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SUMMARY : A general review on polyester fibres formation is given illustrating its structure,
polymerization reactions as well as chemical, physical and mechanical properties. Modifications of
polyester fibres are also reported. Alkalies, amines, solvents either aqueous or non-aqueous attack
polyester fibres differently. Their effects in inducing structural and properties changes are thoroughly
Key Words: Polyester fibers, polymerization.

Polyester fibres are Man-made fibres in which the cell. Percentage crystallinity and molecular orientation
forming substance is a long chain polymer composed of relate to tensile strength and shrinkage; however, the
at least 85% by weight of an ester of dihydric alcohol and various methods of measurement are problematic (5).
terephthalic acid (1).
Polyester fibres found immediate acceptance in Polymerization reactions
easy-care, wash-and-wear, and durable press garments. Polyester polymer is produced commercially in a two-
It had excellent wrinkle recovery, either wet or dry. step polymerization process, ie, monomer formation by
ester interchange of dimethyl terephtalate with glycol or
Structure of polyester esterification of terephthalic acid with glycol followed by
The linear homopolymer poly (ethylene-terephthalate) polycondensation by removing excess glycol:
is the dominant composition for polyester fibres. Number
average molecular weights of about 15.000 are required STEP 1: Ester interchange:
for useful textile-fibre properties, but lower values give
staple of low tendency to pilling, and higher values provi-
de high strength fibres for industrial use (2,3).
The length of the repeated unit in poly (ethylene
terephthalate) along the chain is 10.75°A, a value only
slightly less than that expected for a fully extended chain
with one chemical unit to the geometric repeating unit, Esterification:
and successive ester groups in the trans configuration to
each other (10.9°A). The chains are therefore nearly
planar. The unit cell is triclinic (4), the atomic positions in
the crystallite indicate that no special forces of attraction
exist between the molecules. The spacings between
atoms of neighboring molecules is of the order expect if
Van der Waals forces operate (4).
Drawn polyester fibres may be considered to be STEP 2: Polycondensation:
composed of crystalline and non-crystalline regions. The
theoretical density of pure crystalline material can be
determined mathematically from the dimensions of the unit

* From Textile Research Division, National Research Center, Dokki,

Cairo, Egypt.

Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 4:4, 275-284, 1991 275


Monomer formation (STEP 1) by the catalyzed ester- Specific gravity: The specific gravity 1.38 or 1.22
interchange reaction between molten dimethyl tereph- depending on type of polyester fibres is moderate. Poly-
thalate and glycol takes place at about 200°C. The prod- ester fibres have a density greater than polyamide fibres
uct is a mixture of monomer, very low molecular weight and lower than rayon. Fabrics made from polyester fibres
polymer, and as a methanol by - product, which distills at are medium in weight (8).
150°C. Ester-interchange catalysts are divalent salts of
manganese, cobalt, magnesium, zinc, or calcium. An Heat effect: The melting point of polyester is close to
alternative monomer formation system involves tereph- that of polyamide, ranging from 250 to 300°C. Polyester
thalic acid rather than dimethyl terephthalicpthalate and fibres shrink from flame and melt, leaving a hard black
an uncatalyzed direct esterification rather than ester- residue. The fabric burns with a strong, pungent odor.
interchange. The monomer which is the same from both Heat setting of polyester fibres, not only stabilizes size
methods expect for some end groups, usually is poly- and shape, but also enhances wrinkle resistance of the
merized (STEP 2) in the presence of an antimony cata- fibres (8).
lyst. Chain extension is promoted by removal of excess
glycol from the very viscous melt at about 280°C, with Mechanical properties: A wide of polyester fibres
carefully controlled agitation and a progressive reduction properties is possible depending on the method of manu-
of pressure to about 200 Pa. Heating is continued at facture. Generally, as the degree of stretch is increased,
about 280°C until the desired degree of condensation is which yields higher crystallinity and greater molecular
obtained (6). orientation, so are the properties, e.g., tensile strength
and initial Young's modulus. At the same time elongation
Properties of polyester fibres normally decreases. An increase in molecular weight
Chemical properties further increases tensile strength, modulus and extensi-
Effect of alkalies: Polyester fibres have good resist- bility (9).
ance to weak alkalies high temperatures. It exhibits only Shrinkage of the fibres also varies with the mode of
moderate resistance to strong alkalies at room tempera- treatment. If relaxation of stress and strain in the oriented
ture and is degraded at elevated temperatures. fibre occurs, shrinkage decreases but the initial modulus
may be also reduced. Yarns maintained at a fixed length
Effect of acids: Weak acids, even at the boiling point, and constant tension during heat setting are less affected
have no effect on polyester fibres unless the fibres are with respect to changes in modulus, and reduced shrink-
exposed for several days. Polyester fibres have good age values are still obtained (10).
resistance to strong acids at room temperature. Prolon- Poly (ethylene terephthalate) shows nonlinear and
ged exposure to boiling hydrochloric acid destroys the time-dependant elastic behavior. Creep occurs under
fibres, and 96% sulfuric acid and causes disintegration of load with subsequent delay in recovery on removal of the
the fibres. load, but compared to that of other melt-spun fibres,
creep is small.
Effect of solvents: Polyester fibres are generally
resistant to organic solvents. Chemicals used in cleaning
and stain removal do not damage it, but hot m-cresol Chemical modification of polyester fibres
destroys the fibres, and certain mixtures of phenol with Polyester fibres have taken the major position in
trichloromethane dissolve polyester fibres. Oxidizing textiles all over the world although they have many
agents and bleachers do not damage polyester fibres. drawbacks e.g., (a) low moisture regain (0.4%), (b) the
fibres has a tendency to accumulate static electricity,
Miscellaneous properties: Polyester fibres exhibit (c) the cloth made up of polyester fibres picks up more
good resistance to sunlight, and it also resists abrasion soil during wear and it also difficult to clean during
very well. Soaps, synthetic detergents, and other laundry washing (11), (d) the polyester garments from pills and
aids do not damage it. One of the most serious faults with thus, the appearance of a garment is spoiled, (e) the
polyester is its oleophilic quality. It absorbs oily materials polyester fibre is flammable. Thus, it has been sug-
easily and holds the oil tenaciously (7). gested that surface modifications can have an effect
on hand, thermal properties, permeability, and
Physical properties hydrophilicity.
Moisture regain: The moisture regain of polyester is Numerous research papers and patents are avail-
low, ranges between 0.2 to 0.8 percent. Although poly- able and considerable amount of research works is in
esters are non-absorbent, they do not have wicking abil- progress on the hydrolysis (12-32) and aminolysis (33-
ity. In wicking, moisture can be carried on the surface of 52) of polyester fibres to overcome their disadvan-
the fibre without absorption (8). tages.

