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Introduction to Education

B.Ed. Mcqs Solved

Order of Page Reading = 1,3,5,9 …..

Again from Start= 2,4,6,8 …………
1. Education is derived from a Latin word ? d. creat good name for the nation
A. educate b. educere ANSWER = b
C. evolution d. learning 8. Determining the aim of education is the
ANSWER = b responsibility of ?
2. Educere means ? a. parents
a. to draw out b. to guide b. teachers
c. to piont d. to help c .students
ANSWER = a d. society
3. “Education is the creation of a sound mind in a ANSWER = d
sound body” is the saying of ? 9. The real goal of education should be ?
A. plato b. comens a. securing a certificate
C. Aristotle d. dewey b. acquiring skills habbits and knowledge
ANSWER = c c. training to made a living
4. The best definition of education is that it is? d. mastery of subjects matter
A. prearation for life B. getting knowledge ANSWER = b
C. learning D. growth resulting from 10. Education planned with a particular end in view
experiences is ?
ANSWER = d a. Formal education
5. Education accoding to john dewey is ? b. Informal education
a. preparation for life c. Both a & b
b. getting knowledge d. None of a & b
c. learning to do by doing ANSWER = a
d. schooling 11. Non formal education has ?
ANSWER = c a. Flexible rules of entery and exit
6. Which of the following is not the characteristic b. Rigid rules of entery and exit
of education ? c. Few rules of entery and exit
a. lifelong activity d. No rules of entery and exit
b . Factual absorption ANSWER = a
c . Formal and informal activities 12. Formal education has ?
d . Experiences of life a. Flexibile rules of entery and exit
ANSWER = b b. Rigid rules of entery and exit
7. The basic source of educational objectives is ? c. few rules of entery and exit
a. human experience d. No rules of entery and exit
b . Schools ANSWER = b
c. educational psychology 13. Informal education has ?
d. professional organization a. Flexibile rules of entery and exit
ANSWER = a b. Rigid rules of entery and exit
According to crow and crow the purpose of c. few rules of entery and exit
formal education is to ? d. No rules of entery and exit
a. make students more intelligent ANSWER = d
b. make students active and constructive 14. The education confined to educational
members of society institution is ?
c. form difinite opinions in the mind of students a. Informal education
b. Non formal education
c. Formal education b. System
d. Learning c. Method
ANSWER = c d. Approach
15. Education is imparted mostly by ANSWER = a
correspondence in ? 22. Which is not the element of educational
a. Informal education process?
b. Non formal education a. Aims
c. Formal education b. Curriculum
d. Technical education c. Evaluation
ANSWER = b d. Motivation
16. Education is not pre planned in ? ANSWER = d
a. Informal education 23. The sum of curricular and co-curricular
b. Non formal education activities is?
c. Formal education a. Aim
d. Both a and c b. Curriculum
ANSWER = a c. Pedagogy
17. Informal education is ? d. Summative evaluation
a. Just schooling ANSWER = b
b. Tine bound 24. Pedagogy is concerned with ?
c. Life long a. Aims
d. Preplanned b. Content
ANSWER = c c. Teaching Methods
18. What is the most important element of non d. Evaluation
formal education ? ANSWER = c
a. Teacher To determine the value or worth of anything is?
b. Student a. Aim
c. Media b. Content
d. School c. Teaching Methods
ANSWER = c d. Evaluation
19. Which one is not the source of formal education ANSWER = c
? 25. In education process which one is evaluated ?
a. School a. Aim
b. Museum b. Content
c. Library c. Methods
d. Home d. All of the above
20. Informal education is ? 26. The literal meaning of philosophy is ?
a. Planned a. Love of knowledge
b. Incidental b. Love of truth
c. Systematic c. Love of values
d. Arranged d. Love of wisdom
21. Formal education has well defined ? 27. Axiology in philosophy deals with ?
a. Curriculum a. Knowledge
b. Reality d. Reconstructionism
c. Values ANSWER = b
d. Culture 34. Life is coutinuous changing process is the best ?
ANSWER = c a. Perennialism
28. Epistemology deals with ? b. Essentialism
a. Knowledge c. Progressivism
b. Reality d. Reconstructionism
c. Values ANSWER = c
d. Culture “Reforms are necessary in all walks of life” is
ANSWER = a focused in ?
29. Ontology deals with ? a. Perennialism
a. Knowledge b. Essentialism
b. Reality c. Progressivism
c. Values d. Reconstructionism
d. Culture ANSWER = d
ANSWER = b 35. Study of great books is at the core of ?
Ontology is also called as ? a. Perennialism
a. Metaphysics b. Essentialism
b. Axiology c. Progressivism
c. Ontology d. Reconstructionism
d. Morphology ANSWER = b
ANSWER = a 36. Who is not among major exponent of
30. Metaphysics deals with the nature of ? perennialism ?
a. Values a. Bentock
b. Knowledge b. Adler
c. Universe c. Hutchins
d. Reality d. John dewey
31. Eclecticism means borrowing beliefs from ? 37. School should be run on democratic lines is
a. One philosophy held by ?
b. Two philosophies a. Perennialism
c. Three philosophy b. Essentialism
d. Different philosophies c. Progressivism
ANSWER = d d. Reconstructionism
32. “Everlasting reality” is focused in ? ANSWER = c
a. Perennialism 38. Essentialists stress on
b. Essentialism a. Mental discipline
c. Progressivism b. Innovation
d. Reconstructionism c. Change
ANSWER = a d. Reduced knowledge
33. Useful culture and skill is emphasized in ? ANSWER =
a. Perennialism 39. According to which experimental knowledge is
b. Essentialism real ?
c. Progressivism a. Perennialism
b. Essentialism according to ?
c. Progressivism A. Perennialism
d. Reconstructionism B. Essentialism
ANSWER = c C. Progressivism
Ethic and aesthetics are components of ? D. Reconsteuctionism
a. Cosmology ANSWER = c
b. Ontology 45. According to which philosophy permanence is
c. Epistemology more real than change ?
d. Axiology A. Perennialism
ANSWER = d B. Essentialism
40. Progressivist teacher put more emphasis on ? C. Progressivism
a. Abstract ideas D. Reconsteuctionism
b. Practical education E. ANSWER = A
c. Theoretical concept 46. Perennialism is an educational philosophy of ?
d. Methods A. New value
ANSWER = b B. Old values
41. The curriculum will be child centered if teacher C. Future values
is ? D. Old ,and new values
a. Realist ANSWER = B
b. Perennialist 47. The objective of education comes from ?
c. Progressivist a. Philosophy
d. Essentialist b. Psychology
ANSWER = c c. Curriculum
42. Learning should be directly related to the d. Sociology
interest of the child according to ? ANSWER = a
a. Essentialism 48. Sociological aims of education includes ?
b. Progressivism a. Cultural growth
c. Reconstructionism b. Skills
d. Perennialism c. Dutifulness
e. ANSWER = b d. All above
43. Essentialists would get their aim of education ANSWER = d
from ? 49. The application of philosophy in education may
a. Great books be ?
b. Students interest a. Selection of contents
c. Religion b. Selection of methods
d. Traditions c. Selection of objectives
e. ANSWER = d d. Selection of evaluation procedures
44. Essentialist philosophy of education is ? ANSWER = c
a. Content and teacher centered Philosophy and education are two sides of a coin
b. Child centered according to ?
c. Need centered a. John dewey
d. Society centered b. Ross
ANSWER = a c. James
Education is life itself not a preparation for life
d. Kant D. Shabir Ahmand Usmani
50. An important question of philosophy is ? 56. The Deoband academy was totally ?
a. What is education A. Personal
b. What is curriculum B. Government
c. What is curiosity C. Non government
d. What is universe D. Semi government
51. To seek truth and reality is the subject of ? 57. The Deoband movement used curriculum
a. Education revision as ?
b. Values A. Motive
c. Philosophy B. Need
d. Psychology C. Agreement
ANSWER = c D. Improvement
52. Every system of education is based on ? ANSWER = A
a. Ideology of nation 58. The Ulma of Deobond played a vital role in ?
b. Social development A. Spreading English cultures
c. Intellectual development B. Struggle for independence
