UK Intensive Care
UK Intensive Care
UK Intensive Care
prepared by
The Intensive Care Society and the authors do not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage arising from
actions or decisions based on the information contained in this publication: ultimate responsibility for the treatment of
patients and interpretation of the published material lies with the medical practitioner. The opinions expressed are
those of the authors and the inclusion in this publication of material relating to a particular product, method or tech-
nique does not amount to an endorsement of its value or quality, or of the claims made by its manufacturer.
The Society wishes to acknowledge the authors of previous editions of Standards for Intensive Care Units, and all
those members of the Intensive Care Society and their colleagues in other areas of medical and nursing practice who
have provided ideas and constructive criticism of previous Editions and of drafts of this Edition.
Categories of Organ System Monitoring and Support
Department of Health, March 1996.
3. Circulatory Support
· Need for vasoactive drugs to support arterial pressure or cardiac output.
· Support for circulatory instability due to hypovolaemia from any cause and
which is unresponsive to modest volume replacement. This will include,
but not be limited to, post-surgical or gastrointestinal haemorrhage or
haemorrhage related to a coagulopathy.
· Patients resuscitated following cardiac arrest where intensive or high
dependency care is considered appropriate.
5. Renal Support
· The need for acute renal replacement therapy (haemodialysis,
haemofiltration, or haemodiafiltration).
1. Structure
1.1 Health Building Note 27: Intensive Therapy Unit
1.2 Siting
1.3 Size
1.4 Accommodation
1.5 Fire Safety
2. Services
2.1 Central Services
2.2 Services in Patient Areas
3. Staffing
3.1 Medical Staff
3.2 Nursing Staff
3.3. Technicians and Technical Support
3.4 Other Staff
4. Unit administration and operational policies
4.1 Clinical Management
4.2 Admission and Discharge Policy
4.3 Therapeutic Policies
4.4 Investigational Policies
4.5 Infection Control
4.6 Rounds, Staff Meetings and Teaching
4.7 Audit and Research
5. Management of equipment
5.1 Consumables
5.2 Durable Equipment
This document is intended to apply to adult general intensive care units. Many
parts of the document, particularly those related to structure, are applicable to
other areas offering a similar degree of care, such as cardiothoracic,
neurosurgical or paediatric intensive care, or high dependency care.
Intensive care may be broadly defined as a service for patients who have
potentially recoverable conditions, who can benefit from more detailed
observation and invasive treatment than can be provided safely in an ordinary
ward or high dependency area. It is usually reserved for patients with
threatened or established organ failure, often arising as a result or
complication of an acute illness or trauma, or as a predictable phase in a
planned treatment programme.
Intensive care represents the highest level of continuing patient care and
treatment. It is distinguished from the care and treatment pertaining to a
special procedure of limited duration such as a surgical operation, plasma
exchange or haemodialysis, although it may embrace such procedures.
Intensive care has, as its primary objective, the recovery of the patient to
leaving hospital. The return of a patient to an intermediate care ward, such as
a high dependency unit (HDU) is only the first step in this progression.
Intensive care involves continuing supervision, care and treatment by doctors,
nurses, physiotherapists, technicians, dieticians and others.
An intensive care unit (ICU) is a designated area offering facilities for the
prevention, diagnosis and treatment of multiple organ failure. An ICU should
· A clear operational policy example, Appendix 1.
· A minimum nurse:patient ratio of 1:1, together with additional nurses
according to patient needs, training requirements, the total number of beds,
and the geographical arrangements within the unit.
· 24-hour dedicated on-site cover by medical staff.
· An identifiable consultant as director, supported by consultants with
allocated intensive care sessions sufficient to provide continuous immediate
non-resident availability.
· The ability to support common organ system failures, in particular,
ventilatory, circulatory and renal failure.
· A sufficient case load to maintain skills and expertise.
· Multidisciplinary care and effective communication.
· Adequate administrative, technical and secretarial support.
· Continuing education and training of medical and nursing staff.
· Audit of its activities.
Intensive care (see p2) is appropriate for the following categories of patient:
Patients requiring advanced respiratory support alone.
Patients requiring support of two or more organ systems
(see: Categories of Organ Support, p3).
Patients with chronic impairment of one or more organ systems sufficient to
restrict normal activity and who require support for an acute reversible failure
of another organ system.
High dependency care (see p2) is appropriate for the following categories of
Patients requiring support for a single failing organ system,
but excluding those needing advanced respiratory support.
Patients requiring a level of observation or monitoring not possible on a
general ward.
Examples may include (but are not limited to) patients with invasive arterial
pressure monitoring, central venous pressure monitoring or with a pulmonary
artery catheter in situ, patients requiring epidural analgesia or intravenous
opioid infusions for pain control, or patients no longer needing intensive care,
but who are not yet well enough to be returned to a general ward.
High dependency care requires a level of care intermediate between that
available on a general ward and that on an ICU. A high dependency unit
(HDU) should be able to provide monitoring and support to patients with, or at
risk of developing, acute or acute-on-chronic single organ failure. It should not
manage patients requiring multiple organ support or mechanical ventilation.
An HDU can act as a 'step-up' or 'step-down' facility between the general
ward and intensive care unit. HDUs admitting 'general' patients should be
sited close to the ICU, but this may not be necessary for some specialist
HDUs (e.g. neurosurgery). An HDU may be either single-specialty or multi-
specialty, and this will influence the mix of cases and the nursing skills
The HDU should have:
· A clear operational policy.
· An average nurse:patient ratio of 1:2, with an additional nurse in charge and
the flexibility to increase staffing numbers and skills according to patient
needs. The grade and skill-mix of nurses needs to reflect the possibility that
patients may be physiologically unstable and that nursing intensity around
individual patients may fluctuate.
· Immediate availability of junior medical staff from either the admitting
specialty or the ICU.
· Continuous consultant cover from either the admitting specialty or the ICU.
· An identifiable consultant as director. For general HDUs, this should be the
director of the general ICU.
· Appropriate monitoring and other equipment for the work undertaken.
· Continuing education, training and audit.
The purpose of this new document is to improve patient care by
bringing together in one source all aspects related to the design of an
intensive care unit.
The document (an updating of previous editions) presents to professional
bodies, Trusts and District Health Authorities, the minimal standards required
for an intensive care unit, both for the care of patients and training of staff.
It is based on the views of members of the Intensive Care Society and
members of other medical, nursing, managerial, and related technical
disciplines. It takes into account the relevant parts of the publications
mentioned on the previous page. It expands on relevant Department of Health
guidelines (e.g. HBN 27) and includes relevant European and occasionally
American and Australasian guidelines.
Many aspects of intensive care are not covered by any standards other than
those found in this booklet. Therefore the booklet concentrates on these
aspects, and also attempts to distinguish between essential items and those
which are merely desirable.
1. Structure
1.1 Health Building Note 27: Intensive Therapy Unit
HMSO 1992 (formerly Hospital Building Note 27, DHSS, 1974)
Health Building Note 27 (HBN 27) was first published by the DHSS in 1967
and updated in 1970 and 1974. The most recent edition was published in
1992, and is the main planning guide used in the UK.
HBN 27 contains much of value, and many recommendations in this guide
have been made in accord with it. However, some parts or statements are
inappropriate because the note is based upon the district general hospital
model. It assumes that average lengths of stay and bed occupancies are 48
hours and 65% respectively (para 2.8e), which is not the case for many ICUs.
The guide also assumes that a patient no longer requiring 'life support' (i.e.
mechanical ventilation) will be quickly moved to another area.
HBN 27 excludes guidance on design of:
· specialist ICUs
· ICUs in teaching hospitals
· coronary care units
· neurosurgical units
· cardiothoracic units
· paediatric units
· neonatal units
· renal units
· burns units
1.2 Siting
For clinical reasons, the ICU should be easily accessible to the departments
from which patients are usually admitted, such as the accident and
emergency department, recovery room, surgical and medical wards. HBN 27
suggests that the ICU should be near the theatres, to enable engineering
services to be shared, but this is by no means an overriding factor: separation
of engineering plant may increase failure protection.
There should be easy access to the high dependency unit(s). This has
advantages to both units as a step-up or (more usually) step-down facility,
and for patient evacuation in the event of fire or decanting in the event of
Increasingly, it is desirable to site the ICU close to the imaging department.
Access to the main pathology laboratories is less important because of the
development of near-patient laboratory facilities, such as fully automated
blood-gas and electrolyte analysers, or portable chemistry equipment.
Careful siting of departments can help to minimise the distances patients are
moved. Where there is a lot of patient flow, large lifts and extra-wide corridors
are mandatory.
Those hospitals which receive or transfer patients to and from specialist units
in other hospitals, or who receive frequent transfers from outside the hospital,
must consider the position of the ICU in relation to ambulance or helicopter
access this may require dedicated external access. Patients receiving
coronary care and routine post-operative care (recovery) should have a
separate area/ward, although they may share facilities and staff.
(See also 1.5, Fire Safety).
1.3 Size
Earlier editions of HBN 27 estimated that 12% of the total number of acute
beds in a hospital should be provided for intensive care, with an additional
allocation for any specialist services on site. Setting the baseline requirement
is now exceptionally difficult because of changes in working practices and
case mix.
The DoH report of March 1996 contains indicators for the type of care
(intensive care, high dependency care, ward care) needed for individual
patients. A local indication of the underlying need and type of care may be
measured using these indicators. Table 1 shows some factors to be
considered when determining the size of an individual ICU.
Table 1: Factors to be considered in estimating size of an ICU.
· Number of acute beds in hospital or catchment area
· Type of acute bed (adult, paediatric)
· Previously calculated occupancies of wards, HDU(s) and ICU(s)
· History of refusals
· Location of other 'high care' areas (other ICUs or HDUs in hospital, other
· Number of operating theatres
· Surgical specialties serviced and case mix (e.g. vascular, cardiac, thoracic,
emergency, urgent, elective)
· Medical specialties (e.g. respiratory, cardiology)
· A & E department
· Subregional or regional services (e.g. neurosurgery, maxillo-facial surgery,
complex orthopaedic, renal services, oncology etc.)
· Ability to transfer patient to an off-site ICU (staff, equipment, transport)
· Paediatric care
· Location motorways, holiday resort, mainline transport terminal (rail, coach,
HBN 27 (para 2.8 (e)) assumes an occupancy of 65% and a length of stay of
48 hours. Extra, separate or different provision should be considered when
units undertake a high proportion of regional or supraregional work, e.g.
cardiothoracic, liver transplantation. Occupancy in units which undertake a
high proportion of elective (planned) work and which admit a low proportion of
emergencies should be significantly higher.
The optimum size for ICUs is being evaluated by the NHSE Health
Technology Assessment Group. At present, the size of ICUs in the UK varies
from 3 to 18 beds. Those which are very large or small may be difficult to
manage: for example, units with less than 4 beds may not benefit from
economies of scale, whereas units larger than 8 beds present problems of
clinical management. It has been proposed that small units should not be
recognised for the purpose of training medical staff (Intercollegiate Board on
training for Intensive Care Medicine, 1996).
If more beds are required, consideration may be given to creating separate
ICUs for identifiable groups of patients, such as post-cardiac surgery or head
injuries. The need for paediatric intensive care units (PICUs), is the subject of
considerable debate (Care of the Critically Ill Child, British Paediatric
Association, 1993; Paediatric Intensive Care, Report from the Chief
Executive, March 1996) and must be considered in the light of local and
regional provision of paediatric services.
The general recommendation is that general ICUs should have an average
bed occupancy of 60-70% (British Medical Journal, 1970). Units which
persistently run with occupancies of more than 70% are too small (i.e. require
more facilities) while those units running occupancies of less than 60% are
too large and require fewer beds (HBN 27, 1970). Larger ICUs could be
expected to maintain a higher level of occupancy, yet still be able to
accommodate unexpected referrals. ICUs should be able to accept 95% of all
appropriate emergency referrals for admission (Royal College of
Anaesthetists and Intensive Care Society, Guidelines for Purchasers of
Intensive Care, Royal College of Anaesthetists, 1994).
A method for calculating bed numbers based upon mean occupancy plus two
standard deviations from the mean is too simplistic, and generally results in
over-provision: bed occupancy should be skewed towards fullness. A number
of mathematical models are currently being studied to determine a best
method for calculating optimal occupancy. The document 'Guidelines on
admission to and discharge from Intensive Care and High Dependency Care
Units' (DoH, March 1996) gives criteria for admission to and discharge from
high care units. A local census of in-hospital population and outside referrals
can determine local need, i.e. inappropriate use of ICU, HDU or ward
The ICU, coronary care unit and recovery room have very different patterns of
work and should, in general, be separate units. In small hospitals, however,
the variable need for intensive care may make a combined unit more
worthwhile, allowing sharing of equipment, storage and services including
multipurpose rooms for relatives and staff.
HBN 27 gives guidance for ICUs of up to 6-8 beds, but notes that support
services are 'sufficient for up to 10 beds'. The guide makes no provision for
pro-rata increases in storage space, office or staff space, or space for
relatives (e.g. waiting room). In some cases, areas suggested for both large
(10 beds) and small (4 beds) units are identical.
1.4 Accommodation
Accommodation should be planned and based upon an operational policy.
