Module #3

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Rubina Akram

Module # 3

Assignment # 3

Roll # D13558
(Q NO. 1) Write a comprehensive note on the importance of sensorial

The word sensorial is derived from the word sense. It refers to the sensation that a sense sends to
the brain at the time of receiving a stimulus from the environment. So that the Sensorial
exercises are those exercise which sharper the ability to use the senses.

Importance of sensorial exercises:

Sensorial exercises are very important for children. The child needs to acquire clear, conscious,
information that one can perceive from the environment. So, in order to get better abilities to use
senses, sensorial exercises are important. These exercises enable the child to adjust in all kind of
circumstances. During the sensitive period (0-7) of development, the child develops his sensorial
development very rapidly. Sensorial exercises enable child to make decisions and can learn fast.
Through sensorial exercises, the child begins to understand his environment. Dr. Montessori
said that:

“The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge. Our apparatus for
educating the senses offers the child a key to guide his explorations of the world, they cast a
light upon it which makes visible to him more things in greater detail than he could see in
the dark, or uneducated state."

The importance and aim of Sensorial exercises are for the child to acquire clear, conscious,
information and to be able to then make classifications in his environment. It is believed that
sensorial experiences began at birth. Through his senses, the child studies his environment.
Through this study, the child then begins to understand his environment. The child is a “sensorial
explorer”. Through work with the sensorial materials, the child is given the keys to classifying
the things around him, which leads to the child making his own experiences in his environment.
Through the classification, the child is also offered the first steps in organizing his intelligence,
which then leads to his adapting to his environment.
he child has inner urge to explore this world through their five senses. Sensorial exercises have
materials and activities related to the functions of five senses for example discriminate the size
and shape, color, and patterns etc. these activities help him in development.

Sensorial exercises have a great influence on intelligence and ability to read, write and do
anything. For example, the child could not differentiate between the letters b or even p, and b. He
claims that the words are same. Because he cannot distinguish between lines, shapes and
position. Sensorial exercises help him to distinguish between them.

Groups in senses:

Senses are grouped in eight categories due to the size, shape, composition, texture, loudness or
softness, matching, weight, temperature etc. These are;

 Visual Sense
 Tactile Sense
 Baric Sense
 Thermic Sense
 Auditory Sense
 Gustatory Sense
 Olfactory Sense
 Stereo gnostic Sense

Visual Sense:
In this exercise child learns how to visually discriminate differences between similar objects and
differing objects.
Tactile Sense:
In this exercise child learns through his sense of touch. “Although the sense of touch is spread
throughout the surface of the body, the Exercises given to the children are limited to the tips of
the fingers, and particularly, to those of the right hand.” This allows the child to really
concentrate on what he is feeling, through a concentration of a small part of his body.
Baric Sense:
In this exercise child learns to feel the difference of pressure or weight of different objects. This
sense is sharp through the use of a blindfold or of closing your eyes
Thermic Sense:
In this exercise child works to enhance his sense of temperature.
Auditory Sense:
In this exercise child differentiate between different sounds. In doing these different exercises,
the child will enhance and make him more sensitive to the sounds in his environment.
Olfactory Sense:
In this exercise child is given a basic to his smelling sense. Although not all smells given to the
child in these exercises, the child does work to differentiate one smell from another.
Gustatory Sense:
In this exercise child is given a basic to his tasting sense. Although not all tastes are given to the
child in these exercises, the child does work to differentiate one taste from another. He can then
take these senses, and apply them to other tastes in his environment.
Stereognostic Sense:
In this exercise child learns to feel objects and make recognitions based on what he feels. “When
the hand and arm are moved about an object, an impression of movement is added to that touch.
Such an impression is attributed to a special, sixth sense, which is called a muscular sense, and
which permits many impressions to be stored in a “muscular memory”, which recalls movements
that have been made”.
(Q.NO:2) What is stereognostic sense and how we can develop it?


Stereognostic sense:

The stereognostic sense is our ability to identify objects based on touch alone (without seeing
them).OR Stereognostic sense is the ability to perceive and understand the form and nature of
objects by the sense of touch.

