the axis/spindle when approaching.
The effective acceleration can be programmed in the traversing block using an override
Note: refer to the index entry ”Position control”
0104 Maximum deceleration
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 100 999999 1000MSR/s2 Unsigned32 Vsoet_0
... defines the maximum deceleration on the axis/spindle when braking.
The effective deceleration can be programmed in the traversing block using an override
Note: refer to the index entry ”Position control”
0107 Jerk limiting (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 100000000 1000MSR/s2 Unsigned32 Vsoet_0

A ... defines an increase (jerk) in the form of a ramp for acceleration and deceleration, so that ap-
proach and deceleration are ”smooth” (jerk-limited).
The duration of the acceleration ramp (jerk time) is calculated from the higher value of maxi-
mum acceleration (P0103) resp. maximum deceleration (P0104) and the jerk limitation set
0 jerk limiting off
>0 jerk limiting on, the set value is effective
-- The calculated jerk time which is currently effective is displayed in P1726 (calculated jerk
-- The jerk time is limited internally to 200 ms.
-- refer to the index entry ”jerk limitation”
0108 Velocity setpoint jog 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--2000000000 --300000 2000000000 c*MSR/min Integer32 immed.
... defines which setpoint is used for jogging 1.
Note: refer to the input signal ”Jog 1 ON/Jog 1 OFF”

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05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0109 Velocity setpoint jog 2

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--2000000000 300000 2000000000 c*MSR/min Integer32 immed.
... defines which setpoint is used for jogging 2.
Note: refer to the input signal ”Jog 2 ON/Jog 2 OFF”
0110 Configuration, external block change (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 -- Unsigned16 PrgE
... defines the behavior of the ”external block change”.
If the signal is not available up to start of braking, then the axis stops in front of the target posi-
tion and a fault is output (standard).
If the signal is not available up to the start of braking, then a flying block change is executed.
A signal is only expected at the end of block, and a block change is only made after this has
been identified.
If the signal is not present up to the end of the block, then the system waits for the signal and
when this is identified, the block is changed (from SW 5.1).
A change made to P0110 is not accepted after v_set=0, but only at the end of the program
when the traversing program is restarted.
refer to the index entry ”block step enable -- CONTINUE EXTERNAL”
0111 Normalization voltage, override
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 10.0 12.5 V(pk) Floating Point immed.
... defines at which input voltage at terminal 56.x/14.x, the override in P0112 is reached.
-- position setpoint interface (P0700 = 2) or positioning (P0700 = 3) selected
-- P0607 = 2 (override)
P0111 = 10, P0112 = 100 ----> for 10 V at terminal 56.x/14.x, the override is 100 percent
Note: refer to the index entry ”Override”
0112 Normalization of override
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 100 255 % Integer16 immed.
... defines which override is reached when connecting the voltage in P0111 at terminal
-- position setpoint interface (P0700 = 2) or positioning (P0700 = 3) selected
-- P0607 = 2 (override)
P0111 = 10, P0112 = 100 ----> for 10 V at terminal 56.x/14.x, the override is 100 percent
refer to the index entry ”Override”

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A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0113 Fixed endstop, configuration 1 (-- > 3.3)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the behavior for fixed end stop/clamping torque not reached.
Bit 0 Behavior for fixed end stop not reached
Bit 0 = 1 Block change is executed
The torque limiting is automatically withdrawn. The block step enable is realized as pro-
grammed in the block.
Bit 0 = 0 Fault 145 is signaled
The axis is braked and stops in front of the programmed target position.
Bit 1 Characteristics for the clamping torque not reached
Bit 1 = 1 Warning 889 is signaled and a block change executed
The block step enable is realized as programmed in the block.
Bit 1 = 0 Warning 889 is signaled
The block step enable changes as programmed in the block only when the clamping torque has
been reached.
Fault 145 (fixed endstop not reached)
Warning 889 (fixed endstop, axis has not reached the clamping torque)
refer to the index entry ”Travel to endstop”
0114 Fixed endstop, configuration 2 (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines how the system can switch into the status ”fixed endstop”.
0 above following error
The status is automatically reached if the following error exceeds the value set in P0115:8.
1 via input signal
The status is only reached, if it is identified via the input signal ”Fixed endstop sensor”.
refer to the index entry ”Travel to endstop”
0115:8 Fixed endstop, maximum following error (--> 3.3)
A Min
Data type
... defines at which following error the ”fixed endstop reached” status is recognized.
The ”fixed endstop reached” status is automatically reached, if the following error exceeds the
theoretically calculated following error by the value entered in P0115:8.
Prerequisite: P0114 = 0
refer to the index entry ”Travel to endstop”
0116:8 Fixed endstop, monitoring window (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 100 200000000 MSR Integer32 immed.
... Defines the monitoring window for the ”fixed endstop reached” status. If the axis exits the
positioning window an appropriate fault is signaled.
refer to the index entry ”Travel to endstop”

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0117 Tolerance window actual velocity (-- >

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 5 100 % Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the tolerance window for the output signal ”programmable velocity reached”..
Refer under output signal ”programmed velocity reached”
0118 Software limit switch configuration (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines which fault/warning is signaled if the axis comes to a standstill precisely at the soft-
ware limit switch.
Bit 0 Behavior for software limit switch reached
Bit 0 = 1 Software limit switch reached with warning 849/850
Move away jogging in the opposite direction or via a traversing block
Bit 0 = 0 Software limit switch reached with fault 119/120
Move away in the opposite direction jogging, and acknowledge the fault.
0120 Teach-in block (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1 --1 255 -- Integer16 immed.
... specifies whether the block number for the teach in block is entered via input signals or via
--1 Enter a block number via input signals
0 to 255 Block number entered via P0120
refer under the index entry ”Teach-in”
0121 Teach-in standard block (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1 --1 255 -- Integer16 immed.
... specifies which traversing block is used as teach in in the standard block
The standard block contains additional block data, which are not contained for teach-in.
--1 Not a standard block
Only the position value is transferred into the teach-in block.
0 bis 255 Standard block
This block is transferred into the teach-in block and the position value overwritten.
refer under the index entry ”Teach-in”
0122 Jogging 1 increments (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1000 200000000 MSR Integer32 immed.
... specifies the number of increments traversed for incremental jogging 1.
refer under the index entry ”Jogging -- incremental”
0123 Jogging 2 increments (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1000 200000000 MSR Integer32 immed.
... specifies the number of increments traversed for incremental jogging 2.
refer under the index entry ”Jogging -- incremental”

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0124 Teach-in configuration (-- > 4.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 Hex Unsigned16 immed.
... specifies in which mode teach in is executed.
Bit 0 Automatic block change enable
In this mode, after each successful ”teach-in”, the teach-in block in P0120 is automatically in-
Bit 0 = 1 On
Bit 0 = 0 Off
Bit 1 Automatic block search
In this mode at ”teach-in” a search is made for the block in P0120.
Bit 1 = 1 On
The block, entered in P0120 or the block selected via the input signals, is re-generated.
Bit 1 = 0 Off
A fault is initiated if the block in P0120 or the block selected via the input signals is not avail-
refer under the index entry ”Teach-in”
0125 Spindle positioning active (-- > 5.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 2 -- Unsigned16 PO
... switches the ”spindle positioning” function into the mode ”n-set” on/off.
0 De-activate spindle positioning
1 Activate spindle positioning
refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”
0126 Spindle positioning, zero mark tolerance window (BERO)
(--> 5.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 7200 360000 MSR Unsigned32 immed.
... specifies the zero tolerance window in degrees, which is monitored by the spindle position-

A ing, in order to secure, in conjunction with a BERO, the zero mark consistency. If the zero mark
is not recognized, or if uneven zero mark clearances are measured which are outside the toler-
ance, then alarm message 186 or 193 is output, e.g. if the encoder cable is, for example, inter-
0 De-activate zero mark monitoring
>0 Zero mark monitoring is activated
refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”
0127 Spindle positioning, setting the internal zero mark (--> 5.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Integer16 immed.
By setting bit 0 to 1, the zero mark offset to the hardware zero mark is entered into P0128. After
this, 0 is written back into P0127.
refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”

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0128 Spindle positioning offset, zero (-- > 5.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--2147483647 0 2147483647 MSR Integer32 immed.
Difference to the hardware zero mark is entered and displayed in degrees
0129 Spindle positioning, tolerance search velocity (-- > 5.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1000000 2147483647 c*MSR/min Unsigned32 immed.
This means that a tolerance in degrees/min (+/--) is specified, which must be reached in order
to synchronize or to change-over to closed-loop position control
refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”
0130 Spindle positioning, lowest search velocity (-- > 5.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 100 100 % Unsigned16 immed.
... is used to enter a percentage value referred to the specified minimum search velocity
(P0082), which must be reached, so that the spindle can be positioned.
refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”
0131 Spindle positioning, motion window (--> 5.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 2000 20000 MSR Unsigned32 immed.
If, when the controller is inhibited, the spindle is pushed out of this tolerance window in De-
grees, the position actual value is corrected/tracked. If the controller is then re-enabled, the
spindle remains stationary at that position. A new positioning operation is only executed if
”spindle positioning” is activated (as defined in the traversing block). If the spindle remains in
the motion window, then positioning is executed through the shortest path as soon as only the
controller enable is re-set again.
refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”
0132 Spindle positioning, zero mark difference (BERO) (-- > 5.1)
Data type
... indicates the clearance between two consecutive BERO zero marks in degrees.
refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”
0133 Spindle positioning, max. search velocity (-- > 5.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1000 36000000 2147483647 c*MSR/min Unsigned32 immed.
... defines the maximum reference velocity in degrees/min.
refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0134 Spindle positioning, positioning window reached (-- > 5.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 2000 20000 MSR Unsigned32 immed.
... defines the tolerance range in degrees for the ”Spindle position reached” output signal (Fct.
No. 59 or PROFIBUS-DP MeldW.15). The position reference value is compared with the posi-
tion actual value.
refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”
0136 Spindle positioning active/inative (-- > 5.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... indicates whether the ”spindle positioning” function is active or inactive.
0 Spindle positioning is not active
1 Spindle positioning is active
refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”
0137 Spindle positioning status (-- > 5.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... indicates the actual status for spindle positioning.
0 Spindle positioning is not activated
1 Status after the spindle positioning command
2 reserved
3 Approach to search velocity, if necessary, the zero mark is searched for
4 Position controller is switched-in
5 Positioning starts
6 Target position is reached
7 Pulse inhibit
refer under the index entry ”Spindle positioning”
0160 Reference point coordinate
A Min
Data type
... specifies the position value which is set as the actual axis position after referencing or adjust-
The range for an absolute value encoder is limited to +--2048 revolutions. The value which was
entered into P0160, is limited to this value and after POWER ON is overwritten with another
value (remainder of division by 2048).
refer under the index entry ”Referencing/adjusting”
0161 Stopping at marks (-- > 8.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 PrgE
... defines the behavior when stopping at marks.
0 The reference point approach (homing) is not interrupted at marks (standard).
1 The reference point approach (homing) remains stationary if the first or, for distance-
coded measuring systems, the second zero mark was found.

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0162 Reference point offset

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200000000 --2000 200000000 MSR Integer32 PrgE
For incremental measuring systems, after the reference zero pulse has been detected, the axis
is moved through this distance. At this position the axis has reached the reference point and
accepts the reference points coordinates (P0160) as new actual value.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Reference point approach”
0163 Reference point approach velocity
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1000 5000000 2000000000 c*MSR/min Unsigned32 PrgE
The axes moves with this velocity after starting reference point approach, towards the reference
The velocity must be set, so that after the reference cam has been reached, and subsequent
braking, the following conditions are fulfilled:
-- the axis must come to a standstill direct at the reference cam
-- when braking it is not permissible that the HW limit switch is reached
Note: refer to the index entry ”Reference point approach”
0164 Reference point creep speed
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1000 300000 2000000000 c*MSR/min Unsigned32 PrgE
Between identifying the reference cam and synchronization with the first zero pulse, the axis
moves with this velocity (zero reference pulse).
Note: refer to the index entry ”Reference point approach”
0165 Reference point entry velocity
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1000 300000 2000000000 c*MSR/min Unsigned32 PrgE
Between synchronizing with the first zero pulse (zero reference pulse) and reaching the refer-
ence point, the axis moves with this velocity.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Reference point approach”
0166 Reference cam approach direction
Data type
PrgE A
... defines in which direction the reference cam (for axes with reference cams, P0173 = 0) or
the zero pulse (for axes without reference cams, P0173 = 1) is approached/searched.
1 Negative direction
0 Positive direction
Note: refer to the index entry ”Reference point approach”
0167 Invert, reference cams
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... the switching characteristics of the reference cam signal (input terminal with function number
78) is adapted.
1 Inverted
0 Not inverted
Note: refer to the index entry ”Reference point approach” and ”Invert reference cam signal”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-795
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0170 Maximum distance to the reference cam

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 10000000 200000000 MSR Unsigned32 PrgE
... specifies the max. distance the axis can travel from starting the reference point approach in
order to find the reference cam.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Reference point approach”
0171 Max. distance up to the zero pulse
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 20000 200000000 MSR Unsigned32 PrgE
... specifies the maximum distance that the axis can traverse from leaving the reference (hom-
ing) cam or from the start, in order to find the zero pulse.
For distance-coded measuring system (from SW 8.3):
The maximum permissible distance between the start and up to the 2nd zero pulse. Recom-
mended setting: Select the basic distance (clearance) between two fixed reference marks.
Refer under the index entry ”Reference point approach”
0172 Distance up to the zero pulse
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- MSR Unsigned32 RO
... the distance moved from leaving the reference cam or from the start up to reaching the zero
pulse is entered.
The parameter supports, at start-up, reference cam adjustments.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Reference point approach” and ”Reference cam adjustment”
0173 Reference point approach without reference cams
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 PrgE
0 reference cam available
1 no reference cam available
Note: refer to the index entry ”Reference point approach”
0174 Referencing mode, position measuring system
A Min
Data type
1 Incremental measuring system available
2 Incremental measuring system with equivalent zero mark available
(e. g. BERO at input terminal I0.x)
Note: refer to the index entry ”Referencing/adjustment”
0175 Adjustment status -- absolute position measuring system
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 4 -- Integer16 immed.
... displays the status when adjusting the absolute value encoder.
--1 error occured when adjusting
0 Absolute value encoder is not adjusted (pre-setting at the first start-up)
1 Absolute value encoder has not yet been adjusted (encoder adjustment has been
2 Absolute encoder is adjusted (before SW 3.1)
3 Absolute value encoder IM is adjusted (from SW 3.1)
4 Absolute encoder DM is adjusted (from SW 3.3)
Note: refer to the index entry ”Adjusting the absolute value encoder”

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0179 mode, passive referencing (-- > 5.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 2 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... specifies the mode for passive referencing.
0 Accept reference point coordinate (P0160)
1 Initiate start-up help for passive referencing
2 Value after initiating the start-up help
Move through the offset (P0162) and accept the reference point coordinate (P0160)
For a rigid mechanical coupling between the master and slave axis, it is not permissible that
P0179 is set to 2 if the slave drive is equipped with an absolute value encoder. Otherwise, the
slave drive would move to an absolute position as specified in P0160.
refer to the index entry ”Passive referencing”
0200:8 Kv factor (position loop gain)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 1.0 300.0 1000/min Floating Point immed.
... defines at which traversing velocity of the axis/spindle which following error is obtained.
Kv factor significance
Low: Slow response to a setpoint-actual value difference, following error is high
High: Fast response to a setpoint-actual value difference, following error is low
The following diagnostic parameters are available:
-- P0029 (following error)
-- P0030 (system deviation, position controller input)
-- P0031 (actual Kv factor (position loop gain))
refer to the index entry ”Kv factor” or ”Diagnostics of the motion status”
0201 backlash compensation
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--20000 0 20000 MSR Integer32 immed.
... switches the backlash compensation in/out and defines the backlash amount for a positive or
negative backlash.
0 backlash compensation is disabled
positive backlash (normal case)
negative backlash A
Note: refer to the index entry ”Backlash compensation”
0203 speed feedforward control mode
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
1 speed feedforward control active
0 feedforward control inactive
Note: refer to the index entry ”speed feedforward control”
0204:8 speed feedforward control factor
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
... the additionally entered speed setpoint is weighted.
If the axis control loop has been optimally set, and the equivalent time constant of the speed
control loop (P0205, P0206) has been precisely determined, the pre-control factor is 100%.
Note: refer to the index entry ”speed feedforward control”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-797
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0205:8 Balancing filter, speed feedforward control (deadtime)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 10.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... allows the time behavior of the closed speed control loop to be emulated with a dead time.
The entered value is limited to two position controller cycles (P1009).
Note: refer to the index entry ”speed feedforward control”
0206:8 Balancing filter, speed feedforward control (PT1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 100.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... permits, in addition to P0205:8, the closed speed control loop to be simulated using a PT1
filter (low pass).
Note: refer to the index entry ”speed feedforward control”
0210:8 Time constant, position setpoint filter
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... is the time constant of the PT1 position setpoint filter.
The effective Kv factor (position loop gain) can be reduced using the filter.
Note: refer to the index entry ”speed feedforward control”
0231 Position actual value inversion
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 PO
... the control sense of the position controller is established.
1 position actual value inversion
0 no position actual value inversion
If the position controller control sense is not OK, then the position actual value must be in-
The direction of motion is set using P0232 (position setpoint inversion)
Note: refer to the index entry ”Direction adaptation”
0232 Position setpoint inversion
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective

A 0 0 1
... the required motion direction is set.
-- Unsigned16 PO

1 position setpoint inversion

0 no position setpoint inversion
The control direction of the position controller remains unaffected, i.e. it is internally taken into
account (refer to the index entry ”Direction adaptation”).
0236 Spindle pitch (SRM ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 10000 8388607 MSR/rev Unsigned32 PO (SRM ARM)
Note: refer to the index entry ”Encoder adaptation”
0237:8 Encoder revolutions (SRM ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 8388607 -- Unsigned32 PO (SRM ARM)
... specifies the ratio (Ü) between the encoder and load.
T = P0237:8 / P0238:8
Note: refer to the index entry ”Encoder adaptation”

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0238:8 Load revolutions (SRM ARM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 8388607 -- Unsigned32 PO (SRM ARM)
... specifies the ratio (Ü) between the encoder and load.
T = P0237:8 / P0238:8
Note: refer to the index entry ”Encoder adaptation”
0239 Re-reference or re-adjust only if necessary (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
0 Referencing or adjustment is withdrawn when changing the parameter set (standard)
1 Referencing or adjustment is only withdrawn when the parameter set is changed if the
mechanical ratio (Ü = P0237:8 / P0238:8) changes.
Note: refer under the index entry ”Referencing or adjustment”
0241 Activating, modulo conversion, rotary axis (SRM ARM) (-- > 2.4)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 PO (SRM ARM)
1 modulo conversion activated, modulo correction is executed according to P0242
0 modulo conversion de-activated
refer to the index entry ”rotary axis with modulo offset”
0242 Modulo range, rotary axis (SRM ARM) (-- > 2.4)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 360000 100000000 MSR Unsigned32 PO (SRM ARM)
... defines the modulo range of the rotary axis.
Practical modulo range values are: n * 360 degrees with n = 1, 2, ...
refer to the index entry ”rotary axis with modulo offset”
0250 Activate direct measuring system (SRM ARM) (--> 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 PO (SRM ARM)
... the direct measuring system at X412 is activated/deactivated for drive A.
1 Direct measuring system activated (only drive A) A
0 Direct measuring system deactivated
refer to the index entry ”Direct measuring system”
0310 Cam switching position 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200000000 0 200000000 MSR Integer32 immed.
... the cam switching position 1 is set.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Position-related switching signals (cams)”
0311 Cam switching position 2
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200000000 0 200000000 MSR Integer32 immed.
... the cam switching position 2 is set.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Position-related switching signals (cams)”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-799
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0314 Activating software limit switch

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 PrgE
1 software limit switch active
0 software limit switch inactive (e.g. necessary for a rotary axes)
With P0314=0, for a linear axis, the software limit switch monitoring remains active. Only the
limits are set to +--200000000.
0315 Minus software limit switch
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200000000 --200000000 200000000 MSR Integer32 PrgE
... the position for the software limit switch is set to minus.
P0315 (minus software limit switch) < P0316 (plus software limit switch)
0316 Plus software limit switch
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200000000 200000000 200000000 MSR Integer32 PrgE
... the position for the software limit switch is set to plus.
P0315 (minus software limit switch) < P0316 (plus software limit switch)
0318:8 Dynamic following error monitoring tolerance
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1000 200000000 MSR Unsigned32 immed.
... defines the maximum deviation between the measured and the calculated position actual
value before an error is output.
>= 1 The dynamic following error monitoring is active with this value
0 Monitoring is de-activated
Note: refer to the index entry ”Dynamic following error monitoring”
0320 Position monitoring time
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective

A 0 1000 100000 ms Floating Point immed.

... defines the time after which the following error must be within the positioning window
Note: refer to the index entry ”Positioning monitoring”
0321 Positioning window
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 40 20000 MSR Unsigned32 immed.
... defines the positioning window, within which the position actual value must be located after
the position monitoring time has expired (P0320).
>= 1 The position monitoring is active with this value
0 Monitoring is de-activated
Note: refer to the index entry ”Positioning monitoring”
0325 Standstill monitoring time
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 400 100000 ms Floating Point immed.
... defines the time after which the following error must be within the standstill window (P0326).
Note: refer to the index entry ”Standstill monitoring”

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0326 Standstill window

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 200 20000 MSR Unsigned32 immed.
... defines the standstill window, in which the position actual value must be after the standstill
monitoring time has expired (P0325).
>= 1 The standstill monitoring is active with this value
0 Monitoring is de-activated
Note: refer to the index entry ”Standstill monitoring”
0338 Fault response, illegal input signals (-- > 7.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 2 Hex Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the fault response which is initiated for an illegal combination of input signals.
Example: When starting a traversing block, the input signal ”Operating conditions / reject tra-
versing task” is not set.
0 No output
1 A warning is output
2 Fault 196 is output with the warning number as supplementary information
This involves signal combinations, which result in warnings 804,805,806,807,808,809,840,845.
0400 Reference point coordinates, master drive (--> 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200000000 0 200000000 MSR Integer32 immed.
... defines the reference point coordinates of the master drive.
0401 Coupling factor, master drive revolutions (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 8388607 -- Unsigned32 PO
... defines the coupling factor between the master and slave drive.
0402 Coupling factor slave drive revolutions (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 8388607 -- Unsigned32 PO
... defines the coupling factor between the master and slave drive.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-801
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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0410 Configuration, coupling which can be switched-in (-- > 3.3)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 8 -- Unsigned16 PO
... defines the switch-on and type coupling.
1 Coupling via digital input signal, speed-synchronous
2 Coupling via digital input signal, position-synchronous + P0412
3 Coupling via traversing program, speed-synchronous
4 Coupling via traversing program, position-synchronous +P0412
5 Coupling via traversing program with queue functionality speed-synchronous
(being prepared)
6 Coupling via traversing program with queue functionality position synchronous + P0412
(being prepared)
7 Coupling via digital input signal to absolute position of the master drive + P0412
(from SW 4.1)
8 Coupling via traversing program to absolute position of the master drive + P0412
(from SW 4.1)
For P0410 = 7 or 8 it is necessary to communicate the absolute position P0400 of the master
drive to the slave (following) drive using the input signal ”Set setpoint master drive”
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”
0412 Synchronous offset position (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200000000 0 200000000 MSR Integer32 immed.
... defines an offset between the slave drive and the synchronous position to the master drive.
If P0412 is changed, it becomes effective the next time that the coupling is switched-in.
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”
0413 Offset, synchronous velocity (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1000 30000000 2000000000 MSR Integer32 immed.
... defines with which additional velocity the slave drive corrects the following error, built-up dur-
ing the synchronization phase, and the synchronous offset position P0412.
A Note:
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”
0420 Pos. difference, meas. probe to the zero point, slave drive
(--> 3.5)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200000000 0 200000000 MSR Integer32 PO
... for couplings with queue functionality, specifies the clearance between the measuring probe
and the zero point of the slave drive.
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”

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0425:16 Coupling positions (-- > 3.3)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- MSR Integer32 RO
The following is valid for couplings without queue functionality:
The position of the master drive, at which the coupling was requested, is located in P0425:0.
For couplings with queue functionality (from SW 3.5) the following is valid:
The measured distances to the actual slave drive position are entered into P0425:16.
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”
0599 Active motor data set (-- > 2.4)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... displays whether the motor changeover has been enabled, and which motor data set is ac-
0 Motor changeover inhibited (P1013 = 0)
1 Motor data set 1 (P1xxx) active
2 Motor data set 2 (P2xxx) active
3 Motor data set 3 (P3xxx) active
4 Motor data set 4 (P4xxx) active
Note: refer to the index entry ”Motor changeover”
0600 Operating display
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned32 RO
... displays the actual operating status of the unit.
refer to the index entry ”Operating display” for the significance of the segments on the display
0601 Motor speed setpoint (ARM SRM)
Velocity setpoint, motor (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- m/min Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- rpm Floating Point RO
... is used to display the unfiltered summed setpoint for speed or velocity of the motor.
0602 Actual motor speed (ARM SRM)
Velocity actual value, motor (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- m/min Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- rpm Floating Point RO (SRM ARM)
... is used to display the non-filtered actual value for the speed or velocity of the motor.
0603 Motor temperature
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- C Integer16 RO
... displays the motor temperature measured using the temperature sensor.
The display is invalid if a fixed temperature was entered in P1608.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-803
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0604 Utilization, motor

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO
This parameter is used to display the utilization level of the motor.
The ratio between ”torque setpoint M” and ”actual torque limit Mmax” or ”force setpoint F” and
”actual force limit Fmax” is displayed.
Values of less than 100% indicate the system reserve.
The motor utilization display is smoothed using a PT1 filter (P1251).
0606 Voltage at term. 56.x/14.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- V(pk) Floating Point RO
... displays the analog voltage presently available at this input terminal.
0607 Analog setpoint term. 56.x/14.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 2 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines whether and how the analog setpoint is used at this analog input.
0 off
1 n-set/M-set operation (speed or torque setpoint interface, refer to Note)
2 override (position setpoint interface and positioning)
It is always possible to toggle between n-set/M-set operation using the ”Open-loop torque con-
trolled mode” input signal.
Analog setpoint for n-set/M-set ----> refer to the index entry ”Analog inputs”
Analog setpoint for velocity override ----> refer to the index entry ”Override”
0608 Inversion term. 56.x/14.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
An inversion inverts the polarity of the analog setpoint at this terminal internally.
1 Inverted
0 Not inverted
A 0609 Smoothing time, terminal 56.x/14.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 3.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 0.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
This allows the output value of the A/D converter to be smoothed using a PT1 filter.
0610 Drift/offset correction term. 56.x/14.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--9999.9 0.0 9999.9 mV(pk) Floating Point immed.
If the motor erroneously rotates when a speed setpoint of 0 V is entered, a voltage offset can
be applied to set the analog input to zero using this parameter.
0611 Voltage at term. 24.x/20.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- V(pk) Floating Point RO
... displays the analog voltage presently available at this input terminal.

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A-804 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0612 Analog setpoint term. 24.x/20.x

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines whether and how the analog setpoint is used at this analog input.
0 off
1 n-set/M-set operation (refer to Note)
2 M-red operation
3 Equalization controller operation
It is always possible to toggle between n-set/M-set operation using the ”Open-loop torque con-
trolled mode” input signal.
Analog setpoint for n-set/M-set/M-red ----> refer to the index entry ”Analog inputs”
Analog setpoint for velocity override ----> refer to the index entry ”Override”
0613 Inversion term. 24.x/20.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
An inversion inverts the polarity of the analog setpoint at this terminal internally.
1 Inverted
0 Not inverted
0614 Smoothing time, terminal 24.x/20.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 3.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 0.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
This allows the output value of the A/D converter to be smoothed using a PT1 filter.
0615 Drift/offset correction term. 24.x/20.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--9999.9 0.0 9999.9 mV(pk) Floating Point immed.
If the motor erroneously rotates when a speed setpoint of 0 V is entered, a voltage offset can
be applied to set the analog input to zero using this parameter.
0616:8 Ramp-function generator ramp-up time
Data type
Floating Point
Floating Point
immed. (ARM)
immed. (SRM SLM)
During ramp-up, the setpoint is increased from zero to the maximum permissible actual speed.
Max. permissible actual speed for synchronous motors: Minimum from 1.2 x P1400 and P1147
Max. permissible actual speed for induction motors: Minimum from P1146 and P1147
refer to the index entry ”Ramp-function generator”
From SW 2.4, this parameter is replaced by P1256:8 (P0616:8 = P1256:8).
0617:8 Ramp-function generator ramp-down time
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 2.0 600.0 s Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 0.0 600.0 s Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
During ramp-down, the setpoint is reduced from the maximum permissible actual speed to zero.
Max. permissible actual speed for synchronous motors: Minimum from 1.2 x P1400 and P1147
Max. permissible actual speed for induction motors: Minimum from P1146 and P1147
refer to the index entry ”Ramp-function generator”
From SW 2.4 this parameter is replaced by P1257:8 (P0617:8 = P1257:8).

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0618 Normalization voltage, speed setpoint

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 9.0 12.5 V(pk) Floating Point immed.
This defines at which input voltage at terminal 56.x/14.x and/or terminal 24.x/20.x, the maxi-
mum useful motor speed (P1401:8, dependent on the motor data set) is reached for closed-
loop speed controlled operation.
SRM: P0618 = 9, P1401:8 = 2000 --> at 9 V, the motor speed is 2000 RPM
SLM: P0618 = 9, P1401:8 = 120 --> at 9 V, the motor velocity is 120 m/min
0619 Normalization voltage, torque setpoint (ARM SRM)
Normalization voltage, force setpoint (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 10.0 12.5 V(pk) Floating Point immed.
This defines at which input voltage at terminal 56.x/14.x and/or terminal 24.x/20.x for open-loop
torque controlled operation, the normalization of the torque setpoint (P1241:8) is reached.
SRM: P0619 = 10, P1241:8 = 10 Nm --> at 10 V, the torque is 10 Nm
SLM: P0619 = 10, P1241:8 = 1720 N --> at 10 V, the force is 1720 N
0620 Normalization voltage, torque/power reduction. (ARM SRM)
Normalization voltage, force/power reduction (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 10.0 12.5 V(pk) Floating Point immed.
The parameter defines at which input voltage of terminal 24.x/20.x, the normalization, torque
reduction (P1243:8, motor data set-dependent) is reached.
0623 DAC normalization, actual speed (ARM SRM)
DAC normalization, motor actual velocity (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200.0 100.0 200.0 % Floating Point immed.
If signal number 34 (actual motor speed, finely normalized) is selected for the analog output,
when the maximum speed is reached, the following voltage is output as a function of parameter
A P0623:
P0623 = 100% --> 1.0 * 10 V = +10 V
P0623 = 50% --> 0.5 * 10 V = +5 V
The following is valid for the maximum speed:
Max. permissible actual speed for synchronous motors: Minimum from 1.2 x P1400 and P1147
Max. permissible actual speed for induction motors: Minimum from P1146 and P1147
0624 DAC normalization, motor utilization
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200.0 100.0 200.0 % Floating Point immed.
If signal number 35 (utilization, finely-normalized) is selected for the analog output, then when
the motor is utilized to 100%, the following voltage is output dependent on P0624:
P0624 = 100% --> 1.0 * 10 V = +10 V
P0624 = 50% --> 0.5 * 10 V = +5 V
Motor utilization ----> refer to P0604

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0625 DAC normalization, torque setpoint (ARM SRM)

DAC normalization, force setpoint (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200.0 100.0 200.0 % Floating Point immed.
If the signal number 36 (torque setpoint, finely-normalized) is selected for the analog output,
then at twice the rated torque, the following voltage is output dependent on P0625:
P0625 = 100% --> +10 V
P0625 = 50% --> +5 V
Note: Signal No. 36 is output signed.
0626 Signal number analog output term. 75.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 34 530 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines which signal is output via Terminal 75.x/15.
In this case the appropriate signal number must be entered from the ”Signal selection list for
analog output”.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Analog outputs”
0627 Shift factor analog output term. 75.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 47 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the shift factor, with which the analog signal is manipulated.
An 8 bit window of the 24/48 bit signal can be represented via the DAC. Thus, the shift factor
must be used to define which window of the internal 24/48 bit is to be displayed.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Analog outputs”
0628 Offset analog output term. 75.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--128 0 127 -- Integer16 immed.
... specifies an offset for the 8-bit output signal.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Analog outputs”
0629 Segment address analog output term. 75.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0
Note: Internal Siemens
2 -- Unsigned16 immed.
0630 Offset address analog output term. 75.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
0631 Bias protection, analog output, term. 75.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... switches the bias protection on or off.
1 bias protection on
The bits above the 8-bit window result in an output of +10 V or --10 V, i. e. the output cannot be
0 bias protection off
The bits above the 8-bit wide window are ignored.
The analog value is defined exclusively by the 8-bit value, i.e. the output can be overmodulated.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Analog outputs”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-807
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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0632 Smoothing time, analog output, terminal 75.x/15

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... smooths the output signal with a 1st order proportional element (PT1 element, low pass fil-
0.0 filter is inactive
Note: refer to the index entry ”Analog outputs”
0633 Signal number analog output term. 16.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 35 530 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Note: refer to the description of P0626 for terminal 75.x/15
0634 Shift factor analog output term. 16.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 47 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Note: refer to the description of P0627 for terminal 75.x/15
0635 Offset analog output term. 16.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--128 0 127 -- Integer16 immed.
Note: refer to the description of P0628 for terminal 75.x/15
0636 Segment address analog output term. 16.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 2 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
0637 Offset address analog output term. 16.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
0638 Bias protection, analog output, term. 16.x/15
A Min
Data type
Note: refer to the description of P0631 for terminal 75.x/15
0639 Smoothing time, analog output, terminal 16.x/15
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
Note: refer to the description of P0632 for terminal 75.x/15
0641:16 Fixed speed setpoint (ARM SRM) (-- > 3.1)
Fixed velocity setpoint (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--100000.0 0.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
--100000.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
... is used to set the fixed speed setpoints 1 to 15. The required fixed setpoint is selected via the
”fixed speed setpoint 1st to 4th input” input signals.
The following is valid:
P0641:0 no meaning
P0641:1 Fixed setpoint 1, selection via input signals
P0641:2 Fixed setpoint 2, selection via input signals, etc.

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A-808 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0649 Delete parameters, drives A and B (-- > 3.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 PO
... all parameters (user data) can be erased in the memory module FEPROM. After the FE-
PROM has been erased, the control board is in the condition when it was originally supplied.
0 Standard value
1 All of the parameters are to be erased (establish the status when initially supplied)
Proceed as follows to delete all of the parameters:
-- Disable pulse and controller enable (e.g. via terminal 663, 65.A and 65.B)
-- Remove write protection (P0651 = 10 hex, only for operator control and display unit)
-- Activate erasion of all parameters in the FEPROM (P0649 = 1)
-- Starting writing into the FEPROM (P0652 = 1)
-- Execute a HW POWER-ON RESET
After run-up, the board is set to the status when it was first supplied.
0651 Read and write protection
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 10 Hex Unsigned16 immed.
This defines which parameters can be read (visible) and which can be written into.
0 Parameters can be read for standard installation & startup (operator prompting)
1 Parameters for standard installation & startup (operator prompting) can be read and
written into
2 All parameters can be read
4 All parameters can be read and written to
(Exception: motor data parameters cannot be written into)
8 Motor data parameters can be read and written into
10 All parameters (including the motor data) can be read and written into
The read and write protection is significant when parameterizing via the display and operator
control unit.
0652 Transfer to FEPROM
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... the parameter values from the RAM can be transferred into the FEPROM.
0 --> 1 the values in the RAM are written into the FEPROM
1 data backup runs, other parameters cannot be selected
The parameter is automatically set to 0 at the end of data backup.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-809
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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0653 Image, input signals, Part 1

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned32 RO
... is an image of selected input signals (terminal and PROFIBUS signals).
Bit 0 ON / OFF 1
Bit 1 Operating condition / OFF 2
Bit 2 Operating condition / OFF 3
Bit 3 Enable inverter / pulse inhibit
Bit 4 Ramp-function generator enable <----> operating condition / reject traversing task
Bit 5 Start ramp-function generator / stop <----> operating condition / intermediate stop
Bit 6 Enable setpoint <----> activate traversing task (edge)
Bit 7 Reset fault memory
Bit 8 Jog 1 ON / OFF
Bit 9 Jog 2 ON / OFF
Bit 10 Control requested / no control requested
Bit 11 Start referencing / cancel referencing
Bit 12 Open holding braking as test/do no open
Bit 13 Ramp-up time zero for controller enable <----> external block change
Bit 14 Torque-controlled operation
Bit 15 Spindle positioning on <----> request passive referencing
Bit 16 Signal status, terminal 65.x
Bit 17 Supply infeed module, signal status terminal 64
Bit 18 Signal status terminal 663
Bit 19 Line supply infeed module signal status terminal 63 / terminal 48
Bit 21 Equivalent zero mark
Bit 22 Flying measurement / length measurement
Bit 24 Activate the function generator (signal edge)
<---->: Signal in ”speed/torque setpoint” <----> in ”positioning”
/: 1 signal / 0 signal

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A-810 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0654 Image, input signals, Part 2

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned32 RO
... is an image of selected input signals (terminal and PROFIBUS signals).
Bit 0 Parameter set changeover, 1st input
Bit 1 Parameter set changeover, 2nd input
Bit 2 Parameter set changeover, 3rd input
Bit 3 First speed setpoint filter out
Bit 4 Ramp-up time zero
Bit 5 Reserved for Siemens (smooth running monitoring)
Bit 6 Integrator inhibit, speed controller
Bit 7 Select parking axis
Bit 8 Suppress fault 608
Bit 9 Motor data set changeover, 1st input
Bit 10 Motor data set changeover, 2nd input
Bit 11 Motor changed-over
Bit 12 Tracking operation
Bit 13 Set reference point
Bit 14 Reference cams
Bit 15 Fixed end stop, sensor
Bit 16 Hardware limit switch, plus
Bit 17 Hardware limit switch, minus
Bit 18 Fixed speed setpoint, 1st input <----> block selection, 1st input
Bit 19 Fixed speed setpoint, 2nd input <----> block selection, 2nd input
Bit 20 Fixed speed setpoint, 3rd input <----> block selection, 3rd input
Bit 21 Fixed speed setpoint, 4th input <----> block selection, 4th input
Bit 22 Block selection, 5th input
Bit 23 Block selection, 6th input
Bit 24 Block selection 7th input (from SW 10.1)
Bit 25 Block selection 8th input (from SW 10.1)
<---->: Signal in ”speed/torque setpoint” <----> in ”positioning”
0655 Image, input signal Part 3 (-- > 3.3)
Data type
... is an image of selected input signals (terminal and PROFIBUS signals).
Bit 0 Activate coupling
Bit 1 Jogging incremental
Bit 2 Activate teach-in
Bit 3 Invert input pulses, angular encoder interface
Bit 11 angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 0 (from SW 8.1)
Bit 12 angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 1 (from SW 8.1)
Bit 13 activate angular incremental encoder handwheel (from SW 8.1)
Bit 17 Activate MDI (from SW 7.1)
Bit 21 Activate coupling via I0.x
Bit 22 Set position reference value

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0656 Image, output signals, Part 1

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned32 RO
... is an image of selected output signals (terminal and PROFIBUS signals).
Bit 0 Ready to power-on / not ready to power-on
Bit 1 Ready or no fault
Bit 2 Status controller enable
Bit 3 Fault present / fault not present
Bit 4 No OFF 2 present / OFF 2 present
Bit 5 No OFF 3 present / OFF 3 present
Bit 6 Power-on inhibit / no power-on inhibit
Bit 7 Alarm present / no alarm present
Bit 8 n_set = n_act <----> no following error / following error
Bit 9 Control request / control not possible
Bit 10 Comparison value reached <----> reference position reached
Bit 11 Reference point set / no reference point set
Bit 12 Setpoint acknowledgement (edge)
Bit 13 Function generator active <----> drive stationary / drive moves
Bit 14 Torque-controlled operation <----> External block change
Bit 15 Spindle positioning on <----> request passive referencing
Bit 16 Programmed velocity reached
<---->: Signal in ”speed/torque setpoint” <----> in ”positioning”
/: 1 signal / 0 signal

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0657 Image, output signals, Part 2

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned32 RO
... is an image of selected output signals (terminal and PROFIBUS signals).
Bit 0 Status, parameter set, 1st output
Bit 1 Status parameter set, 2nd output
Bit 2 Status parameter set, 3rd output
Bit 3 First speed setpoint filter inactive
Bit 4 Ramp-function generator inactive
Bit 5 Open holding brake
Bit 6 Integrator inhibit, speed controller
Bit 7 Parking axis selected
Bit 8 Suppress fault 608 active
Bit 9 Actual motor, 1st signal
Bit 10 Actual motor, 2nd signal
Bit 11 motor being changed-over <----> angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation,
bit 0 (from SW 8.1)
Bit 12 angular incremental encoder handwheel evaluation, bit 1 (from SW 8.1)
Bit 13 angular incremental encoder handwheel active (from SW 8.1)
Bit 14 Block processing inactive
Bit 17 MDI active (from 7.1)
Bit 18 Status, block selection, 1st output
Bit 19 Status block selection, 2nd output
Bit 20 Status, block selection, 3rd output
Bit 21 Status, block selection, 4th output
Bit 22 Status block selection, 5th output
Bit 23 Status, block selection, 6th output
Bit 24 Status, block selection 7th output (from SW 10.1)
Bit 25 Status, block selection 8th output (from SW 10.1)
<---->: Signal in ”speed/torque setpoint” <----> in ”positioning”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-813
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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0658 Image, output signals, Part 3

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned32 RO
... is an image of selected output signals (terminal and PROFIBUS signals).
Bit 0 Ramp-up completed
Bit 1 |M| < M_x (P1428:8, P1429)
Bit 2 |n_act| < n_min (P1418:8)
Bit 3 |n_act| < n_x (P1417:8)
Bit 4 V_DC link < V_x (P1604)
Bit 5 Variable signaling function
Bit 6 Motor temperature alarm (P1602)
Bit 7 Heatsink temperature pre-alarm
Bit 8 n_set = n_act (P1426, P1427)
Bit 9 Fixed end stop reached
Bit 10 Fixed end stop, clamping torque reached
Bit 11 Traverse to fixed endstop active
Bit 12 Tracking mode active
Bit 13 Velocity limiting active
Bit 14 Setpoint is zero
Bit 15 Synchronized
Bit 16 Axis moves forwards
Bit 17 Axis moves backwards
Bit 18 Minus software limit switch actuated
Bit 19 Plus software limit switch actuated
Bit 20 Cam switching signal 1
Bit 21 Cam switching signal 2
Bit 22 Direct output 1 via traversing block
Bit 23 Direct output 2 via traversing block
Bit 25 Power module current not limited
Bit 28 Pulses enabled
Bit 29 Position reached
Bit 30 Spindle position 2 reached
Bit 31 Teach In executed
0659 Bootstrap loading
A Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 4 -- Unsigned16 PO
... it is possible to toggle between the initialization and normal condition.
0 establish initialized condition
0 --> 1 initialize
1 normal condition
2, 3, 4 Internal Siemens
Only the most important parameters can be selected and changed (e.g. motor code, power sec-
tion code) in the initialized condition.
In the normal condition, the motor code and power section code are write-protected.
When starting-up for the first time using ”Load file”, P0659 remains at 2 (internal siemens).