The essential accommodation consists of the patient areas and management
base, equipment and consumables storage areas and rooms, utility rooms,
sisters' office, medical office(s), staff sitting room, lavatories, showers and
cloakrooms, doctor's bedroom, laboratory (or within unit area), workshop,
storage area for case notes, relatives' rooms, kitchen facilities, reception area
and cleaners' room. Other accommodation required includes a seminar room,
receptionist's office, computer room and a procedure room. When ICUs are
grouped, a satellite pharmacy and additional dry storage (consumables,
sterile supplies) rooms may also be needed. There may also be need for a
storage area for specialist beds and other large items.
It is essential that patient areas, staff rooms and workshops should have large
windows to permit natural lighting (see 2.1.12) and where possible a pleasant
view. Patients should be able to see out of the windows. Natural views have a
therapeutic effect.
1.4.1 Security
Although high levels of staffing tend to ensure security in the patient area,
other parts of the complex may be more vulnerable. Security aspects should
be considered in the light of hospital policies, and relate to patients, visitors
and staff, their belongings, and the operation of equipment contained within
the environs of the unit. Security measures include a single entrance, with a
variety of locking devices (keys, codes, cards and card readers) and video
surveillance. Specific and heightened security is required in units which admit
children, because of issues surrounding child protection.
Complete separation of staff and visitors in non-patient areas (separate,
locked staff entrance) assists some aspects of security, but the need for
immediate access to areas for example the blood gas analyser, or to the
patient by a wide variety of authorised personnel, makes absolute security
impossible. Local advice must be sought, balancing threat against
inconvenience and hazard to unstable patients. Video surveillance and
recording may be the most effective means of both security and deterrence.
1.4.2 Patient Area
The unit should be fully air-conditioned, although windows should be
openable when the system is non operational. The patient area should
contain an open area for several beds together, plus at least one cubicle.
Thereafter, a minimum ratio of 1 cubicle:6 bed spaces is required. However,
in some circumstances, the ratio may need to be much higher, as in burns
units. There may be an increasing need for cubicles because of the growth in
numbers of immunocompromised patients or infectious cases (e.g. methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus).
Various physical arrangements are possible. For convenient management
there should be 4-7 beds in the open area, with at least 20m2 floor area for
each bed and 2.5m of unobstructed corridor space beyond the working area
(see also 2.2.1). Adequate separation of beds is a major aspect of infection
control. In any multi-bed area, beds should be positioned to maximise patient
privacy. This may preclude 'facing' beds. Siting and method of provision of
services (e.g. gantry, stalactite) may alter the floor area required (see 2.2.1).
One basin with hot and cold running water (and appropriate elbow taps)
should be available for at least every other bed in the main patient area.
These should be conveniently sited away from the bedhead. Additional basins
for clinical handwashing must be available close to each entrance to the ward
area. All bed spaces in the main area should have space and facilities for
renal replacement techniques. Simplification of renal replacement therapies
has decreased the need for appropriate water supply and drainage.
Cubicles should be rectangular (not L-shaped) with an entrance wide enough
and so positioned as to allow a bed with cot-sides, orthopaedic traction and
other equipment to pass easily. There must be adequate space at the foot of
the bed. Each room requires hand washing and scrub facilities. The area of a
single room and anteroom should be not less than 32.5m2, with the anteroom
of not less than 7.0m2. The anteroom must contain a basin large enough for
surgical handwashing, with hot and cold running water, and facilities for
gowning. Single rooms increase the need for nursing staff.
Where highly infective or particularly vulnerable cases (e.g. patients with
burns, immune deficiency) are regularly admitted, the anteroom must act as
an air-lock, and the whole room ventilated using reversible positive/negative
airflow, with at least 15 air changes/hour. Electronic means of communication
with the open area is needed. All bed spaces must be equipped with an alarm
call facility, irrespective of any other communication facility. This may be
incorporated in monitoring equipment. The necessity for facilities for
haemodialysis should be considered and if so a sluicing drain is desirable.
Haemofiltration requires no special facilities (see 2.1.10). Heating and lighting
are covered in Section 2.1.11, 2.1,12.
Doorways to all areas including fire exits must be wide enough to allow easy
passage of a bed including associated equipment such as traction and cot
sides. The design, positioning and security aspects of the doorway(s) should
take into account movement of patients and beds around the unit, and into
and out of the facility.
All floors should be strong enough to support the weight of special equipment
including special beds which may weigh as much as 1 tonne. Likewise the
roof and ceiling structure above and around the bed space should be strong
enough to carry the weight of any suspended equipment, e.g. X-ray gantry,
pendant arm systems and bedside services. Walls must be strong enough to
support suspended equipment, e.g. monitors, or that supported by a rail
(monitors, ventilators). Wall mounted rail must be able to carry 20kg every
60cm. They should be placed at both low level (below the lowest level of the
bed for hot water humidifiers) and at around chest level for monitors,
ventilators, flowmeters and blenders, etc. Consideration must be given to the
choice of materials and design to minimise noise within the unit, which may be
high (Balogh et al, 1993; Kam et al, 1994). Maximum permissible noise
exposure should be less than 24hr of 45dB(A) (US Environmental Protection
Agency, 1974).
Detailed ergonomic design information is included in HBN 27. There is,
however, no space included in their recommendation for 'bed dividers' or chart
boards, which may be used to separate adjacent patients, and provide either
privacy or an illusion of the
patient's own 'space'. Whatever the means chosen, there must be suitable
screening between each bed. The materials used should be easily cleaned.
1.4.3 Central Station/Services
The following management functions need to be accommodated within or
adjacent to the patient area, although their precise distribution may vary.
a) Communication
The management base/nurses' station must be sited in such a way that it
commands a clear, unobstructed view of the whole of the main patient area.
This base serves as the central communications area for all the clinical
management of the patients.
The central station requires at least 4 telephone extensions, all with STD
facility. They must be capable of receiving direct-dial incoming calls without
need for hospital switchboard. For national calls, no block requiring
switchboard intervention should exist. At least two lines must be able to
receive e-mail or fax transmissions, and be of ISDN standard. Call hold,
transfer, group pickup, and conference facilities should be available on each
phone, or twin or triple extensions must be available. Other facilities, e.g.
camp-on-busy, call divert, hunt group, are extremely useful in busy units. The
communication facilities are based upon a maximum unit size of 8 beds.
A personnel locator system for all parts of the complex may complement or
replace some telephones (see 2.1.14), but each patient area requires an
internal telephone extension.
Considerable noise will be generated in this area and sound deadening must
be considered. Solutions may include telephone cubicles or telephones fitted
with lights rather than bells.
The increasing quantity of electronic communications means that the nurses
station must be large enough to incorporate two visual display units (VDUs).
b) Monitoring
Visual display units and other equipment should allow an overview of bedside
monitor activity, access to the hospital information systems and local area
networks. The height at which equipment is best positioned is shown in HBN
27 Appendix 1.
c) Drugs: Controlled drug storage, drug cupboards or trolleys, drug
Because of the large quantities and ranges of drugs required in large units, a
drug cupboard may be of 'walk-in' size. For security reasons, walk-in drug
cupboards should have glass walls or large windows. Consideration should be
given to the need for air-conditioning or temperature control when a number of
refrigerators are in operation. Refrigerators may be needed to store of large
volumes of pre-packed parenteral nutrition bags (3-4L each). Intravenous and
haemofiltration fluids must be stored in an adjacent area. Some fluids may
require storage at higher temperatures (e.g. haemofiltration fluids, urological
irrigation fluids etc.) and require a large warming cabinet. Microwave warming
is not recommended.
d) Storage of notes, radiographs, request forms, and other medical stationery
Facilities are needed for writing and for multiple radiograph viewing (e.g. roller
type viewers), but these may be sited outside the patient area for example in
the Medical Office. In future, digital radiograph viewing facilities may be
available. Requirements for their installation should be discussed with
departments of clinical imaging. It is sensible to install structural cabling for
future increases in electronic communication in any new or refurbished facility.
Alternatively, all cables should be routed via conduits, making additional
cabling a relatively simple 'pull through'.
e) Blood refrigerator
A blood refrigerator should be available in the ICU unless a blood store is
available in the immediate locality, or another means for immediate delivery of
blood (vacuum tube system) is available. Use of such a refrigerator will be
governed by national and local blood transfusion service regulations.
f) Cardiac arrest/emergency trolley
In some units, consideration should be given to storage space for ultrasound
g) X-ray machine parking, with electrical socket for charging
This may include neurological examination equipment, nerve stimulators,
respirometers, peak flow or inspiratory power meters.
k) Safety facilities
Within-ICU facilities needed in the event of a major failure of external power
sources should be close to the management area. These should include large
(size G or J) compressed oxygen and air cylinders and appropriate regulators,
terminal connectors, flow meters and vacuum adapters, battery operated
portable lights, electric air compressor and vacuum pumps. The backup
services should be able to support patients for at least 1 hour. Requirements
for emergency electrical supplies etc. are dealt with in paras 2.1.1, 2.1.3 and
l) Security control
The increasing need for security makes it likely that the central station will
need to have means of control of access to the ICU site. See 1.4.1 Security.
1.4.4 Storage (see also Section 5, Management of Equipment)
Adequate storage space outside the patient area is essential. EEC directives
on manual handling make the means of storage and access increasingly
important. Much heavy, or bulky, but mobile equipment (e.g. ventilators, drip
stands) requires storage and cannot be placed on shelves.
Deep storage is inappropriate, because items may be easily lost at the back
of shelves. Furthermore, only small quantities of equipment can be stored on
shelves above arm height (1.5m).
The storage space suggested in HBN 27 is inadequate for units with more
than 4 beds as it does not increase space pro-rata with bed numbers. This
applies to areas referred to in HBN 27 as 'bulk' storage, 'clean' utility, 'dirty'
utility, disposal hold, linen bay, clinical equipment store, furniture store,
equipment service room, laboratory and lobby.
If possible, storage should be approachable both from the patient area and
from the supply route, which should be separate from the patient area. The
storage area should be a maximum of 30m from the furthest bed.
Storage should consist of:
a) Storage for consumables (CSSD items, plastic and electronic
disposables of all types). The floor area should be at least 5m2
per bed, with shelves, cupboards and drawers. This may be
divided between an immediate store adjacent to the patient
area, and
b) a back-up store. Whatever, method is suitable, deep storage
should be avoided. Consumables are often small with a
relatively short half-life.
c) Storage for equipment (e.g. ventilators, dialysis and
haemofiltration machines, traction equipment, monitoring
apparatus, infusion pumps and syringe drivers, drip stands,
trolleys, blood warmers, portable suction apparatus). In larger
units, a separately located electrical equipment store, workshop
and a bulk furniture store for beds, traction frames, etc. may be
d) A total floor area of at least 5m2 per bed is needed, with shelves,
cupboards, drawers, wall rail and bins. The furniture store
e) at least an additional 15m2: actual need is dependent upon local
case mix, e.g. need for tank ventilators, spinal beds, paediatric
incubators etc.
f) Storage for linen. This should be adjacent to the patient area.
2m2 of floor space is needed for each bed. This area may be
reduced if laundry turn-around is rapid (twice daily top-up
g) X-ray/imaging equipment bay close to or within the complex.
Floor area should exceed 4.5m2.
1.4.5 Dirty utility room(s)
For bedpan storage and destruction and dirty dressings disposal. An area with
bench space and sink for dismantling dirty ventilators etc. may be needed,
depending on unit sterilising policy. These areas may be separate: a total
area of 20m2 is needed.
A separate area is required for storage of bagged clinical waste. The floor
space required will be at least 2m2, but may be greater depending upon
frequency of waste collection.
1.4.6 Clean utility room
Larger units will need separate accommodation for laying up trolleys, etc. At
least 10m2 is needed, adjacent to the immediate consumables store. Local
policies may allow location of this space in the main ward area.
1.4.7 Nurses' office(s)
At least 15m2 is required with separate telephone extensions, computer,
hospital information system terminal and notice boards. The senior sister
requires a separate office (10m2) dependent upon the total size of the unit, or
its staff numbers. Specialist nurses, e.g. training nurse, research nurse, may
require office space.
1.4.8 Manager's office
An office of 15m2 is needed as a business office close to the intensive care
complex. This requires telephone (with all facilities for direct dial, hold,
transfer etc.), computer terminal and fax.
1.4.9 Medical office
At least 15m2 is needed, with separate telephone extension, computer
terminal, hospital information system, and intercom terminal.
1.4.10 Consultant's office(s)
At least 10m2 is required, with an extra 5m2 for each additional consultant.
Computing is needed on each work station, together with appropriate
telecommunications and information systems.
1.4.11 Clinical Director's (or equivalent) office
At least 15m2 is needed for the clinical director's office. This should be
separate from the consultant's office. Facilities similar to the consultant's
office are needed together with e-mail, fax and an additional telephone.
1.4.12 Audit office
At least 10m2 is required for the audit assistant. This office requires two
telephone points, one of which will be used for computer modem. This room
will house at least two computers and a significant amount of sensitive data.
Security aspects must considered.
1.4.13 Secretarial offices
Secretarial services are needed for the clinical director and manager
(amounting to at least 1 WTE in large units), together with 0.5 WTE
secretaries for each full time consultant (or equivalent sessions). An office of
at least 15m2 is needed for these staff.
Equipment must include communications systems (one telephone extension
shared with each consultant) and word processing facilities. The office will
contain a number of filing cabinets and notice boards. Depending upon the
size of the complex, or whether audit assistants are shared, there may be a
need for additional office space (fitted with computer terminal and two
telephones). Up to 10m2 will be required for a large unit. All computers should
be networked.