The stereognostic sense exercises enable the child to develop concepts by feeling objects and
making recognition based on the feeling. The exercises include also movement of the hand and
arm around the object, creating an impression of movement as added to the sense of touch,
resulting in what is known as muscular memory. This is the knowledge derived from the
recognition of the movements made. The Montessori materials and exercises used in the
stereognostic sense are Geometric solids, Mystery bags, Sorting Trays, Puzzle maps, and
Sandpaper Globe.
How to develop Stereognostic Sense:
The development of the Stereognostic sense is an important part of the child’s work in the
sensorial area. Just as important as any of the other of senses, the stereognostic sense allows the
child to discriminate size and shape through the use of touch. The use of this sense allows the
child to have a mental picture through the use of touch and movement. Once the child knows
how to feel the object in the hand and is familiar with it, the objects are then used with the
blindfold. In addition to using our sense of touch to determine texture and weight, our sense of
touch can also provide information about size and shape.

Exercises for Stereognostic Sense:

Below are few exercises that can be used to enhance this sense. The directress needs to do all
these exercise in front of the child herself. The stereognostic activities are first done with eyes
open and then by using blindfold. But try not to force children to use blindfold. By doing very
simple but interesting exercises we can start developing strong stereognostic sense.
1: Mystery Bags:

 A bag that has a drawstring to hide the contents.

 Fill that bag with amazing contents such as tiny pebbles, glass marbles, soft feathers, wooden
blocks, ribbon, spoons, key, small cars, etc. and anything else you find interesting.
 Child look all these objects, feel them by touching via hands. Introduce names of each item.
 Then closes his eyes or used blindfold, put his hand in the bag feel the object and named it
and then takes it out from the bag.
 Then open his eyes and sees what it is.
2: Sorting Trays:

 A tray having four or more saucers.

 Each saucer contains different kind of grains, seeds, beans, peas, rice, lentils etc. separately.
 Another tray of same quantity of saucer but empty.
 Child first checks all these things by their hands and feels them. And then put each item in
the second tray’s saucer separately. Introduce names of each item.
 Then child closes his eyes or used blindfold, again feel the items, named it, and then put it
into the second tray.
 Then open his eyes and sees how perfectly he done.
 It can also be done by changing this exercise as by mixing all these items in one bowl and
child needs to separate them in different saucers.
3: Puzzle Maps:
 A puzzle map of Pakistan and a Globe.
 Let’s take the puzzle map of Pakistan, where puzzles are divided in provinces.
 Show the child a globe and the complete map of Pakistan. Show the child where is
Pakistan in the Globe. After that put that globe aside.
 Focus on puzzle.
 Child point out the outline of each province and named the province.
 Slowly and carefully put all pieces of puzzles one by one back into the puzzle.
3: Sandpaper Globe:

 A world Globe with land areas covered with sandpaper and water are with blue paint.
 Child holds the globe and calls its name.
 Child point to the sandpaper area and says “This is land”, the point to blue area and say
“This is water”.
 Feel another area on the globe and repeat where land is and where water is.

These are great group and individual exercises that children can play anywhere.
(Q.NO:3) write a note on three period-lesson and Memory games?
Three period lessons are used for teaching new words to the Montessori children. The directress
teaches both names of material and the names of qualities (positive, comparatives and
superlative) related to the material. The three period lessons are;

 Naming period
 Recognition and Association Period
 Pronouncing Period

Naming period:
The directress presents the child with three contrasting objects, and places them on a mat leaving
some distance between them. Then, she feels the objects thoroughly one at a time. Then she asks
the child to repeat as she does. After the child has felt these objects and placed them back. Then
she places her finger on a tip of the object and gives name saying “this is___________.” For
instance this is cube. She gives names to all objects in the same way. Then, the teacher will
repeat the names of each of the objects.

Recognition and Association Period:

After naming the objects, the directress will ask her students to recognize objects by their names
… saying,” Show me ______ “. For example show me the cube.

Pronouncing period:
When the directress is sure that the child can name the object, then she challenges the child to
name the object himself. For instance, she may point out the object and ask “what is this” the
child answers “This is cube.”

In the three period lessons, there are three grading lesson and that are Positives, comparative and
superlative. Here taking an adjective to explain these periods.
Grading Positives Comparatives Superlatives

First Period This is big cube This cube is bigger This cube is biggest.
than this.

Second Period Show me the big cube. Show me the cube Show me the biggest
which is slightly cube.
bigger than this book.