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A-814 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0660 Function of input terminal I0.x

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 35 86 -- Unsigned16 immed. (ARM)
0 0 86 -- Unsigned16 immed. (SRM SLM)
... defines the function that input terminal I0.x has on the control module.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I0.x to I3.x” or ”List of the input signals”
0661 Function of input terminal I1.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 7 86 -- Unsigned16 immed. (ARM)
0 0 86 -- Unsigned16 immed. (SRM SLM)
... defines the function that input terminal I1.x has on the control module.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I0.x to I3.x” or ”List of the input signals”
0662 Function of input terminal I2.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 3 86 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that input terminal I2.x has on the control module.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I0.x to I3.x” or ”List of the input signals”
0663 Function of input terminal I3.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 4 86 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that input terminal I3.x has on the control module.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I0.x to I3.x” or ”List of the input signals”
0664 Function of input terminal I4
Data type
... defines the function that input terminal I4 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I4 to I11” or ”List of the input signals”
0665 Function of input terminal I5
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 59 86 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that input terminal I5 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I4 to I11” or ”List of the input signals”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-815
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0666 Function of input terminal I6

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 58 86 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that input terminal I6 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I4 to I11” or ”List of the input signals”
0667 Function of input terminal I7
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 50 86 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that input terminal I7 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I4 to I11” or ”List of the input signals”
0668 Function of input terminal I8
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 51 86 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that input terminal I8 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I4 to I11” or ”List of the input signals”
0669 Function of input terminal I9
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 52 86 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that input terminal I9 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I4 to I11” or ”List of the input signals”
0670 Function of input terminal I10
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective

A 0 53 86 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that input terminal I10 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I4 to I11” or ”List of the input signals”
0671 Function of input terminal I11
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 54 86 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that input terminal I11 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. I4 to I11” or ”List of the input signals”

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0672 Function, input terminal I0.B (-- > 3.3)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 86 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function of input terminal I0.B, drive B for the direct measuring system of drive A.
The function number from the ”List of input signals” is entered.
Prerequisite: P0250 = 1 (direct measuring system)
The following functions can be executed via I0.B:
-- External block change (function number 67)
-- Flying measurement/length measurement (function number 80)
-- Equivalent zero mark (function number 79)
0676 Assignment, inputs: Optional TERMINAL module (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines which input terminals on the optional TERMINAL module are assigned to this drive.
0 none
1 Input terminal I4 to I7
2 Input terminals I8 to I11
3 Input terminals I4 to I11
The terminals can only be assigned to a drive once.
Prerequisite for the assignment: P0875 = 1
Assignment, outputs: Refer to P0696
0678 Image of the input terminals
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The signal statuses of the input terminals are displayed using these parameters.
Bit 15 (Term. 63 / Term. 48), bit 14 (Term. 663), bit 13 (Term. 64), bit 12 (Term. 65.x),
Bit 11 (Term. I11), bit 10 (Term. I10), bit 9 (Term. I9), Bit 8 (Term. I8),
Bit 7 (Term. I7), bit 6 (Term. I6), bit 5 (Term. I5), bit 4 (Term. I4),
bit 3 (t. I3.x), bit 2 (t. I2.x), bit 1 (t. I1.x), bit 0 (t. I0.x)
Bit x = ”1” ----> input terminal has signal status ”1”
Bit x = ”0” ----> input terminal has signal status ”0”
Example: P0678 = F004 ----> Term. 63 / Term. 48, Term. 663, Term. 64, Term. 65.x and Term.
I2.x have signal status ”1”
Non-assigned bits are displayed with ”0”.
Terminal I4 to terminal I11 are on the optional TERMINAL module.
0680 signaling function of output terminal O0.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 33 88 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that output terminal O0.x has on the control module.
The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O0.x to O3.x” or ”List of the output signals”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-817
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0681 signaling function of output terminal O1.x

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 2 88 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that output terminal O1.x has on the control module.
The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O0.x to O3.x” or ”List of the output signals”
0682 signaling function of output terminal O2.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 88 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that output terminal O2.x has on the control module.
The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O0.x to O3.x” or ”List of the output signals”
0683 signaling function of output terminal O3.x
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 5 88 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that output terminal O3.x has on the control module.
The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O0.x to O3.x” or ”List of the output signals”
0684 signaling function, output terminal O4
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 72 88 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that output terminal O4 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O4 to O11” or ”List of the output signals”
0685 signaling function, output terminal O5
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective

A 0 60 88 -- Unsigned16
... defines the function that output terminal O5 has on the option module TERMINALS.

The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.

refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O4 to O11” or ”List of the output signals”
0686 signaling function, output terminal O6
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 62 88 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function thatoutput terminal O6 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O4 to O11” or ”List of the output signals”

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A-818 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0687 signaling function, output terminal O7

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 50 88 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that output terminal O7 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O4 to O11” or ”List of the output signals”
0688 signaling function, output terminal O8
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 51 88 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that output terminal O8 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O4 to O11” or ”List of the output signals”
0689 signaling function, output terminal O9
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 52 88 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that output terminal O9 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O4 to O11” or ”List of the output signals”
0690 signaling function, output terminal O10
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 53 88 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that output terminal O10 has on the option module TERMINALS.
The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O4 to O11” or ”List of the output signals”
0691 signaling function, output terminal O11
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 54 88 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that output terminal O11 has on the option module TERMINALS. A
The function is entered from the ”List of output signals”.
refer to the index entry ”Terminals term. O4 to O11” or ”List of the output signals”
0696 Assignment, optional TERMINAL module outputs (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines which output terminals on the TERMINAL option module are assigned to this drive.
0 none
1 Output terminal O4 to O7
2 Output terminals O8 to O11
3 Output terminals O4 to O11
The terminals can only be assigned to a drive once.
Prerequisite for the assignment: P0875 = 1
Assignment, inputs: Refer to P0676

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0698 Image of the output terminals

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The signal statuses of the output terminals are displayed using these parameters.
bit 11 (t. O11), bit 10 (t. O10), bit 9 (t. O9), bit 8 (t. O8),
bit 7 (t. O7), bit 6 (t. O6), bit 5 (t. O5), bit 4 (t. O4),
bit 3 (T. O3.x), bit 2 (T. O2.x), bit 1 (T. O1.x), bit 0 (T. O0.x)
Bit x = ”1” ----> output terminal has signal status ”1”
Bit x = ”0” ----> output terminal has signal status ”0”
Example: P0698 = 0006 ----> Term. O2.x and O1.x have signal status ”1”
Non-assigned bits are displayed with ”0”.
Terminals O4 to O11 are on the optional TERMINAL module.
0699 Inversion output terminal signals
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFF Hex Unsigned16 immed.
This parameter is used to define which output terminal signals are to be output inverted.
Bit 11 (Term. O11), bit 10 (Term. O10), bit 9 (Term. O9), bit 8 (Term. O8),
Bit 7 (Term. O7), bit 6 (Term. O6), bit 5 (O5), bit 4 (Term. O4),
bit 3 (T. O3.x), bit 2 (T. O2.x), bit 1 (T. O1.x), bit 0 (T. O0.x)
Bit x = ”1” ----> output terminal is inverted
Bit x = ”0” ----> output terminal is not inverted
Example: P0699 = 0003 ----> Term. O1.x and O0.x are output inverted
Non-assigned bits are displayed with ”0”.
Terminals O4 to O11 are on the optional TERMINAL module.
0700 Operating mode
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 3 -- Unsigned16 PO
0 Drive inactive (only drive B)
This means a double-axis module can only be operated with a single axis.
A Should there be no communication with the inactive drive B via PROFIBUS?
If yes, then communication must be disabled with P0875 = 0.
1 Speed/torque setpoint
The drive can be operated as follows in this operating mode:
-- closed-loop speed controlled operation (n-set operation)
-- open-loop torque controlled mode (M setpoint operation)
-- Torque reduction (M reduction)
Operation is possible via terminals, via PROFIBUS-DP or both together.
2 External position reference value (from SW 3.3)
No longer available from SW 4.1. Select ”Positioning” mode.
3 Positioning (from SW 2.1)
The drive can be operated as follows in this operating mode:
-- programming, selecting and starting traversing blocks
-- enter velocity override
-- Torque reduction (M reduction)
Operation is possible via terminals, via PROFIBUS-DP or both together.

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0701 Actual operating mode

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
0 Drive inactive (only drive B)
1 Speed/torque setpoint
-- closed-loop speed controlled operation (n-set operation)
-- open-loop torque controlled mode (M setpoint operation)
-- Torque reduction (M reduction)
2 External position reference value (from SW 3.3)
No longer available from SW 4.1.
3 Positioning (from SW 2.1)
0730:795 Saved parameters (--> 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
...includes all of the parameters taken into account when saving the drive configuration (save
parameter in a file).
The following steps are necessary for a series start-up without using the SimoCom U start-up
1. Signal the motor type (write into P1102 = motor code)
2. Writing 4 into P0659 (drive carries-out defaults)
3. Write into all of the parameters listed in parameter P0731
4. Write 2 into P0659 (pre-assign motor/ LT data, calculate controller data)
5. Write into all parameters listed in parameter P0730 (minus the parameters listed in P0731)
0731:250 Parameters required before start-up (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
...contains all parameters which must be written into before commissioning.
The following steps are necessary for a series start-up without using the SimoCom U start-up
1. Signal the motor type (write into P1102 = motor code)
2. Writing 4 into P0659 (drive carries-out defaults)
3. Write into all of the parameters listed in parameter P0731
4. Write 2 into P0659 (pre-assign motor/ LT data, calculate controller data)
5. Write into all parameters listed in parameter P0730 (minus the parameters listed in P0731) A
0801 Changeover RS232/RS485
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1 0 1 -- Integer16 PO
The serial interface (X471) is set to RS232 or to RS485 using this parameter.
1 interface is set to RS485
0 Interface is set to RS232
--1 reserved
The interface can be changed over from both drives. As the interface is either set to RS232 or
to RS485, when changing the parameter in a drive, the parameter in the other drive is appropri-
ately adapted.
The RS485 interface works only on control modules with the following hardware version:
-- Order no. (MLFB): 6SN1118--_N_00--0AA0 ----> RS485 is not operable
-- from order no. (MLFB): 6SN1118--_N_00--0AA1 ----> RS485 is operable
refer to the index entry ”SimoCom U -- via serial interface”

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0802 Drive number for RS485

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 31 -- Unsigned16 PO
In an RS485 group, each drive must be assigned a unique drive number for addressing using
this parameter.
0 the drive is not available in the RS485 group
1 to 31 the drive has this valid drive number
The drive number must be unique within the complete group
refer to the index entry ”SimoCom U -- via serial interface”
0803 Adjacent drive number
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
For a 2-axis module, this parameter displays the drive number of the adjacent axis.
The adjacent drive number of drive A is the drive number of drive B.
The adjacent drive number of drive B is the drive number of drive A.
0828:128 Warning value (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned32 RO
The supplementary information of the warnings, displayed using P0953 -- P0960, is entered in
this parameter.
The following is valid:
P0828:0 Supplementary information, alarm 800 (P0953 bit 0)
P0828:1 Supplementary information, warning 801 (P0953 bit 1)
P0828:127 Supplementary information, alarm 927 (P0960 bit 15)
0850 Activate brake control
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... activates/de-actives the brake sequence control for this axis.
1 Brake sequence control is activated
A 0
Brake sequence control is de-activated

The pulse suppression control via P1403 (creep speed pulse suppression) and P1404 (timer
pulse suppression) is ineffective when the motor holding brake is activated.
refer to the index entry ”Motor holding brake”
0851 Brake release time
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
10.0 600.0 10000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
The setpoint transfer after ”Controller enable” is delayed by this time.
During this time, the speed control is internally already active with n-set = 0, so that the axis
does not move while the brake is opening.
After the time has expired, the closed-loop speed control is active and setpoints can be trans-
Note: refer to the index entry ”Motor holding brake”

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0852 Speed, close holding brake (ARM SRM)

Motor velocity, close holding brake (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 10.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 500.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
Note: refer to P0853
0853 Brake delay time
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
10.0 400.0 600000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
P0852 and P0853 form the criterion for withdrawing the output signal ”Open holding brake” to
close the motor holding brake.
After ”controller enable” is withdrawn the drive brakes with n-set = 0.
With the brake sequence control active, the ”open holding brake” output signal is reset, if:
-- |n-act| < n holding brake (P0852)
-- The brake delay time (P0853) has expired
Note: refer to the index entry ”Motor holding brake”
0854 Controller disable time
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
10.0 600.0 10000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
With n-set = 0, the drive is actively controlled (internal controller enable) until the controller lo-
cking time expires (P0854).
In order that the brake has time to close, the closing time is bypassed to prevent a hanging
axis, for example, from sagging. The pulses are only canceled after this time.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Motor holding brake”
0868 Baud rate selection, CAN bus (--> 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 255 -- Unsigned16 PO
... is used to set the baud rate for the CAN -- option module (Robox Company).
0 1000 kBit/s
1 800 kBit/s
500 kBit/s
250 kBit/s A
4 125 kBit/s
5 100 kBit/s
6 50 kBit/s
7 20 kBit/s
8 10 kBit/s
>8 Reserved

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0870 Module type

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The parameter displays the control module type and firmware.
P0870 = UVWX
U =0 Drive type is ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”
=x Reserved for another drive type (x = 1 to 15)
V =0 firmware for speed control
=1 firmware for positioning
W reserved
X =1 module, 2-axis for resolvers
=2 Module, 2-axis for encoders with sin/cos 1 Vpp
=3 module, 1-axis for resolvers
=4 Module ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”, 2-axis for encoders with sin/cos 1 Vpp
=5 Module HR, 2-axis for encoders with sin/cos 1 Vpp
=7 Module HR, 2-axis for resolvers
=8 Module HR, 1-axis for resolvers
=9 Module HR ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”, 2-axis for encoders with
sin/cos 1 Vpp
=A Module HRS, 2-axis for encoders with sin/cos 1 Vpp
=B Module HRS, 2-axis for resolvers
= C Module HRS, 1-axis for resolvers
= D Module HRS ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”, 2-axis for encoders with
sin/cos 1 Vpp
Note: The module version is displayed in P0871.
0871 Module version
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... displays the version of the particular module.
0872 Option module type
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO

A ... displays which option module was identified when the control module was powered-up.
0 no option module
1 Optional TERMINAL module, Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NA00--0AA0
2 Option module PROFIBUS-DP1
with PROFIBUS-ASIC SPC3, Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB00--0AA0
3 Option module PROFIBUS-DP2 (from SW 3.1)
with PROFIBUS ASIC DPC31 without PLL, Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB00--0AA1
4 Option module PROFIBUS-DP3 (from SW 3.1)
with PROFIBUS ASIC DPC31 with PLL, Order No. (MLFB): 6SN1114--0NB01--0AA0
253 CAN -- option module, Robox company
255 Third-party module corresponding to the published interface spec. (from SW 4.1)
0873 Option module version
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... displays the version of the respective option module.

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0875 Expected option module type

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 255 -- Unsigned16 PO
... displays which option module is expected as a result of the parameterization.
During first startup, the parameter is automatically set according to P0872 (option module type).
Disable the communication or the ”DP slave 611U”:
1-axis module
----> with P0875 = 0 from drive A, the ”DP slave 611U” is disabled
2-axis module
----> with P0875 = 0 from drive B, communication with drive B is disabled
----> with P0875 = 0 in both drives, the ”DP slave 611U” is disabled
This allows, for example, ”disturbing” slaves to be temporarily disabled when commissioning
other nodes (refer to the index entry ”Commissioning PROFIBUS-DP”).
0878 PROFIdrive configuration (-- > 8.2)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 127 Hex Unsigned16 immed.
... several behavioral features are activated in order to achieve conformance with the PROFI-
drive profile.
Bit 0 Axis addressing according to PROFIdrive
Bit 0 = 1 For a non-cyclic access via the DPV1 parameter channel axis A is addressed
with index 1 (this is in conformance with the profile)
Bit 0 = 0 For a non-cyclic access via the DPV1 parameter channel axis A is addressed
with index 0 (this is not in conformance with the profile)
Bit 1 P915/P916 cannot be changed for P922 > 0
Bit 1 = 1 P915/P916 cannot be written into if P922 is greater than 0 (this is in conformance
with the profile)
Bit 1 = 0 P915/P916 can also be written into if P922 is greater than 0 (this is not in
conformance with the profile)
Bit 2 No. of Value = Length for string variables
Bit 2 = 1 For string variables, in the ”DPV1 parameter response” the length of bytes is
transferred under ”No. of Values” (in conformance with the profile)
Bit 2 = 0 For string variables, in the ”DPV1 parameter response” the number of values are
transferred under ”No. of Values” (this is not in conformance with the profile) A
Bit 3, bit 4, bit 5 selects the PROFIdrive profile version
Bit 5 = 0, bit 4 = 0, bit 3 = 0: PROFIdrive profile Version 3.1.2 is active
Bit 5 = 0, bit 4 = 0, bit 3 = 1: PROFIdrive profile version 4.1 is active (from SW 12.1)
Bit 6 Function generator immediately active (from SW 11.2 onwards)
Bit 6 = 1 Function generator immediately active is activated in STW1 bit 9 (not in confor-
mance with the profile)
Bit 6 = 0 Function generator immediately active is deactivated in STW1 bit 9
(in conformance with the profile)
The following parameters should be set for the PROFIdrive profile in conformance to profile ver-
sion V3.1:
P0878 bit 0 = 1, bit 1 = 1, bit 2 = 1
P0879 bit 0 = 1, bit 1 = 0, bit 2 = 0, bit 9 = 1
P1012 bit 12 = 1, bit 13 = 1, bit 14 = 0, bit 15 = 1
In addition, the following parameters must be set in order to achieve compatibility to profile ver-
sion V4.1.
P0878 bit 3 = 1

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0879 PROFIBUS configuration (-- > 3.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 FFFF Hex Unsigned16 PO
... defines several types of behavior for operation with PROFIBUS-DP.
Bit 2, 1, 0 Permissible sign-of-life error
... specifies in how many subsequent cycles (Tmapc) a sign-of-life error may occur without a
fault being signaled.
Bit 7 Monitoring PLL window acc. to PROFIdrive (from SW 13.1)
Bit 7 = 1 The more accurate, monitoring of the PLL window for isochronous operation -- in
conformance with the profile -- is active
Bit 7 = 0 The more accurate, monitoring in conformance with the profile is not activated
Bit 8 Operation with/without master sign-of-life monitoring
Bit 8 = 1 without sign-of-life monitor
The clock cycle synchronous (isochronous) PROFIBUS is booted and operated without moni-
toring the master sign of life. However, the master must change the sign of life in STW2.12 to
STW2.15 if Tmapc > Tdp.
Bit 8 = 0 with sign-of-life monitor
Bit 9 Data types, profile parameters according to PROFIdrive
Bit 9 = 1 For PROFIdrive profile parameters, data types are interpreted as they are
implemented in the drive
Bit 9 = 0 For PROFIdrive profile parameters, data types are interpreted according to
Bit 10 reserved
Bit 11 PKW area: Subindex in the high/low byte from IND (from SW 3.3)
Bit 11 = 1 Sub-index in the high byte (compatible to PROFIdrive)
Bit 11 = 0 Sub-index in the low byte (standard for SIMODRIVE)
Bit 12 Activate direct measuring system (encoder 2) for the encoder interface
(from SW 3.3)
Bit 13 Incr. motor measuring system with/without equivalent zero mark
Bit 13 = 1 Incremental motor measuring system with equivalent zero mark available
(e. g. BERO at input terminal I0.x)
Bit 13 = 0 Incremental motor measuring system available
A Bit 14
Bit 14 = 1
Incr. direct measuring system with/without equivalent zero mark (from SW 3.3)
Incremental direct measuring system with equivalent zero mark available
It is necessary to additionally parameterize using P0672.
(e. g. BERO at input terminal I0.x)
Bit 14 = 0 Incremental direct measuring system available
Bit 15 reserved
0880 Speed evaluation, PROFIBUS (ARM SRM)
Motor velocity evaluation, PROFIBUS (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--100000.0 16384.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
--100000.0 16384.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
... defines the normalization of the speed or velocity when using PROFIBUS-DP. When entering
a negative value, in addition, the motor direction of rotation is inverted.
4000hex or 16384dec in control word NSOLL_A corresponds to the speed or velocity in P0880.
refer to the index entry ”Control words NSOLL_A or NSOLL_B”

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0881 Evaluation torque/power reduction PROFIBUS (ARM SRM)

(--> 3.7)
Evaluation force/power reduction PROFIBUS (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 16384.0 16384.0 % Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 16384.0 16384.0 % Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
... defines the normalization of the torque/power reduction or force/power reduction when mov-
ing with PROFIBUS-DP.
4000Hex or 16384 dec in the MomRed control board corresponds to a reduction of the percent-
age specified in P0881.
refer under the index entry ”Control word MomRed”
0882 Evaluation, torque setpont PROFIBUS (ARM SRM) (--> 4.1)
Evaluation, force setpoint PROFIBUS (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--16384.0 800.0 16384.0 % Floating Point immed. (SLM)
--16384.0 800.0 16384.0 % Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
... defines the normalization of the torque and force setpoint when using PROFIBUS-DP.
P0882 is a percentage value referred to the rated motor torque. The parameter affects the pro-
cess data MsollExt (external torque setpoint in the input direction) and Msoll (torque setpoint in
the output direction).
4000Hex or 16384 dec in the control word corresponds to the percentage entered in P0882.
refer under the index entry ”control word MsollExt”, ”Status word Msoll”
0883 Override evaluation PROFIBUS (--> 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 16384.0 16384.0 % Floating Point immed.
... defines the normalization of the override when entered via PROFIBUS-DP.
4000Hex or 16384dec in the PROFIBUS-pPO corresponds to the override in P0883 (refer
under the index entry ”control word Over”).
0884 Position output evaluation PROFIBUS - number of increments
(--> 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 10000 8388607 -- Unsigned32 PO
... together with P0896, defines the format for the output of positions via PROFIBUS-DP.
refer to P0896
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”
0887 Speed actual value smoothing, PROFIBUS (ARM SRM)(--> 13.1)
Velocity actual value smoothing, PROFIBUS (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 10000.0 ms Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.0 10000.0 ms Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
This means that the speed actual value or velocity actual value can be smoothed via
PROFIBUS using a PT1 filter.
The value defines the smoothing time constant of the PT1 filter (P0887 = 0 smoothing is not

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0888:16 Function, distributed input (PROFIBUS) (--> 4.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 83 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the function that a signal has -- that has been read-in via PROFIBUS-PZD for distrib-
uted inputs (DezEing)
The function number from the ”list of input signals” is entered. The following applies for the indi-
vidual indices of P0888:
0 Function DezEing bit 0
1 Function DezEing bit 1
2 etc.
0889:4 Angular incremental encoder, handwheel evaluation (-- > 9.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 10000 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the factor with which the handwheel pulses are evaluated.
refer to the index entry ”Angular encoder interface”
0890 Activate angular encoder/encoder interface
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 4 -- Unsigned16 PO
... defines how the angular encoder interface and encoder interface are operated.
-- Angular encoder interface (X461, X462 for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”)
-- Encoder interface (X472 for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal E”)
0 Angular encoder interface or encoder interface switched-out
1 Angular encoder interface switched-in as output for incremental position actual value
2 Angular encoder interface switched-in as input for incremental position reference value
(from SW 3.3)
3 Angular encoder interface switched-in for drive A as input for the incremental position
reference value. The incremental position actual value from drive A is output at
the angular encoder interface from drive B, if P0890 (B) is 0. P0890 = 3 is only possible
for drive A.
(from SW 3.3)
4 Encoder interface enabled as input for TTL encoders (encoder 3, from SW 3.1)
A For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” a TTL signal can be downloaded/read-in via the angular
incremental encoder interface and re-output via PROFIBUS-DP (encoder 3, e.g. standard tele-
gram 104).
The terminating resistor must be set for the angular encoder interface ----> switch S1
When injecting signals at the angular incremental encoder interface it should be ensured that
the interface is not parameterized as output. Otherwise, the internal and external drivers will
operate against one another and can mutually destroy themselves.
refer to the index entry ”Angular encoder interface” or ”Encoder interface”

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0891 Source, external position reference value (-- > 3.3)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1 --1 5 -- Integer16 PO
... defines the source for the external position reference value.
--1 not an external position reference value
0 Angular encoder interface
1 Motor encoder, drive A (only drive B in double-axis modules)
(only for compatibility, recommended value = 2)
2 Position actual value drive A (only drive B in double-axis modules, from SW 4.1)
3 Position reference value drive A (only drive B in double-axis modules, from SW 4.1)
4 PROFIBUS-DP (from SW 4.1)
5 angular incremental encoder interface coarse (resolution 1 increment corresponds to
approx. 1 mm or 1 Degree)
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0892 No. of angular encoder marks / no. of encoder pulses factor

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--2 0 5 -- Integer16 PO
... defines the encoder pulse number via the angular encoder interface.
Resolver, 12 bit module (6SN1118--*NK00--0AA0 or 6SN1118--*NJ00--0AA0):
0 P*1024
1 P*512
2 P*256
3 P*128
Resolver 14 bit module (6SN1118--*NK01--0AA0 or 6SN1118--*NJ01--0AA0), 12 bit setting
(1011[2]=0 or 1030[2]=0):
0 P*1024
1 P*512
2 P*256
3 P*128
4 P*64
5 P*32
Resolver 14 bit module (6SN1118--*NK01--0AA0 or 6SN1118--*NJ01--0AA0), 14 bit setting
(1011[2]=1 or 1030[2]=1):
--2 P*4096
--1 P*2048
0 P*1024
1 P*512
2 P*256
3 P*128
Encoder with sin/cos 1Vpp:
... defines the factor by which the encoder resolution is reduced (encoder pulse number or mea-
suring length/grid spacing), before the signals (quadrature signals) are visible via the angular
encoder output.
0 1:1 scale
1 1:2 scale
2 1:4 scale
3 1:8 scale
A 4
Doubling (from SW 5.1, with SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS)

P ----> Resolver pole pair number

The values --2,--1,4,5 for a resolver should only be set there where it is not intended to change
over from 12 >< 14 bit resolution.
If, for example, high precision is not required for the position control, but however, high speeds,
then the encoder pulse number, output via the angular incremental encoder interface can be
less than then the encoder pulse number of the motor measuring system.
refer to the index entry ”Angular encoder interface”

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A-830 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0893 Angular encoder zero pulse offset

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--360.0 0.0 360.0 Degree Floating Point PO
... shifts the zero pulse of an encoder.
The zero pulses for the angular encoder interface are generated in the encoder hardware. For
encoders with sin/cos 1 Vpp, there is 1 zero pulse per mechanical revolution. For resolvers,
there is 1 zero pulse for each electrical revolution, i.e. for a resolver with pole pair number = 3,
there are 3 zero pulses per mechanical revolution.
In order that the zero pulse offset is correctly taken into account, the drive must remain station-
ary while the control module is running up.
refer to the index entry ”Angular encoder interface”
0894 Angular encoder input signal waveform (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 2 -- Unsigned16 PO
... defines the input signal shape for the angular encoder interface.
0 Quadrature signal
1 Pulse/direction signal
2 Forwards/reverse signal
refer to the index entry ”Angular encoder interface”
0895 External position reference value - number of increments
(--> 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 10000 8388607 -- Unsigned32 PO
... together with P0896, defines, for couplings, the ratio between the input increments and di-
mension system grids.
----> P0895 input pulses at the angular encoder correspond to P0896 MSR
----> Setpoint input from P0895 corresponds to P0896 MSR
refer to P0896
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”
0896 Ext. position ref. value - number of dimension system grids A
(--> 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 10000 8388607 MSR Unsigned32 PO
... together with P0895, defines for couplings, the ratio between the input pulse periods (or input
bit) and the measuring system grid.
refer to P0895
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”
0897 Invert external position reference value (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 PO
... defines whether the position reference value is entered externally and therefore the direction
should be inverted.
1 position setpoint inversion
0 Not inverted
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-831
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0898 Modulo range master drive (-- > 3.5)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 100000000 MSR Unsigned32 PO
... informs the slave drive about the selected modulo range for the master drive.
The following applies: P0242 (master drive) = P0898 (slave drive)
The value 0 switches-out the modulo correction.
refer under the index entry ”axis couplings”
0899:8 Enter angular incremental encoder direction (-- > 8.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 2 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines in which direction the angular incremental encoder interface pulses are permitted.
0 positive and negative direction
1 only the positive direction
2 only the negative direction
refer to the index entry ”Angular encoder interface”
0900:4 Angular incremental encoder, handwheel evaluation (-- > 8.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 10000 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the factor with which the handwheel pulses are evaluated.
From SW 9.1 onwards, P0900:4 is replaced by P0889:4 (P0900:4 = P0889:4).
refer to the index entry ”Angular encoder interface”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-832 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0915:17 PZD setpoint value assignment PROFIBUS (-- > 3.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 65535 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... serves for allocating the signals to the process data in the setpoint frame.
The following applies:
P0915:0 no meaning
P0915:1 PZD1, unable to configure (standard setting)
P0915:2 PZD2, Configuring and display of the signal ID (refer to P0922)
P0915:3 PZD3, etc.
ID Significance (abbreviation) (comments)
0 No signal (NIL)
50001 Control word 1 (STW1) (assignment n-set operation)
50001 Control word 1 (STW1) (assignment pos operation)
50003 Control word 2 (STW2)
50005 Speed setpoint A (NSOLL_A, nset-h) (n-set operation)
50007 Speed setpoint B (NSOLL_B, nset-(h+l)) (n-set operation)
50009 Encoder 1, control word (G1_STW) (n-set operation)
50013 Encoder 2 control word (G2_STW) (n-set operation, from SW 3.3)
50017 Encoder 3 control word (G3_STW) (n-set operation)
50025 System deviation DSC (XERR) (n set operation, from SW 4.1)
50026 Position controller gain factor DSC (KPC) (n set operation, from SW 4.1)
50101 Torque reduction (MomRed)
50103 Analog output, T. 75.x/15 (DAU1)
50105 Analog output T. 16.x/15 (DAU2)
50107 Digital outputs, T. O0.x to O3.x (DIG_OUT)
50109 Target position for spindle positioning (XSP) (n set operation, from SW 5.1)
50111 Distributed inputs (DezEing) (from SW 4.1)
50113 External torque setpoint (MsollExt) (n set operation, from SW 4.1)
50117 Control word, slave-to-slave communications (QStw) (pos operation,
from SW 4.1)
50201 Block selection (SatzAnw)
50203 Positioning control word (PosStw) (pos operation)
50205 Override (Over) (pos operation)
50207 External position reference value (Xext) (pos operation, from SW 4.1)
50209 Correction, external position reference value (XcorExt) (pos operation,
from SW 4.1)
50221 MDI position (MDIPos) (pos mode, from SW 7.1)
50223 MDI velocity (MDIVel) (pos mode, from SW 7.1)
50225 MDI acceleration override (MDIAcc) (pos mode, from SW 7.1)
50227 MDI deceleration override (MDIDec) (pos mode, from SW 7.1)
50229 MDI mode (MDIMode) (pos mode, from SW 7.1)
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
Operating mode not specified ----> possible in every operating mode
refer to the index entry ”Configuring the process data”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-833
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0916:17 PZD actual value assignment PROFIBUS (-- > 3.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 65535 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... serves for allocating the signals to the process data in the actual value frame.
The following applies:
P0916:0 no meaning
P0916:1 PZD1, unable to configure (standard setting)
P0916:2 PZD2, Configuring and display of the signal ID (refer to P0922)
P0916:3 PZD3, etc.
ID Significance (abbreviation) (comments)
0 No signal (NIL)
50002 Status word 1 (ZSW1) (assignment, n-set operation)
50002 Status word 1 (ZSW1) (assignment pos operation)
50004 Status word 2 (ZSW2)
50006 Speed actual value A (NIST_A, nact-h)
50008 Speed actual value B (NIST_B, nact-(h+l))
50010 Encoder 1 status word (G1_ZSW) (n-set operation)
50011 Encoder 1 position actual value 1 (G1_XACT1) (n-set operation)
50012 Encoder 1 position actual value 2 (G1_XACT2) (n-set operation)
50014 Encoder 2 status word (G2_ZSW) (n-set operation, from SW 3.3)
50015 Encoder 2 position actual value 1 (G2_XACT1) (n-set operation, from SW 3.3)
50016 Encoder 2 position actual value 2 (G2_XACT2) (n-set operation, from SW 3.3)
50018 Encoder 3 status word (G3_ZSW) (n-set operation)
50019 Encoder 3 position actual value 1 (G3_XACT1) (n-set operation)
50020 Encoder 3 position actual value 2 (G3_XACT2) (n-set operation)
50102 Message word (MeldW)
50104 Analog input T. 56.x/14 (ADU1)
50106 Analog input T. 24.x/20 (ADU2)
50108 Digital inputs, T. I0.x to I3.x (DIG_IN)
50110 Utilization (util)
50112 Active power (Pwirk)
50114 Smoothed torque setpoint (Msoll)
50116 Smoothed torque-generating current Iq (IqGl)
50118 Status word, slave-to-slave communications (QZsw) (pos operation,
A 50119
from SW 4.1)
DC link voltage (VDClink1) (from SW 8.3)
50202 Currently selected block (AktSatz)
50204 Positioning status word (PosZsw) (pos operation)
50206 Position actual value (positioning operation) (XistP) (pos operation)
50208 Position reference value (positioning operation) (XsollP) (pos operation,
from SW 4.1)
50210 Correction position reference value (Xcor) (pos opertion, from SW 4.1)
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
Operating mode not specified ----> possible in every operating mode
refer to the index entry ”Configuring the process data”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-834 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0918 PROFIBUS node address

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 126 -- Unsigned16 PO
... specifies the address of the drive as DP slave on PROFIBUS.
There is only one node address for the control module, although it is designed for two drives.
When changing the parameters in one drive, the parameters in the other drive are automatically
Every node connected to PROFIBUS must have a unique address.
0922 PROFIBUS frame selection (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 101 110 -- Unsigned16 PO
... is used to set the free configurability or to select a standard telegram.
0 The frame can be freely configured (see P0915:17, P0916:17)
1 standard frame 1, n-set interface 16 bits
2 Standard frame 2, n-set interface 32 bits without encoder
3 Standard telegram 3, n set interface 32 bit with encoder 1
4 Standard telegram 4, n-set interface 32 bit with encoder 1 and encoder 2 (from SW 3.3)
5 Standard telegram 5, n set interface 32 bit with DSC and encoder 1 (from SW 4.1)
6 Standard telegram 6, n set interface 32 bit with DSC and encoder 1 and encoder 2
(from SW 4.1)
101 The frame has the same structure as in SW 2.4
102 Standard frame 102, n-set interface with encoder 1
103 Standard telegram 103, speed setpoint interface with encoder 1 and encoder 2
(from kSW 3.3)
104 Standard frame 104, n-set interface with encoder 1 and encoder 3
105 Standard telegram 105, n-set interface with DSC and encoder 1 (from SW 4.1)
106 Standard telegram 106, n-set interface with DSC and encoder 1 and encoder 2
(from SW 4.1)
107 Standard telegram 107, n-set interface with DSC and encoder 1 and encoder 3
(from SW 4.1)
108 Standard telegram 108, master drive for the position reference value coupling
(from SW 4.1)
109 Standard telegram 109, slave drive for the position reference value coupling
(from SW 4.1) A
110 Standard telegram 110, positioning in the MDI mode (from SW 7.1)
Note: refer to the index entry ”Process data configuring”
0923:300 List of PROFIBUS standard signals
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
This parameter can be read in order to define which PROFIdrive standard signals (signals
1...99) and manufacturer-specific signals are supported and which device-specific signal ID this
signal represents.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-835
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0930 PROFIBUS selector switch operating mode

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
This parameter cannot be changed and corresponds to P0700.
0 Drive inactive
1 Closed-loop speed controlled operation
0x8000 positioning mode
0944 Fault message counter (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
This parameter corresponds to the fault message counter. It is incremented each time that the
fault buffer changes.
This means that it can be ensured that the fault buffer can be consistently read-out
This parameter is reset at POWER ON.
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate faults”
0945:65 Fault code
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
The fault code, i. e. the number of the fault which occurred, is entered in this parameter.
The faults which occurred are entered as follows into the fault buffer:
first fault which has occurred ----> parameter with index 1 (with index 0 for the PROFIdrive pro-
eighth fault which has occurred----> parameter with index 8 (with index 7 for the PROFIdrive
The following is associated with a fault: Fault code (P0945:65), fault number (P0947:65), fault
time (P0948:65) and fault value (P0949:65).
For ”reset fault memory” the fault code, previously entered into P0945, is shifted by 8 indices.
The description of the faults, how they can be acknowledged as well as a list of all the faults is
provided in Section ”Fault handling / diagnostics”.
A This parameter is reset at POWER ON.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate faults”
0946:901 Fault code list (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
This parameter contains the fault code list.
In the fault code list, every fault code, defined in the unit, is assigned a fault number.
The fault number is a consecutive number. The actual value is coded in the fault code to indi-
cate which fault has occurred.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
This means that here, the fault code (e. g. 130) cannot be found in the sub-index (in the exam-
ple 64) corresponding to the fault number, but instead in the following sub-index (in the example
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate faults”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-836 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0947:65 Fault number

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
The fault number is entered into this parameter.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate faults”
0948:65 Fault time
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- ms Unsigned32 RO
This parameter specifies at which relative system time the fault occurred.
This parameter is set to zero at POWER ON, and the time is then started.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate faults”
0949:65 Fault value
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned32 RO
The supplementary information about a fault which has occurred is entered into this parameter.
The description of the faults, how they can be acknowledged as well as a list of all the faults is
provided in Section ”Fault handling / diagnostics”.
This parameter is reset at POWER ON.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate faults”
0951:301 Fault number list (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
Note: This parameter has no significance.
0952 Number of faults
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFF -- Unsigned16 immed.
The parameter specifies the number of faults which occurred after POWER ON.
From SW 9.1 onwards, the parameter can be reset with P0952 = 0.
When the parameter is reset, the fault buffer is cleared and the faults are acknowledged if the
causes were resolved.
This parameter is reset at POWER ON.
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate faults”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-837
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0953 Warnings 800--815

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The parameter displays which warning(s) is(are) present.
Bit 15 (warning 815) ... Bit 0 (warning 800)
Bit x = 1 alarm yyy present
Bit x = 0 the alarm assigned to the bit, is not present
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate warnings”
0954 Warnings 816--831
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The parameter displays which warning(s) is(are) present.
Bit 15 (warning 831) ... Bit 0 (warning 816)
Bit x = 1 alarm yyy present
Bit x = 0 the alarm assigned to the bit, is not present
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate warnings”
0955 Warnings 832--847
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The parameter displays which warning(s) is(are) present.
Bit 15 (warning 847) ... Bit 0 (warning 832)
Bit x = 1 alarm yyy present
Bit x = 0 the alarm assigned to the bit, is not present
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate warnings”
0956 Warnings 848--863
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The parameter displays which warning(s) is(are) present.
A Bit 15 (warning 863) ... Bit 0 (warning 848)
Bit x = 1 alarm yyy present
Bit x = 0 the alarm assigned to the bit, is not present
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate warnings”
0957 Warnings 864--879
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The parameter displays which warning(s) is(are) present.
Bit 15 (warning 879) ... Bit 0 (warning 864)
Bit x = 1 alarm yyy present
Bit x = 0 the alarm assigned to the bit, is not present
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate warnings”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-838 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0958 Warnings 880--895

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The parameter displays which warning(s) is(are) present.
Bit 15 (warning 895) ... Bit 0 (warning 880)
Bit x = 1 alarm yyy present
Bit x = 0 the alarm assigned to the bit, is not present
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate warnings”
0959 Warnings 896-- 911
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The parameter displays which warning(s) is(are) present.
Bit 15 (warning 911) ... Bit 0 (warning 896)
Bit x = 1 alarm yyy present
Bit x = 0 the alarm assigned to the bit, is not present
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate warnings”
0960 Warnings 912--927
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The parameter displays which warning(s) is(are) present.
Bit 15 (warning 927) ... Bit 0 (warning 912)
Bit x = 1 alarm yyy present
Bit x = 0 the alarm assigned to the bit, is not present
refer to the index entry ”PROFIBUS-DP -- evaluate warnings”
0963 Baud rate PROFIBUS (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... contains the actual PROFIBUS baud rate.
9.6 kbit/s
19.2 kbit/s A
2 93.75 kbit/s
3 187.5 kbit/s
4 500 kbit/s
6 1500 kbit/s
7 3000 kbit/s
8 6000 kbit/s
9 12000 kbit/s
10 31.25 kbit/s
11 45.45 kbit/s

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-839
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0964:11 Equipment identification (-- > 6.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... includes all data for the device identification and provides this to the Identify Utility.
1 Company Siemens = 42d
2 Drive type Product type
3 Firmware version xxyy (without patch number)
4 Firmware date (year) yyyy (decimal)
5 Firmware date (day/month) ddmm (decimal)
6 Number of axes
7 Patch number of the FW version
Product type:
1101 SIMODRIVE 611 universal 2 axis with 1Vpp encoder, n-set
1102 SIMODRIVE 611 universal 2 axis with 1 Vpp encoder, positioning
1103 SIMODRIVE 611 universal 2 axis with resolver, n-set
1104 SIMODRIVE 611 universal 2 axis with resolver, positioning
1105 SIMODRIVE 611 universal 1 axis with resolver, n-set
1106 SIMODRIVE 611 universal 1 axis with resolver, positioning
1111 SIMODRIVE 611 universalE 2 axis with 1Vpp encoder, n-set
1112 SIMODRIVE 611 universalE HR 2-axis with 1Vpp encoder, positioning
1120 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR 2-axis with 1Vpp encoder, n-set
1121 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR 2-axis with 1Vpp encoder, positioning
1122 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR 2-axis with resolver, n-set
1123 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR 2-axis with resolver, positioning
1124 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR 1-axis with resolver, n-set
1125 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR 1-axis with resolver, positioning
1126 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR 1-axis with 1Vpp encoder, n-set
1127 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR 1-axis with 1Vpp encoder, positioning
1113 SIMODRIVE 611 universalE HRS 2 axis with 1Vpp encoder, positioning
1130 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS 2 axis with 1Vpp encoder, n set
1131 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS 2 axis with 1Vpp encoder, positioning
1132 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS 2 axis with resolver, n set
1133 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS 2 axis with resolver, positioning
A 1134 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS 1 axis with resolver, n set
1135 SIMODRIVE 611 universal HRS 1 axis with resolver, positioning
0965 Profile number, PROFIdrive (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... the profile identification is saved here. Byte 1 contains profile number 3 (this corresponds to
the PROFIdrive profile).
Profile version 3.1 ----> byte 2 = 3
Profile version 4.1 ----> byte 2 = 41 (from SW 12.1)
0967 PROFIBUS control word
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
The parameter is the image of control word STW1.
Bit assignment, refer to Section ”Communications via PROFIBUS-DP”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-840 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0968 PROFIBUS status word

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
This parameter is the image of status word ZSW1.
Bit assignment, refer to Section ”Communications via PROFIBUS-DP”
0969 Current time difference
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFFFF ms Unsigned32 immed.
... contains the relative system time since the last time that the drive was powered-up or the last
reset of the parameter or since the last counter overflow.
The counter only increments in real time after booting has been completed (Alarm 819 inactive).
This parameter can only be read and reset, i.e. only a value of 0 can be written into it.
0972 Request POWER-ON RESET (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 2 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... a POWER-ON RESET can be requested on the control board.
0 Output status
2 Request preparation for POWER-ON RESET
The DP master can check as follows, whether the power-on reset was executed:
-- write 2 into P0972 and read-back the value
-- write 1 into P0972 ----> POWER-ON RESET is requested
Read P0972 after communications have been established:
P0972 = 0? ----> the POWER-ON RESET was executed
P0972 = 2? ----> the POWER-ON RESET was not executed
After P0972=1, the link between the drive and SimoComU is interrupted with the following mes-
sage: ”Reading from the interface was interrupted due to time overflow”. The link is re-estab-
lished when SimoCom U is re-started.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-841
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

0979:32 Encoder format

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned32 RO
... specifies the encoder properties.
1 Header
2 Encoder type (encoder 1)
3 Encoder resolution (encoder 1)
4 Shift factor for signal G1_XIST1 (encoder 1)
5 Shift factor for absolute values in G1_XIST2 (encoder 1)
6 Resolution can be parameterized (encoder 1)
7 to 11 reserved
12 Encoder type (encoder 2)
13 Encoder resolution (encoder 2)
14 Shift factor for signal G2_XIST1 (encoder 2)
15 Shift factor for absolute values in G2_XIST2 (encoder 2)
16 Resolution can be parameterized (encoder 2)
17 to 21 reserved
22 Encoder type (encoder 3)
23 Encoder resolution (encoder 3)
24 Shift factor for signal G3_XIST1 (encoder 3)
25 Shift factor for absolute values in G3_XIST2 (encoder 3)
26 Resolution can be parameterized (encoder 3)
27 to 31 reserved
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
refer under the index entry ”encoder interface”
0980:999 Number list_1 (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
All of the parameter numbers defined in the drive are saved in parameters 980 -- 989 from sub-
index 1. The arrays are assigned consecutively without any gaps. If a sub-index contains a
A zero, then this is the end of the list of defined parameters. If a sub-index contains the parameter
number of the next list parameter, then the list continues there.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
0981:100 Number list_2 (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
All of the parameter numbers defined in the drive are saved in parameters 980 -- 989 from sub-
index 1. The arrays are assigned consecutively without any gaps. If a sub-index contains a
zero, then this is the end of the list of defined parameters. If a sub-index contains the parameter
number of the next list parameter, then the list continues there.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-842 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

0982:2 Number list_3 (-- > 6.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
All of the parameter numbers defined in the drive are saved in parameters 980 -- 989 from sub-
index 1. The arrays are assigned consecutively without any gaps. If a sub-index contains a
zero, then this is the end of the list of defined parameters. If a sub-index contains the parameter
number of the next list parameter, then the list continues there.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
0983:2 Number list_4 (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
All of the parameter numbers defined in the drive are saved in parameters 980 -- 989 from sub-
index 1. The arrays are assigned consecutively without any gaps. If a sub-index contains a
zero, then this is the end of the list of defined parameters. If a sub-index contains the parameter
number of the next list parameter, then the list continues there.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
0984:2 Number list_5 (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
All of the parameter numbers defined in the drive are saved in parameters 980 -- 989 from sub-
index 1. The arrays are assigned consecutively without any gaps. If a sub-index contains a
zero, then this is the end of the list of defined parameters. If a sub-index contains the parameter
number of the next list parameter, then the list continues there.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
0985:2 Number list_6 (-- > 6.1)
Data type
All of the parameter numbers defined in the drive are saved in parameters 980 -- 989 from sub-
index 1. The arrays are assigned consecutively without any gaps. If a sub-index contains a
zero, then this is the end of the list of defined parameters. If a sub-index contains the parameter
number of the next list parameter, then the list continues there.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
0986:2 Number list_7 (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
All of the parameter numbers defined in the drive are saved in parameters 980 -- 989 from sub-
index 1. The arrays are assigned consecutively without any gaps. If a sub-index contains a
zero, then this is the end of the list of defined parameters. If a sub-index contains the parameter
number of the next list parameter, then the list continues there.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.