1.4.14 Staff rooms
a) A staff rest-room with beverage bar, communications systems, television
and radio should be provided. Kitchen facilities may be integral or preferably
immediately adjacent see 1.4.18. The beverage bar should be equipped to
reheat food, e.g. with a microwave oven. A food refrigerator should be
available. A plumbed in dishwasher is useful. An ice-making machine
somewhere in the complex is useful, but local Health and Safety regulations
may override the provision of these machines in the hospital complex. If this is
the case, there must be alternative means of cooling severely pyrexial
(>40OC) patients. The staff rest room should be provided with external
windows and comfortable seating.
An area of not less than 21m2 should be provided and increased pro-rata from
8 beds (and equivalent staff) upwards (3m2/2 beds). The area should be
segregated from the relatives' room and through routes to the main ward area.
Security precautions are necessary.
b) Staff require facilities for changing, lockable lockers, showers and toilets. At
least one wash hand basin and a drinking water facility is necessary. At
present, the ratio of female:male nursing staff in many ICUs is 2:1. Changing
facilities should be provided on the unit at the rate of about 0.75m2/nurse with
a minimum of 15.5m2 for female staff and 7.5m2 for male. Separate staff
shower facilities and WCs should be available in each changing room. Both
the changing room and lockers must be individually lockable. These
requirements may be modified if the hospital has centralised changing
facilities for nursing staff.
1.4.15 Doctor's on-call room/study
The bedroom/study should have a floor area of 15m2, and be equipped with a
bed, wash hand basin, shower, WC, wardrobe, telephone extension, intercom
terminal and television. A secure locker must be available. There must be a
desk and bookcase to allow study or preparation of notes or projects. A
secure window and outside view is needed: it must be quiet. Although it needs
to be close to the patient area and be within the unit complex, for privacy it
should be segregated and out of direct routes between unit entrance, visitors'
sitting room and the patient areas. The room must be protected from noise by
positioning, the use of double doors and of sound reducing materials.
1.4.16 Laboratory
The laboratory area should be at least 15m2 in size. Facilities should include
blood gas analysis (tension and saturation), haemoglobin and electrolyte
measurement. Adequate bench space is needed with at least 12 electric
points, a sink, specimen fridge, freezer and centrifuge.
Consideration should be given to providing a system for fume extraction.
Uninterruptible power supply is needed for at least the blood gas machine. A
communication system must be available. In some ICUs, additional laboratory
facilities may be best provided as an alcove in the main unit: local
considerations should apply. It would be appropriate to have adequate space
for a computer terminal within this complex.
1.4.17 Medical equipment workshop satellite facility
This requires a floor area of 15m2 in addition to any storage area. Workbench,
storage space, sink, compressed air, oxygen and vacuum terminals, and
scavenging outlet are needed. There should be at least six electrical outlets,
increased according to the role of the workshop.
Some ICUs may use the facility only for minor repairs, adjustment, assembly
and testing of equipment, whereas others may consider it appropriate to
perform all servicing and repairs in an ICU workshop. Under these
circumstances relocation of area from the main workshop may be needed: an
area as large as 50m2 (and office space) may be needed for large ICUs. Local
considerations should decide the best practice for medical engineering.
Whatever solution is chosen, the workshop should be separated from the
patient area. (see also 5.2.3; 5.2.4)
1.4.18 Kitchen (see also 1.4.14 Staff rooms)
This is needed for limited preparation of patients' special feeds and staff
snacks. It should be situated adjacent to the staff rest room. Facilities must
include microwave oven and refrigerator, which requires at least daily checks
on its efficiency. Local regulations may prevent the provision of a deep freeze.
A sink for cleaning of utensils, drinking water tap and a separate wash hand
basin is required.
1.4.19 Reception area
15m2 are needed for the reception area, although this may be reduced in
small units. The area should be manned by the ward clerk or receptionist
during the working day, with clearly displayed information out-of-hours. The
area requires an intercom terminal and visitors' call bell, with clear instructions
for their use. Access to the unit may require a remote door control device, with
video link. There must be alternative access to the unit for staff, in order to
prevent continuous disturbance of staff by relatives, and to give staff some
1.4.20 Relatives' room
At least two waiting areas are needed. They should be adjacent to the
reception area, and include one of 10m2 suitable for interviews including
breaking of bad news and bereavement counselling and one of 20m2 with
drinks dispenser, radio, TV aerial socket, WC and wash basin. A separate
pantry area (6.5m2) may be needed in large units. The position of the
relatives' room must prevent relatives from having continuous access to staff
and be outside the area of medical and nursing staff accommodation. Siting
should also prevent relatives from overhearing staff conversation, whether
related to patients or personal issues. Items of value such as television sets
should be securely fixed in place.
1.4.21 Receptionist's office
This should be of at least 15m2 floor area and be adjacent to the reception
area and consultants' office, with a counter surmounted by a glass screen to
limit noise. In small units, this may not always be necessary. The office could
also be used by a secretary or receptionist for typing, filing etc. An intercom
terminal and telephone extension are needed.
1.4.22 Procedures/treatment room
This room may be required to enable some interventional procedures to be
undertaken within the ICU, instead of in the operating theatre. A procedures
room will be at least 20m2 in area, containing all bedside facilities, high
intensity lighting and scrubbing-up sink. The walls should be screened if
image intensification is envisaged. Appropriate power supplies for special
equipment should be considered, and at least four electrical sockets should
be included in the unit's uninterruptible supply. In some units, practical
considerations such as the shape of the room, may make it more sensible to
absorb this space into the main ward area.
1.4.23 Seminar/multipurpose room
Where formal teaching is undertaken, a room of at least 30m2 floor area will
be needed, with seating, projection facilities, wall board, X-ray screen,
computer terminals and printers. This room must be adjacent to the ward
area, so that staff are not dispersed during teaching sessions. The room will
often house expensive teaching equipment, library and journals. This room
should also be considered for use in case conferences. The room requires
fitting with personnel locator and other communication systems as well as
simple emergency call. Security access is required.
1.4.24 Computer room/technician's room
This will need to be 10-20m2 equipped with a bench, at least 8 electric
sockets, 4 of which should be served by an uninterruptible power supply (see
2.1.1). There should be at least two telephone extensions of ISDN standard.
1.4.25 Cleaner's room
For storage of cleaning equipment and materials. There should be 6-8m2 of
floor space for every 8 beds, with at least two electrical outlets and a
1.4.26 Patients' bathroom facility
The need for this will be dependent upon local case mix, but should be
considered whenever the unit regularly admits long-stay patients, e.g. those
suffering from Guillain-Barré syndrome. The room must be fitted with hoist,
oxygen, air and vacuum, in addition to the usual facilities. Because of the
patient dependency, the situation, shape and size of the bathroom must be
locally agreed, but should not be less than 8m2 because of the need for all
round access. The bath should have both shower and sitting facility.
1.4.27 Satellite pharmacy (see also 1.4.3.(c) Drugs)
In large units or those with a distant pharmacy, an air-conditioned drug
storage room or satellite pharmacy may be required. The area should be
15m2, with bench, sink, refrigerator(s), 6 electrical sockets and telephone
1.4.28 Outside complex
a) Relatives' residential accommodation with bedroom(s), sitting room,
bathroom, toilets and telephone. At least one bedroom should be permanently
available to relatives from the unit. The size, disposition and total number will,
however, be dependent upon the size and specialties in the whole hospital
b) Resuscitation teaching room, containing manikins and related equipment
permanently on display.
c) In most units, there is also a need for a bed store containing, for instance,
Stryker frames, high air-loss bed, as well as orthopaedic traction equipment
(see 1.4.4).
Some of this area could be shared with other wards and departments which
have similar needs.
1.4.29 Clinical waste disposal holding area
There are requirements related to safe disposal of clinical waste, which may
necessitate a disposal holding area which must be locked. Additional
regulations related to the safe disposal of 'sharps' may be expected in the
future. The size and nature of this space will be dependent upon local
arrangements for clearance, in particular the frequency of clearance rounds.
1.5 Fire Safety
1.5.1 General
Sources of information include Hospital Technical Memoranda (HTM) 81, 82,
83, 85 and 87 and the Intensive Care Society's own publication Fire safety in
the Intensive Care Unit (1991), which deals specifically with the problem of
fire in ICUs and similar environments. Structural fire precautions and means
of escape are laid down in the Building Regulations, while aspects of
management and housekeeping may in part be controlled under the Fire
Precautions Act 1971.
Although fires affecting ICUs are mercifully rare, it is essential that plans exist
to prevent and to deal with them. It is mandatory that the problem is discussed
with the fire officer and that all unit staff know what action to take.
ICUs are particularly vulnerable because the patients' lives depend on
services which may be disrupted, while they cannot easily be evacuated.
Closure of the hospital oxygen pipeline, which may be necessary in the event
of fire, can have a lethal effect upon patients in the ICU whose only source of
inspired gas comes from the pipeline. Pipeline supplies are uncontaminated
by smoke, so that a ventilated patient's safety only becomes compromised
when disconnected from pipeline gas supply and allowed to breath
atmospheric air, e.g. via a self-reflating bag. Local arrangements may allow
pipeline closure not to occur in the ICU if this is considered in the design
stage, or may allow isolation of the ICU gas supply and internal reprovision
via in-house cylinders feeding the isolated ICU pipeline.
The ICU should preferably be at ground level to facilitate escape, but other
considerations during the building and design stage may preclude this.
Nevertheless, the basic principles of fire safety are the avoidance of fire, the
safeguard of life and reduction of material damage.
1.5.2 Floor Plan
A plan should be prepared to a scale not less than 1:100 and should show the
a) the department with its compartments and sub-compartments
b) the circulation space within each and their entrances
c) location of internal hydrants, hose reels, fire fighting equipment
d) electrical mains, medical gas, suction and ventilation plant control switches
or valves
f) positions of fire-resisting doors
g) special hazard areas
h) protected escape routes.
1.5.3 Smoke and toxic gases
Fire produces smoke and toxic gases which may be flammable, colourless
and odourless, so that their presence may not be readily detected. Three
techniques commonly used for control of smoke are containment (by using
fire resisting walls, ceilings, floors, doors, and cavity barriers), dispersal
(depending on natural or mechanical ventilation) and pressurisation (to
prevent the entry of smoke or to blow it out). Only pressurisation is suitable for
the patient areas of an ICU, but plenum ventilation, other than in single rooms
is not usual, or often possible.
1.5.4 Means of escape
There should be alternative means of escape to a place of safety, and the
escape route should be as direct as possible. The furthest distance to a fire
escape exit should be 18m if there are two routes of escape, or 15m for a
single route. Consultation with the local authority is necessary (HTM 81. Fire
precautions in new hospitals: paras 17.78-17.81).
The basic principle of escape is for the occupants to turn their backs on the
fire and travel away from it along protected escape routes (lateral evacuation).
The need for total evacuation depends on the size of the fire and its rate of
spread. In a modern large building a place of safety may be reached within
the building by moving into an adjoining safe area. Critically ill patients
receiving intensive care will be unable to resist cold and the place of safety
should, therefore, be protected from wind and rain.
Patients dependent upon electrical or mechanical apparatus for their survival
cannot be disconnected and moved down stairways and out into the open air
without the risk to life. These patients should, therefore, be evacuated
horizontally in their beds. Only as a last resort should ICU patients be moved
down stairways.
Adjoining areas should be considered when designing ICUs, which are
particularly important if a large number of patients require moving. Appropriate
areas include another ICU, theatres or recovery areas, or an HDU. The
possibility of safe areas elsewhere should be considered, because even if a
patient is self sufficient (i.e. has his own source of oxygen, ventilation and
battery powered monitors) the space occupied by a patient in his bed is large.
Primary and secondary evacuation areas must be sufficiently large to
accommodate the moved patients, irrespective of the provision of adequate
services (piped gases etc.).
Each patient's bedhead equipment should include an evacuation case
containing a small (D) oxygen cylinder, regulator and appropriate self reflating
bag which can only obtain its gas supply from the cylinder and cannot entrain
atmospheric, possibly contaminated, air. The case should also contain a
simple anaesthetic face mask for use if the patient is not intubated.
1.5.5 Other fire precautions
Closed fire doors may be a hindrance, especially if they interfere with visual
and auditory contact essential for good nursing care of patients. Fire doors
should be located so that users will have no cause to wedge them open. If it is
necessary to provide a fire resisting door an automatic electro-magnetic or
electro-mechanical device can be used to hold it open.
Where piped gases and electrical wiring are enclosed, the wiring must be run
in separate conduits so that it cannot come into direct contact with the piped
gas installation. Service ducts or voids containing piped gases must have
adequate ventilation to prevent gas concentrating in the event of leakage.
Pipelines must be suitably protected against damage and must be bonded to
earth, but must not themselves be used for earthing electrical equipment.
Fire extinguishers should be provided in sufficient numbers to cover parts of
the unit not reached by hose reels. Advice about fire extinguishers is given in
the Intensive Care Society's document, Fire Safety in Intensive Care Units.
This should be checked against the most up-to-date advice provided by the
local hospital Fire Safety Officer, because of the variety of causes of fire and
the potentially accelerative nature of the atmosphere, with both oxygen and
nitrous oxide supporting combustion.