d. Skill development C. Awarding scholarship
ANSWER = a D. Science education
53. Word philosophy is derived from ? ANSWER =B
a. Alpha and Amphia 59. The Deoband was established in ?
b. Phila and Sophia A. 1857
c. Sila and Sophia B. 1867
d. Neo and Latvia C. 1885
ANSWER = b D. 1866
54. Expected life outcomes from education are ANSWER = B
referred as ? The salient features of Deoband movement was
a. Learning ?
b. Evaluation A. English system of education
c. Aims B. Proliferation of science
d. Pedagogy C. Revival of religious spirit
ANSWER = c D. Literature
Being the science of wisdom philosophy aims at ANSWER = C
? 60. The Deoband movement ignored ?
a. Search for activity A. Science
b. Search for reality B. Philosophy
c. Search for probability C. Logic
d. Search for utility D. Religion
55. The first head of the Deoband was ? 61. M.A.O High school was established in ?
A. Maulana shah wali ullah A. 1857
B. Maulana M. Yaqub Nanautwi B. 1865
C. Maulana Mehmood ul Hassan C. 1875
D. 1885 67. Jamia Millia Islamia was established on ?
ANSWER = C A. 1900
62. M.A.O High school was given the rank of B. 1930
college in ? C. 1974
A. 1864 D. 1962
B. 1877 ANSWER = B
C. 1889 68. Jamia Millia Islamia was established by ?
D. 1842 A. Sir syed Ahmad khan
ANSWER = B B. Moulana shaukat ali johar
63. Scientific society was established by ? C. Hakeem ajmal
A. Sir Allama Iqbal D. Moulana M. Ali johar
B. Sir syed Ahmad Khan ANSWER = D
C. Maulana Muhammad Ali johar 69. In Jamia Milllia, the medium of instruction was
D. Quad e Azam ?
ANSWER = B A. English
64. M.A.O colleghe was elevated to Aligarh B. Arabic
university in ? C. Son
A. 1854 D. Urdu
B. 1846 ANSWER = D
C. 1940 In jamia millia , the translation of Holy Quran
D. 1920 was taught as ?
ANSWER =D A. Stage 1
The major impact of the Aligarh movement was B. Stage 2
? C. Stage 3
A. Political training D. Stage 4
B. Teaching of English ANSWER = A
C. Social activities 70. Jamia Millia could not became popular among
D. Religious activities Muslims due to its oppostion to ?
ANSWER = A A. Hindus
65. The major objective of Aligarh movement was B. British
to promote ? C. Two nation theory
A. Education D. Tehrik e khilafat
B. Hatred for Hinds ANSWER = C
C. Scientific look 71. Jamia Millia emphasized on ?
D. Literacy A. Religious education
ANSWER = C B. Science education
66. Which one was not among the purposes of C. Both a and b
Aligarh movement ? D. None of these
A. To reduce hatred of British ANSWER = C
B. To prepose Muslims to learn English 72. Anjman Himayat e Islam was established in ?
C. To prepare Muslims against Hindus A. Lahore
D. To prepare Muslims to learn science B. Lucknow
ANSWER = C C. Dehli
D. Calcuta D. Karachi
73. Anjman Himayat e Islam was established on ? 79. Education conference 1947 was presided by ?
A. 1887 A. Quaid e Azam
B. 1854 B. Fazal ur Rehman
C. 1896 C. Liaqat ali khan
D. 1874 D. Abdul Rub Nishtar
74. The founder of Anjman Hamayat e Islam was ? Objective of education under education
A. Sir syed Ahmad khan conference 1947 were ?
B. Caliph Hamid ud Din A. Conformity with Ideology of life
C. Molana shibli nomani B. Economic development
D. Allam iqbal C. Character formation
ANSWER = B D. All of above
Nadva tul ulema was established on ? ANSWER = D
A. 1894 80. According to the recommendations of Indian
B. 1852 Education Commission, govt. took the
C. 1864 responsibility of ?
D. 1879 A. Primary education
ANSWER = A B. Secondary education
75. Nadva Tul Ulema was established in ? C. Religeous education
A. Dehli D. Higher education
B. Lucknow ANSWER = A
C. Deoban 81. Council of Technical Education was
D. Aligar recommended to establish under ?
ANSWER = B A. Education conference 1947
76. Nadua Tul Ulema was established on the B. National Education commission 1959
initiative of ? C. National education policy 1970
A. Molana shibli nomani D. Natural education policy 1972
B. Sir syed Ahmad khan ANSWER = A
C. Caliph Hamid ud Din 82. National Education Commission 1959 was
D. Molana Ali johar established under the headship of ?
ANSWER = A A. Fazal ur Rhman
77. The first adminstrator of Nadva Tul Ulema was B. Liaqat ali khan
? C. S.M Sharif
A. Molana Shibli Nomani D. Abdul rub nishtar
B. Sir syed Ahmad khan ANSWER = C
C. Molana Ali johar 83. Objectives of education under National
D. Molana M. Ali Mangheri Education Commission 1959 were ?
ANSWER = D A. Spritual values
78. Education conference 1947 was held in ? B. Ideology of pakistan
A. Peshawar C. Development of individuality
B. Lahore D. All of the above
C. Quetta ANSWER = D
84. Text Book Board was recommended to C. 1800
establish under ? D. 1820
A. Education conference 1947 ANSWER = B
B. National Education commission 1959 According to charter Act 1813, education is the
C. National education policy 1970 responsibility of ?
D. Natural education policy 1972 A. Governor
ANSWER = B B. East India company
National Education Policy 1970 was headed by ? C. Madarus
A. Fazal ur Rehman D. Local Govt
B. S.M Sharif ANSWER = B
C. Noor khan 90. The amount set apart by East India Company
D. Abdul Hafeez Pirzada for educational purpose will be RS. ?
ANSWER = D A. 100000
85. Private educational institutions were B. 15000
nationalized under ? C. 1400
A. Education conference 1947 D. 12000
B. National Education commission 1959 ANSWER = A
C. National education policy 1970 91. The objective of education according to charter
D. Natural education policy 1972 act was ?
ANSWER = C A. Islamic education
86. Under National Education Policy 1972, free B. Technical education
education was recommended upto class ? C. Preaching Christianity
A. 5 D. Preaching Hinduism
B. 12 ANSWER = C
C. 10 92. The medium of instruction for promotion of
D. 18 scientific knowledge according to charter Act
ANSWER = C will be ?
87. Open University was established under the A. Urdu
policy ? B. Hindi
A. 1972 C. English
B. 1985 D. Sansikrit
C. 1964 ANSWER = C
D. 1932 93. The charter Act of East India Company was
ANSWER = A renewed in ?
88. The focus of national education policy 1978 A. 1833
was on ? B. 1844
A. Islamic values C. 1855
B. Ideology of Pakistan D. 1952
C. Both a and b ANSWER = A
D. None 94. East India Company could not implement
ANSWER = C charter Act for ?
89. Charter Act was presented in ? A. 5 years
A. 1800 B. 10 years
B. 1813 C. 8 years
D. 4 years A. Sir Cahasles wood
ANSWER = B B. Lord Maculay
Lord Macaulay/Bentick Resolution was passed C. Sir William Hunter
in? D. Sir Thomas
A. 1852 ANSWER = C
B. 1835 M.ed and B.ed Mcqs Paper For Teaching Jobs
C. 1946 Test
D. 1742
ANSWER = B The sum of curricular and co-curricular
95. Which is not the characteristic of Lord activities is?
Macaulay Report ? Curriculum
A. Revival of eastern knowledge
Pedagogy is concerned with ?
B. Proliferation of western knowledge
Teaching Methods
C. English a instruction medium
D. All of above To determine the value or worth of anything is?
ANSWER = A Teaching Methods
96. According to Lord Macaulay one purpose of
education was ? The literal meaning of philosophy is ?
A. To develop moral values Love of wisdom
B. To produce clerks Axiology in philosophy deals with ?
C. Intelectual development Values
D. Physical development
ANSWER = B Epistemology deals with ?
97. Charles wood Dispatch was presented in ? Knowledge
A. 1854
Ontology deals with ?
B. 1833
C. 1854
D. 1920 Ontology is also called as ?
ANSWER = C Metaphysics
98. Under wood Dispatch in 1857, three universities
established were ? Metaphysics deals with the nature of ?
A. Bombay , Calcutta , Madras Reality
B. Karachi
Eclecticism means borrowing beliefs from ?
C. Peshawar
Different philosophies
D. Lahore
ANSWER = A “Everlasting reality” is focused in ?
99. Punjab University was established in ? Perennialism
A. 1887
B. 1892 Useful culture and skill is emphasized in ?
C. 1854 Essentialism
D. 1974 Life is coutinuous changing process is the best ?
ANSWER = A Progressivism
Indian education commisssion was established
under headship of ?
“Reforms are necessary in all walks of life” is Philosophy and education are two sides of a coin
focused in ? according to ?
Reconstructionism Ross