276 Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 4:4, 275-284, 1991


Alkali treatment weight of the polyester fibre was in the order sodium
Polyester fabrics have been widely accepted by hydroxide < tertiary butoxide < secondary propoxide <
consumers for their easy care properties, versatility and methoxide and ethoxide. It was suggested that the
long life (12,13). Inspite of such acceptance, complaints observed order followed the nucleophilicity of the bases,
concerning their hand, thermal properties and moisture and the relatively lower reactivity of the secondary propo-
absorbency have been cited (13). Improved moisture xide and tertiary butoxide was assumed to be due to the
absorbency of polyester fibres can be achieved by intro- streric retardation during the equilibrium reactions. The
ducing hydrophilic block copolymers. However, this modi- hydrolysis of the polyester fibre was assumed to be taking
fication can lead to problems of longer drying time, place on the surface of the fibre. It was assumed that a
excessive wrinkling and wet cling (14). In addition, random attack of the base on the carboxyl groups of the
penetration of water into the interior of the fibres has not surface polymer molecules took place with removal of the
been clearly shown to improve perceived comfort (12,15). shorter chains from the surface, which were further
It has been suggested that surface modifications can have hydrolyzed by the base present in the solution.
an effect on hand, thermal properties, permeability, and Bendak (22) studied the topochemical degradation of
hydrophilicity (13). polyester fibres caused by methanolic sodium hydroxide
Polyester fibres are susceptible to the action of bases solutions treatment. Methanolic medium and higher tem-
depending on their ionic character. Ionizable bases like perature of treatment resulted in a steeper tendency in the
caustic soda, caustic potash and lime water only effect loss in weight. Pretreated samples with methanolic sodium
the outer surface of polyester filaments. Primary and hydroxide solutions, which had lost about 5-8% of their
secondary bases and ammonia, on the other hand, can original weight, showed a significant decrease in wicking
diffuse into polyester fibre and attack in depth resulting in time, and a relatively slight improvement in reducing the
breaking of polyester chain molecules by amide formation time sinking. The pretreatment of the fibres did not alter
(16-19). significantly the moisture regain characteristics; a little part
One of the surface modifications is the controlled of the fibres seemed to be affected by the treatment.
hydrolysis of polyester. The action of strong base leads to
cleavage of ester linkages on the fibre surfaces (20). The Hot alkali treatment: The deteriorating action of the
result is the formation of terminal hydroxyl and carboxy- alkali on the polyester fibres was carried out by a 4% solu-
lase groups on the fibre surface. Hydrolysis is believed to tion of sodium hydroxide at 100°C giving a 30% loss in
increase the number of polar functional groups at the fibre weight after a two-hour treatment (19).
surface. Rudakova et al. (23) studied the kinetics of the
Alkali-treatment in organic solvent medium: Treatment hydrolysis of polyester films with solutions of potassium
of polyester fabric was carried out with a mixture of 0.3% hydroxide of various concentrations at different tempera-
sodium hydroxide in ethanol, squeezed to 50% pick up tures. It was found that the hydrolysis occurred only in the
and then stored after covering it with a nylon film at room surface layer, and it was of zero order with respect to
temperature for 24 hours (19). There was a loss in weight polyester substrate. The kinetics of hydrolysis showed that
of 21% of treated fabric and the fabric achieved uniform the rate-controlling step was attack of a water molecule on
silk-like handle. Polyester fabric was treated with a mix- the ionized from of the ester links. The activation energy
ture containing 60 g/l of alkali and about 5% ethanol with was calculated and found to be 18.0 K cal/mole.
50% pick up and then the treated fabric was stored at the Ko Sohk Won et al. (24) have reported that the
room temperature, while rotating to minimize the uneven treatment of a polyester fabric with aqueous sodium
deposition or drying of the alkali solution on fabric. In this hydroxide solution caused a decrease of weight and
case too, the fabric suffered a weight loss of 21%. breaking strength and improved handle with increasing
It was shown (19) that the treatment of the polyester sodium hydroxide concentration, treatment time and
fibres with 6 g/l of sodium methoxide in methanol and also temperature. It has been reported that these effects were
similar alkoxides of K, Li, Cs, or Rb causes weight loss of further enhanced in the presence of a carrier, such as
fibre, and the fibre acquires the silk-handle. Palanil Carrier A. The molecular weight of the fibre was
Namboodri and Haith (21) carried out a comparative also decreased, but crystallinity was not affected by the
study by treating the polyester fibres with alkalies and alkali treatment.
various alkoxides (e.g., sodium hydroxide in water, Timmis (25) reported that pilling-resistant polyester
sodium methoxide in methanol, sodium ethoxide in fabric can be prepared by treating it with a 2 g/l sodium
ethanol, sodium isopropoxide in isopropanol, and potas- hydroxide solution at 60°C for 30 min, washing, drying
sium tertiary butoxide in tertiary butanol) at 60°C and at and heat-setting. This was accompanied by a small
different concentrations. It was found that the loss in decrease in the tensile strength of the fabric.

Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 4:4, 275-284, 1991 277


Bukosek and Coworkers (26) have reported that heat with increasing alkali concentration and treatment temper-
treatment and treatment with alkalies affect differently the ature and time. With increasing weight loss, drape and flex
diameter, tensile strength, the degree of orientation and stiffness and tear strength decreased, and tear strength
the dye sorption of polyester fibres. The weight loss of the retention at weight loss 17% was >70%. At the same
polyester fibres increase linearly with increasing time of weight loss, handle was affected by the treatment condi-
the fibre treatment with 30% sodium hydroxide solution. It tions. Zhang and Co-workers (32) observed that the
has been reported that the molecular weight of polyester addition of dodecyl-dimethybenzeneammonium bromide
was not changed on boiling in water for one hour, heating cationic surfactant reduced the concentration of NaOH
at 200°C and treatment with alkalies. But sorption of and thus lowered the degree of degradation of poly (ethy-
disperse dyes decreased on treating of the fibres with lene terepthalate) fibres.
alkalies. The fibre orientation of the multifilament poly-
ester yarns decreased on heat and alkali treatments. Amine treatment: Polyester fibres generally exhibited
Shenai et al. (19) reported that Cashmere-like poly- low surface energy and limited chemical reactivity, result-
ester fibres could be prepared by first singing the surface ing in poor wettability and weak adhesive bonding. When
of the raised fibres and then treating the fibres with a polyester fibres were used as reinforcing elements in
hydrolyzing agent. Thus, a polyester serge was scoured, composites, appropriate treatment procedures might be
heat-set, dyed, napped, singed, immersed in aqueous followed to achieve adequate interfacial adhesion. The
20% sodium hydroxide solution at 120°C for 10 min, introduction of new functional groups by means of che-
washed to give a fabric with Cashmere-like hand. mical modification reactions was one possible mean for
Shenai and Lokre (27) have studied the action of altering the physical and chemical nature of the fibre. By
sodium hydroxide solution on polyester fibres at various choosing the proper experimental conditions, it would be
alkali concentrations and various treatment time and possible to restrict the chemical modification to the surface
temperature, in terms of the weight loss of the fibres. They of the fibre, leaving the interior structure unchanged.
have reported that the weight loss increased linearly with The presence of amine groups would increase wetta-
the increase of treatment conditions. bility, and also provide potential sites for the formation of
Shet (28) carried out treatment of padding in 25% covalent chemical bonds with polymeric matrices as in a
NaOH followed by hot air drying at 60°C for 5-15 minutes composite. Amine groups were able to react with epox-
and subsequent washing. Improvement in feel was ides, isocyanates, and methylol compounds, forming
observed for polyester along with wet ability without chemical bonds with epoxies, polyurethanes, and phenol
effecting, the strength or dimensional stability. and resorcinol-formaldehyde resins (33).
Achwal (16) found that for a satisfactory improvement Reaction of an amine with an ester group of the poly
in feel to a silk-like level, a high weight loss of 15% was ethylene terephthalate led to chain scission at the react-
necessary. Improvement in static charge development ing site giving rise to amide formation:
needed at least a weight loss of 10%. Adequate improve-
ment in hydrophilicity could be achieved by a weight loss
of 5%.
The effects of hydrolysis of polyester fibres in aqueous
NaOH on the handle, strength, dye ability, and electro-
static properties of the fabric were examined (29). Hollows
were observed on the fibres after hydrolysis, indicating
that hydrolysis did not occur uniformly on the fibre surface.
After 15% wt. loss, a fabric had electrostatic voltage 100 Farrow et al. (34) have expressed doubts about the
and half-life time 2.5 s, as compared with 280 and 5 s, for selective nature of amine treatment for polyester, many
the untreated fabric. Hydrolysis improved the smoothness other workers (35-38) have reported that amine etching
of the fabric and decreased the electrostatic charge from was selective enough to discriminate between the crys-