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0987:2 Number list_8 (-- > 6.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
All of the parameter numbers defined in the drive are saved in parameters 980 -- 989 from sub-
index 1. The arrays are assigned consecutively without any gaps. If a sub-index contains a
zero, then this is the end of the list of defined parameters. If a sub-index contains the parameter
number of the next list parameter, then the list continues there.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
0988:2 Number list_9 (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
All of the parameter numbers defined in the drive are saved in parameters 980 -- 989 from sub-
index 1. The arrays are assigned consecutively without any gaps. If a sub-index contains a
zero, then this is the end of the list of defined parameters. If a sub-index contains the parameter
number of the next list parameter, then the list continues there.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
0989:2 Number list_10 (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
All of the parameter numbers defined in the drive are saved in parameters 980 -- 989 from sub-
index 1. The arrays are assigned consecutively without any gaps. If a sub-index contains a
zero, then this is the end of the list of defined parameters. If a sub-index contains the parameter
number of the next list parameter, then the list continues there.
If this parameter is read via non-cyclic communication (PROFIdrive), then the indices have
been shifted. Index 1 corresponds to Index 0 (etc.) in the description of the PROFIdrive profile.
1000 Current controller cycle
A Min
Data type
Current controller clock cycle = P1000 x 31.25 microseconds
refer to the index entry ”Clock cycles”
1001 Speed controller cycle
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2 4 16 31.25s Unsigned16 PO
Speed controller cycle = P1001 x 31.25 microseconds
Current controller clock cycle <= speed controller clock cycle
refer to the index entry ”Clock cycles”

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1004 Structure configuration

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 100 315 Hex Unsigned16 PO
... allows the closed-loop control structure to be configured.
Bit 4 Integrator control
Bit 4 = 1 Integrator control in the speed controller inactive
The integrator is not held, but its absolute value is limited to twice the torque limit.
Bit 4 = 0 Integrator control in the speed controller active
The integrator is held, if the speed controller, current controller or the voltage has reached its
Bit 8 Fine interpolation in positioning mode (P0700 = 3) (from SW 3.1)
Bit 8 = 1 The fine interpolation type II is active (standard from SW 3.1)
Bit 8 = 0 Fine interpolation, type I is active (standard before SW 3.1)
Bit 9 Deadtime adjustment position ref. value coupling via PROFIBUS-DP
(from SW 4.1)
Bit 9 = 1 Same deadtime behavior as the slave drive (standard from SW 4.1)
Prerequisite: Drive is not a slave drive (P891 = --1)
Output of position reference value XsollP (50208).
Bit 9 = 0 Minimum deadtime behavior (standard before SW 4.1)
1005 IM encoder pulse number (SRM ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 2048 65535 -- Unsigned16 PO (SRM ARM)
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
If the encoder pulse number cannot be divided by 10 or 16 without a remainder, the zero mark
monitoring is internally disabled.
1006 IM encoder code number
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 65535 -- Unsigned16 PO
The encoder number defines the connected measuring system.
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
refer to the index entry ”Encoder code” A
1007 DM encoder pulse number (SRM ARM) (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 8388607 -- Unsigned32 PO (SRM ARM)
DM ----> Direct measuring system
Encoder pulses for indirect measuring system (IM, motor encoder) ----> refer to P1005
If the encoder pulse number cannot be divided by 10 or 16 without a remainder, the zero mark
monitoring is internally disabled.
1008 IM encoder phase error correction
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--20.0 0.0 +20.0 Degree Floating Point immed.
Phase position of track A with respect to track B can be corrected using this parameter.
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
Track A must have a 90 degree offset to track B

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1009 Position controller cycle

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
32 32 128 31.25s Unsigned16 PO
Position controller clock cycle time (TLR) = P1009 x 31.25 microseconds
The position controller clock cycle must be an integer multiple of the speed controller clock
refer to the index entry ”Clock cycles”
1010 Interpolation cycle
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
64 128 640 31.25s Unsigned16 PO
Interpolation clock cycle time (TIPO) = P1010 x 31.25 microseconds
The interpolation clock cycle must be an integer multiple of the position controller clock cycle.
refer to the index entry ”Clock cycles”

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1011 IM configuration, actual value sensing

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 F003 Hex Unsigned16 PO
... allows the actual value sensing to be configured for an indirect measuring system.
Bit 0 Invert speed actual value
Bit 0 = 1 Inversion, speed actual value
Bit 0 = 0 No inversion
Bit 1 Encoder phase failure correction
Bit 1 = 1 Encoder phase failure correction
Bit 1 = 0 No encoder phase error compensation
Bit 2 Resolver resolution
Bit 2 = 1 Resolver resolution, 14 bits
Bit 2 = 0 Resolver resolution, 12 bits
A resolver resolution of 14 bit can only be set with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”, other-
wise fault 759 is output.
After changing the resolver resolution from 12 bits to 14 bits, the resolution of some signals at
the analog output or DAU (D/A converter) changes -- refer under the index entry ”Resolver reso-
The resolution displayed in SimoComU is always correct.
Bit 10 Plausibility monitoring, encoder (from SW 10.1)
Bit 10 = 0 No rotor position check -- default (up to SW 10.1)
Bit 10 = 1 Automatic rotor position check permitted (from SW 10.1)
Bit 12 Coarse position identification
Bit 12 = 1 Identify rough position
Bit 12 = 0 No coarse position identification
This bit has no significance for EnDat encoders.
For encoders without hall sensors and without C/D track (e. g. ERN 1387), the rotor position
identification replaces the coarse synchronization. The zero mark must still be adjusted (shift or
via P1017).
Bit 13 Fine position identification
Bit 13 = 1 The fine position is identified ( with pole position identification )
Bit 13 = 0
The fine position is not identified ( fine synchronization with zero mark ) A
This bit has no significance for EnDat encoders.
The rotor position identification replaces the coarse synchronization using Hall sensors or a C/D
track. The zero mark neither has to be present nor does it have to be adjusted.
If the rotor position identification does not offer satisfactory results, then the zero mark must be
Bit 14 Data transfer rate EnDat, bit 0
Bit 15 Transmission rate EnDat, Bit 1
Bits 14 and 15 are set as follows in the factory:
Bit 15, 14 = 00 ----> 100 kHz (standard)
Bit 15, 14 = 01 ----> 500 kHz (setting possible)
Bit 15, 14 = 10 ----> 1 MHz (setting, Siemens-internal)
Bit 15, 14 = 11 ----> 2 MHz (Siemens internal setting)
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
refer to the index entry ”List of encoders”

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1012 Function switch

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 A185 F1F5 Hex Unsigned16 immed. (ARM)
0 A105 F1F5 Hex Unsigned16 immed. (SRM SLM)
... allows the closed-loop control functions to be activated/de-activated.
Standard value for an activated PROFIBUS option module:
B185 (ARM)
B105 (SRM SLM)
Bit 0 Ramp-function generator tracking
Bit 0 = 1 active
Bit 0 = 0 inactive
Note: refer to the index entry ”Ramp-function generator”
Bit 2 Ready or no fault (at the output signal)
Bit 2 = 1 ”Ready” signal
Bit 2 = 0 ”No fault” message
Note: refer to the index entry ”output signal ready or no fault”
Bit 5 Suppress fault 753
Bit 7 IM speed actual value after pulse inhibit
Bit 7 = 1 Speed actual value is zero
The drive brakes the motor towards 0 speed and accelerates to the setpoint speed present.
Bit 7 = 0 Speed actual value is the speed setpoint
The drive direct accelerates the motor to the setpoint speed present.
Bit 8 Average value filter, speed setpoint
Bit 8 = 1 Average value filter on
The avg.val.filter to adapt the pos.contr.clock cyc. to the sp. contr. clock cyc. is active in the
speedsetpoint branch.
Bit 8 = 0 Average value filter off
The avg.val.filter to adapt the pos.contr.clock cyc. to the sp. contr. clock cyc. is inactive in the
speedsetpoint branch.
Bit 12 Power-on inhibit for alarm and OFF2/OFF3
Bit 12 = 1 Power-on inhibit for alarm or OFF2/OFF3 or terminal 63/663 de-energized
The power-on inhibit is removed again by withdrawing the controller enable via terminal 65.x or
A PROFIBUS control signal STW1.0 (ON/OFF1).
Bit 12 = 0 No power-on inhibit
Bit 13 Status signals (ZSW1) according to the PROFIdrive profile (only PROFIBUS
Bit 13 = 1 Power-on inhibit signal is formed independently of the status of the ready signal
(PROFIdrive definition)
The power-up inhibit signal is only set when the pulses have been cancelled after
the braking phase.
The ready signal remains set during OFF1 and OFF3 until the pulses have been
cancelled after the braking phase.
The ready to power-up signal remains set during OFF3 until the pulses have
been cancelled after the braking phase.
Bit 13 = 0 The power-on inhibit signal is only set from 0 to 1 if the ready signal is set
The power-up inhibit signal is also set if the pulses have still not been deleted
while the drive is braking.
The ready signal is immediately cancelled at OFF1 or OFF3, even if the drive is
still braking.
The ready to power-up signal is immediately deleted for OFF3, even if the drive
is still braking.
Note: The power-up inhibit is only effective for bit 12 = 1.

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Bit 14 No power-on inhibit with simultaneous enable signals

Bit 14 = 1 Deviating from the PROFIdrive profile, a power-on inhibit is not initiated if
OFF2/OFF3 and OFF1 are simultaneously withdrawn
Bit 14 = 0 The power-on inhibit is generated when OFF2/OFF3 and OFF1 are simulta-
neously withdrawn
Note: Bit 14 is only effective for bit 13 = 1.
Bit 15 ”Reset fault memory” is not saved (no latching effect)
Bit 15 = 1 Corresponding to the PROFIdrive profile, a positive edge of the signal ”reset fault
memory” is not saved. It is only possible to acknowledge a fault after the cause of the fault has
been resolved.
Bit 15 = 0 A positive edge of the signal ”reset fault memory” is saved and results in the fault
being acknowledged even if the problem is only then subsequently resolved.
Note: The positive signal edge is only saved as long as a fault is present.
1013 Enable motor changeover (ARM) (--> 2.4)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 -- Unsigned16 PO (ARM)
... the motor changeover is enabled or the motor changeover type is set.
0 Motor changeover inhibited
1 Motor changeover with pulse suppression
2 Motor changeover without pulse suppression (data set changeover)
3 Motor changeover with speed thresholds (P1247, P1248)
It is only possible to enable motor changeover in the ”Speed/torque setpoint” mode (P0700 = 1)
(refer to the index entry ”Motor changeover”).
1014 Activate V/f operation
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 PO
... the V/f operation is activated/de-activated for this drive.
1 V/f operation is activated
0 V/f operation is de-activated
Note: refer to the index entry ”V/f operation”
1015 Activate PE-MSD (SRM)
Data type
... the permanently excited spindle (PE spindle, 1FE1 motor) is activated/de-activated for this
1 permanently excited spindle is activated
0 PE spindle is de-activated
For synchronous motors, field-weakening operation can be switched-in using P1015.
Refer under the index entry ”Permanent-magnet synchronous motor with and without field
weakening (PE spindle)” or FD operation with field weakening”.

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1016 Commutation angle offset (SRM SLM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--360.0 0.0 360.0 Degree Floating Point PO (SRM SLM)
... provides information about the rotor position.
To electrically commutate a synchronous motor, the closed-loop drive control must have data
regarding the absolute rotor position (position of the magnets with respect to the stator or sec-
ondary part). This data (commutation angle) is determined at synchronization.
Incremental measuring system:
... specifies the offset for a zero mark.
If the zero mark to the rotor position was already adjusted in the factory, a 0 is located in
Absolute measuring system (EnDat encoder):
... specifies the angular offset to the position actual value of the EnDat encoder.
The angular offset is read out each time the drive runs up.
1017 Start-up support (SRM SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1 0 1 -- Integer16 immed. (SRM SLM)
1: Determine the commutation angular offset
0: Function is de-activated (normal status)
--1: EnDat encoder: Serial numbers are read-in in P1025/P1026
The angular commutation offset is automatically determined during start-up:
Incremental measuring system with a zero mark:
-- set P1017 to 1
-- Move the axis over the zero mark (e. g. with inching 1)
-- --> the angular offset is automatically entered into P1016
-- --> fault 799 (save parameters in FEPROM and HW-RESET required) is displayed
-- Save parameters in the FEPROM (P0652 = 1)
-- Carry-out a HW_RESET
Absolute measuring system (EnDat encoder) (also 1FN3 linear motors, if P1075=3)
-- De-activate controller and pulse enable
-- Set P1017 to 1 (note: If, for 1FN1, the EnDat serial number, read from the measuring system,
A is not equal to P0125/P1026, P1017 is automatically set to 1.)
-- Switch in the controller and pulse enable
-- --> The angular offset is automatically entered into P1016 and the encoder serial number of
the encoder into P1025 and P1026
-- --> fault 799 (save parameters in FEPROM and HW-RESET required) is displayed
-- Save to FEPROM and carry-out a HW-RESET
Absolute measuring system (EnDat encoder) with 1FN3 linear motor if a rotor position identifi-
cation technique is not used:
-- Determine the rotor position difference between the normalized electrical rotor position and
EMF_V using the appropriate measuring techniques.
-- Add rotor position difference to P1016
-- set P1017 to --1
-- --> fault 799 (save parameters in FEPROM and HW-RESET required) is displayed
-- Save to FEPROM and carry-out a HW-RESET
Note: refer under the index entry ”Rotor position identification”, ”PE spindle” or ”linear motor”

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A-850 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1018 IM pole pair number, resolver

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 64 -- Unsigned16 PO
... specifies the pole pair number of the resolver used.
Resolver (pole pair number)
2p = 1 (1 speed)
2p = 2 (2 speed)
2p = 3 (3 speed)
2p = 4 (4-speed)
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
1019 Current, rotor position ID (SRM SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 40.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 12.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed. (SRM)
... defines the current with which the rotor position identification is executed. P1019 refers to the
maximum motor current (P1104) and only represents an approximate value, which is exceeded
or fallen short off during the identification, dependent on the iron saturation and the accuracy of
P1116 (armature inductance).
If a value is entered in P1019 which is too low, then the rotor position identification routine is
incorrect (fault 610). If the value is too high, the maximum permissible current can be exceeded
(fault 501 or 612) or an inadmissibly high movement can occur (refer to P1020 and fault 611).
The optimum setting of P1019 can be determined by starting -- as a test only -- the function sev-
eral times using P1736.
Note: Also refer under the index entry ”PE spindle” or ”Linear motor”
1020 Maximum rotation, rotor position identification (SRM)
Maximum movement, rotor position identification (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 5.0 30.0 mm Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 10.0 90.0 Degree Floating Point immed. (SRM)
... defines the distance which has been traveled during rotor position identification without a
fault being signaled.
Note: A
If the distance is greater than the value entered in P1020, fault 611 is signaled (illegal move-
ment during rotor position identification).
Angle (electrical) = angle (mechanical) * pole pair number (P1112)
1021 IM multi-turn resolution, absolute value encoder
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 4096 65535 -- Unsigned16 PO
Number of revolutions which can be resolved.
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
1022 IM single-turn resolution, absolute value encoder
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 8192 4294967295 -- Unsigned32 PO
Resolution of the absolute value encoder in measuring pulses per revolution.
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)

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1023 IM diagnostics
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
Bit 0 light source failed
Bit 1 signal amplitude too low
Bit 2 code connection erroneous
Bit 3 overvoltage
Bit 4 undervoltage
Bit 5 overcurrent
Bit 6 battery must be changed
Bit 7 control check error
Bit 8 EnDat encoder cannot be used
Bit 9 CD track for ERN1387 encoder erroneous or
EQN encoder connected, or
incorrectly parameterized (not on EQN, P1027.3)
Bit 10 protocol cannot be exited
Bit 11 No encoder connected, or
incorrect encoder cable
Bit 12 TIMEOUT for measured value read
Bit 13 CRC error or parity error
Bit 15 defective measuring encoder
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
Bit 7 and 13 = 1 ----> Incremental and absolute track do not match
ERN: incremental encoder system
EQN: absolute encoder system
1024 IM Grid spacing (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 20000 8388607 nm Unsigned32 PO (SLM)
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
1025 IM serial number, low part (SRM SLM)
A Min
Data type
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
1026 IM serial number, high part (SRM SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFF Hex Unsigned16 PO (SRM SLM)
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)

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1027 IM configuration, encoder

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFF Hex Unsigned16 PO
... allows the encoder evaluation to be configured for an indirect measuring system.
Bit 2 TTL encoder
Bit 3 absolute encoder (EnDat interface)
Bit 4 linear measuring system
Bit 5 operation without motor measuring system
Bit 6 Coarse synchronous track, electrical revolution
Bit 7 Distance-coded measuring system (from SW 4.1)
Bit 8 zero mark selection, fine synchronization using the position controller
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
1029 Delayed measurement, rotor position identification (SRM SLM)
(--> 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 100.0 ms Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
... defines the additional delay time between the 60 individual measuring pulses to identify the
rotor position.
Note: Also refer under the index entry ”PE spindle” or ”Linear motor”
1030 DM actual value sensing configuration (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFF Hex Unsigned16 PO
... allows the actual value sensing to be configured for a direct measuring system.
Bit 2 Resolver resolution
Bit 2 = 1 Resolver resolution, 14 bits
Bit 2 = 0 Resolver resolution, 12 bits
Bit 14 Data transfer rate EnDat, bit 0
Bit 15 Transmission rate EnDat, Bit 1
Bits 14 and 15 are set as follows in the factory:
Bit 15, 14 = 00 ----> 100 kHz (standard)
Bit 15, 14 = 01 ----> 500 kHz (setting possible) A
Bit 15, 14 = 10 ----> 1 MHz (setting, Siemens-internal)
Bit 15, 14 = 11 ----> 10 MHz (setting, Siemens-internal)
DM ----> Direct measuring system (motor encoder)
refer to the index entry ”List of encoders”
1031 DM multi-turn resolution, absolute value encoder (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 65535 -- Unsigned16 PO
Number of revolutions which can be resolved.
DM ----> Direct measuring system
Revolutions which can be resolved for indirect measuring system (IM, motor encoder) ----> refer
to P1021

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1032 DM single-turn resolution, absolute value encoder (-- > 3.3)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 4294967295 -- Unsigned32 PO
Resolution of the absolute value encoder in measuring pulses per revolution.
DM ----> Direct measuring system
Single-turn resolution for indirect measuring system (IM, motor encoder) ----> refer to P1022
1033 DM diagnostics (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
Bit 0 light source failed
Bit 1 signal amplitude too low
Bit 2 code connection erroneous
Bit 3 overvoltage
Bit 4 undervoltage
Bit 5 overcurrent
Bit 6 battery must be changed
Bit 7 control check error
Bit 8 EnDat encoder cannot be used
Bit 9 CD track for ERN1387 encoder erroneous or
EQN encoder connected, or
incorrectly parameterized (not on EQN, P1027.3)
Bit 10 protocol cannot be exited
Bit 11 No encoder connected, or
incorrect encoder cable
Bit 12 TIMEOUT for measured value read
Bit 13 CRC error, parity bit
Bit 15 defective measuring encoder
DM ----> Direct measuring system
Diagnostics for indirect measuring system (IM, motor encoder) ----> refer to P1023
Bit 7 and 13 = 1 ----> Incremental and absolute track do not match
ERN: incremental encoder system
A EQN: absolute encoder system
1034 DM grid spacing (--> 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 20000 4294967295 nm Unsigned32 PO
DM ----> Direct measuring system
1036 DM encoder code number (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 65535 -- Unsigned16 PO
The encoder number defines the connected measuring system.
DM ----> Direct measuring system
Encoder code for indirect measuring system (IM, motor encoder) ----> refer to P1006
refer to the index entry ”Encoder code”

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1037 DM encoder configuration (-- > 3.3)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFF Hex Unsigned16 PO
... allows the encoder evaluation to be configured for a direct measuring system.
Bit 2 TTL encoder
Bit 3 absolute encoder (EnDat interface)
Bit 4 linear measuring system
Bit 5 Operation without direct measuring system
Bit 7 Distance-coded measuring system (from SW 4.1)
DM ----> Direct measuring system
Configuration of the indirect measuring system (IM, motor encoder) ----> refer to P1027
1038 DM serial number, low part (SRM SLM) (--> 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFF Hex Unsigned16 PO (SRM SLM)
DM ----> Direct measuring system
1039 DM serial number, high part (SRM SLM) (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFF Hex Unsigned16 PO (SRM SLM)
DM ----> Direct measuring system
1040 DM pole pair number, resolver (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 64 -- Unsigned16 PO
... specifies the pole pair number of the resolver used.
Resolver (pole pair number)
2p = 1 (1 speed)
2p = 2 (2 speed)
2p = 3 (3 speed)
2p = 4
DM ----> Direct measuring system
Pole pair number for indirect measuring system (IM, motor encoder) ----> refer to P1018
1042 Encoder 1 fine resolution G1_XIST1 (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 11 11 -- Unsigned16 PO
... defines how many fine resolution bits are transferred for the PROFIBUS encoder interface.
This parameter applies for the following:
-- Fine resolution for process data G1_XIST1
-- Fine resolution for G1_XIST2 for reference mark or flying measurement

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1043 Encoder 1 fine resolution, absolute track G1_XIST2 (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 9 11 -- Unsigned16 PO
... defines how many fine resolution bits are transferred for the PROFIBUS encoder interface.
This parameter applies for the fine resolution of process data G1_XIST2 when reading the ab-
solute value.
The parameter is only valid for the absolute track of the absolute value encoder.
The fine resolution for the value display for reference mark or flying measurement is defined in
1044 Encoder 2 fine resolution G2_XIST1 (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 11 11 -- Unsigned16 PO
... defines how many fine resolution bits are transferred for the PROFIBUS encoder interface.
This parameter applies for the following:
-- Fine resolution for process data G2_XIST1
-- Fine resolution for G2_XIST2 for reference mark or flying measurement
1045 Encoder 2 fine resolution, absolute track G2_XIST2 (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 9 11 -- Unsigned16 PO
... defines how many fine resolution bits are transferred for the PROFIBUS encoder interface.
This parameter applies for the fine resolution of process data G2_XIST2 when reading the ab-
solute value.
The parameter is only valid for the absolute track of the absolute value encoder.
The fine resolution for the value display for reference mark or flying measurement is defined in
1049 Active EMF brake (SRM SLM) (-- > 9.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 PO (SRM SLM)
...enables the electric brake when the encoder fails.
A Note:
For a detailed description refer under the index entry ”Electrical braking when the encoder fails”
1050 IM reference mark clearance for distance-coded scales (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 20000 4294967295 m Unsigned32 PO
...specifies the basic clearance between two fixed reference marks. If the closed-loop identifies
that the distance between each second reference mark is different and is therefore incorrect,
the axis remains stationary. Fault 508 (zero mark monitoring, motor measuring system) is sig-
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
This monitoring function is only activated if P1050/P1024*1000 can either be divided by 16 or
by 10.

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1051 IM ref. mark clearance for distance-coded rotary encoders

(--> 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 20000 4294967295 mDegree Unsigned32 PO
...specifies the basic clearance between two fixed reference marks. If the closed-loop identifies
that the distance between each second reference mark is different and is therefore incorrect,
the axis remains stationary. Fault 508 (zero mark monitoring, motor measuring system) is sig-
IM ----> Indirect measuring system (motor encoder)
This monitoring function is only activated if P1051/1000*P1005/360 can either be divided by 16
or by 10.
1052 DM reference mark distance for distance-coded scales (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 20000 4294967295 m Unsigned32 PO
...specifies the basic clearance between two fixed reference marks. If the closed-loop identifies
that the distance between each second reference mark is different and is therefore incorrect,
the axis remains stationary. Fault 514 (zero mark monitoring, direct measuring system) is sig-
DM ----> Direct measuring system
This monitoring function is only activated if P1052/P1034*1000 can either be divided by 16 or
by 10.
1053 DM ref. mark distance for distance-coded rotary encoders
(--> 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 20000 4294967295 mDegree Unsigned32 PO
... specifies the basic distance between two fixed reference marks. If the control recognizes that
the distance between each second reference mark differs, and is therefore incorrect, the axis
remains stationary. Fault 514 (zero mark monitoring, direct measuring system) is signaled.
This monitoring function is only activated if P1053/1000*P1007/360 can either be divided by 16
or by 10. A
1054 IM difference for distance-coded encoders (--> 8.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 20.0 500000.0 m Floating Point PO (SLM)
0.0 20.0 450000.0 mDegree Floating Point PO (SRM ARM)
... specifies the change of the difference between two reference marks for distance-coded en-
coders, indirect measuring system (motor measuring system).
1055 DM difference for distance-coded encoders (-- > 8.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 20.0 500000.0 m Floating Point PO (SLM)
0.0 20.0 450000.0 mDegree Floating Point PO (SRM ARM)
... specifies the change of the difference between two reference marks for distance-coded en-
coders, direct measuring system.
1058 IM zero mark distance for linear encoders (-- > 12.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 500000 10000000 m Unsigned32 PO
... specifies the distance between two reference marks for indirect, linear measuring systems.

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1059 DM zero mark distance for a linear encoder (-- > 12.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 500000 10000000 m Unsigned32 PO
... specifies the distance between two reference marks for direct, linear measuring systems.
1075 Rotor position identification technique (SRM SLM) (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 3 -- Unsigned16 immed. (SRM SLM)
...defines the rotor position identification technique.
1 Rotor position identification based on the saturation technique
3 Rotor position identification using the motion-based technique
P1075 is pre-assigned as follows at each ”calculate controller data”:
----> 1FN3 motors: P1075 = 3
----> all other motors: P1075 = 1
If the rotor position identification is successful, the contents of P1075 are copied into P1734 for
P1075 is immediately effective. However, if the drive is waiting for enable signals in order to
carry-out a rotor position identification routine, a change made to P1075 only becomes effective
at the next attempt (the identification routine is already running in the wait state).
For a detailed description refer under the index entry ”Rotor position identification” or ”pole posi-
tion identification”
1076 Load moment of inertia RLI (SRM) (-- > 6.1)
Load mass RLI (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--10000.0 0.0 10000.0 kg Floating Point immed. (SLM)
--500.0 0.0 500.0 kgm2 Floating Point immed. (SRM)
...defines the additional moment of inertia (SRM) or additional mass (SLM) which is used to set
the controller parameters for the motion-based rotor position identification.
1077 Integral action time, RLI controller (SRM SLM) (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 3.7 500.0 ms Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)

A ...defines the integral action time of the controller for the rotor position identification. If P1077 is
set to 0, then the I component of the controller is displayed. For ”Calculate controller data”,
P1077 is re-calculated and pre-assigned.
1078 Max. duration, rotor position identification. (SRM SLM) (-- > 6.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
100.0 800.0 10000.0 ms Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
...defines the maximum time of an individual measurement for the rotor position identification. If
this time is exceeded for an individual measurement, then fault 610 (rotor position identification
not successful) is signaled and P1734 is set to --6.

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A-858 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1080 Calculate controller data

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Integer16 immed.
Suitable settings for the control parameters are calculated from the motor parameters and sev-
eral other parameters using this function.
0 --> 1 Controller data are being calculated, function is active
0 Function inactive or completed correctly
Error codes
--15 Magnetizing reactance (P1141) = 0
--16 Leakage reactance (P1139 / P1140) = 0
--17 Rated motor frequency (P1134) = 0
--18 Rotor resistance (P1138) = 0
--19 Moment of inertia (P1117+P1123) <= 0
--21 threshold speed for field weakening (P1142) = 0
--22 Motor stall current (P1118) = 0
--23 The ratio between the maximum motor current (P1104) and the motor stall current
(P1118) is greater than the maximum value for the torque limit (P1230) and the power
limit (P1235).
--24 The ratio between the rated motor frequency (P1134) and the rated motor speed
(P1400) is inadmissible (pole pair number)
Recommendation: Execute this function using SimoCom U because the calculated parameters
are displayed and are only accepted and overwritten after confirmation.
At the end of the calculation, the parameters are automatically reset to 0 or an error code is
written into it.
When an error occurs, the parameters for the current controller, flux controller and speed con-
troller could not be optimally pre-assigned. The standard values were entered.
After the cause of the error is resolved, the function can be re-started.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-859
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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1081 Calculate equivalent circuit diagram data (ARM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Integer16 immed. (ARM)
Procedure for third-party motor:
-- Select ”third-party motor” for the first start-up (refer to the index entry ”Motor code”)
-- Enter all rating plate data
-- calculate the equivalent circuit diagram data via P1081 = 1
After the ”Calculate equivalent circuit diagram data”, a ”Calculate third-party motor” should be
carried out (P1082).
A 0 or another error code is automatically written into the parameter at the end of the calcula-
0 --> 1 Equivalent circuit diagram data are being calculated, function is active
0 Function inactive or completed correctly
Error codes
--51 Rated motor output (P1130) = 0
--52 Rated motor voltage (P1132) = 0
--53 Rated motor current (P1103) = 0
--54 Cos phi (P1129) = 0 or > 0.996
--55 The ratio between the rated motor frequency (P1134) and the rated motor speed
(P1400) is inadmissible (pole pair number)
--56 Warning: The threshold speed for field weakening (P1142) < rated motor speed (P1400)
--57 The function is only permissible for third-party motors (P1102 = 99)
In the case of an error, no equivalent circuit diagram data were changed (exception: code --56).
1082 Calculate third-party motor
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Integer16 immed.
... the ”Calculate unlisted motor” function is started. Parameters P1105 (only SRM), P1147,
P1241, P1401 are pre-assigned, the ”calculate controller data” function executed and the ap-
propriate unlisted motor code entered into P1102.
By entering the third-party motor code in P1102, at the next POWER ON, possibly changed

A motor data will no longer be overwritten by the catalog motor data (previous motor code).
0 --> 1 Third-party motor is being calculated, function is active
0 Function in inactive
Procedure for third-party motor:
Are all of the equivalent circuit diagram data known?
-- if no: Calculate the equivalent circuit diagram data via P1081
-- if yes: Enter all of the equivalent circuit diagram data and set P1082 to 1
At the end of the calculation, the parameter is automatically reset to 0 or an error code is written
into it (refer to P1080).

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A-860 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1083 Function selection, motor data optimization (ARM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 4 -- Unsigned16 immed. (ARM)
... the function number for motor data optimization is entered.
1 Calculate leakage inductance and rotor resistance
2 Calculate no-load current and magnetizing reactance
3 Calculate field-weakening speed
4 Calculate moment of inertia
Perform motor data optimization:
Step 1
P1083 = 1 and start with P1084 = 1 (if not 0, then evaluate the error code)
Calculated and written parameters: P1136, P1137, P1138, P1139, P1140, P1141
Step 2
P1083 = 2 and start with P1084 = 1 (if it is not 0, evaluate error code)
Calculated and written parameters: P1136, P1141
Step 3
P1083 = 3 and start with P1084 = 1 (if it is not 0, evaluate error code)
Calculated and written parameters: P1142
Step 4
P1083 = 4 and start with P1084 = 1 (if it is not 0, evaluate error code)
Calculated and written parameters: P1117
For a detailed description, please refer to the index entry ”Motor data optimization”.
1084 Start motor data optimization (ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Integer16 immed. (ARM)
The function is selected using P1083 and is started by setting P1084 to 1.
A 0 or another error code is automatically written into the parameter at the end of the calcula-
1 Function is active
0 Function inactive or completed correctly
Error codes
Pulse frequency (P1100) of 4 kHz or 8 kHz required
Controller / pulse enable missing A
--4 Speed setpoint <> 0
--5 Motor changeover is currently active
--6 Error when determining the leakage inductance (result < 0)
--7 V/f operation is active
--8 The incorrect motor was selected by the motor changeover
--9 Parameterized maximum speed is too low for the measurement
--10 Power-up inhibit
--11 Changeover speed open-loop / closed-loop control is too large (P1466)
--12 Speed range too low (P1466 or P1160 too large)
--13 Ramp-function generator enable missing
--14 Open-loop torque-controlled operation is selected
--15 Motor data optimization for catalog motor illegal (from SW 3.3)
--16 If the current is too high, it is limited by the i2t power module model

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-861
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1094 Derating, ambient temperature (--> 13.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
30 40 55 _C Unsigned16 PO
... specifies the ambient temperature in Degrees Celsius for the power unit derating.
When powering up, the currently effective derating factor is calculated as a function of the pulse
frequency, the ambient temperature (P1094), the installation altitude (P1095) and the derating
factor X1. It can be seen in display data P1099.
also refer to P1095, P1178 or P1179
1095 Derating, installation altitude (-- > 13.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.000000 1000.000000 5000.000000 m Floating Point PO
... specifies the installation altitude in meters for the power unit derating.
When powering up, the currently effective derating factor is calculated as a function of the pulse
frequency, the ambient temperature (P1094), the installation altitude (P1095) and the derating
factor X1. It can be seen in display data P1099.
also refer to P1095, P1178 or P1179
1096 Red. max. torque for regenerative stop active (-- > 9.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... configures the torque reduction for a speed setpoint of zero.
Bit 0 The torque limit is reduced for regenerative braking
Bit 0 = 1 The limit torque is reduced for a regenerative stop with a speed setpoint of zero.
For EMF brakes, the torque is always reduced with P1097.
Bit 0 = 0 inactive
Bit 1 Disable monitoring for speed controller at its end stop so that the regenerative
stop -- that takes longer due to the reduced torque -- is not interrupted by the monitoring func-
tion cancelling the pulses
For EMF brakes, the speed controller at its limit monitoring function is always disabled.
A Bit 1 = 1
Bit 1 = 0
not active
Monitoring, speed controller at its limit for torque reduction
Bit 2 -- 15 Reserved
Note: Refer under index entry ”Faults, stop responses”
1097 Red. max. torque for regenerative stop (-- > 9.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 80 100 % Integer16 immed.
... specifies the torque reduction for a speed setpoint of zero.
Note: Refer under index entry ”Faults, stop responses”

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A-862 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1099 Limiting factor, power section currents (--> 2.4)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO
the following applies before SW 13.1:
... displays the limiting factor for the power section currents (P1108, P1109, P1111) as a function
of the pulse frequency (P1100).
from SW 13.1, the following applies:
... indicates the limit factor for the power unit currents (P1108, P1109, P1111).
When booting, the currently effective limit factor is calculated depending on the pulse frequency
(P1100), the ambient temperature (P1094), the installation altitude (P1095) and derating factor
Note: Refer under the index entry ”Power unit currents”
1100 Pulse width modulation frequency
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2000.0 3200.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point PO (ARM)
2000.0 4000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point PO (SRM SLM)
... defines the clock frequency of the inverter.
We recommend the following frequencies: 2000, 2666, 3200, (4000), 5333, 6400 and (8000)
For low-leakage or high-speed third-party motors (motor frequency > 500 Hz) it makes sense to
increase the switching frequency.
Further, it may make sense to change the switching frequency to reduce motor noise.
The frequencies specified in brackets are preferred values -- intermediate values can also be
For IM operation (ARM without encoder), only frequencies of 4000 and 8000 Hz are permitted.
The current rating of the drive converter is reduced when the frequency is increased. This must
already be taken into account when dimensioning the power section (refer to the de-rating cha-
1101 Calc. deadtime current control loop
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 124 s Integer16 PO
Note: Internal Siemens
Firmware checks the setting at run-up and is automatically changed.
1102 Motor code number
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 65535 -- Unsigned16 PO
The motor code number describes the connected motor according to a table.
refer to the index entry ”Motor code”
1103 Rated motor current
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 500.0 A(rms) Floating Point PO

1104 Maximum motor current (SRM SLM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.04 500.0 A(rms) Floating Point PO (SRM SLM)

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-863
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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1105 Reduction in maximum motor current (SRM SLM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 100 100 % Integer16 immed. (SRM SLM)
... reduces the maximum motor current (P1104) to the specified percentage.
If the motor current is at its limit, the monitoring intervenes with P1605/P1606.
1106 Power section code number
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 65535 -- Unsigned16 PO
The power section code number defines the power section used.
Power section without automatic identification:
The module code must be selected from a table, and at first start-up, entered into P1106 (refer
under index entry ”power section code”).
Power section with automatic identification:
At the first start-up, the power section code of the power section used is automatically entered
in P1106.
if the value in P1106 and the value of the detected power section in P1110 differ when the drive
runs-up, then an appropriate fault is output.
Power module Order No. [MLFB]power module code
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0HAx 1
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0AAx 2
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0BAx 4
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0CAx 6
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0DAx 7
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0GAx 8 (only for PE spindle)
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0EAx 9
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0FAx 10
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0JAx 11 (only for PE spindle)
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0KAx 12
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0LAx 13 (only for PE spindle)
1107 Transistor limiting current

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- A(pk) Floating Point RO
... specifies the maximum transistor limiting current of the power section as peak value.
This parameter is used as normalization basis for the current actual value sensing.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Power section currents”

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1108 Limiting current, power section (RMS)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- A(rms) Floating Point RO
before SW 2.4, the following is valid:
... displays the limiting current of the power section (I-max in A RMS) at the selected pulse fre-
quency (P1100).
from SW 2.4 and before SW 13.1, the following applies:
... displays the power section limiting current (I max in A RMS) for the standard pulse frequency
setting (P1100). The reduction factor for higher pulse frequencies is displayed in P1099.
from SW 13.1, the following applies:
... indicates the limit current of the power unit (I-max. in A rms) for the default setting of the
pulse frequency (P1100), ambient temperature (P1094) and installation altitude (P1095). The
reduction factor at higher pulse frequencies, ambient temperatures or installation altitudes is
displayed in P1099.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Power section currents”
1109 Limiting current, power section S6 (RMS)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- A(rms) Floating Point RO
before SW 2.4, the following is valid:
... displays the limiting current of the power section in S6 duty (I-s6 in A RMS) at the selected
pulse frequency (P1100).
from SW 2.4 and before SW 13.1, the following applies:
... displays the power section limiting current in S6 duty (I-S6 in A RMS) for the standard pulse
frequency setting (P1100). The reduction factor for higher pulse frequencies is displayed in
from SW 13.1, the following applies:
... indicates the limit current of the power unit in S6 duty (I-S6 in A rms) for the default setting of
the pulse frequency (P1100), ambient temperature (P1094) and installation altitude (P1095).
The reduction factor for higher pulse frequencies, ambient temperatures or installation altitudes
is displayed in P1099.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Power section currents”
1110 Power section version
Data type
... displays which power section was identified at run-up.
Power section without automatic identification
Power section with automatic identification
The code of the identified power section is in P1110 and must coincide with the code entered
into P1106 (power section code number).
Note: Assignment, power module code number, refer to P1106

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-865
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1111 Rated current, power section (RMS)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- A(rms) Floating Point RO
before SW 2.4, the following is valid:
... displays the rated current of the power section (I-rated in A RMS) at the selected pulse fre-
quency (P1100).
from SW 2.4 and before SW 13.1, the following applies:
... displays the rated current of the power section (I-rated in A RMS) for the standard pulse fre-
quency setting (P1100). The reduction factor for higher pulse frequencies is displayed in P1099.
from SW 13.1, the following applies:
... indicates the rated current of the poweer unit (I rated in A rms) for the default setting of the
pulse frequency (P1100), ambient temperature (P1094) and installation altitude (P1095). The
reduction factor for higher pulse frequencies, ambient temperatures or installation altitudes is
displayed in P1099.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Power section currents”
1112 No. of pole pairs of motor (SRM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 4096 -- Unsigned16 PO (SRM)

1113 Torque constant (SRM)

Force constant (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 2000.0 N/A Floating Point PO (SLM)
0.0 0.0 300.0 Nm/A Floating Point PO (SRM)
The torque constant (kT) is the quotient of rated torque/rated current (RMS) for synchronous
motors with permanent excitation.
The force constant is the quotient of the rated force/rated current (RMS) for linear per-
manent-magnet synchronous motors.
1114 Voltage constant (SRM SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 10000.0 Vs/m Floating Point PO (SLM)
A 0.0 0.0 10000.0 V(RMS) Floating Point PO (SRM)
The voltage constant is measured as induced voltage (EMF) under no load conditions at n =
1000 RPM as RMS value between the motor terminals (phase-to-phase).
The voltage constant is measured as induced voltage (EMF) under no load conditions at v = 1
m/s as RMS value between the motor terminal and star point (phase).
1115 Armature resistance (SRM SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 999.999 Ohm Floating Point PO (SRM SLM)
... specifies the ohmic resistance of a phase of the armature winding (phase value) at 20 De-
For 1FN1 and 1FN3 linear motors, the resistance value at 120 Degrees (operating temperature)
is entered.
The winding is in the star circuit configuration.

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A-866 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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1116 Armature inductance (SRM SLM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 300.0 mH Floating Point PO (SRM SLM)
Inductance in the armature circuit for the single-phase equivalent circuit diagram.
1117 Moment of inertia of motor (ARM SRM)
Motor mass (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.001 9.99999 kgm2 Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 0.0 500.0 kg Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.0 9.99999 kgm2 Floating Point immed. (SRM)
SRM, ARM: Moment of inertia of the motor rotor
SLM: Weight of the primary section
1118 Motor zero-speed current (SRM SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 500.0 A(rms) Floating Point PO (SRM SLM)
... corresponds to the thermally permissible continuous current when the motor is at a standstill
with an overtemperature (temperature rise) of 100 Kelvin.
1119 Series reactor inductance (ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 65.0 mH Floating Point PO (ARM)

1120 Current controller P gain

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 10.0 10000.0 U/A Floating Point immed.

1121 Current controller reset time

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 3000.0 8000.0 s Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 2000.0 8000.0 s Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)

1122 Motor current limit (SRM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective

0.04 500.0

Load moment of inertia (ARM SRM)

A(rms) Floating Point PO (SRM)

(-- > 2.4)

Load weight (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 500.0 kg Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.0 9.99999 kgm2 Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
Additional moment of inertia (SRM, ARM) and additional weight (SLM), which is caused by cou-
pling a load to the motor. The contents of P1123:8 are added to the contents of P1117 for the
speedtorque feedforward control in induction motor operation and for the ”calculate controller
data” function.
1124 Symmetrizing reference model current
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.5 1.0 -- Floating Point immed.
Note: Internal Siemens

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-867
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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1125 Ramp-up time 1 for V/f operation

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.01 5.0 100.0 s Floating Point immed.
When V/f operation is selected (P1014), this is the time, in which the speed setpoint is changed
from 0 to the maximum motor speed (P1146).
1127 Voltage at f = 0 V/f operation (ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 2.0 20.0 V(pk) Floating Point immed. (ARM)

1128 Optimum load angle (SRM) (-- > 3.3)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
90.0 90.0 135.0 Degree Floating Point immed. (SRM)
For synchronous motors with non-symmetrical rotors in the rotational axis, the additional reluc-
tance torque can be used to increase the torque.
The optimum load angle specifies at which load angle the torque reaches its maximum value at
150% rated current.
Refer to P1149 (reluctance torque constant)
Synchronous motors with non-symmetrical rotor in the rotational axis: e.g. 1FE motors
Traverse with reluctance torque: P1128 and P1149 not equal to the standard value
Traverse without reluctance torque: P1128 and P1149 equal to the standard value
1129 Cosine Phi power factor (ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.8 1.0 -- Floating Point PO (ARM)

1130 Rated motor power (ARM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 1500.0 kW Floating Point PO (ARM)

1132 Rated motor voltage (ARM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 380.0 5000.0 V(RMS) Floating Point PO (ARM)

1134 Rated motor frequency (ARM)

A Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 50.0 3000.0 Hz Floating Point PO (ARM)

1135 Motor no-load voltage (ARM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 500.0 V(RMS) Floating Point immed. (ARM)

1136 Motor no-load current

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 500.0 A(rms) Floating Point immed.
P1136 (motor short-circuit current) ----> this is the parameter name for SRM
P1136 (no-load motor current) ----> this is the parameter name for ARM
1137 Stator resistance cold (ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 120.0 Ohm Floating Point immed. (ARM)

1138 Rotor resistance cold (ARM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 120.0 Ohm Floating Point immed. (ARM)

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A-868 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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1139 Stator leakage reactance (ARM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 500.0 Ohm Floating Point immed. (ARM)

1140 Rotor leakage reactance (ARM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 500.0 Ohm Floating Point immed. (ARM)

1141 Magnetizing reactance (ARM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 999.999 Ohm Floating Point immed. (ARM)

1142 Threshold speed field weakening (ARM SRM)

Motor threshold speed for field weakening (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)

1145 Stall torque reduction factor

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 100.0 1000.0 % Floating Point immed.

1146 Maximum motor speed (ARM SRM)

Maximum motor velocity (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 1500.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point PO (ARM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point PO (SLM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point PO (SRM)
... specifies the maximum motor speed/maximum motor velocity defined by the motor manufac-
Refer under the index entry ”Limits”
1147 Speed limitation (ARM SRM)
Velocity limiting, motor (SLM)
Data type
Floating Point
Floating Point
immed. (ARM)
immed. (SLM)
0.0 7000.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM)
... specifies the maximum permissible motor speed or motor velocity (refer under the index
entry ”Limits”).
1148 Threshold speed stall power (ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- rpm Floating Point RO (ARM)
The rated output is reduced from the ”Threshold speed of the stall power”.