Situation and types of extinguisher are decided by the Fire Officer. The
laboratory must also be provided with appropriate extinguishers, which may
differ from those in the rest of the ICU. The Fire Officer will also decide the
placement and nature of automatic fire detection apparatus, in particular
whether this is a heat or smoke detection system.
All hospitals are automatically linked to the local fire brigade in order to
minimise delays. The hospital usually has an administrative 'fire team' who
are contacted automatically in the event of a fire. Their communication system
may be tested daily in the same way as that of the hospital cardiac arrest
2. Services
agents such as nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide used in manipulation of
pulmonary physiology, or toxic medications administered via the patient
breathing circuit. The need for AGS in the ICU is not specifically mentioned in
HTM 2022, but requirements should be similar to the operating theatres, with
all sites where the patient may remain for any period equipped with AGS. This
will include procedure rooms. The AGS system should be of the active variety.
Passive systems are not appropriate. Average expired minute volumes will
usually be less than 15L/min/bed, but gas powered ventilators and continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) systems
will often generate much higher flows. Peak flows may momentarily reach
100L/min. Charcoal based adsorbent systems are not effective for all agents
used in the ICU.
Low pressure warning panels for oxygen, air and other pipeline services (e.g.
vacuum, nitrous oxide) must be visible in the ICU; the warning must be both
visible and audible. Local policy may also include pipeline surveillance for
oxygen purity using a pipeline bleed. This surveillance system must be gas
specific (e.g. based upon a paramagnetic analyser) and must have visible and
audible alarms. The incorporation of automatically and randomly re-calibrating
oxygen analysers within modern mechanical ventilators, makes the
requirement for pipeline purity surveillance less important in units where such
ventilators are standard. The ward manager must be aware of the actions
necessary in the event of pipeline failure (pressure or purity) for any of the
The height, positioning and arrangement of terminal outlets for gases, vacuum
and scavenging must be considered during the design stage because
repositioning is not straightforward. HBN 27 (Appendix 1) shows ergonomic
considerations for various services. The choice of service arrangement (e.g.
wall, gantry, stalactite, stalagmite, overhead) will have a major impact upon
service arrangements, and upon operational use. Because of potential
crossed pipeline problems, outlets not in use should be disconnected. Easy
access is necessary.
2.1.1 Electricity
The electrical supply should conform to Health Technical Memorandum 2011,
Emergency Electrical Services, HMSO, 1992 [(i) Design considerations (ii)
Management policy (iii) Operational management (iv) Validation and
verification 1992)] and IEE Regulations for Electrical Installations, (Institute of
Electrical Engineers) 16th Edition (1991) (and amendments). Power supply
must be 240V single phase, with a single common earth ground and with all
outlets in the patient areas on the same phase. Electrical supplies must be
provided in PVC insulated cables concealed within steel conduit. Supply lines
must not cause interference with electronic and other equipment, e.g.
monitoring or computers. HTM 2011 (Design considerations) gives advice on
maximum demands.
The patient areas should be served by a maintained stand-by power source
with the highest priority rating (to trip in at 185V). There should be less than 5
sec interruption when switching to the stand-by source. HTM 1022 (Design
considerations, para 2.21, and Management policy, para 2.5) allows a
response time not exceeding 15 seconds, which may be acceptable provided
there is an uninterruptible power supply to essential areas. The stand-by
generator should be tested at least every month. Two such separate rings are
required in the patient area (see HTM 1022, para 2.2).
Separate uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) may be required for individual
items of equipment, e.g. computers, lighting. Each bed area requires
uninterruptible supply to at least three sockets. These priority sockets should
be distinguishable, perhaps by colour. Only priority equipment (e.g. ventilator,
monitor) should be supplied from them. The system should be able to supply
power for at least 1 hour (HTM 2011) and should itself be supplied by the
essential supply circuit (HTM 1022, paras 2.40, 3.34, 3.68-3.76).
Depending upon the size of the unit and the case mix, additional sockets
equivalent to 1/bed should be placed at strategic points in the unit. There
must be a visible and audible warning that the UPS has taken the load, or is
failing to charge. Local decisions on siting and numbers of these essential
outlets are necessary, being based upon the choice of equipment for which
continuous supply is essential.
A third ring main, which need not be supplied by the stand-by supply source,
should serve sockets for mobile X-Ray and domestic purposes throughout the
unit. Each type of power source should be clearly identified.
When choosing monitoring and other equipment, both fixed and portable,
consideration should be given to its own internal battery backup. In
conjunction with the hospital medical engineering department, the service
should review its requirement for uninterruptible and emergency power
supplies every 4 years (i.e. half way through any planned equipment
replacement program). The positioning and height of sockets is described in
HBN 27, Appendix 1
2.1.2 Vacuum
The ICU should have a central medical vacuum supply capable of generating
a pressure of 500 mmHg (66.6 kPa) below atmospheric pressure and of
maintaining 40L/min air flow at each bedhead when all outlets are in use.
HTM27 gives a peak demand flow for an 8 bedded unit of only 100L/min.
However, HTM 2022 assumes that each terminal unit will maintain a flow of
40L/min, but that only 25% of terminals are in use (Design considerations,
para 4.69). Each bedhead should have a minimum of two terminals. For an 8
bed unit this equates with a flow of 160L/min.
2.1.3 Oxygen
A supply of 100% medical oxygen should be available at a pressure of 4 bar
(60 psi, 400 kPa). This pressure should be maintained when the flow is
20L/min at each outlet when all outlets are in use (European Society of
Intensive Care Medicine, Minimal requirements for Intensive Care
Departments, 1997). In an 8 bed unit, with each bedhead fitted with 4 outlets,
this equates to 640L/min. Such a demand is exceptionally rare, with a more
realistic peak demand being 320L/minute (i.e. 8 beds fitted with 4 terminal
outlets, with 2 outlets in full use). HBN 27 quotes a typical maximum demand
of 70L/min. Falls in oxygen pressure may lead to cross-contamination if faults
exist in equipment non-return valves. Terminal wall outlets do not incorporate
non-return valves.
Where the unit has its own system, it should be supplied from cylinders
having a total capacity of about 1,000 cubic feet (30m3, 30,000L) divided into
two banks with automatic change-over controls incorporating a visible
indication in the unit to warn when one of the banks of cylinders is exhausted.
Consideration should be given to the demand for oxygen supply in the unit in
the event of failure or emergency closure of the external supply. The within-
ICU back-up system should be able to supply all beds with a nominal flow of
10L/min for at least 1 hour, i.e. the ICU should be equipped with cylinder
supplies (e.g. G-size) holding a total of 4,800L for each 8 beds on a pro-rata
2.1.4 Compressed Air
A supply of medical compressed air, filtered and free of particles including
bacteria, carbon, oil and water droplets (HTM 2022, para 2.9), should be
available at a pressure of 4 bar (60 psi, 400 kPa). This pressure should be
maintained when the flow is 20L/min at each outlet when all are in use. In an
8 bedded unit, with each bed head fitted with 3 outlets, this amounts to
480L/minute. A more realistic peak demand would be half this. HBN 27
quotes a typical maximum demand of 300L/min.
Pressure in the system should not exceed that of the oxygen supply to
prevent inadvertent dumping of air into the oxygen pipeline, in the event of a
crossed pipeline incident. Terminal wall outlets do not contain non-return
valves. The direct interconnection of air and oxygen lines to each other
downstream of any flowmeter should be discouraged if the gas mixture
remains at high pressure (e.g. to drive a gas powered ventilator, nebuliser
etc.) and is not in use. Cross-contamination of pipelines may then occur if
pipeline pressures are not identical: compressed air pressure is subject to
some fluctuation because it is usually produced from the local compressor
(see below).
The air supply should be produced by a fail-safe tandem pair compression
pump on a high priority (185V) instant switching stand-by supply. A cylinder
bank, with a visible indication in the unit that it is in use, should be provided to
ensure an uninterrupted supply in the event of mains failure.
Measures to be considered to overcome a short-lived failure or planned loss
of external supply include a limited within-ICU cylinder supply or the
availability of small electrical air pumps, recognising that some mechanical
ventilators will not operate without a supply of both air and oxygen at pressure
(400 kPa). An alternative strategy would include purchase of ventilators which
have their own internal compressor.
Compressed air supplied at 7 bar should not usually be available in the ICU.
Air at this pressure is supplied to the operating theatre as a power source for
some orthopaedic tools. Consideration should be given to its installation in a
procedures room and equipment servicing areas.
2.1.5 Nitrous Oxide
A supply of nitrous oxide is provided at a pressure of 4 bar (60 psi, 400 kPa).
This pressure should be maintained when the flow is 10L/min at each outlet
when all are in use.
The supply may take the form of either:
a) 100% nitrous oxide, or
b) 50% nitrous oxide/50% oxygen (Entonox).
If nitrous oxide is used, an active anaesthetic gas scavenging system (AGS)
must be provided. Standards must be similar to the operating theatres (see
HTM 2022 Design considerations, Anaesthetic gas scavenging systems, para
16.0 - 16.52).
2.1.6 Other gases
The use of new gaseous agents in the ICU may require specialist piping, and
new non-interchangeable connection devices, fitted with non-return valves.
Nitric oxide currently requires special plastic or stainless steel piping. Specific
expert advice must be taken for such innovations, the detailed advice about
which is subject to change.
2.1.7 Anaesthetic and toxic gas scavenging systems
(HTM 2022, Medical gas pipeline systems, Design considerations:
Anaesthetic gas scavenging systems, paras 16.1 - 16.52).
Increasing use of gases (nitrous oxide, nitric oxide), vapors (isoflurane),
aerosolised medicaments (pentamidine) and the presence of toxic products
(nitrogen dioxide) require active scavenging systems of a standard similar to
that provided as part of anaesthetic gas services within the operating theatres.
All bed areas including side wards and equipment test rooms require this
2.1.8 Fuel gas
This is now rarely required for laboratory appliances (e.g. flame photometers)
and the use of equipment requiring fuel gas should be discouraged. In other
areas within the ICU complex other sources of power should be used. Gas
appliances should be fitted with flame failure safety devices. The use of such
equipment and storage of flammable/explosive gas, e.g. propane, requires
consultation with fire services and local safety officers.
2.1.9 Ventilation (see also 1.4.2. Patient Area)
The ICU should be fully air-conditioned. Should this not be possible then
windows must be able to be opened. 'Tilt and turn' windows are a useful
design. Security must be considered when the unit is sited on the ground
floor, or is otherwise easily accessible.
Within the clinical areas at least, all air should be filtered to 99% efficiency
down to 5 microns (see also 1.4, Accommodation). Air movement should
always be from clean to dirty areas. If not fully air-conditioned, plenum
ventilation of the multi-bed area should also incorporate heating/cooling
Even when the main bed area in the ICU is not air-conditioned, at least one of
the cubicles must have air-conditioning plant to allow a choice of
temperatures (from 16o to 27oC), a choice of humidity (from 25% to 95% RH)
and a choice of positive or negative operating pressures (relative to the open
area). Cubicles usually act as isolation facilities, and their lobby areas must be
appropriately ventilated in line with the function of an isolation area (i.e.
pressure must lie between that in the multibed area and the side ward).
Air-conditioning may also be needed for rooms containing heat-generating
apparatus such as computers and laboratory equipment. Pharmacy
refrigerators generate significant quantities of heat. Mechanical extraction will
be needed for single rooms and for the lavatory, sluice, laboratory and
relatives' and staff rest room(s). Part-opening windows should also be
provided in the last two of these and in the doctor's bedroom, if air-
conditioning is not universal. Security considerations may affect the provision
of opening windows. Smoking should not be allowed in the ICU complex.
Where air-conditioning
is not universal, cubicles should have fifteen air changes per hour and other
patient areas at least three per hour. The dirty utility, sluice and laboratory
need five changes per hour, but two per hour are sufficient for other staff
Storage and use of some toxic agents (e.g. nitric oxide supplied in cylinders)
may require the unit to increase its general ventilation as a safety measure, in
the event of inadvertent leakage of toxic gas. Extraction fans or fume
cupboards are needed when local disinfection of some equipment is required,
e.g. using glutaraldehyde for cleaning fibre-optic bronchoscopes (COSSH
2.1.10 Water supply and plumbing
This should conform to HBN 27. The number and positioning of sinks in the
patient areas is discussed in 1.4.2. Sinks should be designed for elbow use.
The hot and cold water pressures should be equal throughout the unit at all
times. Sinks in patient areas may require heated water (U-bend) traps, which
require an attendant electrical supply.
A de-ioniser or reverse osmosis system may be needed for haemodialysis or
other special techniques in each single room and at least two spaces in any
larger patient area (e.g. the multi-bedded unit). Low level self-sealing trapped
drainage outlets will be required for use with dialysis machines. Some ICUs
will require all bed spaces and the equipment room(s) to be plumbed for
dialysis (water and drainage). Rarely, laboratory quality de-ionised water will
be needed in the laboratory.
2.1.11 Heating
This should conform to HBN 27. Heating should be designed for continuous
operation all the year round. Patients are often lightly clad in the ICU, so that
a thermo-neutral temperature is required. Should small children need to be
accommodated, environmental temperature may need increasing. The agreed
environmental temperature may also require review if the unit has some
specialist roles, e.g. burns management.
Single patient cubicles should have a choice of temperature from 16-27oC
(see 2.1.9), but other patient areas should be kept at 21oC. Staff areas should
be at 18-21oC, apart from the dirty utility sluice (16oC) and stores (10oC). The
temperature in pharmacy store rooms or drug cupboards must not exceed
20oC. Unless specified, most crystalloid fluids for intravenous use can be
stored at temperatures up to 25oC.
