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The key takeaways are that price is set through an auction process, and when buyers and sellers find an acceptable price they trade in large volume, creating value.

Traditional MP is easier to see where the market spent time but doesn't show volume, while VP organizes volume data without time restrictions but requires high quality data. VP is not affected by time frame changes.

The core components of a Market Profile are TPO, IB, HVN, LVN, POC, Value Area, and Composite Profile.

Topic No.

The Basics of Market
Blog: http://www.futurestrader71.com
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May 25, 2010

´ Did you know that all prices are set through an
auction process?
´ Price is the tool used to advertise value
´ Price
P i auctions
ti up tto motivate
ti t sellers;
ll it
auctions down to motivate buyers
´ When buyers and sellers find an acceptable
price, they trade in large volume and “value” is
created in that area
´ This is simple but important to understand
´ There are NEVER more buyers
y than sellers. Just
more aggressive ones.
´ Traditional Market Profile (MP):
« Consists
C i t off TPOs
TPO ini the
th form
f off letters
l tt that
th t representt 30-
minute increments of time but offset to the left and in the
shape of a histogram
« Is not a trading system or methodology.
methodology MP is simply a
way of organizing data
« Advantages: Makes it easy to see where the market has
p the most time
« Disadvantages: Does not give you any perception of “how
much” traded anywhere. There are also many
misconceptions about what it is telling the trader
« I do not believe in “value
“ areas”” in the traditional sense.
This area has been misapplied in existing literature
« Much of the theory and application of MP revolves around
the time brackets
brackets. After viewing it this way for years
years, I see
a better approach
´ The Volume Profiling (VP) Approach:
« Simply displays Volume At Price data for any given time
frame or duration
« Organizes
g the volume information in the same way y as
MP does but is not restricted by time. Time is already
represented in the bars overlaid on the VP
« Advantages: Does not change the outcome of the profile
even if th
the titime fframe iis changed.
h d ThThe d
t iis th
the same
for all participants assuming that the tick data is accurate
and not aggregated
« Di d
t R
i a very hi
highh quality
lit ddata
t ffeed
from a reliable source. Your volume profile is not as
useful if the volume is simply distributed over 1-minute

´ 2 Modes to the Market:

« Horizontal Development:
² Market is accepting a price area as mostly fair and is
willing to continue to do business there
« Vertical Development:
² Market is in price discovery mode and is trying to price
in new information
« What do these look like?
²I thought you would ask….
´ TPO – Time Price Opportunity. A letter representing a set
period of time (normally 30 minutes)
´ IB – Initial Balance. The 1st hour of trading. Why is this
´ HVN – High Volume Node
´ LVN – Low Volume Node
´ POC – Point of Control (VPOC for Volume POC)
´ V l Area
Value A – This
Thi iis th
the area th
thatt represents
t 70% (1
Standard Deviation) of all of the data in the profile. Is this
´ C
Composite it P
fil – A Profile
P fil made d up off 2 or more ddays
to capture a bigger perspective on current action (seeing
the forest from the hill)

´ Other Time Frame Participant:

« How do we detect this participant?
« Why does it matter?

« Initiative Buyer/Seller vs. Responsive

Buyer/Seller: What this means to our next trade
´ Compound Auction Market:
« They come in all time
´ Open Drive:
« If the market opens above or below prior day
day’ss range or value area,
area then an Open Drive is dominated by
responsive buying or selling back to prior accepted value. If the market moves away from the prior day’s
range, then the open is dominated by initiative buying or selling. You want to detect this early and not
trade against it. OTF is highly active and is accumulating/distributing aggressively
´ Open Test Drive:
« Market opens,
p , moves a short distance in one direction and then another trying
y g to advertise for one side or
the other to step in. This will usually test a prior key area and then push once it has gained conviction that
nobody is left to oppose it. OTF waited for a test and has stepped in to execute in a fixed direction
´ Open Rejection Reverse:
« Market attempts to continue in a prior direction and is met with fierce opposition and off to the races it
goes. This is like an open drive, but it has gone to an area that did not meet with acceptance. OTF has
d an area off conviction
i i to participant
i i iin the
h opposite
i didirection.
´ Open Auction In-Range:
« Scalper’s paradise. Nothing has changed between this session and last. Market will likely be unfriendly to
breakout traders and will reward those who trade from the extremes in. OTF is not present.
´ Open Auction Out
of Range:
« Market opens outside of the previously traded range. There is a high probability of OTF action and these
can be BIG days. There will be a higher level of conviction by responsive as well as initiative buyers or
´ What is my approach?
« I make
k sure that
th t I have
h complete
l t tick
ti k data
d t for
f the
th time
ti frame
f that
th t I am
« I break down the information into:
² Overnight
g trading
g ((O/N))
² Regular Trading Hours (RTH)
² Composite Profile of all data going back to the last swing high and low of
« My hypothesis is based on a top-down
top down approach of all 3 starting with
the composite; which I display using daily bars but which still contains
tick-volume data
« Once I discover the bigger “areas to do business”, I drill down to the
RTH sessions and look for detail that is reflected in the composites but
also take into account prior close, current open, highs, lows, etc
« I integrate into the RTH session the information provided by the O/N
session. Specifically, I look for O/N Volume Point of Control (VPOC),
hi h llows, etc.
highs, t andd note
t th
them on th
the RTH chart
h t
´ y approach?
What is my
« Once I have all of these pieces, I use these data
points for major decision making and then watch for
the market action as these areas are approached
« I have an expectation of what might happen. If the
expectation is not met, then this is an additional,
immediate and real-time
real time data point that I use
« Once RTH trading is on its way, the current intraday
VP becomes a dominating factor and I will continue to
use that for ensuing trade decisions while keeping the
composite in mind as a major guide
« I do not pay attention to “value areas” except under
specific circumstances
´ Here are my core directives:
1 I only trade during RTH and do not hold O/N positions
2. I am not interested in O/N structure or data once I have transposed it onto
RTH. O/N data trades based on correlated spreads and does not have the
500 stocks trading for the ES at that time
3. I am a discretionary trader with rules that allow me to play anywhere in the
field, but with the constraint that force me back in line if I’m trading what I
want to see rather than what is
4. I trade based on auction market theory and my entire approach is based
on the fact that the market is a simple auction process
process. I follow the story
and can then create sound hypotheses of what to expect
5. Simplicity is king!
6. No lagging indicators or derivatives of price. I want to see the auction as
purely as I can
7. Risk management, journaling, research and homework are the holy grail.
My daily stop limits are set. My risk is accepted and mitigated through
scaling and I press my trades that are supported by the market
´ Treat trading as a business because that is what it is. There is no
minor league and it is no different than running a corporation
´ Keep track of your victories and defeats. Nothing will provide you
with more feedback and protect you from self-deception than a
good journal and chart log
´ Do not trade for $$ gains. Trade to execute your homework and
plan. The $$ will come on their own. Keep your P&L out of sight
´ Don’t trust anyone
y else’s homework. Ultimately,
y, it is your
y trade,,
your money, your time and your gain or loss. Trade and be proud
of the fruit of your own labor, not someone else’s approach
´ Pay it forward. Attachment to money is the reason for the roller
coaster that causes traders to lose

´ This is your chance to:

« Ask questions
« Provide comments

« Decide if you want to learn more and continue

your support

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