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1149 Reluctance torque constant (SRM) (-- > 3.3)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--300.0 0.0 300.0 mH Floating Point immed. (SRM)
For synchronous motors with non-symmetrical rotors in the rotational axis, the additional reluc-
tance torque can be used to increase the torque.
The reluctance torque constant, multiplied by the torque- and field-generating current, gives the
torque increase due to the reluctance torque.
Refer to P1128 (optimum load angle)
Synchronous motors with non-symmetrical rotor in the rotational axis: e.g. 1FE motors
Traverse with reluctance torque: P1128 and P1149 not equal to the standard value
Traverse without reluctance torque: P1128 and P1149 equal to the standard value
1150 P-gain flux controller
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 400.0 99999.9 A/Vs Floating Point immed.

1151 Reset time flux controller

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 10.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed.

1152 Minimum DC link voltage, dyn. energy management (-- > 13.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 800 V(pk) Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the permissible lower limit for the DC link voltage, dynamic energy management.
This parameter is only effective if dynamic energy management is activated via P1155.
1153 Maximum DC link voltage dynamic energy management
(--> 13.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 800 800 V(pk) Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the permissible upper limit for the DC link voltage, dynamic energy management.
Fault 617 is output when exceeded.
A This parameter is only active if dynamic energy management is activated via P1155.
1154 only VDClink monitoring from motor speed (-- > 13.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0 0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (ARM SRM)
... specifies the speed setpoint, which when exceeded, only the DC link voltage is monitored
and no longer the motor temperatures.
The normal functionality is restored if the response threshold is fallen below again.
This parameter is only active if dynamic energy management has been set -- P1155.bit0 = 1
(= active).
This parameter is only active if dynamic energy management is activated via P1155.

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1155 Dyn. energy manag. act. (-- > 13.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... activates/deactivates the dynamic energy management.
The dynamic energy management allows the infeed/regenerative feedback unit to be adapted
to the system concept in-line with the actual requirements.
Bit 0 Dynamic energy management
Bit 0 = 0 inactive
Bit 0 = 1 active
Bit 1 Dynamic energy management function only effective for regenerative braking
Bit 1 = 0 Not active
Bit 1 = 1 Active
1160 Threshold speed flux sensing (ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
200.0 1500.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (ARM)

1161 Fixed DC link voltage

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 700 V(pk) Unsigned16 immed.
... a fixed DC link voltage can be entered.
>0 Fixed DC link voltage, the measurement in P1701 (DC link voltage) is inactive
0 The measurement in P1701 is active
The fixed DC link reference is calculated in instead of the measurement:
-- DC link adaption
-- Flux sensing (ARM)
-- Field weakening and stall torque (ARM)
The DC link is measured in the I/R module, and is transferred as analog signal to the
”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” via the unit bus for evaluation.
1162 Min. DC link voltage
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 800 V(pk) Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the permissible DC link voltage lower limit. Fault 616 is output if this limit is fallen be-
low. A
1163 Max. DC link voltage
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 800 800 V(pk) Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the permissible DC link voltage upper limit. Fault 617 is output if this limit is ex-
1164 Hysteresis, DC link monitoring (-- > 8.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 50 600 V(pk) Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the hysteresis for the DC link voltage monitoring. This parameter refers to parameter
1165 Peak filter, DC link voltage
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 50 10000 ms Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the duration of the suppressed peak in the DC link voltage sensing.

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1166 Ground fault test active (-- > 13.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 Hex Unsigned16 immed.
... activate the ground fault test
Bit 0 Automatic ground fault test after PO
Bit 0 = 1 Automatic motor ground fault test enabled after ramp-up
Bit 0 = 0 Automatic motor ground fault test disabled after ramp-up
Bit 1 Start ground fault test using P1166
Bit 1 = 1 Start: Activate motor ground fault test in operation using signal edge 0-->1
Tuesday_1 June The bit is automatically reset after the ground fault test has been
In the sense of the VDE Directives, the ground fault test does not represent a protective func-
1167 Response threshold of the ground fault test (-- > 13.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2.0 4.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
Response threshold of the ground fault test, referred to the transistor limit current, power unit
If the threshold exceeds the rated motor current P1103 it is not possible/practical to make a
measurement in this combination of power unit and motor.
--6 is entered into P1169.
Reduce the threshold or adapt the power unit/motor configuration.
1168 Maximum rotation, ground fault test (ARM SRM) (-- > 13.1)
Maximum motion, ground fault test (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 5.0 10.0 mm Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 10.0 30.0 Degree Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
... enter the permitted rotation/motion for the ground fault test.
A If the distance is greater than that entered in P1168, fault 511 (ground fault detected) is sig-
1169 Diagnostics, motor (-- > 13.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Integer16 RO
... a positive value means that a ground fault was not detected.
0: Function was not selected or still not terminated
1: Measurement completed, no ground fault occurred
--1: Measurement was not able to be started, controller/pulse enable missing
--2: Measurement was not able to be started, motor/spindle rotating
--3: Short-circuit identified, current response threshold was exceeded
--4: During the measurement, the motor moved more than is permitted in P1168
--5: During the measurement, the current was not able to be decreased again in time
(measurement not possible).
--6: Measurement not possible/practical -- observe the configuration of P1167
--7: Short circuit detected, current limiting reached or calcucated current rise too high.
--8: Parking axis selected

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1170 Pole pair width (SLM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 72.0 1000.0 mm Floating Point PO (SLM)
The pole pair width of a linear drive corresponds to the length from a north and south pole of
the magnet.
1172 FD operation with field weakening (SRM) (-- > 12.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 PO (SRM)
... defines feed drive operation with field weakening for this drive
1 FD operation with field weakening is activated
0 FD operation with field weakening is deactivated
This parameter is only active if P1015 has been set to 1 ”Activate PE-MSD”.
see under the index entry ”Permanent-magnet synchronous motor with and without field weak-
ening (PE spindle)” or ”FD operation with field weakening”.
1175 Synchr. reduction factor for P1108
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Floating Point RO
For SRM, SLM or PE spindle in field weakening (P1015 = 1 and P1172 = 1), the ”limit current
power unit (rms)” P1108 is multiplied by P1175 ”synchr. reduction factor for P1108”.
1176 Synchr. reduction factor for P1109
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Floating Point RO
For SRM, SLM or PE spindle in field weakening (P1015 = 1 and P1172 = 1), the ”limit current
power unit S6 (rms)” P1109 is multiplied by P1176 ”synchr. reduction factor for P1109”.
1177 Synchr. reduction factor for P1111
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Floating Point RO
For SRM, SLM or PE spindle in field weakening (P1015 = 1 and P1172 = 1), the ”rated current
power unit (rms)” P1111 is multiplied by P1177 ”synchr. reduction factor for P1111”.
1178 Synchr. current reduction factor A
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO
If, for SRM, SLM or PE spindle in field weakening (P1015=1 and P1172=1), parameter P1100
”Frequency pulse width modulation” is set greater than 4 kHz, then parameters P1108, P1109,
P1111 are reduced using ”Current reduction factor” P1178 and the derating characteristic. This
reduction factor is saved in the power unit data and is automatically taken into account depend-
ing on P1100.
1179 Asynchr. current reduction factor
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO
If, for ARM, parameter P1100 ”Frequency pulse width modulation” is set greater than 3.2 kHz,
then parameters P1108, P1109, P1111 are reduced using ”Current reduction factor” P1178 and
the derating characteristic. This reduction factor is saved in the power unit data and is automati-
cally taken into account depending on P1100.

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1180 Lower current limit adaption (SRM SLM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
Using the current controller adaptation (P1180, P1181, P1182), the P gain of the current control-
ler (P1120) can be reduced depending on the current.
P1180 defines the lower current value from which the adaptation linearly reduces the P gain up
to the upper current value (P1181). In addition to current values P1180 and P1181, P1182 (fac-
tor, current controller adaptation) also defines the adaptation straight line (chracteristic).
The following value pairs are obtained:
First value pair: P1180 / 100%
Second value pair: P1181 / P1182
P1180, P1181----> Percentage values referred to P1104 (maximum current)
P1182 ----> Percentage value, referred to P1120 (P gain, current controller)
The following applies: P1180 (lower current limit, adaptation) < P1181 (upper current limit
(refer under the index entry ”Current controller adaption”)
1181 Upper current limit adaption (SRM SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
Note: Description, refer to P1180.
1182 Factor, current controller adaption (SRM SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
Note: Description, refer to P1180.
1185 Start-up factor P_IREG (ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 100.0 10000.0 % Floating Point PO (ARM)
P1185 was introduced for 1PM4/1PM6 motors. For ”calculate controller data” the current con-
troller P gain is multiplied by the factor in P1185 and entered into P1120.
1200:8 No. of current setpoint filters
A Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 4 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... specifies the number of current setpoint filters.
The filter type (bandstop or low pass) is set using P1201:8.
0 No current setpoint value filter
1 Filter 1 active
2 Filters 1 and 2 active
3 Filters 1, 2 and 3 active
4 Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 active
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1201:8 Current setpoint filter type

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 800F Hex Unsigned16 immed.
... specifies the type of the 4 current setpoint filters.
Bit 0 Filter 1
=1 Bandstop (filter parameters: P1210:8, P1211:8, P1212:8)
=0 Low pass (filter parameters: P1202:8, P1203:8)
Bit 1 Filter 2
=1 Bandstop (filter parameters: P1213:8, P1214:8, P1215:8)
=0 Low pass (filter parameters: P1204:8, P1205:8)
Bit 2 Filter 3
=1 Bandstop (filter parameters: P1216:8, P1217:8, P1218:8)
=0 Low pass (filter parameters: P1206:8, P1207:8)
Bit 3 Filter 4
=1 Bandstop (filter parameters: P1219:8, P1220:8, P1221:8)
=0 Low pass (filter parameters: P1208:8, P1209:8)
Bit 15 Bandstop, transformation type (from SW 3.3)
=1 Z transformation
=0 Bilinear transformation (standard)
Before parameterizing the filter type, the appropriate filter parameters must be assigned.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1202:8 Natural frequency current setp. filter 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1203:8 Damping, current setp. filter 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.05 0.7 5.0 -- Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in: A
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1204:8 Natural frequency current setp. filter 2
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1205:8 Damping, current setp. filter 2
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.05 1.0 5.0 -- Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1206:8 Natural frequency current setp. filter 3

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1207:8 Damping, current setp. filter 3
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.05 1.0 5.0 -- Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1208:8 Natural frequency current setp. filter 4
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1209:8 Damping, current setp. filter 4
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.05 1.0 5.0 -- Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1210:8 Blocking freq. current setp. filter 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 3500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
A 1211:8 Bandwidth, current setp. filter 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1212:8 Numerator, bandwidth current setpoint filter 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2

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1213:8 Blocking freq. current setp. filter 2

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 3500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1214:8 Bandwidth, current setp. filter 2
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1215:8 Numerator, bandwidth current setpoint filter 2
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1216:8 Blocking freq. current setp. filter 3
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 3500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1217:8 Bandwidth, current setp. filter 3
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1218:8 Numerator, bandwidth current setpoint filter 3 A
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1219:8 Blocking freq. current setp. filter 4
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 3500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2

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1220:8 Bandwidth, current setp. filter 4

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1221:8 Numerator, bandwidth current setpoint filter 4
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1222:8 Bandstop natural frequency, current setpoint filter 1 (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1223:8 Bandstop natural frequency, current setpoint filter 2 (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1224:8 Bandstop natural frequency, current setpoint filter 3 (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
A 1225:8 Bandstop natural frequency, current setpoint filter 4 (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
The current setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1230:8 1st torque limit value (ARM SRM)
1st force limit value (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 100.0 900.0 % Floating Point immed.
The parameter value refers to the stall torque (SRM), rated motor torque (ARM) and stall force
(SLM) of the motor.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Limits”
1233:8 Generative limitation
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
The setting refers to the parameter value in P1230.

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1235:8 1st power limit

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 100.0 900.0 % Floating Point immed.
The parameter value refers to the motor output (SRM) and the rated motor output (ARM).
Note: refer to the index entry ”Limits”
1237 Maximum generative power
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.1 100.0 500.0 kW Floating Point immed.
... allows the regenerative power for the rectifier/regenerative feedback module to be limited. An
appropriately lower value must be entered here especially when using a non-controlled NE
Note: refer to the index entry ”Limits”
1238 Current limit value (ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 150.0 400.0 % Floating Point immed. (ARM)
The parameter value refers to the rated motor current (P1103).
Note: refer to the index entry ”Limits”
1240:8 Torque setpoint offset (speed-contr.) (ARM SRM)
Force setpoint offset (speed-contr.) (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--50000.0 0.0 50000.0 N Floating Point immed. (SLM)
--50000.0 0.0 50000.0 Nm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
This parameter value is added to the torque setpoint and force setpoint (SLM) if the closed-loop
speed control is active (pos operation and nset operation with speed setpoint input). The pa-
rameter has no effect if, in the nset mode, open-loop torque controlled operation was selected.
Note: refer under the index entry ”weight compensation”
1241:8 Normalization of torque setpoint (ARM SRM)
Normalization of force setpoint (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 10.0 50000.0 N Floating Point immed. (SLM)
1.0 10.0 50000.0 Nm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
... defines the normalization for the torque setpoint and force setpoint (SLM) for open-loop A
torque controlled operation at the analog input terminals 56.x/14.x and/or terminals 24.x/20.x
and displays the reference value for P0619.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Open-loop torque controlled operation”
1242:8 Torque setpoint offset (torque-contr.) (ARM SRM)
Offset, force setpoint (torque-controlled) (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--50000.0 0.0 50000.0 N Floating Point immed. (SLM)
--50000.0 0.0 50000.0 Nm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
The value is added to the torque setpoint or the force setpoint (SLM).
Note: refer to the index entry ”Open-loop torque controlled operation”
1243:8 Normalization, torque/power reduction. (ARM SRM)
Normalization, force/power reduction. (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Torque/power reduction”

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1244 Characteristic type, torque/power reduction (ARM SRM)

Characteristic type, force/power reduction (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 2 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines whether reduction is realized with a negative or a positive characteristic.
1 Negative characteristic
2 Positive characteristic
Note: refer to the index entry ”Torque/power reduction”
1245 Threshold, speeddependent M_set smoothing (ARM SRM)
Threshold, velocity-dependent F_set smoothing (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
... is described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1246 Hysteresis, speeddependent M_set smoothing (ARM SRM)
Hysteresis, velocity-dependent F_set smoothing (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 3.0 1000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 50.0 1000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
... is described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1247 Speed threshold, motor changeover 1 / 2 (ARM) (-- > 2.4)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
100.0 100000.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (ARM)
... the speed threshold for the motor changeover is defined with speed threshold (P1013 = 3) to
change over the motor data sets P1xxx to P2xxx.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Motor changeover”

A 1248
Speed threshold, motor changeover 3 / 4 (ARM)
Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
(-- > 2.4)

100.0 100000.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (ARM)

... the speed threshold for the motor changeover is defined with the speed threshold (P1013 =
3) to change over the motor data sets P3xxx to P4xxx.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Motor changeover”

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1249 External contactor control, motor changeover (ARM) (-- > 2.4)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed. (ARM)
... specifies whether the contactor control for the motor changeover is defined by the drive or
from an external control.
1 Motor changeover via external control
The contactor control for motor changeover is determined via an external control via the ”Motor
changed over” input signal (STW2.11).
0 Motor changeover via the drive
The contactor control for motor changeover is determined by the drive via output terminals with
function numbers 11, 12, 13 and 14.
refer to the index entry ”Motor changeover”
The contactors for motor changeover must be switched to a no-current condition. If motor
changeover is executed using an external control, and changed over with ”Fault” (e. g. with
drive pulses present), the power/supply infeed module could be destroyed.
Change over the motor using the drive output terminals (P1249=0).
The output terminals 11, 12, 13 and 14 are not energized if P1249 = 1.
1250 Frequency limit, act. current smoothing
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 100.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
PT1 filter for the current actual value display
The parameter is used to smooth the following displays:
-- P1708 (torque-generating current Iq)
-- P1718 (torque-generating current Iq (A)), from SW 3.1
-- PROFIBUS status word IqGl (smoothed, torque-generating current Iq) from SW 3.1
< 1 Hz ----> the filter is inactive
This parameter has no effect on the closed-loop control.
1251 Time constant (smoothing) motor utilization
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 10.0 1000.0
Smoothing to display the motor utilization (P0604).
ms Floating Point immed.
1252 Frequency limit, torque setpoint smoothing (ARM SRM)
Frequency limit, force setpoint smoothing (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 100.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
PT1 filter for the torque setpoint display (smoothing for P1716 and ZSW Mset, analog output
from signal number 36).
< 1 Hz ----> the filter is inactive
This parameter has no effect on the closed-loop control.
1254 Time constant current monitoring
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.5 2.0 ms Floating Point immed.
Note: Internal Siemens

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1255 Steady-state minimum speed (-- > 11.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM)
... defines the steady-state minimum spindle speed in speed setpoint operation.
1256:8 Ramp-function generator ramp-up time (-- > 2.4)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 2.0 600.0 s Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 0.0 600.0 s Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
During ramp-up, the setpoint is increased from zero to the maximum permissible actual speed.
Max. permissible actual speed for synchronous motors: Minimum from 1.1 (1.05 from SW 7.1
onwards with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”, resolver) x P1400 and P1147
Max. permissible actual speed for induction motors: Minimum from P1146 and P1147
Max. permissible actual speed for linear motors: From P1147
refer to the index entry ”Ramp-function generator”
1257:8 Ramp-function generator ramp-down time (-- > 2.4)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 2.0 600.0 s Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 0.0 600.0 s Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
During ramp-down, the setpoint is reduced from the maximum permissible actual speed to zero.
Max. permissible actual speed for synchronous motors: Minimum from 1.1 (1.05 from SW 7.1
onwards with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”, resolver) x P1400 and P1147
Max. permissible actual speed for induction motors: Minimum from P1146 and P1147
Max. permissible actual speed for linear motors: From P1147
refer to the index entry ”Ramp-function generator”
1259 Torque/power reduction mot./gen. (ARM SRM) (-- > 3.7)
Force/power reduction mot./gen. (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 Hex Unsigned16 immed.
A ... defines if the torque/power de-rating or force/power de-rating depends on whether the drive
is motoring/generating.
Bit 0 Torque / power reduction, only when motoring
Bit 0 = 1 Reduction is only effective when motoring
Bit 0 = 0 Reduction is effective when motoring and regenerating
Bit 1 Motoring / regenerating limiting dependent on Nset
Bit 1 = 1 The torque limits when motoring are used if the product of torque and speed
setpoint is positive and the speed setpoint is not equal to 0
Bit 1 = 0 The torque limits when motoring are used if the product of torque and speed
actual value is positive or the absolute speed actual value is less than 10 RPM
P1259 valid for input via PROFIBUS and analog input.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Torque/power reduction”

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1260 i2t limiting, limit current, power section S6 (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
25.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
... for the i2t power section limiting, it defines the limiting characteristic referred to i-S6.
I-S6 = P1109 (limiting power section current S6) x P1099 (limiting factor, power section cur-
refer to the index entry ”i2t power section limiting”
1261 i2t limiting, rated current power section current (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
25.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed. (ARM)
25.0 110.0 110.0 % Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
... for the i2t power section limiting, it defines the limiting characteristic referred to i-n.
i-n = P1111 (rated power section current) x P1099 (limiting factor, power section currents)
refer to the index entry ”i2t power section limiting”
1262 i2t time in limiting (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- s Floating Point RO
... for the i2t power section limit, this is used to display the time during which the power section
is being limited.
The parameter is reset for value overflow and for POWER ON.
refer to the index entry ”i2t power section limiting”
1263 i2t actual limiting factor (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO
... for the i2t power section limit, this is used to display the actual current limit referred to i-max.
i-max = P1108 (limiting power section current) x P1099 (limiting factor, power section currents)
refer to the index entry ”i2t power section limiting”
1264 i2t actual utilization factor (-- > 4.1) A
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO
... is used for the i2t power section limiting to display the actual utilization. The difference to 100
% specifies how much reserve is available. The current limit is reduced for a utilization of 100%.
refer to the index entry ”i2t power section limiting”
1265 Thermal motor model configuration (-- > 11.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 Hex Unsigned16 PO
... defines the configuration for the thermal motor model.
Bit 0 Activate thermal motor model
Bit 0 = 1 Thermal motor model activated
Bit 0 = 0 Thermal motor model not activated
Bit 1 Evaluate thermal motor model
Bit 1 = 1 No KTY evaluation (pure current monitoring)
Bit 1 = 0 Evaluation with KTY temperature sensor activated

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1266 Thermal motor utilization (-- > 11.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO
... is used to diagnose the thermal motor utilization.
The parameter indicates the thermal utilization of the motor as a percentage.
In so doing, the computation model refers to the maximum permissible motor temperature
(P1607) and the shutdown threshold temperature, thermal motor model (P1288).
When commissioning, the value in P1607/P1288 is preassigned depending on the specific
If it is changed then the response of the thermal motor model also changes.
Fault 613 is signaled for a thermal motor utilization > 100 %.
1268 Winding time constant (--> 11.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 5000 s Floating Point PO
... is used to enter the winding time constants.
The motor manufacturer must specify the specific motor characteristic quantity.
It is required for the thermal motor model (P1265).
1269 Thermal motor utilization alarm threshold (-- > 11.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 80 100 % Integer16 immed.
... outputs alarm 814 if the thermal motor utilization P1266 is greater than the thermal motor
utilization alarm threshold P1269 and the time monitoring is started in P1603.
Alarm 614 is output if the timer stage has expired without in the meantime the threshold of the
thermal motor utilization having been fallen below.
Also refer to P1603 and P1288.
1270 Speed range suppression, lower value (-- > 11.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM)

A ... defines the lower value of the speed range suppression. The speed range suppression func-
tion prevents the drive from operating under steady-steady conditions at speeds in a range lim-
ited by the lower and upper speed.
1271 Speed range suppression, upper value
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM)
... defines the upper value of the speed range suppression. The speed range suppression func-
tion prevents the drive from operating under steady-steady conditions at speeds in a range lim-
ited by the lower and upper speed.

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1288 Shutdown threshold, thermal motor model (--> 12.2)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 180 220 _C Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the shutdown threshold of the thermal motor model (P1607 applies up to SW 12.1).
When commissioning, the value in P1288 is pre-assigned depending on the specific motor.
If P1288 is set < P1607, the value from P1607 is used as the shutdown threshold of the thermal
motor model.
see also P1265, P1266, P1268, P1269 or P1607.
1400 Rated motor speed (ARM SRM)
Rated motor velocity (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 1450.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point PO (ARM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point PO (SLM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point PO (SRM)

1401:8 Speed for max. useful motor speed (ARM SRM)

Velocity for max. useful motor velocity (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--100000.0 0.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
--100000.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
The parameter specifies the maximum useful motor speed and the useful motor velocity in
closed-loop speed controlled operation, and represents the setpoint for P0618.
The maximum useful motor speed, set via P1401:8, is not exceeded, independent of whether
the setpoint is entered via terminal or PROFIBUS.
refer to the index entry ”speed-controlled operation”
1403 Creep speed pulse suppression (ARM SRM)
creep speed, pulse suppression (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 6.0 7200.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 0.0 7200.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.0 7200.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM)
After the controller enable is withdrawn (e.g. via terminal or when a fault occurs) the drive A
brakes along its torque limit.
If the absolute speed actual value or the absolute velocity value falls below the specified shut-
down speed or creep speed, during the power-off sequence, the pulse enable is withdrawn, and
the drive ”coasts down”.
The pulses are previously cancelled if the timer stage, set in P1404 has expired. When the
ramp-function generator is active, the timer stage only starts to run when a speed setpoint of
zero is reached at the ramp-function generator output.
0 P1403 is inactive, pulses are exclusively canceled via P1404
The functionality of P1403 is required if an overshoot when reaching zero speed -- after with-
drawing the control enable -- is to be suppressed .
The pulse suppression control via P1403 and P1404 is ineffective when the motor holding brake
is activated (P0850 = 1)

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1404 Timer pulse suppression

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 5000.0 8388607.0 ms Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 100.0 8388607.0 ms Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
After the controller enable has been withdrawn and after this delay, the gating pulses of the
power transistors are canceled on the drive side. If the ramp-function generator is active, the
delay only starts when zero speed setpoint has been reached at the ramp-function generator
The pulses will be canceled beforehand, if the threshold, set in P1403, is fallen short off.
The pulse suppression control via P1403 and P1404 is ineffective when the motor holding brake
is activated (P0850 = 1)
1405:8 Monitoring speed, motor (ARM SRM)
Monitoring velocity, motor (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
100.0 110.0 110.0 % Floating Point immed.
Percentage input of the maximum permissible setpoint referred to P1401.
If the setpoint is exceeded, the value in P1405 is used as limit.
1407:8 Speed controller P gain (ARM SRM)
Velocity controller P gain (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 2000.0 999999.0 Ns/m Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.3 999999.0 Nm*s/rad Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
Note: refer to the index entry ”Speed controller optimization”
1408:8 P gain, upper adaption speed (ARM SRM)
P gain, upper adaption velocity (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 2000.0 999999.0 Ns/m Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.3 999999.0 Nm*s/rad Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
Note: Refer under the index entry ”Speed controller adaption”
A 1409:8 Speed controller reset time (ARM SRM)
Velocity controller reset time (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 10.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Speed controller optimization”
1410:8 Integral action time, upper adaption speed (ARM SRM)
Integral action time, upper adaption velocity (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 10.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed.
Note: Refer under the index entry ”Speed controller adaption”
1411 Lower adaptation speed (ARM SRM)
Lower adaption velocity, motor (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
Note: Refer under the index entry ”Speed controller adaption”

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1412 Upper adaptation speed (ARM SRM)

Upper adaption speed, motor (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 0.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
Note: Refer under the index entry ”Speed controller adaption”
1413 Select speed controller adaptation (ARM SRM)
Select velocity control adaption (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 1 -- Unsigned16 immed. (ARM)
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed. (SRM SLM)
Note: Refer under the index entry ”Speed controller adaption”
1414:8 Natural frequency, reference model speed (ARM SRM)
Natural frequency, reference model velocity (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The reference model is described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1415:8 Damping, reference model speed (ARM SRM)
Damping, reference model velocity (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.5 1.0 5.0 -- Floating Point immed.
The reference model is described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1416 Balancing, reference model, speed (ARM SRM)
Balancing, reference model, velocity (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 1.0 -- Floating Point immed.
The reference model is described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1417:8 n_x for ’n_act < n_x’ signal
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 120.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 6000.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
The threshold speed or the threshold velocity (SLM) for the output signal ”n_act < n_x” is de-
fined using this parameter.
1418:8 n_min for ’n_act < n_min’ signal
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.3 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 5.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
The threshold speed or the threshold velocity (SLM) for the output signal ”n_act < n_min” is de-
fined using this parameter.

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1421:8 Time constant, integrator feedback (n controller)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
The integrator of the speed controller is re-parameterized via a feedback element to a PT1 filter
(1st order lowpass characteristics). The PT1 filter time constant can be set via P1421.
The following is valid:
P1421 < 1.0 ----> the PT1 filter is not active, the pure integrator is effective
P1421 >= 1.0 ----> the PT1 filter is active and has replaced the pure integrator
Movement at zero setpoint with a dominant stiction can be suppressed but with the disadvan-
tage that a setpoint-actual value difference remains. This can result in, for example, an oscilla-
tion of a position-controlled axis at standstill (stick-slip effect) or overshoot with micrometer
Prevents excessive stress for axes which are mechanically rigidly coupled (e.g. for synchronous
spindles, master-slave axes).
1426:8 Toler.bandwidth f.’n_set = n_act’ signal
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 1.0 10000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 20.0 10000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
The tolerance bandwidth for the ”n_set = n_act” output signal is defined using this parameter.
1427 Delay time ’n_set = n_act’ signal
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 200.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed.
The parameter defines the time which is started if the speed actual value or the velocity actual
value (SLM) has reached the tolerance bandwidth around the setpoint.
The time is used for the output signal ”Ramp-function generator ended” and for the output sig-
nal ”n_set = n_act”.
refer to the index entry ”Output signal ramp-up completed” or ”Output signal n_set is equal to
1428:8 Threshold torque M_x (ARM SRM)
Threshold force F_x (SLM)
A Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 90.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
The threshold torque or the threshold force (SLM) for the output signal ”M < M_x” is defined
using this parameter.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Output signal M less than M_x”
1429 Delay time ’M < M_x’ signal (ARM SRM)
Delay time ’F < F_x’ signal (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 800.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
The parameter defines the time after which the evaluation for the output signal ”M < M_x” is
started after run-up.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Output signal M less than M_x”
1451:8 P gain speed controller AM
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.3 9999.999 Nm*s/rad Floating Point immed.
... the P gain of the speed controller is set in IM operation (operation without encoder).

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1453:8 Reset time speed controller AM

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 140.0 6000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... the integral action time of the speed controller in IM operation (operation without encoder).
1458 Current setpoint, controlled range IM
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 90.0 150.0 % Floating Point immed.
Current setpoint for the currentfrequency open-loop control referred to the rated motor current.
1459 Torque smoothing time constant IM
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 4.0 100.0 ms Floating Point immed.
Torque setpoint smoothing (initial rounding-off).
1465 Switching speed MSD/AM
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 100000.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed.
Threshold speed for the changeover from the MSD to induction motor (IM) control.
1466 Changeover speed, open-loop/closed-loop control IM (ARM
Changeover velocity closed-loop/open-loop control IM (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
3.000000 20.000000 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
5.0 300.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
Threshold speed for changing over between closed-loop and open-loop control for induction
motor operation.
When accelerating, condition P1466 >=150 RPM is checked. If this is not the case, then fault
722 is signaled.

If the electrical brake has been enabled (P1049 = 1) if the encoder fails and there is no encoder
information, then the axis is braked down to the changeover speed/velocity saved in parameter
P1466. The pulses are then inhibited and the motor coasts down.
If the motor speed/velocity at the instant that the encoder fails is below the changeover speed/
velocity defined in P1466, then the pulses are immediately inhibited and the motor coasts down.
The following criteria apply when using the function ”Electrical braking when the encoder fails”:
Rotating motor: P1466 > 40000 / P1114
Linear motor: P1466 > 1386 / P1114
If this limit is incorrectly parameterized, then fault message 722 is output ”changeover speed/
velocity too low.”
1467 BERO pulse number (-- > 12.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 10 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the BERO pulse number per motor revolution (e.g. BERO senses 7 fan wheel blades
per revolution --> P1467 = 7).
A value >= 1 activates the speed monitoring function with BERO.

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1468 BERO shutdown threshold (-- > 12.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 65535 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the BERO shutdown threshold, speed monitoring.
For a higher speed, Alarm 718 ”BERO shutdown threshold exceeded” is output and the drive is
1469 BERO speed actual value (-- > 12.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... displays the absolute value of the actual BERO speed actual value.
1490 Activate equalization controller (-- > 7.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 3 -- Unsigned16 PO
...can activate the anti-backlash controller (equalization controller).
0 no source or no equalization controller
1 active, source is terminal 24/20
2 active, source is the adjacent drive (double-axis module)
3 Active, PROFIBUS is the source (slave deadtime active, from SW 13.1)
1491 P gain equalization controller (--> 7.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.1 10000.0 rad/s/Nm Floating Point immed.
Recommended setting, equalization controller:
Vp equalization controller (P1491) = 0.5 / Vp speed controller (P1407)
1492 Integral action time equalization controller (-- > 7.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 20.0 8000.0 ms Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 10.0 8000.0 ms Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
Recommended setting, equalization controller:
TN equaliziation controller (P1491) = 10 x TN speed controller (P1409)
1493 Pre-tensioning torque, equalization controller (ARM SRM)
A (--> 7.1)
Pre-tensioning force, equalization controller (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--200.0 0.0 200.0 N Floating Point immed. (SLM)
--200.0 0.0 200.0 Nm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
... specifies a pre-tensioning torque (or pre-tensioning force (SLM)) which acts with a switch-in
delay via a PT1 element (P1494).
1494 Time constant, pre-tensioning torque, equalization contr. (ARM
SRM) (-- > 7.1)
Time constant, pre-tensioning force, equalization contr. (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 1.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... enters the time constant for the PT1 element which ensures a soft, gentle increase of the
pre-tensioning torque (P1493) when activating the equalization controller.

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1495 Torque weighting, equalization controller - master (ARM SRM)

(--> 7.1)
Force weighting equalization controller - master (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--100.0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
... enters a weighting for the torque setpoint ( or force for the force setpoint (SLM) ) of the
master axis for the equalization controller.
1496 Torque weighting, equalization controller - slave (ARM SRM)
(--> 7.1)
Force weighting equalization controller - slave (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 100.0 100.0 % Floating Point immed.
... enters a weighting fo the torque setpoint ( or force for the force setpoint (SLM) ) of the slave
axis for the equalization controller.
1500:8 No. of speed setpoint filters (ARM SRM)
No. of velocity setpoint filters (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 2 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... specifies the number of speed setpoint filters.
The filter type (bandstop or low pass PT1/PT2) is set using P1501:8.
0 No speed setpoint filter active
1 Filter 1 active
2 Filters 1 and 2 active
If filter 1 is parameterized as lowpass filter (PT1 or PT2, P1501:8), then it can be enabled/dis-
abled using the input signal ”first speed setpoint filter off”. When parameterized as bandstop
filter, the input signal has no effect.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1501:8 Type of speed setpoint filter (ARM SRM)

Type of velocity setpoint filter (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 8303 Hex Unsigned16 immed.
... specifies the type of the 2nd speed setpont filter
Bit 0 Filter 1: Low pass/bandstop
=1 Bandstop (filter parameters: P1514:8, P1515:8, P1516:8)
=0 Low pass (filter parameters: P1502:8, P1506:8, P1507:8)
Bit 1 Filter 2: Low pass/bandstop
=1 Bandstop (filter parameters: P1517:8, P1518:8, P1519:8)
=0 Lowpass (filter parameters: P1503:8, P1508:8, P1509:8)
Bit 8 Filter 1: Low pass PT1/PT2
=1 PT1 low pass (filter parameter: P1502:8)
=0 PT2 low pass (filter parameters: P1506:8, P1507:8)
Bit 9 Filter 2: Low pass PT1/PT2
=1 PT1 low pass (filter parameter: P1503:8)
=0 PT2 low pass (filter parameter: P1508:8, P1509:8)
Bit 15 Bandstop, transformation type (from SW 3.3)
=1 Z transformation
=0 Bilinear transformation (standard)
Before parameterizing the filter type, the appropriate filter parameters must be assigned.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1502:8 Time constant, speed setpoint filter 1 (ARM SRM)
Time constant, velocity setpoint filter 1 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed.
The filter can be switched out/switched in via the ”First speed setpoint filter off” input signal.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2

A 1503:8 Time constant, speed setpoint filter 2 (ARM SRM)

Time constant, velocity setpoint filter 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1506:8 Natural frequency, speed setpoint filter 1 (ARM SRM)
Natural frequency, velocity setpoint filter 1 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
10.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The filter can be switched out/switched in via the ”First speed setpoint filter off” input signal.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2

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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1507:8 Damping, speed setpoint filter 1 (ARM SRM)

Damping, velocity setpoint filter 1 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.2 0.7 5.0 -- Floating Point immed.
The filter can be switched out/switched in via the ”First speed setpoint filter off” input signal.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1508:8 Natural frequency, speed setpoint filter 2 (ARM SRM)
Natural frequency, velocity setpoint filter 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
10.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1509:8 Damping, speed setpoint filter 2 (ARM SRM)
Damping, velocity setpoint filter 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.2 0.7 5.0 -- Floating Point immed.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1514:8 Blocking frequency, speed setpoint filter 1 (ARM SRM)
Blocking frequency, velocity setpoint filter 1 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 3500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1515:8 Bandwidth, speed setpoint filter 1 (ARM SRM)
Bandwidth, velocity setpoint filter 1 (SLM) A
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1516:8 Numerator, bandwidth speed setpoint filter 1 (ARM SRM)
Numerator, bandwidth velocity setpoint filter 1 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-893
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1517:8 Blocking frequency, speed setpoint filter 2 (ARM SRM)

Blocking frequency, velocity setpoint filter 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 3500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1518:8 Bandwidth, speed setpoint filter 2 (ARM SRM)
Bandwidth, velocity setpoint filter 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
5.0 500.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1519:8 Numerator, bandwidth speed setpoint filter 2 (ARM SRM)
Numerator, bandwidth velocity setpoint filter 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 7999.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1520:8 Bandstop natural frequency, speed setpoint filter 1 (ARM SRM)
Bandstop natural frequency velocity setpoint filter 1 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1.0 100.0 141.0 % Floating Point immed.
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2
1521:8 Bandstop natural frequency, speed setpoint filter 2 (ARM SRM)
Bandstop natural frequency, velocity setpoint filter 2 (SLM)
A Min
Data type
Floating Point
The speed setpoint filters are described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DD2

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A-894 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1522 Time constant, speed actual value filter (PT1) (ARM SRM)
Time constant, velocity actual value filter (PT1) (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed.
Encoder with sin/cos 1 Vpp: Default corresponding to the appropriate encoder
-- Single absolute value encoder (EQI, 16 pulses/revolution): 1 ms
-- Single absolute value encoder (EQI, 32 pulses/revolution): 1 ms
-- Toothed-wheel encoder (SIZAG 2, 256/512 pulses/revolution): 1 ms
-- Absolute encoder for SRM (SH28/36, 512 pulses/revolution): 1 ms
-- Absolute value encoder (EQN, 2048 pulses/revolution): 0 ms
-- Incremental encoder (ERN, 2048 pulses/revolution): 0 ms
Note: refer to the index entry ”Encoder adaptation”
Resolver: Default, 12 bit resolution
-- ARM: 2 ms
-- SRM/SLM: 0.8 ms
Default, 14 bit resolution
-- ARM: 2 ms
-- SRM/SLM: 0.2 ms
1523 Time constant, speed actual value filter (PT1) RLI (SRM)
(--> 9.1)
Time constant, velocity actual value filter (PT1) RLI (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
Time constant of the speed actual value filtering during the rotor position identification routine,
traversing 3
<0.05 ms: internally, P1522 is used for the calculation
>=0.05 ms: internally, P1523 is used for the calculation
Note: Pre-assignment (default) refer to P1522

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-895
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1560 APC mode (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)

APC mode (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 7FFF Hex Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the selection of functions for APC (active oscillation damping)
The direct measuring system must be selected and parameterized for APC. Further, P1562
must be correctly pre-assigned.
Bit 0 to bit 4 reserved
Bit 5 Activation from APC
Bit 5 = 0: APC is deactivated
Bit 5 = 1: APC is activated
Bit 6 Reserved
Bit 7 Select the input for the 2nd cascade APC
Bit 7 = 0: Input 2nd cascade APC is the acceleration of the direct measuring system
Bit 7 = 1: Input 2nd cascade APC is just the same as for the 1st cascade APC
Bit 8 Filter input APC from the function generator
Bit 8 = 0: Filter input APC from selected measured values
Bit 8 = 1: Filter input APC is the speed setpoint of the function generator (for measuring
Bit 9 Do not connect filter output APC
Bit 9 = 0: Filter output is connected when APC is activated
Bit 9 = 1: Filter output is not connected (for measuring purposes)
Bit 10 Input 1st cascade APC
Bit 10 = 0: Input 1st cascade APC is the acceleration of the direct measuring system
Bit 10 = 1: Input 1st cascade APC is the speed of the direct measuring system minus speed
Bit 11 Closed-loop speed control with direct measuring system (pulse decoupling)
Bit 11 = 0: Closed-loop speed control with motor measuring system
Bit 11 = 1: Closed-loop speed control with direct measuring system (bit 5 must also be set!)
Bit 12 Reserved
Bit 13 Disable APC 1st cascade
Bit 13 = 0: 1st cascade is active
A Bit 13 = 1:
Bit 14
1st cascade is disabled
Disable APC 2nd cascade
Bit 14 = 0: 2nd cascade is active
Bit 14 = 1: 2nd cascade is disabled
Bit 15 reserved

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1562 Ratio between the motor and DM (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)
Ratio between the motor and DM (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1000000.0 1.000000 1000000.0 -- Floating Point immed.
... defines the input to convert the motor measuring system to a direct measuring system.
The factor is entered with which, for uniform, consistent motion, the pulse frequency of the di-
rect measuring system must be multiplied by in order to obtain the pulse frequency of the motor
measuring system. In this case, the resolution differences of the measuring system are included
as also a possibly existing gearbox or measuring gearbox.
A different direction of rotation is taken into account with a negative sign.
Example 1:
Rotating motor 2048 pulses/revolution with ballscrew, spindle pitch 10 mm/revolution, direct
measuring system with 20 m grid division (lattice pitch).
(10 mm/revolution)/(20 m) = 500 pulses of the direct measuring system per motor revolution
P1562 = 2048/500 = 4.096
Example 2:
Rotating motor 2048 pulses/revolution, load connected through a gearbox with a ratio 25:1, di-
rect measuring system with 8192 pulses/revolution at the load side.
8192/25 pulses of the direct measuring system per motor revolution
P1565 = 2048 * 25/8192 = 6.25
Example 3:
Rotating motor, 2048 pulses/revolution with a load directly coupled to the shaft and a direct
measuring system at the load, 1024 pulses/revolution.
1024 pulses of the direct measuring system per motor revolution
P1562 = 2045/1024 = 2.0
1564:8 Derivative action time, load speed controller (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Derivative action time, load velocity controller (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1000.0 0.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... defines the derivative action time setting of the 1st cascade APC.
When selecting P1560 bit 10= 1 (input APC is a speed actual value), P1564 has no units.
1567:8 Derivative action time, load speed controller 2 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Derivative action time, load velocity controller 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1000.0 0.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... defines the derivative action time setting of the 2nd cascade APC.
When selecting P1560 bit 10 = 1 (input APC is a speed actual value), P1564 has no units.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-897
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1569 Sub-sampling, acceleration filter (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)

Sub-sampling, acceleration filter (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 64 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... sets the sub-sampling factor setting for the 1st and 2nd cascades of the acceleration filter
(filters 1, 2, 4 and 5) for APC.
Value 1 means no sub-sampling.
For filters with a low blocking frequency, sub-sampling should be used.
The following recommendation applies: Blocking frequency * sampling time * P1569 should be
greater than 1/160. This can be ensured using the sub-sampling factor.
The 3rd filter is also effective in the speed controller clock cycle and can be used to interpolate
the sub-sampled filter.
All of the filters can be de-activated by suitably parameterizing them (e.g. using the pre-assign-
ment values). There is no switch to disable individual filters.
1570:8 Type, acceleration filter (ARM SRM) (--> 10.1)
Type, acceleration filter (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1B1F Hex Unsigned16 immed.
... specifies the type of the 2nd speed setpont filter
Bit 0 Filter 1: Low pass/bandstop
Bit 0 = 1: Bandstop (filter parameters: P1572:8, P1573:8, P1574:8, P1575:8)
Bit 0 = 0: Lowpass (filter parameters: P1571:8, P1572:8, P1573:8)
Bit 1 Filter 2: Low pass/bandstop
Bit 1 = 1: Bandstop (filter parameters: P1577:8, P1578:8, P1579:8, P1580:8)
Bit 1 = 0: Lowpass (filter parameters: P1576:8, P1577:8, P1578:8)
Bit 2 Filter 3: Lowpass/bandstop
Bit 2 = 1: Bandstop (filter parameters: P1581:8, P1582:8, P1583:8, P1584:8)
Bit 2 = 0: Lowpass (filter parameters: P1581:8, P1582:8)
Bit 3 Filter 4: Lowpass/bandstop
Bit 3 = 1: Bandstop (filter parameters: P1586:8, P1587:8, P1588:8, P1589:8)
bit 3 = 0: Lowpass filter (Filter parameters: P1585:8, P1586:8, P1587:8)
Bit 4 Filter 5: Lowpass/bandstop
Bit 4 = 1: Bandstopp (filter parameters: P1591:8, P1592:8, P1593:8, P1594:8)
A Bit 4 = 0:
Bit 8
Lowpass (filter parameters: P1590:8, P1591:8, P1592:8)
Filter 1: Low pass PT1/PT2
Bit 8 = 1: PT1 lowpass (filter parameter: P1571:8)
Bit 8 = 0: PT2 lowpass (filter parameters: P1572:8, P1573:8)
Bit 9 Filter 2: Low pass PT1/PT2
Bit 9 = 1: PT1 lowpass (filter parameter: P1576:8)
Bit 9 = 0: PT2 lowpass (filter parameters: P1577:8, P1578:8)
Bit 11 Filter 4: Lowpass PT1/PT2
Bit 11 = 1: PT1 lowpass (filter parameter: P1585:8)
Bit 11 = 0: PT2 lowpass (filter parameters: P1586:8, P1587:8)
Bit 12 Filter 5: Lowpass PT1/PT2
Bit 12 = 1: PT1 lowpass (filter parameter: P1590:8)
Bit 12 = 0: PT2 lowpass (filter parameters: P1591:8, P1592:8)
The 3rd filter cannot be implemented as PT1.
Before parameterizing the filter type, the appropriate filter parameters must be assigned.