Third Period What is this? Which cube is bigger? Which cube is


Memory Games:
Memory games can be introduced to children before and after the three period lessons. These
games are helpful for children to bring interest in those materials that they already know very
well. It is child’s nature to lose interest in the materials that he knows very well and memory
games help them to build interest back in known material.

Children need to revise his lesson again and again which they have already learnt. These games
help them to learn their activities and materials which they have been learnt. These games also
help to motivate students in discovering variations in materials.

These games help the teacher to verify the child’s language of the material as well as these
games prolong the activity with the material which result a stronger absorption by the child.

Game 1:
Matching at a distance:

 Place two different tables with distance.

 Put a pair of materials, one on each table.
 The teacher takes one object from the table and asks her student to feel it by holding the
object in his hand.
 Then asks the child to bring the same object from the distant table.
Game 2:

Grading from a distance:

 Place two different tables with distance.

 Place the grading materials (e.g. pink tower, broad stairs etc.) at random on one of the
 Pick up one of the extreme (for instance largest cube in the pink tower) and move it to
the other table and place it there.
 Then ask your student to feel it and bring that cube which is just a smaller than this one.
 Continues up to the smallest cube.

From a midpoint:

 Place two different tables with distance from one another.

 Place the grading materials at random on one of the table.
 Then pick up middle sized cube in the pink tower and move it to the other table.
 Ask the child feel it and bring the cube which is just smaller or bigger from that one.

Game 3:


 It should be done in the group.

 Children sit in the circle around a mat.
 Then directress gives them material in their hands( for instance one cube of the pink
tower to each student).
 Then children hold cube behind their back and feel them.
 Then directress asks for the largest cube and it should be placed on the mat.
 Children judge the cube size and place it on the mat.

Game 4:

Material to the environment:

 Spread out the mat and place the material for instance color tablets on the mat randomly.
 The directress takes tablets and asks her students to figure out something in the
environment of that same color and shade.

Game 5:

Matching at the distance:

 Spread out the mat and place the material for instance color tablets on the mat randomly.
 The directress gives something to child from the environment and asks her student to
match it to the closest match in the material on the mat.

To sum up, three period lessons and memory games have a great importance in the Montessori
school. They are really helpful in teaching Montessori students

(Q. No: 4) Explain all exercises briefly in chapter 4.1 Exploring Dimensions.
Make illustrations/diagrams and mention vocabulary also

Exploring Dimensions:
Exploring dimension is a basic division of Visual sense. In these exercises child can
differentiate between objects which have similar shapes and color but different in length, width,
height and thickness. Below are the few exercises:
1. The Cylinder Blocks 2. The Pink Tower 3. The Broad Stairs
4. The Long Rods 5. The knob less Cylinders

1: The Cylinder Blocks:


Four finely polished wooden blocks each having ten cylinders. Cylinders have knob to hold.

Block 1 Cylinders Block 2 Cylinders Block 3 Cylinders Block 4 Cylinders

Vary in height, Vary in height, Same height of 5.5cm Same diameter of 2.5
length and diameter, length and diameter or 3 cm
5.5cm to 1cm by 1/2cm(5.5cm to
Largest one is tallest Height increases by Diameter decreases by Height decreases by
and thickest 0.5cm(from 1cm to 0.5cm(from 5.5cm to 0.5cm(from 5.5cm to
5.5cm) 1cm) 1cm)

I. Exercise:
In this exercise directress guide the child how to hold the cylinder from the knob and then put it
into the table. After bringing all the cylinders from Block 1 to the table, directress put each
cylinder back into the block without making noise. Repeat this exercise with Block 2 and
3.When few children mastered in these three blocks after that Block 4 introduce.

II. Exercise:
In this exercise directress guide the child how to use two blocks at a time. Mix cylinders and then
put them back to their right position.

III. Exercise:
In this exercise directress guide the child how to use three blocks at a time while placing them in
a triangular shape. Mix cylinders and then put them back to right position.

IV. Exercise:
When child mastered with all three blocks then directress guide the child how to use all blocks at
a time. Place all blocks on table in shape of square. Mix the cylinders inside the square and then
put them back into their right position.
2: The Pink Tower:

Ten wooden cubes from the size of 1 cubic centimeter to 1 cubic decimeter. Cubes may be finely
painted with pale pink or plain wooden finely lacquered. Strong pink color avoided.

