Cotton Knitted Fabrics Project PDF

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Cotton Knitted Fabrics

PRODUCT CODE : 260101001

MONTH AND YEAR : May, 2003
PREPARED BY : Small Industries Service Institute
Opposite Okhla Industrial Estate,
New Delhi-110020.

INTRODUCTION intensive and remunerative, more

attractive to workers, less capital
Knitting is one of the fabric investment, easy process, more
manufacturing techniques in which yarn turnover, more profits and attractive to
is converted into loops and loops are entrepreneurs. The main buyers of
intermeshed to form fabric. The knitted knitted fabrics are garment manufa-
fabrics are quite different from woven cturing units and processing units.
fabrics in which yarn lie in straight line Presently, garment manufacturing units
resulting in rigid structure and less are running short of quality fabrics, so it
elongation. Cotton knitted fabric is used is presumed that marketing of knitted
as raw material for the manufacture of fabrics will not be a major hurdle
undergarments and knitwears. Generally, provided the knitting unit is prepared to
hosiery yarn of count 20s-40s is being supply the goods to the buyers in
used for the manufacture of knitted scheduled time without any delay.
fabric. Since, the machinery required to Besides, there is tremendous export
set up this industry are indigenously potential for this product as the large
available, this industry can be easily set number of Western garment manufa-
up with low investment and can be run cturers intend to source their require-
by new entrepreneurs. Main buyers of ment of fabric from India.
knitted fabrics are garment manufacturing
units. Hence, knitted fabrics should be B ASIS AND PRESUMPTIONS
manufactured and supplied as per the
requirement of garment manufacturers. This project is based on single shift
basis with 300 working days in a year.
MARKET POTENTIAL The time period for achieving maximum
capacity utilisation is considered from
Knitwears are manufactured out of 3rd year from the date on which
knitted fabrics mainly due to its softer production is started. Rental value of
feeling, bulkiness, good draping quality proposed building for the project is
etc. Knitting industry is low skill, labour- considered at Rs. 20 per sq. mt. The

costs of machinery and equipment/ Quality Control and Standards

material indicated refer to a particular There is no standard specification
make and approximate to those formulated for cotton knitted cloth. The
prevailing at the time of preparation of quality of knitted fabric mainly depends
this project. Installation and on raw material quality, therefore quality
electrification cost is taken @ 10% of cost yarn must be used for the manufacture
of machinery and equipment. of knitted cloth. Hosiery yarn should be
Non-refundable deposits, project purchased from reputed spinning mills
report cost, trial production, security only. Spare parts should be kept ready
deposit with Electricity Board are taken for immediate replacement in order to
as pre-operative expenses. Depreciation maintain the targets.
has been considered at 10% on plant
Production Capacity (per annum)
and machinery, 15% on furniture and
fixtures and 25% on equipments. Plain knitted cloth
Minimum 25% of the total investment is Quantity (Kgs.) Amount (In Rs.)
required as margin money. The interest
1,60,400 2,32,58,000
rate on capital loan has been considered
at 14% per annum. Motive Power
Totally 30 HP power is required to run
IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE the industry at full capacity, this is
proposed to be obtained from State
The implementation schedule of this
Electricity Board.
project may take a total period of six
months approximately for starting the Pollution Control
The process of manufacture does not
involve any pollution.
Energy Conservation
Process of Manufacture
Wastage of energy can be minimised
Cotton yarn of particular count, by proper housekeeping.
purchased from spinning mills or yarn
dealers on cones, are loaded into the FINANCIAL ASPECTS
machine and threaded through eyelets A. Fixed Capital
and tensioning device, stop motion and
(i) Land and Building
finally to the needle. While cloth is knitted
by running the machine, care must be Covered area 350

taken to see any breakages in the yarn Uncovered Area Nil.

while knitting and breakage must be Rent per month @ Rs. 20/ Rs. 7,000
attended to. After sufficient length of roll
(ii) Machinery and Equipments
is knitted, the knitted cloth is cut and
taken away from the machine. Details Sl. Description No. Rate Amount
regarding yarn count, weight of cloth No. (In Rs.) (In Rs.)

rolls, date of packing, manufacturers etc. 1. Sinker body knitting 8 58,000 4,64,000
machine 22 gauge 17"
are marked on each cloth rolls and sent dia with needles and
to the customers. all accessories