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A-898 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1571:8 Time constant, acceleration filter 1 (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)
Time constant, acceleration filter 1 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 1.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... defines the time constant setting for the 1st acceleration filter (1st cascade) for APC.
The time constant is only effective if in P1570, bit 0 is set to 0 and bit 8 is set to 1.
1572:8 Denominator natural frequency acceleration filter 1 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Denominator natural frequency acceleration filter 1 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
... defines the denominator natural frequency setting for the 1st acceleration filter (1st cascade)
for APC.
1573:8 Denominator damping, acceleration filter 1 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Denominator damping, acceleration filter 1 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.7 10.0 -- Floating Point immed.
... defines the denominator damping setting for the 1st acceleration filter (1st cascade) for APC.
1574:8 Numerator natural frequency, acceleration filter 1 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Numerator natural frequency, acceleration filter 1 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
... defines the numerator natural frequency setting for the 1st acceleration filter (1st cascade).
The numerator settings are only effective if in P1570, bit 0 is set to 1.
1575:8 Numerator damping, acceleration filter 1 (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)
Numerator damping, acceleration filter 1 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.7 10.0 -- Floating Point immed.
... defines the numerator damping setting for the 1st acceleration filter (1st cascade) for APC.
The numerator settings are only effective if in P1570, bit 0 is set to 1.
1576:8 Time constant, acceleration filter 2 (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)
Time constant, acceleration filter 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 1.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... defines the time constant setting for the 2nd acceleration filter (1st cascade).
The time constant is only effective if in P1570, bit 1 is set to 0 and bit 9 is set to 1.
1577:8 Denominator natural frequency acceleration filter 2 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Denominator natural frequency acceleration filter 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
... defines the denominator natural frequency setting for the 2nd acceleration filter (1st cascade)
for APC.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-899
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1578:8 Denominator damping, acceleration filter 2 (ARM SRM)

(--> 10.1)
Denominator damping, acceleration filter 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.7 10.0 -- Floating Point immed.
... defines the denominator damping setting for the 2nd acceleration filter (1st cascade) for
1579:8 Numerator natural frequency, acceleration filter 2 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Numerator natural frequency, acceleration filter 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
... defines the numerator natural frequency setting for the 2nd acceleration filter (1st cascade).
The numerator settings are only effective if in P1570, bit 1 is set to 1.
1580:8 Numerator damping, acceleration filter 2 (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)
Numerator damping, acceleration filter 2 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.7 10.0 -- Floating Point immed.
... defines the numerator damping setting for the 2n acceleration filter (1st cascade) for APC.
The numerator settings are only effective if in P1570, bit 1 is set to 1.
1581:8 Denominator natural frequency acceleration filter 3 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Denominator natural frequency acceleration filter 3 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
... defines the denominator natural frequency setting for the 3rd acceleration filter (1st and 2nd
cascades) for APC.
1582:8 Denominator damping, acceleration filter 3 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
A Min
Denominator damping, acceleration filter 3 (SLM)
Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.7 10.0 -- Floating Point immed.
... defines the denominator damping setting for the 3rd acceleration filter (1st and 2nd cas-
cades) for APC.
1583:8 Numerator natural frequency, acceleration filter 3 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Numerator natural frequency, acceleration filter 3 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
... defines the numerator natural frequency setting for the 3rd acceleration filter (1st and 2nd
The numerator settings are only effective if in P1570, bit 2 is set to 1.

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A-900 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1584:8 Numerator damping, acceleration filter 3 (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)
Numerator damping, acceleration filter 3 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.7 10.0 -- Floating Point immed.
... defines the numerator damping setting for the 3rd acceleration filter (1st and 2nd cascade)
for APC.
The numerator settings are only effective if in P1570, bit 2 is set to 1.
1585:8 Time constant, acceleration filter 4 (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)
Time constant, acceleration filter 4 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 1.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... defines the time constant setting for the 4th acceleration filter (2nd cascade).
The time constant is only effective if in P1570, bit 3 is set to 0 and bit 11 is set to 1.
1586:8 Denominator natural frequency acceleration filter 4 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Denominator natural frequency acceleration filter 4 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
... defines the denominator natural frequency setting for the 4th acceleration filter (2nd cascade)
for APC.
1587:8 Denominator damping, acceleration filter 4 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Denominator damping, acceleration filter 4 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.7 10.0 -- Floating Point immed.
... defines the denominator damping setting for the 4th acceleration filter (2nd cascade) for
1588:8 Numerator natural frequency, acceleration filter 4 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)

Numerator natural frequency, acceleration filter 4 (SLM)
Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
... defines the numerator natural frequency setting for the 4th acceleration filter (2nd cascade).
The numerator settings are only effective if in P1570, bit 3 is set to 1.
1589:8 Numerator damping, acceleration filter 4 (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)
Numerator damping, acceleration filter 4 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.7 10.0 -- Floating Point immed.
... defines the numerator damping setting for the 4th acceleration filter (2nd cascade) for APC.
The numerator settings are only effective if in P1570, bit 3 is set to 1.
1590:8 Time constant, acceleration filter 5 (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)
Time constant, acceleration filter 5 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 1.0 500.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... defines the time constant setting for the 5th acceleration filter (2nd cascade) for APC.
The time constant is only effective if in P1570, bit 4 is set to 0 and bit 12 is set to 1.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-901
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1591:8 Denominator natural frequency acceleration filter 5 (ARM SRM)

(--> 10.1)
Denominator natural frequency acceleration filter 5 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
... defines the denominator natural frequency setting for the 5th acceleration filter (2nd cascade)
for APC.
1592:8 Denominator damping, acceleration filter 5 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Denominator damping, acceleration filter 5 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.7 10.0 -- Floating Point immed.
... defines the denominator damping setting for the 5th acceleration filter (2nd cascade) for
1593:8 Numerator natural frequency, acceleration filter 5 (ARM SRM)
(--> 10.1)
Numerator natural frequency, acceleration filter 5 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
2.0 2000.0 8000.0 Hz Floating Point immed.
... defines the numerator natural frequency setting for the 5th acceleration filter (2nd cascade).
The numerator settings are only effective if in P1570, bit 4 is set to 1.
1594:8 Numerator damping, acceleration filter 5 (ARM SRM) (-- > 10.1)
Numerator damping, acceleration filter 5 (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.7 10.0 -- Floating Point immed.
... defines the numerator damping setting for the 5th acceleration filter (2nd cascade) for APC.
The numerator settings are only effective if in P1570, bit 4 is set to 1.
1600 Suppressible faults 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective

A 0 0 7FFF Hex
The following faults can be suppressed using these bits.
Unsigned16 immed.

Bit 4 measuring circuit, motor measuring system (fault 504)

Bit 5 monitoring absolute track (fault 505)
Bit 7 synchronizing error, rotor position (fault 507)
Bit 8 zero mark monitoring, motor measuring system (fault 508)
Bit 9 converter limiting frequency too high (fault 509)
Bit 12 Measuring circuit, direct measuring system (Fault 512)
Bit 13 Monitoring, absolute track, direct measuring system (fault 513)
Bit 14 Zero mark monitoring, direct measuring system (fault 514)
When suppressing the zero mark monitoring with P1600.8 or P1600.14, only faults 508 or 514
are suppressed; however, the internal monitoring functions still remain active.
Bit x = ”1” ----> Fault is suppressed, i.e. de-activated
Bit x = ”0” ----> Fault is activated

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A-902 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1601 Suppressible faults 2

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFF Hex Unsigned16 immed.
The following faults can be suppressed using these bits.
Bit 1 AD conversion error, terminal 56/14 or terminal 24/20 (fault 601)
Bit 5 Position controller output limited (fault 605)
Bit 6 flux controller at its limit (fault 606)
Bit 7 currrent controller at its limit (fault 607)
Bit 8 speed controller at its limit (fault 608)
Bit 9 Encoder limiting frequency exceeded (fault 609)
Bit 13 Immediate shutdown for motor overtemperature (P1607) (fault 613)
Bit 14 delayed shutdown for motor overtemperature (P1602 and P1603) (fault 614)
Bit 15 Direct measuring system, encoder limiting frequency exceeded (fault 615)
Bit x = ”1” ----> Fault is suppressed, i.e. de-activated
Bit x = ”0” ----> Fault is activated
1602 Alarm threshold, motor overtemperature
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 120 200 _C Unsigned16 immed.
... specifies the thermal steady-state permissible motor temperature and is appropriately pre-as-
signed when the motor code is entered.
When this temperature alarm threshold is exceeded, ”only” an appropriate alarm is output which
disappears when the temperature threshold is fallen short off.
If the overtemperature condition remains longer than the time set in P1603, then this results in
fault 614.
The monitoring function can be enabled/disabled via P1601.14.
The temperature monitoring functions with/without pre-alarm (P1602 + P1603 or P1607) are not
mutually restricted, i. e. P1607 < P1602 is permissible.
Refer under the index entry ”Monitoring functions”
1603 Motor temperature alarm timer
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 240 600 s Unsigned16 immed.
When the temperature alarm threshold (P1602) is exceeded, this timer is started. If the timer A
expires, and the temperature has not fallen below alarm threshold, fault 614 is output.
The monitoring function can be enabled/disabled via P1601.14.
Refer under the index entry ”Monitoring functions”
1604 DC link undervoltage warning threshold
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 200 680 V(pk) Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the alarm threshold for the DC link monitoring.
The output signal ”V_DC link > V_x (P1604)” (DC link voltage greater than the DC link undervol-
tage alarm threshold) is set if the DC link voltage is greater than the alarm threshold that has
been set.
The output terminal signals can be inverted via parameter P0699 ”Inversion, output terminal

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-903
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1605 Timer n controller at stop

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
20.0 200.0 10000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... specifies how long the speed controller or velocity controller output can be at its limit without
fault 608 being output.
If P1605 < P1404, then regenerative braking can be exited with fault 608, whereby the drive
then ”coasts down”.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Monitoring functions”
1606 Threshold n controller at stop
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 30.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (ARM)
0.0 500.0 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 90000.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM)
... specifies up to which speed or velocity the torque setpoint or force setpoint monitoring is ac-
tive, i. e. up to this value, fault 608 can be output (speed controller at the endstop).
For PE spindles (P1015 = 1 and P1172 = 0), the standard assignment is the same as for ARM
(30.0 rpm).
refer under index entry ”Monitoring functions”
1607 Shutdown limit motor temperature
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 155 200 _C Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the shutdown limit for the motor temperature monitoring without pre-alarm.
When this temperature threshold is exceeded, the drive is shut down, the pulses canceled and
fault 613 output.
The monitoring function can be enabled/disabled via P1601.13.
The temperature monitoring functions with/without pre-alarm (P1602 + P1603 or P1607) are not
mutually restricted, i. e. P1607 < P1602 is permissible.
Refer under the index entry ”Monitoring functions”
Also refer under the index entry ”Thermal motor model”

A 1608 Fixed temperature

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 200 _C Unsigned16 immed.
If a value > 0 is entered, then the rotor resistor is adapted, temperature-dependent, with this
fixed temperature.
The measured temperature is then no longer monitored and parameters 1602, 1603 and 1607
are then no longer effective.
A fixed temperature can, e. g. be required, if a motor does not have a temperature sensor.
Thus, e.g. the temperature monitoring of linear motors is disabled for the case where the moni-
toring is realized via an external PLC.
Refer under the index entry ”Monitoring functions”

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A-904 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1609 PTC temperature sensor (--> 11.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 Hex Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the sensor type to measure the motor temperature.
Bit 0 Sensor type
Bit 0 = 0 KTY temperature sensor (standard)
Bit 0 = 1 PTC temperature sensor
1610 Diagnostic functions
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 3 Hex Unsigned16 PO (ARM)
0 0 3 Hex Unsigned16 PO (SRM SLM)
Note: Internal Siemens
1611 Response threshold dn/dt
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 300 1600 % Unsigned16 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
1612 Shutdown response, faults 1 (--> 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 8FB2 FFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed. (ARM)
0 FB2 FFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed. (SRM SLM)
... defines how the system responds to the listed faults.
Bit 1 Measuring circuit fault, absolute current (fault 501)
Bit 4 Measuring circuit fault, motor measuring system (fault 504)
Bit 5 Measuring circuit fault, motor measuring system, absolute track (fault 505)
Bit 7 synchronizing error, rotor position (fault 507)
Bit 8 zero mark monitoring, motor measuring system (fault 508)
Bit 9 Drive converter limiting frequency exceeded (fault 509)
Bit 10 Positive feedback detected (fault 510)
Bit 11 Ground fault detected (fault 511)
Bit 12 Measuring circuit error, direct measuring system (fault 512)
Bit 13 Measuring circuit fault, direct measuring system absolute track (fault 513)
Bit 14 Zero mark monitoring, direct measuring system (fault 514)
Bit 15 Heatsink temperature exceeded (fault 515) A
Bit x = ”1” ----> STOP 1 is executed (internal pulse cancellation)
Bit x = ”0” ----> STOP II is executed (internal controller inhibit)
If bit 1 is disabled, then this can destroy the power module (SIMODRIVE 611).

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1613 Shutdown response, faults 2 (--> 3.3)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 7FCE 3FFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed. (ARM)
0 100 3FFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed. (SRM SLM)
... defines how the system responds to the listed faults.
Bit 1 AD conversion error, terminal 56/14 or terminal 24/20 (fault 601)
Bit 2 Open-loop torque controlled operation w/o encoder not permissible (fault 602)
Bit 3 Changeover to a non-parameterized motor data set (fault 603)
Bit 5 Position controller output limited (fault 605)
Bit 6 Flux controller output limited (fault 606)
Bit 7 Current controller output limited (Fault 607)
Bit 8 Speed controller output limited (fault 608)
Bit 9 Encoder limiting frequency exceeded (fault 609)
Bit 10 Rotor position identification has failed (Fault 610)
Bit 11 Illegal motion during rotor position identification (fault 611)
Bit 12 Illegal current during rotor position identification (fault 612)
Bit 13 Shutdown limit, motor overtemperature (P1607) exceeded (fault 613)
Bit 14 delayed shutdown for motor overtemperature (P1602 and P1603) (fault 614)
Bit 15 Direct measuring system, encoder limiting frequency exceeded (fault 615)
Bit 16 DC link undervoltage (Fault 616)
Bit 17 DC link overvoltage (Fault 617)
Bit x = ”1” ----> STOP 1 is executed (internal pulse cancellation)
Bit x = ”0” ----> STOP II is executed (internal controller inhibit)
1615 Tolerance rotational accuracy monitor
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.2 100.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 2.0 100.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM ARM)
Note: Internal Siemens
1616 Diagnosis, actual speed value
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO

A When continuously increased by several increments, there is an increased noise level (the
speed actual value is faulty).

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A-906 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1620 Bits for variable signaling function

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 F Hex Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the behavior of variable message function.
Bit 0 Variable message function
Bit 0 = 1 active
Bit 0 = 0 inactive
Bit 1 Segment, variable message function
Bit 1 = 1 Address space Y
Bit 1 = 0 Address space X
Bit 2 Comparison, signed
Bit 2 = 1 Comparison with sign
Bit 2 = 0 Comparison without sign
Bit 3 Variable is a double word
Bit 3 = 1 Variable is a double word
Bit 3 = 0 Variable is a single word
Parameterize ”variable message function” in the selection box with SimoCom U.
Refer under the index entry ”Variable message function”
1621 Signal number, variable signaling function
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 530 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Parameterize ”variable message function” in the selection box with SimoCom U.
Refer under the index entry ”Variable message function”
1622 Address, variable signaling function
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Parameterize ”variable message function” in the selection box with SimoCom U.
Refer under the index entry ”Variable message function”
1623 Threshold, variable signaling function A
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
F4143E00 0 BEBC200 Hex Integer32 immed.
Parameterize ”variable message function” in the selection box with SimoCom U.
Refer under the index entry ”Variable message function”
1624 Hysteresis, variable signaling function
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 BEBC200 Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Parameterize ”variable message function” in the selection box with SimoCom U.
Refer under the index entry ”Variable message function”

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-907
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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1625 Pull-in delay, variable signaling function

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 10000 ms Unsigned16 immed.
Parameterize ”variable message function” in the selection box with SimoCom U.
Refer under the index entry ”Variable message function”
1626 Drop-out delay, variable signaling function
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 10000 ms Unsigned16 immed.
Parameterize ”variable message function” in the selection box with SimoCom U.
Refer under the index entry ”Variable message function”
1645 Incorrect orientation timer, direction monitoring (SRM SLM)
(--> 11.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
12.0 12.0 1000.0 ms Floating Point immed. (SRM SLM)
... defines how long the current controller may remain at the same end stop while the accelera-
tion/velocity and torque/force have different directions.
After this time has expired fault 510 ”positive feedback detected” is initiated.
1646 Threshold, disable direction monitoring (SRM SLM) (-- > 11.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 0.2 100000.0 m/min Floating Point immed. (SLM)
0.0 20.0 100000.0 rpm Floating Point immed. (SRM)
... specifies from which speed/velocity the direction monitoring is disabled.
If this limit is exceeded and in so doing incorrect orientation does not occur, the monitoring is
disabled. After ramping-up and after de-selecting the parking axis, the monitoring is re-enabled.
1650 Diagnostics control
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFF Hex Unsigned16 immed.
... allows the diagnostic functions to be configured.
A Bit 0
Bit 0 = 1
Min/max memory
Enable the ”Min/Max memory” function
Bit 0 = 0 Disable the ”min/max memory” function
Bit 1 Segment, min/max memory
Bit 1 = 1 Segment Y: (min/max memory)
Bit 1 = 0 Segment X: (Min/Max memory)
Bit 2 Comparison, signed
Bit 2 = 1 Comparison signed (min/max memory)
Bit 2 = 0 Comparison unsigned (absolute value)(Min/Max memory)
Bit 15 Cyclically display the parameter number
Bit 15 = 1 Cyclic display is inactive
Bit 15 = 0 Cyclic display is active (seven-segment display)
While a parameter value is being displayed, the associated parameter number or subparameter
number is displayed every 10 seconds for one second.

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1651 Signal number, min/max memory

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 530 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Refer under the index entry ”signal selection list for analog output”
Note: Internal Siemens
1652 Memory location min/max memory
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
1653 Minimum value Min/Max memory
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned32 RO
Displays the min. value in the min/max memory.
Note: Internal Siemens
1654 Maximum value Min/Max memory
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned32 RO
Displays the max. value in the min/max memory.
Note: Internal Siemens
1655 Segment memory location monitor
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Select the segment for the monitor function.
0 Segment X: (Monitor)
1 Segment Y: (Monitor)
Note: Internal Siemens
1656 Address memory location monitor
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Select the address for the monitor function.
Note: Internal Siemens A
1657 Value display monitor
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned32 RO
Displays the contents of the address in P1655/P1656.
Note: Internal Siemens
1658 Value input monitor
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
1659 Value acceptance monitor
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens

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A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1690 Memory test event counter

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFF -- Unsigned16 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
1691 Memory test last address
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
1692 Memory test setpoint
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
1693 Memory test actual value
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
1694 Memory test actual value
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
1701 DC link voltage
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- V(pk) Unsigned16 RO
... is used for continuous display (measurement) of the DC link voltage.
If a value > 0 V is in P1161 (fixed DC link voltage), then this display is not valid.
The DC link voltage is centrally measured at the NE module. This means that the DC link con-
nection to the drive modules cannot be checked using P1701.
1703 Lead time, motor measuring system conversion
A Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- s Unsigned16 RO
Note: Internal Siemens
1705 Voltage setpoint (rms)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- V(RMS) Floating Point RO
Displays the phase-to-phase voltage.
1708 Torque-generating current Iq
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO
... displays the torque-generating current Iq RMS.
The display of the torque generating current actual value is smoothed using a PT1 filter
The smoothed current actual value is displayed as an absolute percentage, where 100 % corre-
sponds to the maximum power module current (e. g. for an 18/36 A power module ---->
100 % = 36 A RMS).

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A-910 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1709 Significance, voltage representation

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Floating Point RO
Note: Internal Siemens
1710 Significance, current representation
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- A(pk) Floating Point RO
Note: Internal Siemens
1711 Significance, speed representation (ARM SRM)
Significance, velocity representation (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- m/min Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- rpm Floating Point RO (SRM ARM)
Note: Internal Siemens
1712 Significance, rotor flux representation (ARM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Vs Floating Point RO (ARM)
Note: Internal Siemens
1713 Significance torque representation (ARM SRM)
Significance, force representation (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- N Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- Nm Floating Point RO (SRM ARM)
Note: Internal Siemens
1715 Limit, thermal motor utilization
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Floating Point RO
Note: Internal Siemens
1716 Torque setpoint (ARM SRM)
Force setpoint (SLM) A
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- N Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- Nm Floating Point RO (SRM ARM)
... displays the actual torque setpoint or force setpoint (SLM).
The torque/force setpoint display is smoothed using a PT1 filter (P1252).
1717 Limiting factor for torque/power (ARM SRM)
Limiting factor for force/power (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO
... displays the actual limiting factor for torque/power or force/power (SLM).
refer to the index entry ”Torque/power reduction”

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1718 Torque-generating current Iq (A) (-- > 3.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- A(rms) Floating Point RO
... displays the torque-generating current Iq as RMS value.
The display of the torque generating current actual value is smoothed using a PT1 filter
1719 Actual absolute current (rms)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- A(rms) Floating Point RO
Displays the motor phase current RMS.
1723 Diagnosis, ramp-up time
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- ms Unsigned16 RO
Note: Internal Siemens
1724 Diagnosis, rotational accuracy monitor
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
Note: Internal Siemens
1725 Normalization of torque setpoint (ARM SRM) (-- > 2.4)
Normalization of force setpoint (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- N Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- Nm Floating Point RO (SRM ARM)
... specifies the reference value for the status word Msoll for PROFIBUS.
The following applies before SW 4.1: The value corresponds to 800% of the rated motor torque.
From SW 4.1 the following applies: The value corresponds to P0882 * rated motor torque.
1726 Calculated jerk time (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective

A -- -- -- ms
... displays the calculated jerk time which is currently effective.
Floating Point RO

Note: refer to the index entry ”Jerk limitation”

1729 Actual rotor position (electrical) (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Degree Floating Point RO
...displays the actual electrical rotor position.
1731 Image ZK1_PO register
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
Note: Internal Siemens
1732 Image ZK1_RES register
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
Note: Internal Siemens

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1733 NPFK diagnosis counter

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
Note: Internal Siemens
1734 Diagnostics, rotor position identification (SRM SLM) (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Integer16 RO (SRM SLM)
... indicates the result of the last rotor position identification. When a fault condition occurs, neg-
ative values indicate the fault cause.
0 Function was not selected or was not exited
1, 2 Function was successfully executed (saturation-based technique)
3 Function was successfully executed (motion-based traversing, from SW 6.1)
Error codes
--1 Measurement has not provided any significant result
Remedy: Increase current (P1019)
--2 Current was not able to be reduced again in time during the measurement
Remedy: Check armature inductance (P1116) and if required, increase
--3 The motor moved during the measurement more than permitted in P1020
Remedy: Increase permissible rotation (P1020) or reduce current (P1019)
--4 Current rise is too low, the motor is possibily not correctly connected
Remedy: Check motor terminals
--5 The current limit of the motor or the power module was exceeded
Remedy: Check current limits or reduce armature inductance (P1116)
--6 Longest permissible time RLI exceeded. Within the permissible time, no continuous rotor
position value was achieved (from SW 6.1).
Remedy: refer under the index entry ”Rotor position identification”
----> ”Parameterization for motion-based traversing”
--7 No clear rotor position found. It appears that the motor cannot be freely moved
(e.g. it is locked, at its end stop).
Remedy: refer under the index entry ”Rotor position identification”
----> ”Parameterization for motion-based traversing”
refer to P1736 or under the index entry ”Rotor position identification”, ”PE spindle” or ”Linear
motor” A
1735 Processor utilization
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Unsigned16 RO
... continuously displays (online) the processor utilization and provides information about the
available computation time reserves of the processor.
The processor utilization is essentially dependent on the number of axes, operating mode and
cycle setting.
P1735 > 90 %
If, after start-up (optimization), this is displayed as ”normal status”, then there is a high danger
that if additional computation time-intensive functions are selected, the processor will be over-
loaded (e.g. measuring function).
If processor utilization is too high it can be reduced by increasing the clock cycles (refer to the
index entry ”cycles”).
P1735 < 90 %
From experience, there are no problems here, so that later (e.g. when troubleshooting), supple-
mentary functions (e.g. measuring functions, trace functions) can be temporarily activated.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-913
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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1736 Test, rotor position identification (SRM SLM)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed. (SRM SLM)
To check the rotor position identification, using this test function, the difference between the cal-
culated rotor position angle, and that currently used by the control, can be determined.
Bit 0 = 1: The rotor position identification test has been activated (either directly here or
through the activated plausibility monitoring encoder -- P1011[10] = 1).
----> the difference is entered into P1737
Bit 0 = 0: The test has been completed (initial state)
Bit 1 The rotor position identification is also started even when the brake control is acti-
Bit 23 Start for the encoder plausibility monitoring (this cannot be set). When the en-
coder plausibility monitoring is activated bit 0 and bit 23 are set (from SW 10.1).
refer under the index entry ”Rotor position identification”, ”PE spindle” or ”Linear motor”
1737 Difference, rotor position identification (SRM SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Degree Floating Point RO (SRM SLM)
also referfor P1736 and under the index entry ”PE spindle” or ”linear motor”
The rotor position identification is described in:
References: /FBA/, Description of Functions, Drive Functions, Section DM1
1738 No. of data backup operations in the FEPROM
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned32 RO
Note: Internal Siemens
1739 You must save in the FEPROM
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... displays that at least one parameter was written into and the value was not yet saved in the
non-volatile memory (FEPROM).
A 1
Must be saved in the FEPROM because parameters have been changed
Need not be saved in the FEPROM
1740 Significance, abs. speed act. value representation (fine) (ARM
Significance, abs.velocity act.value representation(fine) (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- m/min Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- rpm Floating Point RO (SRM ARM)
Note: Internal Siemens
1741 Significance, utilization representation (fine)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- % Floating Point RO (SRM ARM)
Note: Internal Siemens

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1742 Significance, torque setpoint representation (fine) (ARM SRM)

Significance, force setpoint representation (fine) (SLM)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- N Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- Nm Floating Point RO (SRM ARM)
Note: Internal Siemens
1743 Significance, velocity representation
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- c*MSR/min Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- c*MSR/min Floating Point RO (SRM ARM)
Note: Internal Siemens
1744 Weighting, velocity representation, external
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- c*MSR/min Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- c*MSR/min Floating Point RO (SRM ARM)
Note: Internal Siemens
1745 Weighting following error representation DSC
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- mm Floating Point RO (SLM)
-- -- -- Degree Floating Point RO (SRM ARM)
Note: Internal Siemens
1781:17 Setpoint source, process data PROFIBUS (--> 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... indicates the source of the process data received via PROFIBUS.
The high byte includes a reference to the source device (0xFF for the master, DP address for a
Publisher) and the low byte, the offset within the telegram
(Counting in bytes, starting with 1).
The following is valid:
P1781:0 Number of valid entries
Source of process data 1 (STW1)
Source of process data 2 (PZD2), etc. A
Note: refer to the index entry ”Process data”
1782:17 Target offset PROFIBUS process data (-- > 4.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... indicates which offset the process data have in the telegrams sent to the master or the sub-
scribers via the PROFIBUS
(Counting in bytes, starting with 1).
The following is valid:
P1782:0 Number of valid entries
P1782:1 Target offset, process data 1 (ZSW1)
P1782:2 Target offset, process data 2 (PZD2), etc.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Process data”

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A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1783:97 PROFIBUS parameterization data received (-- > 3.1)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... is an image of the parameterizing data received from the DP slave.
The sub-parameter
with index 0 contains the number of valid bytes of the parameterization frame
= 0 ----> no parameterizing data available
with index 1, the 1st byte includes the parameterizing data
with index 2, the 2nd byte includes the parameterizing data, etc.
1784:97 PROFIBUS configuration data received (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... is an image of the configuration data received by the DP slave.
The sub-parameter
with index 0 contains the number of valid bytes of the configuration frame
= 0 ----> no configuration data available
with index 1, the 1st byte includes the configuration data
with index 2, the 2nd byte includes the configuration data, etc.
1785:13 Expanded PROFIBUS diagnostics (-- > 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... contains diagnostic information for PROFIBUS operation. For the individual indices of P1785,
the following applies:
:0 Error, master sign-of-life since POWER ON
:1 Clock cycle-synchronous operation selected
:2 Interpolation clock cycle (Tipo) in s
:3 Position controller clock cycle (Tlr) in s
:4 Master application cycle time (Tmapc) in s
:5 DP cycle time (Tdp) in s
:6 Data Exchange time (Tdx) in s
:7 Instant of the setpoint sensing (To) in s
:8 Instant of the actual value sensing (Ti) in s
A :9 PLL window (Tpllw) in 1/12 s
:10 PLL delay time (Tplld) in 1/12 s
:11 External slave-to-slave communication links
:12 Internal slave-to-slave communication links
1786:5 PKW data received, PROFIBUS (-- > 2.4)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... is an image of the PKW data received by the DP slave.
The sub-parameter
with index 0 contains the number of valid words
= 0 ----> no PKW data available
= 4 ----> PKW data available
with index 1 of the PKE word (PKE: Parameter identification)
with index 2 of the IND word (IND: Sub-index, sub-parameter number, array index)
with index 3 of the most significant PWE word (PWE: Parameter value)
with index 4 of the least-significant PWE word
Note: refer to the index entry ”PKW area”

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A-916 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
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1787:5 PKW data sent, PROFIBUS (-- > 2.4)

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... is an image of the PKW data sent to the DP master.
The sub-parameter
with index 0 contains the number of valid words
= 0 ----> no PKW data available
= 4 ----> PKW data available
with index 1 of the PKE word (PKE: Parameter identification)
With index 2 -- the IND word (IND: Subindex, sub-parameter number, array index)
with index 3 of the most significant PWE word (PWE: Parameter value)
with index 4 of the least-significant PWE word
Note: refer to the index entry ”PKW area”
1788:17 Processed data received via PROFIBUS
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... is an image of the process data received from the DP slave (control words).
The sub-parameter
with index 0 -- contains the number of valid words,
with index 1, the process data 1 (control word 1), with index 2, the process data 2 (PZD2), ...
Note: refer to the index entry ”Process data”
1789:17 Process data sent via PROFIBUS
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- Hex Unsigned16 RO
... is an image of the process data sent to the DP master (status words).
The sub-parameter
with index 0 -- contains the number of valid words,
with index 1, process data 1 (status word 1), with index 2, process data 2 (PZD2), ...
Note: refer to the index entry ”Process data”
1790 Meas. circ. type indirect meas. system
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- --
... displays which measuring system type is used.
-- Integer16 RO
0 Encoder with sin/cos 1 Vpp signals
7 TTL encoder (new basic module HR)
11 Encoder with sin/cos 1 Vpp voltage signals with a higher resolution
13 Resolver with higher resolution (14 bit)
14 Resolver (12 bit)
16 EnDat encoder (absolute value encoder)
27 EnDat encoder (absolute value encoder) with higher incremental track resolution
1792 Active measuring system (-- > 3.3)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned16 RO
... indicates the measuring system which the drive control uses.
0 No measuring system
1 Motor measuring system
2 Direct measuring system

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1794 Option module (PROFIBUS): Version initial program loader

(--> 3.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned32 RO
... indicates which version of the initializer is on the option module.
Example: P1794 = 10104 ----> V01.01.04 is available
1795 Option module (PROFIBUS): Version firmware
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned32 RO
... displays the firmware version on the option module.
Example: P1795 = 10104 ----> V01.01.04 is available
1796 Initializer version
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned32 RO
... displays which version of the initializer is available on the memory module.
Example: P1796 = 10104 ----> V01.01.04 is available
1797 Module initial program loader version (-- > 9.1)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned32 RO
... indicates which version of the module initial program loader is available in the control module.
Example: P1797 = 10101 ----> V01.01.01 is available
1798 Firmware date
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
-- -- -- -- Unsigned32 RO
Internal Siemens
... displays when the firmware release (P1799) was generated.
Note: yyyymmdd ----> yyyy = year, mm = month, dd = day
1799 Firmware version
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective

A -- -- -- --
... displays the firmware version on the memory module.
Unsigned32 RO

Example: P1799 = 10103 ----> V01.01.03 is available

1800 Function generator control
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--40 0 2 -- Integer16 immed.
Note: Refer under the index entry ”Function generator control”
1804 Function generator operating mode
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 3 5 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Note: Refer under index entry ”Function generator operating mode”
1805 Function generator curve shape
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 5 -- Unsigned16 immed.
... specifies, which waveform of the function generator should be output.

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A-918 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1806 Start-up function amplitude

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1600.0 5.0 1600.0 % Floating Point immed.
... defines the amplitude of the function generation signal to be output. The unit depends on
1, 2 Unit is referred to P1103 (rated motor current)
3 Unit is referred to P1400 (rated motor speed)
1807 Start-up function offset
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1600.0 0.0 1600.0 % Floating Point immed.
... defines the offset of the function generator signal to be output. The unit depends on P1804.
1 Unit is referred to P1103 (rated motor current)
2, 3 Unit is referred to P1400 (rated motor speed
For P1804 = 2 (operating mode ”disturbing torque”), the offset does not act on the current set-
point, but on the speed setpoint in order to bypass the effects of backlash.
1808 Function generator limitation
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 100.0 1600.0 % Floating Point immed.
... defines the limit of the function generator signal to be output. The unit depends on P1804.
1, 2 Unit is referred to P1103 (rated motor current)
3 Unit is referred to P1400 (rated motor speed
The limit is effective, symmetrically around the zero point.
For P1804 = 2 (operating mode ”Disturbing torque”) the limit only acts on the curret setpoint,
however, not on the speed setpoint (=offset).
1809 Function generator 2nd amplitude (staircase)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--1600.0 7.0 1600.0 % Floating Point immed.
... specifies the 2nd amplitude for the ”Staircase” waveform of the function generator signal to
be output. The unit depends on P1804.
1, 2 Unit is referred to P1103 (rated motor current)
3 Unit is referred to P1400 (rated motor speed A
1810 Function generator period
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1000 65535 ms Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the period of the function generator signal to be output.
1811 Function generator, pulse width (squarewave)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 500 65535 ms Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the pulse width for the ”squarewave” waveform of the function generator signal to be
1812 Start-up function, bandwidth (FFT)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 4000 8000 Hz Unsigned16 immed.
... defines the bandwidth in PRBS operation (only for P1805 = 4, PRBS).

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-919
A Lists 01.99
A.1 Parameter list ! 611ue diff !

1813 Start-up function, ramp-up time to P1400

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0.0 32.0 100000.0 ms Floating Point immed.
... specifies the time in which the drive accelerates or brakes to the required speed. In this case,
the parameter refers to P1400 (rated speed).
1814 Measuring function meas. type
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 1 11 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Measuring function”
1815 Measuring function meas. period (step change)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 100 2000 ms Unsigned16 immed.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Measuring function”
1816 Measuring function settling time
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 100 65535 ms Unsigned16 immed.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Measuring function”
1817 Measuring function no. of averaging ops. (FFT)
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
1 16 1000 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Measuring function”
1820 Signal number test socket 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 8 530 -- Unsigned16 immed.
The parameter defines which signal is output via test socket 1.
The signal number from the signal selection list for analog outputs must be entered.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Test sockets”
1821 Shift factor test socket 1
A Min
Data type
... defines the shift factor, with which the analog signal is manipulated.
An 8 bit window of the 24/48 bit signal can be represented via the test socket, thus, the shift
factor must be used to define which window of the internal 24/48 bits is to be displayed.
1822 Offset test socket 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--128 0 127 -- Integer16 immed.
The parameter specifies the offset value which is added to the 8-bit output signal.
Note: refer to the index entry ”Test sockets”
1823 Segment address test socket 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens

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A-920 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
05.10 A Lists
! 611ue diff ! A.1 Parameter list

1824 Offset address test socket 1

Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
1826 Status test socket 1
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
This parameter determines the status of test socket 1 for this drive.
0 test socket is inactive
1 test socket is active
As always only one drive can output one value at a test socket, when changing the parameter
in one drive, the parameter in the other drive is appropriately changed.
On a 2-axis module, the test sockets are pre-set as follows after the first start-up:
Drive A: Test socket 1 = active (P1826 = 1) and test socket 2 = inactive (P1836 = 0)
Drive B: Test socket 1 = inactive (P1826 = 0) and test socket 2 = active (P1836 = 1)
(refer to the index entry ”Test sockets”)
1830 Signal number test socket 2
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 14 530 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Description, refer to that for P1820.
1831 Shift factor test socket 2
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 12 47 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Description, refer to that for P1821.
1832 Offset test socket 2
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
--128 0 127 -- Integer16 immed.
Description, refer to that for P1822.
1833 Segment address test socket 2
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective A
0 0 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
1834 Offset address test socket 2
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 0 FFFFFF Hex Unsigned32 immed.
Note: Internal Siemens
1836 Status test socket 2
Min Standard Max Unit Data type Effective
0 1 1 -- Unsigned16 immed.
Description, refer to that for P1826.

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-921
A Lists 01.99
A.2 Power module list

A.2 Power module list

Power module A power module is defined by its Order No. (MLFB) and internally by its
Order No. and code number.
Table A-1 Power module Order No. and code

Order No. Power No. of Current rating

(MLFB) module
d l a es
Tran-- Motor1) Motor1)
sistor 1FT6, 1FK6, 1PHx,
current 1FNx 1FE1 (from SW 3.1)
P1106 [A(pk)] In/Imax In/IS6/Imax [A(rms)]
P1107 [A(rms)] P1111/P1109/P1108
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0HAx 1 1/2 8 3/6 3/3/3
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0AAx 2 1/2 15 5/10 5/5/8
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0BAx 4 1/2 25 9/18 8/10/16
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0CAx 6 1/2 50 18/36 24/32/32
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0DAx 7 1 80 28/56 30/40/51
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0LAx 132) 1 108 42/64 45/60/76
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0GAx 82) 1 120 42/64 45/60/76
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0EAx 9 1 160 56/112 60/80/102
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0FAx 10 1 200 70/140 85/110/127
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0JAx 112) 1 300 100/150 (from 120/150/193
SW 12.2)
6SN112x--1Ax0x--0KAx 12 1 400 140/210 200/250/257

A rms:
rms value
Peak value
x: Space retainer for the Order No.
In: Continuous current
IS6: Current for max. 4 min. for S6 load duty cycle
Imax: Peak current
1) At higher pulse frequencies (P1100) In, Imax and IS6 must be reduced to protect the power
The following applies before SW 2.4:
The display using P1108, P1109 and P1111 depends on the pulse frequency.
The reduction factor is already calculated into this parameter.
The displayed values only correspond to the values in the table for the standard setting of the
pulse frequency (P1100).
The following applies from SW 2.4:
The display using P1108, P1109 and P1111 corresponds to the values in this table.
The limiting factor is displayed in P1099 (limiting factor, power module currents).
P1111 = 9 A, P1099 = 80 % ----> reduced rated current In = 9 A S 80 % = 7.2 A
2) from SW 8.2

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A-922 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
10.99 A Lists
A.2 Power module list

Reader’s note
Additional information about the power modules can be found in
Reference: /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters
Chapter ”Power modules”

i2t power module This limit protects the power module from continuous overload.
The power module current is limited according to a characteristic if the
(from SW 3.1)
drive converter operates for an excessive time above the permissible
load limit. The load limit is set per parameter.
The limit is removed step--by--step if the power module is no longer
being operated above the load limit.

i2t limit for the following motors: 1FT6, i2t limit for the following motors: 1PHx,
1FK6, 1FNx 1FE1
Warning 820 Warning 820
i (from SW 3.6) i (from SW 3.6)
imax imax

P1260 S iS6

P1261 S in P1261 S in

4s 8s t 10 s 20 s ≤ ≤ t
4 min 8 min

Range Range
without current of the limited
without current
of the limited
limiting current limiting current
imax = P1108 (current limit, power module) S P1099 (limit factor, power module currents)
iS6 = P1109 (current limit, power module S6) S P1099 (limit factor, power module currents)
in = P1111 (rated current, power module) S P1099 (limit factor, power module currents)

Fig. A-2 Behavior when operation is continued at the current limit

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-923
A Lists 01.99
A.2 Power module list

Output signals The following signals are available for the ”i2t power module limit” func-
(refer to Chapter tion:
6.4.5 and 6.4.6)
S Output terminal signal ----> function number 37
(power module current not limited)
S PROFIBUS status signal ----> MeldW.10
(power module current not limited)

Parameter The following parameters are available for the ”i2t power module limit-
overview ing” function:
(refer to Chapter
S Parameters which have to be set:
-- P1260 i2t limiting, limit current power module S6
-- P1261 i2t limiting, rated power module current
These parameters are preset to protect the power module. It
may be possible to protect the motor against continuous over-
load by reducing the parameter values.
S Parameters used for diagnostics:
-- P1262 i2t time in limiting
-- P1263 actual i2t limit factor
-- P1264 i2t actual utilization factor (from SW 4.1)
Interrelationship between parameters:
P1262 Constant Running
P1263 100 % <100 %
P1264 <100 % 100 %
----> Limiting? No Yes

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A-924 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

A.3 List of motors

Reader’s note
General information about the motors can be found in
Configuration Manuals
/PJAL/ General Part for Synchronous Motors
/ASAL/ General Part for Asynchnonous Motors

A.3.1 List of the rotating synchronous motors

Reader’s note
Information about the motors can be found in
Configuration Manuals
/PFK6/ AC Servomotors 1FK6
/PFK7/ Synchronous Motors 1FK7
/PFT6/ Synchronous Motors 1FT6
/PFT7/ Synchronous Motors 1FT7
SINAMICS_1PH8_Configuration Manual
/PH8S/ Main Spindle Motors 1PH8

Motor code for

Table A-2 Motor code for rotating synchronous motors (SRM)
motors (SRM)
Order No. Motor nrated M0 I0
(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FK6032--6AK7x--xxxx 2401 6000 1.1 1.70
1FK6033--7AK7x--xxxx 2315 6000 1.3 2.20
1FK6040--6AK7x--xxxx 2402 6000 1.6 2.80
1FK6042--6AF7x--xxxx 2201 3000 3.2 2.80
1FK6043--7AH7x--xxxx 2311 4500 3.1 4.50
1FK6043--7AK7x--xxxx 2314 6000 3.1 6.40
1FK6044--7AF7x--xxxx 2211 3000 4.0 4.50
1FK6044--7AH7x--xxxx 2312 4500 4.0 6.30
1FK6060--6AF7x--xxxx 2202 3000 6.0 4.30

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-925
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-2 Motor code for rotating synchronous motors (SRM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated M0 I0

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FK6061--7AF7x--xxxx 2212 3000 6.4 6.10
1FK6061--7AH7x--xxxx 2313 4500 6.4 8.00
1FK6063--6AF7x--xxxx 2203 3000 11.0 7.90
1FK6064--7AF7x--xxxx 2213 3000 12.0 11.00
1FK6064--7AH7x--xxxx 2214 4500 12.0 15.00
1FK6080--6AF7x--xxxx 2204 3000 8.0 5.80
1FK6082--7AF7x--xxxx 2215 3000 14.0 10.60
1FK6083--6AF7x--xxxx 2205 3000 16.0 10.40
1FK6085--7AF7x--xxxx 2216 3000 22.0 22.50
1FK6100--8AF7x--xxxx 2206 3000 18.0 12.20
1FK6101--8AF7x--xxxx 2207 3000 27.0 17.50
1FK6103--8AF7x--xxxx 2208 3000 36.0 23.50
1FK7011--xAK7x--xxxx 2511 6000 0.18 1.50
1FK7015--xAK7x--xxxx 2512 6000 0.35 1.50
1FK7022--xAK7x--xxxx 2538 6000 0.85 1.80
1FK7032--xAK7x--xxxx 2539 6000 1.15 1.70
1FK7033--xAK7x--xxxx 2560 6000 1.3 2.20
1FK7034--xAK7x--xxxx 2573 6000 1.6 1.90
1FK7040--xAK7x--xxxx 2540 6000 1.6 2.25
1FK7042--xAC7x--xxxx 2543 2000 3.0 1.60
1FK7042--xAF7x--xxxx 2500 3000 3.0 2.20
A 1FK7042--xAK7x--xxxx 2541 6000 3.0 4.40
1FK7043--xAH7x--xxxx 2561 4500 3.1 4.50
1FK7043--xAK7x--xxxx 2562 6000 3.1 6.40
1FK7044--xAF7x--xxxx 2563 3000 4.0 4.50
1FK7044--xAH7x--xxxx 2564 4500 4.0 6.30
1FK7060--xAF7x--xxxx 2501 3000 6.0 4.50
1FK7060--xAH7x--xxxx 2520 4500 6.0 6.20
1FK7061--xAF7x--xxxx 2565 3000 6.4 6.10
1FK7061--xAH7x--xxxx 2566 4500 6.4 8.00
1FK7063--xAF7x--xxxx 2502 3000 11.0 8.00
1FK7063--xAH7x--xxxx 2521 4500 11.0 12.00
1FK7064--xAF7x--xxxx 2567 3000 12.0 11.00
1FK7064--xAH7x--xxxx 2568 4500 12.0 15.00