I. Exercise:
In this exercise directress use table or mat for this, place all cubes on it. First hold the biggest
cube with both hands compares with others and put it on the table. After that, take the second
biggest cube compare with other cubes; put it carefully without any mistake on the middle of the
first cube. Repeat it until all cubes finished and a tower build. Now place both hands on the sides
of the tower, slowly move hands upward aside the tower, hands join each other at the top of the
tower. When child mastered this exercise introduce him the second one.

II. Exercise:
In this exercise directress make the tower exactly the same way just like in exercise 1, but this
time the cubes are placed on the one corner side of the previous one. This shows that one side of
the tower is straight. The smallest cube first place at the top of the bottom cube and with the help
of index finger pushed it to the top of tower. This helps the child to differentiate the sizes.

III. Exercise:
In this exercise directress make a tower horizontally on the table. Place the largest cube on the
right hand side. Place the second cube very carefully in the center of the previous cube. Repeat it
with all cubes.
3:The Broad Stairs:

Ten brown wooden prisms having same length of 20cm but vary in height and width from1 cm
to 10 cm.

Prism 1 Prism 2 Prism 3………… Prism 10

Length 20 cm 20 cm 20 cm …………. 20 cm
Width 1 cm 2 cm 3 cm …………… 10 cm
Height 1 cm 2 cm 3 cm …………… 10 cm

1. Exercise:
In this exercise directress use table or mat for this, place all prisms randomly on it. First hold
the largest and thickest prism with both hands compares with others and put it on the table.
After that, take the second largest and thickest prism compare with other prism; put it
carefully without any mistake aside of first prism. No space between the prisms left, if there
is space slightly pushed second one towards the first. Repeat it until all prisms finished and a
horizontal stair build. Now pass hand over the stairs from biggest and thickest to the
narrowest. When child mastered this exercise introduce him the second one.

2. Exercise:

In this exercise directress build the stairs just like exercise 1 but for showing child the
difference of the height of the smallest prism, she hold each step of the stair from index
finger of both hands and slightly move it, then again place it to proper position.
4: The Long Rods:

Ten wooden rods usually painted red having height and width constant and length increased by
10cm, shortest have 10cm and longest one is 100cm.

i. Exercise:
In this exercise directress use mat for this, place all rods horizontally and randomly on it. First
hold the smallest rod with both hands compares with others and put it on the left of the mat.
After that, take the slightly longer rod compare with other rods; put it carefully without any
mistake aside of first rod. Repeat it until all rods finished. The shortest rod near to the directress
and the longest rod farthest on mat.

ii. Exercise:

In this exercise directress arrange the rods as in exercise 1. Hold the smallest rod with the index
finger of both hands and place it aside with other rods just to compare its length.

5: The Knob less Cylinders:

Materials: Four sets of wooden cylinders.
Yellow Cylinders Green Cylinders Red Cylinders Blue Cylinders
Big-Small Deep-Shallow Thick-Thin Tall-Short
Vary in height-diameter Vary in height-diameter Vary in diameter Vary in height

I. Exercise:

In this exercise directress use table or mat for this. First teach the child how to open the lid of
the box of cylinders. Then place all cylinders randomly on table. First hold the largest cylinder
with hand compares with others and put it on the center of the table. After that, take the slightly
shortest cylinder compare with others; put it carefully without any mistake at the top of the first
cylinder on the middle of it. Repeat it until all cylinders finished and tower build.

II. Exercise:
Directress may put cylinders in a row for grading them.

Extension Exercises with Pink Tower and Broad Stairs:

Materials: Pink Tower, Broad Stair, a Mat, a White Sheet (2.25 meter long and 1 meter wide)

i. Extension- Horizontal: Place Broad Stairs on the mat according to its exercise I. Then
place Pink Tower cubes aside with the broad stairs prisms, as the largest cube with the
largest and thickest prism. Continue until all cubes placed aside with the prism.

ii. Extension- Vertical: Take the thickest prism from the Broad Stairs and put it on the mat
facing rectangular side to the directress. Then take the second thickest prism place it on
the center of the first one. Continue until all prism sets vertically. Now take the largest
cube of the Pink Tower and place it very carefully to the right square side of the thickest
prism. Then take the second largest cube and put it on the first cube in such a way that
its side attach with the square side of the prism. Continue until all cubes placed aside the
prisms and build a tower.
iii. Extension- Monument: Place the Broad stairs just like Exercise I of it on the left side
of the mat and Pink Tower cubes according to their grading horizontally on the right