Study of great books is at the core of ? An important question of philosophy is ?

Essentialism What is universe

Who is not among major exponent of To seek truth and reality is the subject of ?
perennialism ? Philosophy
John dewey
Every system of education is based on ?
School should be run on democratic lines is held Ideology of nation
by ?
Word philosophy is derived from ?
Phila and Sophia
According to which experimental knowledge is
Expected life outcomes from education are
real ?
Progressivism referred as ?
Ethic and aesthetics are components of ? Being the science of wisdom philosophy aims at
Axiology ?
Search for reality
Progressivist teacher put more emphasis on ?
Practical education The first head of the Deoband was ?
Maulana M. Yaqub Nanautwi
The curriculum will be child centered if teacher
is ? 1. First Educational Conference of
Progressivist Pakistan held in Karachi from 27 Nov to
1 Dec 1947
Learning should be directly related to the
interest of the child according to ? 2. Education Minister during first
Progressivism educational conference was Mr. Fazlul
Essentialists would get their aim of education
from ? 3. First Educational conference decided to
Traditions promote Two nation theory, Urdu
Language and to establish an Inter
Essentialist philosophy of education is ? University Board
Content and teacher centered
4. Gen.Ayub Khan government establish a
Perennialism is an educational philosophy of ? 11 members national educational
Old values commission on 30 Dec 1958
The objective of education comes from ? 5. S.M Shareef was Chairmain of this
Philosophy commission. This commission started its
work fro Jan 1959. Mr.Sharif was a
The application of philosophy in education may
Secretary of education
be ?
Selection of objectives
6. Sharif Commission presented his report 19. National Centre was established for
to President in Aug 1959 consisting of science according to National Education
346 pages Policy 1978.