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-926 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.08 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-2 Motor code for rotating synchronous motors (SRM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated M0 I0

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FK7080--xAF7x--xxxx 2503 3000 8.0 4.80
1FK7080--xAH7x--xxxx 2522 4500 8.0 7.40
1FK7082--xAF7x--xxxx 2569 3000 14.0 10.60
1FK7083--xAF7x--xxxx 2504 3000 16.0 10.40
1FK7083--xAH7x--xxxx 2523 4500 16.0 15.00
1FK7085--xAF7x--xxxx 2570 3000 22.0 22.50
1FK7086--xAA7x--xxxx 2574 1200 28.0 9.20
1FK7086--xAC7x--xxxx 2576 2000 28.0 13.00
1FK7086--xAF7x--xxxx 2572 3000 28.0 21.00
1FK7086--xSF7x--xxxx 2571 3000 38.0 29.00
1FK7100--xAF7x--xxxx 2505 3000 18.0 11.20
1FK7101--xAC7x--xxxx 2510 2000 27.0 12.60
1FK7101--xAF7x--xxxx 2506 3000 27.0 19.00
1FK7103--xAC7x--xxxx 2513 2000 36.0 15.50
1FK7103--xAF7x--xxxx 2507 3000 36.0 27.50
1FK7105--xAC7x--xxxx 2508 2000 48.0 20.00
1FK7105--xAF7x--xxxx 2509 3000 48.0 31.00

1FT6021--6AK7x--xxxx 1411 6000 0.4 1.25

1FT6024--6AK7x--xxxx 1412 6000 0.8 1.25
1FT6031--xAK7x--xxxx 1401 6000 1.0 1.40
1FT6034--xAK7x--xxxx 1402 6000 2.0 2.60 A
1FT6041--xAF7x--xxxx 1201 3000 2.6 1.90
1FT6041--xAK7x--xxxx 1403 6000 2.6 3.00
1FT6044--xAF7x--xxxx 1202 3000 5.0 3.00
1FT6044--xAK7x--xxxx 1404 6000 5.0 5.90
1FT6061--xAC7x--xxxx 1101 2000 4.0 1.90
1FT6061--xAF7x--xxxx 1203 3000 4.0 2.70
1FT6061--xAH7x--xxxx 1301 4500 4.0 4.00
1FT6061--xAK7x--xxxx 1405 6000 4.0 5.00
1FT6062--xAC7x--xxxx 1102 2000 6.0 2.70
1FT6062--xAF7x--xxxx 1204 3000 6.0 4.10
1FT6062--xAH7x--xxxx 1302 4500 6.0 5.70
1FT6062--xAK7x--xxxx 1406 6000 6.0 7.60

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-927
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-2 Motor code for rotating synchronous motors (SRM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated M0 I0

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FT6062--xWF7x--xxxx 1270 3000 10.2 6.90
1FT6062--xWH7x--xxxx 1370 4500 10.2 9.70
1FT6062--xWK7x--xxxx 1470 6000 10.2 12.90
1FT6064--xAC7x--xxxx 1103 2000 9.5 4.20
1FT6064--xAF7x--xxxx 1205 3000 9.5 6.10
1FT6064--xAH7x--xxxx 1303 4500 9.5 9.00
1FT6064--xAK7x--xxxx 1407 6000 9.5 12.00
1FT6064--xWF7x--xxxx 1272 3000 16.2 10.30
1FT6064--xWH7x--xxxx 1372 4500 16.2 15.40
1FT6064--xWK7x--xxxx 1472 6000 16.2 20.50
1FT6081--xAC7x--xxxx 1104 2000 8.0 3.90
1FT6081--xAF7x--xxxx 1206 3000 8.0 5.80
1FT6081--xAH7x--xxxx 1304 4500 8.0 8.60
1FT6081--xAK7x--xxxx 1408 6000 8.0 11.10
1FT6082--xAC7x--xxxx 1105 2000 13.0 6.60
1FT6082--xAF7x--xxxx 1207 3000 13.0 9.60
1FT6082--xAH7x--xxxx 1305 4500 13.0 14.80
1FT6082--xAK7x--xxxx 1409 6000 13.0 17.30
1FT6084--xAC7x--xxxx 1106 2000 20.0 8.80
1FT6084--xAF7x--xxxx 1208 3000 20.0 13.20
1FT6084--xAH7x--xxxx 1306 4500 20.0 19.80
A 1FT6084--xAK7x--xxxx 1410 6000 20.0 24.10
1FT6084--xSF7x--xxxx 1258 3000 26.0 18.20
1FT6084--xSH7x--xxxx 1356 4500 26.0 26.00
1FT6084--xSK7x--xxxx 1460 6000 26.0 35.00
1FT6084--xWF7x--xxxx 1283 3000 35.0 24.50
1FT6084--xWH7x--xxxx 1381 4500 35.0 37.00
1FT6084--xWK7x--xxxx 1485 6000 35.0 47.00
1FT6086--xAC7x--xxxx 1107 2000 27.0 11.30
1FT6086--xAF7x--xxxx 1209 3000 27.0 16.40
1FT6086--xAH7x--xxxx 1307 4500 27.0 23.30
1FT6086--xSF7x--xxxx 1259 3000 35.0 25.00
1FT6086--xSH7x--xxxx 1357 4500 35.0 38.00
1FT6086--xSG7x--xxxx 1257 4000 27.0 23.30

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A-928 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.04 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-2 Motor code for rotating synchronous motors (SRM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated M0 I0

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FT6086--xSK7x--xxxx 1461 6000 35.0 44.00
1FT6086--xWF7x--xxxx 1284 3000 47.0 34.00
1FT6086--xWH7x--xxxx 1382 4500 47.0 52.00
1FT6086--xWK7x--xxxx 1486 6000 47.0 59.00
1FT6102--xAB7x--xxxx 1001 1500 27.0 8.70
1FT6102--xAC7x--xxxx 1108 2000 27.0 12.10
1FT6102--xAF7x--xxxx 1210 3000 27.0 16.90
1FT6102--xAH7x--xxxx 1308 4500 27.0 24.10
1FT6105--xAB7x--xxxx 1002 1500 50.0 16.00
1FT6105--xAC7x--xxxx 1109 2000 50.0 21.40
1FT6105--xAF7x--xxxx 1211 3000 50.0 32.00
1FT6105--xSB7x--xxxx 1139 1500 65.0 21.90
1FT6105--xSC7x--xxxx 1159 2000 65.0 30.00
1FT6105--xSF7x--xxxx 1261 3000 65.0 42.00
1FT6105--xSH7x--xxxx 1351 4500 65.0 59.00
1FT6105--xWC7x--xxxx 1184 2000 85.0 58.00
1FT6105--xWF7x--xxxx 1286 3000 85.0 83.00
1FT6108--xAB7x--xxxx 1003 1500 70.0 22.30
1FT6108--xAC7x--xxxx 1110 2000 70.0 29.00
1FT6108--xAF7x--xxxx 1213 3000 70.0 41.00
1FT6108--xSB7x--xxxx 1140 1500 90.0 31.00
1FT6108--xSC7x--xxxx 1160 2000 90.0 41.00 A
1FT6108--xSF7x--xxxx 1260 3000 90.0 62.00
1FT6108--xWB7x--xxxx 1078 1500 119.0 43.00
1FT6108--xWC7x--xxxx 1185 2000 119.0 57.00
1FT6108--xWF7x--xxxx 1288 3000 119.0 86.00
1FT6132--xAB7x--xxxx 1004 1500 75.0 21.60
1FT6132--xAC7x--xxxx 1111 2000 75.0 29.00
1FT6132--xAF7x--xxxx 1212 3000 75.0 43.00
1FT6132--xSB7x--xxxx 1142 1500 110.0 36.00
1FT6132--xSC7x--xxxx 1161 2000 110.0 47.00
1FT6132--xSF7x--xxxx 1262 3000 110.0 69.00
1FT6132--xWB7x--xxxx 1273 1500 155.0 58.00
1FT6132--xWD7x--xxxx 1274 2500 155.0 92.00

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-929
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-2 Motor code for rotating synchronous motors (SRM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated M0 I0

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FT6134--xAB7x--xxxx 1005 1500 95.0 27.00
1FT6134--xAC7x--xxxx 1112 2000 95.0 36.00
1FT6134--xSB7x--xxxx 1143 1500 140.0 44.00
1FT6134--xSC7x--xxxx 1162 2000 140.0 58.00
1FT6134--xSF7x--xxxx 1263 3000 140.0 83.00
1FT6134--xWB7x--xxxx 1275 1500 200.0 73.00
1FT6134--xWD7x--xxxx 1276 2500 200.0 122.00
1FT6136--xAB7x--xxxx 1006 1500 115.0 34.00
1FT6136--xAC7x--xxxx 1113 2000 115.0 42.00
1FT6136--xSB7x--xxxx 1144 1500 175.0 55.00
1FT6136--xSC7x--xxxx 1163 2000 175.0 77.00
1FT6136--xSF7x--xxxx 1264 3000 175.0 110.00
1FT6136--xWB7x--xxxx 1277 1500 240.0 92.00
1FT6136--xWD7x--xxxx 1278 2500 240.0 158.00
1FT6138--xWB7x--xxxx 1279 1500 300.0 112.00
1FT6138--xWD7x--xxxx 1280 2500 300.0 167.00
1FT6168--xSB7x--xxxx 1145 1500 425.0 151.00
1FT6168--xWB7x--xxxx 1147 1500 450.0 160.00
1FT6168--xSB7x--xxxx 1149 1500 600.0 194.00
1FT6168--xWB7x--xxxx 1150 1500 700.0 225.00
1FT7034--xAK7x--xxxx 1152 6000 2.0 2.70
A 1FT7036--xAK7x--xxxx 1153 6000 3.0 4.00
1FT7042--xAF7x--xxxx 1501 3000 3.0 2.10
1FT7042--xAK7x--xxxx 1502 6000 3.0 3.90
1FT7044--xAF7x--xxxx 1503 3000 5.0 2.80
1FT7044--xAK7x--xxxx 1504 6000 5.0 5.70
1FT7046--xAF7x--xxxx 1505 3000 7.0 4.00
1FT7046--xAK7x--xxxx 1506 6000 7.0 8.10
1FT7046--xAH7x--xxxx 1532 4500 7.0 8.10
1FT7062--xAF7x--xxxx 1516 3000 6.0 3.90
1FT7062--xAK7x--xxxx 1517 6000 6.0 8.40
1FT7062--xWF7x--xxxx 1543 3000 10.0 7.40
1FT7064--xAF7x--xxxx 1520 3000 9.0 5.70
1FT7064--xAK7x--xxxx 1521 6000 9.0 9.00

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-930 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-2 Motor code for rotating synchronous motors (SRM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated M0 I0

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FT7066--xAF7x--xxxx 1522 3000 12.0 8.40
1FT7066--xAH7x--xxxx 1539 4500 12.0 13.60
1FT7066--xWF7x--xxxx 1547 3000 20.0 13.60
1FT7066--xWH7x--xxxx 1548 4500 20.0 19.70
1FT7067--xSF7x--xxxx 1581 3000 17.0 15.00
1FT7067--xSH7x--xxxx 1582 4500 17.0 19.00
1FT7067--xWF7x--xxxx 1570 3000 25.0 22.00
1FT7067--xWH7x--xxxx 1571 4500 25.0 28.00
1FT7068--xAF7x--xxxx 1525 3000 15.0 8.30
1FT7068--xWF7x--xxxx 1549 3000 30.0 19.00
1FT7082--xAC7x--xxxx 1533 2000 13.0 5.00
1FT7082--xAF7x--xxxx 1508 3000 13.0 7.60
1FT7082--xAH7x--xxxx 1509 4500 13.0 12.30
1FT7082--xWC7x--xxxx 1550 2000 21.0 10.70
1FT7082--xWF7x--xxxx 1551 3000 21.0 16.00
1FT7082--xWH7x--xxxx 1552 4500 21.0 24.00
1FT7084--xAC7x--xxxx 1534 2000 20.0 9.00
1FT7084--xAF7x--xxxx 1511 3000 20.0 11.00
1FT7084--xAH7x--xxxx 1522 4500 20.0 15.60
1FT7084--xWC7x--xxxx 1553 2000 35.0 16.50
1FT7084--xWF7x--xxxx 1554 3000 35.0 23.00
1FT7084--xWH7x--xxxx 1555 4500 35.0 34.30 A
1FT7085--xSF7x--xxxx 1572 3000 34.0 28.00
1FT7085--xSH7x--xxxx 1573 4500 34.0 40.00
1FT7085--xWF7x--xxxx 1574 3000 43.0 36.00
1FT7085--xWH7x--xxxx 1575 4500 43.0 58.00
1FT7086--xAC7x--xxxx 1535 2000 28.0 10.60
1FT7086--xAF7x--xxxx 1514 3000 28.0 15.50
1FT7086--xAH7x--xxxx 1515 4500 28.0 21.80
1FT7086--xWC7x--xxxx 1556 2000 50.0 23.00
1FT7086--xWF7x--xxxx 1557 3000 50.0 34.00
1FT7086--xWH7x--xxxx 1558 4500 50.0 40.50
1FT7087--xSF7x--xxxx 1576 3000 48.0 40.00
1FT7087--xSH7x--xxxx 1577 4500 48.0 45.00

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-931
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-2 Motor code for rotating synchronous motors (SRM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated M0 I0

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FT7087--xWF7x--xxxx 1567 3000 61.0 51.00
1FT7087--xWH7x--xxxx 1578 4500 61.0 67.00
1FT7102--xAB7x--xxxx 1526 1500 30.0 9.00
1FT7102--xAC7x--xxxx 1537 2000 30.0 12.50
1FT7102--xAF7x--xxxx 1527 3000 30.0 18.00
1FT7102--xWB7x--xxxx 1559 1500 50.0 17.80
1FT7102--xWC7x--xxxx 1560 2000 50.0 25.50
1FT7102--xWF7x--xxxx 1561 3000 50.0 40.00
1FT7105--xAB7x--xxxx 1528 1500 50.0 15.00
1FT7105--xAC7x--xxxx 1536 2000 50.0 18.00
1FT7105--xAF7x--xxxx 1529 3000 50.0 26.00
1FT7105--xSC7x--xxxx 1583 2000 65.0 31.00
1FT7105--xSF7x--xxxx 1584 3000 65.0 45.00
1FT7105--xWB7x--xxxx 1542 1500 90.0 28.20
1FT7105--xWC7x--xxxx 1562 2000 90.0 39.00
1FT7105--xWF7x--xxxx 1563 3000 90.0 53.20
1FT7108--xAB7x--xxxx 1530 1500 70.0 18.00
1FT7108--xAC7x--xxxx 1538 2000 70.0 25.00
1FT7108--xAF7x--xxxx 1531 3000 70.0 36.00
1FT7108--xSC7x--xxxx 1585 2000 91.0 39.00
1FT7108--xSF7x--xxxx 1586 3000 91.0 57.00
A 1FT7108--xWB7x--xxxx 15840 1500 125.0 39.00
1FT7108--xWC7x--xxxx 15864 2000 125.0 45.30
1FT7108--xWF7x--xxxx 15865 3000 125.0 65.00

1PH8131--2xF0x--xxxx 1701 1750 105.0 30.30

1PH8131--2xF1x--xxxx 1702 1750 105.0 30.30
1PH8131--2xF2x--xxxx 1703 1750 115.0 41.00
1PH8131--2xL0x--xxxx 1704 2800 105.0 48.00
1PH8131--2xL1x--xxxx 1705 2800 105.0 48.00
1PH8131--2xL2x--xxxx 1706 2800 116.0 60.10
1PH8133--2xF0x--xxxx 1707 1750 131.0 45.10
1PH8133--2xF1x--xxxx 1708 1750 131.0 45.10
1PH8133--2xF2x--xxxx 1709 1750 155.0 43.40

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-932 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-2 Motor code for rotating synchronous motors (SRM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated M0 I0

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1PH8133--2xG2x--xxxx 1710 2300 155.0 60.50
1PH8133--2xL0x--xxxx 1711 2800 131.0 58.80
1PH8133--2xL1x--xxxx 1712 2800 131.0 58.80
1PH8135--2xF0x--xxxx 1713 1750 158.0 44.20
1PH8135--2xF1x--xxxx 1714 1750 158.0 44.20
1PH8135--2xF2x--xxxx 1715 1750 196.0 58.70
1PH8135--2xG0x--xxxx 1716 2300 158.0 62.60
1PH8135--2xG1x--xxxx 1717 2300 158.0 62.60
1PH8135--2xG2x--xxxx 1718 2300 196.0 85.10
1PH8137--2xF0x--xxxx 1719 1750 203.0 62.10
1PH8137--2xF1x--xxxx 1720 1750 203.0 62.10
1PH8137--2xF2x--xxxx 1721 1750 226.0 60.00
1PH8137--2xG2x--xxxx 1722 2300 226.0 90.40
1PH8137--2xL0x--xxxx 1723 2800 203.0 89.30
1PH8137--2xL1x--xxxx 1724 2800 203.0 89.30
1PH8137--2xM0x--xxxx 1725 3300 203.0 115.00
1PH8137--2xM1x--xxxx 1726 3300 203.0 115.00
1PH8138--2xF2x--xxxx 1727 1750 290.0 120.00
1PH8138--2xG2x--xxxx 1728 2300 290.0 134.40
Unlisted motors 2000 -- -- --
x: Space retainer for the Order No. A

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-933
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Parameters for
unlisted motors
Table A-3 Parameters for unlisted motors (SRM)

No. Name Unit Value
1102 Motor code number -- 1999
1103 Rated motor current A(rms)
1104 Maximum motor current A(rms)
1112 Motor pole pair number --
1113 Torque constant Nm/A
1114 Voltage constant V(rms)
1115 Armature resistance 
1116 Armature inductance mH
1117 Motor moment of inertia kgm2
1118 Motor standstill current A(rms)
1122 Motor limiting current A(rms)
1128 Optimum load angle De-
1136 No--load motor current (this is only rele- A(rms)
vant for SRM with field weakening)
1142 Speed at the start of field weakening (is RPM
only relevant for SRM with field weaken-
1145 Stall torque reduction factor (is only rele- %
vant for SRM with field weakening)
1146 Maximum motor speed RPM

A 1149
Reluctance torque constant
Lower current limit, current controller
1181 Upper current limit, current controller %
1182 Factor, current controller adaptation %
1400 Rated motor speed RPM
1602 Warning threshold, motor overtempera- _C

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-934 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

A.3.2 List of permanent--magnet synchronous motors with field weak-

ening (1FE1, 2SP1, PE spindle)

Reader’s note
Information about the motors can be found in
Reference: SIMODRIVE 611 Configuration Manual
/PJFE/ AC Motors for Main Spindle Drives
Synchronous Built--In Motors 1FE1
/PMS/ ECS Motor Spindle 2SP1

Motor code for

motors with field
Table A-4 Motor code for 1FE1/2SP1 motors (PE spindle)

Order No. Motor nmax nrated M0 Irated

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FE1041--6WM10--xxxx 2773 20000 15800 4.5 13.0
1FE1041--6WN10--xxxx 2755 18000 14000 4.5 12.0
1FE1041--6WU10--xxxx 2750 13000 8500 4.5 8.0
1FE1042--6WN10--xxxx 2757 18000 12500 11.0 24.0
1FE1042--6WR10--xxxx 2758 15000 10000 11.0 19.0
1FE1051--4HC10--xxxx 2766 40000 24000 5.0 25.0
1FE1051--4WN11--xxxx 2875 30000 9500 6.5 13.0
1FE1051--6WK10--xxxx 2876 15000 8000 10.0 20.0
1FE1051--6WN00--xxxx 2877 12000 6000 7.5 11.0
1FE1051--6WN10--xxxx 2804 12000 6000 10.0 15.0
1FE1051--6WN20--xxxx 2817 12000 6000 7.5 11.0
1FE1051--6WN30--xxxx 2818 12000 6000 10.0 15.0
1FE1052--4HD10--xxxx 2767 40000 25000 12.0 57.0
1FE1052--4HG11--xxxx 2768 40000 19000 12.0 44.0
1FE1052--4WK11--xxxx 2807 30000 12500 13.0 30.0
1FE1052--4WN11--xxxx 2806 30000 8000 13.0 20.0
1FE1052--4WN51--xxxx 2819 30000 8000 13.0 20.0
1FE1052--6LK00--xxxx 2808 12000 9000 12.0 22.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-935
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-4 Motor code for 1FE1/2SP1 motors (PE spindle), continued

Order No. Motor nmax nrated M0 Irated

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FE1052--6WK10--xxxx 2809 15000 7500 18.0 37.0
1FE1052--6WN00--xxxx 2811 12000 6000 16.0 22.0
1FE1052--6WN10--xxxx 2805 12000 5500 20.0 30.0
1FE1052--6WY10--xxxx 2812 6000 3000 18.0 13.5
1FE1053--4HH11--xxxx 2769 40000 13500 18.0 46.0
1FE1053--4WN11--xxxx 2824 30000 7900 20.0 29.0
1FE1054--6LR00--xxxx 2815 8500 5000 24.0 24.0
1FE1054--6WN10--xxxx 2810 12000 6000 37.0 60.0
1FE1054--6WQ10--xxxx 2816 9500 4500 42.0 54.0
1FE1054--6WR10--xxxx 2946 8500 4500 37.0 45.0
1FE1055--6LU00--xxxx 2878 6000 4000 9.0 8.0
1FE1055--6LX00--xxxx 2879 4200 2300 9.0 4.5
1FE1061--6LW00--xxxx 2880 7000 4100 8.0 8.0
1FE1061--6WH10--xxxx 2759 12000 8500 13.0 21.0
1FE1061--6WV10--xxxx 2775 6000 3500 13.0 9.0
1FE1061--6WY10--xxxx 2839 5000 3000 13.0 8.0
1FE1064--6LQ00--xxxx 2881 5000 2000 40.0 29.0
1FE1064--6WN11--xxxx 2840 12000 4300 56.0 56.0
1FE1064--6WQ11--xxxx 2760 10000 3400 56.0 43.0
1FE1072--4WH11--xxxx 2882 24000 9700 28.0 64.0
1FE1072--4WL11--xxxx 2883 24000 6800 28.0 45.0
A 1FE1072--4WN01--xxxx 2884 24000 5500 25.0 29.0
1FE1072--4WN10--xxxx 2771 10000 5500 28.0 36.0
1FE1072--4WN11--xxxx 2822 24000 5500 28.0 36.0
1FE1072--4WN31--xxxx 2841 24000 5500 28.0 36.0
1FE1073--4WL11--xxxx 2948 24000 9700 44.0 83.0
1FE1073--4WN01--xxxx 2885 24000 6800 39.0 54.0
1FE1073--4WN11--xxxx 2823 24000 6800 42.0 65.0
1FE1073--4WR01--xxxx 2886 20000 4600 39.0 38.0
1FE1073--4WT11--xxxx 2887 14000 3200 45.0 30.0
1FE1073--4WT31--xxxx 2906 14000 3200 45.0 30.0
1FE1074--4WM11--xxxx 2888 20000 7700 60.0 97.0
1FE1074--4WN11--xxxx 2826 20000 7000 56.0 91.0
1FE1074--4WN51--xxxx 2907 20000 7000 56.0 91.0
1FE1074--4WR11--xxxx 2959 20000 4800 60.0 58.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-936 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-4 Motor code for 1FE1/2SP1 motors (PE spindle), continued

Order No. Motor nmax nrated M0 Irated

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FE1082--4WK11--xxxx 2958 20000 5600 42.0 55.0
1FE1082--4WN01--xxxx 2889 20000 4000 37.0 35.0
1FE1082--4WN11--xxxx 2825 20000 3500 42.0 42.0
1FE1082--4WN51--xxxx 2908 20000 3500 42.0 42.0
1FE1082--4WP11--xxxx 2809 15000 2700 42.0 30.0
1FE1082--4WR11--xxxx 2890 11000 2000 42.0 24.0
1FE1082--4WR31--xxxx 2910 11000 2000 42.0 24.0
1FE1082--6WE11--xxxx 2776 8000 1700 65.0 24.0
1FE1082--6WP10--xxxx 2891 8500 5000 65.0 65.0
1FE1082--6WQ11--xxxx 2911 9000 4300 65.0 60.0
1FE1082--6WS10--xxxx 2912 6000 3600 65.0 45.0
1FE1082--6WS30--xxxx 2913 6000 3600 65.0 45.0
1FE1082--6WW10--xxxx 2761 3800 2200 65.0 30.0
1FE1082--6WW11--xxxx 2914 9000 2200 65.0 30.0
1FE1083--4WN01--xxxx 2892 20000 4200 55.0 66.0
1FE1083--4WN11--xxxx 2827 20000 4200 63.0 77.0
1FE1084--4WN11--xxxx 2829 20000 4300 84.0 105.0
1FE1084--4WN31--xxxx 2915 20000 4300 84.0 105.0
1FE1084--4WP11--xxxx 2916 20000 4300 78.0 79.0
1FE1084--4WQ11--xxxx 2917 18000 3400 84.0 83.0
1FE1084--4WQ51--xxxx 2918 18000 3400 84.0 83.0
1FE1084--4WT11--xxxx 2919 15000 3000 84.0 60.0 A
1FE1084--4WT51--xxxx 2920 15000 3000 84.0 60.0
1FE1084--6LN00--xxxx 2830 5000 2000 90.0 58.0
1FE1084--6WN11--xxxx 2831 9000 3400 130.0 85.0
1FE1084--6WR11--xxxx 2832 9000 2300 130.0 60.0
1FE1084--6WU11--xxxx 2751 7000 1700 130.0 45.0
1FE1084--6WX11--xxxx 2942 4500 1100 130.0 30.0
1FE1085--4WN11--xxxx 2828 18000 3500 105.0 105.0
1FE1085--4WQ11--xxxx 2833 16000 3000 105.0 85.0
1FE1085--4WT11--xxxx 2834 12000 2200 105.0 60.0
1FE1091--6WN10--xxxx 2801 7000 3500 28.0 24.0
1FE1091--6WN30--xxxx 2921 7000 3500 28.0 24.0
1FE1091--6WS10--xxxx 2835 4000 2000 30.0 15.0
1FE1092--4WP11--xxxx 2772 18000 3400 45.0 41.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-937
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-4 Motor code for 1FE1/2SP1 motors (PE spindle), continued

Order No. Motor nmax nrated M0 Irated

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FE1092--4WV11--xxxx 2837 10000 2000 50.0 24.0
1FE1092--6WN00--xxxx 2838 7000 4000 58.0 50.0
1FE1092--6WN10--xxxx 2836 7000 3500 66.0 58.0
1FE1092--6WN30--xxxx 2922 7000 3500 66.0 58.0
1FE1092--6WR11--xxxx 2923 7000 3200 66.0 41.0
1FE1093--4WF01--xxxx 2842 16000 6000 66.0 85.0
1FE1093--4WH11--xxxx 2870 18000 4500 75.0 83.0
1FE1093--4WK01--xxxx 2843 16000 4400 65.0 60.0
1FE1093--4WM11--xxxx 2924 18000 3500 75.0 64.0
1FE1093--4WN01--xxxx 2844 16000 3800 65.0 51.0
1FE1093--4WN10--xxxx 2925 6500 3300 75.0 60.0
1FE1093--4WN11--xxxx 2820 16000 3300 75.0 60.0
1FE1093--4WN51--xxxx 2753 16000 3300 75.0 60.0
1FE1093--6WN10--xxxx 2802 7000 3500 100.0 83.0
1FE1093--6WS10--xxxx 2846 4000 2000 100.0 53.0
1FE1093--6WS30--xxxx 2926 4000 2000 100.0 53.0
1FE1093--6WV01--xxxx 2777 7000 1800 88.0 37.0
1FE1093--6WV11--xxxx 2847 7000 1600 100.0 43.0
1FE1093--6WV31--xxxx 2927 7000 1600 100.0 43.0
1FE1093--6WX11--xxxx 2774 6300 1460 98.0 30.0
1FE1093--7LN00--xxxx 2845 7000 3500 75.0 60.0
A 1FE1094--4LW01--xxxx 2848 9000 2500 72.0 30.0
1FE1094--4WK10--xxxx 2960 9000 4400 100.0 108.0
1FE1094--4WK11--xxxx 2869 18000 4400 100.0 108.0
1FE1094--4WL11--xxxx 2867 18000 3800 100.0 90.0
1FE1094--4WS11--xxxx 2849 13000 2500 100.0 60.0
1FE1094--4WU11--xxxx 2803 10000 1800 95.0 45.0
1FE1095--4WN11--xxxx 2868 18000 3500 125.0 108.0
1FE1095--6LT01--xxxx 2850 7000 1500 160.0 60.0
1FE1095--6WU11--xxxx 2949 7000 1650 170.0 58.0
1FE1096--4WK10--xxxx 2851 10000 5000 150.0 180.0
1FE1096--4WN11--xxxx 2821 16000 3300 150.0 120.0
1FE1098--6WT11--xxxx 2770 4300 1000 85.0 17.5
1FE1103--4WN01--xxxx 2863 16000 4200 80.0 65.0
1FE1103--4WN11--xxxx 2871 16000 3600 102.0 84.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-938 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-4 Motor code for 1FE1/2SP1 motors (PE spindle), continued

Order No. Motor nmax nrated M0 Irated

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FE1103--4WN31--xxxx 2928 16000 3600 102.0 84.0
1FE1103--4WQ01--xxxx 2852 15000 3600 80.0 60.0
1FE1103--4WQ11--xxxx 2929 15000 3300 100.0 68.0
1FE1103--4WT01--xxxx 2853 12000 2700 80.0 45.0
1FE1103--4WT11--xxxx 2930 12000 2500 100.0 53.0
1FE1103--4WU01--xxxx 2854 10000 2700 80.0 45.0
1FE1104--4WN11--xxxx 2872 16000 3800 136.0 120.0
1FE1105--4WN01--xxxx 2856 16000 3000 148.0 102.0
1FE1105--4WN11--xxxx 2873 16000 3000 170.0 120.0
1FE1105--4WQ01--xxxx 2857 10000 2560 150.0 85.0
1FE1105--4WQ11--xxxx 2931 10000 2600 170.0 95.0
1FE1105--4WS11--xxxx 2944 10000 2300 170.0 84.0
1FE1106--4WN11--xxxx 2874 16000 3400 204.0 159.0
1FE1106--4WR11--xxxx 2754 14000 2900 204.0 128.0
1FE1106--4WS11--xxxx 2932 12500 2700 200.0 120.0
1FE1106--4WY11--xxxx 2858 6000 1200 200.0 60.0
1FE1112--6LW01--xxxx 2893 7000 1800 70.0 29.0
1FE1113--6LU01--xxxx 2894 7000 1800 105.0 43.0
1FE1113--6WU11--xxxx 2763 6500 2100 150.0 60.0
1FE1113--6WX11--xxxx 2764 5700 1400 150.0 43.0
1FE1114--6LU11--xxxx 2859 6500 1500 135.0 45.00
1FE1114--6WR11--xxxx 2860 6500 2000 200.0 108.0 A
1FE1114--6WR31--xxxx 2933 6500 2000 200.0 108.0
1FE1114--6WT10--xxxx 2861 3300 1400 200.0 84.0
1FE1114--6WT11--xxxx 2855 6500 1400 200.0 84.0
1FE1114--6WT31--xxxx 2934 6500 1400 200.0 84.0
1FE1114--6WT51--xxxx 2935 6500 1400 200.0 84.0
1FE1114--6WW11--xxxx 2895 6000 1000 200.0 58.0
1FE1114--6WW31--xxxx 2936 6000 1000 200.0 58.0
1FE1115--6WT11--xxxx 2752 6500 1500 265.0 85.0
1FE1116--6LS01--xxxx 2864 5000 1000 210.0 60.0
1FE1116--6LT01--xxxx 2865 5600 1000 270.0 75.0
1FE1116--6WR11--xxxx 2866 6500 1200 300.0 109.0
1FE1116--6WT11--xxxx 2862 5500 900 300.0 84.0
1FE1116--6WW11--xxxx 2943 4000 700 300.0 60.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-939
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-4 Motor code for 1FE1/2SP1 motors (PE spindle), continued

Order No. Motor nmax nrated M0 Irated

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FE1116--6WY11--xxxx 2937 3000 740 310.0 45.0
1FE1124--4WN11--xxxx 2896 14000 3000 200.0 135.0
1FE1125--4WN11--xxxx 2897 14000 3000 250.0 162.0
1FE1125--4WP11--xxxx 2898 12500 2500 250.0 147.0
1FE1126--4WN11--xxxx 2899 14000 3000 300.0 200.0
1FE1126--4WP11--xxxx 2900 12500 2500 300.0 180.0
1FE1126--4WQ11--xxxx 2901 10000 2000 300.0 147.0
1FE1144--8WL11--xxxx 2945 6500 1400 430.0 133.0
1FE1144--8WQ11--xxxx 2961 4900 1100 430.0 98.0
1FE1144--8WT10--xxxx 2941 1700 900 430.0 85.0
1FE1144--8WV11--xxxx 2947 3500 780 430.0 71.0
1FE1145--8LV11--xxxx 2765 4100 1000 420.0 75.0
1FE1145--8WN11--xxxx 2902 8000 1700 585.0 200.0
1FE1145--8WQ11--xxxx 2938 6000 1300 585.0 158.0
1FE1145--8WS11--xxxx 2903 5000 1100 585.0 130.0
1FE1147--8WN11--xxxx 2904 5500 1200 820.0 200.0
1FE1147--8WQ11--xxxx 2939 4200 950 820.0 158.0
1FE1147--8WQ31--xxxx 2940 4200 950 820.0 158.0
1FE1147--8WS11--xxxx 2905 3500 750 820.0 130.0
2SP1202--1HAxx--xxxx 2954 15000 2700 42.0 30.0
2SP1202--1HBxx--xxxx 2955 18000 3500 42.0 42.0
A 2SP1204--1HAxx--xxxx 2956 15000 3000 84.0 60.0
2SP1204--1HBxx--xxxx 2957 18000 4300 78.0 79.0
2SP1253--1xAxx--xxxx 2950 10000 2500 100.0 53.0
2SP1253--1xBxx--xxxx 2951 15000 3300 100.0 68.0
2SP1255--1xAxx--xxxx 2952 10000 2600 170.0 95.0
2SP1255--1xBxx--xxxx 2953 15000 3000 170.0 120.0
Unlisted motors 1999 -- -- -- --
Note: x Space retainer for the Order No.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-940 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
12.06 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Parameters for
unlisted motors
(PE spindle)
Table A-5 Unlisted motor: Parameters for permanent--magnet synchronous
motors with field weakening

No. Name Unit Value
1015 Activate PE--MSD -- 1
1 = activated, 0 = de--activated
1102 Motor code number -- 1999
1103 Rated motor current A(rms)
1104 Maximum motor current A(rms)
1112 Motor pole pair number --
1113 Torque constant Nm/A
1114 Voltage constant V(rms)
1115 Armature resistance (phase value) 
1116 Armature inductance mH
1117 Motor moment of inertia kgm2
1118 Motor standstill current A(rms)
1122 Motor limiting current A(rms)
1128 Optimum load angle (from SW 3.3) De-
1136 Motor locked--rotor current A(rms)
1142 Speed at the start of field weakening RPM
1145 Stall torque reduction factor %
1146 Maximum motor speed RPM
Reluctance torque constant (from SW 3.3)
Lower current limit, current controller adapta-
1181 Upper current limit, current controller adapta- %
1182 Factor, current controller adaptation %
1400 Rated motor speed RPM

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-941
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

A.3.3 List of permanent-- magnet synchronous motors without field

weakening, built--in torque motors (1FW6, from SW 6.1)

Reader’s note
Information about the motors can be found in
Reference: SIMODRIVE 611 Configuration Manual
/PJTM/ Built--In Torque Motors 1FW6

Motor code for

motors without
field weakening
Table A-6 Motor code for 1FW6 motors (built--in torque motors)

Order No. Motor nmax nrated M0 Irated

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FW6090--0xx05--0Fxx 1801 1100 140 119.0 5.9
1FW6090--0xx05--0Kxx 1802 1100 250 119.0 8.2
1FW6090--0xx07--0Kxx 1803 1100 220 166.0 10.0
1FW6090--0xx07--1Jxx 1804 1100 430 166.0 16.0
1FW6090--0xx10--0Kxx 1805 1100 82 238.0 8.2
1FW6090--0xx10--1Jxx 1806 1100 270 238.0 16.0
A 1FW6090--0xx15--1Jxx 1807 1100 150 357.0 16.0
1FW6090--0xx15--2Jxx 1808 1100 310 357.0 26.0
1FW6130--0xx05--0Kxx 1809 910 130 258.0 9.7
1FW6130--0xx05--1Jxx 1810 910 310 258.0 17.0
1FW6130--0xx07--0Kxx 1811 910 96 361.0 10.0
1FW6130--0xx07--1Jxx 1812 910 200 361.0 17.0
1FW6130--0xx10--1Jxx 1813 910 120 516.0 17.0
1FW6130--0xx10--2Jxx 1814 910 250 516.0 28.0
1FW6130--0xx15--1Jxx 1815 910 78 775.0 19.0
1FW6130--0xx15--2Jxx 1816 910 150 775.0 29.0
1FW6150--0xx05--1Jxx 1842 800 230 360.0 18.0
1FW6150--0xx05--4Fxx 1843 800 650 360.0 44.0
1FW6150--0xx07--2Jxx 1844 800 260 504.0 27.0
1FW6150--0xx07--4Fxx 1845 800 450 504.0 44.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-942 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-6 Motor code for 1FW6 motors (built--in torque motors), continued

Order No. Motor nmax nrated M0 Irated

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FW6150--0xx10--2Jxx 1846 800 170 720.0 27.0
1FW6150--0xx10--4Fxx 1847 800 300 720.0 44.0
1FW6150--0xx15--2Jxx 1848 800 100 1080.0 27.0
1FW6150--0xx15--4Fxx 1849 800 190 1080.0 44.0
1FW6160--0xx05--1Jxx 1817 690 140 467.0 17.0
1FW6160--0xx05--4Jxx 1818 690 250 467.0 28.0
1FW6160--0xx07--1Jxx 1819 690 96 653.0 17.0
1FW6160--0xx07--2Jxx 1820 690 170 653.0 28.0
1FW6160--0xx10--1Jxx 1821 690 60 933.0 17.0
1FW6160--0xx10--2Jxx 1822 690 110 933.0 28.0
1FW6160--0xx15--2Jxx 1823 690 66 1400.0 28.0
1FW6160--0xx15--5Gxx 1824 690 160 1400.0 56.0
1FW6160--xxx05--5Gxx 1858 690 590 467.0 56.0
1FW6160--xxx07--5Gxx 1859 690 390 653.0 56.0
1FW6160--xxx07--8Fxx 1860 690 610 653.0 80.0
1FW6160--xxx10--2Pxx 1861 690 600 933.0 110.0
1FW6160--xxx10--5Gxx 1862 690 260 933.0 56.0
1FW6160--xxx10--8Fxx 1863 690 390 933.0 80.0
1FW6160--xxx15--0Wxx 1864 690 560 1400.0 160.0
1FW6160--xxx15--2Pxx 1865 690 360 1400.0 110.0
1FW6160--xxx15--8Fxx 1866 690 240 1400.0 80.0
1FW6160--xxx20--0Wxx 1867 690 400 1870.0 160.0 A
1FW6160--xxx20--2Pxx 1868 690 260 1870.0 110.0
1FW6160--xxx20--5Gxx 1869 690 110 1870.0 56.0
1FW6160--xxx20--8Fxx 1870 690 170 1870.0 80.0
1FW6190--0xx05--1Jxx 1825 630 97 672.0 160.0
1FW6190--0xx05--2Jxx 1826 630 160 672.0 27.0
1FW6190--0xx07--1Jxx 1827 630 63 941.0 18.0
1FW6190--0xx07--2Jxx 1828 630 110 941.0 27.0
1FW6190--0xx10--1Jxx 1829 630 38 1340.0 18.0
1FW6190--0xx10--2Jxx 1830 630 70 1340.0 27.0
1FW6190--0xx15--2Jxx 1831 630 40 2020.0 27.0
1FW6190--0xx15--5Gxx 1832 630 100 2020.0 54.0
1FW6190--xxx05--5Gxx 1871 630 380 672.0 54.0
1FW6190--xxx07--5Gxx 1872 630 250 941.0 54.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-943
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-6 Motor code for 1FW6 motors (built--in torque motors), continued

Order No. Motor nmax nrated M0 Irated

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FW6190--xxx07--8Fxx 1873 630 390 941.0 78.0
1FW6190--xxx10--2Pxx 1874 630 450 1340.0 120.0
1FW6190--xxx10--5Gxx 1875 630 170 1340.0 54.0
1FW6190--xxx10--8Fxx 1876 630 260 1340.0 78.0
1FW6190--xxx15--2Pxx 1878 630 270 2020.0 120.0
1FW6190--xxx15--8Fxx 1879 630 160 2020.0 78.0
1FW6190--xxx20--0Wxx 1880 630 260 2690.0 150.0
1FW6190--xxx20--2Pxx 1881 630 200 2690.0 120.0
1FW6190--xxx20--5Gxx 1882 630 73 2690.0 54.0
1FW6190--xxx20--8Fxx 1883 630 110 2690.0 78.0
1FW6230--0xx05--1Jxx 1833 580 69 841.0 16.0
1FW6230--0xx05--2Jxx 1834 580 110 841.0 24.0
1FW6230--0xx07--1Jxx 1835 580 45 1180.0 16.0
1FW6230--0xx07--2Jxx 1836 580 73 1180.0 24.0
1FW6230--0xx10--2Jxx 1837 580 46 1680.0 24.0
1FW6230--0xx10--5Gxx 1838 580 130 1680.0 54.0
1FW6230--0xx15--4Cxx 1839 580 43 2520.0 33.0
1FW6230--0xx15--5Gxx 1840 580 80 2520.0 53.0
1FW6230--xxx05--5Gxx 1884 580 290 841.0 53.0
1FW6230--xxx07--5Gxx 1885 580 190 1180.0 53.0
1FW6230--xxx07--8Fxx 1886 580 290 1180.0 74.0
A 1FW6230--xxx10--2Pxx 1887 580 290 1680.0 100.0
1FW6230--xxx10--8Fxx 1888 580 190 1680.0 74.0
1FW6230--xxx15--0Wxx 1889 580 270 2520.0 140.0
1FW6230--xxx15--2Pxx 1890 580 180 2520.0 100.0
1FW6230--xxx15--8Fxx 1891 580 120 2520.0 74.0
1FW6230--xxx20--0Wxx 1892 580 190 3360.0 140.0
1FW6230--xxx20--2Pxx 1893 580 130 3360.0 100.0
1FW6230--xxx20--5Gxx 1894 580 56 3360.0 53.0
1FW6230--xxx20--8Fxx 1895 580 84 3360.0 74.0
1FW6290--0xx15--7Axx 1841 470 53 4760.0 64.0
1FW6290--xxx07--0Lxx 1896 470 210 2220.0 100.0
1FW6290--xxx07--2Pxx 1897 470 270 2220.0 120.0
1FW6290--xxx07--5Gxx 1898 470 110 2220.0 56.0
1FW6290--xxx11--0Lxx 1899 470 130 3490.0 100.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-944 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-6 Motor code for 1FW6 motors (built--in torque motors), continued

Order No. Motor nmax nrated M0 Irated

(MLFB) code (100 K) (100 K)
P1102 [RPM] [RPM] [Nm] [A(rms)]
1FW6290--xxx11--2Pxx 1950 470 170 3490.0 120.0
1FW6290--xxx11--7Axx 1951 470 73 3490.0 62.0
1FW6290--xxx20--0Lxx 1954 470 68 6030.0 100.0
1FW6290--xxx20--2Pxx 1955 470 91 6030.0 120.0
Unlisted motors 1999 -- -- -- --
x: Space retainer for the Order No.