friction (29). Elisson et al. (30) observed that untreated talline and amorphous regions.
polyester fibres have relatively smooth surface, while Chu and Wilkes (38) as well as Adams (39) have
NaOH treatment causes pitting of the fibre surface. The shown that the etched samples exhibited a surface
pits increase in number and depth as the time of hydroly- network structure dependant on the mechanical and
sis was lengthened. thermal history of the sample. Murray et al. (35) have
Song and Kim (31) found that the weight loss of poly concluded the under graded polyester possessed a
(ethylene terepthalate) fibres by alkali treatment decrea- fibrous morphology similar to that proposed by Prevorsek
sed in the order of KOH > NaOH > Na2CO3 and increased (40) and that the amine etching destroyed this fibrous

278 Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 4:4, 275-284, 1991


texture, leaving a weak granular structure which still 30% aqueous methyl amine (1:150) at 20°C for various
showed some orientation. intervals of time. Fine gradually growing cracks along and
Prevosek's model (40) suggested the presence of two across the or in an oblique direction to the axis were the
types of amorphous domains: inter micro-or macro-fibrillar first morphological changes. These cracks enabled the
regions and intra micro- or macro-fibrillar regions. During amine to diffuse in the interior. The crystals of oligomers
drawing the micro- or macro-fibrils slip past each other, and monomer appeared already in the first phase of
and as a result the interfibrillar tie molecules were highly aminolysis, these grew on fibres to dimensions being
stressed, while the intrafibrillar tie chains were relatively much greater than the fibre diameter. At the end of the
less affected. It was also proposed by Prevorsek that near fibres, fibrillary structure and a distinctly greater extent of
the surface area parallel to the fibre surface, and in the core destruction appeared. It could be concluded that the
domains between micro-fibrils one often observed longi- aminolysis might be useful for relative comparison of
tudinal cracks that separate clusters of several hundreds accessibility, especially in the phase of the maximum
of microfibrils. During chemical etching, the highly stressed reaction rate, where the sensibility to the structure
intermicrofibrillar matter was preferentially etched. As the differences seemed to be the greatest. The morphology
etching continued the intrafibrillar chains were attacked, of destruction was complicated by secondary changes in
and transverse cracks began to appear. the structure of the fibres.
Miyagi and Co-workers (41) found that etching of semi- Chauhan, Rao and Dweltz (37) observed that chemi-
crystalline polyester began in the poorly crystallized cal etching of polyester filaments with aqueous methyl
portion of the sample. The crystalline polyester portions amine has revealed a complex stress cracking behavior
were thus initially not affected except for cutting of chain which varied with orientation and thermal crystallization
folds and tie molecules. Once the chains in the poorly conditions. The etching experiments were carried out at
crystallized portions of the samples were cut, fast loss of room temperature (27°C) using a 40% aqueous methyl
monomer occurred between 200 and 300 min of reaction amine solution. The fibre to liquor ratio was kept high.
time. At this time most crystalline polyester was still After etching the surfaces of polyester filaments exhibited
unchanged in amount and X-ray structure. Beyond 300 a complex mosaic pattern of cracks.
min, the rate of loss of monomer slowed down considerably, Hinrichsen and Co-workers (44) treated polyester
as practically only crystalline oligomer in fully extended fibres in 40 aqueous methyl amine at room temperature
chain crystal morphology remained. for 420 min. The fibres showed a smaller number of
cracks in the fibre direction (44).
Treatment with methyl amine: The effect of alkyl
amines on the ester bonds in polyester gave rise to a Treatment with ethyl amine: A study of the etching of
nucleophilic substitution of basic amine-group into the ester polyester fibres in aqueous ethyl amine at room tempera-
carbonyl. The consequence of the reaction was chain ture was shown (34) to lead to chain cleavage as summa-
splitting with the formation of amide end-groups : (42) rized by the equation:

The author concluded that amorphous and crystalline

polyester was attacked simultaneously with too little
differentiation for useful etching. Solvent treatment of
semi crystalline polyester resulted in the separation of iso-
lated spherulites of crystalline polyester imbedded in an
amorphous, swollen matrix (45); however, dissolution did
not sever the molecular backbone chains, a condition
necessary for removal of amorphous portions of mole-
In order to investigate the structure and morphology of
The reaction rate depend on the rate of diffusion of polyester fibres, the fibres have been degraded in 50 and
amine into the fibre. The reaction rate, as well as the 60% aqueous ethyl amine solutions at 30±1°C for various
changes in polymer and the possibility of separation of the time intervals by Cho and Co-workers (46). The changes
amorphous and crystalline phases were investigated (43). of such properties as weight loss, crystallinity, crystallite
Kudlacek et al. (42) have degraded polyester fibres in size, and morphology were measured and observed on

Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 4:4, 275-284, 1991 279


the insoluble fraction during amine degradation. The con- Treatment with butyl amine: Zeronian and co-workers
clusions obtained from this study were as follows: (48) have treated polyester fibres with n-butyl amine at
1. Weight loss, increase in crystallinity, and decrease 21°C. As fabric weight loss did not occur after treatment,
in crystallite size were found to increase gradually with thus it would be expected that the warp yarn was not
increased time of treatment; affected by this treatment. Small decreases in the bend-
2. Initially ethyl amine diffused and permeated into ing length were obtained, indicating that factors other than
polyester fibres. In the second stage, decomposition and weight change could affect the hand of amine-treated
dissolution of polyester fibres occurred mainly in the polyester fabric.
amorphous regions. During the third stage, there was a Large losses in yarn strength, expressed either as
gradual decrease in the reaction rate and this might be breaking load or specific stress occurred.
attributed to a relatively, slow attack on crystalline regions Both the moisture regain and the yarn contact angle of
in the sample. This indicated that amine degradation of the polyester did not appear to be markedly affected by
polyester fibre was a permeant reaction; the butyl amine treatment. However, hydrophilicity of the
3. Stress crack occurred on fibre surfaces in propor- fabric after treatment, as measured by the water drop
tion to reaction time with ethyl amine solution, and finally absorption technique appeared to be improved.
this resulted in the breaking of polyester fibres;
4. Change patterns of weight loss and crystallinity of Treatment with diethyl amine: Bendak (22) studied
polyester fibres upon amine degradation were in accor- the per meant degradation of polyester fibres caused by
dance with those from the morphological study. diethyl amine treatment. Methanolic medium and higher
Cho and co-workers (47) have worked in the same temperature of treatment resulted in a steeper tendency
trend in order to investigate the physical properties of in the loss in weight. Treatment of the polyester substrate
polyester. Changes of properties as tensile property, with methanolic diethyl amine imparted a significant
dynamic viscoelasticity, and thermal behavior were mea- reduction in the time of sinking and an increase in capil-
sured on the insoluble fraction during amine degradation. lary rise. Lateral migration was appreciably improved
The conclusions obtained from this study were as follows: with increasing time of treatment with the alcoholic
1. Decrease in specific stress and breaking extension, reagent.
decrease in the intensity and temperature of the maxi- Wicking properties of polyester were found to be
mum tan and peak, and depression in the melting point, significantly improved with increasing the percentage loss
etc. were found to gradually increase with increased ethyl in weight of the substrate. Diethyl amine treatment
amine treatment time; caused a relatively significant increase in the moisture
2. Both intensity and temperature of maximum tan and regain.
peak decreased during the initial course of aminolysis.
This phenomena could be ascribed not only to the Treatment with multifunctional amines: During the
decrease of the amorphous regions but also to the reaction of multifunctional amines with polyester (49), only
decrease of lateral order, to chain scission in low order one of the amine groups is consumed in the chain
regions; scission reaction, being converted to an amide group,
3. Melting point decreased with the decrease of while the remaining amine groups might be incorporated
crystallite size. The double melting peaks were observed into the polyester structure. Ideally the reaction sequence
for the aminolyzed fibres, suggesting that two kinds of might be visualized as follows:
different fine crystal structures existed in polyester fibres; Most of the amines used were low-molecular weight
4. Change patterns of specific stress and breaking monofunctional amines such as methyl amine, ethyl
extension, maximum tan and peak, and thermal behavior amine, n-propyl amine, benzyl amine, piperidine, and
of polyester fibres upon amine degradation were in accor- aniline. Attempts to react polyester with bifunctional
dance with those from the morphological study. amines such as ethylene diamine and hexamethylene
Chauhan et al. (37) reported two stages of decompo- diamine also were reported (49).
sition during aminolysis of polyester with 70% aqueous
monoethylamine. The first stage gave rise to a rapid
degradation of amorphous regions as indicated by a rapid
weight loss, increased crystallinity and amide group con-
tent, accompanied by a sharp drop in molecular weight.
The second stage was a slower degradation of crystalline
regions as indicated by a slow and constant values of
molecular weight and crystallinity.

