Interview Questions

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BIG 4 and Audit Interview Questions

NOTE: The below question Collated by various people and blog. It has contained all kind

of questions like Audit, Due Diligence,Big 4, Brain Teaser Etc. These below questions are
only for Practice and improvement purpose.

There is no accuracy or guarantee the questions.

1. What are you good at?

2. What do you most enjoy studying?

3. What gives you a buzz?

4. Are you a starter or a finisher?

5. Are you into big picture or detail?

6. Describe a successful day you had recently.

7. What do you love doing in your spare time?

8. When are you happiest?

9. When you do you feel most like yourself?

10. Do you find there are enough hours in the day?

11. Have you ever done something differently the second time around?

12. Tell me about your friends.

13. Which three words would you friends use to describe you?

14. What’s your biggest weakness?

15. Have you ever wanted to stop doing something?

16. Do you think you need to be an expert to lead a team?

17. Would you say you’re organized? Would your friends?

18. Do you enjoy hard work?

19. Why do you want this job?

20. Give an example of a time you asked for more responsibility.

21. If there was a family member or friend sitting next to you, what would they tell me were
your top 3 strengths and top 3 weaknesses?

22. Which books do you read?

23. Tell me about something that's not on your resume.

24. What makes KPMG different from the rest of the Big Four? Why do you want to work

25. What’s the difference between an internal auditor and an external auditor?

26. What do you think this job will involve exactly?

27. Talk about a time you’ve managed multiple tasks to finish a project for a deadline.

28. Talk about a time you worked in a team where there were communication problems.
How did you help resolve them?

29. Can you talk about a time you’ve had to deal with a difficult customer? How did you
diffuse the situation?

30. What’s good about you? What’s not? What do you need to learn?

31. Can you give an example of a time when you’ve had to communicate an idea
persuasively in writing?

32. Can you tell me something interesting you’ve read about KPMG in the news?

33. Can you tell me about a time when circumstances changed? How did you adapt?

34. Can you tell me about a time when you’ve had to overcome a setback? How did you
overcome it?

35. Can you talk about a business that’s doing well? Which three things do you consider key
to their success?

36. Can you talk about a business that’s doing badly? Which problems does it face?

37. Can you talk about a time when you’ve motivated a team to work together? What did you
d exactly?

38. What are you most proud of?

39. Which opportunities can you see now for KPMG to develop new business?

40. Which skills do you think you’ll need in the role you’re applying for at KPMG?

41. Can you tell me about a time you felt bored at work? How did you make the job more
42. Can you talk us through the way you evaluated a challenging situation in the past?

43. A company wants to relocate overseas. Talk us through the problems it faces.

44. How do you manage your time?

45. What are your two biggest accomplishments in life?

46. Describe your role in a piece of work you’re particularly proud of.

47. Describe a time you collaborated with others to achieve a goal.

48. Give me an example of when you have dealt with a difficult character

49. How would people describe you in three words?

50. Why Deloitte?

51. Why audit?

52. Talk me through a long term project you’ve been involved in.

53. Why did you study a university degree if you want to work in accountancy?

54. What’s good about you?

55. Describe a time you defended a friend.

56. How would you sell yourself?

57. Which other companies are you applying to?

58. Describe a time when you had to settle upon the right course of action. What were your
thought processes when you made this decision?

59. How do you try to be the best you can be?

60. Tell us about a time you led a team.

61. What can you bring to Deloitte?

62. How do you handle stress at work?

63. Tell me about a time you adapted to an unfamiliar situation.

64. Why are pot holes round?

65. How many pens can I fit in this room?

66. Why should Deloitte invest in you?

67. What is your leadership style?

68. What are you reading right now?

69. Tell me about a time you had to correct someone’s mistake

70. What do you think this role involves?

71. Describe a time when you had to improve a piece of work after criticism?

72. What have you read about PWC in the news?

73. Can you describe a time when you have worked in a team to deliver a piece of work? –
What was your role in the team? What did you do exactly?

74. Describe a time when you’ve successfully managed a project for example coursework or
organising an event. What challenges did you overcome? Who supported you? What
was the outcome?