2.1.12 Lighting
Natural daylight with an outside view is essential for both patients and staff.
Where solar heat gain occurs solar-tinted glass is needed. Lighting should
conform to HBN 27, HTM 1022, to the recommendations of the CIBSE
Lighting Guide (No 12, Hospitals and Health Care Buildings) and BS5266 Part
1 "Emergency Lighting". Lighting should be glare free and should give a
natural appearance to flesh tints to assist recognition of cyanosis, i.e. lighting
must be colour-corrected.
The general lights should dim without flicker. There should be an independent
control of light over each bed, with individual patient lighting independent of
general background lighting. Good spotlighting and low level lighting to
illuminate drains and underwater seals are needed at each bed.
Instantly-acting emergency lighting must be provided locally, independently of
the stand-by generator system, in accordance with HTM 1022 (1992),
Emergency Electrical Services. Such lighting should be independent of the
general uninterruptible power supply. Lighting may be of the 'luminaire' self-
contained type, and must be able to supply adequate light for at least 2 hours.
Standby lighting directly over the patients bed space should be of intensity
and quality close to normal lighting (HTM 1022 (1992), para 3.11). Escape
lighting should follow that proposed in HTM 1022. In corridors, staff rooms
etc., uplighting may be appropriate or preferred.
2.1.13 Noise
Every effort must be made to minimise noise. Despite paying great attention
to the reduction of incoming noise from road, rail and air traffic, hospitals often
attach little importance to internally-generated noise pollution. Although ICUs
are not intended to be hushed, investigation has shown that noise levels are
excessive, and may exceed that of traffic noise. While some noise can be
minimised, e.g. by conducting ward rounds away from bed areas, other noise
is less avoidable. Consideration should be given to minimising noise by the
choice of sound deadening materials, position of beds, doors, rest rooms,
design of alarms, use of lights on telephones etc. (US Environmental
Protection Agency (1974). Information on levels of environmental noise levels
requisite to protect health and welfare with adequate margin of safety.
Environmental Protection Agency. Report No. 550-9-74-004, Washington.
Noise pollution in the anaesthetic and intensive care environment, Kam PCA
et al, 1994).
2.1.14 Communications
Measures to avoid disturbing patients are required with all systems.
a) Telephones
maximised and carefully sited. Where there is restriction of numbers of these
lines, their siting should be reviewed at least annually.
Consideration must be given to the security of computer systems attached to
telephone lines. It is important to adhere to internal hospital policies related to
access to external communication systems through internal telephone and
computer systems (including mobile telephones).
b) Alarm calls
When provided, these should operate from each bedside and should generate
visible and audible alarms in all parts of the unit outside patient areas. Ideally
a single button or pull-cord should be capable of activating the hospital
cardiac arrest system without recourse to the telephone exchange.
c) Personal communications systems
The on-call resident unit doctor must be provided with a personnel locator with
2-way communication. This system will also function as a 'crash bleep', and
will avoid the need for carrying multiple communications devices. Other
doctors on-call may require less sophisticated systems. Personnel locator
systems should be available to connect all rooms in the ICU and relevant
adjacent areas.
The consultant on-call requires an in-house bleep, a long-distance radiopager
or a cellphone. At present, because of communication blackspots and the
need to switch off these devices within the vicinity of electronic equipment, the
cellphone cannot entirely replace the radiopager.
d) TV aerial and radio sockets
These should be provided at each bedside, in the staff rest room, the doctor's
bedroom, seminar rooms and the relatives' waiting room.
2.1.15 Monitoring
The physiological variables monitored will vary according to the type of unit.
Minimal monitoring standards for ICUs are to be found in provided in
Application for Recognition of Intensive Care Units (Intercollegiate Board on
Training for Intensive Care Medicine, 1996), which is based upon Guidelines
for Purchasers of Intensive Care (Royal College of Anaesthetists, 1994). All
electrical monitoring systems must comply with the electrical safety
regulations (IEC 601-1, BS 5742 Parts 1 and 2).
Provision should be made early in the design of the unit for the installation of
any likely future system. Steel conduit or trunking of at least 50mm size,
bonded to the common earth, should be distributed both circumferentially and
radiating from the management base. The final choice of links may depend
upon the decision to use 'ethernet' or 'daisy chain' computing networks. All
equipment should be located so as to interfere as little as possible with
nursing procedures. Connecting leads should not cross lines of
For convenience and safety, a junction box into which all the physiological
monitoring leads can be plugged may be located close to the patient. The
junction box may be fixed to the bed (with a single cable led across to the
display unit) or may be incorporated in a boom, stalactite or stalagmite (see
2.2.1, Bedside Layouts; HBN 27).
Physiological information derived from monitoring devices should be
displayed at the bedside where it is immediately available to the staff. The
display should not normally be in the patient's line of sight and is best wall or
gantry mounted and not free standing. When staffing is at minimum levels or
staff are distracted (e.g. during breaks, times of crisis), it can be
advantageous for staff to be able to view other patients' display or alarm
conditions from any (other) single monitor. Displays may be repeated in the
vicinity of the management base. This is of secondary importance in a general
ICU and should not cause staff to leave the patients' sides. Central hard copy
recording, and down-loading of summarised monitoring is advantageous.
2.1.16 Backup services (electricity, oxygen, air, vacuum, lighting and
The increasing sophistication of equipment, and reliance on external sources
of power and other services makes continuity of supply increasingly important.
Each ICU should review its servicing arrangements, its equipment, and its
purchasing policy to ensure that it is capable of continuing to function in the
event of failure of any individual service. Such events, although rare, may be
Events to be considered include contamination of oxygen pipeline, and partial
or complete loss of electrical power. These events may be unexpected or be
part of a planned service shutdown requiring a 'Permit to Work'. Closure of a
contaminated pipeline can result in several days of shutdown because of the
need to check all outlets within the structures supplied, before the line can be
re-opened. Design considerations (e.g. multiple shut off and bypass valves)
may be helpful in preventing prolonged closures. These considerations will be
particularly important in large units with high occupancy rates.
2.2 Services in Patient Areas
2.2.1 Bedside Layouts
The key requirement for layout of the bed area is the need for easy access to
the patient. This creates a number of conflicts and HBN 27 considers a
number of bedhead designs in terms of ergonomics. Services must be
delivered in such a way that they do not impede basic nursing care, as
several carers will frequently be involved simultaneously in routine procedures
such as lifting, turning and washing.
All sockets and service outlets should be distributed on both sides of the bed.
They should be organised in such a way as to minimise the loss of window
space. In a free-standing arrangement at least half the outlets should be
located on a gantry, boom, stalagmite or stalactite, with the remainder on the
wall adjacent to the bed (see below). No outlet should be beyond the reach of
the shortest nurse: some may be at a low level (e.g. 600mm from the floor)
with the majority at a higher level (1300-1600mm). Adequate separation of
outlets is essential. Beds positioned diagonally across bedspaces may
increase access to patients, but require that some of the services are
differently positioned, e.g. horizontal gantry, vertical gantry arrangements.
a) Bedhead to wall layout
Traditionally the bed is located with its head towards the wall. Services are
brought from the wall across the head of the bed to the patient and
equipment. Equipment which has to be connected to the patient may be
supported on wall-mounted rails or shelves. The wall may need to be
reinforced for this purpose. Some rail-mounted equipment may weigh 20kg.
Where equipment is too heavy or bulky, it will have to be trolley mounted and
on one or both sides of the bed.
An advantage of wall mounting is familiarity for staff. Wall mounting of service
outlets may be easier from an engineering point of view if the walls are
sufficiently strong. The disadvantages of bedhead wall mounting are that
access via the head of bed (e.g. for resuscitation) is hindered by cables and
pipes which traverse the gap between wall and bed, and that nursing staff
have to pass round the foot of the bed to get from one side of the patient to
the other. Work surfaces have to be located alongside, or at the foot of, the
bed because the wall space behind the bed is not accessible. Lateral spacing
of beds in multi-bed rooms must take this requirement into account.
The use of an external wall for providing services partly prevents the use of
this wall for purposes of natural lighting. The services (medical gases,
vacuum, electricity) are usually dropped from ceiling height in the wall space
and further limit the area available for insertion of a window space at the
b) Free-standing arrangements
The bed is located 1m away from the wall and services are brought directly to
i) Services may be brought from the wall or ceiling to a boom or trunking over
the bed, to one or both sides of the bed, usually
at the bedhead.
ii) Services may be brought down from the ceiling on a 'stalactite', usually
situated at the head of the bed, perhaps to one side.
iii) Services may be provided entirely from above the bed using shelving and
rails capable of supporting infusion devices, ventilator, etc. with ventilator
breathing circuit reaching the patient from above.
iv) Services may be brought up from the floor on a 'stalagmite' structure.
v) Services may be supplied from a gantry hanging at the head of the bed,
with or without shelving capable of carrying monitors and ventilators,
suspended from the ceiling at either side of the gantry. 'Drip poles' are
suspended, rather than floor standing.
Combinations of these arrangements may be suitable.
The ICS will be able to provide a list of units which have used various
Advantages of these systems are that the head of the bed becomes freely
accessible. Nurses can pass readily in both directions around the bed, and
cables and pipes arise close to the bed and do not trail across lines of
communication. As the wall behind the bed is free, a work surface and
storage space can be located close to the 'busy' end of the patient. Provision
of engineering services will often be easier with these systems.
Disadvantages are the capital cost of the boom, gantry, stalactite or
stalagmite, the need to strengthen the roof for gantry or stalactite, and the
need to allow additional space in line with the long axis of the bed. Other than
the overhead shelf/rail system all these techniques are limited in their size.
Even with space, the wall or some free standing trolleys are still needed to
carry/hold patient equipment, so that these solutions do not completely open
up space behind and/or below the bedhead. Hot water humidifiers, for
instance, must be placed below the level of the patient's airway in case they
are tipped over.
2.2.2 Electricity (see also 2.1.1)
At least 24 sockets are required at each bed. The sockets should not all be
placed at the same location but should be distributed equally on both sides of
the bed. Exact positioning will be dependent on the choice of service supply.
In addition, there should be at least three sockets with an uninterruptible
supply, to supply essential electronic monitoring and mechanical ventilator.
2.2.3 Vacuum (see also 2.1.2)
A minimum of two outlets for each bed is required. These are needed for:
a) Suction controller for tracheal aspiration, etc.
b) Suction controller(s) for continuous drainage suction.
In specialist ICUs (e.g. cardiothoracic, liver, trauma) at least one additional
vacuum outlet for each bed will be required for suction drainage.
2.2.4 Oxygen (see also 2.1.3)
Four terminal outlets are required for each bed. The outlets should be
grouped and not spread singly across the bedhead, gantry etc. Terminal
outlets are required for:
a) flow meters
b) gas mixing devices
c) ventilators
d) bronchoscope entrainer injector etc.
e) in an emergency, to drive suction apparatus.
Although a single terminal outlet is often used to supply a double-flow meter,
supply to ventilators is single and dedicated. It is not good practice routinely to
use a single outlet to provide a double terminal outlet, because pipe sizing
etc. has been calculated against an agreed flow from the primary gas outlet,
and not the flow after multiple splitting via double terminal outlets. Because of
disruption to the unit should there be a need to upgrade the oxygen supply, it
is sensible to overprovide oxygen outlets. Insertion of additional outlets
requires pipeline closure and recommissioning.
2.2.5 Compressed Air (see also 2.1.4)
At least two outlets are required for each bed. The grouping of the flow meters
should be considered, but they should be adjacent to the oxygen terminal
outlets. Compressed air is needed for:
a) flowmeters
b) gas mixing devices
c) ventilators
As with oxygen terminal outlets, it is sensible to overprovide air outlets.
Insertion of additional outlets requires pipeline closure and recommissioning.
2.2.6 Nitrous Oxide (see also 2.1.5)
Where 100% N2O or 50:50 N2O:O2 (Entonox) is supplied, not more than one
outlet is needed for each bed. An active scavenging point will be needed at
any bed supplied with nitrous oxide (see HTM 2022 Design considerations,
Anaesthetic gas scavenging systems, para 16.0 - 16.52) (2.1.7).
2.2.7 Water supply
At least one hand washing basin is needed for every other bed in the open
area and in each cubicle and its anterooms to minimise transfer of infection. In
the open area, sinks may be shared. Wash hand basins at each entry to the
unit are required. Self-sterilising heated traps may be useful.
2.2.8 TV aerials and radio sockets
Each bed and all staff room require local outlets. The main ward areas require
additional central outlets for large screen TVs, which may occasionally be
2.2.9 Bedside Storage
Storage may be of four main types:
a) wall mounted open shelves
b) bins, trays, etc., on wall rails
c) shelves under a worktop
d) mobile intensive care storage units (workstations)
It is desirable that each bedspace be self-contained for basic equipment,
acting as a nursing workstation: nurses should have to leave their patients as
little as possible. Storage units or workstations should not prevent staff from
seeing throughout the patient area. Local fire regulations will require that
workstations are mobile and not fixed.
Equipment for drug administration, tracheal aspiration and emergency
resuscitation and ventilation must be easily accessible by the bed at all times.
Frequently used items requiring less immediate availability may be stored in a
bedside cupboard or drawer. Examples are eye cleaning packs, mouth care
material, linen, washing equipment and personal belongings.