280 Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 4:4, 275-284, 1991


Differences in reactivity between different amines were chloroethane led to structural modifications of the fibres
observed (49). Some amines caused complete degrada- and that the morphological events taking place in the
tion of the polyester to the corresponding diamides of solvent-treated fibres were very large (53). Presumably
terephthalic acid, some caused formation of mixtures of these solvents caused a breaking down of intermolecular
oligomers, and some hardly reacted at all. On reacting with cohesive forces thereby increasing segmental mobility in
hydrazine and benzyl amine, the corresponding polyester the polymer, allowing relaxation of orientation stresses that
degradation products terephthalic dihydride, terephthalic- were introduced during the spinning and drawing proces-
bis-benzylamide, and bis-benzlamides of oligomers were ses. These events might be associated with a simultane-
obtained. On reaction with ethylenediamine, only a mixture ous or subsequent re-crystallization process (54).
of oligomeric bis-ethylenediamides was isolated. Reac- Jin and co-workers (55) studied the effects of a number
tions with hexaethylene diamine, piperidine, and aniline of organic solvents on an oriented polyester yarn. In these
were not as vigorous, and no definite low-molecular weight studies, shrinkage was not measured but the analogous
polyester degradation products were given (49). process of force generation was recorded. Thus, when the
It was reported that treatment of polyester fibres with yarn was held under constant length constraints, a force
23% aqueous ethylenediamine solution in the presence was generated when the yarn was exposed either to
of NaOH at pH 9-10 produced an increased adhesion of thermal energy or to the chemical environment that would
the modified fibres which was attributed to the incorpora- cause yarn shrinkage in an unconstrained condition.
tion of amide groups in the polyester chains (50). In chemically induced shrinkage, the chemical energy
An attempt to promote adhesions of polyester to which led to the disruption of intermolecular cohesive
polyethylene by absorbing poly (ethylenimine) (PEI) on forces was presumably generated by the formation of
polyester fibres has also been reported (51). Adsorption solvated bonding sites. The formation and existence of
of 0.3-0.5% polyethylemine on polyester fibres appeared these solvates within the polymer structure constituted a
to increase the tensile strength of the composite. major difference between thermal and solvent induced
Avny and Rebenfeld (52) studied the reactions of shrinkage. While crystallization could occur during ther-
diethylenetriamine (DETA), triethylenetetramine (TETTA) mal shrinkage at higher temperatures, the crystallization
and tetraethylenepentamine (TTEPA) with polyester mo- of solvated polymer chains required a dissociation of the
nofilaments and with a multifilament yarn. solvate and the exclusion of the solvent molecules. It
would be expected that this process was quite slow at
room temperature and that therefore the predominant
mechanism in solvent induced shrinkage was a disruption
of intermolecular forces and a release of some residual
orientational stresses (56).
Weigmann and co-workers (57) found that the for-
As reaction progressed and the molecular weight of mation of void-containing structures by solvent treatment
the polyester decreased as a result of chain scission, depends on the ability of the solvent to swell the polymer
oligomers and low-molecular weight polyester fractions and to cause crystallization in the swollen state. If the
might be extracted, leading to a decrease in the polyester polyester yarn undergoes heat treatment prior to the
mass. Thus the dependence of the polyester weight solvent treatment the requisite swellable and crystallizable
change during reaction was indicative of the interaction of domains in the fibre structure might no longer exist.
the amine with the polymer involving the diffusion beha-
vior of the amine, its reactivity toward the ester group, and Action of non-aqueous solvents on Polyester Fibre
the solubility and diffusivity of the low-molecular weight The extent of interaction of non-aqueous solvents with
reaction products that were formed. Results obtained polyester fibre depends on the temperature, concentration
indicate the large differences in the interactive capability in of solvent, the chemical and physical nature of the polymer
the order: DETA > TETTA > TTEPA and the nature of the solvent (58).
Ribnick and co-workers (56) studied the effect of
Organic solvent treatment solvents on the mechanical properties of polyester yarns
The use of non-aqueous organic solvents as process- and reported the effects of a number of organic solvents
ing media in textile wet-finishing operations had received differing widely in the chemical and physical characteris-
considerable attention during the last few years. It was tics on the mechanical properties of a polyesterl yarn. The
found that the treatments of synthetic fibres with strongly- plasticizing action of different solvents on polyester fibres
interacting solvents such as dimenhylformamide (DMF), has been studied from the load-extension behavior and
butanol, benzyl alcohol, tetrachloroethylene and tetra- they suggested that dimethyl form amide has a strong

Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 4:4, 275-284, 1991 281


plasticizing action and that it decreased the yield point 2

considerably, causing an extended flow region. It was  1/2 1/2 

ÄHm = ÄVm 
 ÄE 1   ÄE 2   Ø1 Ø2
 V1 
interesting to note that the degree of interaction between −  
chlorinated solvents as methylene chloride, tetrachloro-  V2  
ethane, trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene, and  
polyester fibres appeared to be related to the presence of
active hydrogen atoms on the carbon back-bone of the Where Vm is the total number of molecules in mixture,
solvents. The presence of active hydrogen atoms appea- ∆E1,2 is the energy of vaporization of the component 1,2 ,
red to be required for an interaction to occur suggesting V1,2 is the molar volume fraction of the components 1 and
the importance of specific chemical interactions between 2, Ø1,2 is the volume fraction of the component 1 and 2,
the organic solvent and the polymer. E/V is the energy of vaporization per unit volume of each
Ribnick and Co-workers (56) also suggested that component and is defined as the cohesive energy density
even at room temperature, strong interactions could be (C.E.D) and the square root of the C.E.D. is defined as the
observed between some solvents and the polyester "solubility parameter " of the component (∂). Therefore,
fibres, while many solvents were found to have only minor
ÄHm = Vm Ø1 Ø2 (ó1 - ó2 )
effects on the mechanical properties of the fibres. The 2
recovery of the original mechanical properties after treat-
ment with the stronger plasticizers was incomplete, with
It could be seen that ∆Hm would be zero when ó1= ∂2
the exception of the tensile strength, which in few
and therefore ∆Fm would be negative indicating spon-
instances, shoved a small increase. Shrinkage in these
taneity of mixing.
solvents was completely irreversible, indicating perma-
It was observed that the maximum interactions of the
nent changes in the fibre structure. It was apparent from various solvents with polyester yarns took place with the
these results that some of the solvents investigated have solvents whose solubility parameter approached that of
the capability of lowering glass transition temperature (Tg) polyester. A solubility parameter of 10.7 (cal/cm3)1/2 could
of the polyester well below room temperature. be calculated for the terephthalate unit by the methods of
Similarly, the absence of appreciable interactions of the Small (60).
polyester yarns with solvents indicated that the Tg of each Knox and Co-workers (61) have shown that the inter-
of these polyester/solvent systems might be at or above action of non-aqueous solvents with polyester might poly-
the room temperature. Because of the wide differences in ester might be characterized as bimodal in nature, giving
the polarity and H-bonding capacity between most of rise to two interaction maximal at ∂ values of 9.85 and
these solvents and the polyester, no significant effect on 12.1 as a consequence of the preferential interaction of
the segmental mobility and on the Tg of the polyester solvents with the aromatic and aliphatic ester residues of
solvent system would be expected at the room tempera- the polyester monomer repeated unit.
ture. Ribnick et al. (54) reported that a number of organic
One of the most important concepts relating to the solvents have been shown to cause a high level of shrink-
capacity of a solvent to swell or dissolve a polymer was age in oriented, semi-crystalline polyester. In chemically
the solubility parameter that was first enunciated by induced shrinkage, the chemical energy which led to the
Moore and Co-workers (59). It was recognized that the disruption of the intermolecular cohesive forces was
solubility parameter was only directly applicable to presumably generated by the formation of solvated bond-
amorphous polymers, and thus its application to semi- ing sites. They have examined the kinetics of the shrink-
crystalline fibres might be considered as a first approxi- age of a drawn polyester yarn in a number of organic
mation. solvents at several temperatures. The shrinkage process
The solubility parameter might briefly be described by proceeded at a maximum rate after an induction period
applying the free energy equation to the process of mixing which was believed to be associated with diffusion of the
of solvent and the polymer. solvent into the fibre structure. The temperature-depen-
dence of the maximum shrinkage rate followed the
Arhenius relationship.
ÄFm = ÄHm − T Ä Sm Desai (62) studied the crystallization of polyester by
organic solvents and reported that this process might be
Where the molar free energy of mixing (∆Fm) at a considered as involving the following steps: The solvent
particular temperature (T) is composed of the heat of was imbibed in the polymer by diffusion. The solvent-
mixing term (∆Hm) and the entropy term (∆Sm). For a two- polymer interaction caused enhanced mobility of the
component system, consisting of a solute and a solvent, polymeric segments by interrupting the inter-segmental

