Chinhoyi University of Technology
Chinhoyi University of Technology
Chinhoyi University of Technology
Resources Management
Monitors the manufacturing processes hence engineers can innovate new pollution free
manufacturing processes.
Example is section 57 of the act which state that :Any person, who discharges or applies any
poison or toxic, noxious or obstructing matter, radioactive waste or other pollutants or permits
any person to dump or discharge such matter into the aquatic environment in contravention of
water pollution control standards shall be guilty of an offence and liable for imprisonment for a
period not exceeding five years, or to a fine not exceeding five million dollars, or to both such
fine and such imprisonment.
The engineers are encouraged to adhere to quality in the products that they manufacture, hence
products and services that are of higher quality are produced, this can be done by a critically
assessing the design stages of product and services
According to section 59 of the act state that: 59 Effluent to be discharged only into sewerage
(1) Every owner or operator of a trade or industrial undertaking shall discharge any effluent or
other pollutants originating from the trade or industrial undertaking only into an existing
sewerage system, and the local authority operating or supervising such sewerage system shall
issue, at a prescribed fee, the necessary licence for the discharge.
(2) The proponent or owner of a trade or an industrial undertaking shall prior to being granted a
licence to discharge effluents into the environment, install an appropriate plant for the treatment
of such effluents before they are discharged into the environment.
Maintenance of machinery
Encourage engineers to continuously monitor the conditions of their machinery hence keeping
them in good condition by maintenance. According to chapter 68 the Emission by motor vehicles
and other conveyances
(1) No owner or operator of a transport conveyance shall operate it in such a manner or condition
as to cause air pollution in contravention of prescribed emission standards for the class of
transport conveyance concerned.
(2) Subject to this section, any operator of a transport conveyance who pollutes the environment
by contravening the emission standards referred to in subsection commits an offence
The act encourages engineers to manufacture product with recyclable material. According to
chapter 70 Prohibition against discharge of wastes.
(1) No person shall discharge or dispose of any wastes, whether generated within or outside
Zimbabwe, in such a manner as to cause pollution to the environment or ill health to any
Engineers should produce products that are safe both to the environment and people
According to chapter 74 Standards of pesticides and toxic substances (1) The Standards and
Enforcement Committee, in consultation with the Agency, shall recommend to the Board draft
standards or measures to be prescribed— (a) for the concentration of pesticides residues in raw
agriculture commodities, processed foods and animal feed (b) to regulate the importation,
exportation, manufacture, storage, distribution, sale, use, packaging, transportation and
advertisement of pesticides and toxic substances;
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMA Environmental Management Act
EMA Environmental Management Agency
EMP Environmental Management Plan
GoZ Government of Zimbabwe
EMB Environmental Management Board
LEAP Local Environmental Action Plan
MENRM Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Management
MET Ministry of Environment and Tourism (old name)
NGO Non-governmental Organisation
ToR Terms of Reference