2.2.10 Charts and Notes
The charts upon which patient's observations are recorded must be located at
the bedside. Their position should be easily accessible to the nursing staff,
clearly visible to the medical staff and out of the patient's sight (see also 1.4.3
and 4.7.1). There is now a move towards paperless recording via visual
display units, automatic data acquisition and the use of light pens. Such
systems will require at least some hard copy and central (within ICU) printing
facilities must be available. Ideally the ICU should have direct access to the
pathology laboratory through each such monitor.
This document is not intended to make recommendations related to security,
verification and acquisition of computer derived records and other aspects of
the Data Protection Act.
3. Staffing
3.1.2 Trainee Medical Staff
The intensive care resident should be responsible only for the ICU and should
have no commitments, other than those which are a natural extension of the
post, e.g. membership of the cardiac arrest team, membership of the trauma
team. Any extension to the post should exclude activities off the hospital site,
e.g. transfer/transport team, unless alternative arrangements for immediately
available residential cover are made. The responsibility is continuous
throughout the 24 hours, so the trainee should be resident within the unit
complex. The resident should be involved in all decisions about the patients.
Hours of work and training arrangements will alter the traditional
arrangements for medical staff cover. Options include partial or full shift
working, requiring a rota containing at least 5 residents, and often rostered
time off and annual leave. Any new training programme will need to account
for protected time-out for education and specific time for practical training and
ward meetings. Handover periods and meticulous notes are essential,
particularly with shift-type working patterns.
The requirements for ICUs intending to act as bases for training in intensive
care medicine are laid down in Application for Hospital Recognition,
Intercollegiate Board on Training for Intensive Care Medicine. This document
specifies the facilities, documentation etc. needed by both the ICU and the
hospital to allow training of doctors in intensive care medicine. The
combination of a reduction in hours-of-work and Calman training
recommendations will reduce the clinical time spent in the ICU by individual
trainees and will reduce their available service hours.
The increasing involvement of consultants and the changes in rostering and
training of non-consultant staff make it likely that more guidelines and
protocols will need to be introduced.
3.1.3 Other Medical Staff
Patients should be treated on lines agreed by the admitting and intensive care
consultants, often using written policies, guidelines or protocols. Because of
the wide variety of conditions encountered it may be necessary to obtain
opinions from consultants in many disciplines.
Where a full range of specialists is not available, a fully comprehensive
intensive care service cannot be provided. In the UK, at present, PICUs are
uncommon and many general ICUs will be expected to admit a proportion of
children. In the UK, children make up about 12% of admissions to adult units.
Even in specialist units (e.g. neurosurgery) the availability of consultant
paediatric advice is essential.
3.1.4 Education and Training
Consultants in intensive care medicine need to be specialists in all aspects of
acute medicine and resuscitation in the broadest sense. They should also be
skilled in the administration, planning and organisation of an ICU. They should
be familiar with the details of audit. Proper training will produce clinicians who
are fully competent in all aspects of the management of critically ill patients,
irrespective of whether they will ultimately devote all or only part of their time
to duties in intensive care.
In future, consultants with sessions in the ICU (either actual or cover) will be
expected to have undertaken at least one year's training in intensive care
medicine. Full time consultants in intensive care medicine, and/or directors of
ICUs will be expected to hold a post- graduate Diploma in Intensive Care
Medicine, as well as their primary postgraduate qualification (e.g. FRCA,
MRCP, FRCS). It is envisaged that a CCST (Certificate of Completion of
Specialist Training) will be awarded at the completion of training.
It is proposed that postgraduate training in intensive care medicine is
undertaken at three levels:
1. Basic training
This should be a three month exposure to the specialty at senior house officer
level. Large numbers of trainees from acute specialties will be expected to
undertake this training. The main purpose of this short exposure is to teach
the trainee to recognise those patients for whom intensive care is appropriate,
and to begin resuscitation of these patients using relatively straightforward
skills, which would also be appropriate for use on an HDU or general ward.
2. Intermediate training
This training is aimed to equip the doctor with sufficient skills and knowledge
to accept a sessional or cover commitment to the ICU. Each trainee would
spend 6 months on an accredited ICU training program. Trainees whose base
specialty was anaesthesia would be expected to undertake 6 months training
in internal medicine, with exposure to an appropriate and varied case mix and
case load (e.g. cardiology, nephrology, neurology, chest medicine, infectious
diseases). Trainees with a base specialty of internal medicine, would be
expected to undertake training in anaesthesia, again with a varied and
appropriate case mix. Most surgical trainees will require training in both
internal medicine and anaesthesia and will require a programme tailored to
their individual needs.
3. Higher training
This training period, lasting a further 1 year, is aimed at those doctors wishing
to take up a post in which their major sessional commitment is to be intensive
care medicine. This period will expose the doctor to both general and specific
intensive care (e.g. cardiothoracic, coronary care, neurosurgery, hepatic,
paediatric), to research and to the management, audit and budgetary parts of
the position. When a total exposure to intensive care medicine is more than 1
year, the trainee may acquire a diploma by examination, provided that the
trainee has already obtained his primary postgraduate qualification.
The detailed training recommendations and syllabus are laid down by the
Intercollegiate Board on Training for Intensive Care Medicine, but continue to
be subject to change.
3.2 Nursing Staff
Intensive care is synonymous with a 1:1 nurse-patient ratio (Guidelines on
Admission to and Discharge from Intensive Care and High Dependency Units,
Table 1; para 7.1, Department of Health, March 1996). However, this has to
be applied contextually and realistically to each individual intensive care and
high dependency unit. The following factors should be taken into account
when assessing appropriate staffing levels for each unit:
· patient throughput, case-mix and dependency
· nursing staff skill-mix and experience
· medical staff skill and availability
· unit layout
· training requirements.
There will be occasions when a patient in the ICU does not require the
undivided attention of a nurse at all times. Usually this will be a patient
awaiting discharge, but it could also be a patient at risk of precipitous
deterioration in respiratory function, who could not reasonably be discharged
to a high dependency unit (HDU) (see pages 2-3). Conversely, some patients
are so seriously ill that a single nurse is unable to perform all the necessary
duties. Thus two patients requiring both positive pressure ventilation and
haemofiltration will clearly require more than two nurses. These patients are
now not uncommon in the ICU. Allowance has to be made for such situations
when establishing a nurse:patient ratio, and the ability to utilise staff flexibly is
The staffing requirement necessary to provide a nurse at the bedside at all
times is at least 6.3 WTE/bed. This figure takes account of annual and
required professional leave, but takes no account of sickness or maternity
leave, the latter being particularly important in units which have a high
proportion of female nurses. This staffing level does make provision for either
a supervising nurse-in-charge and/or a 'runner'. If the full complement of beds
is to be maintained at all times, an allocation of 7 WTE/bed is realistic. A
further increment of nurses will be necessary should unit design include
multiple sidewards or cubicles. Consideration should be given to requirements
for training, research, audit and data collection.
3.2.1 Dependency Categories
As a general rule:
· patients requiring intensive care need at least 1:1 nursing
· patients requiring high dependency care, require, on average,
1 nurse:2 patients.
Patients who should receive intensive care and receive 1:1 nursing in an
intensive care unit can be identified by reference to Guidelines for Admission
to and Discharge from Intensive Care or High Dependency Units (DoH, March
1996, tables 1-3).
These tables show the level of care and technology appropriate to the
placement of the patient in an ICU. The Guidelines will show that some
patients who are receiving care in an ICU require care more appropriate to an
HDU, while other patients being nursed in ward areas may need either high
dependency care or even intensive care.
The true need for intensive care and high dependency care will become
apparent in the next few years as recurrent local and national audits refine the
need for care.
3.2.2 Training Requirements
There should be a senior nurse with several years' experience and an
appropriate level of qualification in charge of the unit, supported by
appropriately experienced senior nursing staff. As with numbers, the
appropriate level of qualification will need to be assessed for a particular unit,
but post-registration education in intensive care nursing would be the desired
minimum for senior staff.
It is suggested that at least 25% of senior nursing staff should hold a formal
qualification related to intensive care (e.g. ENB 100, Diploma of Nursing etc.).
Those units who are involved in providing members of a cardiac arrest team
may require Advanced Life Support (ALS) certification, in addition to Basic
Life Support (BLS) training and certification. It is beyond the scope of this
document to specify training requirements in more detail, only to recognise
the importance of appropriate opportunities from both the patient care and
personal nursing development aspects.
Pre-registration Nurses
These nurses may spend part of their training in an ICU, provided that there is
a separate nurse teacher, teaching sister (or equivalent) to supervise them,
and that they are supernumerary to and not replacing the trained staff. Such
trainees are best assigned to senior bedside nurses in the unit, and must be
protected from the need to make complex decisions related to patient care.
The value of proper orientation to the unit even for fully qualified nurses is well
recognised, and any new nurse must spend a period of time in a
supernumerary position. The duration of this should be tailored to previous
experience and local knowledge.
Other nurses
Other nursing groups may spend time in a familiarisation role in the intensive
care unit. These nurses may include those assigned to accident and
emergency, burns, anaesthesia and renal medicine.
Auxiliary Nurses and Care Assistants
Auxiliary nurses may be employed to assist the trained staff. Depending upon
their role it may be possible to use these assistants to reduce the requirement
for nursing staff to perform non-nursing duties, thus allowing more time for
their involvement in direct patient care. Such tasks include cleaning, stores
ordering and restocking. However, introduction of these staff must not be
allowed to reduce skillmix to an inappropriate level to deliver patient care.
Each unit will need to judge its own skill mix and the requirement for
unqualified staff.
3.3. Technicians and Technical Support
The multitude of complex equipment used in the ICU must function with the
utmost reliability. This will depend on good management (see Section 5), of
which regular user servicing is an essential part. Doctors and nurses are
seldom able to undertake this and the availability of a technician is essential
at all times.
The increasing complexity of equipment in use within the ICU means it is
unlikely that a single technician will have all the skills necessary to run,
maintain or service equipment. It is more likely that dedicated engineers
responsible for all equipment in the hospital will be needed in addition to
technician time within the ICU, the purpose of the ICU technician being one of
equipment set up and simple repair.
Depending upon the size and complexity of the ICU and its equipment, larger
units will require more than one technician, particularly when out-of-hours
servicing is required. It may be possible to share daytime cover among
technicians of various disciplines, e.g. intensive care and theatres or
haemodialysis, but even in small units this will amount to at least one whole-
time equivalent.
Technical support is needed in the ICU for:
a) Repair, care and maintenance, and de-contamination of ICU equipment.
b) Operation and care of ICU monitoring, measurement and therapeutic
equipment, including care of 'self service' blood gas and electrolyte analysers.
c) Emergency cover for out-of-hours fault repair, major monitoring, urgent
servicing and de-contamination, particularly at weekends and bank holidays.
d) Management, updating and training in the use of computers for audit, word
processing, use of multimedia training etc.
e) Education of nursing and medical staff in user care and operation of
equipment, e.g. syringe drivers, non-invasive blood pressure devices, blood
gas analysers (Clothier report).
3.4 Other staff
3.4.1 Physiotherapist
The services of a physiotherapist experienced in ICU work should be
available on a 24-hour 7-day basis.
3.4.2 Radiographer
The services of a radiographic team capable of mobile X-ray and ultrasound
imaging should be available on a 24-hour, 7-day basis.
3.4.3 Dietician/Nutritional Team
A dietician or clinical nutrition team may be required to advise about feeding
patients. Recent re-emphasis on enteral nutrition makes these skills
increasingly important.
3.4.4 Pharmacist
Pharmacists should be considered part of the ICU team. They may routinely
accompany medical staff on the main round of the day.
3.4.5 Clerical Support
The clinical director will require at least part time services of a secretary.
Additional secretarial time is needed for the senior nurse specialist and
business manager. Secretarial assistance is also for typing patient
summaries, duty rosters, etc. A ward clerk should be available for the purpose
of filing laboratory reports, completing records, taking calls, handling requests
for investigations, stores etc. This may be combined with that of receptionist,
but it may be necessary to employ more than one full time equivalent to cover
this work.
The requirement for data collection and input for ICNARC requires, in the
average unit, at least 0.5 WTE audit clerk.
3.4.6 Cleaning Staff
The unit should have its own cleaning staff who are familiar with the work of
the unit, the importance of the treatment undertaken, the dangers of
disconnecting patient apparatus, and other problems relating to patient care
such as infection control.
4. Unit administration and operational policies
Work), research and teaching, hospital and medical administration, liaison
with other departments, Divisions, Directorates, and purchasers.
4.2 Admission and discharge policy
A formal policy for admission and discharge of patients must be adopted.
Admissions should be agreed with the consultant in charge of the unit at the
time, particularly when all staffed beds are occupied. Non-unit staff, no matter
how senior, should not be permitted to order patients into the unit. Every case
must be considered on its merits. Many units do not admit patients who are on
the point of death. Conversely, only in exceptional circumstances will a patient
whose death is imminent be transferred out of the unit.
When a patient is ready for discharge it is the responsibility of the admitting
clinician to find a bed. At discharge, the ICU is responsible for handover of the
patient to the receiving team, and ensuring that appropriate therapies are
continued. Should the patient die, the ICU must notify admitting and co-opted
teams and the patient's family doctor as soon as possible, i.e. immediately
during office hours or immediately the following morning if death occurs at
night or weekend.