282 Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 4:4, 275-284, 1991


forces. If the polymer-solvent system was strong enough, come by the solvent treatment. If the thermal pretreat-
then the polymer macro-molecules might be capable of ment exceeded the apparently critical temperature range,
re-arranging into a more thermodynamically lower energy a destabilization of the resulting structure by the subse-
state, generally the crystal state. quent dimethyl form amide treatment was again possible
Lemons et al. (63) showed that the mechanism by and led to the formation of voids and increased dye
which a compound induced crystallization was a plasti- uptake values.
cization of its amorphous regions. Finally, these liquids Knox and co-workers (67) measured the structural and
such as nitrobenzene, acrylonitrile, dimethyl form amide, physical properties of an oriented semi crystalline poly-
cyclohexanone, dimethyl-o-phthalate, benzyl alcohol, m- ester yarn as a function in time after the treatment with an
cresol, acetonitrile, etc., which plasticize the polymer had aqueous-dodecylsulphate solution buffered to pH 5 at
the cohesive energy density close enough to that of the 100°C. Four major structural events were observed: 1) lon-
polymer and interacted with it through generalized non- gitudinal shrinkage, 2) crystallization leading to structural
specific forces. stabilization, 3) surface stress concentration, and 4) rapid
Moore and Sheldon (64) observed that the nature, hydrolysis and decline in molecular weight following
polarity type, solubility parameter, and molecular size of a surface cracking of the fibres to relieve surface stress
solvent were the governing factors for both the equilibrium concentrations. Knox and co-workers also observed that a
swelling and crystallinity. It was further suggested by them comparison of the effects of aqueous, thermal, and
that the non-polar hexane and carbon tetrachloride did dimethyl form amide treatments of polyester suggested
not induce crystallinity and so also ethanol and n-butanol. that the molecular mechanisms and kinetics of aqueous
The polarizable aromatic hydrocarbons for example and of thermally induced changes were similar. Solvent-
benzene, toluene did so however, and so did benzyl induced changes were to a large extent controlled by
alcohol. They concluded that swelling might be conside- diffusion processes. Aqueous and solvent-treated polyes-
red as a measure of the interaction between the polymer ter were similar in that there was an increase in structural
and the organic liquid and the development of crystallinity porosity as a result of crystallization in the swollen state.
might depend on such interaction. Vicini et al. (68) treated amorphous polyester filaments
It was shown by Watanabe (65) that the degree of in acetone water mixtures by soaking for differing periods
swelling of polyester fibres treated with benzyl alcohol, of time at 25°C under unrestrained conditions and gentle
benzene, tetrachloro-ethylene and chloroform increased stirring. The treated filaments were found to retain the
with a rise of treatment temperature. On the other hand, amorphous properties. The Tg's and Tc's were lowered
the degree of swelling of the polyester fibres treated with well below the usual values and at the time the structure
dimethyl form amide, dimethyl acetamide and nitroben- became swollen. Ageing the treated polymer freed from
zene at -10 to 75°C increased with a lowering of the acetone resulted in a reversible process that gave transi-
temperature. The degree of crystallinity after the solvent tion values close to the values for the untreated sample;
treatment increased with the rise in the temperature in but the polymeric remained swollen.
every case, the crystallization was almost complete at
10°C in dimethyl form amide and benzene. Acceleration REFERENCES
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