Parameters for
third--party motors
Table A-7 Unlisted motor: Parameters for permanent--magnet synchronous
motors without field weakening

No. Name Unit Value
1102 Motor code number -- 1999
1103 Rated motor current A(rms)
1104 Maximum motor current A(rms)
1112 Motor pole pair number --
1113 Torque constant Nm/A
1114 Voltage constant V(rms)
1115 Armature resistance (phase value) 
1116 Armature inductance mH A
1117 Motor moment of inertia kgm2
1118 Motor standstill current A(rms)
1122 Motor limiting current A(rms)
1128 Optimum load angle De-
1136 Motor locked--rotor current A(rms)
1142 Speed at the start of field weakening RPM
1145 Stall torque reduction factor %
1146 Maximum motor speed RPM
1180 Lower current limit, current controller adaptation %
1181 Upper current limit, current controller adaptation %
1182 Factor, current controller adaptation %
1400 Rated motor speed RPM

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-945
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

A.3.4 List of linear synchronous motors

Reader’s note
Information about the motors can be found in
Reference: SIMODRIVE 611 Linear Motor 1FN
Configuration Manual
S 1FN1 motors
S 1FN3--type peak--load motors
S Continuous Load Motors of the 1FN3 Product

Motor code for

Table A-8 Motor code for linear synchronous motors (SLM)
motors (SLM)
Order No. Motor code vmax Fmax
(MLFB) P1102 [m/min] [N]
1FN1072--3xF7x--xxxx 3031 200 1720
1FN1076--3xF7x--xxxx 3032 200 3450
1FN1122--5xC7x--xxxx 3003 145 3250
1FN1122--5xF7x--xxxx 3021 200 3250
1FN1124--5xC7x--xxxx 3001 145 4850
1FN1124--5xF7x--xxxx 3023 200 4850
1FN1126--5xC7x--xxxx 3004 145 6500
1FN1126--5xF7x--xxxx 3022 200 6500
A 1FN1184--5xC7x--xxxx 3002 145 7920
1FN1184--5xF7x--xxxx 3024 200 7920
1FN1186--5xC7x--xxxx 3005 145 10600
1FN1186--5xF7x--xxxx 3025 200 10600
1FN1244--5xC7x--xxxx 3006 145 10900
1FN1244--5xF7x--xxxx 3026 200 10900
1FN1246--5xC7x--xxxx 3007 145 14500
1FN1246--5xF7x--xxxx 3027 200 14500
1FN3050--1KD0x--xxxx 3477 580 320
1FN3050--1ND0x--xxxx 3459 435 260
1FN3050--2KC4x--xxxx 3476 465 640
1FN3050--2NB8x--xxxx 3460 202 510
1FN3050--2WC0x--xxxx 3401 373 550
1FN3100--1KC5x--xxxx 3479 464 680

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-946 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-8 Motor code for linear synchronous motors (SLM), continued

Order No. Motor code vmax Fmax

(MLFB) P1102 [m/min] [N]
1FN3100--1NC0x--xxxx 3461 214 510
1FN3100--1WC0x--xxxx 3441 322 490
1FN3100--2KC5x--xxxx 3473 462 1350
1FN3100--2NC8x--xxxx 3462 307 1020
1FN3100--2WC0x--xxxx 3402 297 1100
1FN3100--2WE0x--xxxx 3403 497 1100
1FN3100--3KC5x--xxxx 3474 461 2030
1FN3100--3NC0x--xxxx 3463 211 1530
1FN3100--3WC0x--xxxx 3442 277 1650
1FN3100--3WE0x--xxxx 3404 497 1650
1FN3100--4NC8x--xxxx 3464 305 2040
1FN3100--4WC0x--xxxx 3405 297 2200
1FN3100--4WE0x--xxxx 3406 497 2200
1FN3100--5WC0x--xxxx 3407 255 2750
1FN3150--1KC7x--xxxx 3472 493 1030
1FN3150--1NC2x--xxxx 3465 234 770
1FN3150--1WC0x--xxxx 3408 321 825
1FN3150--1WE0x--xxxx 3409 605 825
1FN3150--2KC7x--xxxx 3472 493 1030
1FN3150--2NB8x--xxxx 3466 201 1530
1FN3150--2WC0x--xxxx 3410 282 1650
1FN3150--3WC0x--xxxx 3411 282 2470
1FN3150--4NB8x--xxxx 3468 200 3060
1FN3150--4WC0x--xxxx 3412 282 3300
1FN3150--5WC0x--xxxx 3413 282 4120
1FN3300--1NC1x--xxxx 3469 230 1470
1FN3300--1WC0x--xxxx 3443 309 1720
1FN3300--2NC1x--xxxx 3470 228 2940
1FN3300--2WB0x--xxxx 3414 176 3450
1FN3300--2WC0x--xxxx 3415 297 3450
1FN3300--2WG0x--xxxx 3416 805 3450
1FN3300--3NC4x--xxxx 3471 257 4400
1FN3300--3WC0x--xxxx 3417 297 5170

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-947
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-8 Motor code for linear synchronous motors (SLM), continued

Order No. Motor code vmax Fmax

(MLFB) P1102 [m/min] [N]
1FN3300--3WG0x--xxxx 3418 836 5170
1FN3300--4NB8x--xxxx 3449 196 5870
1FN3300--4WB0x--xxxx 3419 176 6900
1FN3300--4WC0x--xxxx 3420 297 6900
1FN3450--2NC5x--xxxx 3450 271 4400
1FN3450--2WA5x--xxxx 3444 112 5180
1FN3450--2WC0x--xxxx 3421 275 5180
1FN3450--2WE0x--xxxx 3422 519 5180
1FN3450--3NC5x--xxxx 3451 270 6600
1FN3450--3WA5x--xxxx 3445 114 7760
1FN3450--3WB0x--xxxx 3423 164 7760
1FN3450--3WB5x--xxxx 3424 217 7760
1FN3450--3WC0x--xxxx 3425 275 7760
1FN3450--3WE0x--xxxx 3426 519 7760
1FN3450--4NB8x--xxxx 3452 190 8810
1FN3450--4WB0x--xxxx 3427 164 10350
1FN3450--4WB5x--xxxx 3428 217 10350
1FN3450--4WC0x--xxxx 3429 275 10350
1FN3450--4WE0x--xxxx 3430 519 10350
1FN3600--2NB8x--xxxx 3453 200 5870
1FN3600--2WA5x--xxxx 3446 120 6900

A 1FN3600--3NB8x--xxxx
1FN3600--3WC0x--xxxx 3432 254 10350
1FN3600--4NB8x--xxxx 3455 199 11740
1FN3600--4WA3x--xxxx 3447 105 13800
1FN3600--4WB0x--xxxx 3433 155 13800
1FN3600--4WB5x--xxxx 3434 215 13800
1FN3600--4WC0x--xxxx 3435 254 13800
1FN3900--2NB2x--xxxx 3456 130 8810
1FN3900--2WB0x--xxxx 3436 160 10350
1FN3900--2WC0x--xxxx 3437 253 10350
1FN3900--3NB2x--xxxx 3457 129 13210
1FN3900--3WB0x--xxxx 3448 181 15530
1FN3900--4NB2x--xxxx 3458 129 17610

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-948 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-8 Motor code for linear synchronous motors (SLM), continued

Order No. Motor code vmax Fmax

(MLFB) P1102 [m/min] [N]
1FN3900--4WB0x--xxxx 3438 160 20700
1FN3900--4WB5x--xxxx 3439 203 20700
1FN3900--4WC0x--xxxx 3440 253 20700
2 S 1FN1072--3xF7x--xxxx 3231 200 3440
2 S 1FN1076--3xF7x--xxxx 3232 200 6900
2 S 1FN1122--5xC7x--xxxx 3203 145 6500
2 S 1FN1122--5xF7x--xxxx 3221 200 6500
2 S 1FN1124--5AC7x--xxxx 3201 145 9700
2 S 1FN1124--5xF7x--xxxx 3223 200 9700
2 S 1FN1126--5xC7x--xxxx 3204 145 13000
2 S 1FN1126--5xF7x--xxxx 3222 200 13000
2 S 1FN1184--5AC7x--xxxx 3202 145 15840
2 S 1FN1184--5xF7x--xxxx 3224 200 15840
2 S 1FN1186--5xC7x--xxxx 3205 145 21200
2 S 1FN1186--5xF7x--xxxx 3225 200 21200
2 S 1FN1244--5xC7x--xxxx 3206 145 21800
2 S 1FN1244--5xF7x--xxxx 3226 200 21800
2 S 1FN1246--5xC7x--xxxx 3207 145 29000
2 S 1FN1246--5xF7x--xxxx 3227 200 29000
2 S 1FN3050--2WC0x--xxxx 3601 373 1100
2 S 1FN3100--2WC0x--xxxx 3602 297 2200
2 S 1FN3100--2WE0x--xxxx
2 S 1FN3100--3WE0x--xxxx
2 S 1FN3100--4WC0x--xxxx 3605 297 4400
2 S 1FN3100--4WE0x--xxxx 3606 497 4400
2 S 1FN3100--5WC0x--xxxx 3607 255 5500
2 S 1FN3150--1WC0x--xxxx 3608 282 1650
2 S 1FN3150--1WE0x--xxxx 3609 534 1650
2 S 1FN3150--2WC0x--xxxx 3610 282 3300
2 S 1FN3150--3WC0x--xxxx 3611 282 4940
2 S 1FN3150--4WC0x--xxxx 3612 282 6600
2 S 1FN3150--5WC0x--xxxx 3613 282 8240
2 S 1FN3300--2WB0x--xxxx 3614 176 6900
2 S 1FN3300--2WC0x--xxxx 3615 297 6900
2 S 1FN3300--2WG0x--xxxx 3616 805 6900

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-949
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-8 Motor code for linear synchronous motors (SLM), continued

Order No. Motor code vmax Fmax

(MLFB) P1102 [m/min] [N]
2 S 1FN3300--3WC0x--xxxx 3617 297 10340
2 S 1FN3300--3WG0x--xxxx 3618 836 10340
2 S 1FN3300--4WB0x--xxxx 3619 176 13800
2 S 1FN3300--4WC0x--xxxx 3620 297 13800
2 S 1FN3450--2WC0x--xxxx 3621 275 10360
2 S 1FN3450--2WE0x--xxxx 3622 519 10360
2 S 1FN3450--3WB0x--xxxx 3623 164 15520
2 S 1FN3450--3WB5x--xxxx 3624 217 15520
2 S 1FN3450--3WC0x--xxxx 3625 275 15520
2 S 1FN3450--3WE0x--xxxx 3626 519 15520
2 S 1FN3450--4WB0x--xxxx 3627 164 20700
2 S 1FN3450--4WB5x--xxxx 3628 217 20700
2 S 1FN3450--4WC0x--xxxx 3629 275 20700
2 S 1FN3450--4WE0x--xxxx 3630 519 20700
2 S 1FN3600--3WB0x--xxxx 3631 155 20700
2 S 1FN3600--3WC0x--xxxx 3632 254 20700
2 S 1FN3600--4WB0x--xxxx 3633 155 27600
2 S 1FN3600--4WB5x--xxxx 3634 215 27600
2 S 1FN3600--4WC0x--xxxx 3635 254 27600
2 S 1FN3900--2WB0x--xxxx 3636 160 20700
2 S 1FN3900--2WC0x--xxxx 3637 253 20700

A 2 S 1FN3900--4WB0x--xxxx
2 S 1FN3900--4WB5x--xxxx
2 S 1FN3900--4WC0x--xxxx 3640 253 41400
Unlisted motors 3999 -- --
x: Space retainer for the Order No.
2 S 1FN ... There are two motors, connected in parallel to a power module

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-950 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
01.99 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Parameters for The following applies for 2 ”identical” linear motors connected in parallel:
unlisted motors The value for the individual motor is handled, as specified in column ”2 (paral-
(SLM) lel)” thus obtaining the value for the parallel circuit.

Table A-9 Parameters for unlisted motors (SLM)

Parameter No. of motors

No. Name Unit Value 1 2 (parallel)
1102 Motor code number -- 3999 -- --
1103 Rated motor current A(rms) I0 2 S I0
1104 Maximum motor current A(rms) Imax 2 S Imax
1113 Force constant N/A F 2SF
1114 Voltage constant Vs/m kE kE
1115 Armature resistance  RA 0.5 S RA
1116 Armature inductance mH LA 0.5 S LA
1117 Motor weight kg mM 2 S mM
1118 Motor standstill current A(rms) I0 2 S I0
1146 Maximum motor velocity m/min vmax vmax
1170 Pole pair width mm 2p 2p
1180 Lower current limit, current controller % % %
1181 Upper current limit, current controller % % %
1182 Factor, current controller adaptation % % %
1400 Rated motor velocity m/min v0 v0

Danger A
It is only permissible to connect temperature sensor cables with PELV
or SELV voltage (refer to EN 60204--1 Chapter 6.4)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-951
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

A.3.5 List of induction motors

Reader’s note
Information about the motors can be found in
Reference: SIMODRIVE 611 Configuration Manuals
/APH2/ AC Induction Motors 1PH2
/APH4/ Induction Motors 1PH4
/APH7/ Induction Motors 1PH7
/PPM/ Hollow--Shaft Motors for Main Spindle Drives

Motor code for

Table A-10 Motor code for rotating induction motors (ARM)
motors (ARM)
Order No. Motor nrated Prated Irated
(MLFB) code
P1102 [RPM] [kW] [A(rms)]
1PH2092--4WG4x--xxxx 326 2000 4.7 22.0
1PH2093--6WF4x--xxxx 320 1500 7.5 24.0
1PH2095--6WF4x--xxxx 321 1500 10.0 30.0
1PH2096--4WG4x--xxxx 327 2000 10.1 43.0
1PH2113--6WF4x--xxxx 322 1500 15.0 56.0
1PH2115--6WF4x--xxxx 323 1500 16.5 55.0
1PH2117--6WF4x--xxxx 324 1500 18.0 60.0

A 1PH2118--6WF4x--xxxx
1PH2127--4WF4x--xxxx 329 1500 21.0 85.0
1PH2128--4WF4x--xxxx 330 1500 25.0 101.0
1PH2143--4WF4x--xxxx 331 1500 30.0 101.0
1PH2147--4WF4x--xxxx 332 1500 38.0 116.0
1PH2182--6WC4x--xxxx 333 750 11.8 37.0
1PH2184--6WP4x--xxxx 334 600 14.5 56.0
1PH2186--6WB4x--xxxx 335 500 18.3 65.0
1PH2188--6WB4x--xxxx 336 500 23.6 78.0
1PH2254--6WB4x--xxxx 337 500 28.8 117.0
1PH2256--6WB4x--xxxx 338 500 39.3 119.0
1PH4103--4NF2x--xxxx 300 1500 7.5 26.0
1PH4105--4NF2x--xxxx 302 1500 11.0 38.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-952 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-10 Motor code for rotating induction motors (ARM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated Prated Irated

(MLFB) code
P1102 [RPM] [kW] [A(rms)]
1PH4107--4NF2x--xxxx 304 1500 14.0 46.0
1PH4133--4NF2x--xxxx 306 1500 15.0 55.0
1PH4135--4NF2x--xxxx 308 1500 22.0 73.0
1PH4137--4NF2x--xxxx 310 1500 27.0 85.0
1PH4138--4NF2x--xxxx 312 1500 30.0 102.0
1PH4163--4NF2x--xxxx 314 1500 37.0 107.0
1PH4167--4NF2x--xxxx 316 1500 46.0 120.0
1PH4168--4NF2x--xxxx 318 1500 52.0 148.0
1PH6101--4NF4x--xxxx 101 1500 3.7 13.0
1PH6101--4NG4x--xxxx 102 2000 4.7 14.5
1PH6103--4NG4x--xxxx 104 2000 7.0 20.0
1PH6103--xNF4x--xxxx 103 1500 5.5 18.5
1PH6105--4NF4x--xxxx 105 1500 7.5 24.0
1PH6105--4NG4x--xxxx 106 2000 9.5 26.0
1PH6105--4NZ4x--xxxx 140 3000 12.0 29.0
1PH6107--4NC4x--xxxx 131 750 5.0 24.0
1PH6107--4NG4x--xxxx 108 2000 11.5 31.0
1PH6107--xNF4x--xxxx 107 1500 9.0 28.0
1PH6131--4NF4x--xxxx 109 1500 9.0 28.5
1PH6131--4NG4x--xxxx 110 2000 12.0 33.5
1PH6131--4NZ0x--xxxx 141 1500 8.0 24.0
1PH6133--4NB4x--xxxx 132 500 4.25 27.0 A
1PH6133--4NB8x--xxxx--D 201 500 4.2 17.0
1PH6133--4NB8x--xxxx--Y 200 500 4.25 17.0
1PH6133--4NF0x--xxxx 111 1500 11.0 29.0
1PH6133--4NF4x--xxxx 112 1500 11.0 33.0
1PH6133--4NG0x--xxxx 136 2000 14.5 33.0
1PH6133--4NG4x--xxxx 113 2000 14.5 40.0
1PH6135--4NF0x--xxxx 114 1500 15.0 38.0
1PH6135--4NG4x--xxxx 116 2000 20.0 53.0
1PH6135--xNF4x--xxxx 115 1500 15.0 44.0
1PH6137--4NB4x--xxxx 133 500 7.5 46.0
1PH6137--4NB8x--xxxx--D 203 500 7.5 27.0
1PH6137--4NB8x--xxxx--Y 202 500 7.5 27.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-953
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-10 Motor code for rotating induction motors (ARM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated Prated Irated

(MLFB) code
P1102 [RPM] [kW] [A(rms)]
1PH6137--4NF4x--xxxx 117 1500 18.5 53.0
1PH6137--4NG0x--xxxx 137 2000 24.0 52.0
1PH6137--4NG4x--xxxx 118 2000 24.0 61.0
1PH6137--4NZ0x--xxxx 143 750 11.0 45.0
1PH6138--4NF4x--xxxx 120 1500 22.0 65.0
1PH6138--4NG4x--xxxx 121 2000 28.0 71.0
1PH6138--xNF0x--xxxx 119 1500 22.0 55.0
1PH6161--4NF4x--xxxx 123 1500 22.0 64.0
1PH6161--4NG4x--xxxx 124 2000 28.0 72.0
1PH6161--xNF0x--xxxx 122 1500 22.0 57.0
1PH6163--4NB4x--xxxx 134 500 11.5 68.0
1PH6163--4NB8x--xxxx--D 205 500 11.5 43.0
1PH6163--4NB8x--xxxx--Y 204 500 11.5 43.0
1PH6163--4NF0x--xxxx 125 1500 30.0 77.0
1PH6163--4NF4x--xxxx 126 1500 30.0 91.0
1PH6163--4NG4x--xxxx 127 2000 38.0 87.0
1PH6163--4NZ0x--xxxx 139 950 19.0 58.0
1PH6167--4NB4x--xxxx 135 500 14.5 81.0
1PH6167--4NB8x--xxxx--D 207 500 14.5 50.0
1PH6167--4NB8x--xxxx--Y 206 500 14.5 49.5
1PH6167--4NF4x--xxxx 129 1500 37.0 102.0

A 1PH6167--4NG0x--xxxx 138 2000 45.0 89.0

1PH6167--4NG4x--xxxx 130 2000 45.0 97.0
1PH6167--xNF0x--xxxx 128 1500 37.0 85.0
1PH6168--4NF0x--xxxx 142 1500 40.0 85.0
1PH6186--4NB4x--xxxx 160 500 22.0 66.0
1PH6186--4NB8x--xxxx--D 209 500 22.0 55.0
1PH6186--4NB8x--xxxx--Y 208 500 22.0 55.0
1PH6186--4NB9x--xxxx 167 700 30.8 67.0
1PH6186--4NF4x--xxxx 164 1500 50.0 100.0
1PH6186--xNE4x--xxxx 163 1250 42.0 84.0
1PH6206--4NB4x--xxxx 162 500 32.0 96.0
1PH6206--4NB8x--xxxx--D 211 500 32.0 78.0
1PH6206--4NB8x--xxxx--Y 210 500 32.0 78.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-954 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-10 Motor code for rotating induction motors (ARM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated Prated Irated

(MLFB) code
P1102 [RPM] [kW] [A(rms)]
1PH6206--4NF4x--xxxx 166 1500 76.0 154.0
1PH6206--xNE4x--xxxx 165 1250 63.0 122.0
1PH6226--4NB8x--xxxx--D 215 500 42.0 95.0
1PH6226--4NB8x--xxxx--Y 214 500 42.0 95.0
1PH6226--xNF4x--xxxx 168 1500 100.0 188.0
1PH7101--xxFxx--xLxx 460 1500 3.7 10.0
1PH7101--xxFxx--xxxx 426 1500 3.7 10.0
1PH7103--xxDxx--xLxx 461 1000 3.7 9.6
1PH7103--xxDxx--xxxx 430 1000 3.7 9.6
1PH7103--xxFxx--xLxx 462 1500 5.5 13.0
1PH7103--xxFxx--xxxx 431 1500 5.5 13.0
1PH7103--xxGxx--xLxx 463 2000 7.0 17.5
1PH7103--xxGxx--xxxx 427 2000 7.0 17.5
1PH7105--xxFxx--xLxx 464 1500 7.0 17.5
1PH7105--xxFxx--xxxx 428 1500 7.0 17.5
1PH7107--xxDxx--xLxx 465 1000 6.3 17.1
1PH7107--xxDxx--xxxx 432 1000 6.3 17.1
1PH7107--xxFxx--xLxx 466 1500 9.0 22.5
1PH7107--xxFxx--xxxx 429 1500 9.0 22.5
1PH7107--xxGxx--xLxx 467 2000 10.5 24.8
1PH7107--xxGxx--xxxx 433 2000 10.5 24.8
1PH7131--xxFxx--xLxx 468 1500 11.0 23.1 A
1PH7131--xxFxx--xxxx 406 1500 11.0 23.1
1PH7133--xxDxx--xLxx 469 1000 12.0 28.0
1PH7133--xxDxx--xxxx 408 1000 12.0 28.0
1PH7133--xxFxx--xLxx 470 1500 15.0 33.0
1PH7133--xxFxx--xxxx 434 1500 15.0 33.0
1PH7133--xxGxx--xLxx 471 2000 20.0 43.0
1PH7133--xxGxx--xxxx 409 2000 20.0 43.0
1PH7135--xxFxx--xLxx 472 1500 18.5 39.8
1PH7135--xxFxx--xxxx 435 1500 18.5 39.8
1PH7137--xxDxx--xLxx 473 1000 17.0 40.7
1PH7137--xxDxx--xxxx 411 1000 17.0 40.7
1PH7137--xxFxx--xLxx 474 1500 22.0 54.0

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-955
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-10 Motor code for rotating induction motors (ARM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated Prated Irated

(MLFB) code
P1102 [RPM] [kW] [A(rms)]
1PH7137--xxFxx--xxxx 436 1500 22.0 54.0
1PH7137--xxGxx--xLxx 475 2000 28.0 58.6
1PH7137--xxGxx--xxxx 412 2000 28.0 58.6
1PH7163--xxBxx--xLxx 476 500 12.0 28.2
1PH7163--xxBxx--xxxx 437 500 12.0 28.2
1PH7163--xxDxx--xLxx 477 1000 22.0 52.7
1PH7163--xxDxx--xxxx 414 1000 22.0 52.7
1PH7163--xxFxx--xLxx 478 1500 30.0 70.3
1PH7163--xxFxx--xxxx 415 1500 30.0 70.3
1PH7163--xxGxx--xLxx 479 2000 36.0 82.3
1PH7163--xxGxx--xxxx 438 2000 36.0 82.3
1PH7167--xxBxx--xLxx 480 500 16.0 35.5
1PH7167--xxBxx--xxxx 439 500 16.0 35.5
1PH7167--xxDxx--xLxx 481 1000 28.0 68.3
1PH7167--xxDxx--xxxx 440 1000 28.0 68.3
1PH7167--xxFxx--xLxx 482 1500 37.0 77.8
1PH7167--xxFxx--xxxx 417 1500 37.0 77.8
1PH7167--xxGxx--xLxx 483 2000 41.0 88.8
1PH7167--xxGxx--xxxx 441 2000 41.0 88.8
1PH7184--xxDxx--xxxx 442 1000 39.0 90.0
1PH7184--xxExx--xxxx 418 1250 40.0 85.0

A 1PH7184--xxFxx--xxxx 443 1500 51.0 120.0

1PH7184--xxLxx--xxxx 444 2500 78.0 171.0
1PH7184--xxTxx--xxxx 424 500 21.5 76.0
1PH7186--xxDxx--xxxx 445 1000 51.0 116.0
1PH7186--xxExx--xxxx 420 1250 60.0 120.0
1PH7186--xxTxx--xxxx 425 500 29.6 106.0
1PH7224--xxCxx--xxxx 423 700 55.0 117.0
1PH7224--xxDxx--xxxx 484 1000 71.0 161.0
1PH7224--xxFxx--xxxx 422 1500 100.0 188.0

1PH8083--1xF0x--xxxx 801 1750 3.3 7.5

1PH8083--1xF1x--xxxx 864 1750 3.3 7.5
1PH8083--1xF2x--xxxx 865 1750 4.0 8.7

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-956 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-10 Motor code for rotating induction motors (ARM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated Prated Irated

(MLFB) code
P1102 [RPM] [kW] [A(rms)]
1PH8083--1xG0x--xxxx 866 2300 4.1 11.3
1PH8083--1xG1x--xxxx 867 2300 4.1 11.3
1PH8083--1xG2x--xxxx 868 2300 4.9 12.0
1PH8083--1xM0x--xxxx 869 3300 4.5 13.5
1PH8083--1xM1x--xxxx 870 3300 4.5 13.5
1PH8083--1xN0x--xxxx 879 5000 5.3 17.0
1PH8083--1xN1x--xxxx 880 5000 5.3 17.0
1PH8083--1xN2x--xxxx 881 5000 7.5 18.0
1PH8087--1xF0x--xxxx 871 1750 4.3 10.0
1PH8087--1xF1x--xxxx 872 1750 4.3 10.0
1PH8087--1xF2x--xxxx 873 1750 5.4 13.7
1PH8087--1xG0x--xxxx 874 2300 5.4 13.7
1PH8087--1xG1x--xxxx 875 2300 5.4 13.7
1PH8087--1xG2x--xxxx 876 2300 7.0 17.7
1PH8087--1xM0x--xxxx 877 3300 5.2 17.1
1PH8087--1xM1x--xxxx 878 3300 5.2 17.1
1PH8087--1xN0x--xxxx 882 5000 6.5 19.5
1PH8087--1xN1x--xxxx 883 5000 6.5 19.5
1PH8087--1xN2x--xxxx 884 5000 9.5 24.0
1PH8131--1xF0x--xxxx 803 1750 13.0 24.0
1PH8131--1xF1x--xxxx 804 1750 13.0 24.0
1PH8131--1xF2x--xxxx 805 1750 17.0 30.0 A
1PH8131--1xG2x--xxxx 806 2300 20.0 39.0
1PH8131--1xS0x--xxxx 807 5000 14.6 40.0
1PH8131--1xS0x--xxxx 808 2000 14.6 39.0
1PH8131--1xS1x--xxxx 809 2000 14.6 39.0
1PH8131--1xS1x--xxxx 810 5000 14.6 40.0
1PH8133--1xD0x--xxxx 811 1150 13.5 29.0
1PH8133--1xD1x--xxxx 812 1150 13.5 29.0
1PH8133--1xF0x--xxxx 813 1750 17.5 34.0
1PH8133--1xF1x--xxxx 814 1750 17.5 34.0
1PH8133--1xF2x--xxxx 815 1750 19.5 38.0
1PH8133--1xG0x--xxxx 816 2300 22.5 44.0
1PH8133--1xG1x--xxxx 817 2300 22.5 44.0

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-957
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-10 Motor code for rotating induction motors (ARM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated Prated Irated

(MLFB) code
P1102 [RPM] [kW] [A(rms)]
1PH8133--1xG2x--xxxx 818 2300 22.5 52.0
1PH8135--1xF0x--xxxx 819 1750 21.5 43.0
1PH8135--1xF1x--xxxx 820 1750 21.5 43.0
1PH8135--1xF2x--xxxx 821 1750 25.5 51.0
1PH8135--1xG2x--xxxx 822 2300 31.0 61.0
1PH8135--1xS0x--xxxx 823 5000 24.5 52.0
1PH8135--1xS0x--xxxx 824 2000 24.5 51.0
1PH8135--1xS1x--xxxx 825 2000 24.5 51.0
1PH8135--1xS1x--xxxx 826 5000 24.5 52.0
1PH8137--1xD0x--xxxx 827 1150 19.5 43.0
1PH8137--1xD1x--xxxx 828 1150 19.5 43.0
1PH8137--1xS0x--xxxx 834 5000 27.5 56.0
1PH8137--1xS0x--xxxx 835 2000 29.0 56.0
1PH8137--1xS1x--xxxx 836 5000 27.5 56.0
1PH8137--1xS1x--xxxx 837 2000 29.0 56.0
1PH8184--1xB2x--xxxx 839 500 23.0 54.0
1PH8184--1xC2x--xxxx 840 800 38.0 77.0
1PH8184--1xD2x--xxxx 841 1150 54.0 112.0
1PH8184--1xF2x--xxxx 842 1750 82.0 150.0
1PH8184--1xL2x--xxxx 843 2900 102.0 182.0
1PH8186--1xB2x--xxxx 844 500 30.0 70.0

A 1PH8186--1xC2x--xxxx 845 800 49.0 99.0

1PH8186--1xD2x--xxxx 846 1150 74.0 148.0
1PH8186--1xF2x--xxxx 847 1750 111.0 200.0
1PH8224--1xB2x--xxxx 849 500 46.0 100.0
1PH8224--1xC2x--xxxx 850 800 70.0 130.0
1PH8224--1xD2x--xxxx 851 1150 101.0 186.0
1PH8226--1xB2x--xxxx 854 500 59.0 128.0
1PH8226--1xC2x--xxxx 855 800 93.0 186.0
1PH8228--1xB2x--xxxx 859 500 72.0 150.0

1PM4101--xxF8x (L37)--D 639 4000 3.7 13.5

1PM4101--xxF8x (L37)--Y 638 1500 3.7 13.0
1PM4101--xxF8x--xxxx--D 601 4000 3.7 13.5

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-958 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Table A-10 Motor code for rotating induction motors (ARM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated Prated Irated

(MLFB) code
P1102 [RPM] [kW] [A(rms)]
1PM4101--xxF8x--xxxx--Y 600 1500 3.7 13.0
1PM4101--xxW2x (L37) 640 1500 5.0 18.0
1PM4101--xxW2x--xxxx 620 1500 5.0 18.0
1PM4105--xxF8x (L37)--D 633 4000 7.5 24.0
1PM4105--xxF8x (L37)--Y 632 1500 7.5 23.0
1PM4105--xxF8x--xxxx--D 603 4000 7.5 24.0
1PM4105--xxF8x--xxxx--Y 602 1500 7.5 23.0
1PM4105--xxW2x (L37) 641 1500 11.0 38.0
1PM4105--xxW2x--xxxx 621 1500 11.0 38.0
1PM4133--xxF8x (L37)--D 634 4000 11.0 41.0
1PM4133--xxF8x (L37)--Y 635 1500 11.0 41.0
1PM4133--xxF8x--xxxx--D 605 4000 11.0 41.0
1PM4133--xxF8x--xxxx--Y 604 1500 11.0 41.0
1PM4133--xxW2x (L37) 642 1500 15.0 55.0
1PM4133--xxW2x--xxxx 618 1500 15.0 55.0
1PM4137--xxF8x (L37)--D 637 4000 18.5 56.0
1PM4137--xxF8x--xxxx--D 607 4000 18.5 56.0
1PM4137--xxF8x--xxxx--Y 606 1500 18.5 56.0
1PM4137--xxW2x (L37) 643 1500 27.0 85.0
1PM4137--xxW2x--xxxx 619 1500 27.0 85.0
1PM6101--xxF8x--(L37)--D 623 4000 3.7 13.5
1PM6101--xxF8x--(L37)--Y 622 1500 3.7 13.0 A
1PM6101--xxF8x--xxxx--D 609 4000 3.7 13.5
1PM6101--xxF8x--xxxx--Y 608 1500 3.7 13.0
1PM6105--xxF8x (L37)--D 625 4000 7.5 24.0
1PM6105--xxF8x (L37)--Y 624 1500 7.5 23.0
1PM6105--xxF8x--xxxx--D 611 4000 7.5 24.0
1PM6105--xxF8x--xxxx--Y 610 1500 7.5 23.0
1PM6107--xxF8x--xxxx--D 645 4000 9.0 30.0
1PM6107--xxF8x--xxxx--Y 644 1500 9.0 28.0
1PM6133--xxF8x (L37)--D 627 4000 11.0 41.0
1PM6133--xxF8x (L37)--Y 626 1500 11.0 41.0
1PM6133--xxF8x--xxxx--D 613 4000 11.0 41.0
1PM6133--xxF8x--xxxx--Y 612 1500 11.0 41.0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-959
A Lists 01.99
A.3 List of motors

Table A-10 Motor code for rotating induction motors (ARM), continued

Order No. Motor nrated Prated Irated

(MLFB) code
P1102 [RPM] [kW] [A(rms)]
1PM6137--xxF8x (L37)--D 629 4000 18.5 56.0
1PM6137--xxF8x (L37)--Y 628 1500 18.5 56.0
1PM6137--xxF8x--xxxx--D 615 4000 18.5 56.0
1PM6137--xxF8x--xxxx--Y 614 1500 18.5 56.0
1PM6138--xxF8x (L37)--D 630 4000 22.0 57.0
1PM6138--xxF8x (L37)--Y 631 1500 22.0 58.0
1PM6138--xxF8x--xxxx--D 617 4000 22.0 57.0
1PM6138--xxF8x--xxxx--Y 616 1500 22.0 58.0
2SP1253--8xAxx--0xxx--D 340 4000 13.2 29.0
2SP1253--8xAxx--0xxx--Y 341 1800 13.2 28.0
2SP1253--8xAxx--1xxx--D 343 4000 13.2 29.0
2SP1253--8xAxx--1xxx--Y 342 1800 13.2 28.0
2SP1255--8xAxx--0xxx--D 345 1800 11.7 28.0
2SP1255--8xAxx--0xxx--Y 344 800 11.7 30.0
2SP1255--8xAxx--1xxx--D 346 1800 11.7 28.0
2SP1255--8xAxx--1xxx--Y 347 800 11.7 30.0
DMR160.80.6RIF--Y 212 200 12.6 60.0
DMR160.80.6RIF--D 213 200 12.6 60.0
Unlisted motors 99 -- -- --
x: Space retainer for the Order No.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-960 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 A Lists
A.3 List of motors

Parameters for
unlisted motors
Table A-11 Parameters for unlisted motors (ARM)

No. Name Unit Value
1102 Motor code -- 99
1103 Rated motor current A(rms)
1117 Motor moment of inertia kgm2
1119 Inductance of the series reactor mH
1129 cos phi power factor --
1130 Rated motor power kW
1132 Rated motor voltage V
1134 Rated motor frequency Hz
1135 Motor no--load voltage V
1136 Motor no--load current A(rms)
1137 Stator resistance, cold 
1138 Rotor resistance, cold 
1139 Stator leakage reactance 
1140 Rotor leakage reactance 
1141 Magnetizing reactance 
1142 Speed at the start of field weakening RPM
1146 Maximum motor speed RPM
1288 Shutdown threshold, thermal motor model _C
1400 Rated motor speed RPM

1602 Warning threshold, motor overtemperature _C

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-961
A Lists 01.99
A.4 Encoder list

A.4 Encoder list

A.4.1 Encoder code

The motor encoder being used is identified by its encoder code in

If encoder systems are used, which are not marketed by SIEMENS
(third--party encoder, encoder code = 99), then additional parameters
must be ”manually” set corresponding to the measuring system
manufacturer’s data (refer to Table A-12).

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-962 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 A Lists
A.4 Encoder list

Table A-12 Encoder code for motor encoders

Rough classification En- Motor Encoder Addi-

coder The Order No. (MLFB) tional
code defines the encoder pa-
P1006 code rame-
1PH4xxx--xxxxx--xNxx1) ERN 1381/ERN 13872)
1 1PH6xxx--xxxxx--xNxx Voltage signals sin/cos 1Vpp --
Incremental 2048 pulses/revolution
Installation ERN 13872)
2 Voltage signals sin/cos 1Vpp --
2048 pulses/revolution C/D track
1PH2 6FX2001--8RA03--1B/--1C/--1F3) P1011
1FE1 Voltage signals sin/cos 1Vpp P1008
256 pulses/revolution
1PH2 6FX2001--8RA03--1D/--1E/--1G3) P1011
1FE1 Voltage signals sin/cos 1Vpp P1008
512 pulses/revolution
1PH2 6FX2001--6RB01--4xx03) P1011
encoder 32
1FE1 Voltage signals sin/cos 1Vpp P1008
256 pulses/revolution
with 1PH2 6FX2001--6RB01--5xx03) P1011
sin/cos 1FE1 Voltage signals sin/cos 1Vpp P1008
1Vpp 400 pulses/revolution

Voltage signals sin/cos 1Vpp
P1008 A
512 pulses/revolution
EQN 13252)
1FT6xxx--xxxxx--xExx Voltage signals sin/cos 1Vpp
10 EnDat, 2048 pulses/revolution, --
4096 revolutions which can be dif-
ferentiated between
EQI 13242)
Absolute Voltage signals sin/cos 1Vpp
encoder (from 1FK6xxx--xxxxx--xGxx --
EnDat, 32 pulses/revolution, 4096
Installation revolutions which can be differen-
tiated between
70 EQI 11252)
(from Voltage signals sin/cos 1Vpp
SW EnDat, 16 pulses/revolution, 4096 --
9.1) 1FK703x--xxxxx--xJxx
revolutions which can be differen-
tiated between

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-963
A Lists 01.99
A.4 Encoder list

Table A-12 Encoder code for motor encoders, continued

Rough classification En- Motor Encoder Addi-

coder The Order No. (MLFB) tional
code defines the encoder pa-
P1006 code rame-
20 Resolver 2p (1--speed) --
Incremental 21 Resolver 4p (2--speed) --
Re- Special design
solver 1FT6xxx--6xxxx--xSxx
Installation 22 Resolver 6p (3--speed) --
Special design
23 Resolver 8p (4--speed) --
Special design
encod- absolute -- LC 1822) --

98 1LAx -- --

-- -- P1005
sin/cos 1Vpp
encoder 1LAx
e.g. 1XP8001--2 P1005
with 1PHx
TTL signal4)
Resolver 2p (1--speed) P1011
-- to P1018
Special resolver
resolver 12p (6--speed) P1027
A cases
Incre- 99
Lin- men- e.g. LS 186/LS 4842)
ear tal 1FN1 P1011
en P1024
cod- 1FN3 P1027
ers abso-
e.g. LC 1811)

Distance-- P1037
coded P1050
-- e.g. ERA 780C/RON 785C2)
measuring P1051
system P1052
1) x: Space retainer for the Order No.
2) Heidenhain is the manufacturer.
Compatible encoders from other measuring system (encoder) manufacturers can be used.
3) Order No. (MLFB) of the measuring wheel, as this is decisive for the number of pulses/revolution.
4) Only with control board, Order No. 6SN1118--VNH01--0AAV, from SW 8.1

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-964 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.06 A Lists
A.4 Encoder list

A.4.2 Encoder adaptation

Encoder types The following encoder types are supported:

S Incremental encoder with sin/cos 1Vpp
S Absolute value encoder with EnDat protocol and incremental tracks
with sin/cos 1Vpp
S Resolver with pole pair numbers 1 to 6 and 1 to 64 from SW 7.1
with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”
S Incremental encoders with TTL signal from SW 8.1 mounted on in-
duction motors -- only with ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”
(Order No. 6SN1118--VNH01--0AAV)

From SW 9.2:
Linear scales with resolution <100 nm can also be used as motor
measuring system (indirect measuring system)!

Recommended The following encoder signals are recommended for fault--free operation:
encoder signals
for fault--free
S For track signals A+, A--, B+, B--, C+, C--, D+ and D--
operation with
sin/cos 1 Vpp


0.375 to 0.6 V
3.0 V

0V t

Fig. A-3 Signal characteristics for track signals A+, A--, B+, B--, C+, C--, D+ and D--

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-965
A Lists 01.99
A.4 Encoder list

S For zero pulse/reference signal R+ and R--



3.5 V
0.2 to 0.5 V 0.2 to 0.5 V

1.5 V

0V t

Fig. A-4 Signal characteristics for zero pulse/reference signal R+ and R--

Use of other encoder signals can trigger encoder signal monitoring. In

particular, the lower signal level for reference signals R+ and R-- must
be carefully observed.

Resolution, From SW 6.1 for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal HR/HRS”, it is possible to

resolver set the resolver resolution.
S Resolver resolution: 14 bits
-- P1011.2 = 1 (indirect measuring system)
-- P1030.2 = 1 (direct measuring system)
S Resolver resolution: 12 bits
-- P1011.2 = 0 (indirect measuring system)
-- P1030.2 = 0 (direct measuring system)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-966 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
04.06 A Lists
A.4 Encoder list

After the resolver resolution has been changed from 12 bit to 14 bit,
the resolution of several signals at analog output (X441, P0625/P0633)
or at the test sockets DAU (P1820/P1830) also change. The signals
involved are those signals whose normalization refers to the speed
(P1711). These are the following signals:
S Speed actual value, motor (SRM, ARM)
S Speed setpoint (SRM, ARM)
S Speed setpoint, reference model (SRM, ARM)
S Absolute speed actual value (SRM, ARM)
S Speed setpoint at terminals 56.x/14.x, 24.x/20.x (SRM, ARM)
S Speed setpoint from PROFIBUS PPO (SRM, ARM)
S Speed correction value (SRM, ARM)
S Position controller output (SRM, ARM)
S Pre--controlled speed (SRM, ARM)
S DSC pre--controlled speed, motor (from SW 4.1)
S Equalization controller output(from SW 7.1)
Do you want the original resolution:
S Restore the original resolver resolution (P1011.2) or
S Adapt the shift factor, analog outputs P0627/P0634 or test sockets
(DAU) P1821/1831 (+2 or --2)

Fault message 749 (from SW 7.1) is output, if the following conditions

are not fulfilled:
S A 14--bit resolution was set for ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” ---->
only a 12--bit resolution is possible
S Synchronous motor (SRM): ¡
----> (max. encoder frequency/resolver pole pair number S 60 S 0.98)
> P1147
S Induction motor (ARM): ¡ A
----> (max. encoder frequency/resolver pole pair number S 60 S 0.98)
> min (P1146, P1465)
S Max. encoder frequency:
----> 12 bit: 432 Hz
----> 14 bits: 108 Hz

If P1146, P1147 or P1465 are changed during operation so that the set
limits are exceeded, then fault message 749 is output.
If the condition ¡ is not violated, then when the system is
re--commissioned, the 14--bit resolution is preset and the speed actual
value smoothing (P1522) is selected.
If the resolver resolution is manually changed, then it is also necessary
to change the presetting of P1522 (refer to the parameter list
Attachment A.1).

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-967
A Lists 01.99
A.4 Encoder list

Parameterizing An indirect measuring system is commissioned by entering a code

an indirect number into P1006. If an encoder is used which is not saved in the
measuring system firmware, then the data according to Table 4-14 must be entered.
Refer to the parameter overview Chapter A.1 for the significance of
parameters P1005, P1021, P1022 and P1024.

Parameterizing a For ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal” when a direct measuring system is

direct measuring used, it must be appropriately parameterized.
The direct measuring system is commissioned by entering a code num-
ber into P1036. If an encoder is used which is not saved in the firm-
ware, then the data according to Table 4-14 must be entered and
P1036 set to 99.

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-968 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
08.02 A Lists
A.4 Encoder list

Parameters for
unlisted encoders
Table A-13 Unlisted encoders: Which data are required for which encoder type?