Whatever approach is made, it is necessary to provide a clear audit trail,
necessary for generation of appropriate medical statistics.
4.3 Therapeutic Policies
To avoid confusion and in the interests of training, a consistent approach to
common therapeutic procedures should be adopted within the unit.
For example, insertion of a chest drain should be carried out in the prescribed
manner in all patients, unless there is a special reason for not doing so.
Similarly the technical arrangements for continuous infusion of drugs such as
inotropes should be consistent.
The actual writing of prescriptions should preferably be the responsibility of
the intensive care resident. A standard handbook describing these policies
should be readily available to all staff, preferably on disc. Regular (6 monthly)
updating or review is appropriate. Local policies and procedures established
by a Drug and Therapeutics Committee should be adhered to and diversions
from such policies acknowledged by the Committee.
4.4 Investigational Policies
Uniform procedures should be adopted for routine investigations. For example
the timing of 24-hour urine collections, the method of calculating nitrogen
losses and the frequency of repetition of routine biochemical tests should all
be consistent. Automated analysis profiles may be arranged with the
pathology laboratories for admission and daily investigations. Specific profiles
of investigation should also be agreed with the laboratory for common
emergencies, e.g. investigation of coagulopathy following massive
transfusion. In order to standardise urine collections it is convenient to choose
the start of the 'ICU day' and to begin this at either 07.00 or 08.00 related to
the start of nursing shifts and the opening time of the pathology laboratory.
The arrangements for collecting, transmitting and reporting on laboratory
samples must be fast, reliable and clearly understood. Laboratories should
give appropriate priority to samples from ICUs.
Even when an ICU is situated adjacent to the main pathology laboratory, a
unit should have its own laboratory for certain urgent estimations and near-
patient investigations such as blood gas analysis, electrolytes, haematocrit
and osmometry. If the laboratory is distant or off-site this need becomes
essential. Any within-ICU laboratory must be subject to regular maintenance
and quality control testing, preferably by the main pathology service. This may
be carried out by the ICU staff under the supervision of the pathology service.
Microbiological investigations, frequency of samples, surveillance sampling
should be agreed for routine patients and those with specific diagnoses, e.g.
investigation of pneumonia in an immunocompromised patient.
Investigational policies should be agreed with consultants in, for example,
laboratories and imaging departments.
4.5 Infection Control
With the concurrence of the consultant microbiologist and infection control
team, infection control procedures should be agreed and enforced regarding:
a) antibiotic policy
b) clothing of staff and visitors
c) hand washing
d) sterilisation
e) aseptic precautions for invasive procedures
f) use of disposables
g) filtering of patients' respired air
h) changing of catheters, humidifiers, ventilator tubing and other equipment
I) isolation of at-risk or infected patients
j) cleaning of the unit
Where possible, policies should follow those laid down in hospital procedures
(e.g. lumbar puncture, dressing of wounds and intravenous cannular sites).
Many procedures are unique to ICUs, such as tracheal suction, care of
vascular catheters and extracorporeal circuits, changing of oxygen masks,
humidifiers and ventilator circuits. Local procedures should be agreed and
Increasing use of disposable equipment leads to problems with disposal of
clinical waste. Hospital incinerators may be reaching their maximum capacity,
and local authority disposal systems may also be under pressure. Before the
introduction of additional use of disposables, the mechanisms for disposal
should be discussed with the providers of local facilities.
In control of infection, discipline and behaviour is more important than design.
Design should be such as to encourage discipline and appropriate behaviour:
an absence of sinks will reduce the possibility of hand washing, but an
abundance of sinks will not necessarily ensure that this behaviour is adopted.
In some hospitals, it may be appropriate to admit all patients to the ICU via an
isolation cubicle until it has been determined whether they are colonised with
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
4.6 Rounds, Staff Meetings and Teaching
Regular unit rounds are recommended in the early morning and at midday or
late afternoon to review progress and treatment. These will normally coincide
with staff handover times. A minimum of two consultant rounds, by the
consultant in clinical charge of the unit on that day, is necessary to provide
adequate senior guidance, irrespective of specific calls to individual unstable
patients. Ideally there should be a consultant handover round at the end of the
normal working day if the day consultant is not clinically responsible for
patient care during the ensuing night.
An evening round after the beginning of the nurse and medical trainee night
shift is appropriate, particularly if patients are complex or unstable. The
consultant(s), junior staff and senior nurse should be present. Members of
admitting teams should attend at least the day time rounds to discuss the
progress of their patients. Certain rounds may be designated teaching rounds
and members of other departments and students should be encouraged to
come to these.
There should be regular, preferably weekly, meetings and discussions
amongst the medical, nursing and other professional staff associated with the
unit to deal with:
a) management problems and policy in the day-to-day running of the unit
b) a review of cases and patient management, both within the unit and in
conjunction with other departments
c) teaching sessions for nurses, doctors and students
d) business rounds (financial, planning etc) for senior medical, management
and senior nursing staff. These should take place at least every two weeks.
Senior trainee medical staff might usefully attend these meetings as
observers, giving them an insight into the problems of running a resource
limited service. Divisional meetings, with all interested parties, usually
permanent staff, should occur at least every two months, although local views
should take precedence.
4.7 Audit and Research
Details of the numbers of cases treated, illness severity, age, outcome and
treatments, must be recorded. The figures should be analysed at regular
intervals both as an indication of therapeutic achievement and for
administrative purposes. In-house audit must be a regular feature. Purchasers
may require performance data. The College of Anaesthetists and the
Intensive Care Society provide guidance for purchasers (Guidelines for
Purchasers, RCA and ICS, 1994). The Intensive Care Society has provided
details of the minimum data set necessary for audit (Intensive Care Audit, ICS
1990). Ideally units should subscribe to ICNARC in order to be able to relate
their performance against a larger group of ICUs.
4.7.1 Individual Patient Records
a) Patient charts, usually covering periods of 24 hours, provide a record of
changes in physiological variables. Graphs may be designed to assist
recognition of physiologically significant changes and assist with recording
drugs administered, fluid balance, medical orders, laboratory results, other
treatment given or important events, and severity and dependency scores.
Increasingly, automatic data collection and electronic display is taking the
place of the paper record. Should this become normal practice, the means by
which back-up records and hard copies are obtained, and the security
aspects, must be agreed with the hospital information service.
b) Case summary sheets.
c) Medical notes.
d) Nursing Kardex or Care Plan. In some hospitals this paper record has been
replaced by electronic records and electronic handover, although the latter will
be unusual in the ICU with a 1:1 nurse patient ratio.
e) Radiographs are best kept in association with the viewing box.
These measures ensure that a complete record of the patient's information is
available in one place. An alternative is to keep them in a mobile trolley.
Electronic records are available in some hospitals. Adequate viewing
terminals must be available in the ICU, with at least one in the each patient
area and the main medical office.
4.7.2 Activity Data
Units should keep clear records of their activity by collecting data on all
admissions. The ICS is committed to data collection which, by the use of
standardised rules and definitions, will allow audit of outcomes throughout the
country (ICS UK APACHE II study, 1985). Each unit should use at least one
method common to all patients.
Items recommended to be collected for the basic analysis of the work of an
ICU have been listed previously (Intensive Care Audit, ICS, 1990). Data are
collected around the time of starting intensive care and are based upon the
APACHE II and TISS methods.
Information is collected on:
· administrative details · admission details
· past medical history · physiological data
· treatment details · nursing details
· outcomes
The ICS Audit Document highlighted the importance of national audit, and
made a number of suggestions for the future. These suggestions led to the
formation of ICNARC in 1994, aided by a grant from the Department of Health
and Welsh Health Common Services Authority.
ICNARC Case Mix Programme
It is recognised that case mix adjustment is necessary to allow meaningful
outcome comparisons. The ICS Audit document recommended collection of
patient physiological data based on the APACHE-II for case mix adjustment.
However, with this and other such methods, there are a number of problems
with standardisation of data collection, especially of physiological data.
Similarly, determining the reason for admission can be problematical since it
is not always well described simply by the admission diagnosis.
These, and other, problems have been addressed during the development of
the ICNARC Case Mix Programme, following experience gained from the ICS
UK APACHE-II study. Since 1995, when the Case Mix Programme began,
data on all admissions to participating units have been collected using
standard rules and definitions. The ICNARC dataset is shown in Appendix 2.
Audit is an ongoing activity and must be sustainable. Dedicated staff are
required to facilitate this. Help and advice on these matters is obtainable from
ICNARC. Because of the need for standard definitions in all areas of data
collection it is recommended by the ICS that all units register with the
ICNARC Case Mix Programme. This will allow confidential, independent,
objective audit of clinical practice, and meaningful assessment of outcomes.
Units are encouraged to use the definitions in the ICNARC dataset, even if
they do not subscribe to the rules and Case Mix Programme.
Case Mix adjusted outcomes also relate to issues of structure and process
within units, e.g. does having a full-time director with sole responsibility for the
unit affect patient outcome? Annual audit of the provision of intensive care
services will be undertaken by ICNARC and commence in May 1997.
4.7.3 Clinical Research and Investigations
Investigations for purposes of clinical research should be carefully assessed
since patients in ICUs are unable to give informed consent.
The Intensive Care Society actively encourages research into management of
patients requiring intensive care. Advice on grants and general organisation of
research projects can be obtained from the Scientific Subcommittee.
5. Management of equipment
This section attempts to provide guidance in an important but neglected field.
The sub-sections on selection, purchasing and replacement are based on HEI
98 (Management of Medical Equipment and Devices, 1990).
The sub-section on maintenance also includes elements of this document but
is augmented by consideration of storage and sterilisation.
Some devices (e.g. infusion pumps) have enhanced requirements. New
safety electrical safety rules are being introduced during 1998.
5.1 Consumables
These are considered separately, because although they are items of
equipment, their management is different from that applied to re-useable
items or single patient use items. They require no maintenance, but because
of their bulk, may impose storage and disposal problems. It is possible to
switch manufacturers at short notice, either to an improved design or to a
cheaper version, so a policy of frequent review is needed. The advantages of
bulk purchase with allied departments should always be considered because
this not only reduces costs, and increases the rate at which newer designs
can be brought into use, but also means that internal stock controls need not
be as rigorous. Prevention of cross infection is absolutely fundamental to
intensive care and the use of disposable equipment is one of the main factors
involved. Guidelines for disposable and single patient use equipment have
been published (The reuse of medical devices supplied for single use,
Medical Devices Agency, MDA DB 9501, 1995).
A separate store is needed for consumables. This will need to be divided
between an immediate store in the nursing area and back-up space in the
main store. Stock control should be operated. A feature of ICUs is the very
large number of special items which must be kept immediately available within
the unit. It is seldom feasible to rely on a central hospital store for such items.
Units may make specific arrangements with manufacturers for call-off orders,
or regular small deliveries to reduce the total volume of stored disposables.
Paragraph 1.4.4 discusses the problems of storage space in the ICU. Heavy
disposables should not be stored on high shelves.
5.2 Durable Equipment
Management of durable equipment should follow HEI 98 (1990) Management
of Equipment, which gives recommendations about all aspects of equipment
management. Many of these concern the hospital or district rather than the
individual unit. The following notes should be read in conjunction with this
document. Faults on equipment (particularly alarms) require incident
reporting. HSG (93)13 gives guidance on subsequent reporting. Medical
Device reports go to the MDA Advice Incident Centre. Structural faults are
reported to NHS Estates.
5.2.1 Selection (see also 5.2.6, Replacement)
A continuously updated selection policy is recommended. Medical and
nursing staff should review available equipment by assessing it in use, with a
view to eventual purchase. This avoids ill-considered last minute selections.
Business planning disciplines can be helpful in deciding types and quantities
of equipment, recognising that much high value equipment will require 'single
order tender' action. The cost and availability of spares, maintenance and
essential disposables, should be considered during the purchasing work-up.
Where evaluation programmes have been carried out the results should be
heeded, and where British Standards or equivalent exist the equipment
selected should conform. Compatibility with existing equipment should be
considered. Technical advice should be sought from the hospital
electronic/medical engineers, who may be able to advise on performance and
service. Methods of sterilisation must be compatible with existing hospital
facilities. Manufacturers or their agents may need to be pressed on these
5.2.2 Purchasing
The users should agree with the manufacturer or agent which items (e.g. in a
modular system) will actually be required. The list should include all
recommended spares, extra copies of instruction books and a stock of
disposables if needed. A quotation should be obtained for the items on the
list. In the case of electro-medical equipment the supplier is asked to
complete a standard Pre-Purchase Questionnaire (PPQ) on the electrical
safety of the item. Liaison with the medical engineering department (or
equivalent) is a sensible precaution.
The order, which will normally be handled by a supplies officer, should define
clearly which items are to be supplied, any commission or installation work
required, acceptance procedure, delivery date and other conditions of supply.
Any discount or trade-in should be agreed at this time. A copy should be sent
to the intensive care consultant in charge.
Many hospitals and trusts have clearly defined routes for equipment
purchase, aimed to limit or control unexpected revenue consequences of
these capital purchases. They may require from the ICU a fee to cover such
revenue consequences as service, repair and disposables if equipment is
obtained directly from charitable sources. This levy may be as high as 50% of
the purchase price, or at least 10% per annum of the capital cost. Before
equipment is accepted, it is usual for the medical engineering department to
perform 'acceptance testing' (HEI 98, Code of Practice).