First level: Take the thickest prism from the Broad Stairs and put it on the mat facing
rectangular side to the directress. Now take the largest cube from the Pink Tower and placed it
aside with the prism on its right side. Take the second thickest prism and placed it on a first cube.
Half of the second prism comes to the first prism. Now take the second largest cube and put it
aside with the second prism on to the first prism, a place which is left after placing the second
prism. Continue until all prisms and cubes arranged and look like a wall.

Second level: Take away the smallest cube from the top of the wall and put it on the left side
of the mat. Now hold the first top prism with finger and thumb and take away the second cube.
After that hold the second top prism and carefully take away the third cube. Continue this
procedure until all cubes take away one by one.

IV. Extension- Shadow: Spread white sheet on the floor. Build a Pink Tower on the middle of
the width of a sheet. Now take the thickest prism placed it aside with bottom cube attaching
square sides. Then take the second thickest prism placed it next to the first prism making 90
degree angle with a pink tower. Continue until all prisms placed. Switch on the torch behind the
Pink Tower and adjust the shadow equal to the Broad Stairs which is 2 meter in length. Now
slightly move the beam of light to left to right and then backward. By this shadow move from
right to left, left to right and passed over the stairs.
V. Extension- Alternate: Take the thickest prism from the Broad Stairs and put it on the mat
facing rectangular side to the directress. Then take the largest cube from the Pink Tower and
placed it over the prism on the middle of it. Now take the second thickest prism and put it on the
first cube in such a way that it balances and will not fall off. After that placed the second largest
cube on the middle of second prism. Continue until all the prisms and cubes are assembled.

VI. Extension- High Stairs: Take the thickest prism from the Broad Stairs and put it on the left
side of the mat, resting its square side on mat. Then take the second thickest prism and placed it
aside with first prism touching rectangular sides. Arrange the rest of the prisms in this way. Now
take the largest cube and put it on the thickest prism. After that take the second largest cube and
put it on the second thickest prism. Continue until all the cubes placed on prisms.

Extension Exercises with the Long Rods:

Materials: Long Rods, a Mat

I. Extension- Vertical: Place the rods randomly in a horizontal way on the mat. Take the
longest rod and put it on the mat. Then take the second longest rod and put it on the top of first
rod while their left edges even. Continue until all rods placed vertically.

II. Extension- Maze: Place the rods randomly in a horizontal way on the mat. Take the largest
rod and put it on the floor. Now take the second largest rod and put it on the floor at the 90
degree with the first rod and their ends meet. Continue with all rods making 90 degree with their
previous rods and having a shape of a maze. Allow the child to walk in slowly in a maze and
then comes outside without touching rods.

Extension Exercises with the Cylinder Blocks and Knob less Cylinders:

Materials: Cylinder Blocks, Knob less Cylinders, a Mat

Extension- Comparison: Place green set of a knob less cylinders horizontally on a mat from
biggest to smallest. Then take the block cylinders and put it on the top of the knob less cylinders.
After that compare each set of knob less cylinders with the set on cylinder blocks.
Vocabulary from all these Exercises:

Long-Short Tall-Short Long-Longer-Longest Big-Bigger-Biggest

Big-Small Thick-Thin Short-Shorter-Shortest Thick-Thicker-Thickest
Large-Small Middle Small-Smaller-Smallest Thin-Thinner-Thinnest
Deep-Shallow Cube Deep-Deeper-Deepest Tall-Taller-Tallest
Broad-Narrow Straight Large-Larger-Largest Broad-Broader-Broadest
Rod-Stairs Prism Shallow-Shallower- Narrow-Narrower-Narrows
(Question 5): How does the Montessori program help develop Tactile Sense?

Tactile Sense refers to the child's ability to perceive the world through touch and form a sense of
understanding about it. It is therefore important to help refine this sense by encouraging them to
actively but safely explore objects around them through touch and attribute qualities to them by
using descriptive words/adjectives, for example, are the items rough or smooth etc.