7. According to Sharif Commission report 20. National Technical Teachers Training

School educational year was consist of College established in National
40 weeks with 2 month summer, 10days Education Policy 1978.
winter and 14 days spring vacations
21. In Muradabad 1859 First School was
8. University Educational Year consists of established by Sir. Syed Ahmad Khan
36 weeks 22. MAO High School Ali Garh 1875
9. Noor Khan Report was established by Sir. Syed Ahmad Khan
another National Education Policy by 23. MAO college Ali Garh 1877
Yahya Govt in 1970. established by Sir. Syed Ahmad Khan
which was inaugurated by Lord Milton.
10. University Grants Commission was
24. This college became university in 1920
established according to this policy.
25. Mr.Sidens was first its principal
11. Zulifqar Bhutto announce a National
26. All India Mohamdan Educational
Education Policy on 29 March 1972.
Conference established by Sir. Syed
12. According to National Education Policy Ahmad Khan in 1886
on 29 March 1972, all private 27. Scientific Society in 1866 established
institutions were nationalized on 1 by Sir. Syed Ahmad Khan
october 1972. 28. Dar-ul-Deoband established by Molana
13. First Peoples Open University Qasim Nanotavi in 30 May 1866 in
established in Islamabad According to Chahta Mosque.
National Education Policy on 29 March 29. Molna M. Mehmmod was first its
1972. teacher.
30. Following are pre independence
14. National Research Fellowship was
educational reports and commissions
established According to National
Education Policy on 29 March 1972 31. Charles Grants Treatise issued in 1792.
Charles was a British Parliament
15. NSC was established According to member.
National Education Policy on 29 March
32. Lord Minto( Governor General of
Subcontinent) Report issued in 1811
16. Zia Ul Haq Govt issued National 33. Lord Macaulay Report 1835
Education Policy 1978 34. wood dispatch report 1854. Charles
17. Islamiat,Pak Studies,Arabic were mad wood was president of board of control
compulsory subjects in National 35. Hunter Commission 1882. William
Education Policy 1978. hunter was a minister of Lord Rippen
viceroy council
18. National Educational Council was
36. Indian Universities Comission 1902
established in National Education Policy
37. Sadler Comission 1919. Michal Sadler d) None of these
was VC of Leads university
38. Hartog Committee report 1929 7) A hungry person would find food to
be a:
39. 1) Motor skills are largely a result of:
a) Primary reinforcer
a) Learning
b) Secondary reinforcer
b) Maturational process
c) None of these
c) Practice
d) Observing other
8) A psychologist explains you that
learning can be best defined in terms of
2) In Piaget’s theory, the first two years
underlying thought process. What theory
of life are called the ----- stages:
is being stated:
a) Paralinguistic
a) Social learning
b) Exploratory
b) Cognitive learning
c) Sensorimotor
c) Trial and error
d) Preoperational
d) None of these
3) Learning theories explain attachment
41. 9) The cause of abnormal behavior is
of infants to their parents in items of:
only physiological, it is explained by:
a) Conditioning
a) Psycho model
b) Observational learning
b) Medical model
c) The maturation of perceptual skills
c) Psychosocial model
d) Cognitive development
d) None of these
4) Freud was among the first to suggest
10) One abnormal behavior was
that abnormal behavior:
associated with witch craft:
a) Can have a hereditary basis
a) True
b) Is not the result of demonic
b) False
c) Is psychology caused
11) A feeling of apprehension or tension
d) Can result from biological factors
40. 5) The portion of your nervous system
a) Frustration
which controls breathing and digestion
b) Panic
c) Anxiety
a) Axon
b) Autonomic
12) Which of the following treatments
c) Linear circuit
deal with phobias by gradual exposure?
d) None of these
a) Super ego control
b) Systematic desensitization
6) The color, smell and feeling of the
c) Reinforcement
flowers are relayed through what part of
d) Dreams
e) None of these
a) Acetylcholine
42. 13) Systematic desensitization is used in
b) Thalamus
treatment of:
c) Motor area
a) Schizophrenia
b) Mood disorders 19) Endomorphy is to eetomorphy as:
c) Phobias a) Love of comfort is to social
d) Somatoform disorders inhabitation
b) Social inhabitation is to love of
14) Guilford’s structure of intellect comfort
model of intelligence is notable because: c) Love of comfort is to need for
a) It separate operations from content action
and product d) Need for action is to social
b) It rejects the idea of gender feature inhabitation
c) It yields 180 unique intellectual 44. 20) The two parts of autonomic nervous
factors system are:
d) All of these a) Voluntary and involuntary
b) Cerebrospinal and cortical
15) The most important criterion of c) Thalamus and hypothalamus
whether an individual should be d) Sympathetic and parasympathetic
considered retarded is that individual’s:
a) Social competence
b) Mental age 21) Which one of the following is not
c) IQ the law of perceptual grouping?
d) Ability to learn to speak a) Proximity
b) Similarity constancy
16) Improved job satisfaction result in--- c) Constancy
-in work performance and----- in d) Continuation
a) Decrease: decrease
b) Increase: no change 22) In Pavlovian conditioning the
c) Increase: increase learned response is:
43. 17) Dependence, passivity and a) CS
greediness are regarded as traits found b) CR
in the so-called: c) UCS
a) Anal character d) UCR
b) Phallic stage 45. (23) The so called primary emotions
c) Genital stage include:
d) Oral character (a) joy, fear, anger, grief
(b) pain, fear, hate, love
(c) shame, guilt, anger, grief
18) Probably the most insidious form of (d) all of the above
defense mechanism is:
a) Reaction formation
b) Defensive identification (24) Factors predisposing an individual
c) Projection toeards feeling of jealousy include:
d) Withdrawal (a) Insecurity in self-conception
(b) Lack of intesnity of feelings of love
(c) Self hate size were identified with what shool of
(d) All of the above psychology?
a. psychoanalytic
b. gestalt
(25) Behaviour episodes are: c. behavioral
(a) Organized sequences of behaviour d. structural
(b) Characterized by a constant direction
of action
(c) Ofter overlapping 31. The amount of association between
(d) All of the above two or more variable is:
46. 26- The best studied perceptual a. correlation
constancies include: b. naturalistic observation
(a) Birghtness, focus, angle c. reliability
(b) Shape,location, size d. synchronicity
(c) Colour, texture, content
(d) Size, age, weight
32. Gestalt theory emphasized:
a. a flow of consciousness
27- Behaviour according to Operant b. the atoms of thought
conditioning theory is controlled by: c. environmental stimuli
(a) Its consequences d. our tendency to see patterns
(b) Free will
(c) Knowledge
(d) Instinct 33. Short fibers that branch out from cell
body and pick up the incoming message
are called:
28- Experts generally agree that the a. dendrites
primary emotions include: b. axons
(a) Fear, Anger and Joy c. nerves.
(b) Disgust, anger and shame d terminals
(c) Love, joy and sadness
(d) Fear, anger and hatred
34. The thyroid gland controls:
47. 29. S-R psychology is an approach a. glucose absorption
associated with the perspective: b. emotions
a. behavioral b. metabolism
b. psychoanalytic d. sexuality
c. cognitive
d. subjectivst
35. The ability of the eye to distinguish
fine details is called:
30. Psychologists whoa re interests in a visual dilation
the perception of motion, part-whole b visual acuity
relationship and in how people judge
c. visual sensitivity response to incoming messages is:
d. adaptation a. Limbic system
48. 36) The explicit and implicit rules that a b. Reticular formation
society establishes to govern conduct are c. amygdala
referred to as: d. Hippocampus
(a) Norms 49. 42-Intelligence can be defined as:
(b) Culture a. Knowledge of a great many facts
(c) Morality b. The ability to get good grades in
(d) Conventions school
c. The ability to think abstractly and
learn from experience
37) The violation of a society’s explicit d. All the factors that make one person
and implicit norms can be viewed as not different from another
normal in the sense that the violation is:
(a) Deviant
(b) Distressful 43-When people are _____ they have
(c) Dysfunctional lost touch with reality.
(d) A danger to one’s self or to others a. Manic
b. Neurotic
c. Psychotic
(38) Which aspect of the definition of d. Psychopathic
abnormality includes unhappiness?
(a) Distress
(b) Deviance 44-Which of the following clinical
(c) Dysfunction procedures are based, in part on classical
(d) Danger to self or others conditioning?
39-The _____ lobe is to hearing as the a. Transference
occipital lobe is to vision. b. Systematic desensitization
a. Frontal c. Token economy
b. Temporal d. Two chair technique
c. Parietal
d. cerebeller
45-Illnesses that seem to result from an
interaction of physical and
40-Reflexes are usually controlled by psychological factors are called:
the: a. Hysterical
a. Medulla b. Psychosomatic
b. Frontal lobe c. Somatic
c. Spinal cord d. Conversion disorder
d. Hypothalamus 50. 46: Which method of gathering
information about the brain indicates
overall activity of the brain?
41-A part of the brain that sends signals a) Positron Emission Tomography
“alert” to higher centers of the brain in b) Electroencephalogram
c) Electrical stimulation Instrument used for measuring sample of
d) Studying damage to the brain behavior is?