5.2.3 Storage (see also 1.4.4 Storage)
A separate store is needed for hardware (ventilators, pumps etc) because of
the need for servicing and testing. The store should have a bench, electrical
sockets, medical gases outlets and a sink. For 'covers off' servicing, certain
other equipment must be available, e.g. residual current device.
The walls of the store should be fitted with shelves capable of carrying
weights at least 50kg per metre length, of 0.3m width. Wall rail should be fitted
for storage of rail-mounted equipment. At least part of the wall area should be
kept clear to a height of 1.5m to accommodate free standing items. Because
of the large quantity of floor standing equipment used within the ICU (e.g.
ventilators, drip stands, dialysis machines), this storage area must be of a
considerable size (see 1.4.4). Lockable storage should be provided for small
but valuable items, and for fibre-optic equipment. Disposables which are fitted
by maintenance staff may also be stored here.
5.2.4 Servicing (see also 1.4.17)
a) User servicing
This includes cleaning, inspection, functional safety checks and simple
replacement of parts (e.g. ventilator tubing) by ICU staff. User servicing
should be specified, ideally on the surface of the equipment, with full details
on a user card or instruction book. An equipment log or fault card must be
kept for all major items (e.g. ventilators, dialysers) to record faults,
modifications and other aspects of its performance over time.
b) In-house servicing
This ranges from the limit of user servicing to full maintenance carried out by
hospital instrument or EBME (Electro BioMedical Equipment) technicians.
Typically it is performed by a technician who has been specifically trained to
service the equipment. He/she in turn will usually be responsible for user
training. An inventory of all ICU equipment must be maintained. Some may be
subject to capital charges. A central record of all servicing, with dates, should
also be kept.
c) Manufacturer servicing
This entails a contract with a manufacturer or agent to make periodic visits for
routine service. It may be backed by an emergency call arrangement either
with the same organisation or with in-house technicians. Manufacturers or
their agents will usually provide training facilities for in-house technicians.
d) Handover after servicing
A certificate of serviceability which would act as, or may be combined with a
user warning, should be signed by the technician who did the service.
5.2.5 Sterilisation (see also 4.5 Infection Control)
a) Satisfactory methods of sterilising all non-disposable parts (which come
into contact with patients) must be decided. If necessary the manufacturer's
assurance must be sought about suitable techniques.
b) Sterilisation facilities must be provided either in a room in the unit or
centrally within the hospital. Unit facilities should be adjacent to the dirty utility
room (where decontamination is performed) and the equipment store (where
items await re-use).
The use of glutaraldehyde will require installation of a fume cupboard (para
2.1.9, COSSH regulations). Staff working with glutaraldehyde require
protective clothing and regular medical examination by the occupational
health department. In the case of central sterilisation a system of identification
of equipment must be employed, to prevent loss of rare and expensive items.
It is preferable for packs to be made up in the unit, labelled and then sent for
Decontamination of equipment is necessary to protect servicing departments
(HN (87) 22)
5.2.6 Replacement
A realistic policy for replacement should be formulated. Most large items will
become worn out or obsolete within 10 years. The NHSE provides guidelines
on the lifespan of equipment needed to assess capital charges. For instance,
ventilators are considered to have zero value (i.e. should be replaced) after 8
years, while computers have zero value after 5 years. Parts may require
earlier renewal or replacement by modified designs. Decisions about
replacements should be made well in advance. It is recommended that a
continuing policy of review of available equipment is followed. It will usually be
necessary to emphasise these points to purchasers.
5.2.7 Training
The Clothier report, published as a result of the Allitt enquiry into a number of
unexpected patient deaths, requires that all staff who use equipment are
trained in the use of the equipment and in the management of the common
faults and problems occurring during its use, e.g. response to alarms (Report
of the Independent inquiry relating to deaths and injuries on the children's
ward at Grantham and Kesteven Hospital 1991, (the "Allit Inquiry") by Sir
Cecil Clothier 1994).
This training and familiarisation applies to all staff (medical, nursing,
professions allied to medicine, including medical engineering departments),
who make use of equipment and is best conducted at the end of the tour of
the ICU which new staff are required to undertake.
Appendix 1:
General Intensive Care Services: Operational Policy
A Basis for the Organisation of an Operational Policy
(ii) Fire escape routes
(iii) Isolation points - medical gases
(iv) Control of infection
(v) Compatibility of furnishings
8. Environmental Services
(i) Building
(ii) Security
(iii) Lighting
(iv) Finishes
(v) Sound transmission
(vi) Other comments
9. Engineering
(i) Ventilation
(ii) Hot & cold water supply
(iii) Heating
(iv) Drainage
(v) Medical gases
(vi) Antipollution
(vii) Fire precautions
(viii) Telephones/e-mail/fax
(ix) Patient/Staff call system
(x) Intercoms
(xi) Alarm systems
(xii) Radio & TV access
(xiii) Electrical supply
(xiv) Computer terminals/cabling
(xv) Other services
Appendix 2: ICNARC dataset
· Raw data are collected because this is simpler, avoids duplication, and is
easier to validate.
· Data are collected from the time of physical admission to the ICU.
· All data collected must be documented in the permanent patient record.
· Although based on the APACHE II and PRISM methods, the ICNARC
minimum dataset can be expanded to include the SAPS II, APACHE III, MPM
II0 and MPM II24 methods. The ICNARC minimum dataset will change over
time as new methods with greater validity, reliability and acceptability are
developed and tested.
· The ICNARC Coding Method is used to code the reasons for a patient's
admission for intensive care. The codes so produced are being mapped to the
Read system.
· Since the Case Mix Programme is designed to ensure patient confidentiality,
the minimum of demographic details are collected for the central returns to
ICNARC. Recommended demographic details not included in the minimum
Patient - Name, Address, Telephone number, Ethnic origin
- District Health Authority
GP - Name, Address, Telephone number
Hospital - Hospital number, Referring Specialty
· Admission details
· Past medical history
· Reason for admission
· Worst physiological data in first 24 hours
(determined from collection of lowest and highest values)
· Other conditions
· ICU outcome
· Hospital outcome
· Full ICNARC dataset, as above but including other variables
Admission details
Appendix 2: ICNARC dataset (continued)
Past medical history
Appendix 2: ICNARC dataset (continued)
Other conditions
Other condition relevant to this ICU admission - 1
Other condition relevant to this ICU admission – 2
ICU outcome
Ultimate primary reason for admission to ICU
ICU treatment withdrawn
Date/time of decision to withdraw treatment
Status at discharge from ICU
If alive, Date/time of discharge from ICU
If dead, was brainstem death declared
Appendix 2: ICNARC dataset (continued)
Hospital outcome
Date/Status at discharge from hospital
If alive, destination following discharge from ICU
Another acute hospital
Hospice or equivalent
Appendix 2: ICNARC dataset (continued)
A record should be kept of major complications of therapy and critical
incidents which occur during the period of ICU care. Although information on
Appendix 2: ICNARC dataset (continued)
health status and quality of life at 6 and 12 months after discharge is
desirable, it is not considered feasible to collect this routinely. Ad hoc audits
are planned within the Case Mix Programme, and a systematic review of
outcomes following intensive care is to be commissioned by the NHS
Research & Development National Health Technology Assessment
programme in 1997.
Several other scoring systems are available for use in the ICU. Units are
encouraged to use other methods to audit their performance, e.g. the use of
TRISS for trauma patients in the National Major Trauma Outcome Study.
Treatment details
Bed availability/Refusals/Transfers/Cancelled elective surgery
Standards for Intensive Care Units. Intensive Care Society. 1984
Guidelines on Admission to and Discharge from Intensive Care and High
Dependency Units. Department of Health. March 1996. HMSO
Report of the Working Group on Guidelines on Admission to and Discharge
from Intensive Care and High Dependency Units. Department of Health.
March 1996. HMSO
Guidelines for purchasers of intensive care. Royal College of Anaesthetists
and The Intensive Care Society, 1994
Health Building Note 27: Intensive Therapy Unit. NHS Estates. 1992. HMSO
(formerly Hospital Building Note 27). Department of Health and Social
Security, 1974)
Guidelines for utilisation of intensive care units. European Society of Intensive
Care Task Force. Intensive Care Medicine. 1994; 20: 163-164
Recommendations on minimal requirements for Intensive Care Departments.
P Ferdinande. Members of the Task Force of the European Society of
Intensive Care Medicine. Intensive Care Medicine 1997; 23: 226-232
International standards for safety in the intensive care unit. International task
force on safety in the intensive care unit. Intensive Care and Critical Digest.
1990; 12: 55-57
Recommendations for critical care unit design. Task Force on Guidelines.
Society of Critical Care Medicine. Critical Care Medicine. 1988; 16: 796-806
Recommendations for inten-sive care unit admission and discharge criteria.
Task Force on Guidelines. Society of Critical Care Medicine. Critical Care
Medicine. 1988; 16: 807-810
Guidelines for categorisation of services for critically ill patients. Task Force
on Guidelines. Society of Critical Care Medicine. Critical Care Medicine. 1991;
19: 279-288
Recommendations for services and personnel for delivery of care in a critical
care setting, Task Force on Guidelines. Society of Critical Care Medicine.
Critical Care Medicine. 1988; 16: 809-810
Application for Recognition for Training for Intensive Care Medicine.
Intercollegiate Board of Intensive Care Medicine, Royal College of
Anaesthetists. 1996
Care of the Critically Ill Child. British Paediatric Association. 1993
Standards for Paediatric Intensive Care. British Paediatric Society. 1996
Paediatric Intensive Care. Report from the Chief Executive of the NHS
Executive to the Secretary of State. March 1996. HMSO
Intensive Care services in the Northern Region. Report of a Working Party of
the Northern Regional Health Authority. 1993
The Intensive Care Service in the UK. Intensive Care Society. 1990
Intensive Care Audit. Intensive Care Society, 1990
Intensive Care Services - provision for the future. Association of Anaesthetists
of Great Britain and Ireland. 1988
US Environmental Protection Agency 1974. Report No. 550-9-74-004.
Washington. DC,
Noise in the Intensive Care Unit. Balogh D, Kittinger E, Benzer A, Hackl JM.
Intensive Care Medicine. 1993; 19: 343-346,
Noise pollution in the anaesthetic and intensive care environment. Kam PCA,
Kam AC, Thompson JF. Anaesthesia. 1994; 49: 982-986
Hospital Technical Memorandum (HTM) 81. Firecode: precautions in new
hospitals. NHS Estates. 1987. HMSO
Hospital Technical Memorandum (HTM) 82. Firecode: alarm and detection
systems. NHS Estates. 1989. HMSO
Hospital Technical Memorandum (HTM) 83. Fire safety in healthcare
premises. General fire precautions. NHS Estates. 1994. HMSO
Hospital Technical Memorandum (HTM) 85. Firecode: fire precautions in
existing hospital. NHS Estates. 1994. HMSO
Hospital Technical Memorandum (HTM) 87. Firecode: textiles and furniture.
NHS Estates. 1993. HMSO
Fire safety in the Intensive Care Unit. Intensive Care Society. 1991
Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 2022. Medical gas pipeline systems.
Section (b). Design considerations. NHS Estates. HMSO
HTM 2022 has 4 other sections: (a) legal aspects, (c) validation and
verification, (d) operational management and (e) good practice.
Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 2025. Ventilation in healthcare
premises. NHS Estates. 1994. HMSO
Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 2011, Emergency electrical services.
NHS Estates. 1993. HMSO
NOTE: There are 4 parts to HTM 2011:
i) Design considerations
ii) Management policy
iii) Operational management
iv) Validation and verification
IEE Regulations for Electrical Installations. Institute of Electrical Engineers.
16th Edition (1991) (and amendments).
BS 5742 (Parts 1 and 2).
Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 1022. Lighting. NHS Estates. 1992.
CIBSE Lighting Guide. No 12: Hospitals and Health Care Buildings
BS 5266 Part 1 "Emergency Lighting"
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 1993
Training in critical care medicine. Guidelines/Practice parameters committee,
Society of Critical Care Medicine. Critical Care Medicine. 1995; 23: 1920-1923
Guidelines for training in intensive care medicine. European Society of
Intensive Care Medicine. Intensive Care Medicine. 1994; 20: 80-83
Guidelines for granting privileges for the performance of procedures in
critically ill patients. Task Force on Guidelines. Society of Critical Care
Medicine. Critical Care Medicine. 1993; 21: 292-293
Guidelines for a training program in intensive care medicine. European
Society of Intensive Care Medicine. Intensive Care Medicine. 1996; 22: 166
A guide for trainers. Intercollegiate board on training for intensive care
medicine. 1997 (in press)
Zimmerman JE, Shortell SM, Rousseau DM et al. Improving intensive care:
observations based on organisation case studies in nine intensive care units:
a prospective multicenter trial. Critical Care Medicine. 1993; 21: 1443-1451
Knaus WA, Draper ED, Wagner DP et al. An evaluation of outcome from
intensive care in major medical centers. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1986;
104: 410-418
Health Equipment Information. 98. Management of Medical Equipment and
Devices. 1990. HMSO
The reuse of medical devices supplied for single use only. Medical Devices
Agency, MDA DB 9501, 1995. HMSO
Report of the independent inquiry relating to deaths and injuries on the
children's ward at Grantham and Kesteven Hospital 1991. The "Allit Inquiry".
Sir Cecil Clothier. 1994
Doing no harm. Medical Devices Directorate, 1994.