Sources Hormone Function

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Sources Hormone Function

Pituitary Vasopressin (antidiur Causes kidneys to retain water and, along with aldosterone, helps
gland etic hormone) control blood pressure
Corticotropin ( ACT Controls the production and secretion of hormones by the adrenal
H) glands
Growth hormone Controls growth and development

Promotes protein production

Luteinizing hormone Control reproductive functions, including the production of sperm
and follicle- and semen in men and egg maturation and menstrual cycles in
stimulating hormone women

Control male and female sexual characteristics (including hair

distribution, muscle formation, skin texture and thickness, voice,
and perhaps even personality traits)
Oxytocin Causes muscles of the uterus to contract during childbirth and after
delivery and stimulates contractions of milk ducts in the breast,
which move milk to the nipple
Prolactin Starts and maintains milk production in the ductal glands of the
breast (mammary glands)
Thyroid-stimulating Stimulates the production and secretion of hormones by the thyroid
hormone gland
Parathyr Parathyroid hormone Controls bone formation and the excretion of calcium and
oid phosphorus
Thyroid Thyroid hormone Regulates the rate at which the body functions (metabolic rate)
Calcitonin Tends to decrease blood calcium levels and helps regulate calcium
Adrenal Aldosterone Helps regulate salt and water balance by causing the kidneys to
glands retain salt and water and excrete potassium
Cortisol Has widespread effects throughout the body

Especially has anti-inflammatory action

Maintains blood sugar level, blood pressure, and muscle strength

Helps control salt and water balance

Dehydroepiandroster Has effects on bone, mood, and the immune system
one (DHEA)
Epinephrine and nore Stimulate the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and nervous system
Pancrea Glucagon Raises the blood sugar level
Insulin Lowers the blood sugar level

Affects the processing (metabolism) of sugar, protein, and fat

throughout the body
Kidneys Erythropoietin Stimulates red blood cell production
Renin Controls blood pressure
Ovaries Estrogen Controls the development of female sex characteristics and the
reproductive system
Progesterone Prepares the lining of the uterus for implantation of a fertilized egg
and readies the mammary glands to secrete milk
Testes Testosterone Controls the development of male sex characteristics and the
reproductive system
Digestiv Cholecystokinin Controls gallbladder contractions that cause bile to enter the
e tract intestine

Stimulates release of digestive enzymes from the pancreas

Glucagon-like Increases insulin release from the pancreas
Ghrelin Controls growth hormone release from the pituitary gland

Causes sensation of hunger

Adipose Resistin Blocks the effects of insulin on muscle
Leptin Controls appetite
Placenta Chorionic Stimulates ovaries to continue to release progesteroneduring early
gonadotropin pregnancy
Estrogen and progest Keep uterus receptive to fetus and placenta during pregnancy
Hypotha Thyrotropin- Stimulates the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone and prolactin
lamus releasing hormone
Gonadotropin- Stimulates release of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating
releasing hormone hormone
Corticotropin- Stimulates release of adrenocorticotropic hormone
releasing hormone
Growth hormone– Stimulates release of growth hormone
releasing hormone
Somatostatin Inhibits release of growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone,
and insulin

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