A. Test
47: The phsiological and psychological B. Measurement
response to stress referred as:
a) Transition C. Assessment
b) Stressors D. Evaluation
c) Strain
d) Hypertension Answer is = A
51. (48) An example of a cognitive therapy
is rational-emotive therapy, which is
developed by: Limited to quantitative description of pupil’s
(a) Carl Rogers performance is?
(b) Joseph Wolpe
A. Test
(c) Albert Ellis
(d) Allen Bergin B. Measurement

C. Assessment
(49i) The explicit and implicit rules that D. Evaluation
a society establishes to govern conduct
Answer is = B
are referred to as:
(a) Norms
(b) Culture
(c) Morality The purpose of the evaluation is to make?
(d) Conventions A. Decision

B. Prediction
(50) The violation of a society’s explicit C. Judgment
and implicit norms can be viewed as not
normal in the sense that the violation is: D. Opinion
(a) Deviant
Answer is = C
(b) Distressful
(c) Dysfunctional
(d) A danger to one’s self or to others
The purpose of evaluation is to make judgment
about educational?

A. Quanitiy

B. Quality
Educational Assessment Mcqs For PSC
C. Teme period
Headmaster & Teaching Exams
D. Age
Assessment in Education
Answer is = B
Evaluation that monitors learning progress is? The first step in measurement is?

A. Placement evaluation A. Decision of what to measure

B. Formative evaluation B. Development of the test

C. Diagnostic evaluation C. Administering the test

D. Summative evaluation D. None

Answer is = B Answer is = A

A formal and systematic procedure of getting The purpose of formative evaluation is?
information is?
A. Decision of what to measure
A. Test
B. Development of the test
B. Measurement
C. Administering the test
C. Assessment
D. Monitoring progress of students
D. Evaluation
Answer is = D
Answer is = A

To assess achievement at the end of instruction

The process of obtaining numerical value is? is?

A. Test A. Placement Assessment

B. Measurement B. Formative Assessment

C. Assessment C. Summative Assessment

D. Evaluation D. Diagnostic Assessment

Answer is = B Answer is = C

A sum of questions is? Vast of all in scope?

A. Test A. Test

B. Measurement B. Measurement

C. Assessment C. Assessment

D. Evaluation D. Evaluation

Answer is = A Answer is = D
The least in scope is? In norm referenced test the comparison is
A. Test
A. Groups
B. Measurement
B. Individuals
C. Assessment
C. Areas
D. Evaluation
D. Interest
Answer is = A
Answer is = B

Permanent difficulties in learning are

investigated in? In which question marking will be more
A. Placement Assessment
A. Completion
B. Formative Assessment
B. Short answer
C. Summative Assessment
C. Multiple choice question
D. Diagnostic Assessment
D. Essay
Answer is = D
Answer is = C

Broader in meaning is?

Facility value of less than 0.20 means?
A. Aims
A. Item is too easy
B. Objectives
B. Item is difficult
C. Instructional objectives
C. Item is acceptable
D. Specific Objectives
D. Item is easy
Answer is = A
Answer is = B

Procedures used to determine person abilities is?

Objective type question have advantage over
A. Maximum performance test
essay type because such questions?
B. Typical performance test
A. Are easy to prepare
C. Norm performance test
B. Are eay to solve
D. Criterion performance test
C. Are easy to mark
Answer is = A
D. None
Answer is = C D. To construct

Answer is = D

Discrimination value of more than 0.4 means

A. Item is good Objectives representing the purposes of

instruction of a teacher are called?
B. Item is acceptable
A. Performance
C. Item is weak
B. Instructional
D. None
C. Attainment
Answer is = B
D. None

Answer is = B
Test involving the construction of
certain patterns are called?

A. Intelligence test Running description of active behavior of a

student as observed by the teacher is?
B. Performance tests
A. Anecdotal record
C. Scholastic test
B. Autobiography
D. None
C. Interview
Answer is = B
D. None

Answer is = A
In multiple choice items the stem of the items
should be?

A. Large A test very popular with class room teacher is?

B. Small A. True false test

C. Meaningful B. Multiple choices

D. None C. Matching

Answer is = C D. Completion test

Answer is = B

Which appropriate verb will you use to make

an objective behavioral?
Frequently used tools of summative evaluation
A. To know are?

B. To appreciate A. Test

C. To understand B. Teacher observation

C. Daily assignment The number of score lying in a class interval is?

D. None A. Mid oint

Answer is = A B. Quartiles

C. Class

The most commonly used guessing correction D. Frequencies

formula to predict and control is?
Answer is = D
A. S=R-W

B. S=R-W/N-1
A multiple choice question is composec of
- exam result - question referred as?

Click Here to Continue to exam result A. Stem

C. S=R-w/2-1 B. Distracter

D. None C. Foil

Answer is = B D. Response

Answer is = A

The summative evaluation is?

A. Diagnostic In a norm referenced test which item is best?

B. Cerifying judgment A. Item difficulty is near zero

C. Continous B. Item difficulty is near 100

D. None C. Item difficulty is near 70

Answer is = B D. Item difficulty is near 50

Answer is = D

The difference between maximum and minimum

values is?
Which question has increasing objectivity of
A. Mean marking?

B. Mode A. Unstructured essay

C. Range B. Structured essay

D. None C. Short answer

Answer is = C D. Multiple type questions

Answer is = D
Answer is = A

The most widely used format on standardized

test in USA is?
Kuder Richardson method is used to estimate?
A. Unstructured essay
A. Reliability
B. Structured essay
B. Validity
C. Short answer
C. Objectivity
D. Multiple type questions
D. Usability
Answer is = D
Answer is = A

Which questions are difficult to mark with

Value that divides the data into two equal parts
A. Unstructured essay
A. Mean
B. Structured essay
B. Median
C. Short answer
C. Mode
D. Multiple type questions
D. None
Answer is = A
Answer is = B

Projective techniques are used to measure?