Sl. Description No. Rate Amount (iii) Utilities (per month) (Rs.)
No. (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
Electricity bill 14,500
2. Sinker body knitting 8 60,000 4,80,000
machine 18 gauge 18" Water charges 500
dia with needles and
all accessories Total 15,000
3. Sinker body knitting 8 55,000 4,40,000
(iv) Other Contingent Expenses (per month) (Rs.)
machine 24 gauge 15"
dia with needles and (a) Rent 7000
all accessories
(b) Postage/stationery 500
4. Electrical motor for 24 5,000 1,20,000
knitting machines (c) Repair and maintenance 5767
5. Electronic weighing 1 45,000 45,000 (d) Transport/travelling charges 1000
6. Miscellaneous assets LS 15,000 15,000 (e) Insurance 500

Total 15,64,000 (f) Telephone bills 1000

(iii) Other Fixed Assets Total 15,767
(a) Erection and installation 1,38,400
(v) Total Recurring Expenses (per month) =17,42,807
(b) Office furniture 18,000
(c) Pre-operative expenses 20,000 (vi) Total Working Capital for 3 months= 52,28,420
Total 1,76,400
C. Total Capital Investment
Total Fixed Capital 17,40,400
(a) Machinery and equipment Rs. 17,40,400
B. Working Capital (per month) (b) Working capital for 3 months Rs. 52,28,420

(i) Staff and Labour Wages Total Rs. 69,68,820

Sl. Designation No. Rate Amount MACHINERY UTILISATION

No. (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
1. Manager 1 8,000 8,000 Machinery utilisation is considered as
2. Clerk/Store-keeper 1 3,000 3,000 75% of installed capacity.
3. Watchman 1 2,500 2,500
4. Peon 1 2,500 2,500
Total 16,000 (1) Cost of Production (per year) (Rs.)

Production Staff Recurring expenses 2,09,13,680

1. Machine operators 12 3,600 43,200 Depreciation on machinery @ 10% 1,38,400
2. Unskilled workers 3 2,500 7,500
Depreciation on office furniture and 13,600
Total 50,700 equipments @ 20%
S. Total 66,700
Interest on total investment @ 14% 9,75,635
Perquisites @20% 13,340
G. Total 80,040 Total 2,20,41,315

(ii) Raw Material (2) Turnover (per year) (Sales)

Sl. Description Qty. Rate/ Amount Product Kg. Rate/Kg. (Rs.)

No. (Kgs. (Rs.) (Rs.)
Cotton Knitted 1,60,400 145 2,32,58,000
1. 40 S Cotton yarn 13,600 120 16,32,000 fabric
Total 16,32,000 Total 2,32,58,000

(3) Net Profit (per year) Rs. 12,16,685 4. M/s. T.S. Mechanical Works
(4) Net Profit Ratio (Net Profit/ 5.23% Janta Nagar,
Turnover (per year) Ludhiana.
(5) Rate of Return on Investment 17.45% 5. M/s. Raj Mechanical Works
(Net Profit/Total Capital Investment) 410, Industrial Area-A,
(6) Break-even Point Ludhiana.
Fixed cost (Rs.) 6. M/s. Sohalson Knitting Machinery
Depreciation 1,52,350
Industrial Area-B,
Rent 84,000
Interest on capital investment 9,75,635
40% of wages of staff and labour 3,84,192 7. M/s. Punjab Machinery Works
40% of other contingent expenses 1,11,680
Vishvakarma Chowk,
Near Fire Brigade,
Insurance 6,000
Total 17,13,507

B.E.P. FC × 100 Raw Material Suppliers

= —————
FC+profit 1. M/s. Mahavir Spinning and
= 58.47% General Mills
Addresses of Machinery and
Equipment Suppliers 2. M/s. Abohar Co-operative
Spinning Mills
1. M/s. Bharat Machinery Works
44, Industrial Area-A,
Ludhiana. 3. M/s. Adinath Textiles Ltd.
Registered Office,
2. M/s. Moonlight Knitting Machinery Village Bholapur,
P. O. Sahibana,
Vishvakarma Colony,
Chandigarh Road,
3. M/s. S.T.M. Knitting Machinery
Works 4. M/s. Vardhman Spinning General
Near Savitry Complex, Mills
G.T. Road, Samarala Road,
Ludhiana. Ludhiana.

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