75. Can you tell me about a piece of recent financial news you’ve read? Why did you find it

76. Give an example of a time you failed to accomplish something.

77. Give an example of a time you built a relationship.

78. Why audit?

79. Give an example of a time you worked with someone with a different style. How did this
differ to your own?

80. Give an example of a time you said something unethical.

81. Give an example of a time when you weren’t given enough guidance.

82. Why PWC?

83. Give an example of a time you overcame conflict.

84. What do you know about the ACA exams?

85. Give an example of a time when you worked with people outside your usual network.

86. What’s the most difficult thing about working with you?

87. Give an example of a time you solved a complex problem.

88. Give an example of a time when you had to complete multiple different projects to a
short deadline.

89. What would you do if you heard one of your co-workers releasing confidential client
90. Tell me about a time when you were given vague instructions for a task and had to figure
out what to do.

91. Give an example of a time you dealt with a team member who didn't pull his weight.

92. In our business, we need to stay well informed about the marketplace. Tell me about a
time when your research of a particular topic allowed you to make an informed decision.
How did you approach the research?

93. In order to grow the business, we identify client needs and recommend solutions to
address those needs. Tell me about a time when your knowledge of a topic allowed you
to make a recommendation to resolve a problem or fulfill a need.

94. Strong communication skills are critical to the selling of services to clients. Tell me about
a time when you were successful in communicating with a difficult person or under
difficult circumstances.

95. Our business requires flexibility when negotiating with clients. Tell me about a time when
you had to adjust your negotiating position in mid-process in order to achieve an

96. We often have to rely upon our innovative thinking to solve problems. Tell me about a
time when you came up with a breakthrough idea or saw possibilities that were not
obvious to others. What were the circumstances? Describe your idea and how you
developed it.

97. When working in teams, the ability to obtain the commitment of others is critical. Tell me
about a time when your positive example influenced others to be more committed to a
project or task.

98. With so many conflicting priorities, it can be challenging to motivate a team to complete
projects. Tell me about a time when you were successful at achieving results even
though you were part of a team that was difficult to motivate.

99. Sometimes we have to sacrifice individual recognition in order to help a team be more
successful. Tell me about a time when you put the needs of a group before your own
when completing a task.

100. Knowledge sharing is an essential part of our firm culture. Tell me about a time
when a willingness to share your knowledge significantly enhanced the outcome of a
decision or situation.

101. Describe a time when you needed to consider a range of options before zeroing
in on a solution. What was the situation? How did you handle it?

102. Exhibiting personal ethics is critical to gaining buy-in from a team. Describe a
personal, team-based situation where the resolution clearly reflected your level of
103. Listening to our clients is essential to understanding their needs. Tell me about a
time when your listening skills allowed you to exceed the expectations in the delivery of
a task or project.

104. In order to serve our clients well, we must be interested and knowledgeable in
our clients’ businesses. Tell me about a time when you made an extraordinary effort to
learn about or understand another person’s interests or perspective.

105. We are very focused on exceeding the expectations of our clients. Tell me about
a time you worked with significant time constraints and exceeded someone’s

106. We are often faced with time constraints and balancing multiple tasks while
delivering a quality product. Tell me about a time when you influenced/convinced a
group to stay on target to achieve a defined objective when they considered changing
the approach to save time or effort.

107. Can you remember a time when you needed to deliver a sensitive message to
someone whose reaction you were unsure of? What happened? Give an analysis on
your part. What was the situation? How did you approach it?

108. The ability to “get at the heart of the matter” is a valuable tool in Consulting work.
Can you recall a time when you successfully did so when dealing with a problem?

109. We believe we make better decisions when we solicit input from others. Tell me
about a time when you actively sought out input from others prior to making an important

110. In business, decisions frequently have implications beyond what may initially be
obvious. Tell me about a time when you sought additional information that broadened
your perspective and changed your initial opinion regarding a decision.

111. To manage effectively, leaders must clearly communicate expectations. Tell me

about a time when your ability to clearly express expectations allowed a team you were
leading to be successful.

112. You will frequently have competing priorities and put in long hours at times to
serve our clients. Tell me about a time when a non-academic activity competed for your
attention and you prioritized your time appropriately.

113. Being an effective manager of your own expectations is as important as

managing the expectations of those around you. Define your standards for success in
your last job. Describe what you did to meet those standards, and if you fell short, how
did you become comfortable with that?

114. Project teams’ members must rely upon each other to succeed. Describe an
event that portrays you in this type of scenario.
115. Your client is a mining company that was consistently earning $500 million a
year. This year it has lost $50 million and no one knows why. How do you turn it around?