The test measures what we intend to measure.
A. Aptitude This quality of the test is called?

B. Intelligence A. Reliability

C. Knowledge B. Validity

D. Personality C. Objectivity

Answer is = D D. Usability

Answer is = B

Test meant for prediction on a certain criterion

are called?
The length of a test is an important factor in
A. Aptitude test obtaining a representative?

B. Intelligence A. Mean

C. Knowledge B. Median

D. Personality C. Mode
D. Sample C. V

Answer is = D D. None

Answer is = B

Meidan of 1,2,4,5,2,3, is ?

A. 2 The alternative name of the “table of

spectification” is?
B. 5
A. Test Blue Print
C. 3.5
B. Test Construction
D. None
C. Test Administration
Answer is = C
D. Test Scoring

Answer is = A
The test made to compare the performance of
student with the other students is called?

A. Criterion reference ”table of specification” helps in?

B. Norm reference A. Test development

C. Achievement B. Test Construction

D. None C. Test Administration

Answer is = B D. Test Scoring

Answer is = A

The summative evaluation is used?

A. At the end of the program The supply type test item is?

B. At the middle of the program A. True / False items

C. At the start of the program B. Matching items

D. None C. M.C.Q items

Answer is = A D. Completion items

Answer is = D

The appearance of normal curve resembles

Alternative response item is?
A. U
A. True / False items
B. Bell
B. Right / wrong
C. Correct / incorrect B. Response

D. All above C. Stem

Answer is = D D. None

Answer is = C

How many columns matching items have?

A. One The correct option in M.C.Q is?

B. Two A. Answer

C. Four B. Premise

D. Five C. Response

Answer is = B D. Destructor

Answer is = A

The item in the column for which a match is

sought is?
The incorrect options in M.C.Q are?
A. Premise
A. Answer
B. Response
B. Premise
C. Destructor
C. Response
D. None
D. Destructor
Answer is = A
Answer is = D

Identifying relationship between two things is

The most widely applicable test item is?
demonstrated by?
A. True / False items
A. True / False items
B. Matching items
B. Matching items
C. M.C.Q items
C. M.C.Q items
D. Completion items
D. Completion items
Answer is = C
Answer is = B

The type of essay item in which contents are

The statement of problem in M.C .Qs is?
limited is?
A. Premise
A. Restricted Response Questions
B. Extended Response Questions A. Standardized Test

C. Matching items B. Essay Type Test

D. M.C.Q items C. Objective type test

Answer is = A D. Norm referenced test

Answer is = C

The ability to select organize, integrate and

evaluate ideas is demonstrated by?
Student’s performance is compared with other
A. Restricted Response Questions students in?

B. Extended Response Questions A. Standardized Test

C. Matching items B. Essay Type Test

D. M.C.Q items C. Objective type test

Answer is = B D. Norm referenced test

Answer is = D

The Analysis of items is necessary in?

A. Standardized Test Student performance is compared with clearly

defined learning tasks in?
B. Essay Type Test
A. Standardized Test
C. Objective type test
B. Essay Type Test
D. Norm referenced test
C. Criterion reverenced test
Answer is = A
D. Norm referenced test

Answer is = C
Which one is not the type of test of test by

A. Standardized Test Test that measure learning outcome of students

B. Essay Type Test
A. Achievement test
C. Objective type test
B. Aptitude test
D. Norm referenced test
C. Criterion reverenced test
Answer is = B
D. Norm referenced test

Answer is =A
The type of the test by method is?
The tests designed to predict future performance
The I.Q of a student having twelve years mental
A. Achievement test age and tem years physical age will be?

B. Aptitude test A. 100

C. Criterion reverenced test B. 120

D. Norm referenced test C. 50

Answer is =B D. 140

Answer is = B

The founder of modern intelligent tests was?

A. Alfred Binet The quality of test that measures “what it claims

to measure” is?
B. Stern
A. Validity
C. Gulford
B. Differentiability
D. None
C. Objectivity
Answer is = A
D. Reliability

Answer is = A
The formula to determine I.Q was presented by?

A. Alfred Binet
The characteristic of a test to siscriminate
B. Stern
between high achievers and low achievers is?
C. Gulford
A. Validity
D. None
B. Differentiability
Answer is = B
C. Objectivity

D. Reliability
I.Q of a student having same physical and
Answer is = B
mental age will be?

A. 100
If the scoring of the test is not effected by any
B. 120
factor, quality of test is called?
C. 50
A. Validity
D. 140
B. Differentiability
Answer is = A
C. Objectivity
D. Reliability C. Objectivity

Answer is = C D. Reliability

Answer is = A

The quality of test to give same scores when

administered at different occasions is?
High and low achievers are sorted out by?
A. Validity
A. Ease or difficulty
B. Differentiability
B. Discrimination power
C. Objectivity
C. Objectivity
D. Reliability
D. Reliability
Answer is = D
Answer is = B

If the sample of the question in the test is

Test item is acceptable which its faculty index
sufficiently large enough, the quality of test is?
/difficulty level ranges from?
A. Adequacy
A. 30-70 %
B. Differentiability
B. 70 %
C. Objectivity
C. 30%
D. Reliability
D. None
Answer is = A
Answer is =A

The quality of test showing ease of time, cost,

Test item is very easy when value of faculty
administration and interpretation is called?
index/ difficulty level is higher than?
A. Usability
A. 30-70 %
B. Differentiability
B. 70 %
C. Objectivity
C. 30%
D. Reliability
D. None
Answer is = A
Answer is =B

Facility index of an item determines?

Test item is very difficult when value of facility
A. Ease or difficulty index/ difficulty level is less than?

B. Discrimination power A. 30-70 %

B. 70 %

C. 30%

D. None

Answer is =C

Discrimination power of an item is acceptable

when its value ranges from?

A. 0.30 – 1

B. 1

C. 0.30

D. None

Answer is = A

Test item discriminates 100% when its value for

discrimination is?

A. 0.30 – 1

B. 1

C. 0.30

D. None

Answer is = B

Test item cannot discriminate low achievers and

high achievers when its value is lower than?