Single--turn resolution, abs. encoder

Multiturn resolution, abs. encoder
Absolute encoder (EnDat--SS)

Linear measuring system

Encoder pulse number

Transmission rate

Grid spacing



for indirect measuring system (IM)






for direct measuring system (DM)


(from SW 3.3)




Rotary x 0 0 -- -- -- --
Absolute (EnDat) Increme

Linear -- 0 1 -- -- -- x
ncoder typ

Rotary A 1 0 x A A --

Linear -- 1 1 x -- A --

x: Input required
--: No input required
A: Display
0 or 1: The parameter bit must be set like this
For an absolute value encoder (P1037.3 = 1), the drive can automatically detect the protocol being used

Reader’s note
Additional information on encoder systems is provided in:
Reference: /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611,
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters
Chapter ”Indirect and direct position sensing”

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition A-969
A Lists 01.99
A.4 Encoder list

Space for your notes

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

A-970 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
List of Abbreviations B
ABS Absolute
ADC Analog--to--digital converter
AIE Angular incremental encoder
AO Analog output
ARM Rotating induction motor
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Being prepared Being prepared: This feature is presently not available
CE Controller enable
ChkCfg Abbreviation for the configuration telegram (Check Config.): this is sent
from the master to the slave when establishing the bus
COM Communications module
CPU Central Processing Unit
CTS Clear To Send:
Signal that it is clear to send for serial data interfaces
DAC Digital--to--analog converter
DM Direct measuring system (encoder 2)
DP Distributed Periphery (I/O)
DPC31 DP controller with integrated 8031 core
DPMC1, DPMC2 DP master, Class 1 or Class 2
DPR Dual port RAM
DRAM Dynamic memory (non--buffered) B
DRF Differential Resolver Function
DRIVE ES Basic Software, which is linked in to the HW Config engineering tool of
SIMATIC S7 for a special slave.
DSC Dynamic servo control
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DSR Data Send Ready:
Signals that data is ready to be sent from the serial data interfaces
DXB Data eXchange Broadcast: DXB request is a task (request) which initi-
ates a slave (publisher) to send its actual values as broadcast

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition B-971
B List of Abbreviations 04.06

EGB Modules/components that can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge

EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EMK Electromotive force
EnDat Encoder--Data--Interface: Bidirectional synchronous--serial interface

The abbreviation EnDat refers to the descriptions provided in the FBU
for EnDat 2.1 encoders from Heidenhain.
EnDat 2.2 encoders with incremental interface are supported in the
EnDat 2.1 mode.
EPROM Program memory with permanently written program
ET200 Peripheral devices (I/O) from the SIMATIC range which can be coupled
FD Feed drive
FEPROM Flash EPROM: Memory which can be read and written into
FFT Fast Fourier Transformation
FG Function generator
FIPO Fine interpolator
EN+ Enable voltage +24 V
EN-- Reference for the enable voltage
GC Global--Control--Telegramm (Broadcast--Telegramm)
GSD Master device file: describes the features of a DP slave
HEX Abbreviation for a hexadecimal number
HLG Ramp--function generator
HW Hardware
HWE Hardware limit switches
I Input
B I/R Infeed/regenerative feedback module
IBN Commissioning
Id Field--generating current
IF Pulse enable
IM Induction motor without encoder (IM operation)
IM Indirect measuring system (motor measuring system)
IND Sub--index, sub--parameter number array index: Part of a PIV
IPO Interpolator
Iq Torque--generating current

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

B-972 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 B List of Abbreviations

KL Terminal
Kv Position loop gain (Kv factor)
LED Light Emitting Diode
LSB Least significant bit
MAV Main actual value: Part of the PZD
MLFB Machine Readable Product Designation: Order No.
MPI Multi Point Interface: Multi--point serial interface
MS Main setpoint: Part of the PZD
MSB Most significant bit
MSCY_C1 Master Slave Cycle Class 1:
Cyclic communications between the master (Class 1) and the slave
MSC Dimension system grid: Smallest position unit
MSD Main spindle drive
NC Numerical control
NE Line infeed
NIL Not in List
NIST Actual speed value
nset Speed setpoint
O Output
OC Operating condition
OLP Optical Link Plug: Bus connector for fiber--optic cables
P Parameter
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PD Process data: Process data section of a PPO
PEH Position reached and stop
PELV Protective extra low voltage Protective extra low voltage B
PG Programming device
PLC Programmable logic controller
PIV Parameter identification value: Parameterizing part of a PPO
PKE Parameter identification: Part of a PKW
PLI Pole position identification
PLL Phase Locked Loop: Module for clock cycle synchronous operation
PNO PROFIBUS User Organization

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition B-973
B List of Abbreviations 09.05

PosAnw Position selection

PosZsw Positioning status word
PPO Parameter process data object:
Cyclic data telegram when transferring data with PROFIBUS--DP and
the ”variable--speed drives” profile
PRBS Pseudo Random Binary Signal: White noise
PROFIBUS Process field bus: Serial data bus
PTP Point To Point
PWE Parameter value: Part of a PKW
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
RAM Random Access Memory, i.e. program memory that can be read and
written to
REL Relative
RF Controller enable
RLI Rotor position identification, corresponds to the pole position
identification (PLI)
RO Read Only
SERCOS Standard bus system for drives
SetPrm Abbreviation for the parameterizing telegram (set param): this is sent
from the master to the slave when establishing the bus
SF Shift factor
SLM Synchronous linear motor
SPC3 Siemens PROFIBUS Controller 3
SRM Rotating synchronous motor
SS Interface
SSI Synchronous serial interface

B STS Gating unit

STW Control word: Part of a PZD
SW Software
SWE Software limit switches
UI Uncontrolled infeed
VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure [Association of German Engineers]
VPM VP module,
module to limit the DC link voltage when a fault condition occurs
(VPM: Voltage Protection Module)
Vpp Peak--to--peak voltage

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

B-974 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
02.02 B List of Abbreviations

WZM Machine tools

xact Actual position value
xset Position setpoint value
ZK DC link
ZSW Status word: Part of a PZD

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition B-975
B List of Abbreviations 02.02

Space for your notes

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

B-976 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
References C
General Documentation

/BU/ SINUMERIK & SIMODRIVE, Automation Systems for Machine Tools

Catalog NC 60 S 2009
Order No.: E86060--K4460--A101--B3
Order No.: E86060--K4460--A101--B3 --7600 (English)

/KT101/ Power Supplies SITOP power/LOGO!power

Catalog KT 10.1 S 2004
Order No.: E86060--K2410--A101--A5


Catalog DA 65.4 S 2005
Order No.: E86060--K5165--A401--A2

Products for Totally Integrated Automation and Micro Automation
Catalog ST 70 S 2005
Order No.: E86 060--K4670--A101--B2
Order No.: E86 060--K4670--A101--B2--7600 (English)

Connections & System Components for SIMATIC, SINUMERIK,
Catalog NC Z
Order No.: E86060--K4490--A101--B1
Order No.: E86060--K4490--A101--B1--7600 (English)

/STEP7/ Automation with STEP 7 in STL

SIMATIC S7--300/400 Programmable Logic Controllers
SIEMENS; Publicis MCD Verlag; Hans Berger
Order No.: A19100--L531--B665
ISBN 3--89578--036--7

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition C-977
C References 09.08

Documentation for PROFIBUS

/IKPI/ Catalog IK PI S 2005

Industrial Communications for Automation and Drives
Order No. of the bound edition: E86060--K6710--A101--B6
Order No. of the loose--leaf edition: E86060--K6710--A100--B6


Basic Information, Tips and Tricks for Users
Hüthig; Manfred Popp,
2nd edition
ISBN 3--7785--2781--9

/P2/ PROFIBUS--DP, Fast Entry

PROFIBUS User Organisation e.V.; Manfred Popp
Order No.: 4.071

/P3/ Decentralization with PROFIBUS--DP

Design, Configuring and
SIEMENS; Publics MCD Verlag; Josef Weigmann, Gerhard Kilian
Order No.: A19100--L531--B714
ISBN 3--89578--074--X

/P4/ Manual for PROFIBUS Networks

Order No.: 6GK1 970--5CA10--0BA0

/STPI/ PROFIBUS & AS Interface,

Components on the Fieldbus, Catalog ST PI 1999
Order No. of the bound edition: E86060--K4660--A101--A3
Order No. of the loose--leaf edition: E86060--K4660--A100--A3--7600

/PPA/ PROFIdrive Profile Drive Technology

Draft PROFIBUS Profile
Version 3.1.2, September 2004
C Version 4.1, May 2006
PROFIBUS User Organization e.V.
Haid--und--Neu--Straße 7
76131 Karlsruhe
Order No. 3.172

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

C-978 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
09.05 C References

/PPD/ PROFIBUS, Profile for Variable--Speed Drives, PROFIDRIVE,

PROFIBUS User Organization e.V.
Haid--und--Neu--Straße 7
76131 Karlsruhe;
September 1997 Edition, Order No. 3.071

/PDP/ PROFIBUS Installation Guidelines

Installation Guidelines for PROFIBUS--FMS/DP
Installation and Wiring Recommendation for RS 485 Transmission
Version 1.0, Order No. 2.111 (German); 2.112 (English)

Manufacturer/Service Documentation

A list of additional documents, updated on a monthly basis, is available
on the Internet for the available languages at:
Select ”Support” ----> ”Technical documentation” ----> ”Ordering
documentation” ----> ”Printed documentation”.

/FBU_TE/ SIMODRIVE 611 universal

Mounting Instructions Replacing Spare Parts (07.05 Edition)
Order No.: On request

/FBU_TEH/ SIMODRIVE 611 universal

Mounting Instructions Replacing Spare Parts HRS (07.05 Edition)
Order No.: On request

/SP/ SIMODRIVE 611--A/611--D,

SimoPro 3.1
Program for Configuring Machine Tool Drives
Order No.: 6SC6 111--6PC00--0BAj
Ordering location: WK Fürth

/S7H/ SIMATIC S7--300 (2002 Edition)

Installation Manual Technological Functions
-- Reference Manual: CPU Data (HW Description)
Order No.: 6ES7 398--8AA03--8BA0

/S7HT/ SIMATIC S7--300 (03.97 Edition)

Manual: STEP 7, Fundamentals, V. 3.1
Order No.: 6ES7 810--4CA02--8BA0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition C-979
C References 09.05

/S7HR/ SIMATIC S7--300 (03.97 Edition)

Manual: STEP 7, Reference Manuals, V. 3.1
Order No.: 6ES7 810--4CA02--8BR0

/ET200X/ SIMATIC (05.01 Edition)

Distributed ET 200X
Manual EWA 4NEB 780 6016--01 04
Part of the package with Order No.
6ES7 198--8FA01--8BA0

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

C-980 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
Certificates D
An excerpt is provided from the certification of the PROFIBUS User
Organization e.V. and the certification of the ”Safe Standstill” function
The complete certification for the ”Safe standstill” function can be
found as follows:
Reference: /PJU/ SIMODRIVE 611
Configuration Manual, Drive Converters

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition D-981
D Certificates 09.08

Fig. D-1 Certificate, PROFIBUS

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

D-982 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 D Certificates

Fig. D-2 Certificate, ”Safe standstill” function (German, Zertifikat Funktion ”Sicherer Halt”)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition D-983
D Certificates 04.06

Fig. D-3 Certificate, ”Safe standstill” function (English)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

D-984 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 D Certificates

EC Declaration of

Attached is an excerpt from the EC Declaration of Conformity for
SIMODRIVE 611 universal.
The complete EC Declaration of Conformity can be found as follows:
the Internet: http://www.support.automation.siemens.com under the
Product/Order No. 15257461
or at the relevant branch office of the I DT MC group of Siemens AG.
Please observe the following documentation:
Reference: /EMC/ EMC Configuring Guidelines
(Order No.: 6FC5297-- jAD30--0BPj

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition D-985
D Certificates 02.08

Fig. D-4 EC Declaration of Conformity

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

D-986 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 D Certificates

Fig. D-5 Annex A17 to the Declaration of Conformity (excerpt)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition D-987
D Certificates 02.08

Fig. D-6 Annex A18 to the Declaration of Conformity (excerpt)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

D-988 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 D Certificates

Fig. D-7 Annex A21 to the Declaration of Conformity (excerpt)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition D-989
D Certificates 02.08

Fig. D-8 Annex A22 to the Declaration of Conformity (excerpt)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

D-990 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
07.07 D Certificates

Fig. D-9 Annex A23 to the Declaration of Conformity (excerpt)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition D-991
D Certificates 02.08

Appendix C of the EC Declaration of Conformity No. E002

The agreement of the products with the directive of the 2004/108/EU counsel has been validated
by testing in accordance with the following product standard and listed Basic Standards.

Product standard: Title:

EN 61800--3 1) Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems;
EMC product standard including special test procedures

Basic Standards: Phenomenon test:

EN 55011 2) ISM devices; wireless interferences
EN 61000--4--2 3) Static discharge
EN 61000--4--3 4) High--frequency irradiation (amplitude--modulated)
EN 61000--4--4 5) Quick transients (burst)
EN 61000--4--5 6) Power surges
EN 61000--4--6 7) Lines subject to HF radiation
EN 61000--4--8 8) Magnetic fields with energy--technical frequencies
EN 61000--4--11 9) Voltage dips and voltage interruptions
EN 61000--4--13 10) Harmonics on low--voltage lines
EN 61000--4--14 11) Voltage fluctuations
EN 61000--4--17 12) Ripple components on direct current line connections
EN 61000--4--27 13) Asymmetry of the supply voltage
EN 61000--4--28 14) Fluctuations of the line frequency

Associated standards:
1) VDE 0160 Part 100 8) VDE 0847 Part 4--8
IEC 61800--3 IEC 61000--4--8
2) VDE 0875 Part 11 9) VDE 0847 Part 4--11
IEC/ CISPR 11 IEC 61000--4--11
3) VDE 0847 Part 4--2 10) VDE 0847 Part 4--13
IEC 61000--4--2 IEC 61000--4--13
4) VDE 0847 Part 4--3 11) VDE 0847 Part 4--14
IEC 61000--4--3 IEC 61000--4--14
5) VDE 0847 Part 4--4 12) VDE 0847 Part 4--17
IEC 61000--4--4 IEC 61000--4--17
6) VDE 0847 Part 4--5 11) VDE 0847 Part 4--27
IEC 61000--4--5 IEC 61000--4--27
7) VDE 0847 Part 4--6 12) VDE 0847 Part 4--28
IEC 61000--4--6 IEC 61000--4--28

Copyright (C) Siemens AG 2007 All rights reserved Version 07/08/15

D konf/erkl/002/anh_c C--1/1

Fig. D-10 Annex C to the EC Declaration of Conformity (excerpt)

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

D-992 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
Index E
Symbols Analog signals
for the current and speed control loop,
! 611ue diff !, v, 1-55
! not 611u !, v, 1-55
for the position control loop, 6-575
! not 611ue !, v, 1-55
Angular incremental encoder interface, 2-81,
as an output, 6-580
Numbers as input (from SW 3.3), 6-585, 6-589
1FE1 motors, 4-161, A-935 Handwheel connection, 6-589
1FK6 motors, A-925 Terminating resistor, 1-39
1FNx motors, A-946 Any gearbox ratio (from SW 8.1), 6-370
1FT6 motors, A-925 APC (from SW 10.1), 6-646
1FW6 motors, A-942 Automatic controller setting, 6-344
1PHx motors, A-952 Automatic power module identification,
2SP1 motors, A-935 4-142
Axis couplings (from SW 3.3), 6-445
Equalization controller (from SW 7.1),
A 6-483
Torque setpoint coupling via PROFIBUS
Abbreviations, B-971
(from SW 4.1), 6-477
Acknowledging faults, 7-663
with queue function (being prepared),
with POWER ON, 7-663
Activate function generator immediately
(from SW 11.2), 6-651
Active oscillation damping (APC) (from B
SW 10.1), 6-646 Backlash compensation, 6-390
Actual position value, 6-395 Ball screw, 6-367
Address Basic commissioning, 3-107
Documentation (Fax, email), iv Block change enable, 6-430
Internet, iv CONTINUE EXTERNAL (from SW 3.1),
Technical Support, iv 6-433
Adjusting CONTINUE FLYING, 6-432
Absolute encoder, 6-413 CONTINUE WITH STOP, 6-432
Reference cams, 6-406 END, 6-431
Alarm log, 7-663 Block skip, 6-430
Alarms, 7-662 Booting, 4-123
Evaluating via PROFIBUS-DP, 5-299 Bootstrapping, 3-104, 4-137
Handling the, 7-669 Brake sequence control, 6-592
List of, 7-671
Overview of the, 7-662
Built-in torque motors, 4-172, A-942 E
Analog inputs, 2-80, 6-550
Analog outputs, 2-79, 6-564

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition E-993
E Index 06.09

C First, 4-120
Induction motor with TTL encoder (from
Cable, recommended, 2-72
SW 8.1), 4-204
Cable diagram
Linear motor, 4-179
for RS232, 2-89
PE spindle, 4-163
for RS485, 2-90
Prerequisites for, 4-121
Calculate controller data, 4-137
Calculate data
Series, 4-120
Controller data, 4-137
Upgrading the FW, optional PROFIBUS
Equiv cct diagram data, 4-138
module, 4-122
Optimize motor data, 4-139
Using the display and operator unit,
Unlisted motors, 4-138
Calculate the equivalent circuit diagram
Using the SimoCom U tool, 4-124
data, 4-138
Commissioning required, 3-107
Calculate unlisted motor, 4-138
CD, 1-32
PROFIdrive conformance, 5-209
Certificates, iv
via PROFIBUS-DP, 5-208
via RS232, 3-110
of motors (from SW 2.4), 6-602
via RS485 (from hardware ...1), 3-111
of parameter sets, 6-598
of the dimension system, 6-378
the drive group, 1-28
of the serial interface, 3-109
the process data (from SW 3.1), 5-263
Clock cycles, 4-145
Configuring process data (from SW 3.1),
Clock--synchronous PROFIBUS operation,
Configuring the telegram (from SW 3.1),
Closed--loop position control
Acceleration (maximum), 6-380
Connection diagram
Backlash compensation, 6-390
for the control board, 2-75
Deceleration (maximum), 6-380
for the optional PROFIBUS-DP module,
Diagnostics, 6-402
Dimension system, 6-378
for the optional TERMINAL module, 2-82
Direction adaptation, 6-395
Control board front panel, 1-37
Follow--up mode, 6-401
Control unit, 1-38
Following error monitoring, 6-396
1-axis for encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp,
Jerk limiting (from SW 3.1), 6-381
Limit switches, 6-385
1-axis for resolvers, 1-32, 1-36
Overview, 6-377
2-axis for encoders with sin/cos 1Vpp,
Position loop gain (Kv factor), 6-392
1-32, 1-35
Position monitoring, 6-399
2-axis for encoders with TTL signals
Speed pre--control, 6-393
(from SW 8.1), 1-32
Standstill monitoring, 6-397
2-axis for resolvers, 1-32, 1-35
Switching signals (cams), 6-389
2-axis for SINUMERIK 802D, 1-43
Velocity (maximal), 6-380
Elements on the front panel, 1-37
Velocity override, 6-384
Memory module, 1-26
Coding the mini connectors, 2-71
Controller enable, 6-494
Command--dependent block information,
Couplings (from SW 3.3), 6-445
E Commissioning
Equalization controller (from SW 7.1),
Built-in torque motors, 4-174
Torque setpoint coupling via PROFIBUS
Checklist for, 4-121
(from SW 4.1), 6-477
Direct measuring system (from SW 3.3),
with queue function (being prepared),
Firmware download, 4-131

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

E-994 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 E Index

CP xxxx, 3-115, 3-118 Drive configuration, 3-107

Current controller, 6-340 Drive group, 1-28
Adaptation, 4-169 Drive inactive, 4-144
Optimization, 6-344 Drive number for RS485, 3-109
Current documentation, iii DSC, 6-625
DSR, 6-625
Dynamic energy management (from
D SW 13.1), 6-655
DAC, 2-78, 7-770 Dynamic monitoring of following errors,
Danger and warning concept, xii 6-396
Data carrier, 1-32 Dynamic Servo Control, 6-625
Data Exchange Broadcast (from SW 4.1),
Data transfer E
Consistent, 5-291, 5-292
Inconsistent, 5-291, 5-292 EC Declaration of Conformity, D-981, D-985
DC link, 2-74 Electrical braking when the encoder fails
Declaration of Conformity, D-981, D-985 (from SW 9.1), 6-644
Diagnostics Electronic handwheel (from SW 8.1)
Actual traversing block, 6-439 Angular incremental encoder -- direction-
LED on the control board, 7-670 dependent, 6-590
LED on the optional PROFIBUS module, Angular incremental encoder handwheel
5-297 evaluation, 6-589
of the movement status, 6-402 EMC Design Guidelines, 2-70
Operating display, 4-140 Encoder, 1-26, A-962
Parameters for, 4-139 Encoder adaptation, 6-367
Using the 7--segment display, 7-667 Encoder code, 4-143, A-962
Digital inputs Encoder connection, 2-79
for control board, 2-80, 6-495 Encoder interface (from SW 3.1), 1-51,
for the optional TERMINAL module, 2-83, 1-57, 5-251
6-548 Encoder limit frequency, 1-48, 2-79
Digital outputs Ends of conductors, 2-73
for control board, 2-81, 6-520 Equalization controller (from SW 7.1), 6-483
for the optional TERMINAL module, 2-83, Equipment bus, 2-74, 2-78
6-548 Equivalent zero mark, 6-417, 6-515
if all do not ”function”, 2-81, 2-83 ESDS information and instructions, xv
Dimension system, 6-378 ESDS measures, 2-70
Dimension system grid (MSR), 6-374, 6-378 Establish the status when originally shipped
Direct measuring system, A-968 (from SW 3.1), 3-104, 4-136
Direct measuring system (from SW 3.3), Expert list, 3-106
4-200 Explanation of symbols, xii
Direction adaptation, 6-395 External block change (from SW 3.1), 6-433
Display and operator unit, 1-38
Example: Changing a parameter value,
3-99 F
Display in cyclic operation, 4-123 FAULT LED, 1-38, 7-670
Display unit Fault without a number being displayed,
Alarm mode, 3-93
Hexadecimal values, 3-98
Faults, 7-662
Parameterizing mode, 3-93, 3-94 Acknowledging, 7-663
Power--on mode, 3-93 Can be set (from SW 3.3), 7-666
Distance--coded reference marks Evaluating via PROFIBUS-DP, 5-298
n-set mode (from SW 4.1), 6-365 Handling the, 7-668
pos mode (from SW 8.3), 6-409

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition E-995
E Index 06.09

List of, 7-671 Activate coupling via I0.x (from SW 3.3),

Overview of the, 7-662 6-514
Stop responses of, 7-665 Activate function generator (edge) (from
that can be suppressed, 7-666 SW 8.1), 6-505
FD operation with field weakening, 4-205 Activate function generator immediately
FEPROM: Saving data, 4-136 (from SW 11.1), 6-499
Fixed setpoint (from SW 3.1), 6-348 Activate MDI (from SW 7.1), 6-517
Fixed speed setpoint (from SW 3.1), 6-348 Activate teach--in (from SW 4.1), 6-510
Fixed stop (from SW 3.3), 6-616 Activate traversing task (edge), 6-508
Folder, of abbreviations, B-971 Angular incremental encoder handwheel
Follow--up mode, 6-401 evaluation, bit 0 (from SW 8.1), 6-517
Following error monitoring, 6-396 Angular incremental encoder handwheel
Function generator, 7-761 evaluation, bit 1 (from SW 8.1), 6-517
Function--initiating parameters, 4-136 Block selection, 6-506
Control requested/no control requested,
G Enable inverter/pulse inhibit, 6-504
GSD, 5-289 Enable setpoint/inhibit setpoint, 6-517
Equivalent zero mark, 6-515
External block change (from SW 3.1),
H 6-511
Hardware First speed setpoint filter off, 6-502
Limit switch (n-set mode), 6-356 Fixed speed setpoint (from SW 3.1),
Limit switch (pos mode), 6-385 6-502
Parameter assignment, 4-142 Fixed stop, sensor (from SW 3.3), 6-512
Hardware limit switch Flying measurement (from SW 3.1),
n-set mode, 6-356 6-516
pos mode, 6-385 Follow--up mode, 6-512
Help for the reader, v Inactive, 6-499
Holding brake, 6-592 Incremental jogging (from SW 4.1), 6-509
Hotline, iv Integrator inhibit, speed controller, 6-501
Invert the angular incremental encoder
input (from SW 3.5), 6-515
I Jogging 1 ON/jogging 1 OFF, 6-509
Jogging 2 ON/jogging 2 OFF, 6-509
i2t power module limiting (from SW 3.1),
Master sign--of--life (from SW 3.1), 6-519
Minus hardware limit switch (NC con-
IM operation, 4-146
tact), 6-516
Motor changed over (from SW 2.4),
Input signals, 4-141 6-518
Input terminals, 4-141 Motor data set changeover (from
Output signals, 4-141
SW 2.4), 6-500
Output terminals, 4-141
ON/OFF 1, 6-503
Increase in ruggedness (from SW 11.1),
Open--loop torque controlled mode,
6-652 6-500
Indirect measuring system, A-968 Opening the holding brake for test pur-
E Input signal, analog, 6-550
Input signal, digital
poses (from SW 4.1), 6-505
Oper. condition/intermediate stop, 6-507
Accelerating time zero for controller
Operating condition/OFF 2, 6-503
enable (from SW 3.1), 6-519 Operating condition/OFF 3, 6-504
Activate angular incremental encoder, Operating condition/reject traversing
handwheel (from SW 8.1), 6-517
task, 6-506
Activate coupling (from SW 3.3), 6-513

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

E-996 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 E Index

Parameter set changeover, 6-501 J

Plus hardware limit switch (NC contact),
Jerk limiting (from SW 3.1), 6-381
Ramp--function generator start/ramp--
incremental (from SW 4.1), 6-420
function generator stop, 6-517
via velocity, 6-420
Ramp--up generator enabled, 6-504
Ramp--up time zero, 6-500
Reference cams, 6-515
Request passive referencing (from K
SW 5.1), 6-512 Key combinations, operator unit, 3-97
Reset the fault memory, 6-500 Kv factor, 6-392
Selection, parking axis, 6-505
Set setpoint, master drive (from SW 4.1),
6-514 L
Setting the home position, 6-513
Spindle positioning on (from SW 5.1), Leadscrew pitch, 6-367
6-503 LED
Start referencing/cancel referencing, on the control board, 1-38, 7-670
6-510 on the optional PROFIBUS-DP module,
Suppress fault 608 (from SW 3.1), 6-503 1-41, 5-297
Input terminals Limit switch monitoring functions, 6-385
Assignment, for the optional TERMINAL Limits
module (from SW 4.1), 6-549 Current limitation, 6-363
Delay time, 2-80 Speed limitation, 6-357
for control board, 6-495 Speed range exclusion (from SW 11.1),
for the optional TERMINAL module, 6-364
6-548 Speed setpoint, 6-357
Freely parameterizable, 6-495, 6-548 Stationary minimum speed (from
Open, 2-80, 2-83 SW 11.1), 6-363
Permanently--connected, 6-494 Torque, 6-359
Installation and mounting Torque reduction at nset=0 (from
an option module, 2-61 SW 9.1), 6-362
new control boards, 2-64, 2-67 Linear motor, 4-176
of the control board, 2-60 List
the memory module, 2-62 of encoders, A-962
Integrated help, 3-108 of faults and warnings, 7-671
Interface converter, 3-111 of induction motors, A-952
Interfaces, 1-24, 2-75 of linear synchronous motors, A-946
Internet address, iii of parameters, A-780
Interrupts, 7-662 of permanent--magnet synchronous mo-
Displaying, 7-667 tors with field weakening (1FE1),
Handling the, 7-668 A-935
List of, 7-671 of references, C-977
Overview of the, 7-662 of rotating synchronous motors, A-925
Stop responses of, 7-665 of the input signals, 6-499
that can be parameterized, 7-666 of the output signals, 6-526
Inversion of the permanent--magnet synchronous
Actual position value, 6-395
Actual speed value, 6-340
motors without field weakening E
(1FW6), A-942
Output terminal signals, 6-521, 6-549 of the power modules, A-922
Position setpoint, 6-395
Reference cam signal, 6-405
Speed setpoint via terminals, 6-554

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition E-997
E Index 06.09

M for SW 8.1, ix
for SW 8.3, x
Master control, 3-106
for SW 9.1, x
Master device file (GSD), 5-289
for SW 9.2, x
Master/slave, 6-478, 6-562
Identification of, vi
MDI operation (from SW 7.1), 6-440
Measurement function, 3-104, 7-773
Benefits, iii
Memory module, 1-26, 2-62
Hotline, iv
Mini connector, 2-71
Questions about this documentation, iv
Monitoring, 6-349
Standard version, iii
Monitoring when positioning
Target group, iii
Dynamic monitoring of following errors,
Technical Support, iv
Position monitoring, 6-399
Standstill monitoring, 6-397
Motor changeover (from SW 2.4), 6-602 O
Motor code, 4-143 Open input, 2-80, 2-83
for linear synchronous motors, A-946 Open parameter, A-780
for permanent--magnet synchronous mo- Open--loop torque controlled mode, 6-556
tors with field weakening (1FE1), Opening the holding brake for test purposes
A-935 (from SW 4.1), 6-505
for permanent--magnet synchronous mo- Operating display (-status), 4-140
tors without field weakening (1FW6), Operating mode, 1-24, 4-144
A-942 Positioning (from SW 2.1), 6-366
for rotating induction motors, A-952 Speed/torque setpoint, 6-339
for rotating synchronous motors, A-925 Optimization
Motor connection, 2-74 Closed-loop current and speed control-
Motor data optimization, 4-139, 4-153 lers, 6-344
Motor data set, 6-603 Position controller, 6-392
Motor diagnostics, ground fault test (from Optional module
SW 13.1), 6-658 PROFIBUS-DP, 1-25, 1-32, 1-41, 2-84
Motor holding brake, 6-592 TERMINALS, 1-25, 1-32, 1-40, 2-82
Motor temperature, 6-349 Oscillation (from SW 11.1), 6-651
Motors, 1-25, A-925 Output cam, 6-389
MSC, 6-374, 6-378 Output signal, analog, 6-564
Output signal, digital
Actual motor (from SW 2.4), 6-540
N Angular incremental encoder handwheel
active (from SW 8.1), 6-547
New information
Angular incremental encoder handwheel
for SW 10.1, x
evaluation, bit 0 (from SW 8.1), 6-547
for SW 10.2, x
Angular incremental encoder handwheel
for SW 11.1, xi
evaluation, bit 1 (from SW 8.1), 6-547
for SW 11.2, xi
Axis moves backwards, 6-543
for SW 12.1, xi
Axis moves forwards, 6-543
for SW 12.2, xi
Block processing inactive (from SW 8.1),
for SW 13.1, xi
E for SW 2.4, vii
for SW 3.1/3.2, vii
Cam switching signal 1, 6-545
Cam switching signal 2, 6-545
for SW 3.3, viii
Comparison value reached/comparison
for SW 4.1, viii
value not reached, 6-537
for SW 5.1, ix
Control requested/no control possible,
for SW 6.1, ix
for SW 7.1, ix

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

E-998 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 E Index

Control via PROFIBUS (from SW 3.1), Ready or no fault, 6-533

6-535 Ready to be powered--up/not ready to be
DC link monitoring V--DC link greater powered--up, 6-535
than V--x, 6-532 Reference point set/no reference point
Direct output 1 via the traversing block, set, 6-538
6-546 Reference position reached/outside refer-
Direct output 2 via the traversing block, ence position, 6-538
6-546 Request passive referencing (from
Drive stationary/drive moving, 6-539 SW 5.1), 6-542
External block change (from SW 7.1), Setpoint acknowledge, 6-539
6-541 Setpoint static, 6-543
Fault present/no fault present, 6-532 Slave sign--of--life (from SW 3.1), 6-541
First speed setpoint filter inactive, 6-540 Spindle position reached (from SW 5.1),
Fixed stop clamping torque reached 6-536
(from SW 3.3), 6-543 Spindle positioning on (from SW 5.1),
Fixed stop reached (from SW 3.3), 6-542 6-532
Follow--up mode active, 6-542 Status, block selection, 6-535
Function generator active (from SW 6.1), Status, controller enable, 6-533
6-532 Status, fixed speed setpoint (from
Heatsink temperature pre-warning, 6-528 SW 3.1), 6-531
In synchronism (from SW 3.3), 6-543 Suppress fault 608 active (from SW 3.1),
Inactive, 6-526 6-541
Integrator inhibit, speed controller, 6-530 Teach--in executed (from SW 4.1), 6-539
M less than M--x, 6-527 Travel to fixed stop active (from SW 3.3),
MDI active (from SW 7.1), 6-546 6-541
Minus software limit switch actuated, Variable signaling function, 6-529
6-544 Velocity limiting active, 6-546
Motor being changed over (from Warning present/no warning present,
SW 3.3), 6-540 6-532
Motor overtemperature pre-warning, Output terminals
6-528 Assignment, for the optional TERMINAL
Motor selected (from SW 2.4), 6-530 module (from SW 4.1), 6-549
n--act less than n--min, 6-526 for control board, 6-520
n--act less than n--x, 6-528 for the optional TERMINAL module,
n--set is equal to n--act, 6-531 6-548
No following error/following error, 6-536 Freely parameterizable, 6-520, 6-548
No OFF 2 present/OFF 2 present, 6-536 Invert, 6-521, 6-549
No OFF 3 present/OFF 3 present, 6-536 Permanently--connected, 6-520
Open holding brake, 6-534 Overcontrol protection, 6-565
Open--loop torque controlled mode, Override, 6-384
6-530 Overview
Parameter set, 6-530 of the input signals, 6-497
Parking axis selected, 6-533 of the output signals, 6-523
Plus software limit switch actuated, 6-544 Overview of functions, 1-27
Power module current not limited (from
SW 3.1), 6-534
Power--on inhibit/no power--on inhibit,
Programmed velocity reached (from
for diagnostics, 4-139
SW 11.1), 6-547
Function--initiating, 4-136
Pulses enabled (from SW 3.1), 6-534
Motor data set--dependent, 6-603
Ramp--function gen. inactive, 6-540
Parameter set--dependent, 6-598
Ramp--up completed, 6-526

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition E-999
E Index 06.09

with . (bit number), vi Control words

with :256 (traversing block--dependent), DAC1, 5-225, 5-233
6-425 DAC2, 5-225, 5-233
with :64 (traversing block--dependent), vi DezEing (from SW 4.1), 5-235
with :8 (parameter set--dependent), vi, DIG_OUT (from SW 3.1), 5-225,
6-598 5-234
with: (sub--parameters), vi G1_STW (from SW 3.1), 5-225, 5-251
Parameter assignment, 1-26, 3-92 G2_STW (from SW 3.3), 5-225, 5-251
Overview when, 3-92 G3_STW (from SW 3.1), 5-225, 5-251
Using SimoCom U, 3-100 KPC (from SW 4.1), 5-225, 5-232
Using the display and operator unit, 3-93 MomRed, 5-225, 5-232
via PROFIBUS, 5-295 MsollExt (from SW 4.1), 5-225, 5-235
Parameter set changeover, 6-598 NSET_A, 5-225, 5-231
Parameterizing a direct measuring system, NSET_B (from SW 3.1), 5-225, 5-231
A-968 nset-l, 5-231
Parameterizing an indirect measuring SatzAnw, 5-225
system, A-968 SatzAnw (from SW 4.1), 5-237
Parking axis, 6-505 STW1, 5-225, 5-228
Passive referencing (from SW 5.1), 6-468 STW2, 5-225, 5-230
Password protection (from SW 8.1), 3-104 XERR (from SW 4.1), 5-225, 5-232
PE spindle, 4-161 XSP (from SW 4.1), 5-225, 5-234
Permanent--magnet spindle, 4-161 Status words
Personnel -- Qualified?, xii ADC1, 5-227, 5-244
Pin assignment ADC2, 5-227, 5-244
for encoder connection (X411, X412), AktSatz (from SW 4.1), 5-227, 5-248
2-86 Ausl, 5-227, 5-245
for the optional PROFIBUS-DP module DIG_IN (from SW 3.1), 5-227, 5-245
(X423), 2-88 G1_XIST1 (from SW 3.1), 5-227,
of the serial interface (X471), 2-87 5-251
Pinion, 6-367 G1_XIST2 (from SW 3.1), 5-227,
PKW area, 5-214, 5-281 5-251
Pole position identification (PLI), 6-637 G1_ZSW (from SW 3.1), 5-227, 5-251
Position loop gain, 6-392 G2_XIST1 (from SW 3.3), 5-227,
Position monitoring, 6-399 5-251
Position setpoint, 6-395 G2_XIST2 (from SW 3.3), 5-227,
Position--related switching signals (cams), 5-251
6-389 G2_ZSW (from SW 3.3), 5-227, 5-251
Positioning mode, 6-430 G3_XIST1 (from SW 3.1), 5-227,
Power module, 1-30, A-922 5-251
Automatic identification, 4-142 G3_XIST2 (from SW 3.1), 5-227,
Code, 4-143, A-922 5-251
Currents, A-922 G3_ZSW (from SW 3.1), 5-227, 5-251
Pulse frequency, A-922 IqGl (from SW 3.1), 5-227, 5-247
Power section derating (from SW 13.1), MeldW, 5-227, 5-244
6-653 Mset, 5-227, 5-246
Power--on inhibit, 4-140, 5-223 nist--l, 5-243
E POWER-ON RESET on the front panel,
NIST_A, 5-227, 5-243
NIST_B (from SW 3.1), 5-227, 5-243
PPOs, 5-215 Pactive, 5-227, 5-246
Pre--control, 6-393 UZK (from SW 8.3), 5-227, 5-249
Process data in the n-set-mode, 5-225, XistP, 5-250
5-227 ZSW1, 5-227, 5-241
ZSW2, 5-227, 5-243

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

E-1000 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 E Index

Process data in the pos mode, 5-225, 5-227 PZD configuring (from SW 3.1), 5-263
Control words Setting the address, 5-295, 5-296
DAC1, 5-225, 5-233 Switch out the DP slave (module), 5-313
DAC2, 5-225, 5-233 Terminals and signals, 5-220
DezEing (from SW 4.1), 5-225, 5-235 When can the modules be used?, 1-42
DIG_OUT (from SW 3.1), 5-225, Which modules are available?, 1-32,
5-234 1-41
dXcorExt (from SW 4.1), 5-225, 5-239 PROFIdrive conformance, 5-209
MDIAcc (from SW 7.1), 5-226, 5-240 Proper use, xiii
MDIDec (from SW 7.1), 5-226, 5-240 Pulse enable, 6-494
MDIMode (from SW 7.1), 5-226, Pulse frequency, A-922
5-240 PZD area, 5-214, 5-224
MDIPos (from SW 7.1), 5-226, 5-239
MDIVel (from SW 7.1), 5-226, 5-240
MomRed, 5-225, 5-232 Q
Over, 5-225, 5-238
Qualified Personnel, xii
PosStw, 5-225, 5-238
QStw (from SW 4.1), 5-225, 5-236
SatzAnw, 5-225, 5-237
STW1, 5-225, 5-229 R
STW2, 5-225, 5-230 Rack, 6-367
Xext (from SW 4.1), 5-225, 5-239 Ramp--function generator, 6-342
Status words Ratio, 6-367
ADC1, 5-227, 5-244 Read/write protection, 4-136
ADC2, 5-227, 5-244 Reference cams, 6-405
AktSatz, 5-227, 5-248 Reference point approach, 6-403
Ausl, 5-227, 5-245 References, C-977
DIG_IN (from SW 3.1), 5-227, 5-245 Referencing/adjustment, 6-403
dXcor (from SW 4.1), 5-228, 5-250 Reformatting, 6-425
IqGl (from SW 3.1), 5-227, 5-247 Reformatting the memory, 6-425
MeldW, 5-227, 5-244 Resolution, resolver, A-966
Mset, 5-227, 5-246 Resolver resolution, A-966
nist--l, 5-243 Revisions, vi
NIST_A, 5-243 Rotary axis
NIST_B, 5-243 Axis coupling for modulo-rotary axes
Pactive, 5-227, 5-246 (from SW 4.1), 6-464
PosZsw, 5-227, 5-249 with modulo correction (from SW 2.4),
QZsw, 5-247 6-368, 6-369, 6-371, 6-372, 6-430,
QZsw (from SW 4.1), 5-227 6-431
UZK1 (from SW 8.3), 5-227, 5-249 without modulo correction, 6-368, 6-369
XistP (from SW 3.1), 5-227, 5-250 Rotor position identification, 4-185
XsollP (from SW 4.1), 5-228, 5-250 Rotor position identification (RLI), 6-637
ZSW1, 5-227, 5-242 Rotor position synchronization, 6-637
ZSW2, 5-227, 5-243 RS232, 2-89, 3-110
PROFIBUS-DP RS485 (from HW ...1), 2-90, 3-111
Commissioning, 5-293 Runtime behavior, 4-130
Diagnostics and troubleshooting, 5-297
Encoder interface (from SW 3.1), 5-251
Evaluating faults, 5-298 S
Evaluating warnings, 5-299
Safe standstill, 1-33
Example: Operate drive, 5-279
Safe start inhibit, 1-33, 2-76
Example: Reading parameters, 5-285
Safety notes, xii
Example: Write parameter, 5-287

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition E-1001
E Index 06.09

Saving data, 4-136 Standstill monitoring, 6-397

Serial interface Star/delta operation, 6-602
Cable diagram for RS232, 2-89 Start inhibit, 1-33
Cable diagram for RS485, 2-90 Stationary minimum speed (from SW 11.1),
Changing over, 3-109 6-363
Pin assignment, 2-87 Stop responses, 7-665
Servo control, 6-625 Support, iv
Seven--segment display, 1-38 SW limit switches, 6-386
Shield, 2-70 Switch S1
Shield connection, 2-72 on the control board, 1-39
Signal selection list for analog output, 6-568 on the supply infeed module, 2-73
SimoCom U System overview (schematic), 1-30
Entry in, 3-103
Information on, 3-104
Installing/un--installing, 3-101, 3-102 T
Integrated help, 3-108
Teach--in (from SW 4.1), 6-623
Optimum version, 3-101
Technical Support, iv
via PROFIBUS-DP, 3-114
via serial interface, 3-108
T. 15, 2-79
SIMODRIVE 611 system
T. 16.x/15, 2-79
Components, 1-31
T. 19, 2-77
Integrating ”SIMODRIVE 611 universal”,
T. 65.x, 2-80
T. 663, 2-77
SIMODRIVE 611 universal, 1-24, 1-32
T. 75.x/15, 2-79
Applications, 1-26
T. 9, 2-77, 2-80
Features, 1-32
T. I0.x to I3.x, 2-80, 6-495
Overview of functions, 1-27
T. I4 to I11, 2-83, 6-548
System overview (schematic), 1-30
T. O0.x to O3.x, 2-81, 6-521
SIMODRIVE 611 universal E, 1-43
T. O4 to O11, 2-83, 6-548
Features, 1-43
Term. 24.x/20.x, 2-80
Front panel, 1-45
Term. 65.x/14.x, 2-80
Operating elements, 1-52
Term. AS1/AS2, 2-76
Terminals and interfaces, 1-46
Term. P24/M24, 2-77
What is different with respect to
Terminating resistor
SIMODRIVE 611 universal?, 1-55
for angular incremental encoder interface
Slave--to--slave communications (from
as input (from SW 3.3), 1-39, 6-587
SW 4.1), 5-322
for RS485, 1-39, 3-112
Slave-to-slave communications (from
Test sockets, 2-78, 3-104, 7-770
SW 4.1), 5-322
Thermal motor model, 6-351
Software limit switches, 6-386
Tightening torque for screws retaining elec-
Speed controller, 6-340
trical connections, 2-60
Adaptation, 6-346
Toolbox, 1-32
Automatic setting, 6-344
Torque motors, A-942
Optimization, 6-344
Torque reduction, 6-553, 6-557
Speed controller at its endstop, 6-353
Torque/power reduction, 6-559
Speed controller output limited, 6-353
Trace function, 3-104, 7-769
E Speed pre--control, 6-393
Speed range exclusion (from SW 11.1),
Travel to fixed stop (from SW 3.3), 6-616
Traversing blocks
How many?, 6-366
Speed--controlled operation, 6-552
Intermediate stop, 6-437
Spindle positioning (from SW 5.1), 6-434,
Overview, 6-422, 6-435
Programming, 6-422
Stall torque reduction factor, 6-360

E Siemens AG 2010 All Rights Reserved

E-1002 SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition
06.09 E Index

Reject traversing task, 6-438 for SW 13.1, xi

Start, 6-436 for SW 2.4, vii
for SW 3.1/3.2, vii
for SW 3.3, viii
U for SW 4.1, viii
for SW 5.1, ix
Units, A-780
for SW 6.1, ix
in the degrees dimension system, 6-376
for SW 7.1, ix
in the inch dimension system, 6-375
for SW 8.1, ix
in the metric dimension system, 6-375
for SW 8.3, x
Unlisted motors
for SW 9.1, x
Parameters for ARM, A-961
for SW 9.2, x
Parameters for built-in torque motors,
Ends of conductors with cable lug, 2-73
Parameters for PE spindles, A-941
General information on, 2-70
Parameters for SLM, A-951
of the control board, 2-76
Parameters for SRM, A-934
the line supply infeed module, 2-73
What is an unlisted motor?, 4-135
the optional PROFIBUS-DP module,
Upgrading the firmware, 4-130
Upgrading the software, 4-130
the optional TERMINAL module, 2-83
Using the manual, v
the power module, 2-74
Working offline, 3-105
Working online, 3-105
V Write protection, 4-136
V/Hz operation with
Induction motor (ARM), 7-774
Synchronous motor (SRM), 7-775 X
Variable signaling function, 6-529
X151, 2-74
X302, 1-35, 1-36, 1-44
of the control board, 1-32
X34, 2-78
of the option modules, 1-32
X351, 2-78
Vertical axes, 6-620
X411, 2-79, 2-86, 2-87
VP module, 4-162
X412, 2-79, 2-86, 2-87
X421, 2-76
X422, 2-83
W X423, 2-88
Weight equalization, 6-620 X431, 2-77
What’s new? X432, 2-83
for SW 10.1, x X441, 2-79
for SW 10.2, x X451, 2-80
for SW 11.1, xi X452, 2-80
for SW 11.2, xi X461, 2-81
for SW 12.1, xi X462, 2-81
for SW 12.2, xi X471, 2-78, 2-87

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SIMODRIVE 611 universal Function Manual (FBU) -- 05/2010 Edition E-1003
E Index 06.09

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Control Components for Closed--Loop
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Overview of Documentation for SIMODRIVE 611 universal

General Documentation


Catalog NC 60 S 2006 SL 01 System Solutions KT 10.1 Power Supplies

Automation Systems for Processing IKPI Industrial Communications SITOP power
Machines and Field Devices ST 70 SIMATIC
Catalog DA 65.4 S 2005 ST 80 SIMATIC HMI
CA 01 Components for
SIMODRIVE 611 universal and POSMO Automation & Drives

Manufacturer/Service Documentation



Configuration Manual Configuration Manual Configuration Manual Configuration Manual

Converter AC Servomotors AC Induction Motors for Hollow--Shaft Motors for Main
1FT, 1FK, 1FW Main Spindle Drives Spindle Drives
1PH 1PM, 2SP

Manufacturer/Service Documentation

611 universal

Configuration Manual Configuration Manual EMC Guidelines Function Manual

AC Motors Linear Motors SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE 611 universal
for Main Spindle Drives 1FN1, 1FN3 SIROTEC SIMODRIVE 611 universal E
Synchronous SIMODRIVE Control Components
Built--in Motors 1FE1 for Closed--Loop
Speed Control
and Positioning

Electronic Documentation



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