116. Your client is Microsoft. The year is 1985. They have just released the first
version of Windows. They want you to estimate the demand for this product over the
next 30 years and tell them if there is a market for this invention (and prove it).

117. Your client owns a number of beach resorts. Half of their portfolio was recently hit
by a giant tidal wave and suffered significant damage. They are currently deciding
whether to liquidate the assets or rebuild. What would your recommendation be and

118. Your client is a movie theater and the market is so competitive that they make no
money on the movies. All the profit is made in food and other related sales. What is most
effective way to layout the theater to increase profitability and why?

119. Mercedes claims it is the safest car in the world because fewer people die in a
Mercedes than in a car made by any other manufacturer in the world. What’s wrong with
this conclusion and how could you test it for accuracy?

120. Your sister runs a lemonade stand. Yesterday was Monday and she was open
from 2pm – 5pm and sold 2 cups. What should she do differently tomorrow?

121. How do you define greatness?

122. What is the similarity between a milk carton and a tractor?

123. What is the meaning of work?

124. How long would it take to move an average sized mountain from one side of the
U.S. to the other using a teaspoon?

125. If you were an animal what would you be and why?

126. How much water is contained in all the world’s oceans?

127. If this room was completely sealed and covered in concrete, how would you
attempt to escape?

128. What do you mean by assessment year?

129. What do you understand by total income?

130. How many heads are there under total income?

131. How will you decide the residential status of an individual?

132. Who are resident but not ordinary resident?

133. Introduce yourself.

134. What is the difference between smart work and hard work?

135. List some of you achievements?

136. What according to you was your greatest failure in life?

137. Where do you see yourself after 2 years?

138. Explain your personality in one word.

139. What is tax refund?

140. What is capital gain? Explain long term capital gains and how is it different from
short term capital gains?

141. What is alternative minimum tax (AMT)?

142. Tell me about a time when you worked effectively under pressure.

143. If you could be any animal, what would it be?

144. Explain me what is internal audit?

145. Do you know why internal audit is necessary?

146. Explain me why do you want to work in this location?

147. Tell me why internal audit?

148. What are your salary expectations as Financial Auditor?

149. Tell me how do you expect this position to help you advance your career?

150. How much do you know about our company?

151. In your current position, how are inspection reports posted and communicated?
Do you agree with the process?

152. Tell me while attending post-secondary, what was your best and favorite subject?

153. Please explain about your management experience. Do you enjoy being a

154. What accounting software are you familiar with?

155. Explain me how do you manage a healthy work/life balance?

156. Have you ever discovered fraud in an audit?

157. Tell me how have you gained the technical knowledge needed to be an external
158. Explain me an example of a suggestion you made that was implemented?

159. Why do you want to work with us as Financial Auditor?

160. Tell me what is the meaning of plan drawn up in internal audit?

161. Tell me what is the difference between internal and external audit?

162. Explain what all things have to be taken care for checks and vouchers in internal

163. Explain what is meant by decommission liability?

164. Tell me why do you want to work in audit?

165. Can you provide some examples of managing conflict?

166. Explain me what do you do to stay up to date on the industry?

167. Tell me why do you want to work in auditing?

168. Explain me what makes you want to work for us?

169. Tell me about your most significant career accomplishment?

170. In your most recent performance evaluation what positive feedback did your
Supervisor have for you? Did they recommend any areas for improvement?

171. Are you skilled in creating flowcharts, presentations and reports?

172. Explain how long have you been an auditor? What has prepared you for the
manager role?

173. As a manager, what skills do you possess that help you excel at your job?

174. Explain me what skillset do you see as being the most important for an external
auditor to have?

175. Can you discuss any recent developments that have affected the firm and the
audit industry?

176. Tell us what have you learnt from your studies and extra- curricular activities that
can be applied to a career in audit?

177. Tell me the steps before an audit processes?

178. Tell me what do you think you'll be doing on a day-to-day basis during your first
year at the firm?

179. Have you ever detected a case of fraud? What process did you follow?
180. Imagine a situation where you suspect that a company is exposed to a major
risk. What risk management procedures would you employ?

181. Tell us about a serious operational issue you encountered in the past. How did
you discover it and what solutions did you recommend?

182. Imagine a situation where you have to deal with uncooperative colleagues. What
would you do?

183. Have you ever experienced conflict with senior management or within a team?
What happened and how did you resolve it?