A. 0.30 – 1

B. 1 1. A choice made between two or more

alternative is called
C. 0.30
D. None B. Decision
C. Reporting
Answer is = C
D. None
Answer is = B
2. The cash book in maintained by 8. Pension is given if the retirement is
DDO after service of
B. EDO 25 years
C. DEO B. 30 years
D. Dy.DEO C. 45 years
Answer is = A D. 50 years
Answer is = A
3. Authoritarian model is more suitable
for 9. Person who possesses qualities of
Confidence leadership is
B. Improvement Leader
C. Achievement B. Manager
D. Discipline C. Administrator
Answer is = D D. Officer
Answer is = A
4. Teacher salaries and allowances
collectively are written in 10. The process of making judgment is
Cash Register called
B. Acquaintance Roll Budgeting
C. Contingent Register B. Evaluation
Answer is = A C. Demonstration
D. Documentation
5. To motivate the other
Answer is = B
to achieve certain goals is
Planning 11. The characteristics of good planner
B. Leading are
C. Controlling Optimistic
D. Organizing B. Motivator
Answer is =B C. Producer
D. All of them
6. A programme of activities which is
Answer is = D
designed to attain educational ends is
Learning 12. What does E and D Rules mean
B. Curriculum Efficiency and duty rules
C. Instruction B. Efficiency and department rules
D. Syllabi C. Efficiency and discipline rules
Answer is = B D. Efficiency and discipline rules
Answer is = C
7. Superannuation retirement age in
Pakistan is 13. D.P is an abbreviation of
60 Years A. Annual development programme
B. 65 Years B. Annual duty programme
C. 75 Years C. Annual division of performance
D. 80 Years D. Annual debating programme
Answer is = A Answer is =A
14. The power is concentrated in the B. Efficiency
hands of one or few people in C. Out put
Control D. Production
B. Command Answer is = B
C. Decentralization
21. All transaction should be enterd in
D. Centralization
which register
Answer is =D
15. Wht is central to administration B. Cash
Organization C. Funds
B. Communication D. With drawl
C. Decision making Answer is = B
D. Coordination
22. Coordinating , stimulating and
Answer is =C
directing the growth of teacher is the
16. In POSDIR, R stands for purpose of
Reporting Administration
B. Response reply B. Inspection
C. Representing C. Supervision
D. Directing D. Management
Answer is =A Answer is =B

17. N.E is an abbreviation of 23. The concept of inspection was first

A. Schedule of new experience introduced in
B. Schedule of new entry Pakistan
C. Schedule of new expenditure B. India
D. System of new entry C. England
Answer is =B D. China
Answer is = C
18. The level of school addminstration
can best be judged through 24. Budgeting is an estimation of
Head teacher Income and investment
B. Beautiful building B. Investment
C. Learning out comes C. Income and expenditure
D. Teachers students relations D. All of the above
Answer is = C Answer is = C

19. Acquittance roll is used for 25. The authorized person of staff
Salary disbursement performance is
B. Stock Teacher
C. Govt . grants B. Head teacher
D. Expenditures C. Student
Answer is =A D. Clerk
Answer is =B
20. The degree to which organizational
resources contribute to productivity is 26. Informal education is ?
Effectiveness Just schooling
b. Tine bound c. Pedagogy
c. Life long d. Summative evaluation
d. Preplanned Answer is = b
Answer is = c
33. Pedagogy is concerned with ?
27. What is the most important element Aims
of non formal education ? b. Content
Teacher c. Teaching Methods
b. Student d. Evaluation
c. Media Answer is = c
d. School To determine the value or worth of
Answer is = c anything is?
a. Aim
28. Which one is not the source of formal
b. Content
education ?
c. Teaching Methods
d. Evaluation
b. Museum
Answer is = c
c. Library
d. Home 34. In education process which one is
Answer is = d evaluated ?
29. Informal education is ?
b. Content
c. Methods
b. Incidental
d. All of the above
c. Systematic
Answer is = d
d. Arranged
Answer is = b 35. The literal meaning of philosophy is ?
Love of knowledge
30. Formal education has well defined ?
b. Love of truth
c. Love of values
b. System
d. Love of wisdom
c. Method
Answer is = d
d. Approach
Answer is = a 36. Axiology in philosophy deals with ?
31. Which is not the element of
b. Reality
educational process?
c. Values
d. Culture
b. Curriculum
Answer is = c
c. Evaluation
d. Motivation 37. Epistemology deals with ?
Answer is = d Knowledge
b. Reality
32. The sum of curricular and co-
c. Values
curricular activities is?
d. Culture
Answer is = a
b. Curriculum
38. Ontology deals with ? Perennialism
Knowledge b. Essentialism
b. Reality c. Progressivism
c. Values d. Reconstructionism
d. Culture Answer is = c
Answer is = b “Reforms are necessary in all walks of
Ontology is also called as ? life” is focused in ?
a. Metaphysics a. Perennialism
b. Axiology b. Essentialism
c. Ontology c. Progressivism
d. Morphology d. Reconstructionism
Answer is = a Answer is = d

39. Metaphysics deals with the nature of 44. Study of great books is at the core of ?
? Perennialism
Values b. Essentialism
b. Knowledge c. Progressivism
c. Universe d. Reconstructionism
d. Reality Answer is = b
Answer is = d
45. Who is not among major exponent of
40. Eclecticism means borrowing beliefs perennialism ?
from ? Bentock
One philosophy b. Adler
b. Two philosophies c. Hutchins
c. Three philosophy d. John dewey
d. Different philosophies Answer is = d
Answer is = d
46. School should be run on democratic
41. “Everlasting reality” is focused in ? lines is held by ?
Perennialism Perennialism
b. Essentialism b. Essentialism
c. Progressivism c. Progressivism
d. Reconstructionism d. Reconstructionism
Answer is = a Answer is = c

42. Useful culture and skill is emphasized 47. The number of domains in
in ? taxonomies of educational objective is
Perennialism (a) Tow
b. Essentialism (b) Three
c. Progressivism (c) Five
d. Reconstructionism (d) Six
Answer is = b Answer is = b

43. Life is coutinuous changing process is 48. The highest level of cognitive domain
the best ? is
(a) Synthesis (a) Comprehension
(b) Analysis (b) Application
(c) Comprehension (c) Knowledge
(d) Evaluation (d) Synthesis
Answer is = d Answer is = c

49. The process of determing the value or 55. The highest level of learning in
worth of anything is cognitive domain is
(a) Test (a) Evaluation
(b) Measurement (b) Synthesis
(c) Assessment (c) analysis
(d) Evaluation (d) Application
Answer is = d Answer is = a