Tactile Exercises are classified into four divisions as seen below alongside examples of
exercises under those classifications.

Exploring Textures: Touch Board, Touch Tablets and Touch the Fabric

Exploring Weight: Baric Tablets

Exploring Temperatures: Thermic Bottles and Thermic Tablets

Exercises of Stereognostic Sense: Sorting Trays, Mystery Bags, Puzzle Maps and Sandpaper

I will now explain one exercise from each classification above to illustrate how the Montessori
program helps to develop Tactile Sense.

Exploring Textures - Touch Tablets: Arrange a blindfold and a box containing five pairs of
wooden tablets with varying degrees of roughness. Take out two to three pairs with greater
contrast and place them on the table before mixing them up. Follow by picking one tablet at a
time as you feel it in your hand by gently stroking it and then put it aside.

Communicate to the child how you will attempt to find a tablet with a similar feel and then place
the said tablet next to the previous one. Allow the child to feel for the similarity as well by touch.
Repeat with all the tablets, first without a blindfold and then with one, allowing the child to do it
independently as well.

This exercise helps a child develop the tactile sense of differentiating between rough and smooth
surfaces. The addition of the blindfold additionally helps refine and sharpen individual senses.
They also learn the names of the objects as well as that of their qualities/adjectives through the
three period lessons, improving upon their vocabulary as well, including words like rough and

Exploring Weight - Baric Tablets: First arrange a blindfold and three boxes with six
polished wooden tablets in each. Each set must be a different weight, colour and wood from the
other, however their shape and size must be the same. Bring two boxes on table, which contain
the heaviest and lightest tablets. The directress then shows the child how to hold the tablet in the
palm of their hand, making sure their hands are not stiff. She continues by feeling the heaviest
tablet in her own hands and then lets the child repeat the act. When it is clear that the student is
able to handle the tablet on their own, repeat the same exercise, but with a blindfold this time

. This exercise helps the child develop the tactile sense of differentiating between different
weights as well as for complex skills they will need in the future for mathematics like measuring
weight precisely etc. The modification of the exercise to include a blindfold will help the child to
focus their attention upon one sense at a time, refining and sharpening their individual sense.
They also learn the names of the objects as well as that of their qualities/adjectives through the
three period lessons, improving upon their vocabulary as well, including words like heaviest and

Exploring Temperature - Thermic Bottles: The directress needs to arrange four pairs of
metal containers, each pair containing water at various temperatures as follows:

Bottle Pair 1: 37° (room temperature)

Bottle Pair 2: 27° (tap water)

Bottle Pair 3: 17° (refrigerated water)

Bottle Pair 4: 47° (warm water)

The directress then takes out each pair of bottle at a time and feels it for herself as well as lets
the child feel it, after which she communicated to the child how she will attempt to find a bottle
with the same temperature. She then lines up the bottles and allows the student to feel for their
temperature, repeating the same with each set. Finally, she mixes them all up and allows the
child to do it independently, assisting as and when needed.
This exercise helps the child develop the tactile sense of differentiating between varying degrees
of temperature based on touch and feel alone which can be useful for many instances in practical
life as well. They also learn the names of the objects as well as that of their qualities/adjectives
through the three-period lessons, improving upon their vocabulary as well, including words like
cold, colder, coldest and hot, hotter, hottest.

Exercises of Stereognostic Sense - Mystery Bags: The directress will arrange a bag with a
drawstring to hide the contents inside. She will fill the bag with a variety of exciting things like
pebbles, feathers, colorful ribbings, miniature cars, marbles, and key chains, etc. She will allow
the child to observe and feel these items as she introduces them one by one, followed by asking
the child to close their eyes or loosely blindfold them, again repeating the exercise of feeling the
objects in their hand and attempting to identify what it is. Finally, the child is allowed to open
their eyes/remove the blindfold and see if they guessed right. This exercise helps the child refine
their tactile stereognostic sense of differentiating between different objects based on their shape
and size etc. They also learn the names of the objects as well as that of their qualities/adjectives
through the three-period lessons, improving upon their vocabulary as well.
(Question 6): Prepare material of Smell Bottles and Mystery Bag and Send it
along with your assignment papers.

Here is image of mystery bag and its material.

And here is material of smell bottles

1. Coconut oil
2. Baby lotion
3. Perfume
4. Ittar

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