184. Describe a time when you made a suggestion that was successfully
implemented. What was the result?

185. Have you ever had difficulty persuading others to implement your
recommendations? What did you do?

186. Imagine that someone asks you to do something unethical like covering up a
fraud. What would you do?

187. General Financial Auditor Job Interview Questions:

188. Tell me about a time you had to correct someone’s mistake

189. What do you think this role involves?

190. Describe a time when you had to improve a piece of work after criticism?

191. What have you read about PWC in the news?

192. Can you describe a time when you have worked in a team to deliver a piece of
work? – What was your role in the team? What did you do exactly?

193. Describe a time when you’ve successfully managed a project for example
coursework or organising an event. What challenges did you overcome? Who supported
you? What was the outcome?

194. Can you tell me about a piece of recent financial news you’ve read? Why did you
find it interesting?

195. Give an example of a time you failed to accomplish something.

196. Give an example of a time you built a relationship.

197. Give an example of a time you worked with someone with a different style. How
did this differ to your own?

198. Give an example of a time you said something unethical.

199. Give an example of a time when you weren’t given enough guidance.

200. Give an example of a time you overcame conflict.

201. What do you know about the ACA exams?

202. Give an example of a time when you worked with people outside your usual

203. What’s the most difficult thing about working with you?

204. Give an example of a time you solved a complex problem.

205. Give an example of a time when you had to complete multiple different projects
to a short deadline.

206. What would you do if you heard one of your co-workers releasing confidential
client information?

207. Tell me about a time when you were given vague instructions for a task and had
to figure out what to do.

208. Give an example of a time you dealt with a team member who didn’t pull his
weight. Post Your Answer

209. How has your experience/education prepared you to be an internal auditor?

210. How do you develop an audit plan? What is important to consider?

211. What do you do after you finish with an audit?

212. What are important elements of internal control systems? What process would
you follow to review them?

213. Do you know any audit software or CAATs (computer assisted audit techniques)?
Have you used them before?

214. What do you know about information technology controls?

215. Where and how do you gather important raw data? How do you analyze them?

216. Are you familiar with IFRS?

217. How do you keep up with changes in regulations and laws?

218. How do you think internal auditing can add value to a company?

219. Why are you interested in the audit field? What do you like most about this job?
Post Your Answer
220. Tell us do you understand the importance of communication skills for an external

221. Tell me what improvements would you make as the audit manager, if you were
awarded this position?

222. Tell us what is your leadership style? Are you able to take on a leadership role
over others who were once your peers?

223. Explain me how do you remain focused during a day filled with number crunching
and paying acute attention?

224. Tell us are you clear and detailed when it comes to documentation? How
important is accurate documentation to you?

225. Tell me have you ever had an employee act unprofessionally towards you? How
did you react?

226. Suppose if you had an under performing auditor, what would you say to him or
her, to help boost their performance?

227. Please explain, can you provide some examples of cultural adaptability?

228. Tell me the check-list for the internal audit?

229. Explain me have you ever been offered a bribe at any of your previous positions?
What did you do?

230. Tell me would you consider yourself to be a trustworthy person?

231. Tell us what do you enjoy most about being an auditor?

232. Tell me why do you feel internal auditors have an important role in our company?

233. Explain me how long do you intend to be in this role?

234. Explain me about some recent developments within the audit industry?

235. Explain about a time when you solved a difficult problem?

236. Tell me what you should do after the internal audit?

237. Why should we hire you as Financial Auditor?

238. What are your weaknesses as Financial Auditor?

239. Explain me why do you want to leave your current role?

240. Explain me what is it about this role that particularly attracts you?

241. Tell us how successful have you been in your career so far?
242. Tell me about an inefficiency you detected during an audit?

243. Explain me about what areas you audited in your last job?

244. Please explain what do you find most challenging when performing an internal

245. Please explain about your accounting education?

246. Tell me how you should conduct an internal audit?

247. Tell me how do you see your career progressing after 3-4 years in Internal Audit?

248. Why do you enjoy auditing?

249. Explain me what would you change about an auditors role, if you could?

250. Tell us what achievement are you most proud of?

251. Tell us how do you detect errors in financial documents?

252. Explain me in your opinion, what qualities make a great leader?

253. Tell me why do our clients keep coming back to us?

254. Tell me about a time when you solved a difficult problem?

255. Explain me why do you feel you are a good fit for our company?

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