50. Educational objectives have been 56. The right sequence of subgroups
divide into cognitive domain is
(a) Two domains (a) Knowledge, Comprehension,
(b) Three domains Application, Synthesis, analysis,
(c) Four domains Evaluation
(d) Five domains (b) Knowledge, Comprehension,
Answer is = b application, Evaluation, analysis,
51. Taxonomy of educational objectives
(c) Knowledge, Comprehension,
was presented in
Evaluation, application, Analysis,
(a) 1946
(b) 1956
(d) Knowledge, Comprehension,
(c) 1966
application, analysis, Synthesis
(d) 1976
Answer is = b
Answer is = d
52. The classification of cognitive domain
57. Knowing/ memorizing and recalling is
was presented by
concerned with
(a) Benjamin S. Bloom
(a) Cpmprehension
(b) Skinner
(b) Application
(c) Krathwhol
(c) Knowledge
(d) Simpson
(d) Evaluation
Answer is = a
Answer is = c
53. Cognitive domain have
58. To grasp the meaning of the material
(a) Three subgroups
(b) Four subgroups
(a) Comprehension
(c) Five subgroups
(b) Applicatin
(d) Six subgroups
(c) Knowledge
Answer is = d
(d) Synthysis
54. The lowest level of learning in Answer is = a
cognitive domain is
59. To use previous learned material in (d) None of above
new situation is Answer is = b
(a) Comprehension
65. Which domain is concerned with
(b) Application
physical and motor skills?
(c) Knowledge
(a) Cognitive Domain
(d) analysis
(b) Affective Domain
Answer is = b
(c) Psychomotor domain
60. To break down material into (d) None of above
component parts to know its Answer is = c
organizational structure is
66. The focus of cognitive domain is
(a) Comprehension
(a) Physical and Motor skills
(b) application
(b) Intellectual Skills
(c) Analysis
(c) Attitudes and Interests
(d) Synthesis
(d) None of above
Answer is = c
Answer is = b
61. To put ideas together to form a new
67. The affective domain was classified by
whole is
(a) Benjamin S. Bloom
(a) Evaluation
(b) Simpson
(b) Synthesis
(c) Krathwhol
(c) Analysis
(d) Burner
(d) Application
Answer is =c
Answer is = b
68. Affective domain is divided into
62. To know the worth or value of
(a) four subgroups
material is
(b) Five subgroups
(a) Analysis
(c) Six subgroups
(b) Application
(d) seven subgroups
(c) Knowledge
Answer is = b
(d) Evaluation
Answer is = d 69. The lowest level of learning in
affective domain is
63. The intellectual skills are reflected by
(a) Responding
(a) Cognitive Domain
(b) Valuing
(b) affective domain
(c) Attending
(c) Psychomotor
(d) Organization
(d) None of above
Answer is = c
Answer is = a
70. Which is placed at the highest level of
64. Attitudes, values and interests are
learning in affective domain
reflected by
(a) Attending
(a) Cognitive Domain
(b) Responding
(b) Affective Domain
(c) Organization
(c) Psychomotor Domain
(d) Characterization
Answer is = d
71. Right order of sub- groups of affective 76. Psychomotor domain was classified
domain is by Simpson in
(a) Attending, Responding, Valuing, (a) 1962
characterization, Organization (b) 1972
(b) attending, Responding, (c) 1982
Characterization, Valuing, (d) 1992
Organization Answer is = b
(c) Attending, Valuing, Responding,
77. Affective domain was divided into
Organization, Characterization
subgroups by Krathwhol in
(d) Attending, Responding, Valuing,
(a) 1954
Organization, Characterization
(b) 1964
Answer is = d
(c) 1974
72. Willingness to attend to particular (d) 1984
phenomenon is Answer is = b
(a) Attending/ Receiving
78. Psychomotor domain was divided by
(b) Responding
Simpson in
(c) Valuing
(a) Four subgroups
(d) Organization
(b) Five subgroups
Answer is = a
(c) Six subgroups
73. Which sub- group of affective domain (d) Seven subgroups
focuses on active participation in Answer is = d
(a)Attending/ Receiving
79. The Characteristic of behavioral
(b) Responding
objective is
(c) Valuing
(a) Observable and Immeasurable
(d) Organization
(b) Non- observable
Answer is = b
(c) Observable and measurable
74. Bringing together different values (d) None of above
into a comsistent value system is Answer is = c
(a) Attending/ Receiving
80. The right sequence of sub-groups of
(b) Responding
psychomotor domain is
(c) Valuing
(a) Perception, Set, Guided response,
(d) Organization
Mechanism, Complex overt response,
Answer is = d
adaptation, Origination
75. Affective domain focuses on adoption (b) Perception, Complex over
of a value system as a part of life style response, Set, Guided, response,
in Mechanism, adaptation, Organization
(a) Responding (c) Set, Origination, Guided response,
(b) Valuing Mechanism Complex overt response,
(c) Organization Adaptation, perception
(d) Characterization (d) Guided response, Mechanism,
Answer is = d perception, Set, Adaptation,
Organization, Complex overt
response (d) All above
Answer is = a Answer is = d

81. Objective related to affective domain 87. Micro teacher is a

is (a) Teacher method
(a) Student can paint a picture (b) Teaching training technique
(b) Student can draw a graph (c) Motivational technique
(c) Student values honesty (d) none of above
(d) Student can write a letter Answer is = b
Answer is = c
88. What is the tie of presentation in
82. Bring together scientific ideas to form Micro teaching?
a unique idea is (a) 1-5 min
(a) Application (b) 5-10 min
(b) analysis (c) 10-15 min
(c) Synthesis (d) 15-20 min
(d) Evaluation Answer is = b
Answer is = c
89. What is the No of students in micro
83. Which is vast in scope teaching?
(a) Teaching tactic (a) 1-5
(b) Teaching Technique (b) 5-10
(c) Teaching Strategy (c) 10-15
(d) Teaching Method (d) 15-20
Answer is = c Answer is = b

84. Students find/explore the in 90. Micro teaching started in

formations themselves in (a) 1950
(a) lecture method (b) 1960
(b) Discovery method (c) 1970
(c) Both (d) 1980
(d) none Answer is = b
Answer is = b
91. 91 Micro teaching focuses on the
85. Teacher performs practically and competency over
explains in (a) Method
(a) Lecture method (b) Skills
(b) discovery method (c) Contents
(c) demonstration method (d) None of above
(d) Problem solving method Answer is = b
Answer is = c
92. Which is more suitable in teaching of
86. Role of student is active in science?
(a) Discover method (a) Lecture method
(b) Problem solved method (b) demonstration method
(c) Inquiry method (c) Discussion method
(d) Project method (d) 3%
Answer is = d Answer is = c

93. Which one is exception? 99. How much knowledge is gained

(a) Books through the sense of smell?
(b) Magazine (a) 75%
(c) Diagrams (b) 13%
(d) T.V (c)6%
Answer is = d (d) 3%
Answer is = d
94. Which is not included in print media?
(a) Books 100. How much knowledge is
(b) Magazine gained through the sense of taste?
(c) Diagrams (a)75%
(d) T.V (b) 13%
Answer is = d (c) 6%
(d) 3%
95. How many senses a person uses while
Answer is = d
observing film?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Answer is = b

96. How much knowledge is gained

through the sense of seeing?
(a) 75%
(b) 13%
(c) 6%
(d) 3%
Answer is = a

97. How much knowledge is gained

through the sense of listening?
(b) 13%
(c) 6%
(d) 3%
Answer is = b

98. How much knowledge is gained

through the sense of touch?
(b) 13%
(c) 6%

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